Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-09-02, Page 3W 7-
&preRW he took it very quietly, fuld
was, driven ixt(.k to %%,1KX18toek. at
AAWO und kx1gw(in the jail.
livetty Cott at Ilur-
!Jl)p1`1 is Mid -
C or or ,uaggi,-.1eadiDg Varieties SuccessfullY TwO PretLy Yankee Girls to Wed INTBRNALTION
Thl-bmaA OU Whoever hibe iltf, ft for, I AL LIM Lw,,(,N X
e8ter"y afternoon, tak- SEPTEMBER, 4. 18pp -mor Excr
woo Hamilton y Tested in 1898 Spanish Officers. f rom flara work or'Out Gisc
11`19 . 01 - ber . baggaV-O The woman is
_iiail! to b6'4uit , a nick.! Tile Death of F -2 KilWm 13; It-t-ri SORENESS ST.
'Mitidle"I was arriligned before rARK8. and
--Ma'glgtrat*� Field at 10 dclock. 011 191 ONTAM PRI90NER8 WITH CERVERA.
SynMe-_'B- ('-" �":" I `Ia I Maria.
StrdW Ah)tliltl the.,1`011100, Court there. wits 0110 Million acres iV winter wheat Iviusil ria. Aphek. STIFFNESS JAOOBS
all air of ilictonj D.,C Aug. 27. -The PorwP1113 —
Cdrec r of the Engineer of the , P it It J oa-sh. Ilazael.
excitetlebt' q ite u *muul,' wi 11 likely be w�wvi In tarlo, within I"Out romantic stor.
avild'Itt 10 O'clock the court-rWm was Y of the war has JC 0alutz. sets in.
'--crowded wlth a th tho 11'ext - %hre6_ w- eeks; As, tile variety Xult leaked out through. & ' letter ro- -4pulnuenta
t -trk44j- no L Of tile
Boqus W.& B. Rdilw r6tW that In- - ceived here to -day from 0 tile Pala(�e to Came dowl,_-FroM Will cure it afier a fevv aPPlicUtions and 1118ke Lhe
d�dk 'Iuded' prominollk bilAiness anil t)ro-. sown Ims a, in. illfluellt* ""POil prla6ipals ff - a howw. TIw pro.
fe4&lud COUCO'WA. announcing the pilet's lx#uw Waos III Iluscies limboitr and soft.
men, anti a coupla of min- hot,' ality luld tile quanti , 1
isti-M Of the 4os1wl4 To wune of.the tho -qu. ty Of ('Uglwment Of u�couple of young of- 01*104ut thatallm f ro at Ito
the produeW, i t ls'very Import- Ila roy it I.
spectators . tim etigitieer.owbd' "Top fic0ps Of Cervera-m densolintled w1ult- It W" aft untumm#Jual
monoy� ml t thut -tile -veiry best kinds be issed. of condesoem-
Middleton w' 44-0b tO two fair daughters of tile M'011 for tile king to .,Ivit -it
fieglige shirt. if(] a blue' I 0W0)JfIg._
*10 buishel Of' St4W Of Marylalsd. Tito scene of this
trousers, A as -attlretl 41 flannel A -ii increase I I - Xjold Of L Twd.
SAID W %,vtnjed 'Winter wheat por acremeans a total' pi-ett, t the idea (J( lamented
TO HAVL �rgo coat. Bro I y p01111111W Ili Annap, tile I)ri-,.
iug Ilia (Inys Of 'stIrV4Eyi - llg sun d W-ost of tile VIIII'luished Aards. 'fig III I]Ieraon will)
by d ur-, Invireaso of one million bushels for the had beeji the
FOUR WIVIESO the - 11,; & Province. Tito averago annual yield Tito two offiee-ri wbcowill lake f4). nu tkxi' b _ h()f1OP and support of tilt, MOTIONS IN ITE THOINSUAL TH81M IS NO 1188ING LIK
i uni" he, I 110rayOM and juiraviek,
o(A ed the lure *of or winter wheat per acreA In Ontario spitin with them American brides'are und aftt"r wil"No death _110tiling wah
liaaltb,'and Is undouhtedl' ' a hand- for thopant fifteen yeni-s is abbut 27 LieuW Enri(iuo Laeler'
Soma fellow who fino. va and Juan to be exP(*!tPd buiAielpltm�
Is faTior-in., the' Per emit. lower than -that �_.(teat Cavanilla' lalamity._Ixyl.. tuili Itild
Britain and Ireland, and gbout, per ttee W- Ing
eyeq of tile fair X., \ - Y fI titer My
'04e of Them a 1`13mitton oung Nvoman Wh Lhed on Locke Street- 411,.% the la i9l the pay rattler!.:, ---
I irst %%'i(C a Uoronto wom,31h 11e. 14 35 Y10ma 'of age, anti 61 a.% mit. lliglmr:�Isan that -of any of the brane'll Of the, tervice. T1 r4 -named- tly, WllUt- 41tUll, GOCil RhOdbg 8018Cted for Cape Prof. Haecke]'8 GFOU P&Per HOW
111 wrt I do 1101%, tilou
IS' Met -11if Tito,, 11pt tile OfIly
7 Served a -rerin in elmira Reformatory.. genial countWoenst, but to -day lie winter wheat growing States of the J faW at tit( haiLds of a of v,defenee
Iooked 'careworn nd worr' I]. Amecictui union. The aiju of Ontario .11stitimoie girl, MIw clar.4 w. 1flIff,it 81jIq" til tile Town AFSewbly. at Cambridge.
-His Klondike z5l,:heme —Before the Alagistra should. be to sipproach. tile record - of popular -beauty. Ile l'iumetf spoks, to
Creditors' WHY H F. 'A"'NIE 11 R R��
I TIO the former rattler thap thait, of the. wile" fie wam t-ra-11MInted.-
.Lieut. - Cavailillas, tylse of the hat*�- Cluirke.
Middleton. -1a"' I the akistr"'tf, latter.- The verage yleld tA winter :'somftit of tile captured officers. has ]:I* Take, LIOW und THINUS LOOK VERY oldilioUg. WHAT SCIENCE ESTABLUIRL8.
Tiortalto w Ito read the w rraut eh rging him whout In onlis' won. tile promise of tier )land *from boAc, actioll in Arrown-A aym-
I I.- Mithl"O.- ktittl Yard with, obtaining r - t,olt-s, or arlo for tile Wght yearo slih". M, t4nided tO reprew. t1it; Lfon.j6n e.lbjt.,
Wit-, 4 . wa-; eflintiring aboilit tij, om F.. � i atialo Haycw, Of Au.naljtj*#,. ViPtory fie tit
,hier 4'l19ide*_%r o' tilt. J ending 'with 1808 1921.6 bust,els per will" to promise
i . -41 t4i 114t A-lit"i get in. tells Under id*- pre- aere, -and that for tile eigh' Wilt-io--o litx4pitable home lins entertain- Of ltiraol jig, 11 t t1l, t k Ut tIW+ lirewilt Ilit'liff Aug. Llx.-Two ititerita-
o'-k -%lat-C)oIlaid, 'W11101044 11liti E ipire, eW "11111it' httAllitioll-
-,M, gootts too he Va I ue of 6. yr he
t years
wilo %x butilielis per
Yedt(erd;ky W. l4r. mining claillis.- ter I d noth . ini IWli tile endlug with Isqu was. 18.5 4xI the�i4taitwh Officers alim t 9,r4,NLtkWt aiid latm. ;iw liopre by tile is mi"I'ol"llized tit"I"I 600l" oittitig during tio- lonst
riit% prisoi' DUN pto '11'Xal e1eettoll RIM ill
It WUN ill am , _ Us (Allenly. 10 ",root ill Soutil" Africa, allit Crq&tLt
!""It QuIstoin to
M'011;NIZED I's Wt)O1)$T Indict all qrrow 111to tile (.Oljlltr3p v�
Anded.,to ill[ ,tit %Votml- 13' IV acre.- . Hence t1w change lit 4average 'StaillttY sillee 'ttwir arrival. Site in '4ubJpctm of witeral fit -
oil (WK plolit hnd is r6ad, andUrowil yield of wintor wheat per adire Ili On- Alle daughtor of.Jowph F. Hayp% of
a friend.of '&Ill ucested 'that fie tairio' "let] I'll "f-etl0l,
large ' or obiWji Quito. rf*i'I1tIJ &111 'Out tf)-(laylit tile tl�w Cambridge 0migrt4th
Uk)"ey by (at. Injug 6"Inoving Ili the right direction. that town. a Opaler tit musical inistru- exPeettz V4*Wrd#%v of. (;qejI ItIl4p4le I
prtiteucti..j- r4)'.v f.lwily tA)- invaide. und Of YAN)IIAKY. %%,Iliall wIll bt- reinarkatile
4114b ex-11il bird I-PIM4. Tito growing of this important crop 111011ti tit' Nil. 112 Church street.K-Ile- 16. E14ulla. put llib (Of Mr. i)atq*,% toll t;,,#& l)rqCre�ft",%.0
As intl Wimitk4ol.k.. .11141 otl ifiq1tiry at tht You' gull y or. it t guilty.-# list Ildh' UP(Al tile to tIW tieket for
ieAtPqI received a good deai of attention i-ni till-, clo,*3- friend of Mims lWf, 14,111) kil'WA 114"I'dw.-To sig ft0wiluitiNg loulwr by Prof.
