HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-07-22, Page 3top 11-11 MAMILTON X �1 0 ffilhffilmlfiddm� 4 - 1111 rr 4W Al a8hin gtrm jn tile ability of the sur- MANZANEL" FQRCM8. gv*4vi-4 to *stanip out the disease. CaMerons, far ahead of his men M Three t1iousand Sj)iinlali troops were JUMPOd t4le Palisade and alighted I� SUNDA ou twar Guantanamo at tiff-- time of the BATTLE OF ATBARA a tronch full of Dervishes. Hiii met) Y SC�OOL AN THE NEGOTIATIONS. PE86 atttwk upon the United States mar- followod as fast an powibK bu t be- iluw, but I am informed at the depArt- foro they got to him he was Idiot Toral Held Out and Washingto"li Met 4 molit that most of them effected u unic- through the heart. A te"L 111111*11111AWATIONAL L11111880a no. IV Invent hole an as mulow Him. i ble revenge tIon with troof)d from Holguin. awl cut VivW Description of the' was takon--every mail there was JULY 24. low, Off Agigulonw,_ . it, eletipa, killod. Them, �vas a check wheit the tch 'via' their way. thmmigh, Garcia's lino intoo S 40. I)e. Santiago. Tlxcw,- .. troops amounted to R11mor thdt Spiden I I "ort, %jitb0o, -luty 10, lea%,Ing Ili the Holguin dis- E.uglisli troops flit(] reached 111gil V HdS uggested Onbit*. hits mirrentletetL to�dilY- Moil- 4bout 4.a - Dervish Defeat, ground ilk the middle of the enclosure. Elti"'ll li'light K119-011rageamm.-I Kiiijci� -tem by I:ijI'tv(1 $tatc foru- 3s oil land j trict about 5,8(K) men, 3,000 of whbm,� Prom all inner znriba and fort a 19: 1-1& THE CONSCIENCE 01F THE NATION. it past clefi-ata bowevee. -have, it, is feared. gfme bo te�rrlble fize was poured out -it wall lkittl w. dimllelirwl jir with. Geti. Bernal, 1*05. lk,0r*;IIebft, AccePtdble Terms, Witjl0Ijt'jIq%,,, yletory., (;pit, I Porto Rico MahmoudAP inner keep, a nd tile [St, John Telegivok.j "in the Manzanillodistriet them were Datilawlist. Syria. Abeimpliolall. -yielded. lits- ri' tO � Save fliN -r of his army was there: The cabe of tile uufortun&,&e Ttwal flowe %I t %V ith tile fln I stroko ar tile 'about 12,000 $roupir. Thew am still RO MAKE-BELIEVE WARI "A cx)mpany of tjyo 11th �4oijdan- Horeb. people Of Sallti"C"o ii, an excellent ill .1-:1111111*411 Gerlrrftl,.� jkli Ili" -only strong- there. uetcati4pn tie-, without the least liesitatioil. IOrsulih.-Aliab. -jeze1jel. hiAlio VroVitive antilIgt) blus TO, TItANSIFNK THE PRISONERS tried to ruali tile northwest corner. Hazavl� Iehu. Eldflif. of the horrom of war and tije ruut allepw 1 .11141, thf. � Ilowe of 8Pain -An t fie Wifix . I ) e4wrtaiiefit lor . returning'the Der X if storm of bullets tilt- (-cjm- "'Iliell It brit4P 'to those *Wllo orp THE Fgustorn Cuba ix crusI441. WhItt Vic ourr6tillereil'army- of Giefieral Toral to A Field Left Thickly Carpeted With P:k`,,0Yr*,,-as 101 but annihilatoovi, losing Comiftent-ary.-i. To.1d JeZebel Thill 111foL one brOuglit into Oullt4tet Wit -111 It. Tiaw SANTIAGO STRUGUE IS OVER 'urre r. w4 I-(- %%­ts not ye t 114pain will uot- necessit-LtO tlXC USO Of irrefragable proof. People &re not ill ituy &&�rwp r49"llillitol, hundred men in killed and EliJUll. by the must I 0 Ili lxmrtj' ! tile llj� vCHWIS. I - t, Is tho purpose Of tile Dead, Wound0d. OtJior oompanies or the IIIIAI villdlenti,l] IAN authority ;law -shill New X )rk. it Is �bebfkeveql that. M t nelit to ask for proposals from britro 11tAi Blacks sprang forward tablislied the autti(yrity for Vanish covernment In Cu bn. 4)r lmr I tl",- At officer will alf titcaniship companie.-4 which liesire and charged home. Piper Stewart off tuat 1wr idol..Cm -xi of jel" for the. maludwinla&rutiotj wilicil is Company Camorons k�-apetj upon it duff. jf�,Iqfth ,a(, Ili- j*jrnjittc4I to W -conipete for trans�portating the j 4 Not what (;tx 0' Ilav4 catuied tbe rebellion, Foral and his -11' �1,11-.TAIN THFAlt All.)E ARMS* Stp:aidsh troops to Spain, and tilt- Illost HURMING AN ENEMH 0111P. knot, Playing loudly tho 'March 'of lind done, but wila t 1,,-Iija I, ,ad 41ne. - therc- and brought about the war witi, en to the Number of About jo.000 to he Sent Back to-Spaln a advantageous. bid will be acc*pt.�d. tho i!nmeron Mon.' Bullets rained Coju. coill, tit tilf. 1projollets nif. tile United Kta". They *bm pt�hcv._ ar 11 bo, Expense anif th.-it. flie -StpaiiLsi, . lily wil if The advices of Gen. Shafter sta:te that :fround Ilim. I"It 110 C"lly I -If -W thp Pik.ts (lif Rititi tie (*Jilin till' fill citilell" Pursuing their ortUnary Fi*C Vinkee Soldiers Dead of V gi V 4.1.1 ro ef Ott %-( 13- 14) �. 114tia. Aflwir,4 harder, until a mlwjt4- Iatf-r fie fell a if itone bellow Fever. -raik -to, not N.4. wen iniQrmed the pumber (if Spanish prisoners will b1ft-tilk-Y 'Werfi worthy til li%'Ocutioutjaiidoiily(leoringtO W ieft be between 12,000 and 15,000, lx'fOrt' * A Dervish xolley, joierce Ir About Porto if. f3U,000 Der vishog on One SldeAgainbt 14 41 tie wilue, U Next .1tili ukition, atilt lie 'ithout IlotiVilig it; Jim a- alone and pt3rulitted to mm&iu at theTerms Were.nade -Tliino o of tiv AieiAils of 4 0 Britguh on tile other -Not Like through awl t1irougil by kweii just relwisni oll fleir for killing (jod,#j Pifmce. Vist tjwy now fijid timmaw Plu 4 ivil �s not expet-t tlio t rnw to. be -made %Vound&", Iveg PRACR RUMORAL the '-.11116Aellart) Dlalec� Wai- Yarns bill. ck- alld 11ade His Own Conditions jli�blil­ for,-se%-eral thil-Ow. 2. Ment It njf4**.jlg,0 by tim,, streim of war compelled to FOKCS' nSy Withdraw anke mi" It wits, ind(*d. a �great vivwry-, 'r - Truly Froe Till! onot c, VA atilt] unex -joi It tell, prudeia 41,11 flit- "l-willdoll their flumes, which are to n 4� uha, No%% 'Pee Spatn Said to Have Suggested Terins of Written In Tamp4 and New York. as SteVenil Says: "A cleali tueasmp. But 1"itroyed A Cuban Yarn About -A virs ja Hava' Polly. -The Santiago -it intlaign. �'witli wl-io vall 