HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-12-10, Page 5I , WX 1� Fog - ,,�� Quality The Leda@, Alberta, Reprasentativa, 6 yle around again, AND 1 ° fit from the bine was the mad and untimely bottles of your wonderful . y THE si 20th day. That morning started to take his tinction engines entirely well and needed it V no more medicine. At six» Sunday last. out to hie lumber camp at Burford, At teen months of age She r Brand weighed thirty pounds. Ohrist Church on Sunday afternoon was halted, and the tank -drawn by a of tailored garments last. Rev. D. Walter Collins, rector of have no equal. � Y Trivitt Memorial Chnroh, >Exotor, as give it water, While the engine was give i They possess a style which other makers preached An excellent sermon, taking watQr lAr. Townsend endenvored Scott'sEmulsion.'-MRS° - cannot imitate with w ohaage the bits in the horeesi mouth', I the same' degree of g I success. McGee.& C C CLOTHING - S MEN'S FURNISHINGS Read the London Daily Advertiser, $2,00 PER YEAR. The best metropolitan paper in Western Ontario. Contains latest market quotations and all general and local news worth printing. SPECIAL OFFER Send $1,60 for the LONDON ADVERTISER for 14 months. Remittance must be roceived be- fore 1st January, 1909, 2 STORES THE WINGHAU TIMIE8, DECEUDER 10 1908 ST. HELENS. TURNHERRY. - ,,�� Bir, Ed. MoRoberts is able to be The Leda@, Alberta, Reprasentativa, = around again, of Nov. 27th, says: -"A veritable bolt "After taking three L, Grant has moved into Mies J. C. from the bine was the mad and untimely bottles of your wonderful McDonald's house. death of Mr. E. Townsend on Wednee.. Mr. Toweend medicine, our baby was Rev, S, H. Moyer, of Toronto, con. day. That morning started to take his tinction engines entirely well and needed daoted the services in Calvin Church on water tank, saw and other accessories no more medicine. At six» Sunday last. out to hie lumber camp at Burford, At teen months of age She Anniversary services were held in the west end of Main street, the engine weighed thirty pounds. Ohrist Church on Sunday afternoon was halted, and the tank -drawn by a Shelladcrie„��lllror_ths, last. Rev. D. Walter Collins, rector of team at horses -backed up n gilt' and day, axle notlAng Trivitt Memorial Chnroh, >Exotor, as give it water, While the engine was give i did her good until we tried preached An excellent sermon, taking watQr lAr. Townsend endenvored Scott'sEmulsion.'-MRS° - - w ohaage the bits in the horeesi mouth', I F.: f'� S '`I � I�iCaa To Cure Sniffling Cold,, when sometling startled them and they y ICY' The easiest and pleasantest sure is ran Awa y, knocking him dews, and 18, Joynt 17. "Catarrhozoue" which filla the nose, both wheels of the heavy tank passed has lost -to° a girl it brings strength throat and Lange with healing balsams over his body. Help was immediately Nerviline Plasters absorb all the deter; ota pine esu ex that kill a cold in. sensati You experience a at hand and medical aid provided. &Ott's opleasants, sensation of relief at once. Soreness, Kind friends bore the unfortunate man Carrick 31, D. Beeoroft 28, G. Lamont 27, K. Patterson 26, J. Sparling 24, A. congestion and irritation leave the nose and throat, the hand is cleared to his home, where, after suffering Fox 24, J. M-,Clenaghan 21, H, Oham- and every trace of cold or Catarrh is cured. moon agony, he passed sway. all Emulsion pion 21, Wm. Beecroft 19, T. Garton 18 Oatarrhozone is so sure, so pleasant, Townsend was a man respected by all y T. Gaunt 16, J. Joynt 15. LOWEST RATES GREY. such a safe remedy for winter ills that for his honesty and integrity. He was After a much longer tonure of lire Friday evening, Dep. 11 in the Metho- yon can't afford to do without it. Sold a Christian gentleman in every sense of probably saved this child's by all dealers 25o. and $1,00, Get CA' tarrhozone today, the word, with the courage of his con- life. Four doctors