HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-07-08, Page 3NEW 1A IbAk Daft MA 47" %00 Mimi; �illeteell more of the U. 8. w()jjljde(I ab Lft QuiWima aro likely to (lip. Capt. ('oil. Augusti hae renewed ill -41A. TRIAL FOR CURE# 'SPECIAL POSIAL DEtIVERI SHVICI SUNDAY SCHOO U"I'lest for per-iniasioll to promise till. I'lliliPP1114- iWQirventa extell-Rive re: - forms. -Bearing the Now The Nlatir4l eqrrtwpondent of ti Otters "'"WOALVWR�L Lltik!suN NL).,,. e 0.11. Tinjeti &iys: ­M1111sters jell th#a ru� JULY 10,18res, CONSOLATION FOR THE TOIL -WORN IL Now fiem.* W ConsuMption III("" that Spain �4 Pure-flaRilig cruis- Stamp to be Delivered eM from. China oT - other nations.',, It and lite prophet. Accordingf to ElAniparelal,' tile (te- luellt Of Vic calal WIT19111 THE CITY LJMITQ. T. dues delayed Adin ral Ca;njara's squa- C-40si. - -OfltrAst Between the Fatigues of This World and the Malld for a cash p y' to be Testede 11110--B C. 1 910-907. C Jo%,s lad. Cherith. Zarephatfl. dron. The du6% a.i fiting, Ian, t�u"_ Ottawa rePOA: The 1-1 1 oft-ornee. of Heaven—The AlmigbtY Did Not Make This wOrtilY. Informed; to lem tIlAti VOMO), 11"Partinoellt 11" concluded arrange- "Ors011s-EliJ.h. Ahilb. A witI01-vAler Earth For Rest—Troubles of the Rich _111111111=10V of a I th1*41 fortificationg,, C-4, :11*0 n WIL 4011. 4 and ntretelilng OW f rwi ' paid . L B. BED AT DUNNING nlcqlts for the jllauguratlofl� Oil July tho whole city .1rp 11111,p --I 84PAlo-ae's story 1 about ritkIling the and Great—ReSt From L&Wr. vA win. rptle )arb-t Will fuel) t4ay. _UiJ&li_Jehtv all is Ally f i pn�t" 'i of a specilt , f ty yartas a widle `MV 11 Wripodo fit destroyer, Ter- tielivery w.rviee. ALAkAkLd1L AL I&C-t :jr4% ror, is pronounec falsehood lit Sall Whoreby j.. letter W FW41 111115114 lillPs of rifle bearijig. ill additio, "'xilre"Nive Of ti - truth his Whole 10 .. 6 Jitan. ri lir" 14%ajhed.-Ktu. C(A". 11jL, le Terror �i around a-9, usual. Tuberculosis Sufferers at Lhe ins 011t-`1410: to.the t,a#ttw General Wheel fi-�' t'o,tllo Of"IblarY Postage. r. special 4 W" ILOt 1% atalliftKUP11 rclst mua., 14d; about, two er maya that there L4 Ic- (mlly -ALI' umb9kAffiftdor from above, iju be)-o"Id -the Anjerlk,aii outposts alwolutely I 'I'vory stitaiP tilb face valu' Iroor and slave. %va ant for the atate- t Of Dr- Talmage drans a 6 tution as. Patients, 10 MIt8. poatel at ally post ce in itipotence.- e o (hu- Cuntraffit be- No li'10 0( ell treflChnients. (aytpll( 111011t. that- the V. troom were it m- Cullaoda and address(,d to _OffiV of t"" "cOrOY'Lual repAl"q1tativ ed f 31acduff. lutd.Wue tween w, for what have I maid all thip" frollf thIc flurthern llng bilwa i k -i 1. He &-I ys tils, a rity I,ogt- melc the fat'kues Of 11118 world and Just to Prepare you ior th* text, --Arir* 4"XItreillity of the attack was dk- Orfl(% having -Ti(.) lliwdek (Gen. xiv. 18. the blillsful recuperatl* w free !eljvery by V on of the heaven- I* and depart. for thio iN n,it your IY Paradise; text. Micah il., lo: `itY to, Morro Castip. PhIllned f roin know 10tter-carrier, sliall be Specially tiliql ther, or begiluli g of "A risc, rek%t.,, hi.4 JXW81�881011 tllCb t , I e dge I without lublitioll of fat,14 or lu(t, I am KtAng to makt )'�M it grand "ttl" 'rest Of South, "-it a t-1-stitnee Iligh W -fore. Promptly (lelivered to tile persoll to WA daYAL-Doren rt.. for this is not yours' offer. Of -lbolit from 'The (;erinall wa 'bip Grier, it, is a Whom It Jig a(-klrTVAe(J wl _41 tiof u Ve and depa, Veil fW ileneral It- DR, MURPHY TALKS ABOUT IT, - res t Some Of YOU 1-0mern&-t- that I--'lWtCRl'A - % thin tile Illit- tilall led III tile N. T. Illorc. (;fwlk hNitifluartem,, lieg Morro 1101111c0ol left Hav na on Wednt�.sd I is or any othor This wasi lit'n'gold was digeovereo:1 In* V alifornia ­Witll thIs e3wept I letter -carrier -1-Telivery fit any Ti"Ikl)ite._1.1r0III Pjrophet.-I*nt,,,c,,t. w the drumbeat of IL I*ophet large eompanjep were Y"de up an(I tk� %vorld 11,tyk14 C-1-stlP. Tile road. to oil her 1`v-lY to R -ii tiago tie Culla, 0 Ito h- firitilln .1 ff-w X 0:1AN of the following 111,084�offices, v -Kitto. ill wgnwd to arouse the piaoplt. from slarted off to get their fortune, and a 11114ir(Ni yarcl-,; of tile battA-rics at the liftilfax, St. J01111, N. B., beyon(j Jordan. their oppressed and unful n mp sk"Ailittg tallollgll to 1x1iitic-111Y. T Janillien. Tishbe, a- plaue I Nitrogen to be (live,, Two Hundred and Q tIL%bec, et011 - Thillik wild, ruggej, PletureKlu (Iiiieud may Just us Properly be u VCHIV1,11tioli Witil rf,ar Ot Morro, 1VOIN roilconnoitrod y4 a- ],Woeri tout it con(ntioi. -%eaj- ago, for the same purl,,)", hdn- Fraijee has P" k 211011tIrpal. Lolto;ofl. ottawn t4ered fit-c-ils dared the cold of. Alaska ectieral viiv�rr(4- I>E A DLiTr sm 'um LOT. Success In Expected- Observatiorm Kon&toyl, Toronto tvrtll�y- Ifterllooll'll�y 4' try, lying 0awt of coull- no%%, #in then. liells by long k To - our - 'i'"' I m'ant to ma e ul) a Pstrty ((or the tho slibJect 4)f Volifliet beti,vi-el, us 'P Brantfont. 1111im- (Iliff. In til(we ,,,dthe. iortlan"-Mae- and niuch ringing lose their '*RPunurt I" aild wveral Dlemwrlsl of 110*1 Ktaff., and Experiments Sureall Diseases Uton. Willuipeg. vit-torla an -ii vaneou_ #A*1'4114 Of nature Of tone. but thin rouRi clearness land tir (-Iod- I h,old In Iny hand a dt-ed groa telit nlog* �epltivatetl -NOT - ron, 4 SpaniR Trick 'r Making -it P"Ll vor. Wililat tile (!elivery of such let- 4,11110119 hardy, brEivs�, k4l Ple-mind- gospel strikes in 119 bell or the from the KEVERAII DAY.S. It loropl*letorp of th#4 #,,Rtat# 0 of the Lungs Can be Chi�vked In tor -.9 w i I 11COldes PiPill . I,, 'N 0 199 rtwi %. I . *vularly V Wa0reared,-far froal, when it first as clear a tone a% %khleb he Offers to all who "III joill V strudtive. for the presmit. be rmtrictai rang on the air. 911ceekwIl' if I ty Ila Illovo by 111 -4 .,litips Incipiency.' tA) thO (!Jty P0,Nt_ofr4eeN 11 corrittitfttim or clutp, alit, court*;.