HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-08-12, Page 2B" want to help youl both," lie r&_ + make Mr. Stratton behave ard poor Myra as he did. and you an vely. 66 been Plotting and planning to find It 0 Percy I,, cried Edle, witif the Saved From PaFalysis and Death i the hope that It would prove- tears starting to her eyes, and lie ,00L N0.32.id198 ov 00 to 6 a trouble we could bridge er.' -tone of reprouch tbrilled him. r Ute 60,qsip Celery Thoy U1.0 Q11&er Creations "dall &ro Out, k, P0 ? anti bring them together gain. You "Don't speak to me like that," he by Paine's COMPOUD Imported e d. I , hAv d1scovered it all the at last?" ---of tbo--- wil' 66 Yes." said. "You mean well, but to (to jw-etigea slikkNi A "Theil tell Rik!.,, what you say is W conde= film at UP041 L1W feet of tile ( llill:lulen THRRIJNG STORY OF "I cannot -1 dare tjot.,* once in everybody's sight. It Is all Round World. this city tire &III itaportoed flow Persistent Edie was silent for a few So foreign to my poor friend's nature Chwa. Must a thellf, from Canton, moments. that, even knorwing what I do, I t41rji,_j have much pk�aaure Ili WherV they are Luatk-. I)y Ilitliti, j*Ije P) rmOMIlieuding I'alnon uesery (-om- white etige in of a CONSTANCY AND CRAM n traight before tier cling to the belief in his Innocence. thick, rigid bole. Into the dimly lit back drawing rooiu, it Over 300 years ago 8ir Francis PO"Pv.l for iier-voivinew and weaktie. Ma(x' Of a mat&rial tier eyes suffused with te*rv. and mhe Yes; he must be innocent, cried resembling plah -There is ilutlji ag to gay,, - saitt ( j uest at Wit said In a whisper Myra. He could not be what you Drake built all open aqueduct 20 wjUj sofftly afrijetetl for ter, uud it It bsoovmw dirty, enii I., Cou er S (Sharply. illust btb sonlettlill U. numbertipt Yfftr, mitt for whichuly cleaued alld whit4enel agaill. 0 Ito relief. I b"-anje stux% Ila ve tile W I I i te t, ige CW t1kis more thall lie "You asked Me tile oif�r day If I miles long, to conduct water from doctor could gh -Queer for tills pi -ace to I sortj�llffjg dOLwn, lie � Maid would be your wife." Then should I be right Ili c,king hills of Dartmoor to Plymouth, ""rY weak and Nut a stroku of isr- Sul fiflihilied with lave ll huskily 66 money and your momage, saying to 1.,Ilgl&lld. I lKil- bOen dcrewed ul.-.-botlf t And you promised Me all anower him, thou h not In words. ' Fl Tho town It" Just (Xlt- UIYNLV. I wits confinood to lily bed, A couth which sc=u to han, VIP you. to ('s Ueet Cutting y for grown this SuPPIY, and a large're- unit tlm-' doctor reqwwted tby rubbii Ich call he co'elilled on in sp he door N'tratt"It. what when I knew all.,' Said IW'(xl urfat*, wil bath,,, your life, %e a hunted criminal'? 0 try -t 0aulp, itle of A the rcmc&a whki,� the ground from beneah feet. I servoir Is to be built. a rol&."n of You; 11wdicilke, its the ]alit L9 it witil "And now you,11 io could not do It. Myra, Edle-think, Tho WItow W)kw or timse hilloes Are you have ap, lied cerWtljy needl no. I wee why," saitl (luest Ira' kn W, lid 1*11 tell tlLne that roulti IN,, dolle. zoij film with far-off, jjxc4 You," she said. hardly, ra! pray, what you are urging. it would The charge tit Ingratitude cannot, Ix1vollIlj.,4 1 (lid :is 'nude (A u 'lumber of likyerri o.' luickly. "Bu limells. perhaps, from fu I above her be- better advice to him to sa 'Cilve be tTlPd, alld be0re I find fill- rather tijill leather placed Caw upoll energetic an7 scnsible treatnxn-. If Of helPlew misery, tv-111,1, breath. yes.' Percy, some day when of the parents Ito the waste PlPe-sewer gas.'* dt0w hin friend- far nearer in lien rt, we have matte poor Myra liappy." yourself up, and let a Jury of your I , aid at tile (I mThis w 'b"011 tile firht bottl" I making u built up For twenty-fivc years that stam. ­1)OU't Smell like anti tie 141'x-)ke More freel flow. decide 9 to e f olowing cax(I In a. lx�. (.ur(xl throagh I tO Hay that i oxill sole is atitelleti tilrougil alld through ard preparation of wd-liver oJ4 Then It will never be," lie said. de rellow-countrymeri published th M bad gas." id lie Sala, ** speAk out., spairingly. No, no." cried Myra; "it Is too souri journal last week: "We take this cry "W!0 or Paine's vel- im"y Pluc/Ofi 011 regular limeli, giv- "Let me jutl Shp wl lla%v il&g tllt� WttA-)m Of tili" su:e sort (if Jem' su'111119 about anti ending by Illit's 0I everythiRg, I ant your Of lie told he And horrible. You do not know. you can- meth(.xi of thanking our many frien(w It to otliem nild VU�V have been bein- (111iltAkl effeet. wit Ife want to liell) yoll. r at red. not see what ^he Is guffering-what who tio, kindly assited us Ili the deatt ,'is work is lleatly diPPing a finger in the bath, and liold- I 6d i IfItUxt by it, it 111Lr workftl nil.raclas alld trimly tioilt_-, eveR (XI tIK. clIcup 0 his positiol, is. I must act myself. of oar little son, and liope that we for w o 4; V Ing it to his now.. artt-T willell lie gayv tru" -me?" But -but I doll,t quite, ndeistand Y ur trul., Trux,t you yt. * hOes* There are gotDo lineme ljioL Pecullar grunt. s", said -Stratton She faAere4; "You think, then-oli, it It 64 cannot, it cannot be true may in Home way return their kind- Nfrs, Lumley: CobfiRfrg. ( u too horrlble�--yo Myra !" whispered E'die, elluging now shown us." )nt. without tile lellaraetoeribtle tIjjqjL- EMU"ION u think 0 hen, fie had wllit*�-edged wile, anti provided with 1. his frlend'?89 4 Rememberin, -Well TPIl me thell. everything, tkilled floor 3r. Brettiso, to her. Worth Ring froia the nio.rijing when You werr. "Yes said Guest W owly and What? Ali(] you ilde against Me Country girls Ili Spain elt!om wear muk* 0 Of leatlier (xily. has proved i "Nonaftse, niall:, .4 - I liagillation never diturbs exist- CIO 1; t4) W tll�ug�tfully. too ?"', .9r#cctivcnm in cur�- liewt. %4 if I ificiolt hill head. that. I cannot see it o bt.#9 flow can you facts, t11 Or Oilk or satill &Uj "What' That?" tratton slowly # It must have been "No, no, dear! ha1ls of bounets ' qf any kill(], and Tb top of tile (""new 1` of ing the trying affections of tht Conse, 66'" Vb Ili tho Smaller places they do not Ninny wpakilb"% of Ilulliful of t4a "me material. yeivet is orte,, throat and lungs# and this is the spezritai. tiure euough ,ir, "'an ; tilis Is 110 time for speak such eruel words ? You know 11M said the man. dipplug Iris finger ill tile reticence. Tell Me all," cried -Guest They wtated to their feet at tile I would do anything for your sake." even put ma"ntillas- oij their heads, 16tor"I -virtues. ua'xl 0 tile t1OP, cut, Ul' fill tterijs tha t reAUOn wh)': the "-Iiver 4 par- exciteds'Y ; dud tell tinelft 4100S 110t (jelliali(I atile body Of tilf. ullo(! "OPet, that there laii- lie spoke ilk a hoarse piteous 'Sigh which eatne from till. Half -mad with mental agony, Myra re bath again. adorlLing their hair with flowe, VOil- 1 I a re, i I Mt-hislier. all(I'llial, ill will- b ck drawing room, an it waH fol- by I the 41MG118, it RiaLes them. bright color, tiallY di9f I Stcd, strengtheAu and torn, pardner." Ic-P I to door ,it Pulsed lier with bitter laugh. Instead. It was in Spain, May IJ10 Of Alk- or ua tit, ill but tills," she cried. way, that tho custom Of a bride low, as If Anything Tilt& wLfA,6t relloji-N, %%-0 afraid 'Of being Overhe.