had been - victions. His tragic death is int the o tried. SCOTT'S EMULSION " end of a series of calamities which have seemed to joist the thing MYTH seemed to shadow him since making needed, and it is just the On Friday, November 27tH, after his Home in Alberta, over n dozen years thin needed b• thousands y beitig confined to his bed for five weeks, ago. A few years ago he buried a children. Its James Armstrong passed away to his beloved wife, and since that time has of other so reward at the age of 60 years. Deceased had to face many financial reverses. easily digested, so pure and was born in Tyrone, Ireland, and came To the sorrowing orphans -of whom harmless, yet most powerful to this country when he was 17 years there are three boys and three girls, in building up the most deli - old, first settling in the States, after. the youngest being only 8 pears -the cate child or adult. But be wards moving to Canada and settled in sympathy of a whole community sure to getScoTT's EmuLsiox, Vaughan township. He was married to goes out. One brother, Robert, of Cal. there are so many worthless his now bereft partner 37 years ago. gary, an aged mother, one brother and and harmful imitations. They came to East Wawanosh about 29 seven sisters mourn bitterly the loss of years ago. After giving up farming the a loved one. Deceased was an active Aar, DRUGGIM parents lived with a daughter in Luck. R member of the Baptist church and was roil copy of Smith's loner and now, afterwards moving to White• in his 47th year. He was a brother of y moor bthors of ssimilnrnntare, to,tothor r %vi church where they lived over two years, Mrs. Thos. Aitkens, of this township with some of our Tnlunblo litorebtro re. gnrding children. will be Beat myon ro. From Whitechurch they moved to and he was also A former resident, eoipt of your addr°es, mentioning this Blyth where they have been residents leaving here some 27 years ago. 1'opar' for pearl three ears - SCOTT & BOWNE d y y - ,,�� 126 Wellington St., W. Toronto Does it not neem more effective ea breathe in s remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs = Pity This Poor Girl. for Kidney and Liver complaint. Sold e Does Your Side Ache? Growing fast -yes, into weakness, but without strength. Tired of course 21 ® • • s When the Srst symptoms appear, rub ; she is -pale and thin too. This con- tion practice last week: - House Slippers with Nerviline-rub it in deeply. It dition is so common, but how seldom septic carried over every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat - It is invaluable to mothers with small • for penetrates to the muscles and chords noticed even by fond parents. Give her 200 yards, 7 ahots, possible 35.-R. ment. children. Those ofaconsumptive �. is lee ' tendency find immediate that are sore -taken away stiffness -re- ' Ferrozone-then watch her appetite Carrick 32, Wm. Beecroft 29, D. Bee- ONLY moves all strain and inflammation. It the condition is chronic, put a Nerviline, improve -see her cheeks and lips grow ruddy-watoh her spirits rise. This croft 27, A. Fox 24, J. Sparling 22, K. disease was far advanced. Care in. variably results from Dr. Hamilton's in towns and cities were ahead of the flamed conditions of the Patterson 22, J. MoOlenaghan 20, G. & Porous Plaster on the affected spot. ; gain is simply the result of eating and Sold by druggists.' .s ,•` send for boolrU. THROUGH LINE This draws out any virus or neuralgic irritation, the tissue digesting enough, and thereby nourish- To Lamont 20, T. Garton 19, S. Garton 19, H. Champion T. Gaunt 18, J. postal LsaMnrG, MILES eo., , restores to their wonted healthiness, permanently oures ing blood, brain and nerves, a woman Ferrozone restores strength she 18, Joynt 17. TO' any weakness or tendency to pain, has lost -to° a girl it brings strength 500 yards, 7 shots, possible 35.