HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-12-10, Page 72
Autbortf " 5fa Mystery of a Hansom Cab," "654 Mandarin's Fan," Etc.
lar, Improved Li,gowo, all white
)r1.,7„lle'60B-SY114Z :M—M-12
Pumvklu Sad-
�%•__,"`)-;rye h
(beardless), Chelsea, Maiquia, Stanley
' {•,:r.nfi,� gn,s w�Y.,�r,�i�,�F.INC,.�'*ff�>�'�Mt,sj>.�'.'t'�t+,�+y�.w?e•.?wi,ya.Q.ski=:i>�dtri$:ey1tY;N�aa',xl.KE';5+3:tH�'$' _
..,.. . ..
Hurou and Pringle'a Champlain Narly
boarded). Wuita varieties: white Vife
Combines the potent healing virtues of
(beardless), Bobo (early beardless).
bn -creek days from 8 in the morning
-dl;til S at night. Within, the shop was
replied Bart smartly, "Leastway
the Norway pine treo with other absor.
ea,' and Mansf bld. Two rowed: In-
,dajrk and bad a musty odor,
there's a batch of secondhand novels
bunt octorantandaoothin
expectorant g medicines
On either side of the quaint old
Published last year. But bless you.
of recognized worth, and is absolutely
sorts: Angel of Midnight, Oomptou'a
i WuBe was a butcher's and a baker's
Dir. Beccot, there ain't nothing new,
harmless, prompt and safe for the cure of
taunting places of business,raw In
about them 'cept the bindings."
their newness. Between the first
"You are severe, Bart. I hope to be
named establishment and the book-
a novelist myself."
Ghon a low, narrow passage led to a
"We need one, sir. For the most
i - �
ismali back yard and to a flight of
Slimy steps, flown which clients who
part them as write now ain't novelists,
i1 that means telling anything aa' is
I .1■■
ttld not wish to be seen could arrive
new. But I must go upstairs, sir.
at a kind of cellar to transact business
Miss Sylvia said I was to tell her when
With Aaron Norman.
you came."
and all throat and lung troubles. It is
This Individual combined two dls-
"Oh, yes—er—er—that is—she wants
put up in a yellow wrapper, 3 pine trees
tinct trades. trades, On the ground floor he
to see a photograph of my old home.
the trade mark and the price 25 cents.
inld secondhand books; in the cellar
I promised to show it to her." Paul
-- =
12 bought jewels and gave money on
i to needy people. In the shop,
took a parcel out of his pocket "Can't
I go up?"
Far below her voice was heard crying to
a same
I le youths, untidy, abstracted old
"No, sir. 'Twouldn't be wise. The
Mr. J. L. Purdy, Millvale, N.S.,
Beccot to "Come on,"
i on, spectacled girls and all varieties
old man may come back, and If he
been in his house,
writes:—"I have been troubled vrith a
everything you told 1n your lover way
she told her old silly Debby. I sea
, t the pundit caste were to be seen
boring over ancient volumes or ex-
knew as you'd
Bart jerked his head toward the cell.-
hard, dry cough for a long time, especial.
to Bart, If you loves me, Bart, go down
•changing words with the proprietor.
Ing, "he'd take a fit."
ly at night, but after having used Dr,
to Wargrove, wherever it may be—if
But to the cellar came fast young men,
"Why? He doesn't think I'm after
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, for a few
In England, which I doubt—and If he--
riged spendthrifts, women of no repu-
the silver?"
weeks, I find my cough has left me. To
meaning you-- dou't tell the truth, out
tation and some who were very re-
"Lor' bless you no, sir. It ain't that.
any person, suffering as I did, I can say
he goes it I have the chucking of him
spectable indeed. 'Phese usually came
What's valuable—silver and gold and
that this remedy is well worth a trial. I
myself and a_ Police court Summings
at night, and in the cellar transactions
jewels and such like—is down there."
would not be without it in the house."
would iake place which involved much
Bart nodded toward the floor.
money exchanging hands. In the
daytime Mr. Norman was an Innocent
Mr. Norman don't like people coming
into his private rooms. He's never let
7p'-- — -
bookseller, but after 7 he retired
in any one for years."
table and stared at the handmaiden.
to the cellar and became as genuine
"Perhaps he fears to lose the fairest
"I never told you about my Lethal' he
A pawnbroker as could be found in
jewel be has." "
said, exhibiting Surprise.
