HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-12-10, Page 3'4 _ •�e 3 ion asf[ anyone hat woo s rhea ir; SECURITY..''�'''�' " Seo just what he'll say,Moo of ns are satisfied it Goes the other way, , Toughest yarn wits ever rpmn.RATES pp 0 The Opening of a Savings "Two can live as cheap as one." "Two can live as cheap as one," Genuine . No oue ever saw it done, a q Account w><th even aS NO one in his sober senses ,,y O M K 88 9008 e 9 Q Has the en on exp nabt Carter's • (O:../, 99 000© �' � 6 0.E If ho %,t hm on w neap small a Sum as one dollar, 13ow Ghat's con,ttlK onF, � a ooe 6 8 BB When uphill the waters run, little ����� #��• _ . . "Two can't live ae cheap as one " Y leads to opportunities "Two can live as cheap as one " The TIKES will receive subscriptions at the rates below Fifteen hundred makes a ten 1 + > Must Bear signature of .z• for any of the following publications . � j,, j Woman never's money spending. , - - available by no other pian Does not care for (Uess; 't' Times and Daily o lobe ........................ 4.50 So if marriage you're intending, G Head office, Hatnitipa.. Living aught cost leso+Times and Daily Mail and Empire .............. 4.50 No. don't swallow that, my Ron. - d• Times and Daily World ........... ............ 3,3,5 "Two can live as cheap as one„' 'i' i see Fac-sitalle Wrapper Below. .l. Times and Toronto Daily News,. ..... 2.30 ........ NCR started, it is remarkable how savings grow. The I . '. . a + Times and Toronto Daily Star ................... 230 ® A SHINING MARK I -oOiti' talwninU ami g catty .i. Times and Dail Advertiser.................... 2,35 dollars pile up, slowly at first, than more rapidly, as - I - tlotalwasen�•+ar. y 1 Times and Toronto Saturday Night ............. 2.60 interest -is added to rinci al. Soon the coveted home FORR�tlOACH. 1.60 �� p p What Parisian Sage did forChaP, S I Times and Weekly Globe .. ................. 13akor, it will do for you. Read the : CARTERS FOR DIZZINESS. Times and Weekly Mail and Empire is a possibility; or the mortgage can be paid; or some- : ' + a p 1.60 following: j I•�`E FOR ®ILIOUSNE33. + Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star...... 1 85 thing desired, but now unattainable, becomes possible. I was s,.) bald and such a shining I FOR TORPID LIVEIf. + mark for my friFnds, that 1, as a last rt'- VER + Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and sort, tried your Parisian Sage (after trv- I PI LLS. fOR„CONSTIPATION + premiums ....... .................... 2.10 i•7g several bottles of the highly adver. FOR SALLOW SKIM. + Times and Weekly Witness ............... 1.85 tworl and high prloeq so called hair t FOR THE COMPLEXION Apart from this, in sickness or in temporary adversity, the restorers), and I am glad to eaq I now ozrsatar>inrno au:rluva�y+ 11e7uet, •Y Times and London Free Press (weekly).......... 1.80 have a heavy p.rowth of new hair. Iam i,bpurelyVegetablo.�6 es sa�G '1l, Times and London Advertiser (weekly) .......... 1.60 Savings account -gathered from money scarcely missed, and which now44 gears Old and I have a heavy--•---- •t• Times and Toronto Weekly Sun ................ 1.80 otherwise would have been spent in passing fancies -becomes your growth of Lew hair after carrying my CURE SICK HEADACHE. 'l' shining mark. for over seven years, I .l. Times and World Wide ........................ 2.20 gladly recommend Parisian Sage to all 'l' Times and Northern Messenger.... .............. 1,35 best and ever available friend. nfCiioted with baldness." Chas. S Times and Farmers' Advocate .................. 2.35 1 Baker, 491 Main St. East, Roahenter, .di. We specially recommend our readers to subscribe N. Yd• to the Farmers' Advocate and Rome Magazine. �� �_��_� 0 �� confidence o................. . . The Bank of Hamilton enjoys the lull confidf all who Parisian sage, the only natural hair . Times and Farming World........ • . . . . . . 1.75 restorer, is guaranteed by Walton Mo- Times and Presbyterian ........................ 2.25 exercise care in the selection of a Bank for the safe custody of their Sibbou to care dandruff, stop falling d• hair, and cure itching of the scalp, or RHEUMATIC TREATMERT '� Times and Westminster ........................ 2.25 savings. With Capital and Reserve of $5,000,000, Total Assets of money book. It is the ladies' favorite Times and Presbyterian and Westminster........ 3.25 hrir dressing, because it adds charm and Some Simple Precautions 'Which. Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) .. 2.40 over ThirtyMillion Dollars, and plain, conservative direction by luxarianoe to the hair. 50 cents d . bottle. Ask Walton Mogibbou about Will Prevent a Recurrence of Times and Youths' Companion .................. 3.25 sound business men, it forms the ideal depository for savings. it I Attacks. _ Times and Canadian Magazine(monthly) 2.90 + Times and Sabbath Reading, New York ......... 1.95 THES4�OFISH. A prominent citizen, who had for Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)... 186 years, suffered from rheumatism and Combined with this, is a studied absence of display or, for- rheumatic gout, has been giving his ,l, Times and Michigan Farmer .......... . ...... . . 2.15 mality in opening a new Savings Account. A simple inquiry for overlord of the sea and the Daintiost friends the benefit of his experience, + Times and Woman's Home Companion .......... 2,25 Feeder That Swims. and incidentally a copy of the re- ,'1l, Times and Country Gentleman ......... 2.60 the Manager brings all requisite explanation and attention to your The swordfish Is the overlord of the scription ;;hick was of mate ' as- + Times and Delineator...... .. 2,95 sistance in effecting a cure 8• requirements; and the small savings of workmen, clerk, farm Ar, or sea. Neither the whale, the shark nor 4• Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine ....... 1,95 In the first place, he ound that , any other giant of the deep can con- 'i' Times and Greens Fruit Grower........... 1.55 every time he pVble eely of acid •i• housewife receive courteous attention, filler him in l:ric:hte light or public fruits his old trcturned ; and, + Times and Good Housekeeping ................. 2.30 brawl. Nevertheless he is peaceful in secondly, he lestat it Has abso- 'Times and McCall s Magazine .................. 1.70 the Main and seeks the simple life, lately essentialp the kidneys Times and American Illustrated Magazine........ 2.30 1 amusing Iilmself ufteu with worldwide active. To ado this it was necessary Times and American Bo Magazine ............. 1.90 travel and ulways'with delicate gusts- to drink plenty of water. Occa• y $ tory joy;. fie is the daiutiest feeder sionally he would dissolve a lithia Times and What to Eats ...................... 1.90 BANK OF HAMILTONtablet in the water to assist its Times and Business Mans Magazine.......... 2.15 . • that swims, always kills his own game % action on the kidneys. and thereby insures its freshness, Times and Cosmopolitan :...................... 2.15 .l1e treatment is as follows: Pro- , WINGHAM BRANCH wherefore his pesh is a delight to the arc from your druggist - Times and Ladies Home Journal............... 2.75, palate of mankind card wherefore, , Times and Saturday Evening Post .............. 2.75 Fluid Extract Cascara....... �b oz 'l' y g C. P. SMITH Agent. Again, men ,o forth to tall him for $v•t:p Rhubarb ... ........ r oz. •l' Times and Success ............................ 2.25 .�. ' g market and thereby at times fall upon t . '1' r n„a Compound ...... : oz. ;� Times and Hoard's Dairyman .................. 2.40 adveutrres that make t11c hulltin� of ^...., �F h ....,,,t,und Syrup Sarsaparilla 5 oz. .,. tigers and the shooting of grizzlies pale ,l, Times and McClure's Magazine 2.40 Take; one teaspoonful after each , + Times and Monsey s Magazine .................. 2,50 •t• into pastimes for the weary weakling, ,,•,l and at bedtime. + , g This .s valuable information. 's imes and Vicks Magazine .................... 1. For the bold swort1f15h is still hunted ;1hs ' tab Thi •A T M aZ 60 u a.,n he mixed at home. Save the'1t, Times and Home Herald ....................... 2.60 i mode as primitive as that the Fskl- inu uses to Lill the stupid whale, and p,escription. Times and Travel Magazine .................... 2.25 often the sting of the harpoon changes + Times and Practical Farmer.... ........... 2.1 this luxurious ocean gastronome into'1t, Times and Home Journal, Toronto....... ... 1.40 a raging water devil, quick to perceive ,l. , • y DOMINION Dhis advantage,. charging with the speed �, Times and Designer ........ . . • - , . • ...: 1.75 of a bullet suet the accuracy of a + Times and Everybody s............. 2.80 swordsman up against the lone fisher- RELIABLE LOCAL Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg...... 1.25 HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO. nuin In tbt• dory who tries to bring Times and Canadian Pictorial ................... 