HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-06-03, Page 11
Capita paid up
Reservl Fund
iota 0 %sets
itrc.i.tent -JOH NST7 ART.
Vice -r----11•1:Lit -A. G.IZANSAII.
$9 846,678
PROt`Tel, W31. GI MON M. P, Gzo . Bo ACM
A. T. Wvoil, A. B. Lzz (Toronto).
Cashier—J. TURN B L L.
—flours 10 to 3; Satur-
day'e, litto 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards
SUL ci% aild interest 21110,44A1 •
S ECI.4 Le DEPOSITS also received at cur-
rent rates 1,1 interest.
R.41,7$ in Great tritai# sad the United
bou4ht anti sold.
0. T. R. .TIME TABLE-,
Passetui.ei leavt. lila know ,tation as
• t..110w,.; -
Going S•nith..
a. in.
14 3. in. • -
„-:1. 704 p. W.
Going N.)rth,
' a. in,
4.20 p. in.
11.02 P. at.
1). W. 'HAYES. Agent.
• •
. :401k:dol. CVnveyancer, etc.;(late
tnt .n, 119lt Jt. Canseron,Goderich). Offic
tip -stairs in AMA's new block. -
. • Mon R I SON, tiARRISTER,
Commissioner, Notary,
31-ney to loan, Office over Moody s
Rarb-r Ship. . -
• Lit t-sio,4 licitors, etc., Goderich, Ont.
. GaltitOW.i.j. C. WE. PROCDVOOT.
tir:.n and Accoucheur. Snrgery
aver J. Elli.ittr• gr..cery .stort. Cnlice hours
• Corn 9to 12 a. in, ; from 2 to 3 p. And frt;s3
to a. in.
.11-.1010O..GOIZI)ON, C.M.,
Ur -M.A., 31.C. V.S.O., Phy'.;ician,. Sur-
; • ,n. .bivt ecoucheur. rp,,tair in Wm.
Allin'A new bkeck. Resident's Roes street,
behiad t'anier.l.n, Murdoch &Co's stort
P11 TY4:10iAN. M. • D. .t
• phy4iciar and ,o4r:eoqt. ...;radmite of
T.,ront.b Uri i La,
f Sprt jal.,attention •
t• aid. f no,.';
()Wee ir •-•k. Will pen piactice in
Or Vet, r.- "r. !-•.. 1 •
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141 O. F.
.Nkiw LoDGE
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r ..t l'orest,rs
Tae.:•,, th-
fourth Tues .
tf nrOnth, at •
brethren t4tL.. :y ineit•47..
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%day 1 ., .v ;.1,4`Ith
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; t 1 r,S
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▪ :.:--.. ii.p-1.1,;•-; .iT.-4 LEG11.,A1:
...],in e.• tin,...:- in tlie tirikuk.;e- Hall,
. Cauli•b, '2 ' -4., tell. ir: i:, ,W, . Mi. the 4erond
Tin -slay • ...-ain4sof . each awl e'‘..ry us.nth. •
De4r.*--,-• ......_. • ,....1. ti 4. .e.....n:1 - Tnes.lay . :ening
.A.,., i•itii,g, '44..-tnreu 4.,t.l1a1.y in-
vited to tile wet- tilt1,,,, . • •
' DAVIS , A-R41,1F.R.. ' A . T. 'DAVI -w N.
. crt Lary • W. X,
--- ---7— t,-- ,--.--- 7-- ' •
W„ • . a....,:te. gL:,..f--7.101Teeh ow:11.40-.1n! .,•,r -tirloptthl;
1'..mperance 1.- i -n willie M-1/1 every seco6d
Wwin•snlay • •f t.i,:h.ni:-•.iith in the Odd Fellows
Hall, 1.ucitn..w, at 3 polo. NI its.i•. BitiaN,
rreALlent: M IA. 114.iltNELL.Secretarli 7•
_ • -
i. 0.0. F.-
Ltt."KNO iv
1.0411:e No 112
llee044 A' VeTY Friday eitning -.at fil ...'dock in
their hall, t"ainpbell St.rect. • All bretbren
coistialty in‘ited.. • • •
J• W. Aii.w...TF.,,N.:. N .-V ,WILmos .
. . . SGIAlqVir Ott . R. -corder
. ..\ ., . , ,I• AOUW
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----7--- "At eieut t)r4ler Gf
'--7.: l'nitet. I NVorktnen,
-7. meeti in the' Odd
---- fe1low4' Hall; cm the
..--"-- last aad lecond
•.' 31..tulay evenings ..f
/,...' each month t.t, eight
. , ,
, , , , . , . -' ''.. (,',21:•cir , Viiitimf
hothita corriallfiiivited,
:W.,411110alinia. ..• 11.1.1.Yc Li,
Mastee Work wan. - RecOrder.
GI 0
.,r. ,re the full tip, the
• Ma....nie 11aI,Haveuiktrt.
.7. D. Ns •. .HARRI 1)3YR,
W.r.41iitJta1 Molter. tiecretary
Telephone ‘..
teD 1\TTIST_
• C. A. NEWTZ;N,
Iforn.r '.:rubtate in ilentiAry, T.•ropto
Itental Coile.;•., and 1>Octor 4 Dental Sur -
very, Tsrsifts 4' Diversity. 4.‘11 modern plan.;
,.rnti.on and raesinlsv... in workmanship.
