HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-07-22, Page 4411111•1111111111111111 11111111lemwessw .• . e, en at sail ivp _ • • 011111111 . PIIZStsVTERY OF MAITLAND Yet at Winghare July 19th, Rev. R. McLeod moderator pro tem. The meeting was comparitively small as some of the members were absent fr)re. homes enjoying their holidaye. The minutes of last regular and two special meetings were read stud adote tett. Rev. S. M. Whitley WAS ap- pointed by rotative, moderator of Presbytery for the ensuing term but being -absent, Mr, 3feLesel occupied •th• chair. An extract minute of of Assembly ways read stating that the congregations of McIntosh and Bel- • more had b..•en transferred •to this Presbytery. These congregations and •their minister, Rev. C Stewart, and rivresentative elder Mr. William •••Mundell, were cordially received. The Rev. Jame* Skene, of Hillsdale, being present, was invited ti sit es corresponding member. An extract minute of Synod of liatuilton and • London was read stating that the cue gregat ion uf- Otliner's church, Kincardiut• township, was transferred to Presbytery- of Bruce, There was eeasi also a leder from Bruce Presby. tery re tranefereuee of Said coegrega- *jou. Ou motion of Mr. ItoSel and Mr McLennan it was agreed that the teansfereuce of Changer's ehurch to the cera anti oversight of the Bruce Prest,, ery take effect, ou the tirst day of August next Cots missionera to CLIO A,estenbly preset.: reported- their .1iligetice. The clerk wits instructed to request ILL: ssions that failesi to produce their records for examination se the meeting to present them at the next nieeting. The cOmmittee on uf • • .*tions of 01%kt:of besieess ple•sente 1 their report which on mo.tion' Wri3 receivedande_adoettel -eel the clee'i inetrueted to get three !:tired copise,. of the regulations atsi reel:see1 and ado! • tt$I priiated. Standing cututilitte..s.fo: the year were apeointesi rtS. follows 1. Finance: Messrs. N1,•Leutiat.. McKay aud • 2. Horne • mission Dr. Mei•ra.•• Messrs. McLeoduI Maxwte:. 3 Sabbath Stjico. Mes;srs, •'Whaley. Fairietirn. aril! Sinclair. • 4. Chnreli :Ife an 1 work Measre. Sialeolfr.. Ross and Mel'arlane • Netb.Mcliete Stee•art Perrie an.1 A. Mc- T. EATON.. DIDN'T 5. Examinetion ef stedents7 Nlessr, • Y I liewz Wit, ••••••• an 1 -Forrest • e. ••••• ▪ :Statistics Messrs. Baie lauty• U‘.1 Andersoir, s ZatiVrren.. • 41; iiirohiastosto The representative ekr. aesap- pointed members of :Le coualLit•_ec6 veLch their ministers are Yeevectively: .1Iave purchased Several complete and - • The annual reports of NV, . 1,41 S. extensive lines of the finest grade. minutes of Synod were distributed. Next -meeting belst a- furniture of the Lucknow • 'central WiLhelaal Ssptember .20 Furniture Company's best manufac- et. 10 a.m. . l'hie meeting -eras eleeeet with the • ture, Just think, our line Comprises • 50bed-room suites of the most modern , • . • • eamsewisaleass 44. The Lucknow Sentinel, Brucs County wridayt July 22nd R. HUGHES, Clothing, Boots it Shoes. The bulk of our spring stock has arrived, which consist of the nobbiest and nest values ever presented to our custom- ers. 1300TS AND Below is a few of our snaps :- Woman's Dougola'Button, Self Tip, Coin Toe, sp cia1 1.35 Woman's Dongola Button, Pat Tip, Coin Toe .. .. 1.50 Woman's Doug. Button, Self Tip, Turn, worth $2.35 only 2.00 Woman's Dongola Oxford, Pat Tip. Coin Toe.. • • Men's Dongola Congress, Coin Toe, Special • • Men's Dongola Laced, Coin Toe, Special.. Men's Dongola Tan, Laced, Coin Toe.. Men's all wool tweeu suits, best of Farmer's satin linings, worth $10 for $9. , Men's black Venetian coat and vest, bound, and best of linings, only $6. • Men's all wool Canadian tweed suits, good linings and well made, special at $4.75. Men's Canadian tweed pants, made as well as the best, worth $l..25, now selling for 81.00. 