HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-07-01, Page 4• Meanwhile the cooks have been buoy I `'hopping lire wood and boiling "skilly'► in big pot+. An idea of what "akilly" means,y be gained by inspecting the "refrigerator" in one of the cattle stalls where quarters of beef, carcasses 0,1 sheep and hogs are hung in plenty l'he Commissariat it aledlut the busiest part of the service and eel 1 it might be, for the boys must deve}ope pretty good aided appetites flout their daily drill. The men are again called at p.m., when they go through their lacings till -t 30 p.n,. At 5.50 p.m. guard mounting takes place, supper staving 'leen served at 5.30. At t, tem. the bugle sound% the ''retreat', .assisted by the lesaul, the deg goy alo en and the Ciunp "stands easy" for *he* reit of the day. Along about 30.15 p.ni. "lights out" is the or3er a:4 the guard redoubles his . igilance to catch truant'' leen out without a patio after the regulation hours. The first night he had his hands full and eventually succ ieded in nearly tilling the old ticket uttiee which has been utilized a., a guard house,' among them being • private with t. bottleof I whisky and a h oking tass belonging to. an unknown cbnpany, M. C. CAMERON BANQUETED. Farewell Address From H!9 Politica Frier da. The citizens of 0 el,rivh and-ier ding representatives from all parts of West Huron earemhlu 1 on Thursday ni4lrt last to banquet and addre4s his H4.nor M. C. Cameron, lieutenant -governor of the North west Territories, The with - was one of the largest and mast enthusiastic of its kind ever brought t4J4ethe'r in 1Eur.'n. .After a tua. niti- c,cnt supp3r in the. British hotel han►luet ha1', wb-sre uear:y 300 guests sort d )wn the "National .lnthein'.' was sung, and thea chairrurin,_ Mr. Wm Proudfoot, pro ceded to read a highly `coutplimentary address to his honor, to which the lieutenant -governor replied in one of his happiest efforts, reviewing his long residence bore, his erection with 'clatters local and political, awl thanking his friends for ► se ntagniticeat a banquet. He was particularly pleased in observing that the oectesion brought to-gether not only the old stalwarts who fought aide by aide with him in many a political encounter, but also 11is goal *friends, the Conservatives, who nobly came forward now to du him honor upon itis preferment to the position he now occupied. Tonight alt political feeling had evidently taken a back seat, and the kindest wishes and hand -shakes trom.both parties made hint feel that the people were indeed his friends, and NI he hoped to live to merit so spontaneous and friendly a good-bye from such warm friends. . The usual toast list Was taken up, beginning with "The ,,ween and Prince of Wales.' Mr John Mc- Millan, M.P., J. T. narrow, M.P.P.,. a- d M. Y. McLean, of Seaford', replied to the t►aat ef "Our Dominion %rd Local }louses. Short addresses were also made by Mr. R. Holmes, of Clinton, Judges Masson and Doyle, E Campion, J. R. Shannon, Horace Horton .end A. Saunders, of t;odericlr, Reeve Mckeniie and J. L. Grant, of Ashtieki, Mr. Hugh Girvin, L. H. Morris; of Cu►borne, and George McEwen, of Hensel(, the warden of Huron, and others The addresses were interspersed with music by one of Hurons Scottish pipers, Mr. Dan `1cKay, of Kintail, who has often gladdened the okl chieftain's heart by his atirrinc bagpipe strains, and the selection- upon string in.struruenta by members of the ei derich Musical ►ciety: ,Besides those .already nren- • tuned there were present also the ii.ayor of l;oderich : the county crown ►►•torney, JIr, Ira A. 'Lewis, who is probably one of the oldest Baldwin. Reformers in Ontario ; Mr. 11. F. Moores, of Kingston, Mr. James Smith, W. Coates and tiff. J. Pais'ey, +►f Clinton, .A. Laurount, of Mount Forest, W. T. Yellow, of Port Albert, and many others. The pleasant even- ing was .ended with God Save the Aak Druggist or write direct to J, X. XeL.o& Goorin:Ctu, Ont. Queen," in which, all joined to the leadership of the pipes. One ft r t 1 the Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County criday July 1st Clothing',Soots Sc hoes. The bulk of our spiing stock has arrived, which consist of the nobbiest and best values ever presented to our custom- ers. BOOTS .A.,ND S OE8-:= Below is a few of our snaps :--- Woman's Dongola Button, Self Tip, Coin Toe, sp3cial $1.35 Woman's Dongola Button, Pat Tip, Coin Toe .. .. 