-R. PRICES Nerviline Plasters absorb all the deter; perhaps she never knew. You'll try Western Canada ions secretions through the relaxed pores and when used along with Nerviline Ferrdzone, 50o. at all dealers. Carrick 31, D. Beeoroft 28, G. Lamont 27, K. Patterson 26, J. Sparling 24, A. itself, every muscular pain or ache mast Fox 24, J. M-,Clenaghan 21, H, Oham- "' go. WHITEMURCH. pion 21, Wm. Beecroft 19, T. Garton 18 FAST TRAINS DAILY - ° Mitis Ganley, Deaconess from To- T. Gaunt 16, J. Joynt 15. LOWEST RATES GREY. ronto, is expected to be present on _ After a much longer tonure of lire Friday evening, Dep. 11 in the Metho- on Saturday last in his 62nd year. Mr. NO CHANGES OR DELAYS than fails to the lot of the majority diet Church and deliver an address in EAST WAWANOSH. Talk it over with J. H. BEEMER, C. P. R, Robert MoNaughton, a highly respected the interests of her work. Contribu- The members of Calvin church Sun- Agont. Wingharn. resident of Grey township for over 60 tions of money, clothing, oto. will be day School intend holding their Christ - years, passed away Wednesday morn. gratefully rooeived:. All are cordially mas tree entertainment in the school ing, Dec. 2nd, at the home of his eon- invited. Meeting to begin At 8 P. m, house, No. 11, on the evening of e 5 in-law, Jno. Lowe, 9th con., in his sharp. Wednesday, December 23rd. A good 95th year. No special ailment existed On Monday night, November 23rd, at programme consisting of choruses, male 2 STORES just a wearing out of the mortal. Hie nearly 12 o'clock, two young men came and mixed quartettes, instrumental birthplace was Perthshire, Scotland, from Wingham to Whiteohnroh. Stop- music, recitations and dialogues is being >, in at Wm Ooaltes' they took off his d ff t ' b . t and e. name to Canada when 8 year- P g prepared, an overt' a t is Bing pn of age with his parents locating in Me- iron gate and trailed it behind the forth to make the entertainment the P E C I A L Nab township, Renfrew Co., a large buggy for a mile. Then they took off beat of the season. company coming to the new land under Walter Lott'- gate and trailed it half a the direction of Chief MoNab. In mile, breaking it. Then they took 1853 Mr. McNaughton came West. Samuel Paddle's gate and hauled it to ° ward and took up 200 acres of fine land McClenaghan's swamp. They then re - AT lot- 6 on the 10th and 11th cone. The tired in peace on the right hand side of South farm was sold to Wm, Yeo and Whitechurch. This is disgraceful con. �.. the subject of this notice resided on duct for young men living in a peaceful community and it causes people to YOUNGS H HARDWARE a the other 100 until 188G, when he die• y P P Sough slCrd ur879 p, posed of it, Hugh Lamont being the wonder what the young men are Homing aa7 purchaser, and Mr. McNaughton and to. One more society i- needed and Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis family located in Brussels, Mrs. Me. could be named, "The' Property Pro. Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Naughton died 5 years ago. teetion Association." It would bg well Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics for this week and next. I - ,,�� t0 make ung men." of some of these "OleV6T OaII man." Does it not neem more effective ea breathe in s remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs L99Rings Rubbers for Kidney and Liver complaint. Sold Rubbers than to take the remedy into the stomach'? Fine Shoes 21 He Died of .Kidney Disease, The Methodist Sunday School is pre- It cures because the air rendered strongly anti - is the diseased surface with Slippors House Slippers How often we hear of these end oases. The back -paid- and headache were paring articles for Santa Claus to dis• septic carried over every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat - It is invaluable to mothers with small • for Dso1LRI8, noticed -but not treated. Dizzy a elle y P , frequent call- and languid condition tribute in Toronto, What a difference a few years make. ment. children. Those