HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-09-30, Page 21 Van >r1t11th ry Miss Hambleton wishes to announce. to the ladies of Lucknow and vicinity that she is prepared to supply them with all the leadiug novelties in fall millinery. There will be no formal opening, but every day will be an, opening _ t ► cuetunll•rs and ,all who• wish to inspect my stock. All ladies are cordially invited to call and have a look at the' nHw fall goods, whether purchasing or not.• F. Ilamieros, RAPID CITY Rev. Mr. McLeod,' of " Ripley, preached in South. Kinlos`-c-hurAt last Sabbath morning and evening: Mrs. McDonald, of Huron, +bent last week visiting hero. Mr. McLennan, of, Locll-aleh, spent .. few days last week, here. the. sanest of air,: McKinnon. • • Mrs. Murdoch,- of Ht'p;;ortll,- t i.rited Mrs. Barr, recently . Mrs. McKenzie, of Kit►lot►;;it, ..peat 1► few days here this «•t., k. •Mr. `i4ho1son, c! Wingham. spent a few days. here, Under t'ee eutfi - roof .- R`,i . Mr. Maxwell,: of Suter Beth* •, wits- in our midst Hist week. Mrs. McKay. of .ctlilbt•rtY, _a•isite,3 her many friend. hero•itist «eek•'. 1Lr. McLean••of Ulcngery:,• was the guest of his cte.isin here.1a 'we -k. • Mr. Mctitegot :,nd family, of l74li- f•rnia, spent ►i week wit tr -i4- law • Miss Caitieb,.•:.. just received. by lir. Rola. Graham • of Lucknow, fruw. Lia • soil t ►:►� iii, who i� in the' rnDkz of the .Lilit'rlc'+iU stationed at S:ttlti:t:;+� ,I=. t_�t,h�► • - . ti1>i .1)1_.tt: t:.trtin:l.• -; 1 ,�►-rpt,• yews month syr' anti e- aft,•. -1,•ttt'1' in my ila��e'1=a.•K yet Ale -second guard mount 1 t::s-i V::1}r•1'• 'was •p�,1(.ni•d by tht:- lxsnd.,iri ► I '. ►1•' that gr„vrs head ilii i w •r • so � N ellen: In Cuba fur, � A LETTER 1'Rt►]l.t't'13.A: 'The following is .r< .tubs el �► :,•tier• army eimeofThe Luoknaw eintInsI, Bruce Oounty arida' September 80th R. RUGIIES, O1othing Boots & boas. The bulk of o r spri r g stock has arrived, wh• h co sist of the nobbiest an . bes values ever presented t our ustom- ers. BOOTS AND SHOES- Below is a few of u'•� oil Toe, special X1.35 Woman's Dongola Button, Self Tip, Coln Toe .. Woman's Dongola Button, Pat Woniai's Dong. Button, Self Tip, urn, Woman's Dongola Oxford, Pat Tip. Coin Toe . n Coin Toe, Special •� • i�I�n s Dongola Congress, .Je Special.. Men's Dongola Laced, Coin r Melt's Dongola Tan, . Laced, Coin Toe.. cLOTI�rG_ j Alen's an woof tweed suits, best , of Farmer's satin linings, worth $10 for $9. ;lieu's black Venetian coat and vest, bound, .,and best .of linings, only. $6. • . 1:50 • 1 n worth 2.35 only 2.00 .. 1.00 r •..l,o . . 1.50 0 e75 lic)us .11 wool Canadian ' tweed suits, # good linings and well made, special at $4:75. Men's Canadian tweed pants, made as well as the best, worth 41.25, now selling for $1,00. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT 36 -inch Amazon Cloths, extra heavy, suitable for winter wear -price per yd, 15c. 40 inch Plaid Dress Goods,a good variety of Patterns, good weight-:- price eight- price per yd, 15e. 40 -inch. Fancy Dress Goods. newest designs in Black dy Blue, Green and Blue, Red and Green mix- tures -extra value at 25c per yd. 10 pieces of beautiful Plaids, suitable for waists in all the prettiest combinations --price per yd, 50c. Also a largo variety of Bright Fool Fancies, Kersies, Tweeds, Pop ElEINII = tTIo WEE When you ar® at � tending• the Lucknow Exhibition next to visit our well filled stores, containing week do not fail in Ladies'Mantles, Mantle Cloths, the Newest DesigflsFurnishings, Ready-made Clothing, Dress Goods, Ladies' Boots &Shoel, Furs, Hats & Caps, Etc., Etc Miied Bouele h Jackets with Non special