HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-10-28, Page 2. 0
Alle -
I& dL.& AL National custom to Kake lftmiiiy
I rubbi-xi my eyes and looked again cursions in Slowom Time.
at lily cousin. sip
r trembling agitation had rklawd PURE WAIER Ufte 60S it is 0110 of t1w, national custome
Ile looking at me.
off. anti Bile wits --d the— of Japan, sayli; & %% riter lit t -A
"It was silly of luo to talk liko go out oil excursiollo'. it, mir-
that," she sald .,but I caiet help i
'14adeli'ne firahame I think 0' them ti -o or throe fainilies. to view I %just
it. sometimeis, when, ON THE FARM Round World es of t %%
poor men that have been brought up, tile flowerIng trc4m auff-I)iants In
that father Is there, - -- ------- e all A
Cr__3 Ir and remember scream their season.. The J aplLnew lov Cjood
It &!Most makes Me to -wiliell
s Ito danger." I said, 11&ny letters and "t mrds COn- flowers, but prefer thoetW
But there� tolitey look I
f uD-Uie flower* of t. as*Scates and we wU ft tnuch - -14
now 1" '11 ie), visit t1w I)Iujjj b,00610111,11 in Feb
tIj)OR Ills accurswol ruary or early March; the el
Ili Aliril,; the lotAm
"TheWs always danger!" site re- Seasonable Notes for Canadian Fdrmers and gratutating Ltiechelli-thO 11�wasslu 0 ierry, J cheaper is a statement soMttimts
For Another's Crime I*nruddOCk said so. F-inpreas 14',Iuzabeth-
turned. "Tom egliecially beloved, ist when Scotf S
titer. but he onlylaugh- t I rnack by the d rt
aml I toki (a Stock Raisers, ac _1Mve bee,, gddrtomd to him bY ill July, azeleaB duritkg the ullinliker
others laugh Z� 1:1
od. All, but I've Heoll ilibumait moluit0f*J Of Ills 'uwu btam'! try8ailthelilunis In the alitillilli I Emulsion is car" lot. This shows
004-0 q lit tim ,
lying. flow lit the 4ACWwred Fron confinement ill title Prison Of lit lxvovinber. that the druggists themselves regard
-jig 811141! his ljowever. cl lilelliah groundh I with
CI`iXI"TFIb. layat only. Ali my Qyt. wandered over churcli-yarkt!" liat can W (19tw by I)Ilttl St. Antoine. The other day, pleasure
rsatioll. sad an It was. tile .9howu W
"'to he receivied a parcel of a very different IA dys mag-
thcvL. tillags,.she blushek1l autt tried tp This c0nv0 That go6d 'health is 0110 A anti btWIDOW Sense every tellililt' ti,r,, � flow ra.
Annie. n for me. It made ig a swut rope, eight 0 e An Scott,
. � hail its fascillatio mbe.-p farming. riter does Collections
I WaI.ML awakent4l next 111(brI111119 by tplxwtr UIIC(XIWi0ll0- to know more about, the gmttest blessingm we (all enjoy all skill Tile w keep llim nature. contailkil n If icen t sep %j it- 'low -
saki. me Want aLlmit; but, a a& not say hoA It cob
Which IVILY shall w#.. go?" site i What I saw, In- w i I I be roaxly to I ts to feet long. with a noose at one end. It expoditioll eallocia
lit tlw Hiamber, stery.of the 1111114�- W VIL sold. murder- 61T, is r a hanaiiii, or flower
tIW aRnul of voit acquainted my heop or to produce tile st0c was addressed 4 "To Lucch011i,
Anti. looking rur�lt fronk Illy was at) perfectly till. tile. que6- doed. was 'lot tile mine itseif, but only lKiw mLuiy, either through careless- a Emulsion
t that 1, left tho. its oute# machinery. , The main shaft, presume if everythIM were er.- the Ilrisoll. Getlevu-" v �Ow.
baw n3y Uncle. de3t0tI Ill his witit tile distric items or ignordnee, act -its it- they but we value of sheep Tito bank of thoe P�Iulklida Inver, t
taken. ifito &CcOuut-tfio
I c,otheal, 6lv%-ourhlg -L tiulu!g 9milett to nIA- abourd Allaioo told me, Opened down into tile eccCiAze, or at all events of 010 ming "-Uvgz Oil With HypLAPhos-
rAta-ined na nne to tier . r, f it i led to r t An the SUpply of ivory is beco wi.-ich crossfw tile t'itly of Tokyo, is I of
. ;tjjA1 4' 1 10im" rth, from tile body of tit(, clif la mail1tailiII4 tile fertility
sub"antial breakfast (A tea to m-alize, the truth of their admis- Igeris 061-el,11 1%ltli elwr y tr6es. Thtme I ites of Ume mid Soda as the
"WhiCh VV-'IY 4.10 YU" like Wst?" I Soil(] ea pdoor, f roni land; thehr g000d Offic'm as scaval %,Zt, billiard balls of Cast steel are ble- r &lid t1w, sPat Pb
I 110111ve-bakf4t rakes tot lily mak- anti was ca-ve4vd by it tra iou! The Canadian farmer, tilough weeds rLiul tile small I ardt and the urchaser who
id. I mc.8 of Itud destroyers of jig in de in f3wedeti. By making thlam give a pleasant oil ade,
%v ILU. but willch dIxzY ladders 1(,41 down Intothe 8 a is 11 rajorlte proillemade ror the citi- Stand
ing, wiliteki: (mi by little .%Illlie, ant]. tly subjected to extre, -re-a 900d I
in ttle brLglit inorning 11glit,look- Silt- pOilLteti witit tier It anetan darkneds. f mittien I amount of care they reqni lit is made to correer- to procure X standard
aven go there "I k4114, siliji, *to. subterr temperature, *certainly lives In at g woul(l have baeu made. Tile hollow the weig zeng all tAle year row&d- but In tiniO desires
etj vt�vn eleaner anrl ljeau�r thaut she **,I like to exceedingly healthful climate. Tile showl" - 110 pond with that ()f ivory balls. kcherry bloomi" the -crowds that �-causc he knows it has been of
-,Ili oil tilt,. shore." CHAIwMt V1. I grower has tile aVell.11le
%V, air throughout tile Domlitioll-is salu- American, sheel) thrkmg are farger than
had I(M)k-ed- tilt. iliglit lot -,Ott the sliore?" ttering e ?.line -Un -der ubt. a Wtt4,6r market than tile Can- InoMilight untold bcnefitt S�2uld not f or 01K
'M Illy Yes ; I. tile gli F irst GIIMPW of th TpXious, awl except wider certaill dO s fdr it is pro- writer in tb;e Ijondt)n Telegraph ever. It is crowded on
iA&%Vlkt ltb%e don't you he breeder Ila Ileill tile, Nlow initant think of it-Atiog the rislk of
than sheep -I
8.11 ing, lit) I),Ij't tbat sart. room bumptious lit, nig i t I
U114 er there'! That',' the ku'll, t1lou'gh tho Sea. focal conditions existing over a few a go, there Is says: -I once beard a I ts lid 111so %% 0
ii1tol) your head! J- ov it bit of tile collituoll. flow but, even , at I I f Iloil. using sciffic untried prCPSA-
o' jiawn-*mim� it looks like d It mufA not be suppl-mP41 that my areas of restricted extent ill -NIatil- (luct rofjtabje� Hileep farEallig to be tie man, who acting as steward at rres I v & live, to tilf., bmitity or
ItV dthwu-'k. or botntb to V- tilere ail had tobil and the Northwest, the natural for i) OW 11 conditious. `1 130011�9 fully a ration. The substitution
%varrant Ta lit Venriu. ckywk-* it"A so st.Ul. I liko ships uncle anti aunt, althimitj they -xceed- carrW OR u.Rder our Dublino wLL'i ve thell, C0untry, w1lerever there is a
It till Iwre tit
-r guitieril, hn* 1.1014 qtrure. atnti-see tile waters of tW I)ominlon are athletic sports lit is I - .
otl k4 0 1 it ilu� walk oil tit ,% . tell to - tile wash- adopted me, could afford to allow me . To cor- F,' oil Weaell owe kept gave a couple IctiVe Ill keeping bao�k tlJe crowd, point front wilicl, a picturesque view i of sonlxthin said to be
Ing ti&,,niotlier I)A%Vli*t go tlo%l along, aild- ILS 10 to ent for very long the bread of idle- illgly pure alid wholesome v -than in Kall-
Wily, tholi IllilWIX pVAW one#.' we have f tlollar� legs 11100111�0 -4 �ngry spectator *. "If btalnod, tile Jal)all('Gf' wlll-� I "just asg2l" for a st&nd-
nli it- ij.,1w TiLore ? I I of tlw waves oil tile st rogis twm. Hat] It been Recemary. they roboorate this statement 0 is $r tlw bousilliei�. addresiled by all L, t t)f yt3z, ye'd inny be o
,%I It ooxt profit in
hrtrnw :klld blittA., !rink. lingly started off ae wolli4i willingiv have Miami with me aulplu, scientific anti practical proof. sas there is tb:! congate was taken ou bulk] a pavilion, -or a tea 1101,18e Or
Ite jwcort. A t1w. aAa, and' '. but it was 'lot Nevertheless, our rural homes aw If properly managed. All that be -no bigger than a green 910"eberry. gonp similar placO Of rePcOO, f rOl!l ard preparation twenty-
t*1 you alot like ... 1110(orlantl towar their slenAler meatui, ure a good k Ind of lie love- five years on the markcAt
t s:lle. -aelled tile . Cliff& I was fourt4w-ii years of Rot always its free from Illness Its relluired is to we -'re as sour as wan already!" willch tile eyes way least 011 t
Ttw,,i, it juile's walk ri iems8a. ry then sur and y4
Alul ive alla ruoiill I rhung �geutlon, JIarrimea. sheep to begin with, and ly lapolwane. I the family I)icni'*8 4 should not be permitted by
father.- rettiriwd Wkht -Intl t1ley 'title. aV. I had received a good education, they should Le. Intl] nd+ an, frequent.
