Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-11-25, Page 3I Inv VlU VIUMIU0 111or ?A.,RTP.b I of IOUR
^ff A *" AM Mn I AlAwrav nf nirtavot" r ietiow, w i,uv "ca u. 4c) Ir od to tell even To Ner SwIll 10- AlIgulue M,irb y n , e of Thalk, letter my Annie writ came from - ------ Pt s are Used. 1 H4 10 it, t e th grade of on Unless Dodd*s Kidney I the c Ity schools, and he adores, an OnlY
a sore heart-mVbe a heart some %-I]- imo Then Diseas"of Women are Cured, of re's ty, lain had broken; and what I think. Wrists Were 7tho Mar- and.filutrering Ellen a boy that 849e, MO the 3
kind. other folk think too -I lia' seen His Fingers, Hands and There ham been a rise I Dowoon's Case- can adore, a girl in the same scMI, The latest work on the 0
theni whispering it to one anawtlier. Mass of Cracks and Bores, by RA&80n price of wives, In Natal, ou t h a pen little snip of a th"t,, who For Another's Crimije, e was Unable to Work- ket Tronto), Nov. 28. -The daily WI)Orfq drawn In her belt a bols Or 0, 011 treatmmt of discasesq written
,aud looking at met" of Which H Africa. Before the rlinJerpeat kilie-d from day to day contain reporta of the ly, and Is just beginaluf to use by forty eminent AmerioLn Of course I understood him weil y cattle the quotation was once happy home", a ha nd-glam In ma king her toUet- The i enough; for the ualn' thought had To the Editor of the Enterpri-se: so matt the wrecking of
lever head of cattle, valued at Z33 ; Laity of mothers, boy hadn't'the courage to tell tier phys' "Cod-liver
rom week tj6 week in e through the bW 10AUU4 SAYS
CRAPTER XV. unreal save the one overmastering nfteit etiough been in my owomind I have read f i but cleven-head now represent E132. whose reason has been -destryed by the state of him feelings in person, I
fact, that, fool tuat I was, I wits , " Whatever has happeneda" I said. . testimonials from those It Ia being urged that the Govr Illnew. but he wrote her a leter, a won. oil has done more for the con -
Under the Spell. the slave of Madeline Graliani. be sure of one thitig-Annie is Llot your paper tilrough using erumeiit should fix three head as tile Women'H burdens are many and derful letter, vrhich begnn "Dear sumptive than all other reme-
FLW wmm daye after that, I saw to blame! t'licte, do you know what who have been cured and coutail2ed an ar- Idies put together." It also
cousin prico of a wife for the present, and heavy, and hard to bear. They are, am Friend Lulu," CHAIITER XVI. I ll.%vo often suspected? My Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, 11110 as nee, for women dent declaration of undying devotion. nothing whatever .4 Madeline; In- left us only for a little, while. becau-se benef it f rout shoul4 make It a rule that the money it rule, borne in &Ile Of He didn't like to trust the Precious 4 says I " The hypophosphit" By The Sea. have experienced much equivalent may be paid where cat- doll,t want to incur totle expense miwive to the post, but he knew c*ed at), citow was she kept in the &11(% %vlallc ctor ; they don't want of Ume and "a are rcgar&d
41 to be out of George Red
great houim that she might never Tit(, lleXt day Was 81,1111day. I row. ruth, a Way." the uselbf that mettficin.l. belieVP it tie a unprocurable. calling in the do They -*,On- where )ihe lived. Hie pamses the house
utt put on my idling clothes, to worry their husbanda oaken by many English observers early "What d'yel mean ?11 he cried, start, my duty too let othem know tilklY .1 tInue suffering in silence, while their 'i� and from school thOugil it t b&vp ex4ted at all. I began to it dark suit of tweed. That I took Ing. and trembling violently. llbe relieved from a very painful Accordhl.g tAo tile calculations of r Ing their strengtll, him quitoe three bloicks out Of the way ics for colisumption."
think that sho had taken tier kle- i mOrO than usual paillis with myself well-known scientist tile mIximum ailmentis , and reason. L evening he slipped 4 specif
"There was something between thein. lady. I am now 75 years of age, undermining%=rPhealth, to do so. One dark
y be amisumed from the- fact that p's. Then ma - -of tile pine tree is from -A)O to to tile grave to the door slyly, lalki the letter or,
partUre from L'ornwall, but I was ma lict had won tier heart, perlia lift. and hurrying thM e bell and scamp -
III y iMpt, a-4 I strolleAl in to breakfast, wid knowing tit time, and in 7100 years; tolutt of tile silver fir, it is needleas to call in a doctor the gt.ep, rang th me to the Scott's Emulsion
Wroft. Ote day-, the seventh f roal distrusting lilln, t Ito and am tit the prese The sufferi Her faWerca
nUtr0n, and looked t lite from head 1` -Sta- --it, 210; Iiirch, 1h ng ered away great distance betweell thei ever. since I toulk -* oqur6e of 42.!'P; 1&rch, 275; aspt Lit moot of suC Cases- w U01:004 andabut 111111 on which the life -boat had to foot in no little surpwise. Then fifie said to herself, 'I will go w(yinali can cure herself a� a- very door, looked out, an 'letter 11 -ink Pills about t leaving the
Madeline to shore, I made eighed deeply, and glanced at iny tiong, sho line till I am cure4l, or Dr. Williams. 11 two 200 ; elder, 145, and elm, 130. small ex Dodd s Kidney Pills are the door again, Agn, bru,ught uncle, who, aloo drewwd for the day, way- for a -A excel- pelliw_ e needs. Ing where the boy hft,d put it. contokin the best cod-liver oil
miiute inopecti<xi of th in i lie. till Ile lia�; left the placc."' ytvirs ago, have been enjoying -MatanzaW' is tile West 111diall th remedy sh hundred cafies the young lover Mounted the stoepS,
in a suit of aiDlenin blck, was sitting litf utly, a nd and f led. in a partially digcsted for#4 My unclo frowncxi tl'0119 liewlth. Before that time Iliad equivalent of . "dark and biuody In,ninet-0ne In every trouble the bell whkeh every ay grew more ianger- moodily by the fire. shook ilb head. of I Fewale oomplalinto,"� the ad again he rang aaill, and
work me months. finftllY groutid." Literally, it means '81augh- digmtool Kidneys- The -7ather appeared meel combined with the Hypophes-
ouis, and came up from my For soille daym past there had been "Naw Hugit-thero bi more In't than been ailing for 00 hao Its origin In the *
emleried with fil,th from head to foot. I noticeable curious change in gait mter' tile name being derived from Very Soon the urinary, nd reprodue- ag,1111 withdrew witImt make Lime and &dA. This
illy that*. but. whaWer it be, I*m sure I was attacked with buttAwry w.litch tive- orgaiv mined U r philes of uncle's manner. I scarcely observed it t1jo young waster had uo hand in it I" but even '01 his (Luce
I had pamed the last ladder. and it h came Otlt Mostly Oil liy 'lands' i Indian tok are involved, and the suf- letter. The boy deter i remedy, a sts�pdard for a
sv-ood oil terra firma, at the mouth at tile tIrne, for my heaA was too full I knaw you, never liked 'uni. Hugh plaCAt 1011g ago Oil ithl Site. forer becoinieg a frail and wwted oiue more trial,
the door flew t
w." on the bell button r Its first ;it)- into the quar
of tho Minte, k1aZZled by tile I luick 4 other anti pleasanter impressions; but Miwter Jarge hx it kind heart. It, was not long 81tP* 8hadow of her former self dragged ter of A tury, 'IS 'In
from pitch Clark- pegLrauce before I %was unable too do Eugland I s very much exercised By restoring tile kidneys to sound open and he was 4 1
traimdormation ' but afterwards, %vhen I came to think and would never do a dirty deed. Why, exact accord wwi%t the latest u*= to broad MY it over, I remembered vividly WhAt I hat kbawed him and,sarve4l him ever 11 Ivitil my hands. I over tAle fact that the Itiglit Itev. 'health, and so easurivif their prompt 14ghted hall.