Iii 50. lined throughout with lineINE IIIPAI4 , 1•'igure�s, Coverts, Heather, to sell at 50c, 75c and 1. $7 r g0 $9.00, $11.00 ted suites in slacks and hunting 2.50. T S coat lits us, R ood value at $10. (;url Clot steel braid and Kersey cloth trirn Men's extra well made grey special $14.00. u -►.woes t � BOD MANTLE DEPARTMENT Ladies' Black Frieze Jac$3kets, nicely made, good titting-pri d Ladies' Frieze Jackets, all colors, pearl buttons, inlaid velvet trimming sizes at $4.50 and $5.00. . Ladies' stylish Black Curl Cloth suits, Jackets, sizes 32 to 38 -price e6. . Ladies' Plain cleaver Coats - in Navy, Bla-ik and (Breen, high storm collars, Mohair braid trimming--price*Ladies' , handsome . `7• Ll_.:1_ t.osvy , .bray and well made, double breaste•l, 1 • Men's blue Beaver Overcoats, • - atuck tnirlg and$ R in t h fame Trade 111 ell's sack sults in Plain and serge.. The Hest we • ADY-MADE CLOTHING Diagonal blue ser cart get at i12.50, e13.50. $14.00 and en's Navy Blue Serge suits, *15.00. 6 to 4::-$3• Men's Frieze Ulaters at $4.50, en's Heavy Canadian Tweed 1 $6.00, $8.50 and $10.00. ood to wear.' The best valae Jleu's glue Bdsver Overcoats, country, 36 to 44-$5.00 farmer's satin lining, velvet eollar and en's all wool Tweed suits, double t.ressted-$7:50. 1. 's satin linings, and extra ..._.11 �Iet1' Llue and Iilaek beaver e,vereyoats, bestlininga, lly front, extra en's block Friese Suits, extra (nosey, $10.00. Ladies` Calf L A Boots; h Bole and n stitched; the thing fo fine Fall Sh Sante as .c Price pet' pa --*2.00. e best e 'Nut 'eludes )ct fit, rough T how a eh & Co., Lucknovir • Sole agent for Williams' side: laced plough shoes try bete � the Light �'i► gu ,rte 1,1�1nr,, , bark I could • not -t• arty die-t:•nc�t'. , thcreforce.i ran against tt:: shrill, bulb, but did nut k'. ,w ttfat 1 W& . poi' ohetl till ' ht• I.t. r/ling, w)wn my • that, I,t•w;t' t perfectly Wind, arid in; that consequence 1 was : clie.ve i Rom duty • for two weeks. We ate likely to stay. quite t• . a lend time. `V e, have lost �. utuber.of out men through... diseases yellow fever., 1ieSentf'ry..:etc.,. end in engagements. ith the. cueniy many 1i:..ve •txen killed or baa'. y,. wooded._ N% a ate unable t o st:Uste r a third of our regiment, which make= warier work for theft• th.,t ate welt, ,t3 they have to do extra ••uar.l duty • soldiers letter i- allo ed to be -►`1.t for two cents, others, h., v ing to pay sive cents, and bas to ►e sent via New York. 1 .tin now going-. to a funeral of a priv..te i:. Coral, ny D. 1 hope that you ire all* ani in the Lest of health myself, and have not had any ccnstitutiui:x', tail - went since I (-lime to the. island. _ I have had noletter froi i• yoti yetsehich, I' suppose, is ti►e irregularity .at tit • I -have no idea 'how .ion; e mel going ` t� tay in this .anti, and i; e expect te besent ou' ' o find and tight Garcia. \Ve have vv r3 hot st Bather here, whit;:, want, i' more oppre,- sive as we have to wear oar ;►'.•!:utas the time. Hoping that 1 wi:' It, ar f..ol,.► you soon, with tove t, you; seas, srluthe&,. -anal broths : s. Ds a 5th, 1' A., Cu.. 1;. ,, $ n t ::a a de Cuba, via Nes* 1 e rat. • CONSTABLES MIA.-1*)TE•. Toronto, .....,t, I - The t `.rt of 'Appeal Landed out A' : ud_ afte•naor on t -.,.• ...at • nestle:d ') tot regarding. the •�':�+i�}, . I.'. vote. The cluestivr,s e, r . . i:c ther a constable, euwp:oy(' 1 1.y the deputy returning u,l.cf_•r,: for ' putt,ses •.f an election, and paaa . r►.a►•utiable fee therefore, should . disentitled to vote; whetter per eo, ornpl"yfd ,t reasonable woi k derir.g e. deputy rete rr:ir1.. - `•)'a:41 l'e disentitled to etc•, and . 