HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-09-16, Page 4I IM ..4w I.; A.
MILTON dr Amftmwp�o
were beitiF f 00MA 110 A.
(I by the T K U 1111
UUK I LLN AILLLLY droww . rushlag
he a -1w floating bodies coming tothe I A Sprain and Bruise
surface, andthe work Of ret3clie be- Evokes
Thli was helplessly 100equate. Kitchenel's Victory
i, in the There Are Good Clothes and Plenty to fat For the Whole vviij C.-ome together. All the serne, toget,herorseparal,&,
Tte;e' being only t lem bo�lt.
Lein and very few MCA whJ wOul(l
"Y' ur- great Enthusiasm, Human Family—Talmage Preaches Practical
. undertak u ,, e IV I ST. JAOOBS OIL
bulent water -4. Many who might ha Helpfulness and Urges a More Impartial i
been saved 'were drowned before help i -ri pL1 y c u re the FiEkin afid vvipe (jt,it. Lhe It
em. Piteou, appealing Distribution of Good 'rhings. vvill I-)ribi
could reach th
faces eank beneath the waters before s 1:)oL
okers. � Bodies CABLE X4N18 JI14LOUSY
the �yei of helpless onlo ent
eame to the surface for it WOM
Collapse of a Bridge on the 0. & -Ind then ptssed out of siglit, perhai)II Waiihtng"i7 Setrt, 11.—In his , Illia- I pie tell us liou many inlidbitaiits thert
terrible an(f heart- are In Asia, or Africa, at. best it inu%t
forever. It was . at impribab':8 pourse Dr. Talinage changes our life-. I b Yet God knows the
vanjwt de gless generality to", �ea� �A gu
rending scene. . Word.4 ' Leads HiM tO Hifit time from -a meanin' (_t n on our planet.
N Road. plct lti horrore. Even those who were r1r,
I Il Deacileal helpfulness to the people now 11 and He.hus made endugh apparel for eunlit land of promiw. K0 the de
got to land alive w way Misma "David, af- ea(. -h, tJd if there be tifteen -hundred looks bavk W him lit-
any died Ott t living. Text: Acts xill., 36. 1 SUNDAY SCHOOL b.tuchotl Wail
tiltion, that M million. fifteen thousand fifteen bun- 110cent childlikol0ays , tioull(i in tilt -
to hospitals. Some hnd ttleir backs eratiOn .. I
ter he had saved his own gen dred and fifteen people. hen there ip fetters of bit lie renit-Vailliprai
while I
broken, otherit both IeSw, dred
TOM b5r the will of God, fell on sleep." enough apparel for fiftE bun' the freedou7W.n his earlier yearto,
others were cruilted by the heavy TOW TU KiiAR million, 'fifteen thoupand. fifteen hun-
o are Issing UL in k y That Is a text which has for a long I TIMIAIII 10DIAL L11 @801`1 00 - V11 when his delight was In the law of
Irons. Among those wit unning through my mind. dred and fifteen. Not slouchy apph"rel, sh;P11,EMBER 18. 1898. the 1ord.. �zatull is It hard lu"'RUW
STRUCTURE SWARMED WITH WORKME 9 so far are Cyril Campbell. Illiam time been r not rag apparel, not insufficient, &p- lotting, lurin his %I;;"
bby� About Sermons have a time to be born as pare:, rull appropriate' apparel. At cubtite, p.
Jackton, Craig anti W. Cu ted In well as a time to die; a cradle as well least t*o suits for every being oil with false promisom anf empty Ol-
40 of the men emploYe,t 00 t e bi" 11 as a grave. David. cowboy and stone- I CaI v it y of tile Teti Tribea. - 2 Kiugbi J"t ; 9-1 b imetations; anti till, entrtippel Of -
were Americam. The remajnd r were Chamberiatn's interviews L)oub ? dramatist, earth, summer suit and a winterpult. -IWJkkeS tO thim when tile t4prds
V He 19 Kliown Tropi slinger. and fighter, and tell
mstly IndianF, who acteo a assl$'- Lon(toll Whei A good -1 pair of, shoes for every livilig Rw that
Nearb. 3 �L,ore ere Injured of the Victims Pinned in the Wreck. Every mail of the ditli went abd blank verse - writer, and prophet, A good c th�tt bind ilim are no wultiP
tant. -dItI h good b oet, and a good shawl. 4kid Oc.lpj� J-4 iniptwitible. ',-Ili is oondage.
f tho--e Cal weat(her in Lolldoli A Is best for the �eople of his time, mortal. oat, a guod hat, or a wreck. Many r slanders Klondike L-flicials went and laid down on the. "lasCulille or reillialne (jut- tile 110:kw. wervant and
%N hich LiI in the -;o cen Cornwall (low" with tht bed up t e iroll Scribble and then JutlI I the natural mat) is
Channel of the St. Lawrence Betw %vho escaped clim southern hill of Jerusalem In that - . . - &I hi evil dfwirem drive 11im to
O ers :it fit of a arel. A wardrobe. for all na - work, Which still 1434P(l On sound, slumber which nothIng but an tions. apted to al and iftit a I iii w-ks with Inexorable severally.
1-413nJ and the Ar rican Shore No one Knows t1ow the Accident end I --Tw- "David, C(iiiiiiii-itta ry.-I.I. 1*1 own'Lly -- 11
evelit Of tIW archangelic -blast, can startle. strine a button or I join -eir a hopok lilut the #%piritwil mall iA 10ru ILLO
(k%. ur red. vje�d his own generation tir nil e wanting. Lit., they Jehfit-tit witil m-ititer, his pintiomi tire his at-rvanW,
iI after lie had ser p It aj�e rtht" L1.11W Wm* imt, right I y III'
kiv it by the will of 04il. fell tin slee But, , alum! where gi to Vd ; h-- litfUi them W quiet and obe.
'I'lit- 1.1teNt IIPWS 11111 K III . Irtintill. by ills own It 1w.coold Ito
t1jo &4ath rate,wIll Melt 4.4 generation &pat he had #it) Qui,
It ror three-ftourthm tof the htitoAn t I" higher 1whestd. They tire like the
It i it at th reengnt7ftl.-Baltr. Wordbijkping (jet i
ths-refliotiv, diffivult.t4i, tit. wrribl (1'ell- Sir se r :ee'!' elay to tit#- potter, or the tuarble to
thirty froal to -day's rribi rved; that JK. tile people e fit(- other tine-fourt4i have ap
piers ! And have You ever Wit4on th" teulptor. Righteou-ne4a is vie
'I114 -d" .1.8 too rtlVs ty- proprlUed them. 12he faet K there, ill ways.of their lIhi%*
W. .1. ('1111111y. klater:.Aow tlie learlied ergl prod time he lived. are
. ha%t- veepted by tile rail- ttr. Am far as ca (I le I It in true 144*1ritual tory Im-sire, lteiven.
-wtwt I thought that out, respo needs tp be iid will be, a redistribu-
W. J. Jack-ull. Ohk). it were (mi. the IMY IIII tf wl tou, 1� it( ghtoltij nalbilities
4or :I comilitity 4)f mich large 4Vx- �ek this, rt4-JiJIK. 4'r xillt!Itifoll thr(oil chiqfly with -the people 'now walking t1un. NJ)t 6y arrarphistic vio'ence. If aniIi iiiiiAle Him like. iticols. Loui,l Pit- tot-rient-4- s the I'litleiiii would n4lt i,i&�jjty_t1v,) reported for W( nitirk('41 abreast -.of Us? There are about four i ()Utla bad its way, It wi;uld rend. Tower ...... waWtIlliatt eiry-Fribill
R. L. Ily-.irt. Tyrwii-, 1'... W tIllp long Ilst thirty. I I itritaill. 'hit.1i W ill I but In a n d w7 anti ditninish, tilp lolid-ly buillifinko 4-ree COLL
tiol' ly forebo 'to a century 'now te r until, Instead Ujild tit It IMI
ILIW-strted t1o`.%V4Prk u t I g, tillig-4 generations MING i? PISTOL POW'
J. 1). pight hvp actually btlitil affu" tt, t I-ompletc- olden time. life wail longer, and there of th _fourths of the world not ptop- tection for the fitocks xx%-'.
Detroit. nil. or dow, -iln- the pitst wtlitti-is. Tim eration to
AoN NOT. 011-S,nalt I for. -klI0WiILg tbat so 'lla(i It- Tn(t4t was.- perhaps, only one gen erly at lred.'fbur-Tourths would be in 10, to tilp I-All-g44t and mitmt strongly
urphy, 139 it 4trvet, I -gerty. will turil 111, it ter' tile llf"4 t4 tile vi, tory 111IN . - C these facts tnto thp_ ragN will let, you know how tht- i- fljrtjfiCtl lToroutot'). fIt i4ft and lisitl -undtitilitr a centur3r. Takial
A i, a rough guess, 4nd distrib4tion witi take Ily geil- k St. Louis Van's Performsince in
addro4s, unknown ;Ier 40( tile dulultiI ellgille oil Vill- PrObinM list nations. -emictilation.. I make A ittilvemil. lit every wati
Tom Siculitighaui, %Il like ill I 4Uy'imj)r4-a,4wtl thb say en at 16ast one erosity.on the part pf LII who ha . ve -ous riw oif w(or"hill.-
and injur0d Av
nairrow owape. thdt *the�re have b #!lit* itlolaU
Nin Hutchem. Clevel. ua rv;,te-ll 'I uittlewti'll Iiltg rrIveill Itt I let " a Furp,us. and increased Industry on Chimp.
