Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-07-15, Page 3Ell I's A W_ A 7� Ulf as UALKILTON Aft ++++++++++++++++++ THE DOIS 9F ELICT101 W1 SUNDAY Wit& tile pastor of St. joseph's Church, +++�1-4-+++++++++++++++++!!+++++++++++ + wife out of bed al,14 partly dressed. New, York, in which parinh lie had + All The.V hastened oil Cl OMY Up be pre- bewi the active head for about thirty- 0 + vipitated ilito the, w4ter ott reaching Father Kessler, who 1,be- etit,ons igainst Frovincial isrmRNAT10311" LANOW-1111 lot lojjg lit the wator, three yealro. + JULY 17. &M. it. They wore y outtil it partly-- wil" born ill C010gue, Germany, had + LA BOURGOGNE DISASTE however, w bell - tile Dairy. + Idelit qj_NNew York City for Managing a + subluerged raft, cil. %Vhich Lacamile . beeui a reW f ive yearfl. + &Mberg get DOWD- lifted him uIIc0II1W10u4+wjfe, and then over forty- + irnijaji ()it ( armel. I Kii4p 1?, .430. A0 a cabill passenger oil board La + (-lung oil himl A- call Bourgogno %'110 also Rev. Vyprien + rimp.-B C. W17. Ilit(w-Mount tAr- Iz4ome of tile boill Florescone, the Dominican Prior. 0. S. aIll %nd all oil lxp:tnl drowned. Tile at Sherman Park, L. I. BUTTER IN THE ORIENT. LAST J�LQIJM CONEs FIRl Mel. Horrible Details ofma the Latest strugg,ea., swit4hing water, 'P. tile situa- i1r. Jermoe Vacher. an. importer of HONEY AS A FOOD STUFF. .111fige% tilyler, Ferguil I *8r800&-- F.1 quit A"b. Thil I"ie. and terribIc screauts nit% to jy� silks, ijoing busine" Ili New York, was Fallixxillyridge haVe met d"""Ithe fill- jw prophl of Bal a I awe-I'llbipiring One, never i passe, Ill T Tragedy of the Sea., Von al also a cabb &++++++++++il+#++++++I�i+++++++++441111++#44%i11 Io%%jIjg- iiatill Itil 'the trials of 4 Guimppi Mpi alul%T little soil. of per tPAIN and k -rum -petitions in coll- -Ammentary-30. '111�K4101e, Cum"" Lw�ar ip'. LOST. allionr the *vilctinw. There are two cr t1iree diiiigti that down ill China at about 25 eents . -He %ill have them eyie-witbf4N&4of ANOT Iff It New York, are , g , of artif Icial bear It, lijilid if Lii--y pound- %%,ith the legiN141tive eleetknis, all lie 4illoes, aUd witliligo" tit what after title, ro- Alp! wall a mallufacturer farmers tdioll East Y.Igill, St. Inionlax, 1140,114111yo About three thtt 'wrvwors flowers at'No. -17 West Thixd street. VAIXF, OF HONRY AR A FOOD. 640 will do. 3c" did notAling in a eor- inairtyshilre picked 11 ) �114 highted. ills brothers tire aitached to tile Vat- WMild make a buCcebb of dairying. In Aul --m.1th. Picir, so neither tlw aiorvantill; (A God the itner 461e�-i it -a , the country giving in-! How many outsit* of th0ft who (,elltre *zillwoe, Barril Well 4 .111111 took t1w Crowl goling througl make beekeeljlj4,,, it study and it bulsil Auguot :11"t altar -Built Ill AWFUL CHANES AfiAINST THE CREW i-ty hire in, iow. iel&ll. llis father-in-law, Giovonn Fo on with the tra%elling dairy. do anytAilug "KT06. jisntl M tha, evediulgi three jUji, w;js niso, oil Lit' Bourgogne. ided . struct new rp4tlize tile value of honey as a St elost. Stewart heard Captaill Delonele, who commal beerved that there weft, upportujil,­, fool for title humun body? The nil- lormel's earlier and happier daylt. knit, I'llotund, 'Wedlo-wiay. .%ll down by jezebel Thim I-AiJoll Th Bourgogne WhO Went down 0 vemol ill the way of -Il go Ul), La anti ties for impro al;;;!s of pure hol.ley ,Itowu :1,7.5FA per Haltil %jiltoll. thrown a,ted allew ,,III N-tw tlar44, rt -x r(wtoreltl and t%xiower to years s of w.41t, or dextrose, 36.0" of 1POT110810, wtutwr Ist. -A rebuke, ittA t4t b,U,.j*ht. tile 1p;,gtlati or distrewt, Wttll tilt, Sillp. Was I-LbOnt k*�Il�llless to animals, in cleatilines stoneal Failors Fought Like Wild Ekasts for Their LiNes -only One Woman Saved it Ild I tII0' old. 114� ilall b�en ill-commillo br La .# Ibles al milk houites. alid in tile 213-06 of water A,,n 1 of nalt. Ao- 31. Twelv( buriiijig. Tilt, lliret-ilk,l 1#9111111#4.1 tAl W.I North Perth, Stratford, Thurs- hat W, 4vux gotnict Ian sil, months, llAv- matter of eCO110MY-LL wise anil 6ren-1 Mime the Baall", but to title true 19ruel 'of 0 Bourgogilo I(4 -4i ti cv)rding to this tile e litiftl cOlistit, lily, FA-litember IA. All the Sun -livors Condemn the Cowardly Action of the Crew - vroninetyshire that :1 IMV ing formerly been Captain of La Nor' erous; eM.10MY, so to speak. Thoole of ilonts of houley are. t! xtroite anol (;olarduff. A declaratAil in Ill m -el sig vulltages of nil Children t t 114 - N e I%ght dimt1li- Yoji Who have been farming for years lno,�. ()ne Ot tile North Hamtkigs, BelleVillil ri"It"li- ther clol Women a It#. illandie.. at, day, Septemlwr Oth. ttat tlx! twelve tribilill t00V had loilie Passenger!I Cl I ubbed, Knifed and Murdered millute", howevere gtills or rocket.9 Al Iss Fannie L. Ness. of Gran,.l RalpIdW, know that'tol you must practime hol :Is a too I over other foods. 6rey, Owell 8411U4141, 4.4 11 Iles Lt Y. iltitut&j Ol Ijeople. that thil vellallt 141"1110 - WE 'C0 Trampled Upon and Pushed Under Water With Oars Montreal Pas- peared, 71,1141, t. -1 vertitinly was 11 jpatsm�iiger of La IlQum-ogne. ecolionly to a itiegree %lint YOU were sucill at; cane sugart W that thet,-ile, iroil- 4;0�i, and that Jehova, $ . wert, 4l'-whargi-0, t - v wO lilt � v, I* f rout Chicago, as site never called oil to do before- Yok; stituents are Lit a form ren v to be Se9temlier 7til. WBIN not ctmelutted with two. or ill _.;cngers_on Board Dro%%ned The Great Loss of Life. �sllllll , � Tilt. ItIII.Nt ell* LAlo was lisu-41 Wastefully In the Niplasing, Nfiortil Isl of t'lip twelve --tiller Illaii t I.,. t-.onrgoglI;-. travelit-41 with, other pupibi; from.a cannot rel as 111berally-as absorbo I by the myrtem. Septelillill 1,311. ten, buit witk, tile unit .111ty.tilike stt. list him - I - , Invariably tribes. -Bahr. Dwael 14*M v Mlr%tvoni, s" Chicago. institute. �as you 111il before ; YOU In atialysA Of 1101iff tile 11811 Well Y(W�, Toprijill M.4jittlay. thl-4pligh the or tj y that% 4-0114-1 Ila b or M n - A rlxjr, band your resoure4w of 'I'M K CO W A R D I \I� wall, -; :1 6 %-cry cal ullY gll()ws frow .01 to 3.05 per cl jorlevailm with God. Gen. Z191i- 28 -t..4 of -,vith,7,ut altrawti'llg lier gib 410WIl . tell I't" . t"" Prol it. L. -Waltei, !is -able In- Aepteln1wr 12th. -,to refor up tbill strix & llaVP jwml it who wam on La Bourg(viiv, was Ili tile you woul I make a livingx Your so ge phosphoric all all Indispens IV wito jp0lrly f it4ing Awful Atrocitieu Reported to Have wt)l-.<.SigIIts lit' I't couill ar will hilive to'inake a. further chall gre ill In tile fbod of plants and N4pirth (.1jitaritl Wilitipy. Mowifl. , unmwtol prevailing prayer.- I A atikentliol An# front thiP [�niverisit 121th. Im - murilier of all Ill as'till y or 'michigan. bet. Been Perpetrated. satitt - ever -4iw wits thii 31rs. L'liz Rous -hell, who was oil La �i.11 their inetho,is of Ilg live 840ck 11111mlils. Itli-i or Immense Importance in American whow he hatl gi)t -Ictillault"d Wil;1.1 411. the wreck. 