HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-07-29, Page 2ask
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On With me to the police station, and said the sergeant Jocularly, "that one
Ist'N give Information.- would have flown open by now," Men and TRA AND INSANITY. ISSUE NO -30.1898.
Stratton shrank back in his mat. i, "'And lf chucking the light of a When Badly Brewed the Beverage to . .....
."No. no, SPSak to tile people at t ho bull's eye everywheres but how a man Gossip Women
lOdfe; tile man can open the door. wants It wonld Ila' done it, we should
.hould He Have S en ? 60 . Very Harmful.
pok 10M.M 4 1 INQ; I am not going to have the ha' been inside tell minutes ago. Like Repaired. A report ulxmi insanity in Ireland,
matter spread abroad. And I (to not to have a try yourbell, pardner ?",
shock that, In and selected a fresh pick, one so certain intervals. failure, the innutritious dietary of tile 'flon
actlept the responsibility. , Nip besita- 46 No, no; go on,"' said the ser- which has recielitly beer) issued. ellu-
MOD, flow ; come on." geant sternly; and the man sighed A machine that is ccmwtantly and Iu- mer,t,*,� avlOng the causes of mental
A THRRIMGSTORY OF Stratton Was so weakened by III, Round World. cemantly working needis repairs at
I 11�111th and nervous light and small that it seemed to be time, worn by mental poorer population, tending to produce Consump
CONSTANCY AJwD p te of himelf, lie felt compelled to too fragile for the purpose, as It The human fr.
yield. and ten minutes later they 'Ille Absulan Minister of Educatioll and physical tooil nd subjected too the
flashed in the light while being In- anaemia and constitutional weakness,
0 04000+*s 0 os 11 were In the cold, formal station, serted. [lag issued a decrtie, -forbidding V warries ana c4rems )ur moJern life, Wifl SCOTrs EmuLsioN
CHAI'TEIC XXX1% ornatuent, which ftil, V qvw"r where he felt as if in a dream. held Then ensued a fe-w minutes of' %tarijig of corseta by youn le has need of repa, ad building up. which favor the developmont of acrof- cure consumption? Yet and
A Startling, situation. f L itito tIlV fender there against his will, and listening 9 women In the hot summer weather nervous 1,ulousi and neu-I)tic aiseam, and the
It IOUKI clang. clicking and scratching before there atSendilig high whouls, uiiiverjjitie:� energy in at a low ebb, ama as a con- immoderate use of cerUan - nervous no. Will it cure every cast
Th"* fAte1w back were sufficient-_ With- while Guest told the inspector on duty came a faint click, and a sigh of and in"ir and art achoolfil. ThOY aro sequence, nervous debUity, terrible Stimula:nta, particulartjr tea and
(luest Started rountl once more, his suspicions as if they were those Of satisfaction from the workman. to(k bt, encouraged to wear the national hea4*chem, dyspepsLa and a run-down t0bacaP. No. What 4ases wili it cure
-sutldelllY in' that kil0wing exactl� where he stood, and his neighbor Stratton, who, of course, it
PrOfOulid (kirkne-sh were enough. in. facing -Strattob, who seemed to have was 'to ."There you are!" he said, as e condition wake -life a burden for While the moderate use of properly
the eUiLemeut t)f %Ipe 11110111ent, to inalte sprung out of his seat. t sure, only uneasy, and desir- drew the door toward him.- the thousands. then ? Those in their "rher
"ut6st e0wpl�tely 1 ous. of quietly learning whether, by pall t c, Prepared tea," the report addis, "is r& -
use what z% llkauti_� racking where It had struck, Lano"ter wa& the capital ot tile Pulne's Celery Compound is the great garded as innocuoub. or even bedeficial stalre�ss, espe4ci&Uy in young
cal man wot "W1110"A there?" lie.cried, fiercely. ally possibility. there was sometling and a faint creak coming from one -
11d call -116 lwaring.,*".. Guest. wrong. hinge, while there floated out to United States from .8eptember 27th, repalrer and builder when weakness It, its netion on the nervods system, people.. We make no c"g-
N well am puzzled, lie ** %%'fly. whatt i-om t y and sickness prevail. This great medl- it" ill-effects when decocted or over -
And. Atartlei), a W)10'8 there ?" retorted We'll soon ow tc. that, sir," said 1777, to September 30tb, 1777. The
w-lite'l, it, utter ignorjA OU ' 111all., ward them a puff of dense, thick air, 1111tioed. oil persons who ma e it t eir Re
e a cino han the Power of rapidly repair- k 11
what was to ndded to Iltinself. inessage by a constable. e ataple article of dieta,ry are dwelt-
ti0l, ill the rkxqu, lice of ilis I"i Where are your lights ? Ila I, h* tile Inspector. quietly, and sending suggestive of an ancient sarcopha- natiotial eapital fins also been locat- ilig the timues and purifying tit bloot]. on rated claims, but we have
Mike next, - liend.. too r, ha ve I 1061t my- - a sergeant gus and the dust of ages and deeny. ad for it time at Bulthutire, York, It bebtows.the pwoper nutriment to by almost rtll thc resident medical positive evidence that the
Til"4: alitl lgjkiu 11C I,;&*- Was called into the office. the matter Then there was a sharp, scamper- Pr,'ncetAM, Annapolis, Trenton and all the
I Well ulleiX,.4y., -Aa lke IK)k(*.. lie strew a* little VJilver explained to him. 'and, after it sharp weakened tintitles, bringing superintendents in their several ra- carly we of
even stiliftled. by his friemi's :Irtiolllik, r:1 n Ing noise, and, its Stratton stood New Ilork fit 18(X) theo wat of jpv- strength and Arue vigor, thus a vt-rt- Ports. Undoubtedly the method of
feeling thnt t1jeri. %v mi front Ills rest p0eket. and struck glanco at the two strangers. he pro- peering fqrward 'Into the dark room, ernnifflit waN trankiferrewl periniatient- ing breakdowit and collaar
404 at certain v %.Vax matell. whom., brialit liglit. posed to cit'll and get-johnsion to*come ie. preparation adoptcd. and the exceftive
Amount (if where a Taint hato of light sprrad ly from PlifInAlelphla, to Washington. Thouisitnds Of lives are now f.ist u9c or thim article of diet. now no
alierratioir. ffi�- ShOwed his frien4i gullL. 1xiii-IL ill tIlfL. with them. its he would I%;, I r
hatt, t'o'ne r In like a nimbus about the lie -ad Of a Wearing out' that call Ile prolong(,.d general among our poorer populatioi
410, Q6Lf It was quite I,,)%- I rhair lk 11 uIt Scott's soon
V tho writiliK - t.thit., ga;,inC work, mid they couhl pick 1 11 Jjmul
siblo, tilzit ill some. st.ikien Wildly ill Ilis fft tho way. portrait oil the further wall, the At the, ro-eent 04114% 4' )f d -the library, and made happy by tilo prvwllt time toellids too the production of dy
when C&I;f4i I)y Ill.% Ile Ce. workman said, half nervously., half or Charles 1,. 111migmn (Lewis (larrol 1 1) of 11affie's C@ery Collipol 111pepu
Ctti(jll, Strattoit gia'ttej- The inspector . exp6wsed hit; p-, 11lid. Its use w1kich if' its turn leads to stnt"
-is it to keep up his cQuragci: to-4lay wi.11 save months of Nicknelm, mental depression highly favorable
11111light t-trike at ilint'. bit% until 114)%v Iw 31, ;ittiv holdrrtm t1m. watitA,Ipicee. :111,t proval. and thea sajol: it -first f-411tion opt :'Alice's Adventurm of Cod-liver oil with Hype)—
had never known iA1'**)iute fear. ;tpplyil *e IMIU111, in another 1110- "1 hope, gentlemen. yoii will find'it Is nflisery and suffering. Take 110 substi- tile PPOductioti of %-arious forum ot
.19- V ( To he con'tililled.) 4t lVoluideritt nd," 'with ^a matinwript tptc.; get ofily le,141, he ini Reurotie disturbanw. The exceissive phosphites of Lime and Sod -a
For, manly &nd reeikless it$ lie Was as M141t tilt- 1):.Lek horvor had g6vell all it mistake. for your frieti(I'm sake. I'a I] t k (
a rale, he could not conceal from hira- to iiis rrieAtl's rtxblll, witit Stratton (4AA evening." !xx-in by the autlior on 'the fly fear, that eirres:. u&, bf tobacco. a1w. egpeclany amotig in these caw results in a
wit that Strattou was, after all. ttan- koking utterly 1pro-strate. atid ut1wor- As 4;oon as they were outside t3w ser- 81111PLER LIVING. brought $250; another )31, withotit tile YOU119. whether by smoking or
- That turning out of the light Ahy cd it tuoluel)Vs Lreakf. geant turned to them. t1w poem, sold1or $120, and 6"Through THE TIGER ENJOYED IT chewing, in the Opinion of certain of positive cure to a large num-
gerous As you want to make no fus% 'n A 8killaid Gook on the Polly of Old-Tinie the Lexiiklng (Aam " went ?or our inedical oulperint&ndeuts, acta,
hail been Intentional ; theTe. must have Glic-st's words partook'44 flis.re Alaborate Foods. How a Fearleob Cossack Spongea a t lougll PerllaPs ilk it minor degree. ber. In advanced c4m%, how
b4*n an object In % lew, and. III his 1.0f annoyance ivith iihowir kt i Imen, and would llk�� the matter 10 t
luving injuriously on tip, nervouis
tremor of nerve. Guest could think of givf*li M' imaginatio quiet. suppose you both go oil ? I'll JoIrn The District- Cguncil of Holy'well, Pierre Animal. elltres.,o evert where a cure is impossi
Is it -so mucil N I ro. Ewingi tlw- cotik-illg teacher,
-Ifere 'WhILtS COUlke t .