• Office iniAllin*4 ,
a•.i;lit Ripley every Then -why
Gook's- Cotton Root Compound
I.tia•-,1 monthly by over
,Jt0,0001.edle-4. solle.effeetnal. Lollies ask
your drnagtst for Coati Caws ems cow
pool 'rake no other sa all Mlitures. ptlis and
irn.tati...ns are dangerous. Pelee. No. I, $1 per
tois No. (1..gree.• stronger, ss Ter box., No.
1 or 2 mailed en receipt of price sr1 twol-esn�amt
11444 Cook Conspany.Windaor, orit.
IN, )4. land 2 Aoki and recommended by all
• -spigefealble bruggiata in Canada. •
•4 Ni ;,, •
r. D, IL Gorc,Drngtist.
0. C. McM9hIRAN, •
• B1017 -P •
• elAyi, melt
' • fie.; Etc.
For tempietc., call at the Sentinel
offices , •
• •• Cosiceri Worh a S'Aecially
• .•
cknotti tut intl.
ES'1 ABL1811ED 1888, •
d. a general banking business; issue
drafts throughout Cilnstla awl the United
State/4. 'We make collections on all pointe.
including :---Weetern*States, Manitoba and
• the North-West Provinces, and all collec-
tions, whether note • or aclount, will have
prompt attention. •
Notes tHscounted and fanner's sale notes
cashed. •
WeJoan to fa.r.ners on donble or single notes
at from one to twelvemonths time, and at
• reaSonablerate of interest.
loan 'small or large stnounts otr 8.econti
mortgage on farms or other real estate sec-
urity and pa lirst-chattel us.rtgages' on Iive
stockand.,implemente and crops.•
We have a large antount-o1 fund.. to advantie
on first mortgages from 5 per cent. to 6 per
cent, l'he rate is graded accortline,., to the,
quality and size of the loan retintred.
We have on hand for sale 100 acres in,Ashtield
. improved land, with fair buildings and
1.,e so1•1 at bargain. •
V. reprvsent the leading English and Cana-
dian Five Insurance 'Companies ,and can
etteet insurance on all elaases (4' property fn
Stork .1. Mutual Couipanies as desired.
Our office boors are from 10 a. ni. to 4 p. m.
•Luck:tow, no 314, 1898
— — ,-
The Order-in-Couneil, appointing
*Ir. M. C. Cameroi., M. 1).. for West
Huron, Lieutenant -Governor of the
NorthwestTerritories, was yassed on
Monday lasts • This will rems,Ve from
the House of Commons one of the old
guard of the ;Isere! .party.
cams ron Was tirSt elected ip 1867, and
helias Mat for West Huron nearly .all
• the time since hi4 6'44 election, carry-
ing his constituency in alias si hard
fought battle. Ile was born in Perth
county of Lauark, ie,1831, anti ia now
67 }ears old. 'His father, iloti.
.MeleOlin -C. Cameron, as a prominent.
•politician -before OtlidilliittiOrls and
was one of the founders. of the ,Clear
G.ritev. ing of the..Liberal.psirty, nearly
fifty yeark.ago.- • lie sat in the House
for a le* years before his death; since
Confederation,. 'ais: the represeutative
of South gntario. The now Lieuten-
ant -Governor will auceeed _Hon. C. 11.
Macintosh, who resigned the otlice to
devote his whole atte. ntion to mining
interests' in British Columbia. Mr.
Causeion's isineval from .AVest Huron
wilt nececaitate a F..ye-election,.. and al-
ready rseral. catididates...have hcen
unentik ned, among them, Mayor Robert
Holmes, of Clinton; Prondfoot,
and A. McD. Allan, of Goderich; Jas
Grant, of Ash•f!eld, and others. Mr,
Robert McLean, of Gaderich, will in
all probability be the Conservative
A dairy bulletisi.has been issued by
the Agriculture Department, which
may be ef great benefit to dairymen.
The qusstions of keeping milk properly
and how it should be tested are dis-
cussed lucid:), and exhaustively.
Although the Governor-General and
the Counte..sa of Aberdeen, will not be
leaving' Canadauntil next autumn..
it is Said that a farewell address wiH•
he presented toLordAberdeen on the:
occasion of the .prorogation: of Podia-
sneet, _which event, it is expected, will
take place next, week.
• Hammond's third trial for the mur-
dei;•of his wife 'has ended, as did .hie
former trial. in a verdict. of guilty.
The Crime was a pectiliirly atvocions
•one- -diabolically so, if per kited by
the man who had -Sworn to -leve and
cherish the confiding
there are few wilcowill not agree that.
the evidence of guilt' was donelttavey
Ile WM sentenced to be 'hanged • on -
O ,Septernster 15th, and -it look's as though
it issgtaing to be a case of "three
strikes" and out.
Premier Hardy given an unqualified
denial' tothe rumor circulated that he
intended to leave public: life, and
go on.. the Supreme Court bench.
"I am afraid," he said, "thitthe report
has originated from political motives.