9111kh ;0 succee I ill dairying. tile human orgaid7ation, forteiiiig tin MoUill 4 1PUtUTV), 311110tIll llUIUAr 32. Ili the name 4of title IA)vd-BY Oil - There I, t;i 0,i 'of with oil ImItaiml. the Wainer. -rhis mail. II()t kll tI:.s%-'.hargvti f `1 oill boat. I 'ourgogne, was millinery buyer, for if they are lloree-ft*�.ing at' (.smlltijtl constituent fff tilt- brill 12th. &Uthl and for the glory of 3eh(p­ surviving tain ana 'Strauss. or Brooklyn. you are not tlow Nortlii Itenfrew, Pembroke, Thurv. placklig �t miniL*-r 'of the whow lianif, file did not knoW, Was all jbral wt I - Vah.-Kell. A t4rench-To eatch tile STORY. business much as formerly. Tile horHie Ilse I tu nervous :1 - - i .ther VMS leg cril-w Ili cu&tWY IWIld- front I'll i little 1phia- A 86RVIVOR'41 ip Silo was ell route to Pari,; oil water poured over the sacrifice. and %wer4eall eiti7A'll al. the littentit-11, kill-meja Accontioig tt) :1 writer ill #he Jam- day, owptember 15th. niembeill of tilt I v alk inves-tigatiolil. 1.6escuet! pas- wr einjiloyers. Her husband Is all get.1tearly cow was aica Jnurnfl houl is cheaper there Nitiorth Emxpx. fN"idwilell. F14 If . - where lie hao a wife awl fainily. The 'M I "acted for I puor intensity the effect of this sLAemn ob- ing tjIztt iiiii mbers of tile o Tei r1bje Scene w6ile the Boat aitivertising agent forthe Courrier oles anti feed while the , 1; tic. ijLjjI)ort-_ thli,ll tritter, an'; Js recominen ied -Its 11 se tember .16th. jiv-16 k"awL.-KurAbulL. jads"01 w4wer" State as, trying t lieglecte It Philadelphia gentleman- w' �1' as of Wt lied in the ilill get on -I raft, not far -distant front the wasGoln*Down. Etats United States. of tills city. An little In f-ir poor 3ttawa, Rawki'W, V`-;. -am the mpal of two meahts substitute. for the latter I.;ourgogite'd crew act aasenger on boaH La' ancl but .,there !m prof it Itallilpil artin passengers .-f- French mWor IA-(C'New other cabin P, kept very entAy. of sixill The mah eontained abil bruta.11 litzil tow. -triviele, wl" anti so we lire call b -- with one McKeown wits On. A %Ir. 1�ierre'l. Bourgogne, isir'ds. MI. Ipentarle. iner- horoe-raiiihig to-, ay. Does Understood require three galkxw.---kkx)k t4,,r thil Ili ) I. att Icked thl to grabbed half nit our alid Ilk at� Iii'll s r attenti0h to tile milch 1111,1 if properly Thstr-.�I.11 r Y4 Irk With his wife it"" t1kree mp" 'N 'He had a i4iti. Tile North Waterl All the -nus ill ort!vr )reheavl. I'lle - I' lit 4)f chant. of-Littlo,Ferry, N. J. turning ou cut- coimp . a ra 3:1. Woixl In order -He obeyed mrs witi other weatipt tit times o%er the ft for Havre. wits th'i "Pl ly "ll" '" - al'ehildreil, but wag cow aki t;lle holut or untarlo agri ti%ely I;tt!4. attent 1. ill$ tile injunctions of tho law wit40Tfspect U) previll them front g. ttiug 04 tilt' '-ire 11,bis wily tip 'll -,I. an' inker-, wito antr sever 0 .21lu'll. Septeitib'Ar th.. five Vp rewill 1juji evell to. -,jay there. is too w ri ter abil referre I t fioney Sil Welliligt"I- tbe of fering ul a burut nucrith*- Le% F no 'Illl It.!. 1,1401111,41 rafW ;%',LLI 111ttO tllt-, life -bo. -ti& W'd 'nur"Preil main wit.; 0 It(. ill- nite.companled Ott tho voyagl dairy to stl it sister. ri iv%i with ; 1. re Ill il kP ailvantaged or beek­ep ititerferizig with �hl .0%Yll his % thrilling Much waste, jai niall(Ilgink 11 h, Fri4ll tieptoemly,r L13r.l. I. "-. He thum lotibliely taujitt that tit#, thus I ill 1W tended to gt) to lr�lawl 14) -*4 jollit, der4-rillotioll 4 If . th4 ,Ile nillk a ii, tlI4. followll or, V 11011eY Iii title Fridwv. svittem- ordinances (of the law gra cattle. I alit 'Stornvol Ciprim %%evw- binding (.IUAIIC*V; cof eseApil kft*-r thil steatiner father and Tuother. lit- 11.141 1.7.0114. AV ISOLA,rED RACE: IN)routo, now, and, it f4lo I itt a form very readily "ll --r and then buttor bug* llc-ss - ber *Il upou the khViont of lamol.-Stu. 0M). ;u,41 ship rra `w I toI;PtIw Y0,419 1`0110 JIM011g. t.110. IIIILII. froin tip by tile sykitl 2- Hf)IICY ills IL car 'rt- ( I WITH BOAT HOOKP:-�. lFlast Korthilioibel tit list uti the bulkx-k-­Ah!­ inight nil sepalrated the bt-,Ntllle;� CoIltillul oon jw such :M . p lueer Duttu-Piler, a liefrulalk Was, Mr. Lari%iPrV. '�l -11141 11.1y Ainos. of Japan, Who,Had Never Sell a 9 a re getti'lig Lour. slippliets, hlrate, it I r1Ex Y, Inly-r 23rd. milgh, "othat Thou woilkl I whom %lil the body. ila 14eptf him wptil non her rwir-�e at the alme high N4 -,.v York joallil Hel.0111d t%%,o4x-rt I N-40.1ill, ',"III lily Foreigner. III differ- A, energy Ait i heat in Pines e have noticed It- 900"1 tlefil, i tip their p, foo i. 4. Honey is North T;vroitto. Ttte%rlay. selitt;-iitllill inowAtly prep4rli- t4w Kac-rifi(v. which stle foltin-lered with tier r .1*101IS t I --4-Irta, it 4)f Mabel PlAxpluig, ll %%,rit.(w for (�Ijcl Ill the _%vay they atten :t- 11kilney 19i a ell(M - 271M 1 shall perfect ,;jejLk tngl sh very well, blit You iret Ivaluable for young Epec forever all them that uri- it fast rate. I'liP I. Itv tit iiil 11oliggilk.. We Istruti't the Ballk c !ren es -tifkqLl.�-Krumwwhjr. BarrwAl g,_oijg , il or re slI4,)Ikql*.IIt Ilk. tit(. July C,tittiry..froni lierilil obher- cattkyll" and. the "MOUIlt Of 11loney 11 jail - West Vietlpria. Lill'U'lY. Tues,lity, Haut, w;ts ill hi,4- room at 014! t -itory It isAlIN- Ip1IlI(ii:,III %oil S,111�jjjy afteriwoll, r initk. I have itilly. 5, Honey may be nift,10 a thera oil tilt- hrit4;re lkreter, t I) ge NO viltiou, an article entitteA lit Alno they Tnike. out of tlle� -,e Wile Common jarw "Wi uwml Ill the eaA �.% ..%% -I . thivil fog ngent (if mnr for vollwolk, wat-6 A JS th-41 fait . . ellVelilplol ill , k.r'l valUt. in -pten 27th. ' tinte 114 tilt wil Mrs. Todd says 114ptILed wine places %il OW Cattle pll '111.1 er(,p.jj_jk,.tjtjoII. itraitKv- carrying water. containing frim) thril I the iiteanier smink. Ove pass il the * vollisl tlw owl)- Ille,deine. Dit f ferin - .# IV hel .l la, till it IAY itro very rouith -lookloi. and Of ville, ThumMY. ?_eptelliber 29th. tol five gallouff ill shoot hial to I re - f it tit, is t I lit tilt-* sumnier -of 11896. IL-, (put gepteluber :.OL Ralyi; lit, saw tile call twr fog- 'It I" wits kept neinber of: the Amherst COM -96 ex- ll making very little 'Frkill 34. RWA"nol tinw--third time -to prol before tile bilro foulitirred. ,.;t%v it w;js vertain de.it as t4k.10l 114-1.11 IntoArvalo4: -1 ors a re -in tile K ings-ton, ti, Wail 114-1 - SIR jR,rHUR CURTIS' DWI ast I.:jluI)t4pjl. 14-trola, Tuetil Ott 1xvirti tho Bourga,_-�iie were 3 larg 114- tut, t % viry f rn4 lialf "Ipil litioll wildvit viefted Northern Jailian them. I met it- W."t, Decently �e vont uny kiud of ")ilcll ifit tkwr#, rlIpoo! inail UOVIIII di -r Vile ifitar.