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-T tn-� etection or &(enslive - 11� orks. ------------------ SUNDAV SCH001...
V n IJ L ritory bprdered on the Derviiah ter- Fkeld and siega guns J�t� being mount- oNLYA SPARK
UIDA1104 ritory, twt III -feeling and jealousy, ed, and men-of-war lying off Hong It can destroy a city.
but the fulkwt ineasum of grati- Kong am umbarking large quantities 04TI11IRNATIO�%LLISIRSON NO V11
tude. of ammunition. The fleet bus been sig- the Defeice NOV. is. logs. Only a twinge?
CHEERED ALL WAR AL1,USIONS. nalled to split] no mails by th3 French Who knOWb what ytan of
Admiral Sir Nbwell Salmobit., 'Arst mteamer leaving t0 -(Jay (Saturday).
an4l principal naval hide-de-cairup to This ordpr i.s rt-garded ait very sigrilfi- Tjae A*�yrim i . t lit%it^i011 2 King, 19: - 1�-=.:0-37. Rheumatism
tht- Queen, respoittled for tho navy, 1-ime-B. ,-. 71 iliat"-Jer"doeiii.
Of AnOlican eh. may come.
U*1 the Secrll�tary of 8tato io�; Voyria. Nine% rmenitt.
I iah ![Ilia
War, Lord Lanoi*knviie. for the army. HALIFAX PREPARA'I,IONS. lersons--isa, Hezekiall. -% - I
TItere wa,9 a feeling oC expectancy cherib. Adrammelech. Shamzor- Esar-
0 thre-ughout the speeches, wid evt,ry- Military In, the Garrison In a State of haddom '
Brilliant Banquet at the Mansion thing that could be emistruod asan Expectancy. Rev. Canon Low Sets forth the Case for Commentary -20. Then Isaiall ......
allusion to war wits Jumped at by
11alifuz, N. S., r4ov. 4.-Notwith- sentr-The prophetic momage oonsist4d
tile amembly wit), prolonged blKpers- standl tile aunouillcoment of Lord 0 the High Church Party. of three dilferent portiotts. L.Sellita-
H o us e. Wheat Sir Nowell Salmon alluded to ng 11 ut the Intentioll <,herlb 18 a1gittrophi", Vs. 21-28. ill it
tilt- " preparedness of. tile llavvl'* -and Salisbury I it Lolnitlio -a, strain df-buriptive of t,W� tujgid %talk -
Lond Lawkiowne to tile -'readiness of otr-ralt6etowithdraw from Fashod, 1,4W I .
tile milithry lit tills garrioitnt roi-innin ;ty. llaugbt
y pim-teiwious ac(l liresunip-
011 army," there . were. prololigmi 'as Canon McColl, in the Fortnightly have Peavie, trall(LuIlItY and Itliet- truoub Im;jiety'of tile Akisyrian &;,q)ot.
irsts of apilliatlae.. lit. a state of expectancy. Coomli,allic `9
2. liezot-Ituth in addrelbowil. lb'm. 2 -31,
'MENT. C'r alut 9 olf tile ROY&I 300 Rel, iem, taken, up the cudgels In fav- new." atid :I sign givell him of tIW 1pnollliw
1,0111) SALI'SBURY'S STATE euib.irku- -(I
stcong, aro all rtstady. for or of ritualism and endeavors to prove I "kBSOLUTION FNJOINED, d-Aiverauaice. :1. Tiy_- itoloup of i4c.allut-
WARLIKE SPEECHES LOUDLY CHEEREDO I Oum i~ilii)ly greetowl therising of tiolt by are
Tilt- fol Nowfout"and. Tim
-M complain- !' Aruhteptseopfl and Episcopal vial --rib's invaMon Is announced, Vt. 4-0
that i;ome of the doctrine ta Ctl,
tho 3f-iriluii ikr *.-%ilisbury to toast the supplied with ammuttitio:t, and tion Articles, from Cranmer down- 34.-J. F. & B. Haut prayed -Bet -an -me-'
it had tho cruiser Pelicau.. witJi ey ell of by the Low Church party In
Sirdar with nervolim silence, its Ara ani- warde, enjoin the clergy to exhort the -ply-
lw,ti.it whi-;pered th-it lie had an import- 11-11011 118"t e0me to me histead of I
,111111t, ;and grave bitatetnent to- . nia ke. raunition and subinazine, min"s, Ili Eiigl�ind tire legally allowable In ppople to have recourse to confossion illg oil thille Own rCAVGUrv*,% and, ST. JACOBS OIL
Not Yet all Ove-r--Kit-Aeper Vraisc.ss His Froops— 1 -ii -a sviltement Wits important, "The Judi, -tons Hooker" ntrezIgth. -Ba rutot. The king lorayed in k N
rhe rrouble iS InIt It 1101d lit readitiess to acooml)""� tile, the Anglican Church. As the ritualls- and ab3olution' When their con
W114 pteifi,-, as he aunouncel a set- t-ransport, in ease of tlooparture. tit, controvermy is one of the most i li- are ttoublad. th - twinjoble. Tile, prophet ii, ilia wx.-
is taught and practiceli the doctrineiii. N . 10 _IuJ IT PENEIRATES, PUTS OUT,
spap--r-s %%ay ti.-meitt ob! the chief tuffi-lulty with Batt -pry "' H-0 So did Jeromy�Taylor; and even Chil- it is inht-ructcd by this hearer 4of
-%rmv and Navy [loth Ready ----What the Ne%%. 'Royal Artillery. portant of the prownt day, lit view
Fran -,-e. 'rho Premier oatl in Imirt: also, retuly to move to 1:841111"Inli- "Id of the recent utterance -i of the Arelt- lIngworth, thel author of the famous Iwayer what, atwwer to C0111btly. Ihn. CURES AND PREVENT&
-Morte War Preparations- - ko-sebery 'roasts kitchener— 6* No one (-an wonder at the vast ell- It is 11110017400(t they will go at once, 1 -hop of Canterbury jwpectal go --we phrwse, "The Bible and the Bible XxXvii. 42-32. 1 he promisl3 Jai Ixl. x
thuqxnm by whi!!h th!4 carebr of tills whether t -he present' %var cloud dis- b -alone, Ii the religion of Protestant@ 14 in fulfilbed.-Bib. Com.
Lord LaiisJtb��- Aisob Speaks. great soliler has been receivel, es- apl*4trs. or not. repr6duce for Anglican readerii the enforces the 41(wirine, " as I ani war. 21. T Ill.- I -4-ligill. the daughter of Ziijon
zider the strange, of the Canon. It wit, - Ali answcr too
peerilly.wheti we ecow, The prostwetive weakeldifig Of ill(' main arguments ranted, and even enjoined by my holy Italotakeh for his
ti", t t "Iramattv inti -rest of the circumstances J1
garriWoll. C01191"(111141t uIN"i t lie removal be seen that he upliolds doctrines that mother, the Church of England. ex blath:1111 mon't b(onst w. and alwo till jan
which big laurels -ry is pro- presf;ly in the Book of Common Pray- isuramw u) Hezekiah.
Ally, it I' Ily (A tit#%. hifantry and artill
very gyave beett the Admiralty were wo-i toy tile Slrd.-ir- PAvslides be- , have been hitherto cobsidered -,is Pe- ROWED hY HER FAKILY.
1L.' r4or i mvillate armed - m-rvivr vided for by arrangenimits toll"t tile tiri the rubric of TisItI!!9 tile sick-" 22. 'rhOU-A direct measage tt) tit
@Wdlor he te ilod ri
Cut, the pr. - warutia, in which C -bukes 10m
AltOry rt r .11; a roi slot n IILI Is a Iso a arly Roman Catholic ones of 1630
IM I . I cruiAh-.-, 6; denioLd Iky flitV ' - " 66th "Princess Loidw Fusillers" bat- lit the 1 -13th Canon
tkml on th". I.ibloot-l- Nile.— e Paper hiph-litil-I diplonlintr4t. It.must, have re- anadlan ays: tl--p of eonfewmion is taken for granted, for Wit Imuti-stful blasphumit-s.- mid rc�_
C.L.11AILIL11111,111 tlavifk- atith4oritit,44 apri% quireqI uliu u -ii utlent-,4 su-ce"flimy to tall(ML Of inilitia,and 06 Ist c, li rti- - -A st. it
44-4-fille-i UP 1 tr"Itel- theaccuraivy ill whoil. any th,,, story.iti ;ilk-ol it tely,,., llit- it it ' the Artillery ifito Ixirraekii. I -W' is Mo 10119- "The rouowtog doetrined Ill IN" ,a follows: "If any man conftvs his min& him Ilow. Ill tilt. jilgot pil t )d The girl SUiCide WU Fo6idden Lij
carry tmt tilt- delic-ItO 11111!�*40 0 by Sir -r, 4wisovertwowit the natitIon" w141411 of) --
tile liun. % :it dt-I i re i that it liapi ftwiltied. 0 or.Aleitleoil by Military officers that vular have been denounced ecret :and hidden sins to the ministe
I Nih- , whil-11 vollducte!l. ]aim Into tit the danger pollit, WI'llain Harcofirt anti others as betok- lor the unburdening of llisl corimlence :tm,d Him.
