HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-07-22, Page 1Nameerommammim
- et.---44,..j1k- -
5 •
Head Office, • - Hamilton.
Oapttal pact up
liesorve Fund, -
Total duets -
- 1.250,000
• - 775,000
- 11,199,144
. Board of Directors .
Pres.dent Vice-Preatderg
* . ,-.
JOHN PaocTOIL. Gio. Roacn.
A. T. WoOn, M. Po A. B. Lim (Toront)
0- Wit. Upisons, /L P.
4 sig. Cash r ,
- 11. S. STE‘q
Berlin LzjtAe his Owen Sound
Carman, Man Lockman/ Port Elgin
Chwaley Manitou, Man. Simcoe
Delhi . Milton Southamptoo
Georgetown Marcie's, Man. Toronto
Grimsby Niagais. Falls Winghsan
}(amilton (Barton at) Orangeville
Winaipeg, Man. Hamilton (East End)
National Provincial Baal of England, (Ltd,)
sirth Nation.al Bank, New York.
Hanover National Bank, "
International Trust Co., Boston.
Marine Bank, Buffalo.
l'uion National Bs.nit, Chicago.
1)etroit National Bank, Detroit.
National Bank of Commerce, Kanas 'it)"
National Bank of Commerce, St. Louis.
The Bank ofTereato
Passenger trains 1,6%e Luckno% ,tatiou
follows ;
n.25 a. m.
8 i,,••
2.'58 p.
tioing North
11.35 a.n..
4.20 p.n.
11.0'1'p. no
D. W. HA.YES, Agent:
• IP„, Aolicitor Conveyancer. etc„ (late J
Cattier Holt (Jamero%Goderi,.h). 011c
up- stairs in Alija'. new block.
• Solicitor, Commissioner, Notary
,tc4 Money to loan, Office over Moody's
Berber Shop.
Ur tors, Solkitors, etc., Goaerich, Out:
1. T. GA allow, Q. C. W PROODFOOT.
Aurgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery
sver .1. Elliott's grocery store. Office hours
roni 9 to 12*, m,; from 2 to 5 p. no and from
to 9 p.
0D. GORDON, A.D.. F.T.
LJP M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sus -
i' obis. and tccotichour. Upstair4 in Wm.
•Allia's new block. Residence Ross street.
behind Cameron. Murdoch & Co's .4tore
1. O. F.
Order of Foresters
meets in the Oildf011oyn
Hall on the fourth Tuft
day of each month, at
7:30 O'clock. Visiting
brethre'n cordially invited.
Clias. PATNORt, W. A. LAwRENct,
Chief Ranger. Recording Secret*. ry
C. 0.F.
now. Meets every first and third Mon-
day of every month. in the Orange Hall.
Visiting brethren are cordially in‘ had.
Wm. Bann, C. R. D.
AN . monthly mettinip in the Orange Hall,
Campbell ' street, Lucknow, on tie klecond
Tuesday evening of each and every mouth.
Degree night on the second Tuesday evening
following. All visiting brethren cordially in-
vited to the meetings.
Dam) ARCHER, A. T. DAVI:sfoN,
W. M.
C. T. U.- The regular monthly
Wr• meeting of the Women's Christian
Temperance Union will be held every second
Wednesday of each mouth in the Odd Fellows
Hall, Lucknow, at 3 p.m. Mits. J. BRYAN,
Mas. HOBNILL, Secretary.
I. 0.0. F.
meet, every Feiday evening
their hall, Campbell street.
cordially invited.
J. W. AiiidsTRONG. W.
Noble Grand.
• .•
1 , t "
brethren cordially
Master Work
Lodge Nell112
at 8 o'clock in
All brethren
R cordon
Lodge of the
Ancient Order of
— United Workmen,
meets in the Odd
fellows' Hall, on the
last and second
\ Monday evenings of
each month ra eight
o'clock, Visiting
man. Recorder.
F A. X
on or before the full moon, In the
lidaoonic Hall, Havelock 4treot,
J.415. NICHOL, H•1111T DAYS,
Warehioful Meader. Secretary
110811111T CUNNINGHAM.
T#leplatiae s lag
Honor gradnate in dentistry, Toronto
Dental College, arid Doctor of Dental Sur -
leery, Toronto University. All modern plans
of al .ration and carefnIness in workmanship.
Office in Allin's block, upstairs.
P. S.—Will visit Ripley every Thursday
Given by,,ica
D. C. ilicAl9RR/IN
—ON Till
Corn A
Etc., Etc.
For terms, etc., call at the Sentinel
o thee.
• Concert Work a SOecially
•,.- ,
Canada is booming.
At no tirue in its hittory . has' it
shown so abundant or eo plainly , ie ..
coguitable evidences of material pros-
The Dominion treacle returns for the
fiscal year just cloyed show all round
increase of most gretifying prop 'alone.
The railways ere duinan rormous
business., Bath the Oa •i( cl' n i
and Grand Trunk have recently made
great additions to their ti.realy im-
mense roiling stock. Both teals leave
laid on hundreds of new. freight and
passenger cars, and meny new Sloe -
motives. Se largely hat the business
of the Canadian Pacific Railway in-
creased thas the company hal been
obliged to sub -.divide its central otlicee,
creating new superintendents and. new
staff of clerks.
