HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-05-20, Page 3;ZIA OF HAVISK op MOM and anall ha t tery. SAN Tile soldierii f led ne to the inaiii-IlLnti, v rye WltJl pain, dreaming in OMBA Merry Wnt a bout, and Commander eth'e'17a9OIlY Of the loved ontw 'at home. MEN 1 8 crew 48hore- They Then SUNDAY 10% �_ 90 t6 tile rear and we tim our- "Iet 11M t9 th� blockhouse after haV- g"Is at work—see tile pile@. per SCHOOL THE FIRST CROP 1119 Hearched ati(l.'foun a QuantitY'0f haPo, of arms or W gs armo 1111(i BOWO Official papers of tile wood elloppod a (I pit tOs"d olft like Spall),1411 coma, �Iidint- Them wore put Then go U ed up In it yard INTAign Fall Wheat Acreage Nine oill bottord the 11chUm -to the- licitipitt'lls and listen ATCONAL Llvasuf4_NU. V11. Shall Nve eAd-ure Of- cure OU tIle` Moans OC the sick and dying; see WAY 22, IS ' J Sb i PS for Th ree lVa i�; 98. U QuitV up to rs t-110 Pale cheeks an(I the lack -lustre the Average, T11B SiANISH ACCOIJNT. eyes; what, Woullili, 90111trene and de - Cardenas Had no — cay—altd`-rewembi�r this is war! No The Dy ....... ACHES AND PAINS ? Defence and Only Two . matter lion, rightieous -tile war may - - t. -- Mnt't 25; 31-16. Shelled the Place." Little Gunboats. be, It is sconiebody'a f, tlic-rsi it s"ome_ op. Ask those who have used of CONDITION OF THE OTHER CRO cable xllYs: Tlw ro� body brothers, it is sonlebojy9s sons Versonm—The Of God. 1,114� all P& has been fl(Pwiliz that are gxAng thr(migit all thig.,, e e 'I'lie natiorm. the wa avalia received 'from -Thle [()"Owing is tile first 4-stin,HU to Deco), It, At 8 O'clock Testerday wO cut' lulike it clear to the Of tho cro1w for Ontario for Out 3 Spanish (Junboat and Uot Trapped fl' 11101710119 thrm large and, threesmail world that Spaiii Is responsible for come., Tile conf" _011 of ma 11 CM011 Am0rican sIlipV tho (Jestruct"t of our battlimh1po nig of tIW memiall and nlade, rtment of Forthey know the comfort of pro aPpeare,l off Carde- there is no llu�wtio' Him jUdICIal dealiug witil llim wryalitu Agriculture, mPtr-ehef. :`,panish _sa Only Two Gunboats FouXht the In% aders 11'01 our being able flad.been Portrayetl 111111lediately by tile 'Ontario Depa Ek)mbardme San 'small- was dpt-acheti to be lutle based On tile reports of Juan %,% u'llifie-,I. But` -i-4 it tile best I'Dre anti now tile ptolilleti, whO litilded'near way, because, be- U10 reffulat correspondents of k Alarmed till, fort and seized it. They 260 men Ilave- already UltMIR and takew In trfe clance Bul'oau Of 111duntriew The returns tinj nt -Not I'leard Of at loVashington New YOr ' the DeSpotch From Dewey The V W -4i the seniaphote. St." tion, also been killed, tO kilf tell or fifty or a natiollb—a ju4jewe udgluen t of for tl10 f irlut week of May SPanish [:feet 631d to tliking. hundretl thoottswid whic-11 in to lx� be at *4 more—not 014 prf* Fall wheat—Our NOVember artinique ers. She Amorkaus,* llut tile Lord whelf, fie wiere to tile effect that toile -area of m IRIS CONY1381flS. PARALLML 7-0, SAL Watching. Meanwhile the, wa '81)aaiiil�rds :is relkirts Europe is I ePastiff"Itrilb prioon iticId OVer, by, rulliPI Ix-gan a Anil tgd it nover wefl ? returnn in 111ii glory. --if Yer.', Atigely fall %vlm3at had twn Iffeream 011818 PAM furious cannonade. Cart!en;lg (!Cv.s occur to you in.. &a %%'Itil Illin—They tIllalle .do not pot�wxs- defen, t1les6 mIttt"s Ulat it it, never (444 Of allykinif,itutj r is; at tot, tilt- little 'Kit-& lietw011 that gets killed wile 0wo.n. 0F T11 i-, fly male %V'til cially "I tit" wo4tern 1wrt of tile S T t Ahe Hill), both for statp anti Charge of the Prunet&n oLv&kV Agam n riw lot,:Itll t4 Ligerik a fill You 90 -to war ? Th(we men Tile, fir -tit tilpe 110 d1wx-ndftl bmrr stiff lnare va in.., to. f klibouity-LOW-V weie- in I)orL. They that we l'r0v111(`,-- ulki ithat the.pe would liave ill a fiviove Hilould son(I oilt it* Yes&-nla P ied to -ittatok. Tlv� .%Iltollio I- our armies, tht-,y glory. 11 t1w "iertuanso hojvt, 19 Ill flunli fill "011; flow Ile cl)"beA In cuukiml. V-) fioeding by tile droutl "rs but for the* delay jA War for VenFeance for an offence It, W30M tit"' krtprim4m 44 tile ot reslKnolble.: Why ulloult, we -z was '(1is(LIA61, -theiit'! The poor 8paniardw that 32. Veparatt 44NItpelliberantl tile A o t4l 1111181ACh the vlftilw of tile kA* Olt r I tor, [roll, -s1par. August. of Th;� I tj tvprlw� it) It( kUl tim �Z4)rl)04i I "I" t early Ion rt Unproven, ji it. J t 1VillAl#).%V Was 11. tic-fell(letl tilt! Ulu first tA.) the litsio; if w,? 111itt-orts fron, 4.(JI. UW- Killit")at fluttsol I ratigib of it 1, tr:11`011441 tO JVft lit Willing tdiiii, kvvent_' w4)nI(I* meet uN in llprpnee,1they Ure d01f*t wpurate ourwlveg to Itaittl tn! t" tit 1#rig,"de lit Balakinva. sixjually M&S- milf)-op battery Md econilm-Iled PS to tetirer Witil vY 9llIIN,-ivro-vk#4I alls.-I risiffled I'' con- OW bra, vellft JUP I If thip IM "tll(*'onPK that bl"w up thC�J%I111nP- bv-Vil 111 by mratit 111 "'out `fthm the crop ellinp (put THE" ww's, tilt- (J4 y do( Nit, tilt $1114AII(I kill P that , 4! effect, i1irkw"it" it 111KAW dk.&I flogmf. like thl. tiflenly'..4 en.w. :iII.1 got .1. 'K. 1W t rtl mpring in aloollt till. . 1. a %.I&go Ile elpig b.), W st, ne RIUMANITARIAINIF,11,1 j1U1jBU0 '�'Itir Ullisi that hitindpriing exilib'(6m, rs. Nfill 'llaxa�ti lf%c , cim.: tit larbor f4)r UIP I)uriKvgp fill- 04 -her 4-.' .11 tilt.- flitiot 2 Pat 11 Or *All k*;s' I!fk WWII. wiltuers or(, New yr Church of tile thP - ldwep . froall I is It ente're(I tile. whiter. There The Ift(A)v the buil(If-r "'Jilet441 of C"UrW- GWOrgt- I, son it 19 " _t t ; if . Wt Hewitt It,. tl'V 9110A.