1.00 150 1.50 9 75 Sole agent for Williams' side laced plough shoes. • •T 4 q1:5 Me, NeltD,Clerk 60NE ON UE/OHE • ir #•- • ser R •.• • of' Aft. at • ; , Sorrowing frieleis u'r sad heart A Are l-e.riely now and 'deep distressed For the one ion loved gone T.D. be forever wit) the •is:•ee. You loved him well, t;o.I loved him better,. • Se He hies called him far...to-ay From this world So full of (lute To the'land endleSs day. • Goole meesengte izite di To bear hi s• spitie to the sky-. And lering heartsetee left behind To mourn the beokLi eie. • Grieving wife, do Teo fOrget It was the Saiiour 'all Weep not as one Without. hope.. He eleepeth and is not:dead. God bless the little :ants .140W Without a father - 10V. • b -at He who loves the little -litinbe W-41 guide him to his home. aitisoee. Dear chlidrenyou Xotr :ather i•tercler • .in Heaven he: i wait ;rig' • 1"..1 bad heatte think not unkind of trod Thus to eali your love,' one horde, ' But let u.a lift our hearts in prayer Thy Will 0.Lord be done. 'Twill only be it little *Lite He is ;list one on before. Then friend with frieiet shall net t • again... -Where'parting is no more. 10, 'tie Lard to say a last good-bye. To the oues on -earth- we leye, But eve know that we shall meet rn our Firer':.4 house above. cLt)VElli There are etil: a few binders who atiecry what they are .pleased to) , caJl 'Scientific' 'farming, but the. west bigoted of these men agree with the scientigc farmer that ',lover -growing' as a good thing. For years at Farmers inithute meetings the ta.k. litte., Keen grow _lover, more clover-thPre is 2tothing glover. For _etttle-feed- led_grow clever; For enriching your- ."' 1r.s.i,Pnriching your tante grow A1111111L-s.rirsZee followed by actual. trial. 1,kncl Dow the yeare of talk - over is growing in 4 ntario, not. in 'le patched hersand there, but alt is� lend there are to re found 'fiver -end suuh tieldse Never • history of the Province ieigo4g1:11.e. such clover grown. Lest epecial:y feesseside• for a mood catch, and tr trim t▪ hat there never had been seen a.ny- 'thing like such a crop of cl.seee es is now in Ontario. Tei; 1.4911 is the clover year It in a re., .rike !.reaker. Uo where you will througle,e• wet, .,j. western peuinsu,a rf Onus', c;,,vur fields erwer brow' 're*, masses of bloaivons, Some for paature with • vele through Ow rank grr.)wt h, svoir for hay with the hum of M.: mower (.:utt- in4 through it, ,00le for seett with the by bees orktt..4. ..00ngst it We repios to $ee thl.:e ..te btu t crop rt will help the fares A t•Lancially, giv tag great sinantitir- ,t valuable food tut the stock, 64)6,4t. tin the mik ao. (sena of Ow dairyman or finish the 4firteler f.if the feeler It will do more kqnly will tusei e cloter crop give Give* DriAits. itit it *ill alas give Prity The clover roots D. C. Alcivn.nt from. the free nitro- NOTICE. 41 means of minute ----ox inek.ly use this.. free 'It leaves por- A M EETING af the members of Kinlowi Briench Agricultural Society will he 1411.1 . Bask) not after. An held in the SIecbanice Institute, Lucknew, on Clams*. ploughed NV efineaday the flay of August, 1898 at s. tioyer twft o'clock in the afteenoton, for the purpose valuable Office. I•'or terms etc., call a t the 801111111&•,krus, "f cuniddering and aPPrn wicg the the Agricultural Park by the Society, and the execution of a mortgage thereon to seem.* purchase of part of tbe parasite. money. This notice is ONCert tp'ork a • . 