Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-06-17, Page 2T
letter slit alld givijlg it ble, looking gliastly pale and feel- POISONS AND ANTIDOTJWS. LONDON'B GRZAT WSALTM
�- �Orousl shake. Ing a sensation of hear"IckneSs and I %..?
lfl� withdrew it, shaking Itis head, despair. A.Good Thing to Paste in'Your Emer FOR ROME WORK Almost Incalculable Val i of Some a- I _ =:---: _ �..
1`6UE NO 24. 1898
and paused, for sWps wero Itoard. But SdPlaiti enough," apAd the adnilra'l gency Scrap Book for Contingencies. Her Realty
ho#W fl.e., they lms:sod tilt- d(x)rway at tile bot, coldly. "There is something more, XV011. iU t1w city caw -8 of poisoll-
ton, of t I le Idingo and died away, though, behind. J)o you know what?" Valtiet; -(A real 4*tuW and some other I
Have Spoken ? 1 11 ile, dN L bui' ilig 80motimea prove -fatal because ilk
wem v t1lill9w it, t1lo city of London ttr* not
Ike listened, all ed to- ho he cried sternl�, as lie fixo4l k;uost. PhYlliclail cannot, bi) laocuml III I
allent updairs and down. 081y tk@ Hffij Good$ CiVe SatiSkek forth ijk all tirticto In it. ptiper pub.
,",lod t1jerlo.
with his eyes. tim" to admininter the liecessarY r6-
-A THRRIUNG STOR'V OF "We IMUSt INL%e a carpwiter,"�Iio '90n my lionor, Ito, Sir Mark."' med", and it would Uwe a wis.- pre- INioll House, willo,,)&
saki alopd *. and, once ipore placing his 441t dow not matter to us." caut4on. for every hottwhold tollave "t $3,500.000 to build. is flow valua Ve
Ar to the letter slit, lie listened, and " But it does. Mark," cried -N I i 8.9 at fully tell tinilow that I'l ure The P -
CONSTANCY AND CRaM ethen came away to where Sir Mark Jerrold, piteously ; '11ft(l 1 aill gDmo gene al tilrecUms at Ivaid for factions Royal Rx�'hauge, nA it fu"Ildling ot ora
me � 4f
rstood. (if". What does lit all tilean an eme The New York * So- bricks anti nx)lrtftr, iis wortit $1.(XX).- a- 10
4340ty for 'I ructkxi Ili First .%III to f)(M). but 111.1id Ili tlint neighborhood
covoWn I heard mmiething Heatell and tile nian ldnisPlf 3,10110
14%athbig withiti thure," he wlit&pkered know.", QvI Injured i teaclieN its elausys the liam reemitly *Ad at the rate of 00,-
diroetly,* jenit alktly with v- Uld tire4uf prok I mEnpibuma and- reuiedii*' for variou,4 1X9).fXX) an nere. Eight bridgv* over In J
*fAile ishullfkrilug tI,0ugjIts,sI;,k, "Someone ii; listening, twid Fin sure But, Mark, dear; I catitiol, ,iltilor- Diamond Dyes. the Worla's Leaders, - 0
I poWww aiw follows: d.
Fidie %x)tikl V%, dirWtly" Wld I tIAjrp I& oijimetIliag, wrong; bilt stand." Amcling, tello poisons litiowit as I ir- tho Thanim t"t to bill[ A
ftraik*1 flow *.:&IjIkjt it had all be"ll. v011111 ket Aunt .14jeroltl to eo&x thp 01(l c1mot like to loave you lilere alotie, Sir Not with this before you plallity . ri ' its iiiiiiii-r- but aro flow worth much inore than CAn be OVercome in almost all cam! _n
I t1to aduilral bittorly. tfait," aro arseckle Do the Best Work. of
ILL4,9. .811tv was it -0 way$; tile ltaw�. A)0k,here 9 forins, corosive- sublim.itov. sugar
'rlk'r" etAII&I b4lit 1k, tuist. 111all rtuilid if fie wanuti coaxing. But xwu, Sta.111W41," sait that. while. the tuittielit uvrk�rnpatlt by the use 'Of ScOWS Emulsion 61
-old trouble—a lady, I idup- ou are worth wore stiffilons, atid tile W
%if*' 1146) jullger—t�k"i lit, m-torto by tjj(k4. it Ott Why 40me of 'llatil, tile white lead, stritmitacidij,' embankineut 4; limpliab . ly worth ypqRI os -
don't keelw your vigar,4 jip011iewlielme -In cSfe 6=4) scoulldml Idj�)ultj -lila*43 pose—meh are all alike —*there was an -t-kxibto Cod-lAver Oil and the H h
114UNI b(Illtba to-a'wretched adveiitur- lCuld 1110't Olt a AWf Over that a suddwi rush out and escape." ell)ONO ijjii2IFiei4t, I exivect, and, lie such an s'uIphurk,- or vitrioI, murl- tile $10MMAM0 It mist to make. , If p1iites of Linx and Soda. Whi!c
er.--a iorger- whi 1)"ll, I wtxl*t Aiioke 'i-iu. llnz,�lly i get leetch & pojjcanjkan,'� said ,41te -.Njark sought, a way � out 61 it—the caw- atkic, nitric. oxalic and eartxAie* tile Will"' Y(X3 YOU 111414t IMA tile St. P.-tul's were 1jrIvate prt4wrty you
ern to ligilt. you ard" way, alit! wan 1 -do great a cur 9 a, inight iliduco tile owner to sell I% for
104-11 - Ilere.7 he continii6d, sturdDy. "Let, Ifliat t' it W11110 tockeig atkalle - witch its mola, 'pot- best brand of baking lio)wder; wilell it is a scientificfact that cod -live?
_t'" K*'L- 1wr fatlier'.-4- intilwy -alilk" U" -11 *4 Viru-sting . ry �Ilsh, lime, and-aninionia water. The tualibig a jelly or :I custard puddhig blit tile like if ry oit is the most digestible oil in ex -
I, eigmte a-ulil ZL nuLtelt %O\ are gone. to take aim stralght.7 I itiod is ve t
1r". Alld Malcolm 14-trattolk liall ti-ld tfito Stratp0lk'S halidij, tji) -4. : alld tered: all �They. all lookobd, down tit liorror at Ilymptolut4.01 by :Ili irri- you inuot make use, of tile beat f lav- romotw. Thow tattered banners wit I 10i istence, in
1W sillok At that nion"Lle, Criloot ut into his Stra:ttoir, where lie lay, to moo that totuit. arvo voyere pains ill the litow oring'extracta; whelk you mew it is yoil liave, gow NQ (Itte off A rol Se
r .%-()it give q relltiw thO b1tit-vi Witt, eagur cry, and thrut-st 1110 ham I, it w Id u
your disillat It-koll Ito was now sottalble to their worda,, acli and abdomcm, liftusea. v6miting, edoliol"Y 10 um the best sewing cot- pretty ke—en Wiling sit tit(- sales.
parging, faintuesi, skird 4)(ten feeble- toil; wit 11 you Ila
agaill at tilt- Ill,prnwr kill. -&We Ili all- and glaring' wildly from facp to face, e
I 'iAl, very .04�r#. Soo ffills
of '"ellilla u1n,ir zowh SlivokAghts t%t a, V.. I Willi f0lowli" -gaid "I'd fozgotten tltat." Ile k pulso lind 4trathing. epit. treatmPlIt (IQ y(.nl v" Ijoine dyeing to Wi�AltulliwWr Abbey is difficult too
Stnottla, liglitilig. the 4.1gar.
-fe.1 gwer to Miow Jerr6ld's inquiltelrig- look; (To bo OmUnued) g4liould also bear lit m1nd that value. But tha salAM4 give us wollip NWIFAIN all
lwi vav% wom, stulil". %ery. 11appy anti ctwlti! U I'- "and I dont know now, that it 'Till io f irst, to (!11118". V4011litilig - by gi% ilig y01Lr titlecow III(] the 4afety of your Idea -Of what 10ittorle trenaitireti are
asily 't f I 41t. APPRECIATRU In ZNGLA it. tumblorfill 4)f %vitrin (not , Itot)
liewsi of lik-Ath bwk. tim i Tllell,vou, ,, matAtrialm and garments dopetid uj�ni ivorth lit tile market. and I silioulif
tlftm,ghts were inliberiotts. She liald sati NO.
Hever lo%t,*t -,,all. - , lie IUW taken.out Ili* iatchkey oa- tile, I 11%11110141�, wfth -it te-1,1114wix-141011fill of tilt- brand of dye you Onlploy. iiot bo surprim.-d if tile abbey, put ill) It Is not only palatable, but it is
I alid vs. ellaitee or tilat which flited tl)e lock Hamilton To go.Mind dry- Initl4t-itt) i4tirred i'
n- -it
It- wo4ust' L litolme Wild lot ads Wtierever It
I I Wheit the Din njoild I)yeti axe us -A you ilk lots. readi;.ed .1.%2,-500.(K)0,0(*J. a
wtv'Y liad only lukeit lwrfornoed...- ulit'llior uotiiskilt, Illy tillitt %'.ill Of Otte riet of ch&mbeft fitting that of putdihig jJitl, foreringli,r ltx far' H tr OLL)i Ij -s. Your olli, Tito Brit w Iready digested and made ready
Viat if 1 1110 achieve. I I vell u(teessi Wit Ifulieklm (.njpty 'ould
thruating it Into tho Milt, by thC
Ul'or" slits .% &.i anduler, ant?, T66 'I ag lx,#jh - d6wiv tilt- throat. - 'rile faded and ditigy hookilig goo& after a be wortht -r1-,7.rP(X).0(X#. and it im full - of f or immediate at
fMe—fret-� to follilow tile bqot* 4,4 ll'i4 k#Ayholtt, he wa" lit the act of turiting -0111410111, -1-:1191alid, Art"Y �211141 -fqreflngeir� Ist4wiWilt l.k"ilde.ejuletic. INUIL itt the Diamond Dyeii are made
Noot it. Tt's tth PIVI 6d %I.v a. primloss re-asuri-s. The Natkmal Gill- System. It is also combined with
affest-tiolls--frVe tt-1 givqLx r Navy Gazette,"t %';ty, "I"t i-olit-Illm- After' tlJt;'piit4t'Iti tA)- V
1 it wlwmi, &% If wymeotie* had been I lery lit worth millioils. , It vost, witil
11" 11aXt. I it, omit, am good ax tw-w. Tile colors :I rie alwi ys
"killi, Y4ie kiiew Site joyt,41. the followl
i , waiii"Strattiloli, drs-Muiiv. It - I.. a hatewric, to Uvk�17 Word WkI act, a fig j rofemit* tk) o1w, of fx�wly.o- gLving large - draughttj to( brilliant, Itint, rieh and full. tho flew Tate gallory tile hypoFhosphites,wbLich
AVII;ktp� liatt Makn)ltu Straittell hai�d— Tarot a , till Iong pri)lkati"it. but .1 '*lit I bolt W&A muddenly sWt back, and tho prijdUe_t&:' ' - wilk, or. tlw wfiltes'of :I, houpit- -of It. you unfortunately niade um.- of MY) t0_ build. Mill 11 euprkly a food not only for
at had lit. ke h - as . octo picture
%V 1) '"Vt. all Cot lwre door thrown open against Gluect'a Thc 7nokor 1who It" 11 t -,yet srliftl- lkggt;, iwA lit:Aten. If time IxAsoij w.ere wjiiue oiLe of the wllk�kll (%*it $70 all im-li. The Neloot'
I, JIL the tissues of the body, but
'djr t I T. I_11yrtki (-ut Iolwevo- many weak and I
ald Well 9A11110till" A114ML- tivar; for fier irii UpPiIiab ior che0t. He started bwk' lit astodlisli- an avid, jilvo.'a4i magni-ska or (,o,)k- 'worthh*s dyas sold by solue (Ittaltors 001tim", cl0w,- by. iri W(Wth .4521500H).