daylight, when any work at 'Yomale Com- I've caught You. have I?" Rnort- views of the medical prof essiolL once were struck by the 9"nd of 3 1 had previouk4y passe -J withotit rciiiark� sin' tie were a boy. and I'd trust 'on tile domestic vures I Dr. 1-01111011, 131,8110P Of 114th Iand proper actkm, .4 I've caught I rosorted to art v,I,,tos I:, pluint8o, can be qui ki I-110TOugh 1 y ed tier irate father. in
roice which passed like sudden mulle To lwgiji with, lie looked at least Wil 1v i, my own life." Wells, wkeb Ills epist"'Upai 0111=- I - young scoundrel This BC, sure you get SCOTT"S Orl but, t1lo diNe,41se kept and pernutuently Y()Uo you I."
throWh my frame. I rubbett my yezi.i-4 ol(',er. ffb4 ()Ikl cheery faugh was lit yoity for his trouble, t foreimwe ctould hear is (Ikxxme OIL bicycle, and that Mrs. Ellein I)owgmi, 640 Gerrard evening till@ week I1T#- !n 10 "Vft and looked about me. 1111 t�L, had hard fa.r. t(t u4i him all I knew. Even had I on its oourse� getting %vorse nd h. its intAnitioal W St. E.. has tuwovered the value of tile third -1 Emulsion. and therp. not far from where away loo., very different to -their for-, tiono so. I believe Ills simple faith It, worse, uliti! tile palms or nty hands h hab anilou"CeAl I is annoyed by You imps rIULring t1l"'t A;1 druggisis anti Si.oa.
mass of continue to do go. 110 wears It Doo-ki'm Kidney Pilln ill them `H'ws- bell, and I'm going t4i whale your m" Toronto.
whiere I .4tcxxi xv" 111v Old �r"Pt- !'nier happy briifitliew Sometimes, -is tile "inaster" would remained and lily f ingem were a + oTT & 11OWNE,
and apron antl black ooat..
41rei*A-d now gaiters writes: "For over bix years I smart Aleckinesis out Of YOU!" we wit together. lit, it-oul-.1 rim abrupt- f irm. crack, open sores anti hideous scat I)ut, ingten,ti oIlls sugariollf !tilt lie Zferod int�%melv with Palp,itatlOn Of 11 before the boy �F*t** eleqmns. etwtuill" 4)f grey, whit -11 fit- 11 ly nd Ixt* out of the tiouse, 1eavW9 Itos of summat elso Fin thinking, I then got medicine from Lhe doctor. ft, I)Inck cap. 4be Heart, and ..PemalO Weakne.m. One Several blows fe
I for several w "a "' "' flo p out. his explanation. and wtion littl#' ll;tt ble untouched. My lie said, AfWr a pause; " samillat which used eeks. With u of 7bronto's best doctors attended could gas
.er to) 1*,rfe ad. , tile ineal on t1w t. there. i Curing an Obstinate Corn.
with 1()ljp: 1,111111ve on herAw aunt seemc4i to fi)rg-2t, tier own trou- that were tawld nip to other day by no benefit whatever -my. hands still different medi- all the while. In tile parlor,
Sarinna Brow"Ing. til" BL"Or rae, and I u0ed mony d Iteard It 1,
311141 lorr '44king 10vcll ble in watching ills.. I litt nothing c0u11I John Rudd. Three or four daysarter beco>mLng more and more crippled got no relief, till I uWxl she -she oat and saW an for tilt obstinate com.
Aild �%parklei,tl inA with I Rudd lit- %vitli the di * e. My genera I an(i life -10119 companion or Robert cl.nfo, but - ken all. Aud oil. a few miallteG later he �,4 it ,
11 lit sur &* the silent ternierness Annio went- away. John' uNeqw Dod,d's Kidney, Ililit,. I have ta ill(, it jAf*(* of tipm It, char4p.
�V, r ha,ti recovered frotu. a a&- with a lump b A nild whreh she Ivliteki up,oll livalth, too, at this time, wad poor. 13MYwIling, eight. box". vald ,Lgp oompletely walked down the step@
114 ark- f;:Iw tier lit Falmouth'. alawng i, t1liat -it ('allneii, :1 d t feeling ail in g for a evvry day, for
iing blaick ey4. 1wr erevt vartiagr. breathing a word t)f her solicitude, Mt Johmsop, the overseer.,' and I got discouraged altogetherp Yore attack Of influenta cured." in his throat an it IIIP 9"4 -o -fill tm.,t.41. .41w ltx)ke4l like sonie showing in a litinilre.1 gentle witya her lip noticed m*y adart of- surprase,and believing there wns no help for the an(l has returned to A8010 where Dodd's Kidney Pills �ill do f(ir all over him, anti wi4d thankfulue" tit" Or four days. This will kxwen
ghl'. lives with Pen" Browning. Miss tllht it was dark and a bitter de. the Corn. so thint, it way be oaally
vasu-rn Princo-&-i' She was W-11king: wifely synipathy nd devotion. colitilluetd: toerrible coottiplint that was gradu. re' ol, I - 4uffering women, whfLti they 41i4i for Jilice Ili ufteful f(W
tile fqm)t wiwre I otood: Goo, On the prewn�t occasion we breaki- "They were standing talking to- ally, spreading over my hauds andup Browiling is over eighty yen gra. Dowson. Test th*qo. They'll t4)n- sire to somewhere. nywhere, J remOved- 1lJMO"
w -bide lifor: %% hile behintl fasted very late; itnki as we sat, there on the quay. and nne were my wrists towards my arms. It you by euring YOU. where nobody could ever se him t4ik-ilig gardening or other atonins out
!',airiith was I i - it prevefftA sunburn wid
the h, -k g 111T came to its, faintly warteil over the tliere'ik sumillt ill Ito ha ppened oino conversation Tlv- Issue Of R p,ostage stanip Of tl N and keepS
iat irl, %nita crying. X1ab_ day in again tit(- l(Iongest day he 1 tall. t1w hkin white nd
eye" rixt-ki ii!% -n lier lLvta*nt moorland, the SOund of- the anti maybk� nawt; but ain' tli(, night will (.Ommetriorato the four limidm(ith Buying Tobaccoin nantiago. seemed t, now
i�ark with ail acouaintance that Dr- very street lamps mil(MA11 if rubbod over tit#- hands altAltr
710-; suthlen ellcounu-r hall ,) nn- church belLo. my undle started. lieRli- site went. overseer chap, lias J)ee n I and to wink derisively. Howe he- w:InlliIIg. witich fomt,,, re much im-
I illiams' linlE Pills were uientionp(i auniversalrY� Of th dinw-vary or Trini- soll:16-r Iwo eiitA%
,,. oat, for in0tIVwIt- it ed. nd drew back, ItI4 chnit. Then. say. Ili London. Putting ill coullectjoll with some other caise lit L "' I wliere an
v, (-Oluml),K which will occur oil GiDneral -8hafter tells t iis Ntory: "A went. and straight too bed. provf4i by tlbe additifili (or Lemon juice.
