HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-12-10, Page 6s 'x'li.k:, W1N1,1MA,M TIME6. DECEMBER 10, IU08 r A000rdtng to a special despatch from A GOOD STOIYiAGIi Her Skin,Was B1010V Winnipeg 40 400 000 bushels of wheat ()LT 'Cannot tiLly flour as MRS had passed inepeotiou up toNovouder Means Good Health, Chearfulnes& r ' « ROM � � � SANCTUM � � �� 29rd, ar nearly 9,000,000 bushels mare Ambition, persiStenOY Baca fine white pure and Teahy like Pimples covered her than had been iuspeeted up to the end Success. face and ruined eomplexton. of December last year. Dai o•na will cure your dyspepsia, or nutritious as Royal House- - any other stomach trouble by building C:1 Ja. is sI" Ltd 3M X •E'L . up the flabby walla and making the hold under any other name. A Speedy Cure. Bears the Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought staruaoh so strong that it will digest Signature food without PePein or ocher artiAoia! Interesting I>aragraph from) our Excbainges. aid. There is no other flour In "When my skin had always been so of ! ' In other words, Mi•o na cures dye• io clear and ruddy, I found it very mor, The Owen Sauna Advertiser says s papsla by removing the oanse. Canada upon which half so tifying to see pasty and pimply patches man in that town has grown potatoes so Walton McKibbon is agent for Mi•o• e coming over my face," 'writes Mrs, $, largo that it is impossible to get more na in Wingbam and he says to every' I11uCh money is spent to T. Uagerer, a well known resident of g reader of the Tpms whoao stomach is than one in the of at a time and that . 1 Wheetiug. Graaf rad blotches Dema on P ' weak, who has indigestion or dyspepsia, insure lerl;eCt purity just ■Naw York City consumes 718,000 i Dr. GalerWe, the richest Swiss, who my chin, brew dry and scaled off. I after the whole family have partaken of that Mi o•na is guaranteed to cure or i thi„It my stomach was at fault. Car, it, there is enough left to feed two pigs, money bank, think for a M'ment what pounds of batter each day, wore shabhy clothes, is dond find his Witty my blood was poor because my The price is only 50 cents a large box, „ , fortune is $500 000 lis �'� �'1' C> M!1, 3C Repeat it:- Shiloh a Our will ah p were white and I had unpleasant and one box is all you need to prove that ++ fulness and ria iti in the ears. Hoarotha Tho Kind You Havo Always Boug�d you are on the right road to health and, that means to the health of wage Dara my coughs and Dales. v -eL A' 9 ,x, ® mm X ,�. , g g Noticing in the ,papers such strong 9ignatare happiness. your household. A little candle is as easily blown out Boar file The Kind You Have Always Bought raaommendationa for Forrozoue ae a of ����� Mr Goo. Linder of corner Mill and . as alittle salary is blown in. efgitaturo �¢� blood and strengthening medicine, I do- Park Streets, Elmira, Out., says: "For _. I of �r�i�t�'�+rc!/l� cidt d to use it. From the firer tablet I A cablegram from Wellington, Ane• about ten years I have been severely took there vras m improvement. I felt tralia, statea that the prohibition vote troubled with stomach trouble and It Is A Wonder Donnville rate0n Arm votod a bonuR of better and bad such a good appetite im• i N Zealand has been largely in. I indigestion so bad that I could. not re - y a.. Flo-a,, Chamberlain's Liniment is one of the $16 000 to the Dunitvi)le & Beamsville proved in color and the old rosy $Bah reared, Prohibition has been or rried Iain my food after eating. I could not 1 i r, ,,: : �i most remarkable preparations pct Pro• Eiootrio Railway, slowly returned to'my cheeks. Finally eat meat, or scarcely nnything and had U r 1 H i the blotches began to leave and the akin to nine electorates and reduction faoi• headaches and constipation, I secured' R04Y{ j �t 1y 2 � dnoad for the relief of rheumatic pafus, g "' and for lame back, sprains and bruises. It is said that the Grand Trunk in- grew soft and smooth, I have gained litios in flue others. The prohibition a package of Mi-o•nn with the result ' k 1' f from gin which it tend putting on a dining oar between some in weight look, the pioturo of party estimate that 150 public houses that now after having taken two boaea .Che gaic re Io p