In Toronto alone the ite rease of
manufactories is rapid dud (-xteneite.
Faetery buildings goiug up in Toronto
000, and will employsover 2,000 hands
this summer alunesire valentl:et $300- .
And prosperity. was neverore
, m . 1
widely distributed among the Caned -
14n8 at large. ,Aki a rule, the people
ofsthis country we -e' never se well.
bowed, se well fed and well dressed
or in such easy circumstances as they
are to-dae.
The country is hoemine, tays the
'Fermate Star.
EJ 7 A BLI 611 ED 1886,
We do a general banking business; iseu
drafts throughout Canada and the 'United
States. We make collections on all point...,
including : —Western States, Manitoba and
the North-West Provinces, and all collec-
tions, whether not. or acootalt, will have
prompt attention.
Notes discounted and farmer's sale notes
We loan to farmers on doable or single notes
at from one to twelvemonths time, and
reasonable rate of interest.
We loan small or large amounts on second
mortgage on farms or other real eetate sec
linty and on first chattel mortgages on live
stock and implements and crops.
We have a large amount of funds to advance
on first mortgages front 5 per cent. tot;
cent, The rate is graded according to the
quality qui size of the loan required.
We have on hand for sale WO acres in Ashaeld
improved land, with fair buildings and
willbe sold at a bargain.
We represent the leading English and Cana-
dian File Insuraneft Coaupanies and cati
effect insorance on all Jas....pi ,f property in
Stoek or Mutual Companies as desired.
ur uttic.. lours are from 10 a. m, to
begin -in East Elgin on Monday, Aug. 1 The third reason for the i'Galling' aslal-- lEilst o
29th, and continue steadily throng
September and October.. Among t
trials to be 'held in Westet•n Outari
are those for Nerth Grey, South Gre
Wese Huron, South Huron, Nort
Perth, Solidi Perth, North Waterloo
Centre Simcoe, South Wellingten an
London. No intention was exprestied
of pushing the titions in North
Bruce or Centre Btuce.so that it tnay
concluded that Messrs. Bowmaik
y- ne eimee.
the Legislature s to consider the right Old Mr. Irwin, of Lower Witighana,
was on hand last Tuesday and attend -
the Overige walk in Blyth with the
Wiogliain Lodge. This - year makes
the sixty-first time that Mr Irwin
feet taken part in a 12111 of July
celebration. There are few men in
this coenty that have attended us
niany Orange .wts I km ;1, he above
naIu d gent leinal).—Times.
nd '..Maleolfu will iot,be molested in
their oecupancy ohe,seats won on
March Jt by largei inajit2ities.
Henry Clews says the surrender of
tne S'penish army et Santiago and its
transportation )aa,nw by American
veeselht is a most s' nificent event. It
means that otficial,Spain whicliknows
the actual condifioi and numbers. of
the army. has lee hope whatever_ of
suceeeding in thia 4truggie, and. after
.9 I an imposing show
at last yielding to
MANAtiliR. ,Itti*On of its titeloub
the urkuoultutiurl
OTHER 1.111141T1E8
Luknow,y 22E4., 1398
Spain is evidently weakenitig now. ,
The experiences _ at antiago , 'shave
convinced her that the. •task of sue-
ceesfully combating the Amer -hetes
is a hopeless one. Europe seeme , in.:
ditpoaed te interfere in any way in
Spain's affair, and ,khe enly course*:
left open to that lecklees Country. is
t,) negotiate terms of peace with the
United States: The endis appetently
rapidly approaching, (ind the prelinii
aeries of peace may be Considered- at
any time:
• The official trade tigut•es for the
year ended June 30th:show that Oan
ada's imports amounted to $130,636,-
195, cempared with tt111,294,021 in
the preceeding year. The dutyt collec-
ted was $21,830,266, The exports
were -$158,76,601, against. $134,003,-
123 in the prectding year. The ints
ports of coin and bullion, included _in
the above totals, were $4,389,123, and
the exports $1,632,611. It thusappears that this large foreign trade
was done without any censiderable
movement of money in either directien
There is something yet to be added,
when full returns of duties -collected
in the Yukon country are received.
Mr. Justice Moss lets given judg-
ment in the matter of the Ontario
Voters' List Act, and in the matter
of the suited case referred to him by
Deputy Attorney -General Cartwright,
who &eked: "Hat a judge, holding a
court for reVision of a voters' litt,
the power to place on the list, Or to
remove therefrom, the names Of per.
as voters, in respect to whole no
notice of appeal, intention to apply
or complaint. hat been given withiu
the time provided by the act; that
is to say, within the thirty days after
the list has been posted by the clerk?"
His Lordship has replied that su.:11 a
judge is not under the Ontario Voters'
List Act empowered te do go.