60ecrally *Ai titiv•• pursfiant to statute. ‘1P. H. Sif Kr.eale, P. A. MALLICMACII, Pres. tlec . • . Lacknow this 20th dky of J itlY AND • DESIGNS We are now selling our regular ,310.90 suites for $8'.00. Higher grade suites likewise at our bargain prices. Furniture for your rooms and pictures for your walls go together. Our goods come from the 'hest manufacturers. We handle nothing else. PICTURE FRAMING Is a feature ut our business, We can give life to your bare walls, This is the season for house decoration and adornment, and LAWRENCE & JOHNSTONE are well equipped for the saIIR That Touches The Spoz WeLEODS SYSTEM iniThe Hub Leads Thom Allifr›- pion. Family Groceries & Canned Goods. FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. FLOuR, FEED AND ALL KINDS OF SEEDS; FINE TEAS A Specialty. HE LA RGEST STOCK, THE CHOICEST GOODS AND THE 111 ' 17 AIMS OBTAINABLE IN LUCKNOW. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. ' VOM04"04' ' •:.: clili4:41%4:4:4%;" • ...i.e. • •• ••••••• •.:. . • JOHN - ELLIOTT. M. CORRIGAN'S Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISION'S I have in stock the following: - Dried Apple Nutmeg' Soda s Extracts oii.olivel Soaps lrieh, Fiera Oil, weet • Spices sinned Oil ,castor Starch. , lain dried , Oranges 'Strawberries,ca, Gelotiae Oat Meal . Sulpheral Ginger, Pails Tapioca Hops' Peelle Tomatoes .canned Honey Pipes eas Ink Pickle Tobaccoes Iutiigo ' Pearline Vermicell Licorice • - '. Peas,canned Vim -gars' , Mine Juice i Pepperl Washboards Lemons Raisins Washing Crysta Lamps .. Rice Moc,denware 1.aril - Rice Flour 1Whiting Matches Sag o Dill nor Sets Mince Meat ,Salt 'Yeast Cakes Ms-eti :Salmon !Diener Seta • Macaroni 'Sardines Tea Sets Miistard ' 1,Senna _ Water Setts Meats,canned eNeeds Cream Setts Magnesia , 'Sugar !Berry Setts Synius !Toilet Setts tpples 'attacking Black Lead Blue Baking Powders Barley, pot B,th Brick Beans Brooms Ba.skets Brushes Biscuit Coffee Confecti.mery Canned Goods Cocoa! . Chccilate , Corn, canned Corn meal ' (u:ten Po W Cltider Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates A-1 Flour always on People must Have Groceries MWMMMIIMMEMIWAN -- The great question is where to et them. • We -lieep the best qualitiee to be had. We don't pretend tog 11 them below cost, but we do sell them at a very close mse argin. TPIAS Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from us instead of tea peddlers. Compare quality and prices. CROCICI• :t•-av- • We have a fine assortment cf diner Ise. tta. tea, berry and toilet setts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. FLOT.TIR, All kind:, of flour and feed kept constantly on hand. Goods delivered to any part of the town. McClure and Mallough, -(24-.R.C")01:?#S ••••••mo.•••• RENOVATOR Weak and ImpurerBlood Liver and idney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc.4 Ask. Druggi- or write direct to 3. X. mama, GODERICII, Ont. Sold by Harry Days, Lucknow. MRS. A. M. ARMSTRONG, • TEACHER OF - Piano, Organ, Violin, Voice Culture, Thorough Bass Harmony and Counter- point. f Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations. RESIDENCE -Suffer Street. . HEIFER ESTRAY. LITRAYED to the premised of Mr. Wm. Stothere, let $, con. 9 E.D., Ashfield, on or about 11th of June,• a two year old heifer. Owner may have the same by proving property, payin., expenses and taking away. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. OT3 it, and 17 in the Township of Kin- loss, eaat of Holyrood. One hundred and fifty acres, mile and a half from school, postoffice and church. Over one hundred acres cleared, clay loon, balance well wooded, beech, maple, elm and 'cedar, Spring creek. Fences in fair condition. Frame barn, cott age, and a go4s1 orchard. Farm under grass at present. For further particulare apply to Mits. Jess Dicear,A, Lucknow, HIGHEST CASH PRICE ! BUTTER & ENS lfaving purchased the busi- ness lately run by Mr. W. J. Skinner, we are prepared to pay cash for butter and eggs. Your patronage is solicited. Yours truly, A. & W. GOLLAN, Lus know. . . • - --esessiZZS.. PHRENOLINE REMEDIES Taking the lead everywhere. We are working day and night to supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happiness daily. Try Our Rheumatic Specific or Kidney and Liver Pills. They are absolutely pure and health- ful. Guaranteed to cure Rheuma- tism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, 1 umbago, and all forma of Kidney and Liver troubles. Beware of spurious imitations Manufactured on Honor and Sold on Merit only by . . . . 