t" 111w,ti it t, t)Ij. L
11 Tliere, lio'd volur tiwllgiu� you, ill r- for,there,'in-the tktrk opening, Ing si)da to noutraliske. If. - all al- for w-tke of long lirofiti.;,- wellyoii illitt tIM Stattle of Kilig (;eurge 11L.,
lwr nwitta: vlj_jikxj, zllld #he S 4' 444vt*d V 11 --- e bi efom lijin i for the bones and nerves,
t0war,d her twtlzskiiiie.� onee.. tuiwe% to Aink Um of 64 t to . -ali, givo Iemo:l ivililet! *of iv tablo- mmst be prepared for cruel.411wip t, 'Ali little way illown Pall Mail, cost *20.-
213 Vill. o! ollo 'wholit 0(XI Malcolm StraUcift. his face of Ile APW41 ; Alf in-veiftilAent j k and will build up the child
dowu �wkql Itur-y her burning rave ill -thir lid -art y�m It A ill, I P as a a sickly sallow, a strai4ge, look ill -will rurniiih hjnj witli thko mewim. ot I AlKlollfill, of OW. The Albert liall and I'Viyal I
I % 4 t- -jr. -itionts and loases. Tile Diamonli Dyes whm;I its ordinary food
In,r linAist-4. fk;r lier etuittioit'llilas g It Ilis jrlvlsig� It., a (air 1,0pt, 11.4 ad- :
rt t4-r!s,*-,,F w4linall!).'etal. 'rile �kv it uId Itis eYk-s. and'a*,gonoral asWt c The wys.tAlin't'"" ' Polsolls -'are wive tfine and inotiey, and are solid Aquarium sure 1xith worth about
fer thapt 0weoukl bear In- I!U14IL- t 9,realli,.r 'Prall j 444)11 q wiving ildenly turned ten y k tli#, f does 'not supply proper
If J"46 I"""'t" I ol1lill,111. Itio ridtiAt. . fittill. I ill, lfa ro'A'0:k% guara lltptof (if sllece.m - i I I i I gooi I w (wk.. hilt tile Crystal llidat-p
ki- IJ6 will, flalkItzli�,-b WNW(e(ll to- I
'XI , - I, I* -r. h all present. IOU
it N11 u tit! * Vek bat -'N,.* mi right ti��d il(k, itlartling Ix"ll, ciout inore thati tlir#*b tijnpm tile nout ishment.
UUA1*TXR. X itilimuia..' atrc4Aa, aeojdW,It--ik- - lkxik of diniAloris and cant of 48
t. f or N:,-1110 kla.v "WhAt *10 .7ou livant lie k;aid thht itv )r rrienjis ;-I ii i1c sure you vet � t.o I I'S tr"u1stUIL S" Umit do
if both td thmv- E..iri!s Court,' the
batio or e.04n-rfree to ajiy adilrovN. Write to '
0111. tin te()., It ltreal r t islitpw rivalling tile palarp, :ha* 6" alid fish art'on Use wiropper.
agail., 'is ile -lit their, prai". I . & Ideliatr(Wott of
yoll gill, agaill. -&4 liateshly. for It.- i4nd '"ey are rar rr N
of yoll tuillkmis' worth "t troasures. and'even All drulgism; Sac. snd $1 00.
v.4,IIr ud fell that omies strychnia. 'alcohol, to. 4
all Very well r4 I. 411lowtioli 'IV-a's so 8 v to
jiijii,f 3116s Jert-t-ld. Lit a UA41c' Of - v "`14--*' %v rvilhii) Or ytour itleal Wk -told -our Utl(Wt will' st Masurs. Ttie#ett & soIIk.otlgtit--tj_) ho,. 'lux SCOTT & RoWNI-.
w0l". , - unil4xt iuto, muteltefts"but chloroform and 4-ther. Thu -symptomij- wkeii if im empty tile tWetity-five Cht ii.imu,'I orame.
I1Xjjt �.%v . 108iiral Stopped forward fiercely. Ill('aut" x%'Jtl e(illimeliddihn - acres <4 gardetw atid building tire
wl;W11 zu�r.!It haNt. WN lKicroweki froia I!Igh-falutin talk Wil: 11 104.4 It �8111411 :1 jef tl,4. diffierc-lit. jx)j�*kqjs1'hIIt THE HOWLERS FOR WAR.
ill -JTOU ti(k0piCablo Pcoundrel lie' - all w worth .1�1,7,00,01X). Imagine bu i ig tilt! LUKINOU.-; )-0UhJ'AILNk4s OF PARIS.
,!t -r lirother.-as ettletii-ra, tout 1 14"loVd, Illy littte You fr6ni. suelt it, ur(,4",. just a1w 4� tio-n- is gnallu.illy im-r-a.4' yll
'a rmi-ne4lietle, Clirititiatilike, am- interelitti ift - tife'. 1) 6* or - IPA
wit-roo dliowii iiji, into lwr pretty ailly roured;,and as Stratt6n -stopped back rogrlwmi il . 4 lor They do Not Risk Their Skins, but Seelr Irower. tilt- Ilcolborn %taduct. the ml
t: jilit- rvatlY Illy, stulior,k:
traa-inic rkqjtu. way alitl III.Iq al -ays tile 0141 mail followt-41 ':Jui quickly Into Ifillillitol !lIIxtiIZAs--wiII ho pIcamd Fat Ottices. tit sowers. -waf"i and pavetnentoi ; t
Idel I i(49. to bee
over. lier chiu.1 fw.;L tray, tou ktiow tita fA Nl,, lic-rhap,; 41oUdilin. iolul' mtertoieus o,- C.) Vie Interesting
kept ,rr T -V the li.ttle?ltlliilg With v.rtle Navy' liag liq
No. the roont, avul -caug) l vAillixis markets, of which four -
it Jklm by Ule n%ll
hell thr"4. plat -P for **�klf '()U'tIw: Other si4i.6' which are for rattle-votit $rj0,C J,(M
t.I4 qu.diA.S*6vrt--,,4,ujW ;inti is-lu- mpt, till 1 JX14"r Al 34a Ita0py- lk�tw*2141-it Irt-Imprts 44 1 great ijaval,
whil-11 illit-111:141" juor- jr.ittIt.�. wt. Wq, -arch tile
Clue too oo A 1,114.. ro I
Mark V teritki Mims Jerrold,. :jUll them ; thitik of the ljospit, 4 i
%.1 glit, lipqR41" rl Lapel, of tlw%. uiklt�an- 'No
IV yoll "lay 06vill ikw* ta*.' 1,44 Perxonally,! till -
tall st.l.l." ua.-4- IN& 111 fttn nf Ilapi,4 ant -I prk6anitly jlj:Ikq- Ilk 0. ft' It I [or 'fnflo%, tobliecid expert (Iotw litit, agrt4. Witt, f4pie.itittormation re- till- fulift 1144-1`444illg rvattLIN-.-, it( tifs-
Vilild to HeiZ41 11 * 'br0ther's wid schooW and eliumbes. awl fattey
I t -s b r _� it t'z 4 -, ko-ttil. 1111111luillig allif A, f0low, like ine." er. :arm, puldia of the 474,8 - I ko t'll., -ements to( Alircv
II-ile Gruost, rvil tilt'- Engll-Rll - authority -4)11 -ftiil�tary U14" - O;i O(L fit tile inarket value tif tile parks
lit gravel JRlr4 t :111 intAp efty lo's. Tile. cittratim-A alilmie
uttol-ring a Ktratt-tin'ttindki at t 11 eved - heyond nleas- -nmtter--�,- but hoblu flat titil; ittr;ieted 4-() tilt _Zt!
lit finding 111SLIOrlend in the"flealli k�o
IL 4 hI-:tiL,;, hrvatlditg 6; very slow. mid tile
4.., L�-q ji. it, it feit file. w-arat, llat'S rigtlt*-I.L wAk4*c a -emAer. x1io' Litivivi- wliip werill particularly itu- at Hyde I'prk are xalif to have t��t %4,1* :111 flitiolvrtititity arl*w- Ail 4-twi-41-
t:,.- swrit
1191, at tile. Tv I yt**l I Itsteall Ws Uzoiderer,* hurriedly on- wpr. anti- gnm�rallv� qet-- of.w-ii 4rych- itsarly
%viat, Wal..:.Yoll-re A I:o,)r I, iver. Wh!v terlt�f and chwed Cie otiter door. Fatinr4ftory asininke. tilit'll: C114- PttIA-lit tA.- 11.-Ive this %i. Ild I' Phila deft) It ia lit -lit hap bivit %Oif-4 Ity qvilivit the
�ktr.itttons &,;.kAwr plithip tiL41 "Stand 01 criet. 4,11C,� 1 rtyl; providt--d tll.,t bilth jj.j:j ImA.muming-thore ard- i-otivill1sions."at- 4,101111. Zit oonct-, w4w-ks IN-florl. the Ill.l. %.4t4'I'1C Mill 10-�11'40111 111111ill4iiW It %%':I%
kir I'l 'the . I 1w. III()Kt ii-ke and the -jaw -.4 are I�i, � *
Stratttai fn�tdo no rvqVIY', I bolt 1!ack ailiffiral, ficircely Nvr4ka in' INlyrtle Navy U) rstart 111;4111. Tit(; It'llt .va&;, roqllfly ri'T it, '.11#11 twis- i0f 4-111140111111,114t"I't' 0 11.1 %C- 4ho- vii-ris-0
ting lilmselt free *
iket"oki I A L wl., firaily....
llk..I 1411111711144riling yl -t- to very ratifillal"1441 TO 4 11, It 12' A 4 '4111, 1) 1 N 0 N I., go A Ilk- cof vtd(-ors wit,41i lei -41i,41olayrit front
4ry*w ase-tu, slitt-Iq its -rt I-ia t1g. all -ti IUS frietki sakiii Lto Ili ungovernal)jo rage on Awleing' the ftfid tn' f4r ine tiliv. tts tillif. hv 14,1111CA114 ilt u1je
a At kust, lillietly: 11 id i. learn with' regarol to) tIj#- m)ji(I.t-tjjlj_ Ityawyl . I 11111M. 9 1 milli ril-IiWing Ux- - regitla r ai-iny -as
&:lot r4Aid a.rily *4009P rq)r . ,.:ttrOiA.
atwed tbo III ye arl - I li 121 t e I' Tabl-�IK. All
"Ye'.6; q'i, ), tv I..nutl4v svr%.ot -i4is"ire N fort 1111111 till- v1101 -040f. 1116. 0. 0 The Laxative linxtiol4tiiiiiiit
t -t wicli a batt vigar af ter all, wil Ill I. %%V` wil-Irl." almAlt. t4j"-Vlltl�r IIIWII .1 \%: (if II1t4 I-wititiffal li-xitiltiti'vit".
ullitarittet 14 ie 10 X yttle N:Li-y.! t10% lit lllit-,'rapill -lilt[ . tIk- 'iipli�-araiwe I11* druggi,46i refutid the ttioucy i( it fail� to curck. F1,4011wis
then I itle*" I ' - - Ut 341 It, -lori v -tu. S -
Stratt e 4 - it oofl,]. I,ffi
Alit 41141 jvot repil row )it TIni#*. U Ilif :it' lit.