- ill tilt,, whi 0. laulltil were-, to view tille total eclilm- of tile sull. rding LW tober 4th. wag fire concealed till -weigner-i. Thuse stoPl)"d or- Niagara -district, who. all minill (,of ff jkv "S In 41%%ill -the 4,l 'OpIpilwtuffity -of *Ving ills i6wil Y. 4 14 wits a 'jill swaitior. le w, to tilt 111141. the ritre stftlfu�mil (,ollitl make - it Morlda *tA)IOPT clarke. Clow bY Uw plaop of sacrifice, at lltif all hour \% hen a 4-4mll 1 It U ­hyiry Ain.o". hadfu-I of gTaill go farthor-in fel ling 'the *a Iwo] Aelv lorin 't.ive xhaded by it w)bk, ipid t4ve, is all Ili "On't Wes� Hur(At, t;otterich, T 114 10 we"Intilk. VkIt sil gmtt wits 041. tht lying ill 10. IK.rtil wat0, . 1 4 1 -1 Y. 11 PC- natural claern of sweet watll�r. will 114 liteluiltel" i if that region. Ing cows than any PrOl andered ifl hurn I ill:,% not a tiand. wail raiwx-1 tip witliin reach The English Baronet W illiluillan wr%Aches 4 of I aylight Ix-glit to, cil #--nt -r-ol Wit tilt' t j f sit-rils 1-1; rid, Fif We jXM)pIe may is tw-ver exhassNol ;js6ist i&4 tier in ulle hing.* Tile nec"W"t�;.' near as In t114'- st.utirmn 1pijit-tiol t Ile ii- I dairvaialt 004.110, " tober 27t4i. drowiling livin t114- lutst. Will *.*tl)l)oro, and fell (vw oil. $10 a year, tin(] I r.,wlj,.A like rats III- lier ---',t4ivM off tip( Z,pl, ar ti r4ough near Hatkoittite the Woods Nine Days, 8mth Hurtmi, GtKierteli. Mon 4.1Y. 4)c- Triatrain so, ii#Nir &tved. wil b -ft eve is ly :41iout Volvatio Bity. travellers bave- mol that 314t. 35, 36. Offerilig Of UW ..an 14RI it wil ou t of her any 09 tile whill tile ship, with -tit l%4AII hj,*Si:Ig -w i t - (I litrat.-hook . . .4 , .111114. Mll Ilt."onee It I while t1w prkwt could not of right ll� t -lit by tile, Ili- receivett. lie ):ISI f4l 61, i.4ited them. mlIy'.rW%I silellt. twople. ch;lps who were teac ling t1w prol q*UId. bv W-Allid. went %!own. No ltove4l awik.v frotu ohorn., -4. v peopl, 110 wto feed I that:1 I hi-ord t1w Out eriti huntil miles north are and kwturing lIurham. IC4A"irg. Thurfill be ft ProPhlet kv-VPraV- was tka.� sitil;ltio boat -hot Ilk i -Whvit Cling- - . Until tit,- sunimer of or ,f4f). But lie Ina da AN ILL-FATEU TBIP TO KLONDIKI;. West I irtue of libs dire t coulluishioll wid I& -tit paswnger it -; "hich h.-t4l Illaily Vin cattle. - coul i & f 11il rt -w hi fo)r ilear life to the of t e tiiii Milt tip illeiuber8 hat I ga"ve higher function, act as it priest. illic ono statevnent t aI. or Vie few all ituthoNty 1lid inall direct t Our wil(l. mifts -.aIS hailil. red lov .1 sir Ily but their owi M tway as oil Nanv4puver re!wjrt Kitto. Knowit-That thou art Clot]. ittk-avol ' � to id in rough, half- Thp honor of t;%j is Ilia* ruling immill Was e if, Ing live stock. lie said lie had kept sun-bli'"eml, it" Y. immf4fiately. 011- -Q,.IUItVkI inany pz 111-ast frill 4-1ir who al re 1141 9111:111 - loopek, ill-, �ITHFR FIFS H11 SON19 BOB the wmrm mul zil -Illy il 1ple: A � �s alo.i.g tilt, vout. Tile wit, liol I ea rs rilige, n.;.uIItII -they %v,ere fourteml N - Tha t 4W. leinlitatol ill. every I!t*d la'A- I' * ter of .4ir Krunijuachl Thy wrvajit -w:t,, lllt(ol"Kitaini lire' ind that tlwY friend and 4-01 enemy. s Allah �ht. Ial and tilt*- t4M) 414%&Int tip bl' toy -visiotors than whm two years old, andthat ti 11" in hijo ill-filt'"i triji, ovel rlijull, wits not their nqj ilk - j' -the water allit thrinv itil t foreign 4volillon. the Japabiteite -n had one bell which he killed wen to UIO Kloull 'llounced hiM to ko, but Jeho- 1101illl 4-4011i't Arthur ( urtiff tti, tho Ashcroft Mil brapgod the Waters of the lion and t4-9 illeVit-'011-h- dil ;It t'U' lhad. nevor bl years old, and it wilff MI timill "if'. 4?�l 't4' tw(nity Ugh- tilul city y4,.6tA-rtliiy anti gave d WorliN I'will bl .14l tis pt I I hicken. tLa That Ilia wOrd" all -1 il ti 'It `1 tender as a, spring c autlknitiv 'jilairtietilairb of the tllil4P#- all ko f1til reitlized til- Kitillill, on ho* tho first' t into al bill 'Ski�rting tfie Ill eiiumt t deal depends up Brought, Up the Cupp, UA of 111111al but 9f (jod. Ittirgi. %V' 114) 90 agp4i ter.) - A gren -Dow 11 1 in Iny 119V rug:ish Barol odV41til in the' 11(mrth- jiga Ili lix, 1-allk with 111's. he(..qttl6 are treated. povock :ff. Tuned titeir fil back hil�j.:11ill threw Ill.% -%%if,- lly th,46 .1 ilraggeoll the ;inr0rtimat#4WlI() in Vie Ill beld ..11141 illtto the, till vii-lilwa- ji.irty 1f"1:ttejj t %fl Ivo Province of Prine­ Edwarrd Is- end (A :1 ("1tr0ve?sT- W nl t4p;tjII. %%_.lt,.r to C111.4,11gh thq. !ilpl - - t At-thur's party tit. I#ut Ill tilt.- water att"'I'lit- ol&luother in 6 is 04rie which 11111st not be itit aw (n rmers W-110 ich proved 9TfVF- cOAPM411 THE VIOT reeigtablighmetit of tru ors ;I ty. 41. 0t,r 4-alpift ill tile Innd I havo known :11 to, tile 1�1Lmidik.- ill' Alpril, %%-It i tery It I tS il brought in elit0e. fed Illoat I, -y eoui I tile convers"i of the People. ftern lttTito tit*- bo, I Us 11"et Wa the worst PlIallil till hin) U ]I the rrival ortol ull- oanti relentlew ax Llijatt had bl Ilib tAp 1 -h -i k I'm 1. t ti ltI1#'W`7-. 4)f plitirely upoit tirnipw. They Wo have 010ill Tile t1wrinotmeter regoil r4 t Not :111 'llil til and'shoved hilil 1111d. -r- the t Ili r.� vitil stately tread, mofft tilt ell"'Kil t(l zert), atill the (-ijapunn. heart wan full of 60l "mi-ning tien- y luttil loo -fore -uli,Y obring If al I I -r(,.<i tl dcgivels lei, t 1,11144- 140 Taylor (miffed few their vitter -t. do-ath lo lit" il it trig. Chri,ti atumig th" -beightilt) ich -ell fed upon , but - anti tit. I slel nit, br burst whn P fad be pli. w hi .11 1an, tof js*s;iVe,I,.by 1,1144-4. %rahking w utterinlik. 11ow was young gri (of thin Dominion brewery, wilvatioll-11-j"IWAINt. Ill 11-runott 6l Nid"r ,. Ith stately tre, little else than'. t� was, as I*oL%Wk allenilployee tbear4Wd groups men ted thel r. III,', bY hill 38 1:1re fell -It dill Wt 1)"Put Out tilt- I.S t. is done ? They supple Ftill,� ilk- the woinb of thi' filtu -Ito tal 1`110111 h'4prtI#-r.- expedition r fe"jing with muell bil f4our 41'elil t n11C.341 with Ixtr Awl kill 1.1111 .111 1 - g till oiigh d- t 1), (tUaginkres father , front the nitar. This In it a r .1r.. Tit;- tll(* heall l4oi,kitig, for comparatIv0slY POO sure you. that kind- FlOuu&rin 11.141 1"111 Illi"l witlilling tile, water. have offeil - d to afterijoint. I'lle lild lit- w: I ti ly tirffilped ilito t (1taries Liebta. 'wit') tOLt t;%'Q killdneAss. I call.1114 pal 0 jol ill Whit-il Ill lh-11 We Ill k nothing*untwial, all, -r grahtwiltotilf chililren, also s.'Y$ tll:kt 11.0 4 -VI goa 10:'ek-afil- from lifinle gil-ound for suspiell th,'It fiww a,%, Ill the thrif t -of anti Nw. a good w t he iva tAttellipte! to A, -t -44-rit., -Tu thill detwe'.91'eurit-wity, yil to er fili,ing to ducing the Mach Qu all SO:IIe of "t I id ll were evIoll exil fr4l live stoc s mals straye%l away-dutiI49 Ov. night. Tit(- lad w-18 94)i'4( A) 111 1-1)1,1 bell coucealed, i ft"r th4' Illanner t ign,ii1gure withill their vory clowly littudled. wl,.m lit Ili iAarch- %ol tfw of tim. Wathen, undl the nitar ('(Pit- jelife-lint, of :boat.,The rigi4 l I's W-"%';* every fork- milk Ite to be anid day.al day. toti %%vre range... � nuniwy, aceoinpaviying. so'celits to produce.ti, acrifim-The pro sTt F*rench ilor, ihalleit;UslY, Mi 01" AvO. T114*� ou ....i -A : 1 .1 - ii*. after tho of CAY- 4-101,1ren. the 110lidaYs 4 "if'! Wed sume4i tlw burnt a Il . 