#%I#ery trw4worth-avow. WAR RISKS ANNOUNCED. prt%mve tor Major Mart -hand.' mattern lia-.1 reaelied roilotalism, and proving laid to receive k; 1'ritwil- vonsolittioll
if tht- Iliad all outhrelik of war would notit oallug. sace Ind f rom him. we (to 28. Thy tumult in come itito k"Ille A118turn Home.
.1046 tlot� suor� i:4 vote. it XI4Pittr,L;&I, Nol),V. 3. -Tho lonrilli- kill- VRENCH LEAVE F.\SIIOI)A. thoie wilo hold them to be guilt Of and eas ears-Thino . ALrroganey is C01111141 up
It . have- W*11. It surprine. �4nd 0 of M 111til
it, greatly invrv�ijft. tilt. dvri�ritoi-rsiltjthis loort anuoune. W:Ir -am JaU.ly li� x lort%wed'the perjury agalast-their own souls,,ug. stritightly -charge and adinonish into mine learn. R. V. Goill slit-aks to
I " Tile Sirollar 11, -make know"
I r ari.-.;ing front THAT LONDON .111T)AR)l agalast the Church of a t he do not rievea I anl '(ninacherib at; its insulted iiin.-iter
isk-� -as follo" I-S'to 1-4 Im-r veilt. st trtutchery . th,
ud Ill t Vrance. .- ilolw th-tt 'tilt- diff icultie J:&nd: prayers for t1w dead and- pur.. to any per&on whatsoever ,any crilile WILL RE ]BURIED BY HER FRIEN14
, 4141 British and 21 per' 4 -4 -tit. tilt- ltortwnvo of Major . Ma relut 1111- nuty Nt%v Y(.vk, Nto%- 4.-Hvitry \tirinnll V(>Illd &peak to & alm-vant, wile. it f
rt*.t.-am ii6 refrain, ;n.il". 11lak gatory: it real. objK!tt%-e preaence of or offenve so committeti to his trust
11 obil iprellell. IV.' %vithill the flower of diplomacy to e-ohliv% froill lifolid.4oll to.the 7 . i!l fed up by the power intrttsV-d tA P -..Wf, fitui Lhat Mtr.
ou� flit- ._-wrti4pn. Imit it t4p Fill, say that ail) Up x tor y or thoi, grwitt-it gravit,% vircul Cht-tit In ill.! Ell ll.iriij., confession an(I ind sf--recy, tinder p-itn of Irregular- TOMI'lit), NO%. J.
1 .11111 9111,41 to him to tio his ninster'#; work. 410:114 gtrl(bt Kf-bliuf-(IY (-.am&- up tier doitth on
till. tptal�li- lillej.- ljoilst. I It' ill touch abiAiblutioll, (.ommonly eiffwl the 'pow- I Ity." The do. -trine iq alio Jai:] down lolst ill Sirti. Ford'i; rea,
a uertola io.Lnt lit! hits proved it truv ittillk tob!-Ilight iiinang 1p,-rA) defied ]its niamter it) fitti-irfer- %%
I.M. t4o til't. It'lit,wing Chior;ipb, -N.ovr., ;%--Th*,) 11ritish- (1()V- Ith offi-itl qu.irt,rs. that or of the keys.' The olitle-stoll Is now Ititlip 19th Cnnou of tho.-Irigh Church. th -P ON b"
14 of Im_ -wh(-ti Usher was 11'rimaite, '11, 1 Ilia carTyiiLg out his plans.-Witittl,-- titu , ralit. 151 King t4rf t w t,
t-rimwiit lit e4ol*%A a ecoutract I w'- art 64 This afti-rumpil I- rrflej�vd frorin tile %vile -It %I Irell 111.1 lie %vlietbf-r ill or any of these doctrines p.tmsed -Napoho-j's I o-ist Awallowing lu.if 0,111,. of varboliv
lbt,4-, ti#,- I* es, hut 11ridli
it,) sv�o- fo.r the humoliffillu- th-livery A,( W5,01X) r,-w-li Alltbat-wador the�- information sent t%%-tp*. luvtw�ngc-rs %vitli- titree are right or Wrong in themselv Bramhall was Blihop of KerrT. I look .
lilt Hall it IVA t 110,1111 hether they are legally permissible ful Upirit was thoo- pareliKle ik nit aw- fit of depapondency.
frqotij Wtj -r 'Marohan I top till. g.-tlld)iw -of disittilli-Al MArits at Moiit- tholt tht- (;overnment 'luive voule 1-reiier, riig,; tAp thf. 'Kii-illfit it"' 11 %v' o - that. fail humiliation alud Im-trievit lile'ril Ill We I)Wt'IY commend the action of
KPil-if-t mal. Aft ilitillin,tilon was aimp Kil-t-11 I:i the Chur--h of E n I . n.l. T
gr ill,, I-0114-im.-tobn that the occulloctiO111*41-14 hAtor sa�h%g if tilt- Khalifil lifoisWl it a k In ; tit .;I that Sir Willian, I fit I - tilt, moralitv deixtirtment, the Prition-
Ilitti.. Ad (linilurinan 7 t kw - I.. ilucastiin. I atidress ni yself. Cam. Bib.
i f .4. . * 11: a -t ablipat 151Y)110-nioreogallon,4 jv(iljt�l I jI of Ito) wwt or villue-Apro-' hr - - flig, it Ourtfirlwilt It(. W(A I _f ve to ell, hin cata.- ` Aid 8MLOY. the House of 13rmi-
fit- ail lik4-lihh.bo-1 tib- etritered %%ithin ltpl,Ilct�j I-itighter �intl elleers)-and that b-- under thf. plotiv.t,11)n t)! Ithe gre,tt k'R.S FOR '! HE DEAD sigli - Tilt- addremi Ito%% -
PRAY *, . � ! ,'* ',net ""1' 11:1 and Iiv- 29, A ence, timil many ladim, for Uipir care
% K111114.1, t4b lRbi-.4 tile �ronvll 'Fri. I I' akii 4k "in the yvar 1838 I'lle legrality 0 t d priewt-b" vertt; to -Hezekifth. kfter tw�, yearki of Marg iret Kminody during her many
fl:tir. a % i. -W t I allA,lit telk Th1p; orfler (,.( 125.- AllouAltt, lit the Oredial-itances, -m-li 'it I t it I," a nil ti -ri I, ) ,
- 0 hig lica." wi& eimugh tA, calb":tM 'lot ju'dali would resume tilt- ;went,o%
4willi�lg till �tllv 0 - I id wa.-i decided Ili
-1 p;V 011 R I gall4,11s. aliliplilit*4 too Itivil-ly tit it t -w Im-r-iLqt ill an Ot-t-upation. which not fir*, ulmn, him. Tilt- Kit I Ida repi t. pmyer.; lor the det lurch and Br4mid
tile Allizlo- (I fig-oll mus-
tA t L .111i _i-.ty -tilt und do t rit two Briti-.11 It-ld It )lily th Il:gh of husbanklry, which lift
woill-1 oIll%. vi -ti -t -m nioney Thi*4 wim tho %erdivt of till, jury euit.
tacking I;im .&
Fxqo-,,A foart-44,4 fropratt 1xii-ri-Is iin.1 %%-ill requiro tiwt-r wetus.- some bad.ad.. Vivkvoil the som od the afftematibre by the Court of Arch&-; &-d by tile .%amyrian war, arid thl
irs hbr it., transilk)rtatiton int4w U -m-70 harm. III,&*. I ail; (me ".dlog" ilam In the Paw of -Breeks % a. Woolfrey. (huivii I.-irtits, but the Church of iellf-I by (orouer(;rtvg Iamt even.
lut-,flit be t1wigrev- (iortloit, a id Iwon killed. whil,' thP 9. no &ppeal and AL;;giand her. -*.4. wlwre� thei!. is till, sign of F1119, tAP rtloort. fort Ulf, 4leath of Mug.
tominulli--atit,il th., Azg. Viet %�ils 014 it Ilig1I,;r 4U.
M11111 t reply fimfen tiii,, alit, -,rbo. uk.. or the distilled ,41) i r ils 1)11� to. .11, nalwo-I woul(l otlwr "dox 10 1 nl(41,Kit..ht-ilPr, lit. wax, 1 here wa. liumu of 1-.ugland wI01-fl Sir WMI-im iILg_tllj. rc%Wratton of the 1141ti.oll.il
'Airel'Ir" �1.1 11, Is li-irdlt 13P vtherWl-� , -td 0 W" 9W Kennedy, ahaA I -Ann L*wlie, Uw
thuA ,pr,7sr*4l %%ill 6- ill tit#, ail: ot-Artne in tilbiled Harcmrto champlollAP It "Ins to have - yi �a r ... ... young im-4do.
'IK';k- lIl%r4t4,'Ii- IlAI% toirt. olt simplit-It-,*4 lolvolv-'er. 4or %%wel, .4 coventint.-Illb.. (out. This Tile jury, after %ie%.
Chro'b".1"It' - tot :.Ilj)w t h livio*10sa %tbidi will Il :.N I alooput, to kill. -how,; th it the d ine thall tile kind ing tho rem;iW4 41 Qie u -, .
%% I think, tilt- I- reir-li 16!IptlIlIil- 11:1N beell, lift Wouli then wip:- olit tile, P 1:4.11 11 tiv the ilrst peayer book of Edward tit) murt.-rewt,611 to s0al wcond ...... third-Tl"i4ll t:.(- morg op -it]
thit �ttory 1 410- 1!,.Ntiilb4I Apiritpoi i'4 40111. 44f tlloi� iiier It-
k:.f I� uniformly ioii It4l. lk)-th of tbmw Iotti:rw .1111 tilt threc- oil- whi.-It tho of Uniformity lvost (if wig._.Ix wliich, according to the ell', lily and 1(ourned to polaeol- headquarteri-i, where
ing furltwIr. anif tit it it I,* 4,111N,4 , All re"i & had been overrun by "I nN recei ed.
