HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-08-26, Page 3A, W% * - I . BANK OF HAMILTON -f LUCKNOW411 dL *fApVVqVV VVVW1VVW'V-VVW-VVVVVVTVVTTVVVV Ir V V V V V T Ali, ; for the train. it is trim TAN YlKINITIUR DILL, -W Ww V0,4110 1- V 91, Wr i LID LI UU1jh I 13hillon"Upt + and lovers' knot& The f ron panel of + the skirt is probably embroidered in INTBRNATIONA-L 1.61111"UN-No. Ix + gohl and the waist, in embroidered In ILUELMINA'S CORONAT,10N, + 111. 1 Earl do Ila Warr and other Big AUGTYST 28. IM, precimm siones. it is lined with the Parents May Refuse to Haw The' The Bacofl ype of o + heaviest of watered silk and trimmed I profiWAy with tile rareet of point lace; Guna Tes.tify- Interesting Sketch of if there Ls notie handed down from the Children Vaccinatede FAishat at I kit halt). 2Kin6%6-&1lL + crown, then.potut lace is purchased. Holland"S Girl Queen. + Tile gown will be.high necked and ig ass orses anted* + BILADSHAW fAINTo ON THE STAIND Time'—About B. U. MOO. I'lace—Do. + will havo long sleeves, GONSCIENCE CLAUSE DFNUUNCED. + than. + + London cable: in tile qu(4-1114 Permins.--slehornin. Benhadad. Ell. At least twenty-two yards of law. f.oudon cable: Tile kUlti-Vactilla- + .1 titroe luctiq,,; wide Will border the train + Bmwh I)ivision of the High Coart of- alka. Tho Hagueo jJUIY Wilhelminas I Irt, a vAlfe, his father Se patnel, of law, on tioniit-S ill___EngIa)ld. have. in AL: U"- + GETTING LAND IN SHAPE FOR FALL WkMT. i u,,tic. t,,,u y , justir_r� Wright rfl- Comwentary.-S. King of Syria - tit Bis- anti there wUl be a jKlil"al it triumlAk because tile + Benhadad R. who ment the Letter of the Netherland& will be m**k (put to.fillil 011f". 1;et a girl I each sitic of tile guibroldered paitel of 'Jurl, 0 . clause :_ IV Vaceituttlon bill. COUSC1011C (�ScigAored from "Farming.") tsumed tho hearing of tile nlotioll� to nbout Naaman. ' Ki tf V. 5.7. A pow 33Y cT0'%v1l*-AI at 04% capital 01 who 11:w an apl-otite file her hr*v%k- tile gkirt. The lace will cost About -trel all, got througi, tbo third erful king, bringing , lirty-two v8*4-1 f%wT'"- I conamit Earl do Lit Warr. M(worli, ""Itt"ItL kligust 31.,to Tho ceremony ra.St.,', w. ennintantli-sl 114-atiarek, awl -*8,0(X) or $10,OOQ. If a veil Is worn ding in tile HotL90 or - commons. kings with film U) tile first siege of MA'. 'falitlifill. ol-i. travell,%I It will. 1w) -of rarest Bruwy.-Is net.' - The Ce Broa-tiley, Bradsl"w and Rucker for Hamari!i. I Kings. xx. I. He waA Wilt take l4art, in Cu. rov.%I t I -1'!- -4 and tile f rout Of her stoCkingS llOtWithrAa11(IllIg that 4, Waq- -011 -ype ()f ft Hug tiviLting. After the peas are harvioilit- PftI4j(%V, illtil 114- 140111144 tit 4v as bi rmig if limi- slipper. There is"a Bacon T rotitonapt of couh ill atto-jupting Up kllIfA by Hilzael. :21 Kings viii.%.7-15. gry as I y4n;xXiff.r.. will bo embroidered with precious To tell by tile Lordd. Thes Casladian' bacon hog. is arotm- ill to atu""deti by lliaw fbill IN-Illp-* ..foe -it tills #--(is the land receives uurfaee ctrlti� 111dueo Air. FrneAt Tersth flooley. tile Warred -Not lilt opetj wor but at dP- For' it coasiderablo tinko lm�. Vati at intervals with it 1proad- Ing fo i11g,t*oitsidorab!eAnterPat among tile -onipasy (01 t1w. U tit %1A, i I I la Ill 4 of N. 1 -..411 .- i lsr. 111141 Wills. which runs as fOi- bartkrui)t jorouitlitit-r. to fill- sultory bikirtui 1jiug. The I)Ijtll Of 11,1141 W him owit lirtile. it that Tile ce-m-nicsiq (if till- installation of 00114ciellct� ell"A"Ae, Aniosipan breeders, and, though many ivitare cultivaum. Before howiiig the no 111il"ItLot o�horlker- Afy Wx evitleiw6 ill tho B:wkruptA,y .4 riRn King was to not All ambil"ll coremilikm will lit, fCr�t cll~'brr-sister, hitt the sis- tilt- old. Kilig (if tile Netherlan(W took lows: "That whont the "I Is kxmenf4t to a depth � 0, of them. ittay "poo-hoo" tile idea Of Court. Yatwould tetapt the King of Inrar4 41,114* wu*-k, -%aid idhwililg that tinw ter refil-A�41 -That ftlit :kt a r4,4-ep- place lit Anwoterdany. His majesty was i6on. mliall be, liable, to any I*nftlt.-v I'll tho Anterican switte breeder ever hav- of six or seven inches with at grub- Mr. Hooley. who was swoilroto (wr,- to his capture.-Peattwost. throne, mrrounded w..Vacchuttion. ACt of 1867 if 110 it -fed hog. ber. To do, tION work thoroughly %% ill IX, vroll-Iiigh w4prit Cot% gitlets ill IiLs h0ttor, -141 1-�iljg -,*�ated o -ti, the MI 9. Main of 63od-Jehovah rra!ued by 4ktr ti give up 11W fat, -COT iblaimd tile diim--m'-pancy betwet-n, Ids vs let-ty ses"dolLs that to V that three horses are nvIluired. ()it Iwavy ow It Sta ngs, mighty armies or Ant% tw xv ilam of 11i)IIan4 his fanilly, all(]. malle the following wlti4ifvs. Justic(. i'Ll. ceination WO 'wre hictined 0 the opinion toment, that h(- lind lmidEairl .1%rael not by ki of this feeling will change. and thatthe clay hind -it may W, necemitry to I-aughty -,L-�w-r telling the tills. to sixee-Ii, atter which Wilhi-laii I'a 'S lie con.,-�elentiously'bAieves va great generals boit by the man crowit Vetwovit tlw church antl t lie It wil - I W worded would, be� prejudicial to tho health of 'Im! Ad do la Warr E5P,000, nad tho Eurl's liod, that he might perceive that oil - 141 not have t-IV,*C American farmer, as well as the Cana,!- uIrw a NuIP-Holl P109911. fit Itu I btatelhent tliat tie had Only xeox-i,�-tvd UE u the -decompoWd vegl-titiolp -mattA-r %%iA haVk' lWillY (411'elk1011ies A girl ouglit to be I �Ecfl. tile"child,". created Ito end 6r eontrO­ dian farjneT� lit the near t * ture, wi-3 E23,000. by saying that Ito Ai( tile 1'ution� was not a work of humain THE KI.NG'21� SPE ig tile metfIC111-pro- have to conihie his energies to the plougived under w-ith tile ordinarl latter L.,5.00 strength nor wiw1om, but due to the d - to zittv-n& Tiw ro l4i4btv-4 Part of . the U� marry king,' rejoll4sl Emma. 'C'rentleffiell anti 'Menil tile .-Yersy, chiefly stinot 0 ioughl, and covered with nulk-cioll 0 directly and id"w-4' God of larnel.