1, ring t4 &,-I*tj;vo-r tit;- loll wonlet M1 fill tlw! greata-l- liar i IV, r I �anfl elillil it 1 ' f 1 t of i Ik. and you rin; Wt hil s' t 4of the first, 105111110 i renimi-kablil I T)w fire rame Me �'4 w -!'Y;, "Ut the huntiml Pounds ouff were In *ftlo, Ont - )s Vtoir tic r IL4)t ;111 Ired for it. f ront houlf'o vyoat..': buit *A' tile from b(taven The 00-ce" ()f ve, to q" rolktiil far Ivai inilil ig t MIve only. 70 cents a Witt tiohe hil ralig .4. few dILyX A frPed011I aWay . lirl, th*- women N "'Y milk you back quar- .4,11kilig ill lll .4 lAch heallA. tilell. Somewhat. larg -r, awl apparenVy you A16 n;,"I ' r. An4l thV luore bi merifice were first "Wunwd, Th .11.1 tile jrAwng, t,rii not will Ill Ili; I' broke out ill th" I)-irty %4 inle wer'. rim,, notain. I 14u, to'. "It' til -It strol. r. than the although U. But if you bill me. currence- wol tLext, to show that it was TIM spiliti tlitclits1l. . Ill.! it 111v iK Ily hIjn4jje,_tlje Inore Y() hundred, alit! rels of y ot, -rved itin Wodii4pidaY 1111"I"ll llim (littler by the wood that tile f110911 was burnt ey- W" 30 cl a thlollghunt prow the slidIll ill -bil thrll AlMs jx!- nien :ire actua make milWor - lit tiltX101 gwll�;t gilt, tt) %%:irn.! jlj"184*,t�f thii-k 1.,tir part ­l nou can &t 70 cl n hundred,for Ito lild said 4. Twelve stiot" weA'e -c0twul"ed. truth., ii -vii tILS114-.1 Ott IN4 IT4, r1wroborat It.,%%; ;Ilkil th- I hisproverbialg(pi)inatur-ll. 11teparty's I tA) but tit# to patriari-lial, with I lid re W culluillt x 114)t hiitirry, aliql I, 'f im, but OM their rountrywn. p.sww'-tigopr in - their for Vili U a nklllg mone_v., lit onler to, I tr�ublw I b,�yond MUd Liver. �la t" he -w;t Isbow it w -an it() common %l 4-1 tilt-ili yo ast have warn, le. At whom. ligl nothing oDuld rilisist. 5 or til 1.�t I1o!ir-- 140 i 114 r�-w ; .- :1 Y-nicit 10 tills, Ilowe%er, You 1; houtw. - This iftst *W11 Ill him jim- oft-cers ;%nil They 4113 i4), �.Iy, but too (a ventilated. about 70 WE-" o.4 ve, - n- t h4 r' lighted. and Ivvtj,% -relit . -ter - it It& r p-Igne negWetetl: tilt'- p;1WIl tly 11 . n ey struck it, dellw- north until libi b(>.I:r TjW dust, the oarth of voch tbf l u*wt to'cut :illy. 11A)l lx)uring ul), 0114" 1of arges f rom stables We lift The ww'ioll -it o. sight Driveit graclu-MY'througli d kindlillest" *am colultirliwted, waii 1purnt. 6 Ttw a nd cleallilliegs an cru forl w hi�!J! ext -I uOrtil It thou- who) ift tlxVW whi( you %Vill curry-conib 6nd 'i:il Camp oil Thurplay the Wfttfw in tile trel Was, by tile ne- 11.1vii. evor *41011. tIjj%.sojItlj to 110kithildlI mail of -the crew. II- saiw wotilirin be- t retaining. illi prevail. fully and rl Iftell. -_ll thro-agh ].;1( .19 yu, are N!g.. of the fOw-sto but, htratWu Up NlY, t4w fatlier wav tixi of this'fire. entirell eva"Att"i M4 till hil thii- terr, 1, naway , from bt)a tl witb, tiltV Will 1 Z4'41 w I fjor),j. r our.* :tit the cowl horse'lt Would pay- struck at 010 -it hilit 111py had "r t�tk.Htii in every 1414*4' l's itdol c and, "t ;;jj�y' being Silo%'*- I:t%v v bilit-il 'toy thL%; o%vil larly I's YOU la,114 (1110lig tjjf� ail d.%Pjlltlg ten Of f -fol -1 tjI. rl firm 7 Time actiol of thiall; fire y to the nn- loi I t1j41- 0101-11111 Ij:lt old A 4-tAI ;11141 silillstivity."I'livir 4ork- time vit)u arratch t in t4tv waVbr-s 4 14C.,11111 ill water. NV it 41,11 Evi"ry tbo pack aginil st.rsiv�,-i eawAY.- am (1k),wilward, etmitzar d1l I'lit" tit comb she I tTjLit -1 t A I- r, 11-10 ne%er . AtiSfLI.-011 for 11 ew il;inutrg itirti .."rgul"v"' antllid htIPT%V*I(_" tug- tur 81.1 parully and i% t, 'It dotlwr Ili. -4 gilt smirch I VtY wa Ill I rfe I Olin ri h1�i .1' hut tht-v wli- -ertainly ' in will give von a few polillas more too his hubit. Sir %rthur 1Wtb714- X1,113itta" VP 41 19 till I -.at w %ll I rrifn9ifig bit; river In 4 mile. f#41 oil their f&cW-Ttw peoWe trarY ;It till pl,44-nt riwe fit someilmes Jilid 4 -Ow stables %erY %fter a tile vivillity of tim­ AVI.W1ll t 114. %t, I to N! *4 :11141''jintales 'low. as 40 degref!b- ir tho MY's luilrell r. Willinftw� h-04 10,4,11 glorry to God of #Wftel, But the IL� jj;kIIjI (NJ tjW riggilig "'ll lia.41 arr �hapg as A 1`4 ga -14r k, %v it � I k ' bf k llo,mir tho r, e saddlel -tin tj. Trill the Vro,piarty. :11141 col-pei row, the way tile jig r4wgneljly t4o rerViiii il t h te r- l lI:k(I 1.�- orightating ill the Ilive t�onjrue ar while ac StIr Arthur lit hi -4 P,pt' :"Ili walked jeAu of Billial hardened their hearts. Kip oiriiqoim� wot. -111-1 11ad rroA%% 41 Tro, %er tho. 4-inpire: An V -P l Illiety. awl (k flatter and re- infortablY warni. a pub t, tilt ;it. oll. rt stable cOr cult for tw! ra 1, 1) fo- - perwigtol lit their rehollion oil, i t ht, Nt ah4l %%i1iqPrvi­nt tothe 4.6hiluer;- ,%Iy experience with city eustolud-r's dralrallig tim- river hintwlll fililill mhillimminitri.-Kruminneher. ,l thril into or ir( conclusion that one to Join"" - "ItAt With It I*fi)re he ll ji(l, ot -11?)W tilev fight Iky. p dvallt.lizr#, 44.. Ili,. Ilig Mee, It i.14 ihat*tlI'-Y fll lea& � mp to tlie never seen %jf� two 111"ll:W (jeIiittr-loyed. N(4 MW IL in act 4;f for *t%V4) 11011M. vil iorse-il till til LK. lie . I inerly nioll hanof the most huPlA things In the ti turn in g cruelty. but of 11wrl thL4 as were olil �kg.j'ill. he talked tio re y rewarl or his'labol itil t*xat lie clung t4, for what t114'Y tile ave� tile pOnt, P-0 butter trade,iq to h 4�11 -:jg 1XII- r 't�, if his mpti rul Up VIP surtakIP. Who Ile n and attracti*e Vel I, ied, I ie% illoet, W a clea ery 11tely 11-ptif bo..lt. alls-I to--, W*D. t4-lItI1i`P Of tilt- sor re f irc&I off and -ev Juel not make hniate Work so that -STRICKEN CRQ p-1cicage Ve or 4 The Ipil were it" hold of th+- iIADe A HORROR ng4-r.-. ill t lie gallizeit. got -is w lace where tile, chee tilat ingenuity. tile ruinalits putrol wng-irl V) a lid Is her they niallAKed to right het. *Tlie stile ilerhaps by alit roll The P Nm 40 Man may sele the iilowor io front the t its they frAIII-I th" ItPild An, Adstrian Passengers DPserlption of 'Illight. kvir tair%% y Gol of te wit, A)wll our di% ilie, butter I& -nlade cannot be too clean thilig vr� t 4o tr;it*e 11*131. 641' t. f i ress; were Lord, V. 34. Larx Ir 17tider Ow. me. 9 are doing magge" llia a Ild of r ig 11.1 4rugF11119 -'H' W unOur inspector lited b. . minil 4; n' r 9 pliies of four n -len :11`141 three %% olliell'. the errii)le Scene. on the Steamer. bl4wk*4*1 bY 111(i pure, Oil tl;t,' 11 Taylor strelll 0 etntiooilp ho -10 wholl). 