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Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-10-21, Page 1
aF H BVI I -. -j i,_ Y i A K A LTON V. .. _ . Anon t1 nn �_1�nm.lt n _ - -• - .. - • - ... _ . - ; . _ • . . Y - BANKOF HAMILTON 0 - - ;" LUO KNOW Y , Lead Oiftce, Cipaa: pita. ty - - 1,260.000 R33crc0 V% i - - - 775,000 ' oto: ,��sot = - X1,198144 ---- - -- -- _,- - - For the money - 1}1 Ve1`Y . _ :;�.:rd Q: altr.eitort • , • _ sale, is wkat we arc' givi ' �t(k VOL XXV-42 LUCKNOW ONTARIO, FR DA.Y, OCTOBER 21st, 898• �PHOLE N0. 1279. � - Pry . :e I ..e .P r • JJH:t S:" ;•,. A. l:. ti:>,assAi.. _ - - 011r CIISCU1�lLI'S Wt; }llvite you ' . . Ja , }• ,; e•�t•t►:L Lo. ROACH. --- - - to see ollr �t(�ck earl com pare :�. 'r fit' 1i. i'- d, L', l.>rr. (Toronto) �T < people's age. Every church has its IP'or • LOCAL I'I'E1ViS -The Centre Bruce electi,�u peri- gla ;.-1, Dire T Hamilton ; '_', 31it►r I �'.'>+,C:1:3�.,at,. fid. LL��� lXr ►JI�L ��LLe y," y A A nuYnber of first-elates Leicester - tion baa been dropped. ,Along with �ycnington. Painting on slate.--1, our pri�t;s i}► L•t1I" . i soviet the Public Librar o ens its ram "lambs at moderato prices. E, twenty-one others it was disposed of Miss Symington - 2, Airs T Hamilton. . - t',r&h„ • 1, fit jL%ae t.i.• �^ Ilke>"S treasurers to them and various "associ- --Cow ties c1m& at D. C. Ta fors. �t s..�Tr�.x-,t• DQE GIAUNT & SON, p y at Osgoode hall on 5aturd:ty last, 1,y Fruit and Flowai$, Vi'inter It les a:�, c•,r�:• , PP I„�t,pK,; II, NJ. % v?so=r• *tions tr • to shoal that the liE of the -hie. P. McPhail of Ri le s nt taple Dres "' Goods 3 e ► P Y� Pe disrniesal, bpies.-1 Joe A1Lllough • '' Geo "" .. LUCK 0W - ON7•. young need not be limited. to thu Wood Wanted Swidaj in town. - -Some one has said " that courting Smyth. Baldwiue. -1, Jay Alton ; 2' a r ' Te;nde3rs will be received at my office ` "•• - AlronofM �� � boundaries of any one Sect. 11 this -Fall wheat sod paaatnras are in a gtcl is like :;tarring a newspaper, Won Eiliutt Jc Son. King.-1, Geo Stat' Otl 1 •t for a su 1 of hard r "f: 11--rlit: ..i-.t•• V%:V olden Sound ESTABLISHED 1888, up to Nov. pP 3' s lendid eonditioa o SPECIAL VALUES fs good, and it is "well for oar young p It starts out weekly, Then hecorves a I+oUieringill , Jas .31wc1. Ribston C trntan, NIan ..•u•know" 1 ort Elkin acrd soft wood for the Lucknow water- t•,,,,,,l,,y greneral •bankin; business; issue people to.remember that the assure work.-Hc.•c11i MostRisox Clerk. -beautiful oilcloth scats aL U. C tri weekly, .then merges into a daily pippin,-1, Jas Altar. , David UuttOttP at 5c 6 'r ',...nit,+lt, ?1i an. `3.imc.•e �1'r d.• a , � , , C, sad 7e' 1",tthi Tilton southamptoe draft* tbroughou% Canada and the United of their privileges is also the ensure _ _ Taylor's. and if is has any enterprise comes out 1 rouse, C,tilada red. 1, Jas Alton , Tickin at 12 f e 1 ' ;,dq,rn;:.•t.��wu N1,►r,ten, ]Itul. Toronto States. ' We make collections on sll points. Curlers Attention I with an extra about once a Sear. A W Alton. Uatario -1 W m R'' _ , 5c, and I e. I - t: tiu►:1 :: i. uru ��►11.4 \li ineham ineluding We:+tern Statej4, Manito „ and of their responsibility. If y nth . is ' -Mr. es. Treleaven, of Clinton, , + l ru�tr the Y. rib Wewt Provinct•a, and all cc,llrc- A meetin for or anization of the Elliott dt 5on. Golden russett.-1 Shirtiogtl, et ; �� l[:i;ton ti::►ct�:.3:) ttie time for healthy enjoyment when t; 8 spent Sunday in town. -Q abort t1inC 81tiCP ItuLt. Ylun- Oc, l lc, and I:.�c. �N i:,::irei,..-Vail. tt..t,.ilt .ab- 1•:tt.'..) . tions, whether note or ac-,,ount, will have Lucknow Curlin Club for the season and .Thos DiOil r. S itzenbnr g + kCtt of West 1Wawanosh, I,urchgsed P R•-1 (tin barns at :,e 7c and 9c •h. prom • attention. life is full of varied interes s. acid -Harry Holmes, of Wingham + r g pp will be held in the heading Room on > �Wm Elliott S Son ; Jas Curwen. ' - ,• •ut;►:I. •s1.1a:Si�usuh.,xT:i . Notes discounted sad farmers male notes frotu his brother `William 11mikett, s ant �3unda in Lown. IVa ner.-1, Jai Ourwen ; 2, Geo Flannels, at I2ic, 15c, and 20c. - attractions, ,it is u.:o the ti e � for Fric�p evening at �+ o dock. In ad- • P y 80 acres cif• choice land for X3,0000. X , 1..ti •1, J rr •, in,•i:_l Bank ,�t England, (Ltd.) . cashed.. p the =;Miss Elva Vance p y R't + It U� n-t•,n We l,;an to farmev%on double or single :,,,tes improvement, for acquiring" firmer dition to the• tankard corn etition, , of lti le , w' - Wm. Plunkett has since • lino"I't from Fotherin ll. l usBett.-- ), W Elliott FI,ennrlettFs xt 4c 5c '7c acid 9c 2_" at from ono t,; twelve rnontba time, and tet V `+ `) « m M allow h. (lreenio r -� - res of hi h r%nci ;los and 1 arnin associations are offering special cups is town on Sunday and lioness. l t ,.'An ' r ' rea*.,n:It,1e.-rate of interest. S p 8 p 1 ' g - the executor cf the estate of the ate g' Towelling at 5c 7 _ AnV.1i►caa .,,6t.:L.NL'v\i,ENT+ : i �t'e 1,•an small or large amonuta un second to take broad t iee;cs of Iiia. Then, for juniors. t It our clue numbers over •--glebe SaaLinel to any address till n, Farro•.v 1 � i acre. � 1, Gc� I+utheringill ; 1, Jus Uuewen. t C, and 1Uc. . t4w-Irt, "ation:►l Bank. New York mortgage on farm* or other real estate sec- - 50 members entry may be iu� de i i � esud cf the year for a quarter. He y Light named varieties.