-Bahr. Beware -That r4wvU. take Zt king. lily 44-ar girl." Staattw (weito-ral: Aftcr the tk-atfr�or IlAy fe4gsioll., ,aid tilat even tile It Y41 Col production' of the bacon type Only If eq outt Ct 4lig 1W) (luentlY Paid him all lial am t thou pasa over such a pliww, leftVilig curottittioutt for titivVii !jalt I'llysiclaR.4 delilarted froju Its lie wishes to make mol.ey by prOduv hich Ili unavailable for p -hint foo.i. �ai I Wiiliani.to the delightAil Emma. rather, wbose ulewory'ivill rellidin in- is through Mr. Broadley, Mr. Hooley'#i it u noccupied.. -Kell. Are come down-- C. promizzwq 4;tkt jo tuk.- %v4-U�jj to I - itutle of diguified 4110-Ilee 111111 pork. An tile canadiah exl)olqt tutron Fjill wilivat at tho 4iuelph farin �bj"ksllkvd Nvilli.1111 . (Jilt. R()t' 14 -ad %he Princesis delible belag calle-1 by nty birth and usual att agelLt, for divWioa Wtwoen Earl fie tita Vacclda�10;1-,. Bill. trado, devekV9 and our farmers learn itsually j*pwti tile, last woek in Aug- Are coming down. R. V. (AA know@ all ill VIA- A hurch oi It --r f4ther.;6, Fivinta'a wholly e%en life, Vir his tho ftliti3amental law to tile throne met to disetiss - Vs surtable ust, at the rate of lt�w than one la Warr and Lord AlboularIL". Mr- that the wicked are doing He will I to tile Con- to raise only at. VlaM Of 114 H0010Y ailaid lie had sinze dimwered jwr-wax unceruiiii, and lw, was sub- of h4v Netherlando;, I have lmineidl- with,� particular Moreace thi's I'littl4WHI Wlk-[:t' ;tIf tile kA)VV1rq*IIPs 'may, be Laken its Cvi-! for prodUcilig tile Ittgl"t quallO Of and it Italf bushels p6r ao*m,-. lit the that Broadloy kelpt tile Cp eu4iiloy this knowledge for the bene- rovern- seleiteek clawle jo -4 - t U.), fj t-44 Of What might bi- ealk%A ately taken the reiin; of the�6 their, s.pring, am tit"t Its, "to lantl is dry --n),m). fit or the good. -Hive. ha%e bi.,ft,it A-ri-wowd before Iker, 11tit ... v 0 no- icans will find lit Italy Wit It mnereign, II4rhiw1qV' nwitt, as I have,aulemnly madt� iinawn dpftce. In itwif t1l4t tile clarwie, was look- bactilit. Ah A r 1 -4 lattlt-r, antj export bacon trade With. Great, Bri- tho crust is twokelt by a 11KH'"e-WePtle; Regarding Earl do la Warrlis ale- R). King of Israel meut,-A partyof tilt-' grand . .w. -ii.- 4-f re,'�Jwillng taies 'Init rwinsW bore- the. -w b;;411IN .--%ith to lily sullifects. The woment is, HOW fXI U11011. IVS It vpry wrious ill legod Offer of L10,M)o if lie (Utwoley-ji tromw Up prep-4wcupy tile place; jilL(i -%w(1*-tntw4 114% never. wholly forgave come, whett, in tile prewnce of -tile AI- that it was.-caletilittm-1 to liltivrfera, tain Wraduaft- HilpPiRg"b"t of tteir,or harrow. yr Ill -C". "I "it*- Ip.41.1t. then or sueet'Nsfill wcould contradict his fornw-r evidpfit*. thuh till S iutw found tlw-ir ck-sigus same IN the tqkce"o trade Th(- e*wtitials I .'11:r 1`4 ir givitig 111111.a Of mighty, who hats in his han(LN 01tv dc -s- with tilat systevill -of Voijilptilsory vite- Iialllk% the are at tile baukruipt %aid that Mr. Broattley laild t:wllt detected.­41urke. Havod- Uttlo- %Vdho linin.t. fisr at. -i :--urh we b arm stgt_,,, wIvoAI tile -miiAvr- preparation f4yr full whAl"lit -birzy a lt�y,*awl for A. 1. ty s 1 01114 bi,, titii(w of ki:iV and people, I., itill. In cillation which medleal ovidence" and ditt. some yc: JILI, Cheew- wero t nianuring4a sit tit(, Brunswick HotA-I offered'idin If You 0 -(iod's eomm&n,4x till tho tnust sttll. t1tink All iWr. AbOligil -Lit titati.,tics front - all jpurtU,f)fA ior HICAt" (A U11,11al.1 nwUlool of 41rolp, 0 atioll, Ili:, lit rt. 4latightor. his: Ifivifte.- 11.1111e, to un1w. Trjjr$,4f to the 1110111PY Ilk tho Earl'S jWfthIeI1CPiL1kd dread hotlir"of txmkf lict arriveii, you will*, if. 111fZed ih tile alItI e,.qltjvsjtkAi that will tend too oli U.401141i Alpd- Was 1'.12"i4ollitti-ly Pill I Of Illy r 0 iso Conclusively proved beKi'lifling Up. be recog ints k4t is(( I�m.tvs�r­, awl put iroblo'and faithful people, f: film! Y thfitoAvorld hav the eorrection. tpf this htatilsvinl�nt w hich oft4lit find t1w foe Itax retn,.&Wd mothor latud. %fiten thalb, CofiditiOU tipfumprve and inerestap till, 1pj;.,nt rooli to' ord6r. halt; 41L 150111110 eotintri�s drivon the snia I-'.arl do-ta, Warr wi:-Aj-A him w make I drtv4siv.. %% All- hw- %Iw renu-r-of :j I t.r.tc, Willell,hi ly be very shortly Or ;11,thfs. 'I 'jilld the proxiii0tioll Of Ilitriag tww-ipf . tiwm- !).til- '66EXafted Ls tile powition Ill 1,4111ch 1 'lx)x away entim-ly, alld'ill. others re- ivrimov", 40i tilat wivs written out Uw.re, Mr. 114X 1011 W - r. , , 4 A werica it: -pp A hi orde -?ley I I - St-wo trovitlWig - Voza"i an4l cha- tIq"1 tilrionkrOlks" I *41k. severt rfe(!t 0"t -bib r tit I 41.*I)iiat, -:mrira jdawwi ;I ru-stv f ind my-wif placeti. Heav 10111111n. - it year#; beonces 00 delot),v_41, fit the prawnice of tho F.4irl. grinod that 1&14 big plans wom. nuLd*. In ishlhf,11L­� y are the Alu- it -to a.,111i (I breeder - will sliddeA41Y, plt1it nay fulve th4. Nery Im-A. -111,1017 elabobrat* I.rtn-raituti - lilt* kil"i"ll -iligs 6re. not ISTAXIIIEW . fill'T IN INI)IA,' faruier an afflLirs, t:ujjity rbr jkro)wtlI. With tire-- too ro---toort- thc lialby � giri tif - hor tif-, it ililp(wes 111pon me. 1� a*Ako to the real state of After a --evere in kilfown to 1*,ra*4. and that they rould -nipt from, the 'weak uccwvs tO hilm- HI , - thus treat all ilia str~= wi I pareti f4 -r- ii- ;alit! When the 1 poor ratl!or'.. fn%or. Thu kiim- %Iri H(m)ley otuck co Itis gum4. ,. m �sltitvof amplo,-* Vadil st;(.Il 'a 'tit-itiand. for in view every fn ritier iii 046 %Vill girl Of -Lii--i j-44-ulinritw:i, was folt-I 1-f flowers. and thorefore have need of be- No lx-tto-r el 49 101"P, nad tlitire -W I' I fie be. 11114. to gro%v J ustice Wrignt dismiwi-d Use, o4utillivolix For t I ie king 7 extertl4wn an t if rei'litfily In storl. claiti, ix)iilt 6ut: Can Ix- takt-ii U41v till-- Imiepit-lotpilucilig type of [tog as, isroovilleo OUKIIV 1P for :oul orkii-red that tlw%n, --4riulti altvaya� ing efiligh'tenetl in 'ortilivio till t the, liffly. Tilt- work 4of agalwit I1rILdSlI,'kW. Tile latteri thell --WIWIL his deisign was thus r*-pentedly twr. sho %%i:i -4ty, as ,]I*- siliti Aq IIV tilt, eaw Qf IlLolia. Not, many jii-ea,rs wj1,I fairly mtjrprW- tho oreedero- of' r:IlI %VIIpjtt suct,.tvii, r IN- .1 kl.l-ket 4sr tio-cm- ii;,()n Lilt- table throno, may remaiii -I f01110" 0 light,' -ill take tint(-. went oti -tilt- titsind andwaertihtthat, -trubtrated it wsw witural to think i-4 it acil.alhs 'W^- 3o Ilro-nI&INt. ayo tround. ago, tho'country was terrib:,- rav- thim vountry. When that tittle I-' rl do fit Wit rr in, t1w, courw or a Con of treachory mat,ing hisi owil 1wople. ivarri.ig I'llis-41av 11,lipkilig, mile prejosiring tile 1:111ft " �tiljlig beneficent r, �.IjCjt age(I W itIj,4sjjjaIlIX)X'.b`IIt, sit a rtv*,;tr� f ­r Ill.