HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-07-29, Page 44 • 41 - _ .._.• DL'S AND BENEFITS. Two Important Questions to Be Dis- cussed by the Independent Odd - fellows Next Month. • The Grand Encampment of the In- -dependent Order of Otkifellows, which will this year be h.4d at ;lilt, opening Aug. 9, will be ens of the most impor- tant meetings ever held in conuection with tient order. The queetion of dues and hent -tit, which has for *only tikne been agitat- ing the order, will be settled. In the 'last each lolge has been practically supreme in the matter of 'fixing its own due*, providing they were not below a minimum. It is expected that the coming meeting will klecitit: 'upon a fixed rate to govern all lodge*. Another question of importance is *the proposal to establish 4- central 04icic Vienefit fund, to which every lodge artist contribute. It has happened in some tutees that a lodge= has lound ittelf hatedicapped by having to carry oue or illtlte 4ick ineuibers for ng period These have proved such a i,onstant drain ,,n the resources of the lodges that they have had ditli- cu!ty to keep from forced out. the proposal is that no lodge. Alan be 'compelled to support .1 sick member /or longer than the first year. After that period 'he sick member stuust beceine a ebirgr on the proposed (central fund. The Rol -recce .-tssembly in connctin with the order, will ales meet :it Galt a.n the same day. The Grand lodge will meet in' the wn Hall on the following tiny, ..Aug. 10. . 41,ANAILDA'S OLDEST EX HI IsITION The Silver .lubilee of the Western • Tait.'London, September Stli to 17b, gohig to be the best in the Assoc- iation's history, and be formerly «opened by Sir Oliver )dowat Li.euten- vint-tiovenor, of Ontario, arra i t11 likelihood the Goveruor-Oeneral and lady Aberdeen Will give the Western es visit before retiring from office. Such ure the expectations at present, and be fully nide known ou receipt .,f their acceetence. .4plicetions for ..pace Arc being -,nide at such a rate that several. de - art nearly full already-, • aandthe general impression through - ere: Western Ontario is that with-th. 2141111Wr 0311.0 • ood crops now being harvested, the . . fsrmers and their families will turn out eti mass to get a much needed and support the Fair. svhich they _hare been largely the means of bring- ing to the ph...otei position it slow. holds or being the rnoit succeseful in :he Dominion to -day. • . I:s inimenst growth ha, caused .the diiettors no end of trouble in the ,i4a.st providin,;• erOffer 447i..311104ittiOli for the Live Stock sna Agricultitrar*ini- k:emeets it, • partif.e.i:er, and every • other :departintuz in general. Tbe allitional box stalls :he extension to. the Carfetge. Battling. anitlif• annex . to the Main BuiLlizig for 'Are will II.V..idat them in supplying the.teittee• er thenumerous exhibitors. and give them buildings e•itia; tothehest. - The entries Close Sept.Tth,, but as the -tae and stabling will 1•1..allotted • in-ehe order the entries are -received, it behooves :fitendingexeil.iters to to -make ...heal as .early us possible. and • . ete•Ire zhe psiti.-_,ro. 'Write the•Secret.try Mr T . Btovine, for iLforuiations. y rize:'1:st,.. programs •.. • att.r..,...tio-u, wilier, have. always • been entertai:•:.tg. 'are tobe even more eo this year. The Royal Canalian Drigoor.s! will give ....xhibitione of faety sword combat., etc. krake.c liabe s• 09 in uumber ) have been .secure.l. 'rhe Watson • Siste•e's Triangular Eil Trapese, W-sbi and Hassan, .Le Mitti.•ns, Burk • .susd Andrese..,, with their Vemas Mule, • the.tsregory cembination, and o:hers to he supplielby Sic Haran Bee Ali, who is Low ireliorieCo .-0-.16c.ing some. 7ery high arilt•r.. tlere will r the grandest pyroeschnic disMa y eve:- given in Lou lou,rOgether scirli the reliatie- .represeintation of the "Blowing ur- of the Mitte„.: atisist- ed by all of the ring eel stege attrace tions. As' Special exc,ursiort :trains leaving Londonafter 10 o'clock each evening are being arra ed with the railway companies. it is expected that • that a vers.