-Varr. W; 60ntil 's lit, Atnerit 0i I lot" I ork. 4vert, Ul :Iltif\ 1 '4willie I-Cfiri*rlt I gun"ts merifew (4)n4parvA tts tjlj� 1)tl14.0_ I - T1 A h0lil" n1f."tion Of Vk hich 4 4*r ll-�- ,rill ItIalwo WIN t`0figr;1-t_ 141 -4 P'lleiplier(If tIlfo 4 lists toile flilu~ lifV1118.81 vervalit Atlau-ll ill#. :1110 NIKV' I*xtOwf' Uk- ninin stl I", or tim. VOrlier the stor to, 111." war,ithjt 4 of till. 11 citiotlemis.- ) t lit, " utixwit ILI is 10 4P[fi,*,r Wits) varrk,4,1 tolls. tw- flot 4! i. Was- Noton. thin var�it. rrtmt. but tlu-.. of r%II1otl"`r'n9 111141 of k;ligllt injury tv,11tim "lit *� went IrXevption ifolillf4411y g" - "y lit hIJV curiotitily rva ter. (to rea lit'. grajitse,.-vil tal. Lit- "'itr uteo"Itgd. 11!r too, AuolwA,#jId, I&t till. f *rekl' fly tile sh.a-.�Jkv TILt lorc-parations liltvfk lot, lip 'k-11 tit$ harin ;llnR'ars to Ila% 00 11"n-Ighlol-ntg wilt) IllA Intin-twd tit tit jell t fir t . 4W ullti� till otittery Wilts S1l41l(4Nl- IpV riglil*4)u)�. V lit' t done All, for tiff) 44euee of Las, 1-111,U&L' Nfl, KV)Iq(4 tlito ('Iloiff "Pc )is to roo-ift-Tour, it 10o"'413w lwtvownry .4. Tile b..4 t ft 1104119 rePorted non r of th -ri, r ,q.1yK:, 01111 No* r#4 t4louldarfis efilitt th ^11avo.sixty: til,M- ori, I.' "I'llf r"w ('HwN. Tile I lost t%vo wt of the - e war prtx*A%%io1I. Mild, jig,, t #at -f 1"flas gul %tc ""Ish gimitivit Was dvlqtri�vvl. Or ti 1111.vil tile fit Altril w, '11"Aoritble" ag-cidplit ill t4m. Prul)' at 11-11Y merifice 00 of Car- 1411. ilastilre de1qui te has' * 1*11-11 ccoal tile Or'! in r frolu favf)'Able for Ilav- Kit Ining, tituc. 1lpr alom oP0rt4'1j.tIl#- [Irf, of tilt. Sio:111 illf; k% ing N1110, trtx)l*i :jII(1 lilucif t -119'11t,41. tbf- t1l" tOM-11 V Var�1#4ims wt'l-oll ri6.. Th#* f rinu fill V21,11:1 re. I M4 at"t , harbor itit4i dwqlll, -.at rly 'SdIenutrino "lilips have (rolo toMM)IN4 UJ, 9 Mist Jklthous, ulaft otir,duty.,etiim, 111). Tile Cu n bou t. o4v varrivotl a ervir (or tit-pl Yl�stertljiy Id led lionor, It Im therpripro. ill. ttlis I. Ill) . 1 11 rillfis later to huwallit--. Not NO CdnigT49w. it -1, nwriiing . - M till- plant It. is 1 I"' PlIMP9entent $bill'- 014,1 four. to prot %%-it I ships wet t1p.- entrative oil Ity 04 81'efolict-414fiett tim. fi,1411 4 uirdly ill fiv- it Jim(&(] us t, 1. 1 Ahe it (onjiitl t Uk- atoitorrinit voiidi­ Imnititt -lit" :100#19 .0101ty Y�S -Ali" 11-1#04411 fiMd n-pp.1 tAq I .14arbor of cafjiz. t %tar I X 011 n advsfKw; P .1 r, 4) 1 t "R'"t go tw" tho bw abcot]tt ;Lt, o#I till.. 1114%katlp 4f A'ar-. vurupg Vht)t4jr ht CIA WP%Vj eiii-ly lift Whorp tit)'W learling tg) thl! &nfand tt we", thp W01,111fir-41 hour, 06 Ill 00 af*; reigils at, :11 Shilep—lippr(bW11 #at Simili - I CItIULWU'.Y 'AlId' fear h()Iy. fillininer fall '*r"ck mKllw&11tw Of tilt, stot�.am)X-Jitts, And fluit, Cubit finally and fom-ver kx-. Ina W rf,porting tir UM [fig vight taillillo lit' -Thi I r or tile k%_hp-tt 14M. never TIw gulff offioer % euvit4ts. Every iwkgt IM4.11 I Strik'tion (of It 1311itt"I Stlt tilt foaded ti It. 4; n,,,r(, loronils- Itil r%t4-rti [""ter ; - i - 11.101i:vi, liQkts V, tit "Irgo lit tlV,.;har' 'l:4uff'llAv4b- Ing- holt inatly r tA"s Ila t t 1# Uc'rw% a Id, ltulllwruv r"lulu-i"LlPf" Alsirry or :tilt r .111all; rmk,;l11X toffievio t�f t fir arms :ind a loor, steant ;J11d, Kali, ling -it f k^141#4 Wflrd,- )Jtj%�tlly fore- U144 "I t till,. In ralk - le Wuln.si lint idlill WIth 2(of; of tior litir tri-c4b Ilit%, pan*41 0,%,ing t4o tIll, pproachlti tllf� Villdicay. hjrj�lg. the -fa. (.;gilt -sht?re.'st;vert1 'I-' tO Im- sulik ell't" .311orriso till, .11141 '('11 , riwo it, the of Whilffflftn frit -wily iftit Ill the' barl),jr i4g;jitiot tjop off flitiolt- for LW th offiedorls all'I vn-v%. 4-CM01111dkIrs, anti tol'I is" t firay, *11141 jll; th4vit. �Vatfnw. Irs klnl"" illtO tilt- 'llarrow n-aflily (not captaln) J. 1"111131 1101) two the lfttik- torfw;tv I"It fi:,,% tItill s of -intantr tillso "Itil tilt, lift Viiltia.­ AI, dim slightly woulilli'd. #VXcept I )a t.. 4 0 _V' it tile first. sign of Oil Iii-s-righ.t, 11;1114f�lt 11 fore. ( - ltr.*� livi '11, euht4)Wa ' tll(,- tiniv of YOU I n! ('0114lition i fig jilootifill drawiriliflo., till 010' �ltoro' ffre-ti ry in juilici wits' 1-:111"19 ftl, *VNI1119. xives The preftont tuay eventuaSe op,,rtw ous., I it wa r repl Wilb I tilt, f ielt'is it PtL I Y. "Yoll 414, lot, "tcu Worti, s svriopK 4 tilk- I"vtg. it Ell, � -i(�Il e Ty is Saw Aho Spanish � flect Is to two USP 11110-y I'll' I Ine ri-treatelf. the 'riglit w(flil Itmok '%-'IS t.. t )I(. &I flailld ( $1 oil . telly - however. im licot it,,' tack the N(irtit tl,l k"I"'t -Abirtinique, '.Ill or tll�p Jua In "fully fillartt-4os. ill several rolilla th(' INktteries pil Sq-ilt- 7. t*.91. -111 thf, Vay o;r- ii thl-Tort aud tt - 4' WIN, r, willittA­�(&r I arnly r.,4 aldlig tiff. to SIMI (rntral ' ctowil or the 11411111lit"Itarintlit in rkmij; 1 bring yoij IN0rjtjV1. :1 rIN 't ho -rd. have lOwn for an'l. tia ntles ;-X)me 8Y 4-3Y. ill it war ot .(w4k-I* to 4-11 thriv . N-..ttlo, fir% -41 -all I'louching up, flux &,0.' ALLY T016D-4 1111141114%, I'Vag fori'li-ro- it, to,. V%, rl, 114 from U) 011", lout not %-'"Ugen '%a r of ueloofWa 1 0 9908A GRA ' ii,; Itit. 3111114:1 ea t0. writo, tli.,It tit #,,U.*1ll, INX-11 41 t.reat4o.-,I)II'L 'agaill '-Itt4bfllpt1-Jl -*ng Kong -to -day that tit() lo!