- As far as I can see, Your great %%jLnt """Pliny 10.000 shalres of infinite value. or.till! Mail. will he the for w6veral �tlay.S. 'rill. -twed, they ]Ev 11111Y bo mallo.1 at all trett, t" L to Aliub,--itiglit- fttid mine Is rest `110"e streets art- gold, whose lrr`"t4N,4t wcork for civi'lizl'tion to) tho b.l.q. of snlplfliv., m, -r rif le umaij 1)y & y wt-orfiftw. in collmlew From the time V�le lip ftaiiish troops A Cb1eIIgo.4:"P21tW1l tillys: I ()JIstimp. thop Df6mi-Illoil. controntu royalty. Inter life a *,-reat many vexatious llarl--4 are gold, wh(lope' cro.^-na ifire annOYainces take after us. We have our that many thu reatly lmpr0%-4.4f t%+)re.tlh- 4, Inward- 1'. It Is 1ax1?eCt0J thut by defeacel(aft4m "Wit rp-bu Its You have read of th� crumadert; -114,u or 4 JUJISIt floir bob g -, Itilly' reafized. Lim' 'i"'d -Lll otlier - (Imeases of the tlI0 first proximo or ve'ry WXV1 tj U. leftO which call bo curo-i'ir treatment aftor special - 4-'elivery stamps will I)e - (ip I to WAU uF,*Pds of them Went off tone of recreation to vonquer the holy seputeher. I Usk Tivarv- Is t-firwigh the e.xeq, ll(Ti� fiallt Uionaza-ch. Of holidays and our seaF H-) lligh' in, t1je'prv.,;-_ a rige of is Olt sale ht:1108 W1 It Und quiet, but %ftere is the man In this %,fou to join 4 . 0, 1! Ir gol.ric oil in Cuba. 'It t- 1094101 lins bvell Wt, acablUt the S rgeons ts its. The of ti(*@. The spes-lill time all(I 0011411.1el"OL- fact HIT A 8MLL. . ;:I'll Q;U 110911111 before atillesion. tie R imander crusade u h, re 1f4A-'h10-,;K or thitli It 4 411 Money orAer 11cw Iffittity or iiis 111- lorld who has LQuna entire rest'! The the purpos mined., the b not for littli- hirth -r oft i.-4 grt.mi I where g7ittin a. (!Lwovery and Siz rd..-Aiveth- (1) reat In. A ship might aF %%.f- fonquering th4l sopul- otiles allivalleement or tite; Of re- 4 fif term materially. ill .,,,g,7rV Ht"IP BOY"toll. As the 1,0 dtXA is that God did not makv thh; I'lier Of �'d(a * 4 ehrint. -but for the pul-_ (10ine in hb. What six 111ch b ,.in b- 1110,111t, 41, :111, 101-t,iial agents wflie'll llas electrified from, tilo Onihiary iAjzC*, the me OW11 flame, tior will go do%,Yl Off Cape liatteras w fin 11 pope of rpaehing the thrfnw dt6 ft living ft-,sile D,d to! he War- Wwo, I f- ulcolk" tho' tirou I d fir,, vaik tk� tho McNilcal worl, of . tho engrave.) of his bringing. 11t. is 14111()4)th water its a man In '14sus- When an "army 's to b* Made it ship Texas.' :1 t th lm.-, been inade im bpi I ig 11-4 work , _uearer Of Jellovall'a Word, to find quiet. pron, t this World Tlb,-e were no tho result or . 11"Phes long 7-R of "Oil ti am !JW he x%*ay that Go usi thw -inell, Virl,)D. Bib. Coal. His mission W"111 to P has strewn the Utorns, and hung t "IlUnteers. hp,leot By 41:4. Cap -tilt i1i ;11:11-ftw Ihst iiijilt. r -oiiiti vat;o-is by ) experime4tti Un -ll obser- an. txilmin" tht. Lip Willell Tilt Murphy. of tilis, The. advantage (of th krot-laim the;l' e3eibight. he h e 16ndfr theAr lung*;. h ' 4 WAP? '14-rFliitt4SI 'go,, atir O'll 10,1.1141 t1hy mericaus !Ivlttg Glootl in (4)POSItion clouds, and sharpened the tusks; front *' In*uXurt-k thfqr city- III Spito doubts Of 1hVIJ, u6nue-1 to Ahab's the colds; that d lAture. They mu .1 f 141 v1sil "ll.tV41. kMAVS Ft. RA L i 1110#111b;1-4 0: the pr- CANA idols.-Whedoti at be JuNt right. ofewdoil, wilo, llow- d Y 'az* rejected. have Ill-lillfuste I Inteliso interest lik""t ft"Ll "Ittit"Ole, Ulf- that kab u -s and ti 4 fevers that, coll- vart4wity in Making " thiti army X%-lkj4 it Kidt'. att'nill,tingtoll -Imtheirf-'ank-N, charaeWr of Put there shall' b, effeet or tli,i. Before ititress us. and the 7h e t 11 a D A POST� OFFICE W110"ll I htaltd-ThA was Us spirittilil hf-ats that r'nv't4' us- 'R11 tile pleurisle� 110 ��ta' elith 3ume us, know that he did not m Your Moral ,;.,4 thP ('01111111A Illovo,'Ni on, a tA'Iuc - the floto.1 surkeon .14$ Illward lifta.-kruinjuafllier. 1�k-%v ak#. tPhysi,f-al.slature, CX, 's iw; I.- ft rt'. I [go 1� . , r(33 to hils tleller ill - raill-Tho fertilit . - 'in toe n. God whatever Your crlrnfoss # I 'p-111cii llotijr;tl Country. tile effective y Ot Falf-stille this w,orjd its a place.to loiter tPations, whatevk-r Your dismi- I 1� I . I A 41PWild(Plit, 011 the rtgolarity ali(I fl!fu a Aerything succesLafully, and this Your Weaknesap%, I 'a -r:)-1 Ulnirvs At tho annual conventiol what - frtok i totl4- .1i6wirelitly "Clid N(OK Of lil; liol% �A' I.r%% L - - 9 rem%ly. Cults i;J t to P ? oi. V_ [)I- -vorld would be a v6ry dlff�erent world '41- fzkitlk ilk tilt, defene., off t4ll.-, file of Vie Of We railis. 0-41' t1WL :-4ail.i.l.' cit ricaii Mcilleal ADW-Aitlo!j at I)e'- f -it were intended fu1A us to lounge in. Y. :11141 intf4his too 111:11CI. * n 12, "11"jon from the Lord Almighty -St ditch 'P 64 -a of 1,; lb :'­ ' 't t'llel' 11o1a1I4'4,P1—'lt %VJL,4 Make Up Murphy. in a o IF 1 It does right well for a few )rears. In- soul.q, and I cry. 1.,r1,*t.t filz-fit", of it. ME7 v'Or 011 June 9til Dr, regiment of red"med P41POr ?�elatlng to tile tr6itment ot. fleed It Is magnificent. Nothing but f' lk-ner.' in * "Arist, Yt� and depart. tt -truel. a with -34)u 11 �1.1 0 1� A t- and hota Infinite Wisdom' and . . - _. - &_ �,*Nlfivd 1111199 by suriic Lit not Your rest.- 'ry, :,"I't. Oil 11146ti, Who landed v twrtlav, is first ju:t4lp A t goodness could % -011. -tito KIM In fr(NII plia� 11111111t,. ou have lately Joined tt, n Y of 101)% # ' ll)liol! (if !Is(a)].-* have mixed. thin'beverage of water, or IN eonapany, ;111 1 t!:.* -ijb;�r 10 r"1147111 the fr0lI11t1',-4l1y.:Thws; far tli� Fill wo 1 11'00 't1i'v"elf-1.4a the kilpr and my Lit -1111711' is that k, I th- W.) Wr 5111) 1 lUlkir(ml conskililptiv' hung up 4hese brackets of stars, or It. Why not? 3t tho Dunning'Asy;cm ivill be. sub- nd bird and tic, -have b.,t-lt llij load vffes-t'.