Ogdensburg.' 4*l,gtn4_% as ;it, work oil.- tilt- 1.4; 1w over twelt1ty-five ill :1110wx hudred and eighty generations (if the the part of those sufferitilft- from deficit. Clarke.
ro Ily. With reference to them rm
Cornwalt. licit- thirty. Among "to tho (;roat human- fam 10 Iii9it Joill, g 4 it tr44011 tbvibu
W. herm:tn w6rk, to which it littil roWs tt thow, tit itr outh, friva to lity. We cannot
With river wits the 10remall, forilleFs 1)!itll.S asp6risibi Not all, but the iarge mWority of
W.' Aitunderes: Baltimore. etl.' w1wit the, C*rlish occurred. t witiltmi't fear of it r- we have no r, , t their capiep (if poverty In this countty - are ellillionm- th(b of John C1,11use, itughnaiwaga. loI LS I ttsvile. bo v. -i ri iv "mi teach them. we cannot correc then tI and wi(kw all title HE is NOW BEHIND THE BARS
preqvmiee of wind lie cut tho Bratty, whose I it, '(1141111 a result of Idleness or drubkonness,
%I for t -I
H. Duvi,4; Pittsburg. ropes pud f4wd the engine', otherwisit: JI h has not been a u t( tg from tile ChiliI -mimt0es, we cannot soothe * thIfilr ' soue 1116r tJrPA% they built b(N)MI04- AAJ ill- rctiort, "yo. it
is their wouhds eitbor on the part of the present suf-
Cypil Campbell, Cornwall. it would have Wen drairg6d down tit -up 'to a late hoar to -n. ItI und I czr's r we eannot heal Ige lit the lewd, aboninaW4- riU*
w t1i eir stpuicbres are -,-deaf and dum� ferers �or' their ancestors. In most caves du
the wreck. Pour ipf th-E iriLsis-lug mon supposed W tle,at the , to[ or tile F-Lweigll f blow 1119 Th the rum Jug Is the maefstrorn that Ill Farland, of the horse commidblan firm
THE INJURED. get lik t Of' tile Wit( . le t.I *as to . anythinie we might say to.,tfiem. hi Rw-The
t -work oil a wow imuiediateiy river. All efforts to I ; 4 of PriItI.Sh great army swallowed'down. tile livelihood of those Burnt Inee of McFarland & Evanb, of ll!�slst, kit.
4of trailkilb The la-st regim t bf that thim,
Juhn IN i MuldilIll. MitillL, 14-9 uliql*.r tile f.klile w4ork of tile sioutherit names of.the orkmen. flit tIT0I Of We might who are In ragis. But things will re fmquerttlY reproach"Id with 1joulsi, to -day walkAml into the office
I utilk :is yet- the f has passed out oir a!
-tit. Tilt!, brittgo fell tilwAl tit Alld -the missing 1111VO prove' ni 114Ai. it. 113:' 1%'. bruised. hange, and by generosity on the part of 'LoI Newgitow & Son at thentock
... III yards liere and prooent revol-
halloo as lijud we 00tirid; not olle ( Cleorge BItiI Peekinaville, VIL-i buried thela in- the ruins. There is* *P0 Fverything ws ill a But' 0 ould ave Chip' head to gee what ''of the croded wardrobes, and Indu- mi. Illenthelt ...... (,a.r Lug
Vompoutid fractury uf the Jeg int, tile hft,,-rncan,_ sklid them*N%. thf, tistoloisliment lit tht' ver at the head'of LoI
t)bstruction t40 Il.lVigati011, LIN SWMa- excit�,nieut all -e -ant & I mit that I an" In xYm - I try and sobriety on �ht- part of New -
y hild whose tather had( impty wardrobes. there %% Ill be enrut6, 1i I)illpIlItVill-4. :Ind ingratitii(le at their
_VV` of ill werp, to mre t lit, Britisl ganti, the junior member of the firm
bV I ers aiiii other ve-wu-1s, except-tilulwr tlie efforts wi rial t. patity' with tht 1 11
o, hem to litliniralilp -a Ill
4WD 9?rT, M-mt, De-4erontv; a,414 ell% as.411 ralts, ItAkow tilt, i.orthern eltiiitlic-l- the inIJu*MI Ones.- nd 9 Pt. 'd I lher -little for all to wear %-er thingn for whielt tloty tv.ihmanded hirn W send for hill i
tsSu It eply dfpd� tud'Who 161lig tile ier, Frank Moiieley.
43,1 s va ulp igll#_1111�. er; "o -t tuward tte (ltwtr()y tile h' hit hi dr(t Upon the a,ppearanve of Moseley,
ie uw;t t work oil tile horeig (,4 [1 1 Icapit' ;Iduvt ur ow soudall evenift flI wartied tto contintif t d 'has Aone fils pat
Lou 1, White, vornwali Isltid, spiln6p Just I*fore dark tile It ad body Of relortkavil"011 11c.tiv" ther, altholAg' ad -siolng ot the hum*an raciV. lie -grows bet. 'Ionj to anger - AmIlgitaticill
tured. alid injuret J_ tII4- txttr6#s, kitittiolled for the (-kf d up" of) nek, of ill 001IN foray for her f a burolus (if -wool on the sheep's back,
frae Of pickhig up any w'ho lulght au Indian laborer i gone into heave�, and no rhore lleoded tha t makes 1;(NI hate it. Urfarland drew another re%ol%�er
, I us p into her and flocks roam the mountains and und ordered the cabbier to draw a
p f.ill into tim- river, t once met to tilt, the'. C-ornwall isl(k�. 'ThelIii- serio d looking u I, against It.-Ibi-d.
tIII tlwre w"S burn.
oe can- with a burden of warmth in- I *,.
P. D. I v, Ct)rnwall 1,1alld, ise -Ott his,69orel,ead. -cvtl-t ;kruly 11111,11 uV. face -'u; id- 11unglillp
%%tirk of rt%wut,�'!�Oiue of the it'JittlINI It, slight bru tilt,. re mother, I valley 11 tern, t)f cheque iu his favor for $10,406,
itot. lea%�e II ill' out' tAl tile' say. tende 'for transference, to hurnan coin
untied bil th(I fall ni r'y the first phlet: es of thia factories, laisped the firva owed him.
%%*4'-rlt% pl;tCed OIL tile tug Beaver, witich probill)ly was st ecintelillit. 811:ju II -The p
he War tha t. ein the shuttl I lit tile When the catilder bad finished mak-
Mit-h,tvl 11'evve,, Cornwall en #)e .4 of I thank Gsi)d tha I had a got)d father fort. tion W fidlivellts Itlill
t wriou,41y injurel. steamod art-ound the low-er end Of tho drowlied bgore help U) the rlftlifllul I. n keep hnn In ilik pray'ers?" reachilng all the way from Chatta- 1: out the cheque McFarland calmly
t4) tit(' tit-- �nce. so I ca Often re!wni xx..
Andrew Suifth, ter. !-er- island up to the town. Half..L 1.'0Zttl THE TOVO.NIN)_ 'V�(T thleo catering the ;Line h In1red ainl eighty gen- _hooeh:e to the- errimac. shall have luetructed Newgitss, at the same
flit. won� conveyed crom tho is- contract for But off. Spul* -s of X% 1_1 iou,41v infared. Toronto rep6rt 'igays 1:14141S. 1114. 4tud erallons' have pas3ed t�d. Iff). i nd, Uoven iL.In White lettel . time gbilig a luenaclut flourish to
W-ipi giV(VVlI tA le -thiNt--Testifillftl mitAp.
16 -Ions nd- ihen ferried. ygc dy. who. -y -e God has been writ4ng for 13. Tliwtifi is signature
1114. 4 4 Sir- Thoinns 1,114011i- 11 jig.
.W.' 'rhomp-oti. Molitro-11, 11L.111t 1. 9' i� the lotily Of t I to tr. tiolit, forever. Thtn snou feec 111.4 weaponti, to affix
liver tp the corth tiliorle. ll weire no fam is beitinged; to if the retol)rt-q tire triiv; tiltV mpldiers- Passed &Pwit. to the paper.
twokpit and btidly bru6ed. lition' there are generttionq t-4-) coyne after our a #.it( 4and years,, His �wish that there I t.. V. lbout, iv. 26, vill . - 19. I'm' lxxXI.
1prught to the If Ael Dieu,. in' tile priv We shall might,be warmth. for all nations. While H. 9. At. elly4sl - XxXvI. 15,16. 1, rophetA
IQ Torcitito. wits brou9*4 11 ,of tlen, ourrered *-,arthly existence has'ceased. That done, the man from FAut St.
