HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-06-03, Page 4fa W FST W .1 i\' ASOSH COUNCIL t'ouncil meet epi 'court of iter• isioti. Ther.' bcitlg rug appe. z, q,ftet adding �t► frw name -s, the Roll was received a ,.t ttcic,ptt ti :'t►itncil duet according t t►cilourlt- trc•nt, tucm'ticrs all present, the itc'ev e. to the chair. minutes -of, t,ett. mecting fend incl a f ro% The Trt•tis ►WI'd a Lai&uce on bard ,►t.ti632.O7 rheic..l'ei►tk,!d •asked to have. 4.. rttf Salton fruci► reei.,t way to bank up his. • barn: Prict'lcl;t• w.w'grai►ttd: itc i d coulttlissititlers wr.rN s►p}•eh itc'. to put in drain .aero++ . road . at i htr gannon on a 'tioit i.y C:tnit•r.►11 f.nti Meda. ► The roadwork of NI r4 Atilt Nrtl1 1}rs. J: Alton wa..4 ortierr,1 to tall struck off road lists. . l:ohin�►n. was granted =6 charity. The Reese reporteelon safes t+x.ttnine4 art( i the, matter wK' iti6- 'niseetl. Puttiii is drain at St "Augustine was left in the h irdis• tit the Roadeuni- missioners on Motion. of defied "And - Carnt•ron.an apprcpristiuel. was- made for roads of Off. The following ch+`iliies wore issued: James Gibson memo nook-, '_Vets; John Row eies culvPtt on wegt boundary, Sit-, A. Zlt 1}il1Hn '2-1 y(1,:44 gravel: at 7 cte, ..•.11.f.8; W. Pat- '. -nr. -IA IAN of gravel tit 7 :•ts. ill .11 tliiic:Ii;,re et 16: :►It: Cal li fter culvert ton coif b, . $ I; 1'. ('lark cul on coin lot It►t 1S, 75; 11 ltvnn rep roanOpp Lots 13 & 18 c,.n. `•�, r l : Geo. *Rut a<tgo' 1"uryinl d; t.d atheep, .50e; U m. L. tliy rep road It, von I, el: Mrs Rui,irr'ttin• charity • W. A. Wilson se-rc iet- a,; assessor atilt sequalizing School St t io'n, S:>: Macerottie part l't1Rry and delivering Toad lists :,•'. It itruphv et1►verl t t•1, COUtIM al I iNtrt.eil -to meet Julylk 1 T {. t a, limn'+ Dongola Button, Self Tip, Coin Toe, sp 3cial 51.35 oman's Dongol:>r1;titto;i rat Tip,.Coin Toe .. • . 1.50 Wtrlitn's Dong.. Button, Self;'Tip, Turn, worth $2.35 only 2.00 of EoOts d�hoes, The Luoknow Sentinel, Bruce Oountyaridity • June 3rd HUGIIES The bulk of our springstock has arrived, which consist of the nobbiest and pest values ever presented to our custom- ers. C QTS A.ND SHOES_ Below is a few of our snaps ' -- Woman's Dongola• Oxford,' Pat Tip. Coin Toe.. Men's Doug. Congre ss,• Ct in. Toe, Special -Men's. Dongola Lacetl, Coin Toe, Special... Men's Doligola Tan, Lac . , Coin- Toe. CLOTHX Cr_ Men's all• wool tweed suits, best of' Farmer's satin linings, worth $10 fair. $f.' . 'Men's black Venetian coat and vet, bound, and best of -linings, only $t;: Men's all wool•tinadi to tweed suits, good linings -and well made, special at $4.75. • Men's Canadian tweed pants, made as well as the best, worth $1.25, now elling for $1,00.. 4.t='•�•- At ft) o'clock. B W. S. Zi st'Ci:• o•rh (7, C'l,`t t;. • Sole agent plough shoes. 4 -117T -111103:1.1I. This i-. to certify that.l have_ or.e of I;..1. Canueren'4 patent pumps in my ' we11. 60 feet asap and it gives entire 'satisfaction a-11 I em well. pleased -with ir. 1 h.' .. hard different kinds of p.= wps in the +Mule well. but none of them work, like the Cameron • Pump. It works•easy and draws'.ats of coater ,1 for that depth of a well. - er1 would alighly recommend the Cameron Pump go anyone wanting a goof! 1.uruj-. J.4 %, 1:4 WE INTER, • 11 utiles west of Litcknow. S.S. NO. R KT X LOSS • The following is the relative stand= Sag as basetl upon etheieney in Algs- Lra, Euclid, Arithmetic, history, Pby- eisology, Grammar, Geography, .Drrtw. ing, Writing Anil Spelling, • )th Class—Excellent—David. Suth- erland, Margie Valen•. • • 4th Cass—Exceitent--Alvis Coal—Alice McCall I, .. Edna Frta,er, Bertha Pierce. Fair—.Martin McLeod. 3rd Claee--Excellent–,.A. ' Valens, Z. Scoith Fair=M.., Morrison, A. Walker. :Ind Class ar—Excellent Caul. • Fair—E. Miller,. 