HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-11-11, Page 1•
Head Office, - Hamilton.
Capital plicl - - 1,250,000
Uourveruncl - • - 775,000
Totz.1. h.ats - -
. s,lard or Directors
Presickm- Vcet -President
JOHN STC.ua. A. G. RAlisAr.
JOHN Pt:0(volt. GrZ). ROACH.
A. T. Woor, Nl. P. A. B. LIE, (Toronb.)
W 10.111130N, M. P .
Oiskar, -
41 Asst. ,
inspec`•,r, •
- 11. S. &I'lly10.
Agoncles •
Berlin I.i.toael Ow' en Sound
Carman, Man Lucknow l'ort Elgin
Chosley Manitou, Man. Simeoe
tite'riwirgabety"wn Mortivn, llasS2'in'otrhoinatcrWiu
Deshi M.ilton
inaipeg, 11..u. Mast End)
National l'rtA in, ial Bardent England, (Ltd.)
1.. n,ion,
t.-,nrail'Ar4NDENTs :
Tour& Nati ,nal Bank, New York.
Hauover National Bank, • "
Inrtttint 'frnst Co., Baotou.
Marin:. Bank, Buffalo.
iii4,11 National: Bank, Chicago.
1)t-tr.-it National Bank, Detroit.
Nati,nal Bank of Couitnerce, Katimha city.
National Bauk of Commerce, St. Louis,.
The Bank of Toronto
4fr -
Paasencer tr..ius leave Lucknow s.tation
follows ;
Going S%nitL. Going North
a. m. 11.3i a. w
'A *.1*. 4.20 p.u1
11.10 p. in
D. W. HAYES, Agen t
Convevancer. etc., (late
Cana •r :n, Holt St Carnet. n,Goderich). Otis
4taino in Atha's new block.
H• So:icitor, Commissioner, Notary.
etc...V4wy to loan, Office over Moody'
Sarber Sh
te, Solicitor+, etc., Goderich, Ont.
itirgeow and Acc ,ucheur. Surgery
leer 3. FAH AC4 g rocery 4tort.. Office honr•
r‘y.n 9 to 1 '2 %. m, ; from 2 In 5 v• w• arta frPr•
p. .
1 -.)MoD. t;ORII;IN,
M.V.P.A.t)., Pliyelci-tn.
and .tccgr•.cheur. Upstairi ia
Allin'4, 0.94i fq ite.d.1 -nce Hos:. st-^f..t,
behind Cabateran,-. 31tirloch &C. -':4-4t re
• --
_ _ •
i.rck-No w LOD? £
.t;• •aik TN DEP F.NDENT.
Order f
meets in the Odtifelli s'
Hall on tic, fourth Tues
y a each month. at
7 o'clock.I Visiting
brethren co.rdially invited. •
\. vim .m1E, W. A, LitvREScE,
Chief 'Ranger. "Recording Secretary
?, •
Slat ALL,
Bankers) -
ES1 ABLI SI' ED 1888,
We do a general banking business; issw
drafts throughout Canada and the Unite 1
States. We make collections .on'all pointk,
including :-Western States, Manitoba an•1
the North-West Provinces, and "all collet -
tions, whether note or. acwunt, will ha v •
Prompt attention.
Notes discounted and farmer's sale notec
We loan to farrnt.rs on donble or single uotri
at from one to twelve months time, and at
reasonable rate of interest. • -
We loan small or large amounts on second
mortgage on farms ovotlter real estate sec-
,urity and (LI first chattel mortgages on
• stock and implements and crops.
We have a large atlio'unt of funds to advane •
on first mortgagetarorn 5 per cent. to 6 Pe:.
cent. The rate is graded according to tb•
quality Ind size nf the lo.m required.
We have on hand for Aale 100 acres in Ashtie1,1'
improved land, with fair buildings and
wr lbe sold at a bargain. .
We represent the leading English and Cana-
dian Fire Insurance Companies and can
elfin insurance on all classes of property in
Stock or Mutual Companien as desired.
Our office hours are from 10 a. m. to 4 p. in.
now. MeetA fret and third Mon-
day of every n- on!h in the Orange Hall.
V iAtimirbrethren are e'rlially.
Wm. rats, ( P. 1'. 1 t ts,13
I rnoct!), :net tin; in the (trange Hall,
Campbell .treit, Lucknew, on the siec,•nd
Tuesday rveaing of each and e%ery month.
• Degree- nig nt n the se,..ond Tuesday eveniLg
following. All \.i-dting brethren coulially in-
vited to. the tr.ctting.i.
Seeretwe • W. M.
Id:lel:mow, November 11, 14108.
- — - _ -
.The official norninations for county
councillors will take place on Decem-
ber 19th, exactly five weeks from
neat Monday. While- the :reduction
in the number of the membera of the
council from 44 to 18 was hailed by
many an a step in the right 'direction,
yet it is exceedinly eloubtful whether
eny real saving haj betn affected in
the County of Bruce by the change.
At all eveets, we have never knewn
as much dissatisfaction with the doings.
of the county . council as thereis at
preeen.t, .seys the Port Elgin . Times.
