HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-08-26, Page 4. LOY 2 EPISODIC apowllan, Out ,o t b. Outbar... a . Berlin :sews-Rsti,rd:—The Grand Lodge Meeting of the -1.0.01?. which was held at Galt this par, has been the weans of a l.l,,a,lir,s little 'romance sue.la as one rcatl:l of in dime novels or ma teas than tteunion the 1 ne moonor g two of the visiting delegates until death due them part The romaneo upens at Belleville, where the grand lodge Lata one year ago. tiliss Mary Louise Webster, of Elora, ropreeented Myrtle Ledge, No. • 1 7, Daughters of Rebekah, and John Jefferson Kenyon was a delegate from Beaver Lodge, No. S5, Ruthven, at the meeting. The two b:ad never met until then. At the enyon t e steps fr easu;aI rens ,ose of the first day • Mr her while dcscendiD in the hall. She made. k to him which arrest his attention for a moment. He turn ed to see who had spoken, and on seeing the charming features of the young lady he inwardly Ralf]: "That i� tht� woman who is to be my wife." jt was a ease of love at first eight on Moth sides. The young couple had several walksr and tete-z-fetes before the Grand Logde adjourned, and during the long months of the. yea! which followed, Mr. Kenyon visited fila Grand Lodge sweetheart seven time ire the village by the •reeks. • A► a e1 Both we ra delegates at the Grand this year in Galt. Thursday tl.ay I took a trip to Hespeler on the street cars and when he suddenly pepped the question she did*not faint u: go shite hysterics a: many wpuld, but I took proper view of the !matter ;cad opted there and then.' The license I was procured and in a short tinge the Rev. F. E. Nugent, of Hespeler, had tied the nuptial knot 1 The happy couple whom chance brought together are now honeymoon- ing at Preston sipping the sweet Lector of married life. DO8.4. HENRY.—In King ,, on Ytiday, Aug, 12th,, the wife of Mr. Frank Henry, of s son. CIRC-Iii—Io Lucknovi, on Tuesday, Aug. 23r'd.18'J', the wife if Mr. Geo, Girtiin, .1 a don, 1898 --VOTERS' LIST -1898 MulsletpsWty of the V111ae;e of Luoknowr. County of Bruoe. NOTICEIs GIVEN •run's 1 have transmitted ur delivered to the persons mentioned is the third and fourth *eetlens the '‘Voters' Lis Act'. the a opiee tapuired ! yeah! ie. -.I' •t.• to be so transmitted .raielivrered.. E the Li.=t, pursuant t• the said • ,tilletuf all per/ _•c 4 a j:4 -- an n4 by th. bast revised' AliesogjentR':= of tc,. s„iti 3funicip.ality too ( ntfeeiiti, vote. i:; :h• . sal rtetucipalityy •leetlon, f :r- tyve-t•er:r t.• t e Legisiat:v* the. n::ni.:ipa,1 rlet•tion,, wed for s:ti(I !i -t w .- rt -t 1, "ted •tj, in my ott;i.e. A"_ 1. -...know this . ftp: day of Au,-ttst 139$, and remains titre for iu,.t,:, Electors art, .'.aI'..•' :t"•t: t• ex.+tnine the imidlist (in 1 if ar'-yr r.' •. env ether wrr•)te •are fol z '' ••re.. ". t , t/kW in.ine.,li.ate proceedings. t,. ha -1; ,,ri_.tr4i � � ►rJ.� c•rr•+ry .• a►c cosdin4 t.' law. nt jai Mvxxl.;UN, bated at- ..:a:tw,1 t'.erk of th, t1_i.. lth day ofl •Sf �:,, i :� .3i.. .