-1,Wau Elliott Linen tsbling, at i,o, •,�,5G� ase 40c k,. ItKtt,r,•r esti„nal }tsalt, `• urity and uv first chattel mogtgages uu live memory is quid:, perception, keen.: both., Everyone iutdrested in curli:n -,E�11 aiccuunts and notes c►wit,g to ., g .1; 5on • _ Jas Alton. bout• named t+i•,•rn,tWaal ,crust Co.,,BostuD, *t„ck and implement* and cm and it i9 the time t0 lay up mental is invited .to be resent. P PP � , Nature's ce9ent a earsrrce inch- I3laukete �taria'}ta0k } offals, �1'e hate a lard•► amount of fund to advance p - eaLes that the fall galleon is recall the estate of the late AdamThompsor varieties. -1, Jag Alton. Uuche:as.-- at ��'6(1, E3•(rt �11d X3,50 t'ni.►n Nat �'nasal ;oak, Chic2�,►• on first murtKat;esfrom 5 percent. ti<► ti Iger treasure, a reserve of knowledge and --- y lwth in liver and blacksmith shop � • , 2, Ladies' underwear, at 25c, &w and i `0 `:. lXtr,,lt National Bank, Detroit. � cent The rate is g=raded according to Vie Will se Cheap y 1 Ates gran Nott Jas Alton 2U . � b of atren th to draw uuon i after ire' must be settled 1;y the.l5tli o � l�anss* a icy quality and site of the loan required. g Thos© vir}y�c t1►re tt;cl, andl come• -Mr, and Mra, hivers of Teeswat- oz pippin.-1 �S m Young Jas A Aten s uude raeur at 3v,. 54�•cud 75u; �.►fi.,n:►1 t.aak „f Con►mi~nr, p4` , Fier as the estate has tc► be wound up, lia�lou ►h. Snow.-1 Wm Elliott ' 4` ` N:►ti=,ual Ikwk of Commerce', St. Loui►+. We have on handfotsale 100 acres in Ashfield life. i; .. , improved land, with fair bnildings and quently in a position to offer an er, spent &,couple of days in town this or they will be placed in otber hands Son ; A� D•eany. Blenheim.,I, Jae , "saTs 1:1 atOYTRtr tl.: W, l"l,e.e.►ld at . bargain, opinion, say that next icor binder week. fur collect inti. -DAVIT Tlic►trti'yox. �l �, The' GOods are lleyv the • 'hhe Yank of Turunt,� �1,'e raper+ant the leading English and Cana- `� � ton ; -, .1ti'm YOtiri.g. FOuc ntmed � '11YAPt AlId A lfltlitty ��W twine will be cheap. There is a large -Mrs• I). Geddes has been vi9ting raric•ties•-1 Mrs Geo Mott. Three dian Fite Insurance Companies and can V9IlleS are I}bht, aDtt we take 30HN ,D. NICHOL. AesxT, effect insurance, on all claasee of property In -- -- -- - ----- = -- quantity.of the manufactured article- friends in Wingham, for the last two Di1NGJLNNON SHOW unused varietieF ears.-1 Sam Furse: P pleasure 1112 slluwln� y�,tI the _ _ _ __,. - Stock or Mutual l',�wpaniri+ as de*ired. on bund, the mills find no ditliculty is weeks. - �', Jno Alton. T}cree named vat•ietiee Our otlice hour* are fr,�m 10 a, m, to 4 .p..m. A Promising Colt ►, List of the Prizes Awarded and S;uc- ►ettinn su lies of the raw materia) .► oods that re Pesent these 3 TIMF, TALE+ A SIDDALL W• J. Little has recently purchased b PP --1he Temple of fame will be Tunis.--2nd Siam Furso Collection GE0 cessfully"Exhibited. t p r and reports from the countries where repeated b re uest the last of this ,gra 1 T W Little • 2 Miss S m- _ a-colt bred, by Alez. Lawton, o� Sparta + Y q � Pte•-- � 9 Shec.ial Prices. .- MANAGER. Elnt, By Gold $iiig, ''.l�i�, dam by manilla and sisal are grown are that month. } • tlio cro is au abundant one. This The following is a cOi:)rlrte lint of in;t�n. Plate peaches.=1, Miss t, �ti . u.ict,• .v �tati.►n a* Elmore, brand dam by Clear C left. P -See W J tittle's advertisement S min Icon , 2, Gaeo Smith. Plate '' 1 - r 'Ti1°' __ will be snort news to the fartnerei• for bargains in boots and shoes this the prizes awarded at the 11unl;anriab winces.--1, I{ McIlw,�iti 2, Tbos _ _ threw it chno lafi ul q • xog Btlpment week. fall show last week, and the t,amr� of ' . t a t.. t , . , i,nt; Porth, Killed in TOrontb I)ishec. ,, _ ,, - 11 :;S a n,, _ __ ___ _ _ _ During the pasu four weeks no less -A few of .those kid loves still on the successful.exhibitors :- y - i� 1 . 1.• t , nn, ---- - - --- - - --- than 911 h •s were shi d from the We are very sorry to learn that Mr. g Dairy and Domestic Manufacturers. • ot, PPe hand, only 35 cents per pair at Heavy Draught Hoe s,-Brood 10 ib3 1)utter in tolls.-1, Mr3 T ;►_: *•t 1,;.1t,• . 1T.10 t). m. TRI LIBXRTY TO UTTSB AND ?0 AA(3L'g Lucktcow ,�tution t�, the Toro to roar C• «'. Stovei, ex Mayor Qf the town Lonnell's. q mare.-1st Thos Todd nd Wm IIaltiilton • 2 David.-Prouae. `� the t IW li��Yls�A,;rt,t. 1•IiESL7 �QCOaD1'�(i TO THE DICTATF9 kets. They Werra all parchtr,� by two of Walkerton, and one of the best Mr. 1'ho9. Irwin shi ed a car load Kiickle Two Par old 611 cr eld. a 1 • , 01� CO�Tt3C18NCE R E PB1ZB ABOVE ALL of our'lueal bra er$, b1 c. Geo. kIIOWII men in the County Of Bruce, PP Y Y ,� Y g table Butter.--1, Ilsley Morris ; .,, -- ` Yl . R,ubinehn of lambs from the Lucknow statien on in .-I, Jae Forster • .. Jno Baldwin. _ _ _ _- was killed by a trolley car in Toronto g t :lies. 1 Ilaruiltun. 20 lbs packed -- - k` - . . oTssa LIBARTlss and Mr. Ed. Ic.Lean and; a t e . L��AL __,_ _•__ _ _ _____ � � on� Tuesday last. -It was raining bionday last. One year. old filly or geidiug.--1 & "2, t,uttpr.-1 Henry Mortis � `' Th,►s _ _ __ -- -� animals avertiged over ,180 ;pounds r -' ��� ,. _ _ T Heavily at the time and with Itis um- -Mrs. Joseph Leadbeater of. Kin- ` m S, J Jamieson 1 nal of 1898. � 1, Anderson.. E:heese,_ fa�tury made.