HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-09-02, Page 4AMILTON ow centime eru . • . May September 2nd • larRlITUN ON THE DEATH OF ROBERT MARTIN. ESQ. . Again we see death's angel calling, As onward through life' e path we etray, Our dearest friende each side are falling And shrouded in their mother clay. Again we see a friend and neighbor, And household here loft full of woe; Now cease from toil and earthly labor, To bask in Heaven's brightest glow. Again now we see a children's pride, And loving mothers hope and joy, A father dear snatched from their side Who was their cheer through life's employ. Again here we see the sadkl'n'd home, That once was radient with cheer, Steeped in palls deep darkened gloom, For death and sorrow entered there Again we trust and hope to meet him, Where now his spirit pure has tiown, And .011! with joy its there we'll greet him, While angels sing irounel the throne. Again well meet Heaven's mansion, Where all the striate ia gloVe There we'll surmount death' e dealing transion, And 'weer more to say farewell. • R. HUGHES, Olothinff, Boots & Shoes. ASHFIRLD BUDGET. The farmers ap buey preparing tht. land for fall wheat. There will be large acreage sowtd, .31r. J. F. Andrew tied Mrs. Jobe McDonagh went on the Orange excur siert to visit friends in Mich. There will be a garden party belt: under the auspices of the Epwortl. *C\in Mr. Robert Webster's orchar.i. A League on Tuesday evening, eept. 6th, good ten*, may be expected. The Rev Mr. Oliphant of tet. Aeli Lei1eircuit, preached a meet inte fess - mg sermon oe Sabbath evenieg lest at Zit, from the text, 'Excela wan be bora agsin he cannot eee the King tioni of (...;oJ.” The congregation was. lar$e and apparent..4 apprt oiative After the distniseal of the congre- gation, certein of the yeuth and beauty of the circuit indulged for a time in driving furiously back and forth along the 12th concession .to the ieat alaeen of some of the more timid pedestrians. Of late, the nights between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock are made hideoue by yelling, hooting, and running horsee as if a .host of modern Juliva had been let loose on, otherwise a quiet country road. Thoughtlees youth: Thie northwestern polling sub-divi- son of Ashtield has lately been thor °uglily organized in the interesta of the coming plebiecite. Committees for the distribution of temperante literature and foe the furtherance of temperance in every way they can have been set to work on the 9th, 12th, and 14th, cencessions. 1. is the intention of the committees to have lectures delivered at certain point's within the sub -division, and the Rev. Messrs. 'Millar, Oliplient, and WhAley, together with R. Dec/aileron Lucknow, and Mr. Boyd, Belfast, have been mentioned as lecturers. Messrs. I. Andrew, R. E. Brown, R. Lane, D. Agnew, Jas. thicket and two or three others are taking a lead- ing part in "this labor of love." We hope all such labor may be crowned with success. • KINTAIL . The farmers ars through hat vesting and are busy engaged at the fall seed- ing. Mr. W. and Miss T. Mo:..1ann, of Cleveland, Ohio, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Loughlin, Mr. Joe O'Loughlin, ot Detroit, is at present spending a few dsiys under the parental roof. Mr. John Hutchinson itv'engaged with Mr. Jakq McGee, of Crew for the fall. Mies Lillie I Lotaghlin ha r.turned home tram Chicag... An.ther sudden cal. was tip death of Mr. Jae. Knightly on Aug. 23rd Dezeased had been in fair health until within twe week e of hie death. Ile was in his 97th year, and was a native tif Ireland, and was one uf the earliest - settlers in Ashfield. His remains were interred in Kinkstridge cemetery by a large concord of eorrowing friends and relatives. • CREWE 1 Misner returned to Windsor %nd A. A. McPhee and d t.; ljetroit on W. CM'eet. femperauce Unine‘ ,ht hive Wednesday tf each moff Hall, Lucknow, at 3 p.'1`,.; cn Presitlent; Mas. _ _ - -------- been -nearly o help sleet" every 'Friday;C13001 tor their hall, CampbVi„,. th.. . cordially invited. - J. W. AIV:1:..TRONc, Ch and N olakeG tr WAD g - --th, near • k :harp f Tuesday -.deride is F -k ..e Jae. ae . #11/1 I brethren cordially iseidenceof enin,o, 40thW.S.Housts, Mutter 'Work mietennan, if Mr. .44 a - 4111.