LR4)w' for Iwb,4 w4,fkell t i"t'" 4 lit high 6very way - to intention more round. them Witt' e0M1tlOn& u A admIral receiv(!s the or eteursions, wjjiC!j the intelligent pvrchaw.
ou tilt) Oceall, which %%"u led a,jut I wito In f Itted to earn sick headache, not as- typhoid fever �wljltclj the* mAy tiLrive. Japaneee or beautiful sitiiation
e -vier sillstw he wa.4 patli through the Focks my, bread. But WILIt Could 1 (10? Aly serious evils, s"Ch equivalent of $6.000 a year; a vicle goillp !)Iaoe F
txwend- LAND. - w1liell tlere )TT'SL inuision. ki"
arro%' , i8 I ood view -�Ll`411
_it. wa 1pr'S Inclination was for the sea. I longed altooWther too BREVXNG IN IRE 19 Vou reA
-twit nil WOW 11,11. antl diphtheria, are, PIG., and first and me- f "Oil' -,ht: ril'an and fi-h art on tl.e wrapper.
lie kit. It . tll;,ib ilklowlt to t lqe.,1_gtjIL2q hovering t.0 lxx.olue it onilor; not becaus-, I had adinLrtil gets $4.000 lat"I or of.., is always t1w.
o* bma-1. litt.14-1 w"I'lit is - ing it, witil - tile prevalent in Many'of our farm. homes et from -all E 119- d $2,496 and elther of OC.
kiloivit 3. telled the shore, and any particular love of ships. but be- tv; inquire briefly -as to. tile INX4- Tho followIng extra i selected. and fg-ucN 6.1 dfuggistit.
OV Wwon- SCOTT & IBOWNE, Chemlba.1 4,raoitu
Tin.. J. -twill's vor iK we "u reek�and a Sol- sh joul-juil, The Firm, Field and ond class captains are pa
'rijere ,a%vn*t loultil thore cause I had sollit. idea. that it Illight T1 it'. expeditions are 'lot
:1 kuulily C sible and probable cause or these itil- IL alit, Will W $%263 m8r;�ctivelY- ieA
4kb4)%e .1c, Flireeikle, or Aug- 06th I lie cold or winter
hti IlOuw. We looked tip; Ing me ariteti we &0
't:iry woOt -1 wly bo till- meatimt Of bring ments, so.that being forew catering tinumi eveli� YAiev t
4-wirtil. 3-4 ( , i"'At,e!" I Itim, I muh -d. . I I of intortowt to'th000 who are ot take snow w"es are greatly en-
heail!% right up U it own that hether The Bank of I.;nIand will It W;I&L" SA'JJJA A,
.111.1 11 takt* ri*#, above t The,, we turn- to Madellne. BcsidM may be foor0arnie W thO e1pottAt',bacon. trade. NV pri- lien
IMMKI Of my newly lit tIW first place, I anti or the ophl-_
I wast not exacklY givew below Could small bums Ili deposit. It retiuirt%, joyed, and wim th freshly fu
Ito tilt% blite Oln JI'll. grotaid iininer- ti�()M-,
fear'*' 4 It 4 tA�w 1114 Oft
Av� I tho i4auie OWL all a bal- snolv, I,; lying 4
tjl Illy CA-ITHer.. I our fli,-0.4 toward VIC-1111'J11- roituil n4atlow; %lid it honw w re. waU-r huppy d to
014. tillio loll that Jill iw*u out, in -Canada to bar vatc. delmisitors to lu.ailltaill t I)Oil'tA C0111- t4r world stre t 1141 ILA
0-144bt-4; lot- iont't Ilkt- the &.41, is it ?" so different to Muns-t��Ar's. Sometimes at the chief factor' ill causing the bo 'carried to doubt� however, (AN partles firilf! h"
tilt. 4in-lo. 141t ill" I I sitie by NI(lp-; "it looks night, when I slit ft 'llilig above-ilamed disorders, t1w "10 -it say. Theco Is it" of $6M. ItiandilIg n fine Tile childr4so for, mtrange ;i, it way alopmr
'fit- .134 wo st000t irtivelY watit his country 1,
till tIlt I-**.. �11141 " -er iii tA) permaw a4-(-uJ1jt4,jjjl 01 t4 J C0111SWOr
Win, .%alve IV a liko- -1 149 limid ri% my itincle-antoking Ills piPV In tile ingit fruitful sou'rVe it, mally illstance-s of it I thic, pork lybckem of t wVtII anti a-ro never Oxelxided, but
Itu-ti ; "butIt lslk*t rning the mtocking% I s. Tito very fill(Ast br, "I'd t"'p1i ')'up xyll-
"Nse my alult (in typljoitj and other germ diwaw!A ar ill sapphirt
n,r 'to) Now," HhAl" 1 111141, ranged tO 8111 ' )Ply our farnler" emors on all owell Ocelli
% - OIl_,_M,)ujj6 the ykft&. V-iiis, will0l
:Intl are of tho bacon VIM! I
7171le wives smie to IIX 1134 It 1110 IJAK bXWH 1.4 ll� . tiloUSall4i
likO UIL4 fell to won-deringwhat tile b6yS would ot,41lv bnd air dw� in -rf -t ve ti- t f "1*,p will- cigars fetches *
wr :'Ig'Aill V' jig,, Is 11011ses, Itizo they roar �fay if the f ee Of. "to 'LIM) (M Is To CuRgE A 17410 1, go III N ty R 111, 1110 A a finest In 11,11ANW-MV14,11. 4
I r I tillit.V4 ais. Y saw VIC'u, all"I my cheel" lation anA over-IVated 10MI's in till r Y w Id Ilaria
I f4)111141 1*.Ik '11106 -cept a h'a, fav-cw. It wOu
stri- The.n thttre"s been ft was of% one- of uC Ve
burned with ill.,amp. winter oxiwmi. Thirdly, to. tile 00ek- t1isk tilalt that The Laxative 11rorno Quinine Tabloix. Ali soft, vell �tv 111w. UP rk�uf%^ blue,
-A. wil4l twit Ing to ae
iii%-. It, . - In. illgly batj cWkljjg so wl�jely pro-- ter L, rigilt It, to cum fn Vim- lattor W an almost
in fr4bill I -ti, - I 41lipp;, big HilipS tillIt 90 to lilt' thes'. eveningi; that I tientured to (Ax- peirAMW b_� a grea Physlclaiis� carriag(16 haveth druggists 1`1411"It" rnoneyifit fal graduate"d
.1 L11141 114. ' Assot-111t,1011
W - Ill& . iv - cnt the rocks, and -prem- n Ila rts, whereby' Wbi2h the Bacon. -Curers it of faultl(-w whitoo..
�Ilc JraA % roki-it tip hert v,.Iy ill tile streets of Berlin.
v ilitIl b ave been ly wish to W) to st-a. -MY aunt vkient J11 country
it it t, 1114. lit w(mell it. lant have ulidertaken. But (,jouded (or stro-alid-ti with k)kW.
t�Z' 4N WW bair droNviN41. file" throw up, )ter blujito in.horror. Milo.11 g000l-,food is tendered ilidigesti of I re I - of to -
14 et. t her. aud. the Ind Site cricki marl con,_ might be worth trYing in, QOme-dir' full-grown gir- Nt-w B&bv Law it, ir ance hjtf� tivilen l4m,kv(i at traus-
st ashore." "LawAl love ble aud really unfit for hit have not. a I wing w
re. .6 the farmer.s For the Mile Of -clittIng birth afU-r cutti'49. 11111 ll;'%Ing ft
A 4"t father a'mwly imperfect trl-t�s where desire to -VOmply W>ught after in Strica owiing to 11 low and i
su nny strong Ore.' 9rcatlY
Have yO% well theill Ito be'ant Ilk(- his jupti(xi. FourthlY' W %eruply
ard te �- would ye to . I)lu:. tint on 04. mi&r lK411t.
11 Of "k-111- You'd like t4) gaW. to AV . ligeilient-fmiluently tin evineed
N`0; I've only, lie. sallitary arra, e reflulrementAi or the exp,)rt tlie na- rAte. which has rearlit-d a poll, t w here bit of film
I,en tile wilitis are Le r over the I a' rth and ! with th
IA -t We It%,, A W, blowing Alk wande ce 4)f tile ea t ally attemot at h(PlIkA ittre consid- for wIliP Juld sJultial inakiDg. onto 20.- It also) ot-curs In greens ;it d yellcOws.
�114.1 wrecks collie, motht-r I her did.' 'Without a a bselicel 'a . tiispo4l1l . of b -icon trilde.. It Would reql -I--' t" $:!ry' it IneX10 all 11111111110! 1413"M of t' - former Ala& Wing kn4pitvil .1114 �14. ft
I proper -irt of the tive litititers get from :I year, France lKW t4l,
I oft tll:lt, :jvjil tilt diet Ilke your'fit dralltage or tilt, erable expenditure on the p ...... 00() - of ppitulatio.
1.,,f wr ra t I'l, - r. M1. :111-1 lilt- tile llotw to pray, for. roof to cawver his Ileftd? A sailor! housi- refl,se aji4i excrett. lint bitbies Oriental t-mertild. and t1w I"A aS-thP'
i.;r%� 1)141 -� - I pat-kerii W vovibr tile ground thorough- -it's qluti�oor rew:lolved'too take car%N of W 111wre
cii- a no It' . ler. fit ther ... Wd love '44., :Ing %vIly woultj you be a . Ill tjl�* prtw*nt arLiele hat of the opin- -Thsti- Into Lord A'liichelsi . frequeollt ("Onillolftilit' (-)rjelitill toll -17. is al*o a red
V %%4. t-4)"filit ly, and we am. a0mew she Imm It ii thp I I
*.,s it Itlitier." inlor -�!- r,atioll 0I tw e] the odd :I mubc� -:I reo- I lijapphire or 001on ruloy. which i14
".Nly Wily, 11 majertill son A -conaiide ton 'Vitat they could exPPII'l tile "oil r Itiolts Included of liollysliellit:si tilat ignorant or y 4 f -
V I I ts b iv
Alves to *c
it, 4. lilt "y4w; but 110'a LNk. 0" the lifL-boult . I at* im-thilig about wish- ourm im)!- to wtter advatitatCe in 9ther ways hitr v, as tji4 Iiiie.-A Ittir
:1 Ali�lljlp ; in e I 71t� of bricklaying, 9IRzilig all' lea; j):trPnte4 kill their nfan valut-d a�' 111
A)OIX first of tht"Mb U w ted
t(joi)o� e,, twa the,farmer is it soo!id fO&J. I t to, rubko.