't••tt:.► r ► peraon supplying. anythn .. ' the pu:poses of .►n election, rent ing, as a polling booth, of 1 was 1.•ti,1 reasonably therefor-, i t►•• disen- tit.O.d to yote. These were the th:.N •lne�a�t��u; which the court answered in. the 'negative. Thus all su.:► pci'4+)t1- ate, stccerding to the judgment, fully en• it: d to vote, and the contention of the toLtAri►, (:ovet'rttnen' is •u?• tained. 11..r,. . 11 Walt t-, :A . 1t. Aylcswet th and E F B Johnston argued the ca3(' for the •Vere,wn, while `titer. Wallace; Nesbitt, t,r0., W. 1). 3latcphet �c,t. and John Ureer appeared, for the C•)nservettive petitioners, ---Mr. Macy 1- a eery funny man. II is'!,uniot ie infectious T, , .be within the: rt►ol{'- of his voice or in sight of his pc;rsen is .. privilege which claims a3 a iewerd e laugh. Ilia facial expressie1ns alone are guaranteed to destroy the germs of melancholy.- Utica Press. Will appear with ( :ea:rg 'Fox, Town Hall, Fair night, Oct. 5th. -The wor,de•t-fel...it,:iei-.t, George Fox, received a p`:rfeet n:•%tion from a Montreal audience Last' nigh! �►•:d')rn if ever haves , we -Leen.. treated. te, more masterly rendering of operatic and. popular airs. For wilt 3V:-'; 'i,e assured of a royal welcome .Metere:,l Herald HOUSE ANI) tOT FON 4A1.E. EATON DIEIN'T CET IT ALL.. Zdavairreao. 4oUstisiolio Have purchased 'several complete_ and e x t onsive 'lines of the finest. • grade furniture t f the Lucknow Cent -Furniture Company's best ma ufac: t ure. Just think, our line comp. :50 bed -room suites of the mos AND lses modern UP-TO-DATE DESIGNS 'e art: now selling our regular $10.00 suite� x!.00. nigher grade suites likewise at 'our baz prices. Furniture for your rooms and picture: our Valls go together. Our goods conte from hest .manufacturers. We handle nothing else. for ;ain for the PICTURE FRAMING Is 'a feature of our business.- We can gilve lif to your bare waits, This is the season for 11 use AW ENCE 'decoration and adornment, . and Lui � fo the & JOHNSTONE are well_ eq pp • sane, STEER CALF LOST :-;trd y ►•.1 from the. premises of the under - 4i_ sed. Lot 1. (`;►n. t;, Huron. on or about the Fitt► ..f Septi u►: er la. -t, ' a.►tteti red "and .whit• Aver calf 'with -pot in face ; about four n, nth 41/1 li, I..•►et -wen . ,n r,•a,i. near Mr. Irwin'► ':I,t,. i•u. 2nd Cori, of Huron.. one ;-iv�it► J+ ,{ h int •rttiatit•n s will red to his .recovery *tin 1.•_• Aitably rewarded. ;► MAT1i} S.ON. l:il►Lry P. t:", PUBLIC NOTICE-.. ( �'1' i i is i- beret en that a court will 1.. t•ld.. pursuant t.*, --the Ontari•, %, ;.., I,i_ir Art, try Hip honor, the Judge of tl,-- (' ,u1,41'ourt the County of nitron, at arts •1„richltural Hall. Dungannon, tau the Ilth day of oct•il►er, t':►'+, at 10 o'clock a,m- t•• hear an•l •irterinine the weveral errors and -uua-si•,fl, in the Voter's bid of the Municipal• ity.xf A-6tiel.1 for 1st*: All persons having bualaes,e at the Court tsr• re,,•lirt t to attend at the said tithe and pia•. e. - 1)ate•I S-. t•_uibrr 1•'►th 14.'$. ' ' 1M. •:1ToTHERS,• Clerk of Ashtield. Tl,e brick ho'.'- and lot on ..treet in thi4 village, i+ f••r The L.•uc t wtwin4 ten room., kitehen, etc., and i+ in 4o►»1 r, l•.,ir. Tie. lot,•.'.main=+ ,.nr, half an acre J•1 land, an•! i+ .••• ll .'pplie:l with fr 1to. Anti thiern i< •ti ,aro ' ani psirr►I, on the plant•. Fur further I,arti►•nlar. ht•;.ty •n t},• •t•etrW or tr. , . MRS, j. NV E$`r , Lac know, Ont. COURT OF REVISION._ '7\TOTIe'E i.+ her. -1.1 ei':••n that a ',art .1.1 will be held, ►u,i*n*. t•• the Ontario Voters' bat Act, by if MA Honor the. Jialg• t the ('•Insty Court of the ('"►anti of Hur'►nt :.t the T•,wr►sbip hall ,in th►- lth ri,► of ()dater (Tnee.day). 