11, Jt" Amr*ewtAy.
plu-1,04%ki fo lit ad ag 4,xi thc 114 rate. ify that it wits lit lichiove
terthity, it,. .;Il _1 f(Julld tll�lt lit, If 's �, Thist ' Itawlit-1 tin till, lipew-rot
I JU aill IttiolptA'd lit 'tile Expeflmental ]Department of luts visited tier at tier home lit, Aft Power oW -a ti ig.
In.- "Ch I thf, tizilme q I' q lit ditstriet
irried Not. gililtjr," lit- SP411- king which wa!" lrou 11 tiu- "ALs WtiWTUio ht*41L riglirklo.-d iluill. Rp tit*.% not iivew-
11, iolthtioll* ti, iddletoll Ilut had ell'i fig , liod tit t�ltgilwr, the Outdrio, Agricultural College fulpiolis sineA,, tIU4 arrival of t to bp tile ftq� Us kir(Ilmly
JIL'i hli4ials; fro in. -I tono acareel audible. .(# If- Cftuhk� Al"rikaAller and ilevotftl tf) t, i
entrrpri.,4es Oil IN -111i; i Mr. Ball e4 tila withlit tile past years. Varietletr ish Officers. Let us do ilotil.- of 1,pl*jf im W mile rt* that heiieJaw ll&.s flow
;it Burford I LAW tAJ IlifPCIli"
'Iffn-liu-ti lot th4; Mr. a remand, obtallwd'rrom. tile ['Illted St4tess l!" 4 - Oil-t1it-Ir '.trri%iil ;b' ifig ill 'u'llich w4l cilliflot expect (�(XJON dientil it K"W" 11" reirardoltd sib; in- 1W iq 1 Wd tlw a im" u te ILY
-"fill Sarnia, it aP1ieari4 that lie wl f ". vk1ek bWa. lz� ordor that fie- ati. Gorman3r Frauce anti Ru till Ig tls"� 1'ltlHIntA' victA)ry for tilt,
)u. ts PIN)tograph to la Aloalliall-Offi0erZi were, not ipline"diatol pr(lgr4*4sNI%,,,, loarty ill
Orev k .41v nut r' 1- (.,411,1 Im evidet 01KH1. It 110,1(1�4
Ti)nwllt Itleet tile y
o lclf� lVill at 1117400doitockO, who Ice- I Mith"t-t011 . aro Wing. carefully - tested along w Ith it.( t tl&A' Wil"10W f-Witward-To- -era I electiuA,4. tl e"lit "lull hlIA 'Umic"idbol throolsCh var-
Young", latty" who. ill- th ILI d 'V"� 'l'#ti('-UltY -111 4-11tifYing it as kx)kod even. more Ao .-vived at 11 houses dif tile rpsl- wa,rd tile couittry uIld tile j tilt. Wit- 'oll` st`-g" Of evolution front tlw 1M. -
e light of th.;It +1 w"c**it' wile" tl'O:io weuied from the wheat grow- d'-fito. but eu)kvetl tile Illierty -tif the y firdall.
""vellts mo far re' f the pronwte"of tile alleged t1li-'$ Proptwition. was Mwk-, and I,- - This VielOory, %vilk Ilk**. tjo- forin (of alLiluftl
v eu tt-tj, 411 ipe; k rs t r ing 'seCtlolis of Canatla. kft--r the vilhig.. Ilaza.,I4 1110 t4lif-11. trolls t,11' life during a per-
itor, duritig ttw- greitt,r ti�trt of tilt I-s"ItelitAm.-4-larke. Tile, arrow of *1 *brilWilig Itack ItIxAfts Intli lklwf4r 'od *"tilillitt-111 lit a tilf)UNalloi Million,
his l*-giti1=&Lc spouse. be -%1'(motWt4ivk,, Ittiti Brantford 'rallroall through I I W sol 1, illklO. varieties have been carefully tested day. Off t[it-ir roun&4 illiout .1.9de- 1prillph
`79h, 1 -Ililm-r it was thisi.laet "ked Visit 'tllfN4 marid Illade fili- In 'tho eXperithei6tal plots at the xii(olildlig. till' - tile tst(Orl-H brCklu klillistt-p (If t1w c - 01' Yowrx. Lainurck. Darwilt, itild filiftfl.%
J119 tile 111tillp drifto-d into tilt- is
C111i'll . pts�-
['-d t41, titi-. %%arrant IX411g a t4iortkir tithe, bereat the Crown 0 at dirr4nv 'is LIAO& principal lxj,#A,0r. W*01`41,i lit 40tim-ir ifiventiglitforti W4)II Ulf.
of Liull(.,e W ill c0llfgo ia.eaoh or fiv years, liffic
root- libr.linw the lead- it -a I epta, Ut toWur,I fill aw
lot oughby. Miql 10-tt'll t. Attornvy 4jaid I It 104i.-Iii4elit.,ol"Mr, Ifay4-siwhe 4 tile l"Itt W(.11 I's N;ut
I r, Col"11,144170.1 frain I*irstel b It Africa. It Inarrit-vi fu* would endeavor to ing'killds are wleated for co-Qpdrative Ills daughter iind her fair visitor lialo- y UK- Myrians, caillitit full tAl,
Y Wrthit, _�%Ildrew L"t tilt- dwi(*Rce really ai NWII as ezlioerlments through I out Ontarlo. It PC I ItAI be. Tlj�_-y canip to) SAP Surely slia.1i th(*4- 1Ors.(.iIIi crowautig a"iji0v#.ftwl,L
W. K %limrt,, of wo-otiefstwk.' asked fot- tit#," st-r- lollei.S1410"'aft(I M.- istrAtc- Fie'lil ex- 111t..4 ijl,,,4% found. tit at 4110 V to -plin'lla's" -llUerf%f 11,1411 r4*tdOr�etl to Israel. tile Tra rviv:1al tt"A'
V:4� to) pr(vi"l his willi Ilegs tA arieWS4 it glAttir t4JO 114-11) W11114.. 11%,%,tty tile tipie, Is. f(sp w1liell 1"1191RII-il tury.
