HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-12-10, Page 1I k� 'Afid. VOL XXXVII. —NO. 1922. —..._.....�-�-. T .. �®.._____.___--�------•-.._.._.___._....raw_ �..w,� A_ _�... NORTH Hf LIBERALS. Successful Cc ert. PUBLIC SC OOL BOARD. TOWr' COUNCIL. ORDER YOUR — The first concert giv n under the ■ CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS The annual ng of the North auspices of the local bra oh of the Y. The regular me ting of the Pablio The members vase all present at the Heron Liberal ation will be held U. 0. A„ was held in th opera house SohoaI Board w held on Tne,day December meeti g of the Town Council, " - for Christmas at once, at the in the Town Hangham, on Thurs. last Thursday evening, a d wits a well- evening, Pretest Chairman Hall and on Monday eveimng; Mityor Holbaes in Fin Wingham Greenhouses day, December, commencing at attended and successful event. The Trustees Griffin, as, Moore and Isard, the chair. FRANCIS STREET PHONE 101. 2 0'0100$ p, m.re for the ensuing Programme pita an interns ing one, and Minute of previa meeting were read The clerk reit, a oommnniaatioe from year are to bted and general the different selections wee well rend- and approved, the License Ine�tegtor, accompanied Py T83110ring M business will beented. All Liber. Bred, including readings b Mrs. Parker; The Principal's�73 port for November a check for $4: 6.32, being the amount ale are cordiallyd to this meeting. piano solo by Miss Gran vocal selec- showed a total of boys on the roll; of the town's el are of license Sees for GENERAL LOCAL NEWS.' Remember the—Thursday, De• tions by Miss W. Alba hieholm, the 178 girls and an enrage attendance of Cho last hal! of he year. Also a com- oember 17th. Wingham Qaartotte, and essrs. Cline 820. On motion of Trustees Roes and muniontion froc Barrister J. A. Morton, and Hill; concertina elections by . Griffin the report w ►s adopted. in reference to N blocked drain, causing Wear (beer's Shoes and Rubbers Mr. W. J. McDonaldI dri "The Monn• Special prices i ;otmas for the , �� Accounts were o dared to be paid, on water in the cot: �r of Thos, J. Groves; is What you invariably et r balance of this m ALZER s titin Maida Revel, by number of motion of Trustees Griffin and Moore, referred to Ele trio Light Committee. y y g furniture store. young ladies under th direction of when you leave our Hockey Meeting, y R aefollows:—W. Tailor, repairing closet, A aommnniaati •n from the National y y A meeting will b - held in the Council Lightning hitch koes—the " Mies Houghton; tableaux, 'Lead, Kind. $1,25; R. A. Curr o, repairs, 75o.; J. Sanitarium Ass, ointion, asking aid for order for clothing at this Chamber on furls ay evening of this best that is. WiL . Read ly Light," and "Rook c Ages." An G. Stewart & Co., a Ipplies, $3.62; Wm. that administrat on, was filed. store. advt. re sensible Oh sents on amateur elocution coni ;at provoked Guest, building sid +walk and repairing The following moonnts were passed, week for the purp ase of reorganizing page 6, considerable mirth, the Wingham hooboy club. All lovers �- steps, $30 60; C. Lkyd &Son, coal and on reoommendw.ion of the li"inanoe Clothes bought here are of this popular gine are requested to Are You Goi lg to Guelph? / cartage, $17,07; J. F. Groves, salary Oommittes. guaranteed t0 fit well, j Don't forget baby'sVei! eeleotin and postage, 38 25 ; J. B. Ferguson, W. A. Carrie,` repairs, eio........ $ 9.35 attend, It so, take advai tare of the reduced y g look well and wear well your Ohrlsteetas Shoes.have some salary, $25; Richar on & Rae, coal and Thoe. Deane, tea. sting ............. 50 rates offered by the Grand Trunk R - handsome styles, GRiaa - Alex, Young, supplies.........., 1,36 —and they d0. Drink Christie's Teas. � cartage, $182.11. H. B. Elliott, ad .and 4 50 way System, anon nt of the O aria p.• WANTEd-100 pigeons, by the ing• InepeOtor Robb'e sport of his recent A. Sanderson, to g.......... 8.20 Provincial Fair." Return tickets at ham Gan Club to be deli or at A. Box ocial. Single Fare from 1 stat ns in Ontario M. Crawtord's tobaopo etc r n DaOem• visit to the eohool pita read and the J. G. Stewart & ,supplies.,., x.38 bar 23rd and 94th. following paragrap r are from the re- B, C. M°Donaldark.......... 