-ird, tll(*ALjL Wh0 agree with its. Of black, Pr,(Aucij4,, Picturewlue The wergeaut obeyed. aild Ilis L-oul- lowed by it heavy fall. whilO tile velvet wily taliza the whole sys rt, Was t1pspoilding "I'd striking errects. tcm; the hypophosphites Pallioli thust Ili his finger, for it t Tilt- Afyra had vatered lit tit e-enougli to There it 18, plain enough. He speaks, wearing orange blossoms* Ili her I'air U hear tile terrible charge. anti and you cry 'Hearken! is lie not wlse." originated. To be really yourw.If you 111"t tya 1 Ccwtly 81"as re be envelopeki direct)y witil j. % "Ant I not worthy Of your confi- Iffe seemed to be at. An nd for tier Fie says, 'Let lilm be given up to jus- t:ifferent from thotie aroutid ou. made Of fine Materials, and itre of- act a a tonic to ths 1 0 - tice for tile mob to llo%vl at film and elre In now. pe4ding in the LouW- 'n rk!t'IY eMbrqIdered. Mind and nrVC44 aud th 1tind what you're doing", said tile donce ? I tell YOU I atu rpady to Tit %V111stlilig inake, tile locollio- nlweii Of the regular style it -ready to flelp you if you will Meanwhile St s,'AY hP must die.' Die ? ti%* go, It Is the silent With tile thick. ftrgeaut hstily. "'or we shall have -ratton h4d stood Rio- Oil, no, nO, Lan4 Uglislatur,ei a bill to provide sep- white-e(iged w)lp an soothcs and only be flolleft-'t- gazing (lown Into r no. It Is too horrible Fle inurt- a thP leatlwr Wt - tile %thole place a -fire." with U*, allKI.U!jl the dark to &Lrate street- Caro for whites and tOM 81314' Clotf, top May IM. the irritation. Can "All- right. pardner % frankly everyttling., p a with the he shall be Ravedl bought for as little a,. $ tea kWrrits it Is- I Tliere wu..; 110 J*ply., ITo lip ('4111tillflod.) blacks In the citleg of. t Ila ir. y0ti think of any combi. anti. I shcmtti aa -y. come in them calls., light of tile lamp fie lie] Shining full he Statoe� and Froteettug Canadian Goods. mly Ix, ",stratton, olti fell to forbid persons of either race to ride nation so effective &j this? fav one of %he great tins tirp .1, piteously, " Ow,"--orie t; OR his haggard face, ma more -pa:111- in the caxe set part for the other. The Umm of th Mielaide (Soutb bOught for $2 xid "llpwap(Is flair. *. YOU Must speak., ful bir tile sznJle *rhlcli cointracted th ho sure you get S(�OTT*S Emuj0jg&. bw dW d" it --'IL'lLt forth slull.:: R*t twlieve do" AustralLa) Advertimr for . 0 that Y' lower parts of 11' Tile, law makers tire now worried to Shoes IT personN of own W rsh A..* on lht wrappw 01.1 have been Is 0ountenatic 11 rauk may be much mom, expens;ve. e. ti know bow to arrange it that white just reoeived, given tile particulars of guilty-.'* tit - if Uickly. tl)D last echo df his friend's steps died -are of negro nurses a tri. at ereu in that coUtilig for Shom worn witil rourt ery 'llur -S-4raton children Ili the c at which proves tb W- all druggiew grncea at hl out. when he turfied slowly and walk- fi%r away country the Dr. Williams dress from $20 tto SCOTT naturalist. and ujies pirits but tile eager look died out. ed 11) to h 11 have street car accommodations alW, Preserve t1iings ill:*, Is room, closin,-, and fsten- Medicine Co. in OL active In defending N, Y, Sun. .4 Look e here," sald the wotakl' tell you that you are. hijuring Ing both doors. Sth'oken With La grippe, Followed tta rightA and protectilig the pablic, --------------------- oracularly, . Nearly all the countries of Europe DIRT CHKAP, 2:, ACUk.S'j%'(j BUILDINGS1 ir 'ilk" i Me as well as yourself. * Vail, Ila Then Ills whole 1111tritioe eltanged. ainst, tile selienies of the a TO CURE A COLD iN 074c' DAII, heach Road, four mile*. 1wial autt lie worketi (Hie IlItntl bligj)tet, - ve Xg ubstitu- I about xs# 1),e. slioke. Ymil, life, 'for _Gojj-,j make He rusdibd to tjj(� tab e, set (iowil bave been invite -1 'to take part in - and counterfeiters as it is 1wre TIte Luxiltive Broil, jolln Will If doil't,yurfeam (1041 blialit mille, too. - the lamP so ' that tile glass Shade , the interhational"exhibition of hirds tam eantA to inarket; tc? 11,1101v - Ito More lupt what m illy Tobletg. All Irkone), if it fails to curt.. rattled andinearty flew out of' the to be he'd lit St'. Petersburg next quegtim Frank A01fley and William :5c. wila"I'-w1lat do you erled� at. boyme in Caada. In tilt, trjai in (IruggiotA rerull(I thc. ot STA- 10. w hick Ls Iovks Rd WtI jtAlS 4 trattou, %0110 started Unlaf Ri?t"lig t holder; then. erouning. vulckly to a GENTS WAXTmt u summer. ' The specimens of tile EkmiUt were shown too have been c -n- binder.*'Weigilt 4,1 --lit twounds;'prive $3. JAILe ha t -K) r t. My- loartiner Itere'll. *es't his. ffrientl'-s referen binet. fie took o' Suffered a Great Deal an for Two Spread of the Engliab Lang,tiage. hell. KialK Mmet Ytm, gentm.. nat 1,11 faj�o cc to his future ca ut a .�ecanter,And feathered tribe- to be gathered to- gaged in offering a utx.bstitute for e,.Inle, ttx_)k glass. poured out a fle4vy draught Unable to Work -Dr Months was -k till to a stirmig or t%vt) forward. gether lit this unique show, will -Dr. Wililaina' Pink I Ilia, claiming that "Ile 1009Mw of E'nglish towartl ujli YKLilto( .. of brandy, and gulped it pown. stl-EN Oil) 1\ THE ToA-K roonj or a patent *life , t)jIt thominds, and the substitute ivas tile same as thab veraal use %%'�Lfl ShOW11 when Dr. an- of Dr) -den for otte Ll V ictxoi. or That, knowilig wilat 'I hj., VOIU- Tho glass almost ttropped front his, Williams' PiniL Pills Re8tored His fitimber hundretts; of zones and ellina recently addressed the from our old to'tit- lialld to the table. anti he clapsed hiw ornithologista the world over are were placed under arrcst on it eliarge Geographical Soci sind silim maker. slisre'awl fomf,-, ljou rewl win, or only a bit Vral Health. %vill represent arl tu.s. Justry eelebraVexi medicine. Both men Sell tu iall dew rila" fog. Yoll Iviii.lit tt) fill't cannot' flare not go Rear lier brow, to' Stand staring before him ety on the tilente 40 at lowtvW. Aliply (i. %q. ello-ral you -i g; k In.", fighting to recall his thoughts. (From the Reporter, Palmerston, lntereste1 In tile preparaticnis Row of obtaining money Undeir false pre- of his tirctic adrentu.rv*� He simike Cow. Asrent, firs,deiv. 1.1till1l), Guest!" i!i Progress under the patronage of tenoe and conspiring to (It -fraud the English, saying. be knew no it usbia 11 auswer. hol, Said Guest, nd tile tolle -of ttit Ice Over lie threw 4js head back. 