1.60 hint to gaff. Then must the fisherman Store in with void I Ix the lunge of ���S AN �, �L� !]q the monster, avoid it by a morcel of The agave prices include postage on American publications to any �+ Capita! paid up, $3,9 / 6,000 rice sidestepping in a plunging dory. ,l, addreus in Canada. It the TimEs is to be sent to an American address, add •,moi,• Reserve fund and or he will be spitted like a lark. -Fail- wanted for Wingham and adjoining • 50 cents for postage, and where American publications are to be sent to • Liam Inglis in Harper's Weekly. + American addresses a reduction will be made in price, P Y• country to represent Dolls and Nacvrelfie;s. I ,,wt W e have a large stock of dolls, and other novelties, also a good stock of toys. China Department.'' . 4 The stock in this department is well assorted. The stork of Limoges China is complete and prices are right f9r the, Christmas trade, Your Christmas trade will be appreciated at the Big Book Store. and Wadley Elliott pp4I. ts os' Bra BOOK Szrolits. , 43Mory Block. N�w Bank of Commem. m. VP* When you see a "Pandora" Range the sale Is made. London, Toronto, Montreal. WinnipeL Vancouver, St. John, N•N., liadtllten. Calfary. FOR SALE IN WINGIIAM BY J. G. aTMVART & CO. 0 We could extend this list. If the paper or magazine you want is not in the list, call at this office. or drop a card and we will give yon prices on the w 1 paper you want. We club with all the leading newspapers and magazines. • s When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers will p secure such premiums when ordering through us, same as ordering direct from publishers. jThese low rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and are j STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post office or express money order, addressing TIMES OFFICE, WINGHAM, ONTARIO, stNtw•••••Ir••r••rw•trrrarrts There Is Moneyin Farming If you keep posted in up-to-date methods and read each week the most complete and comprehensive MARKET REPORTS which appear in THE WEEKLY , N. The Sun •i is the Farmers' Business Paper. Be sure you subscribe for o The Sun to 1st January, 1910, in combination with THE WINCHAM TIMES, oNLY $111,80 SUBSCRIBE NOW oo•eo��N+•�+N•••soo•� �••bAN•s,N•owsm•e�•�PM►� COAL COAL, COAL. TWe are sole agents for the celebrated SORANTON COAiLo Z which has no equal. Also the beat grades of Smithing, 'Cannel and Z Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. • We carry a � ;nil stook of tDL�Used orMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. 1W Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logo., `M JAr AN MPhone No. 55. office, No. 64. Idill, No. 44. Undivided profits 4,5,291,300 1• na give yon t.l7e right start. ,i. "Canada's Oldest and Greatest allowed on deposits of $1 and up %verso, \Write for Catalogue and plan d• nurseries.. • �rlstl'Y],as Goods r• Notal Assets, over �d$,�QO.i+ l i a--F•a-•i••1•a-a••l••s••t•�••1..i...i•a••t•-z•a•a•�••l � r i ,, ��.,•• �• i• may be While �rs vain Hance more r. doll, farmers were Hove;r more a+occur• + , �' fit, eto. Write for partioulara. Central Business � retards fruit growing than, at -the JTO24E & �V)H1LLI]\'6iTON + D. T. HEPBURN, "1>tnttg.,a' .� the present t•eaFon. High naso for all re prices We have passed into stock man new lines for the p Y Christmas trade can have these at W�NCHAM BRANCH. ' + $ UlmI i• classes n fruit have been obtaoonsnei the set season, nod there is as a cense n - pnor, an iuoreased;, demand for ur- and you goods W .�..�.mlt.>..,�,�r.e. •^-� -'-°-� -•w,wa.A.vNTt,T}Y..,aV.xr..ltVm.P...p. ••�"°�'�""' reasonable rices. Call and inspect our stock p p Farmers' Notes discounted. ,t of Toronto has started thous. 'i' sery stock. Our stock is completo in every depart. before making your purchases. Drafts sold on all pointe in Canada, q suss of young earn and ,vo• meat inolnding a new list of specialties the United States and Europe. •3• 'l' me.., on the .-asy,vayto Inde• peadenee and success. Let t which we alone handle. The right man will obtain a perman- Dolls and Nacvrelfie;s. I ,,wt W e have a large stock of dolls, and other novelties, also a good stock of toys. China Department.'' . 