ofaconsumptive �. is lee ' tendency find immediate Lantern Globes, regular I Oe - -Jc Reeve Taylor attended the meeting appeared, but nothing was done till the Not long ago subscriptions to missions in-etyt�QuS relief from coughs or in- Clothes Pins, per dozen - - - 1c 12 disease was far advanced. Care in. variably results from Dr. Hamilton's in towns and cities were ahead of the flamed conditions of the THE & Pills. They restore perfect health, ties- rural places. Things- are changed and Sold by druggists.' .s ,•` send for boolrU. Razors "guaranteed" re I and I.2 for 49c Razors, " g g• 5 LOWEST troy every symptom of diseased kidneys, buildup constitutions that defy further people are looking to the rural munici- postal LsaMnrG, MILES eo., , This is more of a Christmas store than outbreaks. Because purely vegetable Polities for help. reals anaa�encs, M 7- .� HORSE BLANKETS HALTERS SLEIGH BELLS STRING BELLS AXES AXE HANDLES MITTS SKATES LANTERNS CROSS CUT SAWS Cement at per barre We have the best values in Mitts to be had Yonill was held in high esteem by a c You may go where you will and I do not think you will find better large circle of friends and his death will value in in Wingham. be deeply regretted. �1 On November 19th, Mary Belle Me- CHRISTMAS GIFTS* Kay, beleved wife of Neil McKay, paid When you are wanting a stove call and See us. Nature's debt, at the early age at 30 We make it A comfort for you to shop here by tolling the precise years, after an illness extending over a ttuth about everything we sell. 3 We will save you from $10.00 to year. Mr. McKay is a brother to Mrs. _15.00. Call and be convinced Henry Jackson, of Morris township. $ Their home was at Hanaboro', North Dakota, but they were camping near �..�- Banff since April. When decensed took seriously ill she was removed to Okotoks ! 6. 6tewart & (;o. ALEX VOUNG & CO. where sho answered the roll call. The VV bereaved will have the sympathy of old friends in thin township. It in CENTRAL. HARDWARE - WINGHANI STORES 2 STORES h� about 20 yearn ago since Mr. MoKay �. l!fSRl�,tvAmn sa1.s e• tn�i.,. • 'bas r •' • _6 ..o dgcf,�v• o- s went went. Vwyt�M/�ww�w�� o ME01? v CHRISTMAS. Christmas Presents ,IN GREAT VARIETY .-q A At Al <4 D 5 YESI THE STORE iii fall of them I Come riabt in, yon are always welcome hero. Look around, you' 'I find USEFUL and S NSIBLE CHRIST. MAS PRESENTS displayed in every DEPARTMENT, We make shopping easy for you here, everything marked in plain figures and at the lowest prices. Just a few suggestions below of some useful presents for Ladfea and Gents. LADIES' WEAK. LADIES' HANDKEROIIIEFS.-Plain hemstitolled, fancy em- broidered and initialed lawns, also plain and fancy Silk Handkerchiefs, prices range from 5o to $100, see oar special line 15o each or 2 for ............................. ......... 25o SILK COLLARS AND FRILLINGS,-A large assortment of all kinds of Ladies' Neckwear, very pretty silk collars at 25o, 35o, 50c, 75c, $1.00, a special bargain at ..................... 25o LEATHER GOODS. -We never had such a fine range of Leather Goods, never so cheap, wrist Parsee 25c, Finaor Parser of good quality at .... .............60o, 65c, 75o, $1,00, $1 25, $1.60 SID BELTS.-Jnst opened a shipment of new styles, prices are._ . .................. ............. 250, 35o, 50o, 750, $100 See our 50o Belt, it's a regular 75o line. IIID GLOVES. -In theleading shades and. makes, see our guaranteed glove at.................................1.... $1.25 SHOPPING BAGS. -in all leathers of the best quality and new styles, prices are ............ ............ 