UA-% 11p,q st) strong. I Ing, - w work for my. living. when lily 4 it witter one. Wily U) (.litto
, t %%*,rq- 14, "'t-, -re unelel cut my* t-tpianation whort by lut'd wawr. I)Y.%vlli"tk W4' U, r packer ing tilt-]
A timt wokiell Itimw. that's wlK nitri.di-rived frout toui-Il' hi -4 povkt-t . anti if oul lonj continuoii ly Ili tit 110P that it 1114 omo*t yea"'41 baby
if.- rai.Tt I.IA A' 116%vill gayh1g. colitaining 4)rguillA, I I three 1 LA
I they ke bolat." patting me oil the lWad an t1w burnyarj., a' W lamist-14 I tral-til!K tiff, attp
t 4. t1w lift or table. ould Mough more for fir lition (if 4 -lailned: lik)"A kw)w why
v ad to hear tit - dry -k fat ontbli t (.Inwi tly well this Vinud's Linillieut 91 best -
11 til tli` 1"' 1 tilv tiireetion jilklicated ,yoll,m a gxx-Al Ind. I'm 91 lit, bacoon rolg� "lie' &413%
lit ft"llowing nke' to.*. 04 -silel 14 t1jan for till( bo.it. Mr. -Stalker, returnift I . slit. wao lo:-rf4v.1
swv-s r by Iler I-loilitilig filiger. Illy eye ffoll.1'4,t,ttilks:f%v;buttlu-re's Ito milap f6r lorivy.. 4) gro t re* 111iiiig with hi -a iqV-am tug 8601 f ried finds a dollar lke iuvariubly
wZlter is 111k,' make It worth _wIliIP for Win t 9.
.4;011stant awlinet lie wolli mornin WWY. tllreA it mail
Me 0, se, to slily.. yt)tl'm a -mm i n' --k, and If-arniulc ft
Upoti -Ailliethisig vl-,� IX'SI, tes - the bou tA) g -I W tiriner Wid hL4 fAtitily, anti ral,,*- tit#' 110-21co'll .11109 fort- o'clo, ego !99 .4 It, , twen ad6pt4A for- v4jebratkng'the tisol -
eltum'- life -boat : :1 JI.-461th i+f tile f, t i I I or jxjoll lilt Ililliscif in a ition to do,6, lit r(xxi 4 1EPMlis two
..tot U) whil*11 etoltaill441 thq. . WILrk wi ille,,11tigh!"! an 1%4.11 :,-; to) till., thrif e pm rV4I(% wiff. of th" ac'-i'lent, It IvUll bi(I'lling ally 0114- tAN Irkt, NO!
tl ti e water in tle- there,. 1.4 not ("'O"g- 7 year ery.
Tkar..' la".. -iit too ill I , -r oue
Sq.), rutlij-'voble lay fl�`K'ftltl 14"lleSs. 'of his At the, prtwo-lit rescue, :Intl with the assista
We -11 t ry. flere wt- stc)(141.' ligilt. rior lily Art),Lg ql4ttire tt, �go_do%01 stowk :Ind tit, W114ilf-sAm (1 4 pt- in.irgift IN-t%V,-vn - tile two.. If Udall tab- erew, after I l(nig m-arvh. Illy kinI t.0 ilkfallLs und,
a f, %�v y:Irq b4 j(jollt tile tvritteii aut,110ritY Of n
lilt 11i.y ultele dairy tkr4M1tL-t-K-, It may IN'. -tit b ietl Witt
jo an iroik.rifig ilriy- the shaft wa.-i growing,', I
oil I*a 'se Of
lorl( of b"V011 110904 Was tit(- ainva.4t txhm
It Ivas I t n r v Inalified physicia-i.. Alwo. tlw tw ill, 1ptENT- 4'
1, . . tA'fl i.4.." -th:- nit"JI111% of re t lit touk tit -ju (iff their li,t-ri!oii4
1trig rtibbo-r ttibeSl (Uiig bottles 1041P.P. Wdooxi-t 404-� 1-11 ic U IaLr" A4141 r4.%
Ittj ; the mine b r juatik- Uif,m (om fort, 1 g prolilbited, because
t Lt- r; Die a stip, of a sufferi'ng thiS di -4 - twent. ffvp U) forty cents, as I' f16 of the difficulty A
t L it that W. slit X ok Ills lietiAl. ottly, for i for if' t,114A &�*cttj 411 dollar pi�r hunilredweight MO - k., touk tit I 1� I
r en. into the r(*-kk A111 Itilild "Naw, re %.,* - , "AM " for tilit-ij fat. oneg instead Of f rl 'It, t 0 fft'
f roul L. I
rslp% im-ij, like IzIltien - V- for Ulf- itirilt. IU)tI1 no I tilem, sterillml.
p iTvnV%, rollW-1 wlt thi- enrrier, bint tha.t brwig-lit-YO I tO big. coil y infiltriitioll 4)r* me, We vent�re 8 C6 of k
? rly w lit a rery
brioat:111' beft-4-- ar you'n) wa V. lit, thiA, ljortwelit ti, 114. llll�
It t ill ro
b ry
ta ot, intAP t - rmers ten 1 1114, Irive W.U.-ettiltbeti 11A
Our hollse. 'laAi like you will b,' boo-tV't,wh find thAr ou
A -r tlie-utWir 114. '11, tilt. tvitil"i ativertion that our fa' tilt. off TELEGRAPHY,
r., ft,ro b'y t11:111 114- 110' %V ith gn)vIng-'In ' the AwfiCe."
"Wily, Itillitzillgly. FqOjj fln(j. I way of proViding tile
.twt. o.r ia� I 011ftitiA.11. iiii't Sent bcu t "The offive!", I n.ppaio�l. ray Ardor will, filultiply there . b- their lool- eximoure 11-141 Vie llit-n-ial subj"CL. Prol".11% tallglkl
I . W -rut . )t m4plithS tif-I Helvtw with the'right type OV1109 f (jill b.4-11 muAt 14, --r-qlel-iyott -is for w.t%ell yearli a 111041INEsO4
W 16tA--,t 4g U),11.1y eyes. fcAllitt. It tirifthig biqjIg considerably datillwd. 0 ly, during Vile, 114, . , , . - - - 1)(.4y Sira,—1 w, I Gerr ill Inwi,..
t h i s b:j,cOjj_p, ' jut -it g- pur to. N 4til all(
ft;r elite apart from rf_X p9tT". j(-bial trouble, alid. T.ortnit I
wia. ThAt'lk the tllagt*'r took "flay "Oo fixtA41 it all. Tawm_ asloed &Vnitner. 1111to . lciatioll Mr. sufferer frt)m brot It
A ill from the -as tits. %v#. 11,1%(' ni) Ilesitatioll in. 6'Thi- 114ki-ol" Vurers' A-%" thi. �TUR FAMOUS A* PXG-L n(l%% Olk.jk. a 110Mol 14t nlj�
4 # SO"W'd
my Be at timft that I I.:igl I ri-gUlar RAM -11`1
�114 to awwv from Illut, sAyIRg it *% M t -)dut-t.4 Of which thP 14--litill would be so) hoa r
'A lno*., le: an nobody d'Iss. mother. J fix(141 it w 1' tile y -it Vic . pro tit*', 1je- irl-lalid, tillame ritc for cataWfful'-
�-,r Antw kut :Itl(l offored it for &a -iiig th, I . IM 'I StA' a-, 01; ;'i till. traldip t Cork, I inivii .,at antxnk abo)ve a whisper. W %HAW. 11ring-Apal.
;It to:e thulP agaki IYTU-r this fawrentilon Hug', ea" 9a W Y111 F1 is r nu% cOulu RK -44 JT
it lie got it back. k-UMIN)SItiolt 1 -rahle for -ind XV11terford, ar(- Row illstrihiltil;
04. 1 and Ilivin." r -re referred.U) are-allswi yori—Iii, WMP111 got Ito relielf from aIIYtbitl9 till 1
ljttft�- to the masteAr." Monday 64 h. - 4111 (Aver - Alunsteir w0l-.hred SAUKAG - ,IAN Sh(4.11 ari(,
lie do With it lluw?'. -thm It will .00 8 M.11 thilt Illy "Iest ly III;-he*ajtll, htid o4l*A�iallY for dis All III-NARD'S HONEY BAI,
Pr 4-ait to) grvad; tried yout fillest Elf PARK,
t. rect o A% ..q,% .%nkt what (:oov; for me. anti twmirs tbzkt; ari..-.-
6 Wcul-Ilt .1 Jim] out On 'the inal triw,�* 11A wo bottles gav6 relief and six i-swil �_Vwliab t. gqlodvi lit right jorivel,-
(4 Ht. gueo ou t f iolihig solftetimes was nin Ord,-rs th" it'"t rai-oA
U'ater-t-of- IM1111),%4I 98 sA M. T K j.j.j. & t,o.. Toroittoo.
o*%*-W1lq�W4,W! the, Lutlotii In Illy,thrt, he'.-; got tile Unle. Sometimes lie 1, 4,111..v 1 bWI it. my dutice as, under -clerk. pson 11LA
"s I far6pts lit th�" would
14.%, tilt. La"'ut 111Y, hit lid ae a, -; Oil % . A.