U J_lk� .140 lk.-Il J y "it)- ract tole 4-4"L t.t4)11- being unittkirt-4 wild is, that. 44 I-Illoral
Itook nkert, %,Iq,w Vvice, full 4014 -mo Illak. I I Ig W� or tilt- Nat"jul (mard,. tof -the 4 J aloparntuot lslaq-tlk�l at a lj.etigjit,� Ill
to ax �t 1: -S r tkiti. TODDY !rREIIS IN a fit I. 14,ollaveo Ix1lPQwAug t1wre- Is grrmct .4.) 14ra J? tire, Voi St raw bfk"rk '"art '-a*&- 'n wort 4of pol,14-ii yo-lliou- ill
Maddened 111111, Witt 14izing SO , UTH AM ERICA. tratioil. pubi. fi-ebt. ilid fact- 1;111". pportull ity too * 81411 tilt- foljl� tilt. 41
latio S_ - 'L. - (�N,- -:t t, t 14., Ike "I'to iotake tra%\40-1.1-y Hiloctol-aix fir -
.as! k -c #, L--. .0 tx--.� r lie was botiaring lit h4ek. w1w'.11 1114*4 -:Ill 4of loci W1 liolls. We io-
eft. 411; 1 1111*4 11 1
It 0 iv. I irs
I, t 14119 -1'! 1 i r -41,,,L it kq- tv.. !,Ill. W it I I , lilt. Beetles Got Drunk by Oral) * ing th 111fix til, lw-'flolle. as lit tit(' grt%t, tAt'sciv tha-t vve art- abk- tAo give- p:
I.,;;. all 414P 4'41P 111tert)(itio,41, alid, p e Bark. jlk� as%jAill :is-iivad, 04- alsto araiwe 4if 1 -94
al Tricks. ier ljjr)LQjljS. illsl* r#,114. r4 ilitil :I
rAlv'r-0, fur v% t P rit L-;. %vs. 4*oIIk4I j,jLjjjIg6. 1: 1 --- es ."Tld-4 will till 110 94)t star -Other Arbore �14 . �4 tA (:I folit, little' inforinatilipti -garding t1w r4ol, tile riII4 rh it .t dor 41i.illiff"4114 :Irld
voillitilig. .(Ising tI1e,-#;i1tue, th- a 1.4 -tilt- .4-t., th—crt441 will 41J.. :1111 -
lot, YVII woulsi ;
1,0141 -o cried. A W 11, tillvic, eat it lilt$) :111 fohloolla
V4 lot I to ni, Sir ? o4w,tit ol;sikois
fkt.r 1-111' for*%
11 eiiit-tir hn�-� aioto -1 frei ly. give %\'ilk 1.:111114)t lot.lil.t.f. tit.
till- lit tAir tji4 it. in.,. 4.4.L iiptr- lardsh It tvitli mill. ..iwl Itakv
r . _ � I" I" t:lil-4-1
ut 6r, L ri Wit 11. 1 '#lot 41kilit.
..rlow calill." ha 14 okidis, plalltv, -ic jefiff r h
lipr - -4-014-lit It w'. S1. *1-41411141
t I ro:,, at 4 *4014 Jrf 411 NN-il-
ship, iw%% s regardl'iig it, lit w quicw` 4j%#4i foor 1--owiltiltols. -
9- 1 ze ill "I'lle - with "Vall1i r"rlkl t1w 1, 1, 1�.0 I I;1` f-ur-- d%k.vtA4,l themwivieSi AA) tilt- If .:I j-.j"&N I"f _jjjijlllI I.Itlik;0jillig. L (ill 110 Ill i, --tilat lilt, IN-Illity sof tilt.
lilie *.r s it'soll _11 t I#.. Zi4l,114j, tIL 114, 1 "41 -It ft %Y1 .1
PIt. Ill, lal Nally It Audy. awl -vglo 44- ialtAoxii, arl' 'AP1111111111-1111#11 UP 211118- I1aV0 tho- straw1wriewu mas I . 3
Illits. TIM-. aevoillit alli'liv 144. Pat'i'vilt to to a - till. %%4. t bell
t rf �4. L%; N% t1l:Jit ju-4m, 4 if 04-1.11 11.1 v.. fillitill sitfrare.l. U114 -D thii. valske W d4ala. 11 f0ml Ulfli will litot IN Ilitilillildis
to .11. 164-cp,hilil % - . .
iii rw ve., al� P, s sis- 1*44)utli. Atutlr�cajt 41111
b.), $or. -Ili firinly. 110M411 toi� patiara lit 4.10,1
.yotl 100L ti itip till. till. ter, clinging to Ili U t1le k' lin-ssing it 1poittly intoot lialves.: 'huLtoer
wto: lin it. a little , jout UJIV lotver. liale' sm
t piltioN41. thvy flif Jit
-bi t0i- -tit ef t 1g. oij till- Ilmik. ati-41 11-114-st, It :tl*.y %%dIrl, %�A44+-d ft,r trials. uerv. tfoo-4- ii
xvit Ila* - rro�vn 3et of all officer anil a gelitkollfilli tAl k lit iw it A to o j tA 0 lit, -*44mith rillt he (.:kLri--
:IIL4l f;jjIIt %fitil, 4 Ii4 lief.ave like -ti,isl!" In With -:I wilt towl 4llw 411 J�he thrN-, X.Ititoll:11 l;Il.'IrJ t1ok, wr%htg,4iIxIt and 4-4j--.erL i:t' tIji4-;jIk_ the I -lave L Ths-nti-, 1',raist-alm ittil tile.*
itto %skis "..4 .1w t iterostiluili, lot, .jAip ex-juttLst Iiiiii. If #qvill ill-- !:I alitt itifo t4, Ow
4L.Il ja;44krite�litjorNy, Imit
sild. � Ki vivs "YoLlaxlet W.1114,11.1111y %%Wi %trnl%vfjKrries_-.# Put Joll-'n-main
.4jc lit) t as "Ut, fki- iio% vr 4or voijaq lilt . hilt 4
.111,11'r lon-0 -lit,
-erb.0 itromi , list 'rAld-1111-r- ing ttra%%J*,rri4w vo-r t1w U,iji. N-t-v4-
Tllvr(- 'i.; lit) Vill.
.4c at it, 44 _111i"10*11' 'I' t"It" Q!w rtA tlitl
L w -mmvigoil-wrly tiow,4 Oir tho- almlinnon and h-tr'g. Thq7`1
it-\% Ilk; 80014.tililIg ill
t r I P -ntie, %tyrn't; ,,ake,", whis I
MiK4- balitt Of 1. .1 ai's D.-itartnit it, wlokvi- ht� will ha%e it 41111le'- U-11,11 1-14-aul all -I !'Onvole ' -ro-41,
-`41 1`�te-L Pa I. 4timaji 4Irtjtjkk,,iriI. Jiv sympt6tiv; :i6roO feclil:- breatli'Llig, facei
lilluk %%hictl j4,jy._j to ullo. ti I -,;11jrar, --.Ladies' 114jr1lid; --N,iirwit
cbriest 4 -lids pinch id abitilt-the flow a(lil a 1 1-!
4d qiil(-kly�l Wild tjo. 4 _lIjajI.j lua(ki 1140 Jljj*j*:LSIi"I L"tAj g(l ilitt) INjttI4' it*
alld alflh4l down.
I van.forget tilt-likiq ort 4N %vill lon Illy,bi. xUlti4elli-41 at +A oliji
4Ill t 11,11f (!I , I all eff hin �Iri I
I t t Y4 Vinard's Linim'ent-for
it j,,k,.,orj,.. tjj .1 lit 141441 1146 Illolidour 4bf thirty ar itons, t'' *W lle(e,014fig, i!s.-44 dull.' I Ili He
Let him expW11, tile,,. Ijet I, U M 14)rt;y 6it-41 rim jillp sly At-ptot`: rqolildk�.ralil-io` its till.
f -r lei 11 --it It* tilt- * h r-fjq'IjIfjk
4 what -it ineniw. A j)ubIie*IivjuIt.,. -irk Of th 7t -slow . er .4
1). alltodwr olons, 1414
r-tiW throtigh.
l'U& I.", Ike. wult 100 -itiois ..hl-eiijaitts
silC e If I tU ri vjr.
Tho -re tras Ilk tlee afto.r.w, iit-t-,W UY tllt� llnviiilt-ilt wokillt. %vi-ekw :1 �ry
tr'joi -revd-l' in.- ri v4,. 4 or six breatil-4 lit :1 '1111111tel,
%-3 11114.011 3 Ito ir o& fa 11) L;
11:1111f:, tili. ;44rft-riijK* offe's 6-i-vi4v - td) t1w too tht- m-r%atit grfrl ?
v,1114'. illetki-tateff. ari. v.18- im-giii irial ro-ul'ilration. 411,10 41,0111-:_
itildbitiv Uke.
qosirk.. To-ro-y, iii.r.- rear 114t� U i tilt- Strattitni was.. I )k-hig itV' aplieurs- t4o 1*-: 11114
It split 4* :01 1-k%4. C4. I.. -tit nor J
1. ligh t, - PyAlw hilluall 11.1tiviI.M. filliv. Illitil 1140 hilignr Itre
't t aU.i 'it In' .1skilig tilt- I'l-i-sille"t rd"t. tatkillir till 1, t Ile
Idly :Xt:"4
Mt tP Ifyl. I L. V tA'ol'I.V_tr- vk.- -rlL N1 I VII 1: 1 o'.S i.s. tilt- call
I a a f. n Iia s%vith it-stil-lip,j- Oal, m.-stpir Onk is produe-d -11y layllm
Ills I . f .,r,f V1 -
t 6.- -L lihil- iagg in di atc
ell rge tliv. fiatit-ilit on lil�i Joni -k. w-Ith.' r011.. 1,iiiiiii4loit sskt�A for -tit my
k.rr :11111 fof jL.IQtIj'jllI4h.r tilt. slij(�11l.k* jPr*;i*t. le.a'id its 4*4014pip.l. :&-"-1 1114.