�l f ri.,ill . t . I 0�-prY Nijil" to filtl Ili trained theRe voices of rill a Rrt,4- You know In Your -wn 1*4 If: - A- 11 -Is b�!vlt gq.,vand thfirl. e patletio T b tz 11 t you all M&V koin he ocea. n experience that wh I 114'1 N J W11 to ftxilminatiol). All whitt llave, 1114,11-Ils tij eolal 1.1 hand lind the 'Whole world breaks fort that it tll� ! i. SO thtit God has but to lift, his excePt, a f#"t%%- va-q.--f or 41 A' I w CANADA's Sl'F('IAI. to sald�&Gout thIs WIWI Wry. its 1116j)1ellt F;ta*cbg Will d Is true. rtiar.-�, 1.,�Al] EMLLET HR E P. 9 )1,! (1 �lito urche9tra., But. after all, it. is oni MTUAI. th Y dro,%dii hiare' 40, oppriitwl- oil. Dr. !31urphy d "4 no'-4AISee to rest in- Thf*r* a rt- hun- e sPleft Ors of a king,14 higbway, over %%.eary %%.Itb ),in At. to-Alay -.X1a!or coolitigi.. IV.- "1 114 I-Vi'livs. �01;r mill.- I e.-olItA4. 1 0 b al 114.fl 4.4 ho !'Is".110 %v4 -r.- sai.l o 111, to March on Oo With troubl". wall at (Suirlut, tJJ bo W- to b�gill tile work withitl such a coutrast is obvious. The, let- t0114i"'(41 W :HPIld rain' Iff"40:1 I'liTill con eternal e it r, 4)rders to elvar the "I t t-l�'J. till. w 11tr where 'Lill 111:11� Ell:. fto' eeks. t., i I' A417( VS it!16:1 t4`1* t" wilich it Nix-clal #k-!iVC-ry stainp 1111111s;'If 11) Ahab, quests. v with bereavement pome If f, 011�, t'.. I sly. Masts ,.,rat-ttl Noick'neroW it, for tho advant-4- or artil- i t i.,# c"ti. 114 v# .-rc-poiWtI. ill t TALKS f)p i-4 affixod call t You and I have been plerced U -k- . 4. a OVERY. litis b! I-, t 01111fit. !, '. � r.%� INXisible, that ..;Ile gilastly, njut,,_,. Ice, picked 1,.*;Iri a-2- tN.- -k #fYI1,11nitf 91111 :11,11 a 'I lt4tefiki.�4 Dr Murplly, whell littaell tandlIng I iWiAfl-A ave seen mt-n who tried througli. alln ig;ilt .-.4' through &n.1 Out, 1kV tho&P 1 VQ rest here. They buf1de, You carry he mko&rx (If at fits resi- 'lly -1)y UIP b1,1110ts 4ionee.-collsell (I to it'. "Ll"I it$ deli -,Pr-., "filly t V Ilia, down great 9tOl,es. They n which you h&%.,. tr I N. 1)4 * I t., * te tile "lalls in- :1 '1 d themselvex score of -conflicts, t :111.1 al, f rikii thi. -if h Speak of wo ttim- rri -. I. I ly illlf',* it sitrtmig so gathered around . Iser r fla-; ltwiif �Ijy tile. ed..Ory. � 4)f t1l bled , ever), Pore, and you si", 1:1 Itt - %Lf.. them the 111L& Nittlat,4011 fit' Clwritlo 11.1s fit tilish.t I t, jq,-) V.4 e %vay in w1li6l, 11u. ar_ gn b1XVIaJ 'i'41t. % is I.r t, L Of tflic hant that I had the %%111915 of a dovt. t Thfa, desi patronage of mer "Oh. 'a .-ttilp't ela I-ork rLh:w0.1 at 11-L4i delivery rt Princes. I The VOice 01'. their bid shook witlitput - :111y vig- the nioney markets. Th llljgbt flV &%Vfi)' and ')e sit reat", let nti r:lvd,lls- 1-4 0, 1`01110dy's 44fie.-ler, to Co1j.S 11 -,tb substa ally had stock in 118 ve t 0, iv t I.; I Ir4 a. replied palwl a(.m thO Most xu&-esqfu e aken the (.ul, of this world'o, till, tbll stalopcon- (11 lifil; I.V-11ji'allt 4if-fie.s all safe deposit'vaults great rolls of ?+-asureg and dr yeam ag Tl all.1 to- -.41 :1 ri. I ralfroads and in .4 tol I !;; , 4. '1 vItito n I , Nt. :I t14,r, A 11it- 1-ft-Vall -work to i ' 0 1 t�lilljlig tilo JV44-tis,; go'v- unk it to the drqp and ernment U4,11.14 o:1 U) explain t114, fiitqh J�JJJUNI securities. till We thirst (-la%%-s ALt Your tongu.� V61114 -ba (loll Ith It V, 1;, ` TheY bad em- and (fie fitaver n1rikes-to e 111 41 surg -NvOrk ttort ratioll:tl qV ed carriag", high mettle 1'.- 1.4.11 t -A -, blazoll . . -11 for k riik- ie, fro is. t varAloos roul.1il tilt" OUICT d steeds. Your brain. -of. x1ded Of the footmen, -platt. I'Ou kaVe chased t t�rtt' t I. -f. Aftibr, st a nip. The-eentrp of tile jitamp is. thN ronfounded lordtO PleRRUf* through -0b LIO' 'wisrol 0CCt1rlc%I by all val Contaffiln which floated the 101*11ttlesa and finder- e%"Ptly - - :1 vee)ro il I I oand senalors -,%'hf) sat at their table, every strum, amid ii.vitled that 0101"actim. lat4e. 'of 'tl-" Iflr- I it#, tho futlia -tit raitit, ,.; t Pf llitiogrolp ti d, staff 1� t ""111prMse-Al tile 111lig work-. Witil tho worl, Tc�n.,, In tile tdor .4.f giv,"S. It foluu! tillit tile nodule de- 8 on the wall. exquixiteness off air ready too pul Your hand its - r.� it, I ff, Centre SPeCial Aesigns of foreign loonis, splen but lu-st 'it We looment t 1-.)brn i .I , and tile plirase caliva -er witlli city 4 F1 t,:t r music rising amoung pedestals of ljr(' thP r(my. laughing r LAI on It or Ina white Illoolf his inzo 1 stylplit of tilt - n fa solid twallel eFfeirelling the aff, 1;i(l Ills and droppin sort as light con an(Pw of Sheturned r Oil eaelt tilde of the �v!Wh :;Ili Italf 'st Upton *you W tift ow I-AiNq Tif N Ulto it solill 'Hilluitallee r o' r: f and 1vord Sculpture. nro-.j' her locks -adders and Ire let them 'rest. Ibut glare of a fiend and the ev (if -a satyr. the embroldered eurtain and the gri: r "ll lik' f rounectin lew 4;r e -oval 'Witil t1le tar: fit. %%;lb t itrawril .(),It, wi �.,j -border, 'is it nfriiT! - K ruinjil.141her. shake UP the Pillow of down. Tu chill damp of a grave. out of j#-pux i:ig i I r 11,41 Is' I# -IJ j I it littlo, ball :lbolft elre e, with the flunwr.1i ut the ligtits. It is eleven 0-c rn tlirist no .1 t;,.Ii rl 0. acll night-. "luirilber drop upon the eye- NO light to kindle the dark - 'o, to -border is 'eceuple(l by orna. Viijall t)f Silitablo lids and the air float through.the half n"s. F -X- II -No voice to Filenc th, ;1iafnot,6r. VIO sliace b3tweCll the 1) lock at Let storm. f ills tile cheat. upened lattice drowsy bulwark wOr L- At the bottom 0& the t III!. r4k, I :It 10rti011 t") rP1jj0ved,'-tljt� re,. men.tal O drydock to rpa quinmer ir th split :iII(l. perfwne. Stand back-ull care anxiety rhank' God, rc.' w;ll (.Xpnni with MI,. 'tO td,114P its Place. -%ta nll 0. 111 the latile-work 'border, ap. "'The sore sWU in the cavities, . I' In tf'll You Something a'1 rioli thern 1 et tllf.y brought, nd trouble! But n1o, ;they If there Is no rqot on earth. th Tell The colo TWn 1* 1 te with tile words not 'better. r f -the 4amp nivat .11,41 stand battk -Stl-It' ini4 greRn They rattle the latt4ce. there Is rest in heaven. t i.r l)r(.:Ltl1iil9. a 1.9 dark The, gu q re Ali t1iix till, In (Ph. ye who, 11 re ThOy look u der the canopy. ,frk it With are worn out %vIth fr6ft) tll<- lAirtl I 1.14 inpost) rough totkq; 1hy Startle 11; Tbeyciy-(>ut3t,t--%'eiveo'c4eckat I h h'Lff Put Out, Your fingen worn %itil to`� fl'rSt--Clft8S lhattt-r iffl-land 41', fNorc _P. I calloused, Your b%rks bp�t, ) our evp.