I am not and never have been an
applicant for either of the positions
and I hardly think that either one is
likely to be thrown at my head. If
either one should be offered we, hohs
orable as both positions are, I should
not feel at liberty to accept either the
one or the other."
the Franchise 1011; bleb -bee
•been pissed'. by the Dominion Hciuse'
of CoMnoons, provision is made for the
printing of the voters' lists for the
whole Dominion by the Queen's printer
at Ottawa. The.duty is cast upon the
officials in every. conaituency to for.:
ward within tea days after their final
revisbn, the lists to the clerk of the
Crcwn of Chancery, Who will put
them in the hands of the printer, and
any otticer having criarge of a provin-
cial list, failing in this duty, is sub-
ject to a penalty ranging from $100
to $1000. After being printed and
4.41111 Alb I 117II /aeon.
WHOLE NO.1270.
finally corrected copies of the lists for
any constituency can be purchased at
10 cents a -copy.
, The bask of of Hon. Mr. 5Iulock's
new Fuperannuation scheme is that
civil servants shall leave in the hands
of the Government a percentage of
their salaries, which shall be corn-
_ s
pounded at the tate of per cent; and
when the servant with draws from
ti(ntecause he shall get his money back
sfrith interest, or if he dies in harness
tie -amount shall go to his heirs. This
will do ;sway with the injustice of the
old system, under which, if a,inan died
in office, his family gsit, nothing and
all:that he. hadpaid went into the
gerieval fund. It will alio put a 'stop
to the practice of kuperannuating civil.
servants with an increased allowance
based upon some years of imaginary
service, in ordei to •make !lace for
office 'seekers. It is expecteskthat the
chumps will effect eonmiderahle saving
to the.Goierement, while at the same
time commending-iiself to the. service
by its fai4rneas And.liberality.
Village and -Vicinity gews
Champ, or section.
. We are spiry to learn that section
foreman John Scott; will shortly be
transfered to the Whitechurch section
of the railway and will have to make
his home in that •burg. John a
firat-class citizen and his flimsy frie
will regret his 'departure from Luck -
Done to w tnnipeir. t
ft and Mre. R. J. Stinson, 1 ft for
Winnipeg, Manitoba, on 5 onday
morning last; where they intend mak-
ing their future. home. Mr..Stinson
is is first -Oasis dry goods salesn'ian, and
while'w.e are sorry to loose both Cr._
and Mrs. Stieson. 9ta. citizens of our
village, we wish them ' abundant suc-
cess in the.We4t • '.
• %an% ICIII Em
The liana, ee youngsters must he a
surprisinly Nerdy' Ciil.49 of -the '• .Anglo-
Saxon And ihoWs how the race • make
such sioldiers. • The Post of
list week tent of one of their •babies
18 Mouths old falling .from a sidewalk
to the ground eighteen feet below, sod
when it was pickd up was found not
only uninjured but smiling at the •fun
of the occur rence.
wedding Rills.
A quiet home wedding took plsce
at dive family residence of R. Graham,
J.P., on May the 28th, wben his
daughter Fleretice was united in the
bonds of inatriniony by the Rev. I. B.
Watiwin, B.A.., to- Edward, youngest
son of George Pears, Esq., 15 Grove -
nor st , Toronto. The delighted and
happy pairjeftsthe same day by the
afternoon train via Chicago to St.
Paul, Minn., theirsfuture home. We
join in wishing the young. couple a
joyful and prosperous path through
life's journey. -
1_, - 2__
South HAW* warmers' Institute
The -annual nieetiog of the South
Bruce Farmers' Institute will be hId
in Kuhry's Hall, -Formosa, on Tuesday
June 7th, 1898. at 1.30 p.m. The
meeting will be 'devoted 'to the busi-
nesa of the Institute, and in consider-
ing ways and means whereby the insti-
tute may be iinproved. Arranger_sents
have been completed for an excursion
to the Agricultural College, .04eipb, on
June 24th frdti 'Southampton- and
Wiarten lines. A' full representation
from all parts of tht Riding ie re-
Fine Lookout
This spring has been one after the
farmer's own heart. Had be the order-
ing of the weather he mild hardly
_have arranged it to edit hie., purposes
hetter, The geound was in- the very
best of shape for cultivation in the
spring, and as is result the grain went
into a model serid•bed. The past two
weeks has Witneesed a phenomenal
growth in the &Ida. The apeeirance
of the country is a sight for sore eyes,
tierythine indicats a very heavy crop
of hay—inifact ncthingleit frost would
prevent t hat .now, R8 it has made suCh
growth that droutht would. hardly.
.now prevent, a heavy yield. • -
• obituary NOM* •
The township of Greenock has,
dining the past few months, lost i.n
unusual number of its pioneers. The
eath of Mrs. Alex. McMorran
removed_ qt10 whs. has for the last forty
four years, been a resident here. Mrs.
McIltarrah's maiden palm was ,Grace
Wallace. She was born in County
Down, Ireland, in 1522. In 1847 she
married • Mr. McMorran and in the
following' year they emigrated to
Arneriai. After living at Thornhill,
,.. •
Yonge.St., for several years she moved
to the County of Bruce with her hus-
band in 1854, settling upon the farm
which Mr: .McMorran still occupies.
Of a fainily.of eleven, seven are still
living—Alexander in Spokane, Wash.