Impressive Oures of Womea Soffarers
!London. Touching books he was easy
Bart was what the Scotch call "quick
"Oh, no, of course not"—Mlss Juno
enough to deal with, but a Shylock
regards jowels and money lent
in the uptake!" "He don't think so
much of her as he ought to, sir," said
tossed her head—"me being a babe an'
a suckling, not fit to be told anything.
Our Readers. should note these oases.
i'lFith his bookish clients he passed for
he gloomily. "But I know he loves
But you told Miss Sylvia, and she told
A dull shopkeeper who knew little
her and wants to'make her a great
me, as she tells everything to her Deb-
by, God bless her for a pretty 4oweri"
WherPrver there is Buff• r.ng from
about literature; but in the under-
heiress. When he goes to the wormti
She pointed a coarse, red finger at
piles, Z sm•Bak rhonld be iipplioo l
ground establishment be was spoken
•of by those who came to pawn as a
Miss Sylvia will have a pretty penny.
I only hope," added Bart, looking slyly
Paul"If you were a gay deceiver, Mrs
There are lots of rensous for this, but
one of the beat is that in praotiowly all
usurer of the worst. In an underhand
at Paul, "that he who has her to wife
Beecot, I'd trample on your corp this
Cases of piles where the use of Zam Bak
way he did a deal of business.
won't squander what the old man !
very minute if I was to d!e at OId
is pere.vered with complete cure—not
It was this strange man that Paul
Beecot encountered in the doorway of
has worked for."
Beccot colored still more at this di.
Bailey for the doing of it"
Seeing Deborah was breathless again.
more rehiif—ts the result
Mrs Wen Hughes, of 253, Hoohelagn
the Gwynne street shop the day after
rect hint and would have replied, but
Paul seized his chance. "There fm n0
mason Shouldn't know, all about
Street, Hucheiap{a, Montreal, saga:—• I
suffered from blind, ironing and pro -
Itis meeting with Hay. Many a visit
had Paul paid to that shop and not al-
at this moment a large, red faced,
ponderous woman dashed into the shop
me, and"—
trudintx pilaw for gears. SCmutimes they
so bas that I hardly boar to
' ways to buy books. Norman knew him
from a side door. "There," said she, I
" No, Indeed. I Should think not; bei'
e iu the
move about. Tna in,
very well, and, recognizing him in a
clapping her hands In a childish way,
ging your pardon, sir. But when yes
the thou
burning smarting pato, the throubiug,
l fleeting look as he passed through the
"1, know'd Ills vice, an' I ses to Miss
comes here six months back, I ses tD
the aebina, the ov6rpowertug feeling of
doorway, smiled weakly. Behind the
Sylvia, as is sittin' doing needlework,
Miss Sylvia, I ses, 'Se's making eyes
dullness and dArk despair which this
counter stood Bart Tawsey, the lean
which she do do lovely, I ses 'chars
at you, my lily,' and she ses to me, she
ailment brings, the shoothig spasms of
aanny—Al were so terrible that only
underling, who was much sharper with
him,' and she ses, with a lovely color,
'Oh, Deborah, jus' see, fur m'eart's ;
says. 'Oh, Debby, I love him„ that I do.'
`3$ he
en from this awful ailment can
buyers than was his master, but after
And then I ses, Res I,' pretty,
a disappointed glance in his direction
a -beating too loud for me year
looks a gent born and bred, but that's
gad case was Z'sm*Bnk
Paul addressed himself to the book-
vice.' So I ses"—
the wast kind, so we'll find out if he's
triumphed, and Mrs. Hnkues suffera no
`'• seller. "I wish to see you particular-
Here she became breathless and 'a
liar before you loses your dear heart
longer. Is needed a little peraeveranoe
a 4 ],y," he said, with his eager air.
clapped her hands again, so as to pre-
to �.,.
with Zam-Bak cartniuly, butinthe end
"I am going out on important busi-
vent interruption. But Paul did inter-
'But I'm not a liar"— began 'P�
it cured!
ness," said Norman, "but if you will
rapt her, knowing from experience
only to be cut shortagafa.