-1, C 'ISTER t b T t each, the aagrega6e price p*fid for brella held directly in front of him, so is the guest of Mrs, W. J. Leadbeater Win Kiekley ; 2, Jno Baldwin Tearp 11 D1cl l wain. Cheese home made.-1 et� A. .%1AL�•Oat:3oN r-AIRR Lucknow, 1898 3,ai, iG, r Cvuveyancrr, et.:, (tate u 0C 0 8 81$ . them totals nearly $7,000. that it� was im ssible for• him to •see of this villa e. in harness.-1st E Kram Mutt. - o e, _ -^ -- _-.-__ - - ___ I?o g , P lira McKenzie ; 2, a • t•u kr ►n. if.)lt t Camer°n, G,►dericb), Odic -- - - -- - - - the dao er, Mr. Stovel, while erossin A1re T ami ton. , g g -Mrs. (Dr,) .J. •S, Tennant =Vsricultural . Brood mare. -1, Jno Home made bread. --1, David Prouse ; ou) i +t..iry to :�llin'r sew b.,►clr, W C T U. . ' Barbour Bros . Two yerir o i ti" I'hF latest ti:ures received indiCat© the street; walked in (rout of an east spending a couple of weeks wit L<<ldwin; 2, Mrs T Hamilton. Jar of honey.- -- -- _ - -- - `� a Majority of about 13,000 votes. in The regular monthly meeting of the bound trolley at the Bay street inter- friends in $i 1 old fill or eldin 1 I✓ brain Butt . .► ` ►1,1.t3ON, U�I:LISTF.R." 1`'. G,. T. U. was held*on Wednesda section of F�rontstreet ' He was struck P �' y B g'- P 1, Jets Lane ; _, Wm Baillie. Aiaple ,c - , , �.,li,it 1%l the �Dom:nion at lar e' in favor of Y Mr. M. Cejrri an brow ht us a 2, Barbour*Beos. One year old filly Su .rr.-1 Jas Alton - `' Jas Ione. �j . t Commi,4. t,er, „tars t; ' • afterdoon in Oddfellows' Hall Tile by the heavy headlight in front of-the B g g` ' / 2` %�i M •,nt:V, t,, loan, othee over llu.,,_ty's rroliibition, The Province of lluebec large bunch of nicely ripened rasp- oe - gelding.-1, W & J Jamieson. Dale a eu 1, Mrs G Nott ; Jas . '� Rarticr �h••I•. attendance Jas Rood one new member car which was moving at a high rate P P•- ' berries on Tuesda • last. Foal of 1898.-1 Jacob Mu;or • 2 _ . - - .gave a majority of 91,606 abainst it, and two visitor's were made welcome.- of speed and the fender• rolled him 3 � ' Lane. Collection home made preserves . - -Three car loads of cattle were Thos Anderson. Team in harness.- o A I; lac) ;v t i�i;,:)v1�Ft)t►T vaRKT:I- but • the other six . Vroy inces of the plans of work fur the fall and winter fiver several times before the motor -1, David Prowse ; .., J H Bowie. !`I , ould be brow ht to a stn Mr. Stov. shi ed from -here on llonda last b let, Wesley Boyle; 2, Robt Webster. Collection home made bakin 1 J # g P� PP Y Y K•- g G ter+, A.►:frit•:-, ••t:., i:•�,lorich, out• Dominion :ave a majority of 104,T66 wei-e discussed. I he L niongill under , General Pur se, Two ear old fill •r _ Mrs T Hamilton. i • 1'. t;.txa�w, cf, t~, NIVa. PseoevroOT. take uvenile work, and col secure el was then unconscious and two hours J1 r. 1 homas McLean. Po Y f H Howie ;, -.., - . for it, so that the• net majority is ) 40 - - - --- - far,or of ,ro'Dibition Trill be full l P P g .after the accident lee died, without or leis .-k Chas Ta lor. One i - .�- - - a funds for this ob act nr 'holdia -if you want something nice in an 8 ' y htanufactuces.-. 10 yds all wool I Y having-regained consciousness. ear old fill or eldin 1, Barbour' N an 'At' Hoine ' in a few weeks. . . oilclotli that to place beneath a stove or y Y g g•- cloth:-1, Mrd t, Irott. ' 10 yds all 'V ME DIC11L 1: ,u00. -- - -- table, qo to ll. C, Taylor, liens ; 2f Thos Todd. F'ue'l of '9R.--1, wool funnel.-1. A W Alton ; 2, Jas ,�- _ - _ - - + - - - i orange Blossoms. Jno Clark ; 2, Jas Forster. Team in ;�lton. Pair woolen blanket►ti:-1 A /� ' - •- ' r S I !' I A N tt'ublio Library -The Deerin i R , •� h • 1. A 1 , 1) Y . g bi n der was awarded Ia the vi ht munths endin with A ver nett weddiaq took lace at harness.-1 Win' Elliott I- Son D ..;r, "a t _t,,,,.-,;..h,e,ir. Surgety g R Every one having in their poises. Y .P - P the gold modal at Quebec. Read the ' � ' «Alton ; 2, lira T Hamilton, Pair �/ ' • „ ..t. "'i -t'+ :r �"•fvi: r,•. t�llice hours August Canada received the following slon a hook or books-belonging to the Firpark Farm, 'the residence of Mr. advertisement in this issue, Mas Taylor. Drawing matcb.-1, horse blankets, home made.-1, A W •/ r w 1 ►. r.,, : tr res '' i 1�. ui. ane in,ln and ltrs: John Johnstone, un the Jay Forster. For hest c41t of 1 98 on Alton. Collection buote -1 T « �� - - , , itsusigraucs : Eogli3h, 11,1"83 ; Scotch Public Libtry arcs hereby no hcd to WAxTirD, - F,xaporator apples, , ' /; - - - - --, 1, l8S•; Irish, 6lJ ; forei" u, G,89;i. rt;Lurii the sauce to the libraria on or evc�oting . of Wednesday," Oct. 12th, grounds, Heavy draught or agricu.Lural. Little.'- Paic Pants.-2nd Jas liedd. 8 when their duo liter Annie was united also cidc'c apples. Any quantity, -1 Jacob 'closer. Road sad Car e j, �lesv. i:, ►1;1,,►_:, ai.U.,°t,.�i., F.7. belorc:�lst d:►.yuf Octobe,'r. mtuedi- - B Ili hest rices.. J. G. ANDEitSO�T, G►e�ieral exhibit of merchandise.