HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-12-03, Page 7r
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T40e- Opal Serpent
WxN00AN TIXMB, AF,0V,=R, S 1008 t�
Christmas stamps wed 4 ¢n�odaetppDstiG4 A ou�wfl�l
cetvoa with these I get through life „
Y33 A !Billion to be Sold #efore very comfortably," "
roll. rl2lrlStllla$. "list' said Paul, darting a keen
glance at hifk visitor, "you bare the
loop strong digestion necespW to kappl-
�l ala - I . , '� Every penny from neasss, Have you the-bod heart also?
�..,., „v"- a.lit6 9 tihe atitLmus, after „
late though-00139170'
says titon thelabel �RRY X I! x t7e7tpagtbet 8t aQl3pp1 Paying for printing �� „
$�! FERGUS HUME, it Pt�tsnitr nr 'a bang (Hush Aiitura" C[adl Sir.iL pootl said GrexOly j
«'ir�tr Very¢oodltEemn terfnrthlsvctYrnssoumothcrs,
and distrlitutiott, dU4bipg all over his coo face. "I Bev: ,
AvFMcI/" f✓frM7slery�ali<aw;e,fiCalb."« .+ andothers. shouldinsistou bav1119Dr. Sboop'e /
-air mandoriw s tssa, ibis. t'nuith (,Rue. So poison marks on Dr. Em6op'e will be used for the er think of school. I was ,glad when
labels—and natio in the medicine, else iGmustby muintenanceo;poor I got away from ti. Dut we were The gins You ITavO Always
CgPYRICHT 1005/lir `. W. a law be nil theliabe). And it's not only Folio,bntIt
1 L L,I N G H kM C 0"V ^14'1( mn tld t otic b)*ugh bole tti jt hiioi +ii nail, a trttt re �� �t#ffApatients at the >�at friends at pcitool, Paul.• $' otii,"11t, iLlkld �VhiC$ htLfi liQtllA
rtieniarlyuithyourChiidren.Insistouhavhtg t "'s MUBXOSA FR>ti> something after the style of Steer- � use for over 34 years, has borne the signature of
per -
r. Moos's Ckntt;h Cure. Cunrtwre c,trefuily ahs HOfiPITA4 FOR forth and David Copperdpld,,' was ,,,.,.,.... and has been IIxFL(l0 under Iflitl per.
Pr. snoop pnckage•wlth others and note the Paul's reply us he pushed, back ble sona)tfiu supervision since its in%RAC 5
b difference. No poitwn :Works there! iron call aOlifiIIA112TIVZdie,andforextending «49; Pi
" - al,vays be on the ser fe side by demandh,g Plats Yon were my hex», and i was r Allow no one to deceive o
the fight a awn „ you
exhausted himself la well chosin e>< against the dread ZYhite All Counterfeits, Imitations and trust -as -good are but;
Perfas Hama, author 9/ 0$ t y F Your slave. lent the other, bays --• Ile ss ,>,
preseions. Paul fficreas for
the use of � gue• looked s Experiments that trWe With and endanger celebrated novae! TJgs '3"s'r1
by 8zla& a hay for his depar- ffi • This Christmas Stamp idea. was "They hated me because they did not p r her the health o'
o ol a Hansom Cab" and other ture. The female Beecot retired to bed' started its Denmark about four years understand tine, as you dld-'r lufants and Children-T'xperieuce against Egpei� ment's
ikdes of mystery, has written ire 'nett!# the assistance of a maid, bntat � Q� � � � r ago, where the cash returns haN a "It that is so, Grexon, why did you
more absorbing story than the feathers and sal volatile, and We Taste �r 9 built and financed a Consumptive lot me slip out of your life? It is ten ° is
tC+ � TOIA
ores that follows. Mr. Hams has as a last sad clinching argument fie• Vt/ALLEyIS DRUG STORE. Hospital. A year ago, the lied Cross years since we parted, I Was fifteen What 310 (f�i i
uratively buttoned up his pockets. Society of Denmark sold over 400,000 and you twenty." Castoria ifi a harmless substitute dor Castor Oil, Paled
t' the ability to make his ehuraeiers "Not one shilling will you at frost! p 'which now, makes ns toren
ars wall as his incidents internist: me," said Beecot senior, with this, gibool__& tafie, of ae>'t' betttWitl with the co-operation Y of stores and thirty respectively:' said Hay -flvo fry- Boric, Drops and Soothing; Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
graceful addition p! vigorous adjec- much. Becok was too don" churches, clubs, and boys and girls. contains .neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
ti'itg. There aro chap'aeters ill In fact, Aver hod helped in this a �• You Telt school before I did.. M