3E3MRIVY. az CO fore. 41". Wood's Phospliodinos The est &wash Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six kagea guaranteed to cure all forms o aexua Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To - bailee, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of pees, one package $1, six, 86. One will please. tit wit& cure. Pamphlets free to any address. no Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Sold in Lucknow by Dr.D.M.Gordon, Druggist FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER OITERS WILL 13E RECEIVED FOR the purchase of lot 16, on the 10th. cnn. of West Wewanooh, up till Monday, August 1 'It, 18t04. This farm contains 200 acres of land about 150 acres cleared, and has been under pasture for the last fifteen years. For further particulars aoply on the premises, or to THOS. B. SOMERVILLE, Belfast P.' 0. , Out Notts uurr. TWO proinissory notes given by Mrs. Mary Anu Jarvis, and payable to Joseph Apogee. of Ashfield, one for $25 and on for 120, have been lost, and the public are &rein, cautioned against negotiating them. JOSEPH SP ERRS , Belfast, 1,0. AVISON, T R. P. Somerville, AGEN r Foe II D . Allan Lino Royal Mail Steamships and Dominion Line Steamships. NEW FURNITURE • WARE ROOMS. Raving secured the premises lately occupied by Gi.W. BERRY as a Furniture Ware Room, have recently fitted it with the newest de alms of all kinds of Household Furniture. As to quality, they are unequalled. The mice is - away down. All goods are bought for spot cash, therefore I can sell at as dee° a price as any person in the country. Why buy in To- ronto and pay freight, subject to damage, when you can save this at beme? When at .. T. DAIVSON'S inspect and be con- vinced. rHE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Is co laucte4 at the old stand, which has been entirely renovated. Embalm:lag Prosorving and Taking Oaro cf Boclioe a Spoo- fait. 'I'he Embalming Fluid, material and ap- pliances used have proven to be the most effectual that have ever been used for the past twenty years. Xi -Picture Framing and all kinds of Re• pairinv done at the old stand MoKENZIE Baker and Confectioner. Dealer in all kinds of Groceries, Canned Goods Confectionery, Etc, Bread, Buns . and Cakes .. Fresh Daily Flour, Oatmeal and Corn, meal always on hand . - - - - - gOook's Cotton Soot Cospouni Is successfully used monthly by over 0,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Costs Goss Bost Cam- r. Take no other as all Mixtures, pills and mittions are dangerous. Prise, No. 1,11 per box Mo. 9.10 degrees stronger.18 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8-eent Sam pe The C..k Company.Windsor. Ont. nr-rios. 1 and 9 sold and recommended by all /espousal@ Druggists (4411d11. Not Mid No 2 omlil in Lueknow by Dr. D X. Gorticas Draggist. Tickets via Nt'w Fork and' _Montreal. Call at Express office and get your tickets. We will secure berths, £heck your baggage and do every- thi»g to save you trouble and make you comfortable. White Pique Ties, New ASt)OT Style, 25c Roman stripe, Check Striug Tide. Fringed ends, 25c. Leather Belts, with Harness Buckles, and Pouch, all colors, 25c. Black Leather Belts, with Black Buckles and Kid Lining, suitable for mourning, £k. White Kid Belts, with Kid Covered Buckles 25c. Jewelled Belts, r.Oe With Elastic Band -A FEW QUOTATIONS IN LADIES' FURNISHINGS •041•••••••••••••• and extra quality at 754., Linen Skirts, all pize., cianfortable and Cheap, 11.35. Plain Black Lustre Skirts, lined throughout with Li nenette, Black Velveteen Binding $2475 Figured Black