Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-09-23, Page 2Ah
�41111111 4M
Ak-Ah. d7S Aplee
- -- -* * rt straight to Brettison, i tell him Ilia WatOr rose f r4um ilia ankles to his +++++++++++++++++++*,&*vv*rvlc
I s -W16-16 A, in nd a XURhing sound warned Summer'"r00151
I long, and asking his ftiviefe; but knees, a
IN: Cl ; and on the him that tile tide had turned and + Country.
Ojen ? rank from the talk urned of r to was coming ILI fast. Then he knew + Carden particvi are a convftlient aS
Impulse of tile moment t that ho must have been walking at I plop[[ + r1en -
go and explore tile village oil the On well - a,� a pleasant fqrin of ellte'rULill
chalice of happening upon something Otto Of tile spits of Bawl round wilicif :+++++++++++++++++411- inento I I tot,, towin all(I country, "
SP I the 1,10,%vilig tide curved. and that If they serve on NOR* given day to Weak
ould He hich would give him a clew. might be to )OK IN THE PASTURE- iends. and ac -
Five mlnuteii devoW to his task he retraced Ills StOPS Lit red, besides THL BW eads to Health 'bring E6 number or fr
was sufficient to satidY llim Or tile find the other end cove collf used My grown cV sister, Gladys, quaintances toagether without a I
holwleAmness of tile task, and lie re- losing time. The daAMP-08 -boardin' b3[ the sea, of triouble or expense to I
and he HWpped, beattating for Is great deaJ , I
A6 THRUI.JNG STORY OF turned to tile inn agitated, weary, him, moments; then, feeling that. Blilti tple brook down in tAle pa.Bturo Q n tile hosWw- givoll On Lungs
TUAM anti trying to make gonle Ilia" It" tO a few deepiened or reced- In good enough for me Garden partim cal
CONSTANCY AND lLi.% prtxwedings as 80011 Us it was whether the water and RELP Inecalse 11.1niost any scale- Tenaiis, wher0 If you have coughcA
lie drew a deep r people,
light. ed, he must prcws oil, the tide Wilen tille goes Ili there arp a nuluWr of Yound,
0 011110" #1411W breath and moved forward. kll( who enjoy the gaine 6 (luitO
post lie said to himself. He L., - to w1DAr a dxc%s enough until the lining nw-m-
ViRF-9 WILve 's, 'c
lilfd soon rising to Ills waist and a nd ap and stockin asft; Ili others, I Coughed
was no CuLl- Ilifil, �jllkl feeling -his own littleness would be able to Icarn there r taking him off Ills legs- It, rut)ber e aniumenkent in 80me at beane of YOW throat and lung$
She nodded -119 if Ow -re , hair disposed to hire sonle vehicle and i no&rl3 it to bo his fate t6 be drowned And slippers, too, Bile gaYs- Paine's Celery COMPOU a band or bands are stationed
�*)u .vk.11t in Illore Intl more, lie resolved to cast fil ' ffere whero there are
tr.ttlk-ting thi�.. atiti itretti his oitt desiliondency aslt�k- and make 9" acrosI4 ten mili-,s to tile town, lie Was teal tIM06 lie asked Anti e%erything about it, t K)l 11 ts,
the doorway, to start omce flow at such a crit add to is inf lameAl
large pleaxure grounds ', tIleY
bullell -)fit entere" lg�ht of the light -�Ilv says nufat b,6 in sty le, gatliering.
t)f % )r oer- muelf, there In a L
W ith It frefsh start frt that moment, tinte with a thrill f Ili V 0 Like gayev a tile
tn(?re,, tht.,4 Ig f rom the room 4-n I tjip do a littlP of I
rioik.-slY PUS- tile thal in 9 And tal ywa Used by a lothei and I nuinber
pl.tnU lit ht-. hawl. 311d. It ee(eptillg all his worries as tit litty. t I ht be killilill C. OQU lit -to Have awhile. Tliiere Ifniust to- it, g"x rMulsion
zle't eytd. share li,pportititt-1 to hini, and cease For, as he advanced, lie saw at tile which tile woman 11 le (I ? MO hold a rope garden mats and chairs, placed in Scott
t %%ell A lit, elltl Or tile pamutge IL 1111111 from inifforing nbw OccuP you ouXllt to.m#e us Bwilliplin'
to nurse thein to the exclusion of lit conver- spow llrowt^l fr6m the wind or gull
9v - entinued.) Her Daughter, rden
he thtiu t", liall'-wif the good. Kation with tile landlady. He was jT0 op c - - I Thtom who frequently give I
I k)w vi. ion tile pasture brook r -mak- "....liver Oil will wothat
He coulki not help it bitte,r smile lvwlllg, Partico; soon get into t1w- way 0 of
twilt-Jill, liot InakIng inquirlex about a boat for LL le tWre nor d
ouglis tv tw g1:"%- .. V I"wk. mililite its sail next day. Tile neltL minute Ile There's no 007 ing their guc*da (30111fortable by
He fowl'! crossing I-'qyr no onea tIWr6 to look. and trengthen and pr6babliv Cure -
%he Cliff. short '. for ttllerO, dimly turned to leave, and eame face to faue STRANGE HBO Rheumatism. Nervousness thoughtful and c4tmful preparatiouh S
With hi ttu'll. tit tilt' two -figure.,; of varioui, Hi", ILIld of differ- The "Aiver oil fce& and
'Past. alh %vil 1x%&,vrt him WPIMI with. ("ruest. But, eay, wit; Mwim. I tWI y"u-i Banished. be himl for suburban
rt,,xt than he Ilad bAVII 11111 t" still, :Intl So -cwellpied (;reat heavens!" cried tile latter Alul dive and flOat ILIId tread, Kidney Disease *ty kw, mi
W"Ife at 9AZI09 1 0 ent r left partielt front %af`101111% strengthen& tha weaktrAd t6-
futur 0 -is Bret%li- n dre% 11V*r liy t1wir own thought" that thev hoars--ely you or your host. Amt oxit a -ways tile waWr 4ir tAjwli gan OF
for m(m%hs. antl lit' . -111i or . . approach. ri * It Ili yotb flow could Bly hea4l ectabl6ilknienti.,i: frmu tiww eatillilitoft The glycerine w9th"
let," I' 110tilrVJ hi,`i ley 'Mal. old man, it llc�e with Sues.
ro brightif-fliPti -1, I:t,, iking ill .1 livw toit-4. of tit be so mad 11r. Jas. Crosgrey, of Port HOPO, that Should Inspire aOPL C41,11 be obUanoil ul accorda The hy
f -*% tire. ta I k Letter sim. tir *tmt& or warquMs. �iind dis- heals them. PO -
he nuxrp-ls ifiortis allPill" ltl:� r Glady-,� thinkm and
31111-� groN%lll% 31111 .1111110reWelice-m All 8tamnArRd st, at I &'pose that '-Rlste
1 01w %1 .1".
%vi", lit, %%;%vi Vvrt- "'!.t t hi, of their t4 lit Tells ail Intereating noryl .1tes nicer by the sea tjtll(*,- too, NXI41 tlwui.
ell. . tter I)Ilt tilt. tiolle What do YOU mean - ItIllil, phosphites Of llftw &a soda
rVr al kl h Its to follow me V* qkiti Ole, brook down i;l tile pastur%q it 'r&resilments ar*� uerved w
stro . t" 1.i.. !,W.V. .1114! 1-r 1111( AVIlv, 0! out t
Ismilli; In VOICI I I i - f MqU4 Don'
W, -to t'i ."I,. Viiiiii-111 '140, 4,1�1: olit --tory breattwil , lit --,I I* iiitl not know you were hdre In good enough for file. A Guarantee of New Life to drows servanth E!ntly take impart tone and vigw
N�\t rie 1� I - Old you ayu of ten, vdffoe. - cake. bia-uith
ilt th -malt.
e ilrt,AmY Stratton thati tr flit hand them coughs. One
pluuged. :l, iii4vii'll-ItA011. 'ItATEFUI, CAT. Vlwrry -43111), a negICCt
ov,vry in-itiv letwr. A G Every Sufferer. an4l ClarOt
I.., %ik-ntly away ]His Right I**, "011en to Three IMmes Lit ventowl
4,.Vmiuf .I, . hO bottle of the Emulsion mav do
W 111.4 uUnk, sigh tlwm to tilt' 91"th, w
fartlivr froui Ahe 11.1t ICtt4lr fill Bpaton family had a Milit, out' -of -doors.
One must rt-VILO` t%lvq' I tc r pusiled flu) its Naturaii.Siz,6-Ulcers lrollo%ve4 -A a great tipa I more for you now than ten
Tliv olle I wJrOt4t 14 ore w1ljrAI they thowgilt Tile momt approved rOM61111'ell" at 1,
other."' Brett1*411 I)y t1w liair. wilt, and for a Toax and a Half Doet
; by. .0 tit t hey retravil their volly. letter bo-- after ef"11419 riit; m. t was b1cit, anti lit HOW Of Wells & itichard"I CO.: fee, cliam-
v.tnr I k.11;t rgr-s TreaUxie careful nil and all Dear SixH.-r Wnk it a duty w write a Irardeitt party are tea, cof can & later on. Be sure you
gairit4! (-,out hik-um frimi to teh YOU." nt Failed to HOLP Him. rildng, c&talip tea a benef its tie- imWne-cull, claret-cui).
'Ouditiol'. Brettison prqv- 1AVtVT "�" or tlley. -could -do, tile Cdt grew Worse$ to you rf�-gardiiig tho myself cales, biscuito. strawberries and get SCOTT'S Emulsion.
dull. dreamy L J%, Ily, of rimrse. YOU 11 (prom thef lk)rt U0$0 nmea') 110 da*hter aud Ptlier firuiVii and
Ln,I they had to call the doctor. T
posed. sail Stratton rf, come here." on tier feev rived by my Bf(*1ery Com- creniii, o sea."011,
WWI plift pu your liajuo drink, and St-00-
elliCurs1011. r. It k have Iti bl*ast� "it, was. nearly as larke, as that tlkx!tt)r 400n from Use Of jew. low (-orrbe is a ravorltoe All druggists, W
to make little 11'r. coarAt t,. they. pasri-Vtt 1111A." *,ir igur lit Stratton's lialkil -went to 11 Aga in. - pound. japy If, an is often tile case Ili a
,itivu inlatid. or ;i0o"g,t ing like "hadow lli,vw�ell eWr Oilt 4*1 tile tioctor was rig I was troubled with rheu- estwe, rill "(.OTT ROWNV
fir III- . lu Iniinute he tip- telOP1110M Pole-" 'Th"*31 won's were Not lol* after this 11 - I
Jill(-tll% -r.1--the IrMll %:iii, ant, tilt* Of tho For yeii, gathering of Young PeOP14 tlmre 1L
.jonw. uf V14 ;Intl Ahe'. Wit up into 01 W. j It M#.w' (,,roWrey, for oigits (!allol LAgILI-11 to gw,, a xPenuber itere, Rhould
taineviiii. T
PrIthilp.,11 letter doubleid usm" by thedoc- matisin and nervollSTIORK. I was treat- number of abs
tique, let, %. Pressure of his PW�e of 116r t No Niioner had by (kx-rtors, and tri(Almedicine after a
lwv returnetl tO `10ftl-v : - 0 Hope, Oil$ saine fandly.