no other aim than that of making at I -lay. youjr ten. minutes with my man. Peo- Walee, and a religious, body having In many parts of Ireland it has been
suddell attack upon one who had be- he et ied: 0 you, Ilia.. pie may notice it,,if we all go toge- struck the - keynote, of a great reform A CuhihacI4, ignorant or the Freucb- found that bread and tea have boen ble, this Well-known remedy
come irksouie to hilli. seizing -'itratton ioughly z�-v ther." *'heli in,06P of her lecturm sho called g . reat faith fit the intraculoom proper- langusiV� arld equally lgnoriLut (it suboitituted for porri*e and milk ftnd� should be rehed upon to pro-
the- Shoulder. 1.
two of St Winifred's Well, at that fear, was rccently hiriod at Moscow for pota7toesk d1so; that the Wit 'used, 'o ppo-
They werP (luite alone !n that soh. Come to qie? f -1 --don't know.0% (;uest hothted, and they separated. for plainer. food and. fewer coursesat by t1w lion tatuer Ilezon to clean the im general1y of all inferior quality, and long life surp
tary place. It he callett for help. no one IlAve vou becup4ting there e ver 'Thea it cab was called. and Stratton's our mealw. The beat v4ay to mmure place.- are at loggerbeads over the (if his wild'beasts. Says La the method of preparatiou 'is to put mUn
would hear, anti he might be struck since you put out.the light?". - , -once mom reached. irsildilk I
clufnibers a.Ve owtic -of the, eurative waters. The 54K. and $1,00, all druggliaii,
VanetY 18 to 11. IL feW PXqUi!JIte C r
down anti killed. Stratton, ill his wad� Yft-1 think so." Here the latter grew strangely ex- OUIICil' Intends to, sell the well to a I ran(* Du Norol: Their understand a quantity In the teapot ea ly in the L
1. ing or inisunderst4uiding, ,%*as arranir- morning and to aflow It to stew dar- 1 srOTT BoAk, \I
lievi. might 11nd some means of hiding "But yqu . hea cited. And began to protest agaiti8t the di9he" -at a' time and something: (gim. manufacturer of sioda, water, who will 0 (lemisox, Tares"
r1d mo 81x-ak to, you?" ilot,'W have a great lituaber, t rade on the -reputation of tho-fount. �Xl 'by monns of geh-tur(*i and dumb ing the day, water being a dded Us rim
his body. and -what then? E'die poor "No I think not. * -'Wfult did you next time,
little Edle witi, h.. ii, "Iwk here " knid Guess lvarnilv $,If show, and Pozon thought that the. required. -Invention.
a a it 16 ways and a 0 - ol (Il"11M all fLt Ont -e- Feast,s eir tif- lloll I . matiAliorongfily underst4mid what lie
Merr.T. teasIng smih-s I? He woul,1 tit-ver'i "Ho*s tretuloling liko a- tho f hul,1 badany dqubt-about its being ibAy In said to bFe the- moot
lwrllt� teeit tind twenty. co* had to (to. Tho- next morning Ole TO CURE A
M- her again ; and she. too, gilt. I should go on now." urnes are it -relic COLDIN ONC DAS' Not That K113u.
poor lit 91, ,i!Wor,*, than I was.- .6 tiensely populated elty -in the world. Tartar bcran his new Outles by I-"- Bronso Quiiiiste Tableti.. Ml After a remnit railway oWlixkm n
1%'hy?" cried -S-trixt-ton. wonderin*ly. ot barbarism at which posterity will, fit certain streaf) the number of in- toering witit bucket,, t-Imbnge And broolil, t -uggical ref tivid I lie revout-3- if It fails to curc-. Sootchman w t 11
tle one. would be hekrt-brt*en. tilt Then . oud 1. Thr
Wme -luckier fello%%, carilt Iltlnj[ to "I say you 11;ld t*wr ilavio, a glassi "Becausie thf. � excitement Of 'an- be Jtgha W at mention aALex reated from the
Make her happy. other's trouble or suffering is kouj$illg Of t tbiVanto is 760� to the aere., 'and in, nowt, t.lao cage of tne'taiiii, 'NvLst, ,w w rec k age I W-14pinpalligl4l. wholiall
gr(V, anif tilt -it 'go- to� 1v_(j, 1*1 stolk,
I . llig lie nibuistrous .4taK- ant.1 inaster natt dow-, hilt i)f a m1plen- ly
No, I'll N. 11,111col YOU up. Old fellow. and milk* ;you boar his emaped unhurt.
It hP : With. You if yon likO."'. these sectiouN the street 111TOR. Only
thought Wein'something like what ymi wt. of feahlto,; of our Briti!0vallMitorx w did untanw4l tiger. i% hich lay aulet-li A Privilegod Pear.
llt�frg. It inn -it old. every mail stuffetl hilitself Mill twice Tlw fiervo anhilal IAPrtl I-'(w*wtA-r, who has, say
4; 1 -lest, ;113 a Ifters-? N hen' ocrilp" mic-lourth Of the wh6le. "Never milld, KatildY." liLs
rululki'liatioi),11 ts, Iho ratAil gpt.�I . fig . latot%" 4011 tlut f loor tile. remarked. " it'-% nothing wriKious. a rid
vyf-�-, upoll the IAeds Exprow, just restKwed at his you'll get (jamag for it. t
Strattttn- caught him by the In, r thrive tw' much ft_)ixl an ol,%*pq the I it tlw W(vA Indim :r lem(no bath Is lowtAu. -Jild
tilkil was &6out to insist tillou tile. plan o W114) C:111111�' i1U4)4'4144l44l V) �Vpt Own eXp'ense the' historio- church to( Dawas", roarpol
thought tilat fla, ug I 7r
st yp. roRif" and 4404"1 behig given 01). when there was it gormand d(m," now,. ti,4.11 dr.i nk Idill-' afliftwt a daily iuklliy. Tirl"Pe-,or. rour large sptmg4% and. -unterrifif.41. to Much W(milock, Mhrorwillre, w I i0sp no* had enotiolril C'mid mikeii. it's re -
brain. "Pos-tr old Strptt4)l1 is rvall� as. i t, .-igned t4,1 4;114.
mad a.,4 a hatter,. Imt, *.%4..lj if lie lla-.4 waiting. self inisensiblo in it g llolk, ,I- s
stwil . I . 's sharp, rap a:L ilie door, and u -Of lituen or lemomi tire slit-4,mf Into the rub 4lowit ti4e tiger as if Ito. had IN -4.11 foundation dates so far tm(-k as twitirx I'm wv-king noo."
If.;lV4% tit.
'tt 4'. -
41 _ - ue8t 'wine, "I'll. tumbled Over iijidi�r th'
tlkq)ugllt,.i I*vt% JIN Kt,XXr:1ehauef- rigilt,; Itut, If4 vailgilt up, caddle and matches",and water -tttitl allowed to lie for half an it liq)r)*,4 or a while'the tiger, all- -6DO, is Ovie of tile two peers who
A'4 1144 fills in, the dark. a i table, t"d t4) the world foi- the nexe'
&.111 , %Vliko'S nd 11.1 dio I)llrllilll kou seen] Jett tile Way ou& Oil to &he landing, Ik llarefftlY 41(�Iiahtol(l ItY the appli(la- have the privilege of wearing their
ha rd. gJ)jl)4V, tf), 4lip? jitiL 'r, Inpli. t hour. L ill tit,
lwd, to burn ik)Wfl tI& plaet% ty- or two. at the Juire may be 'I
wilem's tile winduw 4%r tile - floor Ktt.Jttj)ll U 61116wett lky, -S-trattoii. L who, looked 3X or(ler tit. I or rohl ualA!r. rsilleol ovtr ton Jt#4 fiats In tbe premme of the �kwer- NinsA's LinimeatCures CAd*.etc.