600, 75c, $1.00, $1 25 Fancy Back and Side Combe and Hat Pius, SILK BELTS -and Fancy Gilt Belt L�ngth•i, Sash Pins and Belt Buckles. SILL{ WAISTS. -A shipment just received boaaht spectilly .for Cbristmas trade, they are very pretty and msde of Bilk, that will not out, be sure you see them, prices are $1 9U, $2 60, $3.00 and $3,60. Our leader only ........... ............. $250 UNDERSKIRTS. -Another shipment of those I [aa mms UNDERSKIRTS just received, they sell quick, yon save from 25o to $1.50 en these skirts, see our $5 00 value for......... $3.50 LADIES' FURS. -What better for a Christmas present than a nice Ruff, Stole, Muff; Caperine,Cap, Gauntlets or For Coat, our PRICES are all REDUCED. MEN'S "NEA e Useful Presenta in Gouts' Furnishing Departmout. Iu N"k;near we are showing the very latest in Knots, Bows, Strings, Hoc;;• on and Four -in H :n3 Ties, a.vory ,pecial ll we, (-'hrtst- mas price .......... ........... 25o KID GLOVES. -.-All kinds and qualities in Mooh:a and Kid, prices are 750, 90o,.$1 00, $1 25, 51.50, soo our leader at..... $1.00 MUFFLERS. -Way's Mriffi9ra in the ir>adiu„ colors, Black Silk - Mufflers, all prices SHIRTS. -Men's Regatta Shirts, very pretty patterns, fast colors, prices are ................................ 60o, 75o, $1.00 BRACES. -Specially for Christmas presents, one pair in a box worth 75o, our price ............... ....................... 500 UMBRELLAS.-Ia abundance, the best makes, new r;lrldias, prices are ..................... 50o, 750, $1.00, '811 25, $150, $2.00 SHOE DEPARTMENT' -Just openc)cj,up a large shipment of all kinds of footwear. Sae our Christmas Slippore at bar- gain prices. GROCERY DEPARP3IENP.-Ia crowded with Christmas Groceries sad Confectionery, Fruit, etc., no room here to' quote prices, come and see what we can anve you on your groceries. See our Graniteware Premiums given with Baking Powder. o Es ISARO Sr CO® Sensible CHRISTMAS PRESENT For Ladies and Girls For Men and Boys For Children Cardigans Loggingl and free from injurious materials, no remedy equals Dr. Hamilton's Pills Score of Whiteohnroh Rifle Associa- L99Rings Rubbers for Kidney and Liver complaint. Sold Rubbers Spate Fine Shoes Fine Shoes in 25c, boxes by ail dealers. VVVVVVYYVVWWVVVVVVVVVVW 0%AAMMAAMAMAAAAA^^0%AAAA THE Slippors House Slippers Felt Boots Pnmps BEST s Dso1LRI8, FOlt Shoes i . When buying Christmas presents why GOODS Hockey Shoes Reeve Taylor attended the meeting Moccasins not buy something that is worth while AT Felt Shoes of the County Council at Goderich last -C t c MRIGHT NEW GOODS. and that will be useful as well as orna- THE & week. 4C ` „� �l l� opposite Bank of mental. LOWEST Piro CF, 129. Morrie electors will vote on the local � 1 This is more of a Christmas store than POSSIBLE option by-law on January 4th, p ® Ni ever this year with such attractive gifts as PRICES Allan Speir, 4th, line, was bothered Skates Cutlerymonia with bronchitis and threatened pneu- Razors Lamps but is regaining his usual activity. Guns Carpet Sweepers I - - $1.60 a Hr. Robert Yonill, one of the pioneer " Hockey Supplies Silverware 5 residents of this township passed away on Saturday last in his 62nd year. Mr. 7A We have the best values in Mitts to be had Yonill was held in high esteem by a c You may go where you will and I do not think you will find better large circle of friends and his death will value in in Wingham. be deeply regretted. �1 On November 19th, Mary Belle Me- CHRISTMAS GIFTS* Kay, beleved wife of Neil McKay, paid When you are wanting a stove call and See us. Nature's debt, at the early age at 30 We make it A comfort for you to shop here by tolling the precise years, after an illness extending over a ttuth about everything we sell. 3 We will save you from $10.00 to year. Mr. McKay is a brother to Mrs. _15.00. Call and be convinced Henry Jackson, of Morris township. $ Their home was at Hanaboro', North Dakota, but they were camping near �..�- Banff since April. When decensed took seriously ill she was removed to Okotoks ! 6. 6tewart & (;o. ALEX VOUNG & CO. where sho answered the roll call. The VV bereaved will have the sympathy of old friends in thin township. It in CENTRAL. HARDWARE - WINGHANI STORES 2 STORES h� about 20 yearn ago since Mr. MoKay �. l!fSRl�,tvAmn sa1.s e• tn�i.,. • 'bas r •' • _6 ..o dgcf,�v• o- s went went. Vwyt�M/�ww�w�� o ME01? v CHRISTMAS. Christmas Presents ,IN GREAT VARIETY .