at ter each trip t . if ?t %v er frour tilt yea" ed &lw,, bo plenty of aerateAi water at
a resident
t jU�st thov u. this letter to, -mf t Mr. tor entemxl tile ro()nl than thp. --.Cat mvdiellie, without Wtv Vxx' ro-sults' linn4l, luclI a&, seltzer. go4a, Nvater and
tiur-41 . ill- yotl %vro I V* rey is 91A the' 'emOoy Of jof mine advisled
Tilt, confidence mi I Er Wit ull. you were cOluing here �I r. croog 11!)pearled, tACIA. beside tile 10C itely a frien jenimade, but tA,) liolile-niade lemoll- LOIrrilEST PEAK IN THE WORLD
it slow., f4tralli; its. R. Scott, iv ho has a f"`(' store OIL tor and did Ildt Btir itartil tile 0'Y"k- Fortulu
lin'l left them t 1`4 find Tzim-TTI K Me, to try pailw,s celery 0lompound,
anti bt-vatile w.-Iiieut that trattoll W licec yol. ade the prefeiren(w I,% generally givem,
Crell,NV4 :Iway [0f. irou-4 ill I LW .0 . . . I and I tell L ILU'd to well and favor- ci.-Ill had left. Everi day the� ddctor bottle" I it t;1loula be tlw 'tit', or. tile' liout~ Tenerifte h M,juntain it, I ne Canary Is
'trattoll !"'I ()Illy to keA,l) 0f Volirw the, eg-tt 1, did W) and aftier using four
till ILL. hV% ney 1113.4�4�tvikr;ui 1114,11.11'1. 6ruv wtultoli stree I vicinity. ..Yf6turnV%l, jiliti every ftaY I ff*�
all( witil found I WaO#Itr'OJkg
for Vic r c targt, U) 941 tilenly received tIJJt have Jot town N -r and bl-tter than u, insure Ulat W14"I "' ILI" lands a 1,andm&rk to Karinerb.
frinn %I,1iV is felt as if lie h.'IAI -lit .1114, It vall 414 1 no, .,lbly knotvit. in wirung'ton InOet I- had been fOr Yellrll- My daughter br, grrv4&,I W tier guest". Tea
ac;iuli nvil", -Ilk � - . I lid he --ta gger- litillou A N11,O11141 r;Lt
all"I fult of seif- tremendou,4 blow. ;I Mack:%vill W furiolls, lit Mr. LrQ&- aftA r suf- (Frow "It
tA-m thau.two Yeii r1v IWO pparanf* of (101911t. ig 114)iv itn iw�xjpeluive artivlo i t ils
W-4) with' his liallits.- %vzis cured of kidvwy
liabtts ity eu-1 ed hick a stcp or't i0ent of much 6yul- u8i ng it t
Illd r4l. - . zr4by. -ell and
it there 1") -k viiiiier to MY was the. rec -.6. ymenrx. by ling will ^thaill-ktilig if W
tlt,r4* - - buttlf� for pillilip'u (14ilery compound. I - mid -.,r,
It I. f t4tral-
�itld It Illilld bo blank. llertwp..,�4o lit-; brow. vri, Xlyra lit of a. WvOre ILf f iI0 A 1,irrTIX GENTLEMAN. fi-rilig for twtbl-% rerrit-m - rank
joy (;Ile.qt :Intl Ettie th�re' Hail liv L:mle Inade, and I. -ell kept gnmil) IS
it ainst t befell Ilint, depr 6-14QWII
vv betl Avow aftor IW Mi V g. lie %V Ill. .1011tIly.,611 OIL iyiug, him
LxV. an.' mad"? v ich -A little 4-YOMr-444- boT In tl'4' 4-11Ht tatffi-ring: from rhelill"Itisill. lataille If it, I ILA to
tlw lqi-tiry IcAik(!d 1-oll*t '4:1*1 tilt IL % 11 t f rom. its ltit4.1).-trtit-lll:ir..playnilLte,lt -and kisint,Y* tr"111114"' tAl Ing toclo I(ing, allil should lifit.
lllalm-1 fi)r a few tirond'. as I ht leg WV 1iixrvfrAV41t4" g:tt
lie re whisiter i0f ( llulawnti- - om as ifmo q;f OWN 1111106t,
t by %4trAtUllk and it."rett- of tho iiiie of him rig t , tile mtmfb, a trial. lumle ifn large
"ittit, f�: give tilit. Comiloullt 1 P;p'tily-fleol., to
to it paralvw,�d. Iiii-fi,re lif' volleet 1141%i in It io%% 111111g. :11 1- few (xid I .. - girl of, ifb011 timb %-diorlil. Tip* 1114P1111 -
or tli-pir Ilillifiq Imn, r ;tt #IW lit- a it, I fol14 , 1w tip- "fivoire., site. WaN 4V0 I ljoing 'jilly labor excopt 8, Tlie little'- 'O"M JIM frequently y4ourw 4114 -4 -rely. tk4i. 1,indmarku fill
illill insisted v1p4m. illY 44111111 was
Wil 1 tit(, ilia recovery tilt! 6the.r morning.,the 1,01tis IA*fAve, 811""' t'".
inn %%Im,rt* ther. -,aud taiii ri" IL,18:-
wine IkIt'lliell hall 1141w llasowd- fill :11141 Well I tin %Vif t Work. (!aIn",U)"the fellms and called llin'.
ill iklie. , 1�y. y fi-hi pleau. Olit. 1po Cqinr, A 4 4OLD IN ONE 0 A V llaving tho form tpt if Nugair
FifTe. over their tii�olfl d coUlPletely grr k
allowett ull in tilt wrought Bo suddeittly ail eome. over avid - All
1,.I,l vigar-. w Alton..' 81W uried, 1AIRti%e Bronio Quinine Tnbletis
aw '(I twrspiratioon broke out upot hi.. 't I. i cl the ula The -tguimering tho' fuct that tip,
1141. 1 - Il all' OIL VWU considere loa f
that the Tli Play. GLOVF, DONTS druggists refund (he rifoney if it faih, to cllrC it, sloriug-
over face.'and lit, watked on tQ OV(-Vt`JIkJ'.L rticien't litterust to 1 0 Ifearid tile L. call and. itw.lf a moulit"i
wit. .1 "lue rhii;per. .6 .. Alton 8 plaraina. -------------- im
with OW theill-huiricilly 'now.- but I%v (w. V ter would be of du icularly f"ll tiw,
then bow 4" yoll I W re - teryiew Ion id tO Ill Tell her -yell can't come Wolalan call Pr we Her ing almobt perpwd
n to obt All in Mo to HOW bL Oei 'A
grees., as 1W tirew'near e 'oiigiv , m4ulfoirs to ain I I Her nower.
fir wounds I-Ileavell, only kliows! its br, just flow you have ings. the bottoom of %'lliell
feef; 14 9 Mr. ovt beraupe Hand C"
..I,t after tl*-Y- I& ma ytpu were a long time ill t1w. far Maim-riffe is tfio ioftipAt
%% e 41 eq, I Ill: f I , seem�ng to 'glide Over uest looked lit him curtouskv, ko a bath." wS m i below
61 becti kp' out. their silent, 'shadowv fig- Strz�ttoff- " It ilif be)-oll" me"" w, tt� %fr. t%,0qCrt�y. Izi
44 steath. I nreii. tit;. �Ort- a t story Ot ta 10 W J)DII tile. contiervatory with Mr. world. Beside it N101illit
vonriv t'). trie Ick he -following A'Itoll wejlt to, ti end of tile it wear buileti t s1lo Corner of peak it, thei
criosgrey so filled tasw to wear bad gloves gooted, tile my .0"Al k I,
irvel to AMittoll ;1-4 lit. minti,- tie grew a little more fritint. -d lA,4 word.' nil -ullre Willing, laNt ovNiing," sugi 111chill-
:I nu For -lie fe-It' that the fact of hi.,4 i 'f 4w doubU to illiteds: Jn �Aptil, 189 wus ppreh. Poo Blanc is a P1 I.,vert9it dwindle k)y
tec;llied tile 11;1124t. Intl, :1-4 1,11 -,It 91%'- .4; We olilY clime to-'I;fy- Hat' -for several weeks i* beth." 110 valit'd. alet c . ome alld shoe& - incither. --What w" 901119 Oil -
lit -it iiiwelling so much upon tilt- Jerrold r - with ty-, Eli a ,-Moves. The J1114911 al"i -X14"'t
P at pillcv IY I laxid. ull over flow.'-' liparux
-t ro litter pi ifV I)enl t clean your oW
'11i; !nbm tho, ol"i" sto -y ah W IICII you rtimeinber tile occasion on jql, %%-title all tile Wall`- ire
�w*viiitonder- r.LillilY hild Made him,reakly Jo* Jump after I rec&vetod -k to lils.:mother, result is ite.ver. as"satisfactof h 0(
())It illioll th4. itut-ky se eak loiji fever -anti Then lie turned ba -t (,if_ which You becalw engaged to papa ? flit all 0ontnin 41% idoilec
s wit a 0 begaA- lit'
ljii-ei NA) %% ill fact. at tile eoinclusion. Ahat till by till expert, and t, il, tile
st ighi leg I t is don� e. daughter by way of re
@,%I tliat he c wll� r ttoll groaned- :tile fever My- r "id added: very rw*llt act". Ta
:41litIM,ked E fl at lid 'her ]over. He* could not uest thitt's .'bett er. f rom i s trifling. imuireid th
I fit . ' ill# -yes", said Ai xt ' ul Indeed, i don't fink tlle�. "t of it need be forellee ill e3ilevit 40.1 a glove. Notll- ply. whielk still colitiltuto, ill or
Wnsattot . faltillpsi point
tw 4.1 ti=nguish face or figure in' to swell. It was **"-. &-- A the luoulltmilk
him.- for felt guilty :11� , Now look here. YOU -11 it' I will,'- mep sit 4�d."-VWVelaud 1.4ain .1)eal,er. Don't wear Af),; = Tilt- summit
lKINS. :k;l I %'Zrivve to gloom. and lie had only hail the 1.1 'bome. i.t',4 hard tbmee ti 11 1 'Of course up
traittor to tilt' iaybreak for acld in few weekfs tit was I as)a we -1proport on- -all incl(wing a cratAw
illk, is bo beautifu be neceAwa r y
h st the idea- Off at a rivesa hand, ,Then it Ought [lot to circular A
tit mail*,-: voice tw sugV dolle,.."* '09 r anti over 10) fe-A
b13 it must. be n 'CA kxI Ila lid, and it tight 910N
r,o%uw ilis t)iqi 1,itfi atuml gize--neqrl 'as' Ian* to ask any questions a Inije Ili diamote
I a pit oltme .1.the wontan't; wa.4 but., -.a whisper. Ili me' y T CONCF ilt VerY for �
.6 V"" I Saw Vou tw(r--oll tit L. A Ile I-SO1,11" ,IN —r- inblifilit. ham I crnuI.Ilpd.,14udgy look that a was broken
iiii kill k so ttiqt)ll .*They were Eiiglixh, of, course: but % was not.' sure% f ut 11 that teloPhone , pol , — -(;ermally, vhe. laze , 6 ., Thus ge4ttly 4,11" IIVIW sou -in-law. U1 upol" - r anti even from, thO - .-- -"
'Ill.t1colm. mY 1DW to-Inight gZ " incites in III- brought science U) bear, upon tile Oil- Ugly. ire V wore to have a From the offiing.