4XI a bombardment, I . , f f. a&.. settlement, -woll-olled, Nwooth-running. clock- Prudent witeii tilt. jA)l.tl. ..j tit it,4 iik%edo or ,ilit-nitiki (mring and thirk The greatest bat�le 'of r;!cent years I'llitun" force') tou "Ifilk 40witoer and tmg for food .Salltsagljo 1141,4 silrj*nklered. -with 'till- -rtword (g 'Amighter,_ had I% jisithigton 4kvij�atclb: -lIIdep*-lttj,4l-k141 work -perfect, masterpiece of it locit- Ativir voutiwl Alid bii%dpqi I*- Insi in tile calup of tile enemyL,. with ntp 00 0N." Not a filLw. not a (-.fleck. iiot a wilue that Ile -if 60,C -%iginms a t 91L iii rank to -for Cuba. thp . transfer of Porto Rico %va-4. tho ettgago-mellit bi-twec 11"Ill ttl:rll tip,, lillins PrONPect before tlje�uf but utter rulti. t' - k'-' )' t 114. i1;llkj1lI.4I`� IkVll belittVet by JILVIII Ili Of two Spaiiiitrtfs, onme English- fmill .111 sif lovs. to tile United -Stlk,teO to exchange for Dervishes 1ULd 12, BH' 101t, and not a fleck oil* itk i4ldriltilz the wit -ked ifit4f f ha ve only just, 1xVijil' The ri-flisal, of tish trodim c9PIil#IIII*4Q%!- Krum- 'tall [10 II(Ve blut tile faint one that ith little rt-mit.. thr",- Auserie'aim i., now ar- "Ilelled tile Sinini-Ai biolt-khoo --, and tile, I'llilippille*4 .1 volfflllj� ttation do no they ikkitty be abit. to prelIerve the Spati-i6tri to istif-rewler had beell, tit) lit'- Atbara, ia' -01�011 0811dall. .7,Ile tele- mat-lif-r. Liet'tfu, t tibeLr Ira 141011119 Ummss. trV114-114-s tiorth of' 11.1ijila ..11"1*44 vllp- lit that both tile � llttter',-isIimds . for' fte United Now as to the greitt iiiatt tsj whont stay CAW Jilt tile 16-o(JN hilly Ine witil lives outil I turl, I _rlie %,itti.jIlish '111pliqve atilt at.) raph 4old tho fac4 notite wceks ago, tho credit of leadership hPlo-t",. vo- tile %vtr i""'Irided. Tills war '-I riny a "i(Ald deatti. -('Iarke. W" Undertaken by tlw Uniwd KtaUw 1'robglblJ� SlW SlIatnish artuy will" Nlq-qt,- 10,navy had. f w 't keit tile i(Ifut tie 1* ' f ille gmittjight the twelve years tliat IcItcli :1. flu snW-Storin etniiiiig -lp.!ejjuwp of oti Itigh jtrtpu tof %ivtor.� without ft ther bloodslietl�- Spaiii bi"willhig to inake these con- Et tho pax u ars�o ener , ver- I'dii Of pidlanthrWy ilid Tliert,� w -:Ig :t iq Vol fie a fitibalt-r-rii, 114) (Alo f:nw Alljv- Allab'.,, it'stlibillty auji hick (if moral IliluumitY, IL it Ili unfort rue 3e0ellit pairtide and Iw returned t(y r sus IrtLill eeaiions to obLain peace, according to aro now. at conveyed In tilt! bu unately t r�"#" zilltl"Iliiou 10.4lay had �it set for the j, final :'intt deiiIllivnite gi smilt utx)n tho t Sfc- aboll dni. Then vourage and firiH Principle to rule hift U*lp ilwist oih ioultediatf. gilt' - a kles'patch received by 11" u Jigrapbic prose of G., %V. Stevens_ The t1lat"t" chief 'rem Itli, w) fkr. [lave Om a send-offtel.-il notir -aptincy aw was wilt to nd th(l. raige of itz#4wl. I*eli Uiq- kleti Kinley fr. he got TIN or, 4A, Of V(PlllffWrf* 611'ssio"I Or f he city.. Tivit eP- - Sirdar, Nlr*Ariliur Kiteltoner, it; not- T9.vilt, to,,help ri-organlu- tiff- 441ahin %Vinat for'lais life -Ito 0-019 Vith artillery nd musketry. it' that Adminfstration officials With' whom to kvm tile, ruin, of two (if is to jowir- will Till-- hisil -fit artillery i.;4 , Iwt yet 'it#a fojorivic wore nd 'triny. His fru!oinit4thle cilie0gy n tid (!onl hilliAllif V, tilt! voulwi of fear rather 1106el"t victims. A few njolitlis ili% -re strong* ani t taikett atru--r they hall Warned Of the oil for Ij bivii looked Ila isw W 110, 110' 811 YN, IrO � It 'pi-ril it torfkAkmis 0( ba 0ur ariny About four lititt eontent4of t!ie tiespatch Informed me t:' wiom ttraetwt -Itt4.n- than'ti) tile guidallm of faith. 1-priti, CU drcol. t411 -41:1y tin, -forwitrd to. all expense; form -d k t1u. will 1111liti.-) It' Siflta ua lime joifil-4j. t tli:ft 'tit offi6al� pf6piJoitiou embrite- tion. all -I Iv. wam W -tit tiff fill IIli liko.ly�tlp he till) iloolli(vit, ill tilt), iptioiK ;uid to) It hallpt-ite(I j1plit of Iliucillphildlithrupic effort ina ko exec 114 to britig in tilt- %I-aloi 4. IistAP t1if Ija%4- ru.VIiiN.t' 1XII 14111( 1 tA_*rHIN would be-iiecept4(41 by - _� %% #If#%% lPaIrt, od tilt. pAir tile 1 9 1 U -Ile* 1� tthat" it Thery :I re lo -41 don into'o tfil. dark deptlis opf fted etatos. They wowe Ill fla"ger of ),")It Irto.-r -1 O'l-lol-k thi.s. )Iftivilooll the -Lilliteil Stittes. (WOIII't Of We t tituter the British fla4r. wilf forwilr4i ;Vs 0" tiff. 1401-t, I)ktt �Ijx ()f tO -ing jillol tilat nation. wtil. by eiignid Thus. f l)jrej;idelkA . Ifekinley'" In- bltt is.avallablo. I*410 A vol"try fierce (!Oze his 4-redit. NI'livii , u4tilitzitipij., The Pow-Itoer if r% thet'' find. to ro, 111fdIr' W11118 it though At, was tho fonws maZ a dash f(jr tIK- wells t4ral jawst tp. (,4)IjtA.Ilt t4j go) ne%-or imen (leaf ()f t I, i*ta bli'sheil, re at thaylight. it Is ifill. f:11 -t tll:tt T(� r. 1 -1 11; 111 st i re n;.. formastt in �orreet, peam, ill the licar 'r mid KitA-hener went nbewl ij,tAp ti ailm pr(hible that lost Jilt bsolute e6rtai not king, and tho splendid vigo of Graluitil, till- tIM-111 fMd, WitIl Th4-. loirilp, � I fill. flis offl- f ti Vu re L 1111T. -ti 841111 "1 .1 lity. H18 daring Qf,the atmiiault inakem ulli- ntA w Inert searrety cri-ditf-4. the 14tory. (ICOPlitell stated til With the 19tIl lltwhvirs' w -outs. They lX'-r trio--Tiw flebrew miyoi. literally tfiC at tile -MilliattrY, at l`404"W1 60vomunient. Till- war caaw; the e w V0fL%t4tlIt4-*I,ats Tora I i,-! ,q i rge -girt -ft lilt(] flefillitely de� Lt -k I teat. th ri I I with Pride for tit(- nglo- r -.141ito with it junilw-i- trev. sitrub. _uuAjt,Qf CqblL tiong illdi, it, 111(vting jo-4hty. iet, it notoriouH 'robLN 14 RoWrt' till- ltri to libKildoll tile 4axoti- ace. trong blind. who-f1tNt before theill. t1jul, Outs' t ttit lwii!Toral tiff 11oi ay. lst refused II:i(j iievided to sue for-- fitrugg'i-, and Ttio attack began early ill tile morn- bettol�r 4-tiolliLidill of blockaded and the supplies ';ell. Tolon mid I i I.