'T- Ont) -public, an(l evidence w ljeaxd before was Wit Sure of German, and - coul(l mg1j. 1.(�r jullocelic hand 721M Is liot a botter kno n man t11118 Chief Justice of tile Criminal not use Prench wital lly degree (Pf I and Shook It as if set0ething coill tho Czar. that ke no, pressed his brain antl 8ed him. W yoll 1now nothl"K." eripil Then the stimulant lie if u of ervia bas just prement-, Court. Tile defendaRW lawyer made Paw, but not one of his audlenceom, (open to tooft, wweoo. In PAIMMton- than Mr. Ja& q Bien, The King Albeft Col"e, -en be- 6trong [!gilt ill, tlieir Ix-ILa Rattling. In spite of thig tile jury, after a short ictand P.ngllsb. excitejily; "because, y,,,, gan to act, and he en W a draw- British Mum%m a beautifully pinit r not Ileing able linder- trijuj&nts, &11 114r, ot 6 beltior &- ell lienol lit I w wbo for the pa" twontpfovr years ed to the It, but FNENWNAL IN com one is enoll. eir and to6k- out' a w executed fRC-Simile of an ancient rid Auccessfuli ors senior tile ne screw -driver, has follow& the trade of succ"d ul ; of 3 J u ii ior Item ving. all f6 w carpentery absence fro.ii the couit, returntNt -lit a Illinutw, altol V0011,11 hich. after mee 9 'that tile Illuminated manuscript of tile Gospels, kaldn Im-ar a crinie, if 4;rime it. In the town. W. Skea, who is a nar verdict (A guilty ill both ew*w. * Tile _qWpercerit succowdul. jj"j,, Vitte A;: You confesq:1, cried -Supit. blinda; were down and the - curtai said to be the work of one Gregorlus, -mercial wiell(* t ins Zloontson and Can' ijorooigi�ljip T1' YOU ditt-kIlt ]him ?,, drawn over tile ds, Is uow a' noted Servian scribe, who lived in MILO JUKtlel! ck-ferretl 14-11U!l1ce UlAii, pod and raW InloderMe. Tile new 6411,,41, left"s 114J 11"t !�IAIII Stratton madp wIn(O e crossed tile close of tht. eittlilgh. Ill Hal!* and an d Is bale 4welfth century, &lid whose greadjadmireti. no reply. lint looked' to tile floor on tile I the in f frml v ,111d sorrowfully Place; o -lite left of ti e f I re- dxtY-Stx Years of -Age, the jury, It' ver, the fearnf`<f juilge :1 milkilt. in Iliti eyc's 11ecorative borders are among 189& or ealet-dar or m�kii addreot. lbritwilma aipf I'll nly to turil ft"vaY 8911111, and hearV. A low- years ago he was .' tile fIlI7 uWke vry st-rongly conci-rRing the C. Itichilr(w & [ knew it -f -was sure -your wall- 811111 take up tile In UIP at d pluee, it on e-st examples Of early' Illuminations ('X- evils of substitution wid tit ti:lllgf.rj to -.1y. gell't-4t. is 1 1 were lei M tant. This partictilar parchment mail- to the victim tilat. "I.-ly Doar Sim,- I latier betryeti. yoll Wlieij we IL -stand. 80 that it sho ld light Ill attacked with grip, which left In It it.11Lt, room. se.,� it n t-ii-siu- frow Ve umd Ifirlard"Pi tht- party. :LftVr %kil Vlosell'that floor. You, ill tho work hp had f It A and.� wakp acute. rhe'umatism. '. For two uscript litts been in an old monastery thLg nefarious; an4 too etillijoun prac- 1-inimf-nt in my stillpip for flo 'as alert Anti r noW. as, months 110 W as unable to work ud Ili Sexvla for more than seven 'hundred tice.-Torouto' Globe. over it 10 LADIES wlodragget), int4t) :Iny With d0t touches. lie 4r,( ONTA sahl Stratton.. f It -reeky. o -It driVer under (I the screw- Iniffered u great deal from this Years -probably since It . was written year nd coijhri(k.r it the very I 11MV deeret� ant)' I will tell it th, a. Piece o molding at by G regorlum pprentleve- I hip sy.,, for Jiorew f"14 gpt . fill AND top aliddront et1ge_ of tile door," dr"d ftwase. fie used several kinds till. 7wt invay"Ill (mit ColfIvki!. eel) my Tim subjact of It gentiral returii Lo filtr<Aigly reA.-ommend it.. VATORY Of musift, n liavt� a right to k wrenched, tlwlu off, alit bred some Of linimente, but to no avail. 'Uavuig TIPS IN PRONUNCIATION. after 61. in it( you a right to de- Calf dozen serew-heat1g. , - I ONTARIO COWR Vie bligar ill .11 flounce me if you liese. lit- rap- the old HYtitt-In of - a - regular apl)ren- Goo. Hough, Livery Sthbles. q,le WHITBY ONil ivaii'.-4 ten ike. If You speak., MIY turned and %vitil r"d in thO papers of the wonderful A Useful Ll fill untler inck-ntures among tile bec. Y()Il C41 I force W to no greater pull- rew, laying eu St of Ditficult Naines and The t&rrmt and s"t iquipped (ejwq4p for we�meo` Ne tlieiu (low', - one- b Y one till 'Ill were res effected by Dr. Williams' Pink different tratl4w is engaging We at- is Coisoda. 01 Words. -t halt uffer lit, 'when, froli, all illn�r pocket. Ile Pills for Palo People fie deelded to iry U-11ti011 of ):'nglish mandfacturen; to n OVerY re8;WCt A 1iVClMd ps i ' ' oil it is all true gIoalled took out a' - key. te iagm.. pa ytpll tlm-e jltk 114414-P of 141111. illt6' .01 tilt-, cele- &ut'On, 00m"Illif tht best f&ciiitim fur a sound rows till he's a rea'l;i i-- t I I e educAtion in literature, niusic, oVutcNrv, R,.L 111tyllin, �hrew It- opell, aJROe d the door, tIl0lu- He took ono box and was sur- brated pictur 6-171m HuNsI.11i iII9 efillviction that such a system tit I Voll k b throom. lainij in v nt into the prised at the effect. I% nged 51 ye.�rs. Two of his*friends rather wiZ Pxteut, with the grow- commercial and domftlic pejelitte. %j-1111 Lbe nuttrrtil a Hci tbok a see- im c-Illillefitly desirable. Many manu- Most ple-VUL111, licalthrul &I. king laugh. I'lacing 'it Ora, tile put ond and,finally a third. lirlien lio I I ound informed Me. th.it his ()%* .4 culturing hunw hed lid. fie u pro- racturers feel that all delikartmento- or Gyran"Itint. steam Iteatjogg, 016c and huskily- r-'Pidly toile.1-01) till thes screws were tl t. 61.8 old enemy was about rout- Lric lietaing. niodern ranitation. ete MawIlljo. your to%% le 4't mak6i Twive *OVe'r. yt I w la nuji6ation of his fiame im Vert -Shah- labor WOdItI bo imme"itirably In)- Wataw� 4 St4)pl)etl Me taken Out Ill turn. whe lifting the 9UI-*#st-e(nld *Yllable ccented. calilt, sit orerlooking iALke ont&rjo'. "'01 r*. (�Pt yotir rr6ni g6ji,j:. tl;4*rt hl-, To A, Reporter representative IWO%'t-`d by tit(- Substitution of trained After %et Vilur -tuanner, hasi with. MIN I ft I MunkiLesy, tile iiingarlan pu open SepteruLlor 8th. 141141 gto honue aiiql try 9`111ty- inan. Lit . 