-1, , f 1 ;: • t) �t.A.. M c'. P.ti.u., t':.,! +i.latl. :,ur- «hat the figures above do not make in marria a to 'Dir. � John Farrisli, of g P ria a Brood mare-1 Wm Jtal;ough t I i� rue. t l,�t:►ir• 'u �Ynes. ate attention to Ibis . m ter is 8 , . John Rile:;. ,y} 40 I clegaris the catif •in ► fact . that a ' Lanes. At 7 oclock the bride entered -A man of experience asserts that 2 Jno Armstron Two sac old 611 • A 1. �i,l. t.,,�� �trret, g y. b accessary to :�c►:+u a fur• certain ' g' y y .Grain. Two bushels full wheat, *. d w e• ,'++tory - the, srlor followed b the room. the only material difference between a or eldinry -I Jas Bailie • 2 Frank b,..;• �t h . .arger proportion than ever before Changes which• are expected to bo Pt � Y`. Q , g a white.-1 Sam Furse • 2 Jas Cure>cen; h Th© ce;remon was rformed b the bad cold and tho grip is the doctors Glens One ear old "fill or gelding • - _ - ---- - collie able and intendin to Mettle oil ni.vle yin the interest of our readers Y Pe Y • . y Y 3, Jno Salkeld. Two bus fall wheat, s ltev. :5, 111. Whale of Vit. Helens. bill. -I Kenneth Farrish 2 hran� 0#, ILTIES _ _ 1•ind And aiti _ip develo in our relit and ttie pu- Ic aencrally, _ By rder of y' ' ' � ' 1•ea. -1 5 Ferse • 2 .f Salkeld .l• 5on. " p• h�,YresiJeot:-J. ".11uRrtuaux Libra- 'rhe usual congratulations ,followed.-13uyineas is booming ut the Lurl: Glenn. Foal of 1894.-1, ��'in ! -ti ticultural res rur,;eo,� " t y Then bi•ido was " rettil attired in blue now station, and .ac e shi menta arA '.1lallou,►lc avid Prouse. Sin I, 2 bus spring wheat, hfP.-1, J Salkeld t - - .0-; "_ � 1, Oe F'. _ , iiat'. P y R P �+ ' ' g.� & Son ; S F urge. 2 bus ptber variety v '. . _ � _ - drab ;life white pAtitr, and carried a daily made in appless, stock and horse in haene +.-1; �l (,orrig:co ; .., .. o , t --1, S Furse J Salkeld & fon 3 t y ` ;,' l.t �K�c►�'; Lc,;cc.l. ' t�c.,rdin • to the latest statistics Ap�las! Apples': ° boo ueE of. flowers. Tho heart res n- rain• Wm Erliott S Son. pair of matched _ SEW PE q y po g a F arse. bus 6 row barle 1, J no '�" = l a ;�' I' 1' �' t� I: `• T t;t?: e! ;ire in (;�►raael.l ual fhur air©re:s Five hundred bushels want d .reach see of "the groom and bridN, accom- horses in Harness., 1, G Green ; 2, W l; ire their Clocks the attention t0 .n ,� y dleagrs. tiVi11 Sharpen and Will 'llcDiarinid S Furse. bus oats i flsr�i�� ,,f 1',r�3i•,rd and everyday at tltE� olcl (,al . tonian aliie�l'fJy tlieir .calm, tndxleit Lcarin�; Elliott & Son. t•.xhibitiou of speed in "'. whi,.h ti.e • an! entitled. G� exe;k► lU t)t14 r,t,trrid es , in. the p" ► Oane, of (,orris, and Kenny Link- white.-1, Jno Salkirk; 2, Jav Curwen. ) u,re•t'l to th►• t �d,1f, li„w,+ hail!,. Lucknow, from now until ole l ,nth �t•as. charuii A rich m t next the ria Farmers trot or aw: - ,_. ' - tI'all,:ll t;,• , cf Win ha were in' Wwa R' P :.' bus oats black.--1 :b Furse . '2, L'ult'ew they are properly c�a►n•ed fo' tater L.B �__ f",urthTete* L-"nite 1 I�inR4I•� - 1 11 .; - l,�ueenslaad, of Novembor, 1�' .98, for which •e ,wi.�t received the closest attention of the g m' Paul Reed : o Peter Arkell • 3 •Jas ' •lo.w :.f via .ni3Olt. 3t I _ .,- Sunda . Salkeld ,t` Son. 2 bus peas, sinal).-1 the nsovetueut will nut rota relI y. ;,,in ,►-._li,vk s t isitiog I8 , South Aust► ilia, 25 ; �'it3ma ' ,q� pay -oc a bag fur good sound pacing guests, and merriment, jest :aid music Y McBride. Open to all, trot or pace.- •, .� - i►'rr-thrt rt r !i.,lij invited- " • 3�t : We .!cell ;luytr^tliA, I t ew "PPles of fair .size; '30c a bag f r those filled . in the evening most pleasantly. -The party who owns a stray S I' uc9e _ J Salkeld S 5on. bus This gives you .,enable, cuuse5 incou- • , ; i .. A. L.%,• t:� �,'►', I . of les v atue.. All must• . lar o 1, x McDevitt d .'Ijiller • 3; Cao 2 „ white pig, had better call and tA1te it , peas, large. -1, J 11ic i iiaruiid ; J venience, wake.g you uacerttuu of au C' i1.1�: 1..: r 7 t Man beautiful ifts were made to Buxon. ` ariet race. -1, •T2s «bite , e•fi,i,,f �: _ ;.T j c�, r,.p►e :=.xrrtbry ! ,..lane., !�� ' %nd fc,.l►i•itl, 11. 1!1 „ , y g t~ away 8nd 8at0 e7Cpen8e6.--rtTSAliR y . enou h. to are • inches in d &meter• ' Salkeld•.. S.,n. Bus timothy seed.-1 eugagementb, an oft times promotes P . ► the c,,nti acting partiEs, which went to IJoKDUN. 2, John Armstrc.nR ; , .ohs Sparrow. J Salkeld tion • S Furse. Half general uneasiness iii the household. 3 1 _ _ -_- _- _ _ F'r.in where the reasons for divorce" lac'* ha for those not .lar a enou' h y Q Thorou fibred Durham Cattle :- R C g . testif to. the reatest extent the ,, S If ou have not V. Q -Jiiss )Jdith Davison of �� in ham g Los flax see 1.-1 Ja1s Alton • y - c� . F• are. iltriou`, the Fruportiou goes.up to t4i pare. The bags must;' be ll and esteP.11l which was held for the oun g o ' y g s at Sacurda .tile Sutida in town Dlileh cow.-1, Thos Anderson ; �� Furs<•. Best and largest variety grain c `t. -,;,, l,l-t l► 1,4) -in.New s,3utt► Italstir to 1s0 in ofotrdinary grain•bafi eine: 5 all and coo le. At u seeml hour the cow- Y Y �t� - t;T S}tita:tt'11f►1i, • P Y the uest of }ler cousin .5liss Ithetta & J •Iamiesoa. Two year old heifer.- in the shalt.-I S.FurSe �� _ /�� �� . ,, w. •,.�,. . • . r. r'-,t •l:,i- 0rivi 'M - ,,; . "'ft , les must. be ke t• se ar te• frotu buds' the host and hostess 8 I •� �`� hall• It,�u.ua.,ia to f, i:l �wttcerland to �Pl: P P Par•Y Da icon. 1, W dt J Jamieson , _, T Anderson. , �ht� r v• •�• t ;:: tr, '' .: ;r the paring apples, Paring y f:irewfill wtshiQ the, by roti le a y 1 e vc.ta►bles and }toots. Earl rose 0 ',. iv, Y•ro �Tµr •.i ,.i; ,.,,- , it 43� anti it}: the• baited States to 61 _. a lea o g PPY P One year old heifer.