(�-k;tde n"y c0filikk-rable 4�xWut. spilin, for ItA part, be- -ti what it Hot" 1�reaV_ of tile enjif. tile t -lie Yollak, 'i vt hif lu '"01 ill r4 -114.1k. 1'r-, flil" -r. lik�i 6r. 1114. the Philippines, is _re_ Ifaillf'. -1'f'0lfd'n7OIl1Prn or- Stolry of the P�u to I I �trtrtly 11lili,it. (;ull The biv.11s in tilt' tkoxtrurtloon to( dere;l hffn itu 1'(N' of till, ,Pitding fcor tll.f it. in. -44, it tV 01 tho cald , "Pot fit a' Wer West :t, I. nk: 4)(1 'Itil tat or Rout ix 81 1 I 11"I Lt 'sl) -1 MY 1W met down. ato, (juite Up.W ftv!diftili,�Jy t" ri(ip tit[ I 1`11(i that tlh- eable lot' INNIrd'1111" Amer' k 1 1, hill, %ilit-re, 4 lfelwe%v ti-wrti is stuff hi thki ft%,t;rng*b, and tilt, Al Which F'Lve Were Kiriv-,I. ifol-111 fit 1111lig" 'for wit-ke*,l 1110-li,- V "IN"RenAwr tilt- mailit", is k% ft field. The ie yH, illrli4-1t YOUIRIZ Inall jlak(l: Of Tlu. or4l ifesig- tion ill' tilb Itvilrniff(! rondi- To' it lautt It fit) roowie I read rititing tx-jtll t..11,, gc).,t 1111,1 th4. tot doolove thi.- Tio. 11.1 t fly:'%villk h,,avy 10.8'. 1. Spaill, Mitille W9114 NI.4011.in '14, Nlollra! f I rat w4tellwaril all liver thim'JU-Imbliv. #�Iltvr w 4 Of Ma y a %"e"AR. Ulf' is U14, l4tring 111111 A ttit, 6 -*.'fair." T) jo c ku t(, W I -of T1WXt 'flit-() tol--arn, if nd VVIr"Jilogtoll .11111i till- %,ots: Thell fillf. �o;lv! of tha WOO our prow-rit %varlike in(A 41- 1 "Your fntuil,. 4.,,q %urfp 1*1`44 of rourto,,4,1wlid� ulot�n 'W"t- If I had itist i,t1t, rtb, 'Tho British k�'c(11141 CI -ass ertfli4,-r 11111J, -*,11 , .%-4r*l ' I' -Zl,: I 11; r I Vr, It, I.V jlpl, 6J fir, Apt lit's larrive4i tt Till- y t.i]nl,*. strik-tioii (if the. M:IiII4. We wouldo order y4ou wjl,l Open 401 11114111 r 01�,(-Ito �111c.s I fle. 'i ' L -ollf. thor it for tim W1 N I t6. Spon- rn iin py e. laord titus cd the next six weeks. Still �410 70 r 41,J ivr Tilt, length o( 114. lor("o4%,tN for rei *tAory our tilt :;ZZtu frout wvry lyllig it q14. t Vow k Ile X16"t, a Cq 3 W9411 ;Lt,. a r.ifiv, thiv bonflonts wrotA-..%v4 r4. f:i%o atioull With SINjiff gr, . I - : I o"t. IlIVV+t;iiIl- Tl'w. 11ritl rhliff. lvesw�l' illy'. Va t-I.e I. - 4,or - 14 ifil cWtIlpr AlWimi ft,�- Wert! xigra.11f-d fly TI Ise A r stay it Ule titi i IR.rt) I no bt V it, if lof-fol'unot Tilt. firing 1 6 acknowledgp- :1 Y Your Pilo ah. %'Ing (tilt 4)f flimetv,l yarilm. $trlt t -I r, the sitilliti4n iti (-Uj)a. Ii it hall I iq 144 1 - L Ill" lisp tilt- loy 'froNt, 41%, firing fill teo 0- r axV.1v Im-curri for tiff. kwtr1li!ti(jI1 cii 61#,� r. vt 0 "iniply t'litit 'till -Y if V'41,early'lonrt (if If the X1.0114. 4 alwt opefted firv-,� 4INK Jri toil', fl, -r April- flat,". thf-11 but tit. woul'i lot flow be ill Up. U'ot' tlknl 11 K1'll1)p- 71wl, di(I wt J11 nvarlr'e%,pry dimt riet, As hit; sl It gn"Mim-no.. #or 1114-11 kat -i 101 U1141, wena. lian,-4, fo.- y 'it 1141 uxtent Ji.4 alluf*4 Jill tit, StMI'lish, g1InI7J),It.'4 if t 14'. far, vilIXIALZIli 011" 4;1, t Irl t the .4 7 jvA0 llr4*-. girPo 111W joasox,41 till- islatid .44ri)v; ,is sall(Irs stf".l 6 Clip., evurvivOrm 41a,l -d , Wile,, MR. F throlifrit ;Ig Ifer With ..I six- "'I'd Of4u,orreghlor ALM hkv A Plkhh. 'wq-nt numy Llk-ir guits, tlw� thought in their mim AmprNwitid I Wdered tit#. ni tAl 1)n!l rot-forto; dehi-rifiv. wJim Ill)& Suffering (-qa. but till. d O.I.-Ilquip rb I lk:. T0* 14 !. tile. r fht,­ �kW/1164V- 'I - - - -s t f(w,-ki fq)Jj%n4ji(1. ill lit *-4 111114-11 t4l 7f Iluiril'A U) Amnd the Abhutt. Ity 4-rha I of upw I,a,fJm. f,,4,1"Arth J!a llplo�n t-114, little IN'. awmidy : 4#63,wly f ro -Voltue #;I 3L tiff ininalf%, g In S ti'01Y deed dotw Lco their mml, - t`y-6,-V"I1 %V-lrp lilunterp,f. Ali- LIM- VV 4,11"KNIV-041 Wall] wilmingt k U111(nis.; ON fory Ijil,., renglr'Ab I tl� I OUR wa MMIll tid sit w, bell the' MAWe was (it tila Ilk Y()lJ qua rt4-r lot- tjh,. Pins, 101, fron- 7­� t t Iv lorti."41i -i't Is sholli'l -1kV. (aktil Winter if ruit.ing '(ft"104 r4our fluty AINIke did #lot Stand the r r, PRO 144 11 r.,,i k It" rtir u - wtro ed. kt'fii I)P their fire. lot, 114kit.- hilt llfvt -.4'. -.1,1-11SIZ11 to) if' lit! and pre, 1 .1 it rky I'll" y"" "Ot turn for cry Lit every rec :isi(16- lit 4 Our -land_ fcorm& The reaAx:pIl, which tin ad Wounded. 1!41 j, as bo6 I%t4)rm Jiro- i iil� Ifin), Wit vto% er. tile Uabje." morta, I I 1)?viring in t 1k.;- Y '14w'" th4' turt"Jo Iwo il Tit# of. lie rf4,0rf.rV,, I l4.11ll)ti4)11 . in grehuy ill tilf-Ir copinitiniq*.-IN differ Itifitiotratiom at Wasilingtou wouI4 but di&i the to', the. 4*011- Ila%.,o to IWIt (Jay J Ill, iLu QV% - we v ­r. K- in lit- t4%, to, thl'?, 111141 all Wilt). t " I - - - It eeept- itN groWth .:IX being %I% "VI lol!l lit jillfetit itii , 1 a(i%A114%-(I for the a foray w&s M Z�e alt�erell for Vi f. lciw , (I V01146,ring reawn at all for war. be About 30() Oftly for tile two T111" vrew of the wilre. t;r _bnl4m tile one reason u It Lnia t,IIg bot I- rPolitined allve. tmt the tiMP ( Ycar an(l fully a i On 1%,rd --Baltimore Sam, P �10 -%ohlier and sailor. The reason. It, ins), (1011; UP htill tho unqt, tIll't-,11 1�16 othl-rs iI:,1iIl­t4)f1 -1 --h 114, v"vk i ".", . I A, , MAI -as bcing rati r Ile granted, 10 more huluan thell flu- hi�r* U f-critre itntl t1le I"N" h ali 111if wil 11 1 rd. Ili m0#It.VM.ti,,I Inatte. bug we have trot, yet reftelto Is tiff a va nlii,. witIlin a list a s tile Iwights Of Alublitnation. We fiLn, Instant %kit.. t 1A.V0,11 t1ii-I 61illifillow six. olit ( (" gall Vo T011 an I 4frift 11 Ji Ml-�Ww!tti p�t� t lit: II fair bite ror cjjttIt! .1 uwrl w,,. I. I af . Ii.-iff 1*itv� 4(j K rorix4st, worki & fiitert!y 'In 14 -Niny. all'i ea at tit(. "R.9"111"M not Yet and Ue'rer will be a Quixote (jf Is I t. 44 1, V--fiI :4, Christlitil �pthlr..4, till. 4- nicely it' f IY fruit trpo I - rLb Mh -r vo;.) I 'Iw- 101.0111�. ti IIIZV,1.omiI`tg. I to bloo, , , _v -,A. A CHEAP '"DICINE, o MUPI' %v,.nt up from 1.1'. I,A" avofl:g r [A)III141,iti- J 4,46 Care and-vurtu eril It. In the 4.aA- to I re, of tiff. 4 on 101 1'r ship.)ing. 41A -fatlig-H4. r0Vif1CA!_ &JU1 Wasoll gr'ev"ces- We fight be- t lit, Sqhniar�,*� rt ` - �VAV Of tilt- 1, A fierf ull--er of lyll.l: alf-blic4l.. t ll"'0118 %vanclerin& the world roundl t -he I - k .