-. im 11. 1. 19 to) pfam a the .111g, tile It -is istolit 4.11ollgli the 10U.000 remkmiltmdoew M.,,ed. to of ullcoll-I whole b�en it-@ followers, m�ertook tiv�m. A -ers- Jett to tits t*.nd(.r mercies of terjus 'set -forth.- earef y am -41 rur his -1. and ioll They'%% duration 4)f fdr.ahead of his troop. Ili- clovA upon tijIly of f11,11fri. Government of lit li., 4tirrenifer.. liti(t if dispi-mitioll ull'_ jilotted � out beforelum, 1, 1166 tGkil., Wiwi alk overy loader knQwing what wits 4-x- the fero-+,)uH fref-booters it n4l di,manded lilt* tot and to ctept' tile. informatti4n its entirely pected of If i Ili. Tilt! eittIrt. 1 2,000 it d- dult Al, thowe poor people no%% Is* that till- .31ofiITjIlu4,IMI,6, f it w3s fielit"_4241 that tile tlfkillg tritstworthy.' wlille in others there iit lit dit-The inropliet's tiv- y IwLve no PIROP U 40 ;ey surrettiler, The voo)l 'darinx That lie 11) ig thent mentioned; tim- ri-hilielago - ignom: hilu itild without-4tirtliciL fighting son, auml tit one jiwool). Here Afien, i8 that w) (4tell succe"Is" M tile st<wy of tile a an Wl,j in 110%v Z.-rikilig L. South :1 4 t I I#' I I e doubt. -.There seeinji to be it goli'- %, to, Ill re:tched its lowest Point.- lie In I Vq 44 1:114, id Ilizon inilitks-sibili-ty. �iT it-ar tile situation: 11101110 -fit. DIVVIVe-41 by it-hoto We belier %%.IN ).;till suffering from tile n-actijil t It, tillery of er;oj iippromioiCautiong admitiisti-ption t scare heads Lind largo. typr..'bi tile Alit- ro. They i ti-Iritt-4 4,)f the surro-it,lo-r. tli,-r ro,giowq �jrjN &)Ijj�rllt t(j, I*. t I ri'lered to -till, lcould w! tbelx� l"ition (jultA! tha ti rrounded by imseen rican Pape ret" %V:ks 0 tt: tile lyrospect ley were, su drf"eed t'ke invotolng I' ie '#VaN extellad. or tile voluillQ11celu -11 by -xw. Whom the bold Wholly out of might all(] tilere "Ittil tile 81kritint-4-4 are exim-ilett, clit or the jlegotijj� %VC n6w, the untial river fringe It BITTER' AGAINST GEXMANS- 11 -it there will be A tile. town -onipletely 1111911ts a4ld days of witil a rf. gvw Xj Lind tti( of grey-greeii palms stimting the -it ht@ e0mrildlid, they liar;eyed mid tili. jNjIlj,p% 11twit; 4,xilliusti.tj flit. roaso" fear that 7 li,r tilt- vessat)oti of war i to must of tilf-M 8TV strong. bpntv of 11111off. i llu IS" - for -the tisual.-fringp or yellow-grity inimcwt. ven- last. fOr this ga%,i- tit. &Sit rs dead. Think Of it' One hundred tlilrm- -Who-Think and Act if Di,b) t riloba, for. tho first tillie -.I -the islands, r -ty line lit frint of time to come ill). aiki make I)rigioners of Regard 41114' C011tFol Of %lilt the'smoke-gr, awnt, ill ate, awful m)i4two. of tip, m8nd innocenn men, w(,ptnell jlljj ellil- '011 A KEY WaST STORY. 4 thc4r famous zarlba. tile gang. It was a hol,ol a i I cI a rac -r- -;it.' whito till"wt. dren (lead by starvation during tile Ti. It all*must h to( t I It, rt first two iliontlim of it war under6 -Ftefore it4-rlglit ventre filittered hal Istic itet, cistablislivoi Kitelien- - a. jiit skot-The lki-tolphet a ken To)d by a doz(.11 flugs'. white nd pale or's reputatimi with British WAdiPI-14. I ro pill frSI "Just Arrived- Cuban and 1011101 (Alt of pure love of the pi -op ulk, Ill-11,golit or Mid r4wit Ile w as to ie of Cuba ill 1'r� I i te wel Its, I'l 01 [10 it 0. lattvr 1wile ehoco-late. Tilt, lino twing brae., Kitc.hener Truly tljL4 k1jid.of loe is or) (.0stl vf-ro- till lizirdit Neecis salt., yellow . I - ffdentil, - bp diAill uiKj Ng,111lial-felk, Illf" lattf-Ilipt _t�,) voi4l the 1.� 4. % . went coli till Lit wam:ntA half a mile 141)"Iellfild executive facility. wh"', 1xit. from the g44itler wing of tlie till- is hardly too that lit, valtilot, 4*t -Ve; A W16 led f I Ig!, I ti!d. of"them- oudim -fill( irout the -flng4. Then - it 1111 toe anil. 1r, ;j. j!lsi ll�_ :Ill#1 Angel fr# Tlind!-ivent tile firnt t a %rielicijkPilsly. here front I TlV:Hl;I.'rf1IAort,sthat in W -Though "Ids fliglit jilto r i i r - f il L re t, 1xicko h- ig ill all-riiiind strong t40119-11441 hil M'c litive Ito fear that tiu-w thin" rot to . rl� t oil tiff% in.riba hito,, tit 40% iii- 4 lttill- 414w-rL wau not ant-horized 'ki the :ittplition "I ;V 71-11 Ow round imm with rather tivi littli- tolerance t �lt� gn-at4st ow gray, for Iminart is i I, th, - I 'hwoll'to-ly hin, top tiff- 11witook Cheritoli.ftr to Zan.- Tli:it it largr element ror albs'llt me -ii, %% ith r: 1- ':111,11 t;j;-lt I looked'at lily it. niarked intiritig. rijw-m early awl ro-tiro-si latc- ill, . :11101. filtir ie ttlkg..i tip. aild bloo,khends, men :fit() 0-r-' +,;till tj 6.'4. Thfiji;tttle tfult Nall. now 111A It- ly. I lifit in tifo. Without flearC GEN ari4l, now' eva*41 tim Tor titontl: atoy lliv. otte (,r tile id-adorw TORAL, t. - he 4*1111014r its nwinherm tit Coitgress : hilt' g -:fr for a in -the firtit. it .1 fat largvr pr(4x)rtiofi (if Ili% lw4it ilt% l#;I11 t- 11,114- ollol world.. -0-11 IIIIg#qS' foorl fm-onwIl who q -)Illy demr. r 'kv llf.0 t fie* Sly. tterlr- of tgl% irimid ni. ia rols' ro, Vj.dlo right :iijfl to fillfil their dut," "01Q. 41 i IRKvift. 