Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-09-23, Page 3-W4
-Amo 7.
'&a U111104 RIM L UUbb
++ The Crime of Katie Tough's
+ SUfer,flg FroM INTORNATIONAL L.1111188ON-No. X111.
+ ! ill 91traordinar Cue of guper
Desperate Battle, 11 The City Br"L 2"18W y
+ Murder Eipiated,
Severe firoughto Review. I t -v, 16. 2 Kill,&
stition at Bombay,
I TUxaf*—B. C. !J73-L.,.f. i.,jaom--sI NO MURDER ACCORDING TO LAW.
AT 03-1-
But Were forced Jerumalem. Gilead, ZurejAitith. BoWbIt-!1`, 'SePt. 14J.—Aii extraordlin.
Caraw.l. -lezreel. Bt,"rWielmi,
TRAIN -WRECKING TRIED, Item' ary vatw 4if jilipgoNI inurder e4trAw Ull
to flee With Gredt Sldrighter,
ells. Syria. Iforeb, jordan.
7,wWW-,V � 4 .111 S Sm waria, 011 1 ppea I loefore tile lijKli
fuller 16 am Guilty- In, on flulleln, ('11.111011, flamath, (;atli, U-Purt,
e,f . ill sun- e Sense, but liek, Dothaut A"yria, Halah, Hauur.
e4lullt- 44 tile cOrreWIX1110PItt, tiatit* tiler '"'o- -iloart from till, ni-t. foillint tog
if Onlifurmaill are tiny. e1kblJ,4J.LaS It.14goth Th'4 of WaieB, yet Verwichi—Itotlobotim, Israel, JuJ&II, lit%%, in%4phetil, llilfrowoi% is I%t.,n#ng side.
arrivilig. i;e*, : Inade our other, .10"Abodul, Ashem
prgi% "44"VelLs HP111boo 'tAl W HY' through, tile tajWlt. - COMMISSARY qFN QJ4.4NERAL a-iall, Elijah, Allah. liKht On tile #,uppratitiuuaw degradation
.00 L4itJfN,I4I I liatr "' eourts. Al . Lit Wlullrpo rik4e of Jes0bel, Huzael. Jehu,
t it*.. Far From Wi- I,
v -%Imil 111,1111111Y freNli -41 ill Many 1� LUbINQTON. ill whiPh tile lower strata 4 tile rup-
ell, ti(I community or tilt- Nortilweapt pro.
J"Ut i Is 4 of I of, t 1. Citift w ith oftr4W. U) tilt- F- CA N Ik)th, -Naam"Ll, Joaull, Je
ie Ist. tewit V (A lienbas, lien-
hadad, 11cmighw. VillPes l4till remmin. Tile %illagi. 11,
WERE TdE PRISUNER'S LAST WORDS 'f)IRmc4itary— If which the trngetl o( -u i
The v4u%-rg,% tor tilt,, or 1).timuwo w -( rrP4 IP a thl),
1. Cewriix-h y
'the (livisifooll (Yf the limmiet tifilt-Itfl4l t
ftL br %%qLth 4.111- STILL WAk" SURG CAL HARN&S, I I milew awl4y
111, part 04 the Kiriktr'.-4 plit'll, 4)f' "let' 1 . Cloth, fly t I' SECY. tWellov tribes. mle 6
k-Ittl", li- . --tilile, I
110% 01,41 114)t g "N"Wil th#` 4kWIIIt4pr.V firing e..." A L*wwlql If. showw how (;0(1 ullies it frOm the xu4Ar o -t I tirin of Buda (m 11,111,
liti it ditty LqE� Ii admittedly vtonunon beller ill tile
wilrd for I t. ll.JIVI14�41
dill itrouilif. tl - As He gtood UPoJ i the Tar pop - His tlkl thilIK" in bk-*millg. LA"Woll Ill.
thre,ei bparing t a "CO.. 4 of tile Der- Death, 1. 1 ttw t I W t4 village that tile gliust of a
1111"I tilt' Nuprt,ino. �. . . . d I . -.,4 t mod
lit. (It tile liltyI will, over. The QuIek (30ing to Scotland to Reduclao Irleall lorf" too tilt' lialt- bangiii (dow.ritiod its a chler alIpDoug
1111t it wIVII it Tinif-i' 'an Is Last Hours. "fulecid0d Israeliteu
Ilifi-, Wax -likaftirtu- COnna-ught, Wins Plauditb In Ir 1 P"Vil"t ]Kfijah, to M100td) Infetotm thf- Village and takeft
taq %.Ilopr. liattot-lY kille4l by ZL (.1 —Viewing the Seaff old- -Interview- rance
ta I Ice 414A If- wlthMsFather AR,ostlessNight Llfe 0E.Hisinarck Ralfefs Disc PrOvO whetlier Ile- up the form at one time of it four -
"lit "if it tfAtiti ltil#A 1;1� ILIO"Val" the "0`J fir V1011' foithers. or
4 ussion Isaal. f"10, 4111d at another of &I nau "ie"b
104, 1 firti,.I ttity MAJ. qEN
-11 '.4ir-hir The Czariiia&u.d Wdlro- t "' gW the "OffliCifillb, lwar pathway, and t t lit.
tile lIrgillwilt %%ent I'llolt,44F b-fopre tit#, His Crime. E 0 N. q4fAf theRlus"IMceniior tile trite 1 tin de
tilio% fray. tll#.%- all, lb-Itin,ti- w _plawlll I %,. %ourm tile unwary paswer-by wilt) tit
a mountallj t4V sce1w a#i
neebr Sept. 17.---#CablP
than, f4orty wer Ilie'll tly, KhitlifvL.., Br. M11LE5- It/ Lundon, -aUtir)U pllfif. Witil t
tip It %,, %V i t I I �J,Ijollo r . 14PIL� kdge, 011t.. letter. I milfliet betwo.4.11 in is rikiqg dis-
he tit nee,
Wit aist MCC at, I.-,. —,ri IP drought I, litinuos througliout t 'Is that of th4
"I tile Ila 'o :11111 Jehf-p
ora I WPJMI� 111liek ly flampoitrolig, tit#- witil -lie 4 "r.,
11 to I ore reigned Itto-, I C-4riliel. witil Th
lfreiti ter e aceumed, appi-flant in tbol
ths-ir ridp%r-,; wtpri. Iving I -lit up Tilt! sirdar wilit' j"I It Aragpdy part of - Great Britain. A sti'll 49thelled by llf.:Ivf-ll- CA I e,
piev�" by tfW reiroWiloolbir whs conacted it L the jail W41t rf'"t. W11*4 dewrilipeoi 1)
to' Wfiovk tim-,strepts jtl file y tilt. we"iOng judge
,:Mtorary flill It, tile barometer early rOUW41 rr as by al)[waratowe it e x)y, "d by
The I I t t i I Ig, yard L here, , this moornini I wheat tit, I y oln
-111. :U0 M141 fieneral t . Week ral.eJ hopes wilicil were Ili'_ tile I-hil
w. .1 t I Jim Na�p f ul re
Ind lop '10ompt, to dLmppoIlltm(..nt. old- Up urgiuil *.-Is abtjout 17 yeiiiirsi
W hP111. w4**.riIW to tilt- elWn#y with A 1114ttit4ditipti. (of hi -i -.brjg:1 young m1u), "'DI, Jan)(13 Ilannnowl. I The tera- urt, to "Wish Idolatry ill larnel: co I hilid felt Ill. v
' "le- 'PM 21111-1 111,111,114 - Ilf� I pi-ra tu i Himself M-mnlulww. lie, Wage at about
I"A'0`111411 over IM ' Willialn". wi re h.ts 89 -da riseii ani Lon,jon
10111nd Which lull]. tit a Ilay-bittery 4pf 15- 140 P69talty for his crini., op bathed ill sunshine. - The Olt thf. night ill queAtioti too
Mot, bleetol ex, URN"s � i I , S ly ']#'Pk -t8 Nevera-I or ttafi� Mally ,or a Illut4.11
I 110untlerm-I. proet*.4Ipt'j Lilt "t1l r en t, at it vil-
"nine I by tilt. 119,4i4k- tilt- wall Of wiff, Murder. g ritile "ilsAllat spritig froona face. H
ints .11top rivi-r toop Hlak4s .11, elL- in the east end of had P-carepjy left behind
W*IWr*-ift it lkvp W`&14 Ik4%J4J fly t4owl A -Cl(xK1,d-in scaffold lilt �ondon, where tile jsupply op
et"'NI)IO 14 tIl4)IIq1lL I 4)f tII4,*LelIeIIIy. t ral"4'. been t-rect-- 1v liter TAVWOn N'J. tA!ll% of the fil
We Joltftlf od 1; zs been redueed angerous lim- strea whpil.