ttered a enrit)us little if he were i1i it drea I Whell the Alasikan Wkvag*44 W:ttkt to extracted. A remarkable seiwo of
Uere, this. is :1 lelco, game. Nfa.W' gi ve d greatteast, they prepare ever '- freshness -arid "elC-alllilless is givell, to back, stretelit4l toilt 11111,%ai, -in(l. eign, His Uwdship is rector of a Top"ary being maitufacturt4l -%hioll
lie Aafjgll��.allif Ita.stily crossed tht, room W The scr9MI11. W.0; Otit,$i416 with thing y _purring, oTfewml evory -pitrt of ito; quiet little 'ottingharw are spun by. a current air (Ii t -
said -41OUd. quit&% firialy.. '611*11privAre tho mantlepioce,. while i;upst".. - knowi the vitin. parish. fit N. of M,
your maU-ll4ft.*A stood itian, of the regular car I to the A m. -tic culaille-
frolding tbo il4x)r olm-n. ;o a penter vlass, berriem -muskrat. sent ment. fre'mlt and bo),ty. to the' t'tmisaek, who n'"llell it shire, ajid is chancellor and caiiou ed by a blowpipe inub the curvil-d
-i 'to ad- %v All a � bAg %wung -w complacently nx a motbe.r' bati
BUC tilo" over his simiulder sitale salmoll'. The amount of. Money at the credit
as he Spoke, 114. thade a, etxMAe mi t -% 1 i ligllt grease, 9 1141 lies residentlary of York MUtster. cliatinels extending out%vard frw*tti it
11ilelltly'L Klgllt,. b,�- a Iminpier -p-assed_ through oat. filleep, a Iwr infant. Then lie left tile eAW, 0 -
or rapid atepo Thi-, next miltute tll(,y oil t he halidle.4 I . .. . . L - -1 r --- cook it and tumble the viands of depositors in the state savinp and wnuld have repeated thib hazar- Beware or0intments forC . sitarrh That (-4*-ntr;il opening in the
Weri . f � tile ben ' 11 tioUgh all tCW
With out-6tretellod flalltw. , 4" as to I. landing, and Stratton, with tremblittig Here we it rc, geritlemeit intoit, big coininol tht rf banks of Fra9ce id 1896, when the dons eXperiment upon another wivagp contain
conreal Ill., 1%*'ition from Stratton I I fingers. f.,gro-fully loc et P "' Aakf tile and -then tile whole Nill"K0 falls! ill was be."t from the 4kuwrt had not I'vzoll Idercurv.
%)lP VV0111t or the latter meditatingan, "Now." said il; k 1, the.door. 1100,14m. officirr. Candle ? 81tan't and latest fitatistieb , were taken, to niorcury wUl surely deatroy &1w A FIRTUM 11 OLID 4MMPSO
SO t Hiller, upoll
attark -ent ilest. , "about 19301% Old %v:Jut it, xir;. I have a Ianterti., and it deXOurm t-iis.fifteen't-our Ii which '11-4 per dmwn Ititti ofr %%itfi difficulty.
woulill B.rettlson. What do you say ? SbnIlr llailtlit!r, - You %visil it .111 enel"? individual (lippiliji.in itud helping wiiwe of ivmell and completely daratige 1,00K"(1) YOUlt 011,111 L1=11 -:10a
not llow ,111tow. 91vV %Otll�p . to tll(. I)OIICP?" hiinw-If with his hatidt.. Therc Is an eent. intereft is puld annually. One when entaririg, it
Then,- %vah no reply. and i;,ut%,;tsto0t-I. be. dolle oluietly, you say, but I'm Pating inutf-li, _and anyoni: who ean out of ever.V six. itiltabitantis* Of thb AGONIZING PAINS tho wh6ike system Do you know &hst tho stamly., con-
-NO. no.". crie I Stratton. arraid our friefid. here will make lit- t1trough the mucoun surfaces. Such ar- talned oil till cAm"xmdence betwepli
listo-ning for ;t few inorucnbA. beff ire � "It is jklilsurd' lie will conle bnek.,�omlv swallow ille illost is Uie biggest Illap, country have account& at tlie banks ticies should nevor I*- usloxi exoellit on
I'lleaki-ig again. 1; ly. tie 14oi-se k)-itil hi -V t4iOis_ I"cople 41 %Vjj- ant] half of the depo*itorA nre women. Endured by Those Who Suffer From the years 1847 and lk&) are likely U)
Se -i- In,- 110mo. -please.'old fellow, :'stairs will hear.". figuratively it not literally. in tillit- Sclatieft A Victim Tells How to presocriptiom froiti reputab4e phy- be valuabiv, twpecially im Iettsrsl
Y$)Ii bear?" lit- .4aid. .,yo Thtw heiithell eat so illuel, (,jKll sivia,1W as the damage they will do
it. Mr head -all confused antf.stratilre. 1. -.They at�e oii;y offk*'s twk)w,',! "Id vl I Obtain Relief. from C&I'ladfl. I'llIUAl Stft" NOT&
lit'irry. _ %Ytl'.t As) girt hillick as soon as I vau.. (;ulwt;. that tfieY,'often fie about. for daysi J P' )0, �lw linAty Cubav�l Itirl im Umt told. to the gomi you cui pois- B Col-
twv 111"4 t ng f I twx 0. Scotia. New ru.1swick,
11 - took- his arn' 1 tojlw entranco y1sh- rs tilen Irro-iiiiing �vith pain - fr(an. sheer stuff- . wl"It' was marr"I the other (Jay ti) 11rotmbly no troullp. tilit, sibly derive front, them. Hall'" Ca -
4401`1110 of your treastiroo."' (41he Inn, vallf-fl 'tL fli& not 'tai ing. -Nowi really, is our i.jOlize(i Iyall- Ii -u ca, r ' t4iirrh Cure, manufactuml by F. J. timbia. and PrInap E.0ward taland?
11alf angry With hiur-elf fir leavc him tin it,. -X(,`6ij(, tlirry iii the eveilitig.- 1. quet wi'very mut'll of -Lall C ' bonef, PnWred into thor inat- iiiankind caim*w nityro. illtA-l1.%o. . Tjlo CanadR 12 Pence Bl&ek I will givo
1011i. L '9"'y Cheney & Co., Toledo. 0.. voutdinsk no *.),()o f
was sate in his r6mir, "That's. right th,-n. Nir.4 %%'It Is is Improvoinent -rill al St"It'VLMore to be aniiablo.- til, or. 1.400k up your old l4atterwand
cowardice, as Its- calleol it. h4- rvi-pitt- at '--'-*arum "street.' aftt-r. %viiii-11 tll(. tlji (I(x)Lr I i4l . . oll that of the Alaskans,- after all '., '11, gei-atica. Frit%luently thi- %ictill) 111preury, and in taken 'Internally, I
P -d .:4t, L woul(I 11;Lve, sciil,.Iltifi(� �Ilall-allytllillg A)*'%. .1141w fraitkly is utterly lielplow, the least movement acting directly it t n colloetJons anti correspond with
_Ois monoloactle snd listqlleri: I)Ilt, Yolviv.-barrb'iter. returtlPff top. ilis OW11 ;t wort; from Gue pon he blood a d caKh purchaww.
be Could onty hear -tiv- throhbitig, ,f rkaiultvrs tto think over the o-vv,its )r- cookery. take tilf- plat%. of tile lliero iiaYh M14-1 - dom -not Im 4- her litisbalid mucous surtnew of
nim -4-0 across Vic lanifilig and turnoti cau"Ing tile in(st, aglodriug lk:iins. the system . Ili
his own heart. the v%vilill.- if) vollipall'y lvkth A llllX*- 4141%vil, tlle� passage hl x, var, the' imorti-11 '11141:11ilyWay wedding buying Hall'is Cntaxrli Cure be sure 0. A. NEEDHAM'
*,W@11. of _111 til#*L el- - 1 f rom U Those who are suff(ring from this In . aI-
%V.. t Y L,_; f (r gvrttinn tko , all tilt, -cont-vit. wit. or a .11.1- Y-4 off N I l4X';f11%,4y ,,t4xr At; Moving still i; bruslitImt un Imaginary 'fleck 44 1 ditst Illight hiave,IH4-11 [Xi!sti�J11(NI Lili after you got t1w. genuine. It In takert in-
rist of all 1'"Weirtallif. gile't llf� it?kf- he tonsed. "to) fir)(I what s IF it ( of from, hL,4 eollar, 11ire ady tile' fol low ing xtateniept from Mr 6&4 Main 816reet, sajit. ks&MLI". Oat.
(,;is- --anif, t* 11 th't, th# tKIW-11�N't I.i(nit J'arbwlf-l's return fr-,�tit the tornally, and niatie in Tc&Ao, Otiio, Ivy
me -Ing. f4ol mall-111iii i it tll'(-- his 0H 01114fisli dreaff 'k Wal r*.
s i(IN it - frit it-l's.will foreed him t(i -tet, t;l(l .114 bar.�Iwwketorxl tbO quarter rc . But'Mrs.1-ogail, her guarilian,- -To.-slin llayej4, of Ilayesville, York Co., F. I. Chmwy & CA�. TWtitnonlain free.
Rhallipst. f1pre. lie o-ried. iiii,rc 1)as. growiii up. U'lly. I f#'Itr tilf-li- eeivm frmn tilt, plitswhWr, hlid fix tht 111141 UW*New York.publislier witti, ha& 1%, %vill Ix -pint the r4xfol to relic! and ONTARIO LADIES' CILL109
they' reartied' 00 -1foo,rWay 1110 1 Sold by 11kruegigto, Price 75c Im-r
Fgh ashalfteO. to think of it "Pr- tat -V -r (lbriplo-ared-in tho flim-ti4i�ll -,I ia'141 hor exl;(;n4' Mlic IN'r arrival in' bottle.
roily now, in +itf, 4,f iii.s. o4foiirts to At f a M
1-s:lut ttinif I Ott-.1tis lailtern. tio; that cure. Mr. Huyw w ys: *1-�or upward
Wil't vw, --peak lN,4,r old Stratlo4i '11111v dwisn't Lai W110 1011144- of viiol,tw;%cravx. tht- phil., Allleric& fa%:,rtred the 'allinticoe filld 14K) And onoarlet casserwe"NT of week,
0--% t!.,- itg.1 t lolayet.1 alioilt tlii- kvylilt)le, Hall'K U'aml.11y 14HP *jm the iiis,".