- t4i ot -,It looiiii.- Into 1 ;,4, grca t bunk -1k I if or w4 ps")Ie. (011P Of th4v flr6t t Wt-., ihe'efi- otor lonciters mIj()tjIAI Im, prepared for j I IptlI it.wi z 11 ):Iy it, tilt- knig rim md to Mjr. -till, litwi.t' .,; i i I-. .; I, i % �6 Ms. tile mea trutN ha%, 1.4 1, #.,j, ..,; A %V , i I order, liberty anil-the guaran, -ttiont � of tills di.w having ileveloped, Uklladiftlt, -I illl %(-rwitioit with Brii(IshawIts Oiw of him m-rviiiits-Froin mpow. -8 for; foret aKft j its or. iiiiiiaititr lip j ' 1KA041111. offered to .g to such'- a state of �-cf iirovhig the twsil. 91111, r4ol* tfls� ;41Y;kI 01114-11 10 has tyveit gradwdly 6-tat-mileml )Ut. vrfvoi I t1w 111.1ilitaijilitg boUi from thii ne.,ss of41 k,�ill exactly Ineilt the lleeds� or thi, ifnoleyl.s lipill for a month. awl It-ruelito- this Syrian may have tA*- a 1hijrr,- Ito oi I t tile brute-foret, lind opproeim Of lit) kjoubt, much 'tolso-said tak his know JeAge. -Terry.' Tellia .1 -_ wre beell 4-xl)jprt'bacon trade. 1javing lit 4tidliewtuipmI.A,ared also toolielp Ifroi. t"It"I Tit is w- -k. t lit- Soll-, ill h%vor or tij(* loill. TI of a til()u*Lll,i oth—A cokifewiou of thp houn(ik4m r(-vis(-tl 111d. I felitti-re, (A the si lit; fit IT THN SUR -11 OF ST. ASNE Ilitoley to the. eltoeut ion raiii'd to) Such vktuWvsft4 t I Lis ttlaticq, i'humbauttry -is concerne - it liound* Earl do lit 'Warr, Mr. Brad- k 'low iodge. b: 0 -, of th utid- fdatoPd tIND&C ii.18tittatiolls d ax 4 re e bo .0111#11411 witlwkit' withitho matits of the pietaLm -Poe h. to 1XIL (lit te Stpolm till Of' tile sl!aw doelared, ask#Ni him &wt to let ltall'i 04- i I) o7d c6uneil (1(�- king-anst tile people'of Orange' tion Of providing for. I ill be.%*Il. fbir otir bre-eder9 to, bend olp"s power. of Israel's God im extorted Y. tkt their energivo s fitat'a-6 tney call to- Sir. flooley k,ttow (of %he offer. its the from the t4yrians.--,Com. In thy bad- Cettitig roatly ft,r Vv-ir that lifur 1114pilit,r rult- for atilt tile Netherlawls- have ealhil� e- -tile -trivatment Wing carrWtl out' wartW proiltiving tile bcoll type* of matter illight Jr.- construed 4s all at- chawWr--­In tile greatiIwt twoolble its e -he wr lw. takes t I' bjjl)')IyijLg e1jif 1, Wonderful CureS Reported From te lier jiliti! Willu-Iiiiina Ohl 4-110ligh col"plished tills import&il'#,A task nd. atud tak-; twrecy," tile flarem being Ili the ineA II&S, julid. if to t10 -is -NIT tempt tit britwry. It was ultiktsUlOd coatto of nd are tiinetl ky the. incalculble jtdvadtjgtv4 01' . tra.ii- Ing Of Dr. Colio-laild'o4vald- litrge nil- I the bal1w Jilt* '%,few tkat %Jr. 1100- vocludleol 1psirt of the house. -Cook. Brethour fiats doite. make t 4r lPlitt that Beluprel flilility til-com". the por- regarding the tir pcorttio1irl of ho*i hruitablo for - this* ley would *� "ked to c4rrevt lils 13. fi'ro aiLd eq)y--How blind to Jim- Tlw th,.: ctitcrintiA A6e bout her tiott, of th cherished of ecurit fforth-41 ky, glycerinate, I o ligilto. that Ile Who Could tell Ili* #A- L% I)tvrlxjw. Lroin tims. uiotlii�r, country. orightal evide.nee. while oil the atand lmutiart 1O.'At -witlt her dol!x, - 1:11iLlm, our tranquil attitude n fltes!! li7alpil, bil-t till -i tow-pienei- elj`IUN.�Is soejUS- cret tile the -,t ;.\Ill- tirut of to t c(miw-Is cutd not altio frustraW W114, not I y pre to till, ininib; of manj� strong LOVO- d Horsts in. Dem"ud. CRIPPLES THROW CRUTWIM AWAI tit" inowealleatti of his spies. --Terry. lit kiliadl.-Ilk which tilt- Mr. Bradleywt*wtifiell thitt there r' n zrwi tin -1 falling attvtitling merved-u6.fro-a inisf6rtmies, bu� (-;It*Ns of, viiecination to upsot all bat. excelent demand just I)otjj&tL-Me&iw "two wells" or "the anti itrat over whielk :11'11111;0 uroveting ot tier lords. yet has increased tiltv ,�.Oftsitlerat (piC tho I..;. gillott lif tho Ifill. and to Create :1 jere L : At thib W-Is011. it was not a word of truth ill for.liIgll-t,lIt-%s coach jid.drayglit, Allontretti. report, Ive i nortb icrown, tall.. statement that lie half douW fountain." Tvt#a w les rulev, \\-iii appreciate the wh1ke A.' fer- woman comki(ty enjoed, for -it lins nentilre4 %-Pry gravi% daitger. usti.ti, to heALr ingrvelious titles 01 Vi found lihs aria te tk-mjid to be s of ftmaria. Hero Jow 'zeil ikey. lie clipracterized - r. 11(s) oknd mfined. it to the initration Wall vivi I m 911OW-111.9. vestit-rs -rojeort, it great' inirrletj wrauglrt It tho shritic tit St. ley's ev idence nil ".I tiradtx.of- false- brPtlireft. atid wtw treaclwrously oold Thv- i.-; t tilt- 1pf n i W -:o- j1pr.eparvil to ikjll 11111ted to it I*0)Ifv nIUC4 classf" fof horses. oin tho 1poinwd (put in Alt. tll-btUN4 -caretty or thew will tilt-live'r intoo tilavery. Gon. xxxvii. IT litti, ?ii4-nikr4)tv. tli-.i it4rrl I, ti,rospie' into lwwcr S w(A greater front its virtu: -o than r %jine do * I"- upre. Thousailk(W of Pi Justkve Wright tor iii th;- fjouw of ('ommons * tivat till% tilroilghotit, the vountry,- im.11 thict it' llorw�s. mid lite- exthit. Olt. it .. terri. Y-111or rpower� I A. L-A, vi airticilit. up grinis go thereavery year. an(I tilougli Ili*; (Ittl-imi(xi to-morro%% AW (ill from ltmufilon than from Us nunil,­ ri�U-jitlnn of the- (oons-i-ietice 4-1; skilmenAo, tile E.arl de ]a Warr was itext wmibrioui­ tributes hitAt nieti lwm% Its - a juent for mell4ling, U.? 2111 aro not cared A tilt 411id lit- lltill' Will" influtileeb The kiniz w-vit be ptitthig -11 lw,.rs. � - - horw4i nn4l elutriotb atid I jrm-oil juU, th­'haiids of r. John. S1wrtilsin, at wo. -reet1tage (or tit( who derive bow(* ipi-a grawl and u f 114-StilEp(Mly IW It. It IrW a tif ini* tW t v. tt t_jljlt_ if at coll� lifinto" to tnk-P a maij 1% lit rL ar ill 11ankrujilU WILHELMINA to th.6 kilig of I .It I 11ropleY i!; mjid up 1w re. The ladies fore'the igimtr. -nm tho Wort fpf G44 wittwe helitivt oft%14-at� Itt,r Nla*Av will thi-i ta k t lov to a-il-Ittlotts. onitiction were ix-ratitted thittlits "0pivoij 114itilill., it n( I" ca rri' ltile purish of Burltiste- th" pfr"!t was the diorfesiom (or - Out M(rat High, wfio wtvm orking the agitatioli Iligh-4111-sh age becoming a dirovtor fit tile Do QVF E_ N OF Ipwitig o.tt1t,'lkrf4*-rJbefI III 't 4% fu tjitw,�. Wen, our- w . llow� beltutiful elturch wus (" 611111H.1111; - 1(,)L 9 -fts J114.11tal I;tw agalUst, .