% f t f aPPlY With equ 1 rorce. to -wela tll.IL if- n gh�- -file only difference f tl:t& "Awake, m. -Ill! main opql. Vllt'tA' Would delivery jq I (1-A Hw I can 'you *I~ thL' n"dle. that in thirs world you mal. rc all ters. r t when. -#-rtaln 1! Wh tes, hv; thing' "*11" bel is il, aitill if - at& 119 Us' HPPcial ticatment Which the a areso Ilki( never Jay dou-n. ),e dipcoul-&ge .31JOut a - rilelway to 410 this tew rucelve wtul View- - hOut 111)(We sloekii'! aL, Lo fill - 1) - %-, I Hark to tile ta*,)fl ?A*llo ha% e 13een waging a hand to han-L . I oriktlfjl� tilp or tha fire -bell! 1#101 to (ij, Ir deli, 111 lot Your district. it g 'the air. Tery. The objvet r"I. t1w or treatmotalli 3L th low I You mh t sought b- ould 41e soonIO Awake. 111911( for bread; ye 10 u'hOm the flight %bj-sltroo6iq %Ijju� itl jjlliola�h 10,("Stablishmi-it of 4-pecial ;0t or , i and fluid (fell C.0 t I Think'of it! i ill. r 4 IV if) t114 IN- arc, drawn off. tile sq)ecial delivery 11-:1 tA- ielPple' will gt-t You,, drudgery ---oh. Ye of the Weary hand itfl;safety. rs transvdited -thereunder* t1i Is,; ;Ind the weary side and the wear3* foot, city, but al4o to btv don' lvttc.' tilt- big roillix.. i.a Ifumnn ftull. th& 4. you- are gone'! What bringx little reat and the morning Fn,)r, fig W.-it41-la JQ',JrnaL ill . tllb 1i tv.. rof-d-- will they-dq with It'! Walw up! Riches nie talk a truops L Vientifill s.lj 0' ppinion (if en: ivilo 10 11 -d -t -bo baNt wliy Of' placing pre till-' 'frot;k ff�k­C4:tl & 11 - - S- will- 136 mucli pro* -the xOrnetimes take if you bout reqt! o work of tl' 9!lm UP011 tbe 1"119 w 11110ted If - Look Lit that company of enthroned tif[PA11 tilt. -tv tif all SUM' 10tters r, carful to ad, lath -Mean gimpItilig should get poor'! I L Iv:t.4 tP 3hauser I - ". ziln-apt riflo- therl,. is Inuell *18 the ilitr(oduc- -of ones. f to 1;1101v tion. i'iit(-) r ni plainly and full. givitg, It cannot be th&4 thosta t 114. cli.ii-Il t tha t t gell drc---* t1le Wake up,"' lUsing t V (if ltrti- 'tit to furna Vri gh t 116 SPlIllln-r-,!s used - �ull for the On Otis elbow, the mn off f,, ones over tolledp 'explosivub. le rtun- ji! thert+v _NT.14 ell out 'of tl' e Ut %V:is eity 'Out into the darkn if, it lilot till- 14tree yes. yotap, 4: n t - an n'timber In Th"t- Ovety, case. �ucll off the -rogms and the Chinese I �111' Pacleed y ferve not wiDes pneas fr4im his fore�ead,i through Missionary irwtruction w;ut, 4,- overy 1;1w 6f flumallity the dam ell boxes and 14)r two, S thi,ro fluut)t 0111 V td hart. of and ti`V Vc but aLRo t,( for all this scene of 'ed into glor I'st ex1icrigietit xiatle oIc iu a IlItAtilo delivery. I., These xw%.-Iter"d It thf- log. After llllloculatitig� it �W,th and Inkignificenee, nt, r hem Plantations. and one night Th; t is, %vith tuber- kv r4N,k sarept.m. w %out W;W-r I Passed down a street of a -r., t ti 1 .9 that Ulf tila 1.4ill I r A -:" -iary t I I(Wb; germ.%. I -timic Out 0110.1ung. ., I i *Ifter the cotton Picking. went up a. 6 6e.nU virt. torr. 0 COnvert tll*�_ proje . I lo,11 with 4L tiles into I loroved, tl nd it- merchant, 4. 'at (Alf -lung e6uld be'pa a1113te.4 Cola I 11ft t :it lot shouses on the 0 He knew all th(A t 11p oSa .,,,gel (�P�tructf -street. an it they had never been blaok. t)trr*l f-vvr ilpv iiorked,. aWo lie said: "Ther, i Those died Of overtol I I n the at 1 .'sell �by flian. 49 tO file -Or. ent show 'thit-t, olis P111- 1141 tlw 14 something the matter in all thes(. Lbwell carpet fatories and th i till- Irk by lt&�Ij, MI(I U1,.jt t t his poi;l t I'll*. t t t I t4 ed I - lllplg�otild-� *06 --the how.ws. In that one it is conju I infeli- Manchester mills, atriek. a I botiL. IUIWS Bed, aDd the Scurvy� 'A" -'it' irt."l-Stratigii tilit lie In that one a di."ip This aarva t IN i t I 4 floAvard, th of those h'Ped tu build rrt,: - - vii -I A,0 The P'olding at:mn. In the Pyramids ant] theAe broke away rk (of rv"AratiolL. ry child. I n that t:ht* prospect of -bank- 44 90,14. aird by ru6tcy.1' , ThN world's wealth can towerg to build; heavV to donot. Oil (.Jf all Itirapf's no Permanent satisfaction. ThiF it; not more garments to weavok; t robes dire "Tho first uk" I Trick Th per hou�nded Out of Jerusalern, No more I&P to a difsolute fatherAn that an idiot y from work on the day (,_hMgt w&g I t t 1. roll 11VO J)lQe4e" luc"I't off wa a nj 003reat at it Played all 'at .1*4si trr)ubles. ,Im,l ly. -f4*t 4 l CoMMI)II fillre In Your rest. of t1k C01111tY boart4. had ftnJgbed No more harvests to raise -'Of kill d e'91VOII Vallifill he ht i %V.l y But his courw wits You and have seen inen trying tri.) the garners are full, Oh, gone Y ',r 'tim, emirs4, (if Ill. 111(l Ills (if vh it pla(e for that is Your rest! took to "ell' ON AN INUENOUS MEDAL COUP hilt to another directiolti. A man say.4, ..If I daugliters Of toll. arise Ye and depart. F. anlo patient -*,4a onL P.. illk*ctioll "I'lle.,11ext day he -illiUm Voris' cvuld toni rise,to suor-11 and su Iuul1Wx1 out Of bed. and iuw 1jeell renow could pnly -get the stand and It day school, wh1le dying, said to hill could vain that othee, ISCOVill McCallum. a boy of my Suk rL to piek tip ave my 4"Oug"h Is 9011e, and if prudeiLV u lwr-- 9"11, wt'r.a 1110 tight f. 14.1t -'lie' lil*llt b"Ve sentiments "let gotoderoun 'tow.n. to hq.- %% is' Is 0 1p -many tlln"-,.SinM. Ili";. Itp, r rib f A tilt, N 11 it wo" In4her. tilt matielit cunt rtmi tribills hand -clapping d vf "Don't or),, but Ring. sing. be he -ultimalt, re- ix I 11 applause, It I roul Only *-I gt f 4111 101,11ifig besta :it Xt 'Orlie A ALI �11 �Cr. - ­ i lito - 09"l treatIllf.