11s, flid not 'Potep .14!1. Itow. .1"It -What Ili.*N ;,tlx)tlL half his tillie., 010014ler - r4VftMC_4I Us pili of twenty years I have suffered front WhIlby, 4k4ortr.
lot-ophy, first
nith. hi- fj,4ts�vlen#'-hv#I. 114. has collp. vt -
sto"I firla. -% "IT - -yen),' *hf! said, " 11, - it kwok remarking, "Ths-re gf*w aknessor pain inthe twick. k-4 wic
w1lat, tile (kocto,rs ;ilt it.. $yllat Jill yOu.,K1%y,., foride T"ti I,AltliVAT AN111 RVA41- F,.*qj to ('01,LFAW.
ready �to strikc wit %%ith! oll Ili-; Cail Nort.4-flitig.40 ti TI to 14 JWf% ff four year% ago my trouble was intell- True Priendship
If t-110-firailt. Stri -% - toOok Oil mt 114-troIt,. mid I' 4-alth -Bulletin i)ubll.;Qlfw W
kc ille" The niall Mout-Ilf-41 Folt W41VvN I A.
alld 111D told hiN
n so thfpIlgil afti-r' till, hified by �k-latiea se-ttling In iny right finve, you Kivi.n fill L'.10ilig
miglit 'in c. - of attack, 4: or iii.� tiowl, with its Wiff-, bf-flon- thst 4-4-rvuwl1Y4 111011K 1111my 'Nimilat apocinleils Ilk v%vry r"Piwt a live tad ivret,
-ven tht:�n he was fighting luirst t'). 'Ziloughthi,11% touch it nother of let- leg. What I ivaiffvreff twomm ;i Imost Iio- too (I w. t Ilea tjre ? gn-,Nke l"Ititlit,1401. 4-ollibilling file
1illl%t -havo vr (I t fittilig Cap, glido4i ltlw)ut oll. y wfwilql never tv rs, �% r i t t(
41rop,,'for her (k-.-tr mike., al"'T "14. 'has 1t toy " doi�tors. of medicine 11 4k%icription. I e-inploypd thrm no, only ne are -tfmi,l jilrt lwb,,t fitvilltim for a t4init4l editeatiOlt
foirp tk)mn the rixitic 41re;t,l. .1,'14 it. too)"
decltridlz to ljim.,jelf til.it he. %%a, A 114% ililm- 'anot w v door, Ali lie turtietf from.Mde- to -hl& foultol the I*U 'XiA1114prt of applicittioliti' f( -)r pen- dbetorm but all to ito Iturpiw: I lutil to while theme bomb outragv% are about, in literature. iiiii,io-, tprattpry,* art,
4 k" to get a go(*I-look*at tl'O'kittlpo - - -rifio�; ti"i If. , .
pelt L011hp thO f011()WiHS' give "up work entirely, BAd aImMt 4JIS, S
murt, child to. lie frighterted it "ing. ready. Why, TV0 W441. 'dP wit- have plaeAA our box at, the diw nliql lifisile tie .114
I , - .114) W, Ill. get 011 InY crar. anil bpfoi�, t4le train' FebrilAry . ;10, 1 1,S67. Kur, paired of life. This continued for two lwwal tit W)nw, friends of ours." I % i4 -0
ing *-,t the dark. lie RL'rtcd, and llow't4traitge "Llglat woro this TV I vi-Ith tial nwwt ple"ant, healthfulawi
d � Kt*XI ftY, niate " 110 1 surtify 1. treted tile sed w' Jer yvmrw-years fifled with misery. At
gone 200 yardsi &)mov other' guy tu. - ld88k to Ilato. time I was advised to try Dr.
cauw. t'tUr darknesta Is a horror of -t"4 e woulit bo tryinkgv) will out tho. bride,. _11, fottrmi�rly - Have Yom Neuralgia? asium, -stpani lwating. elpetrie liglit-
"111"y of - INK"r -`" f"if0w do. St ady, please, I'don't %varlt to it goot) Woman. in a Y%wel, frien a using If %�ju suffer its agonioN, sitti4brn Nutitati . oil, ete Xf: I
But he knew that. ha 114%'�elkaell whell I talked nix)ut the growled. ill all. ill-used tone. ;Alla th
tx-03' it.
itioielf wh.-n tho ronfusi4oll #)f ucing lyillg t114 -rt- de.1-d. his stumik- tub 'wits' Jined to Ills l-er- WillinmW Pink 1111s, and after
only -1 f,"ICY of look at tlWr"inges.1' d. -iou mw,it air rotted six boxes both tile siclatica, and the tA, gp
'helplo-so anti in ti)tal igtiorahc*e of flow 'lloes tile Old Saying There -you ar-6, then accordijUg to Script-lia, and I . think of. t a vniftiy, %%e want *(m ttt tr%. wriveiii site Overlooking Lake o in-
s sh%tent, but
nne'-,,; p0--ition is -mperadsk�il., N.attire 1`%ll1('Y g(A-6 a great. way?' There, tliek? or a sawoutT, they are mijrhty t.6 find. I been' Wsing lirate. fixpie6toring aild llar;d weakneds; in the Nick which had trou- Nervilinc. Ttili at-Uoii oti nerve paili. itnirlo. Will iwopo-n Septenillier sth.
I'vi. haol enoti of breth. -Piur 0bC servent bled me No lOng, Were
-lip's �gli lapef. ror� ow. iligilt. ruaridml twict- ffiyaMf. Fir.4t, wife ilied gone I was is simpl.y ninrvellolut. 'Nerviline ju tiv. A1,1ply ror ra)enolftr V)
pl;iy,-,. straligi- 1krank,4 tlien wit'i 4
mental faculltie.4. even a -i' tolit. #!(**i said the mall" swinging Ili
r htwban(t -tgaLn a well mail feeling fifteen ulost Ille.,is.Int and lx)werfl,l
and next ant- had fou befo, re r" '�%I. 1)."
_;otne '.. le XXXV- bag`d0wlt 011 to,the, floor and oI)snit)g .1. IIARE.. i1h. D.. Prineillitl,
%%-Ith a traveller in foK. sho 11641 me' and all. of them.livingo years younger thati before I began the in UA� market. Try it.
or the unfortimate %%ho fin+; hini- M&Iern In,oluisitioll.L it by drawing. out tile hamitier. �h - U 411d;l,t f to I al`Wr mile
There was -a: faint jingle as tile Ikag �14 W Tho tousiiinculy in a TOntefit to annul 1).ills. Nearly two years Ims pa&,wd
niv next fi-1,) WZ16 for, a med, and It@ owwr 100 tif, took me. ho 6sille-le I difilcotitillued tile use of Dr.
w I f "hushed," % r lost iii the prime- bilay 01111! Sonw feltowt4 pio-k w i -v*% t will of a deccase(I Maryland fa The Fly in Me Ottionent. lu"01H.M. 81. C01P.6110. 901.
Tal Ile.hati tq'attentl co %v. of* ked Up lika they pick race borw!A� an,41 they h rin WilliamW Pink Pills, all(] in that time*
forest, far.- f rom �efp ttrt. and IT' Prbtebting'- Way. or as doveloped tile fact that- -tile
anti with the &-flance- of his 'm the' afternoo-in Ite. stOle t '%-idit to 41011't grvt them, low-two-three'.1, Ito bwmptom of the trouble hanshown I -,Ikutlitor (to h6 wife I— IteJuitte, oil, ita#o is Nuvcv-ssrui h614-ory (,f iivarl.%
mtric 'old fel.low. as ill the habit 'itjwlf. 'Under God I 'thank Dr. Wil- .1
Can't work 'if "a. snake -a' Jacky oece tWel I t. yearq. einp!oys i farult�
.mind vilfteC 'Ifo learns at sueli a time .1iliss Jerrold, where. by "tthf-� mereay. Lantern ganie of -it jna�ey, I IV nt 10 %%:ifv. ig my bownu I Ila v�p
en e
Of ffigging'holim oil his farm.. for tho Hamm.' Mnk Pills for what they liavP,, ill'ize` 4W :100 inarkii. for nty latomt ef- (A f0Urt41P,-r profeftiOrh and t4weberg,
that, t1164 boxaste(l. strengbi of aerve Is hv fou"d V*vI16 was atio me.- TRZ JAW POWAR,
%IV-ry small,indeed, anti that the bravest thel-4- by _11114! *'mere-�,t -chau(,.e., pu rlmw. of iloine "for me." mally (it tlwm apecialls", in Ill) ex-
i�,.but - -Thf. light Of the lantern wim irecL- filling them with the water
'111d strongest, man filay succumb , they flats, oloilg,cllat atbout the in- No Wonder PPOP16' B"Ome, Fatigued 01 tljo Atlantic. so that; Ile, migil Mr. Hayes volutitari ly "-tifiex to tlw .111i'ife-111i'liat article was it! terinive vfmrse. including the commoti
to 1-1 f Ni '. I P-1 ilit"L tifP'J)aK.. roVr.ikii!�Jt i4m.-Apek, a, t
a dread that maik" him ons timitt :is W they ternied -the* truth of the above statement before Vitlit)r�-Oh' that (%say or nib. alid higher brum-hes cot English, the
in. and then imix"Of center firits, a It ChewlnK Steak. emipty -tim ocean anti enable fgrnlc.rs
evilo e liaw and
to Plant, potatoes oil its, dry bottom. if"; :1 Study French. German and claasics,
'Lti of
r s. it (-iltiplo q)f' 1)1,111!1,es ol. a t t4) tho ilivivLtig. 011.1 Edward Who�ead, Esq -,-J- P., and his "Tho likefirtoi O�f IL N%*
t; nest spoke of Ili
-4 tho spaeo In wiliel ho statementg tire furthol-r voucllsNi for by 1'rxiii, Naturp."
mail as %a. Brettison. keys. s( 40 it etlinwwvatory comw in music, art
initi, f)r wort, illerely it st anley. N --ari(xis hranchim: commercial,
-qVxxf and casy its it would have been, %lift Yom sit Itere t.ilking t" ni". T'. Strs-1 wfre t,irm-,I�at'rigllt .- t�r. Ii.N. Black, fli,i� mil rongth. Ceronjilio, t4to noted Almehe-'ehlef, Rev. T. N. 'AarneA, of St. N. B. itt it*
after it little- calm reflection. top find- wh whorthand. typeu-Titing,
Y. yoll Ought tst 110. tilf. Or tho J�awx eompari-6-i favorably %vitll' wlidf* has ea",41, thip I K. Gov in"W"t 0 She W&nted it F11r*p&"d..
