Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-11-25, Page 4I "V %Flu 'Wil Lluullue
Vir Branma of long
aid down to 'sleep off 4,320,000,000 A Now Way of. Diaposing Stomach I suncrini;
thoy say, he will
years After that, LUMBAIM,
"ulu Vt" AIII UU, wake up, and then the world will be
ins, Rev. Dr. Talmage Preaches an Inspiring Sermon on the destroyed, and he will make it over and how thcy were thr3wr, aw&V by use
again, bringing up land, bringing up
creatures upon It; then lying down
�ASSEMRS DID NUT ]KNOW Or IT i Wedding Present Given By Caleb to His Daugh- again to sleep 4,320,000.000 years, then PIAURE8 OF HUMAN INTERIORS
I lAm Angeles report: The Santa waking up and dpstroying the world Photographing the interior of the St. Jacobs Oil,
ter—Worldiy Success.Will Not Satisfy. again -creation and demolition follow-
W49CK OF THE J9661 El Fe overialld train was lield up tWo ing each other, until after 320 sleeps, Itullintl stoonlach is the latest great
A" each one of these slumbers 4,39-0,000,000 aellievernelit, in illefli,-:11 wience, sayN I It s4yi, "GET OUT
miltv west of Dag4em oil Alojave +t>q> years long, Brahma will wake up and V10 Now York World. The inventor and tile pain goefL
desert. at 12.30 o'clock, tllio morning. die, and the unJverse will die with of VIO U-Pparutus whigh makeis thh,
thirstett �.Iter the water springs" It is
Party Re8cued Oniy to be Urderea Fred Blakeley. tile Welis-Fairgo Mies- Wnwhingtion.- Nov. 27. -Taking for his no stagnant -Pond, scummed over with him, an intimation, through very faint, powiblo is Dr. E_ 0. Schaal, of New__
scriger. shot and killed ,)lie of the out- text an Oriental scene seldom noticed malaria, but springs of water leaping of the great change to come upon this ark. N. J., who describes the appliance i
for Their Uinfir. from, the Rock of Ages! Take up one physical earth spoken of In the Bible. -114 follow*:,
laws. Tile de�d map has twen identi- Dr.. Talmage discusses the supernal ad- But while Brahma may sleep, our God Phot-Qgraphing tile stomach is a
Lles of religion, for this world a that spring wiLter aVid across W
%an�a nd' cup Of never slumbers nor sleeps, and the nothod that is perhaps destined
fied as Ignatius Eisler, a man who u the top of the chalice will float 'the
'tile next. Text: Joshua xv., 19: "Tho heavens shall pass away with a great
had been seeit !Lroutid Barstow for delier-#- shadows of the heavenly wall. AA
bt-veral days past. Eisler's compall . loll hast given me a south land; give me the vadlow of jasper, the green of noise, and the elenvents shall melt with 8 V11W OF INDIA, SUNDAY SCHOOL,
SUIR U? M BODIES FUUND, pair's accomplices, also springs of water. And he gave her 9 Lite fire 'fervent heat, and the earth and all As
escaped. as did Lite the upper springs and the nether emerald, of sardonyx things that are therein shall be burn -
who. however. took llo part -in;. the springs." of jacinth. ed up. INT&RMATION&L L,2680101-1110. X.
hold-up. tile, train haxing been stopped The city of Debir was the Boston of I wish I could make you understand "Well." says someone, "if that is so, Mrs, Harnett gives 1,er Impre I
A Story of Treachery the *Joyvreligion is to some of us. it DNC. 4 1�.
and Mamacre- before- reachilig them. vil told the antiquity -a great place'for brain and If the world is going from one change
makes a man lVappy while he lives and to another, then what Is the use of my
KuskOlLwim" Will Refuse to Allow train was itellLyed only seven miti- books. Caleb wanted It, and he offered from Intimail A�sociatlluu,
his daughter Achsah as a prize to any glad when he dies. - With two feet toiling for Its. bdttermenO" That is
Prospecting_ rhe Crime Divulged by utes. Tile ro4uers obtained no 400ty u . pon a chair and bursting with drop- the point an - which I want to guard The lkmk (it he LAw Found. -2 Kitg% 10'.
Conductor U. It. Perry gived the one who would capture that city. It man in the p9or-
was a strange thing foi Caleb to do, ajes, I heard an old you. I do not Want you to become mis- 'f"He7-8- (. 6404um. I'lat*--Jeru-
the Indian wife or a rrcWor at, best account of the hold-up: the Lord. oh- anthropic. It is a great and glorious SOME ILLUSIONS TO Bt 146PELIJET) in, jelu.
left and yet the man that could take the house cry out, ,Bless
Nuiiiv&k. lirbt sectlun of the train city would have, at any rate, t%No ele- i MY Soul"' I looked around and said. world. If Christ could afford to spend Mrs.' Harnett, a Hilkiah. Shaphun.
Dagg'ett oil time, at about 12.25 ' "Whait has this man got to thank God 33 yearx.on it for its redemption, then rbdy' froin India,
ments of manhood -bravery and p,,.tri- gave a talk in Buffalo a few days AAfthiah. Huldah.
Vort rowurtwild. Wash.. deellatell' o'clock. this morning. k*s were 4)t;sni. Besides, I do not think that for?" It makes the'lame man leap as you cail afford to toll and pray fdr the nit Hilklah-Thal high
The lluiuUbr ul ik%es tubt tit thc rubli Lu pullilM Out of 1).Lggett two. rub;)eri; foolish in offering his a h I art 'and the dumb sing. They say betterw.ent of the nations. and for the L19k - anti fmm We News tile follow. 4.011imc �ary
AILLUIL LU the mearch for 9404 Will mumiLud the frotit, platforia ul Caleb was as L is a juice- bringing on'of that glorious time when ilig is reproduced: Pru&L. atw43bu)r of IF;zra, the weribe,
tile daughter to the conqueror of Debir as that theold Puritan religion
PrOLOSUly ile�er be kllowll. alid W' mail car. which was next to the.ew. 'thousands in thist dav who seek al I,_ L'Iess and L joyless religion,, but I remem- all'people shall see the salvation of -Nirs. Harnett "Peltiks frorn tho fill. Urn '%Lt. l. hhaphan-T-he wribe. Jul-
mamier w whiCh IlUbdrudd U1 tA'V!A)l*,, gilLt,, but, they were not detevted- Sooll ances for their chilaren with those who ber reading of Dr. Goodwin, the cele- God. Whi)e'therefore I want to ad nefis (A heV knowledge of India. re. inlitli-ter of finatK*.-Ew&;d. A
r ferring eA: re
is last mo�. you against misanthro ous in very little to llotos. t.&Iking IrOY EL 1 0 tary. Aik clA ma,li.-Rarimm.
lu&�V met deatll wildd Of .. -Ubkit 1 after tile trAin got out of tawti the have large means without any reter- brated Puritan, who in h pie notion
Why. MY respect to this subject I have present- Plisy in couverhational 1100k Of the law-The'name given
wilt ever remain bjwt of Vix:j- robLwrs climbed over. tile cinti and ence to moral or mental acquirements. ment said: "Is this dyink? as
* 11 �4 L) i
latIOR amAxig fjr&C� and reIl119iv4k%L co%ered ttie eligineer and Ift(4inau Uf two, evtls I would rather measure bow abides fn strength! , I am swal- _�d, I want you to: take 'this' thought IM) (Xile would of their own country. the r t() tb-!! fivO IXAAN Of VlOw3ii.-Todd. The.
rei,elvers. ' The roboers were happiness by the length of the sword lowed up in God!'! "Her y -s are home with you: This world is a poor 4o "tioun and I"A 14 the ift", 4(*&Uuiot
Tlk- latewt reWrts tell of tile rlLtj. 01 16 with wa horne. wiUi ail, tile cond mean any-
1wrounis, who are said tA) j14%4L, 1,jclk lultsked. than by the,length of the pocketbook. %NIys of pleasantness, afid ajl7her paths foundation Ao butld- on. It is a. chang- cubUoms of which the spoaker is per- thU9 vW. -�ltlwr grammatically
Cp . 9F
ace." Oh, t--tey familiar. Mrs. Harnett lloot -%*Alc book of
kilitcl whilo tryng W enter- tae itiouth ouv of tho robbers ordered En- 'Iri'vhe case. 1,here is sure to bp one are Pe you who t%ave been ing world, and It IF; a dying world, The C, O%f,- -
good element o'( -character; in the oth- trying to satisfy- yourselve% with the shifting scenes. and the changing sands pure th, law. tlke 1.11tatoeut.11", demig-
of KwkokwLm River last J,k:k� t -ii the only iiltetiLs ail oxquis* ' tA,- I y
steamot gineer Dan Bunneii to dtul) the train er 'there, ruay be none at all. Wffh ""Outh land" of this world, do you not -re.-only emblems of all earthly expec- Kiiglisli, but rimidb and slwaks nat-, d W ( hronickrA Fare, auad --r Jefte. The try ju_ at m-ile-Ilclot' o. 7'40, and kept hilli C L E F:3
_,aleb's dughter as a prize to fight.for�j feel that you would ihis morning likcl tation.' fAfe is very much like this day crit. is well as half a dozen Hin000 miah. The temple ("y. dppuitiled. at._
beovit broWht, from that vi-wered until tile post witis reqched, k 41CLETWE cx p, wHitm 1i5S tLYE
Gen. .0thniel -rode Into the battle.. Th to bave access o the nether tpi6ings of through which we have P.,18sed. To hinguagii wl an many dialeetti. kv tile ark
d. - Would you not like many of us it is storm and darkness, Et LENS letter W Barnewun hiak. U ho w I i cit Lite engiijeer did aa lie wits tol gates of Vehir' were thundered into th: spiritual comfort? ANb,EIPOS � in is- 411 U1 had twen luw
were phrt owners iji thi.. %v,.et.k�d engincer was thert ordered ijuget' dust. and the�city of books lay, at the to have Jesus Christ bend over your then sunshipe. storm and.. darkneng, Spending itlouey anti send,tig uud_,r-t4w. out of the caband accowpanY tll(-' -feet of the conquerors. The work done, cradle and bless your table and heal then afterwards k little suhshinie, no%v'-. sionar!Aem W ludia to convert its peo- a lid Ammi.