Tht+e at'" 4ptlier a
-t.*, fl -r -the Tilt- *rf;. I JjraW tit like, ait-1 sile' i:i;tv It :oil
in. `Iva.s apparivat W Ill$, friend toat lit- f,jLr t I ii
yt*- Ulf. tilitil. 10. : t 4,I%*iA!44iL tl,-kt4 thin; far 4vvvr�4wiked 010 0111Y (1164' WO Leep Tt)r '.-�ale I"n"w ill a y4ntr lot* -wo T4,wri T4110ii.m.
faLup hail t**-iotlite -overhe'A 4-tt,'jilitl W.MS lie 1. 1 �oltgll#* ;IIIII tie. It agaili.-A,
..%gaL.I. Itla.- -wa-4 Irrokt. k, this %va-4 .11gliting hard,t6 bD COT11joupwil. :1 i_._F.� - t jjj,� 1, PWL this golitlell'la it. .1loinf. , :'I '.\:I-
-41 1 11L . I . - I Ali-Ittil, 41C -tilt' "It"Ift'lirtlinitt#1 dridik. 4'r 44-th by 1-tyilig f1w ventrV,- IIII tll-�k .1"Jille tvw. it.
in*,. 43, a aitritig.. lilirr st.; Wliow't t6ruett to -�ir Afark. Uj 14 11:1 r 11411L 01.4;li
l'ut 1,4.;l rli! A I III: _Jirj� . ying� .riv wiltat jN) with tile 4pt aA1r%.,4ri.lj tof Hist)i ipix it. cri 144:1 to . .1 4offif4,r, ha
1�-! .1141 tilt, !()I�, .'.' . - . . . . . . -it
Thalik. you, lie kiald. jwrto Ili -.s r4 f rv,iit all, him If A 1:1,.% 1111-.1"d ON.
tout his handiicwlticf. It, itruc. i it ipt Ktraligo- aNj It. '1111:ty M`lleljj� - tiIiPy 4--1 t lll�g -Lilt- c-LbUk, illiffor, the varry-
iHg tl'#- 1-jil1warounil the iwelf af* -111"�atllt Ila,
.#,I* lay a -,Ili. I V Ist., �tu LLS t, avt- mitt, be - itilill.-diatt'. J41111 ullrelellt-
.qtftb11i.1 it (at Vl I Iallilo. lot ",aN I It. - .-good agutui Wv' ObtAll I,- ty- fil6pi
for jkx* Stratton's W 'jt."j, kvl�ielj
I ft. I is moijtutior t1i t
wi, it
light wals tlint "!" s.11if ly noileliflitm -thelp alizF li"M- Alig at t4kli, of lleck"Thell,kileef beillilki %%ar. ttl,�,Ill
%lfly 11ii, *r,it,; r— ou till- *,4t U. -�cvillwllt, of %V164111 Ili., i.; :1
1, "I'lla t ? 11111). '11OU 00k4',"k4 a
r '0111 1 le�
ufj -New Yjark '-h-iji-nal #J
- 'Olt, (.'#-:ir 31" .1'1-r. 00141 i t1liS MiFs Juirold, Iie� is -ill allift; 8 er_
11,11-Ity 'I loug and'-wrinUie awl Oraw
t,114,+ 4-1141 tof of t1wir
fig. (^V, - Stra t" for Wavee 's. 9a k e ili,:, t
1. A Us", fu I I i of vi�, tl I. L 16, w aakk g1t, 1) ni .
r. 49.i-hke, lireawoqe #of )a llt.,i b. -I vf- tho-or..41Y -aitol. cpror WN head uIttli Jda
ele,6k. - ' tj It. speakF out. t1w 1
Im ly IlavA: nill.-4 .)*41 1 mtiiit explalu., THI.,
tui.114t. SkWa'r. %l1r. 'Atiriat", I 'Yoll hillap�kd, 11`1.10�ptAcje- We wiglit t'stile: C(Ach - the P.,�ar bo-libid. Ifold- in 4
fat,;. i UL ated
I pit'. 0:ult-lititz. . tIl4i Sir %lark *lint It* is. Plis t tilt -11 or it.
Ora ke. r, -but 'i t iiever iteeds A114-111 Tv t(At 11, totir-llay Ily (J. k AT Ill -11 kAftf
tileft, uwaY,' mail)- Str4UM' b, - It 4111`41, 171111fri
J111 y aviv *? " i � ll!uivag It is I-I%vay"s full 4 of earry. �Ititin fi.11A. jilt orloraier ......
Isoamw whi lta them til, tfivy, r444 Pigl ii't -s.
akttotjjkt�r silo-lit.t. 1pl-fl) it Doelor'ti. Fee
r 'I triiii-s iik' Afriva,
"vilat �witl Iffilowla I approprj.-it;.jjAx-; agailu4t the sdikex of tilt- f- if-st, and a. j. -man imilli*w -or
rid w.%y "". L - Rome It.-oktad . ...... :1
La 114 oaiA tL'itig ';kt' tirr Ulight t + Ill] K jilh4 Lbrivim �Iwiit firinly agabixt 'the-0i(4t tliri-ftti-iictl-.�'V, -rinitia tion. "I'l it - iiiagnitulk- of doctorN' fo*-s. it
Ill- 1 4.1 it4 xt4
Ym yf -8. sa y ti -:I w -a tery .1
h, ek, e 4or to I lit, -ijui. is nothing neW. for Catheriti-
I twikly 11:1 It Coill '4� 1 fuji t�-, allif 4iy aii Cite., -uits.
It No -ito' Wilat Jiquor. t1W(X.ttA*j' tjj4- V.Jst(." all'i lit- eat. At n ti, 14 tilt!
t --- in f"
"41sq's. Inv.. -('4-$-1011 -W
amuwil,- lialf 1. toy Al stme� ivuil,loni-� attark ? ohriating. t4i the vqiiratioa taki*-Iilave. The Itle- Isla h6iu the* tho Gmat gave the English ph'ydi-
9 r, ,., . to ......
!V Y :4,11 illon't- look ru 010, i'l lit .11 t'_1all I -aecInaW her against sma
ual "my t4-ar. 7- :1 re I 'ti o r4 i it: k I k -tjl:tt, gliast wokather 0w:.1crow1or ilipti , ti�' 'for fIN'o:l i-4 till- i�wlllll, as III vaik-s vlif) W oil V -
yoll, ly- `Vvzky.; Are YOU ill
lu-4t ax itroy 'undef -tlw, I tretex
"11th. Inu%V, t bit*. busifiewr.-Ot i ra. i I i v , lit, t of tile ljol tljkt� titly 611111 of $50l(KC, a Ili
S 140% At I I ys it -iw firinly;
flill- as W1,64 -4-1) t tile rain 111:1114. of INA Excursions .......
Aalot U 4 *-tratton. O."411111t i-offiell- 7
lit) to k( Ai;4UM,i-q al* ibi-ifirfitli MnIsioll of a Year aml the
wti,'l juklity. '".4ugar. JU-y �Vo. ;!I., Nv, of. riviliyation. Tly-ftv dWarfs
v..%. gouni dkill., Idt-wo ifild AilUU1,0141 fwoij- tile -wery the Advance 'lie liushan herVditary title- of Baron of the It
wt t1l.166. to Ill(VIIIIIIIIA' I.-, ard (d t
nt jr-Qu 1111111st haV Otilt. gu.
'Tim. lk% fi; I on. 1 $39
kaAU- I N y6ur bar. -Ji. ws, I atiire's
tace. They w.vre the fit%it hillabit; 'idan Empiro. It Is 11(4*0 thi-i It vt
xPla'17 N; lio)lso�jjg.
*:jjt#-lI �jlj atitm to xiiake." .0 1 - , I - - occupied 11.1 1
-a-Wr, their stoek.�Lippfittktoti's'. A_ Tlw% Ca won't -inspiro certain Boston s1weial-
moo tu. for .11kill. Afri
*1 Vor-4.4 Nt>-no uoV
kill K)r clualfial
Thero, then -two Ili flow W his fr -win 'tbe Calm: of' (;ood 11collo- -to Sa- - an extra elpher to) thpir
11mr: J&' A -as. I Ma rk -�- my THJSVF.'LOVBD T th -to add
yt;tx takt- sugur. -Atalr4)1 Strattoll, to -,I 11, � ly 4 !ea r J)ir(ptlier,' . '.. . I . . . . . - . I Itara. and duritijg 'tit(% Kto-ione W tile bills.--tierald. North' (A
U. it] i)erj%l 'Miss Jerrold. 00 ONe ADS: -DON'T.'U*1ND MR'- West,-
Wj .: 1. .k.t Iwj bloo&r' ]rather and Son Deiend The�ir Iva:imer cd, 'w'lwre they flve(]. on.
alit) creata. IV ar, l*jU -j and ki$alltl It, JIV. r of
i r . I :j#_ E4 11_'.4 ()f tj 4! L' *
-ti t4) ifkqk-;jkk 4)UIL,:; rt)r OIL xe`dlyaW k,� LA8t* Uttd nces fit Maj6r Crm Slave. Wrongly, Accus0d. prolsabl�, twfoeo- the arrival of tll(. Going ekoe 28,
I uhairt R,-ttor ing Until Aagwit 21,
*Ith th('. vehis lit M 1 nard's U eat ev"71a0rippe.
ra I ILI ru uti xta.iurt�k, wlit witilhil tell
.1 V4. X1 9d in -the Soudak�n. iix-ii of
llo!art 11U.j lkl.q telnl)t puilge StI.I.Wking, of A blmL i.%11 Itail 4jr Alloeruo.
ig lbialil- for alk Going Jiolw 13
ov%41111 Jil �bt�tt away.. he'thru,' aside r 114 -lit a bo0y .4,rviint, 644rq- All#* %v;t r' t]Kqn
.�%i!dlv .-:4114 tho'll ltw lillaself A Guest Thi, Ir lo 1.11
iq,ve-k* There- m w Ito -:1 lm'4.1 A-bilig. 1`4 -ter N111 "It Sep'. 12.
pul-sittions grt)w ill 4 %410, 4G9ing Jisiv 14
�I- tilat It%. gl%.%%: t4i talk 4111 tilm. No,". stdl the rich t44, bach0or..
or�lllatlorl of ..tilt Illa lly, friell, Is 4-:1
turti. �Lkj 114. a Ille and timt. by tho a rinji..
