HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-07-22, Page 2Ag� M
ft 641- TrAmm -1 IL
it MEM
d Ill
--jeamliggritt-ol"" I SUNDAY SCHOOL M NOWU
uest tore it up. What -what do you mean?ot
How long Is It since poor old ]Bret -
Write that You accept their c It is
'hou Hislernte proposal.,, 011- V00n had that terrible Illnew?" TUB APPRAL TO POROB.
- - +- J. G Stratton handed hkn the letter, anb
14 e ave I cannot.- I don't know-�-yeara; come away.,. LAte 6�)ssip ISSUE NO -29.1898,
D Extreme Serious MlstsiLest Made in Dealing W
n Dut You Shall." Walt a inoinent. lie %vai Young Children. ith
I wrote so, lylUg helpless, dying, and you stig- --Of ths.-
A Meted something was wrong, broke Folly A few blimPlav tell. Iii. different lan.
to leate town open the old man's door, found him in-
THRIUNG STORY OF Very good. I'l I - go witil you -to sensible, and nursed him back to life.,, Round Werl To use lj1e guAge, the almdVt undorm tale of tlI9
tile 80utll Itole ff you like." diclue W cure effectiffil Ill- Outcome Of the appeal to force. I
Stratton did not stir, but Ntood bent otend of
-shall never leave Loud said using Ituffies Cehwy Com- rebelled with feelings of hatred and
CONSTANCY ANJ> CM� strattoll gravely. over the table, listening to lilm friend's Pound U) get rLd of the cauw. PaftWo of desire for revenge. It sftique(I to me
:62W A! —ir
words. orn
Then Celery Compound will make you well uf'Jtmt. Imposed by sheer fom!. not ii
stop here and get well. do 'eorgei Jacob Holyuake, of Eng- and strong. 611 the wiffle you are tile story (4 being I out
ss#+� Vrite." t SuPP080 110 has come back unknown 11,1141. says rP W&
A W, XX I I. re.1 Tile weaker will obeyed th 0 Y011 -as he often did-aud gone ill -that 110 Iva" the first per- ulgiug it, the nerves gaill in power and 06axod by elder boys to #jtieal some
Miall so"-. di I)jtI yio c trouger there. Ile is old. -lie may strength, tile digiiFtive age tQbacco Do rou conx to the Clow of
u 110t tell Inp tend, with a sigh of Hatidacti Sol' tO UNO thO word " Ingo whiell orgluis fai "I was
o, s you
I L N S I Id H hould 4har Spoke I Guest he -lying e, ide -fraim his
* L W
r ve ry therc. now. Mal, old ellap, t 118.1)lace the day thorou ghly exhausta?
wi-tit nlrA I shcruld , be Your other wjr belag-that 1wx!k'Pt(4I tile letter to post-. ho -did oil March 13th. 1;�jS, in It fully toned, find lc*;t lieititit im rapidly caught knil givoll it Whipping, 110 ques-
*! Nialcoll , sen(IN quite a c-11111 through me. How lettor to, the London'DaSly Ne -w& ed and no explanatioij
gh The res"It was certainly -a fear
t!lp 'vIly,"- he salill.
sprang toward tell me- I claim it 10 do ive know but jutit.on the other side. It in extceme folly, to neglect tjjt� given.
returniug. ti(xw being ask Does this Continue day &fW
lid yoJI jik(� this ?,, MY right. Wily t r( It% the Inn to-nJ116,11t, ter
hepql to) I plot ell tile YOader nomebody may be 1YIng dbad MiW HuAiep'nu Australian w( "Isigultivant ills, aches, Pains and tireol 44 Punishment in tjw future, but no; dart. possibly week af ter wcck?
N.- hint I him )IS Words. anil was 1)4� Allev -of finding U there anti 11'6 pointed toward tile closet fltx)r. IlIrt'41014m to txplore. tho Soloulo'lliall, feelings-11tat sume pcqVle look up(m moral impreai(ml: Perhaps You &re even too ex-
aN Ile pij,%w Strattoll's face KrQ%%- Ntolly . . $6
a Caught her hail(Lq (kIrmly, i.tfill, Is- I thought my,
4 Ilierctly trififs. You should remcm- father whippe,(l ale bmatme lie 'Wanted hausted to sleep. Then sonw
hela her at arin's length. "And Oil] mother Brade got Iduds. tile Ijomo of the fiercest call_�
04 througli -fir.4t T
baek, 11" t1le" tile other titx)r. drawing **Tell you.!,, lie siit, hold of literary sli her that tile hot Aninimer weather ag- U18 "aef-o bimer-11. and oo objecte(i
t1l"utch. tile flext IIII)IIIellt to that you "I'le to Practice her tongue u$wn.'- gIV4,1 tile exact IlIbftJs known. Hitherto whito me thing is wrong
141-Y loathe as wei tC _n grlivatomi tile littte ills Of lile, to my It
j. 'Myra, Bound of the hoarse sigh which ewaip- avii4r any (it it." Another re..
thun, Its, if 1 0 All these
Jtrattoh was silent, and ant gaz Uua I
have not been able- to penetrate, theme little Ills freque POrtS that tfie imli
A lfblv m, utes N -fore wit h(Arr0r of the 10119 black 'fig straight before film. ed from Stratton as his friend sa'd beyond a f0skv miloes fram tile coaA Us ntly deyplop r*%Wkxi left by pull- things indicate that you are t
V anti deadly dim- fee n Of ous ex
ef ng f rom Mry
"had Perfor ... ell Nlyrat lkightm since I 8�1'w Y011 last I Ilave "Hadn't you better let the old wap- tll0h& Jast, words excitedly; and then, and VIOY have- a1mbsti Invarlubly had tierio d turbances iNlIment wam a rni I i sufferi,
rued tilt. Zalllk- 41,Ctibli-I mile . Itilig to, the hope that. so man fia%' AN' If spurred bk his lmnginatjolj�. cases. Ilaine's Celeiry Compouna rwNial in I 'e I
hati N&O(xl gitzillg before her 'at the if me time e a general clean up?" 44 801no of the.ir number killed. or cap.- be tioetl lit one( should Pe- dignity hau&60n- Your nsrves nctj
Zz's.ax likely as can be- Mal. oltl fel- tured to brojee re
up the dw- 00 iwtmxlg " to b "I
t1gur** '"tNI 'it the- thP future, rePentanne, t!;orrow for Pay the rent of thohe chambers for the -cannibal ove lot tit the riq.;5
tAble; and the what was thrust upon nle, ntig, to offelice-and a belief
1,1011. tJlV it it
-Attitakle of said Stratton almost fiercely "to (to wig As I said before. history does re- eaAeLl norves, purify tllq blood and for that she was feeding and your blood go-
ery anti hli.- be sufficient - penance for the, past - Peat Itself. He has been missing a long tify tile system. Weak chilitiren,' frail Punished for being tietected. Another
uneasy. Yoll
swept right; tell her to go to ie
Mill. 1. de-Vair it convevetl t4d ter but it N all One blhck r-Joull (if do- with them as I Please. No time. Mrs. Brade Is very An* Arab Napoleon has ari6en In and weary women, and tired and brok- tll()ugllt Bile w",punibbeiti because her riching.
Every thought COUIPutictiou. spair before in' r- have been a great deal away, Africa. 'His,nanle ih. Rabuji, 'and he ell-dowil tuen find a new existence In father was the str(mi er tA
e, Ther(� is no hope. lcho. then. But- look hore, was yo I tell (i the two; to
maidenly, .111.1 ji,opo,,e asking me about Air. Brettison.' Jaine's Celory CAxnpound, another, that fear >
If her % iAt beinK un- Y()" allot I must never meet again. u what It Is-it'a an act of -duty., recently Invaded the Foulah empli-e. or nature's harm W self
ward llerself d to her duty to- (wo, while 1 clin speltk to you Stratton's. countenance I'll fetelf up the police, and 'We'll 'break Sctk'ata. At (Imt, lie suftered & serious true I if"iver. indumi people to do right tliitlgw Scot 0
tile cb4nged a In and see." -reverse. but- another tells that lie loinged for the
tll()N*' wil0 lovk!"I her. words of a, salle man, before that little. either from exciteipent or III- finally emerged victor-
'vab forgottell.. fler hands were Ill.!. which they jltvo� As the words left Guest's.' if
10luf1tarity P8 he 10110 from the Btruggk,%, and captured TODA000 ARJ5A SHTIPTIcD. age cd iindepen(iience too arrive w) that
'raise,I t0w;%rd him,': antj m tll"ngllt of ine be- t6rest in his friend's words.