26.60 ���}n„ WNW A box social ill be held in the west of Hingeton, Goo going daily J. B. onion,wor ,, co 7.05l'vjl' Junction School House on Monday, until Dec. 11th, Return limit Dec. port:— J. B. Fergneon, v ere' list court. b1.05 Deo. 21. A good rogramme is expect- 14th, Secure tick to from Grund Trunk The Parish Tub. "The offices,and hool yard were in a G. Allen and A Dalmage, re• THE DRUGGIST ed, which will et t sharp at 8 o'clock, Agents. emtiefaotory oond?�ion, The school judge's court ... ........ 4,00 e The members of the arish Club are rooms were all clean, warm and com- Simmons Bros,, p ming........ 6.00 Admission—Eadie bringing boxes, Thos. Aitchesan 'Jit of right of Macdonald Block, Wingham, g g making arrangemenns 1 r their tourna• free; gentlemen 100,; p parties having ole s fortable. The oar etaking is eatiefa°• way .......... ... ., 4.00 rice of All g against the menta in bowling, indo r baseball and boxes, 160. estate of the late q Kerr are re. tory, The averag 3 number of pupils W. Rintonl, wor and material 24.10 t d t t t oe oheokers, and the club s well started r room is 44 T e staff of teachers is Fred Scott, labor:....... .90 WINGI[AM, ONTARIOr TIIURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1908, $t A YEAR, IN ADVANCE CHRISTMAS' GIFTS t Come in and see our stock before purchasing. We *. have useful as well k ornamental gitts at all prices. Every customer on Satur- day secures free a beautiful Calendar. CHRISTMAS r f rvica quer a t , presen sumo a on MRs, H. KERR. in it's winter's work providing re- pe doing very satfsf story work. This is W. le, work d material 7.05 I Highest price paid for hides and pool- give a nice gift to this creation to our young u, and of help- mainly owing to ;he custom of having Richardson h Rae, pipes .. - 1,37 Richardson Gartshore Thome Co,,Oo„ pipe... 36.66 the Gime he has b ,en doing the work o1 g try at T. Fells' butcher ehOD. Successful peration. ing them in every way. The club is not as few changes as possible. Miss Haw- J. A. McLean, Into ier ........... 9.81 building up by pro •iding a counter two High School teachers and scarcely Mr. George Ohur hill, of BluevaIeI an end in itself but a m ane to an end— kins, your new junior teacher, seems to W. J. Boyce, tappi mains, etc. 1440 y Auction S e of Cattle. returned home fro the hospital feet the upbuilding of ch anter. We are be a worthy auoaE•asor to Mise Matheson. W. J. Boyce, repai ng.......... 9.00 P. S. Lietklater, oon oil and glees 40 �.. �. T. E. Walker ill hold an enation week after undergo ng a critical opera- desirous of keeping U.young men She has a very pyasing way of dealing Geo. Mason, suppli .... ....... 5.68 have big assortment sale of cattle at the National hotel, tion on the brain. ome four years ago away from queatio able places of and tem Cation, but too with the infant 1. I regret sincerely Mayor, Clerk and A seuor,seleot• in trore12.00 ens Furnishings Men's on Saturday, eoember 12th. The he received a sever blow on the ford- amusement that you are being your Principal. ..... ............. J. B. Bergneon, sal 56 50 electric l The accounts o the eleotrio lighttng he o stook includes 25 owe, in calf; 4 fresh d cod head from the bur .ing o1 a gnti. At often we fail to provid<anything better. We are willing to pull sown but not so Daring eighteen and a half years he 't f 1 as it was y.......... , Ed, Lewis, salary ............... 20,00 nf- all kinds Have you a friend to milch cows, 1 J rsey now an a g general purpose orae. This will be the time no seriouf result was anticl- but recently it began to cause willing to build up. Phe Parish Club has given as a1 1 n se possible for a mai. to give; and most o1 Geo. Allen, salary, , :::::., ::::: 46.00 R, Rankin, salary. . 