for ts�illy ykb y A' 4mveritment tiptecti, i I whr - the wili 1I41s4[X*AI1IM-p4rhig for monit. til'
ars ch hav,6 given tile b3st 'u'veraV blit thf- bright 4-yiog 4.)f tilt. 61110tO thriee--jiis gilljoitilig %, fie. and
91"A7% Ui ea y a.i Crown reksultis It' tile experisue;its ebaducted 1rit-N diverte-I -lu-ir -ij IL tile otj,,L.r Allell I* ingviubl.. T10. l(f%"'t 4ftm-overios fir fibitsil
tlife Regi-stry e arroW47 IfItto the groulid U US IjolJII(I Afrikatitler- ill
ill this rt om%r wa.-j: ik-taileil oil tile.e could-gov into till t1ro -1 a `ss MU(Iftga-scar and Auk -
a sp... I at till) eipllegf� -for a few yearw Ili Suc- 4.111111114-111 4-iti.14'r 11911t -s toklm (if the tlulld)�.r . Uf victoriel-i willell Rhoilf-s is CkIllfloattilig, 111141 tralia. IlavV uluip utill
..z 14.1 3 . fAD A TEINI)ENT.. fit volninerui . ;11. WILA t4l Valli ; We conlislow
w.1, w.1-iretly ek-leb 'I.N* c. havo nearly always lit -41110-4 lov IiLs principal -Ili- tili.,
-I'- fill itel-411ss- t Vero,. I ry, 'r Ilpfood, alid 16-
itev. rate I bv kT4 given '-LIQllt4-IUIIIt L1Jf-Ipf%.' twideiw-, arail
I'. �1 t Middleton- Madd a stay. lit to tile gOod-&;ati,4action oil tile fariiis of tile. M-11 1111t, 111.4 wtoppilig :1 mWith Unrwiirs Illints. in
L110 third lx�irayetr tile weakness res'I'lit.4 tile eoverif% whp
�&t, tltat� tilue I'S that 'Xiddit-VAIX (o.)r V.ytii#,
P41110) Will vxlirtv+t�d lit , luusk! rdw. Ijiglifl(,.d it Kruger. Itt)t tilily
Pastor to( tile. I tt,�o 114% tit I - t.." for, as tll(,, disel mul tile vii-woi fir jresidi-nt
Ztrl;Alk ('111irt pit .Stylt�l llillwlf) ditt court, claimirW that Ito If d. arradg- I i A pg'04 ar-
:%lilt hiPIkil of -Middleton-s. ilt Toronto ill tile Oil -to -aalttlo Mr. Coles' ecount at 'vdrieti(m of wi�iiier - whMt w-luit-libi lintit, (I ivtorY iwer With r*Wir-1 tAo the
gi! for th 'yrittwi, it is ovlljj�llt tilat t Of! Tr ' 1luf4ck`I thuls tiunituariaml tljfi�
%'VIII -11 they 11tiautford th6i in '111 1 .0 h all-tv-1-11 -but likewim. it, cools-
tilut. ht, 0P.-crit"I 111lum-If wete situat- ngo bis , ar- &A1,111; out for eci--operativo. etperi.- fltall he more
the U -4114f. got soputil "The nionotsin
ted him- Moro" Viet-ories fit- Afri _,*tiv origm to; .&II
Oat xlx- -years '41 arrows lit) jsllot till!
lit eliarge of till- b t mi- t. a6 rest. l.t,.Rt Ijiglit ii of prqv litt"'ItS Ill;tho autumn of 1897.-Thefie '1194111 words. It.WM th-- 4), 111 %tg Jry 4'r would gallt; and. tfjs 114� stolnm4j Holton, lea.
Eastern W;" jiLst fr It, front bo :a d he, If (I tad an divitkA Into three
onth# . e" l't](Alig 110 , U17-1 mpreunik-, lind iu-j romantif. tk� fia—tiltij its tAp #Av, their I spi -
,zigrokknicnit witil fr. Col�% h- t tile thr6o variotles' lit each
lit a s W) Wills" gin frioll, onc. 11,4,011illif"I that 114' eaini�ll -M)UlLt' woliftf JoAtled -day.-but Men Chaff b0lug iiiied Ili all 'girlx ,,:it,, uliwlr4l to,
IfP. if.. illiff" IX)ASte(I of -I-Pre-A-titetl to set, tile, �1
soft's -06
�it it.*',as ill Ite WI-II1L too stll�ly tiff, Ainerjeatt inettlotis that the wereliaut liail, vto %t^4 the bft.sio by w l0cit, tilo re- 1l.I_v W. ItO loliger St*4111*11i tl h- tho M�Ots tit Krug,-r's will tllfmf� go[ tIg,6 Af-
ll:!re Of Go,I was W elplicentrate all
"satilig fwrNelf at tPe I
fir Iwil;- c4,wstrtkking railron4s. Wit#.,, Ugm-1114.1ii, su, Its of :111 tile varletic4i could beeoal-' Ili. uto :tj tly. ' IN *in phtablISIM-11 fite
14wiflu tot the Molding %v.ith tI tilt )f t4w. ()1(t -
liaki etiolu ollvg t. All tilt-
till-; task., rt 4* T.ho i -it tnill wit. brouglit pared witla o1w, alii)ther. �We* have ilp- :Iiftl !-jilgilig .1 14)%1. tof' zf%al� N"Jultiflit have Ip6tell luding all ttie l'it- ;snd extlitet fit- t1l.- 941i'llt' railwIt..4 wlli4-11 r. I I I would lfull ai�d -satisfactory rc- t.1lat (till 'llot t,lujl Uirt that i,4 to) say, jl4l. Euglish, in$,&,
% U I i 'Ik�lwitd It,
t, lit would. o'111- r t')f It. a tt' 3liddlo care4ully. coaducte(j. wijtt.rr etionsinoll "llef'stral form . fiIA
11 wt Oro
Ilit llnio-rit-:111, ,g bill IN f4 w uiiik-r- to gli lifill
0 lilt; that tlioll (-,pa_�X%l I)UtA-'il t-colill Wrt*411 iR tilt- Triawie t4 alLif oilhtu bl' jol toti tirelf.vis rA-uI Willett jw Intl Ulf,% fop,,,
he vi t4, lIx)t it t 1w NtcLi, to tl&4,,jail, lie xperimetad for 1898. Jqt4 it) *
owilig table -gi-ves ttle. Tlw 11111irtini s iuA beedMivetl fribill
tru.stilig frw veres, 0-d ill South frie�, wolle fviLgilio4.1 fopr r I. Its witill ,
0 triv v6 yiortvoi straw anti grain Co tII0 IA)rol ; tholl sli:tlt rrdojii I-artleilw4tiojill ill tile Ulf. I
I%V1114 razed- cur owly it eoipparati I Use 114 Xt' -Ifter'litooni'llind fiss :�X-%er4d .sui:tir Itor. %ar' has cortainly it th KyrWL% lolit till,. lippq :R�17�6'tof tilt- -Varieties of'.wititer fk"Y-q. their Jou* builiss. eillpho"ic4l. by tho (I. .0 1XXt1,Jl0 Knell kx. , - 11 ill th I oell l ty rwo#14;
;f.IL4I lit 4 Ict4p- lit; -ilu 1'� 10 L If eti0l' of their Imower' -.%-ill slot aild llaramitw 'rf-utrie- p�w . Grabi per allot -tile- littlp x(A)re libolit through U04i.—Bithr. 1-:1rbonift-rous anilblot-
ott 191 farms: bro'llfr iiffietOrN tf). Iii m to thi, 01,11.% Ill tolio word, the, Afrikunde- Ilw:L.- -1equalilt:11 - '04 1 mwa the- fit v-- 6,
91. IC('k%i t t 11111.1 Ii t4 L4A IIIUCIJ 111tA,rfWt. 0. They btirivOol I _jt
Ircm)rt of till, lyrimil I againxt IAIJ (14-voluillnelit, R1141 wbrK, Hit
vilanyi, 110 IItouor4%(I *%-itll yh in turii
POUR .110.4 bad WtvlthY it lifilit-Stoutii AfriCit too w1v TO DA16w. Hilek,
ft, every ofa vertol-bratoi-b. Tito
FMIff li.S,14.11 cultu " IlRd tl"- agaill
%virvin lit-. haff 1.8 t tho. (Put%
rolorv.r"its,j iiiiiLit-ir ins
nlilji( " which the illiller- '%vtortik .1 filiddleton ift A -too Wgulted In fndianA was
tiart -Aiaviii5, %,.. I folton
howiaid. I ill%itatifiti'l - to vlo-ropwls IU&- ear.4% f4pr. The Afrtkittith-r-
k r ffland egluia. 1.7 tfa
aceoril- P
SnIbl I opC4 the' i1141gil- qllv 01 t1w 1110�� and
... ...... LIT y Itt-41 (*h IRS
ll th.- 1-trit-4. kr 1l3t'W:L.Zi lilt I oil Is 11' 1 .1, lie liall ill 'tilf- 111%tt-ll towenilsprs tor i(I %V 11,
girt. �lr:lll tit earry tile iKml> le.1 for tilt- 4offieera, And - "I"kinir forward till, tA-q&lItjpV#