0 � a,�,: 11,e t�hrew w1jo called 9K)II him resitk-nce �11&' inter of -mplo d i1sitmi WOrtillig Wine Apply for taleadar t 411' a aill u 'It liant.19 by tile worknum, a t YIP t1w. ruins (I Drybut-Rit 14bbe ts Wit', L'Iiilit, 4)' )ararriii, A)reeil'to, witt'l 111-4 ittood to find ut if tit",riqlk) WC -kilown picturci�'­ChrLit 1%,fore -it preomt, Riany of w1lom 'have ae- Y HEV. J. J. HAI[11�, rLed rtire, was prm tAtl bajpthillia I Ige of your Staring iilt(p thV Tilt." me. '110 ` WIth a correct. Mr. Ski quired a knowlodge of their N1 'Ailudd8r- livilich rapi(Ily a ;Saki: was Lotch�-ej soc ' trAdes Uie party, (ApaRrving ttl:jt it The man . uW-re.1 a grow 1. Ill t- Said *�trattojl, Seed away. greatly . surpri*-d at tile - - olid syllable accented. by casual study or short exporlenee, opeaking flow othe litt. fell witil result. of GladStone, 11601 O'ktil litl angrilj�. serpwittif tvith a took jjj culm (!O,rWmpt. e �Ilnlster' of -1 Uttle water, w4-vxj �Uekesl, the- b (lull aking a cOulylO Of 1)6104. 1 uffered Eugh-int], .. pronounced - liblimame their knowledge being imperfect at ohl ,an it, at th 1,01. 141-0 was held for. sh-Are no) knowletige--yoti shall 1119 look. he turned'an ully, buL 'a' new Riau un, rimt syllable accented. Ou ay, Ws Ito).%. water. 1%VIj a.14 VII&, You "OulJ11- ind, -with a cur us. wonder- tea rf it IN tendet ju in v, lit' It 'N'"le Ilope among those ill- water w U.& -%ted that the reform lit t)ljs Iijjj_- -1 going wit" Vie otlwrs icti Ilto knowteirke Noll- say I kille,i ly back to Ilia ent slow- oInflAght, Nlr. Carnegie, f to VC V141' %ittilliC m ta ble. t down tile theML oVery for re- jind fil.1 IlIm till -re: wilere are r !amp. Call ta kf# . I flow Gunder of the 114-, w IRUY eventually be accomlAIS114.,I. Hp Ild raft. -to, illusic hall, locatoid Ili Wt�*t doon frao twaven no to) it.4 fornwr proofs*� _y0jI llavo. ght It UP ligah, and walkml guard agailist-ecolds all(I IvIto.09 brou ring aup "u tail hour ght lit the 440 tile b throo' elith street, ew Yorkr, protiounew his a in. - Wit re fie again grilp. , 'They only tjjjl'� tILat ji(x Ranip Carnagy, nhave seArcheol. liet - down the lamp, e 19 vi lue a Illy idecond syllable te- fillished. of it -v 10*14,11 What have y it a fly -leaf e from a letter !if Mr. Canilob-Al or r.- -.71jow cented. your pioclfi,? may, it I kOt. foHed will tell- you: that. I wouldin't , b& C-61,11111OU", .tile ' 'Scott �'u -if cS clut looki4i at 141m, willily. and llj� ellin'ljosylk l"1141 Ift I at tile lamp 6 of fer One Hundred Dollari ItA,.- W IsCout Dr. writer, died'ill 1870, aged 75 Y cftmt of Catarrh that to 41w partPAI Iij, it Williall& Pink� IIJIK for y . earg. ward for ail t Iw tittemt no sound. "Will It buril slowly o elplodC t apything. -They aro tho: Wst; inedi- proutiliciation of ),in Ila," � K 1 1, - ifitolitly. t)Lt- 4wter Let Me re -4. my go($jI rpilow, let onc6?­ Ill- saill.,witll r I a 0 #4 0-lool ed"not I*. cumJ by ;iffil vo. litilt- ;mirty rt--* tilt' rust. I-fr e w rring aga ail( . I it' rlbe'klem laugh. CIRO it, 04) world. Tboughj am up Wcolitl syllhbte accented. Cure. 'L DEMILT, LADIKS' turfie.1 to -r Otice ihyre lic. threw 1�'. j C*IiF.NFY & (,,Iq ines. ont.. haA a sue"*%rui hAlmT of ne.-M 31 �%:Iwr# Ymir ow inSt see Ili yearo.,my 14 good anti I am Coleridge, t1le l-;jlglL*jll Met44)jjy8icIj Quickciin, for Swolkml 1a ce In tryllix to u nd Poiek (lied fit 1834, ged 621' roars � ein;)Ioys a ot 11 prote&%orli and eertain�lohlp. wtr.- I fr4m, inti) 1 48 4 thpilar. ..I attribute It to 0. ~,hdrg. MADY Of LIAelyl 8pe,-j&jjp1f, its &n exten. nakrght to y tile uW3, of thew recommended His flame is protiounced We. the ujuliersij;�Ued. fla vo. k Ito% if courne, includingjhe Corimion " Hie J10t blight Your fliture, Pere) U'Allbigne,. tile I-Wilell 111.1tortan, au- A Pointed Aj!ueal. (410ney t4mg fth" bmt,chew, the bdeiiece. rrelich. Germ i-41letitAl Of the ttvo meti, . f4)r -feni. ("lest' "y You llthm to Mr. Wiftin, Beattie. carpen- for the� IM4 fif Y -Sak tec, fOrk"Plau 01-1 the G. N. W,, who ycwris, anti belLe, ve film perfect y jKxI' Clanalm a convervatry eour" in M unic, Art le 'tit It to- There. 90041 night. I a diatrict Its various departments, including ) rp , t)r Allcw � Of "History of tile , Ilefornia- lit Englewood, Well." Naid 91 had also been trou bled ti011, tiled In 18721, a-ged 28 yearrii. Ills the Ili' if ""(."go Orable ill all businem s. shorthand, typewriting. ,e -;ergeant. %vli�jt %rant to 1w with rheu- ItVherft' will groePra' clerks litive' book-keeping. 91� , it I ist I. en ice, core inlits c ive arebeirle sold the* tilt, rgii tier In and the* 11.111le L AjI(I fillhilclalmly able to carry iiPredUy offected sh tx Voie* Cufture, Elocuti-it, to. recoinnienct lity'pruile PrOnOtiliced Do-ben-n-y.a. last sent thifi-appeal to housellolders: on tile caripwot, icr face Accented, DO you -godto ell fuly obligation ma(lop fly m urch (xi the 4&& Include all of the abure. %,,Ill boilrd snd Islas. I"Okp(l S( tA) lilaster the mail who 'eil toj%�ard_ tile shatleAl lamp, wbLeb Pifis- cure, b le0elwatol atil DO you spec yo 19- dry. for $166 for the schoul year. This is tbe fUk Sleiamoni Dr. %V Y b W4-st & Truax, WINAefole Dri weak,�.but somehow Its 90ft 11' 1 aill file t)tlier*s will w gilt ul 1) tier - face, Ing to the root -of Me ill )a r aged 78 yeLk gilorta, moledo, beat offer for the edijeatit-011 Of but thut w1ii #fo.'* n seraw. Wey ] I - , rf4- at home %Ve do 'lot- NVhY dOn't we inee IlL -erral. anti tilell. I her h rror, tile, gil I relithw and builO up t Js lkronouIjee,I,'.Nj.vy Walding, Kinflit" Marric'.. t%,ItWt- this ezritinerlL A be�,mtiftil a 0 mi too poit f114141 V) Y I 11. if ho blood. and .4 1. I;Idled it, 1891, -sown-yal, BeellUM16" You churcit'-W)HIg people teadve chamberm h4d never )(�xike -Y) beautifl Arengtilen t able accelited, or 61K last syll buildine. Nert tet*nl opells Sep ilk -re** t ..... Englewt 4ske Druggists. Tole(k). �() , F W6111. Fee b e- f o rge, fie nerves. thus driving X)d don't think wO Reed an Orther pftructilftrp write ILO a- h1judiler 'of ljorror. and while, as Guest, f il of/remorse, disease fr 'a Catarrh Cure is takett ill- DL Catharines. OuL U. I)EXIIA4 -L.-. giw.4 ijl.j bro-aks the is, -feelipg t.1,11t, fit- iger. glfaeral, thetl it, hour or two-,r)r t. ()ur employers geults . Om tho system. Avoid Iml- tea Hall t4 Ill ready Wb)te out tatJoms by it, fally, acting t1jrectly Could npver*tnke 4trat-. her, 'he f(.It � lit gju&x 4 again. t0figue In I sihiting that every box His ImI04. s would Willingly elow their ctort-s if ulwml the Jim mpote."It rage -agaillst Tou purelijuio 1j4 11ro"(01i, . wwi Si4qued ellilig I. There self for a b0yijjIj babtler-ill Illitkifit- PlIclospA in a wrapw last would buy your wippijim befom 7 p.m* WIFNCAW at' I ping bc-aring t1jo fuli trade ma k "Dr. Witt (10 your Sunday -ty-liflilig Ono cell UU pui( ' Y4,itr strings and was, .1 moehin e1phant, tO two ill'alliatit (�-m- Price 7 IOW -1ii-I otir hot wat- llg. Willost tri -,Ill Natur Jay. A A ULD tSTAMPS. geu t le !i.m rear- %%'i1IIaAW Pink Pills for Palo People."