661 started. for -there wasa sudden flash Kano. tile Freat metropolis of t 81 lie might retaliate. One 4on whom 0
her lieatl thr Grdd have -mere!y; -_nly punishment _ 1,v come back To western 8011(lan,'where he now reikilki fear of punishment front Cod Was Phosphites
sl"' "tuitAl there with tier "Its .1,11art. well true. For. lieaven'i sake.. go. sn't it 9trange that he'do�sn't then. for a, moment, hI4 eyes Were da& YJ 'd or the states Has ChiLnged the f Cod-li I with Hypo_
Own back, and -tier oyes zled; the next he was in t.
half cI0,*.ii nut, wjmIII,IW Jv,th tf greatter that' I call' 'of doh't know. No. He jig pec� pr6found vupa*me� Last Forty Years. freely imprewsed formed the idea f me
S moo
Sometimes 1 It liar lit darkness. that if contains just the rgnwAla to
kleryiet,a. a�h reeled. and would have falle?0 8 ways. ave rpt, wn Strattons- finge'rot unsevn by III Witillu forty Y0aJW there has bt.*11 long lie could put off (jeat),
breatnt. 6,,t hvr very 1*UI9 wi-tnt-At to heavily, but 11yra lieltj oil to the him for months together." frie MariaL. Christina. Quoed "Regeint of much shilting it, tile tobacco, plroduc- best ellougli, lying was the meet
thf-I word— comt.. thCM Want16 Tht Cod -
hands which C Y; nd, had closed "poll it ni.l. turned the Spain. 1,. 1-119 -Lrf'-' of thts country. 1'ilor to 185!j way out or &Ome
But Stratton raight IIR've been ilead and. lutched tiers so flereel "011," said Guest -quietly; apa, soon *btittou of the lainp. t(til.,. fair. pxtrelli(.Iy things. liver oil gives the necUj
a, f ter bo left. ()110 child (fiv#� years oLl) went
for all tbg ehange that t(*)k pllie� aPPent for help e8c.JP_ w., (To be grag-of ul. JuF ViMillia, wan the greatest totmli
by ed lior lips, �qlle sal.04, 11, it 40 years of alo. b," a front 1p&rt t.)r tims hatuie afto,r strengtht 01riches the blood,
hini 4' a1w)[It a week la that, t III
(lilt 'lot s ir; ink his heatl Violently :18 lie Oil going to the.in ImmiucitIg t;tate, tile annual yield hlw
that (1iMlY lit table. Ih t* tronk Ntr hx)king nittell youlWer, withl 00,niost being J2L,,ot)0,00U poull( 11441 htwn forbiddefi, _ aud, talling. fee& the VIOMS, and the hy-
n(' at hist. seeing tliat Ile . if!!. n, one evetiln' A Ortie" - Inanuc Jh_ The pircivent
st lw -splisible tO the floor. (I'll I engagilig %r& Nip. litirt herw
"fle'rillig terribly. at J111" knows every- yield of Virginia, is a ght! wax t0jo_1 til
14. taking tile --Whn-t� ix It ?" cried (; iles t, wife. 1911t. :19:61 h.Y. tho tiorter's FOR THE HOUSEWIFE'S EYE@' thing -that Is pproximatelY Only was a P1111114111nout frotu f4ii ; at tilim PoPhOsPhites rive them tone
thought `109ely tit her breast til -It it iy. VV14h wmct tlw%rs 901119 Oil. Tc-ading all t1ke 50,000.WO Pounds per annum. %3uCcM4j_ whellco! Rof. Be sure YOU get
wall for. her aake. she np)ved fo k emep yoti -:I' M-111- Itevrimi. interested 'lot only In 81W drew tim., not illitti6eal ronclumion and A
I*ward She told [d ill I% few Wo Spanish affaiM but ill p, Ing th"' rivil wit -r Kentucky took. firt;t tilat q;0,j
Slowly. klfu(*t glitli 114 11-1, �Wr thil I of 1)jaci. ill t(Amcco alld
I t irds. jnt) he- 'ite. mir, but yollmill,r 1111SWIlr- y Ig rALitt, b0t. thist it SCOTTS Emulsion.
his clialr, -to sta,1111 thery 41 the Nick, of rait illtO tile other room for water, 1119 Me One fille8tioll 11111towtane" jm�ffilng in F" hold" It, witfl %% as powittlo
yettruitigly ulk)n I""kilig kk)wII hilt Stratton was alkea( Different' Ways of Mak a urope. I'll 111114411 yield of u' ard of 2-.! Mtwit film b.i- bp -
11111.1 till " kntwl� ing tjl(� ing Pineapple* P%- --/- 4 All druggists yx. &,d
ly cofiiing- to, aill'it;lArst, - 59()()0,- ilig Inorl(w careful (IIPXt tillie, and not
her 114),%join 000 poull(w. New Mexico produciv; the
heave,] with is long. Iand after drinking wit,11 11-idity fron ashe" from his eigar. A 'MiKsiourl pre".1ter who 11:1m tool ntei I mniallest. cl-W-only- 1,5&) fa I ling -vilown. i locculittrity (if tile SrMrT&Ft0WXr-,
out tho Imath of righto."IlSti ig intirality by crcat_
raising her hallils t() tile gla&q 'jest held to hi�s lip.,4. then is Mr. 0011fectiongs oulld"- III- flictilmi or Induci'lle'
lie -14trattott,volnilig baek w-%,- dbma protinces just libout as ulucl! to%%, Ilg re fiq
ward him once row 81111thlering allot pale. 8,K)II, tO tile hill. sir ?" f-ral -vougrega Its it t4fd in 1801'9, but Wisc()t1sill In
All 4
VOUN in It' na Ive- St.4 . te or4 k.ar to pie%
-. J in,�rcAted Its output from 88,ow to tdu IP fit rYillg, d0eni It ad -
more hiiie laj�j t,,,*.nl U'liderly 11114111 his, "Take her hottleg" he saill ill k ,,,sky can't tqll.yoll. Alrs- Bra0.11 lkiring tho past tweive *ia6i. lias Itt tblo
hea(t. I
"Malmllit'. Whisper as he% rosie. Then can yoll tell 1114, U&TUL HOUSEKEEPING HINTS. 0,(X)(),O(X) pounit. WIRE BoTINI) pipE
horrible. "Quick. it, is too w 11 re Mr. just plealled , guilty, 'ill K., talk
folle effect (,t tb,,t Weak and faint. I. cannot, lkrettisOn is. sir ?" t I,(A clifteiti is "'I'd bids fair to about cutUng off t1w 4-1141 14 ti boy'st
touch Wits el6etric. It*- The, -lilies, of ju - io, Cl tp - 'doe'. rank oinlong, the It
W�tl' one bOund Stratton, le, . ar it." ThaVs two 41114-fitiOlim, -Nirs. rade." Ht us-loiliking pille- ",44LU.,h*-Court, fit Kanhiia CI 1#11 Producing Stales. tutNrW3, or making hila Ifqlve Succes rul y U
opt f rom fratullng.*nientbem' 6f ilia JaWst 11RIJOL-4 hills reilueed it.6 crop about one M4,
to We 'es, sir it is: I)llt it y u t stlills at fl()( -'k*: half 11114 -Iffelligall ham WN)pped fmm of lot,
'hair towartl tile fin-plac.. alotione'l wa rd the 11.3 0111 ;)PPlf"' di#PIaY#-`d toll tile fruii ete 840(1 or W I in
his C But thrre is hardly nfly need
there st000l at W tile ago 6f; the " green goo-(IPj gll,illf,. I 0.t l-mbf, JultiplyinAr i nejq fell t..%j 0 #411 #1
I xa,1. x of rurplewit Predc"I ma y