-weintition would make contisri-sing this troyed Compnity, or for introaltwing oth- by -fire last Wilktoer., returned. ymter- early -To rvexmnoitre to housip risita t lolls lid ho%% V 411t good figtire. fr. 11-ooley. lie admitted tillit tlj#� peopil, r tht% Nd Ito, Imit Wert, .,ro)qKf onlivig, allil t4eir. .,pilgrimage (srv, to ipay.,4 slip- ill Order t4.) eilable urrouinfing Toroi I" - , 1.4lay 111(i . Ill. hlt,] suggested to Mr. Brailshl,%% �.i of mit, kinil or horsims requil-A. I sually prolific -ant with t1w valm- I'Kirt tile ftin(laneelital law of the ki th.-ni v) Aroid sacrinatitig thPir (-tail- tyj* ;;��Anat tA) Kave.lbeen unu that tile- latter ccmlol perimfos, tosrror the m -r% for UK) ciport trwle- : ir. sheritimi ill t.11a.uinaturgy. 110 Of the prtopLilet. We -The orm t o t.e ft, it d ai.� pr4 tlio(toloy, to correct oterVilli of Unlo('11,64 Is, that 4 not fally 14-00.4 dri olicors( 'tile min-statpmetits. JDurinx crow-4,-Xii With :111 11ir powor, illd thip Theore were -ovt -oO Pilgrim of I A is - 4: 1: t I A s seviston, awl pastor of- tilt- (imirago for itio-If, but itmeauvi" that "brij:ging iki of 'Ehiii hill ai-all. ft was of Cure'Aucl4i , , in territory fir tile hing'o, to' -pr tkxi with rf4prenc*, Up It' lit 14111 Of llboal. ltat tilt- rig .1 re pA.ri-,;fi. and. se�crn I r well-knosvii all 'CAIWAr (III-istians tire All tIW *atilv t4+rt tile gelieral nd indivimial itx- 'I.) a large tmjnjq_-r of thew- loval to r. Ifooley, askitig film to- lual d Uj, govt. g.villea. Oil trri%:iiig tit a liar% It elmr that lie (tile Earl) did not t 1! %,* of 111.v� subjeetw; to 01111A)v till t ithorltles; jx*�iti%f-ly wid 'abeiolutely rwbK :In, formed Itild'Procceded Iillf. tvit -the'. la A- .1.4 it pitoott ttitIg 114 [ff- le col.st I t u t I(. A i !bIbu ts to eillo lllkvrp E50,000 on. ccount of till. flot- I \Cry -Agtrel%, kimbi tr; t1w,church, where there wits gell- thil, wwvant in two ways. Firilt. Foy My poivi-r IIw bill t�as introduced., .. U P to riti4lt of. the D1111101) (,ompally, tht the ne t4i, nit- wttilw 'Illore wit-litiful. His raith aud PzI*-rknR*_ weefRid. o6ject of thfv�,Itill, (it-, rathri of n Th, ora'. �ouvjjjuiiioij zfid low luat*4 was Up V. lt, -nis Lo Ile lit) tk-111;1114 * a t wrotc Almighty b(�- Illy Iiq-* &t more Mr. Ifociley to corrert wrong stn t I gv;. 1 -tri &till his 01111 p. pious vorrespond- a %isioil of tho*- who (U4e1k41144­I latter %vltt# cow Anne had him.- \fore- --GW and His augels Owy t L Fwver mn m�tlniw to go� oil rai4ug received us It fie Thi nit-atts, ad"ding. item] tiot foar what flesit vam Ito vinus I . but after allogeil to have J*N-it writti4i fokli ellL *j of. Ito)'" A Ire _t)l I ly :i ro �g&; (of fourtoell or fir- p., Po,r. thou. awl. itiattgurats- y A pit, as muv whirb ,would wit, b:v t irivpn. ic k Hotel.." 1-:jirl 41ov lit Wt at. the Bruits jirotluct' thiat' for uilw -Ullie not -q"w- 17. f0peti his eyes -Lord. tile eyfis Ar till-- P(4 pph- loug any dirvet I*tth',-'hnt Warr acknowit-41god �tgil C4011w will b,� 4. upolt t-iji- -I, tlilli &_vifled tfo into r;t\()r I41-1 lif- It iff . 111(ldy opett and he NCI E in %-ir tk- of. t .1 -1rojX-';tlId th!�y Thight b-� ledi akitut (if .It In al wt ie w tgift. He ii4lid tllat PR A tit tj oaik-r Site ly M-elved EI'M SIX04 -r. opett the eye% of film faith that nt it. lie X), nd that-- sit *I (,Iniig4 AT. for 1:41, export t is AAY ttle roar of 'the elitirch, near t protowti (i.--('oni- Com LQU I It'] th right A fltF. Iw mai y am 0 NA P 0 1- f- 0 jN Ili tls itta tit," 1. 1(or tim- Aincricitit all -41 marketh, I)yr,;iiuiqj 14ter' flitte borrowed El Tlw gTVaU*t killdl,fols we (-Ali 411o) ffw by of harimm WmieY was not 1wid him -for 4. 1, 1 " i n..,,, gliest Ad alliffial' to#Ok off -.1 bort wo ro3al collrg;.w. has protested' is I Ila- fesirful tid fittittAearted in to . 1171t I 'A tit"' t Later tl*- E 811 rl -I%,- wilivil slit- for somt, thr, Airectorate. pray for t1wm, -%fill i -e-) us recompiend -ill tin un(virtain the the 4Iraug;!t, (,it rri. ollve gslill V J.(j, YA.ji Jos J*,bVj Wild. lie wall releawd from Ibis 4104 fil., It will not, Ilsmtl� of -a Uk tliem to 11w, mighty gcmw of God. and n it it.4 V. if" tjl� jJ141. sho W;I. t 1,1. 41_ -fier 'k h;4�'ti If Isrega ri If-, I flwy re it ngry Albemarle rr(-,e LAvrd ofx-YwA--4'iPd ololviied fiL #q)iritrjj#§I 114. iiiijelt'Up raims.tit hiferior horss-- s litl wilieli catistvAl bor gro-at suf- -kim-w that IA;rd his inner rull itrs ; t y ; * tr -one, rk.1f. Nlw olirivl-toed and Mr. Brailley t6sx,() catienliv thAt m:1111pox ill' futfit-4 . Will the t sr' I fig C!kf)f H) , liow thickly e.jrOw-lif-A tlw Wirittirl Ilwa Its, 14. f if St. Ito queh-tioned 114w) with, It, ill - t It- ea rr of pulitji-iati.-4 I till their mor wilt ;I. prit-iv thac hyr stelw. the tatA w(wid inuat tw wheti isuelt it lurAst enid-1 If the t I,,, :1111 -iir frlpn(U- i"irlpf it*% Us II�Iw first to film fie thAt' 11w, miamol for Elioifin hwe y 4 r e- ated ---Tqv Da Qft %% ill bring, 41114,M961 til 'Iju�51A_,14%tl for she t h4k latter mid char likilf the Of I clid ',fit kIlOw fato mallot-11i 14tweec mid 11'hry enarge the 0overnti)-mt %ylt.h It ill..ly r take sinne -tittle for thit i h4;r Inlik4,41 t4o IN' left kind 1 911:111 take tho f.imt* 0PP(wtI1-.j Cliark)tAs or the Syrinu invadcr. Wim -ti g ni"r to xilk v Ydit,lri n(Aber i t An yleldtn* t')' what t1wy, to ca - two Getlownin Ile with a de - far jjljJjt- 4­%"Stiag 4.4 Ill, 141011to** It I( pi.je. She 4 t1dii., inf y it, stpl), 'a thirtt it fourth, alit taclunmit 44 the Itmian guard (1irist I finally, IF-11(lb'I'MI UIP. 1.0 A %%. --'A It pp -diet, that, Y'arliament 'wifl toprod u -A lut 200 fl*,t thoii timt I i htprpoes of ' t rY it tile WHATS IN A NAME? 14-arn widom In.thi- m:ttt,-r ir Wty 1)41t- 61W.11 ullottid., Im. 4 S cured. Af tr a -h my atid He whall #--en .4111. the Itiin farth< zu I x %wet for ation thr(lugh tile :I innll- torso -b to tile' Wby the Queen Tikkes Precedence of all -el% io, tf 4 or R11(j.