I acel"llpall'' Ii thent. Near I:ktioti. A#4 he hiabit0d Portiou or the
T I I h 0. thoi. wat#-r I tbe, small Jz il yaril to d. ali-d#% Ills nu lllglit
Imp, W 11*4, l':Irnv#-rm Yqlw For tlkf-.f:r-st th.iLt tile thereby.ex-. 11 1 f row 'I, PO
hoinv it2ft4rs eluding all poalk lilt), of tiloge out i1n. F-118hat 1`4111diltz 1404 "'an(, Of a forui a& #of &L
Lg lit4re breft ellf*l in; it. We J11 tile m0allwhile tile sanitary Coun- OW It mantle ill token of sleeping Min, willell lie Itt 0n(.4
their inill-is: 111:14L.1tavoc, of - the w-kili likilp Beeing the eretutiol The town (IFtlow. are @6 bad re-
4 tit la(l a in some districts I 1 *1 r% grea t Wj-rrow, lild 'a* that of tile ShOWL lying
A* h t 11#4 , 1AF%rVb4heU. .41t4btod through Me -01 thest-, untl very . de aerted a Ppea ra, nee t liat th-are ii serious felLr'of epideml 40"ol"o- three. lilleeiw off tile
Mbre loll""l tall' 4111.10 filICIN IliluHAf 01%e
or filt".1, -tipep thp rWC, hardly it 4ml be IxA%4Iwa,*-. 4
"to"I" 1`0 great w" his terror tha, it rooW
nlellt 61ii-lielf Ix.-tweell tile ()uWr IlL the lt9c H tho stret-ts hp north of London ij 11 With -I dortriplo l000rtioli of 1, t
% Igo suffering Aijit h's oqoIrit. Ilin, to th,
-fore tile Sirl-litr ore Al Itleserved martyrdom, lit the shape ;orf lwiratory v) ll g:milar eallir-g I .1,- 4 ,
thel" With a thwack. ut, I illner willf. Ito vicinity the h 11 [lot %pot. He kh1puted
lef V lk., io,;it4NI tile prismi. Tile
getting thrtouall -ttliviltern- thalt 100 men -4% bov were 4,on- street car famine, due to a for fielp.
Sri% 1`011,114 Charlvi Ne'h+1 w1lert" Ile gregate(L IX)" of tho raising to, lifir. (of 9114*t iliti e 3, 4 -64
.41, to raliv, lion It WI-ith four w strike of tile hostlers -and the (!onse- 1 til an nli tf.-s wi,ll. r
The boll qU('11t 111991T alid too) top
ftmir nlell k%hin,,j It or 1 roi,rvt 1, it It 6i it al k 1#*. jig, #ilwllt tile beogall toiling. nt _74-I. liulifillIll of a vouple or R-estirroxi-titfil
illi: Lient".11- 'Lgfta "ff& 11""lVow Ulp dpArtif-04)II tif the old
ant tip The, many thoullands of butincs,; I
I r M I I �.rl I I� - till" 114"Ifl-parWrs :tilt: at . 8.63 tll( ick fla torp?. 114. "J"I"I loflW-r tirtieuinte It I^
4ALtlIIIQT6ney io�oplle .11mark ;1 1 t o ourt was 111)k People rely on do-wrilioes buirbi, 411fiviperatkaill striall-k xont
31111401119 �'e 4-41 (ill thex
014. lk"a-vifilroo; to, fott4.jI flit- IV 114,ro% wat1L-tI14%jl "lit knock i)ff Ilis ff gstat V 1 1.441ding Characters in tile Impending lltve6tigation ill tit' 4 -heap conv( imee the cleang-
bw 0 ismalmgoti- thL' city, an(] h;ive been ously in- II-Atf-ly iiqo-aa in hini hand thfItlop
Mat br reNtlo romy fortu-
own lron.-4 - it rn U -TC to ilig of N-Iamftll. the Syrian leper. Lep IfttIli—wlJj4qA
44' Fils bro,t op. With, 11 ar * moreles.. ment, of thpo War Betw Coll typifies Kill. land as Naaman
:1 Itti, ft oil' night,—alpl frool the'4 I'llitod Ktattft and Sphin. venlenved by tile mudden &top- w"N T1141 11#1111'W" (oil
It'll "'oo?""44killit 1144-11fol-11', 1p,11%. RETVIt—, 1.,41111 1 1 RA V I.: ft S t ly i'mke#1 III. -S loll rg d from tile ivloutition or iiin k-p-
P(19P I)! tra Iv whit -h I t1w Iiend spr tilt.
IIIIAN111-6-41 irvolfol ,,, t occurred on
lwr%v. t ll;.. Wedne-dely last. lubli-- sympathy lit- rf wv fOrm. Tiw last blost,
1144 k114.0%villir that 1 4 ;1 joy ("PP1119 NPv4'11 tinges ill tile .14 or- "If, n
-to till-, o4ide of tile (,.omp;ill%, May Iw 4-146:1114-d froni-7tilt. 111"I 00%errA UP -
Lft"L Ile 311-ilt- t1l;ot Khali it of Hill fly lkilthing
11140ititt f;j 141141 'the will Ill has taken the bull by th
(Illinissf-A till the 8trikers vii.
II f-"nlFtflil1X f4apnd toy Goff for n4 -of tile- 'firiniz, 111112 1 it goging outsider* to take t i. 7 TIm&II 1646
di4 4,1 heir VU1101,Z11111, .10 t t flib
alit. YESs NO@ .4'woif IX tritor-lies forpur remarkitiolt. ak e4pr RAILIZOAD OUTRAGES. 1pral that lit- *%*I.%
P lit . , I 1rJI 'its warfit' whom I` liftol imp stuar-
Irlis g411:1K I - Tim re aro.
ull, I Iviio'e, t. fir! t i i i 11.1ij ittill t-IlM t 14%
*1 tit I Ji
re rtled by lfttllfb God of 19irnel. 2. Ths, ix)wer we
M4011tillf proliv) tA an epidemic of ra'il I revAlled waA tile providen(w, lilt, anti td tloom,
P r Are you in favor of I outrag". ()It tile Nortliwcwte.rn theoll. an IN.
1 L4.. ar
Frvm - .. 0 1,4 .1. Thoo- vietory zittained td f1p(l. tit,.
w. r4,- or. t idland Railrollciiii, in th& ralgh, girt of ;od. Ile
with tho Kit 4. Till- remiltitig that IW Tho. I.;, it I;Vllood (if ort.IlMnllptAXI, t -a ken
1w.. L Jett it, that 'llis the passing of an act Otero have mi -lit of the eaptivtw to% -as tile exillolple 116- frivoild Lachmall for iseveral must, dutertnii
-ii)KNI he Hot] attempt of rod. F.Amw)ll wilf)"t, ItIld iikwlaftir luid o%trw-k omit
tr. 4 oil t. X. U418 of the deirth of lit lAll(I
Fllisha. Ills Parting prophe4-y tfp *tIlp first tdo Illo4t, lit,
)111 1-- of wreek pamomw-r tritilig. Fofmid dhim. To tills star.%. froliall
. liall We obotructitmw lid,
riblair.aN. ' . . 4 t j4 "if. prohibiting the irn-
With fm were eonstr
ext-epti(oil n4lo t; ill th4,r4,, were nol)()1) o -oke wred, it lid tiff.
