HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-07-01, Page 311 1j; - 1� Fib Mir as MA U I I T -ft", -loom lo 01" VRW* "I" 7— U1 SOCIAL CURSE OF launches alll smal th4m 'WAtow call carry �ktulpsoll 10 1101v W constant and prac- T 91M &W.'Illy Immediate communication with 132101 U Z5 U IN UA Y FolloWing It SUff#rg As theo, tk-wpat6h 'b -of t ' 4 be .%sw- tile naval department. ISix despatches rUb UJURA11 011RIMAJU 6CHOOL 8- POsTIGI ITIP8. The GeneraLion ciated Press ran,'elcder -fir, near weire received lit rapid succemion THAT TRUNK XURDER IHI 11w u lh'6r'O thP New' Orletuts -was ty in g through the early hours of this iilorii- INTARNATIOM&L L118SON-NO. 1. from its Depravinor Influgnc with her great Armittrolig Ing, Wt) last one bringing the sItu- Jones Sailed Away With ais 84 trairlext On 1)aIq_u1r1 tongu4-*l ()[ guns ati0!1 up to 12 o'clock* last night. They JULY a. laga. Series Issued to Commemurate --he luild Michael Twohey, of Londoni and black antoke wery seen rim. whov�ed that only a half hour elapwd Brother's ife., ing from tho to*n, - tht, Inevitable between the filing of tile mensage by Antonio. Baroni lilrestld for Trans-zinimppi Exposat n. 1 0 THE CIVIL WI&R RECALLED. e,011f"Ple'nce of war and a sure mign tile admiral an,,I tile receipt of it Ill Killed by a Tramp, The Ktnudoln Dfs,ided.- I KillgN 1g: M$5. til -it 81?Wllario had 1(�It v- Washington, so that tile -a thorities the Crime, The ilitiorewtilig iu)d convincing fiece are 'low assured of be only tin A SELECT ]KNIGHYS CASE. Time. -B. C. 975. Plftee-�-Shechern. jai Pe I develop- --Rel'Oboftai. Israel. Judah. "]Ep0*ti0lL Of flict" �,ihowillg tillit the ILalf hour beiiind the actual 19t. Catharines report. Ur. E. NV. 1,B,,,jr8(xls SCENU FROM WISTIRN UrL on MatX10"al(l amili. Adoram. ;Yeroboam. Silent insmits at the W.elle action Lotal Manter, 114d jore- aiall. Ime v@wY materially reduceti cri The only mensW MURDERER ESCAPELI j*n For tile third time In tile ldvtor3 of arin THE ted to Illin to -day the st-.111 -s it' New Yuvk, ILAN 114 itA corriollary., on tile HOW -Xluit VOWWentary.-SIG. All larael-Dele- tile (Juited Sialas it mpei!jal spriep of goneral situation w: one 9111, which ag forth the tllr*)e clas.�es if INSPIRED BY JEALOUSLY# if wo val, Nqieve �4411npftXl L tolalinat tits - agn Ii gates representing the ten tribes - .ill tlw Piperience of said that under a ion (it ti, 'list tile Suimeme I -A'9- Bahr. To your tents, p(wtagl- stamps film been counte,111'him- tho tIll-st, tile 4-Ortaility that thq re- flag of-trueb he Icarnetl that Bbbson W kk1Ifx_-t KnIghW (if (,atM4i.;t, 0 1hruel-Dis-, dftvateh says. Antonk) Shot Twice While i'rying to. Make -now I, Perw- to'your homes. Tills ed to couimem(xraV.� ail internatbinal "Jid his Kix men were well, ':and litid if liquitlatioll. blk-'Iledule A it; Maraeffialme or Israel -had 1cry-the Baroni wab arrostied at an early nour (A]Lptiuition, tile iww merim having �A'wa t'Lrl! of lw'Aw* Will fill#] erinw. giva tly been, - - If roin Morro Castle to Min form -of not1t,*,, � i*..Iit '011t tu tho I its origin tilih Morning for tile murik-r of pililip tho city -of '%;ajttlago, totir - 011ie" dis- the Arrest. emlitors. in iwued Ili rocagnitlok of tile Tpriam- lllVrJ4t&4PJJ 'Itiff W)cieq Mierally grpaj� 14elledille It ellunigirra" when thco people dwelt ill tents- In tile Forestant), whost- d1unw,111bered ImAy IV tho clainin, arelt through the, (k!sert. i(mil. xxii. Thi,4 wa.% the u.tw- ILI- titnt. Thi;4 Wuxi -a weigfit (ff ailliety -fifty in 110lidwir, which 4, Num. 1. 5,,, ix. 18, 26.. 1,ul. (.0m. if, Nfiwiwippi Fald&tMi to hP held lit IV.) t ho evuition of il; I , b vo bit n I reeelver See- to thind� tile , knilora Regix-trar or Prit-114 0 Owl' I", ­"Heticefortil. morning floati,W (filialia tfrm suin or and fall. The ter the civil war, ailil flave b(bell atinlittyxi--by tile it truuk yl%tg!rduy -01 heToom for,,'sinee the lit bom- fly" SOVi-11- -tile house or David. look after tilille lilit! two in the canal Ba-ront's atittispi4 will be imue,i ill (.enowinatiotih 1whieli Morr stle 8uf- to 60 (14' own tribe, Judah, 0111Y." Not a.t1i idw of 1, :41 4, 5, 8, 10 And 50 otit to J�lisu%f Ior several years in' 41111 it ( FIRST SHOT SPRUCK HIS WATCH. ties, stmx- is whiot ro-main children wel-t-. ikel'U- Stage, anti the whole Kent-Fittion st teriiiiiiP.1 as to the bimlefiviary. Sclic-d- rent .1 1101-16 .-what,.'therp bas W till- of war. but a warning ag Uld $1 soint E Itle V� inentioll" the ailifit Inter- 104516"1 u P and tile foriw!r May be held aird U, and will make their Which wasarrivijkg'at vaiturity.while cer-L.LiRty ILS.to iviletber.1toomh itud (itily lorefornN.1 ferellce. -Stu. COM. 11,14 all -iLec0IuIkIiCW- barotti admiW pur- -111 that war %ra-4 in prc4wrow wj_4 111(ist �4 crt'-fitor lindpr We llot, aud a4ipearance early in 3 une. They � vt Ili.-# inett were * di -ml or 'hit%*#-, �altliougll 17. Children of Imirnel ulli(qj d 't mine and d&Agu it flit Tramp Also Knocks a Watchman Down 1) kitattw 1.1m. V"'O ('oIlt**tA1,,I Clailliki. ill j wel chilsillt tho trunk In wisicli the bokly differ materially Ili wj4twusly affeeteil. 8 never Iieeu wrioiisfy� bellevc4l 11:711g.W. � tribm, .. settjej _MeM Foreutatio, it W alleged, -a and will be -tor 'of 11tNur bet"i Of tile other w" bt0wed. a rit,4'w6ii1t eximis - �hese Mell anti Mr. w1thill tile filults of the h4milair ill many respects to t1w Colum- tilt- Sixiiii. When Told He Could NotWaik on hau been oil intimate terms witil Mrs. (roti, the lDrdivaCy wri( fr (-riino thirl4ji; W41, M, lutVd ill to) S'Wh --langt,tw as t�p leittl to tim-Ir theTrack Descriptionof the Scound- lue. laild ti( Judah. quig-tly iuhinitteqI to Ilarolli for a lotig tilue, anti i% lb tile Clth*i by rvast-gi (;f ILIW'faet that the the rit teiver, Mr. I I[Amlisgiorf. 4-x- Iteltoboala- 011iniull of tIM bitul imue, the engraved upace & Ing rel plitilift], the hin, gal Limb hifliji-q-t, -littl Jm' Polict! that h1le Wah neven-eieiths of ail itich wide by ont, ristless spirits ift sowiety gq-� off EXTENDIN ; T11 : - ­Walw " Lidarger (ir iiis pf.opie.,, I.ro 0 I aviL - c(LI11*11t'd by 1wr husband t4ib tut in tile arriti., 0MOilwallying, bably give,, I ure the "41d thiree-eighta itlehem long. TIW 10 the front D%Lriiig the, fortbiltion a IA -)II .41toir, -3111W. cold-WoIXION M14N selledules. lim With high lJoiMs of Vio*tilu to t1keir It( MCLIN mminist of a cw-ntral aceue in, atid are -there ri*1rained oosl �. i tA I T110 111141etot-1 likiII4-11 his future. But film life Wits It colit, where lit' WiLu a 'm" lit 019" street, 11,11 1 i reely, ClAf-f flit! of- ra- ttacked and murder- cutivP of tile devc4opiMeirt of Q4p by rililit-ary d1seJplIllt,,, it W(All�l .4e'em a (14 p 1( to (I gilt, claillis allionght, thuvk. that have 1"11 . (,Lctioa Of Ilis Ilillne. lit. wag solo 9 ed by Baroili. Tilt! murck�r occurred I'Mion beYond We Mimgmippi River, rie'r, froal Lieut. VoI. Alleil , wito Is will.. regard to): only go,,. gaii, to hag..(! Moll h liaturai w4lueflee tllolt thik& it, J'olievinan 411014el. Twohey wm. atimitted ary ill t-fuLrg.-,, of � the -telegrapf ic'� cum- which the reeelver athiliti t:.e ill- # olle yearw between R and 10 o -clock on mutiday 0AIrrOutided bY a lined border. whirb im restrallitin been forty - a 9 -ith tilt%, nrmy it shot through tile. lif-ad by ILI' U111"LOWn, 41e10tA'(ilIVA6* (d tile 01.4' at tits 1110"111119, aaJ tile trunk witil tile tile *am& ill all delloinjugtions� %lisciPlillo woul-4 have .111 biding good r Wit" immirl.-orationi, Wt IS. Seild A(kiram-Vrobabl I)el, Esto� and simply -alaf) at tile extreme exud is unable to %,If I th y tO "'like body wits IAaC0d in tll;- caual til.,It e-elit tliat tile f4preh tuid letter* re- reaqilt,- ind th"t tllun.