-1, W. a J t' y we'll Sell You One. 1- l � t 11.8 , l,e 3 inches in diameter. Konen prospP peaceful voyage on the --Dir. W, t�llin took first prize far Jamieson. Heifer calf '98.--1, 'i' putat4,es.-1, Sate F arse ; ., ll.Prowse. ,� �, a ,nous and the to bu at tl►e Lucknow Fall • "Ppleymot wsntecl�L, S. Town, "11. matricnon"rail sea.. p gt3Y o White els hant tatoes.---�1, 1ti m • Anderson- .. V` d J Jamieson. � Bull P p° If ou have let us kee it in ,god ,� ____ - _ �- -- I- The Rev.', .Dr. Cochrane,. pastor of 1; Holbrook, mittla ,r, • Show, and not J. liildred as stated in � ' , .� Ballot ►h • 2 D Prouse. Other varie- y p g ` __ _ - - rite list, • ealf of 98.- I, St S J JaMieFun ; _, . b ' re air for oil .� clock that cau " 1_U Y sR �. Q��4 "+ttGE Lt3GGE �:,.r Prr�1�3 tr�iau Clcurch, Brantford, - - Wedding Bells I' •� t c ty putsttoes.-1, Purse ; 2, �Wm P y , . ' ai.: w, ;l •. nut u ttirouf• T Anderson. Aged bull, .. year o kee time and wont ought to be bout Canada 9uocessfui Tea. --Mr. Ed liob•rtrson arrived home Mall,,u t Cabba a 1, J Salkirk .t P ' • i 1 r �} 1.1 t `I'i' l:l:t: t 1.A 1.. a ?� cry pleasing !and happy event over - l , T Anderson. ijerd c,f three g k 6 - made keep time The clocks we sell •• l ii=• l,: k,6 1 }tall A very' successful five o'clock tea. from Dakota on Thursday last to. -Son• Blood beets.-1 S Furse • _, , a,..p., rDc,tlria`+ iii connec ion.'tvi"th the Yresb3•terian. I C,T,U, occurred on the�evejning.of Wednesday; spend the winter with his.piwents is , , ' �`- are the kind that dont require intik• ' C:1 ur•t,.rlt =►:r.•et i.n:ku�,w, . t, the t,rc, n,t under"the >ius ,fees of the .W, females and one male,-1 ti" .L• i • (,hurch eked" suddeal • at ten o clock Oct. l `'th at the residence of Mr, I) I rouse. Sugar beets -1, T • T,.,•..t.,y rvrna*6; 4•f. e:., h ao,l t•. • r} m ,nth, , , S was held at Che ehome of Miss Tena ' Luchnow, Jamieson. Thoroughbred J er:,ry :�- • Little. Ilan old wurtzels.-1 J 1Og They are of Such a fi ►,�,i 1%,';rc'r nt�t=. , n tlZt• 3ec,gr+4i 'I'lir,lu}' rvrntt►;( on Money tuorniilg, of augitia Lawrence on Frida avenin , act. Atex. McKay, being the nUal riaRe of 141i1ch cuv.-T. A`' . Little g ' y , Y g --Remember the. Hallowe'en Su er S,alkel�i. • S. Son - 'l K McIlwain. manufacture that the do kee - t�• i• •wiu� , :f►11 I iriitioL- brethren c, •r.iiall in- his aec�nd da hter Mar Jaae Lo pp o ► y I O e I►('et0r13, i)r. Coc}irane �ti•as well 14th." (hvin to the unf>tvorable uK + Y + ., li lioc•ris. Two year old vuldea tankard.-1 J Salkel,l and TIME• vitt:,l t,► theuaetn, •+, �jr. ��'rlllalA 1�Pttltecs, Of LIVe l la 'the t)tptsment Of the Meth(xilst , known throughout Canada for bis seal condition of the weather, the atten• rPOO + Cb`urch oi; Oct 31st Full particulars lfeifer.-1,_H Morris. (hie year old a wE` ARMSTRONG'S I>av11► A s:. tr ig, A . T. l>>►visolr, li � �� in B p J� + �ecret�iry ` tis. fit. dance was not as large ns its would ' F•nglaud. While r. Harry Mc- next week. heifer.-1 II Morris • '' T W Little. 5on ; ••+ arlie, Sv►vde turici s. and entwgy 'and was a leading spirit in have beer. had thew ther beep finer. Charles l,i ed the. •Weddin March ' o -'1, Goo Syinth. • Greystone. -1, Geo the denomiinatien to which he halon P i g -Say, Jim ! I notic,d in th, heifer calf of 98.-1 It Morris •Or (�IACkB. t,•. T. L .- The regular monthly >t- 'rhes hciou. linin room w s ver :the t,ride 1. uilin u a the ai•m of her- e ' Smyth. White belgian,-1 J Salkeld p g } Y R Po S$NTINF:i. that Fred Grund asks Wm 111allou h. Herd of there ' • S�0 tuertin� ,i the w.,Men a Chriattan ed. He Was born in Paisley,-Scotland, prettily decorated • with Pal s an Y 8 and Son. Carrot intermediate white. • • • Uni• •n t: ilt fit, b,.ld every second -father, walk d slowly into rho parlor, pay went of all accounts and notes and females and one male.-I it Mon•ia. , .-. rel-it►• r °�" f`t31 to ether with numerous, smal W. }n.•+ t..v ••f ►•..,•h ln„rlth in t>:e Udei Ir'elh►ws Feb• 9, and wa3 educated in B 1 trtbies looking rt}arming in a dress of wh to I forgot to call. � Grade Cattle :-111ilcti cow.---1, Wm = J Sulkeid and `Son " 2 Jab ,�,�ne. H i,il, 1. 1, kn•,w, ,It :; t,.m, Mas• •1• Bi.�•"• Glasgow L7nivrrsity and Hanover *laden with dainties, presented . a very, Gill: with lace and chiffon ricin Embroider to muslin.-1 hies Cam IJarl horn carrots.-1 Jas C'nrwen 9 P i . pr +i 1_nt:.11as.Boas=4L•S'rcretary," $ -Hugh lichay took first prize at Andrews _Jas RosE. Two year old Y bell `' lktrs Lott~ Embroider in pia uresq a sight, ay the young ladles. The vrere nsarried at half seven 2; lin McKenzie.: Unions.-1, .firs y _ _ __ _ College, Lndia• where he graduated l,resided over the different tables. The y our show for red mangela, and in be[fer.-1, Thos Diahe r. Une year old ., J Salkeld anti Son. cotton-1, J H Howie. Fancy biaia with the hi hest honors. ocluck- by the Rey.. Mr, McKay. grade cow :hir. Alex Nicholson took heifer.-•�-1 Wm Dlallou h - 2 II �icKenrie 1 o ` g Hw teas . ii take the liberty here of thanking - t t t 2 in 1 Mus Buchanan • 9'l las Tcmatoes.-1 ) Jas A - ► ` �. _ _� i' o'0' F. ordained in Jersey City in 1 }59. In Mr. McMorran and their friegds w•ho Immediately after the marriage cere- first prize. Morris. Steer calf of 1898.-1, It A � 1 Prowse ' S min ham. Faac telt work.