this story which the reader will tires, and, It may be added, too honest to y y P pop. "tees. I had, scarlet fever and was substance. Its age is its ,guarantee. It destroys Worms
"I don't ask for money," said INW16 tars any opportunity to, advantage. ular movement, and this year their taken home to be nursed. I never and allays Feverishness. It Cures Diarrhoea and Wind
be unable to forest—the &Q8Ss' ' . keeping• his., temper, for, after AM the "Ita a most surprising thing,« said National Red Cross )Society is selling went back, and since then I have never Colle. It relieves Teething Troubles, cores Constipation
Cots, sweet Sylvia Norman, old turkeycock was his farther. "I hale Hay In his calm wtp, "really a Most the stamps all over the States. met an old Torrington boy"- and FIatuIency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the p
N'ornlan Pash, Hurd, Miss; ( 6"4 saved 00. Not out of my pocket mon. surprising thing, that a Torrington d A STAMP FOR CANADA "Have you not?" asked Hay eagerly. Stomach and Dowels
Y ,giving Healthy and natural sleep,
11frs.ICriflt and her efattsl'yasagh- ey," he added hastily, seeing further public schoolboy. my friend and the "No. Illy parents took me abroad, The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. '
ter, and lasts but not leasrf Debbi, objections on. the way. "I earned it by eon of wealthy parents, should be buy- The neat little stamp in red and and I sampled a German university. I
writing short stories Ing sausages." white, like above cut, and selling at returned to idle about my father's
Junk, whose name, if she had op- "The confounded mercantile In- "Come, now," said Paul, with great one cent each, is published by the place till I grew sick of doing nothing, C'' E N U Z H E� � ®� � � � �����
;.oared blit one of Dickens' novels, stiacti" snorted paterfamilias,11 Naonly be spirit and towing Hay lwmewai d, "tional Sanitarium Association in and, having ambitions, I came to try
used stronger words• "Yew mother's baveWt asked you for money." my luck in town." He looked around Beare the Signature Of
Weald have been familiar to all. uncle was !n trade.. Thank heaves, -If the interests of the Muskoka Free
j�,,. you do, you shall have !L" said and laughed. "You seem luck." '
Christendom. With beautyand Hospital. The stamp does not pa "Well," y
>� none of my people ever used hands or Hay, but the otter was not so genet- y Well, said Hay, lighting a dainty d•'A •
grace Debbie is not endowa4 brains! The Beecotra lived like gentle- ons a one as would appear. That was postage, but may be put on letters,
cigarette produced from a gold case, 3
d 1l, and heir grammar is dafec:Nre, men." flay all over. He always said what packages and Christmas cards of all "my uncle, who died, sent me to Os-
Sea -
but she has a gift of speech that "I should say like cabbages tiro. he did not mean and knew Well that kinds, and will bear the happy Sea- ford, and then I traveled. I am now
CM orator ttrtight int► She is a your description, father." Beecot's uneasy pride allied at loans, son's Greetings everywhere. on my own, as I told you, and haven't f'
No Insolence, air, Now dare you however small. Willing workers all over the Domin- a relative in the world." Kind
tyrant, it must be admitted, 'but disgrace your family? Writing tales« Paul, the unspphlstltxted, todk this ion are organizing little bands for "'Why don't you marry?" Asked Paul,
her heart is ofgold, and she has Indeedl Rubbish I expect" (here se►- shadow of generosity for its substance, stamp selling. The hospital board is with a flush. Te You ave Always Bought
coarses and devotion which oral adjectives)• "And you took moa- and his dark face lighted up, "You're hoping that over a million stamps nay, wary man about town as he i
ey, I'll be bound, eh, eht" a brick, Hay," he declared, "hut I don't will be sold before Christmas and the was, noted the flush and guessed Its In W 30 Years.
f. �e For Over �,
wouldrot add taster to any baro or want mons No"—this In reply to an ' THE rENTA"R CUMPA", 77 MURAAY STREET, NEW YC:ia CITY.