Mrs. E. Boxall, of Scott Street, St.
not be very long"—
that when once set going Deborah I
"As well I knows," burst out Mlss
Thomas, says:—"For months without
cessation I endured great pain from
"It's about a brooch I wish to pawn"
The old man's mouth became hard
would go on until pulled up.
I go up to Miss Norman?" he asked. I
Junk, her arms akimbo again. Do
think, sir, as I'd ha' Ietyou come
bleedingills Fur ns roan months I
and his eyes sharper. "I can't attend
"You may murder me, and slay me,
loving my pnatt7 one and me not
tried evrything which I tbonght would
.ire me sane, but in the end, dispirited
to that now, Mr. Beecot he said, and
and trample on my corp, Said Deb-
knowing if it was Judas or Jezebel?
and still Buffering, I gave in."
his voice rang out louder than usual.
orah solemnly, "but go up You can't ',Not
me, If I never drank my nightly
Then it was she heard of Zim•13uk,
"After 7."
Master would Send me to walk the
� drop of beer again. What you told
and she adds:—•'Although I feared
"It's only a now," said Paul, look -Ing
streets If I dared to let you, innocent
Miss Sylviaaf your-frande ps andyour
Z m•Bak would be like the ordinary
,over his shoulder at a church clock
as you are, go up them stairs
"Can't I her in the cellarr' he
I loving ma she told me. Pumping you
remedies —useless—I am glad it was not,
It soon proved itself to be very different
which could be seen clearly in the Palo
summer twffight "I can't wait"
asked. "Mr. Norman said I could go
may call I;" Shouted Deborah, emphar
Sizes again with the red finger, "bat
It rapidly gave me relief, and after a
I would
"Well, then, as you are an old cos-
down to wait for him."
_ -
time cured me Completely.
like to let all sufferers from piles know
tomer—of books," said Aaron, with em-
"Sir," said Deborah, plunging for-
what a grand thing Zam Bak is "
phasis, "1'11 stretch a point You can
ward a step live a stumbling
So one could go on quotiog case after
go below at a quarter to 7, and I'll
horse, "don't tell me as You want
case, and it to by working such cures
come round through the outside pas-
Meantime I
to pawn."
"Well, I do," replied Paul softly, "but
t y j
�� lees
that Zam-Buk has earned for itself its
great reputation,
sago to see you. must go
t _ b ,S FLv.'bE1k4
res u�. Ci
Now if you Buffer from this terribly
about m business," and he went away
with his head banging and his solitary
you needn't tell every one."
S "It's only Bart," cried Deborah, cast
painful ailment just be guided by the
eye searching the ground as usual.
Ing a fierce look in the direction of the
The digestive system is a. wonderful piece
foregoing i oases!
internal piles melt a little Zam-
Paul, In spite of his supposed hurry,
slim, sharp faced young man, "and
of machinery, but power is necessary to make
Birk soak
aapply made
Was not ill pleased that Aaron had
if he was to talk I'd take his tongue
I I'm a -training
k uaective.
The power, in this case, is the nerve force
of clean butoldlinen Then o
gone out and that there was an idle
hour before him. He stepped lightly
out ,.That would.
Win' to be my husband, as I don't hold
rmd with the naves exhcustcd the digestive
the part. If the piles are external, ap-
ffoation of Zam-Bnk is still more
Into the shop, and under the, Aarlug"
with the ready matte article, and mar-
systrnitbecomcs hopelessly c(ippled. there is
and c! s
aim le. Do it non retiring. Next
was lighten, so Lurk was
ried he shall be by parsing and Clark
y lases and di cAc curRgements
morning you will a well satisfied!
the interior of the hep+in spite of the
If he's a good boy and don't talk of
Stren;ih cannot be regained from the food
Zam•Bnk is a sure cure for cold•saree,
Chapped cracked hands, ulcers,
luminous gloamin,W encountered the
what don't matter to him."
"I to chatter,” said Bart,
you eat, but can be restored by
,.—„,,smile of Ba,•ty. Paul, who was sen-
stove and proudly reticent, grew red.
ain't Bola'
with a wink
r,^ n �, r 9
tJ! 0 A* N'. C �.se �
badfeatelog� ringworblood
m so ose bn ns,
scalds, and all skin diseases and in.