Terr., Robert is Manitoba, George in
Victoria, B. C„i Henry on the .lionse
stead, D.C. in .Lucknow, and the. to
daughters, .Mrs. I10Ime3, of Ripley,
and Mrs. Alex. Ross, of Bruce. For
several weeks past it was feared that
death Was approaching, During thb
winter she contracted a cold which
lingered i !I lier ir4 the spring opened
and which devehsped into an attack of
congestion of the lungs. This was
checked but with a reduced constitu-
tion she never fa:1y recovered. Mrs..
McMorran was one of the kindest of
women. • The will be .remerntered as
one who delighted to help anyone.
She was a model mother, -untiring in
her devotion to hes family and her
home. Without ostentation she lived
a devote I Christian life dying in hope
s of a glorious resurrection. The fun-
eral on Friday was largely attended.
—Paisley Advocate.
'14i:it' .4
V.; • * -1—•
Tall Rye.
Mr. Jas. Sandy on Tuesday last
brought to The Sentinel office several
stocks of. rye . he had taken from a
field belonging to Mr. James Gordon,
that measured six feet one inch in
length. This is certainly a phomonial
growth for so early in the season, and
we doubt if the oldsst inhabitant has
ever seen aisyshing li-ke it before on the
the last day of Nlay.
The First Draft.
In the first draft of stations pub-
lished:by the London Conference of
the Methodist church, the Rev. I. B.
Wallivin, of this village, has been put
down for Victoria avenue church,
Chatham, and the Rev. Joseph Galla
way of Leaniington, comes to Luck -
now: The Rev. Wit. Hall, of Ash-
field, goes to the Iktilecircuit and the
name of his successor in Ashfield is
E. Olivant.
-A Seat for John Dryden.
petition is being circulated and
largely signed by the liberals of this
riding requesting Mr. , Arch. Ilislop,
51.P.P. to retire le allow the Hon.
John Dryden, Ministersof Agriculture
for the Province to 'take his seat in
the Legislature as member. for East
Huron. It is understood that Mr.
Itislop has consented to witep down if.
the majority of his supporters desire
the change, so it is likely that an-
other election will soots take plass,. --
Brussels ilerald.
Improving their mina.
Messrs Lee e kt; Douglas are making
extensive • improvements to their
woolen mills, and when the work is
pleted will have one of the best
eq ipped woolen mills in this psrt of
th province. Besides the introduc-
tion of several new machines they are
erecting a large addition to the mills,
into which they are . putting a new
thiity horsepower Goldie k McCul-
lough engine and a thirty-five- licirse-
powerLeonard boiler, which- together
with: the , water -wheel will. give . thein
ample'running power the whole year
round.... •
• .11Ndling their Herd.
Meinrs:E.r. Gaunt, •& .S.sres, of St..
Helen's, the mei] known stook breeders
have decided to sell. by public audtion
their entire herd of maguificientsbort
•hern cattle, and it is to be, hops d thatman§ of thee NIL] utible, animals will
•be.purchased by the farmers in this
immediate section. The herd includes
34 head of the finest animals in.. the
provinceand if these animals areiaken
away it will be a great loss. oct only
to the section but will also detract con.
liderably Min the splendid, •eallibit
of.cattle usually seen at' -Our fa I show.
The sale takes place • on Wednesday,
June 22nd, at 1 o'clock p.m: sharp.
Schools of Methods. .
"The Bruce County: W.C.T. U. will
hold a school of Methods on Tuesday,
June 7th, in the Templars Hall Kin-
cardine•at two o'clock. • Topics of in
terest and importance will be discus-
sed. All are invited to 'attend, - An
Elocutionary Contest will be given in
the ening in the town hall, in which
silverlimedalists from Lucknow and
Teeswater will take psrt, a beautiful
gold medal -being awarded for the best
rendered recitation. Excellent tnusic
by home talent and visitieg friends.
Return tickets from Lucknow only
70 cents.
West Huron Reformers.
The anuual'ineeting of the West
Iluron Reforir Association was held
in Dungannon on Tuesday last, and
was largely attended. Every part of
-theriding was fully represented and
over 200 delegates were present. A
thorough Organization was set in
motion, after which the following offi-
cers were elected for the ensuing year:
President WiIi. Proudfoot,' Goderichi
First Vie, -Robt. Holmes, Clinton;
Second Vice, Jas. Young, Auburn;
Third Vice, Morgan Dalton, Ashfield,
Resolutions were passed, endorsing
the Dominion and Local Governments
and the members for the riding: The
meeting closed with the usual , cheers.
Orange Blouson= •
The home of Mrs. J. .R -.Gardiner
12 con. was the scene of a very pleas-
ant event on the evening of the 17th
test, it being the Occasion upon which
her daughter Katie was united in
marriage with Mr. Chas. W. Ritchie.
The 'ceremony was performed by the
Rev. R. H.. Hell of Lucknow, in the
presence of.a large gathering of friends
of both parties. The bride was be-
camingly attired in sky blue organdie,
and carried a beautiful bridal boquet.