h. letter was writteil by 'L huater robtwreg. The robbers overlooke4l. the Mhnlel comes back to claim"his bride. your wounds and strew flowers of con-. again darkness and storm. - Oh, build The Stomach CameriL. ple doezi nt appeal to one w ho
micromope in the matter ariiet kilig--f(siali, opli 4 Anioit.
arid trader on -Nunivak Island. IOU fir, -man, and luade tile enginver carry Having cnquered the city. it is no olation all,up and down'the graves of not your hopeii upon Ahis uncertain knows Itsoia ad does 11rir H, t.
niilca from the muth (A Kuskokwi Wg paciWgtl of dyllainite. 'Vite -great job for him to conquer the girl's your dead? worlil! Build on God. Confide. in- of diagii g stotmneh dhenxes- It 4s who has lived in tile homes or. Ito U'Llidwili of llaiiwip-h. His inoth-
Jesus. Plan for an eterna residence inorp, rselia le than tile- examination ,rs namf� %vas 3(didah, "beloved of
aud in it he claium to it,- thret-went wtek, to tile express car. * heart,* for. however faint-hearted a I pecMMe nd travelled inland with on -
'hand. Then.'come JO Wid film gratidmother's Adn-
cre rewued ;Illtl olle of Ciem told tile eligiiiver WOnlan herself may' be, ' she always- 3 gineering corps to towns never be- "to n4irud of
fortuation thaii all hando w 'Tis religioxi that can give 'at Christ's- right fir timile"s li(x4e dimensionis are thi-
loves courage- in a man. I never saw , ickness-or.bealth. come joy or sor- fractiontil irt offt Millitnetre. h,
fr0tu Uw steamer and he Wki-ge wlien t1lat, intist have 11ASS4-d their. Sweetest"pleasures while we live. fore visiW by n EngiiiAi-slwaking Jehovah." Timo-
lt, an exception to that. I . I row. -ome llf!� or death, all. Is well. al.1 Tho cai ra rs of very simplf- coil- 1141 'lid s bidicate that while hil, father
t,b-.-y wt-Ilt, a,81101`0 Ut the ioreakers. partners. �uut" that tile !atter wou ne 'Tis religio ' n can 'I y oitructAoll, )n-S1.3till .of -it i4ilver water- I was ail idolater. tbe hillu4l(mis On hik
tmily U, nieet death at .Awri tie on iiand. . Thoy made no The wedding festivity having go Sweetest comfort U -n die. is w':ll, NVIOle there are some corrupt -
of I)Y-. Othniel and A'chsah are about to Irt I he naM!� of �the Ctod of Caleb and tight cyl ill er. witf, a Ions at one nd Bralimins ill tile priesthood, they are I ln4.oUi,r'#4 kiLde %W4, fa%ornbie to true
usftort to. opell tile eXpreds car, and 140 oudly his Antighter chsah. I -this day offer l, i Y,, I a f i N%'hetl lie 1XV11,111 tAJ
Max"t,,11 s irttr. his jkl Ito& biteaK to Cie luessei�ger. But I have something better to tell YOU the- "'uppr. sprinqs" of unfading ficcommoth ) iti*.If to. different foca I
to their new home. However I ..It the otlier. which will Lite exception. most of the order liv
the cymbals may clash' and the laugh- `19 1 at eight YeRng of &W lie turned
%%,ft-. %%ho is au Indiait p.* -id st..emvktI to- Lw Vattied. p'arents are always sad when s knd everlasting r dist&nom it- liver. of devotion, abstinence'and wip" cx)unll!� of -Ilin father
ter ring,- you, suggested by this text. It seem apture.
a %;sit *to her relativt,6 at t1k, Int ".1.1t Uw robbers were diily-da'lly'- Jo P110togra 11 tile stoInae 11 Naerif ice. Tile care
a fondly cheilshed statighter goes off that old Father Caleb on the wedding Ip order of the soul Jr--aljdfatAWr. 11. Chron. xlLziv. 1. 2.
y L. -i V
,,f tht- Kunkokwim River stiortly afU%r i..,g prow.d tJj.-- et;gineer slipped away it) stay. and Achsah, the daughter 'ot, da cf his.' daughter wanted to k rr(Q� four to six is their all-itboorbitig work. as it I,. t txT_an to Neck after
th-.wreck of the ma ` MAN A PREf FOR !)LAT89 f llwtlelll,-�, '"'I"t f:-st "
untler thecar. Ottleb.- knows that now is the time' to her just as -happy as possible. Though pluctis Old 111itlige-5ted fo(xi of all Hindu men and womeii. tAl., (i4id of David film ratiter." t
I kiourg.
Q,h. ttA�lided a ft, I)v till' 11- V, th - k -ft SW Of the train. . Tile ex- -ask almost anything, she wants of her Othniel n as tgking her away, and his I ;tp(- then "�Wiod out. so that notbing home has its sacrol place Of
Iluring th tit;. lltifialli heart was almost broken' because she he begun too purge ream Jurunillem from idolatry. He at
1, i 4 Tom 11 utebinuoir, was ratfier, it eenis that the. good every IK)me its altar of
drunk oil a kind Qf liquor madt, ity t.j1.d.,11g tit his m4n.. hadgiven as pres- %%a going, yet he gi I
the dwrNvay,* wil He Lay Helpless While Rodents 1jr.,yer and wo"llip. Family love th; -llille. greatly lanwnted.
tht-ti�-wlves. While indulging in'the geii- 6N,t_Su,1 ill his liand. AS soou 's he t to hi dillughter a land." Not only that, but, the nether .,s Vndpr atid lasting. old age revered
"D 1 10. Show4d Vie king....the .... lmx)k
cral delluich they quarrelled ()%t -r the ftiw I-luillit,li ho ordered him to throw that wa_s- mountinous and su. ng 'jpr.ings. Not only that, but the upper a
south%-% a r#1 to.,wards the deserts of Ara- .-springs. 0.Gqd, my Father, I thank Gnawed His Flesh, and cherlidied; no mother within tile f4haplian. IwarUig tile book, FI%W*
of certain id:
. h i4 Sa rewrds of two centuries and mpre calm acco,urit f t4w tmistitle
from th*- uhipwrecked -e r. . Wa. sv%t-t;t with soine very Oot wind. thee that thou hast given me a "south jib 4)11 14
tier 'stimpic iong were zirtm-- hy -i arn the engint t was valled t'a-south land.", but Ach- land', in this world,' and the nether t father, or h:' had 1*4-11 a -lit at first-at-mmCe-
'co :it, k-asi only oile iwolitted came recently
said Hilwhiuson. "I" "P 4ah wnts an adifion of w,nperty. She springs -of spiritual c6mfor,t in , Ihis FOUND 1-YING IN AN OLD BARN
ini- Viviu in possessi'n of I unit -k e )-ou. %iknts a pieve 4 land that -�'Aye)V`waf- world, but more than all Vthank thee at Calcutta. The old story (if fathers that bunin4wlis
aof Rivint-h d!d so. aild -its Woll. as QU% ,re4l nd etti-le. Nmv.� it: i!�,lio w6nder for the upper springs in heaven! II.I., deVI)aLl"It :% Half and mothers being lilt oti the banks of V -11s tho kir4r a1w)ut t1w breech loadill; V1 Wip Gatigme to dip by Im-artless clill-
r m aw OU"t �t '%%'as e 1IIY 014- tPat Caleb. standing amid,the br!d�il It -is vfortunate that we cannot frozi-n 11141 tlYillg, Witil swarm AW.. r t(I it-Prhabv thw
It. 0 rats gnawiiig t his Ie*gs, and artus. exiJailled lit this kivC VU11W 114ft rend.