� turbulent fel- (lilt, h4ijed ti 0, 9 0 rol*er coii(*4WOud ; but it was too late! The night. fwrw)ti to wilol",,payluout _8110u�l ome ci*n IL 1:141.4-atfNI tllz%t 114j, waka - making' ar- of, Ontariti titroott., near t1lias. Ahout W fatal wor,l had been spokea, the rent Tile etitire merit lOwk, who. have bmi subject' to It 7 r:iugiqnenL.4 'to extelld 0millilln M4611, %V11jen tile. Master voilfiriiiii the -1st the nittigm, hall be STORY OF T11L Imr "Allig t1w values, are diff _* will be winted from ic. e in ie le% P was fig east Oil ;L( -er line eiWruving&;, *7 HEUREAUX Moug tl;:i, short, is far am Agmadores trat!ks.* anti when'.lb*u ei ITWeiv,lbi- too be heaLei untill theY sha'I be ulli t;Lllo Tvas . alousy. w0ultl corno hne!%-, )IoMe formed into I'VESIDEN. - rtvoininellilatioll. (A th Baron's Motive fu� killing F0 4'xOcuted by tile Bur - T. I t payment x1foulti t43*J eau Of a4gravilig and Priniing of th rnoro stability, and refornie-t out of- Aecording to. ca'blo. &sl)a fl, -.i t;(?il- - w1tich W probably about- k;Ix vit miles to r rux Aik bf. made to wmWj olut,. lit ChrWt, tile *t4o:l Qf Da Treamury Dqiartitaent at e h3bito, of ifissipation. te to Life westward tit it Tlay -Iakde' stowt Itc-'wit-i inter- It, Is* for the clailu.jnt� -.1tere titoro latter (lays. ri le ill tlie a frequent visitor W 11ri. 'Bar wa, W aid i I fig- f-ral Heareaux, Chief ExVedlive of, tile Del 1>4e. Tilt- (It*Ixatch. a MIRA'd by t I lft)" W 11 te 11111.111.- Jalkles are' -w Ezek. xxxv!j. "J'28' alid was lure 0111mi ton, axid I" appenrance will equl.l, if Tlkiz4 May be the caae 1111141� '110 Men- - Itk"A.Vi I)r(.)%-e Alleir r4lit..i in Whittle, All birael 6;t(A M e d to the IItUe ' at not our tellt. It i 'to a -great ex- Dominican 'RgM)lIhIie, ling- ju.4t Iliplieill if(" for tw4,nty-fi%-v va rs ie,i Ili �Th "oud" PUK tilt- Columbian iiistle of . i t i oil of a fly Ivi ttIck or 'tit iy otile? IMS court later on. Eaa;t Buffalo oll monday iii0i'lling by %ery Certain; that,wilitary itr the butY a rwriou6 -'reviii4tionary b0lem-11 ;let Of tbe bo.!y of'tfle Ijeople 181)3. .-iiii itnry 'or U4 - 11 a faittlifAil wrvant or tile colik- !Tile single 14141'etn"d Clinlittirr Is by their eit'ers.-Carey, Lim )Palo" husband and blaughwo-ed tilue 4-f wax 1A 1109 calculated 111twell"Irt under th - I Ader liquy. Tike trawly was Wit Itecould tO do )-fly hairmi to Int le. VI �-dllp 01 * naval. Front tho, fact tha Colonel lie. Uub�.&Iorf, who 4.11111AIN $;,y) lVitil this one col,I plood. r tier conililittilig Ell( Alien L-; ivarkiug. him line wes wa rd to orcs tile thri-f- Ilitilltils, s.Ifary, itnil, will i tx--, Will. -Stall ley. hellobouill Mai. roni kcpt tile body ill 11 ta The Weites represented on the utanipw But liow!about th N*f--.v York. watelliliall vvax li,wnre- of 1114. tranip,'m rmdY bod 114)t 1. - Oxeelltlw-1 tills wa-M it Woo less rvvt)Iu_ d Ba 1frno l 4;erw rpri -11 menex. 1orrherly -rchant. 4'11 re al- tho tritek. and lx -f Ph sWc44:rat%kN foe '-s itil ordinary six*41-Strengthelleit Ilin qf. -f t11011811111till of young fello* Agitadtir it W evilt-itt to lie house uIltil 11 o'cioick Moutlay Ili mitl till- c(A(mw Of the various drip WS w ho go -mv- a tarf * authorititvi that the'firld of If(, was knoerked *m-lim-lesx creilitor. 111011 he placed it ill a trunk 1hiagilt 11111ti(Itin are its followN. f1VIn hOlne and fro thehr fka ruin 1phinst'. tit- t 114' . I at, I Maole every effort," ­E'y_ert4btl colup"lli . ac- ce- Ing a 441-' V'ront +111d .14-tioll will co%.f.r fron five to Aow front at idtort, stivk.' Tho-tWo. eo:at-.%Lf-.I I- od bY Another 'Itali 011e eent,--`31A14Nltw%4, 011 tile mili- OCCUPAti(XIS Just at the formative ,4t�­f f f at tit,% gliTunlit t117 S are tui, lfiBI801`4 liluch." Hilic-P i.itliger wit.% ;Ill. [low kft4,er, iiii1tv Thi�,i will (-)IlalltuW 4 all 'tu-salpino g-iaint 4)r .1"ImIllas threntelling Iiiin ns vrell ;is iiis under art -(%t at 1JOlicc- lieft(NuartA-rs, HiMiPPi," froini a paititilig kly 1,#am- PW Oqt Of life, ftst When t -hey ary nci-. *4,x;lllimll fl.,i S W. , tilt! ill) by ill -if 1 K Wits 414fialiVY 1'11,.�atiiig t114� a reS. yay4.azIkoI t.jK,-u.'WIl[h 14111ith, iif L114- W_Nlgt�r. It appeam th.tt litt drovo out to a lonely Spot all , Ifirm"t, 'low ill Pcllffilmuioll (if the Mar- th"r nw?t nor boyt4? i.4 upoll tilest. � 1, 00 _ 'Witi:. it- time, d CJUIIIIX41 it xullwt last but thi-4 1110ril-. L410 kept, 111(f Witll'Wlli(-JL th Shairty, wfti-ri- lie soon re.,overed. 4K-ath ail(] Life trunk hito tile canal. fluetteC01W6e, Of Nfilwaukee, NvioK., ro- e I*f Mrs. Pl:'Pse'l Ix't%V(`en tile ititswer or 1-c-114) police Pillith - cli'llnul. Ilant %tilloulitilix ti; houm 'atia th't- sentfing (or Adguram" to I Wet oil the Upper witli 'it littu -ariny ..it all tillit.w will keep qP it& title All Willan - woman, wito Ocedl,lfm I Ixre&AentiIkg Fattier Marquette in &j illat- war lia 'I t4l '4.- 4'ff`#-ct, -illif I it gono. all %N'o ord. -as t1wil glqlt - 0) ti), r station., The pittrol , W;Igoll arrivi-4-1 * 11,500, GO these e(mustitlit'. tWo- balk of 1114' lei itligh tile .14(shey (if Autr stiu. 11,I)POnag the irrltate,i leiviers. 11011-W, under fowl% *1140 xq) ill%0 thp rampa 'I; - ?I- 00111111111lic.-fttibil, tilt? first lementiall MimNiftippi, pr4mch- xigna 1 '110 1, 1 - e India4ts. Color, dark t I"i K,twooll 44 :,Ill 'ifivailt. itik .001t4alwo-4 molloballe Nitirgan I: a%, lit tllow� of Baroni, said that Wie va ing army Ino co "Ill"911,1111. J­IW�t',,.rVrl.lifI wits 1ANIP alld ' A40r.I.In k:ll!&(l IN. o e W 1 111141 Itotl1well, -who iseertaitiod th.tt b6 I' Two UP"t-"FiLmilrig i iU18111 IWITO NVA-i- ni3Otfal-I al" tit" SI'1114'Larils Alerf"d to tX' 01,1.i Pf )WIt'llif lint. f r . tho njurdered Italiall, who is a %t -a :lnil r, " I Reftoboillit k -ft shepheul. - - mot ,gww grnIL,%t til tt t4ijudivilt,"'it filt!J111. U tile If= Ir -sit takiii tilt.- i0arm hull I,a,l fled of co t he trailip lind golle �1-.Lst. rip -Aflloag tile IIII& f"ll :1 Johotoigraph reprewtiting 9 it ziluo intoo 4.111till I ()ft with t Imme (ft. wrilline-fi-Inints- thitt 19. Israel rebelle, U'llere lering Musician. enter Barotiis' place �plaie' f1ring tl' ri inforineii T%voiley' C f 1&- .114 MipplifVL w I to - wals* doilig of Mi 1AI4AIt901llcT$ as, guqr(dail'tif tile -upip It-ar Gol 'it 1) o*clock oil graitifiel(I with It long row ke'PI 11114.v. hat whde torio, tj." -Y left. The Mimes weri- %vatAlvil, 6114 ill th"4%ast elid, to b� ili . tile 'neit stilts, �tf at', I I* lie no Monday inorning (A P101191IN at work. Color, -oppor rwi. NCRIll) POV4 &M the Aillif6ril'i 40. c ewtate of Morrisburg, Irebell,",01i 11)(it where no c�6%.pIllint. with * Mel' iie had been there a littlewililip. c 4-4,unt" antl engag**4 to), figilt with inten-Ht from tile Aii_i-oc Twill S,rRUCK THE TEX AS. lix.)koat. for the trittup and a*rrest-him #*-nt-­ 1114fiall 111111tillic, Bilf- for $LAX) is morg- titaii ordin-tril Baron! Mado Iiih appearance. Tile wo- y Ili- Go I is all human considerations fjIll sharp explosio-olts were - Ale:Lr- 1 �bi t V.- C.- 'Twc;lley llejk�il.- lit Iol, ttw riag, there am�,, )III-11.1ml that ilils fel- tonystillg.* Tilt-. treutitstances% :is re- Ill Joieu*a.-Lange. Tile grent major- iiian Mont heard souudb of a scuffkb r"Productk)II of an fm- whoill golli- towards tilt-' C. 11. It..- vi,itle.1 iy.v affidavit% mirbinitte-41 all(I ity of _1srael fell it bove. 6he rutheo to the jituirs and grit %'Ing of &-hooleraft, is ffisvpry if firAt tlu-y were tho"Olt Ulk Ili- th4b A Spanish Sbell Killed One Sailor and way U111 tile *;mail nLl*ql W"t'll 90041 roport of 911118 1`1701111 Spahilill illa--iki- I [(Aliowed W - that "diVe'etion'. The mt4t0tileilts tua'(k.- Are tht-w-: .%Ifn!,I niatority re it It tried the door. t1w, Milian Tribexi of tile Unit,# -d a re wton", i1strif it l'V1t,1A,ri­,x. but the�r provil-4 't,4v Ill. tit., Inj,urid Fight Arallill'.% livi-ii-K Illade, till Mai e, A, faititful. It was locked. S011II& s Jtkmtiflea�t -folf0s, Ili br6ther AVillinill niiii tile .20. Anti it C&MO to Ixttw-Thki� ve -is th(,ugh a man. -wore choking I., t . .