HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-05-20, Page 4The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce Oounty !ridav May 20th • i • HRU E t OUNTY COUNCIL. Sixteen of the eighteen members composing the Bruce County Council suet in Walkerton on Tue4ay after noon to open the tenders anti let the contract for the erection of tbe 'House of Refuge. A building cotnmittee had been Appointed_ at the Jiee'in,g of the council in March but .by 'an over: sight power was nut given thew to: act. Consequently the whole council had to be called together 14 t1., the work that the committee was expected to do. • After the reading of the minutes by the Clerk *the Warden read his• s,•ssion report which was referred to 111e Warden's committee. • • On motion of Seott anti Vree4oru the tenders for the House of ltefugge were opened and react. Fifteen tenders in ell were .put in ail but two beiug for separate parts of the work. .On motion- the tenders. were relterred to the 'bail -din commit- tee to report" thereon. it the- .evening session. • When the council iUct. 18 (ming session the let ling. .'t►wlnit.tet'- sub- mitted the fig , ow ui.. repot t. iiCl`Ol.: ►E ltulii= tit' is r.t'l.►.h'.,13CiL1►I!4►• t•'JM)tirree To the Warden and CuunciL . e,f the I)uuuty. of Brace.: Ei*!tTL r)t�i:—T1 a 1;u ldllF�,• Com-. tirittee bt:g to. re x rt thkt -they ' lee e ei treftllly exsutinetl the v►%rit►u,, trisdere for the eret tion t4 the 'louse��i•- fuge whlai .htivt• been -referri' i. to them and would report: as follows; -' 1. That there are tier, .whole trig►i►•rs received k► v for the %rh olv w.►rk 1 'us fjfov► 3: — N o. 3 of Messrs Cuwsey Young of Stratford to inel.ude red or buts preset brick fa iu ; at 116,90u in. in- cluding common brick at Zlt►�;It►. No. 4 of Henry Clark- of Wslkertun to include common brick at • $1$,S03 orincluding Don Valley No. 2 red brick at el9,64 , or including.. Don Valley. buff brick at $19,6134 Ur includ- ing Milton No.. -red brick at . *19,- "43 -4Ihe Sab heads Them Alla' Clothing Boot$ & Shoes. 4e51$ The bulk of our spring stock has arrived, which consist of the ilobbiest and i )est values ever presented to our custom- ers. BOOTS .A_1\1-13 SHOES Below a few of our snaps Woman's Dongola Button, Self Tip, Coiu Toe, sp ?,cial $1.35 Woman's Dongola Button, Pat Tip, Coin Toe .. .. 1.50 Woman's Doug. Button, self Tip, Turn, worth $2.35 only 2.00 Woman's Dongola Oxford, Pat Tip. Coin Toe.. .. 1.00 .• 150 e►� 75 Men's Dongola Congress, Coin Toe, Special Men's Dongola _Laced., Coin Toe. Special.. `ten's Dongola Tan,. Laced, Coin Toe. . CLOTHII�TC_ Men's all .Wool tweed suits, best of Farmer's satin linings, worth $1.0 for $9. T: IStev's black ..` enetiali coat and vest, bound, and best of linings, only $6. c. l � � n' s all wool Canadian tweed suits, Men's good linings and well made, special at $4.75. Men's Canadian tweed pants; made as .. veli as.tbe best, worth .$1.24, now selling - for $1.,$'0. . y. The t;oaiifl ttee have considered all the tenders as per the requirement. of the plans and specifications as a- mended and adopted un 19th ul'. suits which were the basis of each tender and not,upon alternative proposition which.have been submitted by some of the tenderers. • 3. The committers have carefully gone over the various individual ten- ders and find the lowest, sulruiitted for each class of sol k were as fr►lluwv 'it: Mason work, Ed. Cawsey, . si.00.)1 Carpenter work, John L Young, :►1+ ►► Lathing tit plastering, H. Carr 1�. '►+► Painting tx g1airing Harvey ,i Sole agent. for Williams' plough shoes. -Si 3E side laced F'Z�R Family Groceries & Canned Goods. FRUITS OF ALL ,KINDS IN SEASON. FLOuR, FEED AND ALL KINDS OF SEEDS: rare rEAs A $pecialty. 1 HE LA RGEST STOCK, THE CHOICEST GOODS AND THE Its se viAzotre OBTAINABLE IN LUCKiJOW. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. • ••.:.:.:..■.•..• ■•■,■,■,■•.;.;..;. fr JOHN - ELLIOTT. STARTUNG ANNOUNCEMENT ........................................ Mrs. Smith has just received a consign- ment of sample hats 1 which she has mark- ed at the very lowest prices, also her stock � of flowers and mil- 1 livery goods. MBR.011) ERIES T T.EATON DID'NT CET IT ALL 2mairresto• as Soautestos. Have purchased several complete and extensive lines • of the finest grade furniture of the Lucknow Central Furniture Company's best manufac- ture, • .Just think, our line comprises 50 bed -room suites of the most modern Quant . 7-0 Galvanized iron work %N. J. Whitlock Plumbing, heating Siad electric . wiring, Keith tl Fitzimmous 321;5 Slating, G. W Brown J Itro, .:' ' 730 .rte T 017319 N ► ►te—The offer yf Mr. Clark for lathing and plastering is conditional ' upon his tender fir carpenter work at • 15800 being ac,-►•pted. 4. The committee after a careful consideration would reepwmcod the acceptance of the tender of Messrs. Cawsey & Young to include the corn' neon white brick viz: ??.16,410 be ac- cepted that being the lowest. All of which is respectfully sub- mitted, \%. Rleit cos;_chairman, When the report was read Mt. Moore wanted the ii►A)rivation on which the rep►rt was based. He was referred to- the plans 'and specifications. One cf the members jokingly suggested that the apecitication0 be read . in de - tai: for the information of the council. The suggestion was taken up seriously t,y some of the others and partly in fut. and partly in earnest the architect was called on to read them,. Mr. Powell is, not an elocutionist by any means and his attempt at entertain- ing the members was not a succtss. Keeping up the joke the councillors felt a call to go to the anterooms until only a few were left and Jihe reading was ealled orf. The ineetiog then ad- journed until Wednesclry morning. WEDNESDAY'S 4LMBIA . On Wednesday morning the report sus again taken up. Mr. Scott w ,vtd an amendment that Don Valley red pressed brick be used. 31r. Lieaemer considered that the • time for receiving tenders was altoget- her to short, that all the tenders were to high and that some el,angea could be be made that would bring about a saving. He advocated throwing out all the tenders and advertising again. A lengthy discussion followed ()ne of the contractors having stated that if yield atone were used instead of quarry stone, the building could be put up for *1,094) less, a motion. was brought in by Mr. Thompson to ask Messrs. Cawsey (y Young, the lowest tenderer', what reduction in their tender they would utak') if telt' stone wire used. This ni tion carried, and the Warden made tile, inquiry by telegraph. lo the reply the contrac- tors gave 166 as the ^mount they would reduce their tender 1►y. This was not considered sutticierst tr, ear r-►nt a change and the Council proceed- ed to vote on the other ruutiurrs. Mr. Lieaer, 'r's. iilOti'm was defected by .' Mr Scott with a vote of 14 to. drew his motion for ret brick and the (report of the Building Committee was adopted uaanirnously. . MARRIED! - Rip 'HIE Ou the 17th inst by the R. IL 11. hall, at the residence the brides mother, Mr. Chss. %V. Rit- chie to Misys Catherine SI. f;ardner, all of AAbti,eld. • CATTLE E:TIAY. *rayed fr.m the premises of the under- used, West Wawant„th, :o yearlings, 3 :rd aim s, 2 ha•legstar 's their face; two L'rry *sets, 't rod heifers nae spotted heifer and 1 whits baiter. Any information as may lead t., tM to stssovery will be suitably rewarded. ROBT. MI'1'H at Helen's P.O. of . MB Caen the Rovisior. of the £der -+ moo Rona i b• sm+nlcipsaty of th• .w>rbip of WWI Wswan sib, will be held in t11B %. Olds Room, oft the :3+rtb slay of 31ay, 't" ; as lane) rr'cb,ck 4.11). K 4. ti. at C la)3TIE. Tp. Clerk. _AND. UP-TO-DATE DESIGNS� We are now selling our regular t;10:00 suites for .1►0,. lliglier- grade. suites likewise at' our bargain prices. Furniturefor your rooms and pictures for your walls go together. Our goods come from the best manufacturers.. We handle nothing else. PICTURE FRAMING -Is a feature of. our bilsiness. . We can give -life to • your ba • re walls; This is the season for house decoration and adornment, and LAWRENCE &JOHNSTONE are well equipped for the saute. That Touches The $pos MACLEOIJ'S SYSTEM RENOVATOIt ()1; Weak and Impure Blood Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female complaints, etc. Ask Druggist or write direct to J, M. MCLOOd, Goeelucil, Ont.' Sold by Harry Days► Lucknow, THE:—.cL 1A, T. PHRENOLINE DAVISON, REMEDIES N FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. 