i, tile, ji'i ...... lost Ili:"" If" Pri,h- r, i;q-, ' lloolo .. ... ... .%. L.) L, 4. t; i$431114' a .jilijul'i 't�o of, grV. filet nt1,111loiL, Imit itit(, owill Iasi -
t qlilt Witil 644 rebit it waw lbai-441 for it; our tivNry fir OI..;$- Whe 110 doubt Ahat
lit. '11olm w1up tIs-110. I -, tilt
y e%vlltklt groAvers of Ontariti, s ;I if .111111..:Ilig *tint la it
fie )t tile 191 ' ' ) UP fo. t it -.%
vi re es. EHglWh 1 4 tem It. lit'. Ilifply ill JtII'l fj fliq-t-4 the
t MI
It4p ti .11,11 I;IIlgIIiIIg_ —Toi 14 1. llis, I r
ivi kttidd-riound nifwt fruitful.-, will
nit-tr- eart-ful exim-rilut-itterm :tt�thelr bitilt-rijum t -curd- Ixt rty ill* ali
t Iffiderm )tX1. 't;;IfI-S Ili's A of t t ia ry Its tho relix)it.4 tof tA.gtH*
t.onsiftermi'llroilliflell their rarnist., buff ild
.4tIo!i roso, till 'I
it too Illaki. is;Ig t4i, tli,,6
Or falit1thalt t 11 4. p 11:141 th, PA
if for it is fro, ftfn,)Ill tiff- r,%. for It
t1ftiOo* - lit i oto:L 'split *if' tile 'e6nirreghtioll I -lit tol tilt;
wil Itiver, awl 1AJp4l
lit 01V -ZL'%' rag.- yw-lij for t1i # 14
over KiI, Oirst aight :11,41 there, :1110
till. f.hil 'toldell %v;I."4 Ile;
I Ott 8 affair t)r other. 114, tile IN It ri t, I ei v .4 1,, , tile DaivMJIl'9 4 IM t 114 Go ha%v left �ahily w ff)r, 1.0 Of*tlfm%
-V lIt bt,-gari to be wlir',- of n interpreter 7s-kiliva:q I vrorl't, as tilt. 0 . ellf. 4of lift. for na Irl I)k V it Is itt, to 111' 1) W hort itionth thp Inthat lit. Ilad'sub 414), m of tlis ,ut llIt. V. Cr 1h n-4-:11 'ti(%q U-Sted over nthe year Iofbe %-ietory (If till. Ior. *el" 1`9 pit I It
Itirities -fr.. VS 93,� mo tit(! np- fig Ilille- va to, to ettill-
rletievi,in each of ppave and the dally IH)ssl_ for 'Syrilt tilrory
pr Oo(I Itory. r fitTim 1894, 1810,-p ail(] IWJG. and vity or thf� pm4onerw bAng rpleasel li:: RK'all rorfogmgs :11111 tll.ait tiltmihalld Illilliall
L1, - L fl I -, . its v0fi under lit- nother wile 'Varieties ill of tile
:1410w(141 to retun to) their ho'(bk' It's Hip"' itfOI1Pp`i*1'4i0II hINW4 :111 tits, ..11(mig tiff- title,
A,- -1 rs and 1898: N 4 of the f4priner kit
ti of], 4 lilt;. 1897 X1tejIhjqO#j rIP404*11 for
I ro tio 19, "i -tit yet. -ah 4"Is ifidu6tri,-s. nntl",010 i flit urttra, tit m flneek-el rw-lolip4l tililt ilw (,olv.
11 oil 41H- to his pra 4). lointel for -off I' [fir- 2. Th ree of the Varieties of whiter
'NRANTroml AROU39D. ille tWb� II %v lMdt Ila vo beeit- tested over Ontario Tito two Amerivi w its hot llowed to 1*. 01F rlea. H V Ux sk
%61 ve prav t i Iins theirpr tilt, UJIV. front o1w, Cif Uad this i
M-awy Cr&dftars At rn the 01, for rive y"rs nSuccession, %�ltb tlkb 1PPetiV(� husbawk 'to relimi'll Ill tIlIA reign .4 treater nt etwol"WINt'.
f0flwilig verdie Yields. of grain per eountry. but, tilpy think they shoul4l I t If. cre aw"Vs 4 -if f. 32.6 by Or' bit( D rpturn'-t(l I t for liall no 11A,
tA, thr it-ligti, tfi.11K. t t Far!y *18.9 41111F t!.14 011 tile -1 Itelif ler ill tlic. %, vilt- Ow .401i'vNi for tilt.
inry Arill . F, 4 . : i" , budh:-Is; at' bricle., wthy whiell Njulitl .1 1-k*Wry toy the evolliti(on.
of i rpull'Ar, id Early returt; II0v:4II t4 -P the C()V4'li:illt l9olok. I'ShOWIL, bY :1
Vil* tAO Sl) -lit' With the Iti. TWINS MARRY TWINS, is -italoi-r of 'oldwt 4-'haff was. t1lo
all Iti- oartoiiad oyeol fleet, ft. .1. t (Off , ii**. I l4opul:jr variety with tho expert- yet he N114plOvs ittlldiNI14141 in , fildfl"ay-
Neitlis-r (-alit lit! 'tim-lit from Other 1ecuilay, 111ciden
'ity Mmk toy fiall v%er rrvviv4 1. fotm4%n14-rs- lit, each LADY LRYLAND WINS. 4,r*.s torgan -tit Calsio Towli, A-Iliq-II If:, -
'I of r OfAllv Pas -t fiVe years. ta About These
itht- tlaLi ill g,-J-.jb, Jill 1)( i;"piDratl,66 ey' jimenig' till- 4-liptivity of I sraf4l if Uecil
4, 11, tfi� c )and Sui-ceedii Curzoll A -
110-ra- ikk, 1`4irwitti, 1891�. thp Dawswes- ill tile theill fni'lli t-4-itth it, tile life of ti*
Chaff k;t4vy. briefly tfild. tit
�Illtf PaYinaxter. ir.. ill I Pt r I.) tA) 4c, alld t4r� Early Ut.nesep. c Southport Beat.
wr tilt-, a;ne
that thim though Traiiis wi4l
Tboi% 1141-o lo -4.1i ept-. thro6gh ithe wittter th� best, tfid tile &`s%-u'reninrkuble Htxa4er
big futm it! �soiljd� lit 41v (Muiultia t1io pf.,orest. tile wtaft(-es rollowilig Illot *.Ilhowe4t to f.ill fit, tim-111- 4.t. lifin(MI wdl 'hin -:I r
b'v tul414"41 Vo lioiver,
prillu- ' -it; re aa lid httx"
Fitzlka but not, V� UrVo-'yors Thp F-irly Giant, ))a, �%nothek'W)Cial triumph for, ail 149 Alartz,
w- Call woman In I;tttA 1174 V Married twins.
%%.Il:tt too(Illako,of They art, farme1w. and liqe ill Areadia.
ofltcharr and ew thl., . tiff. IN— -r 1114 r, . -I i 1. 1 t-;. l)0&'*%Ajed. tho gtrotigefit* ('0rupu MOvt*v on to.) higher Iwirors as g1lirlillig DUIA'll Ill CalkJ! straw alit] Gr tilt who wery married
r the Pdole a n tile Of, tII4! lwawi 44, this grw lit' `4ollth %friva v(0114- ill fa%or Oil NtAvmber 27t4i, la -34, vet)pate4
d Inillerial Amber the -it warrior froul
It rf. i14 t 9 o% r0y.4of-111111a, IA:ly Leylaild. wit, t1leir Vildplu weddingu in ItW, and It
Wlaktwt straw. tit 1808. (1 4V it., 1.4r. 14 -1
thillk..4 itOct e cONstlit toerror. a%t- %
, A. Ill tile co-op CI cof- t-it-vtt- 'All ilovil wilk-11 to,tter tluta to) Ila lit -
it I4 -h- lit (MIly 1114 MAY that- tilt- wife of
VC%t( tiley -will lo. guilty
Is :f '48t five yea. rs, the -stPLw '011141 'It) -to ismiel hild doid Itl4+*i krill",g .lVe 1% ill Lt ke It 41110� P, If ta ry.. �:coo-1 'ei I is"a" db'd- sifter 63 yeam of (kpvotiou
tit, with tb#-n). 4. s it eom jo, . . . r t; f(L
1 ly. 1)," W80)"S Oldft Chit was one of 414AW.—Terry. IJdAlI 11814la-41 llipi the Mimi w lill 1*4 lid and family.
i to P It lkiba
ilh114)t., .01 working tAp-ti.ty. 4_jll 'leasi, anti, - tile 'Ritrly- Geneses Iferbe*rt, aylor Lif-y1ft1t4l third king of that fRIUL111les fiettit-d iss, in-
vijity." 4plil. pr ll; -4, lf�. ran a Wk . I t I t I 1"t was'one of tile -moot affepte4l jimpht4i flame stil tA.. diana wtwn it v 1,
4 too-ila ill tile ParliaMt-fitary -w4,,-ik intiti,in-11, jtttIgi1ng,frfOm t i�;. re- as Territory. and
Middletoff wpoto-r(.,j by rust.