4-XCLI)t tile your Ild our dairy products are. lig lill(It"'+l ti) Ilrii`�Wlleltil' aill c4.0d eff, fkAviOr. tile W*)111141,114 itiv nderng jildiallis ellgg, injel :I arrmit f I af-lea tire Grod's tF41111140twille"t Hevidplitly I* rich. '.-Ili -�Il dir- %%';' iIol Brunilk, first to Sta greatly benefited by their work. hjult lkink up., Tile India:fis round him lwj�l up the 'InortVis, -it igers jind their nit"age. the'r:ilpsizing Not 14 - - - iff raid their %vii I -to !t.i, rP I Ll I - ll THE STUIPIP*WB DRINK. ectly.and lu Ill 'ft* lit'll, - till have lamplic-401 4-irCullIsLa 1114. iti. tho crew were 114 ill too much but- tlrtk-4 aftillr jiulf a day's DiDamb, Ile", (-ight il4)114. who belblovemm ill G04 con , Y, V. -'ff. 00d still ill. there -ii, brallell A miwt eflukluet to ­:irk W11041 lip') . C4 that we 8 -in anti illy, �l at14 thi t1ii);igh it, %vT Tilt- rk-st the Purity of tlli, made up in uncle, I'dowil to Orr the I files. mark@ Ill with tit(. tragittv tim' P et anqwPro; by firill" Virl the HfAy #T.) gelt in' the tv'jimers re-Lehilig A i aw simple Tests for. tort e nfront of 1 %.itll:t **,':I Itil."I ters. We liar 'a pille In (kip- that Mrs. Chawill" *lug Water. tilated iltia w tit luil-I W111,1141pri I, t 114- boy boa,ta when be. traii2e.-on'deck.''! gilt or wl;e( Fp.rit. V. 38. flli- I had pittil water. [or Torl here bl butter Is. bou Thit, 9;ls indicated that t11;lm bell m,rionslY i4l f0r Pill Little- wrliolighta.-F.1jah hail by the saikprs. Ile il lit su'qwuw.i plaved qhcoved w a% 'pre- k at five.cel-Am a -Potifid, and lade over first 0" rlp� lien -w of her (k saw many of hii- frienits bein her Who, I-allnot commall i chl , -(I stlinti:1% anti then sold for fifteen c(olits rvit hor in -a ni lbrievatIOUN antle t4keir t1pt. They expectPift fire. rrom getting into tilt- I)l t ical .111.1lysix. t114. f�jojlowing sinijille 4etting 'the eighth tl:�y 'tjf tilt' �A"' ged. tA 0 vented hf.14. diocoara re forred pound. The conmilners are I rvtumed jat iVM ty. of water a re re- No ove k,; ol voyotes but. All Iffaliv houm tojoy the brutal sailil Ile 14 -al ev-ery- ly� lit! tests fcr tIV- puri ;rherpfore Eli - it. particuLur every year the in?-. r 1.11t. Ile 144,1W %.It broken Ir till coin inoTe LgLT pay -a good price f &r - Tlwy Iliad' t-eci 9; 1 ve up thei; 11,11111de. 1114 r - 1! ill f iver will- knowl-r - I'll tir-acks, but e would not I. 1 11, . t. , - 4,f fil t following 04 fittol up nit altar. H ti. -Il tit#- 111:1 t4 il G -w lit tilruipy butter, and they 1011 not of dead PURE AIR THE BIEDST MEDICIN8. thleirs-that 1110 Awl polluttl itiltt ;jge 1% alnOng tier t 'hol lit it tile Won '1.41, there an ditar t1wre. tiv- i - .: kla d time at allY 11100e beyond. ti. % Whell Ile gfpt Ion doo�k lit- got The.- hil otswith tile wlli�-r; 14vok-,throuirb the wiL ItlotandIng Lll %'rllll to f -r4 1111101 tilt ured Ijy out(it)or iii,ig the ruiti:1 I fiV4- 4l nwil raft. f14 -t -411 X 114 It is a pItY that, notw tilt ti ming ChiLbes uf coi,sumption erly- blem, "llied if' tlw raft with 111441 ji�v%,t watr at sotUe*, Iflict-k t has been gald against fee(ling Treatment. joroitounced on _tilll ,lift fast jllotirill-r jil Water 4114poll 1 tha 4, thlit home will perRist- in Its- krty rleturn6d sprvice of tile Lord. lve'rhil til repair lit . -it r dailor,-. -lit a 1"t nger letow ait-i frow front Nil, lilentled nat . ter. turtitly ts. If only one patron Arthur, '""I tile Ila lseol 4of Eal tit -it. to Intimate tflht trp tile skwk, awl Tw with if 1'. b;Al al)IIIijarauce indi- 1119 those roo to t.-Mlizatioit. �ir Arthur wait 4-1 ears ItItode 11,1jil Col ltbi-jut, to letroduer all Uive meA Aver vlo;il to let it kx3w. I al ti. i d or t u r etory will use tur- -fir of it creamery or fa ;".(I livaltl Y. lenvol rei nclni,,of thl hd k cates -A -wilubit- orgaide make. Illite. Hi#oA4bar- York ;tnd'New -lers"Y- but W mvi:%-e tile rniti, and virp lit, the prvwnce a. t tile whole :Wed tof late. ' Wre' God 41illd rPbtOrV them him, but lit tilt., te ill su&- ,lips it will efrec w,(,(,%v .111,d t Of its Uwror* dif their (at) rapiil anti tlw.were -or wo 4 1 ze, maitter, W,or inat r ship sank J,i' Alw� %%. g- T 'itY cusL -e to their fin* 4,Ad first workis the water.il ilt til 011. 11111-- it Islitnil-I k-ple. lift ery ery xw for hit# valor Th4 urnfliff firP unpopular wit,11 rr list,. ill precipitated into qiijil tip, t4l iiitij her pehsilp: tionierw they blame it for nearly cy Ill ipti"XI almost lit- buift altar in the njiluir minutes -4a rX 4_11 t.'I I% :11 "1 thilit f0twult In, the wat4-r 211, .1 4 r4.11 lilt4-0 tils% w:it�-r lltaint or bad finvor lit milk -or butter. (Iro"%iling :ipaniardii SlIv% im-rore '111i.g r_ ji Eiln -water, leav- r jI4 dpveloW�j if, It result of over- pty. out ito I I fir tile LoV. directi011 from t1w. other five sinking". z 114. ;1 %L, I of lell navor has beef -att I .,it for e Elijah pril 1"r %vii -re swa I rven the plv:tt all YC tA) T4111311. 0.0;7 tile t 1,14. -uii cork till the alli his eyes. He came crit*s 41,;111111, air. f t�rjlip;. A point in dalryin rt (1411ICated li-rowding bij.j air. Take :1 bQY I aitt,ll ittr, thrim it if we. in sincerity. aw'. Oki lilt i ew hours hated t6 he ra l.ta 6 wk :s hip sacrifice. tried -to 9vt, illtAp rLi-4-iii-vii alid f -lit lif4'-] .% W foi f attention Is tO t rcturned to glight inherited tendency t-0 &m- ()j)A. He will. hy which he worthy of close turn trud put hiju at work oln a Offer our lip-artm W succll, Irtit 11"pt I'lefOr"' t -z. 16 11"ad Illy 4�(jat nearly I If l t I lilt :111,1. ij, -W %Va rill, plave mitake up the bottle, I butter In -it -oilveN NUMI) H! 01y fire in thew vientuallY* hil - 14 o putting , up :laid will q Ill pro,mbly es,,ape th" w 1P 1.0 t jil t414. _I -1 %%_..I I.,1111g - New & tier -4.-1 va IV .14. ill,lvtlll it %% 411 V critioully siftell rarni. and he w with or ' he tile cork. jilt i rerned by it degperalte fight Ill ti;4, h4p, ;Ps. Tile taste is of ten gM fir S -C doath tfill healthy elti.- He CIC� tile :Iplooillw tiaw fir offel p; t f t hi. Ipll I went ftirti,tef. sill, ali*lI einitaillol it, title bottle. If It af t up in nttractive 4timwif "'ll -I jig arrifire. thil to I ve. Buttqr.' pil' iY IIf lie 90m tO w`l in at bill ing tile eve"' altar W'LS tWitteril sale ill alluost cer- tootify tills ronlintilliOn with tlw -il -rt rtift (j, 11v this tillie, the, alti especlitily - if tile, tile e. jLud shoved . W;tIl .1 ski ofildwt lit lhas.il style genertilly filids a rea( lk nl�nagtl to spize tn­ar. liowever t4',liner wa.,+ IL,tA.4 t1lat 41,114. coulf-I 0.16r ills ill tlie least -repulsive, tile It wW no style Ili it.q litall'ke up it ill; SEA PRACTICH. dry goo A, store lie if liri, tile' ho6`t .jot walk straight. Ili f.644 coulit -ha7r-Al,-' water-shOul i Ile rejectell -for dom elstic* BRITIS ' H Latin tll mitr.tl the dIWASP, UU10" Rt eruanlvin. 