-hunt!-%iit SUPPIY OVD ' roviSlOn,4. Atillw'd out'Of the car- party. his e'ye's s4"t- iuk;e see heaven until we get into -Irt-n '.NN
A coul wi., wim., etir: bl-d ge wx death
tirkil-, iniiiiiries of rier gr. Inwther, it kwhind a pile of t1#W III- -;he was going., way that he coill.-, liard-' Christian 'man, if o d see iAat Creorgo Ardmore. aged 76 years,w" hiq clothes-
-ire to meet it on
�i�-r #4�d. tht. tiat-k. They could hear tilt- ly see hi -r- at'all. gives her ore than a place. it is, we would ngver get, you- foull(I yostordly ill tile -111 un'- EAC tIx-y (k,-.,
�V . r )of t (if A SCqw PNH -r -,,r. tilt" "wful culimal God.
and the rot;twrs talkiiig o!i othe side Qf 4he ask.-, She said to him: CIZE OF Vi Ntak!14 or their ed ri%
tile Jessie "Thou hast back shop, and usW barit. I tho northerit part of T F A and O!joun -e,l nearly tbousana earx
'I-41iore, the Indiam 1: I'so the dimie you ought to perform would " STOM _H 0
I th... var. a few millutm given me a soth land. Givekme Potter couiuty. Ho die -d last itight. vE' oq F'l LM their loved finus Up bear them mt the nation, for thp %,w
r U), 4ilrings of .-Ind he gave ht�,r the go negleet�-d. I am glad I shall not itc.bordt-.N. where they ari- ovulfg
-AT'llir the whites awl the vargo ]Buljl!4-il :11,j llau-binooti. crtl)t lip Ardmoro was for nin-ity years lwd" Whiot'll 11,1141 characterized U4
t, i:pper,springs nd the nether' 'see'.tbat x%�orld u
.It, barge. 'Ind after tile whitew flail ntil I enter It. Sup- billfid, V) th(4r 1-ist, sloep iii hain- reigr
th - vngtne. ud. juniping. into tile lar, who mado tr4w tbrough thiswc- tilit, in-fla liv il be ill focus wheii '' .1 0., father and gritodfather,
I camp the Indiarvi aiti. The fact ij. that its Caleb. the fther, pose.we were iillowed to go,'pn ' an ex- Is, atock-liko t. (nd:-rly cariA for t 11.111111:1911melit took poii*�ssion of him He
startid the tr. A-haah. mthe daughter; a. south, eursion into that good, *land with' the tLon,, having no hoino nor frien( so t;.Ilf. etal r is iw.r,oduced.
viandl*41 pav for their ser;ic,!0. 'Ito often sai. Vie etid. 4,!t-�n I-i%itig t1wir parched roje from lit -i throne, rent Ili& clothes,
_,od litiml 1:,wl htwxelf beforp the Lorti,
(-4 tootigiii-a in its holy vvater.-4. S�) 64 aso
rly everythitig the whit lie otx,r. lle t ' itl-ea of returning. When we got t. id4imiteb this A asolves thO - gi--laVill-P wallt*-tl nea* and. s gives to-tiq Ilis here A bout a int (--' wittw-r im 10ft ill tlu
tv 11 then hri-w open't veO- thnkful he has gi%:en it"to and liard the''song and looked at their Yesterday moritiag, b6fore dayurt!"S
-t leaving them e!lt -ilgi, t greeted ith hOt from.the rf k (i, va i.*U If! t Bur: ounds the !viik and a nryth tit.- story of Ilindu inothers wept.
06- party through the %viiat-r. Tho t�lir.i anl-1iite.,Ai-hsafi In tht� factV raptured faces and 'mingled in the su- twO 111011 W110 WPre passing an ill Virowing t1wir childre!i to the croco- ILL khik-im-A friend of Jerentis,
of (l;1e od 'the robloers, kt� im,- that I 4ni not the por- pt�rilpd society, i�e would cr' yz -out: "Let barn, which was fornic-rly uwA by a facilitato#18- by tbe
usi ig
%v Ii ite-4 oifered a reavu)lpthie ;1luoillit. e. L . bi the -Area,in.. ' Burial i)y fire. Jer. xxvi. 24.-J., F. & B. Fatber O's
.4 of hand raAss a6d. its stay! We re, coming 'here apy- Itimber camp, heard a commotitma stoinac IN a1mrt.
'A hich 1A llf-A ,4atitiry the 11141i:1111, tillet"' th.- fir -4t choico, is ften dkIltiv4i the Lite goverom of the, vittes of Judaii.
-ie el"- c light, may firot tv, hitro- lien ix. !,.-Wh+
r -w lvluo�'sk -4t Ure.Very %yeli in their places. - how. Wily take the trouble of going the loft, caused by tile jujuvaling aad I
vommelivell pl�ltnlllj4 lit fell #!.I th.. fltxr ho h . . Iw)-jr o.- tow cast-, Itinclu, a T, (I u dmi. Achbor-.,k mwi
Then .)i,t he W. as n -,thin-;,, Nit this world back, again to'thzit old. world?" We are Juniping of rats.' They found old innit, of the ikead boding r4- east into th," river t*f itifluvowe at e(mrt. -Ter. -xxvl. 6,02.
Vd. bi r tham ail ouVia(
take at 'all. It here- n6 And ItWo.uld' 'Xrdinoro lying oil a' twd of- leavex,'�In(17 *otonvwh '11 mad.-' oxtorital.'y - f, xxx%i t. lild Blakeicy nruti at tile rol)bvrs port.ion has no portit n w. ' u's*gtay." till' iV*; -billy the dead, never -the living peroxi
it (I.- slopifist 'off to- .- take nkefic y1glerice to put"us i)u,t of whon tho-y appeared c -ro. If":gtll Of l*j. Vio 'frafter. tit vk�� att-ndaw- - u
A*ilwh at lo:tst twov aL m id tit, re 4 .11 bww Laf,lui, IP P44 4
the If onq�6' we -got '�hera. Out Now
cidt'd to kill all, ttiv iv hites. which -ay und t1! (tesext �of .-;�xept by ,that world rejd awai.- Irokii tubing from t(vt4l t�) 14 111 r,;. king.
a%% lcizen r1its mcampe )cal POillt' tw- falw�ly -aecortling to
done thO next�nlght. while they wer., It is it south land, d ploot. as 'peol')Ie urd,td pay for
Tfie were iakren to thr Wag Wid -r wy. blit, -taidhat t I . .. . hthey had gnawed every I)or- d-toprminpil. oli- 13. snitluire-MWk
rgbrtiaw for any Man that tries. to put ar.: :ntertiiinulei't" come
h - wits ure tht he -a%v -441c, of theirl tlowof.his body. not pro'tec" k"."tile Th�- Tilimg are n'.4put tltr'o,!*e-e;ghths of toii lit tile inNtter. It is lier own 11,116A .110 lind tm% God's 11.