270 I,lr:;4,-t -4*ni I ts I �:l fir i.) tcr t lie; X. I:atV-r ' lit -it -r� COST OF BUING IN THE SWIM. its followem of Tjw. vollo,*s qjt 1-4 t%ill. "ttirm-41 froill Uf)ltg it,hich tnirtit rorth It, r4liliff, !lut till trNit :itirr v I 6 a vilil t to jkb9, it * k 't I' 'Rill- -'illw` fil'a 'fill ntlkb 'time 1) 't it Ili 0 (if 1) trioti a r. r -I "go -Not b(m ' tOccasionally it Involve tiff- 'girt. hut from com- but Vie ec M r a an Pri-A-lif-il for -shelf a till shrapnel. A. ft -w parw- Pawnshop. ry� _y l�'gina Fro bqt waiiii;; P -ed t f - _ th York re- 7. Tit(- .111*4-1 ... citille again-ProWtbl -.,I:[ bo to pmtelK ft i.;v 4- * rr I r when they are it % to, 4.0 tbAr fire. uh y turnis out to it , 10- II:'d 041toell Iftile tile first tinie for litruiliet ttwir i-ountry entering Iwitly It itf-i, 11111. hiW n w4jr (in any ruwm tj ll fIl114 14§rtl� iiffor ilw- IL1141" thell alf A41- Apaill tjw pul. will) that charnio-d -lipurne� great­�-Tw) lVag feir tlk* tQ) far ill t1jig wit to f.11(411.r tile line w,l' Pits of the Ujifted Scam Ilare n W Ithout the nourisfillif4it 4 be it tl lit. r, :T Imoijoots 'agaiiut Uid, mroads llron-ing oil it e4omem . Tip, ta If It -It lit p1lilf Or a nillJority of tioem. -soolt A (t lot a ImIttalloill, i. n I' twwli not or po-JA44., bolt kilo)%% to. Till- tial. -Tite- tv PrWmde rf a re of 1. slippl.; r(wtY 1lays of lorobtimi or tA.11 that %41 11riti.1,11 Uttatll rito fill%%, of -till- 04 1�:l t 014- #;P*rm;-n-- 114-k $ob 11114'. I*% qvirittial truths. Up, horrom no -I atro- trif it 14% alief ;#tttMI4,- #-f -trwt 11-0111.,11 it V. itill tillfiry ult nd (heir ti bugle ViAt 1*4 lilt #I triop :116. -.Al. to �A oil 111.1 t orto j,ti'l the xorrows% P% n t;le 9--W(ird 0('tbe Lord-Elijall o -t lit, It If Olt., wit), fik-alihig of tlit j-40111111.1 flit f4 opa ro-Im.orter, a Iloo-rmpnol ministry frtmil i;ol. Itr:l%j. tim. eI.ij Fon riO4 t lit- fto negid-q-t wretcho.d. utiready and r. 011filled tot tilt itwith I q;4)r L-4. t i,i-% IJv viv, ri l414- with Gort will give ry I url'.1 I,;: the enTrw tif tilt. %irtory; tilere *IV, 1r-!--: fly laittling V-1ir '3nd jI it, I' lnto o 14 Ir. ltwimn ill ljulidre�o& of frcmi their v; i r.,j i i p_ 116. i: itrfoops Yfwk mwi,#Ay in th--m- Ill%- .11irt-o �'tliitdrvll N,,%%% 1. � 414ov.st tlwm 114hre, 1.'Iii.411 A merif -it if �4;1 4 up nd tio. energy j t -441 yt-util wilft wellt fortil JAI Anti relmke,-Maeduff. With lilll(. 41p% jib ft Wilthro, tlw-� mg iii.loor-, fight Vill' I)Ht,tkm# 41f (Imlitry sind M.1 -tion ;Ijq t t lis- llf- .1%0.14 who will 'retitrit fie) minli. lVas it 4114-141 itig -l#4kPvall'j4 I;cpfIo;r !`�%- 141#�yiflKtt orth %li-hile. it w*41 lie ftgkm tfiritig-loy 4,ct-jowtis h i ('11 Fifth lonmtght ilito) I by tljmivff� 1who aornow niiii v m N itna, tov, to"), :0111(ist -41 inforinal)y tit rael, thus imititting tilt. z(.;k I ffir tit it4tinw or war. %Vaoi his (-out,-. frivin 04, G4,r- ra it1w Same ilifitallt 11 t." wil-t, 1. tfid it wll:s tIW 1"; 1 to flopt 1PI-F) .1,1, ;111 -m; troolia ilit.itilliljr t Unk. Xxv. J-T3.-WIwNkm. d.ljkp-r that lw nitwt ame- tt It f i rqq r his. lire to it %Ve fAft r tile lilic, fom kei' r ty -ry, stage 40f llontaxy. They li*htj.%- ctiti- tll:i the isimwer mui;t tt lllv.% It;tq wlol fwut flit tliniwr, :and I boAieve it that the shilw% t,f frierolly fiationq. �tgjtt 11.4, 4,11int441 the lVorof 4,f tim- 11,ord. Throwit east ill flUirs war uere not lo%t ry 1I.Sjo te4i&)ra it, Thf bligil. took till tht loartivul.trIv mqiiinml bv'th#-,..;ittj;jfi4Pn, �jltxift. le fl"UNP- (10%%'& thine :tltiir.%- The w"qld sitige Wit U f ally te.-Ii no -comity. hut to r I ho. tile I hadiiimply #-x ,tIr ..y Their' t, Oil it ptilitical party wt~ 6ing are appare y ;1'*t- � 4t le44 "Powtafty lhowrItion f rotti gre "trt"'Jr 1111C ir now tho- lilitc) plImity to. tile Ili. Policy flail faii6d, nd wbich hoped 4jit the assumptiou fliat thoy riveii of they 14 Ober (A they wem lilt - 'It 110r. 411.1 that i tK #%horteomitigs a oui(l tw for- ta it jie%-er lylilt. nor tv At tw tol' the I;atri;krvIl Itallsa 1110Lhor w h4 #I- it -tr a4. tions. ba iv- 14 AduArgil :Iyfhi it just gotten in the uhjut.6 tof f-Aiumpli orpr '-%'filing 110 lult,' 1111114-mig tileui Viger y not 1:1113 -thing. that remilidold theill (01 tiff- Vi'440if-K :Icideved bv that rich, inoi-dioll-1 rorp# i)t '.-it' its livall flit tlw rooni. To lAid. fllThy lo")het*- liowerful nol goriieious4 n1tior, t he aPpepr 1 ia ve 1)(4!11 111:1ke a long story short rs. X. hd % 4of :1 poStagy. UnitCd St.itoe..; o%er P00r, d0c�epit and lue. dianiond neek- lltoo till Sit I go -a t ii fi.� t i r growzv: -ollify from I 1W.1 t T11- ligilt fever -i whio.-Il Zt' litimil ill not listvii W the truth. lie ruffled Sptin. - All thew thing* are 1,40 1? . OW fllv.lz_ tfivir kio.�h I iworfl;,r ti) get her gowns front. not%- forg�tten or ;gnorvd. but they Bay. Wh.'I't -%cr 11filk4 tilt! jur -y I t4 14-4-kii.first to, t o wa 1-4 lllittle aftt Will hp heare. of Iat(r whell th twi%- to-, the i;166111114- .1 Injiligi,litnt t y ttiql despisg4l. te, nd her ei t I ier by Iw)"7rniQo_Vr_16 llThe same utat. fires uf victory have tiov.ome noem 4-N. X tim. Ingt4fl. t!);Lt tj 'I i pa.wte Commander iwho, Negotiated the Suri,endei, of S antjago,* cq+i aidwi%. Aml we cannot bitt be - 'I It R' k' foor tliv discovered t;la t fft�pt Th k�-IL. I oniv ill Ieft, ct tIl4' Ull -en 1. of tjk4, 91 'ItHe is different. Ttwm Flij-d fieve tht the rrwult of 4his *air will fight by tf,* r* I ftillor Poop ist.1tpe to hold fa 4 Pit 1W top iflelille tjw, - i -S that llpit ne; merrly w6l that 'fie lcolle n-tilaille, nVI-litt'lldn" I -f 11 t tip '(400, intirt. flit' ca�w- learn , ,4 in the futt;re to %guLial-loadmitt-ti,ttiat tiff.' t1i fif iltrtltip.;' -svere nd I lireat Iirrors of t I r t 14-� +w-izl-qt- for iI)r0i'lliet'S offieV, ax*. aflit to, dwso-ouitton- Ill Slmular& had made fl#lrtitin oo�er- will, t"- ineak. 7omoo its tiii- rnini thelit. it polic'y -Iff pe at i 1 4 OtIn I ep, Uterr - was true-. lien� lie ilppliefit tli.it lit. iN I d It Iturea to qim. i It their enlidlativ ollilli(J-11 jb -,V.l I 1 ikajIlK of niolo., lways u it licnit tilt, cmily propliet, left alive, thtwi, allegod - patriots who would t.TV a of P. hurry. I 11ba - tr coutiLry it grea% taken I privst fr4)m L"big. jkliol tl,4k' hi�'. t!j io"t itillittrf.