7.00 ensuing year:— M., W. J. Greer; J. C. give a nice gift to this one o1 the best oar of cows ever brought pated tronble, Dr. Radt.ond pita able to his in its humble way --ries to help this the Gime he has b ,en doing the work o1 g H. Saint, tea .60 g , , • .. • . • , -, . , - its deep regret rm the death of Trustee Kerr and that th+. Chairman and Seore- Christmas? If SO it Will here. John Pa vis will be the remove. a splinter of bone from the building up by pro •iding a counter two High School teachers and scarcely T. J. Elliott, wor ............ . 105 W G. Gray, team g etc........ 5.60 Caps Shirts Ties Hats, , , , pay you t0 Se@ our line auctioneer. inside of the skull vhioh was enetrat• P attraction to what we would pall down, receiving the ealur of but a fair Pnblio y T. Hall, printing. .............. 5 75 Collars, Underwear, etc. of suitable gifts. �%e i had vislted Listow 1, where the water MERCHANT TAILOR ing the brain and i is expected that he in the shape of pus manly recreation Club School teacher. Hie work in your Canadian Expres Co., chargee .. 3.41 ' have big assortment RASv FIIRs.—We want all kinds of will be permanent) relieved. and exercise. The a coess of the is beyond all expeo ation, there being school has been rery sncoessfnl. I be•F. H. McKinnon work new bridge 25.00 g W. ravel 2.60 Vanunts The Very newest of new and are sure to please raw furs, for which we will flay highest GED. E. KING. _ over sixty membe a enrolled up to lieve you will fi:id his successor also a teacher. electric l The accounts o the eleotrio lighttng he o goods are here. g you. Suitable for every. cash prices. Open fo Business. Christmas Globo now on sale at the BIG BOOB STORE, date, good The Inspector x180 mentioned the importance of a better system Of ven- department were so recommended for payment. Come in arrd have a look, gifts 0, Smith, Aries Donald, Mies Mabel An elegant line of fur i e Yor the Busy at Factory. An acoonnt of $5,00 from the Weet- Ross, Mies E. Oo n n Miss Houghton. Dyn, Oris. See Our 'window The Taylor -An arson Co., clothing Officer for 1809. Christmas trade at WAL s fgraiture tilation mt the ec o01. ern Foundry Coi, for allowance for Mr, A. Dalmag asked whether he for suggestions—a call solicited. manufacturers, of unknow, have open* ed a clothing store a the large store in At the regular meeting of Wingham L 0. L., on Fri ay evening last, the store. ' OvERsaoEs—We save °y/ou money; they nave your eelth. Buy here. The teachers and officers salaries were ordered to a paid on motion of Trustees Isard a d Ross. pumping water, " e referred to the Fire and Water Comms tee. were again put when the lights wor + out last Wednesday VVAL LEY'S DRUG STORE. NOW For It ! Chrlstmas groceries—Bruits—Nuts —Candies, etc. The big est and best selection yet offered. o m p a r e qualities and you'll find THE PRICES RIGHT ORANGE$ h A full lino of Sonoras and eels of very beat quality, from, er dozen 20c to 600. Cranberries Nothing nicer— NIOZIt BTILL if YOU 18c ants right per lb.. Tyo qualities, CANDIES See our Candies. Heaps of them— There's pick and choice. Our Pop— ular price 10c and 16c per lb. FIGS We've {tot them—cooking natural pulled, large pressed, ema�i pressed, also glovo boxes. Layer Raisins Grapes Dates Raisins and Currants of the very highest quality. If Ton haven t bought yet, come and see them, Chinaware If you want a bargain in Chinaware this is the store to come to. we've STACKS OF IT. . DINNER SETS TEA SETS TOILET SETS FANCY C14INA Every bit of China at %t Lowest Prices. el Deer Christi r PHONE 50 the Wilson block. fihie will no an ex- following officers were elected for the Suitable %mac gifw-, W. J. GREER. Moved by Trt.etee Griffin, seconded Rev. D. Perris as refunded $6,00, olnsive clothing a re and nothing but the ver best in th clothin line will be R ensuing year:— M., W. J. Greer; J. C. programme will be rendered, In ad• batt local talent the by Trustee Ross, that this Board express overcharge in.taae . Reeve Irwin xepc�rted on behalf of the Y kept to stook. a store will be in D. M., J. W. H er; chaplain, Smith, B. A. ; ren ding secretary, J. W. Ladies Ro.c eation Club. its deep regret rm the death of Trustee Kerr and that th+. Chairman and Seore- committee appoint � d to enquire into the sewerage Robt, Maxwell charge of Messrs. , Fleming and John MoKibbon; finan iml secretary, S. A At a meeting i the rooms of the for Hudson passenger its graduates has not been a fled, P sonted in the G d, waterworks and systems of T. Lennex, two w -ll -known Winghnm Maguire; treasur r, D. Bell; D. of C., Parish Club, on F •day evening last, a tory send a letter of condolence to Mrs• neighboring towns, that the committee young men. Read- the new advt. on B. Scott; ]eatnre , wm. Guest; com- Ladies Recreation lub was organized, Kerr.