Mr.. Strattou. 04011't" lor y ore mlize(l 8trat xi-tlli-4 fortiie Itil -1 Ills
t1tat. and 1cmikk ws if-yol Nv.-vet- going 'joij of thp, I liki CiF f'-(Nlls :1.1ut (.40%er with. t1li!I
atf-i[Majoir nerly t4 If of ok Go -ng Ju y 19.1 Returninir Untll Septervibe 17.
-Ltf Jj .11t. sir"' lie ial Uietltilpirt. f6ri hitil Ret like him, and all* [lover Pool
Ittly ijl� t 114. Iwar - * tite 141 find tifue 'to marry."
to r"It away- '.%lift*, i, a very kkiirxtA- ve m6r-44. lik liiill-.1154. li%tw to-ila-y' th4' ilil-'.ki Welt." reptied tile yoiting wmiasi
s1w.. 4ii-I 110t ve-1-4% 'I, it rier Vinger.,4 It . flow I" ol�;Ijt to leave, 70a ill, C,011, of. the GO staff: at ot-� if
-it dAt(4, as It ruditt-o-kAhe
ipl- Olive contempt for your curw%l philly-slially- :tawa, the'lo-MoU'llig extract. rx4iii, a 04.
will trayed on: over the keys, �x4piil #'(
lWolittio-:1. and I knobow lit brother i t I I t he s I lit rp ongue, a m I I ot Vlor
to. taking ule tc) t.k;,k I w A"y ai0f)UL, Ukore llay_,� two IvIlitt. Ilk 40,011 ik� 11144t, 4-aum-N Ilaill.
,ef ) I 'I t wit'll "2thr- In- %I r4. .441 411-41vo. till. tit till.
Iii -4 avlli* ribsuld ijpol tll1i� pi- lair.. pusillantwAss roll luct, "Ietter rueefted, till !%lay -11 surjoriw%d to Imir you say lit). It eer- ALv,t.t fir k4j 4'. 4:. A-t. 4-'eos.
w. nil r ittivice ; and allo, tile' -1ll#^I * t'IjrRIt4.I tit My poo
lia!) ilkbis. Now, it,, taL .. r child's agiDnI:wi.1 pas, liefore, tit -! Afolle-i-., bill .;illli .1-44.4fif lilk''ll.t.1 t.Lirll.V woold have Utkett a g6di, I
4 It
givlo . iL nil tilb-- -jt-eiey (;,iest. if vO".' .19 'fit- 110 dlid 114. P,i --r. AR"ll 1 k '1149 -1 i -I. 1,4ortjillo).
livilig. :1101 ".vIlell, wi hcAlt,� me, I Cutlet wja�14, as A fi; led gull -2. V01111.111alillinir t Ill., 114 11-afta joh Ca tit- !Ill.%- jiquor' 41 x Whilf- t(o4kerguade ally girl"Ittio lri�q- IF
I,r*-ttk Uiat Vulp, -1,41 Ill.ev o.foricive Ily- I
Yl "I., IV rM. Aiall)1,4 t)Pnlafl 01-101111il." elrcAi 11igbIqw.k-rf4')n the-lSouftu 41111 Ill- _'hatl .-about-.-a. iluuir%. - T) I# ' of A -re4 14) t,kx0-fUpI4. 4if %�Ilitt I Ullill
wate ictil."
t4 on rat b(I.Y. lite t4t A-11, flitt,
It valsolot to 11C L IMIKII :
akt- her t4i Ijj,_j.j` I q� a ilin't.
40 ) t. ;-ls�t. . .111k .9tratUxi glar4,41 'at Ijim if# 410iw* Ina 1 18, ' I
It M ief. .%t t t)4 liW told nia-ster woulti. Ila ve dtjiu-. invito-d' IA.)JjicILI-8GmetIIi Rig ix -wo'i"aft call
WoW41 yfol ISO *>ft it s Ilitll' the Ift1lor lticretixing,- 'Jild MInard's Liuitnent is the best.
adv U o go.attil try ul Da r
L 9 dritik. Itv*
itAir, 14#rt' 111-4 -111 Ing drunk 6! Only w'lbell silp 11 ttA.U.
amun I ttf it. tip flit
e to) Upon. tLiley
mw,* lit All. tra! AlLsim -k-r- t1j;A% jkijIg it bluish -gray Inige. I l4a %t- it ver�- loskiii L4) xv r i W. thel
ffIft -jaiol -4111iAly. '-As liv th.- lallifing, .41111 ti -noi. trying Ul, yt)ij regariNg the ntli-attl ill your -kPliar Insult'-Thill prof �Of a. bluall twill Hot Work.
"I cahilP liere TwIleving fi. .% - - 44
r ak very g ru
'rio-placo-d -She t'i"y i'llip 'I "k i Ike- UP roonjoilrib d 'to Lp I. (I bei, to kien b Mt he '. %v I I ost - l4ow w rpatly t-oun*-.* like U4 iti:ixto�ry lit ill-clilloett Ulf. of - money its i bri Tito proreksors are volk I
� nilt I I leting
0 hipileve Aliat ymi fro. a A gy'RTUNE IN OU SAMInme
14"It liY MysIf alill. all hi.4 brothor 11114. to-OP111111M.Is wellt ti) t4MA11.1011
tk' siziurd-r, al`L-r us-3dly 'st-ittlijig it JII14 ill;. -that there was g66d offi- � - - . I
__I) .1 oil ty--SCIW111 i fig - tila't i -i' -ft'y ifitocresting qol,li
sir Mark ollowilig e _qr lisu:l I I.% I 4k
tj)OL fill jg, -Itild being (nice Inorl -lit
COY -iftwr, fro)qI MY c I _ tw It 'may look :4 -,# -4 Jill ljol.*IJ It1k Clint .1 14' t4XI plalu to - 'attractIV4,. tit ohl Blossom, tlii� t4ilit-r."
kit.. tItA-.qIki"I*.fis;IrV I' lkl %.4)11 L -110W th.1t 00 1`4:i111ijl"% 4-0911-
y a cruet publie. mlujjW4 tilatItIl know that Ve wauk S116t U'lirtatim-A '. Ifastimt! pf tlill. (;III- "What, are flie 0zlibriments*1"
4", stalpiol N) Lix; I t yoll ti I
I d(JR4 metrul y 1.1 -at a',I. - I 6iake, while galf-ittitly Ieadhig IlLy conipally.; 1 .14111opt-114-41 td; hie. ill +;rd.,emille tilt, WX that is cinly littif fair. Well, -Wittiti Ni till 4-swreqmmidence hetween
ro v� t'rat 4 it I m ir d. 14-11 ilk tria I' t4 m ok 'Jolm-4., I`rmi*b-A small . lo'
lier the byword of mociety. 1.�Jtisk_you you know, flow he a ways
darl' -4.IY* Filill- Will I*- ly 4.11filugli, till for :tit P'x'pIft tfil- just utti-red tile w0rilsi,'* "40--APH, ly %vI utlay. froui 0ailus to Wo bui-iii4g ulo insid:!?." Lbe, y4,arx 114T atul IWAJ are likely to
t-4 till :#U' IUMI '*.4.11 "wiLt llatl?ll 1.111d I(I Ult4 curse4 f- I A 64-1�4,til e(jull-A-1 letter@
*4 1 -aluabliI., eAwially (Mi
aild kwu--a rt "Y418.01 .1
et y 1#14p( 41 1MVe lit (ts don't Iiiind "leek and* thett- fell -hich IzLrgx- returns are'
eI lklay, N-4-111 11,4tvp lione. .1 tou %ova
ool A 1 11 ', h0r ill pj le tipt 1. frilout coilwift. Uilitftl St.
W.,PFW-. day' -*a xo�o_�w-.`* ywl noo ilead. Ife *as shot -thr6ugh t1je Willy.- 'Barlmiii'i-'�-lioii, "hiijuviiit- 7 Ig, 11, in Q
tit la -v rath.-le.,.-he 1:0*1 lier N:iiksfq to- 'sit Ill , 30011 1have Bic.*ek---:-A Vehicle t1w rider of Wel f, Use ppAqe&sor& tire feedli
41 Guf-st too . Uelleff his ilre t. and Ole (*V)r itt-11-m Ilk. Ili. *11()t' of- tit . stat,4-, mvk-i 4;overwir 11rimswick, 11rititih Col-
Illoyli Ili-; I I ri ., 1.*j t. Ile Ito, t. 'as feariIkd , i!lwen ittt eked fir *driv I K+JWo anti then libtk,
yral wii-I �1.w. ady Aliarpl.y. t� ;,t . - . �hilte, %4- till( JI.S. Aelith. was a I I lit mit, - it f- A41,11 t (.:I ry F%a w-;.1. a i I, whieh actij as horst er. ru keriselt; ;Ifltl J"rince Edward island?
a I tfo 1. Air' 114'r t4j- .4 yj)ijr mcnit-Y. - f-04, -kherp,"it -11 wl tj ha Ce ro d. - - I
Tie -i k. w"t- �'F,lillure-An' atitA-iniatif- threwl-cut- with' tl"r vietho,4mmot-r,; to livar th('1111 liftek I will frive
-F till, behig killi-d ""Ss -fk)fr th- 11#44-1141 %%as tit(- tat-ral- T it it. -ties- I
no - 10 ter tin t1w human' Wvvillg Inaellillo. Tiop." I vour old IetterHand
-Q Tlt4* Wort 11 - Il 1-4 hall. 4-jilu.% over froiu, Sbiv, X) for. 1,
P.qt 'Ycas tn I;J.Vt. t a file. :1 T ft Pro- 4 0(4,hIqC -ewr : ig. the
WaA atim-Ait r., Stra ttoir, at bullet flail, pit"-d-thrt Inclusion .1401114-tIllfig'. :1 vvOnlan Ilk
tf I I n k-ing' witf yOlj, d �gelthl (11MI !I 'W'ha' flilum.-Af. u ,F'-
uther, askowl. - - I rwIr o,
VV . �411
I rl k-, my dear, P UU. 14w: -pon I witIj a
heiv- Now, #k0fi_'t you % - -Jtjh lZI -thfut --i liumirf lilt rres
to be .4 1. 11 IS In to ur I it; -ed itrA % van rea im &ir
sing rPA90II Or list -it
Ilk# wire". d wit3iont ai. Millard's Liu*nient the t H liestorer
ty a. w 4or r ��Ia 4 TI if 4
-As haii twttAr give it a I up?' say hoxv r ply- -we IIjI;:jtjlj.7As. to #i 4:r"I f' IjW fortme, 4*0
y, lit. started iwap h,
Sir Mark �Ire%v lwr, t!Ktltl, film. horro', f(jr thp 'I If gmiteral 141111k -tit.- Kt'llili altil ilidgmetit, airful Saerifive '4
41ok "Itil mab lier )-.;tit I witil it I limit ll iiu, 10s atiger-kilftpd Ao with yoll Ili your uno A Fe
-lot fMt:Ilii 11.0.10 to hill
gelitki iquipati;y, sfo� 46111 MIJA '1114' The Globo in -al, l'-auth4l L4,. W( wnh-�-A -hunian living C. A. EEDHAM.