.6 . ucted king or Israel, utkx,.
I ill Und thp m-%
"I I'll"Ow (11C -I -P0 from di too
portation manufac- twin put flatily into 1118fla's tointo for it's. triltil.
lea r or nil allproati-hing band of
It Pluughed through a verit- iVw. 1.4..,;wl, ,
Tlw milig, -barr!eade, but qii(I lot leave , 11"' Itor-T Itm4lf ih M-maratile
ex"'pilitif", "ImAICII. Im-rh:iIw till IIIIprv4*gjtM(
Wlitior Ilim hoilr*- tit*" vi`It tl'4' r tile Xf. tezel]Ps tilt- fearful rp- III' "'OP r' liltmt,* al. mllt& Of hiol-fill indulgi-neo, anif ex(%ps- lammoa at tack Ing a
ri xming feature 4of
0millirbi.pi r. ageso W ti ou r4o
to- Kit. t4ouni after ture or sale of spirits tr t, I t th u hout it
ic fact �Ilat the f urkoott-# fly tJm- amwwwwk.
1 lieoo, 4jvt,r nbLe to obtain *4'r9t--%LIj#w FIrroinn." t t`101w two remialts of idolatry. I. Is- tilt, JudgP and t lid- 114 t I -a r; T4 '-Alay ine have nopt, b
ale beer cider s`*:*gIlt09t ('11.141 to tho, Ix -rite trators. Iil,ri I ll grit ve tm&wt it t
"DWY In-
n-tartwItl t4-* hi tit#. Priti 11. "Tht-y wAd tllemspl%,#I�j
Ian ilf*ft 01111, eqllently a r f Wilt. d all other alcoholic bloy viommittm The N4aoj4j-lN
Brv,nnall. ki in tile4hiopreilmr joy PA Ii ,11milar. to the Jack -the -Ripper VRACTICAL 161 wyeral Iter- wo C re One theory Is tha tile appel t the
eri nt�� w'
lioorIor- t Ile 'for sale as
K4,ttijIK tilt. f.fri_ K ha rt4mint. liquors
:File INNI tm its t-flo work of a, banti of of llw-a fo tho good of those wilo tk* for
Itjokilli; for ljoltin(lf-r lie d4mw the bfv-t thil j ivlife, tlw- least a-litene4.
III*- .1 heavy- 4-4irr*#'-lit. 440 4 siwrpe Ag X*is file fxpuld The -result or tilt.
Trqop.r, llyriili% fiKlilvig %%itli r- 1440n' 1111). 4,'4 -lot -k olryw beverages ? 41�WUIiItilqr tile. far west Ila t4mi and for encil indi %-ill- wa
If Ule - be l.;Wo,kx4JiQJlt anti %%-iek#-d VP <mw under f-tilpable
st I)y KNEX. %
INN@ Its . - . that tilt' f'<xI%-icti4-)n u-nat ililt,"ti
IX14-fly "Aidills!ed fir* 4it(. -tie
lit (-.4-1111140111 f(M them What amount
d�: U
?f lottle -i Were ohpdient and It- at",
ftworotl allol 04 11 Ny if re-urislar rolaWN whot timeo. it itif Uie , liomicide, nhiltb-t, -411.141f.d. they rot' i"clock all at Kofmi cWtir, tile opt %%,;a r to anrderr. and in colloolid-
o&I. an't I. gvxml. itho fact that the bor lia.1
a -c
hortly afterw r o Im lif- for the firt Lfille�. �%-j alreadyI
Iiiii, -,too 1"111411l, it am -I ble I A ViM undorgone iwarly b, Godrajvw for
this ISPLrittill �n Ill His children lationtlig
aid of r4lWoulIi inipetwmmot-ilt IN-
A. illtimate. indivridual way ;4pd.
nt';1A Lieu. Ile Itaillip
Nwe. 1ittill 'W 10, retn:l IV i t I orilero(I U) be at 40414, hit is. troo, it. . I y I ral, wiliell Illaktv theorn of more vidue thall tit# tit. iltf-41-111) rtliplife. Ilillf.- t4P JrA)T I fits yliellt lit Vortila noutil.
ir I od -4. 0 initity xparrows and adding tilat load lit.
f -06,rii riiijili s 4A -lot -k -k- im nI.I it heissue oftheir triod tlw' Cam! lit-, would have
it te
fr, -Ili I -r rinvt
44 -of t tit#' 4)f Awo mlonst1thh PLEBISCITE 'BALLOT PA r W4 at tit- -4 4or untold uti ity to "fin. It in
"I. 3,JI41 ;IIII)AWit. 4 , 0 ana tit Ir r, ill Cumuldy
Ili*, tfajwt, Gordon. tograplier i-:111 (Jevelop his Picture. Our the ovourt.
till. **X-llp ent*-rvit. hlh famiJil thextitirk room that the pho- till t1w n+ir(A til:it it T I t4m ot Isre lokoi %'-ery -Ixtw. bu -411011 bewnw our
itnil: Ili- b lillitipa1wr V) sq. -Subluit- dt-liorlitfill menloriftc fOrion as. if elA-t4ir f e*t"Anit., wouki tp.- j, ell,.:Ill
. I
I r4-14% 4 . I itA t f4, I' tf) lat the eomitig - I tA o
.4 pf tprohibition. Tfi`o�ee Vill ck God triumphs 'gloriously
for riiileasi� front. laos WINNIE WIN Is DR
tho figlit wlv of the M4 Y Ma rk thipir l,ro4s 'Whi) are, Ili favor of proltiloition %Vill !)rift1m. I L Ili added, tfi;t t;. tht,*
in they"'coltimn Attelld- ift UIL4, 4xie (A t to mwt picturesque
'19 0
on tl I will .1 in -4t i t in the, no 6 lumn, as
rX ta I with
eel' tht' tho.�e wilo vo fillallY Yicld--(f and 'tuft reinarkable invi(ielltov ill sftcrLd
tQ pro
blit 01.4ter tti.11-tfley IlIlI t:r. Ing or up*�of' N well as op -tri bibit tile mak ill, tilt, tot.) t 116 Sea f fol (I.
(.1der, i'll0weod 111A) jouritey to hi" Tit(, truo aiW tile false nleet
Ifor da y'm reaptionsio to seotihn-d' ill 0
to. Willi- or bee r. Soutberner8 Lamont Lbe Gbarm ing
rder t10 aplaeume their ill Um- denth grppie. Tllti� ("Ifliet is
Al he Id ;111110 to arvpit tli(a strung whort :,nd tj
-I s t4l. iyhotl t1enti tin
rt%t ti of
Irlr -#,ilk U14tti-reol t4&%Ver r"- two staunnent tc;
-fie 4orli �ift,-r I"I ma lie, he slilid triumph At
'IlVitil 7 1 . i ! . f. t.1 If. buried in' 0ea to ir U10 sunnifit of Vaxnio t1w
in guilty in the ri I iiplioetite DaugUer of the Uonfeaeracy.
to his increasing' 1wile! gat1wr too tiecidt. w too N tile
It c 0 M411.4e. iutrigtie4 itil.-other women, wi,1110 of
ill litx-t-ilt ill lt� would. ty" llvet%iiiary to exilutno i t. 8tIoutnchs. heir - Befcore ia It will tirtio (kxf, jolt
Coroiwr Cainpbo-11 he find fleceivied. 1 0 jilt or Baal. oil one
The hcKxl wan quickly ra ipaneloled a jury fitill.retluin- to -0 litlar ftor sto:111tis tilt' JLing %vitll flis
get it t.111. -it over., illlmediatii4y after. tile Nj�W VI to collie the' 1la4 phett, o.11 tile Ot Pro -
Cain h4f Ilmid alit] t1w nf,xw tih-v !1;141 to jil! 1, o t to *,1* 1; 1 r..,4 n.