The Judges who will try the clue
tion petitions arising out of the Ontar-
io general election held a conference
last week and decided on a full list
of places and dates for the trials to
be held. The st wire fixed for 31
coattituencee, 16 of which are at pre -
seat represented by Centerveives and
I.ib Tal. The first trial will
This cannot be ie
less than a first .a
toward- peace. If
sustained -by* pso
firat step may b
furthur advances
issue -which this s
render at Santiag
gre.r; towards p
_possible thet polit
-infatuation of m
involve a clinging
season admits of o
that itest strongho
national pride, i
humane consider-
edit- brave soldiers.
arded as anything
also a long step
he Government .is
trier approval. this
soon followed by
wards the pacific
rrender so plainly
any case the sur-
eeeana a large pro --
ace; though it is
.41 confitsion. or die
litery leaders may
td, Havana until the.
r troops besieging
• The liamiltm
mach stock ill the
the both of sch
ruined by over -s
says: Aul when
become so -delicate
a while in the eve
father or grundfat
tshoret 'before da
Imes does 'not - take
illy_chatter attend
1• childreo being
udy itt home. It
did the, Cant -Wien
thet it cannot study.
inglk That :With-,
er.could do a let.
light, eat his breek-
fait by cetallelight, walk twci Miles or
wore o; school, take it let of gent lo
exeeciee, seat as .sawing anti 'splitting
Wood in the dusk, and then study the
neat day's lesson .fon't going to . bed.
The stlieei litturd welt: then six !rears
in -al of five eer day with wily a -
hill a holiday on Saturday. The'
road:were often lpad, •overshoes had
notbeen invented anti umbrellas ,were
searce. Heine st4cly was the rule nut
the•eeceptiken. Te modern by can gr
of constables or special constables,
appointed for the Provincial elections,
to vote in those elecfions. The law
in regard to this matter is set forth in
the Premier's memorandum, and the
reasons in support of the belief that
there was no iotention to disqualify
constables from voting. The fact that
such otficert have been ev.reising this
privilege ft e thirty years without
,thallenge ar4ues strongly in their
-vitiant and Vicinity gm
Cions to Manitob
Mr. at Gilmore left on Monday
last for Manitoba where he will spend
Ihe summer. 1-Ve wish Pat every
success on hiti•trip and in his home in
the. West.
Auction Rale of Household Furniture
The undersigned has received in-
Ntructiens front G. Smart to sell by
public auction at his residence, Inglis
street, Lucknow, his entire stock of
hoiteehold furniture, etc., on Saturday,
July 30th, 1898, at 3 o'clock p.m.
There will be offered for sale a val.
uft.ble shot gun and other articles.
Terms of stile. casli.-JOIIN PURVIS,
• Good Flahinbr.
On Monday last Mr. Harry Days'
and Mr. Moorehouse Mitchell drove
out to Black Horse lake to spend the
day pike fishing where they had an
exceptional good catch, it 'wing 32
large pike weighing. in all 80 lbs. .I2i
oz. The friends of the above gentle-
• men were pleasedeeto hear , of their
good luck, as that shared the spoil. -
Aineeting of the members of Kin-
-loss Branch Agricultural Society will
be held. in the Mechanics Institute,
•LucknoW, On Wednesday, the 3rd.day
.of .August, 1898, at two o'clock in
the . afterncoe, far considering and
approving the perchare Of the Agricul-
tural Park by the Society, and the
execution of it mortgage thereon le
.secure 'part of the purchava
West Huron.
• . A. order has been taken out for
the inspection of,the ballots cast in
the %Kest Hurini election. There is
ib thie ceSe prOteat against J. T.
tiletrOw, who holds the seat by a
majerity of one -the cesting vote of,
It.0flicer A. L: Gibson, and
a counter pretest agaiust Joseph Beck
the .0enaereatiee candidate. The
.sctutiny of theloallots he the North
*Essex case not yet been completed
• Grain Elevator.
The freuet work of the new power
play footbal or ritle it hundred euiles.
on • the lticycle. Some of thew
Cipt1 run 20 miles in two hours His
liteje sister 'can deuce a .tiirt.se •lid;ers
progamine eed then clap her hand,
for Pe COO pie of ex res.. ellut -!the by
and girl haitteto r de. te.sciliool ntethe
*greet eart'and th very t elieught of
atudying•their lessens in pie evening
makes' them, sick. , llo w is this,• um-
. , .:
ire' '
am elevator being built, at the Luck-
-now station for the Ila'1t
Y ro iers 0
Listowel, was. raised on Monday
e ,
.vening last,. ' and ,all the different
pieces of timber. weut togotlitT, easily-
, and without.% hitch. The building
will he te35 feet. wide by 40 in length
;fed will ••contain-etwelve• daree grain
binslOxl'iand Otenter feet in height.
The. height' Of the eievator from the
grotnul to the te of •the t ill
ower W
be about siity feet.
. : Buie the Barite.
Nnl-udy knosis the extent of the
: lese inflicted on the . country. by the
tetetifsLATI•itE SUM.