% K rue to J.'r 1.T.P!f*k-"I or aninlunition -ill tlp- I urn ir �Jpati-ll to Oat till in in'ta kit ble, 'an,il tlw .1toys '111 'latter's Wife and eldIJ airaiiged' death, then a 1*,Culiar gurglingsou *Vfiont Oil 'L-0 tide Wori 1 to cloa,_%- the- Parenthetical iiarrative be- ilig, building. -T". holirm, , w:li'tilig Sa U1190 1116� SO(N) I"It t IW con-' COalt' W Canitila front FAlglan(I ill g it' t vir-rNe 2, aild vermas re ad- -%f0uIIt-jilJK," modified front a W Ulftl �-.ltutNhly % ia 'Jaillaif 41 11, a cry of horror from Mrr,. Baroni, tile ellgra A ilig -Ik Pr t says: xtilble oll-Aliv vxact.*route. - Twohey IN74. At, Livorpool Aifre.1, 14111110 tile hisWr from ,.-efse sound of it mail t M -Ido the nu -11 oil tile traits 6� Ill - y IV4f)rPA1en$i1`kff tilo pationt to ; 011'" ",:Ulukilled to -day Ild 4.ig umb"91 tl'ell till %vas finder planting tile Ualted Statetring $v t, nall4we and if) action'. ht --4ght(xl hilp oil Onturio. 'stri4st."Illak. .11141 till. 4-hiLl, A -girl nailletl .111ci. .%,I- It. Jeroboam -The rebel.iotw Israel quiet. 1' --'Ile hear I Baroid talk in an (3n anst 4 1 w0un(k-d aloarid thic, The ing.for tIlJL,% it. 111jollf %:"(). Wil ulider"ie, to Ilist wife. ak ot tlw I.,ofty' -very nitwe (;f tilt- -.v;l'r'%' i ell ige'lifill, J0.0lan'.'gCt. Ilboant t1te tentli-r it0s have C"t off their 4rue mover, ign, She heard el L hips Wa0ir battl(14ii 114 Color, 4iark bluo. 00-11Y w:ltcllell by the sol,liers- . A T At the timi� lalld,- ife Attellifited to)-ar'iest, lailit :I sil'ort, "I'd were. takeif ti) tile Atiall.tie steli- they inibit, cli(xime a Ial.,w. 'And t ey 01 31 Caroni anti wifo scrubbing tiae*n littio before 1.) o'elock the - fionvi Ahg 'of thv- troops weilt t,)., ata- Iked fib6fflt- oQrS Ei lit Cemt-­ Troolw (ivardilig C7.,d - )ax­J� citsued. Tile, tratupdireW uier that wns to brbig thein arrcm tilt, iMlilkt not bave- ujiywilpre ,let with for two �ours al'wrwarcisi. Baroili I I ',w to Milk,% it felint, 8ttLek upon revolver reprementing a , &-tar'llovent In"Wt 'Of. the hattit-rieg of' 1arnizim They exp-_eLo-!I that Willi.1,11 more craft, juLd courage, Wait they Fn , I mor. :Intl Tra txwil by tile shilmi. t1I Xear Ad- tile fort I f'ea'tQn8 tIJeWr_1II _eo:JIlobc_ . . left tile ll(;uw alld returned late in Or I'niteol Statt-s soldiers convoy I Ing all rIrI,l-J) Folt T%%'011E1'.4 111;ART. woull hima 6011le Alixi.,ird, but I I, tie him tile afternoon with a brand 114-W te, Lie f0ultil ill tlii-; loader.-flall. Ma wa,4, vvi- tioll W-Ith )and fore,, of rl lb" atenwilt, got. king. -Thus prtiplivey was f trunk. About 12 o'clock 11ondilyoligilt f tilt, prair". zn� ra I Shinpam's fl('et. Tl:N emi rant train acmw* abl. Th4­Te aced ulfilled, ty -awillg by 're&rit-k item - 0%r Ocbrivral R, 'I'lic 't balli�t stl-114:4 it heavy. oliell-f A )'L A I f re4 I's 'm i4t, Amitly a feLnt to e6vev . the - re.af X a silenced natch, tore out tilt- work . s, alld- lilt' drunk. ii-nd did not Limit tip i!i tfllie� ranny bro'ceit, Itl(i it at lit made a covered wagon drove up to tile row a 4!T 11 & . of attack, '.Jarnola. -1xA 00 Scoapa Nittery. J4$t as'. tile' lde ior the oviiiijig (if. tlw steamer. The lit 11111liall '% gre re house'. A few millu Color, olark lilac. rig it %-t�ri La Wt- t of t1i A"ry. Tile usiurpation of Les later* Baroni Tell fv It--- Is I. -I -i I"Itt halt WnT. lu-t 4-1 ni'llvizA, 11"'011 Ond011 4_611#AbPiMo �#-)y -1 1m), ki- Ie. cat -se. -fore PUL 'the vort -retch - v Lree vaine oN,pr without Itin, U10 ZILrone wam Je sin, 1111cl another Man r fall stablv'could dl.-iarni ti and fill-' robo rairied the trunk 4titif Santiago 410 (1411:1� rhe t*)Ih-. 0 -ship, AV 1. the result giv 11''It ke i% alIV*,WttletI It ain's first tioll," fr4iia it I-oliMing by A. the IaW-r Fired a wt(bw Mixrrisburg,. Mr.m.- Wil- to which lit) added JL Much I te out of -the houm, and placed It Ill a nI 16.1 1 1 ishot"wilit'll gr - i _r 44 1 41L 4 - I N 11-mPr-OwIlLing * i AS 4, IL"4 flv,*V Ill IV- I I V �4101 W.W- alld'Alfred living its titan irl"Rediately after. n-agon. Tkey (trove hurriedly :tv.,ly. fix f.11111,r llieil, ' Ift. 11(l. - aliovt!� -W The scene then- q y shifte'l. all Approzitit-e thl, first 41, 1411.1 wife: aliff tile, ellild The Italian on tile lol"it's in a prairie V lit - b.,11 -k 14 tilt;,,. right eyv. pahNilig w4 23. Ali humirciTand four.-woreL niou- wonlait did. not we bao-1 aaairi to tilt,. -srrvaf 4-110 virele lam. tit one t I( the howwki ha% -ilia lilt all-stallt ber is ijot excesWre until yesto-rday tore - V:,!4 I n. If 4 . 41 flaroni again fallen froin exiiattitioll. Itniniqu 1`14k�t ! 13 KA lik tbeir daughter' min -4 Joiles nuill m-hoonor, W C. Ellgl sva ma li � ('41 A I Iku wheii we'rt"ilt tile Ilw I" Coit r. slntojw.� n 199 - mcheille of tile 000ll, lVito-n lie drove up to tile IAace Fifty vent -11 AN't-oitorl, lilillit"g 11 170rk A. G *44-144-t Kilight"i, aild flami-41 Alfee .%Ili with it cartmair a d r of Now IL -Moil laY ilk Lilt- dark for %A-ime ralice mjek�r the I'm the im-iiefiviary. Tell yvart4 saill. xxiv. re'nove hiii rurititure. im%qtor," from a �Iriiwing i)y Fre(U�rif* At 9. 10 0elflek tiv,. 'New I PH' il m4li- soldiisrs rf -It tII4' Wile Of 1) ocee'ded to i -a 11110 4 I:tl tel. till, .-StI3111144-11 wer t'11'r To right- Ecinington, rvilrow-nting a lirrmpm-_ nt ..wlit I Are with :I. 'C116. tit 11!111131101k. Of Norfolk. Va. a(tor their arrival! Ili t1w cotintry tile What aiiti Iiis fitiltily iwery not in t4-14 .111 it 0114, .111i'S'Nge t4i t1tv, -St..Lti011 Ufft th.rough ingo- tor ' %vitli Ititc pm -k mules. wam-Iling runibling an -1 cra%fling agnillst Mullen, app"'41tic,410 Of w York', T. w llgIft4:r sturll�xl to, 144. housi- when the detectives arriv- for g014 1. Colt or, of i va. -i-tighL 04- tv forye oniair anWher (lit the llil'shtl-. The TVtroit. Waill'o, 31e- '.Nelsirml. apprent." bo I out -to. ice, w4-4iknaw- wickedil(gj :lu,i folly lVe., -(ff N -%%: York: m-.greh for tin- traillp., wlio t_e.tIw E'ilglaitil, a-tiAd word was reA-eivlatl four ho ho-kd' too rqgain by ed last night. - Tile officers form -d tit 'Silw"644', follts HII&Soll.. appron % (1, e (One dollitr­­ %Vestolbrn cnttiq- lit wed sUit, attil attel - - - Yell-TH I -Iter" that' tile I I led. illistead of lit 111111ing Ifiniff'.11 tice. 61' 1 vilil. �thrt,iikii t1w ifarl� 'itittl* tip- t6 r, girl had 1pattl door. WiWil a lamp was llghWdan At, �ti tho I i f Md.- 14 t I tlig,� v;llley.. 4 W_ f. 4J Stownt," repmwbothig a Item or ent- _p of meolitinle Jonfw had go 0'elk,bek, this llla�i. -1144t IX -4-11 Ile LAI board betcgreithe all-powerfid fialld of 4;01, he tlw- flftMC ill unli fill tA-d tile room, the t;t%. I)mv",Ip4l I,Y tile Iend#-r. iw*inK (NJ as --;W4 foi loivj (I 14iot I -Now Tork A. .11-*4)Og1*` ixt. --illa t with :%.,*.ti. - detectives knew- wi- ly arm.- qwift sucee-*ioli. aluid the Wd Y*'irk. 1,1141fif-11 is . very qah. of w Ito Ila(] a dk,pelid" oil Ilia . ow ii flesil' 10 Committed - tile sinfet-V from n giifAwring st4srill, Herfougly' IVIjill,14! th;- ilaugliter nained 4;vrtrudP. This Irl Tile, floor of Bartmlits I* itilld, 9 mulrt*r. IV- -d from :1 steel engrasing bv vyqunde'd. Frile others - tv i I I ill tl-tt' w:1.4 Inade tile `betit-tlivl.lry� : ."2. Tho warif (* P rryl ue4 % cover. TIw- sliot, tho'bil"Ot flad gik,nt.pri�d t [if-, braiu. onder' the A G0,1-1- Superior to Ing room was hpatUsred wiUk WOOd- J. 'Macwhirtl%r. Color. light, hroun. 4-h­,ri!xg. ct the A 1, 1 ier,4 on. tile tranw I�arlow. nlitilitow tile mt: uck 2 thg` %%It's 39 vears,of-.age�tallol eY--':lJId It Is its tier guartliall that tilt" power 91 04, word and tilrolle. 11OU141- ithsta tiding effort& 4ad been w -a waq., alive S WtIS. -1.11011t, 014- last (tribil by T 1: i � Or .,Wt !Ntr! Mqutgonipry puts in tile elnirn. to "til' t4.0 wily.- it ill). Oil tip.