was in canoeA Virowif -overl,oard. irtiat, -in' it. What ha.1 been ,Your around if and iouk Mrough th6 door
fall. 19f-vn (Pr eig4t*shot,4 were (,x- Ito- wore. Ardmore wam- myth- lot %v-11
\otbing" as knowri t)f tile G'ste of %%'-hat has-beun the expe�'- .� ajar..or through, the' openings fn the Fags ohoico if odw boo Lhe funeral I
I ( hasig rhe fikkenian had hiddell be- ing,bit a skeletott. AKI. :IF-'1umfV thqy- Ikilew 10-t
it ti fort it na te. i's forricar- 6f, vver�, ririah-. .#if evt,ty woman 'fence,. so we. etwine -and 'look through. pil;� u-ith her- hu#4
Whe4on. Coneerviing th
was ablo to tkI4 the mett. that.., (Ally VIL
ly a thonth after tli#-- wret-k. when mid- t1m, traqk, but %V11411l. the train -hil'*5 trietl this'' %%`tirld for' a pordon?, -tlie crev4t,es ititt! filiat.gpod land which , _hs�r nwl how thp Ounh
. - I %Virud he jumped bitti.the pi4lille. ilpvt�n +11zabeth. iniid the stirround- (;(Yd hats pr6vided fot us. We can just that was the fifthjliglle'll,�-. had apeat of till
(-.Ime johore hattly tl,-- f the two be u%ert4bd
J; i o(liv .1 ro passPiigv-r_-4 gs� i-inp, is unki,;ppy bi-i-iume. the. -mcm-,d rite. and flat
aii,4 then re catch �a tzlimp of -it.r We -come near 11111Wurd, s al 'iy fulle
"Th re wer( ri- Ili tho- old bigil, baving crawled vIl 1 11 ;,,pr
in th- chair car, ivy livard tit*- -8 too ininutely the ivrin '.� e rough ti) -hear.the turnbling �f the there vrhtlo sick to get, out ut tile tk-11NIArt, I'l9titor ti., Ujere,�- oraMi-
rfNito of
g4,)!Ilg (m. indignantly eternal orchl4tra," th No -i Hui.i..&. .%4b -a Wow�
llut tlid vidi kn4ow. -v�at was dugh 'nof' near cokt It was tho second ii1ghtwhell ,Lrike ff iny Lke- k4ows the cornet, tj him, atlitk tit for LwA o propliet.;, ereminti ;tud Ze
lld! 11 red
iirb pas�*,i t-r.N tile tot1wr car io rats- firat 'dlipcoe
kl)* foir the WldhiKt f
1,f4,kT1d)1v allvthing nilwkut %%h:)'.ung@.% the harp.-, y sou! rralu that timo oh 'bo- hnAI to figilt irmly I ill. Wery awent rrtnn the city. It
:11 11 a lwr- Goi ki not in Hi" linstni
told fly t.1161 tram -of his cut, bot.h- winks affil cla--Ps tbo rodents -from his eye* alld, face in r4hica imtAoitAQt1l
be"11161 ;nd tile 116444 -pi 4)f Cal
tling alitioAt to) tlkLtfi' %tltlf '.n. trittiph, at the -thought of ill has bcwn developok. ments. He emn ww a wontaik ton xly-ak
u1itLI lie grow so weak hbit lie Could f(U No
a Xfor ti1v paillting it(- hall maritil r4-.:-tiof] 1,;4. Ilk rtiett for Him a*i well is a wait. an humble
two upper One of them, :io.fonger- lift bLs rmai, WhOU thtly
r iii4aks front beneath 'the 'thron,.an OF 0MAC H EXA C r ji 4-X'Aalil-9 til:lt, ill (7WP4 w1wre Olie w
ik wk1V :Ltk- %I to, Lne. kliig. S, tl(,t S��Ulfl lip,,reen am well an nit exalteAl one. Rill-
-it I)o: r i pif�kV*l up dead., The, I . . - I - also.gtiawc4 his now, lips and ebeeks 11. 1
ehild. JoinvOl for bteak.�i forth from% beneath the' wiro is ddel U) tim.0 lkmseliold. 1.`%ift�had tlif- full rm)pheti- gift, itnd
::00 :L1 A
a ri f le. - th OF FIL. Al)
oth'-r roh,14-r h i this Iiogarth%. Tak-- his tru.iii- 't:� t r er ai ''the Tito old man had long b�vn si sr /'�y 0 ro rR1 It is w- Mileb
Dutelt harlxw. it 1 04 4, 4nq t )f the tern. pie, *4ino x "if i1cittly 111d
4-01A of rill- presence'. R-rer from conauniption.. ]During the Z / V//Y� M establi.,41i it nitsaimi intutg of 'The house 4 many mansions. yesterday h4q choice 4,r tlk.r latber ns, a lit, forilier I lm"nptly ks WOUVot Imutiah 4or Jeremiah.
-in thrilleol, tho earth of' gladniess! U pr becit tile
who rutirdered hini. llrinsle� . Sherid. p ilfternoon of n litch itt (fiametofl-r. ail#-, i(Autm, or tho hu4band thoy share. and that I --VILL Wardrobe -The rfol" of the
lub. 'Nrth"his ejoquenLe. but had for hi.; hist mclou and, ho died at' 7 o'clock
ate(I that tile RtL,- f - light! Upper.. springs of bw t-fte s imv Wbrew
It i-4 further .4t. "TfiE� la,st Ovening. d.may be etilarged u) a il;iiinetow lorogetiy is t1w only or excuge. P. 1 V4 'x Malty PUb
-ins threaten to stop he of threWc*t by a projecUwope. rii..- viiii-a of the wcond wife is' shAred word in V - xxv
k kwim. Indi, Am absoolately undone." %Val-, It i*s no-'.1aricy of Mine.
xvhite4 from pri-spevting in the Kii.,i- ter, f.urnblirig' around the ink- Lamb 'vvlili�h Is. in the*- midst of the I hotcoraphing the aWmach is tiup- loy tlw OJ*01ra. firet. Lftnd both ge-
4 A hwquent immoragm -Lumbly
tanil. trying to sas, to It"s thtone shit'al lead t4iem to living -ft)un- LATEST IN EARRINGS. kokwim country. as they claim it lit Extraordinarily Harsh Proueedii!gs a.ughter: "Oh. tike, rie- back to my t;Ain' rwditig-tgastrom-opy, wli*:cli had Its eal, Pit tjjj� God,,nnd treat it 11io mv-tmid quarter, 1R. V. The new tl,�-ir hunting anti fishinit rcwerve. wigin with ?*Ilkulicz, of Vietiva, 4ho 1;cti, t m) I lefit from Hith for spiritual or cuW city enclooed by thv wall of
There is n( for Sir AN'alter rSaV,(,r obvivtes the Nocessity ot Plercinig thift" It I divine, ro"ll. in upon our lit to the north of thi- lid
it 1881 c"istructed a*gastrt*coI* of ear 1. 1-trainhig. 11arriaze ill Inditi, 16141711011"
Againn hial. but in the grave" Stepherr.(;irard. the 's,,uis one of, those inticliated rap�. stiff metal tubing which lie inser" t'lime evremottie.s. that of tile bc- city. 2 (1irtmi. -xxxih. 14: ZflAi. 1 10.
FORBID 18,000 Of PAPER$ wea,Uhiest man - Ili. his, day, % or, -at hy � Cures! 'Ppur around the roots.of -the Fkarrizigs are out Of fa.,-hion, and I'liltoo . the atomach. This *abled hini t4) troLlial. Which Ofto-Jwr tilftli otherwise R
rate, only second In wealthJ, says: ."I parched. tongue'one drop of that liquid
Crr 0 V bave bovii for,a long time iievertlie-'� wlv th- cardia. The method caused taked place ill earl"t infancy. Tit* 15. Tell the 16.,67 cOntain
-ve the lifft of a galley slave., When 1: iifp! Toss bef e ur i"sion L pm)phPcy of whieli every Jorr-telite
C INDIGNATION INCREASING. Ln the moirning. iny on'eeffor less. ithe'W*ct, W kiWresoltg. Hence great, dineomfort- to the pation't. and in not,abbolute, and. f(W gooLd M"We
�t 'Is , fountains Of God. rainbdwed with I
PUBLI to,�*work-so hard that I can sleep when ey'. are tAl" 10110wilig frAAD the, 1-011d011 Mail wns attenipd with much risk. broketi. iintm-cility, immorality whoubi be inform&1, and are vommulli
Dunwich r"'armer lisaing and Many eternal victory! Hear -it' Th is cate4j to Ule kiug as tile retwesentis
Pa' The- Ilitiliturt, c. I ttift it_.L� be night," "Vwt a-mlibr-ities in To rAnh4rn belongs �he crudit, ()f or bad temper. tilt- lant, of which
rLs never �-,ick there; not o much. a zi 011e Of.. tlftitlUlniflatioll 4)f tive of every man of his Wngvk)m
w of* ratianng even a .Pick me oul ten succcassful world- 'hea'ddchie or twinge rheumatic or Londcon on V_(Lrringu is Mr. H.. -Stafile- making tre, thf- ti-Wtti- w1kiii(I(Tod such .1 %-Iee that a prc- Va. 18 -*-'0 are para-ularly for the kinir
rits Against !tngs-and you' know what 1. mean -b t 1. netiralgic. The inhabitant t6n,of No. i -O Frith str*vt.; For years at -h a practical motho& I have busip(l millin is , pl.-Im.d u-xsti amiability.
an the US - . 9 -y 'rus*t Ling. oil V It- coittrary., is dis" _ W llf,,,4
k-n'il,ter etorm- th. I)rt:yf af thorou hly successftil'worl(itings-I)i(-kf' lit They Are b, li ),,r,gd. _ M .
-ter says; "I am sick." as made his p Ktudy aiid-a inyar-if with his instrument for wi-eral 16. Thuig m-,tith the I.Amrd-Bwaubf,
Ti�e- Iwiperw fvoraole 'to thv ine t)ut. tt-n successfur worldlin.8, apill never" tired there.-' Flight to farthest I ell TO tell .1 hillgle lie is to ostracise a
WAS TOWNSHIP ASSL89ORS lieneral Staff re dumt), in the face of you cannot More than 'one th-it - re6ver. he Ila!, applied till lit- ears, nd the photcgrnplik� Ktoma ia. t the It w -as -Ws Word, not here, ahe darf-d
irld - is only the - play of a holiday. I womaln front sm-iety Ili Ind too give tho drwidful metemge. a con -
0 Jaculty to. (Va"gililig ietv I ol-Amvra im the rewult of rty investiga-,
Uw bare faceo deeWon of �he Mili- oaks hppy. gare drgs h.ini t& busi- Tiiey never sinthere- It is as easy for way,s* for oftamentii;g the eiir. oup t1r.-is. 6 wl 7, tile wrriage cert- firtiriti4xi of, the written curses. 1
-t. dimab report -11111IL190 -Ut*- ttry Go--ernor'uf Paris, Gen. ZurlI*U'-. ness: care �lra*gg hlnibiack! Take your this being irrevoc-
tem to be holy 6si-it is for us to sin. f0twet beLitg, will briuge%h-(kA ottindo behind aIJ
i-arlan#_- one of the moot proWinetit Uj- ty oyl. Pie'(juart' by vourt tand at 1 o'clock at the corner of the to avoid the pain of piere-
9 Thy never die there. Y.ou might -go bp ; �but his great diim is io CHAN�CZS OF WOMAN'S Urn. lthough untii the age of 12 The
f t r Laer" jai D Ich an4i formerly I mirtIA -. w1i,I-1 thoh* favormg the de-. trv'et agonised ie'great Ing th.� 'Irk wir., (U)m 114)t Moo j,�w t.iw, home of her proAlfnitial movements. The g-r:i&*-
through all the outskirts of tI liolip!-r.�, dr(;U241t, ilew-c, invading' .0.