After the ceremony the company re-
paired to the dining rcons, which was
tastefully decorated for the occasion
and where a suinpteous repast &visited
them. After spending a pleasant
evening the company broke up, wish
ing the youag couple happiness and
prosperity on their voyage through life
together. •
Sudden Death
• The news of the sudden death of
Mrs. Treleaven, widow of the late
Walter Treleaven, on Wednesday
morning last, twas a severe affliction to
the familit ant& friends and a sad our:
prise to all' our citizens. - Ever since
the death of her husband about a year
ago, deceased had suffered a groat deal
with heart troubles, and many times
was in a very low condition, but for
a few weeks past, she seemed to rally
and on going to bed on Tuesday even -
was me well as usual. About twelve
o'clock, however,' she was suddenly
seized with heart failure, and though
she apparently recovered from the
effects of the first attack, within an
hour her heart's action again gave out,
and in a few minutes her spirit passed
away to the great beyond. • Deceseed
was in her 69th year, and -was widely
known and greatly respected, and in
their sad and sudden bereavement, the
family have the earnest sympathy of
the whole community. The funeral
takes place this (Friday) afternoon
at 2 o'clock, to the family plot in the
• Dungannon cemetery.
—Machine oils at Harry Days'.
--Days baking powder is the best-
-A nice lot of flower plants ae J.
—Cash paid for butter and eggs at
J. ZIliott's.
—Miss May Reid is visiting friends
in Kincardine.
• —Jim McCoy, of Winghani, spent
Sunday in town.
--4"Sarnson Brand" Porthilid .assent
at p. C. Taylor's.
-Miss Maud Jury, of Lucknow, is
visiting friends in Forest.
—Two servant girls wanted. Apply
at the McGarry House, Lucknow.
—Parties requiring cut flowers can
be supplied by Miss S. A. Burgess.
Mrs. Wm. Taylor and Edna and
Lila, are visiting friends in Kincardine
—Malcolm Matheson is spending a
few days with friends in Wardsville.
—Mr. Frank Cain arrived home
froni Buffalo, N.Y. ,en Monday night
—The Sherwin- W ill iami Plaits are
unequalled. For sale at 11 0. Tay..
— Mrs. Jas. Bryan and Wilbur are
spending a few weeks with frie ds in
—Cash for Futter and eggs a Iteid's
new grocery store,- one door east of
Express office.
—Mrs. R. J. Crawford, of Dungan-
non. is the guest of Mr. G. W. Berry,
of this village.
—Girl wanted. Apply at the resi-
dence of Mrs. W. S. Grenache, Camp-
bell street, east.
—Two coatmakers and also an ap-
prentice for coatinaking, wanted at
once. C. Stewart.
- -Xiladatone was a king of men in
life. It is fitting that he should have
a kingly resting place.
—The following are the grain mar-
kets for -this -week: Wheat $1, oats
30c, peas 53e, barley 35c.
—WI are selling the balance
of onr baby carriages awav clown
in priOe,—Berry's Drug Store.
—Mr. Sim West after spending a
few Weeks with friends here ieturned
to Chicago oe Monday morning last.
— Mr: William Taylor lefu on Mon-
day fin. Ottawat,4)attend the Orange
Gran.1 Lodge meeting in that city thit
week. • ••
— Mammoth Souuthern sweet corn,
yellow dent, red cob ensilage, Caused -
yellow, and other %inns. at Harry
— Mr. U. A. Siddall last week re-
ceived from Chatham a beautiful
family carriage of the Lennox Trap
- -Mrs. McKinnon, milliner, begs to
announee that she will sell the balance
of her spring stock at cost during this
— Mr. Allan McLeod purchased
from john Campbell, of London, this
week a handsome waggonette. It is
a beauty.
— Gluten or whole wheat flour is a
flow recommended for the health.
Flour and receipt for making can be -
had at T. Agar's.
— A beautiful assortment of 'ham-
mocks can be seen at Harry Days'.
It will pay you to see them and get
his prices before buying.
— Nice lines of baby buggiel and
latest designs, very low prices atIlarry
Days' drug store, Call in and have a
look at them if you require one.
— The 32nd Bruce' Battalion will
pitch their tents on the exhibition
grounds Walkerton on the 21st, and
the camp will last 12 days.
--- James anti Maurice Lornbartus,
charged with assaulting Michael Dal-
ton, of Ashf.eld, haye been committed
fortrial at the June sessions.
— Days' baking powder has stood
the test for o number of years and is
admitted by all who use it that it is
the best. Call and get a sample
• —Miss Lib. McDonald will be "At
Home" to the members of the Y.W.
C.T.U. and friends this (Friday) even-
ing at 8 o'clock Everybody welcome.
—Wanted, 20,000 lbs well washed
wool at T. S. Reid's grocery etore, one
door east of Expiess office, for which
highest cash price will be paid.
—The many friends of Albert Mc-
Grego'rs of Ripley, who has been con-
fined to bed tor the past two weeks,
will be pleased to hear he is lecovering.
—Houst: Fou SALE.—That large
and comfortable home on Stauffer
street, for sale at once. For loweet
prise arid easy terms of purchase, ap-
ply to Mrs. McKinnon
— Mr Peter U-zell, of Kinloss town-
ship, died on Thursday last in the
60th year of his age. Ile was a hard
working industrious man and his
family have the sympathy of all in
their sorrow.
—Lieut. Dan Godfrey's famous
British Grenadier Guards Band, of
England, will give an entertainment
in Goderich, on Monday Juno 20th,
see advertisement in this issue.
—The regular meeting of the W.C.