- walls F1,+lV,­ ri,olli all el1gr.,1%_Illg 4 rtblorp- Tox:i Twit -dollar— Misdiusilolli qr t t u All- liv-611 honts. llpadvd,h t'llo -S-p:i nia ntS "W'114.41, caltif, frf fit. Lim, or. vomuipii, r refit tile WON -er- Vot'llhiR ;!fx, 2. Sufficient pre' in- rei-eiver widle n(hilitting tile r o rx. 11; 114 min' thi- ity. w4p re lit- fiali iki:ti for Dit-juira deek. lxt"orr' uIrder . t Ill- Ile. - ky rela- JOU141 be ackirowle(lged i tLis (-out o4btednem .1m riot: 'that, M Imtkiles of wall papt-r Itail beetl wiLgil- w,lit.,Ition of 4114, lgiv-jlt brInge fiv#br Aomp of the bf).ito w (I by f; necurau, t i He J14114!4 'tile force here imi r; by till itatiotim. 4. Will disconcert tile Od Off in the'effort to remove ttieevi- tlw- 3ft'-bsiWi!)fPi at st� IA)Uiv cg,lorll-, -frits millorq. aw)file ot,hers' (b e I., age of. 28 111011ey R F, N tIR U.-WIA-4. Illanne . r- fir �the Tex:1#1., It ell Montgomery. is elltitleztl to collect the 010Ncrt"t PlOttilign (if 'tile. vricked - di-liev of the terrible crime. --Aillphirt, blue. r- (4*t -,thdft tile sU, L t%vellt-T .1.4 thero ig fitilo­- Ifany . evlltlene- Ibid. Tho niatt of (-jo�l­tqie jai, 'I Buffa lo deslmitoll says, ,overni)r-0*-4wra1 of Vorto I z' olle UM ath of 41 W 01 of tfli.� IxNt of tile tie. '1�rs- liar- rowo%I by the noldl-m themselves. *h sido "0", lie port Tile border, obovigisLing of 0i r' the ;#I f icer, 'Allpe -kilgelind Jontw, I mily nientione,11 Ili one other trana- 011i. wife of Antonio Ba"uni. to-Iligit b r �h(34t' ('011V1111041 - rdxtoon'-men, - every inahe ifeck lit, I'll-11"WlY eitil !ias eas filture on 4vl, forwf4 Ili ItA intier rwind 914-KAll stvei unirailux, with " I IiM :tit irregular oval network to ench 1b6ft three feet 1,4 t but if-sufficAt4itevidellep I.% IN* x1i. 5-7). but tile 11110140 a Cortruision to the police to the r - line cut a jalfticei ne, in fightlng,t im. nlltl� eorryInIr .11010, tile raeasu'rement - of fleh in- Mr.'Clive, t1fie lit w'yer artirig for the power of- (iod attended his wortim. He' effect tilat it was tier hu.iban4l ,isin 1% -it intUtoer of t .0111 rso th. It ill fly fictiOi! (L *d, c:l t t- glailly to tit) tvivitever 411tY three 41ny�lt' ratiomq, n 1010 -11i -r tviit., a ova, that 1.1 . A 11PONt lfopular_ I . If ll'1*1%A`-i a (+li Ilia jit, ''a who of the sownes r41I)rr%qelite_,i, witil rross- g a. -2 ifle'll w i ft. , .11'' 011 Octo, had Murdered Inlillitio Forestallo tho-�** ;-:viteof upon �tii l-erforin gilt' 411-1 2'(0- cit'i-tridgm, rg�-noly. tol It was and _tJ11r4-f�1-eIli1d1:4 fal-oraholf- reIx)rt.,wIh Iig. preventm (-I*il war, leads till army of on bars Imitlining in .4 line rw.:Lr the �PtDjmtile- Oddly 'c�nougb, a ter.strik,- 1) 014. well- "141(le, Monday last, and had aftc-rwitri6i saw - \11w. the -go- an- t1wo inivii n ho wai.t. take the flfld (0) toiu-bitig the' S110ft' 1. 11"92, Ithrry Phair, IS0,000 to their homes, and *-irowpels insr tho fh�st obbtruction, t1fe shelf. No lrtm�lw will be 4-11titivd hottont Of tile StamP And eniarging �-11; . , till tin- army in tinw;- #,f to rank Iteliolbixim W go humbly to tile king- e: till. victitn's head and lc%,i off. witil they reftell tile shiel is in tilt - war. ,jloi shouLl t.bey he -reflifired V) do mo. The t,6 'explode. it pa thro%ril 1)%' *11 J Jill; k i lit-ki Jim 11111mit."red li0lb-Y-1�044rx, Iwc_ tI,e.*% arlp the i,,w.n wljo iltwt coolaw firing of tile ivat-Filittv4. -howovior"i provei traliilKi. Burke - tknii- %vil atme d0M Of tiIt" NDII -0f SO!onlon redueed to pla,�*O tile remains in R trank and tipper coriters. Here wi encravilld tile Still, l*''th0'hawxer reel,' yearsin there is liot hurrivielIV 111orwy to' &-It- Judah wida 11�41j-1 NN'lli t tie. tried to sink tlleln in tile I1lark%%Ctl Arable numeral of va 'lie of). a4 -their hae-k- -- t I i - it Is, *title tif the.,oe - nien to b4- ;u now�llea% prot-.witil V into 't 4.o_ sfy to r"Ull,e hPavY -troll stane'llion at ho- ventre i. - -the ordinary vrWitortc W. J6111, _:t- Judah an(I Belipt Ili it... tile Canal. lue In white, tile )e- idwts, were ni4.,v1Ptiirii#-,. :111(l rt>;* 04- critnO. (Iollar mark 1`*-�,119 incliuled ill ten]- linO' 6f the berth derk" I ':lv1l1Az tile ot ' Toronto, %Pram pres-il t lit - the "I'l lit,"Go"I'will ever * r-rve reni- til -P Onr Villotisoll or Iware In ...-vry ish werf­ v1sibift If . . . I : I , I.:. , ` 4) . I.- v - I Cos, Mironi and his wifc* hav,(L lyN." un- uAld two dollar ti"Mpfi. con1wetillm up intere _t he tf;#- 'unti%-e por atio low' �st of the John der arlVxt i4ilce Monday. charged %vtth two gjIlieIrte fto i1bubt. r cr pa r ir',Twt. .Ielbob: Philid vla fill. wint frm frfirn tl', -\IF,- J.W1S-ISTAN(4F: 4 ke common contag- wa intd) QCC iving tpll Vii ta rio) develfil, 4;rim;s ad, Ji which.,was nifinittood 'The' a&sessrilent i(Ai.-Itall. lit tile tOP and joinett to etmrarWr w IV. -tho exploolon urro I - % the Murder. but have hert4ofore refus- tile ftute,l rietwork Oil tilt- Sid" is A Vnirlicr ..-4tr*%n 1. t% or enow will be tilkerf -tip t od W ta I k. Mrs. Baroul tk-clan--% Iter X Ttl Ivarn toi- o)t)#,y *bell -14JI41 *'� '1114it19 ovj;irU�rs.. but 1`o1I(x%v,jI1--*.'story *)­yn()rro4-. 24. Iletur-pettl Vp delwirt-M-1:urned rurve*1 tablet on whielt W* engraved ill tnile-1 to continand, Of- J;lnjlinl� 1kot ill Ilptioli. ivere till- crl-ws t)f tile UP retworter: %\ Weiit Weir wilv- It. Innocence of any participation intlw sinall whitop capitals ti J te i"erription. le -1 tilt- way ih., avrolilpalidlqf. twtl, qix'-Ilfo'vrivk-rs foea-ted . t SRU14�fxi lily yisralul;jIt' LONGi�LIVZD PRIME MINISTL crime. but has given the pollm tilip 8ta" or America." Above - t1W N -4t things ill the worl4t. for to h' -11i. P)r-- . I wtwit r%%. .1 *..\� CRS. next reign-Goi.1 allow"ed thein'to fight Itfitow tot) owto-v , i-.; tok k1low. a 184 1, y Ill is I'taff. an'l, d1ilvitk4l' the fQriria*- 1% r Ccoln pit etwou t 4 or t Ill. +0 slevk. Iro-ss "v ;414;11g. 'i nilti gavo thein victory c! Clirtwi. 13), tianwa of two Itnualls who litio. %:lys tiA91 of opiprati.m., �".',Vlakviv, Will) g4o"lig I.Ortil I W. ()It - Predeccissors of Gladstone, Who this- om carb 64,11t, are� Ilefti-16 of whent. �tiow v. entiminto.. -TiRw, -wiit io. A fit, eight'y regiiin' ri ill- irubin ihi. lkkv� -I ligmt - 141 yea rs; se Years 191t, [lot how. -Henry. lio-Imm too tiisloh,*. (sr tiw. tiody. between wiltril ill' a *Mall wroll The -Ilen(%MP-1. thfw nAll be kx-tter 4'i t, 1). koll, wti*; '"" -wits lleard' the 'Have Been Above the Average. 25. JonAx-mai-The sion of, Nebat, fh?l,tr`y.mt,I iiers vras LitlP q*f the pieture appeam iniltie,lialte- 1-4- 7.Pn;; ft)r their army exI*%rieii tile first to boirn 'to yoklltgi�ti�r hay- 'Thiat'jj DON T MISS THIS. inc', I willi-Uti Gladbto.-le. at', his tleatis who It4r-lel W Kill. 2' Kilig&- X. lY tuidpir tile mvtrid'scenp in @=all hv Shafter's 411 Pivei44 #-)fj;h(-l1 th-w,il) 29 Robinson. Bull( F41welit-m-ni- (iothle letters. and b*4ovr i.tjlix i1i arrmlls; 11"t *11.3to Of tho 4urall io-rcenta iru,-tious, tiv-0 is woexiii-ii'leggi-411� 'f Iff Ofe Mai 19th,'wam ill his eighty-ninth mt lit, tilt, Ist Infantry. 1.1w 70. iill,] W01111"'!ng eigh-V 400 11 .1 4)trill-l- �_i j.- stri-et also . Aoihp 'Ymr, and he closed his fourib terin as Information About the Important Addl- are the vrords (if value itit-11' indy fia !t` ra;.aWe IL.t I wr wr I la rt or .4 tilt 18119PAI and fortified the folti capital (4 tile 'Lltt-I I - Above th4w fn8-qa(!h#i- tlH* shel-I struf-k thp*s :i r, I Pin fit' 111-4�wW41- in ilark r; i -Ibrime Minister Of. fircutt Britain Iff %YJIJ('Il - wits DOW t'6 Iveonte t it rtl -viceb Provided. UOD&I POStal Sel is :ui ;Par o( mrn, an(t at tile bottom. t t Rg, .'rilent..and A defaelIT110"t of :1 vcv I li 1*1 g �)ver_ 1864, wheit 85. TJW longevity (it VIlg-, Ila" .11w. ym t1,41 lilf*�f vora No vtrvu!n-;-ta I t Mitwar-I.