- 80 1 by ill' Drug-gii�U. 11twtinwmij.41., u Sh id He Have S k Id. n6 the bell his owl Te a l' t I'll'. rh m e r QUICKCURE ro y its lit! to)k the lamp ful (Mlitovery t, tile one I.0 Vw rwid Wit. this gent from tile 11 SC441 711 fA)0K tiIN1b. and f ft ? ei seent- too fiave likest thaj ollowe'l oueot rin Itl ex teillv A STRING Op gasp tina PROVURBS. last -'syll rd's Lininient in the House. Log fill*, Call. a(TAW t4) tile 111,11141019� to stand there, befc�re ted I ill's F."nilY I'ills art- t1w- 1"t. you kUUW Ulat the otll(' light over. the massive cheeked kim. par liw-r, that'm havilig pKir "titiolk. uNt -Ettorts of a, Marie )I taincod un all corrompondenm between rade for Ili' 010 til Got ai h (Ir4yl t of Pointed Pamgraphs. the years IS47 and 11460 are likely too 9 friesf to-(les"n(j. 11ing -No; you bs Ir 1 True ti le 1. s Gueut r�,av+ 1 #1 n4mm otile Plowers -Six Thcusall(I Year.3 Old, Pit thOA)Ottom, Am s1le'crit4l - InIJ)ntleritly. .fr Inward' Io%e tu-rniv tiv be valulible. cvqwcinljy 4mn thpl�p R%q-, #4&ill crank and Lcsik ILIP.7 . Lue liffilt. )UUUY inust k ow of this UPRIY W-mi-Weasionally fit) -wf! &jtOp to Algry). .,%If it -proderve4l Ilowerw dibcove-red at, lubricatea the axle. -614mm. k R­IWU Statowl. %lova tton*fj fact.. b t Here, nilliek, w 'ter." to tim-Nir- Dallsourti, lit )Vypt, in tombis of tile It is easier to fall it, love Ulan it 6; Lmjji&. allo., uick 1,Y, � I lit t wilit'll ft'll fnll Stra atry. A ill times of tho jib P`f'Otllft, New Brunswirk, ItrILIjif Col- i1f. slillpool Itimather sovc1reisil litto V.14-1 W.11,40 thp utra jigo, wplld(�r what tlkf,. provorlm'which w gill At; a the Roillan tuth )vking air intensi- "S liijrr a twr nc VW Ird Imarld 11";j -III- bovil I (A)pY -the hoar'evt-ry.-djvy more or. less ni-re really dlic cliiir� MOIK have just been to critwi out of it. A -j- a tf with' -3 qlliver lie flurried mtwslike littif. ))"Ay'K orth!rn- ubt ticular- Ville ill about balf ull 11101 the CalrO MWUM. The com- It's an Imprewive moment ill. lfw If. A Yjar- jolmixi in The C tiada 12 Noce Black I will girt- fi-mill:-4t fuistake. %v�vs u.,j) IlaNty.­ avro.,,is t -hi. of , tit.- iiry ""l- to'f-lifig that tile mys- t1l lit, V tlI4..Y Orwil, awt alld '(-*t of thtwe were tile white or blue 1200 f(w. Look up your old letwru 0 nil "ll"Y did N4)"r 11lity. slr,** repheit t"ry 8114_� vfi;�vk �d flin, ltgl)tlt Or 110% talk hour utter )slit' of a girl when a mluw-uline arni first it 'inste:isl No, no lit alw. at early lottw + h. I colloctions --I jig 4julij I Ila alitu nut 111.4 vAl ""Ild"ll tho 4wil-N ring ;if 41 tile, POPPY-. tho lea%im and OlUArelm her waist. X"5FV-"j"U(j With a wits tluitt!. right. aR41 vivar(NI. A wo"!: Not" I tterm r. Vrf f 1. 1 1 1 he castj to come 0""PIt' Felm-1-It t1w A%4, 11-tria, I)rf)- Waffron. alit) of tl)e (.rflcus. I t, 9111,11. f(.)r fril roneprijoil, Viat it Ifis ifit tiij Tbis fi tht" PointgrWULte, or t The Man wbO 'RitA UrOund and brags "Iti"ll W111#1 Ao litirry 'llack tj) kmr(ts' jilt! rst ()fit' its purtivulurly api-,6 Of his bravery is the first mail to I)rt� P08 JONPIns 'fik C. A. NEEDHAM., til". f 11 Athra %Vitter- J1114t ilow. -w1wil Inally (if pui 66 alld that tile rlow(qw anti Idalita of lat it wa. _jwckrki�"ut of tilat gr�,,,_,t ys for 06 woodie. hi'timi� or dallger WAPI it ujistake o w I I feelitiv Thr) You unt!erstand. tLeR we iliq sjj#j(_.fjjL t1illf tho frotA zjro� at fourtil'. liabies, 214-ef-IJU41. day to It,) near lloilrile gla,,N bQwl.,* s3 an) tlLe MLMC t43- w3nt it to be ta-Lu-4 about in tie iiiii, -'4,Iuare". k,jtj1t%,iIlg wilt.1t Ile up, .. alld. aiml 4-oilling -110 thom Ik%7110UNIIIIS, l-'rench as flourishotli t1w-v6 jLIId 65# Kain swvet o"t, kismilwin, ant. or -or -anywhere. ill fact.* thO yearnitig,. . . 1011t st ON. bo -e e, great with th we preciently oijet, ill 17!4;, ag.t1l'. ::.I , 0 t' that (:I'M- WULkIK*nUMs were known Clorn Sowing Air wif! too share irItIesc-(!Ijt v* L*e.prov�PrbiijI riathem. In tho yt .4. 1 r.-4. If ib; 6.(Y)o Yen 1)(M't You be afrald about tha t, 1014 UNWI. f rom I lifeli Ile Ila(,. llnilp�'js la-liloll-Ilur, last fowld Ill 1ZnS0Me 6f thew flowers liq ronducted I)y tigilt lx*)tx. prbve,j tt)o a tro t( "W4 _ 10119 :190 iliffik-bi d4velling on tile moult- kvll - bi n orellitfu, er tA'Jlm of Illmnlllylt put a4resh fmtlw-r a e at verltuzl.- REST OIL .141i," said,the Man oplietiy. . mbs, whelli sontpd ill IjpajqIIg Im b(wt (.,xI4ftK.tF I olon't And I fir-f.1111iNe-i that, *shf� sholl That's right. .1 water. wemed to revive. A, b . v WATE.W vronder' at yovi. it _114-istetsill- Ilam's Vainkww V6ni F Mude in Caw"-)� ld 101 1 1-ut- It did look suspl- x1j.4re ery #ieer# closer. hx-4 ill' their head-41tji" for every MQIIaM-. Xurnbuttrg,** tile lip saill to llrnl- tfeArent Xfyra, Wilal . t Medan I killed. �Lironouil(-"l Nly_stf...,zjjIg.b ,�oll wilort clOws, but 'that' -,4 all right. sir. 4;tAj*I- SPIU " Whow ain,'j*ttl trudt it I dou't a '10n� We all know the: r rn- onlY tiafe, hnre, loroulpt tul(.1 ItaillIot's bight. guntlemen both." truea to. ave , n"b Uierg. Crood -as the Am - tins vo . tO Nuffer all rod,man's weaknew. From the simil*le Atuf-jwra; words and 111"It. rorti eure Fleware of bultAtions. a t�irible nt is Ued bv Physician& pain 9" ar f1lit your man way tho by l'it-If.Lrd %Vagi!er, . conjlIt-tA%l OIL crican Water Tlie re%ijIt There, - tvpre 4froj ' I " Peacock 1867-illid,-first reittlered at %jujiii-ii il� me Parental Choice. White. a W"S th-Lt- Vith Ills brain otil ti an tile featliew 'it C'Wliew wear th .,Ill am a nlit, sir;' isren't 4if excitA-ment., th besprillk-le t le sts''thOught the -v were grico She Kneii Her pj&bo. knowing r,.Iy Effit, lint) Iff I I td. face retiited to 6ur-aborigines. uRtki.r VC -1 d I Tms BRAND wil'i't lie CIU4. fie leaped into Uhl Into lie lal), as, she Bu!ow. k1sif—I'so it cool whom You're going A. tinetting 'friend at drV00- r*11.1111TER XXXIX tile. first eni),. -.