T.U. wil: be held in the Oddfellows
Hall on Wednesday afternoon at 3
p.m. Superiniendents of .Parlor
Meetings and Flower Mission will
please bring their Annual reports. All
tnembers aed others will be made wel-
•—The Lords Supper Will be dispensed
in the South Kinloss church on Sab-
bath 5th. Serviee, in English begins
at 10 o'clock a.m. Gaelic immediately
after the English at 12:30 o'clock in
the same place. The Friday Question
Meeting will be held at .11 o'clock
to -day as usual.
—A man in Muskoka who had
loose horses to sell, wrote to a friend
in Toronto, asking if they could he
sold in that city. The friends replied:
"The people of Toronto ride bicycles,
the waggons are pulled by mules, and
the street cars are run by electricity
and the city council is run by jack.
IOWA, so there is no demand for horses
—Parents ought to teach boys that
it is not only cruel but illegal to rob
birds' nests. The Gams Warden's at
tention has been called to destruction
thus wrought, and he purposes making
a few examples. Spare the birdie
—At the annual communication of
the Grand Lodge, of Freemasons of
Canada, which meets in Toronto on
the 20th July next, several amend-
ments to the constitution wil; Le sub-
mitted for the consideration of that
—All cur baby =haps are
the latest design, purchased
direct fro= the inanufactuier.
Only a few loft and vrili be sold
at a bartrain --Berry's Drug
Fancy Goods Store.
• —The ninny friends of Miss Lena
Shatrand will be pleased to learn that
since going we -t albout a year ago, she
has sectirtsl a situation as manager of
ons of the largest dressmaking estab-
lishments; in Butte city, Montana
Miss Shatrand was formerly a resident
of Lucknoe, having learned the cutting
with Mors. I). Sheriff. We wish MiFS
Shatrand every succeas in her new
—Farmers are beginning to clip
their sheep and get wool ready for the
Inerket, Fora long time the Lucknsw
Woolen Mills have been recognized as
a most desirable place to dispose of the
wool and Messrs. Lees & Douglas are
this year in a position to handle even
chore than usual, for which they will
pay the highest price in cash or trade.
00 91.140,01,,
List of Cases Disposed Of
A Court for the revision of the
assessment roll of the village, was
held in the Council Chamber on Tues-
day evening last, when the Reeve and
Councillors A. T. Davison and D.
McDonald were present.
On motion of Messrs. Davison and
McDonald, the assessment of vacant
lot 129, owned by Mrs. Ann Ostneron,
was reduced to e100.
Appeal of John and Robert Moore
sustained and property reduced to
$550 on motion of Messrs McDonald
and Davison.
Appeal of John S. Tennant sustained
as to north part block M and reduced
to V.CO, on motion of Messrs. Davison
and McDonald.
Appeal of the Hamilton Provident
Loan Co, C. M. Ferrie, manager,
against assessment of the old Grundy
shop on Stauffer street was sustained
and reduced to $600, on motion of
Davison and McDonald.
Andrew Mullin was placed on the
roll as owner of lets 357, 357, 370 373,
ahd 374. on motion of Davison and
McDonald and be deducted from Jas.
and Thos Somerville's assessment.
riots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in sub
pks 1, 2, 7, 8 are to be deducted from
assessment of Jas Somerville and
changed to John Boyd on motion of
Davison and McDonald.
Moved, seconded and resolved that
one dog be struck off Ju Campbell's
Jas Somerville's assesstneut reduced
by sales ma -ie to W. S. Scott, Ham-
ilton. (See roli.)
A largely,attended meeting of the
West liuron Farmer's Institute was
held Friday at Dungannon, at which
stirring addresses were given by Mr.
Campbell, the good roads cominssioner;
Mr. Alex. McD. Allan, upon "The
care of the fruit orchard at this
season"; by Mr. E. Heaton, upon "The
education of farmer's sons". These
meetings are largely attended in
Huron and farmers always take part
in discussions. Members of the var-
ious townships councils were present
and indorsed the gcxxl roads commis-
sioner's views strongly, and it is likely
action will soon be taken in these
councils towards a change in the sta-
tute bylaws to more modern and more
business inettiods of dealing with pub-
lic roads in this country.
Mr. Alex. Smith intends having his
barn raising soon.
Mr. and Mrs Wm. Fraser intends
taking a trip to Manitoba this summer.
Our Sunday School intends having
their pic-nic on the twenty second of
June in Mr. Valens' grove, A good
programme is being prepared.
Mr. Harry carter has sold his farm
to John Gentles Kincardine for 11400.
Mr. Robt. McGillivray has since pur-
chased the same from Mr....Gentles.
Mr, Carter intends to live in Lucknow.
Mr. Malcolm McLeod brother of
Mr. Jas. McLeod and a former resi-
dent of this neighborhood is now vis-
iting his many old friends in this
section. Mr McLeod lives in Glad-
stone, Manitoba, where he has resided
for the past twenty-four years.
Rev R. 11. Hall preached a special
:tertnon to the Orangemen at Zion last
Sunday. It, was an able and instruc-
tive discourse.
The crops have made grand progress
during the last two weeks and nature
is beginning to assume her beat appearance.
Mr. Bower is working in his saw -
will at present, making shingles and
sawing the remainder of his saw-
The Epworth League meetings at
Zion are becoming more interesting
every night and members should en-
deavor to attend regularly.