,_* N Bradstro-t's
116or twr win(k4xr, #;uetit felt 'th -%%Iljg the plave searelicif." 00 n Trade. Isookkeeping, art sitwdlo- %vorii- vok-v
at fle Yoll t P, respet-Uhh. ;ooking vharac- that 4 of ainy'lvirt of Oft all(1: 14)z M'v.mllrli troublo *iti- his ti tn�e, is 90 Nlrm. NewlYwed (itAt Tv)ultry demlf-r)- vulture, elot-titioit
raloioliy losilig lus halaiiet%; for 68 ?" - I . . and valiftheniqvi
('1111.1411all trade* is (d a' W
ter this Kzli.1 tilt "IN t' criw& a Ov;eA�'of steak a hite fif 40 -to yea rs 4441. lip I'll take this turkey. but I wifili yoki -%k-liolarwhirw art, tiold, including tiou
not iitir, face Ut faf4- a-; Ile w.,lg t-onrst", .11"d witholit 'loss of ttri. be ',an `is still phy- volunko.. Toroutt) reptiorts it liPttotar
%%ith tho drewl that Atratton really tlm"- flerey. lic. niny ;ionpst 4no,ptAlliols is nevid-i4sary. That is. -if the* sicall ' :I'cti Orl Would remove tile b9fles. Dell lt%r -I abovv, with hoard, laundry, ete., for
it:& ve, 111:11r; lult it :4 tee.' goit 1161d �)r 'Itt ll�s fav 'itoalnuae- tkintand for tiry goods, and that tile lwg You mild 1611 m. - Ne *11671 ftor the whool year. The twwt
t m pr6jx,%r inaelittio were so rigged 'tha% QK-lit is. 11maiiig, ill whic-11 pastiluo ho. revent froesUs ditt little fl;tlll:lgw% #%,X- ly1wed-A otid remove Ole hollpm, I Offer far tim- twducation of girls oil thij,
trap; flUrtd, and 013t, i" 111-4 running lie kill"i'll 411, almont JAIalcoint Stra ton's, with a hag like'..that he'd fulvc tO tolzille'a (lbublo levi-r between tllq,- l!idulgt* _WIlf'lWver'r10 call*get pernim- celit t4t. %egrtahleA.
bv:. J
ha -I 41izeti this fqqwirtu1iitf- for rid� troiiiiV, illil Ifiny the .4-11:111141111 has 21'.11.1117. 11 great flen I. flerpre anyone wo,11(i
s rather waut a lxxwd turkey or nonP at all, volithwlit. Next term opetwSept. ath.
offiq: himseir or Olin wilf) mli.st w�em gf)yi-- forever. �I%vh All o!*vt could Im- fitted from the 8101! to 1+-,'tvt,, t1w - reservitUon. fla t, it no I prlee.li hit()%%' :1 41t4j'illing tPll-
to him lik,3, a keepe orl the "Steally , � "PT Illin- TIN't 0111b 40, in-,' IAd ?" f loor, a- 40-Ilounti wet ikt, could tr� so I'or furtlWr partirulariii write
r a,14 stipady s .9 . I . -_-i_ -
11A w- � aid 'Guest, '%No, too. big.- nititl, tile +1 f deney ay. a reMilt of the a Nsoir4lce of a4l _A T;
Wntell tn 'Smilin t *11% . it Pv A 1111 TIV Tir T
Outlet V, t1le I a . . .
girl.*; impetuosity. Miskily, anti lie bega.n to whintle s6ri;_ 11 bi to 011Ilfl�,11-y to Crash * "lith no majo;0r.- tile a tuen 1, u res liunfm per AN
I�kon't (ilk 40
niagIlp, ion fitea k. ftepeat:this effort. arl of Xhh- Cott* 'At.. Catharines, (int.
Ife minalned there siLerlt, tile cold let yolir i t, run ly hP MOV�' Seles'ted another litx,)k- burithain's libr.sary, tho most remark- "d W-Willert ruills iii -P busy, .1,1111 grain'
breaking out *all 6ver his face, awAy with you. It's ratI161, Na,usclome- !ik(- ske,lvton li(%� from h6;_ bullch; every- time y6u ellew, and you get an* stmits airt- the isniallest hei4l in years, Gladstonsis Workm
and his-hparlug strained to -catch tile,: timos." ' , - . . .. "I watel I itk-a of, how. much 6xereb4p is reflul ablo E.ilglislt b60k sMt. of th,6 century _ -earlier haN interfered �Jigfitl, Gliulb'Ume had 2110,(Atc im"al ilt Ilis BY Dr
wilile-Gue'st st( 1 119 t9e, nitir, red, cool A% y Kitne's Gr'e&t Werve Postor*4
1 1. ha.s rome t6 a'
sound of the slighttvt loorPment, or 11v left ah tO 'fnkt-- one dinner. -The 'printed with the dbxtrilWtion _(d wttmoia bf.- library threv years ago.
most directly, aliti wtt'k; with a strange fteling nervousness FITS No fili-i 4ir aflk.r lif-sl (tA%
even tho ficavy hreathing of the man balf dispose(t. v) 90 str-liobt '10' the inemasing upoil liim.' Alld What makes it harder still I's books brought -1 lotal of .$305,410 for' Its. ha&
tlaused partly by that - fill tepa 1. Tetw are firm - given nKwt of tilen, a%vay Us-. St-nd It) IKU Areli ittreet, PhiLL
I ) c flit. t1f) delphia. ll'n.,-(or treatijw and free W (xW bottle'
kwiting for, an f,pportunity to atrike -t-ition nearest t1w, inn, but. the wisird aslxvt of tile M , wit,, Se much t4- and i t' took' twenty dats 1)rOSIT.rt-,% III -0 11r0lijiting, and ex- tho geneml library at 'I fly
se q niost people- habituMly it 4,075 lo'
him .110WFL ary in chew- W. sell them. ift WILrok4i For-P&RIeby.I.A.Ritile US, Notre Dame P;trret
it oceurrot to llim that 1,,, 11,1(1 stir_ all ili'darknew t4are the round patch inoro forte than in no�mw
For it was in rain to try an(I red stratt '. Ing their forNi. elaillif4l Ut be. able 'toL Xonuv&L Que-
* ()n .1 g)d deal oil- the j46- of ii9l't oll tile ohi drab-painteil Oak.?", C lit.w I For Instance. in I Ifa Vy. 1111'snk-Ss- it' Y-e-immt- piwk lh*krf* books in a g4ven lillnee
coqmNat this feelillLr. If(. ctilRl rind viiblus night, awl that if fit. ef)ill(l dotm in which glow tille fillgersOf ng 8tea,k;%Vhr"!-crushing point !t rcliowt that wiild dogs aro �rvating o.1 at Thrillfax, litit tile applk!-and hay tllfif* 8`11111Y 'mall hp knell-.
