HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-07-15, Page 2OEM AIAM a* L ......... t h room WAk- too (Urn for much to pered, as they reached the upot be seen. It did not, howover, b 11 light appear to be neglected. Y t &t where she and her cousin had wait- It Makes AN BNGLISK VINW. There w" an angular look in Strat- ed only a tihort time before. and Ills ISSUE NO.28.1898. He flaveSpoke toil's attitude which startled Guest, love for her speaking now warmly leople "Unorgainized Strength and Disorgan and In the tone of 'his voice. "Edie, dear- Aim eart beating heavily. The unfastened est, I would suffer anything h ul&Lde him step forward with Ills 1E Well. TILe izod Weakness.' + door was terribly suggestive of appropriate to the damultory okirm- sooner than gbe you pain. Forgive me wOrd "wax" Wenin singailarly in - ho hardly knew TMMLING STORY OF + entruhce of a man w. tile If I bave done anything; forgive me, Paille"' Celery coulpoull(I is the i0hing which in goilig ou between the Well ig. and he now saw 8, Wife. "le true 4pocific recoognized itnd pre- United ftates and SpgLin In the Carib. - w hat he was d0ir too, for speaking out so plainly at a Zola' that timo like this, but I do love you, olar- Zola's wifo has remivod tuuclt no- scribed to -day by CONSTANCY AND (3znym hat was lying on the floor its Of Mist able bean watem In the PhWppines there -if it h, ling. Indeed -indeed." tice in Italy of late. practitioneris for a I diseases arising has, indeed, boen enargetle actWu of ad fallen from the table. In all Ali he spoke he raised her hand pas- od an , 6 She Is descrlb-_ 1rom a debilitated I nervoits sytqtem. sort, the destruction of the,8WIllsh ordinary way such Ideas a loveo and fragrant flower wOW%I not sionately, and yet reverently, to his ourn CHAPT R V v i v havO Occurred to him but. ha ha.4 + I of sweetness and nowor C That eminent m -i1-1 Ch1*1dren ls moment he would haughtiness phelps gave it to his pli, dwor Dr. -1, UL the Gu Ot Ranila having, happiness- Uucle doesn't see it.. b over v1siteti that room, and been have pressed It wartrily, but the kiss JK_r and serenity have been rOfOssi011 fit' 110wever, been rather a mammacre than Arch Plotter& know, Ut I StartletV,by m u attributes during this trying a Positive cure for I and if something isn,t (ione sooll h cy, for the hand was time, anti 61"PI"OsIless, a, Wnflict. But In tile Went Indies the that are not very rob%M fWd -6 Otr4stou openeLl I alial t tton's Inwiltion of she in reported to have wasting strength, dyspepaia. hilioum- attitude te ates has IOU t I have no one left to love." a his life. d 96 ay. mi, i4 1: Let them come new, liver and kidney troubleu, r1mm- burne dionje zvoemblamee to Lbe con- & word. tile door witt F(ho!" Oilli; sharply snatched aw ' to attack Of tile Uni d tit warming, building and f&t_fortXiint At ade Guest walk quickly tip a It Is all false!" cried FAle, In a low, Ill.v h4lotim; I phall be there to derend Matim and neuralgia, ansi III every duct of the two piewickian used Gueut followed him in, to I'Meall like a sister.. h end's chair, and his hand �jgry voice. "I do not believe a word." r vicknew food --something to be for two Plainly harniilic-d Father see tier forgive film I " a swech worthy of it Itomaxi caOL2 It has 'triumphed ove 0. Percy, d Is it. heroes in Hit- W Edfr!" he whispered, reproachfully. tillynt., th0 Street deftinm4ige, one of w hom or three months in the fa -that uarry and disease whon a i8ed to touch him. but lie drew all other nmwileirlow tig WY0041 whih seetriett to "'in- however wicked I, "Do you think I am blind? Do you LwCall all "WiLtI4 on We NUIHIielilt boy they =y Wt S ff f be tile tw. than live like tilis- has. beet,, back, for a sigif, long-drAwn and pit- f alled. ill tile arowd, While the other took off u er rom cold, ) win think because I I'm so young that I The Largetit u UOIAS eous. broke the silence of the dim room ani a child?" k in the World. -P&IFIc-'s: Celery Compotind Its his coat, and Proclatinod to all tile "Apked "I'S webtwitrill iver few a key flonteil -Buch a sign as escapes from a sleep t Kfmiviteill 70the largest cask in wOndem ill the season of oppreZv world that lie was gx>illg too begin. Tham til" th�`Qugh tile dir % - _r don't kiiow what you mean," the world. it wan begun in 1722 and beat. It gives vim, energy afl,l The actioL of tile M nwing-room, And PMP lag ulli,ld I exhausted after sonie� fic, faltered, utterly taken aback by filli8h(x United Statc�w There Shivered. . , passlonateyingt of temper. lie silent vehemence of the painion its- 1725. The diameter'of this strength to the weak, langulil. irri- "eeM" tO have 130ell. COmpo COTT"S w" nu w6l, of feminint. ue- "Tell me.- sb(� burs III curation, -ink] Guest said, after a few Guest, too, drew a long breath its (-ask is twOntY-six feet. The cask, table and morose; it I)alliBhen Ili the great exlunple Ulideti f roul an _6 Of Mr. kkiodgrays felt staggered. mullItes, "do YOII played by the quivering little lady be- hXXM 118 fliflithed, wits filled with 6,0(X) tired feelLn^ and enables men anti EMU"ION saiti think 110 acted as lie crept away softly. looking over fore him. and Air. Witikic,. We may this without 'Ntrattun, 'I'd because lie dildn't love heiL-be- Ilia shoulder. tiN he reached d quilliullks of good Melwwnl wine. 1which wOmell too go through tile, rou o e. athe it Is not true. You are deceiving me. tIJIe ()f ally t"hWrag"Dlellt of the courage Of of Cod -Liver Oil *with Hy You %vant, "ause he' felt that lie Couldn't take a floors, tfirou b wb h cost C6,000. It contains 649 bogwheads daily toll with heart, w)ul litld ell- the American lj*Vublic. to qu pophos- "You t4l, wouilt" wlIO 11:111 10en engage�l to flurried bver 9 Ile tic- pawed, acid You, too, whom I did think honest and more than the f arrel W' the, sailie rt�110%v I ' the few step8 along tile nl6us twi of Heidel- ergY- boy ill the supp Wlly ave you come The alwayq -';Onle4one else z true. But you are all alike, and a was wit'll the smallest phites of Lime and Soda lics re ? In, sure lie lovog her witil to where, Myra anti Ediestood mad to come -no, I was not. for bevg. The top of the caok in railed in. Let us urW you to try thiii marvel- e-rowd. It io liot Its fault tfult "Pail, czaCtIT w4t they wan They = gil ItIl affords room enough for fifteen or is a decayl L You urtw in(luisittmia lie .1 feet s vertain that lie 19 111 the cold, dark entry lead- 1va'q 0 lotim medicine that millions are talk- ha hitherlig POW837. Being unready, it will thAVC irrow strong and be 1, but 1*11 art, alItt I'm �ery glad I dItL If It was oniy t tswelity pertwom to regale thle-niselves, ing about. The use of Palne's Celery to been miable to I() aluch 6wr: Because i ilig to brettloott's chambers. learn that you are at) fill) of (IUPII- 11.1lod several sorts of large gobletswalled Compound means vigorous ILPP( more than make proellamatiol, of its t suiW Ine. My roonts would 'lot. let Notilt a thing stand ill "Oil, )low long you havo been,- wilis- pl!