So far the Bruce county ceuricil has
held six session's thie year as against'
two eesaions ins opevious years.. In,
vpite oi the suiplus of about $14,00C
on, hand t the. beginning of -.the,
aresent year. end a grant of it4,000
frern the Gritario Government 'towards
House-ef Rtfuge. the taxpaye.reef -
the comity are iteaie lauircaed into a
heavy debt, out of which they will.
not emerge. for twenty years and for
which they will, have to -levy .yearly
payments . of a#1471.63, or about
•0,000 a1tog4hers We mention
these facts to. ohOw • how grave the.
.situetion. is arid how important -it is
that safe and iiiright new should be
eeleeterl forthe council county for the
beet t*o • yeare. the present.
systeni is- to get a fair trialsibe best.
inunicipei men in the differeet districts
:nuet h indoced to serve on the county
eeeril, 'flier% in not mush dale left in
which to .seck• these out and place
them 'in the field.
virp C. T: U.— The regular monthly
V • =erting of the Women's C)iiistaan
Temperance Uni=in will held every second
Wednesday of eas_la m .nth in the Odd Vellows
Hall, Lneknow, at 3 -p.m. Man. J. BLYAN,
fireeiJent; MRS. Heft ,IELL . Secretary.
A good many years ago two mea
got into a wrangle on the market, says
exchange. The one who had been
making the most noise started to pull,
his coat nff. The quieter man did not
follow suit with his own coat, nor did
he wait for his opponent to complete
the operation of stripping for action,
but just at the moment when the
noisy fellow's arms were held back by
his coast -sleeves the quiet man planted
a blow on the noisy *man's nose•that
sent him to the earth and put 4
simmer', end to the discussion. Great.
Britain is all ready for war. She has
ships and men and money,* and the
leaders of both the pelitical patties in
thecountry are in harmony with
regard to . the proper policy on..tlie
Fashoda question. trance is not
ready for wars Her Government is
unstable. Her finances are not in
good condition. Her navy is inimeas-
urablf weaker than the navy of Great
Britain. France has no 'allies upon
whom she could depend. for hnroediate
assistauee, What sliduld Britain do
under the circumstances -I .Lound
France when she has 'her' at a. disad-
vantage, or wait until France gets hor
cat off? Great Britain has not been
the disturber of Europe for a long
time. Her policy haa been peace-,
and under the policy of minding het
own busineis she has thriven: So
-long as there is a chance of peace
being maintained, Britain is not likely
to strike the • first blow. She is
-Willing to advertise to the world the.
faet that she -is not defenceless. She
proposes. to Maintain her rights on
sea and on land, but France need
have no war with Britain unless she
wants it.
In Milan any man may ''go to the
:Citlage 4nd TirtuitgIJtw
- -
money to Loan.
Parties wishing to borrow money
frsru private persons can have same at
lowest rates by applying to
P. A. MaecomsoN.
MIss Webb Enteitainment.
The entertainaient given in the
Town Hall on Tuesday evening last
by Miss Ethel Webb and W. G.
Ileilsdon, was a.first-class concert and
deserved a better house. A. duet by
Miss Lalla Berry and MiSS Emma
•Peart was greatly appreciated, as
was alio a piano ddet by -the' Misses
Edith and Laura Smith: Miss Edith
Smith preaidecl at the piano.
LC K N 0
Lodge No112
Meet* every Friday evening M 8 o'clock in
their hall, Campbell street. 'All brethren
cordially in% ited. .
',EMI SMITH. P. N. LawituicE,
Noble Grand, Recorder
Lodge oI the
4rforNneient Ord, r of
meet+ in h•Odd te
nited 'Workmen,
se• '
fellows' 1611, on the
last and second
Morol ay evenings of
eael, otonth rt eikflat
' o'cl.,ck, Visiting
brethren con:lolly levIte4
W .S. Hota it,, 1).O.Yttk,
Maiter Workman. , Recorder.
;••;r ,
-, F M
• G rt c
• 40 or 1,4. ru the full mo.on, in the
. liaseieck -treet,
J. I). Nieto.. .1)At 1,
.Worsli13I a:Aeolis! Secret :cry
LOOK 0i,...r.F01)., METEORS.
post:oilice and get his- wife's letters,
but the' is not permitted to receive
any mall, addreised _to him. This -
provision isintended to ifignify the
general superiority of. the Male see.
hud discourege seerespendeece between
married women end men who are not
married; or at least .not mairied to the
married women referred to above.
Star gazers 'are aware that while
1:396 is not the: year wiien. the earth
passes through the densest s part. of
the zone • :of the saeteoric star-dsist
there,are nights in November of. each
year when the celestial wanderers 'ire.
. •
more plentiful than usual; :and that
le'99 beiug the year when the Lig
?bowers are due we .are likely to have
' t good many.toward- the.micidle•of this
Month, tlie earth passing the orbit of
• A l'ouncil,1*.o.- •
ailiAn • or,1--r
• Tues,'.ay evetkingA•
m olth, in
!if -11,,w.:4 hall.