- large number will remain for the fireworks. The Lucknow dentinal, Bruce County crlday. July 29th R. HUGHES Olothintl_ Boots & atom The bulk of our spring stock has arrived, which consist of the nobbiest and 'pest values ever presented to our custom ers.- BOOTS ...6._1•Tr) SPIOS- . Below is a few of our snaps :- Woman's Dongola Button, Self Tip, Coin Toe, sp cial $1.35 Woman's Dongola Button, Pat Tip, Coin Toe .. .. 1.50 Woman's Dong. Button, Self Tip, Turn, worth $2.35 only 2.00 Woman's Dongola Oxford, Pat Tip. Coin Toe.. .. 1.00 Men's Dongola Congress, Coin Toe, Special • • .. 150 len's Dongola .Laced; Coin Toe, Special.. .. .. 1.50 Alen's Dongola Tan, Laced, Coin Toe.. .. .. 9 75 C1.4011'1:1INGL. Men's all wool tweeu suits, best of Farmer's satin linings, worth $10 for $9. Men's black Venetian coat and vest, bqund, and best of linings, only $6. Men's all wool Canadian tweed suits, good linings and well made, special,at $4.75. Men's Canadian" tweed pants, made as well as the best, worth $1.25, now selling for $1,00. %MP Sole agent for Williams' side laced plough shoes. or T. EATON DIDN'T CET IT All. Have purchased several CO ) extensivo lines of the finest grade .furniture of the Lucknow Central Furniture Company's best manufac- ture, Just think, our line comprises 50 bed -room suites of the most AND JoUsatosi• -Loca: sportsmeii who have applied • for licenses to shoot deer . next . fan have- received 'letter from' Chief Game Warden Tinley, .enclosing forrn for them to fill.oet in answer to a number of questions :affecting the protection a_if deer The letter asks them whether they approve .of .the bounding of deer, whether they think the abolition hound- ing would conduce to increase the pro- tection, whether they approve of the .• • - killing deer in the watet, and requests them to make any suggotions on the subjects that they may considet se- Iu to the government and "cummis- '-eilienJM -Ins Clinton News Record say: - Is is said that the only. woman ever Admitted int.e the inyeteriea of Orange- -n in Huron wits lin. W. W. Con. 9010.• years since, passed - 'le sphere of all lime -,Mrs. her husband wereamong •tea, lel" -1 (oderich to er reship, and in the early days of the Hayfield Lodge organized some 4ixty revs agf;, its meetings were held in their house. The homes oi the- pioneers did not -• admit of more than two room as a rue, and because the g.a4 w. nua whether ',she would .,t• 11.., beCilIne VAlleWhAt farniliar ,Witil th work 'of the .Order,it was decided that. *.slie should be .u.linitted int'full.inerubir ship. MI- Cennoi lived wally .year, ibfteitk'', ;nd is said to havebeen intensely Orange in her sympathies ;,nd animated II the spirit «4 the fra- ternity in its trueo sense." modern A,.UP-TO-DATE DESIGNS - We are now seliing our .:regular 510.00 suites for .00. Higher grade suites likewise at our bargain prices. Furniture for your rooms and pictures for your walls go together.. Our goods come from the best manufacturers. We handle nothing else. PI TURE FRAMIN "rs a feature ot our business. We can give life to your, bare walls. This is the season for house decoration and adornment, and LAWRENCE & JOHNSTONE are well equippea for the same. That Touches The Spot .41,ne at) Leal: Tin talk- ,. FOR Family Groceries & Canned Goods. FRUITS OF ALL KINDS 01 SEASON. FLOUR, FEED AND ALL KINDS OF • SEEDS; FINE 'AS A Specialty. HE LA RGESTSTOCK, THE CHOICEST GOODS AND THE %messy•v•Avtrs • OBTAINABLE IN LUCKNOW. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. JOHN__,_- ELLIOTT. M. CORRIGAN'S Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISION tpples Blacking Black Lead , Blue Baking Powders Barley, it • Bath Brick Beans Bro.aus Baskets Brushes Bi4cuit Coffee Confectioner Canned Goods Cocoa Chlcolate Corn, canned Corn meal -• Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter C )coanut Dates MAcLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR Weak and Impure, Blood Liver andKidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. Ask Druggist or write direct to 3, X. Moraloa, GODERICII, ont, Sold by Harry Days, Lucknow. APPUCATIONS WANTED, ▪ • t ePucxrif,NS will h • received by the 4-31,„ undersigaed upto 15th fa-tOber. next, • • , 1.4 the position* at the Brill, f'onntt Ifous•- •116•911 ihieje and Farm. r.-nt Stiperinten- Matr•ai. illUC.;*-6sta lu 4t • y their a,/ ‘'Necupritt (n ag•-, if single or . 4 if hat bid a Lundy state the num / vett al • Pf k.ebol(L Duties Dagamher ..f th.- preen D. C. AfcM9I,447-'.?!".°Lti;,,k. ••••••=00 -01 altar MOS.. Beoj Cee:b / Clartonet • • • • Etc., Etc. - Ise Por terms, etc., call at the Sentinel •Illice. ille Pres. • pobr,baleli at Luckeew this Ath day .1 July, Concert Work u Stecialty rairilin %jars*, MRS. A. M. ARMSTRONG, THE_, PHRENOLINE - TEACHER OF - Piano-, Organ. Violin, Bass. liarmOny and Counter- REMEDIES point. Pupils prepared for Conservatory. examinations. RESIDENCE -Stauffer 81i 1. HEIFER ESTRAY. Voice Culture, Thorough CITRAYED to the premises of Mr. Wm. Stotber4, lot 8, con. 9 E.1)., Ashfield, on or about 14th of June; a two year old heifer. Owner may have the same by proving prlarty, paying expenaes and taking away. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. • - I01'3 It; and 1; in the Township of Kin lose, east of liolyrood. One hundred halla fro m an school d fifty acres, utile an a postoffice and church. -Dyer one hundr acres cleared, clay loam, balance well wooded, beech, maple, elm and cedar. Spring creek. Fences in fair condition. Frame barn, cott- age, and a good orchard, Farm under gram at present. For further particulars apply to Mits. JAYS MCCREA, Lucknow. HIGHEST CASH PRICE! BUTTER _& EGGS Having purchased the busi- ness lately run by Mr. W. J. Skinner, we are prepared to pay cash for butter a nd eggs. Your patronage solicited. Yours truly, A. & W. GOLLAN, 13 Lueknow, - - • - Ont. • NOTICE. AMEETING of the inembers of 1Cinlom Branch Agricultural Society will he held in the 'Mechanics Institute, Lucknow, on Wednesday the 3rd (lay of August, 1898 at two o'clock in tbe aftentoon, for the purpoee of considering and approvir.g the purchase of the Agricultural Park by the Society, and the execution 44 a mortgage thereon to secure part of the. purcEme money. This notice is given pursuant to etatuto. P. II. McKeszie, P. A. MALCONKS, ,-•••• I have in Dried Apple Extracts Yikr s Fish, anned dried Gelotine Gingers Iloptil Honey Ink • Indigo Licorice Lime Juice Lemons •Lamps Lard MatcheR Mince Meat Meal Macaroni Mustard Meate, canned Magnesia stock the following : • A-1 Floui' always on hand. oNpiatri IT le Oi l, .weet Oil , castor • Rice floss - • iSsareildni: es • • °IPPRIARPellssssread;lanici;Peoigt:innc,11:1111111".. .1411 OatnMal Pipes • ISugar Syrups a. Soda Soaps Spices (Starch: Strawberries ,canns iSulpher4 Tapioea Tomatoes scanned; rrea Tobaccoes Vermicell Vinegars Washboards WashingCrysta Woodenwsre Whiting I i)leaer Seto 1Yeast Cakes 14)inner Seto • erTy Setts Cream Sett, rBeanSet s 'linet Bette Water Setts' People must Taking the lead everywhere. We are working day and night to supply the demand. • Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor .ufferers are being restored to health and happiness daily. Try Our Rheumatic Specific or Kidney and Liver Pills. They are absolutely pure and health- ful. Guaranteed t(' cure Rheuma- tism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and all forma of Kidney and Liver trouble. Beware of spurious imitations Manufactured on Honor and Sold on Merit only by . BERRY JRRZ & C0 Pe". AN". Wood's Phosphodine, A FEW QUOTAT 0118 LADIES' FURNISHINGS NVhite Pique Ties, New ASCOT Style. 