1' hlorrizn_ r•, ::n1 class jr—Exc llernt--•A..l'aleni Sr. pt,rt I 1--Good—R Smite; D. Haigh, J. Iiouston, I. ti!Ier. Fah -- F. McKinnon. • Jr. part II—Good,—Jas. -%Talker, David lloustun. - G. D. CA111,14:Ia., Teacher,. To the General Public. • Ali parties wanting repairs . on all ]rinds of buggies and wagons, will find n to their. best interest to call on me as I will keep on hind -first-class rna- terial for repairs in iron and wood- • Werk, ...New 'tires.. arty ritn4 and wheels, either single or - in -ers. Work gauranteed at moderate I<rP . and Special attention given•, to horseshoe. ing., m. Rivers. --The dates of'the _ commencement 4,f the high school and. wiiyers,ity, ma- triculation examinations 'or 1698 have been set as foilow ,: Form •1.July 4;: form II %rid con,t>cercial specialist. July 6th; form I t I and 1 V July 6th, 1) p Slay t'$th. at the r.•,+i+legcr ..f 'the . hri.le s father, thttrsui 4trcv:t • by th+• 1►rs.. 1. ' B. Wal/win, B.A., Florcur., third daughter sof l.nb.•rt Graham, ,1.1'., E4 varel William Pears. +.f Torrent.. • At the residPnrr ..f the -biide.e brother Mr. Joseph S. Senelts•_•r, ..1 • K *t «'awan',,sf , on.the !arta ult., by the Rev. W. t Leech, Mr. J.)hr. Irwin •,f Ashfield tv .3,1* Annir.Suitltter. Canada's llistorfc Musicai EveAl LIEUT. DAN- GODFREY'S BA.N.D Will ;iv»' • our' Grand Performance 11CTORI/1 RINK 'apt) SU: Ca,' MONDAY EVE., JUNE 20TH. The k'ua'-.t U.ilirgty Pm i in World.=(1.ortd9n I•'i:; irt. f i!'e1#ii. i.tr_ at- • - s, , , . Tirket.. fr r +ale at J. !ti", Ar•• tr +►.;+ try 4.z...• 4 McKENZI Baker and Confectioner Dealvr • in . ali kinds Groceries, Cali lied Go! Confectionery, Etc. - Bread, Buns and Cake Fresh Daily" f. S. hP, t)atmeal and Corn,. Nb on hand salt kr Panj, ►(, ' f ti Lary , cert AN ` • • • • Efit., • for Table use -.Dairy Die For terms, etc., aafl re office., •° ' C.oscerl Wore a ••. •• 1.00 •• 1,50 • . . • 1.50 • •• 975 for Williams' side laced EATON DID'NT CET IT All. ............ ZMI$W#•*O• a Iloitus+laael Have e. purchased several coluplete and extensive lieges . of the finest grade furniture . of the Lucknow .Central Furniture Company's best manuf'ac tune, Just think, our line comprises 50 bedroom suites of the most modern • • • i 1 -le Hub Lead Thom 911; FOR Family Groceries & Canned Goods. FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. FLOuR, FEED AND ALL KINDS OF SEEK I'll tig rEA , A peC1aJtj. 7 HE. LARGEST STOCK, THE _ CHOICEST GOODS AND THE *SST VAtitit OBTAINABLE IN LUCKNOW. Goods delivered to allparts of the town. :etelgoigoigigAgiV JOHN ELLIOTT. t STARTLING ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs.$mith has just received a consign- ment of sample hats which she has mark- ed at the very lowest � prices, also her stock of fiowers and mil- livery goods. 13 OID ERIES AND SUP -TO -DATE DESIGNS We are now seliing oir regular + 10.00 suites for Ss.00.. Wither grade Suites likewise at our bargain ces., :'Furniture for our 1 ooi us and pictures for your walls go together Our goods come from . the best manufacturers. a hand19 nothing else. PICTURE FRAM1 G __;"! Is a feature of our business. We can give• life to you r hare walls, ' _This is the season for house decoration and adornment, and LAWRENCE & J O H NSTON E are well equipped for pie. • same• That Touches MACLEOJYS S $poti TEM OF In different widths iu 4 1-2 yardlengths which are awaydown in price. Lovell pat- terns for skirts and. shirt waists in differ- ent styles and colors from 50 cents up. MRS. W. H. SMITH M. CORRIGAN'S Is the place to make your selections in • CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Ihave in stock the following : f_i?ag ct:a Black Lead Bene Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath Buck RENOVATOR Beans Broom Baskets Brushes Biscuit Coffee Confectionery Canned Goode Cncoai Ch 9colate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants - Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates Weak and Im ore Blood Liver and 'dna Diseases,y Female Complaints,etc. Ask Druggist or write direct to , X. X Le .