-.111....'"..."'n."". The bulk of our sprig stock has arrived, which co sist of the nobbiest and best values ever presented to our oust ni- ers. BOOTS ..A.1\TID Below is a few of our snaps :- Woman's Dongola Button, Self Tip, Coin Toe, sp3cial $1.35 Woman's Dongolo Button, Pat Tip, Coin Toe ..1.60 . Woman's Dong. Button, Self Tip, Turn, vorth $2.3.5 on:: 12i5000 Woman's Dengola Oxford, Pat TipCoin Toe.. .. 4..00 Men's Dongola Congress, Coin Toe, Special • • 3Ien's Dongola Laced, Coin Toe, Special.. 4.50 Alen's Dongola Tan, Laced, Coin Toe.. 9 75 CLOT I --II 1\T 0-_ • Men's all wool tweed snits,, best o Farmer's satin linings, worth $10 for $9. . Men's black Venetian coat and vest, bound, and best of linings, only $6. AIen's all wool Canadian tweed suits, good linings and well made, special at $4.75. Men's Canadian tweed pants, made as well as the best,worth :?1, 25, now selling for Es i . _ , T ; ,. , it __ , B R •_ 5 .. - Sole agent for Williams' side laceil plough shoes. Arminis, Mg=M1 T. EATON DIDN'T GET IT ALL. •-••••••••••••• titivirelwo Sic Johusiono Have purchased several completd and oxtmsive lines of the finest grade furnitureof the Lucknow Central - Furniture Company's best manufac- ture; Just think,. our line compri 50 bed -room suites of the most AND ,UP-TO-DATE DESIGNS s 'Indent We are now selling our regular -'10.00 suites Qr 00. Higher grade suites likewise at our barg. in prices. . Furniture for your rooms and pictures Ioi.• your walls go together. Our goods come from t ie best manufacturers. We handle nothing else. PICTURE FRAMING Is a feature ot our business. your bare walls. This is decoration aial a.dornment,: We can give life to the season for hoiise and LAWRENCE & JOHNSTONE are well equipped for to same. HIGHEST CASH PRICE! FOR BUTTER & ECCS Having purchased the busi- ness lately run by Mr. W. •J.. Skinner, we are prepart to pay cash for butter nd eggs. Your patronage is solicited. Yours truly, . GOLLAN Luoicnow, - - Ont. 1898 -VOTERS LIST -1898 municipality of the Viiiage of Lucknow, County of Bruce. 1VOTICE-I4 HERELY- GIVEN THAT .1.1 I ha% e transmitted or delivered to' the l'ersons utentionetl in the third and fourtk sections of the "Voters' List Act- the Cwies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered t.af the List,. pursuant to the said Act uf all persons appeanng by the last revised Aseewsnent Loll of the said Municipality be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for members to the Legislative .1ssembly, and the municipal elections, anti the said list was first ;wetted up in my office at Lucknow this 24th day of August 1898, and remains ht re for inspection, - • Electors are called upon to canaille the said list and if any omistsion or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the same errors corrected according to law. MORRItiON', Dated at Lucknow, 'lett of the said this 24th day of > Municipality. August 1898. Lucknow, P.O. T. ..p f Iftirou, . lot number MEETS EVIlitable 2Orgr-o. on -or bid orchard. 11 Maeonie IIal, Ilsrulars apply J. I). NicHoi.„ •-;etasion of Worshit.tol the A -hheld, 4, year - -tett neck 'It.rteation suitably AR, P.O., Oat. Rentddy. endod by a; I is. Only reit iscovered. 81.1 rd to cure all free t4 of abuse ve use ot To - on receipt will Orem. dress. r, 004. IMF T.10111411•111111 fa DJ 'C. A. NEI . flotar grad Dental oflre gery, trout," U o Aleutian sad eul Oillo• in Alan's block upstaia. ?sit -y/1'1 viviit aft fellow Seeing Is Fanners of Ontario! We want you to see the quality and yield of grain per acre the: fertile soil- of Manitoba and theCanadian-NorthWest. wirl produce. Harvest Excursions Believing v. in h. run Ag. 30th, Returning Until Cct. 29th & Sept. 13th, 6 ' Nov,I2, '98 RETURN PAHL:. TO REGINA PORT. LA lit ‘IRIE 1 NI,.0:4F.JA‘y BRANDON 14..LoRAINE REsToN ENTEA'AN BINACARTH MOOSOMIN WINN1PEG0NI YORKTOWN $18PRititV. ALBERT $35 CALGARY R11) _ }$40 p..,,moNvos ea° , all JNint iu hitario. °flatting, Sault Ste. Marie, Windsor and East. For fui.her particul.ars apply t& the eearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or to C. E. MACPHERSON. i. ittant