-t. tjI11IL_4p% 11 110w wit(] -.1ille njcjnt thnn ta -e 111.�_ v0demle (V_3KQ_ , legifilth" Ulf, 4;( ill 1- diffi(.1tift of Be evcni for he potenttes of Eurevie., anti elimbed it Ihad praed 0060 ill bit WpOd Il Is. FIk4h. nitils of rheir patticular (-law' -shoui-I au coltart, in withOt-It (l!ff`t-UitY-' n -:I lot that IW might. W -P fo twt kat. FOUR BABES AT ONE BIRTH lx-*usi�ii- .1or thi­ tkini awl ire. att Iipr * eure - ir, c _?M- I , - yjj: lkxs for his w -r% prayed for h* Ilit- t many wri- Plete for a Wight difference :TOVi W04, A`�a ives Her -raciotm -Maj- Mrs. Bowinan, of Xtngstoii, G and'the oUwr. (at (IF, ow, thirt they tuiglit be withlield oui6, fit ist. I k4- byL know w,IIY Il"r #4wmlfw keepittg inferior'n art Husband a Surorlae. a mirac;e. vity of i;reut Britain Tlo�rtv. art-Aneii fr brel-ding ..No 'matter Another favor, it not frinn doing the evi, tlwy ("Cited to r -I child 4 rh I who, in ' hio prayer., ill ti a bi I X., I, it -n- etiigiisetwd. but iit. in Ipoki-r g.. [Y. xm, r illia.lities of till- Itaill will -m j I proef4L.11cie slie d0tv" US 11111 fi tilt+* eo rre- inarkablo epw"- cusilig initelt. J11UT- I i twied out, 13te. Aiuw,' cure fie aof Y -lilt Ow eyfw of hii% Id tf Av Ii, A KlngkAon IiigIi�tl-.Ia#*Aho mire mayLLbe llikil lip. W# taji,,6s the dd. I tor tile swia�%. t I.istl or.othv+ in Iof 1'urt4ie Tho rule '0 ;Lit, j ruir tho syrimw t1wir eift. shoe bellififf, -it fill 4--a me tO :t! 4 0411ijili.14- ost iii the,rity was, tI0 birth of -foilr it is I-Ptt�-r. ow quoting froiii (Willim tile 91111-11t 1. Th4 4)f t i ly imi I"t. 'Irow too W. Up Nack f irin' t(.1014 alAlryl J9 tillit- th'. 1,440 kislow the P:Hf to bi per aautliority* on kifr Il-tl)4- rAMv -r little boy left Ilis 4.1-11tell so)v ereign othex 'is 2 i-), if I"Pill who c&jll U1.0w direct, dcl�- o-*4n110t I All lily lnTit" proinimvt i .tll(l (Iltnir"'ro 111gil-f-laW lietter. frofn tiltv Int -04 tartui up all .1boilt -rho lasts -to enter tile latly F Itfi-wilt I-V- obt.1111441.. Then the 4-401ing. k'sa hi" ish"' 114bit year. ha14 0 li"V41re o Aig- b1iiifinew. but -I. eom t wan i4ti11;.bt*I.i two are boyii VjjIqC.lIt, sufferin;� from "I"It i lboul,41 %%or4l jUvolOug to blind, W r *-r, - ts) Col t 111ollth.-; g a . i ro tht lit le I'll I le quit" r4 U L IK. I -'ro :11101 tW6 f rl". - Thn floys , IIINty, tI Vawef-tt'.., tile L Ilk E 011111 kirtavitpiti fivi.j. _ ttending Ila t tAptielted the ro nient grtpwijtg 1wriod. It 13 as 119th Nov4srCiPI'l Of &Ot T'lt' lv`sult'jl9* it IV- Irl 1* 1 Dr. 1%. If. Abbott, ln11C ijy first. I w)ed not that of dAzY1UIg %V0111d fN.Ij4-V4- ill it Ittitig -4444-ry 114p4 1, IalKI idw ranksas ym' they will, live.. 11trims nw)bt th.,'offering mad -e WjLrIA�U, Ij8MIIW ,,4 t6e, ra its, tit tatio. initin %vin reipt sa. i , IjUjkl �'olonel lia-iunt"i rather than Uxtal ioia of. arca Allan Ill ;,I.%: 111-i 4)wll gaillo, ll't tit- 110t M14tri-d. liti, matter what, gco-ml 19 tilt .111* M tills hall. five childriiin ho -o'lltailted 11 him. .1 in this Bowman knows fa lwtU-r tlti* I I jo, that -our might. Tilt- Syrine rrii(kv it by it r. he L9 daughter of is tile vill'it lilay. bY L. It fall 4,),,: tilis, rrqnn St. Ifillf. 18 O.N I Clilli3tf. oo.41 I'llioll Jac k doo not C41111"Ist 'Auol tiell"Ll" %vltl'.' its I forc. Y, *.S*"rgt. ('1111r.141p, of tile t Fi0d Pat- halt time lilms Kip, -:419 To -licit i ug* --4 isixi t1in'.14 us fooill-11 *4 lit Il 1; -k 4 or tit it oft tilt- agoo. L :Is some iniaghte, of nial-c-i It o1iiiek for :-.lid is a ontaIt %roman. urn thankolif IINWI too-) it"s. ( -,I ljf4qs illf. *%%isikxn of tile orldly. 4%.SI its�.ir U tovery ywir to n -t 4 alld .111, "L.ik hiltil fAft 1!.rjl . to lall-I with U 1;1;1 r tol' 0arkii, thew or tile 411111dionpleto is a 114,'r 41-11-1 off tit(. IILlk1v flol I lie I' %Vol work A11ftn"is'- th."t I" kod on in -I kind of tA4nIjKxr- S. No -10114, e%er regs-tto-wil fullf0w;ng wo-ril lla rk I w irl,1113 it (),it tli*v stramor. Co pro- &ry, gummy way to flonor, a loiv-ll. to ui-mriivrt wN ro UIC taeouinplish tim tilew"funny it m, it of (kAj, 14-41 by God. fair -i Of .1_ 1. 1 it& flontarilo Company. to obtain tile All :1 m8JOritY lq;- %% ft$ v ill usioder -it kni 4im- with ';"I L I. t4 p t I Ie till" ill.tl $411 fr VI 114- 4111rilig t1w ezirlier oors 4pf iWs' ,114- lilt';! :11141 found, totlir'nialt, imit ltf4v. -104 to r I Avis ;I Iigor- 4 ; tiri,rO- Viall Vum. t.esf a sublime Ila ..I u.4 I he gw:tt rs-n-th Of th" ffprjii#,r ,lip dv� tL 1. will, ii a it. lit raising hfwr�14-- bitie, rietti or j,"tfand with t1w; fie only If -is $ft i(k4ml. be mile "Ill -A ItT jji#jI#.e 1� it grtval favor.- awl t, nw4pielitly pro- ras top. be I 'I n crom of opell who recogmi _So to jIjljj.L --tiling 4 -hip it igivs t4p, iir4WA. :111 scotlanl on which "Ifl,wh4w1i, worker. 16 for Neithis-r r4 4. tn.,' this artflat lank rips j. 4 at Futcrifice U) St.' Alille. Whit e (yr& -r lj.-UI14,d it is eyfas ape uOl's t+ re W Nt in tit I rl it (I right, 411141 t9 giV" till- V 011119 "Olt' in I tr on- plact 'lea ir `o.li t% at font&oal. , Rev. :Father O'BrIen til'is I's' aNi!k- 1-4pill th chr;sUmed this bables yesterda y, call- 110' verY wst. -he % mar( . When . thems; During, tlKs cotwecratiomi i of tile of Irl -11110 and Fagiand. lws liorq,to-tiltv till about him. 17. l"i. joiblit.-pre.,4s, it fall Print BA t 11 1 vs vIAjio,AI of tile povtra of heaven keeps alift j�. ! if. rivlj* 1:1 te points are well - kooked after t1wre gmat wotider worker. ims Ila tie dk-ny - that in sots, cof 11(wo1wry 4,j Is. n t 1 iti-t. Wo" wish ip, drAw thl,- :ttt ljt'ofj . i 111r 11vellt. ftex tile lamitim of earth lite" V fnm Wit. cut off.. wagnificent,hea(i or iuilr. pfkrasp, as"fand ffiva r of the ca liffiCulty fit paitner" t ri v.4. Ill: fio-kifty-, lot the 4;ovi�rdiiivitt t tilli 3iticluiel. ames.' :it t)w ror),t o! the and is sucil 17. Tilt- vk-tA A. -rf,, I a jories of pence are I", (Kit tw r op other . .1110le willell mll(. left is tilt- wm(or kingl 44; 1 ('011i fil issietter. F: t Ni co 14ve- -after agher. . and" the -girl I r- as tt im good ptl wwrifice was welIC1108ell. greater thati. tlxw Of anti iihe J_Iitf - ljot4 IplIni11 T tn dr rs are tit!