-tntl 11wtil tho ju mat Oil tile ri THE CUT* OF -Hig. -.1113. llichaelang,,Io, thin nunllucr'� maker's) --1 didn't know IS GENUINE an, to Oor, belldip , Zwil from Italia GUIC*Vs Suggestion. IllAst. IVIC . - ThW 4 It - Imiliter anti ized llme�- Whalebol' you Pa tron- .1, 1144 NUIlk bi;ek its tile time to tible-to kiss til iftln%ld fore- 'Ontes right home tc; oo-r nailo afrald-liot. Name 4 le. -StratVin (tit] not Move but stood tri(ki! to make plan.!. fleat.1 and colit, r SA Vpa ril. who haA walW ail Ikour raeted e elitim :is bolylk tile nutire atilt fasili Hound-Ilike It-. IM ru. B. ASK YOUR DEALEI FOR "11 UL am it lost ill thought. while ill%ol won't tP11"I er." 110 d0cided at 11P(6)k&- ;j le 011 of ""P Italian !)roll unviatioll of R" file "Why, llow't' that the' fOrPMost sait of �:j is 'llow gi%ofj over her Pere Shilk OftlMl III- the .11n4b, UPPO'htmeut)7V dix4t. Slit. .10iniral. anil 11wil dear." mile WLI�J, as die -at(" Its char;Lcter. So in. time rt-*Ixx�, "Olt, I liecirtj mammil ask- I)oPpa patronizes me, -cted to- advi8p 14(e wh e knoit of i has. t -1w, tairily (;ue#it`a eye -s were dirc ull- ape till ouild -it ward the door on Ills left. at tn 1:0.11 --bY tier, helpful. L�utv war, When OVery 'IlgtralWl sail,9 IN anx,. ill pickle, tbird' 13 whore he thought wp,41 better go for FOR S E A key "WI 31waym been visible. In fie ajWred film juljll�.s directly. It trouble, full of jautV livn ri sipt I ji te foorr It )I P(* and ever StAiArwenks,' acmilitd. our vacatLo , and lie gal(l tA) Ijj.,1UW. Ar - Ow_ W(jre n %k for go* %'Fill 14- betraYi clerpr I ttle bO,1 Y peculfarl�y German muptcal e d farninig hindi, in Arenac, joam e -ft key 'about Mg poor Malcolm. ou Min&rd's and take no other Isnaw wid ('rttwft)rd (,oullijoh JW I 0141 times. by tho hanill i y bj!fO noted, anti the, officar of ho deck, re- it as bort C which oumt liall tjj,)1,Kht. ; but fie 11114 0 111m: t poal�r and planist, ever there bantered his frieno (firectly after. wnYed rounol ngain (tell Yeft Met lierii, anti f lashec gar(W every Stranger auspletoxwl His' niClue 1a prono, 1850. e perfoct. On )4. c. Ity. ftec ik" it, WhIch the spirit4stand ght, u."i-tile WcOnd w rd seeme' Y, and cut their -Fack *Wll.qr him Allipill 11"Ced Shar-vell-L-j-1, No Mistake. and Loot, 1.ukit, HL. At prico4 =9 from (I to a i t*,- .4 (xi the foro- "t'colld Sylable heceuted. $2 U) V,, iier mere. Theac I&u& =,,,nt;)rw towns. h anti Nirs. ffra-!Ws name were brought oug I It to tell 1111U. Ile suit]. -A I t eli 11,01 Others wiliell 11111 spo en Troyon, 1;'rench, puin�er Quick an Thought CAMO YOU to "U61ject t1w prl- risi to ea - is a duty. I It, k cast'"' tilat Ile "(IOMI't liko the cut. pitoo that nigilt. e Urabell, W41001., ow.. intc) contaet. i',It thore wits no key tjlf� lx� if to film alm. t of anfinals Tlw I!14141011ening tAXJtFjAell4- ito )S whell *old on inost, P ()f oe I n ­Tfils A -(-Of that f011Ow's jib." ()I, Igilom Ire,uses and 1-111dwapeO, died lit 1863", aged 52 Nervilitle- soner W W, a mail in woman -is clotl)_ y W R. M. Ilemr. W - lvw� AV thore now, an,l he recalled how .4trat- Myra's s, � a' father, anti, for is ail! - t hee re t. Evell 11110 t1l"- R:ln'P f][Kcasion when Inn(j jjlb�_ Years. His naine im-protiouncettTrivalt- %,it that wonderfur ne'l-ke-11,illf W aft Y. M tch.. or kf*- Ought. to kii-ow. and "Just flot know yet till. We havie hue borfs are "too fregli.- Yong - Just 8 re --'n nPPI14NI U) U10 t4k)tIl. Xervi- '119 ?" illfluiml tile NIAgistrate. Curtia. Whivanjorme too hail endeavored to keep' Ili rd, away lien vell I d vlla,ble rtemnted. line I-,, tlic' 0111 W -#_ -_ - from that door. A trifle then. but *ant fibmeone to "' 1()ng talk %%7itll nljllt. 'KNUG A Khedl Y Ut*dtke, never faililig "I do`n't 81,14 t," Answored tile an be A It Ve (Perwan,' *1 gov detwetive -,a r ASk r0uf bealerfor 4#jgg(*tive flow. q iW- like a )air -er ill IN, A It I*(;. ernor or vicero 4L Frince), rellwily for t0fithache and all ner%e as w)OII as w lie loobing slngular)3 Me fiow., 11 -She v, t j #402en littlP f.-kvt, to-gan* to grow fie placea Ilia I falls' hair a 11ozell B Ed le 119 adviep." T11 rim w Ij I surely a Y -a t tie grante(l ill !,nink - lle-"vb trying tq lift tier bonnot after She mod and try it. allif tilm's bpfdre fie lo% -Or* an well 11peal to t1lo 41(fig 1866 IYY Me Sultan of Tuirkey to tilp had mat and imajod another woman spread Into horrors. all Ix)iritlng jout.th'It (kf telli I'llached tile aflunre, NO. 110; we ca(l ".1110 8hak(1Nl)eW**lLn1 ruler of Egypt. The 90 the cause of Voll. , Wh Ila P no llemita- s0jolnr, w1ilell make#; tit) for its lit Protiunciatioll is interestil)9 AntlQuarlaii fj!seovery. in tho Street, I jjimTA.T knew &Ile wl, x Atratton's FnisIden 49 th', adnilral ijn,�er at J NAY I . right. 1-m ck Of ked -eve, IM4 syllable acwnted. Inall," fir accrecy wam'jn tjlj. agcb6n1l very fU' war interjwt In Khakt�*q)earwx4jay. B OECK H'S a C1141,19P. and strerisr then ing � (;UPSt'.4 :tilt nd of Malcolm �S ratton'; and anj- No Improrviontrice, an extempora Ail Inwresting antiquarian ideas that there must have been a tkf* Cah dreliv 111) jr fie has (lone tilis r ti fleouh 4ju&rrel on tile mOr at tile' drea ful tiling, cord RX Ir too, to lat ))latter lue- oover ha# been made in ti,j) A 1wirt of a (;erman sol(lier'sequip. f foor. mutit Rot poetem (a la Coirintle), pronounoed, III,- y sniall BRUSHES ANO BROOMS. ning appointp(l for Us. 11911 #1094a& 6alle� a church of 11adalli-L.t, in the B 0(� religious book. WN d a rug. lip, wilo rlji* ucoville� the wedding. possibly connected with It wits Opened by Andre ult! thro Wetlk"") roug!', I'llagKV PrOv-ease-a-tree-cha, third syllable ac- llwllt is a four-oun "The.admiral Ili V' h41- askpd litity rftiAl the "*;k with Ills r. 19 ctlmted. . . It m1flifitc of -I rich ta Forsitle hv ail LwLdjnjj tjouww,� Moijey matters, and then in a rit of yf.'s Sir, but h * - '� YOU're a little (4ueen f ftebu,',* lie yON -81111t 1801ftte. f Of the various p " PC-wtry, CU AS. So Ec K #I & SONS, rago "lot excittment-disa f" -'s asleep ill tjjj� lij)- paAsfoRate.LT ONE. IMANIR 'ME'AT ronunci.t_ 1�rOldered It, gold, repres-nting thp P ment, ANOTHEI* [A.V,; dol-ath tif Chrot. It Will an excelielit at not will M&t e ry Myril, is in her charnim.,r, Ar If `POLSON'.- tiOns of tills word tile leading pilijolo- i a Pa. Ingi bile 1104h . That,s not' A 0 -1101t very w#,II tt Kolomon. have recently give,, tile prefer- f Pmeervation, and the ill - Y ad Ile, wise, pleatl(- 111tvilig -lik gist state o _j_IligIlt_j)ljt ecription fie had anticip'ate(,�SNW�b' () M yra, Thbi ol-Idently originateit W11441 PllcC to is -o -late, the first syllable Is perfectly a (I "ijek, One th4t unintentionally is It' tile dritiving room.-- Myra HtOl); there are legi ble, 11 11ps t wunjc. salts Britain was 10 fatal. wf%llt UPStairs., atta. upon ;fj*n the - cillmney-piece, I Warring witil .4pitin, for having the saujid of Im in Miss. Tile 'Ota t4v tIlAt this tapestry wits tilp en- rooln. nj tile frojit 4 '1111(,)-.9truck-Billy-l�'atterm)tI -correct proaundiation of the tering, Effie rushed at hill), 'o. no, a ort o" Englijj, gift of AI(xal ler the (30od Prinee Marlit"Ift and ;1leas set Ili this direction. Ilig plans Irlien all ing to." fie is coill- litlehtlon to iflik effect b0canie-c urrpti� IaUg"age and all foreign words in 31"daTill, Who. it, 1468, the Canadian 4,,* 00ed Pverything fitte(l ill wellt for naught. Imillt . Grew Farm havp beeal." she 'R tile .Irnly:r. '�'Wliat W)Idler kno-t%-_ common use is becoming a sub)(Vt of church lit Ilia own expejw." _4418 if 4rriv t at last lit! felt Per "011. how long you For Nlyra turned her lead sliglitly eth rjot tilat a rcxwt^I pig j&f_ intere.4t and Iniportanee to trioge lwr- panted. all she Caught his hands. 