glytt; 11-4 1 treat. He took, us out it, i with - but Alttl.0 altisfut-tiolk t U.I.Illing suviii,polluti'M 411'" ained- i -mottles made a complete CUM - .10 FOR
'our Reftatitut
obt. heartily recommend it to anyone Xd-
v", an -1 do-Vir�11IJ14.41 f bt.1vollki tile fact that J cont t� 1
?613, 4, it ollef lsk)w IMAN011. (Atil-11 ulldetmi I illik Tfwab bovirs - haN46 the NT
ttiat fontr% .4�k. toward -onl4di-rable exrell-W frum
p%ilwnillver ?11 - -%I Nil shillings a ,w4 tile Aring" I - Ilad trouble it's 01001 y lKooks. -ri,
1,4mrr '!, rVi t,,* '*I)Ikl ytjKt likv it' utc and lorw4 t IV kv h011, K )ur X.411. ferinlg fr0m throat or lung
it 111111k usellow cilwndillure. Thus my irw sv.,,-U,tn, n!noler- -4 -in I.:i1glillid for tilt,* 1 ral. '->(. -irctilar- itild ter"'- OF
.ome LI.-v1g4lr of th. Itnt-tt tlult ft)r t
A, ill lot "41oll, y4w ho tone- still I.,. valilmikirk -1
1"'t hl4)(:t it I I itilit dedilt Oit'
-fig. hr, dne
wit., appetizing 1%-r- t 'h prontim-d VOW tilde. Iww'
0 riw bmakfa "Wou %-I yoll like to gi) agaill?" life bqr. it. :1 lift- will( ing its vietim H4104' t4) ftior -r.
ftioin tlow %*-ry btrait0-:WNS unev4.tltflll t-nough. At firRt I chafed villent. or W I-rislolrki Swine. V) tli.Alt tlie. I org S%bit votir ifirt4t orwit
till disr-aw VISA may 17 uit t1r.. Fredericton. 11006 1
'It )le of
'alero - - m6ift-likely w. Mel hour it.. which mi 13
Tmm% lit illy life Ila ytw, low. &Ippi ". wo- takv Pie boat AfI114"what but Time 6 to, any a ttal k. of (.4awtitil- %Vill I)* 'far ist^i (or
tlw As K%li,etim of -irgrams
, �s. brought M4.14-0 to me- tilt-, atelitAN 41f ltiv' liaction trado as
aillt pull- out f*jr I bit; it woulki be all th'ing tiojj.�j _w4i4kk*jt4v4..;, -,aor W thf- Ld w" kj1O%%,n ag; Ikx
at 41;V14,4 ill A,
if ry of Mull- s is tit.- r:l w niateriat -is colic riwd-.- lit huth al
-4�101 the menio -it. It i VicWria,'$
Ill#iArilring, .41 nit -31 114 it I -lk-ttol-r thap, st,1yj1jg II)oiith.R .1 lq� IL - —ou T
Lo(j* hiii at. ilia Y, .1 It tki I ItA'tla RICA! -*111-41
.%O -t I I ' . and whell. ally aq-eidi.ilt t1i -t A' at - t1m; Lint(- or QUee Tne "11CUS I( Ito j11Fs i,A\A0T Her. lit
Titi-ri, VV:1.8 41VItk!ntI.T ister s began to grow its kit. uner 4)r 4-tolliti,-etion with tim nit as t I M!
1-1,tatcws, thought of I w )f spni-� intat ill: liti4als V14oplul^-110if- th" 1 is I K"w clameAl (jof tilt. SVjj(*tn &jjtI lilt diwa 4An ilo'
IaAilelirw it ;Is ( Al% .4 torwi, I)r(4)f-r devd aect i(,gica I gairden Wt a small s"ill"
llot twittic to k Z' 0 i, adnmoistzr"d 14)
rt --,t hr t 114- AV' Of 301111 1 -ell in I. dream. in; thf. caw 11 y or vie British el"llire, stivit
,'jigil tot) k4VI) 1140 V 'I' Iovelv vision A I,.. IV4.JIItIj IjaA Io4-il -wrt4itvily 1 ifidju.-try -I m0o' bwd 1, is rt-prt-WiLted in tit(' W`w bal'9 pernivate Ow
rill R ut It I :Ind jlle�' till It sually. rat fter LolliVA1. Liverpoo
-1110 cohm.", I orged 4XII's krlk*T Monotonous as my days promised ta full I tIvill thosi w coming IT a From tht' 6101d"r band q)f gold or hi diwaow be--tjollw' cur&blt--
r. tile t4vy- Igtirctli 4-d- *Killer it- tile 4lill), runted)
,,Iy, jl.tge4l U) it -11119P :1 "tt'4 itinster i.v tirgeittlY ill G iwwaw, Manchester, 111irmingliam
Nil— as Ler. pull 11-4 well b(b, I sot-iAn nia V(I lid a m Ion
i Kort7 %ill lilisT"i4ltl cha'We
latil." tilt-n-f4m� , we thrtmg1loilt A iwvllaneous collect ftsdam*t;
w -t -i 4ob-'a,ure, livre re plellsu". into them. principally Nvitl f it rm , 'Jew 111 imll r depe lie elelillant aill- I hat
eye kilt of th".. %VIktA,r- ed,'hfince till- oilkwt anti CIVIcutta.
I as John 1:104. f my fijend ztnil ally, li(nlo-st adviJ4_1l,4'av4-f tit st-vit biwt brid IKKIrs that* 4-ould be ()f animal charins, t plam with ItADAM*:� MICHORF KILIXIL
0�1'10% Kawt svnie C(orfi-NI Still A114. IlesitiltAL-ti. 1plit yt-,Id#--d fiii- the, - it 1, 1 o ww is. gazor and tartle sbowing
4':Ifk V.Lt Yff-I %'itt!" Alie boat to ildd ; for we 000n. became Close oply: awertaill th' pr"ball"'t'4"" Ing t-lic ti and thpir dis- I Ajontion. Olif -
*;v at fte r at 11. 2 -illy. Wt- p1wile-I out - John 1'. "t , -lilt -amplo, 41 tlftiltit�� ,f 44litaincd from .1�ilgla�ll rs of tile Mortality amc;ng ll(wpital nur thil Oldr-r fasitiol" Collection Of pig.
irith it relish, Nora,ni jp�t It() pron, I ' I �,(j -,way out, (xi to it-humis. He, collCk"Irol a great rebl)ect for. (Altailill)g it, &0 tribution AM0119 thf- farnit, rtained -y and irwan. The vilaring __pROVINCE
gother, an4l j),1jIlc *j not already a6m ollkd
11111n, ant of my on- purt. Witter. it sim' startling. It has b0c"' rabbit. VIC 1 13E.ST IN TH E
Itomak-11, [I.IV ki . itil'i will h How pleasant it for me. partly on acCO :1 ho'k. -ellid
JA perior oiluchilon., and partly -because I ex6t. Pollotrest 4'0ntPlkt�wit1I Gouth. healthy girl of. 17, devoting art. lleowirily small. The turtle m)
qiLe ycKir urel#- tlefore laww; wim there, with tlle� still pouring its K4 deptil dinz -io. thc Thi- 'boars, have 1*4-11 :wXt4`,t with that ng. dies, on an I favorite. This browelet V IeH
-er aU�r rendered him Such of grcatot-r to,r: Io "I I.$- herself 0 jwspktal nursl a or ..V)o"
Tht- breakti;at, 1,.e�ng o% lily aunt tile. w. vattiable assistance -h4-jaoAA y6lilings art-. ceUtra . -111 c4oust
A, 1poll 11-4, anti farni farmers t� tit. by t
ith,"-et- gently -ription Of - 11i'l Poems- Ile tuirnyard or ulldi r -.olte 6f tilf" pL..-arago �21 years sco6ner he jiame of the "eircus"
;ju I .%r ni#- bitev- ! thf r, Im- thl'! -I jAjoj conveniently �Itllated, tO INVill- I
-in& Ivi--;'%v --nnilltig arutind awl Itipping tile in the transli tw IW IllovilIg antoong 11allgl(l. It is a grpat favoriteA with
t�jjlr tiling.# to r'KILIts" -e er gloves, -1cod his boat entirely at my -dio* buil4ting.4 -., for., sxxmer or artners - 4A gL.ri cof the sa
n,,. ft ling I)L . tj w.tter %vitl, thte and encourage the f. A hospital
A y sikle'L A"'lle t00k Oft It posal. also lent I y 0141 wri-iolu,4; i 'i at populaticon. young girla
tc")k in ite his- gun. a rust W)ij 11PVpr 10 Intl A or -the ge
It "So
t nd
ocoxwwItat tilt' w:'�, anti trailett her finVrs in the wati�r; eAeft district to livail themselv( t he W of 25 6i'MRATFORIVI 0%11
'.Intl r looked down JM. Manton, which kti-Itt in seeret.. bp contaminaitedVild ditIlIpIrOUX! toffer�xl them In nurse a the sit nie for War&*.
ViAln'try A hfLd thell ,-;ke Ivat.e-i over a xispd to anittse mLy.4elf Ary to sink .1 well tile oppojortunitit4 n of I ife as a ippz8on at the Etetter Than a Charm Nearly A of the enrolled 10 our
coul.1 wlat- sort ail -ti with which I if It is lipemw 11ce f rom -tillq wa of improving till, elaw (it t.xlxeta
into tile enieral,l ik-pths- below, whW pl:lc.u, it hk it Kufficint-dista Y 0 n the ortiinary community. f ()()I' KI I , tollit-ap"I'Mill 011tAdt. Ow -'it% etiolike tronk 1141.41,17er
AA-* pt the progIt.-Cq j14- in 'tile eveninall when MY work was, Ill.the, southern t"Inti"N. age of 5 1 Everybcxly t1l" . 11 in"*. Gr"dualt."
nil all knowt, .vhat
4 to be� beyo pigs brod tlx-ir eflorta to 4 it tier bugillf-1, El"Wr tit%
ITW or openet I directly Illy `47tv" :19:rtll `�we (toile. the In 'Lt 4.114-stp.
This is not - As ia rult-, the farmers aro only tOO 410
But the o r o011 Y b-% formed Of tile lukrinf%'I away. It: ve 4 ut,
a -a they calle-1 tic great fafte -n for poo.*Ible�prfflk of. 1poillition
-k WAS ange the tlWMSPI VeS 'of L tiff A A faiu� idm M-11 have wart%? Write for Ilo-Autif "I ('OtAl
nto tiw N;ir ment a glad to avail 4
b 1piffi. Evory tit . ii'll; ig'a sort ag'(-onvPnVut wn arr. r *hn lift- it I i�hngt"Wll Wald I I chum cluiriiwd. 1:0 - doubt W. J. V.1,1.10 "Al"It ipat.
Ine It"was becomil , A, I A,,.