•t . - •-. j ctjy. Luckniow, CHOICE TIMOTHY SEEDS ANDREW & WEBSTER'S. Owing to the wide reputation of our Ploughs and Repairs i bunt up solely throw:. the uniform standard of both materi_., and workmanship), • inferior p.00ghs are continuously being repre- sented ty unitcrupulous agents as the Wilkinson. Look tot a targe red. ' W' n the mould sward Wilkinson Plough C_' , Toronto, cast to .01 F.epair4, and the inside of the hand::•3► wad our ramped in fug: ►1',f beck of • ry w board. � I �, 17 T u': y r ` /' ANDREW & WEBSTER. Lucxaf,w. Seeing is Farm.. r• • f '_' 'tars•: 1 Wt. jwant y.,t. t, .re thy ettalty tare' yt..Id ,f Irma per acre the fertile ,.a, f �Iartit ,ion the Canadian N ,•rth1V.:et s i:: I•rod'ce. . Harvest txourstpns i/�iale' Ing 11.i:.`b. r. n ,,n . A. g. 30:h,Returnin Until Cet Stpt'.3!n, •"[ .. 29th i Noe, it, '98 rlt ulz V ,r.0s1b.rAA • i XL ..10,:"P hl .e>Y $28f iIIi' t..;LbZhr !r(ot,'ei11lU :t11, I,Il+.k NLiX1e C,a1. •,,MONlo,S } • From.all point: in Ontario, (bnapiag,. Ste. Mari,, Windsor a.nd East. Fre ftuther particu.1r4 ;,pply t„ tilt n greet Canadian Pscit Agent. r C. E. MACPHEHSO4. A-sistant General Passenger Agent 1 Kia . Si. East, Tcxoa ro 1398 --VOTERS' LT$T•-1898• Mueicipeaty oftheTowoehfp of West Wawano.h. County of Hui' on NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have transmitted for deli%eyed to the persons mentioned in the third alai fourth - s.rctioa, of the "Voters' List Art" the coplel reiptiredt by said o,ection to be s., transmitted ' r 41elivered of the Ii -,t, p►trsuaat to the said Act of alt persons s o `,sarin; hy the last evir.el Ames enzent Roll of tBe r.,v t manicipa1�t y, to vote entitled to vrin the said-lrtriniripality. at .iieetioa►r l'r meV:hers to the LegiItatlf.4 Aa sembly, and the municipal election*, sed the said .Let weir hrst pu+tei4 np in Loy oaioe dile 12th (Lis of A<u'i•.t, 1sf.0t and. ref—gain-4 Mors for inspection.. El.:teri. are '_a11rd upon t',etramine the said Liss lupi if any r,mi...io►n or any other errors ars found therein t• o take iaten+rjiate pr. ,%...-d- isc+ to have: the •air,:. 'mins. c• •rr. ctet ,,eo,ril- ing to, I:4w. WM.N. ltIcelif►.STII•;, - 'atr•i tbi• 1:'th. l'Irrk '4 the .aid '.,y of Au;na flnnicipality. 1t39s. St. 11-b.,.., P. t 1. MUSIC L IiSSON_s Given by _1-, C. IIIc MOh'R411l net 0,v THi Maiidrrnia Cornet Et;., Fate, e'er,; T,`" $s, rill at the Sentinel of o..,eratitolt and toll Office is► A'lia's block, ye. •P. S. -Wilt visit aft ••r$on . a - dally cos ode* .as •irn p le ps•euct salt& e .tor the Lein* Sentinel, prune Oounty erldw August 20th HUGIIES, Clothing' Boots & shoes, The bulk of our spring stock has arrived, which consist of the nobbiest and best values sf? ever presented to our custom- ers. BOOTS A.N'D SNOBS_ Below is a few of our snaps !--- Woman's Dongola Button, Self Tip, Coin Toe, sp 3cial $1.35 Woman's Dongola Button, Pat Tip, Coin Toe ... • .. 1.50 Woman's Dong. Button, Self Tip, Turn, worth $2.35 only -2.00. R' 1.00 150 1..50 1 751 omen's Dongola Oxford, Pat Tip. Coin Too. Men's Dongola Congress, Coin Toe, Special Men's Dongola Laced, Coin Toe, Special.. Men's Dongola Tan, Laced, Coin Toe.. CLOTIITNG_ die-n's all wool tweed suits, best of ' Farmer's satin linings, worth $10 for $9. Men's black Venetian coat and vest bound, dnd best of linings, only $6. Medi s`alI wool Canadian tweed suits, good Linings and well made, special at $4.75. Men's Canadian tweed pants, made as well as the best, worth $1.25, now selling for $1,00. .. • •. •. Sole