X e•prdintly
the- L3onida.aboitt that. tirne..' .
bathe two great ,nleteeric showers
of. ,1872 a.nd 1S5 the number of
shooting starss,. as seen in England,
visa estimated to average 1000 per
hour O'r about 166. eer minute in -ono
locality.. .. As tho. radiant pa-ses ,the
meridian betweerr:nioe and ten_o'clock.
in the eeVening the .poaition. will be
very favorable .for siitiefactory.obser va-
tions of the shower throughout almost
the entire night, ib case tItte sky is
eleare There ie a probability ,that the
shower will no IA visible in Canada s
although there' is as much probability
that it will be visible . The shower
.usually:lasts about four hours. Some
.perssns way, he disappointed ie the
shower, if, they -expect to see large
meteors or failing stars. As a rule
the Andromedee are not any brighter
-than stars of 016 fourth magnitude,
while the majolity of them will be
aefaint as fifth magnitude-erais.. As
Cie g.eat Leonid shower is expected
in- I sit') the advance guard or prelimi-
nary shower should be seen this. year.
Ns'atsch •for the Leonide in the early
morning houra nE November 13t1s, .1 lth
and l3th, preferably after* throe
o'clock.- The radiant. ofthis shower
is locate:1 withi'nthe siekle 'of the
censtellAtion Leo.
The other great shower Occurs ore
the night. of Noveitiber . 27th, and
will be caused by the meeting .rif the
earth with the meteors known anthe
Andromedes, or* Bielitle, which are
elosely related to. the famous missing
comet of Bielas•if they.are not, in fact,
scattering debrie of that coniet.
These meteors' were last. seen in a
greet shower in 1885, when a huge
hall of blazingiron dropped out of the
sky while it was tiiledw..ith their
Siazzliisg trains, and buried itolf in
the earth near Mazapil, in Mexico.
Mr, A, E. Ssat...nsovt,
Recorder. -
" -
Telepione 1.• 3115
Our Grain Markets
.The rush of grain still continues, to
flow into the village and afready* over
fifty carloads of grain have been
shipped • from the • Lucknow grain
elevators.' Our prices are away ahead
ofanythingthat is paid by. other
buyers, arid the farmers know how to
appreciate a good thing. The prices
paid to -day (Thursday) are:—Wheat,
67 to 68 as; peas, 59 to 60-cts; barley,
40 to 41 es; and oats, 26 to 27 cts.
Dropped beacL
Kincardine, Nov. 3.—Archibald
Rainson, sr., -an old and respected
resident of -Kincardine Township,
dropped deathis, morning shortly
after partaking of. a hearty breakfast,
up to which time he was apparently
in good, health. Mr. •Robinson, who
was in his 70th year, came to Bruce
County some • 45 years • age from
Aritritn, Ireland, and Ilea lived here,
ever since. Ile leaves a wife and
grown -.up family in prospettus circuits-
ttances. •
county commisistoners
The County Council have appointed
the followingreturning officers for
the coining clection.of Coinmissioners
Div. No. ' 1, W. 13. Mosier, Lions
Head; No. 2,J. F. Sinith, Tara; No.
3, sf. 0.. McIntyre, Eld'erslie ; No. 4,
James Brocklebank, Brants NO. 5,
11. Keelan, Mildmay; No. 0, P.
Clark, Oulross ; No 7, A. Martin,
Ripley; No. 8, John McFadyen,
Kincardine; Nt. 9, Johd Pierson,.
Saugeen. The remuneration was fixed
at $15 each. .
Pay in Advance
On and after January lst, n99, the
government will levy postage on news-
papers. It will therefore be necessary
to demand subscription money in
advance, and The SENTINEL hopes to
have all subscribers in arrears remit
the respective amounts due before the
close of this yeer. 13y promptly
attending to this matter our readers to
whom the foregoing applies will confer
a much appreciated favor.
Verdict or Justillabto Homde In the
Cox•Beattio Case.
Utlioria, Ont., Nov. 7.—Magis-
tretes Seger and Horton gave their
2udgment• Saturday afternoon in the
Cox -Beattie shooting case. In every
point the magistatee find that Cox
was not to blame in any degree; that
ho was fully justified in every step he
took ; that the shooting wees purely in
:elf defense and perfectly justipable.'
The.piisener was then discharged.
There was a very large crOwd in
eourt and great sheering When the
ju lgtnent was given-, Cox was s.ringra-
'tainted warmly on his diecharge. •
linnor 4radaste in dentistry, • Toronto
Liental and Doctor 1)ental Sur-
nry, 'T -,rant,) Univsriity. All nr)(1-1rn plane
"',,,'•,,eration and carefulness in efoin
°ifl AI tin's bloek, upstair,..
-W111 vi4it RiCey every Thur.:day
At Home.
The W.C.T.U. will be ",At Home"
to the public in the Town Hall on
Tuesday evening next at 8 o'clock,
when the following program e ill be
rendered: Selection by the Band;
Openiog exercises;, Paino solo, Miss
Armstrong; Solo, Mins Kate Mein-
tusle Recitaticm, Miss Sadie Johnston;
Duet,. MiSSO3 Flood ; Inttrumentel
selection, D. C. McMorrlin ; Recites
nos, Mrs. Jack Armstrong; Solo,
Hiss Berry; Piano solo, Miss Dora
Lees ; Duet, Misses Berry and Peart;
Tatrumental duet, Misses Smith.'