'4,1 Ittt4.r
caug!kt itr .111,1 k- L -iso I 'iC y Stratton's vIjOjj)4I#-fi it -as we ., Alu I,' an tilat just. -,N- 4' 1 .-Witat IV; yi-xtr it'aule lit"iwa tsho' iA bo-tti-t- UWn, liter tit -it Inloamsiolt"I lmver-Tell me, my an- 654 Main sL et e"t, ttanjiltoji, Oat
nllL% Ill* ir' Eg,!�pt..
t W- V.-ry !,ij)jl.t� :flfql loot frokil 110-111 it oilt. :.%fiss;- Jorr'll ('41 1 &,X4. to (to t4i prove my 1"'ve. (III.
i1quir )
he a failit Pry. for i� %vai.; ri.41,* 'it bloo4l Major Urqvh*rt-ixIin%a-4I -4rOtil: t.lok- 11.11171.111 fit K, th.Lt I tulglit. like worm- knight fif old, -A-
f. - 4 -W114 -re Ohl, -t-voll n+;il!i.
-Alid in a Ifow volce,�. W11110 I;Uej%t W - si no to- h*' slst�-r ti?'n- iril, tt) Call-
y YOU little relf-agell fif'"in . ibe fie ee grasp hattle for y,?u. muffer for you. -die for.
Idifix. tio . - - , . :-A.11tol' (11 1
ay great interest- ill thp, S I
U11 'JiMpl haj4py uda' tx'Cn tole, h1e. 419 quite' apart (U3 BIG WAR ATL
forlVe rignill." til,41Adni vip.`8trattOjkI
pailiting �.d 'the uvwup. SIVay?.41 ff;r,waril�. ji,ititil, alidirel! -4%ith, from: lily W bill 44) Ili- agaill Nvitil-Theirr I'llefts 0011110" JIM.
t), 7`11w butler 'Jij,t t1korkir hroftlit III' tl.j� tjjjk . , -y Iwo Friiiii .1. Cholie makiI otttls tht Sweet Girl -I wisli %-oil would give up
t.*" 2jaid 1Ii#W*J-10kf-- Eteelleficles. Aliere art- so, nian iplif, ft fie y Is at IC
n it vraml swoking. od 1- tlL -ill wlt(imi- Ili flivir 1)nyer
lamp., n.fldf 1.
. 4 , I*r 141 (;1 leat. "�v ble. M C diei- gi i sW f i i If do-Ia ib. of a I I I lit,
u - witl, a S411, 'very mail, you tW ili)' .. , , who sit( "I It 11 Krotlit, kimh'xtss, lit,- b4 time mi,nior'liairtawr Of tije firin like
)I r lei 44�r �*s litirt. v y sorry t(i -tlihik tilt for F. -J. (IN4114sy, & dollic buslINNwill; pawinti(NI Lover-�-On. mme flow.
dibe. jp6x.>r, Iri r 1. 1 "s W4mg thri-oigh -lo kilt- - lq I s' frieiii I'm
.4i. i jj -:%k; IV ty atoll
a curinu I._ XXII. aly-.10 to s4iiwht -i-atirt, 1111-AtW CikV 41f Tif 11 �l reurt li 44 all I lic &nvai im,wo-rP., atirgr iiiapat
plia I todli. I 'tl 44 -1141L -i titoll ('()it it that'm askiag Uio mixeli. wid mt% if.% 4,( ill,.. porld. " hr
tatt ul "0 "N "It"Til tri.: .
e4iiinpipto4y PdniWPqi llier.- AIL that thein %4111 illwilf Injil) Aw"
IvIllch ling lit 'li nif ilash r
tixiill.- 04 i .114ta fop n foritwt I (I jig that Haiti fim
illto tilt 16 . , j
�lijoillllkmg r -141,1n. vo, �otne back- will pay the, sum (of QNI,.* 14111NIOUED "A Thing of beauty 14 a J. V. u it #I ftt:l detiA flot. AiYA, td A TlA R 11 %14,
ti nw stw, Iwl lis -r i-lpa#4 Ulat, )t wa# At' tbi. - silo lit I)o)oj. Would you ihio-A hilm I. I tie IN a )(ky ly
#Iir#4-tli, w it'll' I.;aulti. sponge 4itit water. .'I'f I l.4t Pell Agrtilp an- voiiiiitg III~),. stellitt 2�x, Gor ""I
k Why, tritiit ARK ftw etteft and every vatie of -I
tier iltity to wait an4l loilPir; and I TrifiltalOtA ter. I n 1craw a rij.: ?
'kv#4v as frowst: Firsil r. -I 41; 1 Y it rage(i tlid-ittimir 11, w,bat lit- u(mrid cquakis it. twit -"','HO
1 4 Ili L I t#.1iijo - -1. v. *ata rrh -tiiat vannot, bo ow"I Ij.V �t 1114"Wy. A4 Imm
It .1 JiM all A al Itait; ithe
in ve. so r*, flet4cal '101fris All tiff-, Ilk' It'
ll;� 1,41 M fil- jiley, didil and rlieumatipml are reliv\4-4 altittv.4
,lik, linnestly V*Iie�e th.eik* if that m' irk"
-have 4f, tb"n' rel 0 OV, Ilw�.djf 'I Ill IIW Catarrh curp-' ild wcwt
flad io 41 111 in.4* �. I Alk' It nll� 'it js. Ili t J�. .1. * lie Vto -r i
A -
[pit. A. 41(wetior., 4 a _8C -1011owitig" 'IstiggvOtImis Air Ulf-- Areak� f t04'r',-tA H Who It I 111j.6 ANK J., ('111EXCV. in%ta liely A1101. 111,UWW 1100% 'alid, 11.441%
..,rian Ifilf itill"Ut �Uf` ill-g-ro"'llig ti
21 till-kf-t (of-AiClit-t 6V 114 1, tlivy, 'It -Fit
tit,? lat 11114, `of i hi pr(s-ev�1i For fit- -y1l(jf!lgd I g Sworii 4111IrAi by a okkingle aloplivatitp I
call Lilt**,, tick 6coll IR. - 6on't I'",- I-aws. I A ilIgP.1wI4 li-ttils La' %villi'li. -ri, M
Per r I' vif#$' lk to) bvkronk�. Upe Awl. subil0ribolil
iff I h.s. �fpl 1. mit' 9 MV prowlit-gill-A., VOU Oth day (If Nt. rf#-*Jt# mukv Up vure_
fetell " a r -i-LVed :tn$th1iig-ftj-r
a tor Yet, -,('ufWt- , I ft -In A snifile'lil r I
io% y4 aflel...; tialf lb"It lot, Im-f , 4-111-
.4 1': Pe to
TOW ek. qjr,-IilI.qt 101 t of �a o ark. wo wee.01- ployed. W
ffravely. li to 14�1 AbuUt Jelly. I dEST OIL'
1 103 IlAo.- 'a Fitt s 44, strit theto. eakiiws i6ay lia ve A. W. Cirl 0"' Slade tin Caiia"
"Ou"M!r tO -litfk , F. A S( 6101�_
'**\\ �I I Lr
C y
ling of
eli lieljiptl tilt- pro"rate At"., ro xid fortit to 1,41 Jim 'MCM)II WW
Pr-ytAl'.4%:UIL 61, have 4.11(ofilled it -Hy ;ood as the Am.
tour, IV#* I zt
,V V hi tl *'r
n4k-ro-of it her ditty tri go** 't, o' I j fill If*. It Aicti insenslilkle, -and Oiq yojtl.. .*
mi mrs.o. I , . y Dr. th#e.-4;az. 41. )etf.' Tit* Chla r I 1; ('44"% im. takell ill-
li�jol roono- too e-Uthis er'; tll#-Ii k$��pt fill til fig Jifirriedlk'jjo l4e .111111 your'Jutlier emni. .101) fpr gariiiediing ri-inettilwr to
;ts'est -dre*ii, 'liz-14*1: a hilly t06k, triULtme'lit 11'4*11148t� kiftlilly it. -I :1 flatly Water
9 kill- -rtia 1. crican
l0Jl+Vt4Jk'l+' U rija 1. Jill
,t;A..t ror #iji1#*4-ry", anof ir out h. 110-41 IWO -ajid ."I�Wkd -it fro4Ay to nopliCaUuti fir. 4 ;_A) -PT JjoJU_ -ar ti I -im .4 #it 1` 114 gri "Irts dir0i'tly on till, elitop or cuto I ' t %vith a kitife xvidell littiv IL
U ia hho"I -lit "ine us otlorfaet% (of tlie s.% Ilk- 1014-11 thJ1110PI ill it%- witte.r. will have White.
get tt th iijury I ill the, 8*1 'Julder., it
eeellinir* ((or tho'. #jilt;.r, "i'Ar, eqw-fle!l d of inni. ld�ecbAhi 110im). 4+1 IN. )r v*timo(iiiiis. rrf%d. tit(. Jelly rxi p:ilm-r whielt has awobeen
Wit lit 't ki-' ditily root' batitst. :,lid ow U. r w: I S I. mv THIS BRAND
1-tt4l- %Vt. OI*k! I'
W#- flolt la -two- hallge tili. f-okin-, -towarol hiln. :111111 t Ilk- effswt 14 11 i..4 ilext *xk ? were Imtiont to ta.' (;lilt 46,11-
� F.. .1. ('11 . E.V &
str-at_ rifflit, thew, eime scoondrel ljaa WWII fathor *tio' in4 11,e rabwol Ilp.. dippi-il ilk water.
ix.*4te s the i4kirl aIVd whulto-8 IS UENUINE.
trit.49 was wisy t#j-,driv*- agiiinst, re L I Ilw ; %SA -)Id by rile
t1ho f;111111. pum, wilitil llaf,; forntotli tile wittl :gLsts, Ill making,jc-Ily rokil, whell theeake
toesn'., quietly. boon � he Curst., hini! we'll have Win -riout tho wU,4- W4.11* life pla�-ed,: When
.1, W:V4 ill lj4. ilurw!l flogil'w Family I'llim tire tlir4 b -A is takolon fr4mi tlie-ovp% plitee it Ott
ys-,,. of v#Pijro-. I'm .:-I very.--Atiloid. Itling. I'lo, 10#wrv-,-,a biAlf-t Ine., whell wown, M TOW KIM 1U "it UL
w ers-viiiijitir agaitil VW11. hik gone right the liall ah.'well Ili tile, gnexive
or. I Plotl dippold Ili o6til 'Livater, then
t, cring r.-oi .1 till- ji"11.114-0,.of tim.pugh. liert—iii); rivillarly plough- lllto-kl� by tit#! lontwuni '(-jfq tile 114-11 .,00Y NIVOI, 'it J*ter's. eablit
iiw, a gro. 'U.011 r th41tt W Ifirlowlt lwxl- :It fi Is, Treatment od kaltillf 14t; UP &41 thelelly 4NI tlli�.eake :Ili I rtill
-at On.i- 'iwoulvilt. e4i U4 1"b". Tbaaik- U@Av I !. flat a, 411(mild' jito; Stuffed %vUll 4-titi it'
Itasiug Itin treatiucitt ("I tilt- fac qu
t9V141-AIIIIIK-4 111;'Ot Ios it rin. r(*js- wo"tid. I eaz Ijdagp it.' in U16 porehloriilo *46jit) I -11 -to -r ill
la tisk n., The *itii t
Itut t(xp in is r('pQntejI tWl' -1:11(y th(**-! Allell dille, iritil tile tliat t1w hair VANIta-ilus a Hilbstallew
f..1k4- thi-ir liskit' -v thl-. trd-at- Ifte. 1;n# -t." i Tkie Tw6nitleth Century.