Johii Queb�c, leg cut Of -4puttl sx-eill. wJ1110 th thing*. Louis lhied the two frightened mou
John B,-ro.i (Indian), Uoruv�all I- lisheil 'ilk %he residence of - tho 1:1 V th wee yearo it %% t hear any 4ff. other -9 a"e. diScussing the effect of,high voillprIW ree 1.
ItIld lived lu-ri- until a s. -not me I I no I1nVtJivtkm. # -for. up agaillsL the wal of the office,
-ruAlly injured. 10tul Ma.edoiild, ntl I of yeAM m), litut-li, that tlttb.v 0011111"ItWI offell( e the in; we sha rt in or -lo*- tariff. or nt) tarilY at aJI. on XJLV!ii. 9. 1. 1w, neigh- their voices: %v�- WIII
land, tit- worl:-,emd, for I by tile dictate of tile an with all the solemnity of a JQ(*e
given tc� tho towit. for lims-pital pur- a I a drlyer .111il tile, Illilitary Ul t their electI68S. their wool. you and- I had better see if In 11), siliging d
V I vialiantc-, EIL11.1L. filyr. tile Stro-t it:01%vay their convocaiiQns,
r lit- rp,m) ti�erep)Wdi-41 their ou'r , %viii-drobes we have nothing that Spirit. I. 1XV. at the bdr administered an oath W
wilett the Itere thei Lnd an a 'l)(irlititO astrophes,
legil, Cilt, OW h i. -k % 11 9 _ wi d that tlU-Y WOuld revoluttons. thpir cat ca,n spare for the suffe�ring, or pick by
crublili-i. -tttA-lided to by Drs.:- el#,?-tr c ServI00 t -114-V, decialre them too the effect that they would
1) Jt1r" were Itutt4wmaul llftPT; the: ;illy further triumphs. * We Will oin no wise affect the t r the street and tlip lIIyjU1Vrit)uK timaw (pt wripturlt.
lee, cars ago not rI genera- cpu illumivatteml of the Spirit, 11. looter not attempt to follow him or raise
Ferguam. It. J. M-Oris(mi. wla iaistalled. bout t 1111 190 generationIS gone or the 180
tile langunge 'an outcry.
lie beclime dimatisfled with his this ome, �xceipt ai fjrom -the gal- take h:'rn dd)wn to a clothing stoore and JO. Turii ye
ra , qrti i.
lit vj�lcy, v, it. Ijamilion. D. PI tions to c 1 0 t
va tell 1. tit ; litill of grea t erationd at h* . Gospel of vtnuplire Jer. vill. xxv. -pi. lie then departoed, LLTtoer stowilig ilia
en t uiosoel
Ifettry 101.110. lZifire and NVagner. 'None 4),r tit tiou, anti to g, Falls, :111,1 t-cidelit 0111111 erI withimt leries of heaveit the former gen shoes�Tl G of hats! GQSPOI of -
10 Oil tlkVy.W XxVi. 13, Iliv. 15. But tile same m*44- revolreAm an tile chequel"I 116- lwkellilil-
Ii"Iles of tlw_vA-� mis-shig have -yet te;lv wilme tie W,-Wked for, t *0 eartI or. lbok. down and rejolc�e at our victoties. aked! wils-pireaelwd by every,prophet
It .1110 it s -tion of ti tie suispen- ftxxi tml Arillk for lit.011N. Or as we may, � by 'our behavior, start for tho n N tmn as lw left t1w office, lit)-w-
tht tile edmistrue reached bad.,that shall roll Again, let uo look around' and ee
orisioned- lit tilt- er thl". -or influences, goo or frI Sainuel Gods utider- ever, 'Moseley ft'nd Clam v4epllollel tit(-
lu0at of t4em are iml sion britW. _.Xft in - lit Nia, on through. th advapcing age�_ But how ' ive way serve our generation. rt- faithful licow : if YOu arf,& Itiolim Ilvadquurters wlint had lialf-
Vek it thei bottoni of the. riyee. utphy rtn N.E.W Wbat iihort-ilFhted mortals we would 8,114-Phertis
w r*
n ploy- our business.)
TO) loF completioll I like DaI to serve !(st it will iiot bo bevauw"Of tlw
d lit, Ameriean S a re Illy ious to clothe and
the til-saster occurre ritils for time. 1111vi e1 'out own "gene tho, ptio�le now be. if we were anx
tio Illifflithfillilpai oY pilstcors anti tealwri�.
The tertiWty- th", investigation , will IX. milit ill it factory theft. It r1h e t4j,- Khartoum, W ngs now hrt�athe, feed only the most Insignificant part 'rho cloeqUe w" drawn till tile N
V to M or 4 brid 0 1'17oustrittvill to'bol' 14's -i livins, those whose lu ly.: his body, while7 we --litiribui. llit-ld in New Voek tate, lriollabl. (-0rIIw,:L1i to - k' it t e . 9 this fi.Cl tit I P" of -a. man. name tional uve Ntbek Batik und Police
1. . - . - lurphy. *and whose hedTts now bedt. And mark he and feed 14, liar-leiiett 00i Captain I,a v i it linniediatply
am or Haganshur tI%MrP. His father, Ila iIII N put forth nb effort to clot
i It 114 tit L .1 Ill, ;I t 110 6.1t 'is not a -slLen.
1W rI lViAll. IIIV.; .,.At ti;d, t tlIAh g) * t'.proceision, 'but ittle� iitAVIV ('114,01liol. their '%vay of wirkirdw,6K gl)atciled two (�.tectivea U) Ow bank
139 Ba tbu teliviter thwilatched you. -And Oave his sbuL Time is a. I
W 11mvis Ilit-tilia tell.).' w I
I.; lives.-Itt-Nol. I -, II i it is; a "forced inarch" at 24 :14-gs t4 :111 jightf.-;warning tilld *jt4.ndWg tit tile
dp 'McFarlanti was
tilld,the 11OW4, of his 010 -for- Moving- 'iece brolcen off a great'eternity. What ill tilt- f 11".114tittgr
-4, -fitkilrii, es tile t4_11 tu "Irom Pat- nifl" a day. e4ch-hoar being a nille, P soijis of.*tbis pre- Il4Itr4N*lly C.-tivIlietii willilow % ith tile clo Up ill
e tlRiver
littriv-1 t4o ;t Aw" Tho 0, N. -%V. pro%8 &IIIi gi mi- - tiffo lerity, it hfis got ll we doing for the
wer 4, c i I I. %. ettililwoIr tie- ay, rick J01111"ll, "11110424rinte or th6 voi w ith that Te 1et, me sAy it is a % '11811 tiff- ortimmm ell _�rt"
accomit: At not . )[I W -d IdI i ng ttpl('-k. service on pur pari, or T0 Relit, geyieration.1 till;t -y :jlkol i*b:f-w Ills Ildn't W
rent be a Mot Who. ill sp1w of
rew minutAI after. pWr 2. (10.9 n ve(II I lit- W.) Iffullit ulooll exclk&ukgi*g
or N p it `9 The it!' th -Y a cannot tzenel'ati6fh worth saving. INV9 tivett irmik till**
"i, DrWzo mam t NVP n6t
1 tie it e ir the pajoer for currency that he fakiftl
c4stilitillg front thek �izwriean slipre, -,I"-,k for tilt' *,Ige'd ?%7"1-2 generations past. -and.will'. 11ilicolt. met) and women are Ili 4-ff"rt-a - UP allittil tilf"111. hold Lim
Ifou r a' a rd - a 'bro- tea,ch the 180 111 a great ado about the improve- 114,4.L.0 set -1, %,1141 way they to noUce the deteetiveA until tlw.V
�Iltidellly Crumbled 4d away III ISO- generations to e(�om.
it is lilt- I � him. 3,tj yeal;s of not ee.-the, w on the stage I nieno in naviga:tioii, anti In I0c0m0- 3;xiLii. -4. 9. 11. tfx)0�1, tjolle at, imcli elJxm,, &nil deizad
to tilt* wirling torrent; lill.. it was tilt.r. him t.ttis gne
thib !rile tA-i4*r.I f -it tt
ty. Vra.sh by, t%%, 11 soon be off, and we ours
t Xt t4l, 'The
pf sitimi.-tint491(li-Ilt
thit rt, t ion fro t and in machinery. We Did
elves Jand in ar %Iviii. 4. him. Mffnrland was qUiCklY Illig-
11-t tt. i -s- -it 144(owett with .1 tnigh rs of it-le-raph-atid
't 41, lit I fi-tej- is; that ydu ;reinal-k -what'wonde 9 lit tllfII, lArti-The original 111�ilie 1. nd ti (em- uAllutft later.