- had. Ilis F'ri�llf tile 9th- - 7avalry. f.,ompnirtil -Tit wes'. - Plif-': tOP'll -PitT of Israel. Antiquity YOU11111411lebix (III July Igt. Imis. t1w on a straight otark t"blet, llvr tile "of (,r,,, '11,oxtagt, (w I PON -1 KV Was illst .4it 19-3 1. .1 Iri has always been ri-4lowing �f '11-4:11tiollat Ihiistal m -r% -if -e will ne (,en t, t .oll lem-i-ntaLzo- will ooaw, Ice W -1 W�Vll an 'elefilent of value igh I tilp Mitilater. thr**- wlito r tii it,-i.st 4n, At till ond of VIP pier. the Pre to: %k I 11va,ni'the. evelling guhAireit ;A- - iiihibitw.], sa's 'the ]-:4)hriiini -The hill vountry of Ign P Two Conts." etc. regim*nts'qnlckly finet, -up, an(U Vx1iiiFiguisil tho ffrintes. othr-il shells' tho" loarrat1w, as Norkr&il. Lord Dpliraini- Dwelt therein--31ade it .,lito olp,ration 0TIfEPZ8 N llf)litieaf -that 1'. tuvow.l- -1 Valinerstonj tilt bis death in AS65, was his Spi-t-Lal IN-li%4-ry. - Tits- ww-erh of 1vt- 'OT SUPERCEDF.D. n*ily, -4;en La Ar to, I pxpl,�ileol near thiv: Ti-xa--4, 1,11t -witsitle. mt-,- i r t., --, I art,4.1- Iiiii -.1 l -Ample t)f nihi� 81 years of age,' and the -Duke of Wel- n -moved to t*.M io"tt- I id t tip' follow tl;e war iii wilk-.11 Nvil :Irt, threw a Atr4it oeta'clinierit' CIIIINtal. Aftorwanim lie I ill i'lill- Tilt- Tranis-Mismix!airipi xtnmW am got now engag"t. Thv.v wtll* rwwr4­vut for Uie Utis�stn An!ersfift wa�z 4-akilzbt, up lingtoll, wlio, (Iled I Tirzah 0 Kivg% xv. �338), where n*llt, illm"It six milt* W( it 1852 wag 8.1. wt.* of) the Ill-ift I qpf the port.ttirret. lk s I '.I unit addr4iiaied to a eity, I,(*t,.off lo.j. ilitiell Wbtl to supercede tile pressIlit t4l t4- eip� off t1w r!japWr till- tw-'Santvago, ili�tl anothr-ib ,.Ieta(.h- pi tA.q Yvlr4L Wit ez-.' 'gtitim r.�. goijig -L�'. tll*b ell a city Ivith to royal palace alld it -ilir fri�v .:elivery by se -ries, so that tile latter will be an I _4 I wiv , %11- Lord G rey, who succeeded tho Duke of Ow 11:1 % letter- (J'f 110-n IT110, flaving -wr'vel birii-f lierl- oil thi- water, h4 a rd t 4). Miots firtNl, irmi nito up W other' huffiltig..;, and on so grand a eni-ri--rs s11:13, 4,A lfilYtllelft Ily hlk-0111 SillP IfIt till t*Mefi. 11w it t wris "to I tilt, ellingtoll As Prime was In oil- the north or thp f1ling the turret Willi s i oke. Tile- Low nN w014 as tile niaw rN 1.-4 i H, t?!f- gr I I wa r, ba vs,- coiLtii towil, his eightle-th year when Ile till-ol In i'"If% that tile splestoor vied witil tlj,,It lel-;-ery stanips cr. tfe fa( V) '%A'037 nififtary lint T.1w res.11; -ring ftbb.'ir i I' i_6 eoiiri nei 1 .1 lvf4 0 _.e viiiiie of TbuN far tile folinwijig ilumbem -4 t" t1li` the trowips w ' . % . t ! Wy 011, felivid. the 1xi1ei,iii1trwas J It I Y, and. he Ili Win wits* saic- K (it S., vi. 41.-Gvikie. 10'eeltt-s, affix#'' W -AP to Pach letter, Itave. been or4jeregi . lo I.xing Ul gr.%4 ertl ' quartPre I 'iti, thp. the -port- bittti-ev. )t. tip bundred mill- wlTt it ibrasure rrout towll.,W)M4. (ff then, i�il I'llifflips lyi!lg of, his- finet, "#- was .'still ceed of Ile4itip'l Face Of G(vf. WhArc J.'e0h .11 to thc ordinary InwitaKe Lon 0lkb­<%-Ilt, two litin(!red miLion two - t It# t 19 -house-1 in --iptoko- b-ghly 6f ali Jtl.� 3 0 bi. Lord Melbourne. Who was (1.114 0. . I �t.lw w ft tri- %Tfw'tlP,l with the niige I rvrs N%-ittlillig, tilit fi -' was' lira i-tiva I ly w3velity wimn he die'(1,111 1�,4�4 or 'It. fifty thillion four-4w-nt, laii mill"I lie b"iWiligh of tile iron*t-ompa r# :--etbre I by I tt gill t Ill ny. 4), y I d UP Wilivit Ulf, Name fir(- liablo, WN11ro. ep- landing wag :lvi-omplisIlg,,,I 11-ri#;t Ili- J01111 Rn0w,11,'who died In JS?R, wam a -4 flve­eelt. two Miltioll eir,111­4bri M.'th tite wealibijX4 aio.i tl.e -it Th% 14 M)m ti )rt turret. It I it 4.0 W, lietiliv... itses th(`r 91*4-inl %.'uh% -ry W t1fir porwam "t, fire wa r,- withtilit k.*w of lirp, tile On, Is I otir ridilutow if rw4oi,4.v Lotidotior,by birth and nearly its od ro I ly V it-.. Vtor -tilt- Prst -tin)4. I t I nl.& n's t". -l(VOl"I'liNil flis Ou r- V) a hi 4;1 r linif pawiod lily houio." The se 3IT. Madstone :it tile ti POWs. 'V. 16. Pride and pansiof, dl.�. the filuitb of letter (-'arr I er xliVerY f;ftY-4*bnt-; fifty tilou~lol dive-ric4lar. f* milit-iry olllw-ipliric is most ext -f -l- li-in thp ivIi' withiii HlAimi ten-eent. five hun jre,f thouggliti nIty h6lig tho-' wound-irig g,r irl- Pill �,inprflmfvv veremonies ff butwial t.114. mt- of, his lent wiffle it J;IsC4. 13"t ill the litileter xilrgg­,nt oA tji4- 'hills liy .,t' fig Is it til..- 1.11.1 fir a lit- (IpniLqe, being f$9. The Ea*rl of Derby Fit" w what tho wiglgom of vetituriet# :it lign.v Gim, fi,* tile follOwu 1. froqu -4 t W�a II."I!i Iii -ell witlit.."Ne 1. -Thl, Texas tl;. -strib"t 'ill *tlx­ extreilie ol.thtpril three tinlfw * Prime Allitilister of E 11 Ftwt- fiftY thousand two­tionar total. three Mhtps. Fle wIll -Jose. -I*j.,� stenmfxt ou� to s#!' 'vs 4 rwIlf-P. wile" tilt% vollinterrh ono of the wa rig" -."-is 'i'lilt, -'1*- 16. I-Q-4-1fit'll US. -o( power lit "it Illillifnt. St. John, litin,ir4ad uliti sixty-wven million. #dz Viii -en mustere I rxit 41t "t -vice. arTn. I I a ilfter tlie :Ict1i0ll - pa rV or tito Vit,V.' ' %V114 -re the imir-ler 11111d, In 1852 185A anti lRifte. vwmts prt-pares the IrA%Vp i*- V, [A Vemb YU& laftc,13. rervir I # J 3:1111,0141,17 ZAP a % PAN, VOIT lull W." t"Ousallf'. Front tile date or I* Ing'. I. her wcurr441 thent is ali elfetriv' Ii.rilt 70 ymurs, of -rN I t rfx),ps 1we at the time of Ilig ct. may (k)' 4ftt;1W;J- Kifigstt).l. Toronto. -imliatmxv '(witillue ti, be sol(i the - ,it* n.o 44figreT.1i to keep tit~ � Tile- inmirgPilt ol-b4 V. 14. oilp in. t lily ff, tlw- -mark -. thorr Are tit) Pt -Naltviii-i 1w.181,4111 the bltrx.-kao.fe %t '.I 1111t, lit tilt"#L tilike it witm (hisk. A g. , It, a Uraiit- they will 4 ;fr(% v4mimallded 1) -neell.1 Ua"- Ill &Atfl, hi 1860- Berijainin DiiTinell Lord Wil -it ('all nover Ile trudone. N-. I q.. for', Ifillililtoll. totti4on. Vic,- ; it. 18148, nfto-r whi0i artivi" 14 witr whii-ll m..9'Y not N. ft's- y I'd tt9ria an,l Vaut-ouver. Intil December 31h th"..1401L fild-414pt, y0t, fef-ii turr.c.1 41 Reaeofwf Will, twice Prime' Mlniqtg�r of They wilo) 14W tilt- KIII&ntoin throw tlwy will be withdrawn fri3m sale. I'Algland. ivam 76 years, of age it the I)rof) lettol-irs; p4wtA-.1 for ha-ni Tilt% tk*w Ilot imp,,.v ti,at ti tun, obeYed. They are Itoft, to their (btvn and trv,- eatitnaWfl t,4,) 'Illimligr-r 1,000 Mur Note& mon. ru#qxiijoh it -it( the aw; I ent, well rr Tits- 31acirid i'motfau'r TRAIN PASSED. it :kirny by thiir owit wiffill poily. 14 pe; Ill 1,J)JIffori oil April 20. Wlif-it fvar of (;qmi m.-izen Intl, ery, Iii-soritilc tipeci;&I IK4'01114- invalid Jor Iwa L sub - V -01Y -Ne 1%, R Niys th-- hifif it.l. Ell r:l I ill -rY ti gr Whitt 8 11,1%40- they inale )t A ffaluilt or.. I.. W. go) . I I Will )y. 19.1881. Owy 1111VP tAb Obt-Y. V. 24. orrine stal"Ps ill `41i"i'll W tilt' 1041btItCe. W that lint4% W they will. Iw ;1114; 10�liflrs* till, fri-ighi tralit Ig 14 the' enst arrn:p­� %%Pre ishniwieff Tho IllrekwntrVirinte Miniater of f4rent, 11riiioN ro-ftfionsibility. A. Will -ONIV 10" 0-11titlf'�i, t4) N106,4-jal mv4vaW for ixistaW at #ill.%- tiniv '11TIthin IN 68, 1111111 1& nhWWI8t4-.N In- the 1'114�11,rfltiu-�-Two wrom mnk4� em.' the P-aniv matmer aN letters tiftorivard. The Government tiotv% X, Chi,-agn 'txchango k� y 4 **.1 oil 11 Irul](41 0irtough jilxt & Thig, 1'. 1.4. 4 4 111, 1`41.141 PI 14 14 -11 t� i.y. t I tiw nmr!er.; lit is ix)t Llit)iig jrf4 it not "MWitifill bio', #-% en V. Jeffery. of 3,141 -Soititli Park n%,vti- I - r - t. 11:114 4 - t 1'o 4 ArItI411-Cablifet are rather older tha-11- oil" right, Rellobo:lm ern-tt lei turn-, i at tilt- vitut-aries. ity maii. rg-win any (if t;� adhesiv'r pootrism lt-stroyd'-d atl thv'% lh�_ 14 - lit till, Sofilth. %i -ii -re thl­nir;i ri-tiirrist.1 w)lfj, hq known to neariv �very tivf.!.It o0sh -the.,4ra"il) coull I IntVft lareirtit-d tilp-tiveragp of Inert in public life in hig frgmf tho vounw) or np if I.A-ttg-rs debAery stntnps. as is tile cuxtoLl 0 fit rsi.'n4-#1 homes. tii-1 to I1qj%1-rtv loo restoklit of Chicago. Is likely* to we' 1 Shiltial-no .11141 Vaiq pri. it, bilt- till, 1xilivi.,41,11 1111mg.,tilf. lillf. minUar T08itiolix In'othor kiirope-in and that brouirlit trcxiblo. DI V ision vountries. but, vat;n" L r ve r, -ollll aiiii of ti . 