� asYour friendf 'well all winter on this splendid f 0od arv,, dark and depreawing. 1 kis way. intention to begin. But tlw am Ill. and pered-Edie, to whom. Myra was cling- ? Well, I suppo*, So, Rdle Welcome culw, are offered to those -who goM digestion, happy disposition and lingering ionic. N"rly all of thm b=nx Then -in want, to tilt liprt� and -I'm Ing. f ou think so," he said dismally' '104ight Iii sueli honors. continued good health. Painf-'x Vel- and locig­ilrawn-out prologue to tile very f ond of it. For adults who bma"10 tile fresh air' and think citedly. 0. 11 don't eare I wt what "Come, 3Lro. 'Barron," said (vues ery Compound makes people well. war 11" it" lekisocm for onlookers allytllillg wonderful, tll* the worlil 'But we came here to try and get* ', at wel! as for the Ainericajis tbemsel%-eg. are not very strong, a but you wed not play 13,ra liall q1) without -heeding the remark, as lie ut of a fog -I've got furblier iti. I lief*t-eehing R&O. 0 1 ;rttli Your frientU-.--. to him nd we hinl.­ took, Myra's hand, which struck cold A warlu kialt h:Ltl i ery iWiremli- WHAT CAUSES THUNDER? Whatever way be said of an ot"uot_ Sh would nqt... didn t know I was such -a bad one. in 1 Is % COurk of treatment with I . t irough her Clove, and, drew, it .. e to 4trlywleo StIfferiq froul ex- Od maxim, 110 Me can doubt that a no friends,- aid Strattat, ruake her,anAt if uUcte, ki though. all(] *oil might be fair to m Physicift the Prebent Rati-011 which intends wax ought to the EmuWon for a compk I Is lue' through his arm. #In(] explain. - 'ome." lie cried, chang- utistion (if travel or or it long,shop_ A n objects to c0ldl ara not, tll#-,, first nian who fi)r it fterwartf-well. he " Wai ExpJanation. be prepared for it. yet this ftr*t c(XI must." there, - iEdie." ng his manner, nd tipeaking out if, Of months in the &D wW 101'er took tO a solitary life. it like to cc Wind jinill body s ItIl' dition Of success and safety has been t hem through the su I t8 14119 ex1x`dIt10Il-%vIlk!I1 is its trying too TRY Whim. p I f ,, Itch 11im tryillig 'r' uttereq a fithit ejaculation a frank, manly way, "this Is not Rke thing khat (-all ",The it*ftiterally uccelfted theory of PU t go nd leave to," sait; Guest. g 11110 to IUYWlf.,, No. no: al lothing, and Myra walkc-d you, little womaii. If It's to teang me file undertaken by a wolnL11. Away the causu- of thulntk�r never matiliffed neglected by tile two beffigerientiv in Very don't tueatt that. Then a ietaltitc)l .14-tratton's door, and as and keep me it a distance belcause fr011' tile it verY simple sub- ine." said it woll-knon the str4iige content of delay anti cra- winter in fir9t.4dM Wn- a nd to --iraw-it to- we are alone herp In the dark It In aWr Vull, of rtx-,k terday. "It saemW to mi-, Quit, in - 4 �� .4v dition. Ask your doctor well." said (;uest, artt,,r "'If-ILt (10 You think t)f% my,plan ?-- Said mt r. -d tits ha stittite for a -a w il, which is now going on. 11101nentalLy hesibutioll; nd lie ro"P. ist no ** You `110"Iti cO1110 . here to ward him she pressed It back- III warin Water The struggle in betwcc-li Ullorgan- about this, friends "" lie s.-Ild retch to ovw.- exhibitiollk-to), Nei 661%rait," sho said in,a hoarw�' whia- not needed, Edie, for Goll knows that stead of Wing cauwd by the vacaulu Ized btrength id diourganized weak Now. a mail ever loved it woman, T do te'the bath. Whell the salt 1produeed toy the. electric bolt going. I$t &uft yQu get SCOTTI Emnazim. 5" dw 1%0 any evening wo.,1111 %io. lier. My brain s N -jus u) 4wim. Mr. is Irritating tro tim 00. If tile covitroversy..of the Uni - 't likill, tako It W_ arm through tho atuitisphere, it would tw ted 0%" and flah are on the wrap", w0il, I have," ald twest. **You %%'(' cOulti let theni Iw together for I GUfwt, let me thlAk( for a moment of "What!" she cried; ;let tn-: 111141 th Il inixturt� njoro plauible to- attribut4t it t4) the 9tatba had been with a well-equ4iipeti All dru&CNU, W. are ofte 0( hI'm ithen bring them I)aek.,* what I ittif going t4-.o.40'tWNf"r4'- it is of Violet or lave"fr "'i P01V�Ar of half their natural remmirees, SCOTT t 1warde, Myra is I aftw just lio%r?,, ntk,r iva and it- very n -verse of contrAction--14i expan- lat 'e.st "Toward Myra ?" teir e4mi be no doubt that Ule vie- somt. day."' tratton did not tako tIlp l4anil c. that, m Islall'. little one 81r- 'Intl 111"If. :111d rub orl I weitil that the facts attovild- . and 4;uep;t went out #)I', wil.-tt -Itm's it nuitter whipli t know mhe'N -I ' hundred el. ing tho phonoinetion of thunder -ire tory in the first inistance would have Wrided to him "llest waited, ialr supporting her, brb;kly with warin friction to%v .)t for slit. bulig livavily upon his arm, 111ptil(mi 11 bfw--il with the feebler but better pre- hy 11101111s diwoncerted, but content- 11.4 ..thought of it?,* but 6;bo did not slit-ak. times vileer than I lint. but I revel' t," 7tIM exhnwit- oitich aii UP warrant itly Imt.ting f4orth imired alltagonint. Years would [lave Bradstreets Weekly Trade Summary. anti witil lli-4 daY's work. Not :I I)is,*, plessing t:,e- Ithink-1 did think-- 0 Ps.,rcy. how wilie11 follow It tho that the cataw of it Jbi the h1lind--Allat lay s& near it'* will tell jou," lie Aai(), gently, h t ealkloeii011 of tift. Oxygen IWO(Illeed by twihw4l before the tratuicendent re- I'lie pri*mit wt*k clogm in sI]L_ -`tomething to tell Ftlie." lie Kaid un ' and it ** ou it re going like kiome itit 1 cot, , Id Y(Al kiss tier hand Hke t siDurceo of the Americans 1 wealth tuofitIw' trade in tiw Wminion of ('all - I htt4- filter ou. iviti., tht. uitier4andjaig go He caught her U) his broamt as, Bile ti.wm action or tho electricity upon the ada. Bank-Aftrinaw records. as wll fth hirw%e r. joyouil.v. nd lie !iurried t if -llyra ti) 'Olace t man dying of iniser.* and brokes dowit Into a fit or sobbin- and Playing the note. It Ir - nd population could have taken the UP V, the ailm-tral's to etyllinklinic.1te tha woultl consent the �It_ despair. Onc- of th6 arguments in*favor I do not know the cause obape of well -drilled 1, gi those fit failulb,*, show thre. asi - !a the news. b -field Iser there. Some little time back, it -- 114-rillall of this theory is; the great :illl(-)uiit of Ono and po- .. t#4rrillt I)e 111:1de. !vft the Of ll this, but I (to know that MAt-' -0 te4lt f leet4g. It Lq riot I t1w I'llit(vi Statd-s. 1wevalletim of the house. Edle." itjilly, ))find Illtwkjall, it. cornet, plaer in it very Mono III t I(- atmosIthere aftor a likely that the rxitLsfaetory cowlitions. unvel-pd, flow- .ly.s beell little tiling! which has been made will ev tl.t- zll-1 colut'Stratton, who tills h1w, c1fiett Puteri.y., tX_XX I W11yo I never London orchestrit. got into trou- thunth-ir ir'it, wax tooti- or ever, by considernitions its to the powl- on. Ppi-severt-,­ 14 IN it brother to ine, lojes oll %vitll� thought -oh, but go 011 --go Oil," -tip bit' fllultt� IMIOMIltlY and 11114%pectedly. eu&sioit (if tim air rUNhing intoO thO repen Wd.