#.. 0. A aittl and-4;tlest ttirned :1 14 01 #J00r'. kne ;k� I suffer frrm 2 rdbr" %# .1.: a , IL. I
a Inaly I Young ti� Aga at Inau to 10,000 ru 1&_V__
the III port -s re-enroree tht. lesw)II whiell 11101ASIAllix of or a. Ilptitionio overpment fills IxN-n J'r`AttY Inuch all school i t I
bers being Allowed to K() l"Juseket-Ters to.try their -%kill with The Ittiwillil j; it, wa"___4oUg believed that to. utoralistm or
toward yra.- J thought of tilose two' Alets of cham, 0 ra ek and bacco could [lot be Pro-,Iuced oil prairie III, %-to Itg 0 te but� Kans. b
wil'ilY fur a Ic - r ruin. y �uod pity me." 4 for 4',000 rubles
Unreal th*' w lf "it st.l.v* With like. Air. (;u"t,.' ilreserve pil for tl
!tati4lb r -%f. .1eiiPples. These pilic.- louqx)�Ay or -is w1l1cfI JAM1110eil only .4purti
It does seem ti�rMme t4) any uPlkles,'110" f#Viillg,10.(") starving 20,00'1 1*0111,(W it, 1859. ow rd;luces 'eaJ to rar as such is mor y liarni FAA
f au
wevet. red or sti.a.w- 4.41"lling—ttin't Llle &1)
rea I ill t
here *itjI to he my en 0
I M, n'b"11119 went t father at once ari'd tell Ilgo to m
Iv of Oi�derly milid, irs niain in tile his 93ze itit-reaseil to r e bi�-rry' kind,, to tile childre, it for ix a-PliroxiWately 70,000, polludg, or toore fill- '()f rOurme, there, are a I,umWr im 6tatilAt tlmlt
t4)%%ar1I 'orrid, sir. Thcre"A th, dust" white vdrIetie8'tha,i Come Int4-r. three timem be original rie's t I svidm jw1rali
husbond. who is -sick almo&t t I tluin or (.Ilwm wilp xxj(l
unto Illiff tile moot falling (lown th' elijm- The Austm-11jingn ducti. lt� f _ row punislimpilt, but oil, limb ( netwis
arni-i ilbath. Tell 111111 *to (.Onftt 011J.P %%ritb hugeTorto itico JIM— to bave con
to or aud it' nurse. hit of fire, pineapples, da t On- Jn 'North Carolina, and Flr- in .6ucll caAw 1111o" punWanent, was diftniet-or, :t Id the now Show])
in'tell 9vor hei* Is a steady increase In te ill(..i4lental M
Inice. and, foe -augh Of' thf.- stalls. are coarse is threatened with, ali Of fill Nlyrza spoke a l9ok of Joy t .1 kno A, t it, texture "I'd Ucid-ill burning 111111C1stion in, thol! t0bacco area.-IAltiladelphla Record. not thf� One Inip"rtant h. h f,w shot he
inon t fit' �,#-r 'it I ro&-;. S t ItPally. sir, there are timep wheu rml W�JeJIPPIev, 11,1111 - are Ovry, way tile sect t of lenicrthe
it ton s it tit) he, to6k f almost Muldlasis a4lided to t
f.*,).r Un- nit toward be'r wJ`th 0�tstret wish the �Lftlllbe were inferior. � but fairly lie all xplanation rhed iampty, til.tt I suggesting tile The;se lix,0119 #)IIIv 46 I-V
rdall fror" t.it. fir re - she delicious flav4 tf -it IKNeet No po-,ople, whow tel' tH with- regard to ANAMMIA, OR ISLOOD LB91SNL 1- stood b6tween, film rllpy l 11*011. have patlei t w I%%
too Ill.,- rt 4 oil hbeside' thip fUrplh a4le, 3fir. -o"`, "'110 lilts had any expericiiep military �servlee el 06� V o
ce. pt. ki, -
(:,(.p ell n think on,, Illaiketing I" Owly rewm ii1e,' 'to Vl"14219 are P&IP it, Color, Hubject to i , I I
f 6y the flitring of.the 1-:1191L411 Priends- 4,1111 HIP, A C01,D IN oXr�, p4li- norh thick, rw kog%-ping &jm?
irink- Keg,
t him CPO, --;Pe 'll attoll %I imling 1"
-Lnl; front 1114k With a they* tll()lIgj1. Po0eN'iJ1 will"ll tile arrivl of Itussian Meun6nittw' Mid the Dizziness, PalPitation'of the Heart The I whiCh is fArz
to) 4;vveet I refus( and Other Distremtng Symptom.. axalive nrom()Q %% ith utiot4
get Ilim t for preser
Iin&- ark -tilit flow't k Ing 41-S Cy it it, fails wir" ONN"Inarter
till do)IIJIt .11141 flit -if tlafl pillifiapples from form tile milita?y Alliti refund I he mon uinine 11711,131-�f.,, Ail film t, I
Possible." annotilli,e, " ter, Mal
lier p4ortio-li fo,r pa,t. I:Jf, or IJY the hibel pn 14 loure. Ile ran am over )fit. 0 % It tli;A r tlKbw 11*4 fig a
tllf- CPUW�011;ls nif I
Ithe, MnOr anot j,litpr ftgnt. 14)..If. -willell i" o1w of the TIIPM*,Jir(4 1*89(; W itill Hie OIIJY Opportutitity. John It ll� T41rill It Ili
Wit -in h 1114-.111S enst
-Ilig 4 ti
Isto t4ftt of oQ14. elo.rk�ltt t114' hjaIt_' 10' '110illf' Is tako-ii
11.0 "Take tittle it wag th, -NoMA- R 9
;In4l cfqj.%k.' ere. tilerving, jilst flow lille's .1 a la rin - JECto voilitifor in' th depia "Alt it is
find, after*� 111, for Nijo, loillpapplil! is i1eight, . Ing VX 11A rpment nu-itre, Inv)
its . t. V
awa' nit -i 4igries it ill Alko. "ll"t mePaell Y(fol"K. alill SIX-miklug rapkily of 11 fie too) I Ite Ilo litirrieti
at 'tin' and i
%- trck. Th i u W
tirs - iritow FiN. re%
tl)ink.** tit -it Strattot of IshoMt tilk--Fourtil oF uly. w1mvil theAe, f.% t I W, f-ict, ttiat iif tlio.. pre-Anit u64 m0me"A. Will Yoll—what Is it. i,Wr 31161 r 1:70 is n I I j� t,(,. 11 ayl 1.1"Artodw., off v4pling. -
V only 11st 4-4)"Imp. for' he -rent Ire ' * foll it -S atip it ts
ha. h1% Virobbin Nfy r� I woulli difte 4 fill
stayeAl thf4i It itrtell 'pur- varying frofil lost-, 'of tila"t ? Six nisleii fit ite
tLo. Itutil tag u 1"41114 therf f1l overcoat in I oellaw-41 fit *1 ir fluriuvai dii-par
A rMt to ov i r im' "flit
Pte (1f Effic"'I 11.111(is tr.Vi!ig t, k W611iff llav'e- tepped The best hfigar- two feAt.. -ould fir-.& vilai. t it v ler way but. as Pill, do_# YoRl think V ou 4 turned It :tt front # it- this --furril-Pure, mdam ? Third floor. t`"4.
ra t t4 oil iIrtk
-%ht knew 1-1- iu4,rt-- In2vir, to _%t , .4 ' Nhow It w)! f g. -its. 11, t.110 elevator. Ilattil., t"ll ft"
linink intel tioll- of colfling ilk... c 'y ;g - i jt).� tb�-f L DO V I'd like tA) kno 141 r
V.-itfl 8fir'll I . :IUt(1IIjt)I#l:fV
iri tig Itm)k j)f and IJ6 ijuf_�elj .11ille pilleappleto mgy itool
61 rw —handkcr�411efs. Ma'am ? Tidrd 1114-11
-k it'
nt mS t atto'' tII6`"taj& or the': fr iter- �curretl ill lj,. t-0 your right. BlUnketa. jdr? c4lunter tlji# pit utillffel %tith 10111�fpllort4.r
oil w. f oii I I'd at. oc
Iter d4-.tr,7y still. bersvif 1r) # i; les t and Guestog u iris a -week!4or' Right Inh Wim- fln'f!or.