-q A At Al <4 D 5 YESI THE STORE iii fall of them I Come riabt in, yon are always welcome hero. Look around, you' 'I find USEFUL and S NSIBLE CHRIST. MAS PRESENTS displayed in every DEPARTMENT, We make shopping easy for you here, everything marked in plain figures and at the lowest prices. Just a few suggestions below of some useful presents for Ladfea and Gents. LADIES' WEAK. LADIES' HANDKEROIIIEFS.-Plain hemstitolled, fancy em- broidered and initialed lawns, also plain and fancy Silk Handkerchiefs, prices range from 5o to $100, see oar special line 15o each or 2 for ............................. ......... 25o SILK COLLARS AND FRILLINGS,-A large assortment of all kinds of Ladies' Neckwear, very pretty silk collars at 25o, 35o, 50c, 75c, $1.00, a special bargain at ..................... 25o LEATHER GOODS. -We never had such a fine range of Leather Goods, never so cheap, wrist Parsee 25c, Finaor Parser of good quality at .... .............60o, 65c, 75o, $1,00, $1 25, $1.60 SID BELTS.-Jnst opened a shipment of new styles, prices are._ . .................. ............. 250, 35o, 50o, 750, $100 See our 50o Belt, it's a regular 75o line. IIID GLOVES. -In theleading shades and. makes, see our guaranteed glove at.................................1.... $1.25 SHOPPING BAGS. -in all leathers of the best quality and new styles, prices are ............ ............ 600, 75c, $1.00, $1 25 Fancy Back and Side Combe and Hat Pius, SILK BELTS -and Fancy Gilt Belt L�ngth•i, Sash Pins and Belt Buckles. SILL{ WAISTS. -A shipment just received boaaht spectilly .for Cbristmas trade, they are very pretty and msde of Bilk, that will not out, be sure you see them, prices are $1 9U, $2 60, $3.00 and $3,60. Our leader only ........... ............. $250 UNDERSKIRTS. -Another shipment of those I [aa mms UNDERSKIRTS just received, they sell quick, yon save from 25o to $1.50 en these skirts, see our $5 00 value for......... $3.50 LADIES' FURS. -What better for a Christmas present than a nice Ruff, Stole, Muff; Caperine,Cap, Gauntlets or For Coat, our PRICES are all REDUCED. MEN'S "NEA e Useful Presenta in Gouts' Furnishing Departmout. Iu N"k;near we are showing the very latest in Knots, Bows, Strings, Hoc;;• on and Four -in H :n3 Ties, a.vory ,pecial ll we, (-'hrtst- mas price .......... ........... 25o KID GLOVES. -.-All kinds and qualities in Mooh:a and Kid, prices are 750, 90o,.$1 00, $1 25, 51.50, soo our leader at..... $1.00 MUFFLERS. -Way's Mriffi9ra in the ir>adiu„ colors, Black Silk - Mufflers, all prices SHIRTS. -Men's Regatta Shirts, very pretty patterns, fast colors, prices are ................................ 60o, 75o, $1.00 BRACES. -Specially for Christmas presents, one pair in a box worth 75o, our price ............... ....................... 500 UMBRELLAS.-Ia abundance, the best makes, new r;lrldias, prices are ..................... 50o, 750, $1.00, '811 25, $150, $2.00 SHOE DEPARTMENT' -Just openc)cj,up a large shipment of all kinds of footwear. Sae our Christmas Slippore at bar- gain prices. GROCERY DEPARP3IENP.-Ia crowded with Christmas Groceries sad Confectionery, Fruit, etc., no room here to' quote prices, come and see what we can anve you on your groceries. See our Graniteware Premiums given with Baking Powder. o Es ISARO Sr CO® Sensible CHRISTMAS PRESENT For Ladies and Girls For Men and Boys For Children Cardigans Loggingl MOCCaein- Ia'ino Shoes Spats L99Rings Rubbers Overshoes Rubbers Spate Fine Shoes Fine Shoes Laggings Evening Slippers Rubber Rocts Slippors House Slippers Felt Boots Pnmps Moccasins Felt Slippers Snit Cage- FOlt Shoes Hockey Shoos Hockey Shoes Moccasins Rabbars Felt Shoes Suit Caec- MRIGHT NEW GOODS. LOW''�T PRICES. W *111 i S & Co. R. Johnston's old stand, opposite Bank of Commerce. Fnu, SrroL REPAIRING A ,S15FOIALTY. Piro CF, 129. , t All