'l'akiu, the seal erywhere. We are working day and night to supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that - hurtdreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happiness daily. • Try Our Rheumatic Specific or ' Kidney and Liver Pills. They are absrolutely pure and health- ful. Guaranteed to cure Itheuma- tism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. Beware of spurious imitations Manufactured on Honor and Sold on Merit only by . . . . D 1E RY & C COURT OF RzviIZON rITI I E court for the Revision of the Awes ▪ silent Roll for the Vi1iag of Luck:tow. for theyear 1KyK will be. held in the Council May -31st 11 + at 7: 30 Chamber on 'Ctie:�lay 3lwy":. (, w. • Hre;li .Moltltl-u)x, Lucknow. May loth, 18'1K- (-lark.. COURT OF RtViSION. riling Court (r the Revision of the Assess - • meat Itull, for the •Township of Kinir,ss, for the year lttori, will be helot at the 'Town- ship Hall, H►►tyrood. on Thursday the 2t;th clay of May at 10 a.m. PETIK KEID. K?nl►,rss, 11s►y :,tb, 14.»4. 'fp...t'lerk. COURT OF REVISION. 'ourt for the Revision of the Assess- ' went Roll for the Municipality ►►t the Township of ,1ahtield, will be held inthe 1 ,uncil Room, on the 28th day of Mee, com- mencing at 2 o'clock p.°s`V. ti'l't ►'1'liERt3, Tp. t.'lerk. OL EMAN'"S.. •. SA LT tlt'l;.stt T.tt,lery t,rl,in'e Uoseoua I.so CoA QUALITY • • • CANADA SALT ASSOCIATrON • • 5• CLINTON, OMT Having secured the premises lately occupied by G.W. BERRY as a Furniture Ware Room, I have -recently fitted it with the newest de signs of all kinds of Household Furniture. As tl quality, they are unequalled. Tbe,price is - away clown. All goals are' bought for spot cash, therefore I c>,n'sell at as close a price as. any person in the country. Why buy in To- ronto and pay freight, subject to damage, when you can save this at home? When at a. T• DAI VSON'S inspect and be con. vinced. THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Is conducted at the old stand, which has been entirely renovated. Embalming Preserving and- Taking Cara cf Bodies a Spec- ialty. The Embalming Fluid, material and ap- pliances used have proven to be tbe most effectual that have ever been used for the past twenty years. scd-Picture Framing and all kinds of Re- pairing done at the old stand Tie".aifter. Wood's P'hosphodine, The Great a'nglish Remedy. Bold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discoveSts /sages guaranteed to cure all forms 0 Boma Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, ([ental Worry, Excessive use of To - boom, Opium or stimulants. Mailed on motet of price, one package $1, six, M. Ons wW please. tit tow cure. Pamphlets free to any address. Mao Wood Conway, Windsor, Ott. Sold in Lucknow by Dr.D.M.Gondon, Druggist awn - Mowers . ..******•••••••.****••••• Persons wishing to keep their Lawns in groper order will find it an easy matter to do so if they use one of those Lawn Mowers at D. C. Taylor's, Lucknow. They are the besttmanufactured Prices that' will suit Carpets, Liuoloums and Japanese Mattings are now in demand. We have good patterns and special values to offer in all these lines:. In . LAOF OURTALNS . I n different widths i in 4 1-2 yard lengths which are away down in price. Lovely pat; terns for skirts aud t shirt waists in differ- ent styles and colors 1 from 50 cents up. MRS. vki74. SMITH M. OORRIGAN'S Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISION I have in stock the following : tpplea .Slacking Black Lead Blue Baking Powders Barley, 1N►t Bath Brick Beans Brr►,rms Baskets Brushes Bi+cnit Coffee Confectionery Canned Goode Cocoas Chlcolate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates Dried Apple Extracts Kura p'Wi, awned il'illh, dried 'Gelotise GiHisaoppa gere Ifobey Ink. Indigo. Licorice Lime Juice *Lemons Lampe u 'blotches Mince Meat 7 bless Maca4roni 11ast Meats, canned Magnesia • A-1 'Flour always on hand. - Nutmeg i Oil, olive Oil, sweet Oil , castor Oranges (Sat Meal Pails Peels Pipes Tinkle Pesrlia�• Pt as;ca*>rhd Pe pkr • ftalssina. - Rice . rice Floozy Saga ' • Salt - - Saloons Sardines . Senna Seeds Hagar SyruU. ,. 