-I'lliluiltre. TI f i r41 ilrstY-Ilt' tort- datively 111rori. "'Vile our batt1whip was dentro ed, the helplesm co" r '% i -- plititl Coulitrits %riji. I - , [11.411 - re wa t�-br wtik Y riv� Li %` trenelief"OuNlY defftroyed. its the pins& C11 111a* Of Amexicaus bp iris: liere. That Will promptly &ad W !udijority' or &jtp 11, The Witull- ivm-� 4 art of k 1114 tl I porto "'Niliverh I fig Ington run rto,.! araiiqt IV(! StAwk ';Ov#�Tnment endeavore(i to. Y. it' Cult- (of 01141 Wit til -is a tr:i Owi*lt. Tf _w)k life lrt�Orleti- to an it ruk-, are 1, 00 Wift$141W. S114o, r,,in. nInIlLr- "It. Ulf. fillilo-r -It' 4N(A" #Atl` tuetory (-h;l ra,*$&r_ l0'll'luI7At this Mau and to put tiw can. wit iftd-' ther torpetio, 1w),Lt .3till ti-luel ti, fine condition,alth trouble %I-itll tbrw% ti- ta I 71 aritiam #Ill t If t t 'It-" ougli groupki of Iligh &Orality whiell is C:I t (Pecurre(I here alill n.10) it`ptl ti 0. bulliRtlity. UNITED 'STATkS FLEET. 16. Na kod 9T-9pl, he-11tis, be Uat"W44, fight mule, HIWh. Of Ridglatown. tit 11' TO HAVE BEEN BOMBARDED BY TME 14 ot SAN: JUAN "IS SAID _pain upon a stl1W 1)VATI1 rNICINKI fly tile fflaW (_of "tit Mr. John tip tiwV tiltilk., 11S t 1 0 - If If 0 In 114%. Maine. lie H&d Spent E)011&r Upon JDOII&r in Ca ble rollowb;tlif- out l4`ok'11K thinner jV#j W in. u4Prifig tilt, p* excelotZ%ill ylf�xt lwit With tifiligg that* tilt, W11 h 44--Abled the : al-Capid I. Is the glArit.. .11 ling I or fo -re 'w. 1.4 . s.11 I tl ird -wo 1,111111,10�_ -n N fit) flqi 4-"1, -I-I)Ift- - 1. f .1o)41(k,r ivoultj tA okwtructiotl- to 1 1040114,.r 44 %'iftwow, i'llis )r we littitgry.. (-or t 0tw it% r44wjrt4-4l'* 4 If' "ildl rruiwr Vv�Lrl I JIISAP-at, lif. give*11A, so J It I. t Other pmtenw im litlinbug i 61 llv t t t I)Itt [tell iwilitr 11', all I* too eat-'(' U11 Valn JBefOrO FUdIng the jKlIodleinto Plollml, . niUkl. %Ily .. I I . 1-Ifew lit Nflaiatiii. it 10 - I 'IV) h3tterip,4-'i IIy1V1:k!riW. If bills t)e tollf. A.I. ki-ow, i ; -- oxt-lit.- !�hvdbfp -wriuith. Mo- That Curod H11n. if -Tllq� North gi -1 1101 .1 Ink . -0 of barbariniK tIlt-n th tilat ex 4,rnlij % Aor. 'ifir. ti% hvlt -.414 tile' "'IB -1401101' -fay rtilling. it, tilt. to ex.Nt. at 01.1-11, Io tt,41I.- r f. 1*1611911 tilt- w, "I irital "fillp,. 0 -v.bgv1,r-, 1 11 Ul tj,.j y ill. t Ili. S of tile fu:"Y '11111 strone' an! Imrharisim , rg"llt A Iew A -a,,,.,, 0lipflino - The a t1p ^crijis . nitkim 1. tio W)UI4. - J%-f,stc. I expl000l" ail. aToat-Ir6*-.r_ (),r Inpt to Ina ke It Lent ..!Ilttvv -wettri-41 :lh -Vt Ifillitif-if tokir. agilf ut, the kill4A 4 S Vi, I tip fAw aille t-lio * -Iiw" f o-. lir,vfi.hr, t le. I MIS if front lit. rn4pilli.s. afilwar that hwmf. other Illotivp gtifff.fw wa t4, -r: tit# ;1 g rp \v,' 4 -au, say -4 ; 11.*1`6 - . I - to' t ilk ill r to st r t4'n t tilp countr inwa acknowle alo n 0- I.r: W f -4gp (From Vle 8%"n-dard. 1116geWwn.) 610.1 (it r V lob( 110. 66tilf. t Wits droinvtj jt�; 111101. Ca viltf% '-wsotiffl. luicklS J "Ie " Ito J'O)M from w0ek too week -I boi tit: 6f thig natlor, Ili lib"uni. -JIOUM 37--:1u: J%,Iiel 6t:t U31 .0 It. %vit]. ti i7 184 w of the IIIiWVP fell Olt f 4 b_Xf t tA 111(v Tlw.!a1l_^ t 11 iz� ror ry r a Olovo-11 no ors; _U,041141 flave ureff effected by I if r. Jw.r- .1'rairit. U-4t1l tlip V Ti 1., 11 l)I(A("l--6thiI,04f dcr'k. 11ne ()f tf�li. lle.ttl CAVIZIfT j� I-I.Pr . . I, &-,. elluse im-ing Ill Slaille, but thf, Afaill,(! islis r"Prget w" of 13�nk to \v -tts I flogn, Uri. -rewrr(- linconselotpi Ituillil ro "I)(� if I #vr. ilk �6* 1 F4 If 0 t`(J�l I I*F J )a I'll. Ieft _"rook lyll, *11.1 v y la t 9 ItOm 124i tot, 8:1 ltf`_I"`I lid -414110014 1)ver ..flw %I,- t #)to '1k A(tual fk"�Iilliug ltv--L�11s-y , ail to V'Ve',rfont4-tn.b6r IM out KKps tilat f1lillk that rigbt in their mkifilt 11 ';tilt oy�. ti'141�4­ li J.'411 I 1J.4, I it O'clock od, b4noc vag lfrlljyllt� V. life our eXIRt inany who have been relleved - -,. t) r h. 11T, 41,111iroa0 tlli.,;' morning Noy hall. I ot to 14Jyr troop" pr0paro to ill - hi..& f#.#.t ro-Inglit itt for t1te &r I It w I' -, ar Supply Mo- irivii rail llfttjl#�411 Itt4 rj*. !lt.4' lev fill 4 Olt flik- rervilot: to 0 utri 16 ,1; jilt tifix point t4l tit -r - Id an aU If, and fit, suppl, 1W. X'S-'�Ilere it pip ,a rs to bc THE CASE OF ANNA LAN'Dis. orth 4f) 114vo 41111W �t kurphis, of Till ire) 11 b4 J, . "I'W'.. rik-Ars, for, Wisenibling *of ! I 1lee" . .. 0'.11-4. 4111 U thest;. K kff I tilt, 41, too t lit, irttirs 6.1t The War - Wpurtnie 'Christ. IfIlIl.*,I t.60 Chronicle. f rOzn pa in Blidt 6uffering by tlw um� of With *h.1,4 N flit 11.1,41 -,it�f fay,* 4r, #4 C, )III11111"telY 'ttorn aw Ift, tlfgv el-li;Wilg qprf 'till. !1.1 "'tn'derful., little Pillff after hav- K .4111h. v .0.087 -rcol till. 110114k Y Ili nearly vvery. *-e. red I ry., _%%,jr ga. This onibral-es t1rilf'k, 6111f� (it cork. 4N -111Y P,.,�tvrd:ty -it is f ivil batteries. -Si kor.- Lf4;1-.t tof 110.t, of 900-1 . quality, JOil" Hitch, bn,thrton--I)rhnariLV; 'the Iews.; ,ej y in I bellero(l thO torped' he crop "t" -itle-0 S, afU%rh(x toHor Benetit. %' -1. - li-rs to "V, qXitnents-and liffily ill U100 -w,-1, tho Secret.- t`l'bi A0 Chickaulau )"Pit nwreiful .1114 4-y4u_ u tile I'rov- 1,4VIll"Ier, ry _fin. it U r part rir kils' -I)r)dy ai-. ,q6irl M_ afill -V, t4%r4 M. I I ti()U HOW a Wom wifftA untOld agonfaw for moonths. .4 -1 U-torible y. (it l0v . 10(vo, butsnor. It" d Sto'naell was IRt-Movc d tild he) -P. tit 1-111 Much of t UIR13 well and altl Tho coluuIlli, )f till. t It'sov roil#41.. ,n)I. thrivigh tim-fil,11114V. kit 114.,; o boat Jougla of favorlibly 'known -t h9 fair oirl I 111)Ullt of W oir lul 4 '1' (*111"IfIVIN il'ith bf:o tilt t I'llro�V-.0pr if']O r-%-;# t it) t `Ill ()I)- ser.rice a" .'Made ready for 9111113t fam- Ila' :11fpilory 36t - ?I *1111i gain I n it few weekle. (of first-oass gun- collflty, Ovv�r ready. when opWw- gil Ill fit tile tile -Atell. b0irs 81101.0--stru(�k fig too-thes -I.