.1IONE1,. . , deStiuction of bird life. The -birds
. are the natural- allies of the farmer
yts. gardener and --hortieulturist. The
In ceinmeriting on iSretiziee.Hartl
• t
call .for the. Ontario . • Legislature to
asSeentile on Aug'. 3ethe Tornnto Globe
petute out in ceanectiun with •one • of
the maks teasous for this etep--the
extaitordinery nutither of election pro-
tests. -that 4li vi;!itlity of the elections
in le,. lesS than&i
is veiled -in queue
the right of inOr
the members -to
ty-tive cenatitueneies
n.: • This meiiii that
than two thirds of
sit in -the House is
thus challenged. As the •triads in
ceenection with these election petitions
'have been. fixed Ifor various dates in
• November, 'and under the law the
Legtelature niust ueet before the 16th
of January, it i4 reasonably certain
that in a large p pot•tien of cases the
final decisions co Id not .he given and
the- new electio s held before that
date, so than the ew Legislature would
nueet with a co siderable number of
constituencies v cane.. The govern-
ment considers it importfint that when
the Legislature assembles 'for •the
transaction of g eral business every
electoral diatrict hall be represented,
and this object can be aecompliShed b
opening the ses4ion in.`August and
adjourning it to uch a period as the
ikieMbers may c•a alder .convenient, the
two sittings beiflg regarded' am one
session. It can 'so be provided as
the Globe points !out, that the calling
of the Legislatuite sbould not intere-
fere with the progress of election trials
the preeent law being that election
trials cannot proceed while the Legis-
lature is in session. .
The second reason for callinit the
Legislature at this early date is ore
arising. out of the decision of the
fisheries question by the Judical Com-
mittee of the Privy Council, The
decision, while it awards the property
in the beds of lakes and rivers, and
the fish therein, to the Province,
divides the juidsdiction. The sole
right to iseue fishery leases, !incenses
and permits to fish, and to receive the
fees, is in the Provinces, but the
Dominion will -fix the close seasons
and deter nine hot instruments are
to be wet' lo t*shing. In 1897 the
Legislature passed an act respecting
fisheries, framed in accordauce with a
decision of thc Supreme Court, giving
the Province more extentive powers
than are granted by the final judg-
ment. The Privy Council judgment,
while substantially in favor of the
Province, is not of tile!' a character as
to allow the law of 1897 to bepro-
claimed, nor is it possible, according
to the Globe, "txcept by new legisia.
tion, to modif f he law so as to bring
it within the terms of the Privy Coun-
cil judgtnent. !
ime.to tight pest is, when the nunlike!.
of the particular peat is small, and
'the birds are everyday workers. They
are in business for a living. Spare
the birds. If they do cat a few
grains or pick a few berries they earn
their change of diet by the work they
de for the cultivator.
Debt of Bruce County
The Port ,Elgin Times' which is
usually very well informedon county
matters predicts a heavy debt for
Bruce County at the end of this year.
The Times says :-"A by-law, author-
izing the sale of debentures for 120,000
bearing interest at the rate of 4 per
cent. is to issued, in part payment of
the Bruce House of Refuge. The
boast can no longer be made that this
good county has not a cent of debt.
Yet we were told last January by
county coucillors that there wes only
•110 debt, but it cash surplus of some
113,000 to the. credit of the county
which, with the, Ontario Legislature
grant of 11000, was expected to erect
the huildings and set the affair agoing.
It is easy to say the clunty rates are
low thit year but that is just a pre-
election expedient to try to delude the
ratepayers. . The present county
council will leave the county with a
good stiff debt next December."
Death of Mr. John Lana. *
The death of Mr. John Lane on
Thursday night last removes one of
the best known and most highly
esteemed citizens of the township of
Kinloss. A few months ego Mr. Lane
W4S suddenly stricken down With what
was supposed 'to be paralysis, but
which proved to be cancer of the
stomach, and during the long weeks of
ticknets he suffered a great deal, and
when death carne- to his relief, he
had watted away to a mere Shadow of
his former self. Mr. Lane was a man
who enjoyed the fullest confidence of
all who,knew him, and as agent of the
London Mutual Fire Insuratice Com-
pany was widely known. He was a
faithful and constant member of the
Kiniough Presbyterian church, and in
his death the township loses a good
resident and the whole community an
honoralde and upright citizen. De-
ceased was 56 years of age, and the
large concourse of friends and neigh-
bors who sollowed the remains to their
!sat resting phice in the Kinloss
cemetery on Satei•day beet testified to
the high esteem in which he
was held in the conininnity
and to his widew anti family
is extended the earnest sympathy of
all in their sad bereavement.
-A couple of large pic-nic parties
spent a pleasant day this week at
Lake Huron, near the light house.
Robbery at Ripley.
Ripley is all excitement at present
over the attempted burglarly of the
G. T. R. station on Saturday night.
The station agent, Mr. Graham, heard
the noise and shot at the form of a
man who was trying to -force his way
through the widow. The shot did not
take effect. That same night the
Royal Hotel was broken into and Mr,
Hanley is now short about 40, which
was taken out of the -till, also some
cased brandy. Who ever the parties
were they went about their work in
professional style and did no bungling.
No clue.