Admission, 15o., or 2 fon 25 colatEi.
—Axes! Axes! At D. C. Taylor's.
—Cattle chains cheap at D.* C.
—A couple of Winghatn boys drove
to town on Tuesday last.
—Mr. Win., Cameron, of Dakota,
returned home last week.
--Fancy rockers all kinds and
prices at Lawrence & Johnstone's.,
• —The Sentinel to anriaddresi till
the end cf the year for a quarter.
--We regret, to learn that Mrs. it.
Cullen, of Kinlogis, is seriously ill.
- Window shades at cost price.
All -colors at Lawrence 4' Johnstone.
— Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Mooney, of
Ripley, were iti town on Mdnday last.
—Mr. Ernie Davidson, of Goderich,
spent a, few days in town last week.
there! If you want a first
class .cooking Atm or heater, go to D.
C, Taylor.
subscribers in arrears will
confer a favor by handing in their
— We aroselearing out all our win-
dow shades at ecet price.—Laurence
•• $1,1590 for Apples & Johnstone.
Mr. 7W,- S. Holuies, of Luckuow, feronceineement oh -the i:mbject, which
the apple kingforthis district eras in is decidedly moderate. Iltrt.- trt) con -
ton on Wednesday and Thursday gaeam fir particularisoply
WHOLE NO. 1282.
Button & Trevett Want The Loan
To the Counci4 (1 the -Killage (1
GENTLEMEN,—When our firm pur-
chased the Lucknow Furniture factory
we were given t� understand that the
ratepayers of the villaee would be
willing to extend the time for pay-
ment 'Of the loan granted to; the tins
of Cliff FOrSter SOBle seven years ago
to encour ige and enlarge the man-
ufacture of furniture in this place.
This loan was given for a period of ten
years, Messrs. Cliff Forster agreeing
_to pay back _the principal in install-
ments of $250.00 for nine years and
the balance of $2750.00 at the ex-
piration of the tenth yesr. Our
understanding was to have le time
extended, that instead of paying off the
$2750.00 at the. end of- the ten years,
that we continue to pay $250.00 per
annum uutil the whole amount was
paid, the whole'of the payment being
complete at the end of the twenty
year period for which the money was
borrowed by the village. We uuder-
stand that in accordanee with the
above a nuisserously signed petition
was presented to your honorable body,
praying that a by-law be submitted to
the people with a view to haviug the
Joan so extended, but it was laid over
for future consideration as many con-
sidered it unnecessary to bring the
matter up until the flea period of tee
years had expired.
'of this week, 'shipping three _carloads ouch. fox. inseam, as lir oleo_
of apples.... 4r. Holmes. paid . out over
$1,500 for apples 'here. on Wednesday.
Ile has shipped thirteen cars of apples
from here this bfil,s011.• Ile shipped
. apples ft om _Fordwich•, 11 ildmay and
Lucknow- on Thursday and will ship.
litre earleads 'herrn Wroxeter OnSatui-
day. Mr. flelmes has handled She
*Wk. of the apples in this district: this
season.—Winghtulr -
41 _
• -Thaniceuriving Day. •
•ThurSday, November 24th, has been
settpart by the Government as
Thanksgiving day. Some people'
would like to have an earlier dale,
when there would be a greater proba-
bility of it. occurring during pleasant
seeather. The reason it is deferred la
that- businc,....r.:s men- .gruinble against
11re7v1ng a`heliday • in the niitist of .the
husy.frill season,. with -the consequent
interruption of .work. Which mewls
that they ate willing. to that* Gpi,
iaut do not want to beput out
about it. . •
- •
. A Pieaaant Thee' .
The Y.W.C.T.U. met at the Lome
of • Miss Annie Douglas on. TuesrleY
cee_nieg, where a very enjoyable "time
was spent. After devotional exercises
conducted --by the President,Mise Birdie
McIntosh 'Wok the ctiair; Mikis Annie
Douglas- in Well chosen words *era
heartily we)•Co.med the 'Y' taherltome,
after. which -organ solos were giveu by
Misses:Dora Lees,- Edytly• Smith and
Louie Armstrong. Mies F. Hemleton
sang a- •very pretty gore; and Misses
.Lou Cnipbell and Terse- Lawrence
'gave 'readingswhich were well .rebeN.
ed.- Refreshmentes were. then. terved
and.the 'meeting closed with. singing.
S. S. NO. I -I. IlUliON
Fifth clase—It Senive 4th ---
M Pickering, A Murray,' E _Leach.'
Junior- 4th—Annie Clarkson, Alice
Clarkson. Senior 3rds—A Mails J
Tiffin S Tennyson, E 'Pickering, W
Henderson. Junior 3rds---M.'11,1urray,
J Smiths W ,Clarkson, A Smith.
Second,class—L .Blair, lt, .Struthers.
• pt 2nd --.--M McKenzie, 51 ,Clark7
son, E Clarkson,' W Smith ' and M -
Smith, - ties; S• Towle; J -Henderson.
J u.nier 2nd ---L, Murray, J Tenny-
son. .