'Uge. * jily I IC -11 t -:j tg t I I e - w. t te r t PAIllell himsp ill .11" Wiling nOt,Fj),Ij%e).y to be, called for. I t-olf-work PRACTICAL PURVE.Y. -flinbiiid In t lie P .1..4 .1 hit a k :1 14ol I - v.. tllty -t ot Pr;Lctice Firing fOl Rat ho verll.-Itreful ili hill ou -s tliaL known n. 11141y Repo, ilieek outdoor pur"llitA. r-Ift. :1101 ran %ift -again. not like h4pars to Fflectual prayer tAx fattliful I'lli W rrll th# of butti,r beeltuiie site 'iliv aYeill 811990j, What Ill kilowlt tile ills M 81.0111(h its *tor 112, liot appear. Thew fac careful before ion* ottieriVise- iioes of it, when -sho re. jail to THE FiRs,r MATE well is tisuu)ly. thii 11gliall &" the, 01ittil tre.itment of 1011thimis. power of ebovall to fflithfully ll hip vva' WaterM* It front thVD That t111f,traill i or tiw 1-: VIIgjI.jt. Pourgi tit of IIW Ket Vr is ob;eke t i n tr to. ­Its Aplienrance. -ll out lit m',l dur- Dr. F. Burtoln I�,,;uIljIjW rellol ugh hastily into gily ri-fanifthe ilavits.. hough it. may conta I varrh pa rt,. 114p jU<1 not r your vorreopondent all accOu A *C� Stewart Describes tile Terr.ible' tasteless, evell't . le ill Ilf lie111 prat tiev le loutter wait; inat ;%Iter lie wits ill UjIt'Of t to- her. thf. .tilt twelve nw-oths has heell thal succe" followN itl itse it, ery the ivitw plle, but soberly and e2p*W;,erWC Ill , I erept o:l 11.1114L.4 nd kiwi ­4, lift, ilitt d. a tit rge pL Wo' nnqi gaiiuf" 111111 share _in Scenes Which He Witnbsse 'tt,--r. Water for ., Lae %Vrallll illivillion. T4w re- Iargj3 1jerefiltal of cases, fiVell where thourlitfully porformed I Of about hii t \I;Itt, (.' ' 'o, jitill shotil . till- Ilioest iWAt".11, ays Vubhe Water �ll 4.11 , woluell. :It 41, yhjl!irt )f _th�i_ nja rr " I , a lid 11onsiderable lesion- (Of the -he 4 tilt thore i o get into a boat. .. tic W, iii),S! rem4bi No 11KII oprded t.of 102 vetc tile work The brobffl, altar. Va. .30. tempted t t ;111 j.,illillik 't it firsil w perfectly tastel -rilts Writ, I" Ul if. 010. bttipr FdW -I!nqi 'evt ht "me Ii.jil ntanageil to ge theill.. even alter -it bell warmei, since 1%-6t m. ord is that- of tilt- first lungs. Tilt- fever im; redut'e-i, in .11, wtp repaired, Tbf, gToat fact of when Ile 4 if -_-t 1 le : zoo the- lut "Illy v I I t 114 11 it 1.19 11 11g, ter.) flgil Oil casjw y1ell %l, ill it inotith. In of tile trib" it, lld, throuti ba'k into 11 W4101. It 111l Itl ifill'. Ill wf,- vou I, I warmtiug In the tilwtkin (A cru,!w.r luilietrill t rle eMplitial Unity 'ttll Ivy tit(- tried to enter tile -rl - in t4- it 6+4 Cu others 4wrNisting for t ir hol MligiOn WaR ft lot llf,110 -Illyb4i4ly,, jO) I a tJ -y w IV W . r. -t I-litrons their thi. pit irie sitition. This y6ow tiuq- 4S ilim-1i4lij In tWW va W er ry utti, I x to C% ried 4plit It t he -r aer6nmP x gullm, and without ty 11111110te or excit0melit says If the ji�e ity t1we ttad-Str'.-re- -cry with her 9-L- p1jetite lit lie V. 31, and to, ',light ouil tiitltx to thl Iffic' leterinin(KI U) keep the, lrx�ki-otkt- all(I Iligilt sweat01 derill if her wftm ftripy it intij,tiw- puisive r -c -everytiting "Pitt illell he -prepared the wOY to to get -.11, ls�) n.':tlt4l ft. -4-nsth- P9 of tlw I -Ord ged at lasIt i I h I it %%Xv ' -and Ill Itride 22, hitl XiVi patie,ut is kept out Of d0brm literal ire vn&na 1,111. b their %tiibli--i (),It to, *-!7 rol lIlil Tkere 4o ?Il;jk_ nil I I ure n n -KI1 1%' - time, and sulimer. to 4,11kilD Al. ullower nging to the liff-' 0. Is i vil ge %%,,- 11.1%. r:irjIj_ Ul I stay ill - Ill roull4ing t 'Illy Is' of Ch s Ir W11101 lttA er t 1twilti011. all tilt Ild to tw tili Tth, ate l4as bunt lint fnr away 64,1, kllot� all fil wall vren t fit rerfirli iti. tillit A dry. warm., suallY ell"I a tly ill sliff rl:kvfvr eery line rists-1, that 014, jolt )pIp volill I ljot kiiijg- n -.,I it tho- gr�-rk oil itill lttl%al tuge It It his trial.,4 were !1:1, Ct till ser for mile perfortned our part. Ow bleffilIll 1AWd lit. (-rill nHI191t llftv0 4 will big futother. thuir feet. imt were sliding, Individual* 0l Ix-rull - itlay faill., to for(led to waleb ll tfitie \4 PC a pit but there -Ire reasIonk; llimwlf spent, long nigil" ill 41, -til into tol'. w ll,ter. Till t(Of elimau, is not mulli,W with tile j,mtlwr, and war ll olf, -tile 4*rP1N4ho%e tier A IL 6 Ill t 1:1 rl ifront 14P M which f, Pr helik" but 110114! 14.11, *jI­'njj4.jl#I oil t1w Itiort glv141 Water, which would bV 'e'y thirty jr.1dival clia 4t roir rirmt-ell"019 JaN f ri lit 1111111 gj%.jng her 'tit always alilvisablit. tl resorts it 'Ire the llolieqt men liftw paswd hov ir. f ro W -41' < ttx- with an 4)z owol videut tip, .-a pormplu of -a firs -t- fir- ',,ley ft - wl will ef I iilli followed Vf (valid oin orit wall, Englau.1 orjkmwed teace Ili "talking ok, 349 the mail who <444" viover row. Ile SI t 114. K.1114 -y ill.'4, tilt' Shill, 9a I inivition, But if tho catuse. 4 tile ill butter. but I thl tW, tit. city, or w1b. am this nthe it outhamp"It ki ill great vr thro, lir jill bk-;tuw 1-14P.; -ly Y .jjj-j It tl tiaVed. IM call b Iplit indiol the, Iolil allil the Mlill -.-or taute .4-xisits. ill! the- twelity 14 q W 4ju4te ze this country, proba,111Y ak pallysing, tAW thouff It 114- 4-:41 W-CEWii bim. though lie floes ItAAII ti �Il ItI(jiltil to -.i title whilt-11 Elijah 1%, -arll way hf� ' Anjpriolus effect W,.i Ilk 4.7 -.in wtq e9 W#_ got ti r -f e Is tty her ell Oul wwmK to condense ilimit thile. nia,"" name. tilt- I me, it 'Ulp at; wile Riviera or Florida of iill ki,fow t I ie� Mol 04' wo r will- ..reinailt b I] flai trea t ment I 114j,!#. 1 1. Pre:1111 ar a 'only, :17 hits W course tile open-air jjW few &nit burning words Hlo do" Lt pl t Morl q!egrms tf drive 0fr.- tIIjLt bad 'quick4irittir 911119 *tn, aver- it i lit, whether reibognizeld. or not ean that tiff' Of e1- Illaiii trtivk'alnvil -*triking ll I silri quil no aIIY way In -ah tile pay j 1(jurgogi tiger- -down all( tier --ve ror, hall ltCroui of a very flit I cliuro" ollt'of :1.) roundt, 94 not work Ilinwif jaW a frailty wilge lie Iflient 4 uw,"A it rtyidi i rl Kivo ill' jor, butter -tha t ltgt. order i(4 patimit-must live :111 life out Of citeawnt, but viluplT n&ks for what -vs. I ll h:x nioney anti 11.1; -110,114- 11; t Ve i. oubt quality will fail to IY it,, and YoU W . of 6T.�. Tilt, fourth ill q. -doors. Tills woul I bt* it great mis"ke .1 finAbeh UW fin. tit#' exlv"tioa of pair t ho truek struck ixjrt '6'3"art4l (off. VO not the firot--claft-1, gunboat Karrakattli lie wishes. aild dOwI wttlf-if tkown long 4- indication by ow( taste. For %vill relil a 9%Q ft. Mel, or 1):j�lItliI L4 ewtpell The e tfie Aufftritlijil Station. #.xeept as it proidiY'Actilt' Elijall,* unlike the prilil Of BA&I- t, but he 1!:t)llrgt*ll I larL 1 41l wtuialtarians Kttach tai. -c. wlilti% 'bu to tile, it l.111 allgivitf Yre;jeltillall Uill reawpas 1N rounds. Witt, titat pawers are DePde-I t0 umill fw wortis, Yet Wam hPAIrd littlile. lig.itin varw4t tl volit'l J104 4- IlOr T7 tLl f4vt th( -Im aliother -ial implortatnee to Ifelseli's- best. t to, stilt the w.!ored 16-- blts out )rdp lie t earnel greeN, Until wt- lot lit -4. it -firing XunRq and thn)w off the dwease, and to, much. emp the oITC ev"W4,11ti) 10, ( ur custo- her 4.7-1n-�Il fluick cause in thoW Wt 14ailors with tb4,ll tilt. bow ca W had al for w -wage ..