-Ilt. is, oo.1 ti. "Tho lilir IV, d"1 Peech thal 'w1vould thrill. or do an Ther 1 tJ si�tarW �4. .4 iywrito a book that Would live. or make *Tbere Y-4 rest for the m ear), 6"Wd i:1 :1. r4 r suit. 1v W TI awidow wilom ("Ckl nIlia lified, li ot C-4 lIY[XxIermlt-. iltvd. only a" wi6low, llo�t then knoN 11 [118. . It 170 le., through %0)IlL:l1 llitr ;AM11.1k -111 r )f - (I, � ef)"81"s ibtr6diacing a Ilt 1:'l* - at first turns in his favor. His name it, on e is 1`0811 for the weary. - 3 11 t" .1i; - - - rw Retitin that would rt -Found!" 'Me tide iftbra'-.1 thrOugh thilt lit-roit. vt-lt.s it : too, ro 10-- Tl;en, 44 t t thf., " . -well The amdl* thr. 41eightKWrK. thf. olle (;o: lips. 'lie Is- bowed to and M)uwht his A'AiNted hand 4 oVer Vbi; Of '11141- wowl; hup.- 1114;1 11111A. bail 1 had fie if, lieu loutting or 8tokwk,' by wiliel br isL4 ..-it . III all A litilp 'ater- health at _vreat dianerv. At his fiery rt. he itald. "There it. rest for lvith" a he"lly Ilaiv.,*r t1l.it -fie fiftir and advanced. 31en drink his :ltwkut f(w%u,r fi*t III M1101111t. liltrod I t tbi 1 11110 Ito Vi --Tho tIrOlo crosaq Ills lilj�s hiflt,4� But tht-re art- sollie ()f yopu ".h" Aigli to) The eed call bo regu 1gjed* Si k0a k w0rds the multitudes huzza. From gal - cut t1irc Alloe W001,4:11147 Is it -seluRation Of kill h- VW I t lits-viouviria front tilt, feries of beauty they throw garlandr. hem abot4t Ah@ lantl ubere they ort -,Lkell 1*14.11 all- ilig for,-ij 11, ':It no at 2 tk4l (t to 0 'a isWr: ktruv f t-(,- itist, lu Some C41.0*1140- EiLgNsfilliall ain long rhave any heartb%vaka and n., �Ildvllt !r ,plie"'fact 1111 Mcdlit toetly Rappear% a 9149—She rpI1,4,ily' procession graves art- dug, Where art. Your sPlilite.rmi. Thiq %r . '.siot 110ing whiell 101111C Prom h4oupe tops as he paust to Bullet 0vt-ry' �aap Is follow di tid in �11 .-iriii -bit tile. first worl. S11-0 ob- standard the), hake )ufl the national fathe nd mother* 111h most of you A,4 It * I Afti�r Stri The -Witil t.tlu. loreseilt oleven o'* rg 8 cxi b W 8 Here let him rest. it is -3 11114- king., I d I iV bolit Of Lb7 111I.- a w. I V, 1) `V0nlPre-*"l by ` DCTf refty. tior 4710412k 'at night. a're or hans. ar0und. and where art., of jfi On pillows 'll.tr4 74- %V ila t, fit., I's ollits, astuffed the tubercular ore n 14 11, a 114 1 (1 id Il't '.S�l y .1 ji-y- t I ra i ig I I t, for winat'011.8 Praise Ital him lie has lArents; liv- butlet. The, blvd - t-6. 1, for the gas' relfldprs thill.. I,'* lior jtillte,li fluah all (I'sturbant Wits who are rpha". -tr;tILS Pool t, soft. tbo affetto�41 part licigh- strAllig%-r. hilt; ipft&' Ilia dreani let thopt* In I lVill st),rt�aftf iliert; illilg'ell r. and rs. Corbin bor fierw.lf to. g:iQierii1K. he, 11is are I'tour. children, Who -re mlai, onv f.s 4.1 NUIPP -splinters, ri suit- N.optilllig I.s to tx. ot las lie � tb f and allowp. a lx)i*,% re nd acroxi; It mareh a led a throne family i-irele thar. urio aroulld'A". Tubc-rculosis too tob 'i I i t jto�%, ri rst, i fir is unbroken I me# 11ijiloy- ArIl Rush! Hugh!' three - U tbe fire:. If burut otit.it catin6t %N ti "Wakila, Up.," 'i�,turbiijg" ff..l1'ur4. i' t) itoot ma k4a Bul If ft 18 uA96ild &it r.. :1 It# I a rough V,rn gr four that its M Li or, I t I One lamb 'gone ut Of this fold. onj, lin .1yerc- 'Iija It :: "IbOlideal e- Mower plucked from that garland, put. is.t.114y 101 r; i- ly 8t4 Wewi. be quenched. It worship nlet"t I-, (-hangi-kg. olc vz. r" .4,r- it 1114.411 Pr sor How golden -link broken fr,)iti that ellikin. Putting -lie.,401 tlw waeOf floor or 'Wif- .11:1 t tit Nivo., alti her tioleill If You sh')uld 14me this pl&(,e of h,nor? kelit by Mrs. Th(aims iWAelittati- Kill, tittings, to I' PIL--,tratioii till fl-ientily tij roit f ti atiseveration Wakt, ulo� The in()rni stri,ppillit (4f. th, 119 Papers arc "ere a bright hCht Put'out and therost Afts!r­ the [i oi' �11041 and b' -to it is ht Baker t folnfi knollvi, full otr 4.1- t he tho No 9'. -1tal another ano yondsir another. with U* 4 &. ,, f las ways. .-P.1111-111 :1l1tIif,PkrJti(% nik, way arref!tc4l, o lk t till1:111t the thost. d A b. oil' _%.L. kill,, ""ark -1) Fu(,h griefs how are 3.t)u A) rep, Stav-1 0 wbo one* t care"ed Ybu! By tO-mltrrow night illy his aohere ever be a Power that can a It unt. o(`Jlltillu"� 1164 tiallAt -'busint-us witiloilt -tit an I a. few lit1ghtmor.,; t4. ill -be m"Ititudoef; sneeri:lk a that siletit voice oe kindle the lunt.-1 "I fit Me, the words 'which last night you t othat cloped eye or put spring nd Illill. Barrel Pec e diince into) that little fopot? on t rmanif, its' ,Pa t'h lk"- A's the American 4iftAilron in ))6ti., rit is, %liallieter. _. ifict Pit% eiiience. 10:1 to Iilpsi& tell Weeks. Albah' d Vould bP universally admired. -bank UP the dupt over the deud, is tho r than f1rV-ef1- (a tile' ex ;f-t-maiiY's flo, a n rie --.%It When Ae tar preparntion, 'Will produco tho silt' o!l girt tit 11. It'itlWil obrpa, i the 4ZP- 41f 1,1;lz,,-1 nott. JI.tv( T" How -"an )'4'u sleeP When everytbing w#d never to be broken is the cemetery reet wl,rnn UP tite Ntalroo fill Ill -K Pat butter. depends upon the next turn of the but' the tire f thw the Tlniwk .nt,tl* jql�eq p!0 .4 --ti 01, rotecti6t, ssAt tho aIstiek great trageds," mill wn.4 stahtlin 11W it. 1 %1141 (Of tA-11 WPIC'S Ule n1trogen is %vitil- he till, air Ildlijitted and -tile enred do that!". t at ti- UP, m1n! OfT or this or the tap of �the bell at IAtIl 4;4,rm V t. t was Iffle, 4 et hot the gate alt V, I is The man, uith head valent W f rom t tilo. rmilig Ist-d! 4-flui, hir last oratio*n. starts up sud- proeespions come was talki '111-9 to Iti; fornwr din, foldifig fe W, t, I if In Wfth their awful bardent Of Irrief? fig Sf fpmr 41 : die -The denly. looks ou brN I W611jell ishrioke(I in (.1, but strang,- as 'it Till- s-ruL r thO ('01191i retoilrus. all tilat OrUs. falhine prevililej *,rs las to Sol )1114 and %lie -fls sc-Ps nothing except the 11OWers hat rogell, I" IN th* bOttOm of the Itrave gravel and id 0 114 UK- 'llin all(her rt.�st, whicil ! -the top duivic! No. no. no' Tut, t1VV4b lid. 4401 -6 11% U) l)Ut III ],lore lljt ran th'i Lrirl iiii iti tlj+- lag�t jfe up'n his stand. ur the scroll from at- t If tm, wlmrt which he read his only plave here A.