% co%,&TRW� EUSN "botol' E ffigs aro wtil to have hvi-It vit, it. anction*A tile second book, tit - 1pll(N)!men. could datice oil tile up the teatin y w v
[411 INt' 110111hli-�Ile,l i IN 1) F D" wh It a, the people of Joibruwtlem Hilut
I !t I ilia irter o% .-r MARCH.%ND lIbI I it L). toy, till- :-4mL-i r'.4 '(off iz-i t I-;. p4pintaA a* zwedle. The fao-t is. Sir AVI I - f alls, they shrmild flu", Staff Jw-.-poutor Arvilibbald knew de.
We Imp V011ii b;I 411.0�111 W111.1t I IWIi 4, -stampe-41 its val. This must be within the w
confirined it ip, obvifts t.-tkpn as the"Rulptige said, -to express lLim� Is a kind, -good-natured niati, and produceefrom tile previous harvoi-Rtto veasief quite well. slie had applied to
-it opillion lif-re will' IN- A lieve -eral of-ca.siong wheat
klerob,1111114,11 it Iktws thropinkon th.1t i Nov. :1.-Maji-ir Marelimvl,'thoi-� e%ery 4;()Vf If this U. lit I think far too well (if him to b(- wrve for thoe first yeor.
;tb,%erntnf-u1L ought too #teily trl*. ;%4)..v v4sminander of thi, I.,rol-lich .4-11w.ditiol tit Will, rthi- sontimentj of the majority of the him for ititt oil wn
ill tile I-alill. INWL04-11— 1,M)Ivell. thatt 11 Iillf '41), at-U.Ile (flir-Overy has been- t.hlt his truvuleiit, rhetoric represents W. The. renulaint...sliall ... tikf' rixA_ she li-idal-m-eii dtwtitut(- and ill. He read
if '.t 1:4 Ityligrue at Faishot0it. 'arrivott lit-rol- at 74-p-eltwk I of thl' I'll't I -Irl I iture." The dor
lititt4t 4- (Clit-t-ribi. w that -I Frf-it-vii agent offered' protev- Viu."Ilt, IN the tkr.trtiie of tile CIluYVI1 ttA!r frionj Ilm W. Kelln"ly, tilt.
ill'S NirIvtiv tile Maj,yralp- Y -1, by all representative An- It is rez-al ftwthigsi, Not Vital. s your corn shalll take root in tit,- ;a If* hi:*h waw reeei%fNI ill
warvl at 10 wor o -f the traiv _th,i- I lklust 1140t In- �1111411-rsvm,ll :Is satinIr t1m t4) th*,, Kit ilifa, while tit(- Fr( li's shwerity. Flo is it convillecd Whig- tpil. and bring forth. allot -11411111418111ti-V girl'o,; tuothoi-r.. w
, I tliat all caivsys oil. v4oittroverriy - 11;overitanent vongrattilati.0 the 11ri- j
r.,. 1:41. .7oli4b%. 30. Ari li-an dblne!i who have touched upon to ;I lottter from (3def Gramett,
rtit4v--1 fiwt%ar-1 Iva % :4 1 ig 4:4.1114 1 V 1 -11. Th'at is 1141t ?i4)_ Doubt- 0,411 1;overlullellt ()It .4 VkA01-Y for tile it, -lut-lutlin% sn,-h nItoilerate names till 1-11-afftialt-th moqt lo%vless fc)rm (if multiply itsivif, No ishall thoi. 34.wiA; lit Augwtt :ixkitjg if ti,t- girl would lit-
IvecoijIlt.; tild. p()pulatio:i shall
hats st-eks awl luinttkt�rvhit-fs, anif &-.Ikf- of vivilizatioll. Iig�oi',,lf lu. i�ill forgko n3j for 4 It %%,4-r#- allinit home. Mag-
thi-re towill I*- in -my di&-timstons n!IlIjI 1ipp Usher, Jereiny - Taylor,
% Ill tho. (or humall tlu� .11,41 tit' lk-,W)platiobith oovasiollf-4 10 tile
V.ive Marchall't. I'll#- lat- Ing it, rolx-rtAwy Y gliA w Is %f -r%- at 10tv thue. 'Ilie inoto
6, r* 144-tw-04-11. tax -iltat .1 S4.111ew,11:1`1 at-11tv 1114ittop, of �Tomllne and Isime Barrow,
in I,* bill 111:ft,%if bi 15 t1w. ti*r, %% hop w;lS 1111101 1plea..4.11 , .111,41 olaiigii-notis ralis 'i if TOASTED TRW LIVING. tile Itsartic.41 lirotag0nist against tile I it 48. FOr inywir; illy 4m it tastA , 's d1 I sword W forgotteii. - Clarkv. -IT tlil r's I -tti-r wa#4 re;-et.e I with imir-
t 4 Illoi-114 at . Ill— of el' Orati, ward..".rruit uloward dof 1114110lit.1kill 411141 muriww, Ilby
ofiffvrvii'Vv.�- % i1vil .4-1-tinvii.117he Broad Church. party i tot I Lt_- 5 1 a. tit- dit-4-4-tiffil. , a 1; -Sw
-iwh -4 - (*611fiellill- thot Inimiperity 4)f tIN' MAIL: it' taktim"
oliplo)- , -tD-iy al -A) lie .00.1 to ds notlVocates ritual, tltkql I fail% , lwari'rthi
f- bar at it lit. tll*41%� 40ff t4l 04 FrA I 1�1`11"t,11ENI-A-1� Remarkable Scene at the Death-Hed of ;1PIr.. V -1 11 r st Utliq jury. It rwid an 4ollowx:
Illatil. ngeikey amil *.-itoori- r1wo-ritig. I - for tile of 41JI11% two lot -r -soli -i ill the "11010 ro(ot `t!0WIlWJirtI It. f. itil ill It I.- Mbug. 14itli.
r.-It4u.m. ill,- fill, %1%6, tII1-4.!jwj11It a Formor Canadian M. P. yf q I
_tlw 'Ior-trlaf- of lorityerA
Tli:. Fri-itell 41(fiver, w [14 1,* Is fierliveal Kito-111.111'r -i rol-Illy_ -Dealt *-Clill"Y's t-flurn-.tA my iir(.. I wdowd giamy have ait4l thm liea�rs upward tliv frjlit.-� 4pr I P -a 1, maggit.,-I 410n't Want you lit
fi�x ilpail. %V
1161l't i .1 yea;; aper. in It I
-i gilt. artivu. .110 bill-40wrt,41, ";Ii I I - ;11111 lJ411. ilill"llitAllt. ago, .1 it,
V. W r6te, -.9011 .1%twid-defteii t4vw-, if IllY 44 414'tY' rigtitA*tjouw.itim-.-.6.Heiiry- 01 kf-�_ Wilf-11 you Willet, IWM . $-OU -414ol
I Isd h4ow too i!p1Prvr4-1W your aul
141P 1-o 1111 -It tlo"- till S't iliti 11 , tit-- 110-iti, ot thp doc which WaN but. fitfr vlay .11, Tile z!-aJ of tiw L(Arbtl I of 114 ostoi not kngm
tr, I
lati-pologn., the Inati iv.ho 15' )()U
tatION't. that Frallvv_ '4111.1AII6 SU -it 1111-i Suggo-mtkon ill the Von-
twor-, ; - -4 -'V� lot i I t, :114-1 111,.. nw ii, lourchnshig 'allil lx-alltif�villg his .011,11 A :ohimid vs;wshh,r any- -11-lo alone who has ::If valitagf4t., :11141 1 "41 you- Pao inall�,
a o..! % -lit- I I blisheil t4billi tioto this
.114671111 rilroa. Ill I% I 1 14 V. -VI t-1 Pu I -i lie' i lo t4mm. You nlouw-wl ine ill returii
iM W11 11i lit tee-nallorary I i, I - I -. - w tthe I unAler to'bek 64 jtlilw Up
March.titil. %% 44--m,, fit- 1- 4:1 it I It -1 401mid i-ltoleo.;'l Icilbe., lonpix-rty at Rkmwit.4 VeInt. owl, %%-.Ito wiro-,ie #-vf All,- mk,an.,,t -f. tilt- crei,itures -it His
Jam S Know"�, -re too it ; Hit, is k.sallitious for Jerutailf-in with thit-refore -you umV #-.t�iy %%-here y(ou
aot an aft"ni r 1 4*.;& ill t.irs- l:i4bVeItI*-Ilt.s ',iti-lot-lill lljl`)�l OW e4litorshii'b' of Mt. if mv, icit'r oif uttloolmlarity %vq
l4p%ol-ruinviliv 44. %% lilt-li* Vitfit,; , till Pa'rAit,r a lid W e.pubilihotl f I r;ght �;l an-- fro, III defemlijig nwil wli(Ap RTP,Lt k4t1dousy 4zeell... i. 14), :all,] will irt-. I ro�-ljy, doi-'t want, you heru,
;,,-ro I Irts'T lit.,41 I It at the ent
It ,a rf-pitt volulne, -of sermonii ell- -a, -r to ty, s it ff I icte I We �k> gcNpl-loyt- or o%er.