-colltaini.-natiOn or It it �tv k�VVAC'p or Ly of tinfinite, lie wp,.Iit to bi,il thej,:ght bl f).,nql J41111). mid tha t llk)urgogno ble organ Seven first- oxereise lowers tit vitatil rAlle meaning. anti hip prayet canw tip, porpe'till(-niar, T11A. I"tts were alient prt_�Wncie. of putrol le In" t iner. 11111,11 once, giline(i ai� avetage of ir practice sick.. The prefer e plan i� to Put rom tile depthil of 11ellp"I"Iff. till- %vil lie neve tilt. (.01KI-fitig v jilittimh4il-i laid tile red the eb P butter ninke It 6 th-re. for ll Instant-,. alit mple that any-- t t,. %%,ant gjw%4n ou t, a i vled. -At th ter, The test is ljo al 1114 tile tile sick into ll tents . in sumIner W)41141. but -okf- iii tilt, worn #.41 to .4taiii )r tlwlu I r ou have not it ith 67 -toll gull". t qumtklgnilif w1ul ther oliwpplil terti -ono can use it. Fill- a clettit pint grei, It ft f ea riew All te 'tI Wiinr, ing thil ill naA* wotild 'illy o tilo C011LAor LaBourgoglie Ill you lind--1 Howe. and in-pli-aza-It weather take tileilr yrfertuid prayer 'ill and Haw" 4it tile r:t*tp of '18- Qr bottlil . thre6-foruths filil Ot 011 tile b" &nd liainmocka out of doors. A wiumweed the IIII, went )n W V L hivi� Wit goill6 -1 and RtxWeY day long hadl ;tmll thf- of neer (if though - a�- I le nai water. tl be tested, and dimOlve in bettor gn Int" other N eat it Tile canipor- tnorable w1pd shelter which can be' ineffectual otruggill Of the Prop'll"'i" it set -l"' kilptl lottho splijiters. lit! %t; Mall .: -Vii_4 thing tho water -a. tRuNpou'liful of tile business.' avell quire,i is it valuable ad- tile park luornijig th -h what wav -tip., The officer ativ th-1 -vf'r wit- (cig lyreva.urik jillitting-out Y. I tilt higitest turneld as r6 Of Bani lit t he w. , te twcuril ruoro Ill, attaillet, roun replispol that it was'all right. that the 0. Yllyd" way. purest . sugar loall granulated IN Itita from 1. Juliet to tile treatment. grand pageant of Allab'o court. t1w ftur%iting i'litip Ilot Ittl tilli'll t1l. It 13.884 paunds ()f t),,tWr woring w th, We �47, . llf;t alwayali have pigilt Ituittired of tlw fqhip w(AlItl "not oro Nyrfler. how- tj;jIg" will answor---cork the lx:) rpeorAq beilig Anill Slieping rol In solldierl RXId liffl, *ith al PRO10fliquNT VZOW111118- and placc, it, lit aWAvairm place for ilt(Open Ili inter V oil .0 %il imported ifito tile jilort or 7 their wiudo*s full. lwr*ww lind prophetill the tnlw gol C.Ve,r, got -;Ito a I-i*41 Out lit. plaillti%# rom the *i1e, Aug to Dr. Burton aijil remaiiietl there until lie If. ill 24 to4b hours tho Jatmll. mostly fl MW ; N amwilded the heigh" of Carmel. Tlw o�h# - 11,11d HUMILler. uccort, -ry, Hight d Xasitki, 16 rouilits wile" 114- th6uglit, e Well-Knovirn peoplil in the Unite becol cloudy or-niuddy, it f4mall quanq bpiield it all, yet we 4;(pil ! ro re - the 4-yee till thO tilus. Iny the Som UnIted-SItater, and France rollutW, 7 -2:.' Fitiiiiiiig. Iso 10119 am the patient i's solitAry P Pile' le.. of - tilt, 'Pho boiArgosne. Im unfit for domestic 11111e. If It Ived from ustraliR, . 16 rtomill 114) clothed I'll 'We'I "Ot fell r have no evwliev sliat ally tiNnght of timil ill l4'-tvP- frq plil Swe.li At tities were rece it , %Ipjighty aqwre 11111 1; . wtiltill 4 -v# -.r attenipwi tip let the aiml w4pluen 111111.1-hil- Mrs . villon, and rs Dil- mains pil-rfcwtly cleur it in pr4olvailly Denniark. Usiladn, and Holland. Tile opatielltdi fear dnrkelied llistnivid Fltmtr!e4w anti 14W jig, rryitix. mill -141! Tho of New y led aro Imm liable to naAkI catarrh thnn 4ve Ills, advprearlim P%46r.v VW alit for it. lolls; time -ursi loll-011y6r, I 6rk, who wC-re. fln -wif". Up, live. Health. buttelr Import* --d front Ini ive I lie soi i .-rh Bath Tul'w- bra ve. he g. t 14 0 Iril mon;_4 - j oil- h before he' ivan pirked up- He Haw it praying, 140l It-gKilig Up, lig. botird the fkjorgol were tile wife % Statl is packed In tubs, each C Viet rP J. F.. Dillon, rioute to Advertisers. IL4 or two pounds In ihe lire Pi"Isition aeOed, 'ellIpt to Koltu ilitto ft taining sixty ro I, Illinois New York Jillurnal. an kft waited the trial hiddir)g t1wir Will it'- an daughtil till , Jud bv, till hllrg*4)1, (ir Wer dOUbt44d. y. That: ndveithiling hax at fa- brine. The tub b irboult of wiligit lie ne till [jilt tit#, M"ll Lit the bil wh() il ring, alit] vallifig 11j"Al. ill #Q I -muW.j, for t4P went Whore Rallw. I utvr is m06tlYUWd Alger that tilt% f -the 1.4t. urmirgol I it 114W 1111111.4 )�;Ive - at -AL and th!' (;t)uld Inihil r all goes without shying.. It is jor cooking purposes, al retails for ri-giltiont at Canki 1volil wt ilors tia-ir but the Maphattan Ell furniblied, With IL L#on*t stand Up tho cons pound. The I %(;jjIIItAYrA� should be pullir.tytq pupwr rioilra the lit'1141 wit'll till- butt -11.1 tal dripping that about 32 1-2 cent#4 gold pe Po rallwajr HYHWln. way.,, 'anti t1jo ever lasting poll nding n tinshold- bath tutw. The art r %var lie Ila 12-ye4r-old, It .� lold tablo'butter Is Imported I rtww I Im-yond tit#- erlido 11apil floors ft VIND advertiser.-, fills Onopolund, and two jjn.L� tprog '4 dauglitl gut into at Of Hight. NE WOMAN SA win,, of Nll ork., were. aniong the of tho great nation, lit Senor Or nan" anti wares s fnl g half a I)oullil und tin being -the an4l htakrO wit"re wildiers street ear tile other 4jay. Tilt- wit cabini;pa e rs. 80sa, w " it' mado tit polinds; the oile-po Frl,.,THFlt cf)RROWMATION M' ! 6r (=ar. ul 1�a r r In'tins %%-11() relt tl nowl of a bath took .1 explained bly. 11A 4 aGraphic DescriPt!Oii ofthe a. will) wali lar its household words. This Is notably 11(wt of the butte of ("reation. being abilioibiwi in till 411,14tw* She Give, ivil eillgificer, of Panaln favorite. 