HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-12-03, Page 8k '.rtL4 WINO.UAN TIMM, DECrWBER 3, ItPUS MINOR LOO -At,% PERSONA4, abook otorders of the Dominion Bz- —000""* prose Company not long age, And has XING'S FOR BARGAINS I YFANT, XQUA Tx&PH —'R0;tul4r meetinLx of Pal:ilio School We 4han be 91aEl to have 004tributious to O"hodl�-50001 them, Thereisnoolue 01 OUR ENTIRE STOCK Of We eolamu froia any of our readero. If YOU to bis identity. I Board next Tuosd ity evening. havo V11410114 or purpose going away your"If. d In, and toll uv, or .11no a note So that A. couQori in the apern . illlx The old portion of St. Jerome Col- PRODUCE WANTED.' lb house this (Thursday) evening. : LADIES U0A —The rain an Monday wilt relieve Mr, 0, X Walkor has returned home logo, a Catholic institution nt Berlin, I , , the water ahorto4e Id this vicinity, from the West. was gutted by fire on Saturday. WILL, POSITIVELY BE SOL —A good Chrietinika present—send Mrs- 0, Gilohriit, wav visiting for a All kinds farm •produce— 13 utter; Eggs, Dried Apples, 0 1) AT COST. few days witti friends in Brusaels, Beans, Feathers, etc, --for which we the Tiugs forone year to your friends. Two 0. P. R. sactionvaen were run —Mr. Fred A. Lewis, pinuo tuaf:r, Dr. T. Chisholm has returned home down by a train while cleaning switches will pay the highest price. The wh6le stock is Brand New Goods—all this season's make --.bought expects to be In Wingbwu it, January. after a few weeks visit in the West. at Carberry, Man., and both were killed for spot cash from the best w akers—there fore the bargains offer, • —The regular snouthly meeting of the '4Iz_ Tbos, Bell, of Southampton, was iustjwtly, ed here are unequalled by any other house, oven in the visiting with Witighum relative$ $bid large cities. On SATURDAY TIJORNING, DEQEUBER Town Quuuoil will be held Hess Monday week, FIFTH,* this Great Sala will" bpen, and continue evening. A pier at Sorrfil, Quo., buM by the Mr, J. W. Kerr, of British Columbia, Furs a •Furs I from day to day until the last garment is —Timics and Weekly Globe to any Dominion Government, collapsed Fri- sold. 11 FIRS�T'COME, BEST SERVED. address in Canada to January lot, 1010 is home on a visit to his mother, Mrd, 11Kerrday, involving a loss of $75,000. The 61 for . . swift current undermined the found,%, 24 —Three weeks from Friday will be Mrs. Gen Pbippen has returned home tion, A full range of Fur . -Coate, Fur`�i.Linpd,' Coats, 0 While this Great Sale 0 going on, every other - department of our Christmas, Buy your presents frons after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. A. 0 attractive stocks will be carefully looked after, particular a M. Bird at Paisley, Neck Furs, Muffs, etc., at the lowest prices. a 'gingham merchants, attention being paid twour new and very attractive —Genuine winter weather on Toes- Dr. A J. Irwin, Reeve, is In Goder. Abad accident ccourred at tho Grar-d soh this week attending the meeting of Trunk Stution at Lindsay on Tbnrj3daY, day and WadnesOay of this week. Vary Our stock of Dress Goods, Flannellettes, Hosiery, Under- *C H R I S T M A S G 0 0 D S little snow would muke good aleighing, the County Council• in whioh Percy 011pstick, a young broke- a man, bad one leg completely severed wear, Yarns, Blankets, etc., is complete in every It COME IN' AND SFoE THEM. —Mrs, R. Vaustone and Mrs. D. Mr. Eugli Hamilton, of Vatowel, was ........ We solicit a call. Wingliam relative, an,, from the knee. The engines were T particular. Robertson, who were patients at the visiting WithQS hospital were able to return home last friends for over Sunday. shooting, and while jumping in front BUTTER 25a. Pjarsa EGas 25c. Trade as usual, and casblalw:tys, Compliments of the season week. E. McDonald and daughters, ofone oftgem Capatjc4's foot slipped, to each and All. Mr. 1) and he fell in trout of the engine, which White, Misses Umbel, Flora and Verna were Im Ar VL V —The Sons of Scotland of ran over him. (Ir 0 0 D 0 HEAP 0 church will hold a concert in th, For• at Listowel, for Monday evenibg, taking GOODS PRICES N eaters' hall in that village next Wedues• part in the SoottiLih concert. I G. Ea KING Do me CORDO day evening. Mrs. Thos. I. Watt, of Min., Mich., A convention of temperance worker@ ' .. I I 14nSM=M= , , :4( —Mr. Turner, of Teeswater, who is visiting with relatives in Winglinm from all parts of the Province was underwent an operation at the hospital and Bluevale, having been summoned held in Vancouver on Wednesday to .......... +++ ...... two weeks ago was able to go home home owing to the serious illness of her formulate a plan for proseautii a local ...... .