i �!,gs him t4 a tit ir irs on . � �A t 't-110% d .1y.-Ig,liA, Ilk my lore to �-h. lit itot suffor Im
mrs-4. to.vilr Ill Oil r- I "L ro - Hf -re -I it I Herell fte-r."
aic�,nory ..L Was 1i 1rin.-f i I.% III- -MUNITIONS" AT HALIFAX, i -id oii-h(a- ze.d. If It ".mftinioes out- have reastibit to think oursplve% till- lit* W. KennedT.
zaisiug tilt. i i Ift I r .0 1. JtLm tlf,.-refore, that the doctrine (if "Thft girl tol I m,,," wild Mr. Ar:-hi-
ance'l that it o.,14110%. wfit WAR prayers for thedemad-k Lilt unt each- I lui--" di.-wri-tion; Is avini.iV-4 by 1,)ie worthy that (;od eshoUld (to great
n hald, "that she was sure her motlqw
I t -kl I,* I i -F 14r 114-t-. !t lif-r-
*: for miff., ritig mvn an(l thiiigs for nis, but Hb-z'olown z 1
if, 114. t I Ill itl^ I toll, hltOrVii , eIV tke ' French table (loctrinti of the Uhart-la o En�r, (of God and pit4 had W -ea influeurf! I to write thorlet�
1k, I .3blin- W(;m!1n. .-Ibid. ter lit her 01aggi0i) brother.- M
tilt.- Fre.itch land. form" them
4.4 re :i, lbroteeta Pra w s,* -.vi I it Thereftwol--Becauw. -ft-h4ovi0i had
luiwt 114 pt - tw� 11� -I go.t !, !t :4.11 . , 80-r 44 i'toreign Aff,dirs. airt tilt, Mar- '111"ItGATORY. 32 91- woul,l Iliot believe that M rs.
1111lis -f Salisboury I' irst to, iii-tt-rilaiiL"i AA) Julfill these loroniist%4, ned y wou I I tre-it her as slit, did.
111INt. ht tilt- f.
rf.t-. %41 all 114-wd whiell 11lay Viol- Rifles, 'all I Ilia. xxxvii. 30-32.-Ak-xtti0*-r- Noilto
it f: 11 -two. ill A I flecivy Guns dflq Supplies :.,But I)tLrgaWry ? - Tit" MARRIED TO TEN W01W A 11.111111b, W 40f gill , friewl4 ol de-
Impara Ito-#- ,f ItA 1!19. a- 14 4.11, ka i.dl ill t I. 1141te. k4, tho. 4411 . 14111,11.v- '44 tJIf,- t%% f I Churo�h l.111WOUbtodly condonlins ttic copult, unto tills eity. 'It. V. He witol at ce.iwb,�I, hove twitribut-oll Litom.ir that
Afrivnn affairs. C4milt Ntlinoteff. lite Itom a an Libnalt. about forty mi" from -htru- tilt- girl way IN- liburioal lwi%ately. jit"l
ly article pdblWied before the Tridentine
64h doctrino (if purg tory Ili
Quietl Landed.
t., tewl t4l, th# futieral arrangemeut%.
J.1 -USpe L tutleill, wlIf4l .4. last heard for him. Undervikom B-ttf% and Dodds wIll at -
i 4 or, reloof Pru.4 -tit. S Gted of Cm
NI: I.t' proftouncomont oij tile sibject, which 'Plicity ill the Sud
hiji ill gvKj A
d liva I tit, ;kwk lit. XXX%
1.*141 Fra lori.% alotbout ;I riip- .11 il:1111.1 %. \.-,. .-I. Tho. Areltgth 40f Iloolitll or :-i% %% vi -k'. They art, 4)f the, 64 tloeei(k.411y. moderate. fltit to coil- illentioll It r
ith I -Iii th'i"at tlld-� lit# 411-111-14mit, lirdbvl- " 'I twvll - in-, uItAst 41vAttlitith v tvi".. itlefulling sh, - -! I den. Diatb ull het,
f I� Ilifil � 14-1711 L 11AS virli tiew I ino of pur all til:s city.-47,atu. Itib.
fao- :11141 a 1.14 -tit I ...0111111y. 4'r .11111till- tilt If t a parCicular doctr nwarer tit
vrwtsel, , new -foi.oet.4 -instriti-t'-i. aill-I 1111111 antf- J444-1. .1004�641 Nbil-14M.- ga y- iti Ao imply a permissible (10pe- .$ - '%
X1. Wit -turn-". iz%
.,Irfalr. twist I.-; tor. LN EFIRPTIC SUFFMR
4. 14 tilt- yfi4kt iijilmtortillit part for trille. L
ff IS I14.1.-r*i,Iv limi4irt:44, cobf, t4mc tof I-ot m i to -I lift ell, for Instance, ras Mr.(; lad- 09, 37. A ebomforting aissura i t4
Yt. I-ifit-9 JtlVP 104 -I'll er, VX
4 4�4.d ll�nlwlf ;I., Ioving intavii grati- ILI 'rowont loreloarati4411.4 4s tho se;,di-14 'Sto-ite, rw.lowillg 1118
%Zar'.-i p.;-- m;v*i,f#.,t-,. :,lilt I., I j 1101) llut,l HLLDAW CH! ,AGO FQR BIGAML
fit d nt th,- kiliol"If X-, Nl-tf,%v it Iiiin 11V tile 1 itachf-rib had ginie _aerooI*; tit,- II-)l'Y
lit gilt th-hik that it �%lild 1prt-m 1-41 Within I t1f.. I lAt twoilk lilwiths. lilt F11411111- F,1Igf1-T1IfI t'),' 11.1liffiX A1141114-11-11"Ill"
4 lojewes its follows: ".Thi) C.hristiau.
NOT lip
1 14--tish obiring Ili.. Isotirm.-y Up known to eltizf-its. Tilt- work ilf r 'Its Ullicagdo, U-61 N I tell 11ri4k-%% e" Lanil Vo tlw% comt.
-via mill rairiag—'. -itivIllififlK progre"mi
0#T;AatiotdI- ojo_�.jr.- Ill tit:, 4-11- ;1 r 11111tv. - a re in k whoill leaving or tiob
I.I.; 11,111K -11-flifax- or any entergeit.-y that A F�-ulon Farmer Tells of his Re-
)I:,-;! *.It- 1.,4. al ipotIiitF-r':k,1iII 2.7-p(,iim6-r tAol4-4$. .!allot o4fat,(�; t'kti
4'.Ixt if f I lArlsow-r of in 'lay allasotib. ;ind
I:X PLA NATI4&.\. llri%, arlic. has 1well Opilig $)It 1IIIi,-tiv itttp , two wollielt fArl"Til as thi-ir liusbarid. ltk� lieft.-Rawlij
v:4,t alolv-ar t4o tlwt�k-tirmg giiiis. Thi -re _rv-tl b:4wccn d0ath and resurrm-
:t4.. I %ol-ill &,ft-uti- j-'1111lollaw'. 4XIL the
4, 1 ,1 it o. X I efisi % 4. �-4 .,I If'. has b(.%, -u ass �tlie original of
t.,It-+-*I t4-t%%fwytt l'r:om-v ;uO l-'iolizilanot. t nipiillly. ait. pt Imilt1:41 gim -enrrings and antiminiti4ni tion. I" ll,Oasolmbly tit-lievetf- tts be thoe'i markable ure.
1, )rt Its arsvitals havi- IK -&-ii rvloll�64islled ;a plocturo forwar" from Whimling, 1. NotAwit1wtan-Plig all Ilezeklah 11 -ill
.11'"nis, %vi I -#%s�sary ittavll-, oorroboration of every good and holy
It im li;01%,11 ailt Ip -ri t at I tit 'tilt 411-S -+ v. . tit 81,11 i14.4 -a Imoilditi-A.- (if
W. Va., as thoe likeliest., of .1 acub i
toi*r '(;4)%*,rn4or 4-f 4':ti*, rip't,ill 1.01'ral th., 11.1%.tl rho-, uns r4,,-,tjw..A 4-arriapres i tg+ -.via tiui�pffnm_mellt of all re- dllillf- t4lb-71"Ilt it it'
. 11114 itits- 6-1 IAN lot its IiprN ha%f, AAk)llph fluff, who is mutioqk-etood oVcoml- .14414 ova At Regular Inteuvalls He Was SubJ*ct tO
ro that tlit- i.ortivir 1411- 1 .,+-... tlto� rifif- t mat + Mull lly 9till-4 4of tile lat- m4 of jannai plicity Ili cauaing the death of lbs. Bar- lifv-v (owli 'Nake-,0nC o the
for to, tit Ill4pIIiIIz.t&l;1 4-f the Ni,rt;e Ill :11111411tifbil tA) Tho great Anglican teach' r., Told HIM the
-A i-mittt-rit. iLN ill t1WI , hen P'll", and L)oci.0
Jacob,-Hoh.- Tho. prioner is known few hours ill tilt. world's llist,(kry
%lit rivan and Itioli-iii ,quitilrion gull varrigs-14 tind 8111111r,1111tooll uW I t f
rf4I`-r-!4#-emtary fool and atiolitiorbil- that- (ioctritte _,ho surely the at the , Briiiewell as Martin Doty. tilt.. (_1l.;t4iKIy 4or t.IN- divism) revelation Trouble Waii hicurable Now F'ret
.11:01 wllil 1W. .1 311444 It -t -hit li-� 411octrione of renoon and charity. -The.