(ts t H a fill r4 -,,i 1r.,4. olly ifit-line- liundretl* finji 'been mitvt4l lv�v like.to make the of f t �'Tlti'-Ir ra t !oil. :1 re I Three i�eti welit !(wn ithd aggrvw%e military and ntival At io-k fn!m olit ;Ili ifggrewive r ve T I Kings xviii. 4.-stu, com. ery :I tfoot (of #-Ile po we r. rq Emph;ZED IN, CARHOIAC ACID. to ell' tl'# of 1 t X*A' t1141 fblatirf-, liriny. limir. I t f f T1 I.,.% I-; I P tsA i�* I., 4 0 V.%,t,; 11, ffir. :'W :1 rl Remarkable Features of 8teel Harctened intended to) ditifftiny Hitillif-If tolf till- flg� llT! #.it yell' p4pulld,Ayronol (of f4ir Next, :,I in tile Cbemical. TOR' 11U1 IND THE TRU11 lill'tj I # :men -y ; n tim. gii. - It , 7 -v. (-4 Prii t)f army fire were tip, foorv,rininers # f till - f41 4)r -fortv- t4 -l'. f114litions .6,11 tli#.! (tv r,.R' f rt Pii ..stjort -y ere fe n llontly. the king T , Ili arfill ht(ootl fast. Before lilt-filml itf temp -ring stowl by 1114,411118 Of tiago. I 11 top - A P t1w rigrilt. tif. varbolie acid. nje fij-.,t Itte re t4 111.1t thev- wo,01114 6 't V Nfi-tik ftio1 is.,V;ikilrlY iWJI#4 -4 low, I '114'�lgr'fjf dry vainel lkllpts if t I ley t (�-( tgt oose Nul.111 tfw4atu :114 1 :ill its birrors were toil]% MV -wk -a tot iia:o-ti,441 . ly- It t N, ei t i, t1por.."Alle toq, rpilotibtable oil two, gravers of UN -1 (it sup -r- thf. (Of .1, rrom tit. Fiort. tli4 s;KIl:lj of t)jrv. r Patriotism One of the Most lbojed t -it there '1141141,1 t4) #v% - -CIn rko. I*Jme4i t1lat thoy, tw kelot prisoi t h. at ro *11114 iv 10rk caught in. zhiriba. 17fin t it, ? A they ior oluality. Tho first, lorought to 4K is tll;%-lilt ot1wr 11 for Ill W( 114 lie ­11iiii it cherry red, dipped in wiit4;r ; the "lit of Words, i -i 1* t1wir r4qo4ortevl, be WnYr' NUKg**t4-1 oxwbody. just )#air other, brotight. tA) tlie, T1 -1%av tip Volt t1w re- I 1107AM t110. Juld titan the Impow-jille Vw f'4-qicfjr.i t:.? U. ntly (UPIMA 6 to Dewey- rega cid illitil a blue tint t L. hl t if -C rilill In -ritean, 14364K to to. if 11 it r4 lwprt tl'tv 4-aptur tile zur. W118 .1 grip lltl.l :1 SC.Ittp ie, t ii,rie 'reil 1114%rk.in I i Iwo* with".014 nig -flibtis Israel throiwk .14'.4111 14- If YEARS GOODNESS AND PURITY -ill I t - k- for T:10. 41- '111w to) :k -k off iii-ril!iti. .1b -Itt-11111t, 111111 UP I.- fillith- �, 4-:11. - shiYGO.I., 11 was 4tire or t 1) low stocka-le and trtillelles 1111ral .141-1 Nick Co- lac"Ille till y no hilt' w' oat trwo I 11 -rt iron. and oil extra is 1)*.n triot istil J t ' ij- � i grfbed h4otllital ':jr, Pntriv4.- to get (Pitt- :1 Ute 4or-wr if the I ywi r4iamarti-i " i ') Y, t-thers jbf tliat lllitirrp iron the watt -r- Nk-nken. 4 "1 , all siies. says t4o, 11reellywwwa t1irntil o% -4-r to -t1w iwur- anticipatiotl " �or Klich it,, oc?cjIrrouqv :1 J. - lthi .1turrah hurralli :kt Balmer. trint it is , V"�at asid glood LS IA� YELLOW FEvE!-,--, t is, lit, q jarge.nbMber ofl, nts 'llating liven Now if4181;0 sll�jilelily sprani to 'eral wilift. t1w. oiji. to4n1wred I (117fleted at 6.41 -1):111; to A -f- drolo deaot ill,- 'life. �011114- C1 1 In Wt vtly. thing. but e tiet-41 it iUbfiiiitwon- Timbrols 6 till Ltij#. v"i:lIL- It " ll(Jt Su ppressFbd Dipsptt!hes Relating tilt. tllq* . ll� tilt% 1* -art. V. 1. It e 11--jif nake,�j shalp, I to the bolle Out, of the earth Came 4*4ifty iii varbolic vi I rtwint"I ly tiatt t)i#-v ivill h- Thel'tPu- i 1198 Ahey w � rme r ef bl, i v It. . ruimIng, turl- next C111(tri.1114-lit-4 weri- ink two ordin- is am fornit. of it. n-1 houte of evord and 1.1a*14-igh.arestM it abiz 116 y. Health Or the Troops. m ri L4, rlplelly- mn it "flistr -Ili turning tost, 0.1 [nit jr wt. but runoihig :ILPy hars ()-f VJSt* Stf-el, hainmeh-d. it,. Ilk 4. 111te4i tilt& tfl4w tlient arp witk- aluirt. There are loylty, 1111111berS (of lIwlIY- 'And ill a wvron4 the iniside -fr#, nt,t nmelt TH SUR. NDER. . I -I 're txrough t to topgo-ther awiliting was_a c(nifusio.'I of fligI111111(jers, �d_wlljte lw,.It, t-Ild fopi-its fi)r th4V,. twito ipain t.rlxv,. Tip- fir8t is xu6t tt)w:tr4!-; tho- v a p0re of I,,- to -d. bot4i teialw-reil to it blue ill tilt, #mtw gl_y 4 ill4w a ro. Ill it r(qiq orf mg r4 �Nj. Ila rt in,ent -ky Probably 10,0"00 Spa I PU r tt, nout4 ory figlit- 4,1-u. hafto-r. rot 8.61diersGiven the fir'si' Uniti-if irtan- and bjti(!k- Of C:Lrbolic el -f. Tlio- or 0,.r%h%e. %*. 7. )Ty-fIrfinnot go rropiki Timm Thort- is nmeh do-solitf' fro4n I;ol. Njil" :km -I l`for'the Sea(ditlis lia;I brought I lereell j. I I up vilth I Willie ut - Ito big ing in tilt-. trunclies Atyut tIjf%1 city, tilt- Millie ilme the N:IvY Departniont ro.- iei r taigo -of va-rhon )fat] not hicreamd, but tII(W Wifill fpf 4 11;oir to boast that we kwttokr titan tikrritory Krtwery :mif pro%,*sij),Iv Vrfeltet f-ohinins 'through tile tv for alit] toit it is protlurtive, #kf fit)- tnateri:ilt Vf'i v�e# I tit -4-t e)f f ts I Ot114% lWildilig V*;t 811OW441 the' cabolic trill. for 11i,. oUter nationg. It I& tfinw-toub of its 'tll#� 4ml% .1 1 -ti I .�i 4.11 Like tile fli-ri aal Were charsriug :1 tile .1 toinimr"i Imirs U) bp a littlp morO, 9. There L*,it mnliNly (or #-% ery htn'llirth 1111141 Would likC tA) 8110W OtlWr The volitelits of tiff, . .- * I - 't illlfit Humber tpr old morx.gh- ti r6 -avol 4)f fint. olut.% t t I Te* r rnporing by erholle acid JA wnwiig. V. .1 Till, iiaidtmis wnlitt Lt cwt do. It. is twwo raimoii front 11P tip it l.1stijull !flag jaby intil l'11, :Itl -, a it r twer seeti o*t "f onor is top 1), Iv:tl olwaply. It 411.11-Ntivity, t1w. itild the r.. of ariowing Inly liolm fglitillan.. It IN,gall, With 1J.'s , sirf thum to their They 1If)pkIn,;, tlj# wht.ary itiflot 1, ti X, k %Vo,kk tw tits- citt, tjljjv,� witit nnA a tripple le �ral :til it-tiry IVIV40, t4P 111111.16.11.Ll :IptiTity- I - -yon# . if orlinplain tliat I;tjgl genif 4-ervtary .1 ge r,, 11:14 T ra trent'.11 I., first-claom an nil Ivy npimmvit fathire. 17. 