t1i -.% )I w. . pra*yer was ..r' her otw soli- A SKETCH Of BJ.JL (;&JL�EIL
oliol- it Ili T) job ro I,t*- :11nd 't"w 11 -s lu)t until "I'l h1tione a It 011(* In 40 be"ll fitt4`41 to [Jim kii"L.. Utry figure. tho Itixic prophip
ItItf-r' thut tills' It-arne4l bo %It roxicil. t fit t'th,6 -bolt wits, itawli t ft#, 'o Vy foullil tin -d -dumiwtic- bli.*4- Ln�d, tem'pted of to t of tile.
hi -4. 6.111101 :. ottl-ragaluiett. Iti.- %Jiro,
�11 h-Illit 44 Ow (;r* dt. lill the alln, t I f T'S' FAD. bt-gall t1wir
lv4% olincellient that -00 whit'It 8110 had, ma:(Jo love Th, I)uik4 'of frenzied prayer,. T4i4.y cry until I igilt. 11'111P 1)a%ix, daughteor 44 1m III o.r. I
enadiolorm brimily dropped. Ly
:I Menior, -bl# m: K plot There was# not a. I venif lit of the YOU119 lady fro;p but lot) Jill
flay. tilt a br(okettlieck: Alr(x-kville. who swer- Tilo ijiLy ils braso; ali(I ferWMI. Davih6 &aid mi %-I&
-A t i I'll"11- NAY.. Dr. 4tpele wa fu r army IIIIWIl- tim- e&rtjI irt te Nmthoerii %Aftt4% or tile
MIZ lift ilt t Ili w -'s th"I Parkdale. A th."I'PrO Of t1le Frenoell Iy kiKown and
W.1y its ean IN%, lo-oarnedo. III' (w it % res around loulillso, At eventide Fli-
IN-temNl to) tilt- I married this which lie jilli, 4-ahu. INxifident, knowing ill its t4ir daugilte of tlw I Coll -
I arV.4 :iq fifon till, us prot-Ijitient
XBRN'13' MANY ,.girl. land' dpparte.d with t4o, Xf - trutitse rebuddoo; tIK-b ruiiied mi too-411ty at Ilp
t"Olu at nEmir i4itigis MIJ*1411. at"tit thirl it, m1l, jito,og .I f- _)rt I I
tor' the (fr-op, ' w lien Im. lon I
-�!`JY'P-tmor, t,4o gro.r. I tq4sl! uPoil It tobe, sacrJficep submergio-h
tft911 61. Ile iir.%i f f too Ifainmond kvtd. of toy the Toronto Polk. Y 41 Siolvii.-ditil di.siplay rtr
r4;r thrile ror III.. -4t ItNi lilt% i jig re� lif-fort-, t-lif. ftar thri4v She )fall Well ill foIlpifwt will Iw- 'Fm-nol-h o4.irr. wheii.
Kilo A &IV tiirn41(I from r4orth Augiu;L-t t4josillith,.4 It aq)ring im--ar by, lift,6 hi tnight aglo her dnient %%af%
a- or. t!"' lield by d hor.*-, I n for or
- ntttitirtli-if, ItY the i
al to the Mucli-married Ont., with 1porrom 11114, f
Tit.- Grnvei 411:14rillmed ag laialariall Kapitir
mcfa it oieol- a nd. emixielling_ a in ry. cd jW his wife. IltIt 'ing. tried to, Impit, nvire( JUld fell. "lloll n-lolk.w. hujWutIj1`c.-
W4-r#- t Lr tile b'Okoze. wa.4 Tho I)uke frud wateliwed ultmi.,lit-
mir" rri)ulotl. 7f I Middleton. thtb -Broeltvillf. girl'or not cannot Ile "*419ilged flim- lAmAwmi t"Wly at livr dit.tWitti-r-ti 11"Imaile, wipf Prf- V I d,finit If 14wf)r*l 1"nio. Worlualfl IFit "billi 4 of, .1ity-fP114. -e kv learneti., wing t illfilliti�, tK1%V*%l t*wrtiow tit the , loilt
.-tv%f f, arrive day. flit t
Tile mit-MR Fill!".4 on -March I ' at dtiring lialt. he milliltely exiii ined Undol�r carv!
the 1w.lai with Lill' 11WItt. At,-4Pr*.! .113.1 rt. reremoriiY had St. anll.w 110 tilt- (Ali 11 il,000 'I I L 411 tire
""t a Frew -h #*4dier's
TO Bt: TAILD AT TORONTO, Imparli lit tile Ono, 4)f t.h willutot- affairu or te
rt, ff Ir 10.4 Mot #'St4-r. -I lld w-ith tills womlin t( knalwack. Ile had illto the Tilt, 1,11381c,jills of Mroo. 111aviii, relmort
coming rilinng ftili.,tio.,1 T1141 thW (!4111 f4)r t4) if f. two', of Mr. ohn A elliptiked tim tj dfm% mot 4-flilip I-Aijall 1Or Ili's (I--- Iyelf the "N' If-Keelinie le grouiLd' tll:lt 1whe I#; 1141,11dilw till ighed tilt- rtic" and filially %litother offiver. :11104 The ytoillig Ill'i it, w hi Is, .41to"All Very to� reliort it 1'1' SSIFTH'S kll,111*414-k, trapped it on art, at Ill%Mj�lit "ItertaineAl aN to her
114-liry 4 "Brif;ji cot-owardice nfler til'. In !ter lifflietioin ould no fear"
tltriwt obr 10-1 list ffir his 'fat 4-r. " wa b1gandIl 11411 w(pittlerful triunilfli tfY Qlt lie Was rin engilal. fill, olildOrs, it iiii w I d
Infl fli.14 lif" W.W4 If io it f ro'di , kp 111to nd (iii,wit ki-OWN his heart is faint
tqlp )W f IY acrreAml. ilk 11rai Irk, In
Ir ft Iffir Cnthor The tilt! burs 44 Ili %Vill( 11orL. to. R. Ili receipt of big f ' tont 4pf t1W succumbing tAo.tlw tArdim."
or 1 1 t - Ai4o ti ;.o t lie , * will W brought to. thi, , t about Jetting ill fprd!ar to topst WimItober tjlf. over 'tit Ito, city tll, 911h his litinif-ii t Pres... br "lid the lJoll."'i"if I 4111(krgy 4. x flit Ills 114- ttlilonrina 118vift. the -latwlator
know or Ilia arrival. - Il straj6s hjn.iPered Ili. -i rhe owtirenath. tiff' l';oIlthern th4, Sird jotit tfoge'tho-r the -stnipture which s� from the I;IW pfrifn,
ntto-morrow,, it till hP wits a ROX-Ill.'Arch g ro! lit JUlle, 10�61 : Iwr.
r—ill4tie, lipitrial to eftil his life.- - -Tilt- eatfrol Inson. and Allmlelti,torti I%,# :it I'll a tK) U. sli.i It
Will -put (AL trial (mi Friday Pon I ilded bddfel low.. wiLile IliR th., lorivate
tho. pe.11illg 111hpite tile Lail yani r w feet - moral- 14' . WAdlers a lift Annie ILlakell. nd tim-
-1119 (Jolt n danglI_ him 17.
fino-st 411sloil.1y #4 Iflolil-i4.1taill Tli r till- pipers !ronj the MO of -.1h.0 many clarges L-rdy th' is tile direct Uf WbilihIIi.e.*. allof Iwr
Of tile Rebi-kitim. lit! induml-the
Y4 4 w;IN 111olkwoid lit I.,ortretato;
Irf de,f llof bigal
(I 1411111itg of it rolp uY' tilt) 1-( of c4mulaulglit .1141111 Nulx)th's But
tiler, tht. t., t .%Vit- 14t0r; . I to 1ni lill visit4lif t1l- I
Bettei will it st* - told I>k'. '�Mio kitot-liell.s.linti. till' traiiNP-i.