tioprive4i tile q.! ti,.t. ),,,%*.r toth 'If before wt- could wiy* :1 114, geiwd tills nd that tagether. Hugh, my tit(, neighborhood. anti It was tiug- dad Iki ew days af It relt- hour later Ilig inotiter found him* all I of lemon 81100q16 lw- ,erved with
and Quickly r4leo%_ July 31at next. The sellf-me� It," loeell ter the was sw se Silos" ill Ce tlw 1114mit
It -4 vent ijU) U snigil shop too get hin preten vml, an 4,1 ie
hL,4 lint a -nil left tile homfiP. I. -td. wil"t do it all mean?" gented that I �ry them for salt rheum. ir _yf big boyishnem van I I(kaw after hiiii. Hugh eileti my. I was ae ImzZled aS himself; but I llail ot Mutil faithin'the trial. bnt suitmittA'd tO Mr. Chanilvi-lain by I d ---red I rt out in the ham, tile 6'overiwr of gom tac�co. T&4 proprtlDtor was a ished, sobbing his hea I f rom vauKing 1Il(li94*t44)11-
awtv. anti help i
W 3nOV% i :t tint- -atiq ling quickly, "Na stay 'LAY- hstened to amure bini of onething ncluded to g, -t J),)x and- wee what flulwrt Jernin am jwt beett appro and =miles- dark. Even mot,her couldn't
Ite 'tis bettvr to let, 'tili be. Oh, 'fingil. -tli*. utter impossibility of there being t!) great Tritildd, and I V'Ld- fat, little chap. all bows father and tier 1,
hip between my good they migivt do. To nty I Th!� 1,&,,-u(- will consist of 500,0(Xi 'Gof any 'bacey I askcd. 'St. nenor.' him, poor boy! Her .%rr#"%*%,I Inc. Hugh, he's never been the m a n nily illtiniate, relations delight, �ftpr'uzing tile box I found mina- b -a said. 'Yes. Ia], r' fine thbac- motoller, yes, and his fattier and FOR SALE.
since oup .%nnie wcut fra home"' cousin anti tho pseudo -American. Ile stnmps of OP two. -penny deno it or in 'tit improvement ill tile condition of llot time Ili ze Old town. tO-Ilight, mother, too. have laughed about of uit. laiw Murcon. nitfast t And the team strvn-med dcnvn her ltx)kt-,l somewhat In-credulou.-I. f - my Itands. and I got iiix more boxes. w -nor.' I tcok a paWr of f ine cut, and u* roariously. but Ills eheeks burn The residence rd i: -"t lil"Imitoll. Within worn cheek. �,poke nd tier his silupic, oyes Johnson was -14tyl lot use all these, for before p iation-1knownas"Ato Y&4. Ar i q he I did, I $1 When I with mingled pain and humill intite'p (HAAnt* of vitict ric curt. jL'nd ten
t4i, to down toic4, was broken. ish and important person, very Ilkely they were g6ne the disease had van- rh-b women of BooU)n have ask0d th fat rim -al charged ' I rid spectre of it ot'"11 V. liouste two storie-
nofret, I ice to tundi fy mad- Int)(k*t kick atrLell highwillY whenever tolle lior ininut,to of colitm Of cit o,
hor it i -i iiiil**4ib1C roof. Grouiid
tiwb nVills. Knid, gently. t4, find favor Ili tile of ayoung ished. and m municipal atithorit colitaill y hands were as sound as tbe Ma efton book. -Wash- #Lnj N[Atimwd alate
it fit for ta robbery he humped up'llifil bli(Aildpirs loo up over his I lat 4181, T4.11 .I� -'I'ni Kure .%nnie is all right -indeed,. woman. lie%rly three ac &inI&wn.jpu-den&udorchRr4
him ever. The pew . skin value oil 1�8 the, 'ag&illst nats ill tile 'Wei * y(Ai kno%ir front her owit letter that Ho rose wearily, and lield out , law and spread out h1s hand Ington Post. (.0ulity taxop. relean be seen ADY Unle. hat) w smooth and fresh as if nothing tr-atrta. . They I)rfq)ose a Small, `10 br, mid, 'you must "Inember thuw no, harill. luis come to her. 1en the matter. I took. no other bat,. with no projmttoit, and rtami,nable caiiii ower ref unwa "Fin nawt fretting for Anwi., It's Leal mo to' think it out, ]ad. 'My niediciap . while using tile Pills and (Xiels to the City To CJTRE A f,'OLD IN ONE DA I AdrOPP, P. n. TtOz WL wl-rry lKtut it, 4%etorwt. for father "' -mas the reply. "I tlawn't mint. bo fixpd that summat's ratig, tilt- whole irnise of the cure is due Rubmit" ill The 1.^xative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Al H&nliltmi, Ont. 1,, #_ atmiddonett the itWa .. h+. p Active Man Wantea druggixto refund the rnoney if it fails to cure.
whato there be upon liLs inind,' ,In -I I shan't Oeept till I knaw t , I health was Moo I qW to tilem. My genera At thp time Of Switzerland's trut,li. I ha' leepand Aiiieric" H
11P t4w Me. -4110 hei(I but he's tarrible changed; anti what truth. tit(% GO- I To read t1iin advertise*ient and then AU044GE CASINGS -New iinix)rtatione, her litth- izlovCll nand. Chat greatly b0nefited by their *use -ant) of that C01111- n Ex- S fin�;t Kiglish 811i 117
be wa.rsl. lie ixon't M*-ak o't ev`fln to been prying a1hd praying OPILNUAF; tbe population give Putliam's Painl Cor (,4winim- reliable goodil At right prit-ca PA
o-er it. but 4lid- 11-tt t -11,P it- giving nAe; Wit . ke,�tw it like .1 cankftr-worm, things Ix, llawt tin' feared. for If I attended t?.my work with more kod on the Coffin. 11LA(nK%%"El-1, & cO.. Toronto. a vneriCy anti ill better spirits titan I try ill(-Iil&?d 2IJ27 cornmercial trn v- tractor a tritil. It never falls to c.ure. He Knoe __V ail e%CIWI# 1110111t fit t" a -gnawing And eating out his life. I living. nuan had played the - vil- N14 (South Africa) appr*�ich 1wr. were wtching flint ju.4, iiaw, anti I lain wl' my Annie. Lawd lit -Ili, him ! had .done- for number of yearq. I elc%rs. of, this number 16.743 repre- Acto in twenty and untises Tit(- cape I -rcury
Ited neithei pain it -Intr=Ort. ut- luw tile following: The other day a BEST IN THE PROVINCE
I knaw"d well'5 what 'were pataAng. litin from the reach ol my have been -in excellent health ever sented Swbis firms; 3,257 represea tv
1,121, French-; 282. nam's Ctmn -ExtracOr P%trneta untivt- ippnreiitly (lied at Kabuln.
through 'unse mind." or a tun of my earlL and. no German firins; the dead -the nicirn- 14ince f . Tile native cul Central halkilifs!" -)o Hutkgnrlan .2. i-tyrng. It is t1w. bmt, NtOln Is to bur. 1w I - sign of ' salt rheuni has sine't- al)- Itali-iii I 63, A ust r( ,ng tt, Wliat ?" could k-)oked iilto Ills face, I lito catco. but thii mn was kept two Y011 (lid ywot im-ated. Tilt box or two of - - Phik. J.Jiglish 46.. Belgian.; 19. Spalli-A), re -Firut lie saw Viet- drea*3ki aAd ,lot 4_?Iu)Tng the prayft-. (kenests'df the Si4e Saddle. dayo; for the rrival of friends at a 11 and. 11. Opte'll. While pra4ers were wing sinart, anti he thght Imw lily nnie, iertain. t. ill- salile 'time, that Itis Pilk %T i It 1pft, lllluflt�.tl *f -re �tak, distance.
W;,; t_11eY r t......... Bo ago det- r+4L,.l at the gravesida. it noise wagi STRATFORD, ONT.