't t4)-45 pounds, tilo w%rsoris tested' liall'oe 4niong- cattlO and slkeep, along crop pros-liects- it - %ery mi. FOR SALE
iros filli upo , thv w!irkillan were, bijuil aw
no other explawation it, lijr vor1rum-ti Vt his frientils intc . Is 40
mental qtate. That mii.,4 t*- �4trat- thi.�i matter it W01114 IN tbey were part or hil'y hY Dr, Black usod a force of 60 to So re gix
- a goo -I till .1 1. the florder of -Arizona. and Nf!w Mexi&) John, N. R. relkortis- Jundwr shilpilients
i1g. me kroblitl per -
it to fornianee_. arlof ' were pritp I is riw'f' 10.1001 &ere, good farmi ng land,. iii Arenotc. lowv
tOD*R inotenti011. a-1-1 the �only thitig dimre sA.V. it- wIlVall turn oi* d stluct 1poillidw-froin VP to 40 pt)untli .. Moro N ii-toria and
to flo was -to IN. oll tl��.alo�rt and tm- nothing-tvio-re imaginati he. rrOM1 than Wits, -sary. All tills extra 4ving it' g*toxl fi4.ql (if atte'litkill.. nimi Crawford Countieot. Mwh*%,.
umc*, relport a g(o-)ql hu*-ln4%K doing. illisi
on it"i b(NIY to Which they HhOuld force. of eour. It in eoir Tortle wrfrwl. 01) M. 4'. 111y. Detroit, Msicirimr
m.igtpr -him wbeli tbe '%ihip for thp thought: tmt� 4.v 1 fra ve, heldllgf -11. w- I' oboratvd b tljo�-
N if it is. it' s worse than wastk-d. Y under mileriff (Itilurf%x tlic ll(_kllliliifjll -oati lAke R U lirie*w muiging from
great strugkit. 4-ame. i!o something tf) Ket -tile' poor' iel- but probably thogenerality of man- of N.-iLva.kJU CdWitY. who laWlY returned Allol IA
lie began wondering, ") 111st -%%. �, I
�1, G114 -St l"%4v out Of tlli-� morbiol 1"llether- kind -will. from an extended Vt again -A 16 tile r,*- $2 to.p 1wr tien% lieit landoi are closw to cil
Thpr+- wers- n1oftls-illN. on wahtipg -., trip throu Dear 1,lW piftat venr I ferlmiainView lowtip., churchr+� whoolh. atc..
state. A rter thero rtually was any ea strength - 91, U110 %itfti wcm*. 3s in tlw etwrowl)(PiAli fig I
i4rx-ol thpre bre:ithim: .,% �4,rtiv ;114 Al. Ilrpttikjoll may Ile t lie 1-6 u.w" for their ku;t SO till' a + mort§ -isystelilatle 11101111tal"S ;'long thei -bor&r. all wi I
he c"1111. W114-11 IW fs%Lt tWit, t1ii,* � f�r- 1111t 4;1lest- fett W) li *( ki -f)f patlng.Js to be- adopted. alill "'Il thme ftitty oil tlw yly io IL M. Pienx% West 14^y cit V. M ic
o1*,ratk)ns--wbether- pov)r ow Bmttl. "ItAll weo*- :i - yrar agro. :::; ill lsq.st; ' k flow of tumoris 4 1,.. or
ttit' 11vton the .&oil roally t1itt Ito- (kafl ill tho., 41usty -Is-aritigs hend filtrittg jxv.rl rernoved .11Y tho ap- Curl ix. Whittentore. Mieh.
-) hi -s ro-mmi 104`701141 the double. doors whio nnewburg,, South A frien. fraetion for IiI.11 ti, oil
-w matter that he did tioi hiirry ti But. Dr.' Rhu-k (11(ir ll(_)to. (.(_�llf J114. Il1nU*.If Johfl in
rihl#. �u.�psprlw I,( �s , Thf, " ('111111:14liali hmik 4
ing .n for hosir4: 111 togWak In. Illsexperiment.l: lie t4!sted Watierworku - 0 '.%1 Unlitiont wt-Itli- r
ansl� ai h#* s roolus till after ditiner, mid, ?,(M,llm ti.y hits made.r ,job& t !I -r co -sit. largvr than t.lw pii*011-14014
flelif thom at hay--flust to dil the: all kliKb of meat. and,found that.mut. fart:unlite otrike, whiell. it IN lqli4l1,%vilI ri, 1 21 - olit :my tiurgirnl -sipo%ratioii. at.lil tilq.re
rnmi.l. the tolavkni�K--. wrivied t,- be, tA his surpriw-, fovielil t1l:lt lip mortal rra'uio od tile gentle Id na-_ 0 im,r eetit. larger thitil TM QUIR 0 Oil M"..
ate[Y tleti-r- tur.ribit slowly milm,41 with all ex. last
florwayllig III ithe rimbditure of :I.-, to) 1() )f , g" far to A�ttle 111111C,80y" of a ro-toirti. (UM1404.1
(1111 #if J'r vither wot in. tor "I'still -toll rhOtin may bt- cri
light: �%hich lit- %vas; rpally ti, tliiiik Milled not to be'. interrupteid, for atorns lkv willcli Ilo pounda j tho waW.r difficulty
p WaS t4urrqunded ; utrengUi. Broik.-41 baill and roust tkef in the Iland. fit tho (,,oumof thoir 0140t. W. 'A. 4vitt, SAMULL 111009MS, Prowidomt.
m1j,-t tie Stratttkn%i rves, till vorn_ t1wre wax no re ly to hiff knocking. antl whether 'it wa8 hO% solbething require the gren,towt amountr-1- to -1;0 bor i ries they came Re immells ca v
Mr,11 '-wilise tollf hin) 6. TOR110111FIF0.
at it wa.,# all gst him to Iellk rOffs The Thive Cliftott.. N. K Gondola 1.'4-rry.
I'llive - it liko sacrilege to intt-rfere wlill 80 PORIM118 while pork chi,ps'may be Priv; full of water. which -iro Askyourdoi4glerfor thb. (111.
1%ell, tw). Its- felt itertain latehkey." he thought. for lk In :not Imuteerul a -reptwe. expectf,41
10 chewed w h a forcx� of 20 to 25 poundr, to Yield it dail* "upPly ranging lip -to It's. Choaper ftnd Rettar
that he roull�l hear rapid movements fit to, be left alone." And all tile time th' F a mpd thrin M'ster %%'hlte,&mrri#,an
'%not his enenly approaching him, but e little steel pick and Vic cholicent p,arts of Cold'boiled 17,,(X)(),000 gal)orw. Oil.
Oil. the chance of -Stiatton being was proloirig about among tflo� warda tongw with 8 to, 5 1 Unda Theme. of
the soun-Is were mnde by his own thei-P he went on. to the Benchers" or the lock Ivith a eurlous elicki g X) Blacks Rost Kver made In ce"44.
n course, - a re avora Tough In making tr
Pullwi; otho-r%ri.w all was still as Inn. and, to ills surprise and satisfitc- souftd . ges meat.' of eatim'with China each
abovi.,. whielk Guest could hear any kind, to still ha
tion. lie Naw, 'a light in thei room. rder to crush; for foreign.eountry tAs choarn its own Of tlj#, world Me Du'
death. Awl at the mental Sugge the Intermittent, harsh breathing or Instance, Unigh bee imond Dye Fast
tion of death. hli horror grew more After a few minutes hisi knDck'was Itis f rlend,'w It a'- watc lied the 111;mIllat _.f and mutton ond Dye Fast
uIred i it wtm� [in me. E Blue&- for Wool, ffiami Washington Widows
9 Black for Cotton and M.ixed 0txA% There is one widow to every sixto,4-il
,)nI,t't*ar. Ito gre-tv, responded to, anA lie was admittpd. ed door witli a -itern, fixed gaze. camw a crushing force of 90 pound ish country; France is F& Kwo.' the ,,Id Dialliond Dye Fatit, Blavk for 8ilk
teriible, than he v teatoxi by Dr. Blaek req Valid is Ying Kwo, the flour-
faixit and gidtly. ii not ma4e a. snateb You, have come again. then., saill Tlw w-,661ld I . )Ick was after a t.imp The small(wt pressure rewrde and a half of the population'of Want) -
in the al.r as if to save himself ".�tratton reproachfully. witlidrawn, (I on Vr*. la'w-abldfni country ; tile United State@ and Frathers. The resunts t'llitt each
Black's gauge, that of a litt bade number of
sensation paswof `iR4 1114 "Of course." replieff Guest. all() lie ""No good?" kmid til- le. girl Mel Kwo, the beautiful country. Ger- Of theme Blacks produce are marvellous Widows, It appears by Uie recent centis
The 0 sergeant. 7, yearsl oldi %vaig 30 Poun4W. Thin wag niany, Je Kwo. the-virtuoua c - and pleasing. ington, D. C. ; the w
quickly fig it- eanip. hilt in snatche,411 tit tile, i(le.a again about "Not n his.". growled- tbo m ountry, Your faded and (11
briet Moments Guest felt Brpttiwni. ".Look.bere." he 4alj, -I lie, 11 1 11 �n,: and with heir front icketh, whiell Mrc.libt Italy, I KwO. tho'country of Justice "gy report, Ls 15,000. The excemive propor
arrow was t1w. 4iIA isi 101111ch of keys up�to t, in ; dre#**w. jackets. calmw, ctmtm, palltit,
- he used for the crushing procenw-m of,m. - alwtll IdrJI Kwo. tobe land of tho% m1n. )s
lif ow kid Oil have maile tip my mind that tho pro-. 91111`-N '(Of tIl0 b1)1l'9-4%YP laritern. tication., With the molarii, whi J tion is accounted for by the fact that.