1611otire Witte if it few ill- rrfglit captain you wen I Im -qwafl - more than Up. SORB who can appreciate tile gmat A Wol h Sernion. Yes. paninirds?" La6orers' 7. and in WAMe way (11,4- c011ertIlt word.4 ill It, I o w, Weary tolle , sigi I t of t*enkv q advantageof pomeaRingtheabilit to The WeNtj a Wanted Ph that ill% friend hail 1r)n 011e side. anti Fa r imn taborers Is The posa I r) f t he body. Yef an" 'It last OrJcHed herl e W y For a mornent lip w, -lIlytIlIIlg�­ them rest on (;uelt,,, yes to 14- t LUK I'A I It I N' l,0V E , A N 1) A It. speak correctly. To render conver&a- jj4_-_w foir wer,Uollu "U10 Illuilic n' - Excurs'ons'wj, b. rim iljapcw�tl to "Have Ou found olit . rc hOW-1 for t1teir foud. Harvest c I... by - her. as Ito kireft tion ']lost delightful to a Cultivated The a run to &art t h e IdMA Out W4 utterly abaurd Tlw origin of Uiim �up_tfj_jIat4. xa w en r, uual 11htoddlod, the nationtL) bardic Winnlpeg ,,j all st&tjoft wonh. and improbable. but the Ideas would "in It dreadful ?" Tliere wa-4 no lurkw eovl In obAcurity, t1lougil n4 RIus the pronunciation Of PverY word cojlgre�w, Is attetl(jell. West and South flow back dreadful tO tell You, dearest," nionuents, 'as 911JU011 for a' fe%4. jolkbt a- y t tw cOrrect.--ChriAlan 111(luirer. 41 by thousands. To Moosejaw again; and. try how he gile lay back, It I warrjor hold witil t1lat 4110. On Uie grfttt AT An wouili to nnd some betts-r molution he repiled sadly. dreamily at Ill,R. "jen tllo�jlt7"'g Lary Iliffiletion. -heart e)ia fr " tile Ay of restival. Eftevan tiseptic 4, dfiwasp, put fortunaW, bard, tile will- re- 10VO Anil war fit tlw saM0 elliss. Not A New tier of tile priub Din6carth Of th" puzzle. there wemett u,) be. only "Then I won't know." she nald. with sumed Its. Power. In tier brain, her I r Winnipecals )-$10800 a 8ob. "Oh. my floor. darling Myr I fliec' W-'kff cOnvuljx-(l by dL -40 4xill, 11`41ther, since (I'll'id, W' artiled - Spiuce that onel way. a. Starting up, sile C*Lught KPasm. A t4luila, 4plitliuslasul groets ILhe ON .14tratton muopi of a brokcm heart. I know, a bow "W41 armirwic-1,I)IIn to 11in'tteher %% h0 A UCAIIJ41jr loth She will (lit to there by Vie fir..- Ills u_rm. Garment i's eloquent lit 1141le. finoccarti, and wrapi,4.,l in I know." it all true XII& Coco., in a 1i) dlwwcll - ant] practical in UKAliCht, al)pitr#,ntly utterly uncoll- grp sper. the Se expounding 1plou, 8tUOM in outula, Turonu, MW %"St., "elOufs (if Lis friensi'm w more cal"I. gave her a pitj W, The Cooll" rupturt%. - The 10110wing vtory AUGUMM Ulth IU 1wrisliabiv mrde 1111111CY Will rj 4r, a ppe Qr a JV� st"111M IrAk Of Toraru to am Imper"- (;Uest trIed to romfort tier. an(l sile G uest for , Fibreware a 4 0 1; reswice, till "IV was gcxwl and honest of you to look, bil aling 9 of tho Xartb. ll;leacher, tfil.1 hi tim. .-.IOU Wdedliq Uwi,04 Lias.? able Guelv�t t(x)k a qtOP Or tWo forward PoWe &tralght to mp, to t1pil 64 J'e44, t fie olld not Many t fie n Cents.. RAN Of Walter 14-hito.- illustraws r- Up, -,n surreader or (,r", Ttw peik IL rtleft that formerly flouris it Te ti IAO&fr, willch oill be givft each nit-, 'true,�' le Vx"W"" wit1t. at d*ajMt4:,, anti r"t4ql 111M 11allil Illoal tile table. It must be 1411C Haiti, its III. th(! north of Frajk)o are 9MPlIIC,' Simple expoWtion. which *ut "d sietmloh fir IN &J" Noveftlwr -f kxzt WV; f"Pelks" (A packing trans. to Ills e hile rc*w, to her , lit) longler. WUO%t t.''Prigirial alartikkK th'Ist a be Here Ili- reina i rie I for u Ppirry." alw said, submitting m- feet. anti mt(_v)(1 ,.iljj)_ liuvoly y6ll 00mman(k%d ttl4- jittenti()RI of tjW Wil, ft" form"I frt)m all ()bW&Wje 03v inlimUN, braces; all( ribly guilty, blund excelpt Ill tile your Owt-Oft garm*nU'?' Thoilsun(le WaKTU;6116 nllkwrtjl fhft -4 course. Vor by OwNt's arni, ivilile arid a 1& 66 24' 11'rer 1111willoba AM tjW trying t" think Wit Ill I Grut-lit fi-it hor 1)ortitig herself or. triw­,to tly-e over. The Calmdtan l,arAGC 01%0" at yp sat 41 trif la I extreme mouth. r11M1PV W, fV4,67d&tly I - and wiShed fie had not come. "Tt is Edle held tier hand. r90 IlUmbpr of mwelevy have ea- In Cana4la answer XOfth Wast u bom WaUW WW 49y Wd0A he fPlt nOw fill) or a 413ilty knowledW. dreadful. you any told. anyone ?09 " YOU have floir tirely disnppeare,(j.� The iem"l yt%, anti 1"e wOVL**f In thoe Ark, drivil In Tt-AW mmull PAIIII of from an(I fit that knowleAlgo., it Ile (liel f1f)t "fie Bald bagerly. "Ory naLl' th'plt lm'ww t" h -14-n of Caaad ill F"Iliw= 12 lbil� ('1ilmelty keep "Terrible. If No lFrowtr lit LarWu#,b(kw no lon9ft sumw6fullv too." To those wlj() lkave,, Plump, PIMP, Illump. The lFia In Securing d-irable altiluu,ma. I" Itriii" U Butter. and ail orango no I CATTIA and said, om* fan -anae hero" trob c4n"Ot bs found In 'Roum I I lot att4l"PUNI tile. work ftdk Agent. ur W "Too terriblp for we to know ? Thell The woul#1 jy 1`10 Wn Indefinite leuCtb Of make it known, a Rt ttle one," he whispere(I t , �i,.-t tilef y- For Nil jjnju ",d Ia"+hjvU &by (*n"M Lard, U , It" Me&,L, OU., plice in a nitirfier. t1wre'S gxx)d anti pu )-'f)r so tilf- If we I"Intillf In the wo(-xk IMM. I'Ares anj time. t w I must not hear it, I suppose ?,, 44 Where 1.4 Mr. Stratton 1411ari Poplar, wil common ail(] Victur- Tim -re is money in it fox(%, I C. Ke 1PAoW&jKft*0#4 Wul the world wouid juqge it. "At his chamber&#, ('0111130 Ill anclent FmRoll etcliifig*4, i.,# wtv-11 you 11W tiv. Plaillf)"d I)Yda." Old ,unt., 'ea"R your wOrk.Awl come anj Amd"ant GenerllJ Panamcer Aim, t The "4d" (xwrudon and 69. then there was Edle! dtekws. catles, blousex. jacketv.. rolL But Noe kept to haninwring, 1 XIJ49 ST. ZAIIT. Ton(jjfyo y But you know It, Percy." slit! Hh1j.1 And you, his to -day MrPlY f0w1d on French M)il. to. "AY. Arld avard tbAgr cogilenjS A Ishiver of dread anti nijuery ran piteous a:t friend, II&TO lett Illm Thf,%_) facto of Rature go to plulnp; plump, , lump. Such a time?" lfantii, %(wtK. stol-kings, ribbonw. asHl 4� p lit littie face you. - d4l Prove tIl" othor artlelci.-4 of TlW hii I titen PERMA f "m all eoDtamillati(m, tfirough bim ari tier brig. IY; "Its too terrible. then, for NEINTLY ctRICI) tjy D1. erquale It wa Of tOmPerature III wonring apparel, Mine' lagaln: ,t) Ilia mind, and fie s.tw that by S at his wish " Said Guest gen- -t4w old fruit gazdan France. there'R gpo(j beer at, tilp FITS X117AS's Grest Nerve Hastorer. P "Pt 9:1 M04w and pricrA "I bavo been trying hard to Und out t1r; "his of Eu rope. can be rellew"Id And fitted for wt,ar No fit* for nerf-owwtmoh &tier nftt da 16 ()me and un Send to 981 A reb trw Secret 18 safe with me." at "ry VVI&III cOSt- The ullin Of Wil leavoyour work lintl r drink.