+ ................. ...... 44 last Wednesday mother. option campaign in British Columbia. The convention agreed to circulate + ++ GOOD GOODS POPULAR PRICES Regular meet;r3g of Camp Caledoriia, petttions calling upon the Pxoviuolal ++ CHNSTMAS R. KN OX'S NEW YEAR'S + Sons of Scotland will be held next 'Mou- Ontario Provincial Winter Fair. Government to bring in a law Riving + no + 'arou ted to be present. - of the Winter Fair of 1008, at Gaelph, ♦+ Have day everining. All members are reques- Lectures are arranged for the patrons municipalities and unorganized districts + the power to vote for or against the + ♦ .. ..+ y thought —Harry Orson and David Dingley, December 7th to 11th 190% to makes liquor traffic. ♦ ,/,,P typhoid patients at the hospital ca pital are special feature of the use, prevention Bargains in Every Line. convalescing rapidly and will be able to and treatment of common ailments of go home this week. horses, cattle and sheep. It has been .0011bi. + of where you'are going to buy some of your many considered by the executive of the Win' DFANs,-In Turnberry, on November 23rd Having such a largo stock of Christmas Novelties, all goods must be + + —Mr, Alex. McKenzie, of Lochalsh, + MOB Goods + to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Deans; a son, + sold at prioas that will sell them, see our large + ter Fair, that a series of lectures on this :7t6ok of Christ * CHRISTMAS PRESENTS? who was operated on for appendicitis b♦efore purchasing elsewhere. + + subject would be of great iatereat to HARRIED Z. at the hospital on Thursday last is live atook raisers. For a number Of DAVjnsoN-BRADSffAw­At the home of the We have the best assortment of Japanese, Lim- 4' improving satisfmctorily� years there have been addresses deliver- bride, on Nov, 25th, by ,Bev, A. C. Wishart, —We are pleased to learn that Bditor B. A., Mr. WM. Davidson, of Gray township, + ages and Fancy China ever shown here. We in- 4+11 e4 fit the Winter Fair dealing with the to Miss Annie, daughter of Mr. Abel Brad- HEADQUIRTERS FOR • Watters, of the Fordw , ich Record is breeding of live stook, proper type, Shaw, of Morris township. vite you to inspect our stock. Able to around again after several weeks' feeding for profit, markets and how to PIZ" Ladies' and (Tante` Watches and Chains, Wedding, Diamond and illness with typhoid fever.supply them, etc, This gear it was de- GRISDAVE-In brillia, on November 28th, Engagement Rings, Charms and Bracelets, Look6ts, Locket Charms, Solid Also we have a 'Complete line of r Josoph Hmergon Gri8dale, son of or,sdalll Gold and Gold Filled Jewelry of all kinds, Jewel Cases, Fancy Chinaware —Read R. Knox's new advt• in this tided that considerable time could pro- years and 0 months, of Wingham, aged 10 and China Novelties, high-grade fancy goods, including Burnt Wood and LOGAN—In Morris, on November loth, Leather Goods, Glove and Handkerchief, Manicure - and Toilet Sets, Silk issue and visit hisjowelery and book fitably be spent in a discussion of the + ov *♦ T01,Y]IS, DOLLS, ETC. the Elizabeth Bowman Laidlaw, wiry of Mr. NV m. + Umbrellas with gold sterling and ivory handles. Christmas Books, leather + store and see his large stock before mak• ailments which are moat frequently A. Logan, aged 81 yqars, 5 months and 25 days, v u + and cloth bound, Poets, Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, Toys and, Picture + See our stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Bis- -Mr. your Christmas purchases. Osage of loss to owners of live stock, Cosrms.-At Trowbridge, on Nov, 23rd, 4, Books for boys mud girls, Fancy Stationery, Christmas Table Napkins, —Mr. W. G. Patterson, the jeweler, taking up not only their treatment, but Elizabeth Mann, beloved wire of Charles Cas- + ens, CURS, Confectionery`- Fruit. etc. aged 63 years. 