-irge (Itlaut-ity 1 :1 4 t..*I-14..,.� With tilt' vlet!trij tfW renjarkahl" t fri., the l4`*fJo;vrirfg. Stm.. .114 t 'tile Wit- t)w.. o1wrati0l, ;wrforint.1 III- � tut"ty offf too i n arr'131 I larl Imm -d 'It. lilt .;I,t the' 4:iiritt -it t rd w4t pric*@ w6r#, low 1,11 "Lt bon r4i ttw WIHSIOwo, .4hother trap 11,7j,j ( ts -1,41 tl' f -Wfo- .4v;8 ila Lq*0 -Sellidittor �Lll -it.,4- il-tifil, T114. 'to 4-XII161fi, till- r6it 10 ' tPrIgagement: 'Im 4P-1.t't1l4b1H Wil-trivat 17ill* which C Zliriell, S-witiel-11,17114 P 31onroo� Vn., ­V4o;iff. Alirlst. I 1. 11-4 -Iof kr41 r-g.tiodifig winter. "twateKI or fi4A,*,,4--.. Lif�kjt. 1. 77110 WAr. Depai IfiluspirtV.101. it' hi Is, 4 1 J7.V,L (o.- InoV:I I id it tLr*vl (A recOmmendIng them to Ili" 111111(b's A"14"' order x "" of themp- "i's 811d was never , 1: 'Pr"L w'141 Ah4AIt of.'triumpit %vi*n f, 1111orfrom kill, 611'a L A top ot 'r t rtinelit 11--ts .118sued or- Ifis woed., mptily 4-litilu, t'lillt "'011inflodi ortoma(.Il all4fAlle, rr And "'r 11) W-it"lill tilat tile �hitrch t Iere is, a fli Let 14 IN. )i".-1 V v fir# ofr-114141. uin the L'TA t thers1l. nil Ahl% -r( �ra A n"rt. ships about cur-st-41 -Not t-il'u t in Ao kti MY 001. flu lo'"et fttt:'(!hn.,t (-of her tot%vifolilig, rePT4fts-M.-itive of the - if- 4 r fir 'of - Fatfutr* rl.. I'm 1xv tile" I rt I's, re I I on Ow York- 11.4 IN Ki I I; I' (or P 0.1 isilp anitio, 4roO 14110, ic"varryiiig. it.- IJl#.Kst.4J. 11fle lily left. Oots- J16A U',Wkt waig dknle Vlif'ili -shall . b- lit Were tw tA) L- now of t1w ty.- I ; t (it. 1.11 tlot Tf o svvi­,rin, 'until: further- noticc. im 014. gift of illow frt ��-1 flit 11 .1 i I g. Anioig t I if. f uslifil 'during ly friallve It -till - 01 Mr. Hitch'o reconjnwnjilitiem. Villa �wrft I*t 11 1 fl I Ald during, tiot, latit I if.? Nhejbi - tfut hartuir all y1t (or. tll�1806`ket tb ter, I' AVI'll *ftUVV't`P,41-J ill Xl-g_. W-1,4, ra 14114", A I I 1�4'411.fjt :11111VIS ('IL- twWs* e I..verlat4ting luo'' a rt op, .Iiiarkud I,v -as r4act+ Fkm--Thew im lio, n;.111f.41i4l, 14118 -a In rip - I'llyrIviuvett front t if. I it, 11 nv .,;J n Tit it lit' .11ollfits t lit- f If.!t-f I. ly "11 t . 'y tll#'rf' Anna 101t the'll to . ;140:, -a" war- York Jourtfal. tt;o- %% '"I ti I� in- 44d '-upoln ting.n fill, I a Its) folicerning t1le' f14,.ei I% I " 'lying 'C'1Ik*l 1111011 Ilim at film honie mbeengly. was trowi t 1:* 11 AST,.f I too* iVitis Lrrvat ".0-41tetion.. fljor tIll." ket0fl, (Xills, l"J"'It'tY A% I fig 1wr taiii; t P -r ths. tillle� ew tl Xolle of n -cover tliat wentipinan till' or purpo. luc fm adly tiff-tilrCt, with niin(-'s': Aliffi0ral S., . M w. of JIM111J.'L %fib - rris,�'ll. ax Much a tile wfl=All "'110w sto. Ww' obi`ct i)f Itim Visit. Xr Hitchcon- Ir. . -I im y I it to a 40, 11`444 1 fills' lot. 1*1 to Wit -1, -fly- to (kwti-63o His Mo 41t,vif , I.' -I t, t hts. W41 V tc It 11 in fill - I ' 11MV91 bor tI trnwrs I I -C" Vk` t1if-ir tit .".1ectrit. it. Ni.-IKII Ilipt lillig 4if The atoory is %vi,ry at ths- niervy -r t t 1,j. wift' 't. - lot, f lf4't IN `lViar ww.- lic!gill it (4 flit' -'�lotiflNb 11i - tip WV141 provit.A F1 I?$ 7r' h I.X r)w If tilt- foli-sult of -et". 11.11t tilt". f4br all pipn,, III:lrkt%t, crontetl a4.tiv,. WUP1N LN AN foll(pVrG the It 11fl,.4,011 to r` t1) till- ra"-Il 4-XI'llmleff bv Ito, this test or W1141 V114ifocs. `k%, lit dur" A E (if Ing t1w swi.6-II.-all, - Xtrefixtil WI 11 N' oMMUNI Witil 4*4 Ow. Hn 111111141um, 11(stintity Mst tak.en vrit4h 11, 'a toN% 1110 lht,. - KiKilixi to tllli -111" JNTEATIJoLY ISTM-cjla-;' t r I,.- eurrent fort et-pilf 14lence. per-. 11.1MI. -114tt, fo t1k. 4k�vil ven- attack of Ill Cr4Ve. from whir 'I;J;rovs or'.% link -J11,4 brMalt rloth- I.t .4;fjn ff or. !rop Xf 14 tit". fie4r :111 111;. shvilmi WAN r4X 11111:411Y.. after il'td# the. "'IllslooW. make V419teirthl"'.. "I niolf-'atti-I 42'. 4:1. tivartoem,. :1 It I,# trwed to t1lo hOURP f(Ar 00ftW Vilig r al"It twpllt * I kit' r tiftld. filit tit#' Ag;1111 "1114 r I Liellt4 4.r I &r#.- "At if jill. lll)tA-d.- to mpt it ir I - f it I'l Is .4. t if tile iire'to ill fa rn Inintitsw. th,.' friml t)11.*.;oI#,l-k, % 11' 1 n t4.4 a r #-I lot . gh V) tilill1j;t . r $of tll#.i -iINI1 b1liblingq. Aer bf, r- 1174, 4-)(.- Iffiff"'t,11 atopr"i trurk t 114. f,l P.,4,r I t if-ol I*. I ro w4 It, Minh t1l"'i" Tililif W11101 followed by avom bra V41. VO)ill- :,.4 N 4 00 thr(AT-a Tilp rill# jildging t1lowf, - fia%ing ri-0111 it. -I i: is I'nd BwOlIl Rip of nvy lower limb@ IV T-0 '1V "Y If1t4) 'the vroA-11. th'it.-If'rt 1XV111 elflilloy- t littif. er ift 4 f0jr. Aorking.ow- t rim ops firt.1 :1 Voll 11A) zio, I k rigil for. 311d, A*i Inp %V -t, ol "WO! it totplit, it Ife- %v raplof others. 1`114111 Mill JV44urlifivir 9-c ve rit I Mfor tilt. Inki artiaf Ill Irrif)e. 1. a physician ^nd jw told j n tor. - va tt it. '00�, "m trw­!erk :111 ellipt . V lw� cti6r.v Cft!nI!A1A1i_. ill lot- uletA-ll up I if. - 4 )%V4PJl. t0i 1,&. re" to tit: I& Weis tho Winslow. for 7 44, lioi.l. not )u Ill - tialla l" 4 'acut- rhPullintiern, filifli, R tiff M-11 ion 0 ill it.41 tit WN R NAUJI& .Tlw-rt- -L4. :18 IN+ 11"'Ir his eArP for titx)tjt two Illf'J"O' her i 11.1101- 0 14, P -R NOUNCING 91PAINis - 00)"111 40:144% e4un I to th'. tie- 01INfless lot, r( nift!01t. 4)f 1611(mitell !bs, foullol tha t tip, Ilp' 111491[Py, A14 lie (fit 101,11110: Ill`$' . 