18104, at 10 o'cl••ck in t forenoon, to beat sOantidete.•nlinr there'. -ral comp1a int$ of err►r1 and •►[nulimition+ in the Voters' List r•f the Municipalty of W••_tt WIwanosh for 1 r9s• All ;. r*,11- !,:rr iwl; L+line+,► at the Court sr,, re.i tient to attend at the said time and plat e. Dattel this 17tit day of f September, 1W.04. WM MctJRUSTIF, Gert. • Alt'. Wood's Phosphodini, Th' Graz' Engitsh 'Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists ic► Canada_ Only relit able medicine discovered. Six packages guaranteed t,- cure all forms o Sexual Weakneae. all effects of abuse or excess. Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco. opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price. rpal11. in please. 11,44u' Pamphlets e to any address. cure. Wood Cslupasy. Widor, Out. 1.1 in I.•acknow by Dr.D. M. Gordon, Druggis HIGHEST CASH PRICE '. BUTTER & ECCS : having purchased the busi- ness lately run by Mr. W. J. Skinner, We are prepared to pay cull for butter and eggs. Your patronage is solici te( . \-()111, only, A . & W. GOLLAN, - - ' Ont. Lucknow, - - MCKENZTh Baker and Confectioner. Dealer in all kinds of Groceries, Canned (foods Confectionery, Etc. Bread, Buns . and Cakes. Fresh Daily Flour. Oatmeal and Corn, meal always on -band FARM TO RENT. Alarm to, rent in the Township of 'Huron containing 101) a, -res more or less, lot number -its concession. Barn 40x60, stable Good dwellisly house anis a i,00d orchard,' - U yell fenced. For furth•sr particulars apply to OEo u.L iieot(•1r1E, th►• tit eeiee:Ission of Kinloss, lot 7s, . MOURNINO GODS.. ••aoNH•♦He••e•e♦ MRS.' SMITH' has on hand a full assorinie It of Mourn! tag Goods• at essostabto Sr oe . 241 suit Atm • idou3eeTbm2 WHAT ? 08E IXCELLENT OOOKINC STOVES ANS •TERS. W1-11_,RE ? C. TAYL Also VELVETS in the embrosse(1;placid, 'corduroy and plain, in all the•latest eolirrings. NEW DRESS GOODS ► at allC rices. NEW SHAPES in Bonnets and Hats, also the New.Sailor and `talking 'Eats. MRS. iIVHTH. T 1. e They are the blest on. the market Von cannot buy better •r where. Call and see them before purchasing els 3whert an Don't forget to look at there Handsome Range. D. Ca TAYL��R, - LUCKMCNi. - TThe Hub heads Them A11' - FOR . Family Groceries & Fall.1V��_1linery_ Canned Goods. FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. FLOUR, FEED AND ALL KINDS OF SEEDS: SON 1FINE rEA15 A Specialty. 111-E .LZ4 I. GEST STOCK, THL Cf101(:EST GOODS fIND-7HE.;_ FURNITUR WARE ROOMS. Having secured the p emcees le by G.W. BERRY as a urniture I have recently fitted i with tl signs of all kind of Ho Behold 1 to quality, they are 'u planed. away down. All goo( are hos cash, therefore 1 cense 1 at as c any person in the coil try. W ronto and pay f reig , .subjec when you can save th 9 at hoar A. T. I)AIVSO 'S inspect t pined. rHE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Is conducted at the old ►+t.►r. 1, hick has been entirely renovated. te:ly occupied Ware Room. e newest. de urniture. As The price is• lgbt for. spot ose a price as Py buy ip 16- to damage, e? When at nd be con - 4 Embalming Presorting aad Taking Caro cf Bodios a Spoc- ialty- The Embalming 1'1 plisnces used have 'p effectual that have eve twenty year". ai-Picture. Framinand all pairini• done at the old stand id, .,tnat even to been u rial and ap- be themost d for the paat kinds . of CHOICE TIMOTHY SEEDS ANDREW & WEB Owing to the wide repu Ploughs and Repairs (but through the uniform sten( material and work,nansh ploughs are continuously vented by unscrupulous a Wilkinson. Look for al on the mould boar; Wil �in all be Ilan hull on Co., Toronto, cast on the inside of t name starnped in every mould boarr THE WILKIN )NP. STER'S. dation of our It up solely lard of both ip), inferior. being repre- dents as the ►rge red '\-' 'tnson Plough Repairs, and Iles, and our the back of CO•,Toronto ANDREW & WEBSTER. 