1.50 Woman's Dong. Button, Self Tip, Turn, worth $2.35 only 2.00 Woman's Dongola Oxford, Pat Tip. Coin Toe.. .. 1.00 Men's Dongola Congress, Coin Toe, Special .. 1,50 Men's Dongola Laced, Coin Toe, Special.. .. .. 1.50 Men's Dongola Tan, Laced, Coin Too.. .. y 75ftk CLOTHING- ) ,1r,' .. Men's all wool tweed suits, best of Farmer's satin linings, worth $10 for $9. Men's black Venetian coat and vest, bound, and best of linings, only $6. Men's all wool Canadian tweed suits, • good linings and well matte, special at $4.75. Men's Canadian tweed pants, made as well as the best, worth $1.25, now selling for $1,00. ROB a - 'hs Hub. &oth Them Albs --- FOR Family Groceries & Canned Goods FRUITS OF ALL KINdS IN SEASON. FLOuR, FEED AND ALL KINDS OF SEEDS; FJNL 7TA $pccuilty. 7HE LARGEST STOCK, 7'HE CHOICEST GOODS /I ND THL *Ir VAtd1111: OBTAINABLE IN LUCKNOW. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. JOHN - ELLIOTT. • M. ORIGAN'S Is the place t . make your selections in . CROCKER RE, GROCERIES & PROVISION I have in stock the following : Sole agent for Williams' side laced plough shoes. • T. EATON . D.ION'T CET IT All. Zeitirr**** $01isnat*** Have purchased several complete and, extensive lilies of the finest grade furniture of the Lucknow Central Furniture Company's best manufac- ture. Just thin , r line comprises 50 bed -room it s of the most modern AND SUP -TO -DATE DESIGNSL.0. \%re are now selling our regular S 10.00 suites tor $8.00. higher grade suites likewise at our bargain prices. Furniture for your rooms and pictures for your walls go together. Our goods come from the. best manufacturers. We handle nothing else. PICTURE FRAMING Is a feature of our business. . We can give.* 'if to your bare wahs; This is the season for house. decoration and adornment, and LAWRENCE well equipped for the & J O H N STO N E are same. 1 That Torches The Spot 0 niAOLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR OF and Impure Blood iver and gidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. INDEPENDENTS AT PAISLEY Thursday of last week a meeting Was held at Paisley by the Indepen- dents who have dropped the name of Patron. There were between thirty- . tier and fifty ,.resent, one gentlemen pltaeing the number at the former figure and another at the hatter. Mr. W. Vallens occupied the chair and 'Slay A. H. Cameron acted ea secre- tary-. The meeting decided to organise an independent party subject to such action as ruay be taken by the grand board of Patrons which meets in Toronto in September. Mr. W. _D. Bell. of C'hesley. made an admirable speech, bri:rtlivtg with good point.. He edvocated education along indepe1ass dent linea in politics, hut deprecated; .he b►inging out of independent party candidates until thorough education had been effected. He was opposed to and would have nothing to do with placing an independent party candi- •late i,• the field in Bruce county at the preseut time. The following weLe- appointed delegates to the independent (invention in Toronto during exhibi. �H E •. on time North Bruce -Wm. Smel. iW ► c Fiats, James McDonald. W L. T. Bland, J. Hama. PHRENOLINE toseirie. Arnold. East Bruce, Jas. task W. R. Thompson, James REMEDID'as. The meeting, then adjourned ES 'L K• Cameron, Sec. Sold by Harry Days► Lucknow' FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER �FFERSw'LL E RECEIVED FR the purchase of lot 16, on the 10th. con. of West W awanoah, up till Monday, August let., 1898. This farm contains 200 acres of land about 150 acre" cleared, and has Iwe under paet.rrs for the last fifteen years, 1•' r further particulars apply on the premiss, or to THOS. lt. SOMERVILLE, Belfast P. 4). , Ont mibri.' 404P. Wood'. Mt Great tosgl(sA Reen.dv. Bold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Ms forms tapes guaranteed to cure al l Sexes Weakness, all effects of abase or excess, ]cental Worry, ?xeeastye use of To - beano. opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of prtes, one peekage 1i. six, ib. Owe vii piens, set; >ei cure, Pamphlets tree to any address. flag Weed Ceelpe !y, W e Oat. Sold in Luckne,w by Dr..D. M. Gordon, Druggist NOTES LOST. TN 'webs*/ Md• ss iv.