'I -to . I . ekvti ukion. 4gIlI1i4-:,lIt Ckmtred their farms
P .8 Mo6_t Of tII41 gill1q.S of t4outillpQrt. t last will- V('rm* Wilk -h Ilift realin Nufferml Willie the latter
IS !*�tU-r fr4olu tit it all varieties w Idutt Ole faxat which Ot-orge N., Cur- 1111414-ir this qNMIllectiol is tht. 'Itr(wlalkia WjUl %-lid animaiss &ad
Mf)%%s tfi!ally- free ere prac.
ro t varioxL-# timte;, ti -I as 'It' T - In 189.9
-V rA of I 4�. from 'smut which Is near- Zolt kept him ut, of SO 1,61, "It i,4ji- %i-4li4'11 IL IS b ttor 1,144 1 tif k.nii4pil irl V)rning, f V , -r the rrest, the case * - - :- -till- vitlow--This llbi fr, 1. 1 1 . - ;when nd smut 'The politicair c 11""a" Wf-M, u-ithil'I IMiling diftaum.
'I#' #-Veil %'6_1`0441� illce , 1.4r H�JWII '011"t Ilat4 tg*ll'. Imlae and MOW% were born in Pick -
t wa.; v; I., tit e.,(- kindnv(4-i t10 U17' 4-iti"' for�South %fJi4-_ZJ
g_q� ti . if. ig . 0 k% 1J4*e1;Jr4.K t1il t
flia-flner Crtditor� throJ; S. The PrIdi, Iterap- takPii Ili With the wlibat. 11lid tile tsket and
�iftor .1lts ot Geneiee and' the RN cou"Y- 0.- on May 07th. 1814
ltlirf)at, 115P 011 ('011fortio tinjerl:4 -Amber. oroddeed thp longest is ' -reiww. of Lady Leylaiul. uotitribute.i
4`41 I t -6; g(i_II4.(I ill all 11141fl All ro fi1i11tIhtArJik* 4%XfK&'1iti4sI Uo- England, 110 procur -undt�r tile v4)ke id ill)- t t
brfought Irtim a"d rv'maffk-d with t1wir jw�rente un-
,t- t Ik# -d - i.4 't h! New C' ki
t4o Sir llprlierto.,% PrVmi4oll: tit. tthi-y were -vl years t
the1fllowifig in tile to and Qlumbl. - the sliorteAt vie ligiltom. Old. %'[felt 26.1
at mjiilc� juy,.�t '41k. wem- straw. t�sry. whiell -na liereky 111114-11 f4or tiff- i"Prtit of t)mO, Y(Am old thP'V Were married to tiw
-'4,ItIIptIUY ]A-41go-r. tal)lcw 9'
vither.� The New.eoldmbia, Earl 4PIP)O.(.t -vina �rid Tabitba McCormik.
E L( PtOf 10 plier. irveyor-i' ()tltfitf� y Reif 4-ni-d. Tbrop time)? ofid 3(kash lm -at. hills �of taking ytil ndi;olden —"()r nifte The prol,114Ot-y 111, Is ithill tlk' hiblid-re %1'110 were born near Connersville. Ind.,
I t ..A f for, W ute U W.)we religiouq g 114 in, rot-44usit)n. Chaff iiere.'the 'first and the Early f Illf illed. I I wtop. )41 for oll4ming tilt, latter were four
403 tilt- charto-v- 40 lout W `40*00111k" to To 6111y Alo Genesge and Pride of'. nor -Ills -sigli-liture Imlifig done. thO llttA'r' aitnillila Ion, If -AfriCa tit,- rR C-4 fr liarents
t4) till- 0 d
rmo I I (41011iltm. e-sep were the Ia' j. �to mature., t Nettled fin fItole I It's xtpiii or' Ivith 1-4 tit llower, ht, was o-4#IItplIt' fit 194V4% 1140044A tA) f1%ve u I by the prww"lit eity 4d
MPn0try- rutuars )w her 'for to. -I yjuleftt, 'The DawRon's (1olden Q r vir. -jurefth(l with tll4K-. hri all lid
it . . raber Ist, 1ay * trhimpllx.'�l till 4) juN-
'a trii.sWtl 4,1fif-iil 'jr t4f tit#. t4fect lvitS I . 1% ed the . plump-- IN I
11111f. W Colunilda produe ti f it'il thp rebuke of thP ifying thoy IW' re4viinqI 1tY The twin
gifted with 011t '-%f4`t1 N,#Ys. With UwAr
-Israf1l Ilit-
4'.& ulgillation, wilt(.11- t"Id the'POOle tile Mst.shruiJk-
away witil !V71117A-d ')If -lilt? I'll gralti. lit, �Mlnl W. M40A pip.1saut reg, ril (tor:� hild of tho,.1traittf6rol The fol to 1.,tA-r 0114-titotts atid' 1g. I I Ist Aniall
t u r I L,4 isivieli i Ith li, Ililght w4,ox Aovk whig lear'(11lig Varieties' - of ftie r I tew,
tOat -will b6 distril' illiq
rt -4 4INPIt. XKIRII licit 010y followe(I tile h traiwforMing tile Wild sidretA.11 Intl 0
haft winter wit, listed this 0-011111litt4A lillf It.ttln* lit e experimenu: foLh (!f-raltly t Vt�, t 0 'L & fir -r s fol . year for c 0 IV IJu4, :Atn"ked Jurtmalel". ivarijiiig iIWiOrfl% d farme.
trip. 11Y ttook eloxw ap- Ill. ill-wft4rgod from tho I #A I Set -1. t Golden.- Chaff, *kli4f tho'-tomple treaurem ti) nviiki)em for. itw Afrikalitio-r Ititiol hi IN (ItsUbtful If ever tiolder t TA- rLs
_rintftor(I & %%%%' -F 'isind Ear y Iled (Of 1164 4)wit king- t
en, Sit ina r I it. till lIndiana Or 4,111Y eptlk-r
Pik He mbortly tO tll(, OOL-,ir ,F '41 p., y esee. Giant I lk�- Calk. 044wly lind ifilli-
foIt ol401411111011, 11;U
It.t. Col- .00- 410M. IT. King.4. xlv. that Sir Alfreil "re a 180 Ivft 4of ___: '. __
N iii Ka ra Clawson.
I-O'lleher ii -I ked informati4pil that tho., I'r1tIlm_ At 1U miles
KtAl Of -.64m- )P'J W F, t- DlLwiiofi"Pj Golden 'Chaf f, Im. 14919—Ho-tter ohey till. 011 the 27th day Of the
loll �4-1)- perial 'Amber and Golden D 11-Itait lainvitt tlw dying.* 14. Nlnily
s-4( 'tikry oil the favt ill -r Int, t. M
Z-11 %"ials will 1rI:iftgur:LtA- it.1 % rQP. a* tion that ommu is
itIli tilt. 44%,pllt (If ILI14,
'4et * 3- Golden Chn f r, reistji(t gpvpy Ad even wide,
-Benrdif Winter File anti Stewart'84
people - - it ilt-f Ineer.
trIC 9l(xHI Man's worth Lq slot oted till and
819"y ill the $)Ili ('0mitr. Air' t., Wh 0$� the propose4l B, Tu" 1st (Lay fit N-1 MI r wv 1 Ilia V. 14. Bad men know tile %h-torory for th- torfgpivo4ve party ky Therr
"d the 1wtior tit n i I. lie,a r . ha mplon. %vor tit "`( gw)W Mcni. V. 14. Botter lat fillbiwt-A-ring p1litt ilItf) Ith4mlo-kia, tilt ili. thp I north, I G
line' w; I r4 * to run, were warnol-a .%IIY Pers ff &rthest
flawarvieu I -%q4�1 ff 4 -pt t we wbihi*- to conduct -a
and ditielt %-.1th oldletont a njolitil tgf tfullt m-tits-iiing the 4.4 ll(I Rix and seven wide. The first
th#- Iforl. W. tii up IN. W. Railway. w. %*. .14. Tile tout -11 for Ifilid it
lent with oloup ortlleW*r %' -pr J1 1111 lit tile '1� have tributaries, but
.113IN lotme.