Lustre Skirt, extra quality, First -Clea. tiniugs, Ready -Made 'Wrappers at 75c, 11, $1.25, $11.3,5, and $1.50. • Plhid Giegliams, assorted colors, for Waists, 1,e2. Fancy Striped '.'Ingham* and Muslim good quality, worth Tand 124c per yard, foe 8c. 10 P .tterne, (beible width, liserietta. Finished battens, regular price 15c, for 10c. 10 pieces Plaid Ginghams, regular Peke Sc, for 5c, A large assortment of Organdie and Coves Muslin, regular price 18c for 1.2ec. White Pique in Stripes, Checks and Spots. the proper thing for Skirts and Waists at 16c, 113c and 20c.. 30 -inch Fancy Stripe, 8ilkaline, Skirt linins, 12 1-2c. 36 -inch Plaid Skirt linings, the latest, 17c August Fashion Sheet in. Call and get one. Yours respectively, j I G. MURDOCH & co' ARE YOU IN NEED Ilarvest ......•••4**********.: If so, you want the best ; and you want to buy where you are sure of running no risk in procuring the best. You want full value for your money too. We guarantee to give you all this. We keep no inferior goods, and can give only the best, 1 •••••••••4•••••••••••••••• Come d,E.sere‘ D. C. IAYLUK'S LUCKNOW. FEW. 15112c:es ENCOURAGE TRADE FOR JULY'. Prints, bc per yd., worth 8c and 10c Prints, 7c per yd , worth 12 1-2c Kid Gloves, 35c per pr., worth 75c and $1 Shirt Waists, 39c, worth 50c. • Shirt Waists, 50c, worth 75c, Also special prices in many other lines: WM. CONNELL, LUCKNOW. 4 READY MIXED PAINTS Now that you are doing your house-cleaning you will want to do some painting, we have a large stock of ALL THE BEST SHADES. Then your walls will need a new coat. 'We can give you a nice assortment omits in WALL FINISH AND ALABASTINE. • We have a large stock of brushes for High PAINTING, KALSOMINING, WHITEWASHING, Quality ! Etc., at all prices from the cheapest to the very hest Paterson's We might also tell you that we have a full line of Biscuits! Screen Doors, Screen Windows, and Wire Clothe Tiley are fine flavour, Our stock of Building Material is comfilete in all its lincs. crisp, but not too Ian . vet thm often; I get them jresh. I know they are al- ways good at A. McKenzie's Nursery Stock Agents! Book Agents! Agricultural Implement Agents! Or anyone desirinl to better their position increase their income should write us. The demand for home grown Nursery Stock is on the increase. We need more men. If you want stuady paying work write UP. We l'arni.n nil supplies free. We the Iartge34t nur*erier In the DoliiiltIOR. Welpity bath salary mad eansaai...loa. We engage either vv hole or lel rt time men, We gienrantee all ser stock. We tosrniftle pareba‘en. 'with certificate frost Government Inspector. *Wins oar 'stork Is tree Irwin Nita Jose *rale. 0ir Num., ics ,:omprise over 701.1 acres, and grewhig stock in largo qttantiry enables us to at the closest possible figure. Mon Succeed with ut} who have failed with Others. It will cost you nothing to learn what we can.1.• for gel. fiou't write unless you mean busines4 'id wait piofilable eniployteent. Eton° & Wallington, TORONTO COM13:1 1 N AN ID SMM 1:78. The Leading Hard ware Depot. <=01 ----- Thomas Lawrence, - Lucknow, Ont a ANNIMMINII• VtootA0410tAAIV~AsAAAAA•00A""Ar seAseeAlAsAIVVVVVIOAAAAANAAAAAA/10 efefer Ifyou want the inside price in boots and shoe, read the follow ing. We have reduced the price of our own make of men's laced boots. • Shelled cordovan from $4.50 to $3.75, and meta's kid boots from $4.50 to 14,00. AU lines of hand -made and ready-made shoos in propor- tion. Wo have a large stock of boot, shoes and rubbers in all lines. Rememoor, we warrant everything we ell. If your boots rip, bring them back and we will men em free of charge. Repairing (lone on shortest not 04A0VieNOVVvW0AAAAAAAAAAAAA OV4AAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAA0111.111~ eveesOs. TERMS: Cash or credit. A liberal discount off for cash. 1 IsT W. • • • • , • •