-1, mon was erformed and con ratula- -1', W. will hold their Anderson ; 2, W Bailie. lfeifer calf (,arses. Corn.-1, T 11 Little ; 2, R Y Pa ,w � ,' _ _ t' L .K N•O �N 18c►_' he accepted a call to pian Church so able furnished�tnusic for ttie, even- Y' p • K C T, U. ]� Hill ; _, lits fl,tucilton, Patch L�,ds,P :�01:� i 1 tions over the oasts wended their re alar moatfil meetin on Frida of 1898.-1 �Wm Bailie :.' A I{ J Salkeld and Soa. I utupkins.-1, J '. '� 1 'Brantford where he lab3red . ever °$' I g g :i y g y' wilt-in wool.-1 I►irs Lott 2 Mian m-•,-t+ every friday evenin,' at x o'.lock +n , we' into the dinin room "where a Uct. 1st at the home the Vice-Presi- Ssikeld and Son. R facer $quash.--1 q . 3 • - their h.,:I, (•amptw1I street, • All brethren r • Hitmeneal y g ' Anderson. One year old steer.-=1 J� Symington. Watched quilt in cotton. `ince. Tar :.a years he has peen clerk sum tonus' ce a9t .was arts.ken of. dent Miss F1os$ie Hamilton. S Furse. �Snmmer squash,-1, P P P and A R Anderson, Alton. Water welons -1, Win Elliot - ► • a" .i 1 � c••r,i•ia11y iarit�d. The L'rusaely P+�st thus ref r� to a � �+ 1 1L•g Campbell; _', Alrs Nott. of the Sy nod of Hamilton and Lon"ion A leasin featuro which a4ded much -For ladies' fur coal or ca io the Leicester 5bee A Taro.-1st _ „a 1'LTER :y: m. U. N. Lan Kstac' P t; Pe • Enibr�ider in worsted ur sill:.-1, popular young business marl of Uun P and Soo • :. Jas Alton. l.eler 1 7 N,�hiertisand. Recorder and for about the 5anie perio,l con�eu• to the enjoyment cf the eve,nitiR was best quality, go to Connell e. Uur aim ' ' Cauli' hies Hatniiton . `', slob Sfmington.' ,� annon :- Last Wedr.esda a rnoon R E Lane S Sons ; _nd, Jno Barr. David Pruuse, g Y� the-serenaclin of the ha coo le b is to sell the best goods at a close profit. Jas Curwen ' __ _� -- - --- t r of the Home llisyion Couimittee of PPy P Y Shearling ram.-1 It L Lsne S 5on• flower:-1 'lira McKenzie • � T Vti' Linen shirt, hand made -1, Mrs s quiet wedding took place at thle reef the Brass Band. The uests s nt a Good value is batter than poor goods �, - ► ,, . the el:urch. - K Pair ed ewes.--1 Geo Henr Hies Hili. Embroidery • . . `�'� / - o f j A U W deuce of Rev. Wm, I`orton, • Brussels, oery.enjuyable time; thotie who chose cheap. � y ' ' Little. harden vegetables.-1, Jas �icheazie ; ... _ •\�\ y Z. when leis estimable daunhte Miss Salkeld Bros. Pair shearling ewe3' - 5 named varieties potatoes ilii bolting cloth.-1, firs Nott ; .., • �, t' C K NOW - g+ ft t tri the li lot f intastiC the -G*et your sale bills rinted at the - Curwen, , cf+ P g p 1 ( ' Sslkeld B•oe. Pair o A Drean Miss Alslvolulson, Knitted slippers. i---1 I,i I,..dve of the It• would et:em that eo le ace Olive, wag united in mare a e to "� �eDrY '� s ecial.=1 ] ► Proose ►- `�- P P � B music beinry furnished• b Professor Sentinel otli4;e. «e give a free notice. o P • Y• , It.• Ancient Order c,f . a y ewe jambe.-1, Jno Darr • l'eo o J 11 Howie' Miss .Male,olsison. alar* s to be 1,untbu ed. acarcel A=1ll,ert E. Treleaven, of Uun anaou, in the Ciccone.-1 T « Little • lits T - L nit•'d :' w„Fkrnen y gg Y :hicMorran and our highland laddie, Sgatinei up to the time of sale gen • Fanc knitaitn in wool,-1 Miss .r - ,v in the � resence of a stnall c m aII ry Rani lamb,-1, (;Teo H"ry ; q , 1 �- - __ � rl:veti in the u,1►t t month passes without the recotrd of P p Y• Dave 1McKay with his irt�spiring music, with every lot of bills su lied. Hamilton. Y '" • = - fell"Wo, Ilan, ,•n the The bride was presented by hear father PP ,y 2, John Barr. Shorthorn Dowtie.:- Symington ; '2, Mrs McKenzie, Fancy ~ 1e'+t and, see„nd some swindle;being perpetrated among the bagpipes. he bride was the -Mr. Nelse Bowman has become a A ed ram:-"1, Glenn Bros ; 2, T Fowl. Brahma, light.-1 arid• 2, knittiti in cotton.-1, Mrs McKenzie, 0 % and the ceretnuny was perfoe ed by g 2 g 1 !I,►nday#•venue,"' f ° recipient cf man aluable and useful citizen of Lucknow again and intends Salkeld & SQn Shearlin rani.-1 J 0 Lyons. G�uchin, white.-1 and .•, " Hiss S -min ton. Table centre �` each m„orb t.t es h.t iutelligect people. lVe are informed the ltev, R. J. Treleaven, . of# Brant- resents ahowin the bi h esteem in 'Tannin his, loather renovatin , busi- g ' and 2 `�' i g o �` , �,•cl+►ek �•i•itin • b P , K R g g , Olen Bros. Pair aced ewes.-1 J C Lyons. C.ockiin, buff 1 iece.-1 Mit s M Dlalloa h • .. Mrs . , . g that another swindle Ims teen ,worked ford, rother of ttie groom, as9isted by which she was h ,Id. The lis coo le y alla- n � P g ' ' o sass in the shop nezt to Harr Gx Arrthreu �, r,lially ipvtte4l, Rev. , � pry P , Glenn Bros. -'air shgirling ewfe.-1, J C Lyon:=• Ughorn, white. -1 and Nott, Linen shirt, machine made.-I in the count of Bruce. Theo ra- S J. A►lin, 'of Brussel ,. Mr. her s.harness sho ,� J C Lyons. Le born. brown. -1 lits !llchenzie : 2, y PE left on Thursday aftt rnouo Uct. 13th g p' Glen Bros. Oxford Downs :-1 Jas g bliss Bechanan, w..lt,.,c�:E- L.v.Ycr.s, Treleaven and bride left for their home 4 ' :%i...ter t�orkman. Recorrder. tions of the principal in this latest for their future Horne is Rat Portage, , ow that the fall wet weather is Tabb • o Paul Reid. Pair a ed.ewes. Mrs Cam hell • 2 J H Howie. PI at Dun nnnosi where a race tion was � �+ g P ' Y- Pair woolen tnitb, hand made•-1, w&s lar el confined to the vicinity of g P amid a shower oc rice, flowers, and old on hand it will l,e well to keep the 1 aul Reid • 2 Jas Tabb. Paic tnopth rock.