2 mouths and 11 days. + Christmas Cards and Calendars. : bast. new advt. in this issue. Mr. Pat• also preventive measures and, so as to + Highest prices fox produce and dressed poultry. tersou. has a large stock of the latest assist in a better understanding of the + + We appreciate your patronage. novelties for the Christmas trade. disease, the causes, most likely to pro- R. MARGARET 0. CALDER + who was duce the disease will be explained. The D - r0- Fine watch, clock Jewelry repairing I ring a specialty. + + —Mise Edna Chandler, Han ♦r Graduate of Toronto University. + Operated on at the hospital on Friday speakers will be veterinarians of prom- Licentiate of Ontario College, of ,Physicians + inence and Other well known men who and Surgeons. + + # & CO. last is now considered out of danger, - Devotes special attention to diseases of Eye, + Wing + 1* R. J. LAING and her ultimate recovery is expected, have had practical experience in raising Ear,Xos-eandThroat. Eyes thoroughly tested. + •Re KNOX9 + Glasses properly fitted. + + the different kinds of live stock. An. 61mich-with Dr. Kennedy. ++ + Wroxeter., Ontario. —Kerr & Bird, of the popular store, other subject in which there is great Clorek1ours-3 to 6. 1 to 8 p.m. + Opposite. Queen's Hotel. + * . - have taken extra space in this issue to'.+ ♦ QUALITY HIGH PRICES LOW : interest at the present time is the pas- ............ ....... ..... give a itsh of themany bargains they I have for the Christmas trade. Read advt.teurIzAitin of whey. The discussion of its effect on the quality of the cheese —The Taylor-Andersou Co,, clothing will interest all cheese factory patrons. Winter Term Opens Jan. 4th manufacturers of Looknow, has leased Associated with this subject and im. the large store in the Wilson block and mediately following it, will be given an will open a clothing store in the near address on the feeding value of pasteur- future. ized whey. The lectures in the poultry —The ladies desirous of forming a department include an addrsas with ig k 'Store Recreation Club in connection with the stereoptican. views, and a demonstration STRATFORD. ONT. B* Boo Parish Club are asked to meet in their showing proper trussing. In the seed . Tbfe school is one of the largest In ng t 11 ELECTION rooms on Friday evening, Dec. 4th, at department, special attention Is be' he Province. It it noted for the 31 7.30 o'clock for the purpose of election given to Alfalfa growing in Ontario thoroughness of its work and the of officers, etc. which will be discussed from the stand- success of Its students. Three do- 3-:, partments- -The native purity and delicious point of both the grower and the seeds - flavor or oSaledall Tea are preserved by man. Afterwards an address on Idents- COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, > fixation of Weeds, will be Riven with Of no'liday Gifts is a puzzling proposition to the use of sealed lead packets, N TELEGRAPHIC.` ����stGoods Never stereopticon views illustrating the weed > Many people. The answer to the question, sold iubulk. It is richer, more fragrant plants and seeds in their natural colors. Our graduates are in demand as and stronger than other teas, business college teachers as well its > "What will I give ?" may be determined by We have passed into stock man new lines for the In connection with the sheep subjects a office assistants. Got our magnift- a visit to this store. We have anticipated, Christmas stmas trade and you can have these goods at CRESOLE-NE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS very interesting and practical address is cent catalogue, it is free. S. i A:aimpio and eflective remedy for anticipated from Mr. T. D. Wardlow, your needs in the line of reasonable prices. Call and inspect our stock SORB THROATS AND COUGHS -of Toronto, an expert In wools, Lee- > f Cresolana before making your purchases They combine the germicidal V31110 0 with & soothing properties of slippery elm and uo. tures will commence at 9.30 a. m. on ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN rice. Your, druggist or from us, lec in 