11111t I
ff .
it. an I here i(Xilill 11, tv .;I— . I -frooai thc., Sea Ahe low-lving ST &a p, by �)I;wn. but health Should not, FT X which thp,41toughtitillivan 4r extA-Ikt U) W IV a - ' 5"� .7 . tiollwthing
to, grain. which m� late-, be- of " FrankelartAll." hi'lliltilig '.ill Old In the -e has provVi"I and V011 :Ire- :i4kilic fill
ilrely pickilig till brtlak- strt-tching --tild (U*D iglit anti by day; I saw it ix-rory iiie IN, Iz-d for convenienve, Curers" Ai*icrI:)ti0ll rire(i upipti by tiloA, Allied -armoiCs putlialu'li Corn Extractor cluLrn'K - VARM
alln't La-! g tit, III lipforf -the vil-- 11 Alp Ii- not rpspec.t. Tik4.%w 1,.wirw w,hen from EIGHIN* �'IVV A(11F IMPIW% -11
neatii tile %varni sumnwr sky i as 1. sat writing ill -the offiee- :kit-, rlytivn'-windnilli pur for Orin In till@ it is stateil that arte, ill three "it- or ex -
too, :, motigrel rrf*- lit flopts ni(k4t lo-miste"It t-44'41 w. lit aillI114-4-1. 0111.. (01'
I -it, frdin sny prewlit P(4110 alr, and brinzInK thv, water I practically r Tionollito woopert). 10ro
fitat IX-tweva .1 I;lg,, %viiii, 1 whell I Ivas asleep -at 'llight w it coilt1y aff. - will distributtiN s. a tax sixjwm.A� peir hundredweight Tlutt Is easier than 4.11-11 f or itliiom�
puppy. a sort vrtws of villitap., seem4,(j handful or Inge black dirpet too th" house � apd barn It plicli distriet for. breeding purpost to Russian Coteritment, lev 8 - �rrii-k.ftto 111mid -1 M .1. To" of lit).
'welue'l to I lit my dreanig, opeiiing Am I which lie sa te -R' Iling L1141 litbliv mo(m over your
(.0it-o :in., a greyhoundt' it throwfi in I hollow just, be- --oon -ibor sAved. _iL jill.t the animals are rield by � way of te I
jig tAi crush away p:ty for itilielf in 1� 0,1 upo tIlD Proceeds Of t !4 -ft, tcwoliltler. It
Mo..' WlIA-11. tIlp. jjIMMOTIC I 1113''il 1) po_iwlblp to 9iV0, -in A, n.*;Oelation, who ktill joickc,41 111)
yowl tile I-oitage ovilere (;;aijly had i a J4 ivg allot, prepar I
� ionxe Ti * Prie I livarot bf won] not lon it 'from tilt
w�rpelvt 1*1 lot' Aerinite, AdOtse pro Oft, sho a
.%ppearwive, vanw, wr*ggl I.. I_,jD porceiveil flow that fw.rtv 'of of old ljoeople, .I sitini
plac#,qt, 1114%. 1 a I �.a rtl -je, more ta-In the bnarlij. 1IR tile wns.
-tronger grew in$ VVish to 4-t- 9"llf-r-I -Of the site for re 'It sol I by tile i-la-monds.Froin A'riea
fast 1: 0, A . about n).v feet. 1144 6ther cottages it. the, h eg:irding tht- smi-]PctiOn thp bactmi eurerg e"neernf,%ol tn tile '. W "I i 7XAI. Manitoba Far
ro* munt,ro it tijwt dark tum -els 4 r ly �6-,Jr),()00 was lifto aitd 20,0W Ila-
paAklA! throulak 04 -re we .tlm)tjt tit(! inorami, allot fin- Itlovie.14w iny-R. .114 ('0nolltion of soil, santa _(itv-, near Two thOusaiiii w \Vrilv 14)
py watb%retl 1p� tu-- the earth. tivo Mi1wrs are employel ill the South P. P
t4o tilt, front (if 01- . "go" -41-. tilt" 011P :lily, t1kit -thore %va.*j - o;ie lar set milk is no I(xWr a n R. 11. Myers, M.
t.Itj,. 1l#_,Pj1i The front 141 again I ball txggt,l illy vary lo greatly-, onch Came
ovelty Ml4nitoM.
ttell L bt:-it Again- ai ItA owl, voliNideration. *-Fro Afrizall (liamond fields, For wme Minnedosa,
folloWlig re Aon rising uptfroni 114-41r,wf�. ?out lit- rt-fii.-;lAd. I W
linf-R.'to Vike i I put titVir t,jo aboor ) al -
of th�. cost.kgrt. xv.va tovry tr;m . -V4,r, to - ','to Agaill, w4e.suffi4q lit Eur**-. Milk igs takeu when fres" reasoll., which is jot very plain,
4)f groenwood. ast.'hoW4 lay nioriti go . Alf- Ho ond ualww If )-oil %%alli io I)tiy or,rew it fitriii ill Ille fertile
114�at: :grlq. was a. %ery. smi'll, At IL If*- anti retaln Of- liqui5l mallu lit
"Whillt aske( to-,Iiv ijjtf.jj*. 3 and fromi in bricks of differents1z" thougil tile pr(xluets or diam.
igar.ea herv, v. lill-4, W11.4 tOlf-rably we Ito be.enno- U) 1114- J dripti gwamp. muck or' 90011 10'10 Tito mUk Is said have Wen foir years in territory own- 1041 n Mit"itdM
-,I it be- -That? 441, t1lat i14 light said, mmely %.tivafilp-lor aTVlj mold by tilzo either England, Northwester
Mljt:vjkWl : 1 aftpywarll h-arnt v- will bc- found ext rroundlnKs to IxN more hygietdc than liquid milk. od &lid coontrollf-Ati by wattlir miol o*x
tt **You vall Keelp the oil' lit 4 ft"I" 83
ff"! too *31AV
:j,jj.j owi-41 it -4 pre thli ptirpo4e. till gtu,.% ing tti�i 64
I 't -Tito juaLsWr qlawn. I'll k ee 8 Pure and Ri C It Spain or. Portugal. tile bull gr,
Ico. - -thvjarim buildin 4 it 'Whell the Blood i red ill or *1�4011111 (&rjjjp.
appearance entirely tolter hant!R edrutli, the inaster bf of Ant 11011gh %%,eo,,ey was jj,,�bvcr rich and diamond cuttinc has Ce'llt t10 114-l' ; I I T#'. 40
)ill-. , , * Yes r, I p -I y In,1he th,'Rurf T 116,101011. 11,1410W Ito
WAS :1 viir:o,u6 illustration of - V10 11 wl". mej:" he found- to site,' and naged a NotilewlandS. particularly fellcilig alld t*1111
tile uq the iiri4tv- Ik*I1k!8 tilat;" sh". alld`d- ExultemNit is w4-k-AA114' :kll.i 1w)y"j1 would otherwlic' 90 to Wt Will kil R -i I) i dis Y, tiover liad a large salary. he ma bopt thO .1 ) tlif
Ill tier ol! pf ill an I orna- Igium. Tito firut guild of dia lwlloiool-,� Eiv.
1 tj . 1p WIIOIP pjUC4'. gerving IANITOBA.
-.O,::Itf-IV foil 'A of' tile njj�swr o' and It W.1-9 t-SIll-Vialiv oille t� rob-tbly-,ho th ' rnean4 of pre during 1114 In I* w" etstablished in
invotitl %0,P wa.,J Pass p 0 tp-give awav 9ver -'�200-000
lily I;n"- t1l y. W e n - moud cuttoorm,
flower_,4. :tn.l twoo-thirsixi. (if 114.r littlle fit it 114, live titere bn-t thert- w1w ont' 9-14*V1 IV WPII wat�pr it, purit. hi- folinjit,.41 in y'ligland an e titan 500 Ymrs ago, alul Varitivl-�01 pnw-1wrini; . . .................................
-yo. 1 '111) and. sa%v tilat '. i fe. I to I--- Ilruww, More
o. ;1 goo.)d part of the, yt.-ar-" dhilne, who" gtroiligly AV 14e the use of one- or ot r poor p"
witile A - it Millie was :1.14 wilit4'.."S4,21, of th(._,,p materl-ilcill the privy. whivil 'for I(Xtliillg iness Il&x bwn
it) tile other thir I were beL,# (or my 4.1diwi, box, K() Tlits re4et Demonstrated lit the Case Of terpriNe over transient since that timet the bus erp and
aijtt wley. wtio Had Been small 811IIIS to t"" tltem It in Antw
f-t-lery. "Thd Khppt and trembling vi4)14;"tlY. shoullt h-iVe a witlidrawage Ga Ilifficlititw. A cabbler. who received I'l :I PrO11140le (mw- hot P FARM
t:jr I an I ere.*,. rtoL,;he,4 Ily emptle(I f roni Chest-er
witi. w-1111-11 all#,. rextilarl'y st',I)PI16-41 V. ..That's all.?" Doti, t. tathe.r. 410111!'* Milt.'. S; I i*d, that it can be ' ea#4 Tr ore for. front thits ItIlid- was uble Amstordam. H LA
�,Y"; excelA at hollilay -times, w1lell time to tinao. oubled Witt, a Running 8 Oali, oL V, the latter's
1pts" fcor�tli6, table. ti,4� vijoillig inaswr conies 110ifle frtim po4t h(mip t4) re too iRh ow ey before ThilArt, is m4iom ('atarrit it, this 1*141- DO YOU WANT AA BOB? S
Ha %-;. i tx matio I rapid iturve.v of tIlP -MY unelp laught-41. :L-"tlY, have a'cOm More Than a Year Ile prof I to of hill busillew
I turiwil my .Ye..4 (XI W-114OX. 1101114- 110--V."' Ior a 1111MMY0 Annie, what I f I -it w- veilve the bouseltoid glolm. Thn practiee de'at.11 that t r diw C
ving -a sui-picion.in iny mind. ' I , gettill.'!'�, lie Ing refuse, awl. lifluiI outiildv Tinimi, Owe4l 14(.'ulkI- 1 wero $150-000 per year- tiOlL Of the eountry tillill all othe
Lh. gllj%ler Wnv4l little womarl VOU'lin W' -ful (Frtini ther nwro%
pamps Ilut tow inuiruv4d famillig
tlLo prospect tw-fore all twiisle TnP. tile young master. ter's the bick tloor I -i a' dirty 11 E -m itcut till
aglied hor what Ili 00,Uuu
Hat of thro inti wastf . and witil tit" 1"Pit
stot) i alone oil a saki. 'Wha, you ai�nt I1k(9*a;- IPII )-o.4 -;azawak. Grey t tho late PrOr. Coll ft. w yea rig suppoloo4d to be illeur- A
T.Iie eottW. AA gave tile all accur- [ig film in sumnv6r, lj�)Vut- lit" 00 4mv-11shil it, is tutid th.A. %%)utiverit Micl IWO
fave! inune li- Wag I ike, ,bit ;;Ilf jam. Snitle. I%*#'. intist, ihak' tile, lad a no, brIngil King thi- ty., tlwri�- is probit-bly nui better ous botanist, thus alilo-. For it great, many Years d(wtoors lands i fAold on 10111t time And
BEKIlt emim-no-o-. w3s ti'te boy I Ila awl ooll, an'l 116111 � I C011113 of I1rf*jatj. the fani *Ali 4, vio N t)rt I i I lot kot it.