-1 and 2, J 0 Lsons. 'A oKeazie • `' 'Miss $ min tor, `�E 8 Y accorded them that evenin Mrs. - , , , !VIn .l , y g SIL. sC, slippers. -All join , in wishing them crossings in the centre of the village shear 'n ewes.-1 end Jas TabE. Plymouth rock, whitT.-1, J C Lyons. pair woolen sLockia s ht,nd trade.-: Chesley. A person representing that Treleaven was the recipient of; a good- bon voyage, soaped otl' occasionally, lig b. Black a anise.-1 tine 2 J C L one. Airs Hill ; `s Airs R.� A Ir ft 8 Y he was under the Dominion Govern- ly number of useful and -valu&}le Pair ewe lambs.-1 Jas Tabb • P t Y 2 McKenzie. Pair *,, ' - -In the prize list of the.Lucknow Paul IReid Ram lamb.-1 Jas Tabb• Dorktnge.-1, J C LyonP. Diinorcae, woolen socks, hand made -i, firs -- � ( `. nient tried to interest the farmers of presentA, The parlor in which the --All ladies •who are interested in show last week the lst and `'nd rizes o � � � , . rs Cumpl+ell 2 J 11 o Hill, Sda cushia. • r+ P Paul Reid. Southdowtis : -Aged black.-1 �1 , - McKenzie - Mrs 1 that section in the matter of cold °Damage ceremony took place was Wanen'a Ir'orei ►n ��liesiac wor{c era for one ear old fill in the heavy ram.--1 ,las Lane. ,She rlin ram.-- Howie. lied ca s.-1 lin Cam bell - 4 ' neatly decorated with flowers and �' y Y t' g P P ' -1, Aiiss malcolmson ; C, Mrs Nutt. storage for butter, etc. 11e also cordiall invited to attend the annual draught class+ should be credited to 1 Glenn Bras. Pair aged ewes.-1, 2, y ' Pillow shams.-1 Miss S win tou • 2 - ♦ �F.1h:'}':i 1:�'}:1:Y Tlit`1:�1+.tY N Ic.}IT • m rile. y 1 C I. one. Nondane.-1 0 1 y I)uciog the residence of hlrs. ,I� Lane. Pair L ons. Polande.-1 Mt•a Cc►m belt. y g ' ,n �,r h►-i„res tat: f�>1t ru,„•n, i,1 the thank ofl,•ring meeting of the Lucknow John Jamieson, and not Wesley Glenn Eros ; 2, y P Dire Nott. Point lace.-1, !Vire Camp• _# !1I �•,•ni. IIiII, Ita�,�L•cl: +trent, represented a large buSine9s in Mont. Treleaven in Brussels she proved to be , .� auxillary of the Women s Foriegn Ntis- Henderson as announced. shearling ewes.-1 Glenn Bros • 2' Wyandottet;.-1 and , •1 C Lyoae. bell '.liacrame work.-1 1lias tiytu- 1. 1). St+-•1c,•t., Ifs .,ty DATA. real which ro ed to deal. directl a roost successful and faithful w,►rkec a ' ' -,� in t}ie E worth L �a ue eionury Society -un th.s afternoon of -Men's overcoats, suits and under. Jas Lane. Pair ewe lambs.-1, t Iletin dame.-1, J C Lynne. Game pile.- u n ; •�• 11rs Hill. Franc ciao tY ►r�lzi�tul :4i:.�t. 9ecrrtar7 with them in d ood9. 11e solei P g , ,Sal bath B'� - Y Y R Wednesday 2Gth fast a! :..30 p. m, iu wear in gree+, variety at Connells. Bco9 Jas enc•. Ilan► 19ui1>. -1 1 and 2, J L l.yonsl. Bantams.-1, J , •� 11 ca li ' --- - -' School �aad church choir." irt. -,, Ars Nott ; 2. - s �.0 �s thein con imim�nts 4 goods amount _ the Presbyterian church. Mrs (1tev.) Our prices are right in all these goods. G lens Lros ; 2, Jas Lane. C Lyons ; 3, Mrs CsmpbelI. Barn ' patch work.-1; Airs 1 ot,t - 2, . . in t„ legs - than twent dollars and A Runaway Wife. - Dr. J. .L, Murray, of Kincardine, Business is what we want, and we Berkshire Pi s :-A,►ee� „�r.-I Yard fowl.--1 and 2, J 0 Lyon. g Y . 1 L Dues .Nlalcomeun. Arrasene work. -1 t' �; K `� •' «' resident of the Maitland Presbyterial will get it if low prices and good g �' Turks F. -1 Jas Bailie 'l Andrew ' ' . �a C,,os f'„ltucil, c.•,;, took their notes for the amount. He . An clopen•ent .pias ni ed in the � as � tun. Sow y Din Campbell ; ?, Mrs Nutt. Suit pp , Fisher Bros • 1 �l oeiet- is to be resent and will iso duality count. , -a 0o-4 :,.ii»Ir t-►rdser �,f I•Pfused to tske cash his instructions bud on Wednesday evening of Inst y' P g raised pigs 1898.-1 Jra04W; ? .1as Dreany. ('uinea f ,wl.-1, Jas Cur- ladies' underwear.-1 'Hiss Syncing- ('t,, . 1''ri�-n,l+. an address. --llu h Kin and John Bo le r. n, Duck-.-1, R Mellwain , J C - • z �t,.t; }+t and •�„et }'Wing to take nothing but their notes. wok in a way whirs rattle areuAed K g y ' 1 "hisholm. Hoar littered 18921.--1, tun ; Mrs McKenzie. Flamed sec. • ' a Y.;►;.. ra•nin •v since hi9 dP torture nuthio fur those wh,� witnessed thea 'r` se' -Mr. Jas. Gadnt, of West 1t'awa• of West �� awazosh, have exchanged 2 Fisher Bros. 1%w�F' -1 Air: Nott •', 14iss Buchanan. ,•a _ ell y p g cher vs J;�4 Chisholm , , \a'kb -n- �,�, A ea, h r„ ►lith, in ha3, been heard of hint. In a few the Clinton ,News Record. During no3h,", on Wednesday, • 12tts inst., farms, so as to be more conveniently littered 189'3.-1,. Jai Alton ; �, Geo Implements. Single huQRy, with ,)arn ori sock: or stocking•-.'1lrs '-� .l if,=}►►w* 6x11, situated to rho owners te�sidencPs ;, _ • + ;.if *- ►r]iatty cages Ile• is said to have bought dairy the afternoon -&- couple of young conducted a very eueoessful sale of ' Ilenry, Yorkshire :-Aged Boar.-1 top.-1, J E, Brydges , 2, Jno Fergu- Hamilton ; J Ii Howie. Twtk women drove, clown horthorns for - H Parker - Esq , of they are both Rood farms and of at,out - work.-1 Mi>is kl uiin ton. Knitted gi - . • i,1.i -A. pro lure ftotn the parties and t}ley - t4 the depot to It Bean. Sow raised pigs IrdS. -1 sot'. aloud axle wagon.