.11111. 1 a kit b. thol"band or tile- ten fi-tet-' I to r i f f nee during tier fatioer'b
nn siinir tiollro, alleged -numeroum :-f01J,*I:;g till grfvlt,
from Pile trilor- to "p, tha. falliliv m --ni
t4 0
Thoi- hilirial tilt- Scene their b(st muble- lie told llxkPd t4l� lie allowed to taste (lev. XX%. XIlln. x 1. ). #ter top
roor ofratli. but iv i I )n ac- vactitus, -ho'. :irt4,r h1h relea
bo -W-11. -guilty. A report, he W�ou:(l Lorrimini, -! them again.11 tile Of
J. act"I's it' alif-allwilile r.: McKtzell th-,'b *)Idier's food, rt -marking I"k-oll 110if-tilrIp"; tf#4' ed
w,woemen, anot weeks ago, and I(IOU P oIla, lyielt N !e. of k6e reflsf 0111y tak'�-' a tiny morsel. alit., ed.10 m(mlare foil ame t I- it stilkini like Is (lion jo-
inle elu'luiries. wiere.wlrIxl rfA)hlrig'*pm!-b0dv's (Illild 4)vor aboth,h. M-filmli
gr" with UN11111140101. 41.1111 t� at tile 111(blita at fie, y rix-ery. Frallell atitill Gerninit
I rc
t *-was Isuppi,poett 1 .4114-11 it 0 whim t 064, liati a fitle
L bette*r spirlt-, tilt% W" spec lit' then forked or too gratify
.1941111 to b
IN bill lizr. I I oohad goi --di of loejo�f, llifh Iw- proiioullm.(I t4l IN. (or
.1 mith's Xr: 1 MI I ted liiinse'f to the good
.lilt V emillitioll Clan *ith his AS oait-ilic i.itr IMI Ixv hooloi4f for Wife. Tili*ough thew" 'eltoluiries ext -4.4 StI1114- singly'. liaoile her wv!a I debut 11, Now 4 Orien".
tile n. wits traevot to
t1m; an. Portage. la. obta iiieti '.-t la, IlHill tilt' carni% -a 1. molare
141 In illf)II(J'A nor% vb rge qualitity (if 'I I tile luoll's OV(,MsqWItK, testif 14 oil clormlifo, of It I% i4l t1
gootiN on
iIII rbr t i Will 4"'rt 1110, It is it rre"t. followeIll I it tile 't, foil tht'il. weight lind texture pot"t or if w mo Iwr fatlter*x de-itli, Atind ojillf"
'I Olt;. .11 . iwil , t
, Arihil in t4if- inorning. li .14 bi. (of 11-9 1019 UP, by -tile pur
Iiirm.,i it top 4
'I. 'eftntrury Slit I I, VA t 1 1:1 t few hourm. lIiinl 1 ft Jar I I ,. Thoo-iii,, one pvtibllijig ill tit a ught ve To; lrl4;ry tlio. good. mwiety.
it;, 11 r tite roirt-4- -orkt it) instalmPlit have nia4if- tilt. f)IIIL#- 0-i loll 4 le rs J n
.11 to,rjs failing ItY P01milr wAtli tilt. L
MAICKABb al. C;4o.
0000mirr4l inti, t!i4-ir fl!fiok-A alirl ro, or: iou rutijrvifw�i to o, ua Tlw' it. I., I early of It
1wrt, tot- xllgllst, I I i,4 ed suil. wi,ldiers :11111 VillagerN. -,%t, tilt. its Efilall 1"itrifouted
T6 ill(,g - ne I sh!
ioearevr 6f thiN Inall, for, the 1,. eft, tIN-6't4;IVJJ, it WliS &� 44 tiley had Ills inaim— rnw 1t%*r(pte tile Tfw
im-own-Irit: top� -s.& dali illtrAs liv-v at, 4riafoitr-t or 4-xw-t;.t4)n.* op(
ill .1 off. f;J I Rollie -it th-111 .1 ,igil ltyears - has been t Aid at the
tml-' 0( "1" *11 tI ft or t Ito t4 lit
'anti from the' -datement
anti 1ortni. NOrth'Atig*IlHt;a@. IKnOt tn"t Ili seeing thirsty Tile Kakcht ,of
o[ter atyk-
t1w raiii 10 by.,his' victims, itW*Mh thatr 114. the tN"Illetf
mao- t
Tiv foores- timovell miliflers-ol t I -0.x- SU)p 'tw.rf)rf. -op takf,ii for fly simI Imo%%vr
fillo-Illig 'tiw 4 t-114. 1.1 [kits Inadeolilti exlAt4)uce (Ale c()IItil1lIpjI I Pubik, 111141 tall anti 14-Atte
-Neit. n call f4pr liof t14% (,fr 40f tilt- Ropily Spirit that all is 1 4 O'K, ly Ili
o,re.aittitig oas my it the roanti ol''affairs with prottygiels. 111,. 1*
t twool, for wil
t r--4 ly t IW. al. 4t rt #Illo. Clio Ifor ;rkmw% or
I iMfj i I:I.. weei late light 1*,er. %%-hit(. thir litir- It.%- Ifini thromigh loi-itIL- I lilt -IUI -11101111(Uut brown h4dr.
lornno fig lift ii to% I'llrialom or Ca I I. to f: 1 441 Marco Qb, was- born. h1toll'brought up in tills city. I f 'IV' "". " .4 -
t r ('lilt. *tjlf� and wonflerf till v 4.xImv#�ii%e lillip r instrumentiot. #if sim'
rait at. filli Movid -to-roov" thf. lit' 11114-litil*j .11"llig t tNlix4 Katt4- T4oiiii�,.l wilm f(; fill ill hose�pll O'Brien, being it lJV Jr t41Spirit of lant, ll; -ii itir fifteen years. o4w
-r lonrl"oopt. va 4-r. ying ennolififoll fill WX to Ivarii tiliat lae
1grtomol. lotor M, t io ee R. -tiompelled V) at y. "Tiop
l"P.%6ft f0mbillill it oil the C. P. L R .. - and NII;[111:1 Qu Elijah doth IN-st Mid tier motlier had iqu-nt ti,eir win -
#,Fitt father's lifoti;-, l'marriooll it Faure on, y A-itil ill 4; r I itirmt. Both tfl0 omit's parontij are now. dead. liftiliditY, formerly. t t4 I lit
#--%I t(l lit All theo -jamll of -tIlitt torkwil, Wilo w:'.'; 'then in lie Duk-e''with 1lw(;rart4I Crfim 1116dia fiad tit#- privileW opf sk-Ing New Voork, and heir sumnivirs
Rifle fire ul-1 hl -1.1
'rile y tOwli. worki-14i itt all 110to 114 I'A"0011 Of flonor. what lit- would olpf F141111, avarioptw w-niiidip, remortm.
-an riew Mwo-flot X)lI .11 rter with railWILY wo, Ills, two brotUtzrs
.Ing at 'Aitio fle-
lie" t 111-41fAIRCK. lit -1 lie expro, hf, 11:141 lorovii engaged U) Mr. prownt employe(I by. the iS- too have :I doubk, portioit of I. -*Ii- krr"i..olpf R r..Iq.uwwx.
rijinvol, Nit th - that death 118f 41 1*' prus- t., atit(i his thireo sisters* beinig ilef"411119'.1lewspipers herp w-ittli. u t
lilt movements lla%,Frw
loY;ikilto,m w'f)rk Y been recorded UP to the time Thf- Jah's stArIt. Flijah toold ltini' lie Ir -11tol"r her fnther's death. tilto, pll-
i Opre I ierial 111gly review. Iferr oritz
tx")i IS Sir allies- MAIT61011 to rallrottd- men. hall askf4i it
.%cVi mda r-1, Of' I" 31anitoa.
P'()tJ' -NIM O'Brien I bgm.-trek," whi
'wh4p had tollfli'll, U14" lanil t at of It, 1880 O'Brion met.'a han4-Anne. g1rI -and Mrs. ' Life ". Priee B ell was iiard thing, yet sitot. t4tx) gillIP'llillf4lit lort*en iff.