I' fortivaLrd ;%flit wil:tt of th.1t it. I fQOIkJ I nits". -ire they -;tltYill to a stick of tf 1--r toll squetai that tile.
eveillfILZ 3S tie It1;kII4:i nip. in ,;ft c.Lt eoneerts-* Jt Don't, wipar 6114410 111OU be i -s imncro Port. tile sides -LA
4jil I I izailnit'n AM Itie --cutp, or noctur 1. r Alk vviiail to i meast L t.
laitl his lianti uPoll tilt.. y%)lIIkr, I taiw. for it Wa.-4 ullows T 11"I"a a little fishaWall 11LC I IlUt, .*Nothing tl18 uvuww& ft lie .qize of a hasehAll. gloves oil Ithe. street, Jq, tholigh carved bY hanil,
r#, t4i lia%e remt ;Intl that I;U*e-,t and Vdie could Ile qltllle.' lip they got it thr ugh ameter.. Itoed an- is,, b.)mh about t mendous -in lw( I oper form. lklghkill ontw, for A tile mountitill is.
a r In We -1 Cliff con 8u which - 6xitIlotim with a 'tre oeaflle,114 C',Ln,,,t bp Cured til4s immenslP SiFA'
I woman they knew at St. alo, a me any lar#- kid for
penev Thank ilvil-011, vV1I :fr*, there. that ilight I-pon tfiow sallils. t relief, * alld F.11(�qvping LIId four-buttoll 9 to this crater, althOugh
44d _%It tile ga,n*.. he- followed* to :-ve th ` the 811116 rmult' noiso Whe" it if' til-rown- violently off
)w Ing Itke vour or three cc by local APPlicatiODc, " tllc%y can- Xpms ilicredible to tile olitook(w
9iin ; -, ;, .. t 'tie cullple , year-, ago. 'other WL moilthlil the, ground or agaillsig it fen - . 11 it QfUrno011 dr4im art! proper
wilLil tJA;I1 ri -tr All fl Abwrvant there. Site tiurse no to suffered.. for nearly f Ivo silwuld prove ill-isulcems-"A will mikko jNlnt 'f;rij to air Clealwd 910v not react. the dlseased portion Ofthe It at tilt. moUlltaill
said ii4trattoll itivalid gentleman ii-taYlfK a :1 1 ticed that, the swelling be- Aring. There ear. There L9 0111Y one vg&Y to eure that tile largwwt crater"
t!,at will Iliq N, itt:#, %%ai -,ilhaik.d lkV silutti. 0 JIL 6rrc.11t-dxvlllg tumb!ers. c,(,uljl#- 'of JK)urbi IN -fore We Clinging to that is by cOI39titu- would be otte of
thev lor at cratisr of
ttage Just belo.w." me bope- tictes, of is always An deaftitols, and worl4i. Tito gm
Hall 1privk4NI 11110. tf gs�u to decrease'Und I beea water pitchers 11Ld other ar
L . - back V) tilt. tO fight. �.;tooi 1 1 Ill, r im to all , the (JuleAm"It
e Kom It ""Itrattoll gazing .;t t tile Iniprov"- domestic use. -There are those, llow- tlic.lit that will 1) ocia tional rr-mediew I)eafnefe 'a caused 1 n t 114. lia4b tioeii
yoll flit t 90-t- - -if t- t1k%1C0.qt0ry IM111,11119: 11*41%% it if lie 11,kil iveen. turne, overy. Btit n'v I Ie-*; by an Ififlamed condition of the mult- Teneriffe island was re-diwx�;,%-
fit I of r ec a diwourIrging Aew Lrld that thfNv- artt
let that The Illal, A., havot, k Single, Xbw iiair tinued for a short time ever,. Who Vike a w of the Eustachian Tube. I ever silice tille it, tile fif-
Rtone- 11"e -lit only con of the new I capon. lxwauoo its in- it, jjg dirWlIed.-" us linin Impd vou 1).N. j-;lIIx)peIu1s early
fikeiv t . I - .,n I ? reat- *It With When tht omm'm of
t a unroll silt(41-11 rubble. I * silk and all' 0
is liardli X16% gets infl.
tro.lbit. um. and st-en Tljjl I.I. and then thoD GwPlling became g ventbr states t),at iris war iAgainst J)oI, t ilwti rtect Li *4
oil a if, E:et their 'Silk , r uU thent, and -v -I rumbling ijoun(i or im1w, tw-ntury,
ave tilt., 'formed on tlx0 tfle, cats is,olitiTely lluivanitarian.� and iordinary 1104-41le ha%
and It. all if'- vaill. eur atud two big ul(*rs it d 1 n't a It,, ali Clovesare hearing, when It IN entirelY pl:jcww oil the milmilt8tilk blik' them
for sknief)llc And and iflumlly
Ing t h., t �,wj, ;I rt, w v r 0. i-liarge ai� lit 0114-4- Ilkle, that, therefore.-thi! -boinix is not lost& ol 8 tc % Which cormit
16 tba leg &1)0�e the a `hort, (Incr etw Im the result, ItIld uu' smaller craters
-ware of 11111i I. 11sit "Jitst Mot Ttwn- befi)re kilm w.tike.1 tim- pair I
1; t ll�s [lit I inside of IS (.1ofiied. deafn
e A stood 1`6616111t were righ tllrlc)ugll to fed -to kill thent. ,ri im sofnetiling itr e
t with Otto". mogatiou (.ail be taken
for 0118' especial linirpow. to- 11-sim the Infla
s!'P%v ky astil leisurel v that. h" h-141 A'� led. Them lip0dies out sninli
lo ulcers emit. gulpillurous litoams and g&wb% und
it Is that
twArov vpu could put that tl1W.--1kmtofrf Herald. "til It parti
ell ill i V. few 1114111*11ts,' o, and d tAalt of out and thts tube rentored to 0VCaJ&AIJflly tilrow
r refibU liot too mprtake thell), bon, -colorp
You tilt, rfl.41, y0l, 'bor it few 'tit -y wery nipArirm the Vbtt'394' 'with lin It annoyed. tit t Imst, �ak- wuch intx) the*&; and Mr. CrOsgrOy gil-ther wi Ill be pur- llogma I condition, hearing will be titiel. (of Illva.
Stratto,n walm sPent Tit# , 1: -. v " lie -as It indicated on ljp tihuna) ail object '1-11 I,ITTIOJ',' WAGS. -cotton in, sliort lengths Ca the great- .."estroyed forever easev out of
ifIr. (,lit to. -I tile. (114,11 tr'll tile lond Voice 4 Look 'hez r reasonably. and
ment `:It CV1 Z Ing his arm Ill i1rawing it -throug next Yeill, It-ttip 4-yeax hich lit
DN 0"T'.04. Isay... -ard'in pa.'sing wa.% -4ilcut ILIOW. tach in le"gth_ -14 ror t110 i,i I lapa" hAid.. 111. tri clia Fed very will be found ten are caused by catarrh, w f TA I
w liv r Jil�J: tvoall,7 I tit tn�,� oilf tile resultr; IlLrd'lt Liniment Cum@ Bwmf,. etc -
,if. the lante t% t is� W11iii, 4)11 flit talk fieely -treatied by four or ro J"t t ho. llipebt er Beit Iling -but an inflamed c-ondition o
rl**- alld'JI-11 i) lit- .11141 the -�-tilllkf preAsivi- -'-the' hir; Owl', ca - 'I g ie, 71 think you a to Pay. t
-out 81141 have , I Was leg a no surface.
An# plaee. 'oult 4ad a hall. my nd the UI luau to world." off by dragging the muCous
,I (q 'llis tvwii lifi-art mid t;l1" i"!t-' thi4 five doctors, but. I it., �thti w Ito undred Doll-irs xury in the PlItIli'.
gf�!Itiv heav-ing seat. -L .. ever. The doe- pull the gloveg 1,u
iv*g r. Atful in XI 1,k%444; Abjos-ll f)f tl-w -feet 'Alit I elgar on the sand iters were a& bad as -6 Atud.1 think you *AZO thO nicwt ')On.t ; Vddf;- out over the finger- We will give One H (caused bY UK"
Anti w�lf-t V011iki 114-110 ff,4 I , iig " %% St ma& flu rp'ply, -Illut 5d tho discaND phlebitis tlient �wroi4
, all thilt Was "-kit
loty-w S41141 WillK a man y
and tiff rAttoo " pronounct orld," tier for :illy ense of De&flletfs A Frelkellman 14as d0signed
*wit a plafe 11,; walked out with hint like to 4tion of tb yet". The littlo girl ill thO w This' J)Ulls them out Of RhaPe- c u red I)y
n f lanjula for fattier. arefullY and ampioth I catarrh) that call."Ot be for cireu- clialLimit similar to that uwO in driv
worn out as 1 311111- ble to his� ears. who had been stunned. t; lie4t ti, ki g or In seem too know What to do t Ta kv- tlw'm "Tf C I Halls_ Catarrh Cure. Send bicycle, to 1xv pL%cod in a 1"11
Whit'll , .-Course l. am " 'haid, Margie. "AiW 14
lar,guc-rous, peavetil! selisa I I '!I it nov.-., twrurrvi to, hiln thfit b�v :1 osite. to that r.ill didn't .0 . t- them out. then Imt tiwm 2WAN a Ing :1
.ar ile wouill' le ver. alid t dtmoaired of get, , them 1-Inrs, free. tirive a rotary pump, by meT"
@Vals o%er mt� V,, riv 1. my tit ittlt- niani4 genit. lit, , %bit. the. direction Opp iome. me, howe it queer how 1juell- nice people happem out full length. T)011,t double j. CHENEY faco., Toledo.O. tub, W UP
mt thi: re ' t this wp s wl-.1 L Oe admilrai'g temporary ey-s relief cattle waUar iiii forced
to)' et)n%illve llinlwlf tila ic the Ong well.- 3fr. Crosgr ed U) 9'pt, into the same family Ji
boy -!in -English t- .1 tit"vi stopping short by 1.1 m.05 t by In tile . fin 75c. Of wit tell
se ,.I I -i s t 1,1,1 t (4le for the 4 billile Then' ju a gtraman manner, I Iddle. it 'is toO mucl) trouble Sold by, Drug&tll is are� the bmt. sprinklil4g row to 14hower tlw-
PI (01% 111.0 td mijs slippod and Don't think
A little 5 -year -Old pit
is something ill tilt d If le, lie drew out Ills- igar It He tells of Hnil's Family
I'llm tile 4)ilell docm ali ebbing sea oni; n4 t fell. 't a muddy atreet crossing Ole to be ra ful A little glove powder orator.-
r,,jIlliot get at ittl,_Ll ' his s %%a Ted' zhauce. h:J *a relative liv-
xlli-!� StrtfttOl to lCirt, '80 11@ caseAnd offered it; but It wa it t1i 10 wqr: a
11 --trut-k. i4f a Itiothan imiusing Orem before and after
--Yes. I Owl' t') . * ..%rf L' named Williftm other day and a gel - r puffed. Intr) 91 it cannot be Killtd.
. .4,j!v asaort -r t,) tile SeJ. Ile coutil aside. near 'Feeswlitsr, I tance. Afte dri" anT moisture. V,. V. U fitellral.00I.?
After I PAWW'. f- ('1;4 tf,, 114 66 6aild Guest,. bit rtly- i U0011 He hearti Of MY condition and Oy hastened to her WMIs wearl r Is cleanly, dinary crea-
ai %V reek 'rry bn 111`1. Baptist- Wit- aA we,11 as he. "'11 kwv tile agolkilum "I'll ($110 011
llliq�.L. Quite right,*' -ind in a most extraor
perils 0 . lilt fif s-moke, flow. Look here, n d %v I glove f0ft ThtwN - if suf reir iU,
after the tk�'-J fello%V. ' L pl*,kt;eit -we can orfi, to we to try Dr. bruailing, tier 4 clothilig a callod a IXAYOPP-
t)ut there Are. M0111 the I I 4)or., -A 0 t ha V your "ut W -.toLiehCort tier Ito -niger. tbro living lit yofu tiff try
-ter.- .4 lvilffl-t llw�e thent 'like old f ellow, I shouldn't be . His reason Jor re Could Ito offered me. 14laix, 1( Its body maY get it v;1l(-dy1 We wit
. foii ft is a fills. light 114' %q1eak '(lilt when liams' Pink Pill" was be- - U'. I rop lied tho little Don't have glovfs dyed. It iifriver calluot be killcmi. to tm iletAwl. 4oll nerve.
wilt -to I shrink 01-1 diii . , * f4iTi two. I di(I not . ted, "No, thank Yo pifives-elther tralm- Serit 0im. I
oijwje.ft�,Iv approat1iii, -tte .1noluent sir friend if emmending them, 110 sta - Will. W) thO (!,It iffitoo several -erviiint' is
op m him of serious dignity wP ARP�nft pfayr
it l wave werip I, haek %iffif 111 the wrqng..,Yotl i u wt I' dy with. it Is hard to &V� cOt g1tudinally-and yet iff irna rvellom.
ing to) curl f)%4,r ailit Mv-'66-10 I4-;1jZ "140111CI"o) Illak". milt tlivir you' were cause they had cured n all else a be sewing nevertakes yertieily` or IOU' 14.1it-
have know1n, we were coming here., whei w(m6l.'' rottot, uWid in tilt tely. and thp lilcut IoWasaut avid 100%%"
th-a YOU trouble In both le to try th beelt, lntro(luc**I. anti it '111Y when Try it.
lut4i the slark ed. I decid em and t1p. color properly. esPeci- each part will livo kiepara fit.