Make th� embellishe 10149 Of,' 111l#l);tlltl. Imniaity cr Ituprison- rval& h mcmwiW-ru. There
3n4i it is -aill, vLnlon rt- furvitis ).t this 'new at. Your high officials, y4iur'b. (,ity 11,1d find. n,)t one.plac ft . ear a.t. Prob�vbt II ties as toLiving Froin One Age
r - tie h&M be" guilty of f4mg#-ry- Unupt itun1w, nd protest, rs, �-Q ' tir insu'rance-men, your import- ground was broken for. a. grave. The V to Another. it failure to observe 1, nvo lori).,perity or c-alamity tout Jf--
Lill, Im-ing ordered. ers..your who"lasalerq and-yi,ur retail- Sir. -StaploWn believes that lie Itais ' 10
lie rc*-ided with his., g�tuuit ftourL mart eyesikht - of the redeemed is' dever tjii.4 compat * to tile litmo4t. At hovah'iq has twought It. -Hurl
r#VPect*41 reeldeat ck . f Ls- sam+- ImAii,yes that, Pictluart is ers.'as a clas.% re they lUrred'iviih tears. There. is -health in noliv aeccpmpi ished "that end. -lie has Ili in vital staListics givei, ulie is coliveyott to her husband' a
(I. are crogs every clieek..' There is spring in 'every Pa Pnt gulIty of any urkme oxcept, courAge. -4t_-'Ps,. as tho result of Ili..; observation:
abip. tented ail ornam coversii thim lit)uhe. tlut this coiis�itute- the thiro 17. Foiwtki�u nie-The immidLate or
It. is ciaimeRl that' the for PW dehirc- to restler kistlee to Drey- making no appeal tij, (owd for help. - foo There is niajLxsty on' every tbq- whole 6f tl . io bottop pi%rt*.0f the. Of'].(X)(I WOMMI at the, age of 20.
ge mi, but- oil .111 j*-Im it ii reeagnized r. comfort, trigny of toeiri re tosse(I 11ro d lise 'te:i i*orc%-yeir.% thus 94. in 10() and last nairriage coWnwma. _UWY� rqmniote of every earthly val
amonat, to from, ;�6,(JOO to ;�8.UOO- w. There -is, J9Y In every heart'. var and eurves omi)�,distutice roun t
totit, l tb,- pnicitically aw-ret trLal, he ev(�rywhitht-r" . How has it been 'with oiw divortwa ham, so far tlK-x rour
'there is hos�anna on every lip ljow' the.. flangn.- 4Q. W Wwak. Then, � agaill. live tell y"rs more aud (; do.n-ot: the e -t -4-r bvell obtained by t thi 'toe"
onv- time ago. he placed a mortgage 'I I -% records show,
C-1 re you moe con -
of 11.6tiO-Qu Wi father's farm. wkiici mny be condemaptl on �om:- technical-. )'On. my h rer? hey must Wty us as they look. over the oriiamont hafi. no, pin : mmmquent- ehanco atl1lie #e of 20 of a woman wolild cleause tilt- tintioll
ity, thus tented in the houst� 'Of fourteen r(;,)ms olnell lit 111dia, nd t4he a woultin of hillf ut
att-Lining, the pparent, Ob- tnd look do*n,.and,see us.' and.-,isay, ly,th.- ear needs no Iiiercing. living to �be age of 30 behig. t1wre, w
is wii,! U, hvo been fratiolulent. Two which it; tA) throw tkyubt upon -thall you were in the hvi), ruoms Y4-ku -'Poor things. away- down in that 4 wcwternimi ideii. It' i4)Iatry---+1WouhK
Xhis new &-parture-Pi ewelry is.i fort.. isearly 16 to I In favor of liviijg. -omen to I S. To .... TI ki - qvwial Inedbart.,
y-earm-a;O, McFarlar1t, haol a sale, the 61 ha d I "rPatop-5t, (sare is, t.:iki-;i by %% le Ill
proceeds amounting to zkl,000. In a'"Idewbitions befor ' e the Court n.a house *Ixen you startrd! Have, And,.whe 96me Chrlstlan Is -em-stud(led serew, Aimllarly, jof 1,(X)() women li'ving at the pr(vAerve' lwalth, both for thrmselvev bet-ause he had a ready set .1111out.
Uamatiou in tile Dreyfus trial: you, n6t had. mQrc care-.itid worrim�-nt huried fatal accideni.. they, cry. tyrovi&d with a g
paymoerit ho secur4%1 from (Uf- Everyonc- ia� l*king the mtivo of, yoki Wkin that than i which canw�s ft clasp U) grip tilt- ear, age of 30, 806 live twenty years morc,: :jlr for tleir efii1drod, beforc and reform an I selit, to the prophP
Y"u '.%(;ood. he Is 'Corning! And when we.
-rsist,.ntly pur- fid before." FOrne of thiD boorest men
4 ent farmeris. These notes ' he (;Ca Zurlindon' lit go pe mtand kound the' couch of some loved arid wh-ri propf!rly v! i rewed up, it Is so that w(- may say that 80 ln 101 P :tftr birtil. belit-viiig tliit t1u, vibra- tjolit-iiii di%ine Knidance.-Luixiby. 4 "1. sumo of 116M tivq aiij three rt-- I liave ever kh9wri,have been those --of - the ornarrioAt to Aive to th tionsi of nervcKis, Ack lbodiek.;, ca 0, Will jrather thee-J��
-uilig -quart, atKI why L -cuu 'e whose st�ength, is going away nigh impowlblp* tor of ,0 nd that 20 do r ry 19,
Col. P ic afid
coulti lw't be &:reaf 'fortune, A man of small me;ans ()n ey- fall off. llt.,)t ; tbe Ila lice tie -the age of 30 of evil atill vi., 6 v( -ra i % ibration-% f rom ill tAle love awj favor of God.-Oom-
'%bni,,a Tht-ti he 41likounted V ? "forgi:d, if nvveNw4ry %ye qhke our head-, fore6odingly. th gra%e in
, ot.CVX T., _ Itobinwi, barstoWr. 4t. postpolial until th*-. �Iec6ion of the may be put in great btivitess �trw%ts', bodies, carry their innuenep c4m Gathered intA) thy
eryo I'm 1w worse. e has. we.mad IvIng to the ago of O being. Ice_J(k,J Ih was "takew away from
-1- $100 Gist -Olk ao- Court or tivis Lwen 1;iven. but the ghastl4est of all embarra.98 'n �ivp i thvrefore, 4 to I in favor of living. or goc*l.
rinAugh. - There. plf:toti to'a Daily 31ail rprewntal
Thom4s, Ili ovc beer
f 1he man who has large Uip e% 11 to jrOW," and d" "in peace -
a ments is that o lot **I* bave -notuaratite-6 that the ladhw i Agaiti, of 1,0(X) w4;men liv-Ing at the highest order among
eourit of McFarlane's (Woo. Everytxie ;,.-i atking whether it Is, me home., EdicAtiOn is 9
Mclutym� klat $:1.50, Thouwu Luton deuper;&U att(-MPL- tO Ahlield the fbrm. The men who commit suicide- iarf %eill -property t: agi- of 60, 27,0 live. twenty ylNirs * No ittera- beforp lliq t-itr lititi puffered atU(,k
L our Ideas fastea thf� hrit.ametkI wore the hig!: caste Hindu&:
-r NliniaWr of War, (ion. Mercier, and of monetary losses'are thitse At li,,w lit A nict with the - -e�to tile age of turt- lwlre noble. Imaginative to tile fmnn the real formblable 01kew.T.-
twisted. -our W ' lvit lit 2--) tit 100 11-%
WO. J. Vampb 1.1 �:00. refore t U. Com.