affords in case of rheumatism is alOn" Southampton and Toronto. health and feel as if I had never been `gill be closed and ap number of whole• I nm entirely onroti and can eat any- 1S the best—most wholesome— worth many times its cost Price, 25 ill." thing, digest perfectly and am feeling cents; large size 60 cents, For Bale by '"- —'—" There is no nourishing tonic so sura sale licensee cancelled, fine, ilei-o-na also overcame my con - For Eezenrn, Tetter and Sit] Itheum, to build up and strengthen as Ferro- German military authorities expect stipatton. I am only too glad to public - most carefully milled flour t0 be all druggists. zona. It contains concentrated vege• by the end of the year to possess eight ly endorse and recommend Mi•o-nn." The intense itching chavaoteristio of table extracts that supply every weaken- -, had in this country. The 00'ilvie these Mlmauts is almost instantly allay• ed system" with the element it lacks. dirigible balloons suitable for war b He's a poor expressman, who is un- oil b Chnniberlain'R Silva, M9n able to deliver the goods. y F Hearth, vigor, happiness -these are the pnrposos. Two of theao will be of the A Minto township farmer haat spring name and trademark are on every severe named bavo b ieu cured by it. For direct results of using Ferrozone regu• Zeppelin model, with a as capacity There era fifteen tons of silver in sale by all draggiete lady, P , , g P y hired hie 16 year-old son to a neighbor• barrel and sack — a guarantee circulation f i for each ton of gold. of about 500,000 yuck feet. The talc• ing farmer, for a term of seven months, Sold by all dealers, 50o, per box or + William Elliott, aged 70 years, lost six boxes for $2 50. Get Ferrozone to- Ing over of these depends on the en• the consideration to be $10 a month. At from the maker to the consumer. his life fu a lire that destroyed his dwell- day' durance flight and their ability to de• the end of five months the boss paid the Tell your grocer you must have DEAFNESS CANNOT 1310 CURED y scond on dry land. The others are of lad off with $10 a month and let him go. lug at N agars -on -the Lake. the semi-rigid class. by local applications, as they cannot The moss curious railway in the The father was not satisfied with this,, Royal Household. is reach the diseased portion of the ear. world is built on ice, It is laid between I. -It is 10 p. m. They are seated in claiming that the boy was kept during There is only one way to cure deafness, the parlor. "No," she says, bowing i the heavy work, and let go when the and thrt is by constitutional remedies. Oronatadt and Oranienbanm and is in ® ilvie Flour l ills Co., unlited, Montreal. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con• use only during the winter. her head, -Pa says I am too young to rush was over, and sued in the Division fl For Infants and Children. engaged. Court in Palmerston, last week for $14 a dition of the mucous lining of the �I become en s ed, II, -It is jest 1:30 Eustachian Tube. When this tube is The �1�1� You Have Always Bot�Oht Preventics, the new Oandy Cold Care 'a, m, They aro still seated in the par• month for the time served. His claim inflamed yon have a rumbling sound or Y g Tablets, are said by druggists to have lor. Suddenly,from somewhere n imperfect hearing, and when it is four special specific advantages over all 1 P was not, however, allowed by the Judge, entirely closed, Daafness is the result, Beals the QQom�--�^^ other remedies for a cold. First -They stairs, a gruff voice shouts- Henri• and the oleo was dismissed, with costa.. and unless the inflammation can be Signature of �i'�+ , �GZf� contain no Qninine, nothing harsh or etta, if that fellow waits a little longer At the same court another wage Daae TO BUSINESS taken out and this tube restored to its sickening. Seoond-They give nlmost yon will be old enough to accept his was heard. This time it was the hired FREE,normal condition, hearing will be de- instant relief. Third -Pleasant to the ++ stroyed forever; nine cases out of ton The average woman thinks more of taste, like candy. Fourth -A large box proposal, man that quit before serving out the are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing her figure and complexion than a man -48 Preventics-at 25 cents, Also fine term to which he agreed, and the boss. •1711, YOU'VE READTHI3 for feverish children. Sold at Walleye claiming that this put him to a great but an inflamed condition of the mucous does of everything he pays taxes on, SAID TO BE FINE. g surfaces, Drug Store, deal of trouble and considerable loss,• We will give One Hundred Dollars The first gold coinage to be turned out thought he had no right to pay any. 0 0- K He -"For the perfect enjoyment of g for any case of Deafness (caused by at the Ottawa Mint will be British eov This Simple Homo -Made Treatment thing. Judge Jamieson thought other. catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's ereigna from Larder Lake gold. love there must be complete eonfi- Will Overcome Rheumatism. Catarrh Cnre. Send for oiroalars free, denoe." Sha -"t have heard pa say wise, however, and allowed the hired It is immensely important that F. J. CHENEY & Co , Toledo, O. To stop any pain in 20 m,nates, take Few people here know that you can man fall wages for the number of identically the same thing about sen• you should get all the information Sold by Druggists, 760, one of Dr, Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. „ cure that dread At cofoan disease, months he worked. AL �I , about a college bafora you enroll Take Hail's Family PUIB for consti- See formula on the box. Ask your sag°a• Rheumatism, with just common, every., ` U,� as a student. Your auccoeo de. pation. doctor or druggist about thin formula. day drugs found in %uy drug store, s It can't be bettered. Womanl Tbo;essential lung -healing principal of p p THE KIND A MAN WANTS. panda upon your choice. y pains, the pine treo has finally been successfully The resort tion is a simple that gall Our Free Catale u. tell. all above The miser is in a happy frame of bead ofatwent any Pi pain PainInstant Tabletsa125o. 'epamted and refined into a perfect coost•can It isemadeare lup lhome at as follows: small Get (New York Sun.] our Methods of Teaching—why we turn p. out iraduatonwho are always in demend: mind when surrounded by gold. Sold at Walley's Drug Store, cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway from env good prescription pharmacy pee, Jack, I'm married. No you never 1t e:pldna the C. n...i.l and Short. - Fine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half r hand courses Iodated. showath—lux Repast it:-"Shiloh'a Cnre will al• The total number of names on the Rnarant0e of satisfaction. Price 26 met her. of the Business Educator's Association s _ ways cure my coughs and colds." T cents. ounce; Compound Largon, one canoe; She's not much like the girls in our Diploma. And this large, h.nd.omel election list in North Bruce is 7347, and Compound Syrup Sarsaparill three old set, Illustrated book will.beeonttorouFRE - The Lord freezes the Water but we ounces, Mix by Shaking 1 a but + by return of mail if y -u will lust $end �' of this number only 6209 voted, at the A young man, while engaged in clean. Not np,to their smart ways; why she's, us your name and address: p last el8otiOn. ing a snit of clothes with gasoline in a and take in teaspoonful uses after are expected to out our own roe, never ev n s Student admitted anY ume: each meal and at bedtim Thoeo are She never oven smoked a ci,;arettp l Special Opening Soptcmber and January Coughs that are tight, or distressing Dean's Kidney Pills act on the kin- tailor shop in Montreal, was burned to all simple ingredients, eking an ab-; V The Forest: City tickling coughs, get quick and certain aripary organs death as a result of the gasoline becom• solutely harmless he a amedy at littl + real Citi Business and. Shorthand Collcye help from Dr. Shoop's Oongh Remedy. ey onr9 bath thea v7esk back, rheum• Ing ignited. g The girls we've t�waye known Bre jolly, 1 LONDON, ONTARIO ® cost' fellows, id 9horthaa,l . J•W.wenero<lt, W. West— c,a On account Druggists everywhere are axism...