the hijrh rvt,l whiell-swept ato 44-*�rijktion of ell- mail, nawt a inilksop. Naw theii,,, flugh. Ing, the air if. toun(%�,d it a locAl diiienxe IA, A S V IIA V M VVrs. a I it tie ent-1 11,0W
a* surrounding -A unhealthy. of voursi,,, -eturps oil hot- prof and pm, t , vir
U -1y by the village. few hours before-� Uiato flurry ul) all4l 9('t IT -110- wp' aj - na w t house, ef- knowit'lis rt*"-etekl farmer than op,410ii Ills cournii, of iti AU,08, and toy MI &jjj,I,uw itis or write. THF Tift'WN MOW
I'mat anA carvel ot tO adventure; tho water i -i piped tnW the wribed loml rf'Ole %viijilat. cen,er. Mitlk.. or
a,' "I He to filf-ti-liug Jkl8t Mull of MY, got, much time to lom!" tx-, prov"Heil to 4;awlc.y. of E.ast Witton P. 0. IA Ilifig "Illy Tile four chief cOnfitituents 'OT local STATE 1i
wilij!iAl lay somek quarter of ly raiiing too cui4, with
W fi-Imtr drain-ige "hOuld lrAe: Carbon. C . oxygen, 0; at -ant
w: 1..4 anti.* after thi.g. w#AA f4-11 to dreaming Tild. first thing to I):' d0IIP 'Os-t(l it -Into# it iikt-ur:kbk-. THIC TRUMAN Mosis ESTATZ
g 11"I flow
dl4anco. all waste that his ILeAjlt'1l%W. a You 1 1. N." Thell treatnu-jit, 10"niounoom
tilt -me.t to lie a dark Pxpaillw agaill. Annio Ifock-0,41 (Iowa Illub tit#- .1ttillt jjjy.,x.lf i6 one or lily tinclo's carry to- .1 im-en, cured llydrOgOn, If and Nitrogel with &-lence has proven ('atarrh too be It Croswell. fil"llac Co.. Kichigam U S' A
what oft whiliN I wat('110-41. tI14` 4106�. Pa94-1 or flannel, and wjoxw"9,4 wateri, TL00K about 10 yearm writing dOWA them four letteM
or nicram. ble A, werd. lazily driftin%j: Silo]- 1INDER Tw I % E - g. w-hiell threat- 14.8s. on tile black- conjititutlolull dim-tij;e, and thenbfort'
1,jyA-A-ir or 0114� or lit% broad relt lints Tilt-, J diso4wv- of Ili$ Ic apparent, cjarc4ftisl
a,,,j .,otteAl liery aild there w I was flow it of a but 01111i - t
.,I. tracted to a Ie(j. otwwr*�ing- n-quirom cNionfititutiOnal
. j lio.liiy Ixly pye . was at 8 te tha t ILMb,
I:FAY4olld w ThiK w.". hooll" Pri4iient elu)�I'Imjt 6nry tile low. pr UK A. mantifactilred by FOR S E
ij,.g lingt. Mark wasi -P lik Par -4, aivi I nifina bindPe twill*' iq clear that I Ouglit to know Hairs ('atarrh Cui4
.4, which r(y, e an Ill all but y -turers. Of 's
th- M..k 1-31i'll i-ol I ,.I- I g;�rinio-r I tilt' nialtufail II(.Ik I—, 'hi tile, tife of the little fellow.a I:, ('11elu'v & Co.. Tok-dik Ohio. is U10' All, I L.A�V�� �IX)Kj farinin I A rvnw. IONW
ionittioll.K liha,low Do. UP at . figure sit illy 1111111L - will Davil Icy W)Mpt'jitlig aDull 'T . . I . re oil I he ma fe
l.ko o"l. L%%4%0 it I too (*tit a tolerable y Fe- tilij (iAountry this.. inquiry, 40111% 4.4 onsti tutif ilia I ell (it, .1liaw aiid 4 Mich
( I I 4-14otlot-s. in4lecd., I
I I -% linie what it wlion 'Llia(k. in is -theY, hall r*,61purter of Vio Times Jilade 9:16"V
Ilq)ljg tilt- vywl. ti 0 11 )r'ZO I sllap np,-t yeitr - - . . - . ! I(Oulitl Irower. built in kf.�. , it is takeit hito-ritally Ill dt(WX`l% TO le twrf owt. 011 M -
inym-If frmit Unit- to,till'"i" jkliol Aio replied. alplwarant4, lit t1w, -kiteliell lie tie Fr(om all -till' Af 114) 1111 fore- 1110 We axe c4mvillood that We' *Vtxl- Voppl It filld Loolk IKke It At pricOf Mn91l19 from
Milw!" . I .. . . - elart-1, itil :1 11(ool of appro%al. til. -It*' q1th 'A'Irtury- ;Intl jr)o rept, from 10 drolm tA) -I tn twr nen.. lyht�*ao, lando, stre t101W W 00-
w sell t-olltinKenvy. �114-11 -1 til'.. elti.N.4 f, litircile", IWA1006. 0(4�-
throwing a btio-k'hn, trying tot# (of Tfp rivi, tilt.- %%-'(jrtl had I -wOrAl (d 4-ty t WIt 94 - P tic.r working I*.P%%vrj4 44 Dr. eto; dimetly 011 URN 1114" and m (-VA. towlik. C A
I loitike�j ev 4- 1 r i sr,4. Vanaiiian ..'111oveot txxlily a distance a terpripA rig it
Lite, puppy to ri-tr;i-vo- A to mo. it had "0114--- Itsilliply - )114! inottiomt for fill%: HOW, for war., bit,- to 9-0t. tl'Plr Vink Ilifis fixr J,ajo pt -444e have nAlt liigll-� 4 W -b- 1 :1 strt,,*- filetvi of the jystoi-ul- Tlwy tiffel. d %ill be,,Ad oil l"(wt tavombie torn.
'10tVigo" I '1114-allilig. Pro :I , . - fd.-et, to witiky, t. sur for lily t-aw. it 8Yt*tL?-!.Pierx,.We,.�1IiA city, Mich.
Ilunilm-I yar(N fr(>tu tlie ( armers will IW VT.,
it keen ck-sirp for lle-lillooxi, r, Mr. I I! e hwidred dollars it Wm0re
wakviltml in- nit' tiw first timP. I f4 -It MY- I - reat -deal 0166oliler themselve"S. .11cwting on Wich..1
1:amo, to an aoii sz-iti-. -Mrrotin-le-1 hY -1 vropm tj44j tip a 9 exhaub" d for circulilrd and W. Curt i K. W h
I ininwiliaU0 W.Int- ,,.(on Ile, allot I lailglif-A - with 1liy g9s. nip -prive tile drug stores or c-.111le Out aliend lit a falls to Cure- F;on Ll
pla - L)
-I kit in 189,j. titan. in . I Vegetftirialve
fir trtw.%% -tit I %Tith . , gratify- Atinie's 111114- Ch"-ks jilid my lemp is d ' tin- 'Gawley in olmAl of Ililmj tjgtimoi,UxIs_ Addroi*6
I kitew not, o -41 tA uncle Ut wine an(I I e1V - r4Ace I I t -four i Groat Verve R"two
10 of, binder t tlbo Ujwlt. Ito was asked if tile report I(Xj kikjlmctoi�r (ttilLoty J. CHF'N'Fy & CO. Toledo. 0.