Air too. NVOUIJ IK' sitting. ly to chu -1 fi-ars afitl suspicious had 81116t great ly Ify pi.V wiM,'and did her -in*( �4 agile brain ciDilturi
on V :�undayv; anif then tfie bello.souna- ill #-1cQftN or tile, truth. - I knew that I caunot-lipeak too llighly 6f Dr. VVA-. The authorities of Vienn have 410- viseti th Mile widdle for a lame prin- tile coffln. of the studeiA& enrolled iLt ou,
i tilt litt alil. t.' , * I- cew who could not ride axtridie aa hen rd, an I r knocking ()it Near I :111 tit#. 11tppy ti:iw cam" brick se,1iid.1l was busy with poor Annif*'r% 11ink Vil.k. reed' that If'.the owners of 126.3s06C ed. and TI%L- niournrs-wt-re grently seared, ccillegejZ nuWde theciO'eonie frouk nearer
wit 1*)or tatl,ey'at he:trt.`c1h tes imolly -to -.heir trnilng (;mduatty�
r. -4rd 111,19N.' T -a lit I tht ueb tA tit(% wanJal g 1; yl) f loci houses will replace them with other women (lit] in Viose cht, tiVat but, opv�npl the coffin txo find themau ot her buiineAw rollegeo Lhati cum. In 41olig if you and .knriie be�-n dIfferont mus't havo *r4':lClle1l. hi� -pars; but I is 11 ;Ile, ri ma thereby lie, lit- dnyti: Dicidentally, this shows -ucraowful Boarti
lity !1, new structures they will be' guaran- 1. en of allve. He hrid beet, in i trance. tA, wayr. s cheap. F.ntr omy
o,f t;etarge tha modern prnetice wniong won IN I Catalgffue
t; to (kne another, lia' I*vn could not y�-t boring inygplf to'' to un 'tilem ill *-cases like my.' teed. 11 release from Uie payment Fue. N%'rite for beautl
ni %%'. J. IELLioTT. Prin(Apui-
%v:w b:ztc'.i .4 tile I,it -tting oil bdth Kid" -i or iiie horse i
r 1`,1ppy j4Wl ; Imit, blante -ee, ..that Aunivoos-*flight any-, '()wit. i, Henry. Chealey.
lad --it were no fault, o' ourn thlug seriously, vv rong. Of one. -thing I Tho editorl of tke Enterprise (ail of' taxfw for. elghtdeti yeam Thle not modem at all. Firat o=e tile Af inard's Liniment the Lamberman's Friend
offer has been.made to encouragetbe pommel, aud then, only N-o%v. T!Iy But though -removal of tumble4owil buildings. -jie - acquitted lite* lit f6l't. nev.,rthelem, certait �that It aild that Air; Cheslev� is a representa ddi tonal
g6- bock'.1 f sixty or Fol-venty years go, tile third Where Moses Stotid
P ir Dr-, Lt. then- wa,4. in a nianrif-r. cer- wrong hati bt"i done, GeorCe-'Redruth tive -farmer fiving aIx)ut three kniles FOR SALE
op 911t, Nt,,Iiq� ilk,. %%.;j.4 l,4,t red.y. or 6, tq4ft of Bridg(-water. N. S.. 4 Ali Elillislim who had bet one of the statkitis o! tile rallway
taiii fft-etionate roproach. was ill sonle Wily rmiponlble. front 'till The of the. tinder -box Pom"Ic - r mitnufacture tolutt Ile Could de a 10,(W serm good farwing lan& iii Arebac, 110001)
* _pleebase on
#krLa1x% %to I wji-t, "! WOUI(i Cut. Off lily I and watclie4l my uncle am. he' jilpf,,the iftmost reliafice 'call lie n the % il- -P which is. to be built from the Rell
) and flint is still cn"ifhl Oil I a, td(h- saddle fou iti Ill opmnaw and Crawfoivl Countieh, Mkcbw*"
Iler ti Id Ill *-if compelled, oil
no ortieml I'Mild to put thill1's right ; N4 -.%little I wi'itler-I a way i!t the irection of laced oil Ills statemenL hnrdiprg or ,k -a o tlie top of Mimi will be TftlemrfeoL 06 V - C -RX. Devoit. Mactnar
'IV - TO MUM r pomimel. .
talti4)4) (or 4'. - N. ve. I for we, atuti I our licrue.; th.,%n I turned my fAce Inge of 11razz was, lor Stilexyo t,114. BWt wtiere it ia4uppowsl ION68 and 1ooii ;1%. At prices mnetng tram
1W i gp d(ymand any ip,�ugiisii omen r thig day use
ING 11be I be -ivas 1101- fort, I 11.1 UAIP., I ing . well gain toward tile ..-tnd wandered lthis wa Norfolk alit] Suffolk. A litr Tht-i 1--tikdo. are clot�& W oil
M 1"10 L . - 4)f it wkw:trdlv, ktl(nv % 4lri% for thL.; prtmitvo forin of lighting is two and t �hlternately on when lie m(wived erpriAil.�., ei,urtches, achoolis, em.
ansioluff to4p.1 *AA t IN.- that I .hall lit'vor loveil lity cousin.. Oil. As 1 twent.- the md6r -grow (qwnpr front tllf� syAtem. A fi-tir trial wilt.. the law. I Ar
But yroo-ellu -i I .. ** Nir j'!J*L Lawd WUl punl.4h her "' cried, alit] trown with great stoned ted by hot, dam climaUvvneh m t,114, right tert si4s of the horsio,- anti %%ill be 040(i on 1161WI f:dvomlple twir-ft.
to t-onvillre tho- most- skeptical. Stild FL y. pierct., A%,t*A 14i
_y city. Mich. or
,ni,, q.o-,-rt tilat of Afrk,a,, w9ere matchw can- %Wtjso WillW4bare Mich.
Troifkwn*-v Iu i i t, -bi t Wrly. - I'l I 'I.. e't r f orgia tier! bould#-rs likt% fr.Wznbpts of the oIIIV` s. the. wraplm--r 'artound' Intrinsie worth is sure to be. Sul IF + 11116%.& Wmm. VU^man I el.
NoAI,*%Itw ro tur 4% iif
S V)
%;!iv ha,t altayed z4liaiiio lik4- a deo-
wrork 6I -son if% past. world; monie'-huge
which earpi thp full ti�ade utark. "Dr.
1106 r"N" y Lya %7V
sooner or later. There never has
Trplawnoy 6",t Ili's Avori% �kt-
kuw'it w(Aild all lia.' L -Owe right
a�-; nieuldrs - traw�lated thither- in
Williams' 11illk Pills for Palo
Tb�p ortinanco survey inap of Elig,
ters upon pursuits formerly
N6w ell, iweu
illy extravagant advertiving of
lawl 14 I 01 Sty-.
k, tile ell.l. Bill, she WiDut wi, scareft a
Some prehistoric erind or wondrous
if your deater does -not, have ths-:18
over 108,000
munopolized by mtsi. But tile femm-
iller's Compofind Iron Pills. uo flar-_
A n,! i 4,pr f I i I I y t w 4) I iou rat
Ir.: a it. i %v herevt-r he I*-. t ho La.*d
flooik'-when the arid wnste on whieh
they will be sent post 1U01 t
Innil. wbleh contalris
ine nerves are still h rsand she suf-itig
headlines. followed by eraggernted
r* -At t1w ell'i of t1ille --h 0o .
wil. punis!i tier ...
.1 trod wap.the oozy bottom of a
1w),.K or siT boxes for
shveU, an(] which it, , cost $1,000.900
fers; from tooth.ache. To her wi, sUitements,
but, notwithatanding;. it
1) i M to) tnte 1wr div-.ty
IIV, I Nlid rman nd put-
t roubled sen
firesi4ing tlic I)r. Willinuir.- Medivine
a, year for twolity years to keep UP
recommend . Nerviii i nerve -pain appetirs
to be pretty well knowit thnt
par*041 witild)VAIL ;I Thnot, i-ther olay,o
1 enroulitil-reA tI.-
tilki; lily ,.It
11pre and thwe fed wilt) cattle.
Co., Brockville, ()lit.
I to (late, is. gaid to be the largest
eure--cures t(x)tliach in a Moment.. they
11arvelloun '111)
are the best It edivine for building
1,.er: vien
hard ini .11luie:
black nq' horned, thoqe that
map lit the-- world. The setile varlen
Nerviline. toile most paiu
L-tite system &lad curing ail dikeitmo
tito z, -xhesi
Nick. ;11111 thell ll will tw
1 haunted the w000ts*af Ancient 13ritaill.
Making it Worth WhIle.'
rrom ten feet to one-elghtli of an ine It
remedy known to GCL ce. Nerviline
nesulting from poor blood.