S an t we. flow mprOmr.f!, .
all p; YOU MU quite I be edy in t,!v itiark
That'i I%t'.' ..-lid -ret- Ib- -4-t Illifilit rarry* Ing Ill. haa fail tile ulce,rs babies d blnc1. .. Altogether the refnilt 'come, ill it#*,Ir 4L separate aninifti-
resh i-irar "H" rt - . - -;I -111inlite for (tone, -hs I said.. a cruel hing in less than five weeks and the rat hall bOWL tOld at -Ted It is said that a great, naturalii4t
tifiooll.* I'lig"fting ;I 4-fro-vt aL11.1 ill .1 L 1 af,; healed o' ti Is' unsatisfactory. 10 - ;., 4� 0! V,w-ms in Winter
we Iry I'l,ft lowly pl.AJ-6-, Iind witil only alirv:iiiit tit thi- pair. but -they tv Ort ilk coming; - W give nw your %v ri , were completely M The were, made f r in . le dust,of tile earth. hasing a pair of ti once turned w)me POIYOPes inside out,
1pillits. t4p a ti-upw- I i ti 1: t I la t... of lionor that Toll wi lie swelling In my legs disappear : tlle� rain wAs falling Don't whell pure It w4)rn tile
e g i,- Ono day when txIly to find the Kame` result. -
lie 'tp in% i--iiiblf" 114)W If' mail *tart with Me in the orn- retutned a 0 klil gloves so -Inue %Vhvin t r(*tg tionle dablias cAln
tile !Is S414.)II uJoers never its - i4ho litolA gazing, sadly whit4h 914le 118111111.
anti dri It ""Ir 1`11 14 Il't. hail f; eady �h e Wfir olle. with tile three rowR nimals livod and.ate Just at; be lifu-It.
eat Just &bout " sound in tor rot now a - pair A away and
-,I. kbx)r*. lip fIrRt thing.- Wit 'Iniii, I -link Out'6f tile window.-- Wavy black stitching Oil tile y life as inuch ftP i tilt st"M ('tit n it &ihady
,*_,tee th.1t IjaS VOUI %V. 1..4 i te to tile tigil.ts, .111i; d.- 'uot flow that Dr. look or very and se�pmpd to enjo
V. is I c). slowly. exIW,4!ti1l4 1 tell Yq). I pla�cc. out tpf doors for a
.,Bllt It 11,1:0111I)t go on, rettisol' Lwgan V4 :'-I% ill u I di know h(.Ii doctors *,Wily. Clara, WI itt makeis you - three welts Stand Clumps Of tuhL fou da.% a.
.,It tile t%% ere coming here," qllil "Itrat, pill,, alone cured me w backs. ' 110se that havt
Itton. ioill-milly In they w and V0 Mid ai;kod heir. mother- ,, slight Mack 9titell-
n1ollivat to see ton, lit a' dFoep. solemn tonle tell f ailed, #. 1 . *,I*ve been of tlg% kid, with covering at flight if .1 f is reart"I
atw." title on, 1 4
t,lnve an figures iw;-, v' ilitf)-ttlo' light Jilut tl" v did not tot OW lid I tell and all other medieln".
end. y6I willing that the detalls of mY replied, 1mr on both Aides of )f tlit�.three. I tK) tile air the till[wril
an enA t 0111 8 to all thing-# N1. i,41, ,#Ot (*Onle Toll: a e ma(ip known." Mr. little, brother to play Thus exixmw
I LV" .9 'w ;wAinting for: a %t 'affp.eW hT m0illiture .41,11
t.�d. he. re I t*1 y0i tlynt I cantiot leave twre . ith 111nma and Cure b )U,t bo ly W044R. are the khad ino. will kw it lxmrtKNi of
I ShFLTI Ole bef,),ro- 1--19, I�llt . I I v -hould Ti"ey. 11111"t pa -S." vrho Is A 1 ears of 11,90, 1A tilere w(' ail art pot. to ktwl) 1111 -11
I -Vs with. anid flow STn'
I sit an -t broe"d .I] it- that !w vili*iI.1 ri-;-a:', thi. I i-irt, y(jll ill. the. mornliniz.7. l'y-oll t work every Say. The nature ke tho lw in liettrr loxe im
�1, j:,.4"J 114� world- now a d -wit left W MIL box or of #jallij that
`611t ;, tilt. Ito) tt"ere Wing, *"-Then - how ' in the that of liftirig Ileavv -., agott -1, had diamnIcA his an tw treAt-
vnankfu'lv It il.. said, ('4116-rAilly iiiA. I rc",( of Ilia work, T-onimy WITH HEADS To THE NORTH CO.. ladiums e-
i1pol. I)v ;l 11yo.111 stoel, like liath come - here nd feed, I,q proof Of h6 iLd stockings one warm aftoer- ItICHAR lWarly -dry. Ca cellar Rhould
Ill-tio. not tit I't i.4 -mly innikc -.6nip of flour a slu" a red hat Dear Sirs, -1 have Kreat faith in od it, tho sanive w a v. Ttw proof;
;I if. rwillway.. 14 ailing it 11 1, -don't know. POW lete recovery, He is a life lOn te t
death Is' not ;ill. I th4- r4i 9. t 'I =1P U11 t noun, - and 'whilo playing oncoullW Scientifte RemonH for Regarding T -I qui frOff
4- whivii vanti-Illown to 10 fate." r. Wilit'llms' Pink Pills 8 Itude. -MINARD'S LINlIdENT, as lost Year he isjiarly try it M
iin by mail.** tije lit lie #t_. il,i te i frietid of ID w;Lsp, Ho ran into tile 11011NO Cry- as Proper Sleeping Att
.;t;l y i1,l;" floore", . 1%_*tll*,tS . v opportun pZI FIS Of a il of Ring -bone. with if damp titl4brp ig danger that tile tit
.ffftlt we cannut 910 Itorf - I ,tV4:afn. heside * which. BoAl never lets nn ity Ing and iii -i mother.askeid what tile an being@ 1, cured a 110rRe
X' man., am --titi4r.) that hum fl. lw-rs will Mold.
%i ill%' i)f tile etittagON ID,zi,t talb nonwn�e, Tilt- suixim ve bottles.
wti,i Stratt(,Il tiff CithViii sid fit . 0 peaking a "d word for them tc to tile- th horop. b *I
for 'you. j, A so ry -an Thq above statement was sworn troublei waii. to ghould t;14,ep. %vith -tit(.Jr lwadh J. It blistered e as Ill I
-Wily not?" ry bliilt. h(frribly w)rry q, in y led ffiv by the French to , and-,
.1 eicat,ii reason'* JN1Y " ** * be for a man who t Hope -11 J-j�wt kict a NOW04 bellev�ed -bone ,
still t1lo,v Irli(I lot vollw�. but strat- I c.,t I I undersigned at Por th there was no ring 1,ID'MentRellerep lieurS19111.
the" art before th on Itinard's I
r tri ted nr no
ly, for. lover -like. f)ut who 1) as neve little follow. 'ItiOn a. wielitific In lamenesic
worrk, tor rine.' toll %vaitj,.*,t ;):Itlq.flt Ou the 14th day 61 r ebruary for iW found,
Pj.i,lo. %lid grow tA;dt a n d w to-, Chtihol!111- *,*ell, tilatos. nothing, to cry- for, Four
n - y ack for I confidpd In Tne ; but I D. IR. fact. They affirin that (,'act' Iluman DANIEL MI*RL'FUSON
onse 4e' Rin k t1wy -nxigh.t I"-, hanging 1) ther. in It4jelf silk ek,4etiric bat-
snd well. I have vlelltY for reNvi 'I, 1*14t. -e war(I'the admiral and Myra I guc h said Ills -Mo in system W le of tile Am-
. . . . - I .; . . a, ppronchilIC' ti kee n 106f .,"ButA-thit; Ono lia(t it s-sPli"t0f ;,I ig Of N. B.
bath* of its. MY b(IT " IlgiiV a position tilat I cannot FE OF MANKIND. the IW.A d bo.
%haii e Ill lot CHANCEM OF LI was tlw rejoiltd6r. telry -11114 iet- the other. TheA.r
1-3 you % I - %vf- . I tile
lik I settl 11, .. I Its t -tail." fe GOLLEGto
h - 'N that. llretti- At 1.1't .1 sl;,rk figilre in.. fronT Df and see thtin insultP! rt by f rown elpsri- RIDLEY
t ,, f4 --see tbetr feelinO -to J"t recovering pliv 4!JeIJe(% 4
liewn. to* Imch w. alilly oll#)IIgIl .4eelk, say that ProbaDilities of survivals at and to Var' x)f wtig- (tiWovered of
tile dfw,fiimoa� 1, 1. A little g rl w; idelli,
to Tnan who ig anti -it tile Aev
-tt4,r with dwict, of a III4.lItj4 wliit y of,
son? No you k1lo1v fb# 4v itnsi strattioli lealk-41 forw.ird the reckless. eon ious Ages. front an attack of warlet fever,
as '414 -lit f4or a 14. to
The ols It %v , - - 4 :1110%rml tAii litake on 010 boll
dilatsifl. blit oll1v W litter a mlit- lit the wrong. wocks - Out tlx- �first (illy Bhe' was able to -Hit up- w:,. Thp VlPonfitOr of 100 811031"- .1 A Canadian ChUrCh SebO01 for kys
64 �lai�i .9 �rdtton Ntr.`i,,.J. Holt 'Wellfix-th-lig full
minutes.' 'figure lie In tile wrollig"'" for F.119- she said who wali Kuil�otjlfed. rrhi* was f0t the,
4'.-Ilhcted tere-1 inter"ecti-11.* for t life table it� feAl and placed
lin,1Nr4,d ior like 1,111vt
41 ell
pow I
yp& Iw saiii at lakt a,.4 1hvoluntarilly. trout the rurk-nt aok pitipa to,- t�lkoii thP ifIN'tIllit Mrs. Of 11")6-iiii0li ^lid for
_;In.1,ltII)tedly 01 have jut it pivot freo to 19"ve ;4s it IlliKilt-ii -.,piiHbV. is tho proWi sp(maor or 14141
gpeltlt O.At. 110 It fpIlly saw wam, [avid alid- w11144q imilhe itittyreiiting re-
arentIv Yes, in -tile w
yoll V) iw,...toofI tilete , app, -4 rMardh t1tol-lianCe" of inalen bu.-v ine-a carriago for my SlErT I to. I see.
go a TI"* IM -.1d luirt. after. it. little it A- babit4j. S114,, has just carried tilt, 4"1,r r, 0 r F., ,% 0
absurA pride darkimm. wronged Myra. tit. mid t ?kit- Ito
uA-h Irft kit SAill Siratton gig -lied. at 111po" Llo..30,� 40, ;-)0. 419, 74, 80',111d. Precocious young- tion. turiled to.. tim nor Ile hundredth t" tile INIPt'smal follt' Vol. aie"ttir. 4.14%. 14P
4-nt or t%vil. :00 llordelf, she dparVy 1"Ves M 1114.1gol
, F, 11, F.11. M. A.. Pr
have nf)t a,4 i 1'4', rt -4, f rom ,NlPfth#'-r Iloilo twenty 'Her brother, a 6,1 stationary. It childk-tw 11 . V. J. 0.