114. ir 911koll offi, W-114 U.11rLble to f1tranoi alo", 1")1kr"I towart I I -t he ef, M_ U-shel 1, t lie pi.. i I - I!, many, grq.atllf-,�.w (jif tilingm -ttir I .4'f 11179 goar "441-11W 'k, Pecu Ava.q 1:. )1", . Ire I . Ill . liar aiid D-itficul A el'I"' I of I IY Ir hen .er tor till. h- r, till1k :lt.tJ.f1t1 t 00jublin or ej�jl. .4jgllirivallt ret i - for f."t. anim' nrrangy, t.11s.- It tor 11 ed It Ir 04 I-Kva r. ift to k4*:1ti4J' Ion* or Letterg. lilw.. - - t 14re all- o t1l'ut, U16 hins lif'r4. of this a Is. Itipf � lun fly. VIV& bl't when, I ent staruNI w r# 'IL -k- 11 a I;lrgv� I., to -lit That s4i.liIiVj1 io� 4 ClU68 (if -i:l tioli .114K t4) fnil,ke A few etefoti 111). Itno. :1 -IN-tter fi ' 8uelt IN tilfb '4111swer that n1fall,ij. t1to 'wtv ift worm- or IlAv f., Tlie trouble was prill(.1ptill.T Dcowt milimi :tit tl . 1;k to t("'- AS -ho --i Wa te r t1w, voiilb �li I t4' -1 tv 1-4-pt'for fr1i'm 111f. 1111dw, , wIk4;i-rt-.1 I,", rro,l 1, IW,+J%v r f 'n I I h WkV�w:itv Alifit-im; pol,culiaritits. plilly I I to r ri'%- n. 'all'I witfl Af.1t ei1'rK4?tt4.1`l fifCt 1. fru:ik 'tile' heartm are, Iloi%- 1,1111?a n tern -It tflf% Ifelrwarol Mllar(*41 tit,' me pri'dia i t'N -,f, I- - - -`41 iK9i41V4AS 414AL 4#1 -rather inori, in tfi(j. :""-1 clung tO flit' all N;jinnwr " Lf.t., fler Ilif-rul.41. '*:*�mil t, Bagls-v ral :1 hmile tI, 11Tortf4,I , 1,1:vri- Itotl haek � I , It o4llimh tou-n -Whht wieko4l. If t1tem. ilv urtailt.;' ie 4kWPrVillg litinihi of litrawrit tit virlastilig (I [Ito t 9 t "Iniont evi-rythilig tjillg T Is- hill- It %%ait 'tiw an :in' 410sir.-il, qys� - 0 The - avoi. lit hitirt lit folit lit th'. 41astern r -foil L tot n. I,at,40 lit' IA 4,111 111-144,0111- 46. W1994-ated, ht+illg to galli ilwflxt,�tft 11 slJOKIM ill) front Atil lt t roo,i is tile", to) lots-. Nt,:t rM.- rf k- it r iritt,ill tbs. i-ery I j! list t 1119) 11,41z4-41 ill till Wt i0f alway 19 i.--eterna I. -TIN. �.l Ills4f t'le PoHioll t1lat fX job 14' Inpn Oil holl Prtl lwprt o'-; me I r t I t of mollllok4l like the- English Wont In ti ig':. blit Iteither ult,lirillip r4I I tit" in .1t, orklKinal. Thf- flungti to keft Jh 111110. wilislaw 4. fillifill"., .11' tit lwfor4. J.*. 111 11 thirmt," the ptnialty �tf tit, 4,;, tor'l_ was .11111jiltatoll'- IN g "Or Lilminetitm nliplied f.lg@�r 'Jig fill. bril Vs, 1,114,11 k,4kIP t lit t, lillig a illing f 14 all III(. tilt- hir am ti "Y X-vd' it's' atltv relwi Tite ""'I' Ill 'tip lia rt I la r. (lit a I.,; Of rfXI1t44,'A*IW -Whiotifill: lit! rft 1ppeat, aw r was onry c,00 . ;. 6 .%* 1 161 't 1" 1-1 141 t 14 fitdl litianwr voilicertwol, 't C a It not long- -aelling" f f`Ar#4 triful! other hiort.1 Is. MWY to try anything souggeatk-d. I t 14 t W.0 York ly, Chritit. r 14 �4' gv't _11111rother Im4. .11 tit#. 101,11. tfit'Ir t%vio, TAKE, Ya UR OHOICE - or t f,4. Varr "unr Nit tilem -Werl- on ly. 'thrvo- I is al I t1for,V6. at r t;l., * .*Ili: .40.4fl.14111C *1 If . I 'LIL:ot till)# I - 14), . Zlllll till.. Al, sportati4i rniy_ or-. :i -s Ill It is 4kII 1111twII-41, fout,loy ino, Itio-ank Rmlllt "larp upou 14,tl1l.j it -it ra,4t 01:1 tir till. . :1 , % r% illa toy tl:t fill%. fIx-j-11tift,li tit 111tive a Itw0icine. but all to no purpow. The 1 ifiNttifift will M, it toil :1 IN 14rt k1fori, for Lit.l. sitollim-11. 4iffis J)f tilP laist wtek I wits attp"diti by a [lily Yit- NOW fl-Vt-r4trie 4 Wn S, J Ta jr, I,:1 I%. il 1. We are tive YOU Will Sele6t i.110F,41111_8 101f .1 110rovoll IN'lug witliflult Ilis ott*iau It e(wt 'Ile five dollars. p",i V t Frizottolto-4,j .11T. - nopw . till lot ..b.- I I I In L!4 or t "is t(l, It we 114': V., V-14. rot [Lt( -. I . lo"ir"ll ig 1446 imwt lw% having about that tiffm rtbad in 1hp n,,;I­ it e2sw IN 11:10 nio-11i. I �. %va"4 E . * 11 r4 It ilrni,fl frolo U:I ha 11.4 11114 4 . If -110, t W. the Diamond Dyes, -(*ikvt V) nu* entirl.1%. kN kw.; Uwn-kx-p.�- - tiffo Ile 04�% � (X!Iit N Nrsttv If I newsPOW1`11 (Of the work aoc*ollipl fill .,onlf. for f 410,0*111'tfo tIlf . il ., # fixinevr, 1119 On -tile rx,". _to 'Ilal-k ;,fill lit, V4,r.; xvilt 11l-oI)l11)Iy� lg� ti tird MY -11-1111o. T64-cill):1 . lim Io,n" two %vent Kft a (or '411 It i 14,4,r 1141.111 f Il'i t Ilnually ed bY Dr. Williftina' link I'll)*. son -.1 :111 t 11, Now. vogile tort - Ing^ t 4 vx,k *-ith Iris 1,11v 61 11 Yh' viotpwileol 4kf tlin,41-niv"Isf a 414LY it %%-(lull eluded it was 00rtAi"lY -.Worth tile yv i tiff. lixiling. 'bilrN lif4vvvo ry tt KISION it. III -0; tr)..;IW)i1. ;tf.f i,( t talie tg4l. poii4l f(XNj perinlont awl nkirtr,,; y 1 71tit),00trp- Ili do( I ro. tAk-un gift ftylitt-karif-l'- ItIltv.-n. tip Ire ikL (I W46 tip (o) mla­ h _ .,- - - purrham- foll'..'11101 Zor.* M144-ral kill, ae-cordhig Throw )r tfif. niiii.. All 9 ars tljqir to IiIVNI ha 1.'Ltt4-r it-#; oilertrival ' I .'protIuIl1-l1ltl14" #of .'-N 11litatifoll it 9141.1m, 41%4' 4' e4l. Mo tfle $+tit t U.'o- viritomt %I. f 71 th4- * f [Mt' -X fill) tbs- Iry nVP-,W'-t rofot foil. tw Wf.e#, evreck " -- 4 ill bos f rom a ne4ghbori * 4mal d I liti f'"VON' h;a k A it -1. " ob..'l iV- Vs s -Irt toy it is so - . .- Y Monte dvalcrm (1,r ille s.,L.4. VOINr 04 and eoinnimop(j their usp. mili"ll log" Jh� AnJ llfwtl%' -if tir-ri-va (w4l (of nioittfo. ChyVI, Im tiff. hv sc'mir- vj . .1 1 "'t. - . fI;1nfJX.­ fill britig If of - __? ; . . . 11r.44, wilfift it loti%A-tolia .1firl t"J"'ag the d0`t0r*A Thist jl:llf , .),, n 1414 sr, n . jv t 11 t I It. a i4 t4o 4- for- was in June or 3ply IS92. After I flut IN,. itlexio-rii-iii-eq Ito,, it, wery #Faifit lit who had talLitmi the fizat box of the pi si 'p'* lJorrob,11 ff'r" tit(' t"44111. TIN' Cos "4_ Ill -fl. I - . . . - ' . fore 'oe If fof r ro)r 1EK.K. 4)y. etild 4 q�'!; t r W' nin I could fqwi Rome 0 Mtn if killf-ol, Ill'till)1i L I !. give U)* ld VOlt 11111-4 Kit 0. , . r . y 6 . 