I wax walktng lidmie. Thi.4 tinle 8ne
lit solitary places the buzzar(f ho-
too LUM mile. The details are so ml-
May be useid offican, sly for all
N%.1& :1 4A)a : #.%4 for to
ei:auge"i gitill,
ere(L and by tile brink of loncly tarns
Thero was measure of phil"01 illy
nute that heets having a scale of
njerve, pain.
whereiiek Kan in Like an Egg.
J%1pro walw at , r**l*wtf`uI distan-_,e
And tiie froin tier eyes
tilt, heron wded.-rl!iing up an I ap-
ill the cond0vt of a ceftlLill-Irishman,
twcaity-fire inches , show every
Theqv is a halvy metut in , -
bplliq4! her. -AMP UP VP "Ab "U- pronchNI. with sleepy waft of witt&. of whom a eWfoy is related Ili !*Currcnt- hedge, fence, wall, ouilding and aten Uompmanion. One *tei. taiiag, obs&rves Youtt's rewevoollyo nd again held forth ,ter INgh. my thLuk you ox&r At last. after a ramble of several Oterature." e,very iNolated tree in the country. wd old ady it iantl that a shric nands witn ."ll vver coomi bck mUcA -1 approached the sea Inargin. lit walking over a plank sidewalk 'A iman ntWtered I it it Ckveland hi-ard her married daughter hay ell kn-(,%vingL (;Uqwve Moreau, the French- nr* hoti tile otherjay, Ilia place �$ itAst very w cuttri,w. rwas but A iass- wht' My path waa now on the stony edge %,--hile countitig some illoney. lie drelwfid . Buell i
Wr. I ,. t, : A W M if my husband iioeffil't do wh&lk U, .13'a .4114- !1eIVftk m e of low-lying -,(-Iiffh% at tilt, base of which. rolled into) a crack tw- Uott, whose death was ree(Aatly an- 'or- remidence am bil py Alf
for ch;t!gt . P -h '11 mou tire anAl m-- oepy e, Minn. H and such a thill.9, he'll filIJ 111milelf
"-I rallip Nick %Ltll which the waterg %bundeTed for ever. later not r guest r is
turn- I'm sure no harm Win happened I two It. the planks. Ile. was nounced, bequeathed to the tite Ills ail hour - hi hot water." she *m it !1-0 liere I founit -i'lonely promontory of )ut, to - and continued oil IllS 1. I noche-., terod from PaintuoAd P (#h Always read), for
I to Ler,'at%d -,tie was lway mu, -h I ot fine ret-ddonce In the Itue tie 1; Iowa. le I min, I L r4 PlAtOed Ill black granitwo stretching out into the way. grumbling audibly. foucaulit, P4qrt3,'wit,h ll Ita colltetRo cic-r-k paid no espeel attention 10 %%ork-lwwer when
3luoi Gral.:mi. t a. and whitened at it&i limits by the Including a valuable. L c-04ection 0 thi* but wlien the lie I man to regis- �.eep 14inard's Iginiment in the House. want it and as
nielit, owle'-.%verie, lbigli� s; i w lit - Farly 'the next day a friend, witile f Y)I]
un 111tor no. Us walk ch,,tiky dropping" re innumewable sea- ter 'boldly Wote %'hite Pigeon, walking by the spot. diomweiM- tile Sloate Dine on the- Streetti WtIntingn aiftl ketrlw& If the you Will
bIrds. 0n a roe k iqland a few yards nt it. Sold on
You." frishmall in tile "t of, df-liberatAdy' should for any reagon, he unable to ich..",aftor his nam both the clerk tii I try to meer 'uti-*.' 7 impatii�llt t"ris tA I)oi'rft of ..tile pro- ituoll thfi bookke he most teasonatjle
1ttic from tile, exti-que, it will go to th eper an to gat In- Public ovens. 'IrC estblishei (0) I n#-xided, then P;twping, I :kL4ip-d Diy dropping n (lollar down . t66 SaInIp. accept the legae own tivetlwr. � ontory sat.a n(x!k of tormorants: . A teresteA While th were talkin IuWt of tolw rmidentlal streeta o( !.Pr t. *:In, I A *' %�, - ft itw-t (At Lite clie-k.. *riw &ibbatli beii,mi 4 -rack. T1h ffiend who. of eourso, niu(h muntrilmilty., of �arls- tertns, -Send for
F4W rang from tile' clearly an, I approachf�do: *they ttirned their ,stonL46id. and &.9irhig il�i learn w - hy. about-th�- que*-r iiame tht had it apaut*o twoph- -cali
felt- tailf, , 'Wa-4 miakc-likip nee-ka, but,t1d not rise. given to some ,,or our,!,wegteirn towma Ad pft" Ma. it ntl bwee Ely. Th(' loo -e I ill through Pat should throw 'nway mnvy, in- Thi- of have their dirtners nd &upp,rN,_Vok- niLY, she. Tit#- qmt witiv wdrio and bright. the 16 dignified -looking m4h stepped up to oil for them it triflhi4z exilm-n tile lyind Yw, n I . t hit A bea it I t:�Pm Wed quired his reasons. and r#ticeived thP ilte w(�rjd hna remrd wR x. r"ently und on %he Iwtven flour.. W -a Calm likil shimfnering like steel. following explanation: tho office, whirled tIm- register am 0
I havo b",t) i . cky ford.- Col.L. ll.v Stn te atit'll wrawleil N. Y." NORTHEY MR. C
'oftal, yfol w t -threw luy-wlf down on, tile *rocks, way. said Pat. "*'.t produei-d at Rto Ask for Vinard's and takO uo othet
py 9, elturch, Iid 1.0" It'was tbi. 1.10 dipit4l. M. r. Trel:vwn aakell. ln(We(I tCV tile and. with fA(,,, upturned to tbe'clear Senator V. It. Silv'ink-, ip- water- Non... . I gk.i(*,- closed'my Pyes. A lnrge.blac�- yest-orday -1 was passin' this wn When wi dimor. . I , Y4, to 5,feet'loug. k3t U winged gull wheeletti, w 11' I(st it nIckel down that hole. . ow. I W61011 Buddhist fishermen in s -tin justify t4 find In k) reaming. over Not- by I ha bca:11 try -Not repli0. "I'm g thick and weighed q8L'tXMlId8.
qw� t-Z:WA- fit t1w boy I know, vears olng. kne. rind thpi� sniled slowly hway. All ranniked that it winsn't worth me While withstanding its enormous Size it their trade declaring that they for 11 Avalk oc the inuor.- ck (Lah,' but only tke tro W led." Site' looked at lite kt*nly. onol I saw. f he;vrd was the low muirmur.of tile to pull -up that sJ&walk for iii Pit.. wav fIxtremely1usclous. do not kill tile of-in't ull,14-r-stand.- billow -i breaking sailly- oil the' r(Y-Xs t1ut Inst nliKht a 9rheme Ktruck nle. them cmit, L)i titti-water, whereupon 1 tht sl!.. guesm-1 illy 4v-vt, for -the o � I . . . .11 - Wo Wlieve Minard's 1iniment is tlk-. I beneath me- thal w)und whIcil dr -p the fish d`c- -i tritura! dw%th. I
.%-i!! 4-InImu. The p, and I ain droppin' down the'dollar FOR
W triith w I wa.4 praylia A:_Incidl(�Ul Jotirnal asserts thAt. jKx�- Ix w, t. 9 elL silence," and has ."Ilell, solpmIl make, It worth me -while." of I linew k� n, t- to) m4l ,10.1Vy 10
IL its frank, NJatthias' Foley. Oil City, Out. far now knowii, the vic You are X4 for the troubl6d Iminati x6til pie who.drink vow's milk re 'more th:o Baldwin Hotel fire. Sall Frtuicisr�o. iiTI4 she tunietf wy. ilif N-gan tceph Snow, Norwtiy, Nit.. 8"Wrv" Suddenly another sound broke upn Medicinal U*e'or Nggtq. prone to - volinuml)t1oll tIN, 11 titose re undoubtedly
1preakfatit t hings. Clias. Whooten, Nfulgruve, N. S. number fivc Tbore a [tit
IV -op. ctiurtish - r. I fdarted. and listened. The or iindeer, -1y - There
St. if I niny my e. who use the milk the . rc ot -r bodies yet to be found. IYoll. W,� eb ange4l'."' Outside. I bru-Ithed gain. It sound seemetl to come from. the s�& It Inay not t*, generally known th-at' the buffalo, the nm of theg oat. Rev. It. 0. Arnistr(rig, NItilgrave, .11 rt, 11711mrs of inee.ndiarisni. caho,.'beautiful', unny tLay i tat-, I f. nd *was tho-r*; - Ili not,hing. more w)othing 'rbr a not, chairgeol. _%16�* like A mermaid sing- witit Jwt n. tou0i of Qm% in the clea;. Otlwr a burn or; 140161d thfill UK' Plf%rre. Landry. sf-p., ;r I -tin it L-; but witit tl10 ti-tl*- inir. I row niiiekiv and. 0'rossitior the Tiirc% Cho non " I *,n the AfrleanINLrKiLlIg :tir. far alvay the Salt snolne rarksi, wlked ii; the direction hito, of an 'egg.. it is o6nUtet with N. It. Which has vbtwol nd not from w and
beft)re. ril W %. th*% air'that, nvakew a bu painful. tawtiie makes it living by biting Thomas Wamwxl, 8 f iold, It.