-W(vdtyll (gri.) 'Merrury. bilitiop g -rowing 4wit (it a foreign war At.flnr Own Heart's flititling. heart." wfilsperea L "I ain so, glad-Jealoub; of "I.Att's have tltat over again." re Yes-, .4 _qUe&tftI vilcuutil that eatawA tilt. noiw,. heat r 011 e-,- -.whiml)ered A per"I of 41liet and otwk-taking its uitie tinie 'elapsett' efore the in- eitedly. "Ie Hke Oat! Then You do love me 00 colhitie'tor. surprised at hearing 'a wouh!_ Ix) iproduced. wlwrewi. fter (,109,11111 IN ONE PAV reporiirtewl Wnerally In the Dominion, clearly. and You can't, deny it now." note which was not III the score. J%he evory lleal of thunder -I sheet or rain The Laxative BromoQuinine TablqtAi, All but, a )a rger tha I Don*t let bin, lirive you nwly nouncement was mde that tier von- And that t wine terrible event- t cairill number of fall sent had been. on. Edie made little-eff6rt to escape IIOW walk NOWIded again and again fitils, till t ns I or bp t -'!,ugirist-A refund the money it it taut, w cum reloprt,#-d. Tht- export, buiii- I Will ovrie,l q;UO't hudden blow, ca-11wd hint to act frolu the close*ncircilng arm which "What are -you pollayliag?" lie as* I tt-fu "orfi4brfs a re all the while" a`4 ht' (lid Oil hih, wedd Ust ing: morning. lieh". her tightly, fluttt W41 W-ing produ(vA. the atm(wpherein ne" iR actl% in Moiitroal. the ercn) Isiglit lot 1114. Ito." sid; "but her 6 -ring like it Llrd; -I tJ 1118t. wourall's dlglli�y Jerrold," lie conthitied Nolemn geijeoldor to produce this g0mt wm- yWd promUK-* U) bi- very Itirge and mi- *4tuff: they IV - liolle. to deny (Tuest's chargo. It was "L aul blaying, e A 'kept' her* back." knowiii1l; vat is Of' W lidper." detwation. sare.- The explosion of thq re- l0etiOTIF am good. Toronto report-% 'rhe girl� was to do., I - feel very lonely and dark upon that stair- iyt-r, ".1 bill uite right, that be mullit bave hel,l back your vaee.'aud III another cubment she would before me. and kt 'the -coli-not-pl, vat im leaw4i oxygen would peodut this. immmin or bprrks, 1--- pounds banku tihowing gc"i prt)fit*, for Uw rig all the 1) �41,e si lie "Olve Crush tbe 'berriow with a fia-al year, and stocksof thow ifttitu- ately. was 010y III Wrf )f nind despair ths sake4" taki urdeti .00f have been 8brinking from hei collipan- t me have t look. Trw4i con der the nature of t of suga r yra 111d at last agreed in shatne upon hilil o, t1litt yoll [4110 klimv tlie tilt msttk�. to it scvnim more like an w"(Alen sP0011, anti Ijut pull) and Juk--e tions m4ight aft4-r. Business is dull! in me n ktic t3l)("w IeOgiug the force of her c(,usill's wor,'a. suffer." I 101is kisses; biIt.,llIo%-e4I by tilp 8,11,10 The part w fi� tile yth'.4, f. rh afi 111"0441 to tile t"iduc_ in a pnittPrving kettle. After t1wy the maritime proiiixvs, but' emlim Net- YOII do 1W'yorir p ..1lercy impulse. they sprn� part, for rron) Wr. exlylcmion than It, conettiodon.' I en it- 8!le RIVid Ill' loor low, exciteql 00 g not conceive how electricity loamsing boil, cook xtemtily blilr ill 11, [Jorom* is our.,utir- Budnew is 111"WIT at, oini Stratton"s-ir in it ppealit, r he rouid. yooll dkw ri#W of ten. Add the sitgar, cook 2o 'ietorli'mKi Vancoouver, and tht-re thl, Not sovir. OwlY dYinge dear. and that your through the lttin(o4phert! would ere-' in fWCauw -. oil are e0rullig inight 84ve his life." f -hill: all I tin vO beVII -hroks) the silence of the echoltili i .1 (lead fly91' minute6- longer, vl ilt boiling hot hay alid oat cr(nmPloromlim) it larr. mir All weary� weary days. (ro be Contint Pod.) 41011't eare," ato vacuutu grt%at enough to inake we haTo-, yra said. drawing in her tills il"ittiffie, I was tho annwer. -Il#b into jars. 'If tiv,�re im I gre Bteducs.; fallurt-s in the lkxuitd4mi t 1;101ill go"' Illade lup ready to acrifice t This theory catne at oleal of others." eath with -1 llibs;.and then to' A CANVASSEWS EXPERIENCE. to like malty ears ' Jtlkm--, -dily c*lt lotrt of it. and lilujw of Canada fo tAw firot tiix motithii tot he mi, for thl, aut Inuch- A HiDt as to Te6th. trielty wa,4 an. generally used. Now. jelly ut it or. prewrvo it for raspberry the Pneput year ruake a decidedly rXxI my (t IP -gar. Either black or r"l ra4 ohowing- They itumly,r 813, Invo vi "Yes. ;"'it I "Oly Vow, swear. and if, -iwar it, tot) - whilt. I Suffere roni tho fact of Jwing able to tratimit here. Rheutnatisill -of elare that I will iiever even thiuk of -ouble and 1*14 tire t,114. victiltim oil electricity through s id fron-witli- -berries may lie used forthiji, but t1is. $7,.799.,643, of 24 Ixr opitt this." Kidney Ty I being happy myself -till rll 4.0 ll evening ;ftzel'l, Ye-jor e0limill - ils llere," wii4l G'Skest Wa Becolnir)g Des- -8018itive I teeo jhat out-oveit.)ieating it. seents to justify latter are, "teeially delicious e onswiliell. cruitible !LL number and in liahilitAf* Its pooni- ho w ' 4 -IV Feachod Him. arAnd making Myra liefself again: -if) y1m k Guest felt sure 0111 . d b,' Z011,0 tip. -k 411111""! t�&ViUeN read,113 may it,) much iny theory6 regarding the.ftirinntioll n 'Will not leave Hie, Nile, t�owar4, check I n g tbis 14,lItlil j!eell, or. it vacuun-, Deware%of (Pintmegith betto-r comptirimom with earlier 1w -r - what to expect."- --atch his frie -1 A th'. tilsk .14purn-fl, S1. L for CntrirrhTha� Oft. very vw%i4.'L hew 4glid,with, .1 dis- bt+I9 the -.1.4eferA lift. riti Whlk flot-b her by o.1 simpiv Muledy. A Uontaiin Mercurv. io�is. (awidlari blink d-Ie.!ririgv4 f(w Jum. ag ra oiIi't'isfied Iolok. f ;'.Now,- ito firm," Wttk�. of milk m1fil inagnight shoul.1 11 f Btlt'oo4)k hert�. Cdle. ailing thiS w-is�thv whimpl-red Guest, rCNIt Nvitllfwm-s APPRACIATSID IN ENGLAND. a" te $11:'002.4416, jin for Uw- ad tbInk of 1ky you kave come.,, &IN),it f,ont,'111 n' As immreury %vili surely timtroy the be kept oil. tlW w.-IsligtAlIr sarum treet. 1 �'On*t turn up Ila f �-ear *673,342,797). gaijw 414 iv. - "To rorgivo slow rd ig Kamiftdn Tobamo Leixds Wherever I ly 17 nAi 29 por -rh it if gilt, after brtwhing tfit- . wime of ine-11 nd conkpletely d&r1jjnge know w1l.Lt it msioit for' invent- ly. tht- vir' t4.#.tll It cent. over InKt *'That you wi*., I)p f, -ypu-r ing fe R nothing to -retiring, sonle, of it Goes. the wWe system when enWing It yon, r Tile Yor Nil 11 - 0 fit -n be held III - 10M Mouth for :1 IninlIV., Tim- I-ondrPti. I.'ziglikild, rin� and tielm should nevor be um,41 ozoopt (pl, cllatnt*rs with a Osto' in your Larid It thf wh J in With-ly knim tluxMigh tilt- mucous; k;urfaces. Such :tr- z . (ro IWGUest warinly. -.No: you 'good angpl to ask filin aii, IW b ttle. .;kbotlt 'tilt., I om. coine as his has thAt it. mav reach ' each sidet 6f 4 very Nsivy to'nzette of'May 2S.t 4,olitilillb 'his love for you -to lie OIX-b th. By 'j! PreacriPtlorw front reputNe referent to 0)II-Fb #if as the dainage they will jo n and fran', "It fAl' the todol as ;tu "v*tli prociew co,,ttill yoti think J ht n',l 1*- goings (,(- his d too Idiot orie-1 jilt fig,: -1,It4V_ that. if hf,,, returp and telt you wily', he lia the niagnesia, in - formed Wil, Ip, would 8 acted thu I ror six 4wor the pr(mitictm: ears. wtl III& l `001b. 0!