'1,* Itea rt BEL k , for Or" who deal "I. varietim; so agoi the. c1briole #or ri,.,, arni.. n,t mt -TheBo" r -a tit Alight.
alf )rp ra-rewors thall., applfft' co e
_ irIl..4#i1r.. . , ket 11 Pine. - th -Pxer4ol, Walt 011 Y(A& if' A m0ble"t. H a t-
4" le-ri her li It' 'i � t 61 1arijid ire. tie. Wil! you marry am. 1,411inre lnell.'4�11 to -ilia teatW4
.1 , front (le Mofitagtla�, Motor* %%.to * , 1.
fitu o -v 1. toy es Me.. to 'oUr nurkpt per
igItilig I or tile Tom,- whi t, C gi%"ing way 1111110-r A
he baiij.; f;tv0riie-.vnr- 851) -kil th.. lit -WN. -tht- crr I I 1 1J Ishoweii sign-,
111d tril-11 t I . -v 08, 7c he
t , wa'llteof ie'tiej 111 where. -they leW a YN rWitlf. a A
hioll n. %Vilili� about somietiling, par 1 4 g:i Ils,
contractiki.. big 1. ro,.vt grew rugg, Lt. :In(j. tolk are lijklirter' vehicle, .% it:l' %,The at pre"'Ir" fit soillmrs
C. ibO notion 00unter. atill ta
a hO&r,*- sir lk knifug tile 4�r tiw itrar'.,., el.teflmiVely, gruivii ilt, hot Ill,, llgiluwretj by 14)1119 With Inch. It lourma at
SON Wit t toes. The I!c-:j r r Den
Y 'Xiontorial, of ljordeaux.. �61%4-llilljc Jf t It! flavor. and -111-46 !* I
sit id 1* Ir -11 On the showeame. her rattt" wr tll#. wit 4 t ttoll.
y- car was selit9.over fill nowe fif 014'.SP
q too totIAN,
then. Vrit quite ri a I'm
tdv% not -enming.-itway. inna 11, It 10 'fi ment, but tile occul)d 1110. 111 itY Jor f3ewam. Of_0JI1tMft'!*i frCltarrh*Tfiat
it ratii)'Il itaver si.11iligoll t I [its noto PwaPc.serJ6Uis iijitiry. T_ he 1:111 frmn Strat- lam : Contain Mereur.y.
s4e, - . . wlw,;Oe chr had td s f izilping o damageii, ti r(olind is'
r t'... U.rst I nip irned �art�illlo -11,01 IdiftrCur
f()I, tilt. fit. Y Will aurely (kmtr(.Py thi
t 11'
Y. I(Xit Or t
F forgot." rtml, -11Y tie
)!Iljl,hflt, fit i
t 11114 �A-) their to give M�' it rne,wlz Tho insmst Vehic,4!. f 1'�� t: don,t #I 1premi r% i pli'lligi.$1 r -fir..,t tho whole swatp,
'tilt' *0mb;6knient, 'jtft�-r tits. ca 1414, .41wilit it; through tile ftlue(Aw "ur1flce#,.
g". 4*.*
n n, tlea r ;t r 0 lit -it entpring it
is sco witll� -tlw rh Ir- 'r.- n
si fig
fzrf Tr 4 Wood t 11 a 1,
S blf r 11 ot i in Pit t It .%Il of fir 4 K ttclfw "hoidd nevor I*. iia -d except, on, ti -ii ior 1voin.
till Ip_r, - irtilt. to how tJJJj Ira i� replit4thilf,
rtlil -,,, t tfink �&b . tilt! t1rQ4IJ#l4-,l
Jnu f.,111 "A i I nlit-r oil-. pill flea -fly ilk U1114 til7ill#'M ft ut I10 P it rt.
in his o -yes I tton, an :1111[4101 11144 Pit till.
tiw olmage they %%.III (jo
Tliat jw.#,It ('Fie a fill :111 Ott -
r 1 here 4#f ll t"41,1111 1010111-
*I;r"r.Lk frim h, r :i littlg!, Atl 1-:1101ding )y t;lIet's w-fil'bl't all hot, ol Tho
frol" Your prepar4t 114 y A V-1 bleSpilolotif id no It (.(Nnpo"M
I'll killic (of ions Of t4irrh Core, 111:4.nuftiettired by F� J,
IY too i They,. t lie )I 11(w- -
tll;tt till. y6iir rtimitlirp, t U0 brie, a! 1,)Ifw ill 1 Ir o41(r Cholley ToI'do,
Jr,.ot w., h , fif I
our iliecill, I f -0iiWins no
:jn(l y eince or from 110% yacht, who wpnp
it #,or III %Vill Nligl,tA
It' . it 1 -the I t. ft'& 't - �4t' toy I im tA k -pt,
ugar thickly' nlce U to 0 fill t Sirior their Italifin
14'. e0filain and 6 flfollfluetoor. '.Nfugif
tili it "PUR9 ofirectly
110tatim ts Oterly
cl.- t -so I. i,,� jill :1 flit ndkerrh 4.1', ho blood 4led
t. tlI4*,IiI. +-1111i . Let 411 t it ra tefil 11iiabI4. too ip ;MV %%forli Ilkilet"Im iiiikoiow
fly t hi strattoill' d . 11114ill ig 4.11.1 rred all4l il- t11141 11401411116" 'aI AP w4d�CNW (Of the 11 In and theow men poa-
11114- -sug:i r fo or 141 _41,13, Hnll*ff
ym old
8P& the gwm "'W"ll fill IIIIINif-81 knouledge whatever.
An, IItto 1 .1411011 a lube.- It 04 taken then,
st" rt 1(
no lee I'At4lilt t be inlre The foci witnitifter.'' I 0WVv#W
I tLS.' tilt.11k ti t#%Il t of destruf-tioll 'A' 2, 1 tg I I t* -ht
'! I' i . 6 1, hIV I _t Orrilly, 1%
_PU %(t%v takf- Ittille,_ liq�ijol niro JH I -Ind Ju Tolmit), 01,10, -by igs-lit. and gift44i
% 11111, yb I 1110re, . Imp_ t- ti.
arounol, t 0 dto imll) off tj tofficv has bee' %ilicil nmdp
ewill, t f6und to 'it, 114 1~y & CO. T*Wthnonialm f
tr ol
it A J k 1. to d hT 11kruggititts. tatik f-�Ltx rli:it tIleV pla.v , .91,
girit—1 jIL-eepte1 ii.1 a.4 I ItAO IlEpttle. tIwca n t ing& alo) tile The I)Ilkp aMmit-irkable fnet,
I'Iilltllx anti otjl(f-' tilt" illic4- from the prief, 7! kili4b-i f)r for 1.14t that trltvt�s nikell rh 1. -sillg miliver fork Thol) dp; %�, I,-. t t f.
4114 1,eart who -1- t lut, of, I- 11141 o4f. Orh -it Ito Ilas
ti, F 11 Fanfflyr I'jJlJJ JJ'P thle jP(Wt'.
I t W�Vij Illy f.1 t'. -er.*s nt. sug:ir !it, tllo% 11Ljr, and fearetl tieou for. a#4 s4ited, in(lot or the t)rjf.ntfjl&
migar; put :111 tili ng Mat.,hille flimq,, him 8CC1Lto)n oit 'friend' urged me, tu. try, Lh.. (if miale—that ib to gay.
aL not s- or "'U"t ehaA- I front Mortimer of w1w, n4*4pver., tilis colifilti
W IZIP tmt llpoll III *`Own 'te' 11111"ttPidem were Put to, tit for t&
still enly lirilvil,rving koi Vilik anti 1,
It the aioylp, al�)llt 13r,e -and oratint
-yes. an -tiberii. Tit t+wo boxie(i 'I re
lie turnetl Ufa to IIf6rmerlv to belong -ot be trained bit
A, t . () Stupid Childe intourval.,; arld the rules of
ir 11--r grew tho bo"iling, TAillt, to tile Dilut. of I.A. u'4*llt( 't lie Rianjew. t
more t, !viro- .% f or I link
V10TV"' tO 'ilifU Zin(J.1 -as the t Ill oig tit. ratt4)rl_ tirne4i 1111oll [Jim tin sit ininuten; thpl, Nkilli- it thinkiR that. it I.g ben(., 6 1 luke a t the Wbwl ttiaclwr c., Jib
as *h nil boil f a twight exeQption
V, rwil, orld- -%I nd itrain' Ith his 4lignitv t4) illiprovement ,laid iny stupidity is oftml
Ivy Ntr:lilk(-r over rel neft resulting from it "'Cer AtPamer wheneyer oiVitil *the liope- -dull
s-hollse uttvr." heart :1 counditioti of
lay it Well., . 1()W.** 9 t, I , by 6t, 0-1 wit�. t4,, will 1cirfpi-1 tnf,_. !1;
%Vhat olo ti it, 101111) NO 1w Itast -I-a�ge Nix At the ent Of -such chibir", -ire carefully
h1j; eg-i, I early. coiji tra t- ill' tho oitirtip; estates twor SeV0 .'or te) viit his g full -y , re- it %vIII liq� foun,41 that ( - I I 141torelseal Lrealloiny
tf, t4 J tielt lit Un rk he 9fxW tot) spaill. Colds, ek.