• I •
*Names, on roll 37, average atter).
dance '21: 7
IRAs -Mr. McKenzie, of Minneapolis,.
and Mrs. -Lawrence, of New • Orleans,
visited their cousin, Miss Campbell, of
-thia-place,'a ahort three agb., r
Mrs. Fisher visiting friends in
- Ret. Mr. McLeod, of Ripley, called
on friendsi here this *week
The boy a did not got along with
their pranks Hallowe'en.. • •
Mr. Shackleton is ne better. She
Suffers terribly and is not able to help
herself at ell.
. We are glad to see Mr. Wm. Peirce
around again. Mrs. Thos. Menary is
also gettitig better. .
Sacrament was held here last Sunday
forenoon but on accou-nt of the storm
there was a small congregatien.
Mr. and Mrs: W. Mistier returned
home after spending. ' three weeks
visiting their children inWindsorand
other 'diem
The dew that iaannua ly disposited
on the 'sin -face in England is equal to
five inches of rain.
-s-We have a large atock of bedroom
and parlor suits all prices.—Lavereace
& -Johnstone.
• —Mr. John Beunett has moved his
churn factoey to the .building next. to
the Sentinel Office.
--Mr. Oliver Johnston, of Kitilough,
sold out his . business therci to Mr.
Mallough, of Dungannon, -
—Mr. J. N. Macleod, who has
recently returned from Klondike, is
the guest of Mrs. K. J. Macleod.
—Extension tables and centre
tables from '25 eta up rit Lawrence dt,
e --The town of Kincardine proposes
to give ".ei loan of $4,000 to Hunter
Bros., bridge builders.
Robert IA. Stewart, of Kingrath,
gave us a c&11 on Friday last,*
, Mrs. W. A...Shackleton left on' Wed-
nesday of this week to visit her parents
in Carradoc.
Apple packing' is finished iti this
Fattners are through raising their
roots. ,
Mr. Bower- has commenced
in his steaila :
to• sae,
Chime% Opening
Tfin handsome new. 'Presbyterian
Church.at St. Ilele.res .will be _opened
for divine service ori Sunday,' Novem-
ber 20th, when sernions will be'preas.ch,
ed at 10 o'clock a.m. and 7 it us••[ by
the Rev. W. A. J. Martin, of Guelph,
and at 2.30 .p.m.• by the Rev. W W.
Leech. .of Whitechurch. • On Monday.
-evening a fowlarupper "Will be held, in
the basement of the church, from 5 to
7.30 pal.; after which addreises, will
be' delivered by sereral Rev, gentle-
men and Others. Tbo reusical pro
grain will be furnished by . Misr)
Patterson, of Auburn, „and. -, the
Luzknow Methodist Church choir.' •
We admit that this was a very reas-
onable view to take of the matter and
under most circumstances a -proper
one, but our position at present ie
perhaps an exceptional one, being of
such a nature that we scarcely know
how to proceed until we know whether
or not we are going to get an extention
of theloan. Our position is this :—If
we are going to get an extension, we
purpose moving over a lot of our Tees -
water plant and enlarging our premises,
and as a result einploying more men.
If we aro not going to .get the ex-
tension, then we will have to do with
our present premises and sell all we
can of the Teeswater machinery, etc.,
order -to provide for the payment of
the loan which falls due in about two
Should it be that the loan is not ex-
tended, we would have to cramp our-
selves in order Co provide for the pay-
ment of the $2750.00 falling due so
shortly after starting here. Our object
in coming to Lucknow was to 'place
ourselves in a position to compete
with firms 'who are assisted by the
towns and iillages in which they are
situated, and we put every confidence
in the people of Lucknow that they
will give us the desired extension of
time, which will). to sorae extent place
us on a footing with other firms. We
do not wish to keep on the two fac-
tories and will not entertain any
proposition the Teeswater people may
make, provided we get what we
expected to get when we took hold of
the Luckuow factory. There is an
increasing demand for the kind of fut-
niture we manufacture, both in Can-
ada and Great Britain, aed if we can.
enlarge our plant we can manufacture
for both markets, do a much larger
busidi-ss and as a consequence employ
more men, which would be a mutual
advantage to the village and ourselves.
We trust therefore, gentlemen, that
you will submit the necessary by-law
to the ratepayers as soon as possible in
order that we may know what to do.
Our Teeswater business is now in such
a shape that we can move over here at
almost any time, but don't feel like
moving anything before the by-law is
Your Obedient Servants,
Burros & TREvETT.
suggested in such cases was applied,
but life was extinct before the unfor-
tunate man was discovered.
Mrs. Robinson, upon being told of
the sad affair, was prostrated with
grief. She clung to the cold form of
her husband and was inconeolable.
Marks on the dead tuau'e forehead
lend his companions to believe that he
struck the bottom of the plunge with
such force as to stuu him and rendered
hiru incapable of sustaining himself
under water. If he hal arisen to the
surtace no liotice wouhl probably have
been taken, as the meu were flounder-
ing about cutting up in every conceiv-
able way, and an unconsciois form
bobbing about on the surface would
atsract no more than passing notice.
Mr. Robinson bad lived in Butte for
10 years. He has no immediate
relatives here besides a wife and a boy
4 year old, He was born in Toronto,
35 years ago.