&-ti,l Atrattort oluiPtlY And maiie tier tiff), wre(-4 F; le is. ()o, livijig for t(qv,ytmIr% tuort-,', ve, overhearlr* the remark. b(xiy th"k- remullO
v - more
if - Ingo thirty ye4mi was t1irlied ll;Llf way round by oW -0men's children, aN
I,v t JUIL, liti *jgil of tl'-*.Figures In w)"ght, and, f)lll;l tin' p,.made th year" inore., etv'. ster of ri Of 111V
the wat h-rl nrl 14.4%. doll t 84-ty You e lakined:- "Well, You'd better strike again j:jw, lwad otlw.r
111 a fr, clut--_that 1,9 your I -'4)r 4-XHI1I!pk.. n-gards, 11AX), 01441 exe If tl§4% Ifiroreslif"". Und after baby IIPPO&Md, ill t'"' "ILI
n1kill 12
PnJoy to 114) rf*lpi . v v %** as tivrouitil v you Cf.11111 make aged 20, 639 of timun ollive-.ten yeswH him - for it right, awn -it "I j G -V -ml it llas t*v--n her dplight to carry it uP
-Vni.t I do-olu of - 4.1 oT -tile torunk'RIM-4-tt +dowly tOtIW
Frettisol) 1.4. r. it llal*k fin hi --i . pa*ft. I!v 144 flo-tt forward seeri-it that k4. to, og '30;'that' 6' 4.11 ait till you got 'well you'll A.tever le " 641111411 M lot 4 A
dva.*44 A.� bettr; bv If *4 411'a P(Allt due 11(wth. ti %, churchyard imth. In 8 Ila F A K M
painf it and yet I iii-.. fildil-k-ly to Inai4v Ven fir 1-bef-allie matters P epping away. lintalle, -r w VaLM I tilt -IAHI- IL HEAP
as soon an* p(, reffultos being 1`411,11: twIly 15(1, babies
and sa ki- Ye Wny -tv I t. I i t4 p.. LLVv 30 an.d 1). 10 Cot it! Ited Until Clio fina (NXne #;low ly.
w thvit-ligh ill' 14, 1 1111*4 t.- the chipice -it of ., org. I I I
lim fligure Of his isible ti) hill, do not, so Via aM18t: I t* 91 *m (Fng.) TAimader. DO YOY WANT A Hun?
vigar the 16, ;it 4"llce. . 'Ilgv'r- 4aetl 20- 939 Of A heill "I! ve tell ye'Lm it WILL PEEL Bri"T.Elt - WV
)w -a '"' -ried GlIP-4 I- pgotfon Trai ript.
Pam aw] gf, flown, tt .-ri t1 ret- Y-tvi will, OPP
stitti-t. till vnii ars-,-thein: I %va S 6 -16 tily I ill favoir, of living.' -Simi- tells a 'story -it I"
gradually growing more if.ldi 1111f. for iliv fishermen ly.. -.In the morning 40 OWN A gel] t lemah 11insydIg Liniment for oldt WwArvwhert I In-#% lit,
to 111w, wt) out of 1;4 ab a warill 400ey.
ti1q: %my. Vt I'M Y- hLrly. x10 I'livo. 44) yearm out
the 4arkfif-J-01 N No yes, it i mylt owu. expense 100,000 AC
wallowed 111111 long ill this flil4ruti I * _ i a 11 t If You Use Diamond DYSS YOU
S3 use mnt 11 p to J& country ac
%`I� Poll 90. a Iin: at�- me th;lt i S. � 14) Ile 60, so thitt ie --4olkl I Michigull. %%
('HA,11T M " That s opubbift ni which h the climax Ili: 114'T 4)j, I lilic mood
ivas Iwgiuning �f, think tluit I 1 20 One of Make Dollars. Pat Capp" Illi 'Ili OAkiitiA.
li-11 - W gtit. ntftr and NPP lier," crifed Guest t4odds in f.,iv4.xr of it mitts ItgCM for the um , of hiA children- t w0a W ii 011W
Night Alarm. of thenk to) cs)lne it 5- PAYMENTS. a hillt t-44-11
ljying� U�, aW. Ailt itils.littW daughtAirp. going- -,OVt '�ith .cot(,llIIlIn-h1y mother noti,riel A.
t RVA W) M4. Ilrd 66 to"44,.oty F.AS11
you. angrily. M. (W.*
fep and *ft- tit- or write. THF Titt .
'jilIg ill tiw air a-101119 liello lilt- warch for cried IQ trhtton. to -t;, JR -1 sIxlirting tArrasci A tile animal lit r. Mit-l%.. Or
rtwr 6. 1 Fain. an her nprso,.to, adn' 'K ('4elitt.
Rw STATF HAN dsisio&
Afire which act-tarfik-d iviielol %vily said Strattim harshl)-- ear it iis me ri aliter live aniarti-And mine at 14.
that dark 11ot . believe ev,, 01111i 10 6urof lAXx) itil' paddock, -wa's dl s t rem*- d sp. 41f
The got- t1lp ( is- darigerous, YCAI will for- 90 'tile chalice of. If you Use Poor and Adulterated at 12 THIN TRIUKAN IgoSs NOTATO
tions infire;", that. i* to when !tile donkey 11fted its voice
Ivith lftraWiv's 41"I'sa %VaA calm- nl%t y-" seeing your le mail aged 20 . attadning- age, 9.0, is that'r. Itothing. My ormwell. asou" 0o.. bilchisMin 9 A
emit mclareholy of Ow 0.1c, tlwre tilt- risk of -alk s you Ruin Your Goods
-of 99 to, 1, and brayo dolef thing!" Dye I I Ishni a in --r-urr.
-atphed tilt. sliee�t of 'b.\7 tile ailvane-. gottc-11 -was unop-4 nt.d. I(x I 0i r (Adw F� inother wati niarriwi before.
Ing; a -\Inl. 1, wis-il to. olm owy i to ld
nd as he. v% One being Jill lumt him. ovj,,wo-the exclaimed the ell ld: but suddetil*
agu p 9 to urne and Was born.
I lfiald, Iio'r 1o000 live tell year" t d SO tile
itAtly heav- chane e* for men
xpanglr4l 901d N.-Virt- him " ing brightening -11 te Money.
ing and appearing tO IWI141 tlifl. star re-. riiie 1.% going Strat- -r mind. I can Bay It D 1110"'i" Urd 770' FOR SALE
ill it golden -ef- anybiMlY IIIIKS v; oil W-111 04a to age 6( nurpe. and - Hat& -`Oh.. I'm 80 gin im
flecti( a Ilt toll fiille that y Y '"0 for mute.. 'a, e apa. -will. bo'heft oil Satur Kinard's Lin' ent CUM DOMMIL qdsi in Arease, 10111W
w,eni Y; iherefore we (lay, a (i 141.#ai acn-. good farmllitt
?11-011 the d. he ontin May #My'_thlLt th4,'-CIIUlKXt"0f It- MAIL the�n. it Won't f, I Do lonpAome know well
C uefL, as lie debated wIlether left P Von't I&I
luore,"L i4aid (;Iilifit, 9110rt1Y The ladico of canada sifid Cmwf0fd tOu
ad his vares ti.140n Into Ili -q qji repri.-sented by )-. Delroit. Mariner
It vitat -8138 1 Tale Perftct- Cill'
-r all .%orth iivillig.-I sliftulti. ' talit" BV't I id," rpplied Ii%iI1g*U-? fk):LS.'' t
af t,# lie inean 4Wd lult tile uxilq of Diamond I 0ye" me somewhat 0,1d
1 in, Itilie
'Llk tile tittle lie kept f TO M. am all
111i snflieringli Pf-ttY I'lle.t c0l'tempt 1141111fiiIelli-e, WJliJP odds of '77 too. 23., or �.About 7 to L 1RI R* DN. d thou-
mbiguoug lkotlt.4% 4,11 Avid JAom L
a tratton.* -A) li'ving Vill Ba%IlIg of many doll, r land,. #in, (100c 10 OG look about him.. Very w the mail,. itp-d Tile folk)wing a j2 to P lw-r arrq,- 71'h(44
ibi ell. V400 must ke Your favor - of Lutonilk tie 4111141 (of swhoolw. OtC-.
11 clow by ti..e tist On PUIL fill I t (+Urchft,
e wi fidered o soul. Tile - Infoit -ke yearp It's :scion hJx4IIt sail& Will Wit You that tlR5 use of p"O -I bulletin board iii f rOnt of erprl�ln orflible ter" -
not a I - able � . .. I (&%
inine " box on fashimabie Ch-urcht% at' R. Ar
tect for, ;L must t. , - more., This clutittle. fILV4 and will foe ailld ("i nvokei
inalit coilld Ae was silent a Guest and adulterated dyeig means ruin to I ,OILY -ity
w he rs- it broke p-Ittly if %.I ry pinvO a it ky,, 4 -,or course noit ue�arly m) grt-at In us tea I goods and lbas of money. Tbo wontU-r Cleveill teral attelitiOn tmI pielitV Wem-t N ic n., of
24 - Strattoill *is 'a wa hit Ir tilt- robins, trae. 911114itty
brf.:-st '01 thP hours tA'%i
ay, tLI lit- was- a -,took Jfl.'to. I ('
sta - 1, the h Itcl,i I if , f it v4 or'.of a 11*11Y Curlitt. Whitionlom Mich.
cent spr, tti- - Y - turned, short- r6uti!! ckt ot or birds gathering
the, Vil-
cottage unil#'-r 'there n w-ty up, 111u, W.4; bit turned man ne-& -20 liviii.9 to 11941, 30. 40alle-
t1w. V1iff wh it- Bre Is couple of. - steps awa -*11 it dull blut�-birdrs, anti put lip working Diamond I)y(.s combine in -
I *b1pip, t-liarly.- - There s- . 'i 1wre a abput 'it., A .1ookilW6-9111,1111 mena) varletyo inerit and uwAill"Pss. I.NG SERVICE,
#I.#. vottalre
Don I(AW.0 it shed L;l9V biack. Ing IXT, mvii aged C1, -4 14 J w1wm tile birds owt we th(41118elveli ' I)iam id Dyes 'ire pmparcsd tit forty- 7 OIL4LOCK. IqCILMANJ�CNTLY (1 Tt1LV N LAW
vraA n feuble light b4liffil Stratton quiPtlY. Mai 9 old chaP, -YOU make np wilde 23*5 per'l.()()() liveteiL ylearm.more. Ue*6 vo,- while a. KU=q*fi Great Nervo Restorollill%
1wri blit it is frinly a, sort of flight nd. - 66 1 lit it W also, very attiactl eight lortr for t1to coloring of wool. A d&
(.jilt it.F4 glo%% throligh thO "I''T' 1 holding out Ills If to age 80; tilis Moans that- 34 lier- box and a k1o, It,,- **H is I- VIED WITH G0011 IN FITS No ats or nerrousp000 aftmir dm_ P
-,I frill '11119kifIr tip It lir cried, comilivuLtion of musical . thers and 4441,011 goods- TFNTIONS." seudw 931 Amh rauft
fle laMP14 ghilim's-ro it's hard to hear -1 k iow'how k. 11W
-Whl ell -,telm 11.,wiJ lly tile lot) live, fill with each 4 "A frotl I boUW
aturi! know tlw� tell yuh Inq andjUio.per 1( the birds moro 9"=
)iir. milli. 1p,itter C(,.. -self for Pleases simple diret-tiolts IV) 03
- be - thi, e -or. ol'Jill hp farthcr rotind, t0t). rift * tht.-4. Iltow &I ALL ARE WELOOM I-
:% -he -cliff. w I you loved lipr, but Rae do-iwrt, *) thati. at age 70* I90kiJLg-g1Rs" 4.4mlit pfut, so that if, Damw 1111111111011
n me lit- �114111. any
lla%eaux. t he prfopt,r,ty ,VI kw*!.,) #At tile btutell." r1ti sake ; be a Man d co ' So in repres4e thingi feljw- :Ont, Imick of tho Dialivi'lld Pytis. SEAW, FRUF
t to Vhdt"I., to) v f ish- t.,4, fit. mpokfii fir P.41 by Your hono with y (041 to of it, mall'ilving to IIg*1 ment. - -xiterienced lit-sr"oW call t�lo 111111111116 0"
N#.Iv etti. oil %valk. . I'll WaA t for their jimum t IN Ili( k�a
11 . I. llittl IL%% -.)V away. There, :.Pd* 03, flifildo fit 2 tli I 86itiliJ4 bilu gvx work as the profe"Jonal tLyer. emperii"t
village-wi-re -in,1913 Lv,iile, 'nad tried to jigp 11.4 gatx is Your Wite Ill
q 11. you'll k me allvfi�at )61
W tile Ixot tow aged 90, ?A 101`0 nlel GIV�3 BEAU.
for metv MAO
Sim-aking in slifil Bea lit mind that imitators art"
the IiK14-
f, Sheltering rocl I cawtot yot." Thus, 1,1;ln'tine Iter feet. "WI if ss
,* rrf Pni that . (0 only four' livoto
;'i -a -W. tiff* 1, �iftg- I age, lot).