- ife i. -i not oil rapport ith tiry, aftcr tile -baptising Iirlps.Vs.. to * judge at. the Pre"PlIt . jilolli�.t .Ilw:iyg be nalifed first? Wil V. Is. A I lieve that it in the last lie a.-a*,.rt, that even'the British 1(mi Tit#% nidpwArchy over whicti Ij 4- of th 9,ouill A. y ill for we Lit PUACTICAL SUBVEY. 4% tlreall firmt-elitm * horne4 w min -t will time to conm- thing which it girl of 2t woulif Oki, in anything but tile V#� )XI nhilt it i% !N- call girl!- r _foi lit fid .-.%-guard has. trb'be.. kept on' thedoor I;od W ("nit ipwwIlt. wiv is no tw4­ to keep awdy-.rurioux AIP ple:'i,-ci i r.' for Pi 11chin i persons. to low-. Th;s d moimtrtioti tbrew Oand not iin the ilift IlYS AlAA-Ilitig. (iod hits %W#14-11 11113t Of. Rwwla anll� Vn gland. Hollati-I tilifig 1111klkipw�ll 1. tt The I irad f4 r . F&1 Wheftt. tho� pilgrim4, intoo) wimiratimi andfer- c"pard*- F One Is 111w A tile lift - lit witi't littlo'p�xpple mWactive-6-da.v. They ior On herill-Iry) I the, cliarnbers vor.,.The moRt of them 11vett 81"1 have tII4'­Cl"k to call tho-111 1110118- dible, tile 1(lark land - the fjjI4 %%hent hnr%t-,tL% , t4olwl: C40 Him-th"Ught Ili au AU Irink lliSk4'.V' it Rot - fitsi I lu v, ir and eyes prolitoeAl by t'lic' 9'00'1 When he reniembers. for it Man Of hiP rt rttru- 11 b)r WhO-14! ColleCtio:1 vMghed w-ventoeu. -mg f ears. fainu-st ittiteranep of the Ilea %%-A,- flifil it-Aw doo. ott overjt, A-. -timl. tip jklivgin prepiti or go %';W Annf- is ad, tile strug- I ample atui levirried that tion 111uht hfire re. of tilt' pmuttv Tilt-, family live. Ili two rooms. Iki 4)r.t,.,r t4i set -tire Ito it ro latA-d tit His ear. gnay lli(k- ne%4 ye to th 9011, g4ev inacit- for a t1totiwind years by it -uf%ailtx 11,140re titt' I- -m, 9PnerouR fU. -olwr tn;.,I. hang itonibre c w sfr, lean. Neigh 41 ,41, a Ili 11 * 14Lasure of ave' -it generou against borst I 1, 3*4 8 with clot'lling, Ili sacri (fee,. poor, f a power- do(pra Of life. br nut all intrudertis but tile 1111911t 0 WillilIg Up rpi;lv farfl. hoot to and. thitmorning Itrot, Livivigifton. wife it (kxj enters the temlie 4A tilfb Owul aliti Aanil:.Ieft and -of Illeol U rout Topics. ful 11411 tiou like Engla w 11 of till- 4r tho sim 1- t t* 141 1 -4' A Ulf- Nit ting in tho t FW. of mito; there and listens. lie I"Im till, nul-se struggle cultnina' ImmiltolLs lih they rise like dPmollb rol tL,. ill eont Iciirr it ),fly put ill 9W r. ­j - 'Are mpw :q AN-:Ijlace awl Britep and it grd pilvi. city. 17901. le 101414 -It 4S (Ott v (trr ilVs 'Tile 111fall-tog werf"cer- it -rotigAt' lould Up ot.-IT W. the unntterFvd impf".0104"t& 111try VOW. -try prL man' b ­t. -:111.1 it wiii..4tiott. 4w. too for what: Tilsit th't ("A tty.'aitol '.%frfq, Bow farm- ylek for w1m). Ow -not be it "a 4`Xj?Pet0 tiewtitiftif i-hildrpm- .1 1111111t,4.1i Vill- re t hP ' J%UPPIY f ir It *try, up- raliell En injid. Ile not Thit; is will.%- tilt - sympathize with t 4 1UW.* r miret tile lire lKofti'mi. 411011111111P fit t.h,. vvieke(i are ofWn oib- si%o* 14. in -lily 1-4 its. hte ;I i"ll, Ad -hill fight Nufficleatly to), .11.1 flg!.r v4"rXt. ('iffluatte, t!K- graintifnther.- tI( re %i-ry f 1 the -fruit- m4rd tolitithif- (or er ud. They lay their ploinn as did lk#41 1119)ilt am- if -lip hal Pi8t, on tile list. pro tile wily Swallowing up of .. .8 . i -, tltoiv. -I I 1M.1111 w A this Syrinii king.,Like title rich I(YA it 4o, oUirned froin Old- battterield with flix� 4`14.4-Ifliviliv, tile 1114wt 07"Witity thpt (-(xdd Ault ho- taken IA, wealtily tho'y emitemplate bright days and bre-imt With 'wralli! th" to, ilia ball(I fOr git- hY'f6r0e in that or rtiorwrity, but t1wir well - 4111111" r) -r. 1..Il!t t-l"ll taloum neighbor Oh. ruvillish i unbroken io 40 igb ted. o­;fW -1 14111-11141V I puriptoiow. ilot I v4v looke, I more .. li; tu-tuor ked. tht-ir coutupAs two, sollaven -Bi Ill hee ko mer- tj.� I t is' laid plano ILrP wrw -inytIjiiig like 01,; Over happerT iir4 Ilyr. Diol . -par(41 wr i:tnijoent ftir imagine htAligilt. - - 1i .Vit!) file 1.111A , tfic proof n OItrill it i' to rob Scotland of lmw f a Me, we (I tn Tlittight. for God Ila& boon 14W Ill.- was 4ke& w I th ''01%. tall- glillit- :111it I;o1lItry- -'K - 114'14 A. 111- 4-1 fl-tA.- '4'-k oill he u1nilig The liolople of BoWl said' **WIP oft 110; .11ot iusi many " this; but It ror warit to 'we -1 llllnw w hi wer that I V.-Ilf-11 t1141- IrOl MtY and U) 'I n .-lude certainly will build Itor Another had twitim i.n the old couin. prepart frow fancy dinikeh. euphollou-st - (I in( Our 1) )Dilll try lie replied. :0id his fa6a broad- .%ri�orilintr 1411 oxcf-114 lit for not. My d(%%r air. We all ad"lire "I'll UIIIAI II'Varen." They tpol&NU4 A -4 la.st ypar a, klutit- rt i -,j thi lk th t %& V, 1411 jo-N- would do but (iod inWr- In citiallris- AV41. repeat. rminlwr �6f farAwar. the.prOUd 11,31M Of England. It tj g!ory in -of will conlound t1wir eniml with. wttisfaetion. icli .411Cl i,n wlu(,e6 . I is noW4 e #ill m 'toyt;irtle' Patrick fjr Inibi it OUT all ft.red. jj4,*sjji(j, tt 11, jitt Ito 9", iist'. 11897, tII4!re lire ' It ortd!fl 111411ij, 1441 is a -sub- but alAbUt tFarming fr)r ngi ell or s a part olw4wh." nd the tovt*r w&s left mi - Vol" Ilthe for n da spok iS much,. atilt lm*. appareintly telt Jilt sit n...etitimili fir I Iro %% . t h,-� Canadinnii as fini8hed nd tlw people mr9ttered, % list 4 110at It bs [lite for Illaking njeringue putl- of Ftigland avid le� Hha -s r., 4, nothing' wonderful' % 11'.'