which the voice � came. I h,cvAtnte,t a* luoMent, then walkett ApprCoNacbing ..t lie - eftp of.thf- crags, Old t1w am a*" as a..Tarntsh. 'and sucking lood. Though Is 'We W 0, 11, 11 re ()w on ths- mmil towarol toe gate excludes the air coffipletely, also pro- Ical e v% rre efluak. tvit down, beneath me, nott injurlous'to man. It the very t -pot w f IA, re. yen re be-- inflammation' Ali -egg beat^n ill the -very si,-tdlov of tit* I fW i e- Pi o#non- 'variably cause tile frort'. I laul first iiiet Redruth. tip lightJy. with or without a litt,10 as 114;t yr� : I . - tory- a quiet 4�r&.kl- Tile rocks tell later, of any domest,
vs. rvvf-rqe**r of your CUIL-4111's bout; a abbath still- - . 0 -ing -of sandy atigar. is it gotxI re.medy in caSO4 Of except g(XLtfl s., alit Welted. olyw-ritery or diarrhoea ; it en&. e lay everyw4re; nd the faint beach. W)me tweitty-yapla.broad. and m ine. of the fa'r o')ff bell.% only ren0er- clowud by the F&II. v%atfirs of thp qen, omol;lent quall-tie^ to lfwaen tin Ili- rr exhlb7ition a Paris Perio4icals,
#-.I Lt* (lei-p6r. rianit-ntion, anti by forming a tran- At tile Dummel, 1,
which, broke in thIn fringe of white stlow
141 be better.- I pnived at the gate anot looked tip i4imit coating for tile stomaeh nPA. years ago a gvntlem" showed periodicals published lit Paris
r think I t %%-ou foam on a gunny slnry� of_vehite pebble I tjl� 10 number at preso-iit, _4 wil'uh
it)tW*tines. givev4 thew, organs n clinee �e. Ali: yon are crueller than I' tr1P';1vPnu:-. T here wa,4nosign of ny- aw golden uriff. 1"tinl,rartl ufx)l) which tile whole. t4l) r"n. until nature shall have -.Ar, ioliks. 01 tile, Ody8- 186 made their firA appearance last
gil,light r re -t, ivllk not - uc6ept uiy hoitge,l to *alk right tip to It wall III)()% jui4 stile"ll as t lie of Ue first throe t Illasw . politit-14,
t1l.- s.,ik-e or tile )141 gzreat how+- nif 4ii-mod hor natiral away over thie din- year. lit this enor�p friesolobilo for inquire * for hor fabled mqtrwonhen !fr airenN m,ight -o. i)r. at the niogi sey. were written, tile ri!maining 01 the wOrld ly)(Ly. T%% ftPace twing- filled wttll�the -aus .fly speaking, Is representc-d by
4ars whipti wi- vwer" boy :in(] i; I r4rught; but i lackful tile cou rn gf %v It' tt Scilier: yrxi will. at. l4,!L*,t. !NLI-0- WhIlt MIlMGIR 01-f-XWer of I haunted, iind -such -fair e'rentj'ons a day iyould be all that pt of a long debate which lind 11-14 Organs. Str ge t6 say, it in
%nmb*s . s*rl -tile lawilt
a ry ( One that absor
b- required Ili ordin, Infdic
nity 111)(41 e. alit 1(iii4ciy i1n,t the Ili Ine, to g6 foll6wing t ho foot-Aeps L in the German llarlia-
tild W tken - I (0.1 livity-napiely, 6. FluftliCial
is I!Ot ollly nip(lif-In anicons -itrqngers illont :L s lwre. You **cui lorflud lady It I could ineetl her am I myhsg'! 'it 'was halinted,41itill short� time before. The hut, foo6L the liglAar the diet, other- h ill 195 publi-
It you will uffer 4Y evidt-rit. goo,l and xvc4l; but I did nd by 6up matters nee dealt wit
liko an oltl fr'-nd. -mveetAr anti more Wholi- ca'rd contained .13,000 words,
wL4e. ail(] tile dinleter tile patient Is cations, fasttlonR ill 13. law lit RN& top talk to YOU holui-tilpes i; wi"I not, *ish even h to suspect thaV I mrinsome than' -illy Merv,creation of i . I kept, tile. Mort, r:tl)lfl will he the, -ulture In 67 an industrial mat -
make ::il* ta here inc"_ f);Utlle Ineeting. a. poet's fancy. Ali, Ati-hison .-Man �* Will et hie
11ka&"t. was mp it x uii rmovOrY. a 26 journals on
tier 1piest,ting uon t1w amd *e- Perh,n4rii she had gone (m to (qlurcll. Lying li-ke basking seal bit t lip i000it- terH lit -,4. There a
-daughter' marry the. of her gus and -electricity. 2 on aamrallm.
became fripn.l-. I 'never em tt, .1.1, m. lioubtleas .(;eorg(. Rwiruth, was Just under the rovks. and Heard and 0*eirheard. I2
rl aDd slw-' never cattle conipany. I frotted " at thp lookinlZ tip at ule with sparkling eyes, 11iolep, a ,,(I will rurnisli'.Iiew a iloUie 10 on cookery, ,on atrimonial niat-
thotught, nd titrne,l ast, wan Everywhere.-Ttiat the modert) tir.1- -If*,)die,vstn give spven sensiblo- reasons aphy. Tile, "Ite-
fol tho- t(Atgi. I np-�er -jmght her, riway. '.%t I colored. girl from Demerara - ters a A 27, on V
I : Lq an extraordinary crea n er., hini. She ia v new I reacti
bilt quite init--ntly anol rrmikly he wo,aty with wrtiting. I toi nd vianding on ilW Water'iR edge ture i. -for wanting to inarry the number of 162.0
M -Pug h t Ine. won t t,*.e*: forgetfuln**N lit a long wulk- 'with tier fac- looking Reaward, was mpreme 8elfishnew; she' th in ks t he very much - in love' with the malf. wVw1d to mttde for girlm, and the ail M-- I . ak eonstitutions'are built up by.