—Carried. On invitation tf Principal Musgrove, had vislted Listow 1, where the water MERCHANT TAILOR another page. mittee, G, 0. M nuers, W. J. Wyles, and the followin officers elected:— (Rev.) C. E. the members of the Board, the officers supply was obtains from four artesian atvo ■ WANTED—Marsh hay for pmoking T. E. Robinson, J: Thornton, Chae. Barber, The ye r just closing has been Hon. President, re. Jenkins; Presides Mies Ethel bine and press repre:sutatives went to E walla, their depth Bing 184, 190, 336 and 340 feet respeot vely, and the cost LEO'S FURNISHER furniture. Must be soft and free from a very successf l one for the Lodge; grove; Secretary easurer, Miss Olive Moore's restaura tt, where oysters were in of drilling them ab t $900 each. Asa " thistles. Apply at WALKER & CLEGG'S the membership a now over one hun• VanStone; Exeunt ve Committee, Mrs. nerved and a p asant hoar spent rule the water wa pumped from the upholstering factory. dred. R. Clegg, Mrs. W H. Willie, Mrs. J. oonversatlou. four wells simultax eously, the capacity See columns. * a 0, Smith, Aries Donald, Mies Mabel of the pumps being bout 70,000 gallons Busy at Factory. The Pubs Went Out. Ross, Mies E. Oo n n Miss Houghton. Dyn, I� you have a wa cit• or clock that is per hour. Wonderful Madame Wanda These are busy aye at Walker & The electric light nears of Wingham Captains of indo r baseball teams:— sick, bring it to P#t' RSON'S. He will -'� Mr, A. Dalmag asked whether he Clegg's i�urniture ctory in getting out to inconvenience Mise Annie Gri n, "Maple Leafs"; make it tick. "'tables, could be relieved of the charge for water Egyptian Palmist a large number of orders for the were again put when the lights wor + out last Wednesday Miss Annie Me ean, "Stars"; Miss Some nice thins in p 41-r g rates for his residence, as he had not Christmas trade. Recently this firm evening for over three hours. The Maud Davie, 'Victories". Colors, music cabinets, parlor 9 airs, rocking for Christ eta gifts at S. been able to use th water. Referred to the Brnnewiok Hotel ere she has had a tram y built from their Dense of the tror�le was a loose pulley yellow and bla k. Considerable en- the ohair8, GRAOEY'S Earnit Store. Special Fire and Water Co mitten. Is at will remain for a short t' Madams factory to the G. T. R. freight sheds, vhioh should have been repaired in a thusinsm mark organization reduced prices for onsh. . On motion of nuns, Spotton and Wanda reveals a eteries of life, which has proved great saving in time few minutes, ',Che light users should meeting of this ne club, and the mem- Gregory, the alar was instructed to such as Business rtship, love and and expense. Th furniture can now not be oompelle. to put up with so many bers are looking orward to a pleasant i South Co. prepare a by-law (similar to one sub- marriage. Giv formation on all st- this of sating be sent from the hipping room to the breaks in the p:•wer, A great deal of and profitable t'me, Friday has been J• C. Rockwel, s Sunny mitted) in refereno3 to the installation heirs. Don't mise her and getting her advice, A visit to oar without the b her o1 .loading and money has been spent on the plant to selected as the ni ;ht o1 meeting. Mem- J. C, Rockwell a New Sunny South of dry earth closets to be voted on at Madame Wanda will satisfy the most lsai unloading from th wagon. ,% put it in good sl+spe and now we should bars are requeste,, to meet at the Parish Company, which : s billed to appear in the nest meeting o ' Council. skeptical. Madams Wanda has made X have the servie . Whenever in needed Club rooms to -m yrrow (Friday) evening the Opera House, Wingham, Saturday After adjournme 1t, Councillor Spot- Palmistry a life study, noted to be one A of our ladies Dress to bring good re nits shoiild be done and at 7.30 o'clock. evening, Deoembis 12th, is the colored ton invited the merabera of the Oonaoil of the beet in Canada. to 10 pair .handsome Shoes or our elokej& slippers would the sooner done he better. Let no have organization that appeared in our town with the clerk and ;he press, to Mr. L. Readings 9 a. m P. m. make a Ohrietmal✓ gift that would W. J. GREER. a good lighting trvioe, Christmas numbers of all the leading magazines on Bale now at th BIG Boors a little over a year ago and it gave ex- aellent satisfaoti it pita generally Kennedy's where awsters were eujoyed, ,Madame Wanda hay ba, -n in Walker• ton for the Yanr wrPkr,, delight any woman, STORE. _ , conceded to be tie most pleasing per - poet Why not a Best? Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at We haven't eve t g—but we have a few nice arts , at S. GRaCEY'S iormanot. This erfomanoe is not a repetition of the 1 t, everything is new, A good watch is m,wise counsellor and a life-long f eud, W. G. PATTER- �j Store. * When the best an -be had at the drug store,Wednesday, Dec. ember'16th. Hours: 2 p.m, to 8 p.m, F nrnitnre Store. '`r modern, high-ola refined and up -to- date to the mins As on its former The Leading Shoe SON keeps them, $ I same price as the nferior article, why abed the best There is absolute- Glassee properly fitted. We have made a immense contract with Santa Clans fr�r,-aIl kinds of Christ- appearance, it wil be found olea to a fault and there w 1 be nothin said or CHURCH NOTES. � not have s mite slippers. W. J• GREER• done to offend the most fast ions lady _ ly no doubt that t Family and Death of J mes (Martin. in the Land. The -jerfor hive it replete The usual monthly service for men, �+ Weekly Star of Montreal is the best Another of th old pioneers of East The Last 3elk�rk Settler. with the newest, and West songs and the old time will be held next Sunday evening in St. dollar's worth in a line of newspapers. It is the educator or the whole. family. Wawnnoeh passe away on Friday last The last of th,. Selkirk settlers died ballads, mingled wit songs of the sonti� mud dances anah as Pauls Church. T e Rector will preach eepeoially Co men a d the subject will It has more fes see than any other in the person o James Martin in his at Toronto, on � adnesday o1 last week, can only be rondo. -ed by the real dark.. _eoently appeared in be, "A business irdltsaction," All men 11 half-dozen big of papers or magazines. 71st year, Dec sed had been ailing for weeks with kidney trouble, in the person of John McKay, 703 On The company Brookville, Ont., ,nd the Daily Record al are heartily invite to be present. • ; �;• '• C•lit'a it a trial for 1909, and you will be some He was born in ampbelltown, Argyle- Casio street, at t 1e age of 94. He was Kill nen, Scotland. The of that city, det:ed Oct. 6th, said:— �• ' ,Rockwell,a New nnny South company � Ret. Dr. DOugn' 1 of Goderfoh will , glad o! your bargain. shire, Scotland d was a member of ' born at a movement of H hland Scotch settlers, drew two capita y andienoea to the preach the annive Bary sermons o1 the dot, TA httn bitoh hoc ey ehoee—the family of fourte n children, In 1836 D I taking its nam from Lord Selkirk, Grand opera hone , Saturday last, and presented the be t performaece of its Methodist church neat Sunday, speak - i --W and anis On Monday 0 R he immigrated w th his father, one d ng o g g• bast that is. WILLIS Co. Read h i i the founder, wit a scheme to found a kind that hes sop red in this oily for „i i ht the Anni creasy Tea will be 1� � advt. ro sensible Christmas presents on Martin, and famt , during to e at rr ng settlement of gbland Scotohmen on several years. as season this company of the r belIion, Mr. Martin than od and the present e n g served iy the 1 ies of the church; page 5. scenes the plains over hich the Hndeon Bey mads more spent a dhort time in Toronto