#- d which Is thh�i protet. Th(i smok- r who ha -s not yet triod odbly derive from them. 1%11,iq ea - (I tie Hot speak to,me, liks,01 01116 t 1 14.)U,.., e and t ;,Ist o Itk*ot rtkw%. ti) rl frlinid; lie cannot., refuse "u. B41t (IN. Ifis ed from the ac!tIcxI of tilp alrIdN trl.li -to 'oat ),Ome, anif r ti to T. eut p"-teeto Ing very thougrtru­ ttis bed. be continued earnestly, it 4-01111kletAl Cure has 1141(led fresh form -in the motith tinji'lig p. The now b*-ft)re bini III the to-irrh Cure. manufactured by 1. J. muot luNtr.t sl filin nier. 4-M,�*quePee was that t1w ivar- reptitlitio at 11,641i-� magne riag... w;ij? ill.. waitlh:,r at 1Q.an I (.'vest erecy nst ' tell you truly, az cine. Hearing 4 Washing will', furnish bini with the iiwaiis 61 a, a ly Wgs not he told You under tho bond 6f 17 tee t h ti.-*- 4' fliv, - wet4l." n meii!UrY, and is tak intern I , I c' UP MAN- 81a will rem-aln. on tl Chf-IleY &. Co., Toledo_ o., contains no Forw .1.11 Patti for three -or four hours. - en 'I (fidn't, k4low arrive,11 to,.. r iee litiffer- _*tiltg di let s guide. it to us afWrward to d"I(� the inouth with .1 coititioll roctlY "Poll the blood and lb:ear- gl%litg it A ri i r test. was Oinking that tile way '.'Strikes me. 'William. N.litf I what is 'best to' be done." inks restorittl0q, history of his bonate of "a a F -ter Pating Imueou" 8RLrfa40fiff Of t4le system. III 0- r(4Juftt&,I. - Sour him Ut make t1lie exiieriment; IW buyilw Hiall's. Catarrh Cure be surt. Need of' UovPr1r)g Durizig Sletp. t4D plAt nuitWrs traight gain the butter. v slit- Said, speaking tnore fir His story J*4: frults br salads j.4 alsip recOmmen,'e 1 will find the to tx- ?ill tit he o til-lil Uvetlwr t oqlr ly 'low. " I Undeli4tand I have come Jim years of itg4l And have bt%4.n by dentists, iia tilo @Oda in- The ItM)II W be the" 'it Y01 90t the getilline. It in taken youliz ladv to like. t1w its thqAtuiantly (%f friends ellaim for it, ternally, all(I "Oln indt-vtV* aaid sareastical- ll Jul, I be doing more whatf!* rigi have 1*16n I magnesia, e sie"ling it; tioat 11011w the in -an ho wg to ufflictA41 with- rhPullia tgin- for ple%-'It Ounteracts t he, n tLey i re fa r from stiligY in, their 'hene. inade in T(Aedo oltio, 1py iy,. but Guet if topped at 11OM6." tittle y0ars. %t till' Unjuriops F. J. CO, Te0tin)OIl1al& f1w. wag too tent upon she s my husband,'� In , bt.,4 �sore hae beeit unzible effect of the ficid Upon . enamel. I" it is the ill- hib t or or,,'jff without -11arper's Bazar. the pvt by Druggiwa, priet, 75c per tetwon o! tiaturt! tillit it o4hould mwt, houghte; to- notice -her -naviner. it bad. Mr.- trin I. The fee-Iftig of I(', Titekett & ought t4i be. bottle. ancl ho went wt drpanilly': "She did. - WlUj:Jm.1- degr;1"Jilti011, ,tnd shrinking (,pftoelt I,",, 1�oill 'k eitwially should W swtj olu-4v. have iny. f"f culk ro Ij1,6-ltv 'A Girl a 8 of lt-s regular work tentle)r- he'th Pit, -a.-A-%i ith mich :k recomin4nidatiml an Clio lif *!C#f drew, %vith little stre,s Pei 1,60 to r ftrewd Plan. nail's FaLmuy RON 11.1.0 tile i0vit. bm now." tilt! #!rey, Uest, I ant table. I 4o frtni, - It n s4mirm-, just an nil ' ar*ly So Oat ort(nn inakfw tell Twice over rne lillil you trill I k' 11 tile "I n te r of 1897 1, %v:,.t mall is lK.- It Illf) "Wheli I feel th, aro , Int,(-reste-f iii titc- lirtigMSA -4 Spiced Cherrie-. rnatle XIJali1VJe,.%_W Altoopir.g flow A ttack*0 'With la, griplie, 't -I nitnifitt, lieab tban when ttw preparations to have her 11 lily part Which pillit- Coming into 4 we t the ex- Ifamiltori'm tridtistritw will to- Ilik-olwhi while 001 ill' III I Wren bm!a,1114, xj V4wrry sweet pk�kle, s it III w !n fIll uliri*Jit iw*tum. Thib �Of ot-hor' girls," says I ell know that Nlyrtk,, Navy lui?;- mme- and it strikes ine, � that th# have Co bef;)re bco I of er)uysr- 4;64 bl* 1* ill that ti deang 46-# str livoi-in sixty ulillut#% e&s You for. that, .%tYrR I 4�01114)Pllfxd to balwol, tivitting girl, "I at t?juco put,him to a pir it-w.ir on thr other mi4l� me@ known, is ma(u. from tile or- vQnt'llue't "U'st- next time w` 1111" to (10 with any all- em' I' ""But I W -IN tili"Ling A wo;dsl Public proceeding" it earnestl ella. The proportiona to tw Then -fore, In Mw t;ight hour,4 that a ill be to take .11111 Ite he t p oyment. At, - that Vine MY I t tolw t, which IN.' calculi, ted W brhig or the c"_nn Persona­llly, Sho TimPh oblill-rved. n V liver and kidtleys combined -in what' his truo flaturO to the isurface. I tophavro expert dilms not ngr"- with Ug roe any t9antity to in takin Ilia Ise Pr4wible for My r -a to go. of cq)nrw tier to tier long home." and kiiiile'i tier AN I ( tho b of cou -coming 111P found ti it �Geemed too me� their last littack. I I*w4rt in tmvol comfol ar- an,!-perh. 1.11$ llea(� 'fi e mako III engagelueut with him- to6 the Eliglisti authority (in military out timay be employed, are lligI&S ­eatv I. hiru at hi-, f-ltamhrq whispered the footman as in haff crept fQtward, njid w.l..; 100 us -_-d- several . medicines -anti doct4Dretl 91) of f sowowhcve at, 8 pounds of cherrieg, thfibe in(, h*10,0'Po strokils. oo it linullis range'lt r A -ii kil He woul I F. v at him O'clock in the inattAtiu,, but h4oltih that tile plug ft( 11,11(litul with eftell Ntrokv. xplain everything 'to her* e ellifig dress Mid cloak, wildly from out of tier little In Buffrzio and St. catharines witil- moornilig. NJno men out, of ten ill nwki idower andgmerally POuI)&' Qf sugar and Ii pint or good f t lir : I'm' sure, -and yoil. 4e#. perhaps ifter brough t do1v 11 GUe4t fur-pilged hood. out gttiM "y relief, v i nega r. The c '0,0'9; ount*ts lf�ow of blootl ill 1111 it may not be 4Q b,(I,,'r Myra. looking very momeitt'Guest tilouFilt Ilotb_ 11110 JM7 con- 116 Inte.. At that hour of the wort'-, 1114M.. satWart,ory smoke thall tile ed, the Juice berries an- to fle liton- night'lz Wfti011 OWL it would dur- w1kite ill ber mlifflings. an I 41 s if she int, In medicine was about One. i ng It imiallly disagreeable !)ro%*i4kmI tha't hoth eng no, perhaps tiot." *ai.i were.in boie dream. of all this., bIlt lit " -.1 sigil front wa$ getting no rest day man is 11 ed. a -ad the Julc)-­ fruit, i�ugar and USUally wit? Ineering iritrinatiin wlli� IlYr'a 4!re* ci #I or night and liateful. lie wHI be 'haven. ilre' Wrtle 'Xavy tAo sUrt upo. T -iii I,$- Gue-St hande4i her into the ea rriage - 4 -I(x)r, :I n4l lint] was becoming tins 11. �, -lie v Lnega r a re put in th in an ultrignt lotwition. ow, t1w Will tLe outer dek�ondcllt, fi- 11L9 hfx�4tll will be 1'.