4Sodi I"" ,Spices, • �t/tarch :Strawberries ,canne !Sulpha's' !Tapioca IToinstoes.canned Tess Tobaccoes Vermicell � Vinegars tWashboards Washing Crysta Wr rodenware Whiting 1►inner Sets Yeast Cakes i )inner Sete 'l'ea Set s Water Setts Cream Setts Berry Setta Toilet Betts People must Have Groceries The grea►G question is where to get them. We keep the beet qualities to be had. We don't pretend to sell them below cost, but we do sell thein at a very close margin. TE.AS Mack, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from us instead of tea peddlers. Compare quality and prices. CROCKERY" We have a fine assortment cf dinner setts, tea, berry and toilet setts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. FIJOD-R & EEED . All kinds of flour and feed kept constantly on hand. Goods delivered to any part of the town. McClure and Mailough, CASH SR0C:ER8 :,- High Quality ! Paterson's Biscuits! They are fine flavour, crisp,' but not too ]lard. I get them often; I get thein ,fresh. I know they are al- ways good at A. XCKozie'5 MU$IO- TAUGHT Lessons in • Vocal and Instrumental Music and Harmony are taught by MRS. M. M. KEE, at her residence, Gough street. For terms apply at her home, 1 R. P. Somerville, A(iEN r FOR Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships and Dominion Line Steamships. Tickets via New Fork and Wontreal. Call at F' ' r "ess office and get your tickets. We will secure berths, check your baggage and do every. thing to save you trouble and make you comfortable. Wanted—An Idea aft�°'3sof� oor Mesa; may rstai i Alf t co I Mei eLrIZes We can give you a good article from 25 cents per flair and up. • Our Dep(lrtnteut Is kept supplied with the latest styles in hats, ribbons and flowers. Orders left with Miss F ontland are always ready when promised. e WM. CONNELL, - - LUCKNOW. READY MIXED PAINTS. N + ►w that yon are doin_' your house-cleaning you will want to do some painting, we liave a large stock of AIL THE BEST SHJIDS. ,. Then your walls will need a new coat. We can give } ,►11 a slice assortment of tints in WALL FINISH .AND ALABASTINE. We have a large -stock of brushes for PAINTING KALSOMINING, WHITEWASHING, Etc., at all prices fr►)lli the cheapest to the very bet We might also tell you that we have a full line of Screen Doors, Screen Windows, and Wire Cloth. Our stock of Building Material is corftlete in all its line. C01/1111 IN .AND SE TTS; The Leading Hard ware Depot. Thoma Lawreucc, - - Lncknow, Ont :Oa—Linen and woul cover, steel rod, assorted fancy handles, guar- anteed fast black ft snap''. $1.35—Gloria silk top, steel rod, black and colored handles. $1.36—Moria silk top, steel rod, extra value for price. Parasols & Umbrellas . We have just received new stock of Umbrellas and 1'irasols, for 1898. Composed of all the latest designs in handles and ranging in price fionf 'up to $5O0.% Below we quote a few of our specials : $1.60 —A special line pf satin 1)e chene top, wood tod incl natural wood handles, worth (42.00 regu- • lar. $2.00--Ahoose good assortment of ndles to cflora. Green, blueha, etc. Silk top and steel rod. S • $3.00 $4.00, and $6 00—At these prices we can give you some of the nicest things we have ever had in the parasol line. Woven edges, silk tops, light steel rods, plain black, rolled gold plated, or pearl hairdlea. Every parasol at $1.00 and upwards, guaranteed. J .0. Murdoch &Co, BOO AAP Ifyou want the inside price in boots and shoes, read the follow ing. We have reduced the price of our own make of men's laced boots. ' Shelled cordovan from $4.50 to C:3.75, and men's kid boots from $4.50 to $4,00. All lines of hand -made and ready-made shoes in propor- tion. We have a large stock of boots, shoes and rubbers in all lines. Rememoor, we warrant everything we sell. If your boots rip, bring them back and we will mend thom free of charge. Repairing done on shortest notice •NAAAA•kovemAmesANtoteltAANNAANIONAMOVOIAA4AAAAAA,Nw TERMS : Cash or credit. A liberal dieconvt off for cash. LIT mews i 1' r 1' • Y f