General I'assenger Agent 1 Kitt Si. EA -41', T( Ito\ TO /Vook's Cotton Root Compouni Is Auccessfully lased monthly by over 0.000 Ladies. sate. effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cooks Gass tun Cse- pses8. Take no other se all Mixtures, pills and m tuitions ars dangerous. Prise,. No. 1, ti per bias , No. S. 10 degrees stronger, ta per box. No. or 1 mai ied en receipt of price and two li-sent stamps Tbe Cook Compasy,Windsor, Ont. pr No@ 1 and 2 so/d and recommeuded by all seeponsible Druggists in esaaes. Nol 'Ind No,' 1,11,1,11o, iq Dr. D, X. Gorden, Draggist. A. T. atiVISii, NW FURNITURE WARE ROO Having secured the premises late by G.W. BERRY as a Furniture N I have recently fitttd it with the signs of all kinds of Household Fur t-) quality, they are unequalled. away down. All goods are" hong cash, therefore I canSell at ait eloS any person in the country.. Why Tonto and pay freight, autject when you can save this at home? A. T. DAIVSON'S inspect me yinced. rHE UNDERTAKI G DEPART ENT bCombatted at the old Rand, la.haii been entirely renovate I oc ati; 1 ew itur e prl f I I A p (la Wh be S. pied now, t de . As ce is - spot' ce as To- iage, 11 at con, Embalming Proscrvi Taking Caro cf Bodios ialty. The Embalming Flnid, materi 1 ani ap- pliances used have proven to b4 the most tffectual that havr. ever been used or tht past twenty year,. airPicture Framing and fill kinds o! *rine done at the old stand 'and spoc- • CHOICE ThVIOTHY SE A1 R. DS ANDREW & WEBSTER' Owing to the wide reputation 4 our Ploughs and Repairs (built up Ffolely through the uniform standard of ;kaotli material anci-ezzeru.k anship), inferior ploughs are continuously being rfpre- eented by unscrupulous agente ad the Wilkinson. Look for a large red ‘W' on tbe mould board; Wilkinson Pleugh Co., Toronto, cast in all Repairs, and on the inside of 'the handles, and our name stamped in full on th back of every mould board. THE WILKINSON P. C .,Totionto ANDREW & WEBSTER. _., Sole •Ageetts, eel( e , ev MRS. A. M. ARMSTRONG, • TEACI1Elt oF - Piene, Organ, Violin, Voice Culture, Thorough Bass Harmony and Counter- point. Pupils prepared for, Co seiv tory examinations. BESIDENCE-M,IiittekSt t. A boy's shoe. Built to protect growing feet against distortion. Most foot -ills are acquired by wearing ill -shaped shoes in youth. Laced and Oxfords; in shapes "Foot-fortn"and "Dandy"; widths, D & E. Boys' sizes, 3 to 54; Youths', 13 to 1 Little en's, 8 to seS Goodyear welted; Stamped on the soles $2.00 and $2.50 per Pair. J. G. MURDOCH & CO., Sole Agents, Lucknow. - - NNOUNCEMENT. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• MRS, SMITH offers for the next Month her ENTIRE STOCK A 1 OUT PRICES. She has just received some hand- some MANTLE VELVETS, and a case of FALL SAILORS in assorted colors, That Touches The Spot MAcLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR OF Weak and Impure Blood Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. Aik Druggist or write direct to 3,M. McLood, ont. Sold by Harry Days, Lucknow ,Tho liab Loads Thom 11110 FOTZ, Family Groceries & Canned Goods. ' FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. FLOuR, FEED AND ALL KINDS OF SEEDS. FINE TEAS 41 Specialty. I HE LARGEST STOCK,. THE CHOICEST GOODS ANDTHE *SST V Atoll* OBTAINABLE IN LUCKNOW. oods delivered to all parts of the town. 010;000004:000C 0.04)*04)*0028aCttaCKIDE0110000.0* JOHN ELLIOTT. M. CORRIGAN'S Is the place to make your selections in ' CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISION I have in stock the following : tpples 'lacking Black Lead Blue Baking Powders Barley, pot fuell Brick Beans Brooms Baskets Brushes Blicnit Coffee Confectionery, Canned Goode Cocoa' Chacolate Corn , canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates Dried Apple Extracts Figs auned lieh,dried Gelotine Gingers Hopei Honey Ink Indigo Licorice Lino. Juice Lemon, Lamps Lard Matchee Mince Meat Meal Macaroni Mustard M eate, canned Magnesia A-1 Flour always on Nutmeg1 •thholivel Oil, sweet Oil ,castor Oranges Oat Meal! Pails Peels Pipes Pickle Pearline Peas,candidel Peepers ltice JUce Flour Sago Salt Salinon ardineS Set na gee:41m Sugar Syrups