* books from which he quo r' the riihes al)()ut us for a pleas"t nsip illy I:", firtit- -will undi)ijIIte4Ily (!ure It.- speech, o e Wrap our toy -ruixer "t oIter faitli lit tl,4. w1-44 The armort.41 k vr 111111111ing pati4vj T ey lof 4;0,1. to'Lrriv 1:1111plightor ted his all- our Aa3' hqlino� The selljngs of jordan r 0411 desk to fln- "ill 01111- \\-"h og the dust ou the tiv, melt. thirt he tLIII()t 1 )Owl' the street vs-ItIl l.im 1AW 'his nPOected F "y r ndhi - thorhips, And goes t his fr4 Prill the* f.ij (An onday, tllo of thol. lit -lip I.-wiah offere'll. correspondence, .1 - fktf�pn r 1XLveritiv of tho oisea, ery,% "Thfa or J70111 Xt .9110t, by� the prote(q- )J " t 4 IN)" di heard them the, tOP of the gr-lv 1) V4 IN #,of 1,14p shell plilfigotl int(P tilt-ir 4-41 erti0er Uritic*voi This Itild Ile w1fal V? III:, kp - tile 1?rq,_ nant line to some re. 1,14 it curo \ Ze Xt r in to Pen n Indig ned U) ktiow vision for i porter. u glimPse of the towers glint0dowith thp UlliptI'VOS iti ter r sketch the Plan for a public sun that nevor sets, wilat, J W411111t. No lit' 10flowe4l, tile PraI61LIX.t. deft%,nse against -apolittu, i-xMpt oqlc.; j#L be 'In ro &-Lrka14i0 fe 6re .,r-pf t1je the assaults of t a patit-lit Ilaj IBarrel. ...not PeoPip. Happy when he got he Oh. ye whose locks are wet with the tw tile. RUI I ru . . Ider ti 114, l`411,911' of adl Ion' got hu first dewn of the night of strief. Yt' whose 'of fuld all. tA%. not itlier ... oil Pic i tkory sill troatincsilt will fill, -A sloorial miracle. bout brief. Exultnt hqrst. It lialf ALVa when lie hearts are heavy because those well no avall. "00's c0fn- Lriunipbed over his first Political riv. known footatppg Round no more at the 1W fra-zinents 'w' (4,alf ll(*tility to- tj Was W y 11P e%%,11() mon 1v-lY for provi(liltg:for I tic T I it. - trea tMen t cit I he given b.V' The fol,iijig hed wonder tinily repqnt- "I. Yet. sithng on the very top of &11 doorway, yfmd(,r is Your rept, There is a 900ut act Ounck- ThP tou-t the G�-rrn* afling: Mon is :1 011i) piece Jknyb(oIy­wl16 can properl- ! They're lof!ked ed. The � -orld's Offers of prals� he ex- David r otNtinlate. this v% Letr.4i a rip qI -tile 'IlAt grallary laims: "No rest! No rest!" -2 11Y' " Picked 6p was t11tlw*r lY flot 6ur. frienik.. This. 'Germaii th::* or Ae pati P tteentilIg earth IR like ollp triumphant, but 'once he than halt the blime, iusi p initch ent, or benjoanPd Absalom. There Is Abraham -)%nnot bo 191"Ptold The door wil bolteq nnd could lot nthroned, but once he Wept for Borah. noftigll to and oil course,. tilo regult gl�.I, And the doorN bolted.,;ftnd in, which Clod 'kcelw ever The very world that now aPplauds -it X 4' WIll soon th. 3 ;% %I; I'l fit all bad a six-imell 81W.11, -1. It'll willing U.) taki- ..be for( 8110 wellt-The file ' se of hiss. That world &aid of the There is Paul exultant, but he oncsa firvoi rrf -tit dallgh- Will ellre . Ion reA hi 11Y reputat Im great Webster: "What a statesman! atll,'tt tll() IIeW` faith irm as g 'tat with his feet in the k grf-at 1441gto tll#, fri#.Iloll rv. Thom.l#j. III of grate :is tho, IS Payson radiant 911:,fo0waor: Nreeeh_1.(X&q_jillg g Tlu- refur Vorbla Mr. Vnibin screametl 171 0 Wftt -A iniracle What wonderful,exposit Ion of the coil t(w- a. There r at Of! widowed jl:lttf. fflineascs- or tho Julig.'i -.�T I th kingdo . 8 "11019dPitt bY a liert'lliCifon r:,'Sol ttitll(lt,� ,aiv Y01 Still alive?" cre 911tution! A Man fit for arW position!,. it have 'n h' immortal 9 hs writteil -)ok entitlell aOt reacheol tllf� she atk"N Of ber oil it) the kingdom or Thu' alth. but on r 'earth he was &lvk-&vp Of -win .1ilol "W*.:1k #of thein .,(. , 48ge. , 1. %'611't yolt plea#w t same said aftel, be, VjAitillg _01111fort" In Forrow -tilt! Fruits 0 lip ;k, 0, awhile: NO toil. no 'tears. no pariing& a, it, f 1)r. llfurptiy %v,ill Oppli tile door? M -400m. Coin. "Down with,him! - HeAs an ofiftee t Hoot take e h; a sot. He is a libertine, 1-14) storm to ruftie the crystal sea, Iiii It, t 1,6. I.r' tiro, t1l) till Air. CorlAn "id not unck-r-faiall for his work. V. 1. silfanceltilly Away -With him!" no Ptrife. no agollising cough. no nighf. Two - %1"rnolar'a Ito Tearldngs._4;ckd� oJt, perb - volultie t 'il)( viera r (. _ - never wantell _4 tieekej% 11 I V"p; I ti- I I f' )JI (IlMulliptives. U.1 her or have appr Ju. .. -1111$ ttt' work. And there is m alarm, to, strike We r1R. 114-114 IN -ell �ftrlijce(l 1) tilf. L';. PllrelY Kur'gic Its (Illite as Illuell as fitteech. V '-I Peace for the man until he lays down no dirce throbbing ttom Per- in# rio reJX,>rt,4 from t114 a, 111141 lite I the. inoity br.. tile KJOWIL. from the cathedral 1w tile way (;od pointi; out I,.Ls his broken lifeart in the grave at harps, no tremor in th ever. I""%*0ilfI ti— f i rs 1-1ve taken lwart st itz, of Darm- (IL4vov4�ry. . 111k re fire Sl*Dtfiete-1 groa. f $;,III like), liw) tilt. NLikit bly -suits Of 0-i1wrinielita- thp 191110d out from 911ril 4. Trials are a voW N%,hl-le Charier, Mattheu..* royal lne,�llpa en IN rell t 101, if, wor-1 wrii t 7. lyllell ()lie RUI)p,.V falis, (.,otl gives audiences one day a Into that rest how many It hof her "Tiff obs�r_rvatl(nIR we BY tl,ifi Mide tile whole otvas perfogning In London before ini lasting song. i t I t :1 Mika, treagtilelijitg t1wir f(prtifiea- re but rest. perroct rest. us). from I n .1. 1., pirep:trill 7 d tify -tha VVI to the e(mirt Vvax r V. gyp K for it OusiA.'for ilie diniz rest! t1w. hook in ritU,-it til r iig I- t),)Illi(jtl tilerp mIL Ilk another. V. itnd glot)my man-callne-into a doctor's I)ut down the work rwpija i s yt 'bili-lal (toupip .1. is iiraregt wilpit have gone, Rome tito inihistri- fn the lint. ed, tip tbo nveill IN agreatest. V. 14 sbol). saying: "Doctor, what can you ng they cotild hardi) Tht, i1iird U, keep- ilp foloing twa.., By if) I"IdUfP.