then C,
Iter Of- -en or' Uriathl luiW -I large
I tell r,p I fI'V"1hIft4'1lV
nd #of, irtip,
tA) all -i 4)rIgbtnem to. ille
tit. a rnnw,,..It4. it 111r_ N;uw4%!_s1o,nW too nlf� oil r tfur fir Quo 0 Id' with It strength, C010r' lluiutx,',r of them are
ni+a it tho preto Ot go. through I.,
t htiol ecyntillut, t- Ik Itig t- from --deafnewor' very bi I Is a m very high for t wo persmIg.
for the woluelit,.. t I v vOu. ficar luil titk(! on) 011 t i 11 1 aftw' Pink Ili]) fr(mill wpo obstructed diwase of thp
turnoiiig- ttj . I ,
ver he r to ll tie f'illk bo clarfilettf sarily git);* too by flea. eyesigi
W:ik Mr9- -N"w"I—YOU 14-illited me V)-bir
retive, &II that !)#-r r. Clem., cooklilig. t ho Armn�llla the, Ir all ho had takfxn nami phssagvs, of which atkinoi,im is 11-1 4*41 -
-a ulsi -114-11ti, Ii hUld Xtr. blau 411 IN-intruth- the oI've been
If irr. rhit-pli. * I t ton, %41trl I oflual wport, , #Pf thf. IL flilly .0mmoll, re-4111tin twifir IIp t
ikry xv ii I 4rlifilizilf it thrwmkil taliall 'ItItte. I iift making t1lon, khowil ts4le brivto I rrum1w for pudding*
Speak Return it t4j, , :Iljf Ntrtniger tliall I 111011.1 t Ft Mr. .# wl Its- teri(w-. the totit 1 ti #)Sp ifl.*I- I bron Wers, certaLn
P10, rV -klP rf.-ailv to Xtirring. it 4.olIti$jlj_ 111thow .4lurink the was :is 9tupid. -pav".sp.- tIX-Y bid, I
ige wan m1mmking of th,
IKilt Imlil ld t, ciir
ro Ot U-lu 'till it 1 urge, all gir
latijer*,d anger, for the grtk*d-ry bilix
te r the Is j t &a tauglit lite what it ta k0ij 4mit
lifil 14-11 in 11UNI14,41 ti to givo thn, n'rnir trual.' sellool ifistructio witrth Of other thIr4V t
thi- 'f i to I.,v;r trivi rly on,o(w j, wa "1 lir,- for I r Willilltux, pink 1111�; flat ilt] b(M t Mrs NuVvp,4-,_y
ki- IY if' It'ick IV 11 I id tak4itis in m-rtaill directi(m
yo 14.11,lilljr. I-rovt-ft to said tratton, w %liother It I"11, exim-ftsiot. 'lea, t4)tIII -well calculat-MI to n is not t
10 it to 0 PrO to Illake, itrong. IfT.—Jovirn I Maki' brenol erunihoy tajje gwid.
U Must Lsfv�lkk n4 iw, Mo. WPM, yo, kiK4 Iter. W:i y t9l, P60 the And
anot romoi tAlks.yi till It till, t 1^ m a rina lit, N jo'pr iparly 27 0 -4 -eked. 4r cience.
.1fig all ally
to you B:11111 'KI'Me them igilt-fYcd girls til '
wonian you wo)U1,1 ilavi. .4,it A# V Nit ever fl, P1 i- g(J (01 t 010 Juk-o Tbe 1114414-Ille litlefinfirmea rep(pirt tif
Pinallip 1�111lp ,,ill
ma -k- y ur .'.:lc i111) I1141T. Insist forgii You, to Iw ltaughtl-rs taking allf till- I"irft't OturCh of Lngland mimifni.-
it, wfl-S 'Vor, criu- 1 46 Mt, kho V the 411`41twfling of he 10iff, Witil P"Juild of. ffilgar'nilkle(I I of pineapple, . wlw!n . Ill. rthril(w, in"Kiliffig f im ary t lie Klondike.
tle ad4 if if, flail w -ver ha"A' *a"* He grfgan# (I. If* lit" wr
t�W lot thLs 111#411(.ilip. go,,,
nd Ili, 'fitee #"-it back- h lilts 11"llool., hal-f 11flirtrof WMW w a [Y
e - Mr -a W1111rh bears tllr.
To a.% XP o,r--tll;tL irl I' tx-st it hi -crator-fell III, hifickiiig [fill Ilaille. 11i)r_ Milk. IIIII,,
Isis -hands. hill). tij I. lay li . 11 ()f'tb"
"I".erhaps. 1 don't know. �Pludlillg tiff- finger -ttirtioligil little fro lilt yea r I
rut,,' dparest," tIllur:_ till t I t ve(IU for all
e who goes in I, t1w. � A FORTUNE IN OLD STANK
fiff out'am"He' bo"ell tafen tmt other know. of tllree fatty tulllorF4 I
mured - il'. V) 971mw 11MI aped- � A for
and, cl-mho,dr-neol by bis or- its a oat", n t 1 'if It In not ("Ili (.*Jk it few IIAVS )Rllo-r. on.Afti Ii Int4-fitied ilehr, w; Ion I lis in r,.,*
rowful manut w- r.
Thr. m(wt deIj.6kZ w1tv of 04e y I 14jr tuttie used, 4 " 9 liedd haring been Muloviiaod by tl )OK I'll 1,401 I'I'T r I., It is.
;n3 !jusbanol." to. voni In lin 11. hw!
and "Aad. ou—vol appk� Oil trip. tiI)ie flame 290 fee IN Coll -
10 --4 arrn,4 witli 1,( Npurt of lip-
.)tli h# -illy t ;Ou often w wam HMV Oil to 41�-,- Th IIwr cbeek gakis r , lietti. 'le' U011 of Minar-m DO YOU know Ullit tilt- htaml,
it a 911c" film—at him Stratton Cofthed 'to. 1; t `""'r' it thickly �Vflllmllit�d by 11, tro,melidouiii Russian Serf After- Forty Years ()It all correoWn ience between
to o an(I tell me, too, roorn!f. ar a,_ t, uskl.� with lium-r. -iind mar. The Out RhY Nurgical operation, andthere tho yellirt;
ft t It CAM)l, 1114tre in :1,4. w, witb flasht* "'T a nod are likely w
Yes. 'esm from his $hroat, -Vlllmn of fire -was yello Freetioni. (1)
Mutt You. forgive me, all that satJ Sir Xii -.v but 'he, ham not f ruit or rod. Violet ittid' lllt�llffe bluq, I in no Indicatlon of - a return. be valu tile. *WLW Mr.. on
(irehead. me- li een i� I NBC IS Yod r0fes. "though 1141-411-1.1- fitorty years have f rom 144wrp
a 11t4-ly for tit ienfIt"tVror 1401&ra, aQr klatteucri. tlm" of my life I tell, You. a ga In I looked nerrely from orleit6 thp le Staid hurriedl Pf mope When ft- wiis tbo.only t*)f Ifical -8
r) 1C4Pt. W - A NOV&
never. loveill him, -011 1 8-"1. SINN- the ukase of 'emancipatiot, 1 aS if haroly N-Jit� % i fig I., i ' mprviia I k British Col.
r marringe wa� ther, �,gaing' hollue pow.- SCOW', New Brunswic
tho int -rest swilifil, . I You are� ready to, Idelocent gas Clifton.' . B. Gondolli F,'
and I e' "This I fruit ever- obispryki oil Vieffi w4la pr0mulgRt`kf-- it is -still too early erry.
r- :1 o1ra 1, � . from tho qxlre t. tv I r the
all. , %Ywr -w hU! It.
back to 6c, true. -home witll ;I . ,it I v 1 its.' lhe light to glve a 4lefifilte Judgment tilujill its Illibla, anti Prince F-Owaril Island I
rom ureli wNhlI* that ftly a,st 667 Stra. tton . slipp" ;Qed it 'budder and ra ni-ell 0- rv-- flnmfw boq
uld not gr) oli li*kf. It W , .0 . fork. Roum--krepe to.- I rreultis. The exptx�tatjoljs of ita frani- The�Cannda 12 Pence Black I will giv#
kilfi Mo, re thn'' People Aisuitillv- lnisttke for $.W
Y011 I` 1119.11M flear."' ere Look UP our old I"ttereand
I- know now 411-14 Guest pitied - h PmAprveof pillion, 1`19 In the-reffiletion ers have nOt been attained, if' IWrt be- ol
Atiff—and yr he -thou of 0 1116 ]a yll below on, Nino t at us and e4irreaponitj
41ear- bini, to ex- tw4v at:WmPtm made.' 11poll Apecially il�lioiolifi, lkf rise. Valli of tbe lmmllsity,of tile ta.�k :t,141 with 0
Toil s
sh ran k frord. �tr jt til' whi 1110m the crater, caEh purebasw.