11 -n.11 dr;e%t gj%e her a t%gll all jxmuparival U) tkw Ill In rin!ie ill We nearest stril It lioewilipaliers, neglimted to (:hjLrlil I.k4bra ijg a Frpix-liman. .001 CoIllsion.L building of -railways illustrated by thew4act that a ll front France, and Is m TIle, prWe.kpnl AdvAn- lly d w I th M. (joinaind for table use Tile, olle-pound lvf-4 In itlie sull. don't stfilld witkXV4 identified wito the Is brought ()ur volun- I f 100 himsil its i!ollnocte milool girt cb6w for her coin theni"L Wnt. 14 1111*4w of elwylieft. ftherill- ithere and whio was namn Calial nient emay- the sub)eet of "Ad- 37'.1-2 cents to 40 teil arr accuNWHIO(I'tlo the luxuril jIll the child, and a (*)Ye" wilt& 'll it I -&y with amhanro% moiit unforta tcaf-her. of De L-Wepe It the Ila mellee and cents ench, and c�ost the Importer f lire, aind V they demand bath tub -i - catod w1th tbr cot 1w I NIK)Iltallpity util 1101lig tA Thill mall I% Me (of Ile was bouixt for, Paris to vertising." and tile competent wem Va kna gerivil, 1Wpt he %vs the otily %votna,n ill member of a coinmisdon alb- )ld per they ItIl lid. - k I riew boys. ("I f rpol I intelligent way lit *Ilicll site handled Ifavel hatil tilbs. - And ing tA 011119t. %A%l 1101 had his twt with --him. Bourgi,911e. crew fit tile Crtp­ act ao it. laid lit Ills store .121-2 cents 9( thlLt tul really startling . buti militiductil yearn oldl` a for bolih, jti�ll ill tile stinitary feattire of the f kxvrv. aP and flPTen 1j, t pointpol to doolde upon Mean tile subject depiowitrated beyond per- pound. Tito French butter in tIns they Itell us that children Iw -rilf. tiev, 44 t f ivo "is P re- Martyl expreaw'41 tile k1elief tt -allil wpiind. jLud In 1qAW Ho put thIl hi LL bout, but w- plethig the cAnal. Ad il hwq been a close has the 1prefereuce for table use, be- i I)rolxjkitif)n, it llmllwiess`s I not heard thpr** nliwt hill bfwn mmP f (All I nded -ni wivniltI11l E.ver_v ventil from euteri%the b0l hinimPlf- tire. fa;rnily of Jolill lol 61 advertis- be depe strategh M The en and studious reader of the causo Iti,; quality Can. and mmehig that oidy olne wonintrwaS bel r enell n anr twat, Coe 'Courier -Journal package Is IN 411st will. of courillie. cALrry Ilia bath He couitt-nirA 9% red. Nearly of, tho b I the u 1 t zxj-.*ct Too _Mueh of Him Ing fi*-IP wft U) the #hip. I Qnt 4jour of three hunid nil the Kaivults City. one " Ing bolunills or - on, and Wile went ctown w,�thrt e tilo tv :w l4*jt, 'thtme anti lumbill concil In tl� south- and of other lew prominent advertis lill IL9 can be. mftdP. till) Ill juirt or ills t4julpinent, and -orreq*xtdl t ui 11W ma* in cons d0W n Sl dfW I) th uolt he was first-4-Taxilt paxilillm Were lectarle (4 They hud it war t tio vrVKXiM 0 a and wwt, wa oil the vel Perry, Ing nw3dinins-., Tile young lady, Mim e allylost no butter. it ix ob, jotis that tile iq I , Jos -frig #%teerage ThO CIIITWW, U trol court lit all Eastern city. He Saild Wveml thousand Alne-rican III. lie. surface, por It gil But tw c4nill tip t With TAV-ax%il awl 111-4 will were ill tile wat­r wlth� her two YoUng-'Ot Anni6 ay Woolridge, won tile dwhat is Im - ted by China Is used .1 tile judge #;,we lioIked for the' boat -ftore met thil okk4ft daughter, who had jUst lilallolyx gold meltial for the best aver- reigners liv- eacqk mit" enrrying oil Ills heal Do you wait and at ehf-Iiiighig tt;,p. it. raft bf nearly altogether by to prefer tile pom-elain bath tub weighing W) t tue to tell thc truth lot fi is boy,4. Th# -y were ul He the 'k ru ctAlege at,- Itill Ititidinir it *Ir -s Wall . t. willre pirked up fly it bl t, froul aduated from a. eamite to age "lit English, anti her essay Ing there, 17110 "nally lot 1� f minitirliff the"I its If^ - ind misk 1141 hil WLer1w York. &to ll were 'proceedil tAml 'tile most favorable com- 1W to willell, they were accustom- MI pounds, WvUld iiiiijillre tile Kpall about this matter P(xi ilk th4i Cromartyxilire They lost every- trac bra Ill for NO,,, Nwill. a before & bont 4'-IMe r- outing. illn1m With t4je - deell res .4laitl tile judCl "I dll riveld at t-hPt#f n time 'at -y Ntand in, llk!IU(]iHg Franimfor a Hujume nvnts.—Loulsville Courier -Journal. ol belore leaving their own country. tlie 0tr4_ngtlI ltn4l edurnne till %' lit I(A tilt of 1- � . Ile tr am- thhig biit wl, Koppe were to tile value of $74.- P of our it It I awl 'in thP all Up IV- Lakes with Oars anti boathooll Mr. 111141 valuabil 4jine lilanwno-r it La Bmiritogne oil their wedding putter into 811wighal. fropi tills tile bath Gypsw It hij wlix 9L"Ing himw t4) Frio neevith lii.%;two 0 Manwtn g he Womil 7.58 was_lmported tub eoul bril till, M Liebra mbowf%i yonr 4-orr+4qt)"del A a 111(puth trip. Prof. Koppe 1.4 of the faculty was brought (i litilizPd Its turn it L*Q M m are* black vhildr011, him wife tulving (Ile Univorsity of Pennsylvania. A Kansas newspaper has brought, the Most of tlllt% a conxIderable workN: tliev r.-ould wrve its mubstan- walk ;Lruw andf b0l i'" a r1m ioul M. W" waveill, but him two of the .%., child Ili, Able 2pripilil j..4 terribly prev Walter -V. Clark and wife, of Hack- WOMOR Of its City to time in refemnee front Francl Willie 11141 I that It arol' blije and him hl -went down With the ill-fated ntity whs brought from tile tial shelter tent -s in wil weather i itev Illother ninktivill; it bel %W I from t114. hlp%%m ho, reld. till I)im were among the -pal to removing their hats at the theatre qua Ger -wants to 8011" parald". ell mad if on* briiiwv t off he wa-4 in the, "aj�w saym ti,4. alverm aliffack, N. J., tatIng "we am. sorry' to Ray that United Mates, Dei.imark. and its clunifortnble bil in dry pro 6l 8Wk, theT W"' Aftil tilia tx�pat wen bra %4,1Y HVIYe,41 by -thir pi0t.s. 9j)jIIg w�ligers. They married last week by a any.- The American Consul atthis! pro!xwitl th vonimendable froin :I etc., and makes It a Ilairt or several women at the play last night M a #- -ad with It ly %%-it tl f-ight hoiiall". t4hil). (Thurvda -ere too lazy to comb their hair nril port fitatom that In February Iut or vlow,- anti Ulf ODIY in -lid- I iier itity rl a mother to g If -k NicKeown Ul WI into wleb wid Min Gar- tnter., butter brought45 we ivould xu4Wst would bil th#' blililt All topilf-firitti 11atr Imingtoll, Del. wtv"m tile HIAVN titruck they (iff rq. if. ff. Kno United 9 14l pien tire a we the pe yolling Irlithman fr"M Wil inic about trude. Know ep their hate on." Th 1 14.1'. -Ir. 'fit t4 arvi *x. the wifeftnd daughter hence had to ke Is good number of I . I alwaltl.4 the C8196 Sal the Bourgognr bei Is nearly ag good aa the theatre mail- cents per pound. There In 110 Ilse eillist-no t (if a suitable ft Il. lay III f. to The Pan- of it. H. Know ", Inspel of agencies Ildinir poor btittero and what is (int y -tit low.) justly indignant way to forty houw from New Ytork. oin- nger who n4lverti" thatwomen "over lllf�l - to ever ti brutal crew. He in on him rs. wit,, tiii, il exception of of the HqqI able Life Asaurance V must bt. put ill) In hermetically laell—to net n valetil; alit] ta"Ill !%awn4l Paril Frnrwe. to tnrn folt 14-atlw.r for wnlge were.' nniong the 3() xjj4)W4I keep ott their hata." writ The 1110911,41"t -of So'oniqll W te Prof. below deekii. -p,iiny, '11, C11 1190- seated tins or jars, lit ordt-r tll.,tt t,he till At tiny but he twver trip �t firm theril fle apr nityre.foprtuna -rrilyle pgmmigors. to -o tit(" widatrade art! the bast Wr- the retailer may be Induced j)Ush Ila a (of llioi hi haxte to Ili* Itiev. nt tKc*sler, who w:Ilh a Virtue , sale of the butter It should belaid icle. game. gotoft raft when Vic lkiurgogiw- %VA# on La Bourgogne, thong for childirt-ti.—George Herbert. the tile @aloon (leek, got Irls cablo pawenge'r Anking He wAm tholl rwily powwnger statsm R L +1 L ill re ills Yry 7 0