.1.4 if afraid It I
ltisiwr ti, 'tell rhe ideam or vhIldren as to tho beaux lilly "her
Thf-rs, were voiies ilist 1 w1vils JVhy ? of living contfilualy trying to OEVY the Otyle v0rns.
- siw� avit tile 40-!cJPJIIIt that I I 11ot tell at Ilge M 'the and k Of I)iamond DytV1. When 1 14, Will t 114 .11
anti a woman',, ;%kiiii; %OIW4Y their, %olcPs might re, If it is tifetter yeatw is very Hmall,;lt being itiore- of kitchen maidS are etor.
tav I,*) falif-led he rec(,9IIiZC4J that or 4.f t1it. cottdge.,- S. Will to I rather limitel. I'
and you," replied Stratton Irm mut-11 %if "llf, 11lis-
%rft.%, )itili mented by ttw. 101ill; t)dfW 6f 249 n little X,rI not you buy dyes for home, dyeing fVe tlIJIt Vile'l
lursp. btlt felt that Isht W`0111-1 Strattoill Maggie,". Bali( your dealer stiVillifilm You wit,11 the 1,14
of (illo tAi etirikis
outside pl
tile meanwI01f; truat me?"- 'te all.
y ha%e it -ft ller pati -lit'. thOugh itilin llivil.%wir its to wtipther You ke, a Ill tell me againat'thp mailn-qul 6 hive you a beeii 66 wamond" ; no otlier inako of imick- 1:'xtrartor 6, wire. 11
hamil .4.1;;ttillic W 11 Will YCAI'Confide lit* a I Illuat.rated M-1011- tonIg ftg
reason wily si.v. hhollitt Ull iliki companion of tile 78t Dge con- chance.41FAglish of - enu r8e I fin ve.' repi PN 1. agl. dyes will do your work Wltili pro -
there waal RO A,#-. it ' . htj had hall.' But all your rensonn to I r Vitt! zine: US &I ) 11110 111411111111'.
uOt. for Barron Would Ila% e , tartling adVelit'lir4l. M- 0 00; tile little id sa04nctitlil. SCIld V
o. and it' %,va,* absurd a duct'" persiAmi 3.1uh, f or
an hour or Vw Y, . 4 ff-4-ling intire anit iiiore that the ioe ell"then" ' A . Mrdnon Co.. M011tr"I'l- Que Brad 'a on Trade.
to be alwit's-"'il tile.. ;.k);me flay :' not now�, Namesal lihisbills Ric at root
r iation, todgt 1pe' anti -You viliat. 1S.Ale-a polim.nian or
to expect life, .%vaii; only colored by hL4 imagif I The saudwI6 ralliatih hook of dirtietions aud NIA Ul t wtwk ill
ill ttis heart that tll� you will not it 'can't be in eAii1116d'tOr the Fart cotiductor V -ChicagO ^.ut lin-4. tt) ally U16
inil krifilving gtrmt car thradoll W It,"
watch. Ijk me to.trimt 'YOU ple c4trd Of rotors
jig ousire, af- nilic int out ft vvf�ell. Once of Sandwich. tlLp Jklinjillioll Of (aillitill. TO4,011W If%, tic
-I, stroi "'[4 Inar woq1ldi "I � a n d WA k too E'ast Pmt- Antisep
Stra.tt011 felt , gaviA at"the', uell -an encoun- done,,malt; Y611 48 ley is f rom an
INtibie, - as iW tfis. in,ptio;sibility or,' $I niore, are we to life friendilIT, Mulligatawl lit 11u04i114VL"f ill (k). gol'A'A' :111d
M(At i r res n rd me4i,ning popper water.
to 90 up, ti -r -LVm I nc India wo SMILES. ANT' Inattiall W0011011 goods alld
I to be 'Blielit till Yes!' w&rel, a Word of IVINBUCH
light, Irom the cottagP dt,0;', , w ho. had 4 %%,Itfflc is f rom il Ir Illaillilk(VI-y. C: price, but with Spruce
&nil gaw- tIAL! itp,r 114! r Tit(- governoss wits 9 highfi%vi Ili
at OP mail 'ould' not rn dpe 01 � I% Ing little "uIrn r
enter. Then You Will ll�o b. )WtIL not Ilia own hOrl, liew in
come betoeen him and 11-1111)"10AL tirill; Itholit, any -.0.Nitorh who 66YL to Teutonic origin, moaning honeycom a grit mma r leritoll tile if tj J111111 t4m
Pa. Ines, tile TOmul
tepto forwarol ""der the llominy i8 from auhum liat 110"1 1114" tOOt^I %'lloat n%'Villt.1 %tuall nlitt 1"Ist
othpr ylay. "An abstraet noun," shO by wboll, "I"kil t N MI rrporuj a go(xi
took I& fe w a Ight w. Rt -tying there. At once., ricas Indian word - for n- enttle light. 141,11tim, Fibreware 9 0 0
him, but 'JillY tf.) 8WP lley�wnlketl lw- w"K North Ame the naine -of i4omethinig tira%% an 111ferell"t'? Hu gotxjo and gro.-
Twice ower -ax t Maid. IN Call 7011
influenCO uPoD the volublo v 1v4! ftbOve on tito j;tAnt, or si'wakin but rheckt,41 0' NO -09 n think of, Illit dmw or sut-4,444,4til :ltivertI141lig mer- 111U14114' goods anti The 1wrinlinbW Made Inipprillb-
and ViInk. as 10 Iti)grily, pLrched corn. Llptioll. 01 which you MI not tit that canned
in its peculiar French. Ball!" bile (looseborry foot is a corri an you give nic an ex- vllllllt*i iloone oo. lww. Trafle tn,Qtl*- imble.
&%ill went oil be thought, lilm"elf. A*1 theu. the opportuni y and lie tulflied and mtr(-�le away, w foule, milled � or pressed tOuclf C pi,11111toll will be, hig rtw% 4'JLI14qIgp 01 paclLing tvirtoW
would not be safe." wa-4 iigtirm, for 11-retti.4on he t lois r "sigh, of iniseryl goioseberr ample?" Tommy -A red hot poker. try '1110 I-011ec-
Itl flu IN 4' 1
Its prew-lice hall in- Rtratton 41ttcred a 10'A talk when 'It" dotte, f,-rmopqi from an
with a Kbudder. t hand. and yet of relief, for'llis fribnX8 pres- gvmeberr t is it corrupti011. Of fittee- "Bobby, -you MUNt not Pointer" 11opluo pxxL'A Aght 4t4hl"%'6% "
thc. mLll . imperreptiNY when. Gnod n1glit, filiv tx)Y,'* . )ie " that lie Forcemoa I am talking." "Well, 11111mullt, "Oil Z tritift
he was Irksome to ilivil noor farce, ,4tur- TI14, tAniguo of litit'rty usually th4olign lit ft", maritime- I )VJII(Xw. IM , t the of from 00
he ence tile French lis 01� 11140". h3vor-
might it 'lot 'you, are tirc�l- There, go I ) -t meat, f rom don't P'Pone 1 .41-1111 wnit tilt You've Till-fe, small P111,110
Wak inn rel". ies wanted act. moat for stuffing. t4i a inarrifixi WtAllall. w4viti"Wr t4,11111diti(A V11" 0011- valPffteltY ILPeP
anti havc ft good nights ite(I tit .' Cruest 11IL41 lw(,nL fing, 1. 0. white gone V bed?" whO Kit upon foruiti art, ikl)t nble to veojb-4. Virtovitt - - (1 1 12 1 to -q"bt
Riept ? He, W'U 13111 . , - diff'reul-e tb to I)nwpoll IALMI. M111CP a"
-e%*' back, Ifiliq 4-()ntinued`L )ne 11ruttimm," wvifl' then, tak- 1111ITIC-Mange Mcmills literally lAttle Ahter-What"m Of I
Stratum (if (or some: minutes, anti , olate blalle-mange 's Villd Upon (44nimonion. v4vrr%,-Imlr1 lictiv. .
uLlong the %-hore, enioying Ujn.' arresting hin). Vill $10 go"r !along tile once choc 'lectricity and lightnin"? Lqt- t4l " 1ty. '11141 thtit )tlbl tki,ing 21 full aiiii llumb mi)
walk Strat Ing IL Hhort cuti%v he strode I food, h 'tween A titikative perGO11 w1doill falix to 4
fiC-ry-!tX)king it lxwmilile that ft 4 f efwcounterii4 Bolnethinig of It mixtionter. tle brother -You don't havv to paY I)usiquvas f4w 04% P:71mlll Tho Brit64h %low
,00lnew of the 11411; thillk 14, coill(I liot guy saufL4. half lit dren wed, from Illak;i. tale plieumativally tired. alon and do -
the ,heti 1!141 Iff,%; stopp't"I xhort him itgain, but 64 -ling th lie inust succotash is a (list' lx)rr,o ad d nothin' Fur lightnin'. T bey r*49W c4l"
W a which' Slinfrillir it (-alloilp incrett" th- I-Iff-dt ('4111111111111441 *Q11111"ll P"('k V'111 1*74 I*V*t mloi oniard tht4r ol�11111111
f 1111. ILS it Were, or i.t -Tlw, Idea ivIks atwurd. ertato tit t, If OPY tho Narragansett Indialls a calle Tommy -- Paw, what 1,4 moral 111111 1pf that last ye -or,
'ut Ills f Cc .0 Itild dinli jr:)m -If! A-011tifinilliati-11
;I to yelt, while here tfilnk what litii�ihlv risk- it, thongi 4. . Fu-Darinthto carry lihokywi the vituse. thnil 41414- fiv fitk-ntly look-
%T- fliours Mr. -hivkvnf4--th(-Y Illw"Y'A twi Ili% I �r ll-r1i'm Ifni gamloittil and prinee.
-reatu 9 1 aCh Ili'n them m'&1ckq"taBlI,' to 01�l
for Koing 'I thc hOluittiOn Ilutn-
phtwphorem*11t e did i4eet (Ilueffit, would 'rep 0 are like 4 r
hi.,4 right, wbere the 1, rettiwft 1111111ing- towar4 tile - arin4lral's rest- Charlotte Is a corruption. Of tl 1`14h ng outfit through ptreets
¬ them, to llimly to turn oJanger- I terview 1.,vigligh word chaxlyt, which niell,1111 'L wItIlt too met oil t 1141 highest roost. ett for. agpjn- at 217 *,Iw, previfous
Amid the roek.4- 'Ltw '"That bc IA r to tflilit4till aq n , On Hui nday. 114)w littlew PJU
lay calm itir what re- (Jence in'(Prile chocolate-rooft- Illkii kno%vm Of Ilib fellow- hilinxi 2-A. Tk L B. My M., 1101W. 0
covered w tever,", witir Myria. a dish of custard, and Mlinlm,,-It Is very naught.v to &g6seleg Tbroughiout
water w" oil. bave ft(, fear or ijim wha u8t charlotte. lieti, Evil. People who do mo lullil -unlow IN, livtvi in a Villagi.. week. '30 ill tile like wrek',�k year -* alro
KfAden. fit.. must think ii -Alt! tlifill1k im nuavlan tell Wlkfml lilionto lneit bufry, till- lintchet 11�lffd ill l8wi. :13 Ili 1�
Qpmhied a 'if a Vt fid- .0 Himply okra ROUP. IXumh0 u for A'Utlgtwt ft9-
Which flanhe'l **,ftly it til) .?; with pjaid the cold m ft- Tl*re'� dor it, . mutterW Strattmil 98.1,11C hurried (;umbo In by which okra' is of- don't go to heaven. Eva-Di'l YO aft*,r quarrolhitp: they go right oitit isul. Biukk cletIA411914 the
get, good -night.' er IL pieve of being the naline
WiVil on, now 14tilln-IdIfIg OV� -Chicken. ever tell it lie, mammit" Mamma �gated $103,(g3.N)o, avid for
sor#e heal) of In t it '111d dig 111) fill axe. gains (A
ft blUL-al. tu, .114. sald"to r4tratton went oil to thC oil a he Bouth. .