' I
heroine in ##ors or in real e. «I have just !stormed you that t Y• p y .
eloquent glance from the well to do- work for the consumptive poor from
took All I could get, said Beecot quiet- sea to sea will be read strengthened.
kind Row this trumpeter will ly. "Xqi live In town on my savings. "I have snIIiclent for my needs, and greatly
i 'strand axeW wehoming yo% la- ••.When I make..* name and it fortune:; besidear with a look at the resplendent Other interesting information may be '
i dies and genitemen, to the fwtat Int return" dress of the fashion plate dandy, "I obtained by writing Mr. J. S. Robert- _
"Never, n ou d gobbled the turkey- don't glitter in the west end." son, Secy. -Tress. of the Association, .... rte.•„ - >w..�^� - �_ -_� -. "�� - ,...
.. Of comedy, mystery and !Mindy+ "Which hints that those who do are 347 King Stroet West, Toronto, � .,..._
cock. "If you descend to the gutter fI -._... ..-..-. _....�... _
Cant ion
iVhiCh lies baforQ yott You can wallow there. I'll cut you out rich," said Grezon, with an arctic
of my will Onlle. gong, Beecot I`ss per. ANLYTIChL CHEMIST TELLS CE
CHAPTM L "Very good, sir; thaYa settled. Let Only Paupers can nMord to dress well."
IMON B» was it conn- us change the subject" subj "In that ease I must be a million -
try gentleman w#tlt fl t� 1
y_ A email But the old gentleman was too high alre," laughed Beecot, glancing dawn- PATIII{� T MEDICINES a ,
�income, a email estate and a spirited to leave well atone- IIs dr ward at his well worn garb. "But
mount these stairs. We have mach to "-
mind eoaalderably smaller manded to know if Paul knew to " A graduate in organic chemistry
Wan either. He dwett at Wargrove, In whom hq was talking, inquired if he say to one another. who has made a study of many o
Weser. and spent his Idle hours, of bad read the Bible touching the duties Much that Is pleasant," said the the best-known patent medicines on
0wwhich he possessed a dao and nightly of children to their parents, instanced courtly Grexon. the marlret, states that many have r
twenty -Cour, in snarling at h1a facies Paul shrugged his square shoulders virtue, but as a rule people have to
the fact that Paul's dear mother would and stepped heavenward. "Oa your ay fplow
r a lot, of unnecessary expense.
and in sa t
apping between whiles! o parhope," e sangac
probably pine away and die and endt, I h" hback-, �
"certain- he foliri
1 i Ct his son. Mrs. Beecot, having bean et is the recipe of a well-
k�nl3ied Into old age bag before IIsr With AL pathetic reference to !Caine the ly not on mine. Come to Poverty gas- known secret propagation, and is -
►" gime, accepted sour looks and hard prop of his old age. Paul listened re- tie." And the fashionable visitor found known by authority to be one of the s=
spectfulLy and held to his own opinion. his host lighting the fire In an apart- hest stomach and liver tonics. It is
jSwords as necessary to God's provi'In defewae ofA the same he tepIlsd Inwent such as be had read about, but prescribed by many of the best _
enee, but Paul, a fiery youth, re- detail: had never Been, physicians.
muted useless nagging, He owned "I am aware that I talc to my fie- ",As near heaven as I am Uk4y, This ess. a cures constipation and
knom brain pourer than his ptvgenitnr. ther, �., said be, with spm "Y� biliousness. The recipe
and to this favoring of nature pater never allow me to forest thiat fact u tr get," rattled on Aeecot, deftly fky Fluid Extract Cascara..,.... ;�, oz
!!� Ifarnilias naturally objected. Paul another man spoke to sae as you do I Ing the sausages after placing his visit. Syrup Rhubarb ............. i oz.
also desired fame, which was likewise or oa the sofa. "The grub will soon Cartiana Compound . ...... t oz,
ri should probably break his brad. t
a crime in the Sr+eside tyrasrs eye's. have read the Bible Aad glad thersta be ready. I'm a first class cook, bless Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla 5 ea.