agent for Williams' side laced plough shoes. T. EATON DIDN'T GET IT ALL. Lstwreuos do 4111.hu►alouo Have purchased several complete and extensive lines of the finest grade furniture of the Lucknow Central Furniture Company's best manufac- ture, Just think, our line comprises 50 bedroom suites of the most i tlo ern AND SUP -TO -DATE DESIGNS. We are now selling our regular c1/43141.00 >nlsuite* $',.00. .00. Higher -grade suiteslikewise for l kewise at our ba gain prices. Furniture for your rooms �' and pictures � for your walls go together. Ourgoods c g erne from the hest manufacturers. We handle' clothing else. PICTURE FRAMINQ Is a feature of our business. We can give life to your bare walls, This is the season for house decoration and adornment, and LAWRENCE & J O H NSTON E are well equipped for the saute, That TOUChOs The Spot ,lIAOI;EOD'S SVSTEM RENOVAToF ►r Weak and Impure Blood Liver and TKidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. Ask Druggist or write direct to J, IL McLeod, OODERICH, Ont. Sold by Harry Days, Lucknow MRS. A. M. ARMSTRONG, • TL►Cagh Glc' • Piano, Organ, Violin,. Vice Culture, Thorough Bass Harmony and Counter- point. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations. RLSIDENCE-_-kituq fey street. HIGHEST CASH PRICE 1 • BUTTER & ECCS Having ing purchased the busi- ness lately run by Mr. W. J. Skinner, we are prepared to pay cash for butter nd eggs. Your patronage is solicited. Yours truly, A. & W. GOLLAN, Ont. Mc'ENZTh Baker and Confectioner. Dealer in all kinds of Groceries, Canned Goods Confectionery, Etc, Bread, Buns . and Cakes. . . Fresh Daily . Flour. Oatmeal and Corn, meal always on hand MUSIC - TAUGHT Lessons in Vooll and Instrumental Music and Harmony are taught by MRS. M. M. KEE, at her rebideilc, Gough street. For *Ws appy at her b we. • A. T. DAWSON, NEW FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. Having ..cured the premises lately occupied by O.W. BEERY as a Furniture Ware Room, I have recently fitted it with the newest de shins of all kinds of Household Furniture. As to quality, they are unequalled. The price M- aws)? down. All goods are bought for spot Cash, therefore I can sell st as close a prioe as say person in the country. Wby buy in To- ronto sod pay freight, subject to when you can save this at home? When at 1. T. DAIVSON'S inspect and .be. •c„n- rHE - UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT 1s conducted at the old stand, which has been entirely renovated. Embalming Preserving and Taking Care cf Bodies a Spec. laity. The Embalming !Fluid, material and ap- pliances us«..1 have proven to be. the most effectual that have ever been used for the past twenty year!. Sirricture framing and all kinds of lie- psirino• done at the old stand Oak's Cotton Root Compound Is eneeessfnlty used monthly by over 0,000 Ledlee. Sate. effectual. Ladles ask yens dent for Cast•. i.l1ss1 Cs.- 'rale no other as all MLztneel", pills and imitations are dangerous. 1/Vie$i Ito. 1, 11 per box; We. 1M,10 degree* stronger, per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 0-een t stamps. The Oeak Oompaay$WIndaor, Ont. lW-Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all sumbns1Me Druggists to Gonads. Nol and No 2 ,toht in Lucknorr, by Dr. D. $t. Gordon, Druggist. Warned—An Idea Who can think of some simple of Wag w patent? wrieIoHN WSDDastiO iCo. toot actor - your loess•tbe� wealth. mwam.geoa. D. o.. nii. 