"Tito ininol" I rat 14 1. "t nd-ver thotight aulit's'sad ng �every day. The former lij 1,jou 1411ted up, FITS \,o fito ior iiervotilwevo, after finK da
m wam a fact. I Sold by druggistill. 7 Send tA,) tKil Arch Rtrwt, Phi
k is far as :tbollt tile ' ino before. or We might '.%Iy ullele lifindf-41 '1414P itair, a tiozen "d curL alki;lg fRatell It Berlin with a time
tAtinicing. tl.ns%v Vw 9tiC ill in rind - A . 411�opped from 15C and 18c per lb. tO Witt, a smi.lo a*lio said. 1,11ideed it %v r". out of twenty- 814e. trial bottlo
to we it. We'll Ili whiclille -of jinlit of eighteen 11011, Hall's FAMIIY Pillill gVe 6bP b"t- dell -lila. Fla.. for tre&tiaw ititol free 82
have, gone& wld'me to plit IfItO
116 61 11 Ito* - Illit Vw puppy witli a no`rry noxl per lb., with the possibility two (!Ompptitor". elglit of wlxxn were For ale by J. A. Hartt 1781 Notre DMING
111) VA4 tipelit-e-1 to WO K
ze k, .-we startcool. even m c 14ir. I Was aLf raiAl wo were goU19 to vegetariamg, only tiji, till pie it s- of Prunes. QU&
-Y fef Igo ntjw ; 1 illy. 1;(*,ket,*. tIl4M--: . lower figures by two or L ad, butjk0j8j1t1%j m well as
Proucho, it n) A. :11111 ite and Tl illy ama _njoeitt. site hair irose t4) tIw wouten-roi u 11 In six weeks henIP had ICK40 'tile for vegetarlati8o
wUr 1 dFA-114.1 th.f. K: -rep cents. me
40 o -at. And put out lie.r.hands, t wits Hojo ea$y�nuvtti-r to get to tIk0 tit evcw, hearty LLiul strong."' Asked covered the AlOta"00 I" the ti
Wont ill. From her r I I I - lot be.Ing able fallen from lic anti to 6_34c rticulars. Mr.GawlvY didt[16 MO10t specir winner Tinislib In four- Boarding bouse kee1wra will re
to�stop tile. :tll(-e of the inine, I Ila to know that tho war with
1 11:141 !l0t.wills. twilly ytte4io wlif-n a a-4 e6441. A L, iso entr shafts, as In and 7e per lb. Thege ligureit indi- liag in the, wor"referred te0a lours and :I quart4--r. "file other JOICO
otharp %do*- arrmstAhl me. "No, ft() 1" 1411 we won"I tA, �Z(, straight t(l VIC of the market', viatuiral tI I will not cut Off entirely tile
eate tile tendency
thpr*-Ilot'tO tile Mittel" mines on. le tkw reporter to his wUe, who. III telling 1 two Legetariano lost their. way. and SPall y
it cr��I. "What wIl,tp - a t1w vaw or vel grouno�j imliply of their stalti(l, t&blO delicacy -
'is nil -qlkc NVIIN : jvg� lja4j to RiaLe mbr way anti what both the -'farmers andth "Ill tile IMALtil of-tiep walk live Milev -�extra, but they California has COnu, to the EE
arV yo -I 410:FIX Her fare iv. , Firs"t (if all, . reason to Px- the caw% sai"' hew. Chester nezu fo,11owed after lilt hours prunes. R 1
was wrapt in tA tile cou11Lijjg_IjotV4e, in which I manufac;Vrers have tA%mWr,AS97, lily IMV camp i I Lt
a n to)y of a boil t trembling. th"J"'Kh . K114 ade. Tile witAL us, becaule by tile Only meat Pater who rescut, with a er0l) of 84-000 ton"
I Ioako- I tip. 9,4 r.-Iyq -is ill a warm mantlo lit toil. T I to w ay %v as pect in next season's tr wilt) live* int* -r al. Ve
- L Yount tI # sun i-iat at nly. At- V pluell, 4; a w ley. e others thim year front Orchards which aggrf- wp thill firw
my bwn ag#-. *Immbe-t ike . on -ac- outlook at present is very -ith a vtu-e poilL. ill hill COm Coarse- Tit
Ill Zd. t4). travel,' so Zed tile watcr, chain SW
afrliCt43d I� it nn000 a'r-ro.s. At least 10,000
A. a4L 11r, 446 V, a
A. Wilats tilp- matter. Anide ?" I ask- I Of Illining more in f avor of � tile f arnier MIMI the Ill a few tiays. tile lilub be- all (I Ved 0111, before cover next 1 cham. for selling two
-yebrowlf that 1-:1nit, t*lq,.si-. together. 'Al i eolint of the acculillilatiou 'M more acries will bo�% in bearing doz. LL%lw Cot -L -All
A, Aro you afrald ?** 1USIS haillb manufacturer ; but the fo er twed badly swolie,
.,kt it llawlulc 111) 1 s:l%%- All. onv4 by e4l , gear 'we had 'too 1) ; ]()fig c r boY --- canw, 11 alloil painful, ait� I the I8t&TW& year, and a erop <A 100,000 t(xw Of liurToNs, at te" C11-
. `w 11.44 sho saill. -I am alraid of it IxAAII crunks, wood- not care so logir an, he. can Ali faiuDY physician - waS called ill- i
streWlt.141 olit o�cr tho . rim prunes Is propliested for tim- -^Ch. Salod your ad ,
Qr-a OW we tot warIA
ujo. I k -,,()w it ii cruel. It Is lik� S it it torer greell v
joking likf',. 11-Itteml sured of cheap twine. I No. Tito caso Ma -I perlil"x' I!g olle, lit ilivarl's Liniment the 'best Hair Res first year of tjw next oputtir.
Y,00k litim-. you ro* tri,Iw-;-�,,!,W V011 it great,blat4k itiontil, It .1*4'111-4 tOaSk MIllijillitt,; of wreck.,�. yet tiopporting i,R0FITABI,E '-S'IlF-EX` VAICNI was 41q�cit*d af ter a few ilaYS tO 18 lice
110 colit'lluA, U16-11 Nivvipilly, you to conto down. anti tI10n It crushes larg.- til"10?- an" 11"I'vy In it' recent imue'of The Kansas tilp Ieg. Tliia wits do011e, I)ut the. Glasgow Fair- and mr P*Pmkun
(I you_#Ill,.. I Itave wen 9trong I Ift- M that, MingArd's Uniment, cures IAGrivpe U11A. NO MO----- re -
L -M. there, was %I too oi,ied, Sell Lbe"Hu.
_Mf V, -4 t 4; ti r- or it. of I I'
--Why. you 4�011't IN44):1 to you an of rf)'JA�. I 1p Farmer r C. . woulid illf-lict441 wotild not 114, Ity
father go down Into it ont tietailett It is ln,,(jb:Lbk) that Mftl
-W 04s 4-i-Oaking 014NI. � there - a � brolL - gjvm� tile following soore "ttle tons amicoog your ft�
Whata your naiiw*' mo,ii like my State, but liCCALIM0 a 17`1111111119 - ".11" ' v (ollifigow
I of, Of. allghl -11141 tiwn -iftA-r- -o, "'I'll tilere ag�Cin felkjoW #Mjj Wits to .1111109t 11. W114) 4,JljJ0y. tiltultrwIveN *it till frienes, return the
31 leAt tt,; t I I. ppy - "1116 1. �11g. . � 14own 1,411st or t%% A, - ilpt fliventic from,
i tol-I m3r lian1wi. L.I'l ,.Aen 1hem brought till ky ac-coilut of tit( oolid.ayq are lot aware that tile allit White Asli trioney, and we %enol
Wits 3 l4traitger. havilig e01114'. tO till'. ward I lifiv, lk.u4 u) whid round by tho roe e.wem oil . ilis farin for7 the ent skeli-tcon. This mAltitill"I tilrulig" tilt' I"a '1. 11 ty that few ItattloolsuaktV4 kn� tQlAid to IMLVe ft t1be watch, pmp!hid
ack and C1111119#41 and vables and 1141 W4% t1jought lie fair vivit claim. till antiflul
I t Ili lit to live "101, lily k-a0l, all..%() :iiiiiolA 4-11.1ins and veltr: -1 1 V. I n OW (1:111 .1 I*i mit.11v to tLW lea%es of d A orenume Amerwam
-, illter luoilths; A,
)110 is -110 11.11 %,U1 4 AM 3
% 1110- ilreallful. Oil, donpt, talk about it; I awenilmjg iojoad;. "This year I sent iievfill four-year. %vould ltever�gellt off his Wil ngain. .0tI14.1r hist4tux"( , I watch, tuamilt",
Vneto atut Annt Ieittiragon year 1100 King IV�I- tlw wirite ash. Some linturallintis
cofftemptlt�- it! toei this roalit -every tilt. 10,
1. baving to tra -year-old ;t I;lly*-*i4.i:llli4 4wjjj:I1. Abotit OR% w boun'wV11.
ment ltilr face (.111111gfwl; d her I (;Itls, mixteen.thlrcw 8, three lu April t%V0 of Into -d a charter f0t a fe
P :t,.% lie 1416.1 S114414re,41 ligain, anti covere -4.1 Mled thirtY- 4,f Owen Sotillit operatot-d oil tile I Haul of Scotia lot w.rt tlijat a rattlesinake Pla,00d i It ft Mention. thilb POW
oug mileer curlo, I his li Sit � 4lay fAr lay life, WIL'I %% I accustf 'twa-yearolds. one* �yearling, 09 lieg&# Allt Gffrn;;�',V permitting C-irr141" 4701111POSetj Of lin'r Wl"te asli whet torrumg.
boy, tlienh,y4w. with tier trembling 11al" a'4 it jto it, anti I ac(-4ordingly followm In) arling rain to nworting Ao to 014" � falK, lnml,- lillit liot (1(jtals will cro&%
01ki Ilendrag by wearii ' slilit out %Ito sight. 1ljj(!Ic'N footSWIM WiQ1011t inueb ro'ur lambis.and-one ye (I there f(or AMU18,0f tilt! bo'll of tilis tim-al to hold ail alillual It
Oil M1141 11 W , t4p -In tile lxmlc,. 10 sPitk* tlits being the r the LEVER
What 4!0 Y -10 1 were Durii,g 'this eonversatioll. I had ling of tq11qosity- for !oy : but when market. sixty-two lit all, . A -raping to ifig row eight days. tII4- mmbi befo-jim lie 'will (Alitt' "UTT010
I thought Y611 V. Air forty more tile wound .. 00111h1filed Fair holidayl?-
1,110 - wits room Ili the car treatment
cloth'41, ; , 11�14-11 1;ljlIjFjK .1,t4-:I4IiiV finw,ard, -.o that so.. hed igkil Of tlw (U11109,0w
an Wt, hail pa.*;w,(l tlw cOutiting boll eas weig I we . wore i it (k-sim i r U-9 Or gracioudly ox- 0
li geutlem. wonft; thf, biglt wam now o 1W. tile Cliff tile ily. , The sixty-twO 1-1111, aw tiling Tilt,- King Ilk," v0rY 20 Adelffikle N A, A.
sort, thall Ili#4 PPOS amenlip(j tilt! cliff, and gailled nil I ion. to nil Wr"Ons Kinad-P Liniment W MGM t1sEn
Hi2t tollo. in it It'itle of' my surri)im, 14A hy, tho. mine. I turned tile p_tIoor.Pntrh*!rA to tile Illine"Illy when Shippeti. 6_100 pounds. it list :I � f riend rM Dr.. %%,il- toolljil�ed Ills lwotoect Tereets, Ont
rougetl Ili tit#' 11tt'" r tra "-; hundredweight 01 Mailitoba' advisioxi us U � try a too ca
le Itt
to tilt- Aenl0es, I boat's 1pow sliorewanl; then. atwr a heart: bcvnn -to 1W.At witil anticipa- paid 17 centos I eomnionce4l too , 4VIdijjg tlw fair. but 1-.4
liaturo. stroke- or two, I r#.,tA-jl (lit illy oars 11.000 pounds, br f 18.70,. Witt' liams' Milk pills. W( ShOrt ttoo t in tllo co,11ditidu "if they are Proving His psft Wickedness.
turywAlit 09, IlIm- I 1 91 "Ala cents deducted for bedding the car. UW, them at once, UJIAI Ill a W11 Tilid condition might mle-er-So voll think' si'llit4kI i'
41 it . - %', beliawwl."
am a& mill -11 a vntleMixll U111 1468. a - Its ()I,,, Keel) a stra wits wal , City, 'tile sheep were sold several ple(" Of the -mmo cau"' o" I ove to b0io-ve that even In U'llat 11rikes
Wo were no%%* right V*!Iow the Cliffs, 'Twill At, Kansatt Ilad .1 kK) le'at very religio"K Illa"-
I lambs. ram awl 6y thl. sore, itivi beforc- tl'4.' IIOY thoi*,% ellfly days the Ask rour Dealerfor
you I Bahl. tilf,. ftiir lot)iitt of van- Illy unf!le, lodiking itt me. In three lot& -the critizCnis some- think so)
A. .40 bp' a: btuf . busini,ss If YOU 'bfbgln . to The shrink will". taken tile lieg wits 4,0111- went a "I I yoti at tim.