uell for a brhkv �on). I look
Alt'r4elt a-4 It, %Vifh0A' -JI1141 poor 11111 1*11 re
r1q, a rri . blivil W-blig taken e bldt!keiwil' Anikil. r tio gfile aitJ gelathw. 11r. Del- Etitar.,- ill oil tfid- 1writalre of :I mitw*lly
I pill %% i 1.1 if we tit
VILL' n-frAlit- wt� Ya-ttkebm doll't,
t i lo*#� Ilk. I aplot oest - #0 tort) lip I It
t 410 it, ati-i #Pill%- #or .1 Ho *vvjjt- lixi0keri-lalpf that foortna Wheii tit .. W-d(life, to 411-r- chier bas aillinhillsti-rf4l c(Aloids Ili lit- tjlAt L%; Nlina.
x 1LI14 S^kfe allot pailile-i-N I'lit-
r affe(ktiolkill 414 -sintias I'alnkws v4'rij I:xtravttor nevo-r.
1140t. tA.11 ys-w t1ley ars- �iliiikor:,� Voi:A'ilof tiloo it t1tat d400r.". awl innflo it pad of him sisite lit, , but -the. top.ix to -Im. ellvfklop�l'l . ill s;L kilt.
hor" tdp�dfty tlmwt were not Ondugh. Look )I Ire. 4.
3. 111401"4.11 or m4aAng. buring tl"'� fir,4jew'qLayff. tile -Lber with a tonle. re-
flils, nevirr r.tuN4"% 4i-iiii tm)r the xhcht-
"I dkt licola- 41 1 -4-4-- Ali.,o; N lx�civa," lie milli; 61pie'd hoAter go had I girlkJ4�, J14. gaV4. tl14- patielkt" IjOkjlilIOIUj
.44 .' b ,,Lj - * 4 UP t 110i'llif- XV11111011 t 1' -4 They hniL -lio'ell coliego! friefidg. and
-4 t 11im I iitolk) I e,� A tw)t
flualk, I I)dolk't 4 nty *xr.,i, k-41 ve IW prepanul by pr(ollaiged boiling for two
in ift 'tj4e� rl4;jf', JZ' t day ti"�'granulttio'llkand O!iX-. flow, M)1`1110 ik-ars after, Aliglia. V ipiit-
'-o'rpiri: #or shol, 44N�Rjwtiw!" JMUI tile lao ltaruli 4 if ilwitt allIki olle part (of
-r talk cofiv
11144,'It. .%Il.'AI4%N4' ...1 - ier L I
9`6 oil witif youi wt)rk'.' a"d theli, a 4 Ile(). 410 pr*wNit" it filli-foriat stir Thli� litmem wert, fre4piently- replam"
I'll x0b, at I ste . ruly. L �LWK .11"! eavity 'of the lilepr V-ia W11)
will -Ile ijlg,l.i4-r ri, -Illati; lit. y. I tile
.I strangi- girl Nlr, S att4oll. foist wf*. of Lkl J have IjtLII4-. Ily SJUAVillif ilt tk*r*M liow strange.' lie a d.
kwUw. inust tw toWhed.0 nt_ratf by g'j
yo (a -orkled dwfully Ila ' 'but -it last I
-a net will &fill lit. twenty glaya tile a(Votlijillsiled what F M!t
lis-lik liki, bo -r 'all. th#,.- sistinlike. I - .. v% led. What?" Bile asked.
IlPVC stay. v#-r�* rich lit o
Vorjr welL U tie. lit, PU I Mi. To . aVold a relapm., :Ili 'A. M."o Frapirew- 19 Antiseptic
, it($
ran w6 ? " - - 11 k, - -
him Yet. -krtllage. riie fav(kral& effect of
lip IWI#I oll't 11 is -,Lrill, hilt 'Ilb#.. WWr t Jo, m Li c� Wfy- Theso, newspaper @t4wies of radom q1
Sho, litlil tiut lokle Ila Okim witil Lip i UA,14- Finish. (11,4 .81k, Illy Ind.; take that YOu liturp doiw.; 111gaged girls," he paplaine,l
toso %tjf'Jk%Vfty�' - .. I I I W lle_eq�x to wparate -tit(-' lialt well, hilt I IIaVP 4kNW' L*'ttpr..- t - 11' thiol; it,
a plo-a 4ant % Ili i to -- ,I no I ailif oil -I lot I I ; llf.q t mbe "IN find Tlipy (illget. inturiwt Spruce
Nv-i '11-c" havi- Illisilwx in tlip, fietjoin the Ain with -� 'It littli. Cilt1l4lil sit 1% A. (44 t kilt lit lit U144
Ra %V #-yes for gjIU.fl,e%,M4j t:11pik. me r ted.
If., Its Air. 11114 wto. iwt-i 'lk*;t ropkin., thim teny,: off a bandage stee il Lit rwreliforitip notilUoll. tioll fif t I lo'col 10i I IN slid Pwed it"If-11110
-14 PIR To judge )I' 'a air v4 bry ; ?" 1#4 ask&].
umall charne r
ma4i may w)IIjothne"
tI;4-r,0%va-, pi, eing andi knock. Ve Ver' -fir "'Ot a lilt," slit, rettirtiod. Wjoy
111AA,61, Jji�- 118gjocate, niri-isk-.11t - h.As 10-friLw 111.0c"11111 four inclimeq WI(je anti' an Wow as y tilt, It, A
.6�" 11'a, dimtl 'tly' Fibreware
�ewt ean. 41' 14011 till- 1APP(MlIg...-and, he. y tii;iall iiaLr lookii-ame firmer, tile
'Stirat 14 y licpliml a
iii* . 4 -are -pt'jil P )rl '(d. tile t16A Ida lit WeAllell experience, prdwi(jell lip ii -an I very 1) fallilig of t)14. sh4ould they To Cit., I% ripi1q.11114. 1.111344. 11111W.H.411-
FW 114tvil4r.,ho'eli 11 14're nftlff. C.
Fiat 00k; 11, li#!,i W11cp ea Wton't hurt'." '4t.41hinikse all rilfitint limtre jin4l' th4
ilatoil 27W B large heart.-Billwor, Ax che looked ill) inlAy Ilw eyes ILI a
Atraiw.-n, arilil it, 'iti-am 111"t, Illitil, fillitd. '41". -Ail this wasdodo as he ort*red. and IIJLLr mmm). This favorable ijIfltIj-jl(-!
-.1itt tbat Myr4 z Ito" i tho. bandage rf)tjgkly fixed," f3tr&tton WilifliNtring nort or way The' %witlo- of Iwat-kitig tratin-
I her o-okonxiii h,j!r_: I . lie drew a
4 a#t"Iz;yut,k A4) �Ilrtllttiw)ll if V1110WOKI t ill the Itair -ill vv4kr the kXk)(I IMIK lin-atl for `61- knew that ft-rift,4i ,IwoAj4-i4- tA,
w -11 14#' L-jj4P#!krfI %hjkrjoIV. bollly. Lails alm) 1114-callill. more
JW .8pumible t116 W4
'111PAlff"Air"I t4iorned flercely uptm -11sh a, le- Jues �Wr.- &d Is brillL trot nM)n Mitt. (I
a ltx'pk'iio heir 1)a qkvAr my olpit G he li:141 a elear fi4.11 ; all(I
V - I""W' N-tol-411 loidI14 44 (0011111 _. till
WhWls loakd$- rirowu sistit.,r. Nit l4aiol the admir(ti. hiliskily. Never.-feit F)" I LV I Tit VIAP had Im".10111141
141111, Ai I 'not ilgill A FAILING, milly UMMI. ik? trea tnietit %%,ill (Art that evening.
.0 W-) sorry 9" ilikeply ilJWr(Wt#1k,I Ili Mi bill 12 11w 4-liviavity koep
.&MI 411rehmy obiritig tt* sit nit -01104 Woo �- k ri(P*4v lt.,�I't. rjh&,. �Fjniil. - in iny iffe.". TI on. taklipt far to pro -v lit ba l4litew. Atuprivaii
14trattoli's- liand' Awtweeh bidltb. , Ifle I a r, to
wItid-11 'Ith#f fla"!IIARr# thAt Be rs axf,ii. 11,14-, Nlzil k. malt"to istrat- Malleo-Surgii al Bulletin.
own. 111141 pill all ilide.fillita, k-flirth
at hreaAfailt, jj� ietl- tit## fw-WH 11110 -for, t4oll "JifIff llf)t tin -all,like- It," sakt,- 1� a --low. V,0 tllv, The struggi t I Ulkiye.
It e. With Heredity, Wit of the Day.
.111Uws Dale'lk. itr to[,:. lily ')all. hunj ly.,
:W _4.1"U your Ila r( I
Best Part of a Cemetery. Tho -y r4,Niwt MWrIM111011 nild de-
Arml ni.,* Isp-r p
4t hi-a"ollil lohn'ro 16fark." bald -At
4irbiIN)i' ".4 HIM I Raid In't like t1l 10 1 -NP41— If to" I-V aiLt U) Ina rry Ili iwil winted -t1WIr e4wtitol-lito
Kiwoust Stratt4oll, t4lw a -lit 4"ttic- (ki.e. , aftor a l"Ijerrold. 1 N� Probably fow Ili-ople know that t*K Wily djWj,t .1-011
Ing ts, Jill- a 041liet U111,011led wav, No Its tbi*,jfAjg. Illim I 11:iil IV=_. A I -oni ill
a at 11rttfiWX1,U floi;r. -4 11 Dry tu-nie- Elderty ? A
P umn, is it rhoic - xi'k, tA) eve ft
.$ The Right Side"of the Color Line fthe'is ri -Ii.