+3inbetes, congestion, in{iamation, Rheumatism, as every one knows, is With mannish ways and a'nong nth. riinetpal viee-erinctpa favoring Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy, gravel, Bright's disease and all other a symptom of deranged kidneys. It is letio grace, .. and it is entirely free from Opium, else sus srisink from wrong action of the For that Dull I eelind After Eating. a condition produced by the failure of So muscular that when they're drassed . Chloroform or any other stupefying kidneys and bladder I have used Chamberlain's Stomach the kidneys to properly filter or strain in laces A drug. The tender leaves of a harmless and Liver Tablets for some time, and from the blood the uric acid and other And pouring tea, you feel they're out lung healing mountainous shrub give to The Shallow Lake cement factory is can testify that they have done me more matter, which, if not eradicated, either of place, Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy is's curative in the urine or through the skin pores, cloned down for the winter, after u vera good than any tablets I have ever used. ♦O♦♦�`�4li 7♦♦♦v��♦A♦♦O♦♦Not►N♦�♦♦�♦♦ properties, Those leaves have the pow- successful season's run in which 300,000 My trouble was a heavy dull feeling remains in the blood, decomposes and My wife does not belong To "club" or- ♦ er to calm the most distressing Cough, after eating. -David Freeman, Kempt, forms about the joints and muscles, 'congress," and to soothe and heal the mast sensitive barrels were msnu.actured, Nova Scotia. These tablets strengthen causing the untold suffering and de. She never tried to be a howling swell, bronehchiai membrane. Mothers should, A petition is being circulated in Brit- the stomach and improve the digestion, formity of rheumatism. She never bet a cent on any racee, j for safety's sass alone, always demand t The also regulate the liver and bowels. This prescription is said to be a I never heard her give a - h C b' k' S� Will id L y g' college gall. a can write a better book, preach a better Bermon ♦ Dr. Shoop's. It can with pfrfect free- Is a.um is ai ing .r r surfer splendid healing, cleansing and mvig- ter mouse-trapthan his neighbor, though he • dom be given to even the gonngest to retain Hon. William Templemau in They are far superior to pills but cost 8 g ♦ , t no more. Get a free sample at any orating tonic to the kidneys, and gives ger voice is sweet, to read aloud of even - ie in the woods, the world will make a beaten ♦ babes. Test it once yourse:f, and see- the Cabinet. almost immediate relief in all forma oil drug store and sec what a splendid lugs, or, -Emerson. Sold at Walley's Drag Store. - medicine it is. bladder and urinary troubles and back- To sing low lullabies or simple ballads. The youth who is anwiilii g to toe = ache. She loves to cook -not fashionable Be�care of Frequent Colds. dishOB the mark usually remains at the fool:. A succession of colds or protracted Joseph Milroy shot four men in a n Like lobster what -you -call -it or neer the 4th to the door of the • P Hans came In from his ranch to buy a y q p • Repeat It:-"Shiioh's Cure will al. { cold is almost certain to ead in chronic Wainwright township lumber camp, salads; ways cure my coughs and colds." � catarrh, from which few persons ever near Dryden, one of whom will probab- horse. "I've got the very thing you ♦ wholly recover. Give every cold the want," said Ike Bergman: "it's a fine But things a man likes, biscuit, bread �u �g ♦ The police census of West Tar0utO ° attention it deserves and you may avoid ly die. The shooting was apparently road horse, five years old, sound as a and doughnuts, as,'7 i��'��f�lit � Office r shows a population of 12,563. this disagreeable disease. How can you unprovoked. And soups and meets to eat, and not. quail, $175 Dash down, and he goes ten + ♦ cure a cold? Why not try Chamber- It is rumored that there is likely to be " for show. m tisa`fii);nb y miles without stopping. Hans threw She's just a loving wife, and good home+- • mentisacerisin Iain'eConghromedy? It is highly re- r • I and guaranteed commended. Mrs. M, White, of Butler, a reduction in the price of refined sugar, up hie hands skyward. "Not for me," maker, cureforeachand Tenn., save: -Several years ago I was owing to keen competition between the he said -"not for me, I wouldn't gif And that's the kind a man wants, . every form of , r ♦ Litebing,bleedtng bothered with