%Vhat! Was strango infleed. oil r boxes E(-Ilning wrang." I Y, Ile to Iku
loo, afraid (it you! Do you tag tramble like Annie. Are you. tile orlder sheep. u H 'r it yea r t the water to C.144�er--:1411
0h, I'm I Oil tho Very tiumnilt, of tit#* ciag.; I six and one-half pounds each. - A piptely c red. This w. -9 Ovc ttr diKI not 90 '"(`10011 every -night. awl tht'
know what 'they 41 do With you wiiere tlov mining apparatus overhang- Islirt, yvxi ar. alol?" - r flow well and lit (jowl, winewhere. For long Prl1yp`r n0*tl1'kz
thrash You, %a w I A, X returne4l; theno heavy rain -oil. the f leeces cau"011 tile, ago, IL1141 VIK%te is C. W hicli tiw3t we
J Como fmn, -.' Tht-y'd Iiiml y. smok- ig in tile ter t I e4 &rvQiqratitXW tilt' fair wan lwald oil tile way I"' brag" ab"llt h'" lmwt B OECKH,iS'
ing: tljo so -a. First. ,I rI fait L one-tourth cent., Ko I An stroi " (41ouirl, U) m,-jkp your hair.
allot swill Y041 1A, N-41. to learn I)etter ing loftily at tilt- toll. tli��anotlwr. kx)king at ulder which wit.4"et market to for the lambs, all I 'caused the trixible, as ill thit. ()tiler. (;reou; but give might now DRY It
If ttio jiline. I w -ked, did not get 6c, lisp alml lit tilt- coun- Stillui t)41 ellit. 011, no, them'S
mannerff." 'kv*i loftily half -way flown; at tile 'An Ilery It my or recommend highly tile hokil lit the #**-tJ* vPry religi- BRUSHES AND BROON8.
Ile clellellf"Al ll�,# ;jvL and advanced 4 r)kiitg 'r (town. almost cl(mp to tile had , hoped. ounde, (d Dr. WlilianW Pink I'lillfil." try,� for it markto the annual oxoduo 414kubt aboolit his being it n Holism
" Twenty-sev
,y towLLr,l me. Then, 1(,ok- -then. 10W4 a bit!" lie. rc ell i4heept 3,2.00 1) tit egre 01114 111.11L.-Mistooll For Sale bY all 1,"A'
a third Such in tile story of tile foul f" the clitY. H ag 90191L Manuracturan
tit"tt-ftilig" 4moking climilloy, .8; r. thirty-rour.
I to foot and sea in, fact. one jidles." at $4 per 'Wt.. $1*1 -
ing at in" from helu 'Is Ijiq, eonnpetp -it apPeare Tne turlwd. ol titem ca c 1-,,7- per which it has bmi our pleasure tor) re In on". BORON
I w, d witil wh, d to I did reupon he lit it and Ittinbs, 21,380 ppundih at a soldier is to lose cante Tolt,)N-ff ONT.
fin4ling that at all ovento #;tRail inining office. 011 one � n4l. clif*der Itaw- To be
-miWrior tit ImAilt of p1quical mtrengtIl. to 1`40 R i.mtuek- it Ili ky .116j, then lie lit ful- ewt.. $136.85 ; one ram.. I�W pounds# port f roul OwOn Soil Tile (%WrfWqMd`nt of t1l(
cliff. tall la(ItU!r f reight. ley is growing UP IntO a litirong, I d Mys that Itumla (1hina.
wilintled liptlit. sil k" of tlw% 4 were 14 tie began 'On
other for himw-lf ; arU!r tj at; $4.25 per cwt., $5.r lati, and it in but adding ail- 1 40.000 nwn
h" ellange'l I liolacool Ao enable tilt miners to as- revenue hmIthy as lla,3t:iI,1�'l=i1,rMRtr&tte(
py. anj walke,1 away. tor) tile first Indilor and I roi $18.45; yardageo $3.10;
pup again - ce anti d#*cend to, the stiorp Ntanips, 3 cents; cOmmimion. W. other tribute t(w Dr. -WilliamW Pink at; lort A�tliur to bn lit readinem for A Solid Gold shell King
'agp nd froill IOWPAI Ilim. ty that they Avere the lit- an,, c-mergency at Pekin.
When I reAcheol tile Cott anti lie MuSt havo a sure foot and a , Iscioue of $21-601.79. P1118 to w
ith Annie. I Tile. firmt object I was Vill Net amount I(Al to 1xvilly qr Curb Chain Brat f It
I vamow fave to face w rmig head wilo could comfortably tito huge benn, or a jitA-aill-engitic total, $:."7.r for tWo strumentIn tits restorat F EE 11
.. wilere have you been ?" toile ftOetl- " ladders. round by round. wits - alter Add to t1lis $30. thv�t I got I vigor. nalik!
I tolot, loor I had "n rambling idly treall th0w der him and alinorlit whielt Worked on my right, rains. :tll(l $6.1.55 for the cliP, and Pink pills crimito new CURED oN*Tsmdnit1lkt% Jul"�41
tile w -a roaring tin Dr. AN1111.11118' �ro
notely bowing ajul rising, and heavi- likes $336.34 net cash income WW iilddrvsi� ollSL pOST CAM
sho nolded brightlY. after Ilim nx lie ly i t In, 1 1, 11.1id in this wily drive disease TO 0 padmifft �;
to -day., ffillgil4c its 141way Pitralmn at tj e tivilige of water fifty-one ewes. One of which I bloo( AMMERING we will sovid $ou "'SO
work to 410 r. Taking III f rom lie oyl3tem. A fair trial will BTAY ilous. a delicitoW 00n
mliell. If well W Ch It 11 Whit ()It thP ()tiler side, I have lert a i the toovath, W WU
t'VO goito lid not t lkigher ajjtj Ilighe Ill f and superior f rom t A RMA TIC CAC
elo, maiol ; leuAtways jo whole external apparatus lit one through boardm, the (-Ili died, or convinep tile n10fft skeptical. old r URED fecud" bo perf 4111141 �lits tor ap- Vo'hen mW WWI
I like. I'll u-ik m4)ther to iet nils ti ys. ehimnPyR and nks of wIllell flock In all respects, about $6.70 in boxes, the wrapippr around for us, if v(ou mn, at 5 tv r= :t-tmt FFRr.E �our
Y04 & walk." vicw, ellains and pulk Ines adillittv(I juf4t ligilt 011(yugh at tile , he f lock. on] 010 VdI W
COMO () u to a 11, 1 o r i ta and winoling mach 0 Income from onell ew(' ill 1 &h bears the full trade mark "Dr- Lolleton Orfloophoolle, IU90111111W, Genuine us our niontY, 6100 U000 retufs
t0ges" POS foot of one of the Itulderss to slii)w tile W of the j;;guiltui pnzw illustrated
A. IXX1. anti off g1jo flew. co red over the whole This is almost $1 a (lay for every Padlock cholioe _,IA MMtl0n this P&Fwr-
long neenw.(I to be watte I)Iuk Fills for Pale I'c0PIe-*' 1. Tilt- only
A1161 Wah a long timp gorle-60 liff, like tile gweading pn%mage, I saw tile- lowled tubble or day it, tlip year. and 'Will-, k elP to williamw toes not have them Brockville. Ont., call, b;S01 J89 and CNA80111111111114
Imion f ace of the, -C bucket, ruxIiIng past Its de"opndlng t if your dealer ( instittition in the world curinir every forili of If T41411A
toliftlt I bilgan to fear the perm gth, line4; of an lnjmPnl*� xpl(k..r's web, while point ()ut to others whether %heel they will be split Post PAM at !'10 14 it defocts without fee until cure Key TISDALL SUPPLY C09; TOptohTO,.O it
Itaol t04.1l 1@jaetI. silo eftme at len Ir r I d Fro conlpanlon' will pay or not." A high-clitiss itistitiation. Fitily en -
W tile cause of I n sonio partm millo'N an(] tile (To be Continued.) m made In ceinte a box Or 'six bOleR for $2.50. to Lhwn continually. Frolwoetus tO 81,11ily
ho*over, when sta c ' trottIng up and (town a rock Though this record wa by addreming the Dr. Willining' M.edI_ dorOod- 'f roe.
-k Ila(] been w re, would 4tates under conditions
hen f 1&itqrgM meet, tile (levil the Western A
tier flelfty Her print fro(, llero tile pedestrian v1sitor I it cille (-0., Brockville, Ont. cent, of the inhabit -
At for a stout gown. Bile W i W
"Schance P dared to tread. somewhat dissimilar frOln Gun -1413 are fiermans by
scarcely Ilav ' to bed'- laffighft. bioth.
palr ()r milk glove". an4l a hat at night ()f it. g("
whkli wapt i4wntly intended for Sun- I torn4ml 91(1(]Y- WOW 41 *VerW0rk the"1111111"11111
4k- . 0 Without Vrork,