01111 tile riloor, ;jrter ner(" tho t000r, suqh am I iuld tol(l Graham. mer eapec Ia I I y. bat after puzzling tier head day and my aunt I had intended to takp. (To be continued.). and good healpt follotits, the uiw or
In the Worl.-That the taste fo filght [-or two weeks has found only Miller's Compound Iron Pillm. Doetorg
Illaking niy way. home, nil I dould QiAting the irmil I f6ilowit a path two rea,sons one is: -4 I love not regant these Ineetingo as purely whirli led'rigiit over thi- ofien mnur- How's This" dressing Ili mannish fashlon comes to and Wie. other' is. " I tion't Ray they are the best tonic after Nit -k -
a woftan ett,her very varLy In life, him-'* aecidental on her part.' She was ni- im the d'Irection of thf- Tile We 6ffs-r .ono Hundred Impllars re- befoe she ham fallen a vl(!t1m, to frills want tiny other girl to got him -"-At. nepw They make tile weak strong- 4 - - - - ___ __ -4- wayn ccompanied -by The blaek- girl, Mir full of llxlitnew� anti swet-t- for any 'raw of aturrh haand fripperies. or latoo in lIfP, when -ellisou Globe. ts b Colored Illu ation.
1A util one evo,njug, when �tppearefl nOm; hut, my 14pirl y this time had caunqt br% eurkl� by Halt's Catarrh -she affectFi to despise them. iu a Inv t1
one. gunk to fretesing-po,int. A,# to forget- curp In a Doudolr.-That maidens with Letters dropped m*o ;1L box Ili Paris According to Inv tion, M. Ss�to-
n 11 �'_116 as
You ae looking f#)r nit igtitt Aing the one cpbjcet of I y t ought. F. J. Cheney & Cfx, Toittlio, -0- soft moonlike eyes" exiat only in ltre (1eI,vt,.r!Pd lit l3prlin withlit an hour i&ionoy, Of . Ruimla, atl recelvdd a
notIng ny glance.- 8*11-ullam that w1w Simply inip(Amible. My W)III Wo.Alte tuDdersigned, have kno'wn'F. novelH, an4l Mo1J:tlY Japanese novels at and a lbalf. an(I sometimes -within.. Ixttetit. Oil 6_1' imP ting liquid for.
Idon with lily aurkt':i m:tl.l, was full 'of oaf! iniage, which went that. Incatideseento gs lig i inAntelq which
Cliptipy f6r the laqf IZ) Yearx. ail'41 thirty-five minut4w. They are- whi4k- (� lie
return till clume an vvith rite at every st&-p I took. Grace before Clot.lies.-That "I wiah, effeetti a coloriig or lie light. Saipe
6�11r%Te film nerl etly h6norable lit -M Lhottillorli tubt-4 bv pileumatic nower.
19 Jersey Bulls. Jr 22.5hropshire Ram La*
ere. 2W Long English Ber shire -Boars and PRICES REASONAULII�
T [HEBOVVPARKC t 1,,e -I tto t. t to
A a it 41 y1lK for .0 E. Be Eddy's
In coliniwiled my- m<y- 1 ha(l wandereil about a nifle when I you hf-Alth and wwilth And weather te-. cotwisti of lliagpet:4,,ill 12 parta fby to -night, (.wr llowing film perceived. by the sille 61 a lonely moor- -111 buninft4n traysaction.,4 an(] financial- vrear them." 4 parts, potas- ly abl#% t -f r4wr olit iiy tobligntimim ftmuel 1'-,dgnr.,Fratic1s, a -waiter In w"1911t), ."le sull'i'll-1
belle nionde slum biehromate I or In its stead
-Any me I knew I should land tftrn-.fme of those (lark, turf- On the Stroet.-Tha t th-t, iiills. by tlw,ir firni., ire a4fw.ttn ii Boston Ilote.l. ling, by � his* own till- TELEORAPH
r coiniminy, j�u, rertuie-1 to -stiiipAl P0010 which, back the %,ent & Truft _g two frills, one of white ammnium bichroma I to 5 pa rts, y no% vn1f,,v thew. walks light like polisheol ebony, anti are of- I x. ' Drug- Ioe, wit3i black opots; the other of aide(] effort, m.,Wred.nIne lapguages, lit distilled itter 50'to UX) tell mytderiouMy flwl)�-theflgurt- of a gistA. Tr)pl#wlo, 0 brown Ne. -New York Recorder. nd thilt without P.-tLer linving been pa'rts. T0, the soluti are added some REE Walding, Kinn'an & Marviti, N%*holf- YoRl going way ?" I ina n. He vv.Ls sitting on a fragment or drops of a silver nitr te solution. The DruggiA.44, Tole4lo, 0. 64alt r!wutu and tLil 4,.C.F
.f!Illat(Wf4, (8
()I# I __ nianteIg are dipped it this liquid and We give this fine
Mck And lookijtg t thp water. Coming lip 111liCK!y, i rewognizell iny liall's Catarrh Cure is Liken inter- ditious or tile. skin are cured by the SIX CENTURINS OF ORIMP dri-d. Such a niante tiiiparts to the watch, cliain and
her nhoubierm. "ver I
now certainly I ahall Itnele. nall.v, acting directly ;;K�i tho blocd, use of iller's Compound Iron t1ills. light a pale red colo!. which ran b charm, for Wling two
Ili the ileath doiL LzvaxC0I.LA1k 4 MATCHES, .4-soner or IatA-r, but I trimt, Our eyes tno-t but lie old not speak, and mucous ourfacm 6f the sygUoni. Odd Advertisement intensirled by the addition of a little BuTToNs, at ten cts.
be omer. When I Te6ttmortialm w�nt free. Price 15c I* -r Coll Piorce of the Human Brain. Column of a Melbourne Newspaper stannic: iiltraU� to. t ipregiuttin each. Send yout ad
was Ttirning Ill& hend away lie looked �! of i her*- I waA rm my way I bottle.. -Sold by ;Lit druggIsto. Some- learnool romearchom by Itioll, 51ail says. -it is but. -a , li(JUIA]. if ail addit, 11 )latillum dress and vreforward
at the tan. ht liall's Family 'Pills are thf- hr-ot. - Tho Lot tetrachlorloe Is subotituted for t I *W, the Buttons,pom paid,
-4b take up my -iboti with "Why. unele," I cried, thoug nutit. histolog6d, Ili calculating t*1 few short years-leng thalt 600 -.%Ili(* admixtvire bf Miver nitrate, the light and ouf Premium
-V=e other 4stiona They iro troub- yliti . were, at chirch gregat," cell foream of the� humau bra . ivo lost h1m,.aud tite first wild poig- List No money re- The most of. oins me with i I hav#- npnt "Naw, IrLd," he answered, , still, with Hit Him With the Text. mhow theA tho cerebral mass 18 cont- nant grief has barely "icid to will - havo, goldevi Y4 0ow color. quire& Sell thellut-
Op A n i IWL U) gentle tons among y o u r
frien" return the the beft for the.
ftfety. Yet I t hem t4 -J my llu-n,l vertf4l; "naw, )ad, I were in "Oil a Visit. too Scotinjull I -wont to powd of at,livist throe hundred 11111- recollection, when our feellilgo are . I SOMP ni4,xpt kneel anti pray. I th otld uIll "resbyerlan ilons of nerve cells, each an Inoclepell- XinaA a, Liniment is bv Physicialls. money, and wksend
.lay have to go. 14 _t lit. t 4 -harowed by th.18 III'MeniOrI&M ad- CaRle rAlt ya.r on tile WhAte. land, and at 1(' r. I at Savoch, ttxmt Jent body, organiam. and niteroscople ve Me tried W Mo-ak ob I fe lotisi-ment4a a Melbourne paper: the watch, prepaid.