The funeral services were held at his
late home,- 632 East Broadway, at 2
o'clock yesterday afteraoon. There
Was a great outpouring of the friends
of the deceased, who followed his body
to the grave. The services at the
home were very simple. A large
liumber of florel offerings were sent by
sorrowing friends. Burial was in
Mount Motiali cenietery."
—Out of seventeen publishere, of
newspapers in Ifuron county, at least
ten of theni are. total abitainers.
—We have parlor suit -sin silk plush,
silk tapestry and wiltin rug.—Law-
rence & Johnstone,
• •—Patricit O'Oonnor, agged sixty five
)ears, of Ashfield township, was last
week sent to the Huron County House
of gauge at Clinton.
.—Mrs. INIcKeitli, of Lucknow, who
has been visiting her sister Mrs. Ed,
-White, of Mar, left Wednesday for
—Watch _buyers should not miss
looking up Jeweller Armstrong's add.
There is money and satisfaction in it
for you.
. —Mr. and 111ro. eorge Campbell, of
Widen.,were 'the . guests of their
cousin, 521ris, A McKinnon, for a few
days last. '
-S-An exchange of pulOits will take
Place. between.- Mr. MacLennan, of
Tiverton, and Mr. McLennan, of South'
Kinloss, on Sabbath first. •
• —if an estray etnitiaril. is on your
.premises be. honest in the matter and
have :in advertisement inserted in this •
widely circulated journal. . • •
West Huron Liberals.
A convention 'of the Liberala
West Huron . 'has been called for
Friday, November' lithe at Dungan-
-non. The -object of the convention.
.is..to select canNetes , for - both the
-Dominion Parliament and the Provin-
cial Legisliture5 tocontest the conatit-
-uency interests.in the
elections shortly to lie held to -fill the
vacancies•cauSisi by the withdrawal of
-the late Cameron : and the
resighation of Mr., J. • GarrOw.
.Each .p011ieg' sub divisionis.. entitled
to send three delegatesto the.conver
bon. _ • ,
A Pointer to Muelotana
. Miss Emma McKeitzies'A. TS C. M.,.
desire; to announce to the public
under . authceity from the Toronto
Conservatory of Mueic that EXAMINA •
TIONS of the first year in that institu-
tion will hereafter be held. at , Kincar-
dine.. Pupils will therefOre find it of
great benefit to thorn talce advan-
Tish following. pupils of S.
5, were promoted during. thesrecent
promotion exarninatiion, viz: -
From Part .to J un. T I. Olass.:4`
O. Gardner, Woods, N. ltitehie,.E..
From Jun. II. to Sen... 1. Class.--
M. Hunter, E. Brown, J. Hunter'
From Sen. III. to J un. IV. Class. —
S. Gardner, .1-1. Brown, M. Middleton,
It. Middleton'. ttry the first year. 'examination' Which —An Oklahotna girl advertised for
--Mr. Ab.- Brown, who hai heon will be held inItincarline twit Sulya husband, and got !rine The adyer.
—The Lonelon street car strikeeon- . working in Teeiwater for the past six Mise McKenzie will organize .a class tisemena-and wedding outfit cost $11
tinues. The company are running it months, returned to the' vIllage on in LuticnoW! For further. infojnistion and within a year he died and left her
few cars, but the ciersens will not Tuesday la:st to take a position in the I please call- at Mrs. MeLenOsn's, South 4i5 000 life insurance. It pays to
patronize them. . . furniture factory. I Kinloss man*. advertise.
for the Month of October.
Latest Styles
Newest Design=
'Neat Pattern&
Primary Class. — Excellent. — A
Yule, II Olivant, G Holmes.
P. S. Leaviug. — Excellent, — J
Douglas, W Agnew, G Salton, 1;
Thompson, R Johnston. Good.—W
Corrigan, G Cameron, R D McLean
Falr.—E Graham.
Entrance. —Excellent.—D McLeod,
G McKay, B Allin and J McClure
(ties), I Douglas, L Northcott, W
• M Lyons, M Moore, M Mc-
Millan, L , Stewart, E McLaren.
Good.—G Brennan, B Grundy.
No. on roll, 36; average attendance
28. D. D. YULE,
Senior Clase.—Excellent.—L. Arm-
strong, R. Douglas, Vv!.'McOoy, M.
Bryan, Edna McMullin, F. Grundy,
I. Reid, Fs Thompson, M. Graham.
Gooch—D. McDonald, De F. Patmore,
F. Reid. Poor.—W. McLean.
Junior Class. — Escellente—Ethel
Cameron, W. McLean, M. Barber, R,
Robertson, S. Mallough, W. Moody,
W. McClure, J. McLean, S. Johnston.
Good.—May Davison, A. Newton.
Fain—Mearly Davison K. Robinson,
E Murchison. Poor.—W. Henderson.
No.. on register, 34; average attend
ance, 27. , S. S. BURGESS,
—Tho Fall Jury Assizes at Walker-
ton will. comnienCe before' Justice
Falcenbridge ou Monday, Nov. 14th.
The docket will be a fairly heavy
one. -
. —There will be held at lot 4, eon.