4. tv r4)roiit4i itnvo tx%�*-it 'ilfitifif'.41. Id Men ty i4wt-4orriem aixivp and a riumlm-r of foreign f.-ir rernovel front sta*r The !e� tho (;overnment- In the Philippini', 1;� f of 41. V:,111110 tic'. ill 4 It at ally t ll- 1-1 i. l;mfI_,;. 'Mr. Jeffery. a roontit'al Is 6 !t r- countrIOW,. and decidedly older titan N ningolisr tho'trilwa was I t .1111flitt-o-te.1, niiii prep;1i4l &is ilirf4-ted, all vitrirtkw imued sinep 1861 inclujaive f-ifiu- restraints If fit t 4ii%,11.4kol, while, ant , "fig f,roni uld, list Vo IN -*I) easy- for till! - 11,111 '104 . tho ritle tit 'the United Stau-m T1 Seei I te MW was 4.1. r.1 will the . ren nk.-ty b-, imclf%] at #lily p(Ifit-offim if, (�.All tw. Ietrit;ll.a le W tits inist-rike lie efmtIrlileg t4,,, I.v I ,I for postaw�. the rf�prs-4.;e I filtmair nnture whio-1, t a t, [1-11 inbi dt'ri,r t4t . have wereteti'lifinsell"ill tlis. flibeikident of tile- Cabinet Collnell IR WIV out I& No Trano-Mimissippi postal rards rx,411.1 1)[11v expre" Ltsib:f ill ao-tioll all'i t1w -thwarU of t114. 1,.itt4r and 'wao '%avaiit, '164W. wlijell fktx)llllki in q own humn" 1(!t Is. ;1nd or % 65--t110 LOH Ffigh Chancellor bq 7.1. Tit(% (it spoke Ill 1. i"k)rnewl"It 6411N.'41 - -4-mild h6t. land Ili delpi-miner. to u f n*r is tile kimt mi'liffilt b)- tile 4-st"Ilish- statuPei envelopes harr been auttior- J. 'o- 1. jfuriiig tio., mi. ff ie Chnneellor -of the Exchequer W sirrost way. lie 1w,lieve-s. -to reLm 111 m4mit' of &qw.tLal 41efiv#%ry, nallis ly the if^`. tile ims1w, habing collfined I;trirtly Al battle lwless 'woris arul Ito t rfic If orce. W 7 the nrill anif irlien the with him, g. , I I vis& -)I 1.� , A I With: th" the tritmir lifist 61, tile Keeper of the Privy Seal 14 7& goiji,,vial, delivery of iett­rts tralimadtus,l 1A) 'v st 'New 1,o - - � 1w Lit Cor- his 11.1t, jj­ acts or some or themp returnel way- rk, ]livli %%-its fou114 -iiettr th- the First Lor Jlim gritsp up)oll t1w prop?e. To wbn% "oll'twi% --illips.- Plillitillelphin ']Re - Vila. agf4lt ill t1w 4 IK4 tr b rilgi-r. Ther'p' doeh lot d of t1je kdrr�ir'alty Is 65, I-ngthR Mil,111t lie fl:IV4- golne 11,111 llot therettivier, will be much Prowtitt-d ir obord ri4-,Pr,4 iN rvealle I it is ittilicmsible to siltf,_ Von Carlon I stat W1 114� Of th". 1111i I the Pre-sident, of tile Board or Tr the metvilers (it -all mmich letterm ary pret4-titler t4�;-tho-tIlr(, a dO 118 lthc, Lord interfered ? I , returiietl to NOW Tork ti off 'It nly 811141 ribe with eittiro e %�-itlte 6,, W- 60. altd Slo Mr. though there nre In PH.WTICA1, 11RURVEY to llddre*4 theill pini, irtiiiess to the somll up Ila-, has I g ral i hil Wilt %v4.rfb I enhi'mA winwh'a rptw ully trivilicr if twvsala #-I a wt -2--t 4 fodbla V e Wit v- tile Drewrtit BrItist' ol! I apiltimel1v The bravi le'tel6jobrest. 111-1 -S4)tltIl- Ing (>It R(Ilob6,iin wapt flie son of S000illoll %all TIw Kuig of Slani liam *uec anotlwr ti W Ktr#.q.t at Ole tilne. oxeeptlons. wintlyAr ill every catw. Such clin. %%-Ill r -i tie is� rnit,41 ta , I I tio, A'rnmonite Prbioew Naarnall. lsov'rykars- the ilitring. - i LPS Pit;— J.V f d4v.ree of exlyukkoll, this tiatt ag&inut Zen. To what th(' tmbrve not of r 110 Melted tit(- itidependence and -1 k(,N. 1) 1 S 101*e%,Ity of Brithea fly too 11mvpIlt, lllixu _J*h 0 Say, bilt I kllo%v Prime AlinlaWrn Ig to be ascribed is tMit also to (arillinto deliv#%rT. 0?le ()r 1"k' OWli officials. CtUAW liovtw that Lkxi Carlos, e at 'HaX. Miuistor IlienipoUntlary. it in it is a SIA�i tMonlist Nobo.ly exeimpt .11L.: `fiifloweri bo. Tilt- xivirok-ri.-r-is (lew-ribed -c rattler. When tile pleilgo I Joni of I i i it tfo tw- trije, that rifter ths- vivil' war di) niore dark, 'thick -w -t -tit." 'is �a han) to determine, for' tile dutiew de- 4 flotro. -Postail llou%. 10.11' or it Uw Pm)pl,-� hait from Saul wid 1).lviii, dered Mint Ullow shall bc publicij, tilt- nuiaWr of niefi who ha1 twert in 111 of volvilw t1pim tim, Pritne Minister,nre abl­ at any inoi&y ortk-r office Ill Call- "ki , "v , t � . than toldLsturb thp fr tilp, rpallii wit,11 a. wtwxleli leg front tbe Amw-: Biwa it' fr?' -whiell will' (119PNIA&I with in tile case strippe the ;trrny alill r-A-trrio-1 h(noy witholit ye; of ft r,,,e and vexatious of so. lida A111 ti- i.44.rj *at the foll d of hiju SLamese hou(mg; tilat I " "' I "R he shall have his beat] shavei U'Vi UP nggrnvaW tilt- (IJtiq!llItie,4 If Poimwen ary *-<mrinjr the city, nil I , 11 omoft: was agRin 'domantle'i lk.-4 chn rtititpr. on r 0 ra tes "for tile -xard for tbe savreifneA% w1deh 4 - Ir AfInIati-r has of eomminuimi. Front 20r W 49,-, any rs S11:11161t finane''Q. 1w the'lielodiixoring. tWvnm Callso- of tIK, opprewive better premervation of Ilim llmltb#-, t r very lItt!v wpit from public mprv' finikV 11:1 V4' 401 - 1"-Ik Utiotifieil, folit ' r, -ria To t4txes 'i's Ic ; MVC to *-P-49, 2c ;. $2.:A) to 34.7s, n. The Npaftxf 3 f-frither Ievied. lie r'eturned the inivilt- sit1w! I prnteo-t al! w(pine-it watil pmNt- and lit lili:l- t1w.-foreign relationa of Great Brit- tilat- 'It the exIATHU(mi of spyen days, iomix. There are eim"Xiv of suell hirtis o7wrily -f lwilc;p - Ing answer, 1'. 14. whieli wtivi never "ell (I lettam-EL-AluiltAm lln's bev." "hv sluill be tnatle to cut graos for thp ffight, ht? trao, lisid In-vit Amind. Tl;"' nin are w,) complicated and exton&d por forgivc4i, antl -end letter rfflef-. .11 would, (!oil. 4 -d (lo -ad, Ix -Met -M. -Ill that the labors of tile rraponAhle Min- %%.as w0litheir till claffilenh of uncialme,f or 011 - of prey at -tit Vmts , but yotir re- f %v It 14 bo trl. fill- 4-0111011tutflill :1 iocal i I wsldier of t'!ie type I ha% -e (le- tonotten royal C4�)Alantm for t1w rest of 11 kffij patriotie, ttA.1k n ralls . - , . allit had a ii v 14er In a y b- an Id to he quite as great initnedlatt- cause of tig,liverf-d inail matter ntlk-r thavi if -t- natural hie." �J # tit 01 0 thO I years oil tile ftor( t Ili - revol t I/ Lim- ar is -.01.4ing't - flow and'in- eplient, n-coril. whpTi 11niblinmen-t W itot In &,%,_.ioll a., al*mt which o4ii lemon tA-11m. lie scribet mews W Itare no conscieneg all 1 o.: account 'of the military. glory eslif-clally it, tll(. atalill, flis- ------ tor,4 w I I I be tq-iit for diNINOW11 Ily reaver. the PrIolle Min- 41 over Judah seventeen years offix. inotiument ky tile 04' filCtcwi are closii) TAKING -THE AIR INDOORS. am Ilizabeu, (ff A ustrin wheit I t ia Mo em. #4ItILnte(I ill tile al Tlw willo-h het" him about young wornen trit 14, irro)qiw:il4lr givo- him opportunities which are Lqt4,r (if Great Brttaln Is tile rf"VnIzetl (111041 at, tile ap of forty-�elght. distrivt, rompiriatug the etminties tif arn wjig tilt- f!,rwt r1% run ifrnit (m linif thilip. awl reimionhible liefid of teroloo. K iing of lislially (Nmled- to the fellows who ill t1lie Political 1krant, Bruce. 11alIUnawl aila Mottek, t I'M do"- the Ift ("rown Plan of Rxerellso for Those wi,o Cannot party whieh in dominant during lihi In- Isniel. Ile was the awl of Nebat, tile Prince. hais been erpeted where t1w -lit onlinary way pur.%me the'ordinitry A VALUABLIN HINT. anI Norfolk, 11'ater- Their Homes. 4-umbency, anti Itd actual E'l))traitnite. sintl was villployp(l ()fteig latter met, his death. I.,, frc,,, avocattorw of Peace. lleadernhip by. $olomon w4tg lie wits dIwo%-ered I("). wellatid, W-01111frum anti Welit- ex � t of tile I trunt I will tiot be mi6mmk-i-stood Jelly i4 a Good.Meaium, for The 0'altiva E.Herly.