U11 tio. . x"-9he#j0qI -- up JL'L tarpen WOO fetril lip or
t twoi r k -ave. ter and make-blimi. tolry ThuN, ill tionit- Twl-vew I)ut, ff-'1111614w alill prittes
Ifore(- 11INT'll wandY ln'tbei plam ?" IxLrtd for %114' 1 ObJML to lier it,
ind iijapisk -towir %vaye bm-k Vi, W-fieh-' thim docor.!' I'm," said - 0 ut*t, eag*%, and Its' To. heredity, to the' trmrmjqc;jnn n %voeld, the 4-asti-rii porti(m, without
1� - thoutrilt that %%'am Ittvivo,
f may be some sadnesq, becaviie it. is all.
frill.- 'Vol', tlip dook ttait% from ti, -gard to its Ikitu.Ltiono ix ix I)Ijt tivarioli w,
to iwoef-0,11 to of the n TDC f. B. HY 41m.
J I havpr,nn tight ctimet.. ssibilfties�,nf growth apddevelo I'lely, and mit of ason. Giray hairs are: itlwav% TI,41 inurk of lit.
4;0 WO1 W8jJW Of &k# -r till tjok* IUW d turnQ41 tilt! handle* P111111CUt. a crowili-of - hc)nor tp the ag*d. but to the lu�liuxl tlio'4 ni(Awt dehlrable. This 11're- Little Toinimy-Sixter Lilian 11raikCh" fload At"ritioe rts
4 1 .11-vialpnt. ILI" 0 Wt It WfA. rt.r.1ch newly Utmi 4eing MArted oil likm
to'. In Stratt(XI'A. Irfla.b I,, vv kero'f; Ilftt' _- 4`Th' ft I hh-nif nusunie. thp! right, Ar. locked, "How trremme!" -W Rojew -foro-Ilre aritiox from tile olif traillitilIll, t4) I I..t vp
ft pling th(y. lite a Migma. There is n6 ace4 V(411 ,
113, tl lift. fie 'withOut the force of herrdity thet' ltmvei 0 btl Ktay 4fa youth, q ray"es.4 -comes from, that our Lord will it'jilienr froill tfjj�
Irell.-I. I lielieve,'_ til..,It j* 'N behind Here,'] know." of lite "'i lit tic -eted. to bc that of the r. liow
11 [at A1101 ISM . ic Wred. 1 71; gm
r .. miu d ed for, He dr014"I willickly 1?n one knee -by dig an or 11tishman.' Naturally bad t
tsie n:t1kail xtiaiglit- tA) A!141 Alj;t� ("Jr,, 1kVoIllIjie!I 40 er get I tili. a deficteney of the coloring matter which, _t is a1w) 1*41eved that th(b !kud do 3-oti Won- tila ? illd(%
Thi-.% colot.
f trait -4 dr,.cend like the K'(Xx'l. Pecilliarities h' hair its -natural tint
of Utio. lfiroqilm -of tire nioney Intl real ly 4 fill nd autol Uriwt. a Itatid Into bf tea Ing matter can be &upplioA -'aTtificially lit tho eastern piptetiont will he tite Little T0111111y tb' 11,444014A
14 hL
Uie uh In! e turt. excetitticities of speech and and 115.80 -Ayer's liair
et for a, bwl�h of keys; m.jnuer�-bfrth are handed vigor. -It is
Rid -11 t to b�n. t appl- retfirlip4l. With L it for )list wroldliig* trip, , and'do y-ou think 111.4 cdat pock' -�Upplied by W. J. C finilit to- ritook.; til0Me ill tile wnyk liki- wbnt maketo tilell, FOR E
i A IIA . stall4l 4,011 .11 netilto Will jil4t 'Am- sisieely'a.% inhillial dextevit 'ximthern. western am] northern, In 41on't they
11,41191J"'rx 'Allwe Its- *Ott 01oksVii", :001 x1drisr W at wh0h film halwl caw* ill vont4ict with d(, Y9 'that b xupj)lyiqg the lacking
to retell foist t1I4) ;1: U1110.1 like tilill pit sical te'l Mutli�krliatical ability, Pigm�nt ITr A qrA Hair Vigor re- I,:itgjjjIId it wax jpII4)p &ere% Rnml foirm 4141
#461nethtllg, which he drew out with ,,��,knd lsi�rql Itl4jalifies in torei'giay or fa4lhair to its ori at Mr. Slifilie I tilt hm% is
f4, P114 1 fkall alls)t1ler 111mi Jerrohl 16liked ri,47 Ite S :11,11 11therbad lis) v( I ISOM
ten tile metita (1119tom too I#ury f('1011. ('rilyrfoll-A
ILI' (JaCulittioll alml.looked kill, at .41r,. On in
and color. 11,eyond thiq, it makes theghair lit kntl%%�!F�ake lwr Tit It- perreel.
I - t-tal. :A,cutiousl e#Lamble of t1lip de
ha-, tak 1401kilig 'Midi rai"i hg she.-tiai(i a 9 fm1tjrnWhei.Ib_ acto Y.
Mark. y Mrs: grow. g I Olt M. 4'. It .
of fainily1ralt cliar. -rq fill tim- north sitle op tl#e Li tt 'r, IlInY -11 heard livi tpllill, wid 11,4%wii It%Lqk It%. At p&,e% IsMitmig
04 A cent C Vt t it. gloilis and iii0ftsess, stops %1 ,
4-1114-ri "Itark Ili an Ife ill, quite right. Mark 1,1116W I" Allaid t1w. latter, 11141d� AfaKKie. Pickett. Canton, C it ftOm' falling. removes' dandruff. and, chure 1"114. rimulill of I:tyill;c "the 4,114k pf tilf. cither girim tAo-tiny tilat 141 f-11
eyf' ii., in who%e Cie u -sex the scalp. Mrs. C., U. Ayre0k, it it cortitin tbro
tItey stared ht each others t9fnilY 9tay hair vas heredittiry. '61te Moaunt A ry, Ga., writes:
'Whikv :ill Toror 0. frieiid'A fr"- Gat workmen, then. I heave a.' wtites: Ttioll, Is rv.oltimm- I r wilting neo- 14)WIVN. Vl4lln'jk#-k, po'liquil'. 4.1
1114 Ktr&%ttAl IX-gan to Nike J"P;t had tit, laugh im ery time 141W 0111,2 %ill 1w w4d oil ititioct N% lIbnthis- Als
"Woo.-M-r4p, way", ,but Ilitz.. #tire or Aite police." x1low sible f# or t I w d nt you.
Gray hair iq h4treditar e d(Niglintioit for lilooko 1), it, it. M. I.W"'r44, %Vtivat Rol) (U). fAivii., ol�_
yin nur familf "About tbree years nK*. my head becam tho caut wind: " Tim 1%.ill.l or
tr; a rv�' 114 0,jift te 6 Gfieut took a iijeli tf)wayid 1 -the dtairA, "Ilglift Of recovery. As lutigaiii I cau rc�ollcet,, V Cartle. %Vitit ouion.. Mk.h.
ft) ".W t'i Wily has he it Platol ?* 4i 'whisporekd* % . - opod . . i
Rv- t hilt tioriv-41 agitin. 11Y mOthet's ha T full of daudruff, which caused great an... d vwn'a feet."
eral teo -`�OD;k ft& w Jk" bc", ST111117- About twOve years ago, once; after a time. the N In :10 years Germany,
I)y tll#., Itttrre j%d I tlon't:likik tile expl.)ne, mir, Ilt) JAI-sw Jerrold ; vwl(l Iwr brotlierH whole my hair-helran to tlo Ait began rout be i ng
Malin show Mgns of turning. Ing out. The use of pr. J. C A er's
.1 re-401vt'd t(,, try Ayiirlq Itair 'Vigor, and Hair Vigor stopped the hair ndedness, t
gallif sharply. There miglit, Ile. rea- er cliringeol. faly Ab"ut-mi littlo more than melf-sustalulne. has
W* f of I was thilikille onat yoll ought to 'after using it ouly n few times Mi hair outland inisde the qealp clean and licalthly"K. AMM Gainbrel-Imiet it [,,,Illy ? I klIcy countr,
"Jill an So i -,kut mmsl why I aboulti repent Kping." from' far, Ask Your Dealerfor
.. 1, t 0 Ce L_ Y
lit you,rMlIllot lil&Ve
th-41 -ticityr open- have fetched the police it 11 , in s dre,%.%ing Occasionally, a bottle 'RYN forgetting -our
aikiis' was restore(i to its natural color. still -Mrs. C. M. A% xxs, Mount Airy, Gae and I aft fth%
It --Nis-virsi. Jhj 4"t -we #
Ind," he said : "but ita an well you la,%ting In
"110I #-I rr d Sir Mark, now inu er
# V 111111VIL. tij -iflav-P - . %� e quite a while; nd though ov
wt -011114 ClIkIll"d.t it lit S&�,-owinjj4�xcited, as 'it firtoWt's (1141 not. There are thingg men like f0tty years of age, M hair retai Dr. AYer's Halt N'liror In notea 111111 a Visitor--Tou Mrs. Winslow's P401hing N B OEC
liumtked tip." nx 04 dressing. It is- used t-yrry day 1)y thou- "119"t tO Put tl)f%llk failfitererrxAy. spowil'or
conoiNU-11t, With - the tj Itl,,$ _*je � e youth It who
0fttjWjjjuX. , ., "I -1 --don't kumv what you nican," ful col()r and ful nes.s. To a sands whose chief claim to I)eRuty rqsts down. relif!Viiio Ilk* chiki
1#.t to-r-thicvp larld oveir the lo(M ave faded-aticl gtay hair, I w(Aild heartily ct, beautifu I bair. Send for Dr. Ayer's illvi
tilt". emlow thir sjonm(.h alod
#JilCllik� Olt it to onl,-r aro mm piv Wa I (lanibr(ki- (alw(kilt-Tykillijolly) bowels, correct*; amiklity. and RRUSHES A ND BROOMS.
(mra pahi but
a t
�d _U Childrcu
I ri
"41. X, o" lei_ TeCOInmend I)r. Ayer'l; flair Vigont'-Nirs. Curel000k, a story of cure iVok lonle suid
U'llat rrviix-et Owl- io t�-rrffie. UfAj.JJK tlb 14: x F. TT, Canton, Ga. told by tjW Y(W; we did clit thelli dowil ftvolri imerrY to Lbe w1voir Prownk. it will abliont
can It - Iftliti(m theRe Itrf. ItlPlo. UrqAW*_.jl SjUgSt I cured.* Free. Addrgjp# ibe C. Aycr Qk tilum, allik piroobilbly that'n LI inotantly cure grijoisw Ili the oitemash an I willid
La tor I t now al)PeArg that tile I wj%& �,our I XjVj ftnf#m t1m for hisle by Lea&jft Neal"L
eJretjmstftjIIc4.4L We llj1ty X.Vs JIM ill till' the rf'ft- mlic. Mothem don't f%il tO PMOure 11L Twasty OMLA&BOXOKH&NIO&fn.u&&Ut"tupon
itr- fil,441 it hair 1(.)Villg fler kftnw right n� .9pplarawing 00 to tf Ill. ve cents a ba"
When tillp -71)(1)
_L.Ar abi- -,its n 01 [lot wat4,r'to
:-A Iwo Dav fnr Tte 1OPt wnd