`11glishninn -111IN W)IM-thing -y# be sto()tl oj caPt%,l Cnest in !ns infatuation � oveir and returned for Ediewli(i was f f h' in'ttle dimly lit eiitrY an if itally I %,vas persuaded 'to try Dr. 'Whacco smoke,- len r n It t"'i kettle to cook. bo-ly im devo-ndent for It#. waritith (mi I lea for wring two twople ed and agitated. U4 rrame(j she' let�jer hood fall WIIIIamW Pink and possibly of with rill, -ant U) th-q! Bolid t-oni- To be (luant'ty the 'of the eirculation, ntl tit, Pills. I did so Illiq la&t' ilight'it Jlbatlon& His vonveAM.-I_. rort wrappml -III) in Myrtle' Navy.- hamed add n tablespoonful of cloves, t1los hloo le to "Tbu Won't think anY tile worso 'of ther Jtl� an 11 flOws mi inueh niore Then. lifiah stf-ii0it befo 'have Used -1,11 all eight boxes, and rn tkional powers, usuttily go Wei velilVion- Thnorw 0 tw1e th bulk of stick rinna. t, eontrol 11pr4elt, she hurst ont with: me for thi.q, 1�-rcy. will i liallitly, flirilisiled U01V afile to *Aate that I feel* mt- ritillt- 11. 1, - % irmigh ti.e eills wlictl kPlia is lying you she I ing nt� night, YCRI will find to I* woo. The pit, k le Ishollyi cook for about LA08 NOTHS. va ri People be'si , stupiil .%s whispered. tIlpt -Aille oid not e t�r. than in the past tell yeari.L,, Tbtbse shorn of' their a ttraction. U 'Yoll an hour, and is then ready t.0 w�� lost -In the re - were p(giibfi- that '.%Iyr.t His rcTly- was A tender -t1lP �bject fit firr t virrulatiott inust he m1pplied by ever opeak ti) suoh it mail ag.till.­ pressure or they saw lie PIJIN tire the nearest tO ft --specific' of wh.nt to look behInd the avreen. of a aay it. cans or jars. it rnake,� an the little hand whi&h reste�l tipbli, Ills r take I couple of anything .1 ever used, and they 'are 'man's '.cotiventionality_ put " him adwlrnbl#� rellalt for ments. It graftally u; 0-i Ouest t: At arut. forwar. am if from flat) t. the cheapest anti best medici to Reappearance o the Vandyke Points b tfiriist tV tile inner door, shlittin . In evipr ne I- -this "t. If he comes through it un- High Colors Toned Down. Mail e had made a terrible blunder. nd Matters havi-ng been ifitru'stell t( 9 tested, h4ving thoroughly.' der favorable vondit!oliii Iii. will make he went back to [it, chambers*4nubbed Guest he directed the coachma" the"Srelle rather coliopicuolm departure ill 11 d J u -Ige I*Wrb.V IN It very clost� o' ArAw up d .11 tO an -1 F(Jiv in tilp glool Ill, U .14 t reached my. eas� and effected a cure. _n good husband. B-ut I'vo never won mail eveli W his young wife. Khe was MIld fullY determid,l rif-ver niore . 'I it I Ol"I'l, of fille blit( -k Rrus­ t besi e the old -court Ill Conn- I feel 8D gratified for the'rellef I one Aphat.'could'stand the test td my let witril ,,, applilllie figure In ing olit shoppilig and IIInW that risk his position wift, !:,lis- by trying sel Lave, and upon the toot CRA I wrER XXXI. have obtained 'that I t . hijik it ' I I to fight hii; frien,!'s hattl*- ilitt Ing the door., and man -open- n 90 V &-I tilsf art,11,011, and I've tried It of- w ite. or JdIP wOuld like a blue &Ilk drew. the ladies being - 'Fri5m Irpe to Fear. dutY -to publi,61y make-. thIR staw- ten." together the broken fibres sf the sit,!- handeff -out, he 16oked at the' li, 11 For It MQnt- It all who am suffiring 1%, Vandyke pilrit, Aft-ir neing lit Dear Siris.-Withiu tlw IkI8t year T Blue don't suit your In ew momen-ti; nottling i as ill or some time, Ila" Inade its know of t4aw fatty tumors (mi cenly disruptured skPin. wouder. anil asked his fello)v servant I said. and (;u , 01 Dr. Williams' Pilk Pills a the. c(HuPlesioll at all," lie replied. He vras riot I'kttl-- what g eat paid no rited to In gly n hoil- Hisaking HFinds. reappearance: as among tile new Tillen I'll take a grmn drew.­ anie he thotight w" -up s Pat trial, I ain sure they� will head having been remotvod by the a weeks later, after ining at the ad- trio passetl Mtot,gl( i cOluPanion. but stood bent forward" *v- 1111,11Y liermons Ilave frequently won-. Iftem'- those r (feet's fire P- "Do yoRi waont, to poInlon yourwit? miral's and fixteting to'several bf the _x)rhy looking alley'. I �ening for some P elAllu'slastic In their pratne am T in point d e at whose corner* I`Otwmtkt-r'.q I prise titt Clarna,tion of rg Md 110w dP of shaking shown lit new combin"OnAl. IiJ-'ftti0"n of Minard's Liniment with- Don't you know that nil tilew, Did man's oh! ne.-t stariem. td find Edle. 61101) with two barri ered by A-trattoni. or a w rd origillateil, awl tire prone to diijel"'ito, Jetted and blockb.;ll the %vindow. ntlituity. Shak-ropere makes 11s.tol dyke effecto vyi ., Brussebo lace are L4 I,(, illdicatioll, f. :1 roturn. "Thn you pick -owe out a drimu." Upon reaching the s1rhiring room. rc sters' wiL-s 01, from yra. SONS SAVORY SoupS, 81111119"d lace III an- otit any surgical 011orattQn, all#] there are POL"'Ouff ?" vive'the Wea as they sat, talking to- But -'(;uegt But all- 'Wiw silent, all the graVe, Tapioca. Barley. Coe thY fimt, thy forefoot kitended for trimnil�*. tile lighter hthe trouble, I don't like to gether In a low tone. while Myra knew 'what he and. with 'his pulses Increasing the k -a-Look te and Con: to-ple give." Bat we may tutit bttek silks wtilell will Ilov wor., urng the about. The courti ano-I somme Royale. clapt. W. 0 1 - t 4 I- n W d U Qt Leato r as . is rd played, mt her father took his nap. I leys rapidity of their beats, he gaze(I Old Testaimp*11t. 111-Joh"'s if(, Else You if) a ny ()tlwr volor except bjup Benchers' Inn were prinvipilly. dummer. G9ndolik Ferry. -Atid "Don't *alk atooLt it,' he said soft- OCell the faint. narrow eitrek of light. (IrOas_ too Jehonailad,. "is thine lipliril Insertion an.1--blindr,. pled by Liw writees, printer., a mia rt lite of black crelm . I ri 1Y. "E'VerY man inlakes -i I Intmt within reacir of his hand. where' 'xtixi-k 11' Aiv�i'the nitswer varne, It wrought iii fil, utache pattern is nin, tftA-r self gometimem. I stIPPose U did then 11) 'Inner, door wam with- breit brought to tile f)oil le so i fool him- law stationer -4. alfill deserte_�11 c.,,Qugll tim edg�e.of th ." of an evening to. : - - ' If 'it Me A new trimming for mourning milkis. "There does. ilot ;eerl, ren,'er tho IvIsgagp fil a'(luarter of a' IOhio lu' 114' whO (14mv, onlething great, but through '()f inch of the jamb. :41141 910"! hilu Pointe le Genf, border in black milk'' willk improves :I little every (Jay. to? TAlt: InUell D wil, .,Pr% 4herm.'! 0110 tabl ' band. Thpir.­ is.a 'World of ehar- Himloitt, iti tooLshneis in trying tf) Couple of Indies in "Ought I to have let her go in - - e-Niloolifuls of "w h; evening m-ritter IM -awl 6 alone '"' 16, 11 1 meshed lace wrouaft in vered Edle. J 0 U. "O'Lou "lizinall. "Ought 1 —46, .111MVIOUNly rutlgq!y. el-Jamilett, -III newr it Ahe liallifl-shake-'it maj- I ft. N, tape worllii 'rP film) used for cztuw little noti(,-e_e3WcIaIIY an thvy not to have w "I say. don't.