-peopie Itild others 'who-nmy rind t4w prot-etiort-of Itiv fortune^ de- wortlt,- numborbig alumt Ax hundrp4i �May lillg 9h00tkIl9-W]L- It 's a prrn- plottloi- for tjiO throne, when lie w mid of wilite Inlubbie7th in what I bave said. Crime Ila,; been niatk- Captain A volunteers a its I re- Uon of Germs. be lemporarily hiousc-bbutid and pre- pedd upon bia eourm.­ and that 4)f big as roe metres in redut*d in the eitium tiegrawse w) many cefitly was appointed amistant quar- limmia ten In offleN Notwithstanding' Oblige I to fleo to Egypt, where he re- Ileigilt, With a relief portrr- it of. qW y busbanil." mal I I -sjj�iallt vented from etlJoyWS a regular dailY tixw:- dutleit, these innnif&'d publk- and nl?"Jw i ibiritig �44omoti's � reign. 0n the Crown Prinm upon otw mj4'. it p ly N troll outdoors can devine it fair sub- party obligations Imposm P he fte&lft of Itehoboam to the throne 0 of. the, 41tw)rdprly mtrubprq of society V-rmaster in the United State,; arnly. Wife 116t lo -O *Ag(k, -.1 "1 C.. s PdAGOWAN' DIV RON VOID. bar* I I U- the li per- -S 9 hall to see one' I It r by jr,­,vir. But "I ineo then he has been awalting m- I i -,t y,, I;tktlttP I'M fQ1lOws:A1und1e he lica..'e.1 tile re Non e r, 14,,,Otn C(014911,ffl,� one lier w-rit. xignmt�nt. 4 -s tit ti i ii I ig , of 1 &1 alit. -It iitsidi% our b up Its 11 law Or umt 0 an PrIme 111nisterm In tYolt- colt"'Iff ill tlkf* The *xMayor of Trenton Leaves His Ali obwrver (it huntaii nature. who UtA-11(41 Will t)W 8gj foe till- division of the ki (A tbU- Army+ *4wngr tiI111i;+ Of Jelly Jar 11HIMI coustitutliouall, select a Filginuill, the lx)ldprd of the offlc'e Ogdoin and his eleva- Toronto Wife. el'i4eittly llan art extensive &Oquain- See, suijity rtioin, preferably. at the ' are ti<wi to tile throne 6f Israel. Ile wits twn 1wr 4-o-itt. rd YetV-rday woril c a I a(.,, that* Ile �va.4 Lilt!. njgll+t1;7inrtor. They [lot OnlY long-live,11 an a rul,6, but d,-- tasoe, in liigii official circl@q, sayr. those who comii back will roniv back to, re-1,ort at *-.ail -Francisco.16) Gell. w -tit, t0i) Of thO, Voume; opett wide.'the win- cidedly *more .no than tIWIr am;M.Iates -Ith T-m-ntomi, N. .1 ere u -overetl.�as tile were out of &mstnntly at wnr vk Itchoboarn. . , repimt: Tiw deci- Tile. Prince of Walm vrhffl� &ftnoypd, oWile,I by eamp life for the w1l)lkstif Merritt, wiv, Is itk contlinitliff )If' the ritif.C4 of SAILts, alkil lit fill ylew Ca billet. igli tile only battle distinctly re- sil"It OrAile COUrk of Chanivery, holding wiRkh his Wt eye rvqgdly the t,)1n_ pence. Thow are t1itme who, are likely of the "iows, Shut off, the heat and move lit the- thol to play the InL4004-f WIW I' . fillilopint, cook's watellfill eye lit- he quels. Liround brixkly, going tO the window cor'Joil Is onp witli AbIjah. tit widell te) tw 14VnI tilw' 0kilaflonta divort-4 pPjk>r of AustriA _11 the battle ff* out him ch"ka; tlone,l me about thein, allill . Inhaling tile freWi air kleeply he"was defeated. Ile never recovered obtitin(Nl toy ev'z-11"yor Friink A. t1w Czax lays Ilim rand flnt,rw the top flags Mall ngain be put itway in the Allegtd Cuban Spy -i Story. i and asked if I - Wow, and died lit th twenty- NI tW, - t w, -w our usual eumtom, through *the it(wtrils. W from t I it armsprignw. Th#4 great bulk id thi- sol- fto, leave Jelly 6 have oft6n. )wrin fr`OnI 116 wife, %%"Ili 10-110Y of him head. and N* WItan-of Turkoy c k Culmll - who left. ilw city of thus qnprt>V,-cte,,I. I- w alle(I attention to tile, fact that 96cond year of Wo reign. reversed b,V tim Court tot Errom anti gra"A WA throat tightly with his olierti; will' coruvo twick hcuttpr ingen anst obliged to ,.:;,I.tiHg(" Ok� Culifti, fill Alltiliday .1lig"It rLPIY that, 60'111,11' 1W. I tit, -W, it W boUve itir, W.jtli its Illitily Impurities, The ftilly 'of Rehoboam cotisixteil Appea Is The court 4+,41 bl-tt­r vltir.-m as. lit, ottillitwit Itand. V for thf� expeirlence which M -Will. ill tip small ,rriV#"f_at4:(--n. Garei;04 camp on Ttton,' tie stiLli, y it know that, heated c.QIldLtioll,' and general- nce and mell" - cajw_ The tvi! I work ori -h gravo )farm U) th4 T-ufws- over athly Ill Ilia arroga day'niorning with accuraW lllal*; (if %Y 11011, We me(Jiva I well w i i i t t t P st.,eure 11f(4&wnej& in _01le of the principu I pr�,-- -A. GOI defined the aseret of power' with irimle, 6owever, Ulat t1w C.4purt (if mir:iprit Munka(wy. iyio, piiintex, ip still coil - y TMv mmall, minority will. tho harbor anti of - tile, earthworkri Mil"Itl'! (Pigailisnis for itl�cstigatlon we disposing en"Nes tro colifiv and cutarrital d nleii when lie sent 11bi meek ati-I !ioly Last I.fwrwt dkt* not find twit Nilt- 4i1l#-1i ill jul at Endpillicil. but h-owever. lu, grvat enough. and years urroundifig it. Tho Atipti of Wrgiral exP(A0 91%httille� to tho li�'ir or ill placem affectlotm Where apatielit, or Inva- i &oil to love them itfito death. Tltey 90WAll 11:1-1 it IelgnV tfti(kniee in 4 ikia- I*- in report-vtJ iA) be inqwmvl us so rn p - will Imm before tfu-ir influptice will (jwi 'It With Jellovidi w1jo are humble ho"in TerrItg)ryj- a' (I jUlat idly ill nlq�llt4jl o. ditl A;ervrra have move"d from t1w qxisi-� where we fluve (.-011fi-jibij . Malignant Wt is cotifitietll to bed, if the shouklerm It hare lNumind away. -! rhe gelatU �4. -cm-p w lift (M on that it in ticons thoy were In thrm daypi uggand 1p,rins ts art! kept well- covered and contrite. lie who walks with ntly his (It% 11101941 lie will moot, bit, nl4q- 1101 rpturvi to to mpfpetilly attral, he:id are pow lying in RIM09t It circie.sur� UIP111111. Fin llif�;Llgl your IkLV- wo inay be7 flend high rmeives many a knock. Mr,. Mirnes, tho wife of H vi tig:i ry. During the rMl war an4l just'af t4-r'it -and the 14V edfi- -t�il the wIll1to Ughtly protec .alit attention wag paidt tti ti vation #,f either br)ys or girlm. They rongiling a small island. and liglit- orel xelatLno dooH the sttine. n)ol tile opeiied itud the rooth fluAied with rite iloorway to Iteaven in so low 'fornier ninnaVar lit tile Eastorn ituh- hollso libillit half wily IfIr tilt, firme Jelly, If Ycou-nilijit';but wer It If a frcwlj -air WithOut ally special risk, ki"As Must stoop to eitter. Ile who 1w.r Cottilinny, wiloll, it(- inarrifbillai'vow 1crew to nianlififoi itisd womanhoirt not wit For tlw fast u-li yonra Sir Henry Ir- ilo lairbor. Tit#! I provl(k-d the -current, (lopm liot Arike i4x-kR ail hunible place. will mppe�lily obtaining t1w d1twre-, ill 41kialk' IN-ILrl.Y W) W4'Il eq11itMPf`(1 41A they Shouill to' armored cruiAer P14-1* or 41,10me niumlin.' Alld we have In Cristipbrt,l IIIWSLYM- (10.1142- t1i.t "Rig il"t 11" all iIWNXW Of 4111110tit, L1. have bpen. .