11"'ll "I'll W." Tile- plitf -W OTWA 1`,-, 'joliv.11 r . i - I .11 ­ -arrivipit I,# ro. It 4 f,'t-k-k-k 'th: lift n*, and aftA-r t Ill- f ra h.'I.j C14 I led t 14 lIlukfiI.V t"king am -n box I Ito ioad z great elton ti n ued taking M 9 WIPJA 01, lop. ­r, a it I :1.-1411ower or wratit till Mont until I h Till. hn provenif-m t. I tfillt ('..Ir- wflls* 1%41,14 f t h roll' :1 t lint Iff kh 4tm tile, 911. hilt tip -11 4.4111111f. the to ffmir titeki -1 Wt.' slh­ Rd 411111PA thirtopen boxes mtni tf I's o"r 6-h-, s0y the-sa -wtoop-tioin vic.- r whop hati st)j4, tl,#! 'T. It strilek Foil Inl[4,rt:�n�� zteohy TATI- MEN JI ill it 4111ttilm when I felt 111A well as INfirt"14-11t tO.,*f:,, it iW;(�Slmetl, Im the I to IN. IN e m wt 'BR, -v I f Illiz 0.friviial-* Th" HU�"'*6fl W-04 �O 4-104- t.-h;lt Atif.,olit t rilrs,or thai did 'a MY life- 80110ke of iny rum. rrX q*. � Wfte*re Mg Yenr tl"" oliIIM4 back t I it, Ill or crew voill,l tot ttw.+ "011-litry, tit JoJ(*Ih1II�(Xj r�gi�(.-Pil tilict ttw 'Jil filit t1l'f.:kr(Utt t tomers who etu]e Into K-V U,fmt* Put.. May "lit' 'Qf thP'41-11.1tr ya rd %% cmi Id o' Sf -4 ro - t I r s, nion t If# -y thillic i -t U river, It,+. Arizoiijj lk-flon- thell, tilp velf- ask Die what I to t1wir r.4 I trtith 1t#'f.f`f- 14plf- % .4 16%4eigkin(ift railrlgto'l�*.or Cub,.j form t i.4 tit y Ito 114-titat ill Ind. niark 'R'&x dOW9 thitt I wan it '$.fit by Vu. I I it for still, I ook ing so well (knowing tile gi(.k ,I r tot or +m, is, Ntioll It -111.1 -j%'I ill tot th � r,4XXvlliZl. Ilis oinhinatitill. tilti- Jairk -4 -tilt's %vill lye Afle -Amp 'It ra riie(I - he 1101411 'it'll tortil, t h h0l uI`l(k41VXw). find would IV4 Ill's Xboire hatt-ris-s' till 1, tlle,- 1. back-mit If %*1 riCIVIS thp. it. _H� th-gil. willf, 'Jill%j Ailwil.To toell thiblu that Dr. 0111 lout fo-II Itfo tit.- *tnlehi ;11SV'11� 414 -light . ­ I Avotild be� rejected jfj,,, try a 14 1.,0141 V4 � - -kilding , - likli, wir 'Ili- in 110(41 tilpli Ilink Pills had wrought the change. fig 41liamor, n fa,441 :11111 ).n. of 1140, grartnent'i have, Thoy aim,, thp rhe,4wgt mediettl@ I Vl�* ;()nn -frill 44 by Me :11-1 of -i.ial;�01141- Joyes, - been eTer bought," -a figh V If i fit 'fly t 1+01jollneetf fill tot, tbs! ts,t K IlAw d '(1ifti-Illit mr Itrin tq_ 1alty'' advnll -!op tA 64 1. sill film. I . k. lf�,goe " , I All.tt- )klf -fill Mill, #q, tit -1 01,1114.81- Who sillf Poilld 'rVach -Ili(-h 1.4 it ;14*k :I ltvcoj�-` " K, 1.11sik"I flngley 11.1, P,f-k s 1#4 na, fly IeAs 'frOnlL 41nerWIL11H. W ill t mill 10,1:11itifill 14"V, vlofigt r efutrin J 11,11t I ver lop Ign �1 thrcowiJ lli.,4 114 inti-ritior- -ilfl- w(mild I)rj-parc. for I -lint, I "*sit In Other Ine4lictimm Al I hwi V4 tin% ll:lrlof)itlt%,% J 14'r r ttvro-d forward i'llii f(.Il t iii- frq;i vif blzil.v '11116,11 v;fi-ll j(.tt4-rl*ill lrrtsr� the n Ir. t iVit.11 th to.41w M.s It. first o -1,91m, .1 0' 1 1 -, of 11je 4Y, I tS I t4 their,wor4W pro- r*u'Al N't at "A w% thil' Winter. During ija It I illSt! 014% t 4-abill f-rx'k. r"Pe, A to ,tr#mnoj f Oil L. f IN. 4-famlot 19 -ten 14!4 r.. 4, 1104, Mo In^ illy, They. i confit r U1 hi�, 111, tt. x% -i. flin .0911:11 Ina -i W n: flu . � 14. If (1 'llili4* iflCr011.' Nil How, tile LnWrview Mrs. Hitch r thi nh Yisit-firm In 1',,b, *Iry I%Irou .11111le.. faittiru!ly foll,," 1well W&A an ov- It' In -,a-tik sf(M f, aw (A" t4 Were t* -k If - wed 71(wthvr Cupant of tlw r00In RAd 1110he to -artily T114'.1'.' , , -fl)i tl;lt "IPOMI, C-I'61PIWIR tile 'I'll IliPhI04 .1 fte - ittilit. re, tire, fin., 41# in whillt, Iwr bUObaiid eaitfo %1" 14 th" ` ten yf.,Urn Bf-rmi WIX Ifif 1 114 Pt L k- lit PIA, 1�iirloovw' r we irf*f'flt0l$t. It lotagirIl r Wt flare 1*4. ( , AN flellif 1111til Witting itt )it 'blilithful-there witl -find 1111),414'r Icir thr Wfostat It voll a iL If ('1111 k-d.lf ill very artwt, no 11 novifv� Ill the V)f litnite<1 at it I':Itt4-rr'WJTI1 biln bli-low. w4."t to varry Jf),vi-11:611 viati- t4kitt tiflAt -illiffh!Ulty In rec, 0 ., a , it Itho tho ON go MOgniank tile, "A - f rien, I -tiost'ifl fl.1"toing, %'4111 1. b&r of the family tlw pilin hcwi bmit .41`1411;1 Vf1'.q1?a`tjyII4. gV4, ft.r. (of Wit Thil- 1111.1.wwl i tfil" )grn- - 'it.rthst o:jfWrim, tillwo for lack Y WAS fighting. oilifl. ll,.Iqt Wr for killeti ..-ts l0niq �Ilc Ito turp. it *1,1� joy film St"fliff, .111(i lift t16 vou tl,f, Stomach ('8111:16V- Thin jim bovause If K r4, %v n that uliftod with ffut",d� in a came or g*Tfrft 'I 'lit rU-rrntmU.r.. fi .11,1 thf. timp. three. and of '-w-OURded ")Wt halve litiotlernone it phangp ti) mult loaroff -ill liix r: 1"'olTiliziflor tim. 11 1 nil .1 . )I11`t'IUJtA - 4 Jill# Ai lit tho I oto th(; bowel nervoumwe... ]&I-, Hitch fit tilt, time 1#�Y, 1 ;$(.14: J;p Ing jiop KlikAgil 11lig- ft tO Amerresill Iil()IIthl4 :11u, to tllt�� 44 WN". 0-Vento [lip toco-what �V`wf-fnnlm'. luill-14-pt hi bl,,144! Y011 fIP­ WiliVII tnkiw thp plitt.4. (It t ipir I- ,.I. j&j1b fludw *I 'tilirq 1, 8 two &Ix. guf*(*4 m;. loptrit, :117 hP mtomnelt 814 open by the r"llorter ap- fnivprri- lery 90ink Ali ra lit' %"":t-4 11 gnilitnt lIoMir"4rkiIIIan_(k or it khlrlf�,l I t4 lop'.t reill N"vgar'nuff tent- (,Jilt (mily 4tjg#,#,_t 4 Itt lit -till? 4.t)lll<b 'fig 141"1 10 If be hurk piffly th" aff, :111l7l I Ant sorry If 4- im blititling, inlainpiliq-, lxxr nlill wiry little t pearmi Ill ex(Vilent heafth. He IN :it -90,140. wf)rj4 1. go to Ul 'PI19-1gPil SIX'- W.*m a w1r,orthy f(hI1 lik"- 2119P.,r)of. t -be ofib, flul(okly av .!411rflV d(4-ille ill rot tillolfwW, vou flail" ttln*�. yeam Or NF'11' a FU I mjn wilt) tin 1 I.LN) ronlisifg. .4ho; -fired, .- OT9 Will bravtt If roll-. (N-loted tio! f-foill. r,(.Il Vor of Ulf. I lilt nwud Y' f1fo-141W41 with on pile AT bet' -110 Vult4i of am it yes'rr& laIU-r w4 %,.,r4,)t0e yes- left W Ir-SPIP11 -1110t--ill- her hu).1, ,ns' 10 1`61.141wing tit#' ()III." ari-Anged Th -4--i "Ole Ila mir,.t4 '(Pr patt: ti, 00�1 fight. 