He knew well enough that his appar-
"Come this way, Mr. Beecot, to the
r c
juries. .
ent admiration of Sylvia Norman had
placo where Old Nick have his home,
All druggists and stores sell Zam•Bak
attracted the notice of Bart and of the
for that he is when 7'strikes"
res rl . of the famous Re -
Tliis c. n
60c. a box, or may be obtained post free
red armed wench, Deborah Junk, who
"Yon shouldn't spank of -your mos-
gnat p .,i,o
capt Book author, A.W. Chase, M. D., instils
from Zam Bnk Co ,Toronto, for pride;
3 boxes for $1 25. You are warned,
was the factotum of the household.
Not that he minded, for both these
ter that way," protested Paul.
"Oh, shouldn't IT' snorted the maid,
into die feeble, worn. -out nerves energy and
strens b, enriches the blood, invig orates the
however, against cheap and dangerous
servants were devoted to Sylvia and
with a snort surprisingly loud And
nerves which cortrol digestive fluids, sharpens
imitatious sometimes offered as being
knowing that she returned the feelings
who have a better right, Sieg I've
the appetite and builds up the syetcm in
as good."
of Paul said nothing about the post-
been. here twenty year its servant and
Nata,e'o way. 50 centa a box, at all dealers
tion to Aaron. Beecot could not afford
nuss and friend and 'umble well wish-
or Edni&won, Bates G. Co., Toronto.
to make enemies of the pair and had
er to Miss Sylvia, coming a slip of a
Mr. John McLean, 316 Huntcr Sircet,
over it. 8o Bart goes to Wargrove,
no wish to do so. They were coarse
girl at ten, which makes me thirty;
liamilton, Ont., states:
and lie trod out that you speaks true,
o4rained and common, but loyal, and
I don't deny; not that it's too old to
"As a result of weak nerves my appetite was
which means that you're a gent, sir,
kindly of heart
marry Bart, though he's but twenty
poor and I had severe attacks of indigestion.
Since using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food formnle
if ever there was one, in spite of your
"Got any new books, Bart4" asked
idCCCot, Coming leeward with roving
and makes up lit wickedness for twlee
that age. I know master, and when
time my digestion is excellent, appetite good,
I feel an altogether differen'
frantic pa, so I hopes Lia you'll marry
my flower and maks her happy—bless
eyes, for he hoped to see Sylvia gilds
the suns up there ain't a better man
ncrves strong, and
person 1
you!" And Deborah spread a large
out of the darkness to bless his hungry,
Living. but turn on the gas smd he's
pair of mottled arms over Paul's head -
an Old Nick. Bart, attend to your busi-
"It's all true," said he good natured -
"No, sir, we rider got new booW
ness and don't open them long ears of
ly; "my father and I don't get on well
yours too wide. I won't have a list-
together, and I came to make a name
ening husband, I can tell you. This
Winter Term Opens fan 4th
In London. But for all you know,
way, air. Mind the steps."
Deborah, I may be a scamp"
By this time Deborah had convoyed
"That you are not," she burst out
qq Uter
Paul to a dark corner behind the coun-
and jerked back a trap door. Here
o � �� ^�-
"Why. Bart's Inen follerin' you ev-
erywhere, al he and me, which is
„ 7
he Saw a Sight of mood steps
/ ,/ /�/��/�/
� �
to be iiia` rawful wife and master,
led downward Into .darkness. X;u,.