& GOOsoia , Ont. 4 • THEA PHRENOLINg REMEDIES • Taking the lead everywhere. We are working day and: night to supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that heendrrdi ' upon. hundreds of sufferers are being restored to health and happiness daily. Try *Our • I:heumatic Specific or Kidney and Liver rills: . Sold by Harm Days, Luanow, pee. They are absolutely pure and health- f�rt. 1;rrarantee-t to cure Kheuma- ti tn, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and all forms of Kidney and Liver trouble++. Beware of spurious imitations Manufactured on !knot. andl ,lel tis Jir•t-it only by . . :8ERRY & CO Hurl Stock Ageols!., 8ok keit ! }Agiicultural ImplemcptAl I �+�•w r.. 1 A. T. DAVISA NEW FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. Having secured the premises lately occupied by G. W. BERRY as a Furniture Ware Room,., I have recentlyf tted • it with- the newest de +urns of all kinds of Household Furniture. As to quality, they are unequalled. The price is - sway down. All goods are bought for spot cash, therefore I can sell at as close a price as any person in the country. Why buy in To- ronto and pay freight, subject to damage, when you can save this at home? When at .1. T. DAIVSON'S inspect and be con- vinced. rHE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT 1. co3dnc ted at the old stand, which has been entirely renovated. f 01, i y•,rIH elrAiris.g t,; iw,ttrr tlte•tr ptt><• and increase thrix in ite% 4414,,,,1.) write tut. The demand for holm- i;r'iers ltr on the incree. W N nrr..l Aloft. ts. want .steady paying w<,rk writs. tax The Embalming Fluid, material and ap- pliances need have proven 10 be the most effectual that have ever two•nty years.r at ictnre Framing and all pairing dote at the old stand a.+ we pay both salary and reiniml.,,le,,a We menage rUrer' w twit or pars • Weaaaraatee all Bar stork. aT I we fends.' porekaaera sills er.*tlnrase fr.il@ t;eevrrasaeet lrwpe•rtor.11$11,, our staelc **free frets lino .lo«r Se wry 4t,ckis1 , 700 We a�_n.-h .O -..,-- - We Ilse Iarnetft aarw rir. 1" 14"'it.,rylpl.,a. Our Nurseries •:ornpritsr over 706 sera,, and gmwirag .+todr in large quantity enable. us to reel..* the c:ow•st 'salable figure, 'f Men Succeed with us who have faUed with Other's. It 'wi)1 y• c t•t,i1.. t , learn Can do for y ,u.. Don't write uok e s you mean buds aid want profitable employment. - t:ire Stone Wollutilos, TORONTO been iised for the put kinds of Re- "t.t Wood's Phos hodla., Sold end Ramsey. Groat Dogfish y all df a medicine druggists in Canada. Only reli- able +nova dLs to cors all .� . forms o Se_m& a' or excess. Rental worryn s, all .Recta of stunts o�`>. elpfum ExcessiveExcessiveills of 1'O• siz pwtli gun,Pamphlet. peeork tsit �tVntirsfled t noeipt Who WWoodm° 7 vi fres to • , Oat. Sold in Lucknow by Dr.D.k. Gorloi, Druggist S ..Dried Apple ;Extracts Fitrs Fink, aund fish, dried IGelotlae • GingersA• Ho Ink oney Indigo ,. Licorice Linie'Juics Lemons Laamp. Lod Matches Mince Meat Meal ' Macamni Mustard IMeats,cactned Maanesia A-1 Flour always on. hand. i Nuttnegl OI1, olio. . Oil,, sweet (,)il,castor • Oranges %%at Meat Pails Peels Pikes 'Pk*ltle Pesarliis. Peaa.saaoed PeRaier sins • • ins trice Flour .:Sago. !Salt "Salmon • 8ardihes. en•na Bullar., . Byror111 • Soda . Soaps Slices Starch Strawberries, Cana• Sulpher4 Tapit►ca To matoes.canaed Teat Tobaccoes Vermicell