Miss Maud Jury has gone on a
visit to Forest for some weeks.
The following is the etanding of the
pupils of S. 8, No 5 for April based
on pecitiacieucy, deportment and punc-
P. S. Leaving—M Brown, 0 Brown.
Entrance—B Gardner. Jun 4th—J
Ritchie, 11 Hunter, M Reid, M Gaul -
nen Sen. 3rd.—J Gardner, 5 Gard
ner, R Middleton, H Brown. Jun 3rd
—R Reid, J Hunter. Sen 2nd—W
Hunter, T Hackett, I sWebeter, D
Andrew. Jun. 2nd—M 'Hunter, E
1Speers, E Brown, H Speers. Part 2nd
—0 Gardner, E Woods,- E Reid, M
Ritchie. Sea part lat—N Hunter, P
Middleton, E Hackett. Jen part 1st
---J Speers, B Ritchie, M Reid.
The annual district meeting of the
Wingham District of the Methodist
church was held in the Methodist
chtkrch this village on Wednesday and
Thursday of last week, Rev. W. S.
Pascoe, D.D., chairman of the District
presiding. Rev. T. W. Cosens, of
Fordwich, was elected secretary.
At the ministerial session on the
first day the usual examination of the
characters and qualifications of the
ministers was fully satisfactory.
Of the probationers A. W. Dever
who had travelled on circuits was re-
commended to ,he Conference to be
sent to college.f.‘5. L. Stewart wit,
recommended to be continued on trial.,
One candidate was recommended to
Canference to be received on probation.
All the ministers in the superannuated
ranks were continued in that relation
and there was no application for any
one to be added to the number.
Two superannuated ministers on the
district have died during tht year, viz:
Revs. J. L. lierr and John Walker.
Suitable obituries —era read by Revs.
S. J. Allin, of Brussels, and I. B. Wall -
Win, B.A., of Lucknow, and on motion
the secretary was requested to for-
ward letters of condolence to members,
of the bereaved families.
There was a full attendance of the
lay delegates on the second day. Great
care was taken in looking into the
numeral and financial returns of the
respective circuits and stations. Most
of these indicated a healthy state ex-
isting in the spheres of labor. Some
have been favored with large success.
The financial returns for the various
conference funds on the whole were
satisfactory. A few brethern had
suffered deficiency, and in each case
recommendations were made for aid
to the Sustentation Fund. Rev. A.
Cunningham, of Kincardine, was elect-
ed to represent the district on the
Statsionink Committee and Mr. J. 11
McHardy on the Conference Mission-
ary commit -we.
The following resolution was pass-
ed unanimously: "That •the thanks
-of the members are due and are here-
by presented to the Rev. S. W. Mux -
worthy for the excellent and eminent-
ly satisfactory arrangements made
for the entertainment of the delegates
and also that one hearty thanks be
tendered the kind friends of Teeswater
who have so cordially opened their
homes for the reception of the mem-
bers of this District Meeting, and have
so comfortaDly and munificent y en-
tertained them durin • its sessions and
that this resolution by read from the
pulpit on the coining Sabbath, and in-
serted in the local papers."—Tees-
water News.
Mr Nicholson has returned home
from Walkerton,.
Mrs. McKinnon has returned to
her home in Calumet.
Mrs. Sheffield, of Wingliana, visited
Miss Campbell recently.
Mr. James Fisher is spending a
wet k with friends in Berkley.
Miss Johns of Detroit was the
guest of Miss .Philips last week.
Mrs. Nicholson has returned home
from a visit to friends in Wingliam.
The sacrament will be dispensened
in South Kinloss church next
5 ibbath.
Mr. McLeod, of Manitoba, is spend-
ing a few days with his vister MrL
c Ken zite.
The ‘Vhitechurch creaMery is now
in a flourishing condition and the in-
dications are that'the present will be
one of the most prosperous season's in
its history. With a first class maker
Mr. Sperling and efficient officers to
direct its affairs no other result could
be expected. On Saturday hist, 1500
inches of cream were received at the
creamery, which is away above what
was ever expected for -this time of the
Council met on the 28th day of May
and the Court of Revision commenced
at 2.30 p.m., the only change made
was Alex. McMurchy Was entered cn
the Roll as tennant for north part of
lot 6 con 13 w.d,
Cheques werenssued for the follow-
ing amounts:—James Saunders rep
approach to bridge s.r. 9&10, 12 50;
H. D. Shields, plank, 130; rrustees 8.
S. No 2 for polling booth, $4; Trustees
S.S. N3 12 for polling booth 14; Hugh
McIntosh forloolling booth 14; John
Long extra work as auditor 12: James
Thompson -cut on E.B. 110; Kenneth
McKenzie cov. 2 cul. S.R. 3&4 11 50;
David Agnew cov, bridge on N.B.-13;
Robt, Filth° ditch con 10&11 11.50;
Wm. Stewart rep washout S P. 3&4
$4; -John Elliott rep cul con 2 11.50;
Wm. Brown removing jam at bridge
s.r. 3&4 $4; John Shields rep cut con
2 11.50; Matthew Russel rep cut con.
4 11.50; Thos. Garvey two drains and
one day with surveyor $5; Stephen
Maltis cow cul and for plank 18; M.