Sarall O'Briell h�iCllified their in- reeenli.,-' PubIl4heff. The general opin- great. It was i0*1 oll onditiovi 1publif- exil'U'llatioll of the rul)ttkre Iilto (.tfl# nainthl' Itt It, ,
Takil! o'A flag, ro*k! cout anti f4)liiid Ion iq,� that [I#- st-e F
th; - t znir xthl Thp dying o.' for ninny y(nir, nd holl, Acilua ill t4ulce-ship ripmapItl I uicklpiellic" of QPPeari 9 bc-f0rertheir one- that both t ie author land Ills gi%-,Pll 0uU it im said it was for the
f- Nffon .1)6 ties ivo,rs oil. Ilie. re oor tanof the,g-Irl :Ili :ifro�eti It wilm K"Pfx*;ed husband. i1e-11 suffered* 'e,"tiv by the revelit- 8 ite 'fIo
I "ff I y Into IAvolionn I'll. (;oil hearN allot purp(w" tof maintaining her f t r
Utiii rcrorgnin-41 hiNi s.l,l prW. nown, frit -11.1i r belle%AUC jorayer. . The wo,ii or :1 nlmy iln*pn, alftl ' in i00,111M Made. 'FhP RiIitiflh naturn i I
olibrilit-whilo prI %ve.r4a Mil t W. MONSISUp 'CAMBON,g ()OW. In him ly. iiap 'tI %%,it* f anti to) have Yt)llltg couplo, rried.. f lm reent the Ill Shillielli, -W1140 tfolkal AlIthellk -bven In' :1 slit' late Prineg TilK.
irl t i iili% 11rioteslillit ln1lliHj4.r, :tnil tilen bya; mlllreko�-4 expre*mlons of hostility to Ulop "I'me. 11oaughter
Irogityal liallIV. got, Lefrpre 011.111" 411091. Witto go Illivs
tertains tilt- rom)1olivt 1.* 011:1, 4'of : he IIf Chi' Confedtracy." ill lxso, A- 114-.11
-It tile. e pe"e ( -4irtwli of h It, rather 4kinde lit
llto h d-oughter, the 11 . Mn Of G01I I jIIIA1 "fIlW'N t() I 'J"e through the &mltll. N ioa%is Iwilailt
V,4 Vakid) o-zloorwoff. -x.' i. A Story -ot f9patn't, Proxy In th 'rea t Britain and Lo MI Queen anil 4 1 Ills famom tr
lw,4i-. -glut r,!i %%14#-) iny e tilt. lie lieni,ol an3 j,%v it,4 latf- Father to 'Aft-(* o In 14''
Irlowly- 11441,40.411 -1cirl t4i, 114,r fleat) .1111t -I -Y, it I, r former E'mpre-ili; tIll#
MCI w It!) I)w lives lit 157 '.%lull- "Ili 161 Germany. with wlli(.Ii him lantil lie follows her hmiw. Titove tillable W appear. Mim Winnif, too, niiiir, tiv-111- ;In*, tilt- Vr ;9: ok (if
v egintained ro tre t., w it %v,itlUw -to t says 111'rustitv the k teem-. The 6 -illy Telegraph' i l I t" Good ;anti x6ro-torfli-s I 111in- brotight bf-forp, the
Ill 11;11 ro4illk,
r4or (lo- ,iltif- �11 e "s 04 him (Tre- wito is sit Jr."
tW:144 tile" IivFxI Ill I>ari.-;. but who thoviiiiands at t Iw
tim-y %,ovro, loroontoptly ;olfol tfirt-#. rfir Ji; however, -hat 'Alow all American citizen, 'tt if till- work reveals tlie' towir' ti:w)" hrr child, ;,till lit. is rk 'iti,41 different IN)illtm along the routteLipild
K 19 111ilre.ff nnolvr rrrrt�st.' I t 't I.:' till" Was attA fit- lowered tile juoral to I I fill
t111111".1111r. $. 4 or 4mit that fla an ill( iond $'Ili I isms Ilim f4ay- laffair Itt Ill- 'IWC4Jed MOIMY,.and to get it tuolle f llitr4podiao4-d as tile flatietiter
tiff- 0 Fiirope: om- fie torille VIT I or dini 'Vtoryonp knowN lie inittle" tin- :N.i% Ing power in tile Cleansing 44 N a b!"'! Nw-11 ltit#,, wed -
Th. tax'. , At fiat tlm6� illit
fis-#I, 1pl:iy,.,I, I-. yo..Ils In,, lit .1 rl turnt-41 tip wilt) Julai (WQ1bfAI wan tile
t'i , r ;A . . I r tlml� nit ip opf Ir .1 lint fulitor of it re- otis 11411cl of the press; [out Ile- nt. . "�l thlit It ror Illix healing. ily DANORROUS P,. Aty
I ilm-rio iItill' .jJlIjII( -tit arri'tilged 61 1111bliealt in' Mark, li Ile vording to Herr Busek,,liv deliberate. him nof-ting tit,-. for t.lw
414ty tlllLt 4ellt
opriraoiz*-of Ittlolo-MIA fly III:- k -r tile Unit. tilt Ill. wo
lo 1116141 inig, ill To tpiltk?" tho taXL illegal. aiad w ly 111`401114!ted Ills hirelings to wol fit Crotf throi It 1:11 it.
ro,trfeis- thr- b,irtimem 4,r wilif-It f;oorili-ii 11.1ft liallillif1141 flow .1 %V:tq WC41111041 t4o arall feel] m- -1 i iol a Sel',outi Explosions Caused
Tli glif! Miss Ulf", ('611ii-ictor ca If Ina to - h-;oluto f. titellog N." tirPe fwf fcioii N'll talning Petroleum Pt:vantl, D,
t roo wjopw rq '114. In ttrr rill#. 1 �Lll goo A Wl-l-*F. What ttle
t rty lua It-wi—all except onelgece. TII;"Vimn4 remlIrks: d'It re- Jim tilt 06',Ie I -11PIPIN 1110PI-4 tfW -Allr3-
elilgalgoo-of fir .111 tilt- eri. Tt fl iserve, I to the Nublime unctllisciousne", Explobiolil; (.aus&i by 'ie, Johu
4iroLtr'x ron.e..4 that I fhort: TbI4 epi -ode Was 1pilarently 1-0 e. lit- C011141IL't hide.- It wall film to Illuxtrittlip the shver(omig-lity of f;,%oI or
if N-.11gle rol-lie w.Is takoll ly berorp given it cow- Of Oft 111,4 ineerest worshipperm (FAlkP I. -07), and txlp to-ol(,Ili V.. 6.
ltl'-4 1*1 - t4l 114-1- 1,-Ittli Ulf forgott;en by the W-Ife, not till.' (;0venment -promptly -eized too e.x twiu4ng petroleum ether ' A. Camp.
dra Ilk to'
4 1 Rhortl y after mtrri 1 8
nt th,. Infor"I it. ift (k4aUlt of th- (Aly (x-eurred broad olao, . - I
little for- I-hal, 0 tax. :1`11`0�,AN made 111 ad
no-diffibrence to Nalpole,)n all(, is wit,,
lo -r nvio� left. lit, Ili Ar timint n Jill the kIuPlieitY nilimt refer too flio; cording to
I f little 'store on Front t%trf�ct east.' lie cumbiowd all Germa n tees t, R
411 %11111Plies were. oij-&jor; 4% It flitorill. Aroolagh V. tbor III(III111VII infantry 11"ielen being l(lim out ill 48 O'Brien 'wor.Iffooli -flow,, town, it lid er*w. so thp cow Willi sfil(I I illy brilliallt 1101 admirable tliiro�over. -'U*l no11111- It Seems that the *L -lit, Cab dMw
Clei-tain. tlw- farolitim ord T"Iln 11:lrol_ Flo, olranic to or. .. ThIs earned and t lie pro- quliti ttifibilliwu')II ded for the pur
khart�)mn. it Was milli 4NI, to) Illa,ve wages, a nd MrF. O'Brien Vonf p~ of quir-lo -1.1liA.
tial. Illotive minded a a
a trrtoorpo'l- Itillmll-r, J with viv
ii�toi ernin'optit' r nitilitig til:lt. tile, 01141d, A. a w
It- .%It 41110.4- for Alu!i @tore. About twd yeara a I ro4 aelty aml lr%l TOG It A V H TA%soll IN- (;0d frilid"N and i;rote(,t.-. th(%e paints have cause
Iftated. Th ff Ir was rutwilion ist overthrown.