-.1 and 'l J y 8 r en, trice tho time the next -rain for iiurham county of Grey, dis •nsin Equal value. Jay Alton. Boar littered Itoae. F'arin gate.-1 foie ?, Jas wilt.-1 1\fiss S loin Lon • ? ?tree t , , , , t-. �. . , have eceived no remittance from hi"m. g PE R It Bean ; 2, f R , ii'',.E` tht,entire lot of over 40 head at ood -In bu in overalls be sure and `•low littered loose. �Wa on rack.-1 Jas Rose. Recurder. The victims ,►f the swindle are said to tli#;• cast left, and• un being �nfoniied t g « y g 1898.-1, Jas Alton. R Mutt. (,roLche;t quilt.-1, J H }I,otvie; - -- include some of the best f inners in went up t„sign again. Wlten tr'utu time pricer. Mr. Gaunt is now regarded get the Arm and Ilammer Brand. 1898.-1, It Bean. Chester White:- Bost collection firm ilnpleme�ntS.-1, 2, Mist+ Symingwii. ;► yds i'Ag carpet. b the hest bieeder,a as the leucliu This trade mark is a guarantee that ► r�MERAL th" township,+ approached they again started for the Y g Aped boar.-1 Jt+^ Alton. ►�'Dw Jas Rose, .., Andrew a; 14'eti4ter. -1 Aiiss I;uch,l•ian : 2, airs T Andor- : _. , station and had about re bed the live stock auctioneer in the? Province. oat you are buying is well made raised i e 121P8,��'t Jas ��,lton. Exhibit of pumps.-1, Henry Dudd. son' . Rag mat.-1 firs 'Nott ; '1, -` - good fittin (het them at ' The summer has•lin erect los with Catholic church when a young man -One- day last week as lir. lubt g' Boar li tered 1898" `-"t'nd 2; Jas Ladies' Work. tatting.-1, Aire .ire T Mistier. Woolen yarn.-1, t R,18 ERT CUNNINGHAM. g g Connel s. it-Ili t , Mrs Nckt. Honi- drore in frons the eToys et set and Co lase way driviu tlirou Bsuce Alton. Sow littere� 1 and ..'. I sill `' �Ilcs. Coni I1. Crotchet D1rs Hamilton ; INSUi2ANCE us, but we must soon face the winter p Y K --Mrs Wm Bower will . bo "At r' l'l" i1• ' P bell ; :Vire • stopped them. He sll halter count he caught a 'with a coo le of Jas Alton. Tamwort.�. I wtid boar. work.-1 Mrs Nott • 0 1lfiss Syming- t,m lace.-1 M� �P loop. . FIRE AND MARINE, with its cold days and ,lark nights, over the' head of the bors�e t e were elderly !+►dies who w4 res welkin pfrom Home" to the members and friends of •,,•' ' r' - ,►file scarf.-1 Mrs Oampl -U- CUELPH. y Y g the W C. 1, 1 Fisher Bros. lir .4r•ed 189 tom. Toilet set, any kind.-Moe 11,111 T• I Both saasons haves their advantages drivin U. on Tuesday afternoon -" t o b, , o �t •� 'lbiss 1121«,lesson- Set table msOs. T•rewseace 7e>f n� r g, acid t;eLLing in hilt o n. buggy $ontbaiupton to Itipley, & .distance of ' At the close of the -1 end Fisher Bros. Sow littered C.ainpbell ; :Viise Buchanan (s.ove ., - •� Ales Campbell. - _ __ _ _ neat at s o clock. .- for the life of the; young. In summer, (.rove ori with the other in w, , to take ► acrament. The 1598.-1 Fisher Bros. hox.-1 J H Howie • Miss S min -1, 1 H HUK ie Hiss T.tie 41 miles S parlor meeting, the members will I , , �, , ,y K- ,, in tho long, :varin days, recreation is women loads no attetn a oyes a eldgrt was over G9 years of age and arras a for tho entertainment to b© Fine Arta:-G�llection oil aintin s ton. Crochet work and nevelt braid Tea c�,Izy•-1, Mee N„tt Y _ � � N `2' I S T_ � I►ut wet � P � g P g ' �` ltibbun work.-1 Mea n,►-utally sought outside, in. shady p freely, but theist captor -the other 50, They were both High- held in November. 1 Ales Campbell `' Miss Lane. combined.-1, Mrs Campbell - 2, Mine aymingtoo, • s . G A NEWTON, y g � seemed well satisfied with tht manner. land Scotch Presb terians. -Stratford -Three months more and the term Collection water � colors . -1 Mrs Symington. Crotchet slipperF. -1, Nott ; Mrs Campbell., Outlit:e woodH or b the inyitin i#tream y in which he }fad for the mecut�id time L'eatcm• o Mistc Lane elobtoidery.-1, Miss Symington ; Honor_ 1,rvl-t.ttr in denti+try, T„ronto while winter evenings furnish appro- of the present county council will have Campbell ; •�, .liisa Ld,nP. Penman- Mis9 Buchanan ; -, Dest-0 c'"tlH,te, aa�! It •,:c r ,•f U4.11ta1 Sar- priate opportunities for social enjoy• captured leis rutcawny wife, though on -The Year Book c,,f Canada• for expired. Who the candidates in this ship.-1, David Smith ; 2, Mrs L Fancy pineushin.-1, '.Vise I-Aine , 2, Mrs Nott. LcsQ cabin ,guilt.-1, Mra x- rr T,►rg•nt,> Urlivrr+;ty,- :Ul tu,,1l+•rn plans , the previous occasion she re4ched the 1897 hai teen issuod nndl as usual ^ Mrs (��uipbell. Crar y quilt, •,f 4,, nAioa 6041 car-11111 .411 it. A')Fkmaaabip. •ment and mental improvement, says , it district will be for the next term is Hamilton ; 3, T Durnnn. Pencil Mrs Campbell. Handkerchief se', kat, . of t 4,, • Al}iw'.bt►►ck. 11 lair. city• rhe parties were from 1ioderich i., re lete with statistical and other not et known but that the office will drawin .--1 Mrs IN' Bill 'hiss crochet.-1 Mrs Oaui bell • '' Mites -1, Docs Ilill ; Mies Symington. ' i p" the London Advertiser. This we a►e P Y + B , , 2, P - 'hire p.g.-Wilt visit Ri ,ie evrr Thursday t t ,wnty to the neighborh of the information pertaining tothe Wininion not o be in is a fore one conclu- Lane, Ora on drawin 1 birs W Sy g Y y ts.,w,,,o 1 y y told, h 'pre-emtnently the young count town. • g gK' g K y g,- . min ton. I'mbroider in linen�lil I''nbi^oider ,ntitl,►,vl „ui ,Oitwte) • •� - y 01 for last vpar. *inn Ur:11 . •► IS__ rr_____, --„ is 1 rt .,min Mrs (lain[ is M l