it be off w1th-them Whot im-
rip d pfethosO6 (woe. tif ll. their Nift ,they id liot a t1w, bars of a cell at Ithe
kit . ..vll .1;,t1 the travel- it rotill- tply *as %I [i1r, tile -f ol4kilies, -ni have to RtaA ery soon for- :VlAmme an wav bI
niedlately IN now ill Vjiiti.�I� StAtils ()It and I' w 'r. it will be-ironk.'al and sar- Mellt is: el r'i lI over a tal-. A;tod's lirt)IJI14-tAi. but harkeiied to dk- tatitin.
our work, eel vo- iiwa reiw#t t I i k I�Vtwr 1; lo -r %tilt -I., warmiligr I -en of) t. wmle W.Ikt tll:U. . 1%odet
1. 1 d. iAlt tg) it is our exit. to 4;ay. low pandle! -Rut -all th'#4te imprtive-
o 611 to W111 rel.0vor1l'i Patrick. Am-orl!iiig to 'McFurlatid, the *10.-
ftww a r4 frl- t T r I t!astic for apy one after insigilificarit compared with Wv aid of. -IJavid. -"After mentli are bod -*&I mprewnteJ
-was s
C14% tI ille of. us, as.it, Tile w ht ol( y Of'jI 406 which he eoJJI
river hV,(*1,A-,11 m4ttr" pan dt-coI steigiAt the �y the improverne ts"In the human race.
intt,) s6rved'Ws own- generation n
river laintl tittiVit fell over towartl.-;-the' -Daily. Chrikilich he" had N141I iw. rl. z. 4. xxiv. 4-8. They the iimount dne ILI from DitFor &
In "Wen tim". tonce- In a while, a great
I v. I I r Iflou ThatAw.0'0u1J-'hJtv4' 'Ullke,l the. will of God. 0 God pro-
ROBB& 1,14 1: helell on slePT." -P tilii 1.1w, 114' vo.. stock ar.l cominimmi(m iner-
U4.1. ltf through llook man or woman would come ved- tAJ Let
4 )%v lie6i t)n tIK) bi,)ttom 0 Well. noi u around earn.- and 0 llliw-(I' to bless tht-An on chantle. witto failoA,sonw' tillie .180
wam in,the tiltii river,4 uithurt, &114 pllijtllj� vi.si fA n r. it common, sense upo and- the world has made a great
.1 1 -CILI*', or have estfy, prayertuiV. in the firm.
st;i)tie ill ti,ki evlkti�.- of t I L�.. iil,:L AX)at , abovo 'it. tt) -thi!. I . do for lIour fuss about It 'ever since; but now they tI Deut xvtx�- 1. "`liv 13. Testilli(XIII lit, "!vis Iw twhat e can _11iji !.iw is t.11" for truth
went to tlw w:ill ill colotJOI
No. t Ult y .%ngis) 11104 way. and set ':Fl.ral t us see a scarcely speak lkt('Il
re so numerou4, we
thrm S,.JLIIS .111 Put two lileit were orking On It, DistriCtg Terrorized b perforined other eatiitof own generation- L - of all, le list ittiquity. Alexander.
*7 -we 'an. the� have about them. We put a halo about. the wid agai (JUPTIM, AnA that the aw" weft
j, 11til tl,4-y were fortunitte enougli.,.to to it that, as fae an or
irogw,ork. e_;JVJI '4. t long at is beyollit people of the past, but I think if the Id,)wed vnuity�Lit.. "breath" transferrevi U) Nt-#vga&h At �4xt
tto .11 t few brixises. But OR Armed briaandsi if -storics arw.truei thell Onough to eat.. The. buman body it; so n4ed them, it would be image for iloilail-
rt-*t IbI 11*411 -r sl*n the Wene was horrLble. constituted, that three titnes a' dayAhI times dema, in this year tity.
il!:. tho lothe bljiv�rs *,Lrilb a much as a lamp futifid.we have now living TO INCAEASE PROIPRT.
t -entero -,I: rtmi.A. surpassev description.' Tlw- ineft. jigiit..tif. NI r.. MI(, lit 1�od**. needs f4aI a locon)otive is 8 �fifty, ar-tin Luthers, fifty George 16. I_A4",7(nw)uk. It, fi. wbrkilLg oil ti.le flooring. -of i lie -needs' oiL as. -MUI&h. as a g. fifty Jady -Huirtingdons. i., "Illeeted ith tile cast-
-,bout tllrtw 61intitiod It ir. CARM KAGA�MN 2 Clut l0wr1a lit's init1wretlons." 'this want'God'has ashingtow Prof Robertoon on tho Direction of Pro -
11 Ill 1;& r t of britige, amcwgst nekds fuel. To eet rd. tj y-, Elizabeth - Frys' During our civil aw.-I.,- kd all thiii divino law. Am gre" In AgricWtume.
.' TIO girdled the arth with applie.,oircha, he
W lien. the . wvrk lit'VIR t It %V4.orkmelt tti;tt tlio greatest fatalitY rl"I: T.Iket is, ort spindid -warriors in t mx)ll Us ally otlitw obj&ct is set UP
tjls- tW410 &JI;I wheat'fieLds. And oceans m
the "brilI f4I . hi -W oraT)ge grqves, and south were developed in four Tim- nd profito from their
I)c Tit,* were. literally crush- "Itws t!om-' rrlilpivi- weatfier colitill, ra eattle. north illsteatl tA (;(id all lie valuok Itab 10"r-
curreilit.. Py ;Igo, till. .. full of ie world developed
&.- beitt� that full of nh. aiid p Ir
lip. I n k ingtit"ll -thi, t%>ntilwilt, Tit#- r- - Ynars than the -who vi. [above miiy g attly.jitereased:
WUA4 ;rr 4-10d bolwqiI tile heVy ironwo nil. m nd notwithstaiiding this. I will under., ishlist frtnu lliau's *orship, Roul. im re
well. thrown inti) till. plv.t4VIy - iii.-6LI pp;,.Lr*-4I'fTi,lI1- ti i -jast A in the previous twenty years. rhal-
Ili: i4eir intani-tti. Jority 6f ll(,Rit tit lie
t 4, 1- r iii IOtl (loll '. ()It ThitrAidy jle� take to. say fhat th6 vast ma, -ave-li-The AW- 1. By lairglin vTI from tile batflu
trveller. a 'th
tla!�Cllt, tiI f tile -tor It.ily. Tilt- day -S .114' 111 -IN t auffering jen e. 4.0wi - �eal before Christ and -Ind jiLroa of lan(i,
gt%%- a e4>rj*-A-4 11liw li4L_.I1t tho btittltnu o the human family- are not% also ..the t-ighteen centurhis after VhrisA gyrian A%tritl writIslitIx-Terry. I Irt amount of labor
trite, *ll)rd for t1mll ommmi-r. There
No tell Inutl- I,.Lt.1 ;kriv 4)ver. it.� it r, flix d lie right iv. 19; Xvii. 3- That through the imp tA Wlwtd arwtive,
river. probably. horribly rab . It- . caNe-k Iefther for lack L of nie the equal of charily on a
our ch-ilisation is all did fall into this tijil we f Imed. variety Pf oatols may
�'Ii g4tI T.tt,�%I'andi dt-f4ft-d. NOt single b(illy 1), t n -I of fi*weorge Peabody. This
lirlipb-Ibly be it a revi. -ki A of food. can let it right. wilieli4r.,peor acre m6ris e t lfroll be, -Xvj :ind askew. d ' of men and women is tn!)re know, Jer.viii. 2'; lil Ad tell b
lit. lk.L, bL%k'IL recovereil, and there is ab which t nd Qod. only yic
11irinii lit' jjiltl: tilt- llack eneration 13 7.410t. i. nxiotlw-r vat
_40lutely no hope wh-&twor-of finding' 1*4Arr4-vtA_14I'4!diti ly a -the sireat6st estateq of tp-d6Lj_ 9 riety iiiider similar eircum-
Isr4oller partife. Mar ut,of the blo(;d and Worth thi"n any one of tho"I 141.1; plinged. A are 4)f tlm% have- been built 0 mendotis MA or 11111,V41 11"t bC-4-11 IlItAVI ations tilat have passed off.
tier, 17. Imus .... fir(— ft"310
tlw% tr'Ek are tol-etirritig amI OW tr(Ves b(?'nes Of unrequitea toH.,In 4)lden time Ily ill tile n;ethodk
N t
iii t
a t
VV*r14Ika'i* ha -s been renicovd. This r4.1V owe Whirt: ;ihall -WC begin'? With our lk"ovrately cruel aud wicked they
T h4,, pier4 -mil lull-stAl work WVre 9 Iotll- t grash tol 'jile for tlie'buildivic - .6f'forts and t rs elves. . That is the pillar fr6tyi which ninn'liewlt.41 lilt 411 tilt. fiel&q. (A Mv
i-li, itIII iA , large contruct' Out, I hi -c hNerti4I q of' Ispaban ad. to 4 -an- S
-New title Abe inhAbitant he blind his- 1114,J11111 1-4mmi unkier oinlei method of
butit by7 tile Co.. of
the I iLg thillit-ti4i tkv ON'I, horr&o disaster; digtrivt 4if tos0ol-4-JitlIV trihute 70',0& gk�lls, a6d *Bagd4d 90,000 tlw- critts :lilt] shriekS Of yJ4.1.1 fowr tono of
Yliffirk. id t1w irtmwork by V -l-toizeli 4-,-Iut or, -imI ary tvrift, tells us' how Pasarro -, 4.111
aved hi.