Make Sparrow Durnp1ingb.4
For some tirue the Ontario game
department ba e been flooded- with
inquiries aoout the &RUA.) sparrows,,
and the best wayof getting 'rid of
them. The game warden has investi-
gated, and has reported that the most
succepsful way of getting rid of the
pest is to kill the birds and eat theru.
The birds are just as good as game
bird for food. They make the best,
kind of dumpling, and are eaten with
great relish in Great Britian. -
Lucknow, July 20th, 1898
To the Editor of Thc idtsitl.
Demi would like to ask the
Reeve and Council if we are to have
any •protection &gehapt the hungry
cows that are roaming, the streets day
and night, and have been all summer.
Is it the constable's duty to put these
animals in poutel? If so, why does
he not do his duty?
Yours truly,
Sudden Death. '
Many of our readers will regret te
learn of the death of ft!r. Samuel
Alton, of lot 13 of the 10th Con. of
West Wawanoah, which took place on
Wednesday evening. Deceased was
one of the very earliest settlers in this
part of the country, and continuously
resided in the township for over fifty
years. Ile was well known and greatly
respected and by his *rift and indus-
try acquired a large share of this
.world's gods. Deceased was in the
76t1m year, and leaves a widow and
grown- ep family of sons and daughters
to mourn the loss of it kind and indul-
gent frustrate' and father. About a
year ago he had it slight- attack of
paralysis and singe that time his
health has not been as good as former-
ly, but.on Sunday last he was taken
with another btroke of paralysis, from
which he never rallied, and his spirit
passed peacefully away on Wednesday
evening. The funeral tekes place this
(Friday) aftertation. to the Dungannon
••. • . Not Approved Of.
The Toronto Star says: "Parente -
Will be glad to hear that it -is not • the
Educatiouil Department which initiate
on cramming in the Public School, or
on burdensome heme work. Yester-
day 'Hon. G. W. Ross, at the -"clotting
exercises of the Toronto Normal
School, took o(•casion to disclaim re-
sponsibility for either of these evils.
Home work he said could not be assig-
ned without the concirtance of the
parents, and as for the Public school
curricUluin, it was !milt on the sup
position that the child could finish at
at 16 years, thus giving two yeats for
each department. If the parents in-
sisted 00 rapid proniotioh for their
children the onus of "cratnMing" fell on
thetti. . Mr. Ross' words with reference
to home work are a tevelation to the
majority of us, and I dare Ray a large
number of Public school teachers are
still unaware that they have not ab-
solute authority to claim the child's
tithe out of as well as in school."
The following letter of sympathy
was adopted ;it the last meeting Of
the Kinloss Auxiliary Of the W.F.M.
'To M. min MRS. ELLIS AND FAMILYHaving :
heael with st rrow of the
sudden death by drowning of your
son and brother. We liereny tender
you our sincere sympathy in this your
.iad affliction. The.tal event was a
dark Providence indeed but wo trust
•that you my see in it the traces of a
Father's hand who maketh all things
work together for good to them that
love Him. We shall remember you
in our p aye's( and commend you to
God and to the consolations of his
word. May you all be able with re-
signation to say: "It is the Lnrd
let Him do what seeineth Him good."
"The Weis will he done." We would
direct you to the 50th Psalm an1 15th
fer coutfor t. "Cell upon me in
the day of trouble and I will deliver
thee and thou shall glorify me.
MRS. B. 8. MAXWELL, Secretary.
Mits. J. HAINTEIL, President.
We are sorry to record the death of
Mrs. Wm. Tiffin which occurred last
Friday, ahe was in the way of recovery
of the breken limb which she sustain-
ed about two months ago and ex-
pected soon tq bo.out again, when she
was taken wi0i pneumonia and rapid
ly sank till death terminated her
sufferings. She was buried in the
Methodist cemetery here last Sebletth
morning. A large cited° of friends
and neighbors attended the funeral.
Rev. W. W, Leech coeducn,td the
tnetuoriel service in the church after
the burial. The deceived was a de-
vote() member of the Methodist church
and livald and died in faith and hope
of the gospel. The bereft family have
the aympatity of the entire community.
5.11/1.• ..••• •
WHOLE NO. 1276.
-Harvest mitsat D. C. Taylort.
-Mr. John Beyd is in Toronto this
-Hay forks and hay rakes at D. C.
-Go to D. C. Taylors for your
=Scythe stones and grind stones at
D. 0. Taylors.
-A number of Wingham boys
spent Sunday in town.
-Miss Jessie Murray' went Solidity
visiting friends in LanAide.
--Alias Fanny Thompson of Brus-
sels is the guest Mrs. Al. Murdoch.
-Mr. J. G. Ward, of Dungannon,
gave us a ple;teant call cn Saturday
--Any 'persons wanting hay cut oil
shares, apply at this office for pal -tis -
id ars.
-Mire Nidtolson, of Hamilton, is
the guest of Mrs. William Geddes, ei
this villag. et
et -Mr. ea(' Mut. Win. Mordy and
children, of Berlin, are visitine friends
in Lucknow.
-Mr. Alex. Wilson, of Chicago, is
visiting friends in the vitlag-e and
vicinity this week.