# &u
but tile volatal PO rat or,
ro )tit later Mrm. O'Brien gave birth to n I-larislan Journals and ih publ n -. A or tile Czarina nuris- wri-ants. Iiiii-i-stia-ir trouble, -particularly whtbos. Wil. Au
thi. trililli. Jlmd baby. girl, bit b2fore tier f-hild. wa
I fig I
er. �,41:ltill lit Ili limteri-oi I it, lie. pa per.%t backing their itnXing. He eer- II! t.- -a are applied lit ekas;d roorr
10 -still liiiltx. r)nkl gioprm)n- lit till. o!4l U -nn iolirveli ol"i a week ()Ill Rhe learned that for over )opuln intin' hoil. (I -in nro, 4 fixf. VIP 'Take Cit -mi into til- it m- rit,(Ir. Mau lost Ills life by an er
bV Mi Wsl oil ibis r, id it er Its. Tilt- Ill IN., t (Its: lilleg(A wife -411 -aptirtmenvi' oil Vic- willel lie tile lilt- it year her hitibaind fiat]
THE IIAT10' ININt Tilt, trial lligtk 4 haii'Mitber r subscriptions rea
0:1 1 J1r-tr%rI1lII;t Wilt slifted in. a surrerer to purel�ase another the dei-dly vaporm while lie toiw(ikov
' -iitry illtop Omdurman % ,� t I'llpt 1.914111111,11A.. thol. Jry. torl-i Cow. ter In flinell bell ta-4,
h:ktl UJULP114-.4 - it IV ;ioff- toro ri-mellp (;Orflf.11 Tht--JnoIgf- till-reIllkio,011 d4whargi-t tl' wtreet, who wtrm alw) the 041 official. tiw Ing the water tatiks on oinsph �)ut it of ?Norb.,irii- tri- JnrY 4ano re I ni;4il(kA If.illIllionfl nIOth0e of, a ehild, boi ti'
;:fill hnpre�wlvp loot filly rn oil the @time .4-ays r. with thf- inister of thr, DlOtA hatching thero ngainott. ste3M.4lip Ser%in. On th
lIlPlI lion Ite`- Interior, nuot gnideA nis iieow(. ill thrPP sootill a tilt flask contain
nP--xt At tit#. r a that Mrs. O'Brien's baby W all ft. I'M.- Vaiiibon Was Veryp a 14eil, C.
ti #-fr -orm,4 is% the. Sirorbir'm feet 4 GIRL 8 TROUBLES. born. ThL4 giri'm name -wit Mi" Ilarls alit ith tilt,
A CHA,rHAI opular land %vht) (let-i(jol.41 tA) 1. lky Ifis Wort]. 2. fly iliao,w pitint became leaky during
foThe wo� tlie 'Wa's ro,111141 IzIlilty :kIld beth Gordon, hfter -tile fall of tile enl_ Out The bf,8L Jenv. 3 rt the coutento, flowing out on
Tthel Stoke mPnV-nrs.d to *;X.� )1l a servant girl, who, i Fe* wam rapid.1" thing I (10- Men prp4,-e I feirwa rd, melzinsr.and kimm. S. Deserted hy Her Husband F, b. 14 sal(l, W t !iii ri tllv It' ussia * I nicati(r)II the belief that 11 in to witoli Gvod fit col fitant. rf-r- When a otailor entered that
'nit th" h't 'if 61 01 our offieprof. . Tilt- Wandipring in Buffalo. esirrio( �oht- she Watt the ]a- ful fto tile Cutrina. t vent lirai-er brings such anent of tile hold
W W16 of the m -in. Ty-oYs of Old Roane. mi let her where fl.
otit#- Aftbr- the ex ure which followed -tile a few accord- Les8m*X. God sparm thot, lives luAd been spilled, to
fit,, F. Avdivws writes jilt article god I y mol -n. Purred r4tral ht along the main wlix 111141silf4l fill tiv000 90eN disppeared, an(I the' I'nFr t'" tile 4WIl"Y', Cz. r El of buch vioience that
oof till. l.rty tip th miii(f (Mveovery ii tit explosIpp.
e wtun owhert, mtexpo tit#^
. low lot fritri, :of) tlint IxhR lived long : for It
tot the- 44111111`11hiollm inatle- by the liri- police c:in get no tra(�e of her. '44,013111! Vagnitoond Words," for Sep. 4`111141 with a tstaille, to the tnla- w a it bOu t SiXtY ears minr!% lie first tile Plittes in the side of jpesIlw
fill oil 11901ter lind illfUjIlly 1W.41 Ag intit t(ulber Mt. Nichola. Andres ter of Ole, Interior, - Her hallerial. was callied to b7x a prophet. r1ijall were refit part anti t k% 44
P;t.rfv-t ley loplit.4. 1,
aind mo -4010e wilm lAt night.
111111 thlrof isr#mm VENTURE. says : 1axs through it %-acalit IOtL M-0PRO t-ndo; not propheMo(i ()nly a fourth part (of that (.4),18equenee of
$J*4 A emition W. Ill, Ing metually danger of the shi
IIlJ9P UNIP wall. rormirlor the 1*)Ijll- 14ik-" tot till. mtitli(p4l, - Ari(l, About thi-o time, ra young girl., th0o, other fling ioll tile picture te W
*17th t4l 110 some boys -were . con
flaory for oil by trade, day wilell trary to'tfip law. Let it time. Tbo the da to
IM1111116114J, V -.;w ftilr tile jwcotldl inle upel to com6 to having a gamf. or h 11 1 Jinnrd one of 119111 ElUalt's. spirit rtwted investigation followed r
t strPet lothop
w herein. wen- tho, K fail I i fji,x p;# llapp tall 1:111t-17111111 was r4liplind iii her tweliti.t.' lipel.aml FrIllifty fill thp every evenIng them who 110-d got 4% ralo, olt tile Olt 'to was ",fit '#('tit too !ottud that these quick-
harpm. The ld;sve wbull wo-. Xlatrio� i fill
resiched it reft. of tl.,fb Vient Vo- dpittlP oto purcha"e p ipene, and Ill some way D (tercnee. fierY chariot ax FIijnll was. Ijollt contained petroleum ett 11turned
W11--4 Allb-ftt Mill ofoInerted an, tile Icra ve. n.-vall t knueklff' rom Pxrlahn, .Tim- Went, oHer illy, that- IlurtR!" and thon, fter nit). ol. r(
that Sept. 16.1 namt, wa iiinuaknuout to rtill throUgli %VtWt OSWI sitat t)f tile ORIP-quarter of their w wife,
became acquainted _with O'Brien. h fWent 'a Nettie Graham, and t4he I)illg 11l.R inew e�Ploslonp have tak
rfounof tbe liql1ill-s. ;,,,#I tllf. ",I,- —Itev. Mr. fingers it moment, Ill. ererybody iu this district witiere, for instance, lit
of 11 overybody knew hilu alonl, liked France, and even on
tho friend and e I've( Oil Vit Ill Iftne, liltheensit pad., Prii court-rom ""Is ity n ab- d of
#of Yakiih. tht- o1-11-1 111101 21, 111 In ill I 'flit th:$ lit-, f)?l t I Ryan 4tates that she Plaef- 'On tile field, little 8-lont-min(kX1, Judge.