t'All, NY. t1to inanager oftim r4or t0ile IXN:.. Is, ININII hunian skulls. and --tha-t number ofpeo. ere, b- their balx*i. mtst theill illtolo Ili" (Jut- Rxider lber would
Itridge, CO.- or 1110e Wl� L ri,4 re Ii fior.the right. when they w
11h4senix itritigi- I *if. -it Cornwall. lluick� Amuld 4)f om furnish -. the sword carried tilt
not Jormally ac- ilk.1gazitte riftivi. flit tit rov ple were, e Pellett to. -ontribinions out, him. 1iyith_hlI _r ulettwull in the
tforcAi tin the %CI v- llothill * &I lung' mark on the ground. iitto) tilt. riamfk, raging dilrii m
Ill 1_r -sk'0114- ': But the$e two c Ilir "ttw gla
%I prike C.1 .7 1. V 'rliankzli V U14 b i I a er :1 ill 14 I'll 1111 siir 160$0( SKulls. VIs warikod ngn
I oy C4 I thi� Ar -4 :Llkj,mtm;t lieces" dded togetheir InadenlY h
mett. it wcork wtI rmp Ioll ill itIg 'Ir (ifferiu-0 froin He stild %Iy men, on t, @6 north 'side eA y.., 311t*A
and afWr nt,) (be tower -of the W01-ld's this
'i �4)11 3. Ili votim-wving tile fertility of tAw
luty 4of rome woiimk�d ha'it, beeit t1ley All(lei'll " i ur# desertion and death: on the south ubLnuilul-tittil. U -v. xviii. 21 IkVAlt moil -iitg isueli, crollw as clover.
UiILK tilt u IIJIr Aht- whl wr ught I)y giri m
lot the, Rri(l�,,e ' 'CiMP u'.v - -N I ter I Ion Pomp have been 0
IiAwreftizI tIW tendenc t0-hight. Soii wrforuvq, tilt,. work of rleItnovill�g tilt' beir of 'I%I arlivs. ;I ISO 11114"ll. very great W�alth and e0ti r vlctor.y: �)n the north side W till 4!Vi
Cor - t.lic-ul r or ej ns of.cin nied -numberl; of side is III lKxwe beasm and others wtlk-h
timony u -1y stArted. the okel 0 - the sou-th -tide I-
ar It. -a it is ti -e Aes' -huntedia '*Ill W 114 rP :114 14-f- - fil-Ill"i" I_#M_ lations of the Llarth� llanama and I"overty; on _--$u Ir re,1(itIVred *0 1 I voVII I I I W (4)" wI to gatlwr plazit food from the
nd W4*0 0"IY' I'Ptil :it 'Paris the half -fed popu Choose for
e #_nIp!0yet-K, is to blaruo the SQoy- I E IIA r n't sit. down at rOru- with all its riches. plot-UVtilaver t4b -141illatrous priteticie". rimVlt- nitimwn tif tho atmoilIphere. (Tho
tlik. - Ill tiw f skullif Do go to -the
thie other hand, 6n M!Ili 'no 0 yourselves; I foi my part -I
.1 W , —Tim-ltiq%., � T"ot of t1w clover pia3it wtwn Plough-
ia i i y. On, lively battle. -ring in 114 tilat - ti ? you -.with five or six (lourses f .;teppirig across th-4, line one
TnAll COMF I tit# stiff* ta fe k brigand. lit"Iy- I n1IIk*�lIvr*" hall to lutu- atyun ant supply and -think nothing. of touth." -ed. anti finallY 1.1glit- Tilt- lit)ly Land M tip and under. aud tlw- manure from
the tuta rart. *,vVry4ol14% i!4kitco line his truliqks follou t -
umph,.tie statement of I4o. it ItA. out 6f iiih
D- -witness W t1w, c(AItI CLIJ)t. I a who' whi-rv- Jehovarl has his dwelling; U14 t1w Otlmw enviii 01i WiLich allimalm
feye self %vitilili'jeach I thO devil a rt 'falnily ill '-the next , street
Bcoitinf9r. oil tI10 tag Beaver. wqa a one of those five his - w -hole army. UK% eovenant alid rerekition, luive -bom fed. nAid niuch to, VIP ff-1-
I qVith ')r lit. I. reut. SUN S 14 111 woutd take any. I
t1w bridge at Irat n4i"Llief. courojes betwieen sbup and atniqnd nuts The. suawd of God's truth dra%" the Ju'laii
diktaitce below oh their captl it jiw Iding line to -day. 0n tine side of t"ll-T tility (A farm&)
t, Tkie U4 - amin and t,,.% -i, a1kd all 41 By tan kitig tione sayas t.hat tile Notittill-rly irt-d iter deli W COC 'Itry uthori- The lack. div k I lid live "tM,
1 In% horribly mltil-L-tc-ol.' it, respoll- and feel they were in heaven
atI t*AlapI first. pulling tho pier I .. . I -'(pr nia I�y, I lit! hail that it, still swt of the right k1nd or,food- is- the cause* tt-are sin. anti ruin and death; on the —Ail tif tk-n.L their ocui" too tiwir t4ij-u.. their farm atilt
with It towards sittickly rese"441. -th-I 3N N(lill ye 11-4 f4pr the extreine, After tithi-r ide of it a,re pardun an4 'UeflA17 Zlie Iliorttialitl0ft WhO
.kll;l tile nelt.-Spau ti I lors .1 of much of the drunkenness heaven. - YPU h1o4atrie-i and )lil"I with .111ilah. The nuirkets. the IlWeiai XtI Of tIll'
ilito, thii- river. It :jj4 it -4% te.twili.-thl o4eirtaiii tkat !evicmj blai-kinali to: It' -1-tiltil."I ril-lowts that g L '�W ne.--st andAialifolnesg nd
y rt lo. 4 Jii.-aork t, -hil tit** ItStr011omfl, drink Ldo it Is-
4he Amcwle-al'i ishcore w ilet: 1' -I'n hat many of our grocers
-k id- Coll Ili n
emtroollix mill N, I at manyi silould lip title
I wily the bridg& Ing ervattirct 4xi tilt awtetened with Wh fr4sin the wr4ing �slde to the right ten tri"i were carried away I,v the flinil, with meveral otlwr kit u
oo-undemtant 'ju COW fUl' call coffee ithdr your fapiiLly will crops with' A 'I it rkt,,. This 4-lilli-4 tit+' to it. (Cattit
had t -:t%#-r tl* eating what many of 9
11,14J. IM4.11 takii'll tiff th4t I-tlI9 i44 thf- earth-,- 1111tkilig wl h4otlit, *yriaitx.-4 I -k cmi most farinq6 with -swine,
'iolm' tip 04i z call sugar, -and a Bind your daso- iVP II
'4hould thus eoll-ijime. elc-�Pt fc)T' 4if -tlid- g4 "I it laril yt, -afid your friand
hich, fell mt:'itto-A itil its 1114111gr# 7 w III ng IwVA4, aftA-r it had last-
dtrtietural fanIt". The rpalig lof thi' SIML)tN .1 gr4)111) tir butcher. 111141 silbopp. of relatlive
0 riIj meat, and -chewi' The way you go they will gil. fill I
save S0101non alld tilt, importaitoo ill tlw *wder nanwd- ON
f a IZ41 1411.141 tit a t Ps. eI twil, Ilulld,4VIll altil,ft) y4ivo
what,,. hakers call 111 4*. , rt
awl ti to( tilt' kilit4K cat it t,,manyL.of our e are not we will never save -itit of
illwwrinni -rtei many of the JaWrIng class feel so m frinn the 411
tim w i I.-, r r 114olliti tll:14� 1111thett. (arms 4 -at -11 of �he otlier kindo
Stro i itway. all --f wo-oll Only ..;t sh4ort tilllilql g", (A I till- sviJirii undernI wam being'rtinfiI leriL I to llut Into an on6- i4fic. ;, - 0 "Y r stir- erable they ure'temPte� t pr oc)tislu fit Jorolix
it to pcwible that ill 3w,01110 w. tvy04VVrlv piacest v ard -what the tobaectirvist. h, what at 9t od Ithing is sleel') af tlw iqwVt
i4jund. The tither :1 IT. till" ti�'Ilt I their'nastY pipes work! it, takes all the Tem Ily till. beveding. foi%l-
Was ;I'fi4ki- ervry ifild It F T, calls jobacco, or. go into the tViyiking fIard iqXI. %'. 1). Wil'.11tif-Wr is first ilts follitution or ow i" tite iiii,tel 1)w-li' ifillI 1%I A the head.. and all the tratiwrt"K 4of the arit ous,
t1wory ._v4 t d %vitli ..St, iting tim to i t, w ws % fIng and a
tile geALL or wh�t' the rum sellers
41 P* -r had ti�s-n . undermine -Ilot It On t saloons wearineiss olq -of - the eyes. From It i1i likur Its Ally
fa ) oIt. lidw Ir. Gli-I �Vmild 414,o 'mucti ill* himilixis .14 Nu(
truggi fig sil t1l.P. sCIF-Fle. I'mr himni Cli� lbeer. Good coffee it. tua It IIin II
ws&U-r iiI thi-. '_ f4irnipr rise in the morning and it Is a new UP to (A)tliill,tlw dowit trio' twilw. 4eser,'itilla rfo.,Ill whs, kt-I lip; I.,V4 ri-igit 4 And it we, like ve -I V. 14. 114% head. 01141, PM
it 11441 1-tlittiring for t I ffi-%A'-. and 4irlying out hall rum. wirld. David, tier ditplarol!