A genuine American
�y, P't I I I sat down yrtr, a-thisking. a mile fr 3. and I waA re- brain, 8o far its ermicerns Its vital rc- A -it Altotia, Gor ny, unibrolla- least ney,
ngetj I I MirMW Lom 0 1 WALLACE.-owIn memory of Sir 'Wil- Hen watch, guaLmnteed,
rmucted I sietect*,-ol I rni.t mY.Iiand upon hL9 i0intilder. C "y ALboilt' the lationimi, but subordinated to a high- maker has been owe n cod to tliri�v
-in bar voilce, auol ye forafewbours'work. zh 'at . r Y(*I'rl� not angry " With nie 80 ( oinf,i-veariti t(yr purpose lit relation to the function Ram Wallp, of I'Heralle, Scotland, Ing that Mention. th*111 paper
minister ni Ire ..ago oars' knPriounment - IX Iftat Iva 0 -)t to ammwin- name 'Is til fr avid Caw, anti t, living it be had beet) chosen by k When WTitwg.
fe*lLnlr Of %vtllc% ber %%,()r,W I the immontal supporter of the I it- brought to njy heart. of the oManoach, irn fac depeildelice of ills comty. who Nvas lad` bo ropli mopairate 11(o individually, though Ili that OnP sent.-tim 4he h" ullwit_ (I, ill the anbe lie wan very ottitive, standing 00- baxbarously inurdored on Tower ate the Glerman Em ror LEVER 1) N1CNT1,YC1YPJ9f) .1,
"I lin' iro call to be only abotit, (,f rinch". He lei clally subject to highor law or lingly shown to 111P of 111 tllc4., Hill, London, by or4er of.kdward of ir girl's fattier ob L8 too I BU7TON Kitmostirf-fte 'Lorvo Ime.
Don't to the lia %Vb)ing, han4111110fue function. The life term of a nerve ()IIIIg r 81twor. No Mot or nervouene*
to me the tftrribi#,- mwrpt whio-h - baAl 's. I* - 1"riglanil. 2.3rd Ang., 1805. --(Insert- 1-11:111g(, FITS a firpt da),'@ uw-
heen vainly trying V -v crimh from il." rne-�galig yonr gait. and lea' I ago, #ionic% may 1K hiches tllcr coli 110 cmti,m&tp8 to be about fiixty Bond to
W 110, lawn." he pfn,if! %vft.,4 t4l by Alf�zandor Robertson, Foots- tailors. 20 Adelaide t. F. rch mtreet. Philatielphia,
i.*&r,%. 'Fven ax dhe lin,l influenco thar. he, Orner, Us, no five million dio very day. Io -lit I rf-inem"bered lily lrjoniisi� tomy' WilaylL the Toronto, Ont. I �`&., for tre&Uw at V2 trial bolAlc For
r7hood, she Infliienced rn 'manhoon. :t fill about two hundred - thounatul every elbounmo Australa4dan."' mle by J. A. H , 1780.Notm I)auw atret
unthink. wris determin-d not to The .4 lit no an. ilie wedtfiri iz -.I,p liour, aiul nearly thirty-fivo hundred V Monuml. Quo. kyVqd her with the mam# 11tt, call* 71,40 _M or I filled My NM I 11 f4 SO I Ailt (kmn by bla got it lie K Inintem to, TwPavii of them in this space of a mingle 'Ili" ing love which hat ,ttying lW1 t wk#ll Wbj" Oxford Men Come F"M. STAMMERING hoy- _l0vW her even while I felt that for h I m, 'lite could ol lite, to bN mucceeded by a like number. t , , all; love might he tit#- mi -ft its of tt) 11 no refthon to Ko nimell lib4 bride on firmt F;unday. Tlw a conlplerU% rtonewal of ()Ut bf .:-.66 im-corded freslipmen at -Cum,. wwwwww" ......... ,�nc h a tAr t W4 ifinking trouble, I tilihik, minister wns t gnoti apai or involving thus blighting rny life. I knew tli,at no bp The 140 Orihovhoidc Inptilute .fore it the human, brairt. Oxford thlo U-rm W!0. or a little A(ldre- I know well why so Mr. Caw matile him pronilw, th" t A - adwi could ('f)me of it, for wris she vf)ll*r" trf tting yourm than nitir, com - front the grvat I-Aig - "rockville,C&P. Foll , 06t Twnryf`041 fr'01 m" ft`4 ti)f' InOOII wnA ityptit Annifv if M). muell lt,FI he would not allude in hii ,rrmon The Kobe (Japan) lleraj(� nil yot ligil 'AAl ('Ml- re y HimloAcd l frr.,m tho or : but, tako my word to .4tjb-r1-mhMl191.The 11110"10TIV -in'? n I yet I ftit all right. nd will Ili( hlmw.1f, his brilp. r tile f t of that a man wom -thall nny..(Ab#-r ottry for the cure. of .j ill Tokio of the n8nW Of tributom far , f vit her (*43,
marrin.90. So )to n After MIN 14-feeliv Apecell. ofil-v w-IMPI I-efluirilla it-,
ack hit& 2 1 Sakurni hat; invented it Fioundlem whoti, with -16- fiv Ili esi. at mat rpoment that to �tr mo, b, Ivw-4111&41�" I" 1`111115p, 110 Jil- lie it folov for one hour, w,,t.-4 lio turnod Ili% fnfd�.; Unvarol mine. it gilil-powder. to suppinut tile smoke- com- St. I it ul's with 20, hll A -ter- ce Irtit il clirg, IuMon of that kin.d. whatever. I, nowwwomonown-Am a` t oAe ceittoirim of xtrangely wild anti wenry It leow article. He is reported to linvc, hougr. With 119, WhihesUir vith 19 -117,the a %r �v lit I Larn this valuahle Watch, Chain and Cbwm by wN 'wen y fa r Mr Caw nearly 8ank throuirli tlo. ret.-ently witite(i upoll tile Army De- and Marlborough and 11arrt I - Seawrr Ing* at .15 cents each. Send Y, . we forwarrtc -Ahe walked with me -is "04 ths' xs-vnotl. %-et in Its iron -grey floor wh"n the text wnog trivo11 4101, )w - wltl* , :Pur addr4pind These Pius eqAt&X#_. p&twing at tiie littl,. partmoit. and Captain Horl, the of- 16'aplece. curious feature of th- *#lr, is a never Pins and our Premum List, postpaid. No monerb-8-iied- (flillotin,ow I think, Ind. nx she -W Fphemlm lFt. 'Unto me, who iin iniling r4-me(iy. it ijqi only reheve* aic e1jil,i will almost sell themselves, (or the Topaz h" I 114noe of the 6"
wicket, irave top hr han,L etiom back* nitil if glir ilo, will Ipm than ti'm least of all "Rintn. , N ricer wto interviewed him, is � gald limW this year in the largo number of fmni imin I)t1t, itivigomt4 the mtoynach iwA diamonds, and has oever before been ofremd at r this price. 71ke "Go"t-night, Ms. Trelawney." I%Ilf' she 1%*4-r again Im tihft mnw little Annie thin nr-n(*P 1rivn to have been much inpre8sed by tt'- 7i -1 graduaWs coming front Scotch ljo%veltj corrt-elp; twidity.nod girm tone an;[ Lnce, thorougbi I fully guaranteed. ."-Exchange. V�atch ;s n"t in appeari LIM ftbi. "*iy; ott 14 not gfq)d-t,yr,, yetr, i uw4l to knaw?- BTAJt's na%vt that, Idea, and promised to give tl� tit 11 ;,omall Col- eneivy to it)(- Nvilcie ?4yqtefll. .'I will lolos Pins t&Y be retumeA. Mention t is part, wrllo�. woat Again I mise(f her hand. anti prpmm-d 1.1,1. it,4, Fl.,I*t thItt as i,;. (M my The beet remedy for icrofqla to AfIl. inost, assistance by lending gulli alitl n& till I intatatitly cure g7riping in the stoniewh und IA -ill THII GEN PIN 60 , Fresh Build'Ing, T, -rot-.*,^, Out, volie. &&&&as SaM 11 4-111111111 0-01". rt
.11 1-V to swell tilt- tota, ILILKAIKAR 0 " T 11 I Ira"
it, to my 11pr, then I dimly rernPmbo-r lal lone sp IV, fill (*-s, doii't, fail 10 wocure 111"* Pate,
*-nt*r% She f-IrAtfte but Roprilf-if musketN for experiments, and L�tinr t j,� T a$ P4)Ut"n1P
6i it? Alinky, I "t] Xure, 25 cents. ant�elng expenses, and so forth. Wtvtmbister Anzette. 4 Ill weall"Ou.