As there were no other children Paul Take a teaspoonful after each meal
that pai+asta ewe a duty to tisetr alYfl- you, old chap. IIonaemaid too. Clean, p _
X n bear to theaet y eeot nr ward dreg wbkh cartataly dean not latlude eh?" He waved his fork proud!' and atemedtime authority, who has
p being abused like a p4ekpocket It y round the ill furnished room. "I'd din- r
that his son should wait with Idle mother will not pine a miss myself if it wasn't" made a careful and scientific study
hands for the falling in of the hers- 1e ST !t three
t" ., of the relative values of drugs hav-
ing her alone for At hast three hours But -but, stammered Hey, mach ing a specific action on the kidneys,
Cage- In plain words, Mr- Boteot, a day. And to to illy being the prop amazed and surveying things through bladder, and liver, pronounces this
corning of a long itne of middle dans of your old age, your vigor of language an eyeglass,, "what are you doing an excellent combination. "Ort my last iii and this."
loafers, wished his am to be a deafer assures me that yea am std hor*r You can buy the ingredients sepa- cause. Se could put two and two to -
also. Again, when ]ire. Beecot retired to stand alone." ing to get my foot on the drat rately and mix at home.
to a tearful rest her belly found Paul So Paul Beecot "Try geWer as well as most people
{ t+epelred to lfaoadots rung of fame's ladder" Cut this formula out and save it."I might ask you the same question,"
A useful Penson on whom to expend his and after the orthodox fashion be=an "But I don't quite see"-- d said he,
spleen. Should this. whipping boy to euldvate the noses on a little o- "Read B .......... i �"i i i 3• £ i F
alzaes life and you will. .1. The two friends looked at one anoth-
leave Mr. Beecot would have to forge •i•
meal by renting a Blooanabtary razsrt II1s peoplo gave him an attic and a I
•i• er, and each thought of the difference
leo this enjayment, as servants object There he wrote reams on all aabjecte starvation allowance In the hope of Central Business + ams companion since the old school
It* beans senora at without casae. For and in an styles and for sir MoaZb$ fie. disgusting him. Bar the allowance, my
%years mr. Beecot Indulged In bouts of siduoasty haunted publishere dear's pater has done the same, here's the '1' 'E'
1- 'bad temper till Paul, finding twenty- 'I• College
.1. From the garret and the ]can meal of
}, f with varytat forrtmses. ao®eilmes he attic, and here's my starvation"- •P + sausages Iiay drew his conclusions and
'live too dignified an age to tolerate came away Wtth a cbm&, but mom Paul gayly popped the frizzling teals`p +
atbaso, announced his intention of •i• put them into words.
often `aim a bulky umusacrlpt b� sagas on a chipped hot plate-"aad .�. of Toronto hag started thous- •E• "Your father has cut you of," said
yj storming London as a scribbles• his podtat here's your aspiring servant hoping to ands of yonna men and wo- he calmly, "and yet you propose to
fah The pests °tided In amu• Mrs. Shortly the (treat manager of the be a novelist, dramatist and what not- •I• men on the emy way to Inde- tuaxu.
'Zeeca,4 after her kltsd, dissolved In Universal theater enllatod PAni as an to say nothing of why not. Mustard? ,� penitence and succees. Let • ?"
tears and made reftrence to young actor, and be assumed the -doable rob There you are. Wait a bit. I'll brow + us give you the right start, "How do you know both things.
tbir'ds leaving this nest, wistle her htrf '01 Aa u., y, ;, .. -Lied attlh0a' and t slstr you tea OP COCOA " Write for Catalogue and plan I beep my egos Open, Paul, I sea
Jmnd, puffed out like a fngg and lied' Ing lovas. In the arst espadt'y he had "I never take those things with - to speed the neat six months •E• this attic and your clothes. I saw also
the flush on your face when you ask -
'Cor than the waLilas of a. t>uStSycoc2.
In his desk tern short storiee4 a couple meals, Beecot" _ with us. Enter any time, ed me why I did trot marry. You are
of novels, three dramas and a ahexf of "Your kit assures me of that. Chars- - Address W. II share, rr rd + ,
doubtful verses. These failed to ap- - citral, Yonge and Gerrard + !n love?'
pn, what
more in your line. I tray, Gres- streets, Toronto. .i. I am, said Dec -cot, becoming sear -
peal to tsdltor, maaaaer or publlahers on, what are you doing now?" - d• let and throwing back his head. "It
and tbatr author found himself Pa- "What other west end men do," �'d'd='d'•1'd'd'd'd'.b'Ad'd•�•d•'F3••fi3•d•....
Quced to his last five pound note. Thea said Graxon, attacking a sausage. Is clever of you to guess it Prophesy
the foolb* ardent lad must needs fall "That means nothing. Well, you more."