* rott. I 1�) ; hot a single - alltobi ()f tllf,* S&II10 tileory tljat Iq ot to ho ra p hrica I a % - y ( P , �Ii o6loped. Th treatultylit of tlk-� 10V0 %*ill grow. N7. Jr. f*%rr- do fo)r me?', Insion, 'but displaying t4 fler- r be sPaired ro patiell ifleil upstairs anil bletowg n lit Whell God The -doctor examined his f in the store or shop t" at nd Aald. My advice is that you a day. but are to b -P nPared fron, it J)"1111:119 a tie it will go a greatv.-ay.. fit ' 'M Of fe'ell ' ng :11111 r P & Ulld religiotin -iielt Jarplith will be cl(mwly t th4a (W -sr. The God,11 fit It 90 ild see 'Llio rokt4l It"gi ri Work of -8eaU,.1r.,v bellef. It I atelleA wo-1114. lifillnew Will- n Charlefs Matthews.-- forever. Some went in oid age onp p 91110 with w>niett ing In by tli(% I t"1Xf le ever fail our r4t. J�origa-.tfs% list nature of :1 D)otto: , 'a, PrOrealon Of U16 coun.. bY. %'(art% ifirieking' 16,41J. Tile beart grows ' "Alo;, alap.11 said the man, '41 myself Ott0fing on his lktafy and u"d th* fi' I'll 11-stiffocated In V 6611 In ea me the, Air. and JfM. earbill r-lifed to lag Matthews! ­ #,of Clibit, %Vefil Jeffreys lf%ft flank. ightly in t114 while our time, -.44 (harl 10 11it at the foot ofAhe piiii,it. hip 'n our work in this worl4l is I.om_ A dreat'' igroan 1110tight that If he cojild only be a judge "%'rinkW face r&di&ntq� , -Ith fit It t Chinese Financier. PRACTICAL URVF:y. A Kh &o V)ete.9 . I I that would be the making of hkn; got that falls from the throne f God. An. w*itioll OR the* riglits -laillaii one atAlist lind the prew..st tru.4t other having lived a lifta of Christian o3e was %,Iio!ly in tliqb be Judge and cursed the day4 In yestersiny. ih rp#.ling fa, to 141199mt tia't. thr I.Imp- Of liow UOW it few this caft -bp saii. he as born. Alexander wartt- consist flere ever butty with kind. w1th tilf, tA-r crawl througli the transom Holiff who prolipw chr!"tiallisty sd to 80merge the world with n"p for her chiidi4n, her heart full ,1C ry., U4 4-ngilgill1c jil rp- "115 mll rt,:kr tw4w6ell I I Is;$ IU:l !tnt, (10 thO rescuing himwair.' The lamp. that meek and quiet Ppirit that tit in evila 1141,4 Foarv4 re being awl coll-.-Ince t)leljlwlv#w th1lt the his ne 91*1itness; submerged It and then i4trong ling. for with of tho-p-ritioll jouriuk that. an Anglo lighter as it lit ('ePt, (-'01 aR their gdard aiid gui(IV .% drank himself to death b the sight Of God Itf grest WM mud. Jim 11 tie. grimy 1111111. 110 a 'bilil, town rive made' JIMPOW e trouble. I'llaffif*.120 ibriwl4ie giligerly througli Burns im lipail. his tepladder and crawled could not stqnd th e(*Ul* he denly her couritenantv was allialleo w a(U811Y Place very little mifidtinee in With Iby tfike fuldl* to the United co the ntirrow open- -thought he would ured. and tho- gate Was opened. and L Iiii-li (-itLV it is gle he could win the favor of courts and film' We li"ll"Or" flis Caro then Stattw tile tcri-itOr` Of Cuba Porto But oil' iftide.tile groans :It every dan r." give everything if oh t400k 11t., pt&ce &mid that grqb&t untitrun reol ml�lsvr (V� (;dfl i I P, was. SL.k;n,i Rico, 9. him that 110 made no at- Our trusl ili ("I princes: w0tl it and amid the shouts 8" that 9 -010 PhIlIPPines, tc. Thei� ,h,)rt- Rhould W all ill all. Cloud of %%line hover about Pip Mr. and Mrs. Corbin. but or 11.0t at ftil," We ingult Hin tho- vity uL14 iilg llewSp6aperm forget til.tt tile tellipt to'll Of ft great entertaininent, when pbetf, the ti�rtoljv, Mornijig. trimt dt,sperately to unlock the door Him hAlf th4' Ing his Kenius, wished that he c(1Uld U111ted tate.,,; collatitutioll forbids ally lHdoin to vo and orators and duchesses were ador ('011`100lation! They are not -ind get out. they are dead. They hve unlY moved -it ob. hi;4, nnrthwe�,,;; t,f t114- Allier -Ali rntP"tiv to the faillt-P*it creep beek ih(o the obscurity in which w With more love than. that with Ial-so W It lnter%;tate triff, all(l it the You cannot maiKe Inp t)*,Iipvv countrles Out fit the elty 11no, 14tl*. ('otllfly- ;11141 '4411 itlago. come in to 'Wrote frorn ss'llo line e0M0 into United Statm federal III- T!jt) crowd In the 11ill, matle des- 'I'l)WIter to tile wilit flui 'klY he -dsvIolt bn the day when he forwokill,9 dirk:tly dt)Wlj Ion* their goods will, have to L*ratc by t1le -de)aY, c0uld wait no obey i longpr. but bhttere�l ()Own G& -l')? (!ftre for FIijnh ilk llisq or th h they greeted Us on earth they lip, ill the Ewe (if Kpttilkg. UP 111PI41 () - it ""y -all pOrts true. Thim will r6b the United the door. In They reptirt ji!rent . I 1 itboolit thr4ao SULtIm 'Of a they ruslied, tile *omen expecting to ted it r UP frothi their high plac* and I "I -'411alliqlt troorop�i. tilt. I,,, VerY great revenue of, mark(ld. E111-th prtdic by great fall,- their voic*­s cheer us In our strugglit 'tcA_lcCO3 mig'Lr, Mild other prodlictA WC, Neveral arnU and log 11trelvil ino, and Ulat was nwe U bi, lonomo illtelii� for the sk.y. Tli#,y �,,y tile 8p4t&I1L_4!l troops ;1kc. (on 1)14ibY- medeaL 'eriomon tipped about the room. About ii.-lif (jr tile 9'0'u-*" in ea re Hall, spirits bleaft-d. nt)u, 4jif thr'. IJ4.li4.f girl WUl bo really tile filld step 'to- tlk of t.1 flower. le selfish 'I'll 014. ; pp I ifs. here tlult war(W- free trad�_ wOniell are. reportd to Ilave fled arch. Tip j101WIlt tht Ve have pappfd the flood and won -41"Icwt 0�ttilAjti. itivi that Sfechallical appl, 111foll- (k-nvn stair, afraid to look lipoll tllf% thought to kill Ule lnegmplWer was t4 tW*11$r 11,ew for t1seir w9p. Sick r,Pr%%'-lr4l by ancem iLre . goo perfect in the UnlW life. the ('!,own, V%,Itll t f- . up the shining WaY. until in evprl&xl 110"Pi A.1R, the )III-IflPfli lin't furagua- llt&(l all r4htrj.At#.f, f #11 mangled bodies of thp bridal couy4e. that the prWifetion of tex_ avert the calamity. I)r0phet& an. Napoleon wanted to make all Eu_ '&[-I ths-)' rPport that 77 'tl'l 11111111w -l' #of trftiops n(i fremhl(,, theii died, his entive military donfe all e Atiftering front Cut At foo , Tio. - ttleff and metal,goo(Iff, ga he &A-rootil mur. rope tremble at his po%%Pr; made It In1r Feunion We shall m"t &C&in Oh "tieY, 110t Ml -%14tlltiagf' Ving the high -Wag lit a state 9f (lerP4 11 141 stoned. byAt PrOPheeW en. It b grand. whon our et)nflit-ot can. be liaAl -brae. wi-ri-'k.111oril nd 41) wovirlok-11 tj4 *,Ile waro a d ,ur loartingp 4)v"T. %%.