lwtiv"�ij winity antf W4 -revvrw per thing to (it) is -to Ilave id ch - (k) h it 1krefers too be c vc0t&, 114 e, etc.. that aro now so 11 employment in manybranchav of the
alk4i 31 IM the lf*w mid repulsive looki
a n that room Don't worry. old chap," mai(f t1le the- chewing', properly mi, caliml, she I.-Im of tfio rising MM, ea" 1"1 Government w.rvicke han been found for
than that his .4, and it ought to be done., rmentai w
41 BlackH. Your faded. ru6;ty ic
"+,nok 'n Flice respectable lot. w(I enough to criush a]. but the tougnest A remarkable exhlb-itioll of flolls was and dead looking w3kis and feathersary
: attack by Stratton, he, get month i4ergeafft. - Theii, turning to (*ruest: could exert a force nt' 65 pounds-4juite jnatk� like new ga, it
j ifro-itel creater now of entered. ' Brettison has been away moild Dye It the ')a- tile widown of soldiers. Antisept
tevth. Irew himself up, and forrinx But you have, no authority,, sabi (10, Mr." he Ral(i. "If One of your Pa -rt#- Of tough itleat. ISeveral pe m.11m
tilat -III thW Stratton unea6ily. -us he'd -be slip- exceeded 100 p0un t Neu Wiedoii the Rhine liew creati(ms by ttsit% Dialliontl
0% rm-ently lk- I
Iiinispif til gra.41i the fact, 11fighbOrs wa," to mv +1 at I'll"if
tra F4 eltily tho rusidt Or It MilltltP or yn-11 have. an hiR nearrat friend ping off to fetch all tlk4. po) I d", with tho f ron ujKler thp patrot I)Yf- Pilot Bliwk forAilk-and Feathers. Spruce
ighbor." ce he teeth or i1lcb*)m, and 200 wltLl the ulgo of the Qw-wen of
'Wo iii tits- darknriot. 'he etaned for- and ne (,out(] find, to Bee ..Wllat wo were niollam One man, it pljy . siclan Of 1& Itouin* D6 not be deceived by bulky pnekagr
";Ph -fl his nr4-k irt tho direction of 'ff?, o-�aiof Strattoim',nnrag. ,i hou t. aula. t"18 were HP.11t from all (lye@ adulterated with grvase ant]
r. . .. I yeams--has Hilch strength of jaw that- parts of Europe too parti6pate it, tho Fibreware
Io. he 110-lieved to W. and W0411 yoli 41 lK)Id that t1wre, llight Other foreign srutwtatit": illsist 11pon TIw, purighabit. lua4U, imlwriah.
"I tell Ynt, It's right,- it. must for tliP prew-lit reinain a Fnya- dinplay. n large proport4on. of tilt. 4-ol_ your denler giving you tile Diamond,
"I"% rg. , .4-liol Guest. Still," growled [its followvr. W110 -s tery, for it exceedeAl the'tcati"'K . - lectiolt linvIng boen cotitribute4l by tile
r#-ath iont a -Poililil. "W"'ll Ro t` till' statimi fliiiotly, tO filiol ;t pick with,your bobbing It cr of the iii POW DY(W. olie packagr Of Which will (lye For KV%ellil4gg. (-0141 s4qjws,�,
strumenC 'The ga uge rp- Qumll of Ititly, tbe Crown Pritivess of pneking trit1w
clopek fo(i the m;tlltt-I_ 91ve ("11101P -f invii %%ill :111t)ut like that?"I gbAered otily :"q much as three loarketm of lilly other Vk*rs, Gum. Boils. INx4bachom.
trit-il V, livar it -.4 calm, -1 " All right. -'170 PoundFl, 'I till when -S W(v h tJw,-. Kilig 44 Svrvia alid lother inn ke. irm4,41 front itti (IINtacle to a
v0nif- an4l loring lockmmith Don't get shirty. my -010 chower allut,11I.q top trifle.
IT-Plitle tit th (ni, it lif'. royal. pemkwlges.
-k- Illit -avl, that the iw%nter to open the door." lad"; and then. as a. fresil pickl was closed it with no, apparent effort. Mw Borax as a Washing Powder. Tb,%w miniAbimils (of from 8 to
instant. rcelinC sbij tl,,tt it rtkust have "Impt"i1sle! The pliblis-ity could h: The White of an Bgg as J -*0 (i. ILI Itw emixtfith
it Fielecteff, Alld the mi", began operat- far ILbove 270 pDundFo h' ITO The lawm -of Mexico 1provitk% that a. It, Belgium and Holland, wileff. tlw y keep Bui,%er.
liwell. lleglectPol alul Is -It jawnirriol. it-nol Ito ble Illig again. tliv sergeant placed ble hand gon(-,,, Is, tilerp re Jf0f Moll %N'heit fever bi prov#- l,ard. Vinee Meat, etc...
� to It iit ato .11 %v.-mlivrotnen are famous for the Mlowi- "flu
-rving -N. he spoko- our "'If we found the old fellow lying his moutb.-after directing t Veculation. 'for -who wist" t4) t&ke a, w,,cond 1p III, whell-we want a,, .11A.1i,tiq. llrti(. -flinite to-virth N
no WMW�If 04� he "."I .'.,ro -,it I -A
0jarply : ow of their linen. tworax i Liwo
off-Ild there, yes. But 110 111111 -Ly nOt be." light full upon thb keyhole. and whIs- wife must prement a certificate signe(l of diet, the white ojr .11, 1 gg, r. I great (leaf. it in a nfkturftl salt 117111
Loo k here. 111M, tild rpllow, doll't 44 No, he may hot N. Ko it cannot Parml to Guest: by h . IR first helpmeet to the effeu-t that wryes both as food and mediviiie. The I not i j I Ttw-y realitt corro-Mon and dr-
X&POlem's Contro). a D ur ous to lie out (I
-in to drain off the III- fabric. I t idiould be ugsti in the
pLay the fool. 'Elther open the (looi i)e (lone,- jgaill ,-�tr:jtt0*1l %vith all 1111- "I'm afraid you're right. r. 8 t in e
or %tri?Se a lighL h#-fr)rp* I surish lie is willing, am] he must aldo havo w 1W to gi ve I t� alid guard UmAr omteente
. Me, wonted animation WhiC-11 mafh, G nest What (10 you. mean ?,' lutve mentioned that Prinve Napo.. t1w exprem con,mrit of tile second wife bunion from nu olocLnitig mIlOut half 1111. portion of a handfuf to ten pro,- frora fill eout4iniinati(in
tiOng valuable." thp more eager. "What you thought, sir. There's letn' ullot, and killed Victor Noir, th6. and her parente. incil in diameter at. tho,. mnall efid (kf of w a tfr gallom varnpkiiii; and priow.
Thert- was no reply. but the effort *_�But it can." somebody lying in there, slire'atq sure, Prench revoliitionist. who called upon tiW'*vg. the Voke remaining itwitie-tile
lip had made over himself had sonip- ' "I say no," sald Stratton angrilly. or my mate here wouldn't t rn like him am it -bearer at a challellilge to 'riw SWII ; add a lit&le salt to thl@ and (Il- jjift�rd,g Linimellt
what rii-su)reft his balance. * and lie "But I may yes hp has." fig orclilki craze has struck Japan, B. 100Y Wou., Aft N!,
rpit rf-;koly tt, laugli at his VI)iJ,1igIj lit it (fuel with another Frpnch-re- vml,it thrr,atens to unrival the fallt- M!t the Imtletit to swallow it. Repeat Curn Garget in Cow& timuches sivid a genet@* Th rafjs %out
You have [it) KI no businesis "Oh. ncnisense!" whispered �Guevt 1-olllt'O"St- 1 W80 In Pnxi,4 at 'the every hour Or two. III typhold fever A St-venth Canada
ten roL Buropean Power
whatever, to inte ill tilp ,)at- uneasily; til"P. Somf- eighty thousallij Frellch 01-11 t craze which prevailed in thliq mode (if feeding materially lielpis
HAS lit, vone. anti lett me 10ekeel ter. I will not bay Mr. Brettigion ' "No, mir; It's right enough.- He's work men attended Victor Noire Ifollan(l wveral centu.rifts ago. ()ne I UN in (Iftrrying out an a,nt1wTti(! plan silleA. it (NxAa sku inuch to fight ft
?" he th"111rilt. after striving In Wace I)rokpn open anti his thl I ng.%4 !Ike a g000f dog; hns n kind of feel- funeral Just hiltmide tile Pity walln, anil %ariety of ol-c,11141, ,owned Mlitly by Of trentmefit. Furthermom, the. albu- seventh rate EurOPe&u Power -we
vain to hpar -t sionn(I 0ixturbi-ol. It khall not he done.' Iniz when there's something wrotig.1r bore him body Oil their shouldprei to "1011 to it eertntif extent way ;LntId(Ac. wonder what it would have coat two Ask Yo
ImprotAblu tor he had riot hearst " Bravo," thought f;ijust: -a little, "There yOu go again," growled'the the grave; then tht-y entorf,-,ol the city three, ganictiers, !tax but eleven t1lo toxlll(w of tIk(% diwait. ul Dealer �or
the door film -n ,r cl(*u.. anol hf- would inort- - leaves, anit Its eultiva Patients Or t'llr" ye&M A90 W have fougbt
have men th, iiin liglit from argiamomt of tills '#umrt would operator. "Keyhole aint on t1ir ppll_ allot marelied down the [)road aventie. the .1abuloux prim. torM (lematid may at filJA relief fit tho Wilk of eating ( "re'at Britain ' about the boundary
tile britig him roiinol." Awl full of fleter- Ing, mate, nor yet on . the -floor."' 0( 'tile Champs ]Klywees towartW of MAX) yens a "raw" e=. but tluN quicknew with )ill(- of a1ittle pime of wild Ifuld away 13 OEQ;KH'S
Illinatioti, right, or If, in-reoverf- "Oh, all AOL" palace of the TullerLeo. the (about $5,0(X)) per leaf for s1welmens. which It gom -dowli without the volk (iow" ill Venc-M-11t, South America.-
Nop, not it Str�ot,piit lina -Pittly I,e (listilletly 14aiff: ad It was f"ated otitee va rietlem -of more frequent oc--,
But It aint, All right. I've got old that thero would bp bloodoliefl. But I)r*veiq It to be kvgN (iisagrociLbip ilian 0air Dunib AntmaK 110siton.