01170119 linf- t4i-ojay. it itil thl,� was :lot miffer- 1je -Ilugi- if i1i i II 4ps, 1011.1411 wZ Ilat" fly thick 4b qp crifri-fit #if nlylv tilt zon:.- 1114-1 thorti ta t iek to rewnt hluult4 arent It tWarly Im-em a ItSlit, row ** it liam i -tli#- )r, fr4in tII ity ijde gtasm. itilt., .is in -or to Al) trfigqP,. :wrtL4 + X . 0 -c -Ri je_ , it v. Ocviuun Definitions. by rie, I tim siltilm, It hnoi tile ,wit. it lion tit" ii Jolly 7tis Agsmialsl+, I N to al'l' till -for lloliw as 111'r Tfu- advies" .4peeilily 14,41 to, I'lif, fitio' -lis-Zins -i t A.4 -xmer. 14 It r4 r,. tit long travel. dim-mrage-1 nd Ili%- illioney, too." it thinkm that tjjowe,� t, war r ly -here revvilar. Thiare wits a oi te ft"4.11 ill till. r j,f lov its- f.'I volificil at tile wilite 114pli-i llt�)llt to love cour ortilintry im t4l liftote owt1wr i #-tieirnt co aiv#-milic hii�,; nvii a... 11tholIKII repopt-14-4 Ili for v%rry aninial. Ilere, I --Tilt- cutlet of t1w g(if- 4 f # Ixtr aw!. then ritt S' 'dili- ito*rtli lily Wrir t o *toy- tile celligi telim were ean trolilN- re tip jp� iior 1tv quet-it Im"ItA the toi-rrU& ciou I i t r wo. I t U I itikx tber-P is vifj 0.4 t, j 1# ftth 1141 If %�41 it t i, 'lls. I.- � iilly a -I de'l I CA I f 1v;lrIl 014. 1#4 tjj4r4v Ul ;l rxAhitioti t4i ,Tw.tk #111-frigh for Uwr awl its bt1lat makliv; tlw of Carmel siVs (kown Wol patriotisni In tile natofm 4111leaw Willie I noloAt I.qjrl4^ity too tilt(- i-4-nitintit"I. ilite virtle Ot'wo0d Till.; 11:149,1 lter ; I l4r-ly. iencefully mill unititolrut- otlio-r nation Im 'gettij % fill) ti r * itelligently of them wild -that ft�y i4i it it straw litit witil Ilgie 1r"Llit" a . % toi life, I , Ig # pm. I t anxiet which Illight- (tX1.4t 'w;fj) not 11,4gilill. thlis tikilkg batterjo N4). :_1, of ed, mic'er tile idinde of tlw Junip-r. %nd tins small msix-vt ftw nternatloa- �L (.4 wr:i! y u) -it tha 11". othorn ; yawiling j yjjri �y t(nien fitcwd lie ivitli ., I I Illittefoial Change !fr tile Mt- S oral attachment. tliL-4 same Elijah wits never tA.) tant4- (if 1-tw an4i lot (fther Ih,0 to t -I 0 .01 gwqr�i )if t li�jtllt. Ila Is. -Is 1`1(44 6efieral Tor.0 wiliheit- to.. large treneli. choko full -j.)f tet, iere.; at "ation, btA rather to the,ja-vero con- t bu 'I.A r4 of. h.tlf_ Di:tmouds-Tli� ge o -thought lentil, but to, lie borete to ik'aWn In rx-,% routid. aniong Lio-Ill likq- lead . camels atilt dead or olying- MAI % if, aroiat. nntlii flr hundri.-ol aito, Ilition surrounding (Air m4diers as 13 MOA tile Ine.flisio, or Hoigoin," Aa tiu. cA)jIst There Wa'SLI10 jolan Illoat to womieni. chariot. Ijet this, incident fit his bully ulapping thein Ili t1w faoe. T turns nbrupt the flottlWaNZ .1, ffjV 41.1% or system two-Ittv-t to ne-, fir r(-,.;.ult of tile ra :1*1101 the 'ter- two t oitionopoly oil monopolizing. t" 11:1%" 'fly- storm.4 of tile j.j.r4t I r . e %v , 1. 1 y.,4. lt1ity-Ma) thy falth odiall sustain thee." exaWration lit ordpr t4o bring Qvt W4 lials 'It it, oly Inert% colif usion, of Monopolist-.% titan who tirim to get lift' teach thee W, "Hime faith. nud tyix- is , being dearribe %vith qpumij. to d1ra%t 4m r, 1 if blo-k atilt pitfall. From holt-8, 4'elow The still stir rq) tw^hore, iand hillocks abovo, front invkible tist g 11ractimil help given $o the physicitl A&,0pirit, but it Ili. well kulown tfier maskei Itrenclies to right -and Innoceitt0kis' tile 1,11termt fie feels In himself. w linAlud, 41111h $ I*o -A man who cait't-dis itise anU of men prepares the way for is imelk it tylve. lilt ve SOUND of i 11ppea M -I V) he Ito, apj;relle lion k Lbo)ut 111114-, ? - - r. ai the prt of t1w. ortimrx in ef, N*avy I epnrtinvii hd not Iwrd uls :kist-, 6-ilic 1111ilt along Nhore. tifAritual Instructioti. 111114plIg its, And it'ix Illaking us tit --It in that, the elwm Ivoul4i q .1 mmanoll VP ttj'fvlt.tt to -Ieft. the be%v 11(lered bullets cilrved, Hypoorite--A nian. who prays for Pelievp Gfpi nevor flkwtnlys but to Inr nbroitd, Thiji 6 it f&1W nit, 114'. 111A 4 ,1 1 ti -It. vtot it y g( I ) further vq)orts ItImt: ind -twisted atilt dodged. w>nIething fie Isn't willing to work anxiety )tail Well ere' :,tf- it vaii 'It took Elilmli Ila(] seen the Gislioin run gar kind of patriott ated at 1 -1 - %veoks slialli-4i AA -a Xq - ve. econij ny-Wa(ting, for tile; pre- 117gir Dpwirtnwnt fly till- rp- t 1111190 information that tit(- fiville red with tile hlomtor BaRI'm 1woplirta, 401light tu 411"WiAw. It :0 41, 1111ii lil it fill 1-. t4 tonly FAiorgy-The iloifity to work givell ajFPP #if jw)rt V, She flall-Is fir t1w,., (joilt of tlif, hariir t miflogilto witil -stiffi-nud were But oothorwiNe. im-t-fectly harnilfas bodi#%. z1fid hnd it-tid in tits 1"rtj "Thiix iti ible sibirit in nil Ilkli%idual, mid 16 ifoott I[#' 'Lill f#':Ir till- lifw-. %kill bw clear (jr go 11, tamiething Ilkv; now intlim-d I t y ko& o,"-picable and iufUiiWy %.lf4.l.v got throu �7 a girl gives the tw gh tlw'offif (jual to it nei-t, to (%it tills tsIoi-kAd4-- pi - 1p! tit I.. imp'.10)II eke4lids rait- it, nd If -.1 few fellow 011C to P) flail, While le war comneil wits if pr ' - 'I in k nw that there is it dkvi ill diii4geromix lit it vatioti. l I ilite nt till. glill- of his conlipally were los, g clovi. with. Israel an(t that I &m W% we r- Over agaijist Wis faide patriotimill i it "r. i .11, Is tole to t- kneelin stands trije patriotism, %% Well Ili lowe tile Implall pell1knocof informaition at ailil illilles at bik Us Ili by itropit fared coinra(les or vqgurly lkit all thim middPitly ron e of ghU ageb Irar anol Na% -y t.,4. witrp liirlKir entr. Ire remot -it. 1-:11wmiad.t. Ni li'vJt 1��%l iFillPillai bay(meting aloui- with .1 -3W Volumes. cc n*�es. and olie fierce t1w till;- for our country, for Ito law "d or - n Ali Em Yel 3pedta of 6 oI L trem of 1mrRel, riww tip In mad pursuit 0-rclity Ikotivilb 111111tia in- 1,114. isiolijiry. nv­ tit lti�- lir (ter, iUo juotkx- and milty und Impam. r t they keli the Tilt- lower juirt (if the two long rowi4 ith- ttel tithers �Urt-2 utir for tjoe work lit I In n4l. of talole e."