-Mr. D. B. McDonald of Ripley
was in town on Saturday last as tlie
guest of Jack Tennant.
-Miss Emma Brennan, of Montreal,
is spending a few weeks visiting at
her home in this village.
-Subscribers in arrears are request-
ed to settle &heir accounts at this 'Alice
during the 'Resent mouth.
--Mrs. Armstrong returned home
on Friday last after a weeks visit
with friends in Stratf
-Mr. itobt. Murdoch of Hepworth
wheeled over to town on Saturdat
He reports business very good.
-A large • nutaber from Ripley
spent :timidity at the Black Horr
Lake. They report it good time.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Balicwill, of
South London, are the guests of the
Misses Burgess, Havelock street
-Mr. Mcalorran, of Paisley, spent
a few days last week visiting his sen,
Mr. 1). CeMcliforran, of this village,
--Miss Lottie Ariuttrong left on
Tuesday morning for a visit to friends
in Stratford, London and other places.
-The prize list of the Western Fair
London has reached this office. The
fair will be held foam Sept, t4til to
15th. -
-The farmers of Ontario will re-
(mire more binder twine this season,
if -crop reports be correct, than in ;iny
form year
-The Wiughaw florae Races on
July 27th and 28th are the talk of
the country. They will be better
'than ever this year..
--The Canadian Department of
Agriculture is going to make another
triel shipment of peaches, pears and
tonettoes to England.
-The advertisement is a sun which
pierces the cloud of obsecurity that
hides from the public many a good
article of merchandise.
-A. McD. Allen, of Goderich, has
been appointed Dominion fruit com-
missioner to the Paris Expcipition,
which wili be held in, 1900.
-Miss Emma Ackert, of Holy -rood,
and Miss May McNeely, of Toronto,
have returned 'home front being the 80
guests of Miss May Reid for the past (T
-Bruce County Council is advertis• eh
ing for applications for the position of
manager and matron of the Hoese of
Refuge. Applications will be received
UI) till 17th of Oct. t
-There will be a surplus of. nearly
11,000,000 in the finaneed • of the
Dominion for the year ending, June
30, This will be the first surplus
since the year 193.
• -Mr. Andy McKenzie who for tits
past year has ,taught in the 2nd con.
school left on Tuesday last for Dakota
where he has secured a situation. We
wish him luck and safe journey
-Mr. John Tolmie, M.P. for West
Bruce gave The Sentinel it pleasant
call On Satin day last, while on his way
to spend it few days with Mr. Alex
terson on the 4t1m con. of Huron.
The by -taw submitted to the ritte-
ers of Southampton to loan the
of ten thousand dollars for fifteen
•s was carried by a majority of 159, '
votiugefor and only nine against
The Toronto World urges Can -
ns to "inake more butter The
ce is good in a way, but if • we
to believe reports from the Brit
markets, the preseing requirement
better butter. Get the quality
t and the demand will seek the
On Monday evening last a num-
dies and gentlemen went into the
ield of Mr. Jas. Lyons and not
g content with taking all the
they wauted, they tramped the
hussionnaatin. ticeiotptlieearili
if given
they want a mile.
Conductor John Wembley, of
on, who has run on the G.T.R.
ess train front London to Wing-
evvr since the line entered the
, hes resigned his position. Mt.
sley has been in feeble health
ine thne and has taken this move
at he may take it well earned
-Nlacliine oils feu ate4e at Harry
Days' Drug suet .
--Miss Tana Lawrenoe is visiting
friends in Toronto.
-Pure Machine Oils at Harry
Days' Drug store. Try it.
-Mr. Anderson of Detroit is the
guest of friends in Toronto.
Mier Aggie Kay, of Kincardine, is
the guest of Miss Jessie Lees.
-Mist Birdie McIntosh has return
ed from her visit in Winghum.
-Miss Edith Treleaven, of Londor,.
is the guest of Miss Edith Smith.
-the of the finest :tamping grounds
is et the light house on Pine Point.
-The Misses Susie and Lou Treles,v-
eu are visiting friends iu Kincardine.
-Large tent as geod as new, for
sale cheep, apply to Mrs. Dr. Garner.
-Mrs. Harry , 1)ays is visitieg
friends in Detroit, Bay Oity and
-M ye- 5. 1tobertson and daughter
have returned from their %ilk in
-Mr. Charles MCKinnon, formerly
this town, -wheeled through town on
-Messrs.. Malcolm awl Harry
Matheson wheeled to on
'----Mr. G. 1?. Tennyson has so!d
residence and sit acres of ;pound
Mr. Win. Boyd.
-Mr. Wilson, of Chicago, was
guest of Mitt, Birdie MeIntosh
Wednesday last.
-Messrs. Alf Davisoir and Wil
Brennan, of Strathroy, are hone- to
spend their holidays
.-The world laughs: at • girl, who is
anxious to get married; and it laugh
if she become an old maid: so what
can the poor girl do t
-Mrs. Wt. Urundy, of Chicago, is
the guest of her mother, Mrs. George
Burgess, Outman street.