In lore. Who his divtnit,'y was, what never did work at Torrington, so how Hay smiled in a cold way. "I propbe-
Bronchitis Is generally the result of a oold she was and wby abs shosid be dt*- can I expect the leopard to change his Be Great School By that if you marry on notbing you
-caused by exposure to wet and inclement tnlsed can be tather'ed from a eonver• saucy spots." will be miserable. But of course" -he
weather, and is a very dangerous Main- Salton Stew w1Qrsb1104 Ald a►iW An old Hay laughed and during the meal CEN'j'�AE looked sharply at his open faced friend
oratory affection of the bronchial tubes. �1fel'w" explained his position. "On leaving e u 1g �s11M .--"the lady may be rich."
The Symptoms are tightness across
It was In Oxford attaint Ott 5 o'elod[ school I waif adopted by a rich uncle," �� � "She is the daughter of a second -
on a Jtne afternoon that. haul met he said. "When he west the way bf hand bookseller called Norman, and I
-the cheat, sharp pains and a difficulty in Gram rimy. turning the corner of all flesh be left me a thousand a year, STRATFORIJ. ONT. believe he combines selling books with
breathing, and a secretion of thick phlegm, the street leadtng to bis Bioomidoary wXch Is enough to live on with strict pawnbroking."
at first white but ]slog of a greenish or tittle. the atrffior was tapped oa tt�r Mnnnafsc- * s..o. Our past record and our present "Hum," „
g +rooms in Alexander I3um, said Hay, he might mato
yellowish odor. Neglected Bronchitis is ate shoulder by a respleadlInt Bond street grade of work stamps ns fie the great
practical training sohaol of Western money out of the last occupation."
! of the most general case" of Consumption =--that Is, the said being wore fir Ontario, "Se is a miserable looWn g, one
perfectly fitting frock coat, a silk hallw We have three departments:- eyed man, with the mariner of a frioht-
Cure It at once by the use of trousers with the regulation fold back Remove Po 1 S o n s ened rabbit."
and front, an orehfd botbenho/e, gray FROM THE SYSTEM COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, •• "
gloves, boots that glitisred, and carried One eyed and frightened, change
a gold tapped cane. fine ttset that Paul There are tbree was and three only, 6 TELEGRAPHIC. o f Sway musingly, but without change
Dr Norway ° Y Y, Y of expression; "desirable father -In -!stir.
wheeled without wincing' showed that which the human body can be rid of ppoisonous, Our graduates are In demand as And the daughter?"
Pine he was sot et in debt. waste matter -the bowel,, the kidneys and Basiness College teachers as well. as
1J(� 3 illi office assistants. Individual inscrnc- "Sylvia. She !s an snarl, s white
"13eeeot!" said the newcomer, taking the skin.
id stock of Paul's sbsabby serge suit It is only when the a kiln ysbccomeplay outsluggish a tion. Enter now. Large catalogue lily, W' -
rapid a and constipated that the kidneys play out as a free. Write for it. "Of course," said Greson, cutting
SYRUPSYR ■ ■ 11- and worn 1WkR I thought I was result of the excessive work thrown upon them, short these rhapsodies, "And what do
right," Now, there is only one medical treatmentg (� you intend to marry on?"
Mrs. D. D. Miller, Allandale, Ont., The voice It not the flee awoke old dmt fully realizes this condition of affairs, ELLIOTT TT MCLACHLAN Beecot fished a shabby blue 'velvet
writer a " My husband got a bottle of Dr. memories- ' PRINOIPALS. case out of his pocket. "On my last
'Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for my little "HAY-4relton Say!" &led the strng� JJr* A. W. Chase's £5 and this' he said, opening the case.
girl who had Bronchitis. o wheezed so sling genius. "Well, 1.9tm glad to see gay looked at the contents of the
"badly you could hoar her from one room to you." And he shook bands with the Kidney -Liver Pills Sample Copy Free case and saw a rather large brooch
the other, but it was not long until we frank �p of an honest man. J made in the form of a jeweled serpent.