foThs- 14 it
itIt .- febar a tlIlnwitlili.% rift4-Pt, of, heaven or bell clooing tile picture was I wr fre iiiiiieriled.-Huribut. Da- From the Malady
oppoo;ito (k,)ctrino The lotter in % (
roi�wived !3y tiW Chicago police atur- vI-,l%.- sak(-Not for t,114- saki 4 14
t 4 of V ill - 1':14-Ifif- 31141 t tile alliffillititilon shi-its :It if th4- ror everybo, ly- at t he inotilitt, of death
kof t . . Lielity -4ay- and -was s;ignod by Rev. Herman Illoorit,.- &It jaecauw or tlw- promise (From uie Warder, Lindsay, Ontb.)
a lit] h-r ta I ii-�' ;I itil wli -iiw;i t III l;!tli4-at tilt- Queen's whrf. i N It t-'% v' a g4 it (s bor hif ti A P
119 9111's hi more refiponible' for the,.itlft -Iing,- who, said -that nitutle too biln, alid 00 COW"I'Allt- ill#' Mr. Rob!rt McGee,_,of the, 411 coa-
-fao-4- aliv ltol *all h4*qtii4- Th# -so- not, ntm-estc rilv for f 4-ig t':.Iil- of' the day thilaTtany'.90or-catiol - Wheit l
tha t 4.4,11.lt- Af, I fritt to iv. Nor -reles 44 Davi4. 15. e4viision caf Febultou. l'ictoria County.
-y. They art- do%Agi at;, -41, Mar Jacob'Adolph Huff inarri6d rs. Hoh, ouri, alit
-i I Ok V ;%4 Plijopini-.1 rvg�kr4hig it I 1L-;. lLii#, inilit it goit -arri agi-x :far#]' Ili 13clit-f- in. purgatorl I Ai!veloyimeut in
the filliv 1.4.- :l:L4 titoott' liotwdor 4 -: I a- a- I ag - 4 f4 it* the Izg*rInQd L-011fined to 35. Attgel--Sucll tiv-. nwwoeitgen, 4tr rjays in elfwall-ii '41 Whi 1-ure from
ltrltisii 11-ritaln.- it L-4 tlob.ol Isruppilled I.i a widow, April 15th, 1895. Two
ia'te state'
tions. th6v n.thi-r 1prt-fPr t40 tit!' months. later woma died toud- '.(;oi' ert, oftA -lit iul 35
arizi..,i th.. vit. Itittire: :1111 slippiritig Mf -ll ill t lk,.,. defended. Itwith -it called. irray. Wo ttiw w v awi live ou t -he old 110me-
-it tho- w4bri-Vail'.otifel know it -4 Ire tof tilt- fitf-4'lkttt*-rn,r �and the day after tier buri�d otmit-Went forth. R. V. Tit^ yei of al,
th� %%itr mnv ki I I v ;tnilittlane- Dealt 9tnney't4 �strong-approval.- But s f-ta: swad wre was Iorn und have
or ImAh., and ille i I r4 01. 4. 0.r eaut;a Jinlrri cot, s far am tfitt, law 11;
minationo ts, ri--,L-it t4 ;-iL I I I - I Huff disapiwared. . His clothing and of Is4a; a -11 I'll' t tv I I
0 --ii from I,'gy1;t. [I tilt-. Ku'n -ih#41 Ord- atch werp fouiLd oil the bank ottlic-: within botim-Rawlitison. lived alwa)--i hiiioe,- and w1wre wy
)(1111 V' concF6rneil.- It was dec"ded bi - tile born., Tit is
fourwore nd on littAe f.imily were
%fr. Gelov. I. �ir-t I'Alroll Of hirr :tro10t) va-valry 'Ohio anti it was thouglitgric4 b ltth-it y t,%%(1l1fvAi9ht4 -jullclat cominittowilt the'raw (A Es- in to-commA uicidv,. fIV4- tJ1oIWaWJ__SU&J(LlIlv` VIIIJI SilelaltlV lbown as ee'l
w1p, It t4l ;it. Pte I- a 11 thv Inippi-et itIA- at p,, -rt of Feidooii it; k i
inv t46 f% I. rIl the 41111 !,vim 1. 41 In t4l' tht' R%Pviews, tihat-a doctrine of --vtlement. there are so many of
I*t ha I cause& Ili
dtatlon too am .1 tit, I1, r Tlm,- discovery Qsat iw mud diawit. the livi,4 fit 18,1.0, -IL were tak
th6s few 11m eth.-'r g1l:I :kill] illunilink- -purgat-pry IP legal ill tI)o,Church of )0lIII t
tEnglaud.- 1w Die IiIiing ill- thO it-Lui Y -
and tiv,y arow-TItfww that'.
$900 frol tho batik
lit. volk h tvp Put tilev 414p.. -4p. at tons. ..r ban6koille tioll I ill #Pill, kii' rfe's 1-welry ' cause,l the Whe�ling who islirfiri-1 slept unt
it inarning, Noeb%er ill MY Life -�;id I kl'Ow whBt &
wjlgtkni� :ail(] -.AL w sicktoSis %vas -until Mamli, 1805.
to tl� t;o%ernment iVith lie.liti -;I I I 14% THF. R17 ( . -�cnnae aware tf what day's
authorities to change their InitIlds. 2111:11 then iiro4t bb
tto-day ment tilt- 1`1414-1wilfiz, art- Wow in read -
Real J.'rew w twi i without ajiy known cause a&
3 Of, hi� timtriuo of tlw) wollian's liaAl taki-n-plar'--
tellegra in In*m the Admit.i It v tt,. I h4l�. i,w#mt,nt ipf Ail -Aino-rivaii it tit(- Ordnaiwe wtttrr. V'on.,:.-tr' etp(l exafnia.,tion or iiie witiluut, uly warning I wah striot-kelti
WJy wits uiade. It 11:1 V illic tile- its lit 111ilk. all't ill %.i4;%k 4 4 .4pf. idti-Ils Vt _y, wit4i hit epiltvLic fit. It came
(1, 1 space Perillit-ii. to' tit) tho clorgy1lial o s Jotter 'Atilicated. that I tLurited-Humili-it:d ni di.ronifitord.
(.har -in 1, %�ttlli4l. 1114� 1:18,t th- -A)lid SI,4144.' I gimeletta or
rat.t* that th-P %Iartj�IiS 4-i ft -tnorob than say 11) that the 28th ar- bitit not d;r3qI a uattar�il Tilt- manner of the exrw-4;- (joll lil the idght, causing great e4m-
I'0rIt1IIU0kI till, tgwniatitiort ill Llw Ixiouse.lbolti, LL6 any
here. will plore -6tte till -S, . 'lit: 'A jill- I r4.:t t ticio iafirius an (Mactivo 'pregelle, III -A"we,-k ago Haame, 'after reaX ilitilllittv; tAte disorder -iiid dim
Im 4 -al parti4f thing of UN
;111 hall 4 lefea tA AI r. Ja Pat rithani, 44 Fast toli.yinig that the 1361y of Christ i's lit@ If Illilihi fif- wap. in.- -H,-nr. wife, who Wver "w avy
of tito of Ixylygatuist, Ili
ltho 4-tt #of ffair-A VIT)tv
T11IL: %v I I I 1whu ry, :it Ov Alcon itic- kind befcore, thought It vas my end
1,or, ihe 41, Of (,oan OIL ig aChicago, ont, g)r w hos - a I iases
lof 'Va()) yitl heavcltlY Tit--- (piwe triumpla-int -�-iigluvrtir am for inyw-lf I neither felt nor
t11: 11 i f 1 Ka % v *m1f 44f aj t,4 :I S t.1) I. It d 11i some- -17) 1 colirwl i r
110h, sent th,� picture. To-& v tie- .1� vv in bl,. humiliation me4bkN licip froln knew anything ULat w as
lif with ago. HiN t 11441 rec-ently Ili -k, , fob aving us
!lot ten -I td) tsignifi. optritual manner" -Aik-' itinerican , new the Court of Archels both tectives rectlglilli te, I :Doty (Ito �t tic 1 1114 troi, Whom. It would mtw-m, lit! ib about m,,. After mVilig out Of this
to) the- 1.4s; 8*1�109l`gla-
1111,611 ;iN 4*iI111!lI)114.,4, ...A Iii I I -Ill, und tile Judicial
nal of the picture. womfli ling wit,boilt, attvladanti. Thore they toll Moll
whi4-h evervOne ft'lliew% of, couvallsio,11,
sItu(tkxt. Th #)f thr- First thv lilt) 11. jtfkit, rC%lCI44I Va 11 a d. givillit. t lie CoMmittee. alUrniod the law I Dot denk-d having ever boeit fit 0
't his own wbna.- -ty
fol low I a ig Jai- I - S I Ili � hv two usmaliv litated from.rateen toothii
Upi-41 of tilt- _%4hikiralty fo�r mot ;'It -U-10- it that -411- is ixtrticulars: Tlio .1purial ot te caw (it Slieppar I
tho doctrine lit ti Wheeling. He. has -bb��n in- Britk-- Bib. own go.1 (.0111
'.I I ti jig' t4_.1 luilluttm. I would fall ijutoo, a heavy
'0 1 ,
ing th#; trikif4iii-tat <hvftiel-1 i,4 regard- :.valo,4! 4o'rols-rs lit P. Illobligov. tilt!' Epist. pal 'vs. lk-Anw-ti; (3) that tile latoc. 131shofi wel I 's vera I. weeks. early it 111011th I n6t wave Itim, mueh lrws wive him sleel, from Which I %-out(] a %% it kle
Ilqlllh1 - :114 -%vith t -lit' f t, :I it I i it fter ;A'. ThIrl-wall, the abIMt 11,11.41 most lo-irt tigo, it was discovered tbat bb- waA witil a heavy feeling, -lull all
Chureh, at infit6ter of 'great wealth. lit his His mollill
1-14-miuvilt �ls I 11v Ifire'-t utts-rn thot yet: wh4p pieferrf,41, tilt- vl�trgo
it 11141
Ensclaii-i twr -App -1
t e4l.of.itroad 'Churefiniou, suluttaf-d up ivaittp,l Ili Milwnuee for bliga.my. An niote ldm-m Itl to. g.1 in thp-
he A., tim, mumetee of lily ty'Ay . �
fiuuabl(� fittlo':ixtrish" ik'
I'I strili-iii r#vlttvtkl (of* :-till-' intb�*% cittv- as'follows. with his uisu"I iM. ilivegtigatioll lit-velpped that ten wor k-i-isnit"n flee for their
but tiley had to
Howoner, there is t i. This woultl alwaY all-' a"
Ilierre. wa S t1w 4)f islaw), to A luxurious lite.'Aook* partiality And accuracy , "The Church li'd *a Fivir-lu
Vilt t1ts.-toisitI4,11 Re%:. r. Jok men claim( -:1 him as t.hot-Ir husband. younger w)n. a day or two aftkr tile attauk I
aoior dealt 'with. tile sllb� d oil. ollf-, (if the greater Tlk*- W.-opro- rs, cor;nteirt MJbIll 0 (1 won i(I Im a blo tb attelid to MY
ilig IWv I -;I 11, .1 lit Ill t tW611 III I a6lia".'Two-ii ' -fWs.t f W. E. Hodge, of. New York rt(ilsriwd in lit-! itted.-P-
toll, W -11t ulltA. to f t: ice"as
jpct ill a tq)irit rue reverei Hal I Caite 10lariditurt-d. arm work, bu% Intranolp to
sa%v-1 ;iwl mltorvint I,-- It! 1 - r. nd was also im-latood, vAhe'fat -nebe att(i charity. Intendcd f
%VhPn 1AP1711F lob as or prui ' & ariIl '- A . day of may evory four w(xitto after at
are im-iialties atta�:114-i t.. I-,- to l(k,141 us to (kkl. V. 20.