` 4aid (;uest ill_" I - . nt FAlle, t(:)o-le there `4tir roe ll*rimp� 'ten millutes 1111til (wold. warmhearted. cordial or inerply purpose. .01W Might bt- taking a. Aort cut to"one any risk ?"' tile t Cherry Jimill toue after gazing won(feringly In bis 'of the theatres. aplot!a begifig to cqe�ar.'Now inix fashionable. Study the procem eloseli. Fuchivin, wfble and ruby are among A FIRTUNE IN OLD. SUMP& g, fol.10*0d eggx 41to #,.Mke gill.of red . now so tagh- "10119lit Iftot and pour -tbe.. Mali or woman who glv*, mpanion's face. "You are Yaylng a Tben,' qttick "'i X lightilin tile VOlk-4 of- four ' and yop wiH know something of the the intense shades of Ttt every POW)d of cherrieb Ont- "o"I a no stook Upon t1R You - For half pound of sugar, to eviery pouti(l trap for mo to fall intn� anif it*s too 31yra ha(l taken 4;uest�-; arm at a t ght :is to tll(vJ)0ril cre 1 . lonable. They all 9avor somewhat of 1.00l� Ivy" IYOUlt 01,f) L E-TTIE like. %d. whisper froni her cousin who fol- to w. I I I 'irf)ugh Ilih and E(Ve"- thtme, fAirring brisici a man to the old time magenta. I lowed , c1l' 't. s y- durbig .* ahako hands without ro- of fruit one*pint of red eurratit juice , Do You kuow that the gtamlw MI. ,rot. Pere- before, 1ong, c1qing. -My ul MOVIItg his glove is, looked upon taitiml on all cormwpoludence between I'm close behind, tnd,. retur. d y ' amalgatuatkts- favorably ; and tier P. we are fthadAN to worn. y," she replied. the Young barrI.4ter was well aware ra rilight 'he expo.TQ; proces um. Green tit the rumli, lime :11111 ed&, and one pound sugar. Stone the rher- "I tf- thoiigtt ; great deal sinre about of her agitrition- anil IIJ:! fit saw'lli'llilipff afterward fac.0 to It -"I I to t1W saucepan ugedn atid _agnj res 11i�s, put them in a Preserving pan the Years IP47 and 1860 are likely to ther arut aunt, aM"wJtII-,Jhe origin A note or black rmw through most vahulwe, especially On what yo,. sa i d. I weakness, for witil fa b0ft ng cook over a gentleficht for :9 few inin: br(mght fact. to f ­iid bai. till the Jklice, is dried up; letters then, was very Indignant as they reached the upi)or entranc� tfif7 Or"their repronelleu utft* Then hu"1010 of handsliaking. The it of the fabrkw. toiiiilg (lown tile some- from Canada, United state& 'jova blit now I think 4juite differ- for 0411ould serve left would seem break the &agar crugieti to powder: I Scotia, ently", to the inn. stw leaned more and W14"It Illow Legan (I ch, add 0 extiber.17 -olor Pritish Vol- tO.Wem- a wit tII0 AMP seem too tili litely tO'be* It rem"It"t Of 'tile old eu8tom tiij� to -Le Bon Now BrunswieiL, You do mort- heavIly, upon his arffi anil. af- capilife. little more cream tf-) that --the gl4Dve might tlM I: ade the currant Jutm tind augar; umbla. and Prince F.Oward Island Yev. Why sb()uI t %-#. study ti, lit :Wits' broug!'it. back to Iiiin A Good Barley lience true friewiehip re- bOil all together till It JeIllfs, %vtliell Tito Canattit 12 Penee Black I Will trivo ter a few more Pares. elting to him We:1.11001111, conceal a Ton - and- stopped. I in. -'400P.-Withh.,tind rul, will be about one-half nil hour; skim 0 a Out of 'Pearl barley, acid an( amkf be Pulnctil;Ous wben other P' the n0d" of CRY Se-nii-darkness se (fry half (iiiired that the hands ol)ould be linked. V00 for. Look up your old letters an(i We's ha,,ppJn#-sj, flVeon( Tired ?" Its- R.) i. 1 -we are. catelling Sigh, boil it If' it quiLrt, of wilit" its a- prbof of bofia fidea. In the feudal Expert keel, it well stirrp(J. crack w)rne octions and correorpond witt, 0 and bv' t .4toc, I colk 60 nearly there." rotili.1 tA) 4so t)eliillfl I u ed til the. barley iti; of the. Stones and add some of the Well- th-tt's' what I thov I i m4n: I S' reduc"I to a pulp. 1111V -s Wheil two t4rangers w1jilled to cAsh mireliftser. Ighi. but tripd t4, ipen k. To tillv tilen U(141 e -,rll %vllitc be,0 -Sit( but nci wi,rdn Jn JIliother frard 0 t net I , notu . .4twk V Ale ftleirds. they offered pact, Lady kernels to f In vor the Pirn cover YOU ium&Pftd 'iPofr nif- e_tile 11 11 W illah-0 tlic� 11-holt. of. tice'ConsiS other their r*fit han(l. Eacql did t,,, whe., cold. - ; fit. Could Jeel, though. of Would roms, 'Jidn't-41r. 41 only said--- ; ' teney to C. A�AKEDHAM. that '-she was trf!mhhnjr - - Pp, towitr(I her quickly Up back on 'nough to tly. I If, trook it ht of lurea in. n II(I; put tly,_ ma-ks- m,. Yrd*,r;%frli: Inr , lio Show '"Rt tile 1111111"d waif jempty, Dyers. Topics ot the Day. 111164 Ka.1 n t, i reeL east. JI&MIMUM, Ont' dayis. ThaVa-all.- and Edlepre&iwil UA tier 814. 1111t.1,11t."Irew. bark right to tile g. t1W fire. %Vfwli it Wil an(l -that no trem-lipry wati it I - - —1 - reat ta kc. t I;f - Evvry 0M it, .4urpriwil at tille 1-jilli& "Pitnar f4r)r,w%s- 11W, 'PF-rey.- Covirage.." she murmilreff; and her baluintrade of the landing. and, AAMbel off tim! firp,111,11d stir Into tile Mrs. Williant %Vanler. -Spry. ont., .6. "P- mtYs: -Your Dia motid 'Dyes am. , - -'It t- %ilill w"1110d tO calm Myra. who portrii it. NUU1,0 tile. To of all egg 1�edtell'-Up ill it$ 11 effie-nVY With whieli N r - -F, rumo me agaill, - lk CENSUS OF THE EAR�Jff. iwrvf-pairi 't, tire iwitralgia Y, db Pered prissinnatov brentir, all(] tried to ­ Effie." tile, rying balf a Piiit of creaut ;11101. theil cellent, and , �nothing could ndw tempt and rhmirna0sm. Nervilline ih BEST OIL whisliered, 't (Ired times as tla* :t hun-.. Walk firmly tll#% rest of the way tltkp. I'j'pr hallif , ' i1m, Proposal to Find Out the Nunil)er of In- In` t" UW any other niakf- of d WAU Made to ('4mad& but she relmiseil *tf). y". symw-triv for All nerve loaiiw luiqi WWM rd. w.) as to qsk for- .") It IV' OILI'm of fresh butWr. habitants on the Globe. Diamond Dyes alwayti givt. "it. eutirp N11(111141 givenew again. like that.'* - Edit" beicali to hope Stratt�� -Allil turnpoll, -five Joack 'to look 16WIl Iiopullir swotell be IWPt ha Fit I by every r""Illy Good as the Ain - to W011111 ho. ;Ohmmnt. for sho 6 ths S0111). satisfaction." I It you are so-stupia. I %will ,,of readpf I the 46 opeailw to tile hall. It dOZ44I leeki;, The enprinout; diffictilty of t,114. tak- it . McNeill, Stunley Itridge, P. E. w1pne. I'm encan PTA fats- I' (11"o folvl; rolir onts cor alit) ing of, a t -4 -INA, rid's � ill 11.1 1pi- I., says: New Title 0 L a Bother word." V.:Isr 'rigaillst lifie t him fi FAeo" Ife-sald-again uick)y; and tile iwual seasollin V4 of t 114. iv 0 1 have used the Diamond Water "Mute as a fish." Ime. tliis'timme lie caught her )land. White. The mpeting -�:hv 64 Don't touch first bp --oak-o(l in 9�- The k*ks invist t4ilitN, whiell P firolic Dyes with great tiuccess. Mm. Wigglew-1 dildn't knorw that Mr. **Chu't YOU aly.'enIL-ind I ow wrPtOwd brim� tbolit� bhd struggled to me!" she said III - a cold wi,Wr for two )wqi tt.).publislt :tt I rewminimid Ilinkii tax, It tLtle. T"IS BRAND It Most mako Myra fet'l to sev (otlir.r iva-'i t4) forc -GlIest low- Passionate whisper. IK)Urff, tb*bII k4hoUlf, b,, lkwneo in 1901. bm-olnem apparent them to 'Rill ladies. who wish 'to (to tijrriett t6 hor' "Nonsense. dear! There is no dang -,,Lst two- -%1,'ag9lC4­ -Neither tilid 1. Whitt IS GENUINFL 110imple happy "­ :11, 1 whispered over bin NIJ("J, and wbell tile row, bIN. boll Y w1w.11 One colisiders that at It their own dyehig. For coloring dn-m is it ? ' "Thpli yf)vI.,l'r#- happy,, little ont. ?" er. I think. We must not stay7 here- itil tile stock add tim. leek -14 ed �hirdp# and Lwrltaliei tilree-quarterx of gooda they are just perfect." Mrs. Wiggjo&-Wf�ll. Ills wrvaut says ASK VKR DEALER FOR SARNIA OIL "No. and I I C -.