Is right, rock, now silipping Ltnt known No, dear, never. Eva-�V`110 you be' PIlYsle"lly- - Oight 1111'"'"th"
Brp t t L441 f I, i t in our had kpoken to Brettison, -ssfed gnmbo is soup of okra and ebicken. Scorehing 4flR pt,,r ePnt. over 40
I.ife 1-.4 and, an g thak Ile wee(I left toy tile ti �P. But, he pre fearful lonely in heaven. fultilinia, the 1XI'lieetuall nwRiefl-tively 7 it -mi.
himfwlf Not' ail . ILIA he had hardly taken makintg stral lit for a light Macar(ml Is talten front it Greek with only George WaAllngtoll? ItIal finallf-ililly if A8k rour Deaherifiv
IV it- . g up again iZ1 1.1twim" you. last year.
Wh It 9POil a f te. r forward,
Petty cam,14 vr#b 41U& Pleat before he spirAn y lialf way UP (ip "the bles"d took IL sclentiftecourse tile most
-0110. m which 1111ofle out' ilia lardson, of Site Itoyal At -it
tile cliff. and w111011 hP ill jead,11 in allustol[l Ila di(in't you?" tA 0
he a #-del I rivation which means 66P you
Petty th ine ittarting stinctively to tho I, nelent cus Yes, dear The ball -I wilt) hitm
what it migUt be If W go txO k to I'lln. Before it co e 111%."ra,wis., flit., Out r Mr. Or"I eA1
flow for the t * "baAs" tit 1119 - i , & coulilliffNioll
ft iligil .04 he jullmnioned tit" landlady to judgell to be Sir %lark's �abooifle, anti tom of eating It 1. spenr two years oil science.' ew BOECKH'S.,
1 &-nuid but hope- th WRA I nh0lLt vittitor&to th,0 Aace, of despair elutoctied his heart ft Vuh --i look In a mirror the eat hl tile 1wxt tutyls game. t a four gesiferAM01141. plettire
drew it lonf. deep 1111ruill the VAJOIJ ITTA to finfl ill &'few minutel4 that how lie wqs to be sQ near J The, Uqulfl YOW414 01 it woman "%I liletorin.tM,
effort 60 forget hilt f)nls- as lie felt ,Ile whole of �, 'Oren% BrItaiu mn- left tilde of your face appearpi to be more if "he tile ro:t A ND BROON S.
then Mai* Fit. If(' lier L-nowledge was confined to those and yet i1kred not even look, much probably be aPPm'illited walm, the 11111, BRUSHES
gwry of ttw pre!we Im. wiWat rain, anti the the right side, and tilt, right side
-the I ere were lookit would occaiviolialiv turn off tim, fl0tv. Prinm EAward Fw 6W* by @X LAM1111111
In 1. Tit' tinuovi to 19
11 thp Koft. w#%Irm %%-114) came to lw.r hote lend speak. cmf4 Lo be the left. Tito 1 .6 It Wl alwa3mi 11 �vvorp stralin oil Ole
Pd hho head U slowly on. I�p . anti took Suddenly he found that, though lie almost untlirpathabis at"' everses It,doesn't It?" "Yes.' Then - 1) "o GINA10. BONO" & Doug.
I&ad walked ''Opk. who Ict their houseq "by litle"Of lk womall V4,71iiellohe -rip. servant girl PrOblvill Ill")
air, I the lthe knew -Yet, but %Ile Ila(] Wait making straight for the cliff, lie Tg)li(lon is Ultmistried 1'rfhy doesn't It reverw, the tot) and 11,14Kelit' till" If
low the $If.J)tJl14 Of witli p1lople Who playe'l w I Ma tA I. 11w- liar irwigs to dust t,fw fur- perly be referred too no tlw% hire edu
fe JIL*4 114-3 %V 1)f're nor 11;L%ienCe' wam WIlding throllgh water; but he %9,hite nilfit, which it 8 1 Ohtom of your face lit 'tile sit me catiou of womm.
hote I believing that lie had ell- ThatneA that tile, Alt"k, 1.11 tv I'" to wily Why-er-ah-" Uitum
fill alit k46"Ing all more lut" kept Ont left by tile Ude,"till the stop running. Aronly In
#:;),t. TIP' strattlin wen -t out Obc#-* tezed a Pool r with
ith.the intentioil Of 6
sa A,
Don I(AW.0 it shed L;l9V biack. Ing IXT, mvii aged C1, -4 14 J w1wm tile birds owt we th(41118elveli ' I)iam id Dyes 'ire pmparcsd tit forty- 7 OIL4LOCK. IqCILMANJ�CNTLY (1 Tt1LV N LAW
vraA n feuble light b4liffil Stratton quiPtlY. Mai 9 old chaP, -YOU make np wilde 23*5 per'l.()()() liveteiL ylearm.more. Ue*6 vo,- while a. KU=q*fi Great Nervo Restorollill%
1wri blit it is frinly a, sort of flight nd. - 66 1 lit it W also, very attiactl eight lortr for t1to coloring of wool. A d&
(.jilt it.F4 glo%% throligh thO "I''T' 1 holding out Ills If to age 80; tilis Moans that- 34 lier- box and a k1o, It,,- **H is I- VIED WITH G0011 IN FITS No ats or nerrousp000 aftmir dm_ P
-,I frill '11119kifIr tip It lir cried, comilivuLtion of musical . thers and 4441,011 goods- TFNTIONS." seudw 931 Amh rauft
fle laMP14 ghilim's-ro it's hard to hear -1 k iow'how k. 11W
-Whl ell -,telm 11.,wiJ lly tile lot) live, fill with each 4 "A frotl I boUW
aturi! know tlw� tell yuh Inq andjUio.per 1( the birds moro 9"=
)iir. milli. 1p,itter C(,.. -self for Pleases simple diret-tiolts IV) 03
- be - thi, e -or. ol'Jill hp farthcr rotind, t0t). rift * tht.-4. Iltow &I ALL ARE WELOOM I-
:% -he -cliff. w I you loved lipr, but Rae do-iwrt, *) thati. at age 70* I90kiJLg-g1Rs" 4.4mlit pfut, so that if, Damw 1111111111011
n me lit- �114111. any
lla%eaux. t he prfopt,r,ty ,VI kw*!.,) #At tile btutell." r1ti sake ; be a Man d co ' So in repres4e thingi feljw- :Ont, Imick of tho Dialivi'lld Pytis. SEAW, FRUF
t to Vhdt"I., to) v f ish- t.,4, fit. mpokfii fir P.41 by Your hono with y (041 to of it, mall'ilving to IIg*1 ment. - -xiterienced lit-sr"oW call t�lo 111111111116 0"
N#.Iv etti. oil %valk. . I'll WaA t for their jimum t IN Ili( k�a
11 . I. llittl IL%% -.)V away. There, :.Pd* 03, flifildo fit 2 tli I 86itiliJ4 bilu gvx work as the profe"Jonal tLyer. emperii"t
village-wi-re -in,1913 Lv,iile, 'nad tried to jigp 11.4 gatx is Your Wite Ill
q 11. you'll k me allvfi�at )61
W tile Ixot tow aged 90, ?A 101`0 nlel GIV�3 BEAU.
for metv MAO
Sim-aking in slifil Bea lit mind that imitators art"
the IiK14-
f, Sheltering rocl I cawtot yot." Thus, 1,1;ln'tine Iter feet. "WI if ss
,* rrf Pni that . (0 only four' livoto
;'i -a -W. tiff* 1, �iftg- I age, lot).
.1.4 if afraid It I
ltisiwr ti, 'tell rhe ideam or vhIldren as to tho beaux lilly "her
Thf-rs, were voiies ilist 1 w1vils JVhy ? of living contfilualy trying to OEVY the Otyle v0rns.
- siw� avit tile 40-!cJPJIIIt that I I 11ot tell at Ilge M 'the and k Of I)iamond DytV1. When 1 14, Will t 114 .11
anti a woman',, ;%kiiii; %OIW4Y their, %olcPs might re, If it is tifetter yeatw is very Hmall,;lt being itiore- of kitchen maidS are etor.
tav I,*) falif-led he rec(,9IIiZC4J that or 4.f t1it. cottdge.,- S. Will to I rather limitel. I'
and you," replied Stratton Irm mut-11 %if "llf, 11lis-
%rft.%, )itili mented by ttw. 101ill; t)dfW 6f 249 n little X,rI not you buy dyes for home, dyeing fVe tlIJIt Vile'l
lursp. btlt felt that Isht W`0111-1 Strattoill Maggie,". Bali( your dealer stiVillifilm You wit,11 the 1,14
of (illo tAi etirikis
outside pl
tile meanwI01f; truat me?"- 'te all.
y ha%e it -ft ller pati -lit'. thOugh itilin llivil.%wir its to wtipther You ke, a Ill tell me againat'thp mailn-qul 6 hive you a beeii 66 wamond" ; no otlier inako of imick- 1:'xtrartor 6, wire. 11
hamil .4.1;;ttillic W 11 Will YCAI'Confide lit* a I Illuat.rated M-1011- tonIg ftg
reason wily si.v. hhollitt Ull iliki companion of tile 78t Dge con- chance.41FAglish of - enu r8e I fin ve.' repi PN 1. agl. dyes will do your work Wltili pro -
there waal RO A,#-. it ' . htj had hall.' But all your rensonn to I r Vitt! zine: US &I ) 11110 111411111111'.
uOt. for Barron Would Ila% e , tartling adVelit'lir4l. M- 0 00; tile little id sa04nctitlil. SCIld V
o. and it' %,va,* absurd a duct'" persiAmi 3.1uh, f or
an hour or Vw Y, . 4 ff-4-ling intire anit iiiore that the ioe ell"then" ' A . Mrdnon Co.. M011tr"I'l- Que Brad 'a on Trade.
to be alwit's-"'il tile.. ;.k);me flay :' not now�, Namesal lihisbills Ric at root
r iation, todgt 1pe' anti -You viliat. 1S.Ale-a polim.nian or
to expect life, .%vaii; only colored by hL4 imagif I The saudwI6 ralliatih hook of dirtietions aud NIA Ul t wtwk ill
ill ttis heart that tll� you will not it 'can't be in eAii1116d'tOr the Fart cotiductor V -ChicagO ^.ut lin-4. tt) ally U16
inil krifilving gtrmt car thradoll W It,"
watch. Ijk me to.trimt 'YOU ple c4trd Of rotors
jig ousire, af- nilic int out ft vvf�ell. Once of Sandwich. tlLp Jklinjillioll Of (aillitill. TO4,011W If%, tic
-I, stroi "'[4 Inar woq1ldi "I � a n d WA k too E'ast Pmt- Antisep
Stra.tt011 felt , gaviA at"the', uell -an encoun- done,,malt; Y611 48 ley is f rom an
INtibie, - as iW tfis. in,ptio;sibility or,' $I niore, are we to life friendilIT, Mulligatawl lit 11u04i114VL"f ill (k). gol'A'A' :111d
M(At i r res n rd me4i,ning popper water.
to 90 up, ti -r -LVm I nc India wo SMILES. ANT' Inattiall W0011011 goods alld
I to be 'Blielit till Yes!' w&rel, a Word of IVINBUCH
light, Irom the cottagP dt,0;', , w ho. had 4 %%,Itfflc is f rom il Ir Illaillilk(VI-y. C: price, but with Spruce
&nil gaw- tIAL! itp,r 114! r Tit(- governoss wits 9 highfi%vi Ili
at OP mail 'ould' not rn dpe 01 � I% Ing little "uIrn r
enter. Then You Will ll�o b. )WtIL not Ilia own hOrl, liew in
come betoeen him and 11-1111)"10AL tirill; Itholit, any -.0.Nitorh who 66YL to Teutonic origin, moaning honeycom a grit mma r leritoll tile if tj J111111 t4m
Pa. Ines, tile TOmul
tepto forwarol ""der the llominy i8 from auhum liat 110"1 1114" tOOt^I %'lloat n%'Villt.1 %tuall nlitt 1"Ist
othpr ylay. "An abstraet noun," shO by wboll, "I"kil t N MI rrporuj a go(xi
took I& fe w a Ight w. Rt -tying there. At once., ricas Indian word - for n- enttle light. 141,11tim, Fibreware 9 0 0
him, but 'JillY tf.) 8WP lley�wnlketl lw- w"K North Ame the naine -of i4omethinig tira%% an 111ferell"t'? Hu gotxjo and gro.-
Twice ower -ax t Maid. IN Call 7011
influenCO uPoD the volublo v 1v4! ftbOve on tito j;tAnt, or si'wakin but rheckt,41 0' NO -09 n think of, Illit dmw or sut-4,444,4til :ltivertI141lig mer- 111U14114' goods anti The 1wrinlinbW Made Inipprillb-
and ViInk. as 10 Iti)grily, pLrched corn. Llptioll. 01 which you MI not tit that canned
in its peculiar French. Ball!" bile (looseborry foot is a corri an you give nic an ex- vllllllt*i iloone oo. lww. Trafle tn,Qtl*- imble.