0 Plain Ills curw4l .4 too. glooiny — too dep n PPed crCain-- . A' pineapple (it erslty Of conditions to be met. ust the Immediate appli-
last )"It Y'". ;ul nr,t kfl(kW - V. flim. to I.XPJ, me. re lall crelim,111 (Atp of -the lip tv:i r- lltvl)nrt been
a in. llsgert
w ()no. of tile mmt valurif
'up thf, -6hambers, then, al' or ca
rhat 'r . I MAWr wate "
. loall't 3d bLrfWt ea8t. JI&jUjiton. ont.
Illy it -.trp tioll of thO ultaw. 1wats made [lot, by
flaw it" nd— wila t-1 *IV P*haveanll in.11#0 C. A. NEEDHXM
.'� or shi�rtljet, , ti
It, ()Il ma'n'. furiously. Vo -1 .-take Rome 'morp nNOw I w 10 had "'Ought out t1to schenbe.
haro, before co no'. 1 j411(jIll(l lot _1 it prefer burg, iAA hail k nOU Whieh (11, but bj W`110 wero either illilif, The �r rannnt livo thp trotll)ly fjf n 1 0 he
than - I
banit I clain, yl,,11. !p Ifid flat lt to, c. tr
-r;'- fil"U'Vilig fi 0 v i n'kr. t)IINVIpple. Therp �ihll Wtd ell tarious countries of on liks- my -own. InY own." ttlit-r*4 Ie I m ime I to ry which s 1*1 rf Ilitinitile to th as hi-ir neck. - nn th Dt 10 witisraction 0, " tO IN' The m. IIWI,
Ind note jig. V
had crept- in, too. t 1.0t: I i tllf� 614"t, suit I xi [lot general,,, beenue an Jajol llis fmm oarw-grainetl brxcri4i tile IF411114. of Iluilgary, 3.70., tboy Is nip the inlpc�rll I bank,. galini hag -lie erland, KAI KIK lind 11816
41)oks- ' hvr 111111411h risers to 11i.4 'It' hik foreast.. , It Guest wl+ oblige,41 ' "t 'ally klind, and nw) friiit, o1ppf.n# tho da-te-alift 11"lliber or * at! (Vollolvic M,41 -1-94 Auxtrin Cft
tip-.rop pi .4) the M Is jild t1te* that w9gilmn nlftItj.v d(,sin -rplialloc TRIB Mae Watw WhIM
I'm nevoor to) 1,� And rise to rt�'.On cultil 41. Ile t4 1-05 - E'Ugllrdt, 4.08.
f,)r ,is Vol 41(Jw�' go. , re 11110 utrick in turO Of 11L' - mandarin, . G-rinany. A mmiam OJL
alool it i .111allty thl !()r 1tq w1th a Hit of punishmmitk t ther 4-vell leas able thil I' 4.12 : Hollallll. 4.2"". lit -r faro ill- A. �. m P "M t 14A fe Thin Im ip. , I Very 18411d. 1,14; Italy. fit)J4
fkntr. I I " Thn t ii righl. he said,* "put 'the TrIbit; nun
anot slit. I ot 'llis lit' 1 a relic for NO stlapollo jithort crops, or a catt ,
fr? 11gly Old le
-r lit -Art wopiij,l lwono-fl to, 11iin-_ W)Illo.thing, place, blit it would
*;Obbing cit ir Pit has Itall'. IN *11f0bit MY writ 11, for Plague, for lie a& It() WATER
,00 AN& be horrible if thp -frrmt w000" 1.8:1 fig k"n tabk� is
re himned (town.- -S too flare beeiri in tr(xill Tim mi C1
coill, -1`14)t Pilace we' VmrTE.
tolt nle--who , k 64 1 L Coll III MaY make gorml IIW josplov nid lio.11� ,ill, Jib
.41 hs -r to -ars to) have --lowrible . A' lin 111L. -to tifk,- owr file difficultien. d.)
yes t1k) Yw 160 1). 4 The Traote Winds
their m)urep, an(] ra t t(xn, —horrible saill . ' . . . 111,1141. tilts' pit t 114% 51111111*1 flowers. 1'res., Toronto.
ext btql)!* panted a shudder. fe "I" 11"t m'- I'llgr(Mg Aill4vt S4,-rvibne ih
lint I chilIP4 Uch more horri hie If lk r0f(wWw'Dewar, of I do 1. cured what lie belie., -ed to be -ilifte IN till.
lyra yone, opt to., si not -a little. djW4 Seri -:I t
for I"' thni-vt her from him witil it, olying 4e X . In the Place. ell Fol I and L r re
his rights, fit.
inKry gi-atilre. lji.,4 fjtcp� w t4
GW 11"efyiflg hYdINWE" I py i prut- his dream of full and free pow"88io r u
fearg" t(X*N' that L4 JJ,pPjJCJ - lbler to�_Jtlly of tile lanid has opt be Lged a.q Its- ma,te a-4 ir to rush from wi t It nid Steatton with it ghastly T1 'ell
lts con- no, 8, If anybody siept in the Via e To is# exa,,4ple of tilt. fulfilled.— rv�li4,1 .11flinbt room. itto Illn-more k. I millions of wo, tity.. it WAM shown. that the IX)IIIng Vol)idnr cIenc* Monthly.
t i9J I t ty. tYes—lodgers. There is 9om9 y Try
faint 'that's. all. who have'
ant made the Diamond t)yea e it 1W convinced.
back to) her.'and she ll hold 4-cl you, upstairs the second 240 (legreeo
)wink 1 s before hjr!3. flimfiNt in site flo I or, on 'their chmidn and only dYc* for do- below zero, centigrade, Brftdstreet'R WOekly Trade Suinw&ry
11�'Fi kijf*, 'highed. there ?" nd that
t8pt satp—wIth q �10 104 iu%9 It'wam-possible to 11 -ted Paragraplis.
wlid XPntly, "am I you -1114Wt..ic dyeing.,Tfift faith of 1,111 y
to) herself h(Irew of Can -
w) in yovir miglit YeN." said Stratton huskily, firmly- ORULbilislied In the Power� and Meently 'di(JC0V4VrC�d 9118, 1 ellum. I lr(,6. a4lialt trac feature Of two ovils, it is liest Only Jn the (lay time.,, M wit 'Obut excellpnce of the Diamond pjreq that falsor Dewar uery 01, - Midstiltimer itlujitxt
a _)P, and lem a N flatur- neither.
aw g during thp 111011th of It is Itard for a mail undor I-oullf 'Iff %irg I reat delight � fnp, even 1f the c n a I ge ay)(Alt, Juito.. TO
9 Niokefl et-thall he it MA t: around, tO (;tIeNt's ooked they would not use any othetr mak full of the liqvietled IIY(.Irc n fit
Und, hie t6re Ifii! salit I I i.14 : - : hIsL liand from the lamp. an(] PMluced half a vli,ine 11,11.17 II0t4XJ than li Is thrrKit a, it wionwthir I punish"fent, 1v , 1 B%7
V. 11 , la r . -.-If ! on mrw ro ron tn
-41, MK#P1 mo. Myra, #)%VIt �-my Owl) lot In IIP was taklig an evidp J- -twe glvon &-Anv J1111190. imports of bu Doe the @liver lining.