m3ks- the f;f1five , yell with thi,.*11thillst "%Iiiindvii, till 4- 41 . Alit. atet-rts the. my34tery inherent Ili ayer.
o,,IILtiJ1;I, r;l Th.t-' "ifi hed a great Ili Dipti:i it- i irouble shoulil Iw 41:1,% off fir. regular as a clock I would bc 31,111.skAl it li-o- #,it the vie %%ith' thvir the intititutioii of. t,h(- sacrament, but ill -9 it, alwayse-ame
r ill wx-late of* the heaviest that f -111-4 V. -10. Thf� vorri*qxind(4iee toetween WAII a f
Lorllil` t y t) r'. -c bontittet t,, General the 4hiIp,is+tfiiI a whille 41av's abi4taiii.8 from--.all.attehipts to -lie n ight. doctorb Mys of 'It t1gato. or olb-flite It, and leavc-4 the tnever falls ollf AiOd'b Oil - W t und I
"We - ;1sk6d if we could t�klo,. :11 . IV- A'. 20. H- who tolWholl ('10d.19 peo- ftnd specialints were consulted
im)rtec. l-lit)r VV4 kwit rat4ge open"to the devotional
o bl TLi 14 PK.. fP.,J It -Ines, but
med it
Ilit, rs thin v- - ineditations 22. ArU; I\. 4. t000k oe,. I (tifferent
�4*111.1ti-Ii ts, 04111.1m that in. tcoiong iato rei-1111g.. all I tile prkati. bringra relief. witliout effeutitag a cure. Several say Iliat. t1wre IMS 19-4-11' Which ch.arzicteiiml Ili,. tholightfill- F Vru '%,&a incura- dfrf-f-tIv 114,1114. 44, Ellgiall,l top 1104. 11:041, of her childrenwitil regardto it. And aoltwelling-pliwe is said the diffi�jlae 4618. e to W
nAw, of othm*,. lie. It' is,
#)ff., Illit titt,'' tirs-ii-I 14 infloriftation thlr4 114�rty im st) I.arge,and lim been 91. Cexi's promim,s 1)1(.. 1 rewd of Dr. Williams Ilinli,
-r! to. 114)jx- t!.;!t t!14- it hardly of riso' to6, Tout you to 'tiolibbloo All at
Thoi I- w).,froety usel, that, apart from the stre sure. V. 4;od'fi honor is 11111il till t.1w, newspapers and was ad-
U-Ittioll fir Franve UP 0viteuitte Flash- 'Low , Iliat if YORI Ivoidd like to pk vointilil-ittly st -I tot%l thatwh41 tlw- My 00i* -t, :tll4l �0 - 0111111' f -%pr( -%-4 a hula-ilott of transubit-antia- irvi ke in the. pledge of our defence. lilt %-Ilo lind experleueed
:14 rum-tiniter seemingly incurable
b(ottlol" or, fOveet .11141 One' ILK)ttle- -)f I rY Iwf-foi 1101mb tile King of Kings. vu'rtv;
I it'll 14 �rtlwa te, itnr*w.*-i I t! v t ill #;rua.t. V$lit ;11141 if' 1VI..It t1ko-v .;'I tA) whIch'-it gaivibb ri*-. an,l which, u) try them. . In No,, em
1, , i 114.- - ' Sa! r� b thein - both fill -11 -hi tiv,,- tt!i,-. I'Iqu-r Ni! ioluy ,ilter L commenced and kept oil
Ithroughly Me 91 P to tion or -ot th, groosly earila I uotions
Igh Ito We 4110 h", and 41in-c.thbinsfor
ON., Itil-lir I- exii" *#I. madi,. lob )oe mco-ritmir t1-11. ry conmionly htw-pillrabk- from it. for a year.
14 P , I .. lisp 41 11 .% �'tglit.o%bus umain'tit pr4itet-ti'm 411 i.11 11 taking them regularly
iq::IiIk 6. 0!110-11 ar,lly bo lily . (16-
I)". I thlitli there ti (t.
I I 1z 1Y -abiAlt, 01114.-tilfrol fillf.. I;ivillg* libil'. -4 tot his viry tA) thv de- lieriod paosswi and Iababas-
Ied again and Win without a repeti-
-lit oine itud 'hololing onns 1pi-fi)ry its. :1 fact as latilwogn I lilt
hicto, halow lit oothe'e, t.-4 universally IN r
Cm. with- We while lid- raim41 10-4 !iaiitl in.%- trouble.. ajid I felt that
that f(J.'111 to. I Z4 i#- ips,ritw' tiobo. t Ill obV0131(l Itot 11114 the law or gravitatk." wato at last released from this ter- 4
is witilihig tlift- till -al f-144.
arbitrary fact, Itut -1 lift
ordftorial rol-f0in, ai4i health anti -a
Ior:AinlLt, W4, i I:-. t rq ill Pill y 4 1,f I I Ir. authorized by tile larigivige or bm-ause tile righte-ous are ti,l)tlient rible malady. I am now in the beat
ivl' EkylPtlitll IlitgS ill, I'vviiii. vijumientillg the day.4 atiOtt,141 -o eallivient illvIneo or our church : and 'ifivine laws. By it Hot,(Aout- *t
to tile of betilth.' and I attribute my cur%
aam. not aware ind do not Ix-lieve.
liad boeik' Arrhl[WO thi; Lord -it Stilisimi-y's, tliLi ca Matt Stir -Spiritual Ilre ill to Dr. Williams' Ilink l'ills. In von-
ni Up the- grimt, bey(miki." W4- drit"k tj h m cfxl ritir! ilats- ina it I - dolf -not ta.tean one Will, Jiro).
up If lit t!--1 wtv- tydor's rwat." Tits- 4111444t." livo, wt,ro;- 111111 ventitittion with Mrs. McGee she skid qw to
fevmeh bo lic nuch. neithr-r
itii hill 44L-ij ilikifoortit olvidi wl ail have Ill fact outostA-pped-thow- very that her liushiand's trouble wam the
i -e�l or 4,tt,
IN[ I to a certain' erc t-auist, of most ser ip P
%%;or1'Ik4- ailoiirii t N. s.N. r� mmi (;it till the hand of .411d 114)t himself to a pairtivulnr iously affecting tier or-
011;tlW- 4-hill'11114-1. All thAl- 1-4 ma il- ilig tf;-da Teturmiif hN vi�- nd general health. as she
THE CON but olie who Ili right :![I
11141 t 'tremble, . as lie wiliv always living in dread, a ad
j4mrii.o'-4 rucoirol V;4- llpritish itaval I - sroo-' itrvi oillid"r C41.6 Il'A tomAll, Ill :Ionflce- I.Khortly 4. It is ry feei� round -he comiN with
easy to/ro6w ang a itatoAtarmon3 (Xmid ne%ev enjoy it night's rtist. Tile
iro; il iistrue- MAJOR W A LSki-8 RRIPORT. ifigs Oil tile subject, of confe."1011,111111 th.- spititual. unit is happy -
wit r. lit tit#- tir,4i ;lit S;r Wilhatin N4,rnon *illl, 1W. futtire 1* - slightt-st noise would v"rtle )ter.