'the rak who canntit bear the burden any more, 4-0, and 75 In 100 do not
Staff, even at, e na- tile). 114ve only left. ho- rreink here to -there, fivror that I had - hoped. - the chaqep finvat Aegre'e. Of the 40 distinct IN�jlell I rigs.- M en find Vie Rowe by
parties lemsel- 4" nts' of �revlghtating dis"tef allI th pleilirr�uto us as It Was A! of at tlw- go -of 60 of a 1womall living to Hindu languC444, tile W(Auell oft" 0tw
ed, anti, in any eveiliv. of TINP want of' rigiifflt lii.'the li)lm study of of its
Lasm %-4;ft throe writs wero. sut-41 U01"t' b;itr 4
41. t wis dying.- She
.j. eyrand UW thoLt ear. wliicli.� iii vulgar parlattee. Is 40 being 11 In 4. masWr n1auy of thein. a k)zen and n jow, a nd
dri�irw in-ery doubtb* perwin' into US%, c *he ' home?" precepts �61RK ill its pf"
lgaillbit MCE r1arl'.. 0116 wai bl a fimire(f All t n will 1- go lutP111. 36irs. Harnett mid front a with its doetrinfe.
b site pgtrtY. oth#) Dreyfw "To -day.- Florence. How we Walk. Ko mail latX)rs Ior 0od without flu,i-
in-1 Jobti i t% . I 'kre�\ him. alld tie 'had wea b0uk written ill Sanscrit, tralisiatini
I .% PrOt"Stt ag-altst the co)Urt-martiat yet at. th glad!" th.
of the eatatO Of !a e alp- so -e you The. chief inuo-les concerned lit t4le exquivite Ujought inu) English Ing somp onl(m)ked-for blessing. of Vicquart. 1A ring tho eignature f stimulat Wi walking tlK"� Is tile Calf and fo Uie edification of tier hearer". ShP 'ttjOy )u r-
.Nlc,N lb . 10, Tl()
t�o recover W treasure with( t ablik
leatling -mt ;illy these thou Christian-Tiiati tq.tbe- . of (;(XI atrip*
Vft 'Ir.wic'of IL%, hiefi. by' pullitig ip t, f itig it. 10. The l including das,' he spokp of.tAie extreme cleanliness
is Wing wltle�ly vire'llav-dior L;t I il-10** " of. body .-.a' d f Ukile -'.exhilaration T6 whateve lahest possib. ing
Np-Fd",ino, in, %Jay. I u r tA any hope of sit Oelf
hw4.. also, ImS up tho 110! ie of the tits homes, especi IIV. �.42not atone for AM ugh. ther nainmi a ill be presente-0 fou the of Prevent 90qxi works t
not w (if yotir deliverajife is coming is coM: eolLn 11"11,10d to cookery. VefiseI8
magjAe Mdl-er,. of Alddbw'D: 11164 -on with the shining heebq root ected with lt,*::111d then the
-Y -.j! -grea -Agust ft;r ths-, i . .,I- _. . ,
niw:4 veornmeiit. This It ..t d i - I Ing.r011ing 13. 71W di% llW law
thi.1; is a,' W a ngw.
loarteC. deserts of sorrt)ws.. passed oil thrmigh tho liones of the will
f the nig -f
gulm; to iii Yelm y V 1P 'Nib of Jhe (lay vind the Jet. whevis holk. bodx, tho-weight of Which 18 its, used by We Buddhists or t
McFarlmne- -iru-A Ulat Nl: oft- Fre W 6 h't: Every thump '6 r ty, Mollaminedatim, sire serupu- never ch 16. (w is true. aw,
11,7 Andro-w MeFa 'Jitther, iefoer -for %%1Akr, 11,4-, troke jcl y tAle #?inner I1W just Wit,
rlaue,� - I$.''rily stilk- -alkhig the trunk is loumly cleaned 16hat no offenge enter
ng,,1ingt bj%. , lit! t-0 heart 0 a Bette H*- will h ess
.on, Nilln- inteowilat(A .4,ik' tir 't lie, prayee Ach, p;1 act woul-I We hiAly through injoroper food. The 4 Uw hu*mble peniUmt with parvion. V.t
hring, _%&. nother chain Of.0ay- At /I
to have apt nsi4 ip a CIrAmix-r of l.4-pu#~b4xt r i Caleb - we make Lt. is. lay to Ing off a . If i .1, thrown forward &o that it
go Me F IP nil. coil the rop�, for- �LL 11
arrmyle. scour:tbe � Jeck a fall down, pTxmtrate, were !lot the 8hado*� of a Christiair falling on 'a wraVi simll
x t;od:, "Thott hist' Ther who f wi r God
%Imt 3)r 1*8. made Whell �l 8*11sation.ti wpne-. IWlY km�- e 'in only six -miles hwa ..�-Jesus
4jeed L sou, 6f Ila rbo y rigit plarited in time to Rup- tAieir IK" and p.4tis would 150 Pollute I it
dated All, h 1', n d; 'i r
give ipe also -L down In h rrow never fee livft twive wb*
plal tiff all4l the (k- will come e N a S.. -'to lie calf m1mles are helpe,l thein that only renewed scrubbing ; the first, lifV well. V. 1.10.
be t %V eel in .-knoilier feittore- ir. t1w water. , And he gaVe h#;r Ole' uPper - -Now is your. salvation.near- part t live.
it; tAle ..Mect you
feno&ant. vriziv,�;and !0- nether lit th j ion by thuw on the :ront ill(I Washing will render them fit for PRA('0171CAL SURVEY.
th 0 �r. a 'Onep-4- Wrrvgt of hoitittit-ritit-i4-iiiiiewi�our- . Whfwr6 -shall 'I .-find' enough PrAban When you believed."
ed utx-kn do is -ac- Man -of the world. will you not to-: of thi.- t 'ink and leg -s use. 11(mie do(m not enter into tile in the Wurd of God!
tfivua,left ivlt,ll - i;itht -6). �-et. forth.-. the. tract a id pull tit(- lx)dy forward questitm of caste. A high caste
In thc� Townshipsof Dun
Sion day pnake�'.t choice betwien these two With this Pword. juid the Holy Spirit,
onablo, - f .- may of ten perform tile o -
tainin-- a C MW (-used of (Ii6kifing- Vwfoi"t Zur, t4o
cov In Shed,!ai :ift4-r I�nde'n and the it, in .'w,,ir(l.4,' plaYe4 on a i)ortioni;.. between the "south land" 0 and ttit, trunk slanting forivard Brahmin f th.- ConifoUw &Rd guide, (Ile isPquil)-
alip, wa-*' tho heel is raise by tilt- alf fie
this world. which -slopes to the desert., ,L of clief to a low caste Hindu -or tlw warfare. Thorough ly fur -
Ma itrvo 1,:ilx)ri. Uol- findi;i.w.erimigh
rite. wi-re WOW PiNlull, .
thy lnuwlltw the whole IXXly wili bp
atid this glorlous , land which possessed of mone. No flefth, noth-
Dunu- ich were Mursr41\116ayK Ito 64 convinced it will it that Pr4ise m !Iisllotl unto all &xx)d work. H. Tini.
Th re� 14il.-ither offets t.hei--. run-ning wlth-.eter� raisNI and pushVd forward and lip- ing h%ing had life in it, is .-over
Ven� t1wy he impa&ibloi Wit -l' Christopher. %Vr*;n, unable Ito iii. 17. Tlu- things of God knowOt'l-
qhoc k f- I I to condemn Picquart I n la I vqrse',,W ward. This advanceinent, of (�w I(---
9 flescrihe I _�.. silrullg it jilt,, nl watccr'e hy let. your AgAgue eaten by n but certain of the low mail, but the Sphrit, of God. 1. Cor
%IeFarlane on tile OvLrge of forgery. but'that .1 _- -
be,consumr& :with thirs.i. Whie&Mere
Ilunyan. is effivtood partly by musetilar -ic- easti, tribes. not even eggs or fish. He will guide you 411toO A
IIP 411d thf. IteeUlIC41 officer mity possibly. W the t Joh n the xipper
p:Im a t, t4) lilow "what a are',th4- -nether springs and tloti. tho niuml(v tiset e a
0y, a W.3 14 I'Mil bIe it# preserK It -in' . ordiharY I I)U'in 9 (11 tilme their humanity extending to tit ni
'llw1kY9 vondpmned on ULe ehrge of ,f !'fvptIngs, comfort here and lory here-� truth."