(-r shall he' whU a light Ill. him rooni: hP listening; it woul(I be go unfair. and mit. 'rt,14, illhabitantoi of our planct dwell in- Mrs. L' Reid, Newcastle, ont.. mty& niat- Come Nwitler this for tbrkp tha& everything comes addrfw*.d , �lalttls 110110 of wbicll have 41 f!"t. yet W" ave used your Dianiond Dyes ­ lq1nuw nir.1, ten are 1144- tins. 11118b, 4peak low. alf(Istand In %,Jr. Rrettleon's passage.' "Our", remove thE lowl an beon h hinall, re U 14 lie -fully civilized and Inanv 01. which still for last tell years and find tbem - Wire w is not a soul visilile as they You will be out of the draught, and to the :rtnriia lit, III -t, condition or W be the beat dyes maxip,­ aA It wf tvo-rf- t4lking ati.011V pic- 1. , t r t )ortionb tile, tares anst Monday Pops. N1j1v tf.,11 mt.- r4miusd thP little, silent, 111 --paved cold." Hutill and boll for another fifini-v-t- ()r YA the purpose Jos,. smvagery. Minw-d's Liniment Cum Garg-et in Cows. how (Ir*a -efivirtyaril, with It.-,, few flickering gas "Don't touch me. say," ahe whim' an hour. as far at; possible, Colfw5nime Roya to inclu'do III the enwileration ever Horrors olr War at Atbara. More niadau�i wrptchcd than e imph and taw buil fings around'stand- pered angrily; anti she drew tier [land le. -Beat up y The three, And you can -t win him conrid % of- ilkir III) blank and bare. for the mo..4i fr.Ofil 111B grasp with a snarp qna yolk'R 01, eggs and - .' human being (mi wimill the sunAws on The fight over, I viNit4NI the dervidli A Frank Lover. nece part" molitary and sleserteil lookiii "Don't be foolish.- bp teb 000 Wllitw, pepper a jxtrticular day In the ye,,Ij 1900. deyin. The wenf% was all I I a - at all ?" 91 , s8ld, excited' and F;alt then), a w ii x- 'k fly. voil silt) . N for harolly it blilpi it Kill or Ktovk. nd stir tile"' one Expkvrerto and ceitstm takers are. to be )y, �'Ou voultill t .Not a bit. I St) antl lie" 'hiln #!ve' N showled a. ligi IY- "Come along here." Pour tlijm illto ably U-irrible one and, I wil) slot ever 1pay my (Ir"amaker's bilhi," d&Y. generally at tiI.It plaep, ()t r7 "No-no-no.#1 b"twred. mould I it aniall to every attainabip pojn� on tile dwell upon, It4 Ills and steam very 4pilt- sell t i trorrors. But there I k- no w. But I can't "But, Edl tilir, we in -Flarum Halfway &10119 by the rnifing.belleatil e. deax!" tile 'wh globe foir -Uie purpow. �Suclj in the, r(,* MIOUIE PaitIfUllY In't,1141-tic sights my tailor's bill now.,' street. tll(,,Igh I noine- the gftat pi if I OW coagulates. ('ot.)l ane trees, a mail was How' (fare you!" 14he cried ulte tilt- rutit times catch hint ,tt tjfp 111n. for lie haa Standing; urd, tur'n it out in f sch0mc. It I.O(Joklm,illint'actiemble. Ail IW vrell as horriblo. III 011e littio a habit of going there (it a rertain and. an lie took a step olit aloud. Ishai" with a cuttler. vut tl,4,. be'j. attellipt, has retx-ntly been isade to rifle joit, for InKtance, kneft a hlack A Query Aint.vrri-ed. time. &all I fouriff it out." Into tile 11 ht of, -the nearest !amp. "FAie! Can You not tr 'K toike a coinplete cvnwis of Russia and rifleman shot 'through the head wittle All-IiAlty, queAtiolws a". -- Iki Ust me , he fle's" Of u e610k0d chieken into 111re .'Well ?" Guest felt Stat Myra was - reaily to sald reproachfully. "It was for your I'lld Place tljL% alid tile cuijUl thio Will- ald the new undertaking in th0"Wt Of tiring, w1iiie br%itle Ilim,' Ito sure c'ure for cortis t here "He insults me, bullies threatens drops. But a whisperetf word or two sake I -spoke. People may he coming 11"t tureell. Boil three rd I,, a immenoiely. Daring bis tour in I..luf-JPP allm) 41li-ad, sat, a girl. her )ado fill] of Ut be. able to Wil ti %%'e are qlad ft or go sonvix% and, Pour it into tile turc%pll, 19 Chang becatile illterjwwil In cart ~ suffemr14 tilat roused her.to make the last' effort o Ing duwn. Let'n go back to P'llts of coll- Lu flut ridg%i4,' nnO ixio- in her fingvrv. Putnitin'r# Vaill the I rue, says everything he c.111 think of anti tilc next rainuto they iv in tht.-' Brettigon's door." v Extractor to break with Cre theri Frrve tim NOUPtluiekly. propowl venauA of the W"Id and, 1 hiCh she lind reatLy to Ila to I ter will M. it -re tim4il ip md&y, alid extraet Name." stone stairs, look- N ktl(. vaid lionrKely ki In so(*,% too iD w t�n m me; but 1 .4" all th d(m)rway, with Of awkrted, 11roinimd his co-Wera t1ba 1111111. 1 i1ZOW nit Y III nd . ( rim ith t , *'That's right. I ing &im anti strange, visibip where it fill asuixtalloo ill tile work. Wo follild litelt who -had boon chabled ill- It never like men U) be - -%- b I tDOY 'Atr"i. but gradually fading in Tiie fAithful to their friends.".' thP.1larkne8s a1K)ve.- thers- ix fill need," lie ('11111a forius thei.greatcht fa4*tf)r of to tl*-ir iphru-fw In the tMichen. Thit; Luckier PwMner. 11ah ##' Guest KA %-I- vs-Ilt to it Hiol "I know w1int yoll r(�el MY. III extiniating ti". 11twil- Otlubt 8t4)1)pe-I short in obedience L �fmr anjLie wAM ill 111110rilullent; of Howe #-.)ffenw�, Lit,Q� Amy -Wily (10 they latioll - all of satisfaction. nboiLt Myra.: lolit rea I- ir tlkp glotw. rAtinlitteo of tho prollabl.� arm, and Ilyra up- Ir there im no liep, ldi , . ty I I divined Intention or a wifo the better half, p& ? 'But Yon ran't Xpt hin) to er)"I"llp 1. Come." t"I'liber of Inhabitlults it, vary firwitriitt-ul Attenwt 1A) 411ew-rt tin. But, llr� E'Itlwk jaQivagrly)_be,68u,,0� tlw tin" In Ported herself by grasping the reat . *'fle triet tv-Lak�- her hand "Ann' _ by nne or two hundred njil- llerhalw what struck wile nit-mt-for goW tho J*wt of the bargain. 1 slip- ivrxiden balustrade, while Edit,,- uttered boit she r4oiled from �lini No Bud(lenl HOW', 'LlId (nTnt t1w popillati of tim, after all i", eiglw,(�kod W Am dead men, pCip". me do bp. a 8 h. and their (�Krort began to fef!I flurt, her little )I 'fp 4-Ilier vitlem Call only t. and there WOM Over 2 000 of tilol" .Tou rutist he %ery xtvipid." Ubt 'is t1i tile result of their ood 11 hanki jan I dim 111ough the staircase landing, an, tix.% Arrica Iortvwnts, an esi AL)us -was the extranrtfina�; number of a Cum Colds,etc. Am evire I woul,l get flinit t(i iabion. anti wondo-r whether it was Ili enuld see the bright littlo face fic-141 Of mysterlem and difficalti*w. deud alilmals-hor N (though ot Kfiwd's Urlim 4pu- fide In 'me to have comv. Pvfn going �o) far Ilieff Ilin) colivulsed with ange and E05thilitt**.of Its population are con- niany) cameln and (Jolikpyg. The Rvery Kan -S VIrgt Love. I a.,4 to feel thett, he sholti)(1 not be-horry 'r'p that tier eyes literally flashed st4tlltl.