and then Company rule The first shipload programmo is o nsiderably stronger after which a fin✓ musical and literary then nt that im There are several A Good )School. settled in the Totatnhip of Darlington, left Scotland i 1813, followed by really good acts in the Olio, those programme will be rendered, In ad• batt local talent the - Christmas Slippers Ranked among t e best Commercial Durham county. About the year 1860 others after a o nsiderable Interval of especially worthy f mention being the dittos to the vete Schools of the Pr ince, is the Win time, In June, 15, the Hadlow sailed TTniole and fano Bicycle riding of g the deceased ease to Heron and settled Weathers and Gr on, thin;is one of the services of Mrs, (Rev.) S. Baker, of Teeswater, have )een secured as soloist. After you have been all over town looked at a thoneand useless hum Bnsinesa Colt,ge, The enoces of on the farm on w rich he continued to from the port Cromarty, Scotland, reside up to the tike of his death- He list most thrilling and rtie. dote ever pre- Ba The The Turner's, Don't miss this aanivernary. and artioles, you'll undoubtedly decide to for Hudson passenger its graduates has not been a fled, P sonted in the G d, give "Him" The new advertise hent of thie,�scellent was one of the star ly pioneers and saw of the Hadlow ends like the muster last season's favo rtes, In their roller new Slippers school its to be fund on page I. We the forest of Waw nosh converted into roll of one o the great Highland ltkating not have dded several in of the best. A Prog .essive School. Kentuck their oHome" sung rk understand that u y y ng people, who excellent farms. a was a man held regiments of for xeor days. Among the stunts Old and The Central Business College of Oar line of Men's Slippera to the find any are laboring nude the'fLllse impressions in high esteem b a large circle of MaoBaye there was one Donald and Loniee Mons, with a visite feeling and q Stratford has p oven itself to be the finest assortment you oan where, as well as the most reasonable that they can do b rte n a city eohool, friends and ate de h removes another air wife, (lathe,lue Bruce, and their supported' by th entire company great practical t mining school of West• in prim. I from the aha o! early pioneers. will be given ire transportation to the infant son, JoF n MacKay, who died brought a Smart to a eye and a lump are not easily ern Ontario. Tey have three depart is Tan and Black Sid, great Electric Cit of liieterboro, vhioh In religion Mr, rile was a Presby Wednesday, In 4nne,1815,when the Had• to the throat o! Ulan who Manager itobie will make menta—Commer ial, Shorthand and Alligator, Velvet embossed, Opera attitude sixth am the cities of the low wee on rni •ocean, the great con• affected, terian and in politi a Liberal. He was g g no mistake in books the Sunny South Telegraphy,an the courses given are shape, Nullifiers, Romoos, etc., etc. Dominion as to anufaoturing output, a well-read man and was always $tot of Water) o was waged, yet these for a return date.' The high -elms, thorough and tactical, Their grad. Slippers at 7i5c to $1.75. in While attending iia Peterboro Business thoroughly poste on current events. hich a000mbaniea g Selkirk settlor knew nothing of that solo concert band, „ funeral tot Wingham the organization, wil head the Soon• nates are in de nd. The management We are showit6g choice lines Ladies' Slippers. College, which as founded a quarter. The Demeter. event until to re than one year had century ago, t .sill be given free on Monday afte oon was largely at. , `„ town parade, which akes place at noon. tended, the ser oe at the house and elapsed. Dae4" wan father of lire. Tha prices O! admiut n have been plan- are extensive dvertirarr being firm believers in the use of printer's ink, their caid elsewhere in our tickets to the ty Y. X. 0. A., Y. W. grave being con noted by Rey. G. P, Thos. Davids4n. of Zetland, and an ed at 25, 35 and 50 oe tr. Seats are now MoKibbon'O drag store, See columns. * a C. A. or T. A. Duncan, of Whi eohuroh, utile of -Mr. A H, McNay of flown. on Male at