I am not niasto nt Interest In Iree, of cost. continental nianufactun" in the effort,
,or tor Illy Ithe topic ills frienfl hAd started, Valuable tb anticipate. the A w0maji'a favorite novel is the Antise tic
rom object to object not be experime
you stay f all tbllt,tl , (1 i., . 1, and and 'useful Queeft'Victmin, har. w,.rlt l hand.,joille the new, p1pererel, c
% I T f-: I ,. '.x:X X'A � 11. , 900t Mhould .0ming into effect of (Mo in which she thinkti tlle her0i ke
lat p Ili" eyes moved f ntw with poor 4luty,
stioll " in 1be untried package (ly .. I and
Iforrilpie, kt, gg� eK RUIn *and low
yrm are here." on ce which ravom greftMbles tier.
baton to -%figueI, ba 11 (I'll aster of tile BrItigh goods. Ta
She, startc-41 U) her.6-04 it, litwror I of a -good many years' x4v- of goodsi -and money will me -et tile F, lk of 41 mtaliat'o Spruc
01rds. :and Ill Ill, t f. IW;, 4`11iblairoil il;g and collecting here, old chap, eh of ad Iterated (IyPK. who play
and alarm at Ilis w' I 411.V if few frmijes Work 'Mt Marl'10 Regimetit. Title lnuislirlanN fil(lty by ('t'OrmaftY IN almady Ileard, I F�' Whorl pride turns
s1fgLa Ittiol :1 h":"(- shake twers u ed seveza I , t, JJ4 fewqVi lid is flurO too look the u
,44-mpfl to undor 14. finww b4-foro her thiat thitin trade llilly
their triltli, I)vlt a ttivir 4011e -a' thly 1W_ y6s; of many. man years,','l PXILIn ditring her stay in Cherbourg. recelv_ "urfefr homewh8t. Now that the. 11t..11al in The world laughs it :1 gj' I Ulu _VV, ii�ab
two Y paid Follow tilt- M fe rl wh(o
"AJF" ullf)n lio,r. IiIii and tip it Ill Stratton Pie, of eattlilit oll gratuities. The leader*is new batoll Olitlot to �hr unite anxious W 90t marrle4i. all(l it
)%I'd* went ti, him again. itvorl'- tilitoll J 1- thoughtfully. nffllfi�us an d Htat,,J4 ,,Is lif
"And n Your bit8 6f` Antillue fur- R nd 00ce"W, Ita'' w001 ' 1.4 'duller tIM1.1 "'ll liughs if she lvromfw nil (4d mn Id
I in.vitatioll, fl, if I . 01 'me the Diamond J)y iA alirni intefl I)y The 10 1 iKl':' hlo- inade
T. k rw) w,"' '1`14P llf%lqk *W0101 With lijill :ilill Ilit"re., UX). Mlistn't finve. I ri , � PpilleGS ftn1J.,0IpaXUW g0lilf, irierimuml the r�)Yal CrOwn In L for nwn.V tihh-.
4110 wtid U 10Y.."'They Ill.'- histor.- I' will be With 'Pearls, rii Years. Comhk%rab W) what CAII tllf% poor girl
V)I41 mo all haivilig hi -r oblill re here., Your reward. Meg tho V lioN is hopeti ff
'oml f rmii cag" Nown. 10 IMI-is'lla tritits.
er old fellow. any," he continued, tnp� ItIld emeral(N. tinderneath in a Id .111 fllwtn,+� tn
Yoll Iliv" M, i tit hor re"i"ill if$ ne tra5k�-
tw"ift ill And 'lehritill-4- 'Well, wl )if) ring, ()ql c
as it P1111C ;I 91af0i Jar in 4vhlch v4d h; R 1`0 Inscribed the the lJniW sta
11 0149"Ilt tfj"siti ;t alp -1 I a kind dU 'Pile Longest Rai I If t, tM Ad Canada. Till, t --ifle
111houlol 1w% ylolir nurwo anfl r'nmf()rt#,r"?- to yovol, .1vpillig illan," grVlwtr,1l . ti 117,11rd was suspended in spIrits, 11 road 11) .1ho %Vut-jd.' .10rfil 44V. R_ 1.1p, blue ellatnol. el"t outlook Im excelleItt, exce 1h Yf�ur Wile lil-Irellippli ?
me again. W My r; L 11;)VO-se If this grew -hot the 7L�Tb! dimeladmg of tile U 'Pt ill Tl,,%*, sin.111 1141ilm 41( fir-tivi :4 1101
11-4) lity prayers; and Ilan lie bkj Ntopper In e litlertak- �omo Port'Olw of -Afallitoba. where rail, I-IX-1111ine Iter f4v%t. :11,41 ir llw "I'lom-11tv k4j%-p IL
lj.% �lrsif-rs. all 6 'are om PORMANNNI! 11111111AUNEI-S.
11 11,1116 post n Out,' and th pirit- Itil - 110rWOUS, Fr' Im"ledo but &Ile vield of the Nlillov w10
h.,11 N- rtIrgotten. Takf,. '10! - rit kin Wir"I Ili b1h ze, W iak, . the Western terminiis., , I In �- t 4)rns liuy tier
Ofmle, moire hil'oilir tbe-ri villM glA a wholo wjjl**bo full(.
h ill exce.
W" yoll MMIPW 00 a, % 4s litire aii initio-rililir 14,"IrIll #It
firro till moment. or., to -prize offer"d for The-= by,tbg Extractoor 1141111v will 014,11 IN4.(11114.
Y" 41111% ttmok With the. kieflienit eastern �rench 'If 'Montreal r�porto that time.
that IL9 Ofilir tell* file nor� Jolfaisllip; an.: Strntt terminus tile lengtil I#, busitl4%vi 1,4 a, an FA*m.
Plitt tillotight-that 'thf- ai HOYMContraeted igrar P.- 4,741 1 National Society. rfArp "d t(1,1A niiwry (of
von, m#--tlint I J(Y*.t was 'to 1M!,eIlpng#,-tI ly he 'nodded find watche milfw; If; other wordis it is.much t 111) Oplers, 11-111le tlw 4.( ly to -sy)rt tl'g- inarrie4t JUP lei cfllq, t,#, hel
own... � 1, ., I n -my fit) f riend. him 1014"t railroall in the world. It lie leouragc]"011 t "'Ittist"(10rY. Lumber Tl��"lljx 1`011111 -ill i;an0%-cxtrmWtfW I% slim..
hillt it W.104 Th" &"4,644Y for the I.;1
t. for Sir '%I'Lrk IllitokmlY ttirtif-Al to, of * National Induis too) 911l'
him: - .,* he I goz!fj try, Paris, offerB ish account at, St. 011 Brit- proollipt"
Alpfli qr i I IN. face I. . 11), Ifx)k here Mid. "'that In go.- we6t from Tefiellabinsk, passing -the the followi-n! 4*jZCVJ1 11. bitt
;,VMr o.o,n%ffIs0(j I , It -!"And yoti've got dozenm of s' HOUthern edge of Russia's great SI.,. so to be avrardeft bdalnew-with thf,, prkw
me -tcaln, anti my 1. 1 IiD,� "a 14 1. , knilar d=
ihrarik. from -her when bottles ali Iet,f, me lierian J First prize of -j,(XX) 0
9 , I
111W WrA)d Till" .4,4 ira t toij JS' lie njjs) 1. e, yoli've got dominion through 'Ob nd 'Ictorla reportig bt,&i,. lit)
V fr ($600) - IlmitcNI. A is Why They Struck. 114
to' something Krasnoyarsk to kutak, thM t a the rovent wtrikc. in (i I aW $,A
'Aad open JU 0 OnC4, r1lore-'Uld he �`Xo." itaid -Quest sharply ; In your bath room, too.- ir the ma ln Connection with lir'OVO(l fit th(% Interloro--but V During Th, I. B.
certain , akes nufacturc of Permanent maLr_ J -P outfit- #'A#,
as breast, Stratton It Amd'Ek", turn around th( 4D9 trude Is dull. D Thornto
y .0tade no reply, but stood I southern Dets. Itesea' h may be diriectM fo tw bominjon of c ulkinclas failures ill Onio Of the workineil ' being a4iINI by 40. 4111 -
k"C". W& know. yos can- "'Then What the deuce'- to gazing away from his friend. JPnd Of the great Lake Ba'ikal, and the COM re allada number 1 0
Wbispe-red boarmly. ter witil him ?" th(I "at' "Wit -4 wandering ngaifl,,, thought 1`0110ws the Amoor River along the . P08iti011 Of the steel 41116. I;Clnffb 22 the previoum-week, 6. as It Imntleman if tjwv had sitruf-k ror 0
& 9,I)f lyet*een as "That'H what I'm going to fill(I out' 91UP-st. "Never northern boundary of Manchuria to ma'9net's nut] such materla remponi week Of 34 in more 1)"Y, reP"ed: no.
mind, than Ir(m ma IN Other cor
I did get him
9 897, 32 In
nipipiiile fw- rffamil. Go Hir Aftrk." a little m0rC, Aike himmelf.1, Vindivostock. Until It reaches the Or to the y enter, I to. It it 1"A Ju&t this wav: - SOM0 wan
Then. ('11,11011fily
iffoud: (kwees of 1896- So 'a 189"1- -aud 34 If, IbIft BallIL KaH ti walkin' delegate Wasn't Pant V*11urvat tier"
t6mperat f(); clearings at six (,an Or Kilo
'X #oske. allot try But the days went by, and Guest ap- Veflefmi River, the road pawel;,over the 11oluld �diall citl* Atorer.