#. %�Ilap l"dift-AU-, that Qle Spaniardr, e, "11Y8 tile -New. York Klvp th bir& VaIr Of Milltar boots %,,-hi(,h lie in- 'Th i Wag at IL Smaller cost 9rCA1t C011f;1sion. Bric-a gift-gs- flurp. Tiltby t1m fulfilled t;o the letter. aeblevemnts dw4ndlitig down to thart In Ell, -()pc%. With the sickenill Hor nd books were utrewl, about 111w4thi: br")k failes] and rI&Rp hands and ilahteavy oak bedsteadwax nllg?'tV'41 tllPrp wm the up, fnigagelaerit -f)f !orilf,41C411y. evacustitiNI the that that country 11110 given g i Po 111119 the floor., The heRven?" ery f ou I to Worloti, in the . 1) er nt ter (.11amber )listed n having on hiq feet when 11:6*4 j.t 11 01. youllg'n MIN is belloo, v4,41 tO tX4 Oil- I Will Hie Is Lim great a Morgan of as a sandwich, aTI(I if' the wiflows 11(m 0 'to eXPOrt, tfade, a gXeat struggle (_elestlal in By the thloneg of hftV0 to bo b(gan to getr a 11 in ow I ()'It Of the craelts fl Hit(? therP was dyinK. your L way as Ll oated the groans - tho eve At 'Versailleo I aw a Picture kindred. hV their gentl hear Place tn nish(NI "il I)t of Napoleon in his triumphs. Tlwy- OnlY Fl it tile wil1l.ow 1111119 Chang. 111m Of Mr. nfill Mrs. Corbin. watswe tilo m&rketm or th na,;n'(,f'b; Kherig Taot alltl IN! Is lookpd rowuptl ate at , the into anothir room and Raw a buljt of no", call ),Ivu. War Notes. *orld, ILRd the I went (endernew and love RrItish llownpaper may ng Wei I e unljarm�d after flVe ininuteN INX11"d for two a Napoleon aA he appeared at St. liel- The, 11,cwt AggLrtli Spfuilga Govarnineilit r1*11 ul 0 " cogn'Zo'"Ic fact that Yankeedom L9 11111d of the yello rd work -Ith tll& axes, alidglid F -ver -v (Ifly' thu- Lord rsa rN or Ilion.. YOU start on the hilr1i rov, .1 tilreaterwo att4tek (.m ti UP011 an the Createat fitiativier tilp of )In from th, W dragv)ll hay yet f U*k a baidifully membfred them (Ina, but. oh, what gri�f and anguish In the verlapting 1�eothe (J"A9 owd ta i iis-41 frinn tjw. =11ef I" iw that hinci. *aA either imarr fiee tra& flow than orhe 11ml"ced. to rinil In the face of the latter! The first m"t. tllf� ree 'Pat rol" e gi rts Will coast ILM a to cause ever wan, or of, tile Vp He In behind all tile gf out or bed in tllelr n1glit IlII<t tll(-Y ljpver failed I of itilmiral Camara. The 0VQ rge of proving ra Projecto flow on foot While the Avommen and littl foTi their Wan Napoleon in triumph: &JISAYN have arrived. at .4a- tion an IMOOMIbIlty.-gaturda, a n,(, way their eyes and the iliell the last (one of the om TI&4 utittelliplit im )1in0l(W4 thay: "The- FtJted 8tates 1,9 liq Ig t. I wan also a Promoter of t w&s Napoleou With hit, heRrt broken. vould hRve art, 20111 Me ..,An InLoftakofi In t. y eW Imperial he, Chin- a nd gilyeftl t1lem. Bank wheme. 'A Be I Tim folding bed Is a wreck i Frotostij. NOW the), laughed and cried when itP Primperity. vnn^-' tilt' authority of a" a n Idle Thf� Blectio, and Hev. Early Call -WI --ToMka, Ilver-tongued Sheridan. in the mid- In the body and if one Pekin - all(] Hankow reacl; t rl 11 t "tagc %vi I I - it is Understood, POOPle of Britain. ' ic -n 'Aljfko inay a Jolt. to #affect p2eente their threat.- Lmider, iloctor, r )ift)hot Which Hiletilg How to Got Strong. EL114 how theyhowl. #ad hy I delivered. 'm 12 day of prosperity, olu 11,000,000 for a trunk linp between harangued the Fir"t. to we' '<' Is$ stook, the will ift alwi of f0iji(in 19hat lat induce.] 7 it syll(licate lln" AdVaUCW KIIII., Daily, (1,,tT)lttL1. The tt.i.11 of prot(wt,14 8 they will be in It they Wleave t1je clitir(q,.? I t-118 t be -ups. De-dy, .4 ftntingym, its, cubft. De - 4 llear You. -Taotl W eniginewing. bo lie" ilt 1*�PU`Illl tr Its. otmbh r &Wi=Y '"1911 General Unarm at tPloKiamill to ttw, 1;. K Navy Bridget (speakijig np)-lip Judgm abim aw, tile ed and ex&crated hitn when. outaide. V.hrixt IP Thfro- arp of tllt� (le le during vacation. creditors- tried to ttwcP 14110 Of Ver urvive the puiv go ill f get his Misembip within tho Apanb4j linen athfetics� don't yer know.F. Oall 900d fluthority y(vrterday that of tim bones and sell them! I lxixtment t0-tlAy reported the arrival In Vita fleitee flit] i)ll 6111(l what "Yatil", I;: L(I cholly, 1)0011ttle, -,tl d0lILW the Idea (of sittlug of the room where his corpsi_- lay, his tif- y to all boat Dolphin com- for. 1p,'Irc the church He -1 cannot reirtral,ij the (10ct&h has -,rdahed me to It waX 8tated on spa W noonly known an the Plafaident'm yacht, to remark what a sinall and (Jainty at, tile 0411111thern #,nd bteell for which trials werp 44)_ This world for rest? "Aha,- cry th U&' KSY Went, mifftwin,g from Injuries w"011 you wire DOt alwaYfif want- hand you have, MLFW "Ali ! weally ?­ re"POTPU41 MeAllWor pp, et, probal)ly not Illom thall twe), SID& Uly. "I'lkil 9ftntu 1JIfolla, at tlw� Ing to go out rlillng, C)&rn. You ought Harry! 3fy Gooke' "e -oh, Ward. I'D _(! waters. "no rest here! W1019110ft" rflornier, the - rlmll ill a c0114don with tho crijimpr Newark. to pay a 11ttle more attention to the heart goef, with 'It. ut, 'no deah. bo, you lijusll,t a We plunge to VarticulrtM of tho daniage o4i When wIll You Rpeak tO Papa ? go at It too fewoelously... bL% ted. In a few more, �aspa the VeR." "Aha," cry the 111101 60 ttw north W anottwr wtalned serious, things of, life. ruen a �achO Remember, yl)u F tilo petitionorw will Lpply for a trial, "no rent -here! We crumbl 1C. are not obtainable here -pt that "That's what-ah.1-thp doetah &a $'Aha," "Ove axe &tPou to 4 e f exet Owl't 90 to heaven In n eartalijge W, a it"' 'H woma"98 lKallfaf that thvre 1d, but th0 total number will be e PIRIn." rY the thO D01phl.4 wao almmt of .311 -2 ", and 80 I'm b4illning. donst you 88e, small. T110 jQ4W wlIo rY rtaxt here! Wt- folio%. 7- Uut Iln nQ ii.itste �l r ri k A t in Cuba' I the V1 .:WUI cond UCt A