7. :(E.D.) Ashfield, on Friday, Nov.
18th, • an auction sale of standing
:timber (beech and maple), the proper -
t' of W. E. Durnin, Ashfield.
—The Coun0 has lia.d a substantial
stone foundation put under the large
smoke stack on the waterworks plant.
Mr. Steel Murdocli had the contract
.and has made a first-class job of it.
--The annual convention of the
Epworth- Leagues of the Wingliano
District; will be held at Kincardine
on Wednesday and Thursday, Nov.
16th and 17th.
—A grand. Shobting match will be
held'at lot 14, Con. 7. West WaWallOalls
.(01enn's.Hill,) on Monday, Nov. 21s1,
1898, when a large numbers of turkeys,
geese and ducks bo shot for.
Shooting to cOmnience at one o'clock.
. —A lot of farm stOck• and imple-
ments belonging ta Joseph Griffin,
Ashfield, will be sold 'by publio.
auction at lot 2, con. 6, -(E.D.) 'Ash -
flied, on Monday, Nov. 14th.
—The county council has decided
that the county as a whole shall keep
tage of Mies McKenzie's tutorship as 'the inmates cf the House of Refuge
they will only bee obliged to go to
These who take_ Jessons. AT omit; Can
without any reference to what local
municipality tire indigent may go
.Toronto for the: final exatnination.
e are showing the Newest
and most Up -to -Date
Styles in Neckwear
at 15c., 25c. and 50c.
SEE our new Ascot Tie—will tie
either a neat Puff or Four-in-
hand style.
SEE our Special Reversible Four-
in-hand —neat and durable.
SEE our new Collar—The Warrior
SeniorClass.—Excellent.—M. Yule,
G. Johuston, A Patteraon, M. Grabens,
M. Allin. Good.—N. Moody, I.
Sheriff, 1). Graham, L. Patterson, G.
Vance, W. McKay- Fair. —M. Mur-
chison, M Patterson, W. Scritngeour,
W. Jolmaton, P. Hayes'Max
McLean, M. McLean, W, McCoy.
Poor.—A. Howey, E. Fleming.
Junior Ciass.—Excellent.—B. Yule,
H. Warner, E. Siddall. • Good.—A.
Grundy, M. Habick, L. Webster, J.
Scrimgeour. J. Findlater, L. Hender-
son and E. McLean (ties). Fair.—E.
Little, K.. Macintosh, M. Leddy, J.
Barber, -N. Stewart and M. Moody
(ties), J. Bennett, A.. Fleming, F.
No. on roll, 41;
=Lie, -35.
Sad Fate of' Robert Robinson at
Thornton Springs
The following article on the death
of Robert Robinson, brother of Mr.
Fred Robinson, of this.village, is taken
from from a Butte City paper, Mon-
tana :—
"Robert Robinson, 1k carpenter at
the Greert Mountain mine, was
drowned early yesterday morning in
the plunge at Thornton springs, six
miles west of this city. As soon as
word could be brought to the city; the
coroner was notified and at 4.30 o'clock
the body was brought to this city in
charge of Undertaker Sherman, and
.later in the day removed to the family
residence in the rear of 632 East
Saturday evening. about 16 couples,
young and married,- congregated at
Mr. and Mrs. Robins -411's home to
spend the evening in social converse.
The party concludeid to drive out to
Thornton Springs to have a dance.
About 1.30 o'clock, after supper, a
dozen or more of the titen repaired to
the plunga to enjoy a swinz. The pool
is about 40 x 20 feet and five or six
feet deep. There was a dense steam
arising from the pool and one could -
not distinguish another the length of
the plunge. The men were enjoying
themselves and having a royal good
time, when George Nevin, brother-in-
law of Robinson, asked: "Where is
Bohr. meaning rt. Robinson. Mr.
Robinson, like., Rh& companions, ran
from the dressirTrusm and dove into
the plunge. Tiede eas the last seen of
him, although mite fuirtion was paid
to him as all hadt ing Amitsi the pool in at
like manner.-
Nevin asked
sit oo
where Robinson outvic the others
naturally began to itlok about, and not
seting him, the search began in earnest.
llis companions dove to the bottom in
several places, and John Wilson was
the one to make the horrible discovery
that their companion was drowned.
At first it was thought that the man
could be revived and every tnetliod
average attend -
Senior Second Class.—Excellent.--e
A Grenache. Good.—L Treleaven,
G McKay, E Thompson, A McClure,
T llurns, E Moody, C Boland, L
Grabani. Fair.—C Bennett, S Mal -
lough; P Henderson, E Murchison, ' L
Taylor, Jno Reid, R McKinnon, M
Winnie. Pcior.—A Howey, J Mur-
doch, Jas Reid, W Burns.
Junior Second Class.—Good.—R
Webster, J McLaren, C Fleming, M
McLeod, li Newton, E Brown, B
Sheriff, E Johnston, J McKinnon, D
Campbell. Fair.—R. Little, E Mc-
Cardle, V Allin, M Cook, M Moody.
Poor.—M McGinnes, M Catet, A
Armstrong, 3 Mullin, W Mullin, M
Campbell, R Hedley.