f I- t d-mirer.
i-, itot, wriirtt'i it. fit t1w. 1141 alAulutioll. But, itgtWi say tile free froul callttalit3 aad if it had not been for the kind-
Frittice is imt ri-ad ..If IAirrif lifix Iddas of Huw the Yulgon Bhould'be iluesti-oit in not whether tile' dw, v pray selfishly, 'we y t114' Itrine Is right or wrong,* bqt whether oil our heas. not one petit;on ill ti-il [low of .1 neighbor, who alwayseatne
Ii it I- rylil*3 ktionvs I. �t i's filling. -it Is Governed. and stayed at the Imuse over liliglit,
t 114-
ill#- ri,rcvs; ][Apr.[ otf Killowen. i -a Iltile -I rea I
lthe. Uhurch of tbousand im orwo
IApr,l i Ottalbv*en, Nov. -ity. wisdom, a retlue?it she bol-lieves she would have broken
r t11V411I1L..f)f 11 V;t net i % I tv (olit 11111111g, till -i N*twman,, his f -OK lOvi.. pili 'Site also itA tliknk-
t oor Alajior Wii wt* oll I'l -ad, A -
I,f ;lily public curiosity, pologi.,t t4i IN, v(nifronted the lie 1111ago. down ai"ether.
1.4plifillvili.4 Wi I a, L t. i. to. 171:, --dellvered Mw 101- divi
orf 11affia, Sir lilli8t C11:11lengoo Wil liaN ful for tit#- grnotit. change that has
y I re, Ill , ra -io)ll of tit#- -W1IX-J-4 -'ather does not answer theuL
.171 t it arksid' w, dy W114-ttud. iievt!r 4 th4- 1,'I� kl no atk tile been wrought. and in only too glad
-wered Let can(Add mcu c -on- f tot they. tire
y twell allis not right,*%ottiq 1)r yt to let othei* with similar afflictions
:tY 'buripuel 11 .. ar,
Dulit (if "I men-dati'm's in it m-garding tile roy- ulder tile forin'of abolottation-contain- nor tile pt�ay.,Ara of t.he riglitorNmoi- .11'
*,,Lr. Henry %ViiitA-. tho'A I'llitc-1 Sttes T114! ivattoi-r is- dismissed with of which all -lerboolim Sees the ovclist I I yveN na t000 well for that. e, knw Lb.t' tk--re is remMy for
111101), too tod, prif". (or t1w Lon,' II-Ity- t4tati In theLlorayer Book, [low 'Max lk
Vharg4j will theii lofok for a. 1pikarligraph 11 Liberal
.*-r%o- i�# r to%, inilovirti.-vsr :I new K tillit tile lull'- oq)ergymoa, aim] -;i a- -1 - siklis nd groaninizu i)i;-r relittifilLi with tim. -Ili, g., Lamb -rt Tr# -4!, r4bnierly. I lilt- roLJ'(.l; t tif I'll -i Which most likely it ta.xv- :11141 declare that - It containeth upon men of letters is Iwing ot ' - I,y roinawn of their fxolltda�m weilt ill)' Ipitrk- 1101#4 cure by
Will 1`114ptr hm. TIAS Picture gbi)ing V) the root of tile disease. They
tatt-h- illiAtil-F quid- they expreme(I I*i()I)('- tliat lybxt yeitr nothing contrary to the Word of It
itils-ir t -s ltit) Gobtfs lind lit- henroll atut remi-in-
rank Woulil.w4- it -or Ow Ili- Cloti.9 I challenge in the sight of all 0 3. wkliq #br tlo% fiighi-st Ill, the r Me. Hall caille id Iiiiiiii tip the blood, and
e,r #,t herw I r# i k -a a r.' lool I'l I t.114! Ex. il. 2.
toto to nn(I t4prengthm .tho, nerve . thus driorl
;Aousiirg a riiomwilitary 10 f. I' EIngland, Evangelical clergymet impriwinod through, tilt-
"!rft tits- robab tkr troiible. Or(! ot '#,- Ytikou, tw re. tfts- m-sk a.-. rim for dekir- A Iv lit tit(! itlopotiintinent, Of -a put on paper ail -interpretation of jor iong 114 -rod. Abe porayers diowatie fn)ni tile system. A
. Illir yiwr his guest EX12RESS 4.4111livil tAp rousitit Wot 4 -om tit Issioner this form or worda. cwtolgWilt %vith the ot-bureh were I lromg tril. 1�tb t.lu. imitatioup hy insiiiitkig that every
a to fillitop. ill ald-ou. 4;f-w-ral Kitebvioer' Dwol too.. N#P%. k1tht0rialb Ill 111111 foitar it) ItA.11 nd four elected their sr�ntilueut",� which shall It(- less W. T. StPWI, ill. 00 IICV14-W of It('- Aets 111. 5. NIX Yolk is enclosed in it
t llSharing wrapper twaring the full trade mar*.
a a he `iIopjiiitvd invinberibi. to fomed than the Inost objectionable lljt(h-r tho heading, iriany
thoi) rvvLl i -f the %%;i� tirv-!-in tlw,- imiriprill 4.1' . - th'� m(srimig loalw-rk a. _luaturitl 114140od of livr lelibromy fitu-
vopomtr.� too trismijbil. sof Lim% Variti-ili army,%%iLli ill-ifkatiom or tils, 8 olli7ith the Statep," Fays: 4 Dr. 1% illiAmw Pink Pill@ for Plt
mo -14 -t -t4 -ti frqlm, l_r 4 )1 f -tition 4,r that nwwke
latioll or Interprot4itionn -which Tract 0 t the Doinpirt- a utt; -I w I K
Thi�- - iisf :W-4� Alitit Elm- th- ribitypit 44 tho fpsnianleh opirder. t1e, elm- tjtg;,�m th.- Fax r. tworq of u"i. Heal It(-- lit)%%-, 0 Qod. I bo. I'mople. If pour
dislbutf'. tilt- flimtriet. nd till. Itypin- upoi. the pasudgo -ill the Tbirty-titne Tlw appointment, td r dealer d(mis notilePP
-rp they will he sent post paid 111%
ith trenobitiholis ellevr% fl'll -Y that i I, is hoiblw+o� for ipi.r,4 141 lm- retlia-mall frooni - tit(- did- Articles." Look alwD at tile form of Curzon. to bo VieA-roy of* Itutia oil the tweelt Thoc." iif Mt#L t4m- Ifni- I gllq%t-4. T1149 lusit- Franvv t4l, exis4-t that her evitcuation triol-tts Da w'1100n. '.tf%%vn.rt I!iv(sr, %vor4fis lit tile --commIsHion Ovet; loy retirement of Lord U'lgin has had liezekiab'ot prayer waus fili-ord ilid :-0 venIA a 'box or mis box" fOr
I1.,Ilr0pr;.tt4-Iy, %%as wrve!I-itl 411 Va'shijolla Will gi%-#- her any better , I I*. evcLry Atiglican bishop, Ili onialning t ; sorrowN -were Tilt, Asay- $,-'.7)0 by addrvinsing - the Dr. "Ill.
16%er nd Jitbotalinquit lti* mto, un�-zpoetqd result. It luw evi- Ii.i.
tll#,- I'glllt'M1 -11 11 44 tilt- atimit,11 - Iomte[1114- tip ollwnt*i 4pr t4p attempt Ili— He toikm thatt a 4-ensitoi be talivu for tilt, priesthoTfl. If it (4of-10 Iliot Lteittly b,. -ought llom!� to tile average riant; C:tlue down like tilt- wolf oil t1w .!amP' Medicine Uu.. Brockville. On&
GOIlwirni -qit pili w4tatidons rolgardiiig illy looriti011' Of tit#- f1ritiNh milijef-tot Ili thf, ififitrict- sacerdotalim, we need a new 411c- American, citize-it tfio extent towhich fo.41, but tho invisible army niet, thoeni
%lopgry of tlw F.Ilglish.language. An -1 and thoy wen! van4lubdit-d. I'aft. xci
r:K1,It IMIL'i 4- th'Loril Mayoor,* tiv�- Nile it b M. will 1w elig- 1olin, B
111141 tit. lit tit# nil yll ia47 ready and willing to
Ili lxirt the Itit'i fit#- Dithe 4'r calubiridgd� t1lerop, ireally cAn lit- Ito 4'oubt at sharo It
wits -A! it - Th - 'rim, c -s, -af tor iskintinIg out the itt- is Empire with Uncle Sam. Mr.
ifile W vote f')r th.! four reprittsenta- - Gotl'ti poromist% of deliverapet- cover Siloion.% Inverts nuilie Ifult4' it stir Ili
#%poinio-titing 4Ar t.1;4. jww'u of t1w ollay tit&- Lfird ayo's left. Wriii4tillk -fact - that.- tilt- 1, u I tol-d tivis., ajor Walsh (L-wK ilot -mm- ally In the minds of tiny one familiar with Leiter, a klml. of BlunIdlell Maple or public.