_ ill tiff- King'sc Library will t1le, f:ffi- it tile 1wo-qAtet. To the propilet'm intn(l It want&-thil, cowitry to I* gom r:k- f-011 Ve ral inilprenioni i 114 I W i" 141 'TI, fir#- #pit grrw I zollv. langed. Wlipit fie smi(j, -Ipt ther titan great ; rightowxw jw_ %Ki(jfl, 4% gill's renic 11 fronl* slow Im4gait thp killing. in eh y 1,4% 149mi flow," lie lwl not meant 1104 r0n. it Ili rich. It Ila^ DO o-q-titmij,tru ficl4l plemA and rine., th.,li, tile militar Hitivatkm fitan4IN ftit ! rim- criii. r Alromm, otand buttthe will I ind glared, tid mild &rr:jIIgj�ljkeIit#4 .%I# or I ) Ca w I, rirom tbeir trenches -talitially linr-lialw4l, With 111) fightifix til', Will fcilimm (Of swi-pt over. Aoil fly am in lsrmmw tool, illnUill 'therein ti tof i6ilIt4WY h(ollor. ?up sitirren 1)r :I iaro;t- '11glij French have. Imt is I (k*r. hilt lts f . a itint(- the Liticoln.; were itt t If(- extraordinary ChInew, eticyclopedia, 'if iw flimah'a livm)ii tAi cornwet "veil Its t lit' ;J11;14-kittir rfarve. ilwy li'd-ri I I :14ttention for thP'fijc)nj4qIt w;lg bf-ing t I I i0a. It Imim it "trilug "Pilok- 4 titim'al lionor. 0 JIM tile, liarb-ir right. and till%- into the joliqw,usion, of the 4 06 t'V t1u. [I;-1tItIl itild hygiellie; iirren- 1, toll Nnl;104-r war�lllllki for tilf, I.N.t.ly uI0_t"tIIji 15 Year" ago, and has it too IN4011lotAl tifil Welfftrp of i ths- 'r# -Ip I raijk-�i- the mt-riewt trooliti. Tile .114- V%4 Ili' ifetnii, tilt- comitry hy enacting tuat [aw* and I ored tile left. and tbe %Varw Sore Feet to, Warm We ther� ry, officu-m trf tfus j#rfny flit -f lim! 'tti, I -toil, k tlmt their A. . Ig Aguila tw -alry tk . 1�' 1, � in tho %,oat i-jiforving llfnNlall . 11a %%)th a flag pf Irow.- oivike ny #ctjiV�nj4,llt-. rv-sillitetilic, tiff. ti tie )tl' f) (,if i -rillitely gill It le deell-i t;f 111(ionjobury. I tm :i3OLN) t4o % er.4. prr t1c. tilliCks timyou- Im-ard %olumeti 'have been bound tip I:jthimiixtrati(xi It tlow not g" IpU) ll.7til 114. 1,1111t.1 tilt- fi(114-11t. and 11161yrtira: re 1lie' ntA) (nw 4,f the fkvn oyeiterica and slitmt ouid f I w ! . . ) Ili conlos. off imili-r :I kivii razor..�, Fur- (XX) loulky which eniftrillf. tile rot i Ili tj lhlf 110011.%, "Poll.'#' tAl fluestiolim- whether floollit, qn,,I. further they cjearet the lioly univerw of u�"ti.-If learning. Tlw re-sult4 ix' more feet Originally 111:111 international quavLjotim, Of mplivit- wa 1-witind fever,prevalljR t.0 -lily great -extent L,4 eiIU-rVtInfQ.AjI tout it kiwilim ground---cleareol it of everythil like work in tile only perf(vt copy in Elm- Int*41de.1 too wemr 14114N.S, .11% E6 IT M E %C %V to I role .1 tit rw)tig them. 'M 141 8 11 �Vnr livingillall. for it ocietitiously ootmilders rl rg" gigmt (.61111f bp necollijill rerelvf"j Wveral de.,q)aU,lies from, hy tialt is it, might'Aub),44, Ell E-POCII Considers Pl)pted o1w, and e.vpii ijI chinik, ItApit tile ll1votti find peam, .%lilt then, A-Iwn gliu%om" thick enwigit with He was ber of rt Ities #4t"ywt;. -Humilin feet an- liuilt W A r tX11010016. llin charge l,f the meot- or t"* totik rs to th4! movement "ACU Of tills edition this quipt patriotism furnishes t1w 1o, t4) go, flPI'Mrtinortt my, 4-ithill, lbe. City. hi prepaia- a trench; bayonot that man.!" 11pre froill reducel pilotograpilir filowllill(w M the arrhitFTt-.jrr of otlwr :mliwilm* - If:$ � but It they rf-Iftto to fe%lpjr fie will itot * tion and urg(xi 11polp the 0oVernment a littlo straiv; tuk'l , warily round to couitt be eotlntel Olt tile fingem of ogle f4oldiers. whilp frothy pritriotlem tnm top, thol. jw%il 1114 Nti-1 I.Avardo GEN. RE10014i'll. a military occulmition of t feet, n(I they mi- twiltistruct4­1 too Jim AN fighting (M the stnwt corwre And hit any AP. Gerr. tf,rnbmg thin4k; i t if it e I 0!rn Province" bf .81min. he- ziorth- tlw,(Ioor and then it volley. Now In hand. UP :fill Ili walking or ritimirig loy tile -T ho Wit r -lN,I)4irtfi2ejA tins reveivi-I thr6ug)t thim opening in tile tile nailm to Ive firitt ftwA- ill till, newo"pam. WhAtell fo1. V" P )%IAN jig F Ir-nIth or)f tho- tronlys' tho. foriowirtig o-siIaw, from I lie fty'T'lzu(je of Cionnany . towards Imfift(w% till -n into line,aml.-odrol) those Idest RhAlish Rusitie,.s our countril letter is real im riotiwq. -of tim- erty 1" 11. TIw- #'wfew�-eN tilli may 11111V hold. rial- t.(j voticern. lit Man Nfil4w: "Playla oli-I tmt4�,. Juty 11-- tile 11hilippilIt., atuallon- Is well known. few- ili'sperately Probably tile okkvt 1111sillpAs ill 1�jj The in(Ist itattiral and Iwat relief ftor Tile purest. citizen In the truest y ca" 11" Sol-retary of Wit , 'WaldlingtAill : Gell. Silo ham 110 f4b)CCtI.611 to tho- United tho (try steins beyonil." 9- riot. He loves his emntry mowt w;irranteij, V) tb(-Ir f rienfim at lime. Ituild-N nil anclent. flueI, drapery "I- topre feet In liot weather would lk- T6ral formally stirrendered tho tremps State" taking fold -11ol(Ong control of, General Sherman. ill IiLsi eloij - (*rn. which 111I.R bp*.,, in existence mince eontliet witit ittother earth. Pitt tititt. ly anti nobly who loves J~ V10:i1ring tile it IS IT YF,1,1,0�V I (livi loll of the Islands; title (Joe" ;rama R, I of his nrmy-trtx)loi aw 9 04)"ct to � having tlf� way, said tlint war wam ntelligmtly and ok"i A ok-finitely It-arnr;tf that tit thent turned over is I Lioter,.it wK I'011. Here H011. Under thv title of tile iikgm of. in hulwasible under exititing t4iti( iti-iiiii I With the ariny In-lopro: *intiagol, via I- te rnim �itnd 'Illider- to "t'he, tllsurge�n ivill then be (ine living #! V, ItIn. 4le-spittehes -Inlol b, 111111 will -do -1111 Lit I' what tile 1ILsid4! Of tllr zaritm l9ok- tim Crodne. tilt. induotrY lins h!