C"""' ukkes a]J the fascina4lim oil tht, frout of the thigh, bending,it,
1!, nWey ni-,it,Wrs. fl, I r, M,,ki, twiieving they should not ditut Ily this Wurd we art, lywu agal,
t documents. at- off life before it in lived out, tior
-municatinx nevre �Afte ,
lland�l. with forward oil the,pelviso, W th
little. th0UKh -their. 11tommulileft e to reach t I h� hpight of You and I lived something better, mot 4 corruptil)k- sped, but of i
-rui way in-imir ti011 W118 In musir uiiabl' than World The* fact titritig mipselrs. %vhk.h iRlightly ben -i pre%relit tile de%elopment of eultoryo-
can 'Ive uq tile thig t -A brruptiVe. by t I w Word u(
ill to tlip intoreAtm Of the *"Pm(-. rtri-ses It tip in an oratorio. the log tintim-
sH(JT BY VOLICEIMAN the' Qh, there lif.. f�n*cirh o bd'ppy.'j is. that It* cannot Five ' us -anything vlog oil front of tile lg. W-11IC!, tie ex istence. The principal food is %viliell livetti 'aiul abide4h famver.
ol. Ilic(Ill: fter awhile: If -is a�changing world. wheat ground between flat stones. I W i I I "Pver ro"Tt tt
irt, (Pontintfed b -is ..#%vu "a Christian lie' '1' do not a ra Ise t-Iml f ront of the foot :iUld tOPQ 1. 1 �& ht. i. 2 s -
go Smith Broight Down by P. 0 T)�l to.,I 1-now,that Pv,(-n the mountains mixed with wilt and water and pat- Iwo".1wts ; for with them t1jou e betlore t110 .0 rt of Cao"itign Me,, i.) it imm Chriptian Wo, hut a 4L
bd-Crron. �014 on the ba'ck of-atbousan s poreveiitin� the latter, lit ' swinging wi to lightness 'and then Imiketi.
throughout tile whofe Aay., and,'his life. Where t here i.1 ',.I thorn, fofrward from Psa. cxix. 9.
rtly twtore there -is 'a w,hfpl(- t(4ping lnt6 the valley? The All.e-:-. 0 mis is eaten with vegetables. milk. says, "The words th&t I
depciait,� **expmted t
-TtAmmVi. o0 occupy-. Where rhere is groan. mi ghtnies are -dying. The dews with ;rroulltl. When olle foot lins noney and sugar or whatever other
thei gre fire hammering- A- Novel Barritig. 6d the d the action of t 11V you, they aro spirit, arld they
Wednefty 004 Prg(-' 'mit1l. w-voral days more. The an
t on thr i; . - . crystalline ' mallet -s Ite lKiedealfilhi.
agp, was., S114) -one rif iif#.." John vi. 63. Having twetiquic
1-4 year" 1$om that lie it-ky rvcetvf� jusi I t i.V 4. ro�. i , w hole sf!aS D ,away. the Xrosts. and owers leeik" of gr*imtlf% haii ft)r etir., Other lionw-4jIq is rellgiomly ohwr%ed. 4-11"44 by t1w WON], "As liew-bom
*0 sh I r!t Ito it 1-ozl s(N i. There is lu To
day 'of _a -;tr**ptp lie Niaigitra, 10) 1,. tive, owinix too presence on t It or Ta k e and - lightnings are, sculpturing Afount rendered the illVellti011. Of 1� I,() :mother point In walkilix. Theboly
bn I
Washington and'064atskills. Niagara- Th.- m4mieut a, child in born, 1"y or i Ik I I K,.s, demiro the r-invere milk u( tJ*
No 31 a" I)c-rhapo f Bonnal, that yu knt &uPporte4l and
W`114) is -Chrigt-jin ma n h ig cArring a matter of great diffi- CoDst'llitlY girl. th- astrolt"ger im called in &lid its
omit, ?whno i% wf'il- gril-at. friew) every year Is digging for ititelf a quiek- W(Ard that e Inay gr(w thorpb3*
tat. i n oy (;()(I (,Iil!4)P ' him )%tth their whi culty. ncol (xt each legr- alternately, an, to the very w-coiid in east de fil jude-
lly I U 1111� ..y � er plunge. ' The, s(.1a all around -the hortmom)Ix
Is -ho" where 'is- 11-thtning" 4 are hiP "I have -at last succeeded �in ovor therPfOre, On OnlY 0"' -it once. Henm the m*wk wUl He gui
the ighboi For
liflow worked ;- different, p its -shifting shores is Making be somp nicanR forthr*w- This is recorded arid by it itre all K& t mont ; nd tlw% nwek will 1W W
has 1"01)10'- that -the- -fvmrt-niartial is. paekml, r(11i6s:'tbP 7,i -rd is hiq 0epher(l: harwes in bar and bay and coming all o t4or My new -ear- thPr(* Tnlwt Pvtjits of lifo- shaped. NldrrjaV�, t
n pastures.. Y ring -canno I)p fore- n tre of
and promontoTy. - Some of the old Alig tile ove, 10roseolwd. atid t wid b,- satisfied."
(inly,j1W'C &red froui, M. (lp t,rp hty' r the it; way.- An. xxv. 1). "The
_ycino-t, OF &I- Picking otiVfor-him gree' b -c t full or* ly
o he Ilad 1p employed irt ship- lf)%v:mg -tit inn . to he vic. still ff,,hip walk f6rth,'"beav'en it bV the bones I)uhlnem6 everytIling Ili 1 06
w I.i ru- r e Ill I - ihly rf 'move 1-s propo r I ]ill(. of pdrt for m4N I ight 'I
seacoAsts are. mldlan4 now. Off Nan rew- ill tbt mayn-Ity of cam -s wonderfully I
building. lwas homeless. a 'Own iii'his &)dyguhrd;,Jf' he lie down o It Fupportd; the we x1h. 26
AA tintiz-ol"Iti ordpr Vi. inerease I i i.x Oickel. Oblight . feet 6elow low water tigbtened. of each so, 711w graeefulnew (if tile clephant Word., noWbe" sleop, ;ie vra,%v t 010. ni-xt"p , -sleep. -ladders pf light,. ang�el.'bfospom- rioup
Mark, are found now the stumps of or tiie Y. This U3 olone In va Thf- more we 019dl16&4* on
a lience the the neme Aoing at
rge Sander-' ing. are.,Iet.idto his dreams; If he'lle )f grace 8umght by tile we kwe it. INN- cc tile
intti, the-ha.V-101,1 609 showing that the waves - are Bradstreet"On canAian Trad's. wRY
704leen we4t, ill rom- thirsty. tl�e..ptentate§. of heaven.-tre ople. Therr, womon of Itidia. "w inodern physical
at *and. Partil of Nova wnl� diffe"nt, pe this 4,w 6, .110 true liW'
"I , �ontluering' the I our beit4wbm
&nQr wzinderer- is cup bea.rers; if he sit dowln to to6if. 8.vo i la . are- sinking. Ships. 6 -day sail Cokler weather' h4p; trade in t)te may he Ight rotation at thp 111p rulturixt wQuid tw w)m(-v%-hat disooti- . w,,111. tim. lt*llpst elid 4
puny - %v LIV80,90 YISARS N ONE TOWN. hi*' plain teble blooms into the 1IR16 -whi )ocntni(yA of V:Lnada, and Invoritble of grnv c�,rvd by 0eir ideas. They welcome 111141 t1w truest I1Cq)pi1' A We are ca-
p"Ie who Wthe ineil enter tilt- over what,onlV a le ago was Jol i i t, br ging tile centre
Winquot Men 9ay, ','Look t th;) ( the mouth of the, wlather for threshIng and i4tipping I ver t lie foot )f V& flesh, tile heavier thOy grow the more ium it 1.1614P
v solid- ground. Near I ty of paIA" (it elljoyilig.