i "Irlst's 11-111d on ours glvt' 1014Aw to) tit#- Traip;v: lAke
Ivrote to -1 thf. I)dltl Y tt) the Experiment- flip 1WHIC41"s tiff, llaNt,
Norwich. IW!M bred liy- appi 4
ter folAke UoKeau, three feell
Pr"Writ In :1- 1'�L it.� offiCes "llixt, Agrieultural Colk-ge. W-1 Hawarflen llo,rest the -C 19 tout (Ptst etttw to, tho var- , ill Toronto, it'Olk-, 4018 whi, I . I for tile �lejgtped @et L and 14. Is 1")rly fitted rfor th.- future. T1111 -:S A(.'AINST the G. 0. %f., tlivfwte(I #of Mlloklvm: and etewiierz
Pu6 your hovirt illto all ou
t 1prol)o.ied railway wort! Ili Do r Sir,—IVill y t4leri: gher than Muskoka
t4wit anti hat' with �if 'the U. "Tile of. plea let 1W 01 P11tell varlety, tog-etber with ln7 ffiere wim iq..�.oer by meaws of a lock at Port;
1110 %1 vo at Yotior strurtlonq*,ror trRtIng do. is. 19. Little thiligs
af)IIJ1uVPPndf-i� twil V On V 0 ience, -a' nOnd the blatik tilikv. VAL 17-19. tifor trust ill (,qNqI
to tile . 11 1
P41t hiN ficials hrrij wrote back, stat-hig' that Ntatpin,#�Ilt 44'41IT W fort' -ling. From Romau I a to J osq6
wieldftl *In (14) WitIl I:- 01'.'WhIell to regort, will 1w., (ar-
in t1le tism(Olig-tik"ll Ill *Ing. the ThimviiO
%slIrligit I pf>ll t, enellowsd mrlif"I free of cost tA) Ills ICAL 8lT1tV_F -e *6 IS CAnAl -like pasgw tit Porfa
heffy tref lwpfFw, XiXWl1 inf-im-s in the N( it (.I-#] re . addrPtis. Tlie No strongly met. It: milolil of -got'
(11 MW ter. 'Mr. f! sit . it: '%-66eher y Ile -of tlw varlotle.4 is 114)t nil the ceco Ifield. Tito outleb of sli tile lakes
t h'. I t 4it, purport -front'. will. IN, 11 � be "Itiol"I f0r m)nle - Mr. 4 ft UP yol . IvIliell wi linitted, but arUr his mpiiding to antAnt jpliu rmAry welmst trtq, t(ot- k. lx4.kple w ere a lso reee i Ire Will bennblM to rur-
% Mlf 1: by -ou 41 Bala on the extreme wwtorn bay
'Xptl`u* anti 80 f4r am lit. eollli) lise -it r -o`-`oWt' Pilynastor lot llish -a� largil 'lumber with. till king over Israbl. Wt, bave, ppawx, to y 0411(jiliry ilftA) tild,
ig all -I tilt- writers wort! %�arneol tilt- Parliamelitar
tto (,- tit. ft#7t ?
nelthor lohynir.tily* rj(,r V it. 'Was lit no; Way *rfNjXJII- if 144P no fiett bT. before. - tit" 601110Y % extinum mll)lx**' UtAt Ile Wns litterly lwglet-ted -Ake iluskoka, wliere the waters
no .11 tit 11 W. - ill rai&% w vn it
(or iololletoii. iihine iately Ile rfvu The wit nil Chu toy -Jul, had. too) lout thqa
'10irla liflon- Urm I to or 92 Lea plunge in three faflo, ;.'b fw*
t1wavvOil tile le:k.qt A bulletin givill�: t rin tA twqp Wid .141lish, who lol'Hin-
Gets.* hrrpt her- In- 1:1 r to Pmwnt the ies; f wintol, wlKOAt ferowfi, in WOM0111 were mAtched. A)ril Neit-her the ly. eom;OIf,tAy gulled tilt- 101,11flkbrolum ore in height, formiug the Mus -
MI -h44 ic relglit
D.I)LIKTON LOCKAD Up. f4,r Yollr� trii1y. lEmiterinif-jital I*partinent - or *Sir At fix -ti ty lifi. "Thunderer." alld eonvertivtl itx mut-11-
Ontarit) Awletiltural olleW for his lriver. Twu w6e,- watt from
Alp P.01011uhpr I(Dr #on#, r)f ti&46 4 Wits #114 "1 toy wrought had tilt. effect it tII4JO lists
Cruwn Will Also Ch'arge tile SwIndler 11W 4d reforill stion., a falls the oon river formf a
IClikol"ttri 'I, wilile. ;1 11001 E I,* lit tile lit -tilc,,. fielt, bpf4 bi-e *111 it"atimi at large. 1111 1
rneititwr fitr :11114116-1. With -bigaray; -bp n1aflej frt)lll t1sx. fliparttuent of Lady TA!,VIIIIIII, $Intl was'. !1IIIIifIg the tilno for 11iq 1.1 evelt the Titmv; t ash of the Muskosh, and through
Mtltiwflll#*V. CR F. TOIRS. lilt so st-0111100-11f4l tAf :i(lillit
t, loin as VOU'S fast when tier ill th" of Mat 0.61 Itiltotlow, -)I channelo the waterrof the lakes
... ... $79 Co.!-, -Illiptifoll for tilt,
tilt- lif 84-10
rfrinw k- jall.- Ili & -1 oin p1411 Toiepluelf. Conil): C. A. Zavitz, Lady Leyland mx>zl _t6ok :Ili Of Abel I,; written,,`He, being dead, a MaW-r irito Georgian Bay, that woll-
fly ... . ... 1r) 0o ftor etnigrattila-
I 1.4 rd'+ttJi4M L4 Wa. Ir Experim"It'alist. wirt Ili tip-,, Heb. xi. 4. Yep does U011, sillee lit that q%vellt hIs ifirlutIlles. -1all ite twenty-seven
"111'4 Sibbitt (Korb -v . .. .... 7100 Agr ult4ral col I egp,, IIMPUI$nl, mw4stof I Ity de.411rim te time, but d, W i th
J t -14j. .Vivo. Iw9 ININ4 thrt4- Manual, 61101)11, A iig. mally, fritinds, att4inding irt fles not. luivirt he fr IPn rill # "I it
4 M(letingsand w Itft island- on tiv. esstoem -o&st
r. 'Lt. Duncan wintst the anti- rvFtrictoed h
l2250 ilk IlamikA111* .. ... ... HOME NOTES ()p OLD LONDoN. fig till- 411*triet.* his fe-
forisierly AfItg_ -4- 8. Dabcock lollg�4tiklltlillg (-'onw-r%ative mit- es lit inlip W I fie never. gwirdW. alit] Roddl
KiCt . ... ... ...
.9 Im tilf-Ift-4s speaks. 'But tile permanent Nl*olw;iljilikv Ile it, ilre-
Tlwre are 10imil Aority tilp- Lit)- tewie (fr spesk limit,141 a that the" three lakea
ki I Ae readt
&wt w1ork t,n t1wi.4,. ri. ill Sarni.t. 'Pits, wift, witil.W114,01n. r 419 pre-,ciwa the lotig fts lie IN tw
1000 forever Rpeak. rely llialing,lig n
'1080 _IA
%or 'fig ut Burfortil im.,now Calbeek &- " "' '. %Iwxw for,
If#' If --4 I -IL-' 110 ' j HoplVins praI vandidatAt won Ily 272 majority. J�Pll Me:'- that Abel i-4 '4 e" rc 400 and 500 Wands.
rro )Ill Wi4l up tog, .1, rbor TWi of 1- din4-ttfi 4of J-1fildoll fog (-Is tj4i Lat]y 71al"I IKONI noted 1 9.