* by Mr. .)as• t f "1.4 &oldie d use !Is $ 5 and ,.sr w�al4,st, aad public are "FaZ%eairat them. 44Z1' SP1t s, Belfast, P.( ). 'l't►king the lead everywthere. We are working day and night t►► supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that, hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happiness daily. Try Our _ - Rheumatic Specific or TAIJCHT. KidneY and Liver Pills. They are absolutely pure and health- ful. Guaranteed to cure Rheuma- tism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, I.umbegn, and all forma of Kidney and Liver troubles. 4-":11 Z1, ontal 4 Harmony a. C At by KEE, -vreet. For .: ►ite!stunt For terms, etc., call eftiee. Concert Wore a SAN= riket Rw>u >7ri vxstlww ples eller • Beware of spurious imitations Manufactured on Honor and Sold oe Merit only by . . . . BERRY' az CO 'wiled—An idea 14,1,:a»: a Sit RTt CUSTOM TAILOR. Atlas's Block Having opened out busineso in the room over Mr. Wm. Connell's dry goods store, I am prepared to turn out in the .neatest manner and lat- est styles all sort of work pertaining to a first-class tailor shop. Satisfaction always guaranteed. A call solicited. To enter my rooms please come by way of main up -stair entrance of Allan's block. CNADIAN 2/cIFIc AY. Wii,L RUN!) AT RETURN FARESHOME lhlurai►ee..... 8 1 logo. SEEKER'S :':: 60 DAY :31:74:::',7:71.,;;;') EXCUR- SIONS TO THE CANADIAN NORTH WEST a�4►4a.41a 40 ... .$30 Yurktow...... Prince Alberti $35 Calgary Red Deer $40 Edmonton} (lOING JUNE 28, RE• TURNING UNTIL AVG. 27 (All or 4. S. Alt►erta) Goin July 13 (All rail) Returning unt11 Sept 12 Going July 14 )5. 5, Athabasca Goiasq July 10 Returning until Sept 17 (All_rail or S. S. Alberta) Foe tickets apply to any Canadian P,teigc .�n4[, or to C. McPXEJ OP, Apt. Gen. Pa ,r. Amnia !-King bit. Nast, Toronto. t plea slacking Black Lead Slue Baking Powders Barley, 1u4 Bath Irick Beans Brooms Baskets Brushes Bi4cuit Coffee Confectioner/ ione►r/� Canned Good. Cocoa, Chocolate Corn, canned Corn rural Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates 1► •el Apple ,tit is .. Figs Fi , alined .4h, dried G ohne 'ern Gi Hop, ,Laney Ink Indigo Licorice Lime sluice Lemons Lamps Lard Matches Mince Meat Meal Macaroni ..• M ustard .'cleats, canned Magnesia Bynum N ututcg , Ui1, o1ivei oil, sweet Oil , pastor Oraugt's ! )t4 Meal - Yaila �i reels I'ii*s fickle I'rurline Pray, d caned Per ►p �- r ltai►+ius ,face It I(e }+'lour Sago '`.salt i'daln►n Sardines Scuna Seeds 8�� A-1 Flour always on hand, Soda Soaps Spicas starch .strawberries, canna ` 11101er 0.. 1'ap►ioca rontatoes .canned Teas Tobaccoes Vernticell Vinegars Wa"hb cards Washing Crysta Woodenware Whiting DinnerSets Yeast Cakes Dinner arts !Tea Heim Water Setts Cream Sett. Berry Betts Toilet Setts People must Have Groceries • The grebe quention is where to get theta. We keep the hest gtlalitiee to be had. We don't pretend to sell them below cost, but we do sell them at a very close margin. TEAS Black, (froen and 4Japaa$Pe`:unequalled in quality and prices. You will :i.ivt! from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy front LIR instead of_ tea peddlers. Compare quality and price,.. CROCKERY W`'4• have ,a fine assortment e f dinner setts, tea, berry and toilet setts very, cheap. Call, examine tlletn and get prices. FIJOITR 8z H1EED All kinds of flour and feed kept -constantly on hand. Goode delivered to any part of the town. McClure ' aiid M CASH. (3-RC)cE1R,S A. T. DAVISON, NEW FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. having secured the premises lately e.ccuw►ied by G. W. BERRY as a Furniture Ware R4w►m, I have recently fitted it with the newest de signs of all kinds of Household Furniture. As to quality, they are uneilutdllwl. The price is, away down. All goodie are bought for snot cash, therefore I can sell at as close a price as any person in the country. Why buy in To- ronto and pay freight, subject to damage, when you can save this at -home? When at DAIVBON'S . inspect Aird he co►n- vi rHE UNDLLRTAKING DEPARTMENT Is co)dnctee! at the 1141 stand, which has been entirely renovated. Zabalming Preserving add Taking Care of Bodios a Spec- ialty. The Embalming Fluid, material and ap- pliances used have proven to be the most effectual that have ever been used for the past twenty years. 