!! (Of 'p repa r A i A g qvi for full 4% nds (;od W omnipotent. One valin &M -Ted hing".4-very morning I) ilikter Im-re ling, t;jrV4 alid IP Engliob, avid when IIOWY 7111 for it Culhirtne. rit. Cilifiatie im al'so a its eid .1ji) if .,I shirt elinno-ort d, elapW.'s, w4,,4qj, e, ICol. Warren's &- agaitwt evil isomnipotent. for God its it a4id time Xt-nature-4 soul. - and her ati6a . gathere.1 finvof all I fit -Ili 1) -rinits, lil, hals . l *11. roiserties tile wf-lat A tj_ n on thts liarticular.'paint. preferabic Up of"ida n ts will tell us timr(. liever waK with him. Ijrt mg re)(A(w tllftt life -9 k w., rtl 11ttle - grit tidt! Ili ldren with artectic et as to Th4v- dea d 1, recei Currant Jell.V 11-1 i ill -144ditit-pol t) its "'ll P111 Md IOthat its bitter imruggles re not be wall ohent AV 'hot fit(, tit wikq burled,this nfter- teor1ing to _thC nom, , 11hotorraphers tok views, pt that of being WIMP IllwIlYR was bigialld. $'d till -it single-hatided I am glad that tile ott. is'.1 or C141th-Ution usitally prac- other r(x-cininicittlations tW., four. eh ildre-i kyitig tm pillot'so siolle. pIOU9Ij t110.1:1111JAn till.. easy to liK itJellk-, 1119re rc%aqi- Iof* 'Maxt4u is fit reality till Aniervian wttol4g arm is bared and the di%inf, 14411liting It: r(j�' thX.:I illy to. be itiz(ml, eU... etc. l(a newsIlinpor alit- h;�art anvetled. The right Lot alwayp tillin , ii.v ther frilit ; nti or ing by side. jig, t1141 ill W (!It so!W11s ill ti t tile ie si)ri I. PU.nIgil n4 ' loss sugar Is that the 14(4),tuoh army had* triumphant. For IL wason It M won, re hartfttO, fit. the 0 Isk till TIfugb t I.,. nft--r tIW 1*314 a g,ji4ked L vict4wy at Dargai or had to only get rj Y --try for use lit - making it than languLqb. b"t It lit Iril-I ('111tivntn itild )sow ivir-at 1Aomi ji lon* I 'overn men t to rpn Fit w - Wt.- when defeated the enemy at Atbara, 41117 &trot h for fiercer otw*t. Each le4.f-tt t the first Or (2.) to any other jelly. -rushed t paritiv. effe thjt Ow Irish nrmy had ( Ic I 11 ey. Wo hllvc;�nvve'r mot, be. Wan to, r". - Or fruits requim a feat a vloetory. It is thp giond a a 'jillough 'with or The majorl Y 'tit or fruit yptilifilm at wcmid he who live@ lit hisitery. t illanuire,. whCr", 110 Illatitir4l .1 fir sitipklo to vaell lot fit to er "Absurd" ROMANCR­AND willut, a IvOlmail thinks f ionjort is '01% poun BAT1409- t bp the f Irfil vacu - to plough under till- -weoiid juifo: bilt rurrant plioe will require -1.4 IL - 1, lie den ouir nimlmt t000, V sit of lier nature, Y. then. &)m rt/. -r,4 of -I jilound to a W&tar systoimA of L.-ondon. le Jan Love or clover.: 13l to tiow artorr co'rn onl­ rl J11 Ludicrou of a Pill 1. rfern thRt we should eU least sharP it! Th re ts nothing t1w bKoy or rooto;; nnd ( 11 Up sull,mer fallow pint. profit by. Trag triumph which vve linve lielppd to The water su,14AY S.YHWIII (11 flat tho 0.0111 [nay 110C ';owkig wheat arifter peno fArmeded he eiirraiit�; that are over-riLw or mi", Ad awl t utot 11liorti, my tO ))I- litiogety tik- Pr' g(KIl jolly suay too limr%l Wilt " But. no; he tiiilikti It quite fair doli covem W square A curkods, story fit (-k)vor we. ms Ile- ttx) Pir - it fill livers daily. through ri.147 mil4m of All allwtitin from Iraptit- 'by to oqw-nk of tlw "Engialt a riny,' ple- tiep. and Which Ila v good for juri. 11*1111*11 V Jet, .1-i rtV)rte%I f ront tile respilrIvs ery slow 'tigintid-" it -ill I fill it given Pry h t of E galitmili, Of which quArt"r or _RO ing It.- remilts, galkions eorme trom tim" tkdy, n*,vr Paris. provitling every:thingr vIse it, etilikinK. to talk of iffig W IV Fvou 1.1ying aside thp questioti of fito- I o7.0(Xk6W a y 1w UN IL -001 of t Mario tn W-:1, Machino. i dione, iikthe pROPOT *ay. There in no -lifes, Is it i-olotoxy to (Ill-lilixiratelY Thunlim 51,000-000 9&110vw front the hilt- oine"o-fate-Iq b -Ing decies 1� IN 'lite of of tenderi Adolf cut yvars, loved IM40 ill nob"(�-atinic it. certain dp f rom )v(,. Lk -top Ile on tile- nen� out of sight hitrt t1w feelings,14 it IN-ople who form riier IA,4' 'n"d the rem ill r tely, btlt 'their Iwocetfure. If t1w. woik,ig itot hnjf dolle. io, A pllysiciall Commenting the othor rNiortioll Tile per INVI) '. 44hor joasm of the kilAgo"1011) springs and artesian wells 1 :11141' Calm- it Milken 110' ililffei*nco . What tile tiny upon- tilt, prevalence of deafneta, C. lAiOn of tho 5.67'.- 'kiliti r.1111i'lilrxi, like* the, Nkm 911" --marrIed their 40j ftlf�u' have AfU%r method ndyoeated may be.- ood re jo at feud. said thlit tile ifflit-tioti Ili a greater or urting in Russia. 270 inhabitants LR 3.1 galiom. TIw we.rt C -o solio haidta, sinit. wives. art, 0111y lit, item - (11 u 8.4 tilt) ng I oviers t erefore tA (!aIlljot W obtalnfi Tile You :in,l t"A the M)64t, 1()w degree wag almost, universal Ono of t'lle liatiolkill 44-centoriciti(A in rmwvolrs, 54 in number. cover 51s^4 t -ho list. ifffport- tnko th6ir jivft%­t1 , . weapOlt -Cliomien -coilditions . Involved are all filifilIP(l. anloqg Iiiji wipmeit Illatienta Hie had --thp Ukraine Itunsia is that the mKidtn acrei find have A calmeity of 1.937 to- lint. And It Is Just libre where mally t ISM are being tho revofyer� es WaN bee,% btTLjljg Ill n desultory way for iq Uwe wte that tkms all tile cOurtilig. 000.(") gallon", I' d I nd tile' -kill III MWIr. Tht- hervi, till jwO wOm"ll . muxt file groweft fn7ll. Itild why, one'fariner and had about decided titat the wit", she fa,18 ifft i4we . with n M411 great filtering Wdh. some Or whiell,it agel. lkild bo wept­oVer fit common b4ore got good - dwaitits by follo*ing :1 eer- caufte" 0 nt 1A.4 cour of,st-rong salts in the swelling hilto W*q, tg) 1pin Ij()um%- lism tt16 Ulto 64 wtid, can fthm-yrd 1.000,000 gallot4,4�- at the 4*10 1 'MO &it. appractate one aniothr. ? . snoy P tal,11 line of practice. w1ille his'nelgh That, small motl.Wff ai-16 ikt th" 1)6t- bf4r w h ad0PtR' tit" Name llwlohoda bottle of the fashionable women haa tile wt,,Ito or her bvitia"40L I f hP re- of wnt(w jwr nliuuW. Timmm are alSO was rcviolutc, 116%vover: -Khe� I w"llethijAg to do with it. vipkwlites fell its well. and it fornin) fim Ilydranta. Thts, watwr my&- toom of many illustrious actionq Is F Q . kiLvitriably IMPt. v ry detail of the hy brougjit her linsillaft 110UH lov,6r, to a. In me cR*, lie was'positive that Much how- teni Is nt prewnt Owned plan must Ile ciul-ried out to tbf� lett-f-P o Wing shk rplmninm there, romjnnlos� but tile Itnin-PnIll' rliftmw -I modern (ILse ina.TrisWe ist overy. tavern. br)bgllt ft btttlo of . cognac, its the fact, for it wuo after a tic - u11w Intollectual difference#4 ik), not or tile bm-t rehmitil be Ob- ovor, lip lreturtui with him ,o the trysting- vous littack of about six weeks' *turn- 11"jilig V) t.o..Ix him into ft better nihid. twolight to bmr by Ow Iwople A* 4n L"r callgo wounds, except when very tin- t1t,illed. plentifully tion, through whicit Oim twitiellt Thf% poor fp1low,*1ratnot trl�at tier % ith w I 'ith . inte-l-loctual Wntiments a."I tile flist few years ti -e Sys- proba hl.T ninke It Mulhicillift 1 04 am$ to tiny no each - moutt ful exhorting him' Only fly cotmitantly t1w, leitat dist-cor"y or tur ber (Tut, tant day. it or them. tem, of shallQW cultIVIL0611 Ila* bom ed to be ke%A up or r3ck it Ito w ilie firing point. burying tier nose in her vinaigrette, rcr to 8crow hirm4e Whether ft-Vaman. lov#.