Ang lfttA-4t [:ilt Mi- nr*t var 4ji;ti We)' I if fitw* ebin-` We serve our- generatf we will. at life's close, 011oult,
-higivs of be v, -1I 1.3j' .%Vill 4juir gencration. x1ri putm-hito lii*-rty du Iual
llWell. froni- .41 il.N! At with enough. to pat?,Ity sitting down t dc�wirablo and refreshing peofformauitm
14 a fu
erg have. lro�m 17. ll.tvo r an practica Ilk -
the fitolitil 01Y oA be.r.al _d it) in r Pp an& loungitig In 11. -will vanish o Wlwntanm 4or ru4
the channel of hvit ro. it is f4*:4r.4-J. intlIrt4i. embroide'ed 'sli ur last fa 6. By adding -to the number and
*Oilw tilf." 114 * 4; Ioto% gciewti) India." but Ill-s'fatherAturt back In' an armchair, our mouth puck tigue of bod�, our last worriment of It they liavt
Ivor. linly a thorwigh iIVvfVI-; I - best lillW 04-Y, (lWli Him vartot of products whic sale
the ri P -1:011k 't w4fl gi;t thi- i-ollylONY tit e ered �up around a Havana (it. the To lite
101- Brief erty a brand. and through auds of luxuriant mind. our last istorrow 'of 11101-11
�Wjtle ilw point kOlf-A gi%441 1Y. 'till' 1. K -110V - - W cl with life (nop( sell, and by having thewe for
etigill likely that oiwe o0hristian's body that was hot Wlt-h 411 'et
t, t*r ro. is. fmsrt#v-ti,. -I till it., Is till I iwiled. sn-Alke reading aboupolitival economy tthe se-iFovis of the year moqt nd-
),It, . I.I.L41 t. ijL-, Ili wd Valth. ke99 No, no! y at CUIUP&r&-
it lit tillI " 1 )'It' , Tit,- 114 raging fever. wir -that the attendants They levery day
%4(jorEjulitil Co., rc-ttirlit-d to it ti:im wimber ivi'll III rlo Itie., 1, 1) ill - trioulling _ tpf Ainer- and the phildsoPOY Of m.tri eer fiiree.ketip tin tht- blank thp c.til Ilitu lx -w, I vointageQus for selling
t[Dust 1A, tih
ts 1120 not )III10i Is I ti t It -4 jig By finding"but who In tills Rity has refigitoll liki- llis ill tively good riees;
to -night. r. Thpm ;JII;J F.1111blifig. -lit Vie 4 Y!4 .4,Pf his Jeall cIl(VwiIIg giliu, whiell'is lWe0liti ng t-ts, it will be the cool sleep. To those iNt o guoI in their
Y. an . ho bad not yet WV4,11 the -tills PsUnlilte. tile e been )Mng on. gristle, and sendi who are thim-bitioded and shivering life a itd dwd 7. by furtter impro%ementa In the
'children -ill list 14
%vr*ck. but expressoi-A himself ts peN -Tile c�,*uw t)r t1w vrmub Ing lit, was 0 thp rage amag them a- -tehderlol 'beefutepk. ?oL-k out agues, it will be the warm sleep- Thou JKLilited gram c callvas is likd' quality and condition of of U%V Mve
-illy thou erld Z11141 r and
oct!y confAent ttlat,I nornpivy fir tile pier -in g4 -114-r. lot III I .. Vnd, Thf- Alitil6ritiI It' m0re; ta-mily, Wbo through sli!knoss 4' WItb lysical dis- the living Wled-" to vell ; (in cereals, Pho run in
to , lelil.y. 11MLI-P, - .010, nave Dot 'To thope who..
E16 ham bee 'ridg#-- U o Nive IvVen tit#. ,&et:j)1l of tiv! water 4i.i.yts sigi) daIiWjVr(.)u8 thAli ice eream Whicit Inction 0 misfortunpu -vl-
4 gnIt oleatin(vis add to the vik!
me. _n b 11441 Alovel to eat.*.an4. do. for them what d with night
Rot to bla -it v- I t1w w re mid a ain-I order I a. were terrifte leep. faw of tile k,lig- animal prodcOUlAtiO
buildilig Awriva sIIIcI IS56, loll tilk. cow All tile Its 9 sions. it wtil be the dreamless a 4i4pIll rof tile u -it trI was the ere for' th hungry - multitudes
Oil he fjorPlipill"i W it its iiot. em milk, butter, cheese, beef
a.nd n`e%eir 1,40% WWI -before Tilt, iers put ill 1114oll .1 which th Chritit did mu�tiplyjng the loaves TV -nurses Rnd dot -tors and moth (of tit(. sill and guilt -of tile People. pior No.' till il 14, t prut,80'ay , I I very bour
w6 built h-01 f -Dill f0l.1114%ttillill, - U111 Asia 1trior, who w@re wakened almost e 41) try, eggs, Mutton, lftm&.�Vtiottgh
VK( till. -til rusilexi e fishes. Let us quit Vhe-stirY ark their do%viiward 'earI the best quality in tl;e
iv",k; wl the Ole: I I V(
ou the tr�MeI 11WIlt, V1.4lay, lial StAvoll- #l' Ion NAME1111-1.114S and th Of the night "Itose to whom :they
w I ti oub Ing 6f ourselves UT.11,1.1. -we pannot ch kv tho lotlwr trilm-te and tha t
iv I t) 1164, - t4' jof tile -ice, I.-Ist wint;A-r' withlottt, int0i tile %ilinge, 19 kcifl!s ly watch- frt)m tion will fetch about 041,
tl#- Z-0 itiloves ift "Wt, 6. 0 inistered, or liver whnn the% prf-sh u to of fote It"Vitt do*%Vn k%nother ctun�b at' cake. -and be-: ty iLl)
;I rid sprWg. Pf,brC4,I)tIhlf. Ofallingiii- Tile (mlv k. I- frI a terrible clit of othOrs' clexalties. Od,' U wIll he the undipturbed sleep. To itistIlo4i of OW "Itti011al "lit per vent. more per pow in tile St;t tlillg Ba rry 110114,-, gin the nei ho could not get to bed till late revolt 'from tile 1111001I 4-0%eillint "Ill' (ju-ility to barely nalelLble
dp%,oteg week to those w
.41,jitVIV(PI.-S SAY. 'Qi) f a'r from helping Appease- the world's Tile imme Is true of fr
WHAT IV "it vitylaiii and 1 .1 must rise early In, the toverthroow of ito 111 43) dew r. to
ith, a an already of ir.Ont, ttiat-- UP N-141 Ind* K IM Mi whqm. Isala'IT ' 'de- at night, and d. It ti(oil whibition
- Btcli)k IYIL CUr;*nt&-r, thf'b.exj9*UrP 4ilf OW, tJ I, kV rhunger -are those of the morning. and leafore getting reste ititoo Iwatim4iism (4) PPf74i#Jt- S. By the use of W