STRA T FORD- 0N'Tr. � F+
knows all about you and that there
Ptomach trouble is but symntom of, and not Miss Junk snatched u a lantern on
place In Bloomsbury, and where you
in itself a tree disease. we think of Dyspepsia,
Heartburn, and Indigestion ns real diseases, yet the top step and having lighted it drop-
f they are symntom-, only of a certain svccirrc ped down, holding it above her red and
This school is one of aIle largest In
go and where you don't go. And lot
uvr tall you, Sir," again she lifted her
s • ,•
LItwasthlsfactflinrtfrstcorrectlyIndDr.Shoo tousled head. I+ar below her voice
to Beeeot to "Come
the Province. It s noted for the
thoroughnesd o1 its work and aIle
tial r threateningly, "it you wasn't
In tho erection of thntnow very popular Stomnelii was beard crying
rcinedy—Dr, droop's Restorative. Going direct on. Therefore he followed as quick-
success of its studente. Three do•
what you oughter be never would you
see my one again—no, not
to thu stonmch ncrves, alone brrn•glit th t sarres9
and favor to Dr. Rhoop 2nd lits ]t -�tornitvo, With.
ly as lie could and soon found himself
l ,Artments—
if I had to rash the floor In your
out that orlginnt and b:cri,l',' vitr,l nrhul:ilr• ne In the cellar. All around was dark, but
)' suehlnstingnccomplislnunnt:,vrroevertohehnd.
ld:te blood—for blue it is, if what
For stomach distress, hloothig, bitinusnevs, bad Deborah lighted a couple of flaring
Bnrt learned was true of thein stone
as jets and then turned, with her
n c olrntivo Slhblets or Lhiuid—irn d see fail our g j
self what ]t can and will do. No sail and c1reer. arms akimbo, on the visitor.
Our graduates are in demand A9
fig;;Y.rs in the church," and she gasped.
Paul filth) silent for i few minute.,
fully recommend
"Now then, sir, you and me must
bnsinese collego teachers as well as
office assistants. Get our magnift•
�, a irlpr. Lie wondered
lool:isis f_ -
Dr. Shoo
have n talk, confidential like" said she
's in her breathless way. 'Its pawning,
Cent oataloguo, it is free.
that be had not guessed nIl thin.
oftel. It had seamed strange to bhn
By I knows that you
is It? which
ain't brought that overbearing pa of
that', ^n fPAtW,'u1 and devoted n couple
of cera; gra as hart and Deborah Junk
� ���
yours to his knees.''
sttt,uld fnvor his wooing of Sylvia find
Paul sat down in a Clumsy tnatiogar>q
keep It from their master, seeing ilial
. T rt�rQ
L i
Chair which stood near a , lain deal
W �..__.....� _....
To be Continued.
0x nf1IA
Central Experimental Farm -Sending --
• mnurwunnunm u[;n"vn,n:u"n,aunumm�uunnnn
Out Seed Grain and Potatoes. All A
By Agriculture
at the Icon IIs bo )g
aY Agriculture a aietrtbution le bt i ig �,tllto 14��`ts
made this soaeou of samples of su-
_r � r,,�c�i.ldren.
perior sorts of g: a a and lwtatuPs ,to +!s .� ,�� r'(,:r Illf�,Tl'�f1 olid �i�l
Uanadiau farmers for the improveruc•nt
Ago AWL*:
01 need. `.Cho stock for distribution hats _ The Kind You Have
been secured mainly from the Experi• -
mental Farms At Indian Ilene, Sark , � ..., �������� ������
and Brandon, Man. 'ih'i nam les oou d '
eist of oats, spring wheat, barley, peas, AVegetablePrepalalio:lforl,,s
Indian corn (for ensilage only) and S1lnilatingLleFoodal1dReguld- f,
potatoes. Thu quantity of oats scut is tingthe5t6xacchsand! 3oap.isorBears
4 lbs., ante of wheat or barley 5 The
Sufficient to sow one twenti�Ah of an �1
aore. The samples of Indian corn, i eae Simature
and potatoes weigh 31bs. each. A quan- • ° ' Promol:CS• )igestion,Cl*eerful-
City of each of the following varieties nessanllest.ContaltlsneifUtwr !' a
0 SU•I'i M0,- }',ine nor 121ner� 1 r• 01 1
as been secured for this distribution:
t, "
Awake, White Giant, Thuuaand llol-
0x nf1IA
Central Experimental Farm -Sending --
• mnurwunnunm u[;n"vn,n:u"n,aunumm�uunnnn
Out Seed Grain and Potatoes. All A
By Agriculture
at the Icon IIs bo )g
aY Agriculture a aietrtbution le bt i ig �,tllto 14��`ts
made this soaeou of samples of su-
_r � r,,�c�i.ldren.