Nortle Noy t" %% , ft nlfwt illff, hotel.. is not only true but it il L160
... .. ... 2150 hi14I of sicklid1w. charnihig ht*'st4--,w aiid enter- rure toy thi- 41md -tro,
yamir, 4 Lox-ko,- .4trto-t, liltoll. Ji T. Waflace ... ..j- Tile ff, IM40-Ift Perionlill.forop ill S4)lltll friva. OPe" to th that very many have upon them
Ltaldoll rollst, Mines, lit London,
Aftor. learitijig . lit -,I if t6jr I ... ... ... ... ... 4,00O.-Cliki lliitt#i alld years 9:111 tA) FPP.:tk is founi Ili the
Art#%r hi -4 Dr. . I . last ... .... ;. - avi, her litudmii writingi or poetm anti orators, -)filter IiesuLletnutial and beutiful private
Ii-ight thitt t, :. **, ,, 7400 Year ; thery d -m-signed from loar- w4reet,
afort, r a, .
#At 'or 70 rand. appropriatel anti Ma, llov"rm u eb or hotoels for the acoomodation
'I"Am f1LqftI)PPartA frf,w, tij Itim rrest, Nliqlll RoVille - 10 fberiw-iliklem to till. am lit � ftfl& the 1, ral I niol1*01, Way !'Ot in bi4 applied John Clrk, of tilt,
to '4ellultZ Arfo.
Mr. -Munro for a eimple total, 111111firell �Illilljllllx! party. WhPil tho latter tav of' all gem anti eon, Itlossm. Pre. Je lng ths The present season will
wllf�rp -t-IN onlotile of tj's. slis.Ils-P MPt and example ressiain when thoie Cocki4hutt - d "'t t 114 - f I pfft f ld t he If row
'nic th Umr, it"i-4 for Ulf, ltri*jjq�rol &. W1;qxW; Rai -l- -I I , *..' * *. , *. 1, Vvit-11 the against GInd- tiftift ma kca very tnawrW irwreaw
too, k J. A: W. I ft' Lfglol(ji 2 Ntolle's Tlo frOin whoni they eman itf�tl have pa;;s. H b08n 11"!ked 1) K.A'4 ;tll t re, 1141 flied WO ]Lull' P0 v, Sir Herbert
ilif"SPIf in rrmtrartalic flj'rX),#,r ?wtr 987 1 1' tTilt, in the
44t & Tar work wAs dollo. (III pu4,ftlay aftc
111rovial alli"tirle#W after ed a w a. �rssooll &PPokitment,
;II rit tititii- it village, 7278 wit lx-Yland remained it radk*al by Qle Atltomatk- l)4;Cker. of whicI, &te.1 M heat'Und Covaing &e&L
i#). w The great mobis of the earth tire the niBIWd room:t Of cOtts,9qu, a., building is now
vatup Ix -l- tile fl..ttij of Ktrt , I r 1V lit. qon@ will u
Iapit, ronv' i0% -it tiwir , .4, " I,() )eral, mid. fintilly. sifter Many, i4hadowy men, wlio, I,,-
M"11444I.N 13ria. A LETTER FROM JOHN it A013. tr('Ptfl. fights, returits to arliampilt. IIIiig livedand the (011evator. PW. Ity witne&-- the erection
v4 ry hirg" died, now I entoor Tile nut(.
afor lit fPttft%,g, There 11IR I a 11
i - like
tL oW01whip. r thouht4. Thus trial as we u(
nPir till. 1, ;yInt to a high bilider atilt tho
I # till forever
kiiiii if,% Ita-- He Wants to X'"aw W 0. Put in causps 9mat throogti th, ir uIll littLCIled diniqg rootp
IN:1 the siffkko allil.tilot- Name .;Imnllg tho Is esloOpi-ii, iiy nving, tII()uKlI their.- footfaJim InsOid, in n fiq.lti of MM#11 iiotneti &ud b
A f ter In the, Pa r. has :ww noteworthy hPeAauw- tile Liberal- heard Ito 11jor are aA the
-oivei'are loutier nd tir!e, States, when the ��,M
famillar i4th tit#, khorislike ro-4rio10, by w:ly of M, follovs-Ing 14!tte nearly ,,Ile@ I'tilonists Ill. tfi e, their 1 ilig tILit tilt- graill Was and 1101iltowe, I
will di-sitriet suppoprtod th,"ll tile thunder, alul unveaslug eek beft o 11 00 Shall have bet -ii accorded t
erest just now, Ill w (if tY',v it N
twalitiffl, jfl(� trltVl_-3lflI wirt'" over him, ltbat- -par P
but who Atterwa.roi tili-lif , t Was r Ile* thP a eut a W
- Loo- IN- t. t.,JtjfJJl to ltreat ;r -gap -at chairman flow of tl ie -i or air.- MoR" a8 fe.
an InIl"ter, wlwvjj� Illail if 1# 41 pro- figi t, w 111111i �VI%ee &Wolig qW outing rovor'
writing a letter dPelarin it to tile Vlltli*r Proprieto
y tit, I k ater 9 011 t 1114 th4b 'lot 11111f living when lit! wati alive. Ritiifaetloll of a14
U14, florim (or lf It -f- `1-r0-'1M.,ej#kvm lso -It R?MP Rill iteheme. will(q, (!Ililq -it lift. 11,1" been sill(.e he(lied. It"'Hent. Anso (d tilt. cy�th AmericiL.
InIftoPpoil lit teal p(l till, 1`11i 're. it1w the at w fig nifilri. . t
PIP. -I rtldpn t h(. kiritl,4 ror linn, (wilf) tojoln- with till- Coil. ere JJ(%Nr". 4101110 of 44 'rlif, shore line of v11 these lak-&j is
-riol 1411pe-rill tell 4 hkil tihi Luther was mixtity when hP into mi, -
1. ,* %Ir. 't little 0 Luther Is
tkall, t .1 an
I or a florau'. J�LAI"l Is 114)w di%ad find buried, AIV- lived hut the shadowy IcA% Alex, and (Nallftdae.tureaquely lrivgular and so thickiy
st foin- lip I.I.I.4ted U� tist. tY. 81,16 -Ifitem N110"Id return to tl' eg! in and JIL1114W Kirktcml. 1..,K, oliterprit"
all Aere: lkarty lineg. ie, origin I Lutherit. HP 1--i
full Imirptale of litfililillg Sa We monarvit Of tural IMPIcnient emcierns
"Im Of WA vot-r- -9 t i -O n Franc o Of ()ver MY) lwt;4g thiO mightier tha a r I ent of. flehl�, lk-rt&; frtmm ths"thVix, largpst IL Ilamiltotoed are thc iilauds that at very few
amil U6 ti"I r(rill. it, lf1N T_hlR IN M
thou ht anti
the rf'nI:1r" till- eliginf-er 101 P )IIA(lPreil fly mally tilt" noblest defender of 11 Auieriva may wellatA ip &fly wide ejLpaaw� of wet -or
Y(, "tats -11 linic man til"t mytilf) 1191Y its ail f wer1P -11w) Preset, and exprt'swd them- Ile There is n6 tnaroh, no low
ritinow IlItij Marlon, (,a -rit4iring wedgip - bptwep" tile tit to the end of Unto. Bun. MRUJJI#
r1lior r t4mil [ji0minitin .1 0-i culhtt* ug. Oro are Ovpr 5.(XX) Libera-l-l"110fdats and th (-1 yan N 116ad, but hill sl)irit ntill walks lifted with tit(. lion rty
r Tit' Sac
14 with referd-neo tor.) Ilim- Editor Toro' lip Imition.
'I'IJP 1-3 tthr fisliet-4,4vie4l b ff to - Wor . I % , _.lonmPrva- r n.d Ili all Muskoka There we no
kdlt4- lit 8t,110MlY prot4wte(l hW In- Every, day 150 tivest, willeh alliance has kelot tile Ulf? e," th I" Ills Pilgritirm ProgremR. way thP MIU-111rui did it& work. In tilpir
Baxter iq dend V '1ulP,rw4Je the Questiodst I uskoks. Pine, spruc,
—Will YOU be kin ugh, latter In, power practleally jslllf�p ("Ind- flulVkenol by iiie saint,,; reit. Henry laboious
rVIFIX hisn as INX'4*11f '41. foilildoll it %.ill el
fle thiluked tim-, Im,op, n but' souls are -still M,
latter. t)y -& idligular IluripfiOni , r to or 0 knoM wht Tlowpo are jm)nI(.tI1ilIg Oke. 7(9),(Xv ft*tle (-)Ill and
W (to- Issaulier"In Whieh'they In pap(, -r, fging lily ) list th V urtlele retirembnt. AAA, hemlock, inaple an o4k are
'istal im. and Martyn i -e- Aeml,- but who CIL.,, (.Oujj gralli by hand- The pliviro. fie
rp#,1M f had tm n ille, top Itton. ohoI--king ltw")
T. S. Ile,, ve rifle re ou Illust of
bro4kem of f v e London. the apostolip Rpirlts, who. phoenix. 1gralti was ",itillout wab
fqvr lx*ters. L OveT Low.wo street Porto RICO. ilW,ittiy WWvaili g woode. I a size the
basupa and ew Trk, the priv- tIf"It flip person lit Ilip.q.