1D'I'icture Framing and all kinds 1f Ile pairing done at the old stand McKRNZiJ Baker and Confectioner. Dealer in all kinds ` of Groceries, Canned Goods Confectionery, Etc, Bread, Buns . and Cakes .. Fresh Daily Flour, Oatmeal and Corn, meal always on hand Oook's Cotton Root Contpo uei Is srgqece�ssfnlly used monthly by over 0.SO0Lad)e►4. Bate, efeetnal. Ladies ask oar dru tit for �ssk s Gtlsa lest Ce- =����., �he ts° other as all lstures, pills and stuns are dangerous. ?ries Ks, 1. 11 per box; lie.2,10 degrees stronger,liper box. oto 1 or 1, mailed en receipt of price and two s-eonl� stam he (look CompanylWtndsor, one, Noe. 1 and 1 sold and recommended by all eapoaslble Dratslals in canaria. Not and . NJ 2 gold in Lurknenn by DI. D, X Gordo, Draggist. R. P. Somerville, AGENT FOR Allan Lino Royal Mail Steamships and Dominion Line Steamships. Tickets via New Fork and _1iontrt'al. Call at Express office and i.;e•tyour tickets. We will secure berths, check your baggage and do every. thing to save you trouble and make you comfortable. High Quallty! • ?aterson's Biscuits! 'Hwy are tine flavour, crisp, but not too hard. I L('t tll:'I11 often; 1 get them ,fresh. I know they are al- ways good at A. McKczie's Nursery Stock gcn1s! Book geo! Agricultural IfflplcfflcAl Agents! Or anyone desiring t4► he tter their position and increase their income should write us. The demand for home grown Nursery Stock is .►n the• increase. We treed more men. If yon want steady paying work write us. We furulsi all ►►upplleu free. We lie Argots nurseries 1e! tie Dominion. We pny both salary and reenuebsien. We ragage either whole or Tart time !Mees. We guarantee all our stork. We furnlfai purriaaen with certificate frees Iles cruelest inspector. slallag ear sleek Is free free! titan Jose steak. Our Nurseries comprise over 706 acres, and growing stock in large quantity enables ua to sell at the c:)e4;44t possible figure. Men Succeed with u■ who have felled with Others. It will cost you r.otbing to learn what we can do for yin. Don't write unit ss you wean business and want profitteble employment, Stone & W TORONTO .• • AND' scythes ARE NOW IN DEMAND. The Best is what the People want, and We aitn to Please the People. We have the Best HAY FORKS AND SCYTHES . on the Market. No risk is 'rule in purchasing from us. 4. D. C. TAYLOR'S - LUCKNOW. hummer � J Corsets 35, 50 & 75 cents Per pair. ALL GOOD VALUES. J. G. MIIRDOCH Co'y. PRICES' ENOOURAGE TRACE FOR JULY. Prints, 5c per yd., worth 8c and lOc Prints7c per yd , worth 12 1 -`Lc Kid Gloves, 35c per yd., worth 75c, and $1. Shirt Waists, 39c worth 60c. Shirt Waists, 50c, worth 75c. Alio speeial I)fiCCS in mangy other lines WM. CONNELL, - - LUCKNOW. READY MIXED PAINTS Now that you are doing. your house-cleaning you will want to do some painting, we have a large stock of AIL THE BEST SHADES. . Then your walls will heed a new coat. We can give you a nice assort111eI Lt, 14, in WALL FINISH AND ALABASTINE. We have a large stock of brushes for PAINTING, KALSOMINING, WHITEWASHING Etc., at all prices from the cheapest to the very best. We alight also tell you that we have a full line of Screen Doors, Screen Windows, and Wire Cloth; Our stock of Building Material is con Wale in all its lines. COME] IN .A-'tTD SEE TJS. The Leading Hard ware Depot. Thoiiias Lawreiiee, - - Lneknow, Out BOOTS VVaAANYaAiesoWIAAAANNAAANAArW4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA0 "AP lfyou want the inside price in boots and shoes, rt ail the follow, ing. We have reduced the price of our own make of men's laced boots. ' Shelled cordovan from $4.50 to $3.75, and hen's kid boots from $4.50 to $4,00. All lines of ,land -made and ready-made shoes in propor- tion. We have a large stock of boots, shoes and rubbers in all lines. 1tememoer, we warrant everything we sell. If your boots rip, bring them back and we will mend them free of charge. Repairing done on shortest notice - VOW TERMS : Cash or credit. A liberal discount off for cash. T: (t s _ye wRj* i'.,..., LE s 7/1)7 c • e !• •