- "OV'49 WIP"c"! till the. olim-overy- the caujw. of Ills conduct.- Yes. He truRts oug 1311t Noe keVt oil lialnille deiphiaL. p Phi at noupit rtime--fie- w 111#1 Ix. p0j rent#; expended'for ix)ljw Ot f. B. WDY C4111., ljmj�t 0 Y I trust Ru , f ring, oL- for tz"atise &nd tme $� Anil you have found It out now 9,1 YOU. smian SlKnboards. ashlonable I = botUe' "Yes; and I'll give anything to I]le y 11111111p. 14anip; fill, I tlN'fI tile rain v:jInp Vor PAW by �. A. H&rto 17M Nogn DUM sole" U"I that lie w Percy Guest, Edie. even It he (fA(Jlr of t1lo T)IallKM(l 1) 04 Will ()[tA Avinel" Throuir%evoto 'Orrest; and, eveli if mattop 1 41 and Uan flood I ldonLrwa, QjW .rx guilty he must bO Saved. No, lio. At St. Petersbu says NoU�m nnd JOT-% Yon vially 41ollars. lkm-aro of 'ItA�d u , tile 1�rk and its Ignorant as I was yesterday. it Could not be guilt. I must Queri(w. many of r tl ef carried Noe j%W&y. a"T left tile %ft Out %erioun witli ijill, am so Oil, but, Ilercy, tie bu. not &0 shofm still llftv(! I will) pfleliage alul (.(Allmoil Hoap liny- f.W VrAw concerne4, ar," she wills- weak now. HP May be innocent, their frontage gaily 4kicked with =li#'K tlytw'. tiwty Spoil t1wit all mrM11111fug 111111 Still PerpfJ PxcltedlY, "I must know that." alld the law call 1,00110d board@ on your goodiv, t1lo wat4w., abbling TO 't4vallr4j's faillily would Callnot-1 dare not tel -I you." b" W) cruel. W ho senting bri thO outer walIA pn!- WIL%tQ y0tir inotitty and'ruill *our v-111- ak� 14tiPatton's--every- knOws what way be the c' _ght-colored Picturea of the 104'. All up-t("Ilitp Ik,4 tical, jem ause "' a sell 0W Ilia Iove af- do to her tem T)Ijxjijqnti Dyets. .4m that A Now 131ufj.: "-Not tPll MP-anif you Said you lovpd She preme(I her iiaji various articles to be ha,(I or made to lem we Ple-9 for a fe w M Otder tlkre. In tile Burrou' en tile 111111le OmentS and then nding vill.%g Din niond fu (lil 1)aekngp y;)u to think grow clearer. huly" L"+,' I)fttly Oraphle, ing an a W�6ftembfe man "As I do with all my heart."' thA power a Imir Of Scissors a1u), a top Doot, cut boy- in never inuch if Itt all 00% 0( favor ivjk-ksiIvkr tb LA,"itited lixik "Theil JTOU callnot keep anything 0 to him-frOlP me. Tell him pa ne, a nd etuejc Ill r 1) 41 g" 1'�`V ad- from me. ou t Of I)aper a a window ,atly A(& . .4 bid him leave all(i tills HuMMOr we are favored wl lCePW frijiln ttw� Mit IT tell your uncle, anti a* flig opin- Leav EURIand at once. nf'Gtmce more, modestly the Lunacy and, IP01baer.. a fresh tint, willell th Tim. f-trjWrjtq of $be "itht, ion fi"t.1' a w1th him, lfTOP ean be of fielp. abodio of Snip, the taUor, and Hnob, som" Aime a 01, Inquiry. it was PrOW) Jew tra.uldent Will probabI Itt Stop. He Is not ricW. Edle. all the the cobbler. The illitera-te are thun (if- awertiLiti,ed male winkle tint of titan thP perr- 4V4­1 to .111 11mayer, "No. no, Percy. I must know now- money you have. Ce at a gi t at aMong 411 # nItaly-4w. while the, C, %�Ak Mz4. GUO"t, take nbled to jud ance where tll� fl, tile 90ring. The new apit 10 1 must. Indeed. No matter how ti-rrible. this, trK), and I will, get a re I Ikely, to get, w PY 134,6101its admitteil Into the (Noiney alla(k) in called 10bella, and lins a cle r tlw� r0qwPti(xi r(xm. A" You cannot keep It from me." 90, and remember that MOM Now qnIm hst t1ley way re- 11001 LU'latic A I d&Ptll in it that han hartily Ild* ibaftypt,l; r#,P;Art 11'ade ,Bgt It 91 "Im, tilere were 170 0 1 f ever, ft Is like betraying the man lrl#,nd. YOU are his 141191e, 25 widowers and N)en attained previously y Write to me and Edle, and MrK. Younglove-1)() you 'lot ascertained. Amongst Heell in &ilk#; am well, as ' It 18 to be female 11111tielits admitted 1&) 001lens, but over, W-Iwe really ninken Uie Ilea rt KrtjW be lajWly 114wd in it fairl *%0M I'd give anything to sav we w Send; but, though all It Ujillk ab- 669 W wtork I'sor littkIRP box Ing"th" " gave f rom w hat ?, will Most likely (it Narr;sItit 0 bd-.Vt* lot me know that his flle is Rafe.,, fonder. Harof rim,-Vt Bay, wittl C017 pro" me, dearpst," he jja (, d? Mr. younglove_1 married. 356 f6figle, 10.4 w"e the latter, as it r0l"Lliniory txpz 1� 44 11 Guest caught the hand 3he pxten- widows an'd IN 'Plite ideal [or Vu. 111ining Trust me that it is bcst for ded with her purse and Edle's, kissed about tw jy Ings achting. if Otheir color- guem It dom. At all etwittp, you are 24 IlOt RUNWtalned. Tfiebe Instance boating an(f y IL W It reverently, and closed the fingers away at alie, re are cited In additiou to OthjL,,r c�xjstl ng t4w 90111 froini tile W-1 I x1je mald gently, Ice as dear to roe W4*11 you, Oxe worn with it, myrtle green PitftlilsW worp 'lot only natf , of t 81"lv blit as tightly round the purse# hoev� I gli-priced proorAl of tile tendellcY Of "Hingle bi 01" a touch Of Orange Is Usually set- 41ftill V16 -Y At thq* r(Imult, alld Nj -n his arm ; -you and gently summer hotels aswhen You'rll ednemm" to foster Insanity, e@pec, Pjm_ ected. H"Xebe)l blue has wers. willil.j( plIt up h, M '. tbrulit them from him. e 'Lt bome. ammig the lemaie sea ally twIll 8,en, but tv,Pf#WIY ror ti1j, ,L6(1_ rcxpm. wbe,,yx knew there " What Ill Myra Priptl PaNslonately; 1 80410 MeNt's Only vlrtuo ijq tbat they It IN very cold arid TraY, and, like YD11 PAGE WIRIC I&rjco,. w-ak.- r"neilluorY on if 0h, yfvv� nf terrible to "You refuse ?111 mo4iy it FENOING IS TEX CHEAPEST t w �mj, I tit ks. pay their dobtal. A good haven 10mitui raftoad trains hayb glm*. Its lialuesake, faom In bright aunshitw. i huy. Ank milyorle timiniW it if Alisio, 1101 Oki. om- relic 14864"Iftsm. for I--, )-pur. K1414 I 1Y 114co, t)u t our 4ear Mat. 6. t1W W.a. Mrs, UnewLnd lei which thoy d" and tIW- ng cam *w lad[w. I the fil"41 i#1 AIUJI Ill perNwt eondit4oii, lbon't experimMit with hip IMS vu b- ­_ ­ " - ' ' - * - - - ­ ­ _­ I berMIL4,8 irljS114 I market. Nonq. of t1jelgi sfv equa _11110810" InAbillioll. 4"WI-NmienrPti. A] here. I knorw yoll will want to come In wntu-ntly r - be tM ern by any gLrl who Wnwd's Uniment the LUM I 10 11) r FNW. W r hA 10 Amite 111111Mrs 14%d ad veri b. i tllll go" Jim. rawlcml over their trate dpolres me to,% a LAt us hear fmm you., T)lK PAUX Wjltg rF.N(,jC 41).. And,#A, pros to have liar Ilerul %vell they 14110111(f Ile wa*' IrteR. I and weJlt 01, to the Off 114,,r It IN " fta 4Aj WJL illf grain, quoll am oats, or thO hox outhiffe With black 4�' rve nnit *duii out A I