McLeod filling approach to bridge at
Kintail 11.50; John Keefe rep cul on
L.R. 11; Morgan Dalton to pay wit-
ness fees 110; J. H. Simpson rep cut
S.B. 11; Wm. Hogan drain on D.L.
14; Robt. Higgins rep cul on D.L. Li;
Duncan McKenzie tile for drain $13.75
A. McDonald rep cpproach to bridge
11; W. Kempton rep cul L.R. 50 cts;
John Agar cut on E.B. 15; J. Reid
two pipes acrose road &It. C.47 11.50;
Wm. McQuoid tor nine loads of stone
12.25; Wm, Durnin rep two cul 8.1t.
3&4 50cta; Patrick wallace rep three
cul D L. 11.50: Thos. Ford for plank
$24; E. C. Johnston cul on D.L. and
gravel &R. estie 115; Wm Phillips
inspector on S.R. 9&10 12; R. A. Car-
rick postage and extra work as collec
tors $5; Met Ferries equalizing union
Schools 120; Jas. Bryan printing 125.
After which the council adjonsed to
meet again on the 18th day of June.
W. Sys:mamas.
We are showing a largo.
range in this line of good
dumble goods, lar.;e.,
latest ncvelties in handles.
Range of prices 25c to $3.50.
Our stock of Organdy
Muslirs is much admired and
selling rapidly because pat-
terns are new and neat and
prices right. Speciiil values
at 121, 15 an 20e. Excellent
values in Lawns, Piques, Spot,
Check and Stripe Muslin.
A nice range of ttesirable
goods for summer wear at
prices 5c to 50c.
See what we are showing
in Taffeta and Sijk Gloves
and Mitts—a n ber of
special lines at 25c1
R.D. Cameron
Miss Sharman of Goderich is the
gueet of Miss Lizzie Kickly.
Mr. John Spindler and wife visited
friends at Londeaboro for a few days.
Mr. David farrish spent • few days
at Stratford visiting his daughter Mrs.
J. McLeod.
Dr. and Mrs. McLellan of Kiatail
were the guests of Mr. J. D. Scott
one evening last week.
The sacrament was observed here
during the past week. Rev. Malcolm
of Teeswater, occupied the pulpit cn
Wednesday afternoon. Several new
rnsinbers have been admitted te full
The beautiful weather is causing all
nature to appear beautiful in its man-
tlellif green, and the toiling husband-
man else:, is clad with • smile of pleas-
ure he contemplates the prospects of
the coining summer.
The war is one of the topics of in-
terest as far as foreign affairs is con-
cerned. But the prospects of annex-
ation in different pat ts of the secticn
is the main item as regarding home
matters. We will send the result of
ihe meetings at an early date.
Rev. 5, M. Whaley will preach the
annual Foresters sermon D.V. on &b-
leat) next at 3 o'clock in the church
here. All members of either order of
Forester:- are cordially invilied to be
present. Those having badges will
piease bring them with them and meet
at the hall at 2.30. All are weloome
To the officers of the High Court of
the Canadian Order of Foresters:
BeeTlittLN.-1 take this opportunity
to thank you for the prompt payment
of the claim of 11000 arising Nit of
the death of my late husband, Thomas
Mattlift, of Court Sherwood, No. 69,
Luckhow. Also for the help and sym-
pathy tendered me by the officers and
members of the above Court and the
funeral benefit sum of $30. Wishing
your Order every prosperity in future,
1 remain
Yours Sincerely,
Council met as a Court of Revision,
there being no appeals against tbe
Assessment, after an examination of
the Assessment Roll, it was adopt4od
and confirmed, and the 'anseesor paid
:his salary of $50, also $10 for the
equalization of Union School Sections.
The following accounts were also
paid: Hart & Riddell statiotherf,
t10.30: Joseph Johnston drain taxes
wrongfully charged, 12.30, $1.33 to be
credited to drain 34; John McLeod rt-
pairin cutvert, 4th con, 75c; John Mo -
Dougall o, 50c; John McKinnon do
4th con, $1; Jaeob Miller gravelling
on 10th side line and con 2,11; Jacob
Miller covering bridge con 2, $13;
Thom Brown rep cul Cults*. boundary,
$0c; Vw Fraser rep cul 10 side line,
b0c; Win Bailey rep washout, 50c;
John Perdue rep bridge Huron bound
ary 11
The f, llowing cheques were then
issued: Jab Johneton, council fees,
110; J 11 Kaake do, z.210. Geo Moffatt
tie, $10; Thom McDonald do, 810; F
Henry do, 810.
The following amounts were granted
to be expended on the roads of the
Municipality. $303 t i be expended ill,
repairs on the 10 side 'ine; and by Mr
Johnston, $75; Mr Kaaire, $75; r
Moffat, 1125; Mr MeDonald, $75; Pr
Henry, 8100.
Moved by Kaake and Henry, &het
the sum of $15 be grantei for repair
.of the boundary of Cuirass and kit -
loss, bbtween the 10th oon of Kinks is
and the ti,h of Outran, and $10 nor
of 6th eon of Cuirass, upon °amain -
Lion that Outran Oonnoil suppleness
the same by an equal amour'
Carried. .
Relief WY granted to the
parties: John Armi
family, $10; Elliott
tor Morrison, $6: A
The Council th
M1 n on the
ihey wtli
vive the pare