orn with,-.,th# ivernout coa. '.-I tit(. will of God
roe hiz" 1110tion of th nil ii I t4()
Tk 0
Kptified - istablo cCarron. Death of Lite FiraL White Child B Ill I t; 'grain W reflectel- in hoa 'ier recel traepful, the nowe their step and gmi-
patng the beat. and St. Ci�olx rtve-r ls,'an Illand which in, v ilamoily v
%v ho w as Walkerville !he angels of God cry,. ."Lift -up' your is of the earth Sopt prinvirV point^ while at tile mime tru n k I -r:i! mo%enifurite imitntk- the slovt 1 1141 U11"do iddon uvasireis." r,
the officer . heads.' ye leverlaNtIng 'gates, arid�-Iet is slowl" time, there is n t eindency to mkplmize a
waft) the place. lit- tbe'movemen .1 �d tilig)) IR riveompanied
-r,, i I I,., y. rotating. -All the fact' I na ve I taken a* tin
lied out for : i-atrudeirs to.eomf W;tlk# 'Ont., o%.. him come An!- Fastidious people cry,. of ibe ea'rth Is changing wLr a Mr)vemallt of tjw wholo trunk 11 'viiRurely gait of tho Pleplinnt lit ot 1wr Th UwtimZ
but �ertalnl n,
ca �-_cban�llng. rn lier relxoti of damge. to the tile
(town. vKhfT"u9t4mith itimped' (lilt whtk diel yesterday The onr- whaV VT"O the foot pla"V-1 Of' the thp more elel)hwitine tile)- lle- .r, for they RrP
..A : I.i her Point, thret! f)ff my front steps. IS31 -afi Wand, prings up In'.thp T-I)mmto reportt; lnw leg over 1wrt-tav, f(-* V
sixlp door -.1liatining Ilvelluip keepers of hi%aven 'cry, "Come, complaint regarding ' price cutting Mund, and In AccomPallif'd IkV n the more &-lect thi-y o'oniiidfvr rekoleing or t
Of Walkervill", hiL41 'Ilvcmi terranan'sea. In 1868 another.1sland Twating outwa?%i movement i th.-ir Individualit. I-'.Yldently from h thimp MM not
& run do*3 -en street. hlessf-4 of my- Faither. Inherit rthe king- than at thin - for nuinv years comPP Irlip inTt (W06MAN
an for- mes.up under the observation of the 00110on
and 91-yearw hi the regism where site --dom.!" Whpo he die. though'* ro lylqL M h i (-xl for fi RM the [lip. b6ody Aws rind nwinev- '-fre. liarrictt maid sbe oitlit#
The i4ficer Ill (-haw .American,epinsul. as.he looks off from "n propo tililn)qu tile Most difficult, W At
ww; Im-prii in ISM, on- tho fie may be carried out In a pine b*X 11( " irt lit with the a] tn ill. I coal and g(Ad do imt 46
Opp. cong,rave's brew Krfm W The the time Tiogetultle"..4 1_ !o tarif torlultely from onp sie to t he 'is niij-h enligllitoonment as blie ga%#
41nfth %vaA lid UP)n w lFll the ti)V011 of Wll- the benh. e6rth till,
I I . t4 0 pott6r's -field. 1o' that potter*s A - heavy Iniinew is other of gravity cornf-, nit in g-tiing among the heat' tho ground ; t -11Y
he- fired arn. and tile runa-. ker-�ille www Ntotwl". changini. -,The' columns of -a tem UnItood - Statew an Its centre lien. tt..gurfaep of
e, ! field the, chariots of Chri 1111 COM'" -near� Vizelif show that the water has aiternjttively over cirie or the other All life hi indifi, howover. was w)t allugist rtwr camfulkv. so
fell. SuOvas pieked ill) alid* Many wero'thiL SLA.1w dolrW In Britigh Columbia, ctxil shi N
way ~-m Mrl. Droull- .14"wn, aird the 0#Valeade wMern,'wid- All As4n, in' above the place It was ments belong, 'largp I& ari,] tho curvature of t1w, .4pirtni til' lliw. ome of its Iligh(wt
I wit w) pleasant as, most of that whieli
carrIC41 into rAr's drinz 41ore, tit tarA fol'I of' uwaaeone-4 RU'l th,'holevards of heaven. ine feet eral (ILArlbutkAi r4 wttfsfax--tory bones Is altered with the varyinp \ire. Hartwtt dim-ribed. Ttere in. she AP far bAow Uw sturtanp. Thev
Vp. 7oo4 Cluen f.t. lallol i)r. &adil- ence, tor- her vhWhood. wrien. these coilumns were, put down. gen
wits vaile(L -r drF%wing him in. 3ivx. kftA1llard* lov*(.41 td) toll Of I bless Christ for the preent,satis-, Changing!, *Our:Colorado river, once juid ebollectk)ns nre fair. Tn.the Man- pogition of tlip" weight.-Lono-lon Hos Ilt3r% R VARt Interior rx!p0lati0l, wh") there, wid are U) be found, but
�ction 'of religion. - Itvm&Re,* a man vaster'. than the, MiselselpPl. 119wing trade Is only modera,te. pital. havp not find 'for five or mix gneril OrId iNfttkwy� ilivestigatirml fLii(i hulm-
SEPW " rem0yod to e thi- thile whpU AV1Ddwjr-'eon-48tr4I of ht
lit �ilzht with reftrencor'to throtigh the great Ametican' desert, 1r)--f"applen to Great Britain 00118 1)rfx-editig this mffirient fqwA ill W. Prayerful thought U) bp
focy "CJkI in the and li, rougli Iminird mkes a man all right WiLh-r e "leh was thon an Eden of luxuriance,. stre, InereaMug, and advices from N'Pvr. Largest Fruit Plantation. inY Onvabigis. dity tA) sritisfy tbi-crit%- ey"i. 'To Rtud.1 the B e
�dlqandmw iW - and prat,
tile the future* stream foundland am- a littlC ill
0h. these netherfta"maLo' 1ins now 'dwindled to a small', better.'j,'relights Jamilea hits tht�, Iftrize"t rridt plan- )f liungf-r. 1.4irge heads. with thlej tici� i1%
rhW0Mw wont to th-�- Nt ire -keeper of -comfort! The are perennial. The laro active. The total number"of fall- llgR oto 64 too be
or rented ereepipg down through a.gorge. The tation in the world, of wWli 28,000
"ight le 109 e-11`110".. I fbilyidation- of Men-ve that tile Wasi are ax)ool alf." ir (�r WMI"tit)CL
on She r. _g 1*1 God tandeth sure hRv- parth Its6if, that was once vapor, after uriv lamt week wa 24,'atj againut 30
cov all thif)ilgh tlie- wintpr tile hig-this-seal, "The Lord knoweth them aerm arpoWnCd by an American com- IM thpy still necept their ;`(e ?*,I'
k! Vt ie If -ft 11 water -nothing - but. water-afterwqrds in Qw, ym*(Hhg week, 31 . In . 1897, -Illy. lin-I the other, 16,000 rierem, 101 it il
1141 that re his." mountains through ages 47 lit 1 96, 42 In isq.-) nd 24 in VJ94. t
,.I the otk,,-r in tile It f t try, howhiix w-iblerne#w, V, ly rind Its linrd lditivll� Vr
tile t1mo iso-fivf. tile Idly th., low I- re!rr-h owttlers, like lier litim- depart and the h4lls be removqd, but inolten'. ro 8 re hell nnder lease by the Rnme com- t r-, 1, %%*iUl a % jew tot) avertilig a strike of
tho jnjur�A lad lost b,.jyl ul It r -elf, iiever went until plants might live. and an1mikils R--litk 0 aggregi4toe $30,818,- 1 -ut miii-imir, Tg, 1w.fif-viiig W)wp fo. 11111iVrs nt 1ens, it, the Departmul 01
U) 1ped my kindness 'shall not depart from. might live, and men. might live, dhan*-'. 000, lem makirtt tile total acreage 1h #');- tileir nveer-Utrs M PreCident FitUrV, &0'
It witJv-'-- ` TPr.v3*t-r tht tilt. IlPli:t1v4 thee, neither' shall the covenant of my hile, now crunibling now Pvioux -naw- wid that onIv. b millk, a Imr-
(if bl'A)d, and at an vim I per cent.'larger than owneoil nd opernted by thein 44,000
Ing all the w week, but 11.1 per cent. and vmploya Ill _y by his 1, miner'.k ck*Aft
r= tp-,, a year agm )i;al vtsIt, dOnDed
th is morning W" lyiflir ia tho night. ' Peare be removed. saith the Lord, whi' breaking off' The sun."burning down Tht-.; romTwillY OWTIN fortitud., ard (kling tA� the exte"t a
, r u
The ot I e. wer f oloctoors. througli hath inerey ppon. thee." oh, cluster I the fruit. carrying bmsirimm twelvf in MK
Wuntry &rradually In Its socket. Chtt-nZing, tb,-Ir ability %rill they f1l.fIr tw nblo tW.101,01P(i intoo the pit.
hffh )Irw. Droull 'art] onds set in -burnished xold! Oh. .-changtnK, ail. Intimation of the lkst* HIR. WINTER CARENTS. 'stea mers , and last year shipped to xtricate, themwir" frojo Its M"IlPm-
't%niowledge of nether s0rinzo of comfort bursting 'kinprica and PlRewhere. TOULR 'Viller. a New yorker, attempt -
the old lady. Va in de- throu-h Pil the valleys of trial and tri- nreat chpnge to come 6verAh*e_worIa.' One etenIng Cupid took a 11ap -d tx) vomnilt ant -ride b.V jurnplikg over
Whorw n Man 1101 Vile0o"111 his Wi(e f
ven Infused into the mind of the t And It wrin awpet Sept -ember, The kindeSt and happletit pair wil
Tipi- Bo 1w bulstlo,n! %%tien you see, You ."(L the I ethen who has never seen the Bible �n(tj: wllPT1 fie 4111111"Irking 411, the Havri
am 'V1 af Id. %%hat itisfaction -there I s on The Hindoon'belleve thitt 13rahma. And whm fie woke, thoiight1#-.;w r1'.1d ocxmlor to forb(mir, and Rome (w)lzri &Pwn (in his rrit v At Flouthamp
I eaeth -in religion, do you not thirst
10&1 thaU thf ._& a IN thf- *t*reator, once imUde all things. lit- chap, V�jlljg Wery (Illy they live to pity -ind toil.
after It%,, as the daughter 'Of Caleb- created the. water, then moved over "TwEaO chill aiml On Elwhy Vyne.
NoTember. perhnp@:� forgive. -Cowper.
iw 'fit
8 foe
........ . . . . . .