perior sorts of g: a a and lwtatuPs ,to +!s .� ,�� r'(,:r Illf�,Tl'�f1 olid �i�l
Uanadiau farmers for the improveruc•nt
Ago AWL*:
01 need. `.Cho stock for distribution hats _ The Kind You Have
been secured mainly from the Experi• -
mental Farms At Indian Ilene, Sark , � ..., �������� ������
and Brandon, Man. 'ih'i nam les oou d '
eist of oats, spring wheat, barley, peas, AVegetablePrepalalio:lforl,,s
Indian corn (for ensilage only) and S1lnilatingLleFoodal1dReguld- f,
potatoes. Thu quantity of oats scut is tingthe5t6xacchsand! 3oap.isorBears
4 lbs., ante of wheat or barley 5 The
Sufficient to sow one twenti�Ah of an �1
aore. The samples of Indian corn, i eae Simature
and potatoes weigh 31bs. each. A quan- • ° ' Promol:CS• )igestion,Cl*eerful-
City of each of the following varieties nessanllest.ContaltlsneifUtwr !' a
0 SU•I'i M0,- }',ine nor 121ner� 1 r• 01 1
as been secured for this distribution:
t, "
Oata—Bauuer, Danish Ialatid, Wide.
Awake, White Giant, Thuuaand llol-
lar, Improved Li,gowo, all white
)r1.,7„lle'60B-SY114Z :M—M-12
Pumvklu Sad-
Wheat—Red varieties: Rad Fifa
F -tem. Sa,h -
(beardless), Chelsea, Maiquia, Stanley
and Percy (early beardless), Preston,�p""r
V t� IS117
Hurou and Pringle'a Champlain Narly
boarded). Wuita varieties: white Vife
(beardless), Bobo (early beardless).
Aperfect Remedy for Constipa-
Barley—Six•rowed: Meneury, Odes-
t}oit, Sour Sioniach,Diarrhoca,
ea,' and Mansf bld. Two rowed: In-
vincible and Oanadian Thorpe,
!less and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Field Peas—Arthur and Golden
Facsimile signature cr
Indian Corn (for ensilage)—Earlyr�/�{Gte�.uv.
sorts: Angel of Midnight, Oomptou'a
�r Use
F®r Over
Thirty Years
Early and Longfellow; later varieties, „ , , ,
Selected Looming, Early Mastodon -i i
and White Cap Yellow Dent.
Potatoes—Early varieties, Rochester
Rose and Irish Cobbler. Medinm to ! EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. tr -
C A41"T.
late varieties, Oarman No. 1, Money
Maker, Gold Coin and Dooley. The
later varieties are as a rule more pro- tbtttiiltai1fs�i�1 �5da �iF■rL6ir15atdiilt�dl.mt�n6lillrhllii
ductive than the earlier kinds.
Only one sample can be sent to each
applicant, hence if an individual ra• ttdiurym&11Li:.,'ii'i, L,ni :L'rf;
calves a sample of oats he cannot also KNEDY
receive one of wheat, barley, pose, In• `qdfan Corn or potatoes, Lists of names iifi� •
from one individual, or applications for
more than one sample for one house- successors to
hold, cannot be entertained. Tle f• — r 1 DRS. REMEDY & KERGAN
samples will be sent free of charge t _ "Z_4 l��,®®}�_
through the mail. NC" !�•�'19 c�
Applications should bej addressed toF. a
the Director of Experimental Farms, �8 �pj�Jf�' ';� p ����
Ottawa, and may be sent in any time, ' I U
from the let of December to the loth i ��ti%�s ?r
.��,`�•, } Esceesesnnd fudiscrrtrous are the ea.uso +
of February, after which the 119Le will y/f�+ , ? I ',i , 1`+ of more sorrow an) Fufte„ng than all other
+. ti'
��'. 4 In S'e Lll 1' lWS O
i yes comb e,l 6e t, u v u f
'. sen..
be closed so that the samples asked for ( ate` d
P . ,+� ,4,.•' tu' vicious hnbi;s en every hand' the sallow. .
1 �J�j �ly ''F 'ti pimnled taco dark circled ryes, stooping
Wray be sent in good time for sowing, '
corm, stunted levelopmeut. basbWt, melan.