J. IV. Sm =eht ulliM the e0ncretI %It III% PtR)o I. bI A. I re'wrted . ribe:k - a aces gainat injury 1.
I . 'y t I if s gr4ndlTig the f
few mill- 4 ft filly teetion
II tiliLt part iA bci(*4! a otib- that'� tII4! llecityeil will be the long sleep. pIK ill silk. 00 moral and r
elled tile %.upt ljr�l tI whiell ltlitioll (if offirials. plibi6ill(Vii. 4.. poor. You have teen ajarmer ojr a ny talk ab- tile king-
llj�d just, it -a thl' 81 fferhig- vorru Away with all your gloor norruptkiti. (;io guarded nd fungous dime4toos. an
lltiVII; bl-ft,irP. 111III "Ali WN)II be timian. unable to twar u -a scythe or. an fix on. a �4z F�
of t Ille t0 If 16" f ro'm'41 Ilia,, mechanic put out epa.Vrting fi-orn this world! If wF d4ln, of Israel for two lilill(imi :'I'll 9. By the use of cold 9
.v tie,, 11#3, heard a crash a fill dil'%v JOS Ia'ttd**4offiCI grindstone, while,some one was tutn- generation it will,not ro ill patkIince :111 perishable food produc
vaI ink*out ofiligh.t-butfl Un' tlemelin-�. kpnger, lut4i - returit I. -at last-_ re- W, h()' n a ve served our eakers; fifty yen i tei i - they Lray be delivered Ve
the s &ppf. 1; Jim D(jw- it) or, .1iis' Orr iind nit) ng It round and roun harder and be. putting out Into the br guffering. 440 warned all(] thri
blo W how it It WX utt foura. otporee to--ttli! .1irg) i ori it
tiM(- 110 grim fai-t- 6 wolild ra- holding the ax bore
-say s that Ito heard a 111.1ing t ry' 4-A 1 )114 '.are till c4tirrul will not be the fight with the Kin ed, and taught and :Iwi mate eonimmer Ili a state
rivo�ter, say 0 -lit! Alis ir. pr4ida co Jiarder. whII6 the water. droPped 'from
hav, too t hei r 'a ni 1', fI handm going to sleeP. provervation. (The marke?V.' d
tile pier toth4cw iIwtin(-tqq rising in. is breakt,-.hall t-� Ahor ape tlw W`11610 44 -Ail e rs; It wIll he V) slialm011 tlIvIn t,41 till fille gxiodr, depends eliki, 1W r '
lloLso be-upatil him. Will saw 11 Mt ttl� #VON hilell,.ti- -the. grindstone jind th edg Terro
raijil4g.cover tl)wr(ls th", w3utisli0re- hijured. homv� fatiaiy. tackft'll tile! who, �over W tile, Yank from being roujkd and dull. got.keene tvturn.
He, grabb*%l it, rt ipft alld""'I gWting i14 II fluttl-ly ll) Hign ofjhle it" I tV.. to pelimfull br* Igilig ill th4! htte'01 ;Iffxir*4. u.n(.1ler, their vondition, and their 1p
it. and keener. So I have seen men who WQXAN'S CURIOSIY. PRAi7tICAT, SURVEY. is not and vannot be madi
the river, from Ilam- thstiplo-arellt ax tonkpletely luf if front Ila fern; wounded hint were put against the grindstone of I' fnte is the flimiliar I I I s tor able unleam such means art- r
tlLp wrI lilt , . . .�i NOTES. 'and while one turned the What a Bride Discovered by Picking a tro of4i for their preservation thn#
'I 'I Till ed.iii'mitAing liia.2ew.
Which Ito swam a8hore., it- IIJIAI NVOil it 411AM 11410100 M� Of ttle nq I' BU t tll,fb, hardship, would, press the un- (if ur lewoll tAIVARY. WO Ila
boot,.y 1.0-Alelightf, crahk. apother Trunk Lock.
of, 1f) I fritnei;. in! Y;ioilto i.
aro.awveral itriel"14ifig, eirctM_ tim. mylIIivivt" tell thrilliiig stoir" 011`10:11�;. with a here harder her mlliirme thr(W911 t1w wildervem of sumers, tit) matter w
T tw, rt; It ff a 'll"I tilt' w4twIti0I (Itirin I i JiKitill IM4,41 fortunate baider' down ' and de. (imi lInA will get them without 1100, oR
.taneA* in connectionWit tili-4 g! 1 I)unk notes. r1jet tit;, t ound away. thin- hothi; b4oro I diw ingratitu
I *- �Bar(xn t lip :i ir. S(nue mej '-yet Vin, t)14' -rlell,'I
marlriftl, the rumik r eiittmt-n ri)r A lit( coll- down until he was gr' nner. w ab iwt mat
11(i wits 4' -not --his.coMfOrts thl hawa,s 1)14 -&*-d with lmweil lliuiwlf t1.4V infinite Fatlwr, ed.)
r1I .;a - o or ystchts' yorI ner
few months ago to 9' V�l. and 'it is b.ilrcv' In theoe and other partm
Cubby. W mi 8 _mac, ex, tile toli) or tho traveller nkiravii-i'msts '110. 1i; tIrt! clagm and tbinnei and his face my w have been itillumer-
a 1, who I' t4ttollj( him pfospectg thinner. the ordliutry amount or womall:s curi lind Mi# -Ito- work, the department ha@ I
i:. ack 't withoutw4l'ttil ' R fOOt- conririne,l gambler, li6 I"' gbile : U) i1qbI to -,fit& 1 -cry Isaiah shrieks out:� - (A #
ICSI&I , 1. opf doinly thinner. oltity. 0,0 tiny whileF I wag (jut 141ke, ILI,14- :Iiiii tendir. Tik- rt4
OWN JP4 Arid -es avorintr to help the farm4
lk 11 Ill t-1 11 of retri4r 1):'Y
as kills -1, Wout '11,111bT10N OF Till' 111,1CIPti, nian ye that ye grind tlie fat
so W, thp 1�iklg 1pf "What 1. 'bracI tile ojolm)rtuitity to pick (Ieltlitig% with Jimael is pathetic de.
J'infr fliML fallen fotti sit �t -At)hrtt;zf, ior dpot em Illustrations..7
agil- l"I 'WaI4 e oor. the, look of iny trunk. I Jdo not know ill thl� extretne
k'AIL4 '' :1'1'0w* uinety- of th . it is tile stiory of the informfttlon and
molith 4 it LIS an -awful thing to -be Uungry. It ltmiqAtier form. He III'm
'A. 4p , tile �-()juiistd 4,f three 370-ftjotstool slilans, rn. y Illected to find, but I Took coo &ud Kilkmaid
LouiIs ttke lisdian, w Ito rillot( Is. an 9 for us to.be in good wbAt sho ex bI disappoint- IIII witil tlwm. slu*werI upon them
thp * hIK)rt sliinita,, runnII4 14c.-Itttwrull t have 0
ly injur" rfect 04 . t * si des. t. Tlie humor witb' all the wor:d. when we think blio Inus was full of 'Iterfabie love. alld purnued them The #aying has it H&PI)
wax IML41 I- wa4 A' . frian tho tiol-All over tIinntry Will knitillf1i haVe no lack. But let-hung!er takefull ed to di),cov(w that it. It l! their wilful witiideriti wooing that's Ilut I A-doin
tho pier text tile' American ik. t#J throng Clio
.'afety I'lli-so. sillitits' re.-.Wd 6p P6414. wl .11' .8 itnliled. oil Thur4llljr, 11t)t1ling but biticui When I came 10
0 apparentlry, beI 14;"c- - -W feet 4 IlIrhirp f Wait possession of us, and we would all turn III 4itillirs -of the pate-riml tullw4it-in tlw Miortailst 1AV14 an t,
WfIrs. confretie tooI- within A. e jil y.-tcht. -ind will sPenJ Int -o barbarians and cannibals and home lit tile evening she said: "George,
tri,.L41 UP Illiggerty. fr6ni th .�roy w(vv never el(Wdk tho fentit uns em- pawkily humorous courtehip t*" wo
strickeit, , the and lim#mfto�le -thence t .4 Isburne. me that some of''the en- what is tge, Meaning of all thove bin-
ne. u; I I a fie tillually spread anti tlw robels of wel- writr Pver knew of Wax thol
lOf tile dullinly eng II&I kVitt iding In useless and CuitIg that I saw In your trunk to-,
UP- irI or SQ abcove. TIK Ito ergy we are expel
r by. him that 110� 1,114. QelI w -r a e bread ques- ilwalthig their return. 111g. ,,andy M--. by inue'
WaIN HeS, voncrete and tdootiv, werf! Pla(*d ill hugf'. IrItne8se(I the-Britemor gath unavailing talk ab ut th TV I rqiliml: "Well. we're inar- "'I
waA ill right, but 'Whitp JurnpP41 tO ll-ritw. C2 fly 16.6-ot. Tim! anchorifig 4of r6ful al- 1IQY I al; well UVil, You rali varne sitter ylinkrt; lijif r(- ing nild carelul linNing. 11111i
erIit Bnlmoral, on Thurs' lay. Uh:* tionshouldbe expended In me riml flow, so I MaY 1w.1litnt.- F.vcwv opp6rtunity had Iii,en tilitiditt- life, ralwid lti'nia-If fTI
low- and,
lujarly 40 feet be thi-I 4 -ribs , was a(-compli4led with r.terest wits t4tken in the leviations. I have -read that he battle When, we wc-re courting
troops. met twor. (;(ld sinit Mill holy pro man to be#ug it farti.
than tho truth. phiets kille4l,. wh"reas. if lff� alc-tAl4idpriti'14� ififficuitX. Tfie'picis were tioll, na it Willi *ilvp .710th :Ill- field on which more whewver I toilld you all untruth 114. Would on any otheC In the worid's history A nAghboring faritwr IIIAI
rejuail,tvi where Ilk. 1141ilt by %Je�fpqr% *X)yfjWItlJ & ("4J., Of %itry of 160.000 (whicil wits wmetinwo twm-Asary) ilig tout the danger. Tlw-y liecame
n fe. New TfMk. it lid , the i roil work- ererti.-1 I ..Hivprj tile 'was the battlefield 'of Lelpsic� W11 which Sandy. desim, i
haveo bp* lit" -pn - f I rs t pit t,rMi VN I men under Napoleon, 250.0W mern.under mIltie a mplitViti ljoto of It, and when liardetied and in4ifferent like thou- Ills stock. The farmer Ila
hi.tlw Pht*-nix Bridge CO.. of Illoe"* test I wen limne I -would throw a biscuit of people Who I've ill our Chris- -hoom ttallies. &hwa No. no!, The grea
T:fE ilk- 1 410 rzeberg. NMI buxon dav4gliter.