-There will be no service wonting
or evening in the Presbyterian church
Lucknow, on Sabbeth next.
-Mr. J. 0 Murdoch and Mr.
Robt. Murdoch, of Hepworth, were
at Black Horse lake on Frick),
-Mr. T. F. Cain ani J. D. Nicht
spent Tuesday at Black Horse lake,
where they caught twenty-five large
-01. J. S. Tennant, end Mr J. 1)
Nichol are attending the Masonic
Gi•and Lodge meeting- in Toronto this
. -Mr. and Mrs. 0. W: Berry and
Miss Lelia are away on a driving trip
this week to Gederich, Bayfield and
-Mr. John Archibald returned
home on Wedneadey frem an extend-
ed visit with friends in Guelph and
-Pike fishing at the Black Horse
Lake has been good the put week
and several good catches have been
taken by our citizens,.
-Mt.. and Mrs. Idler Murray and
two children returned to Detroit on
Saturday last after a week's visit with
friends inikucknow and neighborheed.
-Miss Lillie Wright, 1 Brantford,
and Miss Charlotte Scott of Tees water,
are the guests of Misses Minnie and
Annie McIntyre, of Hemlock citr:
this week.
-Be su.re and attend the lawn
zial at theldethodist parsonage this
hursday) evening. Bantl in atteu-
nce. .tdmission 15c or 2 for 25c,
ildren 10c.
beautiful, up to date lines,
iu fine.uphblittercd Baby Buggies cau
be seen at Harry Days' Drug store.
°all in and examine them if you are
in need ( f one, prices very low.
of la
pea -f
to cu
for so
SO th
-The numerous friends and ac-
quaintanees of Wm. Bailie, president
of the West Hurt)? Farmers' Instit-
ute, to wheat reference was made in a
reeent issue of The Sentinul as being
injured by an accident, will be pleased
to hear that through skilful medical
treetment anti attendance, he is grad
ually. being restored.
-About 45 examiners are now at
work in Toronto reading the papers of
the First Form pupils in the !lath
schools of the Province. The reading'
of these papers will last a fortnight.
The other form exatniners will start,
some this week and some next. Irk
all about 150 associate examinee -4 will . for se
take part in the work. The complete when
0117titd owkli
Pliete.results will Aillungtuitet.retn
be out till tliateiil
-A lawn social will 1* held on the
grounds of the Methodist parsonage,
this (Thursday) evening, Band will
give selections during the evening.
Admission 15c or 2 for 25e, childreu
-A good time is expected at' the
lawn social to be held et the Methodist
parsonage this (Thursday) evenieg,
The Band will amuse the au hence
with numerous sweet selectiouie Ad-
mission 15c or 2 for 25c, children 10c.
-Days' Pare Cream Tarter Baking
Powder is unetaqualled. It has stood
the test for a -long time and is admitted
by all who have used it te be the
best. -Call and get a free sample
-The Oouncil should see to it Oise
the east end ot Catnpbell street is
properly watered, if they expect the
ratepayers in that section to pay for
it. Theme is it great deal of complain-
ing, and uniess it is better done in
the future them will be some difficulty
in collecting the water tax from the
ratepayers in that sectien.
-A parlor meetiug under the aus-
pices of the W.C.T.U., will be held at
the home of the president, Mrs. Bryan,
on Tuesday evening next at s o'clock.
All the honorary members and their
wives, also the teachers of the school
are specially invited. The regular
members and their friends made
welcome. A gocd programme will be
-Mr. tt. (' Taylor, hardware m T.
hant of Lucknow, occupied the pulpit
in the ltipley Methodist church last.
Sunday evening. His text mita takea
front Mark 16 --"Take lewd watch
aud pray." He emphasized the neces-
sity of taking heed, could wily Ike
done by effort, We should fellow
the example of our Saviour to du noth
ing without prayer, Mr Taylor had
numerous forcible illustrations, and
commauded close attentiote -Express.
One of the oldest men of this own
triunity, Mr. McOollie, father ef Mr*
Alalcolue Buchanan died on the teti
init.; he had reached the ripe old .ege
of iiinety-fiye. Ile was buried in
Mount hope ceiretery on the Aslitield
circuit. Revs. Leech and Lockhart
conducted the funereal service at the
home of the deceased. He ha I been
a member of the Methodist church
vend years at Mew Hope
he lived there and it is to lie
le LAP en' prod into "the rest that
OF for the people of
1, TEA !
We are offering SpItcial
I Value in TEA diuring July
and August. , - 4 -
One line Japaii—Milgular
25c, for 20c, or 6 lbs. 14r *1.
This is a 'Snap. ! We guar-
P.ntee Satisfacti-nor money
For a good cup ot,invigorat •
ing tea try nut BLACK COI'
ON at 49e, usuiperly sold at
30c. Ak,,
a le BLACK
A special iiiii- lot yotspic
HysuN 4 4- 11;,,, !flavor :mid
You will find prides
right and pullity , unexcelled
for. Sugar,' Nyt,iippr.,. Vinegar,
Oatmeal, ltal4s; Currants,
Spices, Broomi, 1)41*,-Wa81}-
boards and i,tliiit' lines of
Groceries a -n.1 W,t,,leti Ware.