'rtwo Nriod ls�Wes Wasted. • No salesman's say so, but a gua- rantee of quality, workmanship and material straight from the makers, is the "Slater Shoe" way. Their name and price stamped on the Good year welted sole with their self des - (Jibing tag, telling About the leather, is your protection. $3.00, Moo $5.00. J. G. MURDOCH & CO., Sole Agents, Lucknow. NNOUNOEMENT._ *NNNN••NN••N••NN MRS, SMITH offers for the nex Month her ENTIRE STOCK AT CUT PRICES. She has just received some hand- some MANTLE VELVETS, and a case of FALL SAILORS in assorted colors. TORONTO'S GREATEST ATTRACTION. ... ,'1'11E NEW CYCLORAMA.... o 0 0 JERUSALEM ON THE THE OF ilE CRUCIFIXION is drawing large numbers of visitors daily, who all express.thernselves as greatly pleased with the magnificent and instructive view. EVERYBODY COI NG TO TORONTO should avail themselves of the oppor- tunity of seeing "Jerusalem" at the Cyclorama. Open daily from 8.a 111 to 7 'ran J ADULTS, 25 ,GENTS.PRICES OF ADMISSION: •(HILDRE:I, UNDER 15 11) E f � 0 T5, NEXT SOUTH WEST COR. FRONT & YORK STS. - � The Hub heads Them A11'- FOR Family Groceries & Canned Goods. FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. FLOuR, FEED AND ALL KINDS OF SEEDS: FINE TEAS A PCCIIdy. ► I HE LA RGE.T STOCK, THE CHOICEST GOODS AND THE $ae3' VASA'S OBTAINABLE IN LUCKNOW. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. . - .►OOCA I 0 0KiC. KEGCNu3 JOHN. - ELLIOTT. M. CORRIGAN'S Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY CLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS I have in stock the following : ♦p1►les Blacking Black Lead Blue Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath brick Beans Brooms Baskets Brushes Biscuit Coffee Confectionery) (tanned Goode Cocoa' Ch icolate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates Dried Apple Extracts )'ivs Fu,h, suned fish, dried Griot's' Gingers Hopei Honey • Ink Indigo Licorice Lime Juice Lemons. Lamps Lead Matches Mince Meat Meal Macaroni Mustard Meats, canned Magnesia A-1 Flour always on paint. Nutmegl Oil, olive] Oil, sweet Oil, castor Oranges Oat Meall Pails` Peels Pipes Pearline Peas, canoed!, ►lert Rapine Rice Rice Flout Sago Salt Salmon Sardines Kenna Seeds Sugar Syrups .Soda ,ape. Spices arch Sttawbersies, canoe aulphers. Tapioca T ,thatoe, .canna i Us Tobaccoes Vermicell Vinegars Washboards Washing Crysta wc►rsdenwar. Whiting / Dinner Sets Yeast, Cakes Dinner Sets Tea sets water Setts ('ream Setts Berry Bette Toilet Setts - People must Have Grocerjes - =1'i►e gre;.G question is where to get them. Wo keep the best qualities to be had. Wo don't pretend to sell them belotr cost, but we do Keil them at a very close eaargin. -TE.AS • Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and price You will save from 5 to 10 cents p•r pound if you buy from US insteael of tea peddlers. Compare quality and price;°. CROCKERY - We have a find assortment cf dinner setts, tea, berry and toilet setts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. FLo1 rR & EEEID All kinds of flour and fcod kept aonatantly on hand. Gloods