Noon roll, 43; average attendance,
—Best quality linen 21 inches
high—all sizes.
25 PER CENT. is an iMMeLlEft
reduction yvhen considered in connec-
tion with such staple goods as
showing the finest line of Ladies' and
Gents' Watches in Solid Gold, Cold
and Silverware Quiet,
filled with the finest Waltham and
Elgin movetnenti. Como in See
Our Goa& get our prices and you
will be convienced that we are 1i
in the Watch business.
JIVI. Armstrong,
Allin Block.
Council met according to adjourn-
ment. Members all present. Reeve
in the chair. Minutes of last meeting
read and approved.
Treasurer's statement showed bal-
ance on hand of $497.27 received and
John Flucker waited on oouncil
about drain opposite his lot, con. 2.
The Board offered Mr. Flucker /2 as
their share of outlet for drain on
motion ot Plunkett and Oameron.
Mr. Munro and Young waited on
Council about a drain in the village of
Manchester. Council agreed to send
on tne towuship engineer to attend to
the same.
Samuel Clark was granted el0
charity on motion of Medd and
Senior Part II. — Excellent.—W
Northcott, S Habick, C Mackay, It
L Maclean, P Brown, W
Bryaa, G Macleod. Good —It Gor-
don. Fair.—A MaeSweyn, M Camp,
bull, (4 Treleaven, R Joltnstone. C
Barber, D IlacDweyn, L Horn.
Junior Part II .— Excellent.—V
Huston, D Congram, A Cliff, E Mal•
lough, H Macdonsld. Good. — J
Scritngeour, C Moodie, E Hunter, L
Hen, J Guest. Fair.—G Shepherd,
G Armstrong. Poor.—H Mackinnon.
Highest Part I.—Good.--T Boyd,
O Murchison, E Maclure, A Arm-
strong, A Boyd, I -I Grundy', A
Huston, J Finlayson,. E MacSweyn,
L Maclaren. Fair.—A Cave, W
Moise, C Grenache.
No. on roll, 68; average attendance,
The following checks were issued :—
Municipal World, supplies, 366;$
Jno. Mole, refund bf statute labor,
$i.50; D. Kennedy, gravel account,
$3.50 ; Thos. Agnew, gravel account,
$l.89: John Taylor, 2 culverts OD
S.B., $1.50; Wm. Flucker, ditch on
S.B., 2.00;$John Stole, 2 culverts in
Manchester, $2.00, and drain on south
boundary, 2.50;$Peter Watson, bal.
of gravel account and one day work,
$13.75 ; Clerk, selecting jurors, $4.00;
Assessor, selecting jurors, $4 • Reeve,
selecting jurors, $4; Thos.
gravel account, 2.10;8John Daddy,
repairing culvert con. 6, 1.O0;2John
Good, 1 day shovelling gravel, 75c;
J. Cranston, drain con. 7, $1.00 ;.0
Donnelly, gravelling con. 10, $9.24,
gravelling con. 1, $15.75, culling hil
cou. 1, $21.00, and culvert con. 5, U;
George Mowbray, culvert E.I3., $6.75;
R. Murray, drain con. F, 3.00;$
Titter. Nichplson, gravel account,
$12.27 ; John McLean, gravel account
$27.40 ; ,T. Miller, lumber and nails,
and covering bridge con. 12, 3000;$
A. Johnston, drain con. 9, 833,49,
and grading and gravelling con. 6,
$44 00, grading and culvert E 13,
$48.94 ; J. Kilpatrick, cutting hill
E.B., $38.50; Ed. McLean, gravel
and drainage, 7.30;$John Barber,
gravel and drainage, J964;€4Jas.
Young, lumber account, 27.92;1 D.
McDonald, half of job on N.B., $2$;
Jas. Foster, gravel end drainage
$5.60 ; Wus McAllister, lumber fce
drain, 50c; Samuel • Olark, charily,
Council edjourned to meet on Dec.
15 according to statute.
W. S. hicOstorm,
Tp. Clerk.
—The auditors' report for the past
three months, which has just been
issued shows that the Canadian Order
Foresters had a surplus in tile „insur-
anoe fund of $659,706.47, after paying
out oyer 636,000 during the quarter
The following is the standing of the pupils
of 8.14. No. 5., Kinloss, for October :---
V. Clysi.—M. Valens, D. SuOerland.
Cls S.4 Fir. -11. Pierce. Jr.—L. Smith
M. McLeod, M. Nicholson, A. McLeod,
111. Class.---Sr.—A. Valens, G. Haigh.
Jr.—A. Wa"ter, L. McCaul. •
II. Mass. -A. Valens, E. Miller.
Part II. — Sr. ---D. Haigh, R. Smith, W.
Fraser, A. McLeod, L. Miiler, F. McKinnon.
Jr. —J. Walker, I). Houston.
Part I.—A. Hughes, H. McMillan, B.
McKinnon, G. D. CAMPBELL,
—All accounts and notes owing to
the estate of the late Adam Thompson,
both in livery and blackstnith shop
must be settled by the 15th of Novem-
ber as the estate has to be wound up,
or they will be placed in other hands
for collection.—DAVE Tifoupsoe.