.Could bee the offed your medicine had ort "And I yon" Hay drevr his friend Pur they tegulate the bowels as well as the „ "
her. That Inst winter when we lived in side f the human kidneys, and thereby remove the cause of Would you like to alhave s's Ad- Opals, diamonds and gold, . "Ben
Toronto. up the !d street and out o trouble and cure the moot complicated cases, dopy of The lf•all•nter s Ali- slowly, then looked up eagerly. Se
„ 'tide which deluged the bavement. ltnt p vocate and Nome It[& it to me,"
Site had a ball Hold this winter; but in. «_, You can scarcely find a eeso of kidney d'uewe �`
,•stood of gettin another bottle of Dr. you seem which did not begin with liverand boweld'u- &zine I
Wood's Norway fele SYrup, I tried a home "It's a long story," interrupted Paul, ordets, and which could therefore have been The Best Agricultural and CSAPTIf,R II.
made reoeipt whieh I got from a neighbor flushinM "Come to my, castle And I'1l - prevented by this great prescription of the 0. X45 (Wynn street was a see-
but found that her cold lasted about twi46 tell you all about it, old boy. Vogul Famous Receipt Book author. One pili 4 home gaper ondhand bookshop, and nisch
as long. My husband highly prait 'Dr. stray to supper, wont you? dee here — dose, 2S teats a box, at all dealers of Edam- ott the American Continent, No
Wood's,, and says be will NO that a bottle Paul displayed a pareai-"a and of ton, Bates & Co., Toronto. of ilio stock was almost tis old
.of it it alwaysliept in the heutae." be wit out farmer Can afford ly as the building itself. A weath-
P sausages. You lotted em at st3ioot. 1Kra. R. Morrow, Brncebridge, Ona, b9 without it. Pablfehod weekly er stained board of laded blue bore in
Tho rice of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine and rm. A 'superfine cock." Oaly i$I.50 per year. Drop
Syrup a 26 cents Pott 'bottle, , It is put tip Greaten M* always Used eotessioft Writes
0 Por several yearn I was troubled with poet card for free sample Copy. tarnished gold lettering the dame of itg
in a yellow wrapper, three pine trout the and w+drd to hist his feelings. But emildpadon and wme headaches. Dr. Chase's f Jr Agents tvalltted. otmer, and tinder this Were two broad
trade mark, so, be ants and aooept none of AddrHse : vvitldos divided by a squat door, open
tho ntany substitutes ef the original s'Nat- dui-`whbai he IIsd ItV*tr ten' aK da mptovee limns hhe health
In of scii- it w es s sy
stdered a croute alar! It Tam i� r to �° "The Farmer's Advocate
way fine byrap.' .— -- - . - - -. - j alwAys rGcon,mew them s Montion this paper. LO.-alox, Olat, ('to to Contilhued,)
.. .. .,. .... ._ ... .:.:.. .._........_.. fir ...
�Vd6tJ1EiH1'.[Yy'JVj.�..J�'34�,i11i:.:_Samiliai.i Uii.��a,d:4�'SR+Ii8,id.' •Y�IW IYMr1l �".�':r'.�i'1r46`C�IR','9!A
MEN, you become disheartened
Ila when you' feel the symptoms of
Nervous Debility and deollne stealing
5.0 ltf upon you, 'You bavea't the nerve tr
f j
ambition you used to have. You
L til feel you are not the man you ought
to be. You feel like giving up is
., .�" despair. You get nervous and weatr,
+; �''1'• have little ambition, pain In tho
baelt over kidneys, drains at
nil -lit,
hollow eyes, tired mornings, prefer
to be alone distrustful variable
o °
r' x. ppetite, looseness of hair, poor eir-
y � culation-you havo Nervous
Debility. Our New Alatbod
i) Treatment Is your refuse. It
7 ' will strengthen ail weak organs,
vitalize the nervous system, pur:fy
the blood and restore you to a n,an-
ly condition.
Pay When Cured.
A ?l Li Are you a victim? nave you lost hope? Aro you intending to
Il G N IJ Il marry? IEas your blood been disease -:l? Have you any tvealmess?
Our Now Blethod Treatment will cure you. What it has done for hundreds of
others, it a ill do for you. CONSULTATION YPLIt. No matter who has treato i
youn'rito for an honest opinion Free of Charge. !`barges reaeonable. ROOKS
Fair- 'fho Golden I,Eonitora' (illustrated), on Digixt .•3 of Men.
ESTABUSHED 90 'YEARS -CURES GUA1tANTE,E1:1'. No Treatment sent
G. O. D. No names on boxes or envel6pee. Everything confidential. C�ucatio:9
list and cost of 1i6m6 Treatment 1•'itM
I Doe. 11 Qy N
Cor. Midiigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.