4 The stock in this department is well assorted. The stork of Limoges China is complete and prices are right f9r the, Christmas trade, Your Christmas trade will be appreciated at the Big Book Store. and Wadley Elliott pp4I. ts os' Bra BOOK Szrolits. , 43Mory Block. N�w Bank of Commem. m. VP* When you see a "Pandora" Range the sale Is made. London, Toronto, Montreal. WinnipeL Vancouver, St. John, N•N., liadtllten. Calfary. FOR SALE IN WINGIIAM BY J. G. aTMVART & CO. 0 We could extend this list. If the paper or magazine you want is not in the list, call at this office. or drop a card and we will give yon prices on the w 1 paper you want. We club with all the leading newspapers and magazines. • s When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers will p secure such premiums when ordering through us, same as ordering direct from publishers. jThese low rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and are j STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post office or express money order, addressing TIMES OFFICE, WINGHAM, ONTARIO, stNtw•••••Ir••r••rw•trrrarrts There Is Moneyin Farming If you keep posted in up-to-date methods and read each week the most complete and comprehensive MARKET REPORTS which appear in THE WEEKLY , N. The Sun •i is the Farmers' Business Paper. Be sure you subscribe for o The Sun to 1st January, 1910, in combination with THE WINCHAM TIMES, oNLY $111,80 SUBSCRIBE NOW oo•eo��N+•�+N•••soo•� �••bAN•s,N•owsm•e�•�PM►� COAL COAL, COAL. TWe are sole agents for the celebrated SORANTON COAiLo Z which has no equal. Also the beat grades of Smithing, 'Cannel and Z Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. • We carry a � ;nil stook of tDL�Used orMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. 1W Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logo., `M JAr AN MPhone No. 55. office, No. 64. Idill, No. 44. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT-Interrst 1• na give yon t.l7e right start. ,i. for situation, with territory reserved allowed on deposits of $1 and up %verso, \Write for Catalogue and plan d• Ant him, Pay weekly. Free sample out - �e� Bo"'oks. and added to prinefpal gw%rtAtiv-��nd of Manch, Jane, September and neotsnh• ,II .l• to epelld 1.11e 77ext six 711ontrls ,vital Itis. A%V. ;fav title + , �' fit, eto. Write for partioulara. bar each year. � Add rens w. K Nbaw, 1'7•tn- JTO24E & �V)H1LLI]\'6iTON D. T. HEPBURN, "1>tnttg.,a' + c psi, r.,.,t a and fierlarit Ntreets, Toronto. + + Foothill Nurseries (850 acres A book makes a good Christmas gift. We have I P.. Vanstone, Solicitor. ••.q••£•......3.3••i.....3.3.3•�•3•... TORONTO, + CANADA. a good stock of the latest Books for old or W .�..�.mlt.>..,�,�r.e. •^-� -'-°-� -•w,wa.A.vNTt,T}Y..,aV.xr..ltVm.P...p. ••�"°�'�""' young. Dolls and Nacvrelfie;s. I ,,wt W e have a large stock of dolls, and other novelties, also a good stock of toys. China Department.'' . 4 The stock in this department is well assorted. The stork of Limoges China is complete and prices are right f9r the, Christmas trade, Your Christmas trade will be appreciated at the Big Book Store. and Wadley Elliott pp4I. ts os' Bra BOOK Szrolits. , 43Mory Block. N�w Bank of Commem. m. VP* When you see a "Pandora" Range the sale Is made. London, Toronto, Montreal. WinnipeL Vancouver, St. John, N•N., liadtllten. Calfary. FOR SALE IN WINGIIAM BY J. G. aTMVART & CO. 0 We could extend this list. If the paper or magazine you want is not in the list, call at this office. or drop a card and we will give yon prices on the w 1 paper you want. We club with all the leading newspapers and magazines. • s When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers will p secure such premiums when ordering through us, same as ordering direct from publishers. jThese low rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and are j STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post office or express money order, addressing TIMES OFFICE, WINGHAM, ONTARIO, stNtw•••••Ir••r••rw•trrrarrts There Is Moneyin Farming If you keep posted in up-to-date methods and read each week the most complete and comprehensive MARKET REPORTS which appear in THE WEEKLY , N. The Sun •i is the Farmers' Business Paper. Be sure you subscribe for o The Sun to 1st January, 1910, in combination with THE WINCHAM TIMES, oNLY $111,80 SUBSCRIBE NOW oo•eo��N+•�+N•••soo•� �••bAN•s,N•owsm•e�•�PM►� COAL COAL, COAL. TWe are sole agents for the celebrated SORANTON COAiLo Z which has no equal. Also the beat grades of Smithing, 'Cannel and Z Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. • We carry a � ;nil stook of tDL�Used orMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. 1W Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logo., `M JAr AN MPhone No. 55. office, No. 64. Idill, No. 44.