7,J1/ .,it'rlts, 1.1 K \i,W MRS. A. M. 'ARMjSTRONC, TBAC1I1Cit OF - Piano, Organ, Violin, Voice Cultured, Thorough Bass lt[armony and Counter- - Point. Pupils prepared for ponservatury examinations. F SIDENCE=t3Wflpbelx fiercer e, IreGAVVI OBTAINABLE IN 'LL'CKNf>W• Goods delivered to all: parts of the town. JOHN Our stock has beet: carefully selected for this season's trade. Miss Pentland Visited the opening in Toronto and is now pr€pared to supply her customers with the latest ideas in the Milliner's art. VIASS eRiLmIP • All our mantles are • of Canadian Manufacturt'; and ean,bu relieaon1togive satisfaction itl ‘vc tr. The fit and Style is equal to those imported of German manufacture but better value. - i to roes 4.•40. . Gut 1)rvss Goods for quality .tn1(1 1l1• C0 cal:li(': but commend themselves - to intending pili - ELL 1 TTJ M.,CORRIGAN'S Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROViSIOH� I have in stock the following : Dried Apple Nutinegi Extracts - Oil, t►live$ Figs Oil, sweet Fish, auned Oil, castor l'ish,,lried Granges Gel.►tine ()at Meal Gingery Pails Hopei Peels, )loner. - Pipers Ink Pickle indigo - 1Pearline • Licorice . 1 sas,cannetl Lime Juice Pepper Lemons - ' Raisins l.aml)e Rice . Lard Rice Floor Matcher► Sago Mince Meat . Salt Meal • Salmon Macaroni Sardines Mustard Senna Meats, canned Seeds . - Magnesia Sugar syrupe t Ipplea islacking Black Lead Blue Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath Brick Beane Broome Baskets Brushes Biscuit Coffee Confectionery' Canned Gouts Cocoa Ch9colate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates A-1 Flout' always 11. ton hand. tit:trch S t r;►wberTiea, ckun&- ti111pher4 Tapioca • Tomatoes,canned Teas Tiplmeeoes Vermicell -Vinegars Washlwards Washing (•rytta W, 4,,drnware Whiting Dinner Sets Yeast Cakes Milner Sets 'Tea Seta outer Sithe. ('ream Setts Berry Setts 'toilet Ftt'ttt t► People must Have GrocerieS The grebe question is where to get thein. We keep the heat gnalitiee to be had. We don't pretend to sell them below cost, but we, do sell them at a very close margin: Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will cavo from 5 t,e!10 cents per pound if you buy frein us instead of tea peddlers. Compare (quality and prices, CROOI Wei have a fin(:. assortlnent cf dinner setts, ten, berry and toilet setts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. FLO1R & F ED l on hand, (;oo i� All kind of flour and fetal kept constantly delivered to any part of the town. MeChire an - aou 1 CgSI-3 r3-RC?CERS CONNELL, new line JUST RECEIYED of Jic Clu'ry'.s (1,1(1 11« -cls Cook, Varlow do Xt. st Stoves. eg These are the Leading Manufacturers 111 Cainula Call and see the= before , -e- Pn 'chasing elsewhere T. LAWRENCE, THE LEAT::ING IARDWARE " Ltickllow. -4 BOOTS ANS SHOES,_ Ifyou waist the inside price in bouts and shoes, it ad the folio% ing. We have reduced the price of our own make "of men's laced boots. ' Shelled cordovan from to $3.75, and men's kid boots from $4.50 to $1.00. All lines of hand -made and ready-made shoes in propor- tion. -We have a large stock of boots, shoes and rubbers in all lines. ll:ennemner, we warrant everything we If your boots rip, bring them back and We will mend them free of charge. Repairing done on shortest not ice TERMS : Cash or credit. A liberal dcount off for cash. TL LUG'EN • le • :Par