delivered to any part of the town, eClure and Mailough calx sR,OoEa,s • DRESS GOODS. NEW 1!JOODS1 The new Fall Goods are commencing; to arrive, and in a few. weeks we expect to be able to show you one of the finest stocks of Dry Goods, Clothing, Lioots & Shies we have ever had. This week we quote you a few prices of some of the NEW GOADS afaady in stock. A bier assortment of Fancy Silk,. Suitable t• : Waista and Triucing. at 25c, 44k 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25. K4 GLOVES, THE ALBERTINE.—le Biaek :. Blue, Oxblood., Mauve Greens and (are) v. Patented' 'I'm:. Lock, Faatsmers, Fancy ittuhroidcred backs. Eve Nat, gun antecd.. Our special The AS('OTT in Block. White, Ox Blood (heap, grey Blue, Purple. etc. Embroidered Backs, Lam Lock, srtenere. E cry pa'r guaranteed. Our special price $1.V BERLIN W DOL$ _ In 1;1:&ck, 1�'1,ite, Cluude.i ..uJ G,:,,.. .�ln„LLT Fnmt,.usGermapb,an sod Blarney yarns. I:liwk Watera"d Ribbons, all wd•11,;, at 15c, 20z 26c, :fl►c, 31k !q, an•t .511, 36 inch Amazon Cloths. Tweed effects. Good we`.ght. l'er yard, 15c 38 to 44 inch Tartan. A good assortment to ilyxo•e from, at 15c, 18c, 45c 50c, 6 c; and T5c. 1 38 to 42 inch Fancy Figured Dress Goods. The new Vandyke - pattern. Per yard 50c. 42 inch Bright Wool effects. Inrisable checks. Extra %'slues. Per yard 75c. , 44 inch Black Dress; "Figures, tet, r►' fan -ti Jore: Dress;Goods, Bright w• y • designs, st :Ac, 75c, 90c, $1.00 and $1.25. SILKS AND SATINS. VICTORIA,—A new and j►rctty Black Satin Merv. Wear t;uarun teed. Per yard 75c. 21 inch Plain Black Satin. Gnud quality. Extra value, *1.0O -' inch Black . Faille Silk. Soft and pliable. (Jruar,ucteed not to cut. Spacial at $1.041. Yours truly, Blank Vek et Ribbons, 1.11 wi gild, t►t ic, 4e, 4c. 5c, 6c, 7c, +, l J. G. MIIRDOCII Co'y, Economy is Woaltli! 11. IT PAYS TO BUY SHE BEST IT SAVES TIDE, TROUBLE, AND MONEY. We buy from reliable firms only, and- can guarantee our goods to give entire satisfaction. It is to your own interest then to buy your Hardware at • D_ C. TIA v: nvp LUCKNOW. For n4,,, 1 WA, • WE HAVE RECEIVED SAME NEW DESIGNS In WORSTEDS,: that are sure to please the man who desires UP-TODATE CLOTHES. We guarantee a fit, or no sale. Our prices are low, and we put in first-class Trirnni ings WM. CONNELL,. LUCKNOW. U' wat Customer of mine And I will guarantee to give you entice satisraction. Have a fine stock or seasonable goods and our prices are right Thos. Lawrence, - - - - Luckllow L THE LEADING HARCWARE. BOOTS AND SHOES •a Ifyou want the inside price in boots and shoes' l t -ad - the following. We have reduced the price of ourtown make of men's laced boots. • Shelled cordovan fro 1.50 to $3.75, and Inca's kid boots from $4.50 to . All lines of band -made and ready-made �,00t►. ode shoes 111 propor- tion. tion. We have a large stock of boots, shoes and rubbers in all lines. Remen�oer, we w.rran t everything we sell. If your boots rip, bring them back and we will mend thein free of charge. Rep -airing done on shortest notice 3 TERMS : Cash or credit. A liberal discount off for cash, • NO • f 1 . a • 4 rr OdOtallieft*.k. npofams. `_s �l'1 visit Ripley every Th It took ^Q men to lift the truck trom 1 Uulroga. 1 (tile way t nou`;anus as a ucaaw uy vw