% man or a qroman without Colon, which W uninjifr(41 t tilim" thell." It'is IlUn too dirmt1y. The danger from MX*iVO Ull il1Vit4%tI0n higher. Rollo- tiliN 41(wiri-ion lk noil 'Mr. Vagow-1111t., (XX) Iwr annunt At otw thow- rrw)urr-*w which conme front curti- ;if -4 try the W Commanding witi; to Im feari-1-th 't kAf,-%IIv11I processes W:111t of � %entilatitni is tlipejoOdly 110i'm 11111,41c. it fatal -mistake when lie it, i ff - tt "' . , a Some tilife ii4v) Nim. Barn --4- pr(xidly volifem-k he wn#. -ontil,11#1111 valk)n in an eany prey tier port ba 'erthe Parrow neck of are sources or ifill grouter. poke no lie (lid. He snatched off 116 llnl�owntl left tilix vity (or t1w 1141110- 1' Hol%ing tile probicrn 4,f )in for the tempter, es" mOre offan that, W Ile to irnllgille�l. lit Many Ity- 11' I*ep inhalations of air at tile o1K,.11 11,1111' tllrcw it W tile %]list. Tie Of IK -r ilarents ill 0ina4la. �1#121 n%,?l 11 Otis. 1xilln(i a wl, k j% to I I %�c q 1i I that irWrnkxw anoil offtw-n very I# usant -itya. oulles the hisrhor. tli'e Vizc also tile 11 kitchen ILI nex, window, taken �tleman who fin4ld work for idle " il.1jurPti, lies W the east, her 4tar- ttl( I t, re stancip t gently through tll(. wt tell trilitm against film. all(I " kche"It, lillit'll (d WN tittio ill Nvw Vtirk hott r, I Wgerator.'awi wlivre %,-irious , eat- mise, Utipart, tilt enlivening ittl(l torlift I A I Cliarles 1. IWt Ills heafl, he lost Ilig- Imit u-I-Pti lit TV-iitgui Iv% ig it 1:4nlwxror NVillisim h" itla'.14, it, it ft -t Ril�lx SO (kx This war -probably -%viil Inittery looking ilown ulfoll re throne. Je-qfix Chriist is tile pnttern n-mijar %i#0t-f)r lit t)w, hollif, off ilia 1mrt of his yearly prcW IT iw)t last tone enough aprioubly to affect tilf-I r"tllo! neek ables am- kept, in directly against a intluence to tile wholenervoum ilystoni, for till. To say notililig 6r the right, former w1ril-, wiw. with tIm-Ir rhil,11- it tA fr tilim th- (mir Institutions of leArning, but, am all Botl; of tlw 4.1gillisli torix-le) boat.4 drain. Yet .]fore titaillit dit'll which cali'moon be (lei' ne to ton L4, y uncov- nonstritted by a of um know, all of the colleWs have &-tit aro tt�mptirarily Injured, Ono, Ila%,illg el I butter, nAk. OftOq custards and persoatil expeAment. -Health It IS INAIcY to Im- gentle. ren, IWPIR it, tili- hmiw- skdj�oinhtz t1m, This year ),e will "ve on Ill - pit young rnen f)q*t, and of ttwm prohitbly to,.4-n iArurk by fragments or tile 110111198. and varloux!other absorb- dtle. Tilt! flivislon of the PeoPle was prob- matisioii whielt Ma "Antl built 011 Yacht Hohmiw1wrti cm, jtlne 220d, :i r ell The River May Mow-. sLeIL-4 thAt munk the R �ini ta. The ave Ito cou& W abw)lutely� ably the 1wm6t mealisi for preventing clilltoll nifnillp. rim-an's frwwl., ill be nway for six wepkg fow v011 return to complctf� their flit& #Ourxo. Ln notat, instaticep thito intpr- tand CO- othe.r having tier boiler tube.q !gnoratit of Sanitary e4use' all,j eUect, universal apostasy. Go,] always (!cm ;km (It Opinion that it m-onvilinti,ill an.1 tilt- eternal v!gilaloio of tile house_. Perey-1 *A* rewbt"I, but Limb lKwir what to bmt for laitilvitilitils raptigrot (If wholrAtic stwly ior the I'll'i eng1twx fit counw- of ropair. Memphis, Tenn., May if(, left tilrep a lid -m-ill bi. eirfwtoi 1x-t)%,tv.n Itill, itilti Ili, in ban. fn,- t I nie niqther is tie-LiMilys jqlief Fin I1ttW Jilog was drowned. Ilationfl. lie overriflea the most hitter 440(4-11 Victor training of theranip will do no harmb itiost lisqmirtant 1411 ten 14b 11 t feguar(l. miles east, 9f the MI'MI'MiPpi R I ver, fallillY. awl thitt, his Quakeri-sh, wiry tlniv. volw togivil to sit for n If tho St. Francis Levee marry. sorrow for our Woo,1. Fifty yc,,l rq ago hut 11n the camvi of tho typem I 'have 'Mule wam in substant,to mat Ow Ypr- Board eon- Matul h, I ant will for6ri%-4- 4111. S119111411 tills tx-(-iir Iminter-Mr 00rharftw, I AV dewribe.d Cbe rhawA in likely to be 1.*,lo brmta have ticit sitive their i1r- vO'Kilown hetter. t(; adopt the lines laid down 11 lw)Y Jin Africa was t%ken priconor in M.Agov.-nn V%mill 001111vtlef4s tie niole 1.) boen eomuliudonetl W 1104her-pat' W"414 -ri% at 1wbre, ly a_tU%IlLlIJt am a ?few 111til opelle Afficialr _&�l There- w Robert 1. it re"lit of n fk�ree war bPtw(" the tribes, jklisi voydro) NuMPA Inrort, ambiotm to, :1 111, for the levc*o along the Four- tile Isle if"It (1110it'll t,(' rNk-.*i0tir�- mminining rour gg",rw I Milo Bayou. of Matt, who in now In London, earrie.4 fronj film Ilomp * VA vo it "d MA %Var In awftjl whille It la-vto, thooigh kM % 4 iW I UK 111111.11,11oft UP 414) MI. The VOMIJ tOw"A" UM west of tiana This bayou runs ilut� . &nll Ivol(I am a in tls% rubber hiudw4w land'it royabl familv lin L^keii Joespb I Jig tile slave. First lie was soLl for it horse. -_ -_ -_ -_ - * I dw grint prowput anol future golml May mlti!w ftav#- tvily half �Iwir iupp;kn4'o(, r"-ently. antl (Jurl fig tile (1191,11higtipre- 8Duth from abOvo MemPh , and con- Is. prepa ring to e i nter a claim for Prinev of WmIoL tJW 00 Gypsie anti .en t4 0,01n4, of It; but MW demoralizatirmi "Nonl, nit), (111911 m)"14' NWI arri%o-I 1) ' I- o� 1, If 1)1111411,19 'wam erowd- neets with the river below; MarquIsate of 114allaburyt- He alleRuj Hin buyer til(Alght I'(-'wiw it bitil ir-1- THORN TO DIX IN AUGUST. Pritwo Edwnnf 71:0-0yo it forin-muildeilly wily, all(If a tbPr(*, -that thesocond Bar[ of Salisbury, who I whi -?k follows in Ito Wake in utterly and thf- twerlaiiff roift two ago. Is it tsevdeney for the river to ell- ell:11190, """ I-OMPOIN) WS mastor to &W M uskoka. ao in 1W1 marriall a daugfiter of the Karl take Illin baV1 U 0 h#40-lewl.r bmi.-John gio-f-if In Tim, MIMI tbnt sunk the Rellut Mer- Man w &WM- to be preelpitatp 1 to tor this bayou, and ill tile 111gli Then he'ivaa w)III folr of Appeals Seu nzeention of N r T1w grou 1w ofas oy art, amB N#.%%-, York 11prakil. ut- le -4 wnx nrird tinring tligl� first 1xvii- tile fl()OP- wonder ?" wati(yr or 1897 tile linyoll chall,14.1 of- Suffolk, ivais predoumly married to rum. -Agaki IIP was returnpil, to be darer of Guldensuppe. -,be Mrifinent, by the Mah"eliotmetLm. aiikerl n Indy. Margaret Sinx-lalr,'from whom the sold for tobarvo witil I lit, same rMult. 1*(wk I of q- t JtlxtiOSi so*lon mt- rfw and it one Na& Waitter whither was Il4h wl(kawl and Aeepened,awl claimant allegro descent. District AtU)r- rough I y o1r ' I Pey(nin thin low and tile quite Inrgo hon hurl. ,r no'," mil:lpflimilly retoortmi ri4x-tit high water has inerpnse�l -NIAX) ly the nilsprablp ida if" cat, to 'Itock" they Will THE I(ov. Dr. JUW., of Afontroal, t;1ke boy. who VC tx"Y XV1111:1111 -1 Y(Alllaw, ­rntti;W'*' bjAwotic i#v4k tif life, there was littivo or no n litfly twar to.her; "that'll theinati tiioth depth and width. if tlm� le ' �s tI14. Ix)1q1t of Pon)- 4minlity. notive t.11;4t and prowr 1) dellrered. TIA1,*S Tg(mills' that ma(le tile forrils, ILI V(V� tilt, Place of th(! Rev. Dr. Saunilprj; Inittilig suivitle, wheii litiongs- slonim. Tlw. onrtfiworks were Id lie allud ken Is built 011 Liu) west bank of lif. was "gilt tito i1ourt of .%ppi-Ills 111,4t betW.r tban sit (loon on'them wl, jig fover eannot survirt- the pule It6 af Wrp.rpll li-ittirW-1 ititill otto stilooth.liorc gnin y �-"Aml it cs'ckwk C. th'" Ili the Dominion Meihqlgt (,h1lrrIl. by a Vortuguvww- t rat ler and mri-le(I Murrtin Thorn. nmrdewr ()f williftij, t It is, wee It t. bayou, an propoervA, tile riv r 171,011 Ottawa. off I'll :1 Minve fillip I IRIlt ot wistitinod us re, r0l I "W, 6,000 trakwd 1U. & mrilotlermi stra! Pn- %rtLx disinoynntawl #oil the west hat- f4mir that the Arimissippi will Iff, to bQ Put to (Umth in lit it I'm wa n3ll 1 lie. clenrinir. thelol fir F Seren tw%v Kium are bring ritit encouraged to tnke the Ili a ligh wal, "hMPP41 L" the 1111lis in and artaund tPtY I Itiliban, I - -lint,' aboriter cuble motre or litnestolub :t, AA tile Iflaverij -borp (k)w '-irlfr Sii4c priagi durlitir tivo wock I*- Dalfiniri, antl loj)(X) ffVrf% im racitig- the "Pa. Neily, Ilovi,, I t (v)urw, and they ask careful ton- 000,000.000 ia-ashellti have ix4ill the Portit- pkiiiiiij, .%ngumt 1##L. their ftrnw an' htiftr(I tran"rts lit tlw.y afrord to Afill u e%eryt 911PSe vewOl nnd realtuodil f Jew than cdmt ? "ilig lit olderntlo'n before any work is (Ion,.. found. tItp ralitives.. It(, W t4w ring murilleri.r wit sho"o, ronily t4> join thomp wt),) lfftvo Harnpeon's mew4wr­ Wiff -'%%'fly, Dick, or A pollean's ix-meli is largo enoilgil I () the African biky wits 111110fd uiioer thit utyart 1r)f AliqWrilm. T iWwrkswl course they call afford it when -they CatorpIllarx are ravaging thp vicill Chrifftifin Influg"llms, Odue"tett and be�- iinwit4" litilt mintpr Wasitingtou report say m: Admiral will-mch. qlaanslow Ity of ChicoutimL Quebeo. contain seven or eight oluar . ts of CamV 11161.10P Vro.wtber, I:'IlglaIlqI9g luc4l lived not 'twl water. black b1shoo in Africa., n I* -A ft -p 1 14 _Vbf� - . oa� 7 - Alm