my throat and lungs. American Sugar Refining Co, and Ar- on five Dente for him, I liyo eight miles don't you know. moue traps are not made but . and profandin Someone told me of Chamberlain e y • piles see teatimoniala in the press and as buckle Bros., two of the largest firms on from Astoria, and I'd haf to walk back Cough Remedy, I began using it and —where— ♦ your neighbors about it. Yon can use it ar d the other side. 6 t our money back if not satisfied. Gee, at all it relieved me at once. NOW my throat two mi ea. w a rs or EnatANSON. BATES &Co., Toronto. and lungs are sound and well." For The old fashioned way of dosing a weak Forest fires during the recent dry ♦ bP.a �+i�'iASE�'bi_®1i TMENT. ea10 by all druggists. stomach, or stimulating the Heart or v. - Kidneys is all wrong. Dr. Shoop first autumn swept through a considerable �� "�' /� D S nts There are in Glasgow 17,000 unlet f pointed out this error. This is why his portion of the Greenock swamp, clearing `� ,(` ♦' premises; 16,000 being dwelling Miss Kate Ford has resigned from prescription -Dr. Shoop's Restorative- up a lot of undergrowth and killing o ♦is directed entirely to the cause of these r fufor-".•- >``" _ ♦ bourse, the Langsido school, and will next much valuable timber, which, in con- If you want a suree c_urre ailments -the weak inside or controlling CATARRH OF THE HEAD ... 9 Hamburg has more firemen in pro- year direct the minds of the pupils nerves. It isn't so difficult, says Dr. ®senesce, meet be taken out this winter, hors it is. s s portion to her size than any other city in School No. 7, Kinloss. Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach, se if left for a year or so will rot and sin the world. Repeat it •-"Shiloh's Cure will al- Heart, or Kidneys, if one goes at it become worthless. To faciliate matters ed out every day with neat - d despatch; where up-to-date els and Machinery are fused, re mechanics with up-to-date ,re employed; where quality terizes every piece of work vice given every buyer; where printing is never done, but good printingis done cheap; the kind of printing is done .11 lead the world to make a path to your door; where ilars may be had by following path to the office of WINGHAM TIMES or by calling up `Phone 4. +��►#►alltll�lJ��t�! - ways cure my coughs and colds." correctly. Each Inside organ has its oontroling or inside nerve. When these along this line Mr. W. D. Cargill, the satiefttetion," remedy contains nothe Good Cough 14ledicine for Chlidren• The Quebec Licensed Viotuallers are nerves fail., then those organs must surely falter. These vital truths are owner, will ran a railway foto the centro of the timber limit and connect HIRAHUH The season for coughs and Golds fa now at hand and too much care cannot strengthening their association for the leading druggists everywhere to dis- g it with his mills, This means that this THE REASON WHY: BECAUSES be used to proteot the children. A child struggle to retain the trade, which is in gg pease and recommend Dr. Shoop's Re- winter will witness great activity in the OXYGENATOR H L A L S is much more likely to contract diph- danger from the prohibition movement storative. Test it a few days, and see 1 Improvement will promptly and surely lumber camps, where a great rush of The mucous membrane bol»g in an theria or scarlet fever when he has a cold. The quicker you cure his cold the in the Province. follow. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. hands is wanted. inflamed condition causes running at the nolo; but when this menibraac sa lees risk, Chamberlain's Cough Remade But let ne not consume our souls in sighs. We have compensations. There The Swedish national commission for }= healed the discharge ceases. Every effort should be made to cure c is the Bole reliance of many mothers, and few of those who have tried it are f� ® the prevention of tuberculosis has re- Where the Bile is Needed, Biliousness -too much bile in the Catarrh, for it loads to Catarrh of the Throat, Stomach or Bladder, Consump- tion and Bright's Disease. willin to use an other. Mrs. F. F. Ripley, W. Va., "I v commended the gradual establishment blood. Conetipatlon-too little bile in is gut u in largo size