%- varying, because explorers number of thew, last was litorally If "W" vrem true U) their firoot lie whispered, -h w r p W11Y. Yoll'ol win tlor-cmifl- If his companions drew back. Edlo 'quent prWigioux They were all stoned nf Memnots." Just ttlen Edle, whispered' a few OW can IY cOluct Upom knots and mi- fa aN sta4M herotw, novols And women I)On*t to,- vifly� . But tetl me, Percy o be"so '00"st' I tell you I will tert4 td llopulatioil, the real og down in bieptirate pits, boili their roro deniand that the words to her c0usln, who sewmed U.) be ay nk" Which Is unknown. Tbe In( , cAre- aii4i hilld 109s IN -11119 tightly bound III) mail would rnarri* I( ld very wer' for Myra's Rafety there With 'd )U be P YOU tli*k, now, tbat Malcolm sparred by them to fmsh omer- I iny -life If you like." ful Statistlellang adinit that with iialin conig, so that they Nboul him tho cook who Us been rpry wfeke I I tion, and. bearing fia rd upon "MYrit!" she said, In all tlxnr d little GakeN when he was Yoti'think hp lutm inarried Ouest's arm once more, mile ogry eKti1JJat*%' Of -tile Population t)f mrica have no chance of inoving. I did not boy. itscenqed Whi.%per ; "do you tilink I W a may bco an much as out of the adent.stairease to the first floor, as con- SuPPOOP anyone In the wofid has everl hi(k.-ring her ? 1 --oh it i1q tf)o mile,,. Quftt Catly, " I feel where Guest led them a fittig U814le It. Wcwt Of India are tile. %..list lall(Ift NePll ou inany dead donkoys beforp fit Kinufs Liniment 011111" D1008*6 t oll $ HOW could, I he w ma'd and mtilplil Itiq that Alexantlet O%Wran in hin 4.011- orw thne.-Ixmdon Dally New I.Into Birettiso0; entry. while heweift to---corme Ott . 8. tf) an que-st--Afirlintlistan poeftit, I - "% TW Flit%#' UIP W" 1-CUQUIC101 bre. �Mdqlt u r- — - — —,- - Gue"t gased at her wonderingly. 1 keW In AKia. Ho Too 1&ny Wh9WgL All wits dark, appareatly, nu(I I,(,. fl it millions lor e w Inally acores sit With a Liquid Dreaxing. e rst he merely attributed her tic.. tlj#.b Vell hundreds of lilillio,14 "You doti't know t,%,hat Htrawlwrries "We 10"t GUT hireti girl to -day. My y not C Inny ()I, ta it, ? lWg&IL tO be In doubt as to wil ther tions to her anxiety oil her cousill's FOR SA %e ano aw 1§1111, :001 1 i tratton really was there, when, to behalf, but her U14' IJI)IIIJOSOr Ile of really tafilk' like. You (might to out w1fe fired her for ridilig a 41 terly aNtotinded, he 11% civilizOd world,. bil-i pick them fr**il wf(mi (,oullusli. Imic), rentpql lipr wx iis. great defigbt, I'#,' fOlInd that fate" that; all , Ut _rkla Ido it nd ""Mc. 10MIC wordm e 40� bicycle." ICM acm good lAnds. it, A %a t -ored their visit, for the o ontradieted 1111kilown U) tJ_ are I#Wtical ly III the fieldn where they groN,.- wl "Why, your w - Ile rides a wheel �her- 911-mav- mid c;nI, li&id fa% uter Stammered out: ti 64 from tho vines." wit, don't she? TWO Perfect. oil M. if I PwNcl; OF MONWMINVEG 0.- MY f4tll suppoilort a greitt pollillit- I know all about It. I picked and ate 64 Teo ;tlk&t is tl* rf-asocl Rhe doesn*t and IAW)11 1ALL-C It Qr ft)rm door was ajar, and, drawing it back, Edie-"ak to me -have ! offend- AccPrdin t lfpn No one kiiown bf)1v nally 1*.()- 11 lot of them one day xv[Lnt the girl to ride 12 (4) $6 per aem. Al prict* MnCiIW tMa .%rlL%%' it wou I, f lie totepped inside, to find the inner ed y( h ft e 0 9 tO rftellt' cable de- Ilk, * I aA NU �-hqlpf )u ? W at h v I don ?­ AritbhL miner I&II& "IV. CAGW 10 Ca. and - U) ipti t1w door only just thrubt to. while, after dd Oh, notfilng. it in mPatches the ambitkiiii of IIrin(*b whmr I w4a rustica.ting up ill Michi_ I wiming ivir" tijurh 111011111 i I I be wAd ol, most tav 00"" terica)l*. Balkan C(Xifederatkni Is if bw it.. M. pw",.. 'We torvn#,. Ap 44 Still, theY're 'lot halt bad. taken with .(QRJr1KW6A&& SKI* (114. Mich.. or %fter thl.,,,(l as 8tratt-on meated at his writing table. '4016s are Fjo silly gom lar IY the 4-fA-rnal l4v PlAt taneircle t W 0 havo -Nicholas of Montenegro to found a It any ITIOTO of them. Viyaw�'s LinimentCarft Daumper. ma I (I Ilya wr,(" art, dwolling In the lunds bruism n,l file.- opening it a llttle� way, lie could see been foolish," she r wb ti Nobody knows )low 11),illy Iran. I doT),t wal 046 etimes.1' 9P lie north a quart of whiske With his face rrating tilpon hiB hauds. ng". caUDD Of the -prevent crisifit it, tll.(N.*! Y Patrick W 1 .4 W)Methl hq sa Id PrOvin(". The Prince In :t nit,, 4"acifle mwnrm With inhabitants liv--, did you?" whiskey with them A Then there, Pole; ninny of tilok ixl:tl,(Lq Of tile vast "You didn t drink Different 114atter, youniff The lamp was beforu him, with the eagerly. '81 finve ()ffend"I Yotl-,�Fdfe, advanco of jl'Offt'Of JON countryniell 44 Your Dealer for Tr11&M&- .41taft thruhL om one side, w) tillit t1le dear, pray tell rne.9, N". wen, you A jw*ly IL light wits cast toward tho window, ing oll tlw* oilt4l lomrity ' or nature, YEW Theru waii ?I sliflk#, flirting with thitt Krultilorob girl bruta I (.row lie took hold of her UllwIJIInXhand and he has endeavipre(i W bring his wbow rrot and (-aroless We has (oap- se teb 'y us"41 hi,4 faco an7l hand., wvre in (lark Owl' mountain principally into linn th-ated tile not ovetting ? ['art*. F ra nev-, and, In spite of her effort, dr�w I t, with FvIrJ)p0. Imagination highly ,fl w) motionless did lie seeni tAucated nif n of Tho exportm or glasN Romertile—No, Indeed, MY through him arm and led he 1 BOEC -t firm tfiem 11P WRAO -fincluderi that tie tuuqt tw to- liko RobPrt Louix StA_ from Ftirth, dear. Ahe wAR flirting with 011111 rf,40t 1,( 1114 AN ward the sihort, passage In 1�4161111 A ru , ir Miaro of protsperity is oftpn Vellson, and wholl tlw eftL-juN bl eollo- Bavaria, to tlk(' lynit`11 ftntfw. are llrettison'k door was placod. wpv4j, ir it provuN prnetival)lf rowing largvqy. got, on n raft wtwii t1lo. 1�­urgok-1 gh& ' (IiIIIIII & In histre by yn(, fliet tll,,tt a will it wilat 9 rp look roun(l, I)ut BRUMES AND BRO pahwr�.w.... - c probably sliow, tile tot4II I)Opu_ I Anking ffp� WnA th#- "You don't answer me," he whlw neighbor has more. ly 1%,4P1114.11 litu"lly ditillk" merial �,torlim rW "&4 by #X I M latton Of the globe tv be,., "110 Pint of jullk PrOdftft, rougf, r opea k Lng, one ounne or butter. bmauep t1ley neve call tell how the 7 story will end until it IN firdshed, 0aJ11L 80801LU a 603M asawaskma 0-M Was" IV plp� .......... 1_7 V. "ftomom"i _01 i _4 _ddl 0;9 r *_ —ft _qWM0W,­. 0 J11 r t A t 111P 1111P $a. 40 mt Py . of 3M fat h# I I rr_ d1b. 889. Illy 1011 AT. I tly E I i— in ir phip Ism rks, a nw fini. pri- lem Orr - I" r ip of got IN. " e e lint i i� re 1W A 1, J t 14C tilt - be J* lid y nd riot Abw- ton. t'A