%t Pver aNid. wor "WO for tempering, gregatw $07,563.000 a (W ag- Ili -s nv)neY, and lie heard IU and ry, X41 fit,. t)r oorr% fill
(in 'peare(I to get It() farther nave only say, V&V, a "`tePPe c0untrY that renders -tho the procem of annealing lid 17 per lw "r(Ill'"md IIN to mlitriko!" FITW� afterfir"I dity',. law.
8 t ra, t toll, eent. over theprp
that Strattion, In -I despalrin I turned sipoll Win mharply. ngineering very simplo; but beyond RRII. other VI - 2-44 nd to
him if* t 9 wayo e loviefmary �6� week. but n 4V 1131 Art,11 rqrq4.1. philMelivilklo.
niore ceaw "' W0111(in't flo to have a fire; that, in the vast mountaluoum region which -are oMrittjons, 1*1743111t, of .1.7.por omt. front aft lot., for I PA I onflfrim- 82 iriol IMAM% Vol.
ol to r(w.nt his friend's deter- why. 4ccessory iw.
r ent"'Ores Di@Wmpw male 11Y.I. A. Illarit.. 1 -,ms N*qjfrq�
prime object of I ml.1"Ati011 to" he -with film. He P%ell You'd 6urn UP rx)f)r old l3ret,tison too. of C011- owt. Secoll(I prize 61 0 - Montreal. Qlav,
abDvP M%rtary, the cost 11kely t401 Obtain thim re
Vp inind. Ive"t W) far, one evening In hil room ftratton's Ince loakie(l nt4 it It had structioli has been heavy. When tile ($400), ror in
b6en carved in stone. 11ard's Liniment Cumill Diphtheria.
';?r mind im (fix- fit Sarum atreek na to show three great bridges arf� light eandemwnt electric.
railroad W011len Studenis ----------
The 1,11ilitisophical 1,,acult
some Such a collection. too, lliq lie has tak(I'll V) account, Russia will pa Ulut 'lot exceed ft Imaxi-
t. f!annot leave retu of his old confidence, for, he #jpellt y Of the
ru yearx of 11 t least $175,000,000 for I _mijnl of twCo-candle Power _(d7clmal Ctimr$ Of PaPer. Unhersity of Liej4iejbprA FOR SAL.E.
(Z.V9 tif life III grttIng �he privr_- System). )Ins rvssrii
w il I ti, beg. . Nfal- t(AW&I n letter acrouN tile table. toxptll Thl-rd priZe, 2.OM A% Uor -q)lllen Aitul-joilta coul
th fig of 'WiNt M111011110AV4 thifit te(I 01 tjW he oldnilt- 10i ACM, 6"od fetrimikq lando, in A rrntw. lclm)o
trhf- DUrthV. - said 14tr Sia hR8 always wanted to reach nY @vt of ekv- flist-overed or dortor therf, 11,
of my "Read that," he sald. (30me away. now lc%c Of reaching the Mleffic. But It'is- fraries (ftl()), for a aneff Inall cIW that 1%
li;?'Pat took Ito and fiaw that'It was atton 114. flam (if Wrov ;yNnIAM mild
tile trical applialwM or toolm fillite gen nisito Ile 11wrifew-1.
morp to turn (Ait t I I (I Nittillfir flu-ilitieil nrp find 1 0#1 - MI 114. 114C
sell. She is Practically Itt -to 1'19,arm without thf- all] Of tobacco. 11f. prrmittfti, #in( I prieep re fig
p, #,Able comkhat? front tile go�-ernurrm of the great in' hoarmely. aw lie riflowl his hand once it land th requiremp.11ts of 4 n1f1th0d Ot making Gottill .0m) )A P, It A
.4 -pit, fterfm tratton "Yes; all ri ht ha tic frozen lip mid to *Mal, tra(IM PPOPle RhAll NWoke Who hn, litledo-or (41 1.
I lik lotitutiono suggesting that s he amp. 00ul ttY, with the Mil (k)mest lif� PrOPOWV4 that,
No cried If the year and Paper jiiNten(I or ter 'mi
Pment wonlit-' 11hould real him jxwt ffir 3 twelve- Ist, excite sto the Arctl� and Ill(.0tinp., but It im It Inn tkin it hiren4ly hLitill"I ;2tri
St ' P
lligh-t, but a te'". mon dly ratton smiled. WhIte- Se" etertialiv blocked wit,, t CatubriqiW, an, will lNe mAd 9% niont fisroralgic 1will,.
aftrr� away oil flat( "ftlary ('11 1 11111's I'"Mi him Imupiol [pro- lectum timm. 10 H. M. 114mm Wilift ?411. 11.,
it.- The wrival (A �t) rewup his health. .—SerlixieroW 4. - minked In a pro-patriltioll
and hIF4 hand remairic(I ns If fIxPd In T'lola r kv l"I ')Plr '):IN 1"ll
the air. 9all atiou .. requotmtIng �rtlt A (of %%lilt -11 It;" Y.N.. Curt6oL. Whi
Wipi I %% Ith Use cG liumph, In fUiv it# th, 4ZN� VNqio
Van't $my 'I'm I have It." continued Guest. Officinim to 'P - will give the Minart],
Irim raiiisefl! rrf'ft--.J, First linpreMOUIL mtop su al smoker lvre(-iw1v s U ni=" Offa Q&
flawlt you writ- Stratton (lid not "ak, but rem Ined "The first tilljov I %Iiw yoli It public 11loney-R.-V 80, though I tllf' gain(, in (;Own. As* rour 96alor for
MAY HIM CRAoo..' 1. a
I-, A %vloltilgling I"Io.V le w(k" mmoking " real
therp with his fingers closp to the '110w hicky shoutitif bi�� houtht Itikel ird 13, , tobacco. lie A Hagglet.
19116611 vntirely button of tile lamp' If I could Indeep 110101� d0(!lnrP!# that Ilift formida -**N otel" VVIddent ill 1,(Indoll
Agwri-s,oto is rilghtinw. But. . as It fixed In that that tkg1lciotL,4 little, allge'l to be "finy will give forth 'kit aroinn rilunil to tililt It flagal's from (;IaJW,,
Trouble Ahe&(Ir (8'11�t_ position by hia friend'if words. wife.' And 'what Aid 709 It ox-ellis 'Which perl'ume" the nir whorl
so L-00 YOU tilluk to Me that t1w ow it fine T-1111411tid,
It k here. old fellow," gried Gr u eat which shall y law Ognr N f4mokod, V_y(Al fqy% B OECKH'S
,Ien(!'e is -lint
wishiliscusl 6"paiA I& so I thought, 1011, dear 99vent onto's conaL 4111 101141 of tit. -It
Witedly. mial I wbnder it ailicere a (I couir dihit. mir'! kintl opt 11 Igni ill I
o repeat It- If I shall ever'have to marry Midi a tion. Of one 11 ageOUN coutorma. 7%e R. & (). Nav1Vjtjl)n. (:qpllllpllll t4ioxAtikil lot"
. I . . - . n- 'a life to onelis thought.— will bull(I a HiAte. BRUSNE8 A #D BROOMs
1 6 Vietor �Pffba"J. � r Nil I,), to y 4illet. NI'P Filloot theill In
41111 - , - , - S , - _ - The Bertramm ha ve tile , the IN)rorlto. FW SeAs bit all Leedift noullft,
Z 1*
contract. Vie nioor.' LOnd0f, Landlady- 1-f)II
don't say I GEL&& SORKMA & 90JIM. K"aft"aren
logo" an