bottles. Price, ties. Price, Starcher, of says: have never used anything other than Oh b l ' ' O h R d f DN/SPE I SIA of 4,600 retreats for consumptives, to be scattered throughout the length and the intestines, When the liver is � awakened to action by Dr. Chasea Js sol by a and Boa Oxygenator" is sold by all wholesale and rotail druggists. am er gins one ewe .7 or my children and it has always given good This breadth of the country, The total cost Kidney -Liver Pills it filters bile from be 11,000,000 Drowns, blood and pours it into the inter• The Oxygenator Company satiefttetion," remedy contains nothe As is well known, this troublesome cow• will nearly duos. The result is a cleansing of the opium or other neirootio and may be given as confidently to a child as to an plant arises from over -eating, the use of i too much rich food, neglected constipation, „ , Repeat it-- Shiloh s Cure will al- system, purer blood, better appetite, Toronto, Canada. adult. For sale by all druggists, lack of oxerciso, bad air, oto. ways cure my coughs and colds. improted digestion, new vigor and good health. --+----- The food should be thoroughly chewed, and never bolted or swallowed in haste, There are 40,000 fewer cows in On - The tobacco industry of France is a stimulants must be avoided and exerdso tario now than • at this time last year. Mr. Thomas Bradley Fletcher, for. 60 YEARS' ' government monopoly yielding $03,- taken if possible. A remedy which has rarely failed to give But let ne not consume our souls in sighs. We have compensations. There merly of Holyrood, Ontario, died on the 000 000 a year. + prompt relief and effect permanent cures, are 2,897,4G9 more dogs, 16th of November, 1'908, at the home of Now Repeat it:-"Shiloh's Cure will al- even in the most obstinate cases, is son-in-law, Mr, Dd Clinics,The ways onre my congha and colds." A��®®� --�e----hie Barwick, Ont. at rho ago of go of (:W beat candidate for office wine- he gets more rotes than rho other L.K,� / ®®� ]SiEDIUIN>t, Ae a spring a Burdock Blood It tones rho sixt enE3PILINQ three years, eleven months and siateenit g or days Mr. Fletcher has been ailin ffellow, ,(,�Bitters equal. has no equal. np system and removes all 'impurities from two and a Half gears and Dr, Gordon DESIGNS the blood, and takes away that tired, of Lnoknovr, has been treating him for CopyRtGHTS &0C ,e LADIES' ' 71'AVOILITE, YC L D 18:8 ' f�+ It sets by rogulating and toning the di- hiliprevalentin the r rin ear fee nospring. w B 9 - - f arch o the stomach oat Th deceased e0d n ipttonma ae stn ser y An ane a sketch and do y r c rGtt whotho ran nlenli nb a n b Inion r o invention 1a o Ommunlen• Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite geetive organs, removing costiveness and came to Canada from Hutton, Crass• prObnbly pantont tionsetrion conadontlit. NRt� u0l�oni?atente medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick increasing the appetite and restoring health to the Many people may have overlooked wink, Yorkshire, England, in the year locating in Perth pontfreo. oldest a onor fore.ourmir -Lente. Patents taken t�rouith munn it Cpo. reeeivr l we'd"Nlch withoutehnrgo, In the ►' Headache, Biiliousness, and. Dyspepsia griping, purging or siokeniing. and vigor system. Mr. Amos Bawler, Gold River, N.B., the fact that Ruskin loved the game iiia letters reveal 1856 Co., Ontario, he remained 12 From i Sc�ent� c m¢r�can. without j -'- writos:--" I was groatly troubled with dyspepsia, and after trying several doctors of chase. Some of this interest. He was at one time a where years, there he moved to Hinlon Tp., Bruce Mand. o ssr ei.t a edi j M ,. me mt for �n�e+�� The body of an unknown man was ` r found in the shed of the Rebrow oeme• to no effect I commenced taking Burdock )Blood Bitters and I think it is the bast tliediafne theta fa for that complaint. oon itani visitor At Maskelrne & Cook's entertainment, where he once played a t, who, Co. and settled at Holyrood, whore he dod 28 years when be moved to Huron «saarapoatase wepatd, bold tie *n Wena a�lera „ N � S81BterdaarYe New t 11� tory at London, Vor Salo at all Dasgists and Dealers. gamer with � 1717 Co., hence Barwick. � �7► Ota waailartow�� I b 1'