ISpecial: ----Ra4Segar, fine
flavor, light color,' 25 !its. for
tl.o(). •
1 Air
And Public School Ltaavliam alcatli#
KINCARDINE LP•T•"••,414,14:
Avery Ella, 6 Kincardine..743
Bradley Mande, 4 Kideardine....655
Courtney Annie, 9 Hurou....-...694
Eutmerton Trey* L, 4 Kincardine
Gairdner Rebecca, Kincardine SL5774
Gilmour Ada M., 4 Kbacarditle..561.
Gowen Mary It, 2
.Huston Clara, 6 Huron. ........... 778
Morrisen Mary M., 2 Purist
Humphrey Clara, 9 Huron:tee...702
Henry Margery, KincardineilM.. 18.:76 26:
M048 Mildred, 4 liiricerdine......643
McCormick Caroline, 9 Kincerdiue643
McDonald Tena, 6 Huron... .C9I
McFarlane Eliza, 9.- Hurun,......65,
McLennan, Lillie, 5 Kiucardine -662
McLennau Minnie, 5 Knicardine.C53
McPherson Aggie, Kincardine hI6770
Peatetck Agnes 1 Hurotl .........662
Perry Gertrude, Kincardine M...753
Rutherford Jetesie, 3 Kincardine...6811
Sellery Nina, Kincardiie 11,8....781
Smith Lillian 1., 'tie .....731
Stewart Bella, 7 Kiucirdine...e .747
Welch Agnes, 1 Rarot.........699
Atkinson George, 4 Kiecerdine...65G
Bennett Edware'A.,Kiitcardine Y8712
Bissett Alexander • do 710
Eissett Gooier; do 6€3
Oole Win, 3 Kincardins ..........6119
Cunningham A., Kincardine w `F .. 6C.1
Darliiig Frank do
Henry Ernet d 1747
j:bIstluJ114de .
Kompli Gram, Kincardine at 6 ..7I3
Martyn Dan, 6 Huroetce........667
Mat heson Alex, 5 Kula. i dine . . .. 682
Mktlisson Kenneth, 51tincardine 587
AI c Elhanney Thomas, Itipley... es 769
NicItouitlfi Mad() D., lttpley......664
McKee. Allan K, Riple __a...634
McLeod Edwai .1, 5 K. cardine...597
Pollock Frank, 3 lIaro •......,...729
Sliewfelt Frank, 6 Kincardine ...682 •
Sinclair Wm A, Riple e....
Steele krchie, 9 11i •. .. .. ..67.1.68e
Tulin* A., Kincardin at s.......719
Wats( n Percy do .........690
Flemming Jessie, KinCttorde.M S
Gentles Aida, d
Graham Entine, lt, Huftni
Munro Maggie. Ripley
McLennan Milltlif, 9 Ifuron
McLeod Lillian, Kincardine M 5
Remington Sark 5 Kincardine
Stewart David, 3 Hurl
LIJCKHOW eorreaenusa.
Arnold Laura, 2 Kinloas • • .......690
Cameron Gram* F.,
Cook Mary. 7 Kiniosa .
Lusknow .....77335
Lawson Jennie, Luck...5
now •
Langford Maggie I.. Lucknou .. 863
McCharles Sarah, 11 Huron. , ....7Aite
seDairmid Donalda, 6 Kinloss
McGillivray Ella, 12 Huron ......643
McIntosh Ethel M. Ltackntiw.••••729
KcKenzie Donald., 10 Huron 601
Thompson Bina, Luckuow... . 717
Ackert Ernie, 4 Kinlosai •
Agnew Wrn., Lucknow . ' • 'P
Johnson Robert, Lucknow e,.. ,819
McLean Robert D, Lucknow: - 63'
McKay Neil, 8 Huron.... .. .... Os
Robertsou Stewart, 14 Huron. . . .
McDonald Jane R., 8 Hurot.
Cox David, 5 Kinloas
Findlater Willie, Lucknow
Graham Earle, Lucknew 1
McFarlape Archie, felt:Mica's
Salmon Chit -lee .t 4 Kinlose
PUBLIC se11001; LEA V IN°.
!IASI _in Florence -6 Llama....
ll.:e: I': e n6ir
tionlgonutry Jane A -Ripley .. 763
Wright Nellie -6 Kiwardint- —.639
Holmes ladya7-Lucknow . . -.421
Pattorsoa Lillien A.--.Jeucknow .721
Va'ens Margie -5 Kiniena....•. •721.
Lau- ..)avid J.-2 Kinks, ..tz. .7
McLaren Cliester-Lueknow
Allan JalliPs -1 Greenock
Moffatt Herbert- 1 (,)•it. awl Risk
teitn}Givati'd Laiteadimh
Kelly Mar •
Mc ()auto!
t. Gypsie anti
L. M usksits.
are small
and if ono
stook, they will
ci ',tired and ly delivered.
, day fever noot survive the pute
(04ailsueeloe Irourtti