Soda Soaps Spices Starch Strawberrissioanas Sulphers- Tapioca Tomatoes.tansed ITeas Tobaccoes Vernaeell ' Vinegars Washboards Washing Cryets, Woodenware Whiting 1 DinnerSets Yeast Cakes Dinner Seta • !Tea Sets Toilet Setts Berry Setts CYPAth Settr Water Sate People must ave Groceries UMINIIMIlalla =Vaal lk MEBANE. The greec question is where to get them. We keep the best qualities to be had. We don't pretend to sell them below cost, but we do sell them at a very close margin. =_A_S Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from us instead of tea peddlers. Compare quality and price.. CROCICR-Y- We have a fine assortment cf dinner setts, tea, setts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. PDOLTR (Sz FIEJD All kinds of flour and feed kept constantly on hand. Goo 1. (leliverorl to any part of the town. berry' and toilet NEW FALL 0000S ••••••••••••••••• The new Fall Goods are cornmencina to arrive, and in a few weeks we expect to be able to show you one of the finest stocks of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes we have ever had. This week we quote you a few pricks of some of the NEW.GOODS already in stock. DRESS GOODS_ ineh Amazon Cloths. Tweed effects. Guist weight. Per yard, 15c 38 to 44 inch Tartans. A good assortment to chooee from, at 15e, 18c, 45c 50e, 85c an 7. 38 to 42 inch Fancy Figured Dress Goods, Th. Lew Ven.ivki• ',pattern. Per yard 50e. 42 inch Bright Wool effects. Invisable checks. Extra values, Pt r yard 75c. 44 inch Black Dress Goods, Bright wool, Figure*, neva land pretty designs, at 50e, 75c. 90c. $1.00 and $1,25. SILKS AND SATiNS VICTORIA, -A new and pretty Black Satin Merv, Wear guaran teed. Per yard 75c. 24 inch Plain Black Satin. Good quality. Extra value, $1.00 22 inch Black Faille Silk. Soft aud pliable. (luaranteed not to cut. Speciel at si.00: Yours truly, ••••••••••••••••••4a• A. nice aaeortatuent of Fancy Silks. Suitable tor Waist. and Trimble at 25e, 40c 50e, 7 , *1.00 and 41.25. GLOVES. THE ALBERTINP..- In Week, Tan, Blue, l/x1,14Kods, Mane, Greet sand (re) a. Patented Larlt ge Lock, amteners, Fancy Embroidered bat kv Every unit guars.nte.-4. Our epecial - price $1.00. The ASCOTT in Black, White, Ox Blood, Green, Grey, Rise, Ilurple, etc. Embroidered Backs, Large 'sick, &stollen. Every pair guaranteed. Gut special peict $1.25. BERLIN WOOLS. Jo Black, White. (loud, .1 and colors.Also tits Yft014-10 Annsotown and Blarney yarns. Black Watered Ribbon*, all width 4 lt.c, 302 2.k, 34k, 35c, 40c, and tioc. • Black Velvet Ribbons. all width", at 2C, :k, 4.., 54, k, 7e, and 10- J1 G. MURD0(11 & Co'yi Economy is Wealth! ••••••••••••••••••••••••4 IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST! IT SAVES TIME, TROUBLE, AND MONEY, We buy from reliable firms only, and can guarantee our goods to give entire satisfaction. It is to your own interest then to buy your Hardware at 0 0. TAY011 LUCKNOW. For Mell's Fall Suits! WE HAVE RECEIVED SOME NEW DESIGNS In WORSTEDS, that are sure to please the man who desires UP-TO-DATE CLOTHES. We guarantee a fit, or no sale. Our prices are low, and we put in first-class Trimmings. WM. CONNELL, - - LUCKNOW. II want 2 OUB Customer of mine And I will guarantee to give you entire satistaction Have a fine stock ot seasonable goods and our prices are right Thos. Lawrence, - - LAIN% THE LEADING HARCWARE. BOOTS AND SHOES McClure and NIallough, C A.SI-1 (3-1:ZOOMItS VIAMAAAAAAAAA014AAAAAAAAOYV NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN AAP Ifyou want the inside price in boots and shoes, 11 ad the follo%ing. We have reduced the price of our own make ot men's laced boots. • Shelled cordovan from to $3.75, and men's kid boots from $4.50 to $4,00. All lines of hand -made and ready-made shoes in propon. tion. We have a large stock of boots, shoes and rubbers in all lines. Rememoer, w-eWarrant everything we sell. If your boots rip, bring them back and we will mend thein free of charge. Repairing done on shortest notice 01011AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAMAIANNAAAAAAAAAAAAANAA AAAA. TERMS: Cash or credit. A liberal discount off for cash. W. 37. LIT LE LUC 61, .4. jytivered. sereive the pare *arta i'dg, .1 ease ro