_k in a 40103 C4 ViLl"I)ilig (Ml #i4j, 11C.Ut a fittle sUrel culln t The Tliamftsi at ILAiOtldon i) lVidth, 37 miles. pile ? Howtird is dea(l, I.Out 9MM
tor Ntor arteol front Ills funeral the nd cleall (6114ough tA) eama*qry frow Big iidaud, in Uke
like, liltve at,
-rn. anti pfA the nats worill. I in tile wi4ltII 4)( 290 artls. Aron, 3,130 square luiles. rakifig. The I"t
Ylikron gwplfl W1111119 X every tiling that t ey rl(w, has -a modern diMXnUqP wful
11'ood 1.<Alfloil p(wtme 111111anthropy, OPOAPALAWith its 1,1N acr-A, to tiny
Wile there. %Jr. 111x1pty, f�tjx )p I y 'I, nTe 8111(1 t
If~ id the enterprim,-. I'm tbo e"-' fd th9llk*l to W. Uddleton unil the with f ts Pit reer. Raike Is flead. bu' and &rx-ketl fit tws� hourvi.
Tre(w are always greell. IN Only COmmt nchig twt) acre* were cut. IkKind into mimavvs tb I single tree or r3ock
9 1110""1 a vOtO a tree it, r& o walk t the It"UtWIPOn,
ot Ilk -11 prtnAg SbOvt' the water, in fill t4irw,
hawmks. If Isom, W
Is it r,, ga tk hi'609i"04r.4 [Cor the mnner in which 'n beds (yut 6f tba lsoust� light It I@ (!aIculated th M11(w a (lay. hoTvm were re(Juired to� W
fill stverago twely F-vOrY Man owns a horv�. t bbatil sphools go ,I,. Wilberforce 1, t wo
Prine4pal sport Is cock fighting. 11 deltil, but th negro will find for Mapes- and Rhoviter. T
halt ho.,ft, operating they I"d tilt- frit-Aidm toWether mail fv.ttl tlfe�. 11114k3or tll�D ca at It U10-C-hiloren One Mountain Is 9,01)0 ft-vt high. a alian TM;X-r ad eonditloij of improvemont.
rk, Dewn to rue. re a the London- %hool lie Inavidne in
I r�t C� 90A it proteetor in hi -A Memory.
infolify. %'4., and entertiLined thima. ajor T. f kne Every houeD I)aa a roof gar,(Ill. entk-wAY by IlanflItoll fit WO in individuals These
Voyd of the arrair. w 41lything %ard Wom to Join hand" tiey would -tpire to tilt! chip, or ttiOe zootJonii Ronell.
I ntl RPF't hiA Pit ti"'411m .1conem W'aA the secondw My J3ame hs John All Say, jtMII people are Zndbrsed it. thoY art, na it is (Nvnmq
'd Wkv there "Iml ( -M�Y father, Ives two ln,14 re"Il from LOI`1401 to Carlifile. 11 d1w atfiol4-s. turally (lo-liCIlt4.d wit,,
le "HI&I with a littIly, ape 41,nee td 800 nLI A 1'r'Wbyt-0rL1LII 11ii1ollititer )fast to llis Wfwr a
The Chief o( tj -eel,.
Two lbour er'st of 11 "N"elpal patins, is 11 1 t.R IBM tit(. luwt excellent sites
ljjt�r 31iddletopi wM ar- I want n
afti. to know, wi Irills is the pjLrt Them are . abou iintpuse surprisie t(VA-hor i;kAMS for pertuanent c-Ltagr3P or
.(km I and delight, Don tx frltig.w llpdmg partieL Fast, supply as chat #d sine Nwro to fog. orwback rid.
rf*1t4!1I lit t to Barre.w 1101INUo'Burfordt yon IP Put flub Ill The Propertieq livj�N4 fWIXOM 170- N-lip%#41 t4o I*. t 1610(X "FPMMI. Polmlation 100,000 less than Phila- 1141�unw(NIWO vhl4lue from IL charitable
in on it Iva r Imper ? Please�,enllgllt4.1, welts, excep(l In 10ndon delphia. "Thig ch"Us Ig W order and rather mirst% M
L4,44.1 r* u*- eltiWax thpre, und aidrPil rpailt Worn out by a gTo. the matter. o0o. 11111"t marry tli(,# w6uld r, "fagd �by i n(i v1 th term
f- - r s- klene-#. cary trwrt Iva If t of %%, YOU* truly, John A t-boumnnOri strPet' plalitj ()rgall* Hall more anti abls'�r thoolultopS tilall must 1)(% e i duals, ply e will,
lotaining goolls, n00rW(1.*,
to #*!f. oodstok. ehar InC Roach, T)acgitt, Sarl !Bernarliltio Co., I Jerm 11,1plaill(ld tile (,Itxtl-
Th.- 11w,wini U re h,.4 kAM %Vitt] fi, .4 all tbe lands, "'oustant ^Ud Mink
under Fa
'no cal. I)II'Yklg Ill LOndo;n every Jar a t t lie in-irry thp will) %.0 y- of elk)
i110w-� PaNUM". Tito garden party Y. Sa 1119418AId bank. tpa uld lAtes Ja"b
90ful the nw-rAwary wit- was Mies elock towor or tile. 11011 11 JuAll, capital. has j100O(W titer (lie tl' d rf ws furuMinx Lbe dwederp it,
lif"o-Al tO %lirKinla. anti 'Dvwr MW MkIdletm was sittlylK pile S.—Minx be back in Ow of Inhabitant. '$ tile back.09 IN 'till wtOar it 1xi4illfbt t
AN ly t- weeks. a 6f Parliament im .920 fel! t higil, tile vit.- ay!" Aiid witil-tile, pe 01). spawm wo
tilo Baram houw a t t tie t I nv�� I San Jun has the D011't niarr, a" and Ron"au, and tilt' It"OlItY feet higher. th6 Weft In". brartily s- t1h. "Ila 11 1%.110 IAke u8koka.
the elutehow of` tile aw Ila t torla Tower t 11 arbor in 8001 till% inknimu 611 )its
4A(l I ___ _%r wrote, thow ill
huiid&reed _ tj fill POOPle 814eep In tlwO tiny, 8) willitill tillng% 'julft, INV.14 lim,
y rXt f4 this fapp-ars that Ole toffk3em were kAiking for wor Ilan' other Ot
Yy 111DU10 of tile surveyors F'Ive Pounds' All 1111kindillem mdtlirw tilis eheflup.,, alpd** vdth provisions They an- em&11
mi nee Mmt- him. but di(I I" spq4w to re. W Im.11 th of UMI)relllw 1101*0041 at law flip and th'PAI. J)1e proyinlon uttorft and if on*
ca y 1111`0 1110e evepy let Itm avottlance visit at night.
owl be witil yotX a Marry tile wn
of lionor.—Ballou. Water supply Departm's"I"t bO tit por"
's o1k) prinelptil tA) iMM114- 11<18tal 110teR () -brae r;or tilt, dadfw &rticlos not in tock, 010T will
4 Hourem of revenue. . f tl'P (1(410111ina- Jill(] Cvt I%n
limseemos , , o$2-50 and $5. kitcllt4l Iltovivilm fr"Ill Im-r It 4111,i he w4dered and prompti) delivered.
t Ripley vt--ry Thurw6j, were atretelied uut to tnptr* RM86"110111464OA- g I lx-vm of kilLy fover canwt survive Ute pare
It t(xjk �10 men to lift the, truck frm 00,4 way thoucian(le afe" U1111111rVyUU t4 but
. r
ae t 9
0 1