I#m)k I t :&x-tioist Willie flammoll( as ifljo`U41 dre.:i m
dwelling wherein slatin wisheA tot Iter (4.%- 41:ty,4 [oil( out the neer po-itively informed thi,4 girl %,isit to
owing xtattmnont, to tliw '119 that lie Ila(] Just litt-fired it lie had to puam 8011telle
mew: "In that she was Married to O'Rrlen, and M)lf,mii in-v4po,ation to he on if Mgt;
0 imprimpnins-tit. zo Mrp. d m1goas (*.-w ' lot. Such quivil-drying
. Xf, lie lk-wrto41 her, and irstilther tiontl nttenoling t Old Roman way mail ; after stating -clei rly tht, -n 1875 he married Elizabeth LoUear thprefore be uFed with
pamha liall folitnowl part of film weary too finfillill oil the Doterel. when
if# were tllftt lie gavir) up Ilk. llulkfferciic� as 'callA her'4eif, clalm-4 � toat 0" 17 JA "JIM111-Y" is but a corruption of _ a(ling
Ur. W. J. Hamni0pnd If )und Gritham -and 11olinx. For our disgrace which tile mail liati IWOuglit .0 survives him
Mine NIV. tolit O'Brien; an she now tor t
un toll, bf- Br e vulg' - A farnfly of fire— of care in the open air, t
t4) Ills npirituttl ' Upon M1tives and frientli; by Ili@ taw. bel, Hobart, Peard, James aud room& It would be b(w-t to 10 had ewpir coli'd
twell 10-1 out ft r -h. in 'penitent. 11
,11 Id, $1111111111AIIIIntly or iii-ts. im statement WnFj fiat legally married.-tiD Sarah R 'iltocether.
Illit their jar
harmeol. The I preiloojIo nigh& tj Itiollo, and f4wore to her that he had nover be*n Latill twills, a flame k-tv, and disIm)1le8t life, tho Judge 14111 J fie—JuaOurn the lotm of a fund and
w4ilkv,l t%tr#!r.f,N rVa U. - aPP led t-0 (;ns'tor nnd I'011ux. the twin "And
,111 he had cast Illm8f4f on tho tiler of tatement is (if Jup!
s em to, rf i ty i al tj I s 11 pro, I n the btrength of this al ON ter and Loeda- These hero ill consideration or thp ma 113.
O'Br and
Pt,4 4of Vniotlurman to )lI JxPIW;It Ule I tiro ical All -
.,rally marrhoml ateltoolily throwith tilt landlinillil. thf?Y-Ilveil together its Inan and wl.fe, friends of travellers:-henc*. when an iwature." loritil thr Dr(III)l lin In ' �Oftt
riews fiat] ("to ill' ntile Frwich min 1,,.Ar,
%11 the fterntoon, atiti nskeAl him �ir I -,is 1'887. and. for eight years fesUvals Of all khids, and thp 4-griocini Seven years' bard labor In t hp I, of the M"011ic fraternity. In
their min(bL and wit -4 trying to trust in the, of hii, Nettle Graham became Mrr, 90& were tile tiontrons of games and bY YOU, You are hereby 0Pnten(x)d Or. Colfirig wil,is al, praminent lxrelu.
111111. OffencAw :1911inst the law, Ulgent father,
:11141. Wink ll",
-'lle- woIstol n(It 114 W an 1, 1 LY got-iod, a 1 'to four rhiltiren being the re.4ult Of thij old Roman exl.l'
tkV r4er ttllt ghp 11141t,. lit) ever. sai (I Ho Haiti, Smptlel e 'Pellitontlary. Your
It. three heyoriff, where thp , talto t1w atliff. not g(WItl to livo byq liniot I woul Mot living. �1 and 1892 he was Master of North. waoi tbowlit that #I reativ �ai
W. I marri-ige, thre of' whom nj�e litill wS -A dpvou ainied, "0 GOinini iia�
4t hail do-w!k1PfI tlint the elio "er rart-titoo b;lis. '"'If "44111`14-411 'if her Want to Ill" truuting it, it.- t appeal to the gods for tily correcteI tile. prx)w,(.utIllC litto, I Light LOdge,-Kincardine, and in eiviiiZI lilm would be U; as isit
-h-lp'or prote. a
0 Brien. w flo -Ili ow option p very much the too bull(I hinwelf pernia il"411 t fill I
Without, wilitilix Tlmi� Ontario Govern tilt tilt Pey lrPOPectfUl Whisper. 43 he was honored by th rand tn t ion A &Iieik who u-na 11
for tft"41. :after sluenchinK All. will living at 11 btw strop.t. and who NAM`! -12A when a knight -of old valled t"What? Said the lug ra
their 4%V1.1111 r sup-
It#- flopillildiryll rfxnte#rtt%l ekwtifoll to bury Of' 1111i Patmn talniL blankly Ige bY being created D. * D. 0.
(in the h-irs- thirmt, threw tItem,4plv#,m e"NP interment wil other and- thi" i "Oh, yes. tilo Pell .1 - ored wa& full of gratiihitle to ti
ltrtrioinoil utterly Mf%II#Atp,,v'M. k J F.4411111, 1 prob I, Illy children, %vita seen by a I dIffe ItA,llti:fry , but tll,(, P+- French eftirinpers ftvho hild bul , it ,,w
land tiol-rs- t�hke Plilel- itt fi'ravenhurt, . it rieporter lasit Mille Is Oniv it- slight to lmd un to Hill,. We
.1nd then the, St. Alan#* fll�laltjon Vonl*g, and told the mtory of tile trolip myst-ery surrvoiding sho(II(j my house Willa fill.
tho-m there haff wa-4 tforlipwri font #)f t -t rifflow Importutil- of latrick lienglipp, &t nitV" llirtlUtst Him arul do mirsel%*ev 1w &aid, "I lia%-e 114
%*east to) largo-ly ofilf- tip tile mile loww'.
rt by tip,4 tll#tt tilix Ittoo,11 Wn rf t* tot lost i
4) r ftopol ffW twelve I-1mv. lattiliell to granteff tilt) t 'at WfIrl 'I'm t":1. father of His H(xior �nhruptly hrin wlien weobjFket to Iii -i denlingo aliligle #i1wep. lock t bfwj I I tall, in illy
bm rk., nifffe Man 61ti Mall. a 1f hiiandii during the eight yearm tIley tilt' I'lleged Sniliggler, mid what he Rhould R. HIM.
. X #-JItlpwwJ ""It"- tile ` Jist llvt-d tqrpther. "t"ll 11111molv(A. and tile offl- hav" said wan i:(vanp f-%-(,ry n bt, and next ulortlillg
bill" hi 149 Um , Ile thO Jnlf�ynrd W unfit to b-4 se Illuring that time site (4mm 1pft "n0ald.—Youth 1.
entr intoipfft-' W11"i Ito"194-411 31141 410 lWoepaiollingH. d a 'IVA# g1l veii n Imost we am at hea, it" to ani -tilrect, clue, I Ix Companlwi. thp�l isaft btv. 11 7%M,
itsolf; the L3111; cometery." New - k if-1*1111i, a -ek�v liorix)fx of hoer
Ily tit-keu`ixf it: Iwobably be lllllllbalid'�, miraithfulnepw, 114. (,(Illljtllllt Tile (-`0MtPh.s fir berdeon will bib Ito At Port4lge la Prnirit. .14)hii 11 114"n' (10 YOU sleW younplf?" aidW
erected very shortly,tilid tendered a filmVCII AlOCial by the )t- I oelvel * Ili 'a being 111`07111111Y" rc- MV"w wn%; eaught 1wtN%,4,eii an en- nn i4firpr In amawmlioent,- 11 Oh, tor
IY beefinfliq Involved in a=nd&I0. The Etnly--ror Is 9!114' MA wi-itnitow wid III v OR" I f :1 91*ik can lire only in
us tswa (,Mncif of WoiAen, about tk) inbtitute rWer
Wnt Na I d t1w other wItA