25c Roman stripe. Check String Ties. Frit ged -ends, 25c. Leather Belt", with Harneas Buckles, and Pouch, all colors, 25c. Black Leather Behr-, with Black Buckles and Kid Lining, suitable for mourning, 35e. White Kid Belts, with ICid Covered Buckles 25c. Jewelled Belts, 50c. With Elastic Band Have Groceries MOM& Mb• - The Mho question is where to get them. e keep tile pest qualities to be had. We don't pretend to aell.them below cost, but we do sell them at ft very close margin. •• Black, Green and Japan are unequalledin piatity and prices. Yuu will save from i to 10 cents per pound if you buy from us instead of tea peddlers. Compare quality and prime. CROCTICIR;Y- We have a fine assortinent cf dinner setts, tea, berry and toilet setts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. FIJOTT1R, All kinds of flour and feed kept constantly on hand. Goods delivered to any part of the town. McClure and Mallougli, C.A4-S11 (.1 -R0 CI:=?,S The Great Englieh Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. 80 kages guaranteed to cure all forms o Sexna Weakness. all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To - bow). Opium or Stimulant.. Mailed on receipt of pries, onepackage 81. Ma, 86. One will please, sis iota curs. -Pamphlets free to any address. The Weed Cowpony, Windsor, Ont. Sold in Lucknow by I. DAVISON, NEW FURNITURE • WARE ROOMS. Having secure(' the premises lately occupied bx G.W. BERRY as.a Furniture Ware Room, I have recently fitted it with the newest de signs of all kindof Household Furniture. As t9 quality, they are unequalled. The price is - away down. All goods are bought for spot. cash, therefore I cancell at as close s price as • any person in the country. Why buy in To- ronto and pay freight, subject to damage, when you can save this at home? When at 4. T. DAIVSON'S inspect Ind be con- • vinced. • rHE UNDERTAKING • DEPARTMENT Is conducted at the old stand, which has been entirely renovated. Dr.D.M.Gotdon, Druggist FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER OFFERS WILL I1E RECEIVED FOR the purchase of lot 16, on the 10th. con. of West Wawanosh, up till Monday, August lst., 1898: This farm contains 200 acres of land about 150 acres cleared, and has been under pasture for the last fifteen years. For further particulars apply on the premises, or to • THOS. B. SOMERVILLE, Belfast I'. 0. Ont NOTES LOST; TWO Anu Jarvis, and payable to Josepb promissory notes given by Mrs. Mary Speen. of Ashfield, one for $95 and on for $20, have been lost, and the public are hereby cautioned against negotiating them. JOSETII SP EERS, Belfast, PM, Embalming Preserving an& Taking Caro of Bodies a Spec- ialty. The Embalming Fluid, material and ap-. plisnces used have proven to be the most effectual that have ever been used for the prod twenty years.. girPicture Framing and all kinds of ite pairing done at the old stand MaKENZIL Baker and Confectioner. Dealer in all kinds of Groceries, Canned Goods Confectionery, Etc, Bread, Buns . and Cakes Fresh Daily . Flour, Oatmeal and Corn, meal always on hand Oook's Cotton Root Coapou is successfully used monthly by over 0,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Calike Gass Itest Cm- rit. Take no other as all Mixtures, pills and tions are dangerous. Pries, Ife. 1,81 per box No. IP, to degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. 1 or). mailed en receipt of price and two S-eent stamps The Cook OompsayiWindeor, Ont. Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all sespousiblo Druggists In cinstle. Nol and N o g sold in Lueknow by Dr. D, X, Gordcus Druggist, R. P. Somerville, r Folt MIMI Line Royal Mail 'Steamships and Dominion Line Steamships. ••••••••••••••••• and extra quality at 75c, .Linen Skirts, all sizes, ('ool, Comfortable and Cheap, $1.35.. Plain Black Lustre Skirts, lined throughout with Lineuette, Black Velveteen-Bindina $2.75 Figured Black Lustre Skirt, extra quality, First -Class Linings, $375. Ready -Made Vi'rappere at 73e, $1, $1.25. $1.35, and $1.50. Plaid Gingtiams, *hooded colors, for Waists, 15c. Fancy Striped Gingham" and Muslim, goo quality, worth 10c *gel 12ic per yard. fur Sc. 10 I' •tterne,/41:1.