throitgli the lims-l- otinor and cliv*41 it TA-)ok hem. Strittipli, have you two hands 'or I'd! .1116114 the' ble Y JllHt at the great prm,emion el eurrentw% bring 5(y) yens per lear, an4i tWy supposed..and they are very ready
&[tA,-r him h(Jors- filpenhig the outer. ally special rvallon 99 s8ed line Sakw itt this -figure are ft4mitiently re BRUSHES AND BROW.
for ro-riming to bulls -eye myself. iniijimitte tile Palace of Industry, and to take a oeccmd do*�.* NO Woman who thinks mile is llonlko4y
*1 isisamt ad*t," 1W tutiol to llim- lipoWn' to my wordiv 64 cottw. I . I I will coll""t to hare -her Picture
Therp you are, then'; will *that JILIM(At ill 111911 * t of the Emperor'n pa 1-. F'Ot -%Wc hY Ali [Aladiniv Hotiw*,
A14111 11,0111tililly mtrunig once more. " lie 1-1-a reasOn ??' crit-i'l ste-,st.toll, (Jo ? - .. - ace, auddenly it b(xl* of grits d'itrnivin "A Milli's a taken iri a groq. 0HAX. SONCKH & 80mg. N@muft0tvAg*n
ttm 11--tvr I)InY#'fl me slieh a fool'.4 looking startly'41. " None %vilittever." .4 Do ? Why,. of courne it wIIL1' filed iwrcm the street, immediately The Weigbt or the Bratt), v r Ft Tb&L"
fararsk -W that. TORONTO ONT.
f too , nm,e wr Now. wleers! am I #)It You wormed so li-tulphorn." growled the. fellow. -1 don't adr behl"ll them WINV*41 in a battalion IN,4-igbings mittk� of tI14L braiiiN f)f tiv- vNvi, ir iie im.s i-Alornh oin both .11mot.
AH itinx tsl4e mhould tw- xtrxight "The natijral feeling of a w-jellUtie, much. if you can't hold it la tern of cavalry. and behind them with -gmxv4 have givell I)ptwl%.Il 11 (),111441.4 Itilt, lie 114 a istplum-r. liappler
thko- ft.there n 4 :11141
Malt against ititruders "If*t1filing with let one of the gentlemen." within quick citil, Infantry anflartll- awl 45 ounc*w, a lvpightl tIltt (,fprrq- lkviswr man fr lie luwN putnaln,s I,:l i n -
A;1sJ IN P It -as Vtorn Fixtriietor siml
C.All- hi" atudy." lery then tht- druniiii were Seateii tqiottoLs wIth thov-e of Eitiropea I u v6t -or
"Sometill g'" rusty," malfi the sp n W01114,11 *
..w;l T st'mo4lihisc wfileft Mr. Brett1witi made no objection to) geant. three timcw, whirli is the Frollell while lit the nogrem t1w, nivait weigilt the linsightly vorns, pain nw,
MY e% vras a-I)icture in the will-
%,AIt b"OW no ing by a fino wirs- vf1iir breaking. its ()it bini wh0n be- wari No, It "int that," sald the man, methoill of rpailing the riot itet ; and Im lem than in ths. fomille Nex ill
dangerously IR and would have tfie(l taking the remark literally. "Look's Immediately the eighty thouBand vall- Iii0anx. From t -he vv4.lghlllgt4 will(.11
timd for tim Guest btet4l r1pot failed. the streets were emptjr, n1ld NVIL put)lishfxf 4)f A Queer Pu Ishment.
114C ;t t nil withotit, your help."
'v4crk 1)s-M$y*v_qeh of hW o;sl sireafl, 'ily enough, but It's much a. rum un the brahin of tile
8trattiort wam Nifel'it'"I [or ;1 -sort of double trouble 11arin wam safe. The Emperor could brang awl chimpanwo It would swin, -k moldier cor"itmielit With the
W '4't hill I d Im-en for melit. twit he broke out fliro-etly with: bnck_fftll. Ila c(mitro) ParlK though he. could no that the brulit weight ill. them a a.rilly of Invivd(lin In culk,11 relatos t.lris
'�W% t
-ttk 4n -a 1w)- "But I am sure. tie has nf;t keep out the Germau.-Geo.T. An"ll, raiW,s from 11 ouncem to 15 oollcl*" incident as ilitudrativi. (of the
to) bft g I don't know
jlor.pt bs. 6"'n People are about, inventing mu(, lvHtUt- 11110 pkrJW
Wfatliff trolfff '11*' hix eisemy-- if back." 'I in Our Dumb AnUnals. awl the braiii weight alqw�,arm to be ticwd fly ('11twul ()frjcprb;:
h"WvifW W* ON L ) pid locks. PatPnt.- they calls 'em,
t 110 It ro. fit In thmat'. VMrtiinity "flow rAn you be, away as you have
W Wr br I n
I SAV4. tw""I for moic trouble. -All locks can be g With the Mouth .0pe greatly below those imIllnent C
Triiq t,,, h, Af-f-im-Mo., twbin(l. been so long?" anti what for? Only to give n. mail 8)00P 114"r about "0 M1111111P IlL the piorilla. Yesterday it -Cuban ilmilkT42-nt killeff
n. Thesa figu" are a liorme, pr(muniably for food. For pun
tiw* gla #I IL th" uIlifulmalt film "I should have heard him or 9"oll opened. If you give your M fit -sleoping ill .1 cool, room," 'says of tho human brain. even ill 1*)de- 1"cla orderfd him
t4 Ind to It,
, rrifLl#. anji in an(I him. He would have come in placed in
to me." whether Tou've got a key or no� it's ono (it a �erit% of ho-alth rules. '�castab-- graded IL PPOPIO 11,01 t-hP dwarf Bush all old bairn, IlLs feet put in tIlf,, stocks
r4re Of South Africa. They elfwqpIv
I'l.,.virmot )Armp -1.4jok here. Stratton," sal.-I.GueNt-At Only a case of patience. That's got ligh a habit of lir and the caxcam of the
t4b M wjo bl"Wil's t Pathing through tile lead anknial a
;1'r last, "if YOU Opp(ARO My wish wvm, silml never with thenjoutliopelt.ot ptoximilitr' to th4- Wpigilt 1)f a 1).. HIP can ea t f
Cht in PH -No him!". he sald exultantly, and it thrill phiced beside flit
rmu. -it
that h thilsk% litroagly. f shall think- that you have ran through Guest. "No, It ain't; Thlk; im rather a hard rule. No.one born. niftle Infants. Ili t,,,nPw1y_ the bones of thia itclaAl florm, or starve
ha -M 1, rom
Whit4..m m#O'P un, lksme special reason for it." that blessed tumbler's gone down -can got any sleep by qtaYinc awake to age welghC IN 11.6 ouneem,
1111#111ci"'J. I Y11. ev.nnne_
JT4 r f Jq j It' Ornen , '4tratton'is eyes ivontracted it little again. 'But, am r was a-sa Ing.- he m�O if tile Mouth doeA "Otcome ()pen, I woul(i not I,..Lve believed much
ly 50 J t V;14 fsovilltiff _r. daring 41H periml of #41x (in
I %% ny. mm. fill tiff- m,"t lookmi fixedly at his friend. contintied, an he resumed 'h'is 111(l itwoolo bo expt-lisive toemploy Prompt Decision.
tlivi si* ovor I I �,.. opera- I a tale am tht% if I flad not W441 tile Tim- lIngle, Coil"'I K
"NJ"" Prorry. *a his busl_ thing with my 01111711 e.rfw., wIre. 11171 WIM1411 *A'Irw F*W%ing in alliti4le 4br
It r%i UF
-If not, oppow you. theu,1, he tionm. "a man who kno attendant to stand by and give, the Merch.oit (Up vierk applyllig for :1 a
.0 0111telling Ilb; JiPw, -is If nemm can open a lock, owner oil later, alarm whenever the jaws drop apart. 6itilatioll)--01i prinviple I (jqnly Arther 4.%eril f4x)t MMI 11111riwIll"Val wimis art, utt4 1141 -
effort. "Have the w). w-hy ain't they all made Imple 11mide%. the attendant himself might ()%X*ing to t1w 'noll. it 19i MI t1axto, an to intakis it
and ha' done with It ?"I& warric4l "left, ""hZ" 91' Minard's Linimairt Cum DiolitheriL Illillry f"'"ll 4'11RJ4t*%k III t1w tetiolternture, hmow ha a n at -
fall let Ilim Mouth fly' opcn, and Clerk -Do yoll IlitlIllp tackot I'Mill Aitrks-k I
avilL Parpriv :J:nm(� Ft k a loci anently In)urc lli" lungs. n to lia It in Atiikwe evit.. otti
U11 I*rm 4 la lighter, ak ? HaValla vigars n0wadayli don't wom WrItA, Ipt-g 4%ritN lver "t.
I to Havana tobacco in
rm The Par- wire
had acted in rc%Rte(7,'
guage int* d the
all 114irt.% of the
Mattely VVVUld Louis
Rep-bblic. orld.- . ........ .
ff ra mb"i