8tamps- Lu3tme, Unts Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4ax " Wednesday and will continue until PRINCIPALS. Thursday night. Judging on live stook —The, regulfir vionthly meeting of will commence at 2 p, m. on Tuesday Clocks, Watches) Rings, the Ladies' Auifliary of the Wingham. and will continue until finished, Round Hospital will be hold in, tlia, Council trip tickets will be sold to Guelph from + + + + + + +_+ +*4 + i t + +! + + I New Books., Chdrabor next Monday afternoon, com- December 5th to December 10th good to + + mencing at 4.15 o'clock. All members Royal Grocer $ . return up to December 16th. Complete + Brooches, Silve are, Are requested to be present. programmes may be procured by appli, + V A book makes a good Christmas gift. We have + + —The 17 -law granting a loan of cation to the Secretary, A. B. Wester. + Try a good stock of the latest Books for old or anve C f young, f1djug tb9ir foo. + + 6 Plate $25,000 to th6 Morris Piano Company volt, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. S9 to assist them in r6' 11 '+ + nd C + + yo tory, which was recently destroyed liy Malcolm's + Bread. a V 31 + fire, was carried by a practically, unard- NEWS NOTES, + + For new + mous vote at Listowel on Monday. etc., etc., —,Tohp Cameron, postmaster at Lon. + R Seaman H. Garrard, Guelph's Oldest + aisins (Ion, alea suddenly on Tuesday evening + + iolld�D'V'tl��' + resident is dead in his 99th year. + from heart failure after speaking at a + + banquet. Mr. Cameron was for a num. $ Currants + + W e have a large stock of dolls, and other novelties, ber of years on the Toronto Globe and Mr. Charles Parmelee, ex -M. P., has + and have put in large stocks, from which + + I also a good stock of toys. founded the London Advertiser in 1863, + Peels you will have no trouble in -selecting 'som'e'_ been appointed King's Printer at + + —For some little time past negotla- Ottawa,thing appropriate for each member of the tions have been an the way for the per. Dates family. obase of the Hanna Bros, stock by Mrs, it is rdpotted that the steel plant at + Mary L. Hanna, Mrs. Hanna's offer ' Mince Meat vra-a ref aged by a number of the credit. Sault Ste Marie may cloac owing to lack + China Departm-'ent. of orders. + (in package or bulk.) + ors and on Tuesday an assignment WAS +1 made to Mr. Oiler Wade, of Toronto. .+ A CALL SOLICITED. The stock,* —Provincial Constable Pbf Mrs, Touy.Vorveranan was frilled on Everything new and fr.-sh an this department is well assorted, The ppent ao. stock of Limoges China is complete and prices are oompanied by a detective, visited Gerrie the Radial railway near Hamilton while• for the Christmas st ,on Monday and called at the hotels to trying to save her pot dog from being baking right for the Christmas trade. gee if the local option law was being run over. observed. Ile brought home a sample + AT of the beverage which was being sold Local option by-lAwA are to be Sub- + KA w,. Go Patterson Your Christmas trade will be appreciated at the stud has fotwatiled it to Toronto to be mitted in Woostook and Brantford, and ++ MALGOLM15 ++ Big Book Store. Analyzed. St. Catharines, ratepayers will vote on + VRODUCJ� WAI;TSP� + —November was warmer by two license reduction, + + Griffin's Old Stand. pRoxx 64. + pants than the average November + + month so far M Ontaxio is concerned, Mme, La Blanche, the aerial perform ...... 44 ......... 4+ THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR. While the precipitations (rain and snow) or, who was badly hurt during the WaS 1,56 b6l0w` the AVOVVgO, illdl0htffig Toronto Exhibition) died In the BOAR FOR SERVICE* Elliott and Walley l"t mouth W" warmer and dryer ho*pltal, where the had been Odnos hot VheunderAiRnod winkee oreerviteonhIs Pnoprdeaoiza or Bio BOOK Svann, tb*U WM*1. The 111911611t t8mlitrAture 400ldent, rzimefth Lot 18, Cwt. 1, Vorris, (BlueVsle iron_ oronRhbred Yorl[ebiro Boar. 9X9k9XXAXAK4KA:A9AWAKKAXA: WX & *a robed on the 2001, "Welt' 64 d6- $1, Wbe paid at time of mrileo. IxA "#AN�l 119&� Ter0"" Btlek, Xts ct Bank of Ooomowe. The lowest point WAS 22 X600ra- T, X. Xn3XD3P8OVo $a on this 171& A clever Awindlot got POW041ou of Winsharn, F. 0,