Vinegars Washboard@ Washing Crysta K o odepware Whiting Dinner Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Bets Tea Set s . Water Sett. Cream Sett, Berry Sete 'I'oi let Betts SCREEN DOORS, WIN]iOW SCREENS, WIRE CLOTH Are now in season. DO T�U ES, ;f1 { AYLTri SI LUCKNOW • SUMMER HOSIERY then you want H •: =fiery call and procure a Ia.''r of our K. 10 line, worth 20c, our special price only 15c a pair. We are selling the famous STAINLESS. Cotton Ilosiery again this season, so well known to our customers for their Fast Black and wearing g • qualities. Ribbed and plain in cotton, Lisle Thread silk, for from laic to $1.35 per pair. The best on the market. r A good toe line in women's and children's always on hand. • YOUR TRULY do, • • 4111111111. Carpets, LilloIollffls and Japanese MRttings are now in. demand. We have good patterns and special values to offer in alt these lines. In • LACE OURTANS p We can give you a'good article from 25 cents per pair an up • Our. 1IiFihs Juy J; Is kept supplied with the latest styles in hats, ribbons and !lowers. Orders left with Miss - entland are always ready when promised. • • WM. •CONNELL - - LUCKNOW. READY MIXED PAINTS. Now that you are doing your house-cleaning you will want to do some painting, we have a large stock of AIT THE BEST SHADES. People must Haverocerles The grea.o question is w ere : to get t em. We keep• the beet finalities to be had.. We don't pretend to sell them below coot, but we do sell themat a very close margin. : TEAS Black,'Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will savo from 5 to 10 cents per pound if .you buy from us instead of tea peddlers. Compare'- quality and prima. all its lines. CROCMERCz- . - r Building Material is com 1cfc in �i•�� s. Zoe have a fine assortment cf dinner ..sella, les, berry and tonal Our stock 0f Bnil setts very c'he.ap. Call, examine them and get prices: C 011th l i I N AND SEE -L?• S _ �+']lOtT a 8 PEED All kinds of flour and feed kept constantly on hand. Goods lThe Leading Hard ware De ot. delivered to any part of the torn, , McClure aMallough, Thomas Lawrence, CASH aioCERS Tien your walis will need a new coat. We can give you a nice assortment of tints in E WALL FINI$H AND AL9BASTINE. We have a large stock of brushes for • PAINTING, SgL$OMINING, WHITEWA$HIN(} Etc., at all prices from the cheapest to the very hest. We might also tell you that we have a full line of Screen Doors, Screen Windows, and Wire Cloth, • High R. P. Somerville, Quality ! Paterson's Biscuits! They • aro • fine flavour, crisp, but not too hard. I get them often; I get 'them posh. • 1 know they are al- ways good at A,. Xconzie!s MU8IG — TAUGHT Lessons in • Vocal and lnstrumental •Music and Harmony - are taught by MRS. M. M. KEE, at her residence, Gough street. For terms apply at her home. A(li:NT FOR Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships and Dominion Line Steamships. • In III • • 1► 41, a - A • Lueknov, Ont1 ANNEMINEINOW 3300T a ,Tickets -via New work and iron treat. ()all at Express (flice and get your tickets. We will secure -berths, check your_ bye and. do 'every. thing to save you trouble and make yon comnfortable. Warmed -An Idea Elea :11sw a Ifyou want the inside price in boots and shads, read the folia►u ing. We have reduced the price of our own make of men's laced boots. • Shelled cordovan from 414.501o. 53.75, and inhn's kid boots from $4.50 to 54,00. Alt lines of hand -matte and ready-made shoes in propor- tion. We have a large stock of boots, shoes and rubbers in all lines. Rememner, we warrant everything wo sell. If your boots rip, bring them hack and we wilLmend them flee of charge. Repairing d9ne on shortest notice TEP MS : Cash or credit. A liberal discount off for cash. We LI i tr Gs t :