int tit-- Fa#iholla fltio�,it;olk, say., pr6per. til4l Lailly tatfs, ot'harg� d'Affni're.'.' r. I lei the history of -tho Reformation 'that of Chicago, who Ilibegait :111 tho lilt# (0 life. Ko cituw for pallor nil that 4XW1 t lict
i try tho offimis Of tit(! 11iov- It's a queer %-,du
"As V14- El Ithil 4,4JV4%nIl1I41li*C dooA-s Mayoimnir; atul, ab numbo--r of (.other In- hAe. wali; tile, only 'boldli the Invitation, lit' the Exhortation, In jifo as a pedlar and culmhutted as a nit your face, nor - quiver - of fear t ttnwA&
ig 4-litim. hat tlufvr a
.$'and Rays t y
t *I tA to persons is now the Virough your frante. nor, clainn
;Ul "L-aaloii[tatie(l Vit 111" it 6 lot the Communion of rico
-.1 by a con- lies wvrsu. ;tccfp pret-4-tit at th-, toord no� 4ifficultics hall arisen 'from inillioualre, drl-goods mail, it fins kist, fair# nerve
with troubled conwlAnees to " open swent, oil your nor ny anxietly Ifany it U11k
cilint4pry r-pirit, it may 111161 '.11S ilk tits., �gallo%r.v. in cor.lol-ir ti I, ellb:e 4-110.4 holding elaim-4 Ili tile Yukon prev- father-la-liLw of the ruler f three - . Ili a dentUt's, ,hair.
0 whatever to wrinkle that brow. bo --
their grief," and remive " absolution" 11undrod milliono of A-iatics. HLis k,. Is t4lp, nuin who (-ail Itorrow
tthein'to, lth-ws a-wii-iiii4w otir Amot-rican iol&,4 to lg(.)l , aild that there were. Lu,
After th loving eup haol eir- kitisfolk wi,11-4;ur nationai ..rejoicilugs, Uot I Ike . f rom th,� partall pricat, I or Fome -3th,-r daughter Mary, Wing the wife o caumb� tJie 1,ord dolivereth. oes, bl- to liony his debts.
ly t4) any . now. f
discreet and 'learned minister of C',od a loved, the children's cry ever reach(mii
t 1-4, vulated, tho Loord ayor toasted the wi- d.-nfre. U) khow' our warm approliwitt- foor himp*16 he -*ould rit- .9. Goix)rgo CurzorL will sit oil 06 throne tho Father"m ear, and HiR deliverance Th: -re 4)f -1 olitm, For it
11-ruoik-amite o(the warlike! It n4l WC11rd m-ar ' w auricillir contrasion. 64 ever near. %V4- lip t4X14 (40untry.
1,mizi-in-I tt.' tlw; returii 4of .11 r. and learned minister" idis-
Iqueon., tilt- 1'rince 111rineem or tioili of thi- myniloathy, with whieli (;#-it" tb-r buy. ortaims than prospect' '4nd , Dlsc;eet of Aurung7A-43, atilt otputvie ttie . splen- effll joyruily put. gw�
Wales, and thoilb. Royal Fis in i ly, to, Kiti-henerm victory 1111111.4 INVIIII 'Vom- stakoe, them. It wootild be elleapec, dor of tile Grelat Mogul.- It may at)- ft.04often it mimi ilitr4otig right anni
wh4,p m.v ha%,-' ,.(4 hich th4- Duko tot mi-iit4,d.'niw.)ii beyipitoll the Atlantie." .1 FL -tile 44141. Ito Npenkm of t1w 41wtusy Is .I� well-known 1war very abpurd, but tile fact that 6til. �eliverance lit tji,t Invorably iniprew*, n vo,rimit-
-f tli4- techilloctill 6xprewion for a person. thro-e-fold, pitt4r, pretilleut, aud future.
Tit,! Daily Now.% Ili the. 4-ouise of art wealth of the which lit Irooil an Amoricau'Wirl, rooreseuU theueen till, Lil liar T*-- kmder tit,- 4-lothes you iput (14; it
tA YustK-Pla a f4 -%v inors, iiiterestilig parallel Iletwiiwn GPneral for inai . iy yeam, and. regffetH that other thait the parish priest, IleenwIl (of E'lagland and actom s Vice-Emp coverin .41iitred outh tilt- 110isier lit. IV-4-omes.
6!VzWnabti4,WI alpot.tle- lit- (Ito,,
i"i'va-ure.hirtber voii- and Cecil 1tholleal, by tit(! bixhop to hear confessions. iing it M i Iligh fintkw am lkard toil t1w Frinflpr'.-
I.offirl Rowbery toiisted the a rally tile defeat, of till- Stiki & re n I of India perooptiblY affects the mental Cor. i. 14 1.
her. dwelinig uloon ilp*rommitulty of their Railway w;heme by thp. puate Cranmer anti all the Reformem wbo :1ttItdAe of thi- -American citizen tool- tbr4hnt-avid atill harder on the rwigh-
by lLtp rJl4,;IrIIN 1"&%Y, Iloatyllig IL gl4owing trihoutA� had a hand In the compilation- or tile
0 Loril. Kitehevwr 'tittl him Kafl':Itit idpwi alld IT44INNN, wits thlit 11114"11,11" of driving away the Prayer Book taught confemloil' .11141 wardi4 Euglatid. towards India, ild
.4jur 4;digiWmPornry-. at toturades, r and Iord KRA-heer tinfuldinli; . him ada to toiiards both MonarchY and 'Empire. lorevented friom -m I ittlit 'w ILd Cronip trittle of the Yubon from'Can* absolutlonas an ordinary (Isoctrinr- of
it -it owboi-m i i a v I a I I I+- r i a 14, ther., tbi. F;gyljotian arill lialilee yIvq%t of tilt. t�oudan CampalgIl thp 1711i�pd Staten. He asks that liulta is Ito joiigor a thhw remote d!ilig Ilia own call(*. Ily it wife Who
Il14-rs- tile church. Tho Critechis-m of JuNtus coffee will probably tw 4UMIJKLIKU J11, rom Pri rfx-ks t4v- 116(int. %0
brilliant ,t nt, t4l. Alallsioll 114pimq 111,8t -OvP"Ing, I.ilitomething lie (lione to hold thim large -.1omm, which was trnnlated- -Wopt- f tile Unitell Statim. It i-4 a (k�pen- otbe resultm of the patilah-1ill
i i.#A 4-\.tq-t1y 4Jf+-1 IN the Ill fw m:ght fd)r ;0I tile Worhi hat" IN -ell traile for the Dominion. ed and inehided lene rul-d joititly by an Englioli in" .:lit war. The fln(wt (-Offee in tile orl-I it lwayo thr millisWr W114)
ill I ro-I 1 1, .1 authoritatively recom e4l lie
wher" ;I r4-VZA%lftJ,,ft lite. imals of 1:ritish ilidlitilry oatlflremh�.
Uraitmer, c Ing and ail American womn. If, as Mr. 1,4 lxrowll in Porto Rico, Cuhi. -"'ad tilv that preavil ti
ontaltin tile follo%v t4pry for oitighty ymirm, artil fl -Ir inore. klig It 10Mly Of biH 8 lilt r4- 11101(leis, at tile PervP.I**#d Weas of *Besbuty, Cartwgio predictm, we tire not; far plillippitift-, nd under tile wtirrtil-Akm it avkwt wrm-ott. Opp
Vw P1 it vli�sr e- pit wage W here forf ellilol- - (*on 1111 -
t tenl!4.41 in 'its rot- 4onle of the tiativen Ili Amtralla rol!ll, give good ear to thlB doctrino; front another Muti.ily in India, tht- of Amprican enterlal�v ll mq.!l havoo lolming Liair are not
101"'fics-lit 111141 ex
t i*4-Tu)& fairly ceruil.i A tV X'patch from 114mfK Kong roll *ived -r Idea of - trieg will, within a few onr�,, be able ito,.tv. mum(* of them lmvlon�t the priee _4�
-ult-4 tit tit perhalm silly m-ork-4 Ili it havo a ollgee beauty. They and when your slnH do make alAsoln- saying that blomtla thicker than wa of it Wr cliplo
lati- Vpn!ght guilt romarks upon tit fie es iq o e tiou and forgiveness of your sins of
history." Tbo camponlicyt, mtl,.l Loiprtl 0 cut. thtllla, Iv with shell ke p th ter will b-� tomut to have aoqulr�dA to rupply th world itill cl"ffee.
RxIiiebery, had wiped , out the uritwiml naval widimilitary activity *ouildR op"n for a long time. and tho ministers whIch have received a new all(i moro Rignificant ineaning
J.1Vd? Of millill- it, Russia tilt, proportionate num.
bkXXI1Pf;t and onwt barbaroum tyr h,,re. . T.hoi% deopittol-li wayn that (,*ell. whon. they heal liiige artairs are tile commission and commandment from w1um, faelng the nintinovrs, Mary TA+. 111lig ;g tit, ..I,
iiii, and brown ber of birth@ is nearly double that
1110 h1j4 starr Iligh1v Oirlst Himself to forgive
ta r rally Ili tit# hi,tory tof nut'nkinil." JW men their ter, of Chicago, staitilp,- Loy the 81111
cowluded, fly extore-ming thoe.p�liinloll ing the fold frontier olof British K&11.� ornmuental, -ind then your conoclencessilhall her English huMwtut. wiIf be popula alit adorelo. of France.
V a