- width, Henrietta, Finished klateens, Oar price 15c, for lOc. 10 oieces Plaid Gingham*, regular price ac, for 5c, A large assortment of Organdie and Corea Muslin, regular prioe ISe tor 124c. White Pique in Stripes, Cheeks and Spots. the proper thing for Skirt* and Waists at lbc, 18c and 20c. 341 -inch Fancy Stripe, tiilkaline, Skirt linine, 1212 36 -inch Plaid Skirt linings, the latset, 17c. August Fashion Sheet in. Call and get one. • Yours respe ctively, J. G. VIERDOCII & Coy. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS! •••••••••••.......".•••• GOOD VALUE. ENTIRE SA TIS FACTION. Tickets via New work and Montreal. • Call at Express cam 'and , get your tickets. We will secure berths, check your baggage do every- thing to savo you trouble and make you comfortable. ALWAYS BEST! YOUR HARVEST TOOLS AT THE POPULAR CASH HARDWARE STORE, and run no risks. •Everybody appreciates good value and this we always give. Come and see us. High Quality ! Paterson 's Biscuits! • They aro fine flavour, crisp, but not too hard. I act thorn often; I get them jresh. I know they are al- ways good at 41. McKenzie's Nursery Stock Agents! Book 4gents ! • Agricultural Implement. keit! 0. C. TAYLOR'S - fr anyone desiring to batter their positi.in.• and increase their income should write us.. Tilt' liemand for lionie grown Nursery Stock itt. on the increase. We need more men. If you want ste,oly paying work write us. We fu mitts all supplies free. We the larxeSt surserlet In the Dominion. We pay both *Mary and consmittion. We engage either whole or part time men. We tosarantee all our mlock• We furniSh perchatera ti illa certificate from GOIersefiesil Isspeclur, .feting our *leek la free fromages Jose Seale. Onr Nurseries comprise over 700 acres, an,1 growing stork in large quantity enablee us to KO at the 644..4 posraihle figure. • Men Succeed with us who havb failed with Others. It will (.4)4 you nothing to learn what we cad do for yau. Don't write unites you mean business a nd want profitable employment. Stono & Wellington, TORONTO • LUCKNOW. 1 Eivt7 PPICEB ENCOURAGE TRADE FOR JULY. Prints, bc per yd., worth 8c and lOc Prints, 7c per yd , worth 12 1-2c Kid Gloves, 35c per pr., worth 75c, and $1 I Shirt Waists, 39c, worth 50c. Shirt Waists, 50c, worth 75c, Also speciftl prices in many other lines -•••ww1111111fillrgEir • • WM. CONNELL, - - LCKNOW. ',mom's/MEM. READY MIXED PAINTS Now that you are doing your house-cleaning you will want to do some painting, we have a large stock of ALL THE BEST SHADES. Then your walls will need a new coat. We can give you a nice assortment of tints in WALL FINISH AND ALABASTINE. We have a large stock at brushes for PAINTING, KALSOMINING, WHITEWASHING, Etc., at all prices from the cheapest to the very best. We- might also tell you that we have a full line of V Screen Doors, Screen Windows, and Wire Cloth. Our stock of Building Material is complete in all its lines. C 0 11111 1 1s4' _A_1•TD E3MM ti 8 The Leading Hardware Depot.4" Thomas Lawrence, - BOOT Lueknow, Out ~AAAAAAAAAAAAAA^A"""v•AAAAANAAAAAAAA^AAAAAAA" Ifyou want the inside price in boots and shoes, read the folloNs ing. We have reduced the price of our own make of men's laced boots. Shelled cordovan from $4.50 to 53.75, and nc-i's kid boots from $4.50 to 54,00. All lines of hand -made and ready-made shoes in propor- tion. We have a large stock of boots, shoes and rubbers in all lines. Rememoer, we warrant everything wo sell. If your boots rip, bring them back and we will mend them free of charge. Repairing done on shortest notice 01AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAIMANI1 /1100AAAAAAAAMA°1"4"41#441#4#144141.1 NAM" TERMS : Cash or credit. A liberal discount off for cash. TLE, • • • • . •