#q -a man or, at the Ontario Agricultural IN' 441.1rc to t;ftiql 616" lied t., all(] f;eorges 101 re@ tell' C(Aege for fall wheat. atid. for that which was kept freshly and strongly Otanep, !1,` - #. ia All 9 iZ0A, lit guc6mled at '48t, live, -We the insult; Iii'd I" 9110 to 1q, . tKA Ito Lq he 16ver . If I 'Aa ddlikoft. -A -ement. CN AT 14, 11. N HER -CH-A-1 R o I., STATE. f Irod. but tie Intoxicated tb&t hor lie veg her, sind in hi-ard'with mattpe, eve, %fr. Ren- filled, that title n6tioed that the hear- theratre. if Iw Is relly deWrinimmi A lawyer was t U10pro% LITTLE QUXL )und 19 ry kitkd Of gralm. of one ea�r became 4pfective. The that lie won't, *N to lift.. hoine ) form Ad pyewntc.(l to Ifer'Frie-lift). -Ito infileteAl C 4ttm _(**Corg � Illferedith., file, tile, fa, r' . �niperintendetrt. believed tW W i 14. of a V USIA; Thette mouie and tl­ff;,f"W 07n t "V . . .- - M le last summers but the ot40W 1W Nhe IM -Il. on, flow r. and Georges an Ill thist Hylitipin, thUrOlIghly and ti for I) Nor excc-llent sites rrbLq.in How Favorlte larit� f to illnew oL nk etw,*ks. They are 60F qj Lho Wind, inijis without Inerea"e. it. Thitt'l,�1l,4vrt-i I Illy a paviihar it -Y nt e pretty Pi off, arrenming for I IIL. remilW tiobtalijed' on 'tit(- gr farM (leaf Item rOn his Vi tlw f*thprinuds %re TI o,, to lld geratle' ll thArL re atteateoll was (of alit 1L­t(-'-9(XA Or now tloi. well. t ttpft t r4i till jilft- ion wheit t - groWillg- bearm li it oltit. AISDther Case well autfw ow'h not rule Both a lit is little C(Miltry litaked nn,l, tit d %Y k im*a bill -vere im-x F % tiry x, 0' heat, of perinfinent, and deafnem tint ()nl tile IRtliniiis 41, within thle brpillllm of tilfw tjolland gkrl-4- theatrie^l perltwnivilice waS Thist year it magulfirent. rrop f of -iripoo. tjo-Y k#*,p lubt. -Wits f-liligeft wits grown by this 4-iiltiva- ifw rriplin tits Inhanitm or cthtw. Nf,w pilij lift the roorting. ith ttif, W usla, ply &be w&U" QUeCtl Of ]ROIL will Ito #R arvid thilig an a ';Ii.'4pnr- A 'Wo0isvi xililore.T', given. In which tile fhfK* it," r c#,4irt4­,V Sdcll A by whiril tendo to omw-rve thd Y(ork TUnem r(*%,Iilt t1ijit alinfir.1 every1wnly gro-t+4 40 thp rialer i.'4. IWIvo 1mr court r(v;tIjIll4' (1144910"ll t" appear mveral timem., I'lorlim- on, audit COnxtat &nd Mink aglitc of the fwniollm ('01irt nwdixtoef4 Of is ftwwonllght owonem it 11,(Awilditnent, lit tho ."'Oil. an itenr tbe A Fqp~S*v1 Inventnt cn Pat(nt&. 111alorl(-ft. There i*4 itot flilito- till- 401TI I 11 flollaryli n114 tip- prew ollo 'It f,xlw,- '01 tho -and withiii retusit tim- nX the d wel ]orit ill Lak011 JO"Ph 1are 1114-14Y. 11,0`11f loll �Or Paris. I t will ta kfv t li"t 411WHIllk bir Ifertake it iv!ientirie ttjof air vxtjljgAjjM*4I thp lamp WINW!'C's, 1porl han too biflk Am Willi 1110" 10444P ntot-1.4 of eftur I I drAugh SUd tit#-% lity4five yar#W of gfx)4!0. 11, Ilarim 41itifill t 4110.1-. .4 1 4 1�1 11, 1: ,-: A .: A . iblo for tile njoon-- ieA U(MM&U, ('Ypqie wl thf A $if which wan rPRIX11"m a, Alf lik4? tWP1 cith44 thrre -fr iiitpittilpt in brk-(, Mr. Renpie's umnal pian is 1 tiou. of 11W iuvolitive geniuN t!l-kt -4,j othpis large foreign ipoin--the Itero fL_pf );,, Wil- tcat, ro)r 'Which it light. wheret TIw ellit to a _AO tip 110, fe is matill which Cornif*4 its Wide joinhig Vie' 4 ­wlint do -An tills mt-flit?" to sow fall wheat, after Ileas. � Tile &TI*llIA declarm tile "InvPlItIng till'i MM' Bighpar IUY am small jifilif 11110 YoiU119 VA Lrty IllChqW It i meldoln import- barkentilles Is �;,il y nudibly: z I soll bi 11 (1, plLjonting badnemi to tv a -Imr neek ohn. how many turk"s doY ith provtuons, oaf. f.worige as tllj I�Wil fituml ill Tile willd has , blown the moon Peas are grown. on n )"ill ion storft allipil. art.er **1114,.4 if Ve propowls to -ed aud trades an por ble proria Fknd if onal NJ nd if it is e(jgu between $9 ad I harbor. 9, rfgpolltied the ninnager ploughed thorotighlY, harro%% yhow." MR w IA42oni Is J1UPP901P, It W11U take to f0e4i n )"lit ta fir tilt. werf, gone IpntffjCr &A etionm and to t,-tkr (141t. *' gpt � is OU_IY Inilke me. vloim fall. lit - the ftmaded UpOn UIP faCt that film (W. me bnPi"'I I i Iva r t not in otock. they will wr. W. fram-iftlo olff kirig, lw_ $1 (j a yard, Tile Hatiii W41 Cultivated tke pre I%n deq%irw &rticles ftAl' four to tWenty-wyell 111PUvorological to rvatlotim. NI IN -f - 1. :t(t(l earth 414) on wan -to k now for IonK yearm. anA lrin� 1twelity- I w Iftu. is I)id- you ever meet, a woman whows opriug, Lwfore m.)WIT19. coarse Imm- antu have always bovo-n piritt." fai jxj ordered and promptly delivered. Prinell. I tile -tk- yard manure Ili applied at tile rate cxwts 6( law hinve not twottwtoe-1 Maria Mry Ritheart-WhY, ditto ".141 4.114,xw, a wifs. t4*03114.1woollwide. ItlIt.l1r4l-:! 414Wk voice, thrilled YtAl with tinsipts, q%= wri" that he is ties. H&y fever Cannot survie tile pulle Hopuratt! :11141 all 0 .4 yen; that's - tile of fiftc*n "dis 1per acre, and mixed him. lie thinks tlw winie exwrlenee I r riff I. tr tht. captame 1.4 coal-, %,Ill I".- Ntu#j4*i. rhey. lote-ttol a bie emotilon ?" tor of some U4 =An t44 .�U F01110 Yaw, t"r tyfteftrit'y own-SVt (wt, Uie New H�brklft, �Lhe Frien-A V my mother used to get me up I with the surface aDil by shallow must have befallen the in%on A 111"Tie bmadths and in t(i'vis, wn,, plougWaIg, harrowIng and cul- every lam4. s Day Yrtth -04 01oted. It haN in the nwrninc." gang, f Ive jptrdto IORS. taking fifteen Yardo ly JA)anda. and othor VOW* - ANSI n r t H h C1 r A