Applicants should mention the variety cholic counteranco and tbnio bearing aro•
I claim to all tho world his folly and tend to
they prefer, with a second sort as an r i . I r ,
r 7y F t !a blight his :.i .enc e. Our treatment positive.
an alternative. Applications will be y. ;,, , "� ''' P�' ?ax a .�J iy cures all wera, men by overcoming and
filled in the order in which the Ore re- removing the caects of former '.ndlscretiens
Y rtsrt, . t i and excesses. It stops all drains and quickly
oeived So long as the supply of seed ll y,, " " � ziY, It;ll a restoresthecictimto what nature intended—
laete. 'Farmers are advised to apply i , if1 ,j O Ctrl and nerve po ec complete physical, Men •
'``■'� '. ' dili'• For over 20yeors Drs. K. 1tr K. have
early to avoid possible disappointment. i.!i,l. r �-O''' s.._N, , 0aEiiiFt treated uvith trio contest auccass all
Those applying for Indian corn or pots- i a ;3 `�"`�d ' �1i�JIGL diseasos of mon and cvomsn.
If you have my secret rticeasr that is a
toes should bear in mind that the 'corn
b r fi. - t„1 worry ar.tl a menrco to your h •alth c(.0::ult
is not usually distributed until April, _ > '; f ( '+ f4d „l1'''�ioklestnbilahedrily;ieiaus,vhodarothacato
toes Cannot be mailed nn -ti` ` experiment on you.
and that pots .. i; We unranteetocure llCPVOUSDE2ILITYf
t' transit is over. g - r•
til danger from free to t a .r ,tsJr ., BLOOD DISEASES. SiP.ICTURS, VARICOCELE,
No postage is required on mail matter ""� ;. ti "vrp"� KIDNEY MUD @LADDER DISEASES. Consuite.
addre@esd to the Central Experimental ” V'£t _` t'e" �' f� rzy: Von Free, If unable to call, write for a
Farm; Ottawa. Located in Our Own Otflce L.urlding. question Blank for FIouie Treatment.
WM. SAUNDERS � � l ��d i� ff Fin
vDirector of Ex erimental Farmsi' k(oatPr+ `•a ` D -Y
• Cor. Mic�li ?l3aAve., oiaYl �3nisF1/0lS�i o�iV,p 11o't^.bloiL, �i�6iC�'e.
nmsr,vz-,.x-m_ac,a.,-zwcn�.+re�.r,...•.—+.,,...,. •- ., .,r--.:v-.-v;..,.� . ._�..: v- _ .. ,...,..,..• ..,. ..; r}t!.
In the Own Sound liquor trials Mr.
Tooker denied on oath the charge of
'_� r
bribery made by Detective Stewart.
Harry Dillabough and William Lnw•
son were found guilty at Hamilton of
V t� IS117
of taking ballots and offering them for
A new radical railway is being pro.
jected in Western Ontario, the main line
sale. Dillabough was sent to the
tral Prison for two months and Lswson
for four.
fB" � 7 v� "-�}�
A TS 3
running from Woodstock to Guelph.
., '. r ', ..
.. .. I... . • ......,...:.: --:Mau"
.g'r.�'�L•.:F,le ..::_+
!_y .
'.Z- a e19fi.,a.mJ�1q-
*� e'k .t.-'j� Vii- ', � r � ' °�. 4 �[ I% T* .�' �•�W,
� � �w�■mss'
Coleman's Campho-Quinine is one of the things you should
always have in the house. With this splendid remedy handy, no
one need be laid up with Colds, La Grippe, Headaches or Neuralgia.
At the first sign of a cold—a sneeze, chills running down the
back or soreness in the throat—start right in to take Coleman's
Take one tablet every hour for three hours—then one to-blet
every two hours. You will sleep well and awake next morning -with
all signs of the cold gone and your head as clear as a b_ -ll.
These tablets are equally effective for severe Headaclies and
Coleman's Campho-Quinine are, _,beyond question, the bast
home remedy for children, being absolutely safe and brealding up
the fever in 24 hours.
At all dealers -25c a box. If you can't get
them at your druggist's, we will send there
by mail post paid on receipt of price.