&%ill went oil be thought, lilm"elf. A*1 theu. the opportuni y and lie tulflied and mtr(-�le away, w foule, milled � or pressed tOuclf C pi,11111toll will be, hig rtw% 4'JLI14qIgp 01 paclLing tvirtoW
would not be safe." wa-4 iigtirm, for 11-retti.4on he t lois r "sigh, of iniseryl goioseberr ample?" Tommy -A red hot poker. try '1110 I-011ec-
Itl flu IN 4' 1
Its prew-lice hall in- Rtratton 41ttcred a 10'A talk when 'It" dotte, f,-rmopqi from an
with a Kbudder. t hand. and yet of relief, for'llis fribnX8 pres- gvmeberr t is it corrupti011. Of fittee- "Bobby, -you MUNt not Pointer" 11opluo pxxL'A Aght 4t4hl"%'6% "
thc. mLll . imperreptiNY when. Gnod n1glit, filiv tx)Y,'* . )ie " that lie Forcemoa I am talking." "Well, 11111mullt, "Oil Z tritift
he was Irksome to ilivil noor farce, ,4tur- TI14, tAniguo of litit'rty usually th4olign lit ft", maritime- I )VJII(Xw. IM , t the of from 00
he ence tile French lis 01� 11140". h3vor-
might it 'lot 'you, are tirc�l- There, go I ) -t meat, f rom don't P'Pone 1 .41-1111 wnit tilt You've Till-fe, small P111,110
Wak inn rel". ies wanted act. moat for stuffing. t4i a inarrifixi WtAllall. w4viti"Wr t4,11111diti(A V11" 0011- valPffteltY ILPeP
anti havc ft good nights ite(I tit .' Cruest 11IL41 lw(,nL fing, 1. 0. white gone V bed?" whO Kit upon foruiti art, ikl)t nble to veojb-4. Virtovitt - - (1 1 12 1 to -q"bt
Riept ? He, W'U 13111 . , - diff'reul-e tb to I)nwpoll IALMI. M111CP a"
-e%*' back, Ifiliq 4-()ntinued`L )ne 11ruttimm," wvifl' then, tak- 1111ITIC-Mange Mcmills literally lAttle Ahter-What"m Of I
Stratum (if (or some: minutes, anti , olate blalle-mange 's Villd Upon (44nimonion. v4vrr%,-Imlr1 lictiv. .
uLlong the %-hore, enioying Ujn.' arresting hin). Vill $10 go"r !along tile once choc 'lectricity and lightnin"? Lqt- t4l " 1ty. '11141 thtit )tlbl tki,ing 21 full aiiii llumb mi)
walk Strat Ing IL Hhort cuti%v he strode I food, h 'tween A titikative perGO11 w1doill falix to 4
fiC-ry-!tX)king it lxwmilile that ft 4 f efwcounterii4 Bolnethinig of It mixtionter. tle brother -You don't havv to paY I)usiquvas f4w 04% P:71mlll Tho Brit64h %low
,00lnew of the 11411; thillk 14, coill(I liot guy saufL4. half lit dren wed, from Illak;i. tale plieumativally tired. alon and do -
the ,heti 1!141 Iff,%; stopp't"I xhort him itgain, but 64 -ling th lie inust succotash is a (list' lx)rr,o ad d nothin' Fur lightnin'. T bey r*49W c4l"
W a which' Slinfrillir it (-alloilp incrett" th- I-Iff-dt ('4111111111111441 *Q11111"ll P"('k V'111 1*74 I*V*t mloi oniard tht4r ol�11111111
f 1111. ILS it Were, or i.t -Tlw, Idea ivIks atwurd. ertato tit t, If OPY tho Narragansett Indialls a calle Tommy -- Paw, what 1,4 moral 111111 1pf that last ye -or,
'ut Ills f Cc .0 Itild dinli jr:)m -If! A-011tifinilliati-11
;I to yelt, while here tfilnk what litii�ihlv risk- it, thongi 4. . Fu-Darinthto carry lihokywi the vituse. thnil 41414- fiv fitk-ntly look-
%T- fliours Mr. -hivkvnf4--th(-Y Illw"Y'A twi Ili% I �r ll-r1i'm Ifni gamloittil and prinee.
-reatu 9 1 aCh Ili'n them m'&1ckq"taBlI,' to 01�l
for Koing 'I thc hOluittiOn Ilutn-
phtwphorem*11t e did i4eet (Ilueffit, would 'rep 0 are like 4 r
hi.,4 right, wbere the 1, rettiwft 1111111ing- towar4 tile - arin4lral's rest- Charlotte Is a corruption. Of tl 1`14h ng outfit through ptreets
¬ them, to llimly to turn oJanger- I terview 1.,vigligh word chaxlyt, which niell,1111 'L wItIlt too met oil t 1141 highest roost. ett for. agpjn- at 217 *,Iw, previfous
Amid the roek.4- 'Ltw '"That bc IA r to tflilit4till aq n , On Hui nday. 114)w littlew PJU
lay calm itir what re- (Jence in'(Prile chocolate-rooft- Illkii kno%vm Of Ilib fellow- hilinxi 2-A. Tk L B. My M., 1101W. 0
covered w tever,", witir Myria. a dish of custard, and Mlinlm,,-It Is very naught.v to &g6seleg Tbroughiout
water w" oil. bave ft(, fear or ijim wha u8t charlotte. lieti, Evil. People who do mo lullil -unlow IN, livtvi in a Villagi.. week. '30 ill tile like wrek',�k year -* alro
KfAden. fit.. must think ii -Alt! tlifill1k im nuavlan tell Wlkfml lilionto lneit bufry, till- lintchet 11�lffd ill l8wi. :13 Ili 1�
Qpmhied a 'if a Vt fid- .0 Himply okra ROUP. IXumh0 u for A'Utlgtwt ft9-
Which flanhe'l **,ftly it til) .?; with pjaid the cold m ft- Tl*re'� dor it, . mutterW Strattmil 98.1,11C hurried (;umbo In by which okra' is of- don't go to heaven. Eva-Di'l YO aft*,r quarrolhitp: they go right oitit isul. Biukk cletIA411914 the
get, good -night.' er IL pieve of being the naline
WiVil on, now 14tilln-IdIfIg OV� -Chicken. ever tell it lie, mammit" Mamma �gated $103,(g3.N)o, avid for
sor#e heal) of In t it '111d dig 111) fill axe. gains (A
ft blUL-al. tu, .114. sald"to r4tratton went oil to thC oil a he Bouth. .
Is right, rock, now silipping Ltnt known No, dear, never. Eva-�V`110 you be' PIlYsle"lly- - Oight 1111'"'"th"
Brp t t L441 f I, i t in our had kpoken to Brettison, -ssfed gnmbo is soup of okra and ebicken. Scorehing 4flR pt,,r ePnt. over 40
I.ife 1-.4 and, an g thak Ile wee(I left toy tile ti �P. But, he pre fearful lonely in heaven. fultilinia, the 1XI'lieetuall nwRiefl-tively 7 it -mi.
himfwlf Not' ail . ILIA he had hardly taken makintg stral lit for a light Macar(ml Is talten front it Greek with only George WaAllngtoll? ItIal finallf-ililly if A8k rour Deaherifiv
IV it- . g up again iZ1 1.1twim" you. last year.
Wh It 9POil a f te. r forward,
Petty cam,14 vr#b 41U& Pleat before he spirAn y lialf way UP (ip "the bles"d took IL sclentiftecourse tile most
-0110. m which 1111ofle out' ilia lardson, of Site Itoyal At -it
tile cliff. and w111011 hP ill jead,11 in allustol[l Ila di(in't you?" tA 0
he a #-del I rivation which means 66P you
Petty th ine ittarting stinctively to tho I, nelent cus Yes, dear The ball -I wilt) hitm
what it migUt be If W go txO k to I'lln. Before it co e 111%."ra,wis., flit., Out r Mr. Or"I eA1
flow for the t * "baAs" tit 1119 - i , & coulilliffNioll
ft iligil .04 he jullmnioned tit" landlady to judgell to be Sir %lark's �abooifle, anti tom of eating It 1. spenr two years oil science.' ew BOECKH'S.,
1 &-nuid but hope- th WRA I nh0lLt vittitor&to th,0 Aace, of despair elutoctied his heart ft Vuh --i look In a mirror the eat hl tile 1wxt tutyls game. t a four gesiferAM01141. plettire
drew it lonf. deep 1111ruill the VAJOIJ ITTA to finfl ill &'few minutel4 that how lie wqs to be sQ near J The, Uqulfl YOW414 01 it woman "%I liletorin.tM,
effort 60 forget hilt f)nls- as lie felt ,Ile whole of �, 'Oren% BrItaiu mn- left tilde of your face appearpi to be more if "he tile ro:t A ND BROON S.
then Mai* Fit. If(' lier L-nowledge was confined to those and yet i1kred not even look, much probably be aPPm'illited walm, the 11111, BRUSHES
gwry of ttw pre!we Im. wiWat rain, anti the the right side, and tilt, right side
-the I ere were lookit would occaiviolialiv turn off tim, fl0tv. Prinm EAward Fw 6W* by @X LAM1111111
In 1. Tit' tinuovi to 19
11 thp Koft. w#%Irm %%-114) came to lw.r hote lend speak. cmf4 Lo be the left. Tito 1 .6 It Wl alwa3mi 11 �vvorp stralin oil Ole
Pd hho head U slowly on. I�p . anti took Suddenly he found that, though lie almost untlirpathabis at"' everses It,doesn't It?" "Yes.' Then - 1) "o GINA10. BONO" & Doug.
I&ad walked ''Opk. who Ict their houseq "by litle"Of lk womall V4,71iiellohe -rip. servant girl PrOblvill Ill")
air, I the lthe knew -Yet, but %Ile Ila(] Wait making straight for the cliff, lie Tg)li(lon is Ultmistried 1'rfhy doesn't It reverw, the tot) and 11,14Kelit' till" If
low the $If.J)tJl14 Of witli p1lople Who playe'l w I Ma tA I. 11w- liar irwigs to dust t,fw fur- perly be referred too no tlw% hire edu
fe JIL*4 114-3 %V 1)f're nor 11;L%ienCe' wam WIlding throllgh water; but he %9,hite nilfit, which it 8 1 Ohtom of your face lit 'tile sit me catiou of womm.
hote I believing that lie had ell- ThatneA that tile, Alt"k, 1.11 tv I'" to wily Why-er-ah-" Uitum
fill alit k46"Ing all more lut" kept Ont left by tile Ude,"till the stop running. Aronly In
#:;),t. TIP' strattlin wen -t out Obc#-* tezed a Pool r with
ith.the intentioil Of 6
sa A,