III Tito PoneaI .,TaCell #luring tit ow b,i"g 'ilLto my trunk. biscuit lx,r lie. It "Ri (jee.1md to OF%. wttled in lift,
ifwui, tho-Amad foremull Of faiiihicatablo and most terrJftc battle is In is the d—we say r*ppl
was gr4lil 'The current Of the river at tile lolat week - tittrIl ImInT. fought, all . the world over. -16 during tAle day or during the evening irI w7pre to them like the
thl" 11h.# -nix C4,0M14LIly. l I W I people. There wer iniilyi- In riI battle- for bread. The ground -tpne of It.-Ilf *d07A4L lie@ I throw of a fathor who, is nismys h.aII on to taw tumouti-II
r"' t ( 1 t` 5n..
14" of I I iS he 4w accidmit halilk.ulVd., is 80 great I told you tiln t4 Frenrit my, 1z4iIk-4 4 at tli*! %rer ' Sviift that- if tho Wdies are not pArtkI at Tra uby Vroft. the finest pissage.in one of the
it rm. 110 y 11 -,It ' -ver elvetiting Judg- -After intik
of many yt had thiPY musical masterpieces, the artist says, L IlItif it t107A 1.1106C.11i.tS. so tli('W thmlitelling yet nt gain for the cow,
dZe and re loinned � by the cry of biscults miniply reprewilt t1w. number jupAit. Tlwy aV (;od iI nim-iful : we
Iwd,Vorit- , 4kiwn I)y'tluj irfoilwrk ru . line Our fr)vad wits f1till
just k -It the bri" ac I anti will Illwly 1*t carried '()"Wli the river Curlous'01d Una' was suggested to' h1im
e -aytc m-4-ived sunshine titid
wall I.sla A wbp1L.Jw, lieurd a craol I th iavo -told you during our ll;tve Ili%%. Cl in with him upichbor's
-y are found. Mic
he loentrf. wmv- ditVaI twft)rp th4 -the hungry populace of Venice shQuted She galAi: tily ralit, ItIld t4w land tilts ylelded fruit in k1oking up. %ith a Idy t%% 11101.
irelle of Janesville,
Mw t1l.. spILFm hikilig. hio garden, found king rode through and they it*4 Ilave ntithiug to fear. I'll L
whilo at WOW us nd -all gotII. ! If had your
upan t1ld not'sowervo witil it had suilk EYE Breail! Give brewi!" A I had imly --rry eye. Iiel " Ili hfi, ' - I This
opled over. Thlirty-threp. of tlI4' %it-tims '11-AvP IL cloppor coin which Is a good deal of through the great Illes of musl forethought and put asido a- little let u.i PAit. (trisik and to tlw e(vol, bus rV hell it UPI I d.
7�- w 1LIk" W the h4h1pital at Crti- etirloalty.. rho inscription on the cal acadejny'and cav al I hear the bit of choome for every one that I 4-4meluldo,111 "Sually plell-4-t" t1w. cul- milk- The 0
%merk!an rrency, lind rwxt tlI Uab, IVqt It$ it wall.'on the Canadi 11 jade 44 the river. 'aide of the colu reads: "My Cu pathos, the ground. tone, the tragedy told Y(lu wo should have had enough luination (of iniquity. ivI tio- (Illy prw ter " wam dull' Clillf"i "41.
(IW,*-,.t-ly tt, ne 11*4 is believed illy G!cory." The r(werso side of the multitudes, who., with Itwit4e bar
biscui 11401t. Ill tlk' midilt Of liltrtim te that It, 11,11 -fl! IS Of theft are. MRS. FJ.ORFN(,F. , . DIl0UCFI Perish of uncounted tm and cheemil U) last um for life." tilt
that' ove,*r 20.yet remailt in tile ilver. rom(W: "' Perish Criodit, streamin eyes and wan -cheeks an fnTI04A security the stroke fell. I of. gnin waN struet thAt hto lie
jI which firSt WIPPed aw*- t the death roll A WOUlah w1lose atten Ipt',t;D establitill ,('1onnneirce, Down with the Bank," broken hearts. in behaff of �hemselve8 Answered. IsrAel's fo3y was soon repeutt%
may. and, it Is expecUld tha I
and for
ilion w i DOI, be completed for run fly daya t I te c la tin or tier t4on to the I ' ukedom t.My Victory."' A good sized porker and tht-Ir families. pleading Listen to the mournful ateiody, the Snails 111116t011' I" Ps"L
t)tild lltiV imprew .111Y (Vig the of Portland has jittmeted W" io pictured hi.the centro of the piece, bread. Ali American epitmis gatherer W82 plaintive wall, that romv i�hortl &f. Iv 10, om Mile a re
i ndmd. w n Were largelyp from it 'tar.
lit. lie IIAN Th4v wo, kmo c ftle�j r- N It
th#. cause 4pt Ww accide ampe(I on look around to -rs from tile diffe 'i rd -e h I rk#,t,4 too 1W
-er, and it laCtelition rw.' F ruce, hm u Let us take another . collecting 'the palm erw, Tilelr(0141I d4flan at
llil New York side of te rh It CoI of Ivild the reading Watter st generation. t
I in *I tile 111- -W ent houm--q In one of the lower districts -I rted . IV in the They
In Ule eallf)" (4 th4! xvidble to obtain for e tile d9 of tIW, RiliMiLl Is io oblitteraled see how we may serve lit the strange lie tit, ),"I
their that Ot t a ge town, an
y Icw 23 ycgLrL aiM lw)ver hAd ilig of a 10 an to ake It till r d :tit intelligent rearI
vountr� to which they were cArrieJ tP
of the viletims were ra% if It M t Intelligbile. The coin Let us *,ee, as faI;I as loossIble,
Irl 110.
!�IiIq a-eldent, attributabk� t" him. w llamtv. A number btxj�r of Thona" Vhar4w I relic' of a campaign they have enough'to wear. Gd looks looking woman handed him a docu- In ch-iinti nd bondage the memory 111dinne from the fumOW '-it- Ir 0. L4 evidently a Iowa 'Just ment whi(IIII contillned all all,uNilig of llli�ppier days returns, whetl 3e- ill Px tPIIflj%-e ithe Pro'-
rigaged on were she . asw,,brtR. waxs In Mip, tit finanew (were its prominent as upon the human race and kn lWrhO to
low" %IiI be was e rvatlon 10 In the many Inhabitants the. world has. I reti oil aronif
tmiand bridgo and ttw Portland. they -Iwtve been In some of the late �OV entry. The InquLry. " Married or siti- ho%-ith was the Lord and I was
#wtern liart td Franklin e6unty. Duke Ot The statistics of the world's 'Popula- to-rver-4 t)f tuake 44ieir navor.flfwr
R. at t*lo&. rh,- bridge Itad worthw .4% to the terrible af- 11tit 70am tion are c4refully tak I en -lit ci.111sed We," instead a - reading so put tile tiot extinguislied. " By the r
y it- An eye-wltne "YeR." remarb5d, ycung ftrem. thum: Babylon, there we eat down- JIM. your of a
b . fair III he was.ditting on the bank btedly tri! iat every dog A committee Oi three Fill Ino,4, ap- I lands. and every -few 'yearn- offlcers ot
ko-11". 40 that v14, actiton of tilt! U*11,011 . I%er witching the bagy work- 114- undcou has left Hong I government go through the labd; ount Condition an to niarringu?" we wept when we remembere-i Von.' 91 A a clerk whe
itil of ths, r liaps w).` staid (Inted by Agulnaldo, -had Na. 13Y. 1. Then the temill" *oatlt drop h6 Ithe mintite tile
t -h,. f*Jw. work tta(l nothing V) 410 w. men abdve him, wht"I "UtIdenly, with- ham hiN daY. VoIng In order to confer with Forest- how many people tlwrf- are - in the Under thio heading the wornan W rfid 111m - (,lutting, glanel n�t tho clock England, and great; writteii, " Ifiad lip itfiwe innrringe, dear to them, and the life 4
Uir i-II-Aprit. r. Anthony. tile ellgi *ame a fea lie dent McKinley upon thp futurp of the United States or if jike (+x -k strikes G."
*.*r r ttw. cos,lintrartion romPittlYI, )nt wit thpre 10I #,I tile bringe alKi suppressing yawn, " but accuracy In reached. 13ut when peo- worw aftoerward." and rigbtousnpm shone tiflir
cramh and two sPft waiting for It." Philippine Islands.
lithio h i.4 prartiftally tr.oll.-lp4pil ant] thp lMrnC1J,,e mnum of doeisn't sit UP all 111911t
mlwfty vor4ulmny, w4owild wty 14