-etl (if MA-iftntioll-lind awlety. I layls. del Eou% July 1:!. %%*1101! efore tilt- war Ktit 411fig that Ilis tn�oflti shall be re- ter (W)wer to p ed like after the battle: i*arr "riglit"Volegm in ths. n re- led ou Ill t It, ritijuate of glyeprine (w f(orma I d. jerlmit.. lilimlons mick.-r the, wil whiti- "Illackspltidleleg.4curled ul)terf incNit ill RNIfordshire, upward of .3%) ymm ity(u. arrortim reitiq r4or blisto-rod find 'to' rot -And' t1w -fat Calpitiot timlle-1 ii) -Spain. livil. H-11wiftirr will ap- wit of ShWor s1*4 11 it it. old too T, he w) much mvine #is0-' 11.1g,roplitinur, General Lawtol; trig. relal;M tr) the npiloDara-fim . of -lotoltit commimilpnors Vj draw 'till the Tilt. Porto Itle:111 pxp6ilition will tie tile i-rd-gimbleted black faces, import tile sonme X IhVi- fe%vr, which. It, Im fearNI, 10 doll- for moro than lialf of which time it chafwl"feet. Tlw Cannate ofirlye4wille fill - r I Inight* 4-onditionm of tirrangemantg for vairry-, by (ileii. �jjfofw in . pert4( keYs Ilendless and legle�**, or iiievesor has been'An tiIf, 11:1,Ihis of , anti thus hot #. waxwe o4orpts It.4i bee;i lArork.,m-11 U) 1110ve fUttill prvwfy tti be the dreasIt.-fl.yellow -frver, Ilig (Alt tile terins of stir a sillirle fam- W fAly 011(i AlMll't be 1IM41 Jim till ijilito- p too) .4 lobe tol't %to. jLglit, mo that the extreme right rewler. Till)? t11011911 (;,Pit. firooklo. 11row ill eonininijil shrapnel ; camvl,� with neeks writlilp(i A L, Wr r4-nt. #*Wtiti(*I 4,r tilfb t-ii(XI vk-Wi rijrllt,;#�t "d Risk will Afolel, tit#- harlow Qf - intiag(k, Oatifying, and (,'pit. Shaft. -r I Vol . lit Cainti Tlimlljjj� Ix exiii-vted t(i bi Nick oil to tlm,ir litimlK rotting, :,I- tills 4110CIlt dritpery x1lop hit" sliell it aittze" Lakeejeewh tho American forces before is highly '1-V In hl"InxIst 411fvvt 111w. Sinev, 1750 'TIP" t -krt.firlg til r l'ity ink -ArnUngo. it �Vam JeAtlifvi that tile allill, the offlcerw and men, coof hift coni -_1111W Ma IF) fitbippililonee.. "IllpletC.1y pni Till! size or tit#: really ill IWN)114 of blood allil'bill-.vel- 4k -r tho voti'trc)l (if Cator & Sotig. who to" Of #be topsie anti L114. flortl1w iluatkin finiong the tr(milm [Jefore itianof lire entitleil to -great virettit'for exi)(41itio)" vvill (ik-1XIld "Poll Gen. Allipm- low W, -Iter; hemIx without flifieN, girl(I Ovetw.v t1w i!ri1rhial 1)111141111 %vill jwt. TltL#4 will pruvviift ally -Ijintingorp 1.4 that thero are I t ampl- t Ishem, itM%lf lot-soibb. psellpf. i,r the -.Apania rf In, ex-.- bell, fortitude lit overcoming the III-- t-1101416- t i�� believed tll;it without allythilig- trlo�-*-, cob- -to everyb(ix�r. The matter (if edi(mo, if M U&Wk&, .0 1py I cept, ;tert#& &fit- liarix.Ar lit boats. This 0 141041A Cajovi. Or rever ainotig tho em- 'muet, iioullerable obsUcles which tit 25.01K) -mmi'will bf. Nliffie'lent. wvbbvil arms atilt legs, and black skills T-i�lit' roWn He I im Pro, are 1111owl ie',qwpment woodol fut,ve t.,tkpn place last tl)#- jillarterinuater'm tlerdfrt- eneountere.d. A portion of tit(, army has AIN)"t 211iR U. 14. t*lldlpra ll:lve. Ipf.jj grilloil to, crackling OR finioUldering 0"Id K-11-41 Inuch Ni nucht, Wt a terrific mtorns prevmited t:ilpnt o( the Anierienn army. %3nding W -ii infected with yellow fv%er, and ef- killedi. and, Ill: , rollIld, 6umlwnli 2;01 N i palm leaf -don't look at it.,-' Slallng"r-No. I can't nceept thim play Itlo with the [net. Tnit teh(ws to( t,lw tw and if one, Vill- 4-0,rinination of tho imact chat- fortn' will bO nmde to selmrato those more have hP4.11 Wilt to tho limpilinix . The great fight witfi; full Of .11,11(voi lt'm ro-written. l4rhtpr i4ui4Uw itire intme ")tIff Y�00&cles 0'ack, dwy will it The arrival of the artillery, em- at.,,ter of the feior, the.4e nifni have llortmL who arr Infel-teof and tit(** frOm' woltil(Im. fPvf.m 'and other itil- instances of heroliRm. nota b1f. Atithor-1111.1t-m tile troublit An�n't qw4er Utan the hl:kek. pa"It and prompdy delirered. tAned w I tit tile coming id Gegeral _t_ f rpe f rom Never I.-w4attill In tile valley near Slbont%v It, awl to ket-1) tIm.4*v who Are Ntill of,' mentic ()lie(' tb0 ('11111-axtv; well worked out? Im %filp-, *Irim ra itio"I gri-nt rs-joleing: 1-t arP the iu(wt harinful of all ront%livrer Chnnot survive tile pule nuil 0"q"l �nrjdt-r t1w. earo of 111111julle b( -m I r4l Wt) kxulutrat.4-d frolim, jilt There wa," off'eerm 'NP"r'p 'If. y WAY all CHAOS -n4.y f iring yfwt4-rda thero enough notioll ilk it?" A lK4iulaoerror I* uiik& it, trile o4w and nurmw, wito had bmi mrhore. ArraiigeijivnL4 will b., Injille- attack im Kintingl, Y -j The G(4ieral Gatitere, followetl by (,a,)- Mittinger-The 4-lintaxeo are nil right flifit fighl wAve am mmitortaf,.I& lit tm Fmirti. F&w i.iopol In anticipation -of just slicl, 411it tely tua(lo- for earryin IN expected to be- taiu Roinald Brooko, wah t1ift first alid there'ji Plenty of aetion, but Alluinfodo, in VIKhtlilk: kilit He mail g out furtlw gLra at, nfii-fn to -(Illy, w1jen More tj*oojr4 Dial' oil tho zarlba alld If voil %%enther. Sulm allotiltl t- fir 41111)("d to matiltv Uw hero marry tile daagjite� (if t1lit-kileW to kifwp tilt- Iwo Trouble AhpFul an eniergency ax the preomt, rJjjjfI_ Instrut tion -4 of the Prftldent and your- )I.rp- likely to ty. j"Ild(11 at Agiiadores. pull the branches aside. Ami&t the the Opwilab Governor. It will be yesirs lvlVPllIellt1­ frq)iu penot denco im *zpreswd by the medical velf. (Signed), lvelAon A. Milem, Mn.jor- The* miti villIMS4 the healti, con(Utions liftl)XV-1k 1'rOUIVIVY offk*rw of No arM and navy in General of the Army." tO grow wome dally. hall of bullets he pushe4 along. sword before Anierkan andWnce'll �t&lqj K tlep Wo feet in hand. Captain IF1111ey, of tho thalt. them WU1 be Ittl'