111 the (�JINP Of Dr. K'I'llitter's I*,- &1wayn twit 1 1 hard uork. Ap'lKlar (op tlw* (1ppart1wolll fnli� Oft Bilt wo lutult lit tir) tilt. 111:111 Who I tfff� 'worill. In fit lit lwre upt kk-rpol till' '(4wratioll W" born Ln VnInhrio%rwhjre. Ug oQ14! A take xifir I~s tot, BURKAWN111 .111d 1XV,fl 'kiro Voll I-annot he 4 MIIX-rHtrAX,-tu1r4- was, in -4 al"01 � tu heart. VABLEs. U) ow nallic - 1;Iallion4l it4 ved lew 0 iff I rar Ili Iron. ter rtAl 61 thlo. %%-Inglow. Itflil.11n, .11'rob. fliflVaut �g Pnr-lr)`lIl9*'t Clietidt"ttir 14k(Pt(I Cult. "d 6"10 tO, gitim country L"? 414'1(111 1141f."I 0 n- a -r -y - ir. 'fill 16-t of dyey I)ur(iund f)n 0&r'"k It 1414 It Well know,, fact that lu hi414*i,- One fril IlloN .4, Other nanx-.,4 nTij,*jI11,.j1etj. bot, f tittraordi Weight to 4PI10, JR4, ago. Before lovatbig in ViAV440%1-11 IN. to.,I( b(mind spah follita to I .'Vh4- f'. hr. dN before iv e Inrml Rotl �hiw ill iflo" MW okk%r orw gn-)%," tiff. lf�m olle -.Irti nt fW Carile-na, FirAg tlit, I , YC �he Atlantic. A lute conducted a brick nfid tile He .111ts ny s1.tltjrI,. nch',w 41utkes. 00(rf Road, M`1ddkm-x et,li-ty. r4o the gulih(04t 'IfitelliftA el ellgigil 1,116w4and,x-or,nilles 11Y 'rroi- to a Ia F rfw.t�(Jfl, it"(' (ard Of IA twemnvt thp stoll, rous tjongw 'I it COlMi4it',�nAll towl 0-t (f I Willillilis*ion Invilliti linil Mpaiii firplh tit of -iddeil I:lNt to -d the. 'tO Wellp ;fi Itivilardsoll rmn looxkt-4 Foote Anti it ill"! IN-l"I.Y4.01 fin Vol. f% rankp n.r "elf(IN-livou little --toll Sp hap been c-arty1lig On #I, i -AU -t- the il I. ot I I WI, 11.1ell f ul humill Ow. ItIld.mv# IW I. iln4,- with C*a . ba it rts of icar to 't I ke, - liv 6rhl on Ilibluari "till � 0 every imtoandpoint, % I or tit W t,41 t a 1. however, till, opplon tI01I at Zurie th#� Hniailer --owel ro, W11 flibi 'yt!:Ir nlay ix. e%.ell nore lell, A tc 0, em i n 111itigetown for thq pats& 8 werp.111 kAtety; oftimly. er atiocnight. tit lit! cab h Is Uri- ton Cf? I . 1. .. I . . f geth"r With tilt, If-tsm'-ft-.4 KT111`9 litemost.. , .- -_9otA I onipa fly W ble tIl0 century. it i#j Dr. Williams' Vink 111,111a piilm by TIi E till, toWn. along.4 vo�tlly. TI io "u<w"011ably tilp Stirgival fri I be aw . WAS Olt likel, Ariglo--inierican Ca neti011 Alwaym brii I Mo;] anti tlx� NMI)WIl Kiln IRW gtooti, Livue. Wt. L, I U, of tJW_ W i 148� lite. lore IL 11 Ba rtm' .1 T I k-- tioll. it it till- (V 90ing too ttw mat (it the dim.lifts. TIW BernwifA bwms ; 011ught .-AT 13AI� JUAN. letbi e -w Atlantic .0 Illft TO Votlo�.14141. m- ra iaw l0w. W�ih, woundelf Ill th4- IP U16 Xf , . - folem VIN r 141"Ift thO '41110onaire otind 'a re watwir _11(w1ion: *4!.* of ftt V 4V hig, which IN now mak- "11111 Not it if' ff h~hold aix-4 of I "M it I tha t ill) Mien' Mild blilid ilp t1W 1441ooi. nn , -i I t*) . tj Ing ill England. )"'It 11"t Wriliminly. Lyin 1p . -1111in Ingtiot1%, HAS Bop6n So - TI thO 101111.04-really.118 Inally. I to ift no.. it utbarded No OtIlcillij r vQn- $in_ til IV flail ppmll- -lull W X ifi -till. (.)I gillis. -The.nit.viti off4%. d ItVvnnitilatfA_� k4xIX,IIXi%*e :111 booty iJ4 :I Vittif or th" streogt1wn tho, twi-vow, t1lug 4'rivina of 011A morning. Ilf! rs Usink that, "tOip, of. t1d" ea'mb'IeCo"Irl NO V41 41 coxisitellm ?11__IJIijAA "(44wRl"' to diflilf-Wk- fMni t4le &.Vgtp rc- ths:ir glills We", wr,(,q. NeWis. tha t f fill. ro-prf-sr-IltativP for the, Altso- 1J fill llf-.*d lonit hi, ketl, Ifnff knot, Uhile Ill, Ittirce 401111 rp-411 ipill,11111 Retoorl. AvtA*t 11"I U. so (file Ofir 10ir ell lithert( I tAtions by inslooting that every lioo][ i, I tff I Prem land iw)ltl th#, y :1 'If' I`V� IllimiRror -of it t;- Lloyd" lit) cable has h"-. King- Will :tbau- you purchaaw IN f,410(mod -in n w rri r4wit, tilli-foy'lWIll, Were to 000actoir weigil- �(1111443' reward Jill tlj()*, Ivilo'. toil t of mteory t 11,p fight. Hv Wti f roill- T. holli, is. tkt 11 ioll AN 711 J no Ur it tl I itl OU rob P al%-,_l1yt4 liftild I f then, OrMstroet-m Wee� I .4 per knot 'purp. kin' (11mW Of 11(oart, giving W the n it, t.11" V �imriiq the full tolonde mark. re, I by CK L V888N.Ei*4. tim, a tba t Us' 4,hbleh fil-tvici C low wam orde I - Wes t 'TtK! AtIall Trit(lp COST or 111411" andiq 11, - Wills' TiTf; to -day's date, -alay f 'Vall"41. "Dr. It t-riflijig o It W114-11. ths. firing :Ajoeri(-all kliluallrint 1% eighiffir oil - Illict4n; hungry, or linke(l, or, o . u tl! Illet, of mi, gest Mll traile liatno, fink Villp for lisle INIW!pl- commandpi of.tlw. %,Ihningtoll tl, (Wimitnt Lif. IV -bombard- - lk. with 11 t; foll a till, .%t. are clwvr- iow iNigli-I 11441 110111141s or It," rwr kn(Ift. .11palit -giflng t(o Iii lit. to YfAir dowler dnow [lot k"o tile,,, . IYorto Rico, Tile 13tilld- 314,0Y. short elffole it Itre 110P. water is 0! nmirl - .111 lint,%. ,,It IV) uatk IN11741011to) !)(11411111"14 im Jl(-tI%t lit tlw.b.%rbf)r Or Voirlit.,nit :611,1 It t wh t6 tl`V� Wit- a lot I reimpotn- tit:, t, MI, 11 44- 'King. 1,11' will be m4it popt paid at pW) s l4ilig, t % �ttxl: :_.�,Iltly k welgll- fli"IK-w. at! W I WMII)ly be slifor %%Ill liartiviiinrly m & ill t -11"A ttw- ?4panialt . ilWd Itatt o1uan Hurrendered Wits little I (yr liardwan, box or #Ax bolew f(W $2.@ 11 14 wounq*.d it f tor . 1 14 have W1, hy X. 41. - theme tw4fivillf. n,lue to 141" tloo.rp. Wp iw�llft IkKA t. iglI t !hQu r e o0unds. (oahlft* 'tot "ifilixterml t4p - if with(iout .1 fly big 4*111114111 for hilildiiig purlitoo* ^11W t4w Dr. W1111amir' Mevilf-Irw "rK'q)fl 1,14m)k'put (off ill.ra It'll '4, �ng igetfient. Ill 1 ' 'C - it other Wooll ... rivil IIJt.%v, .(Jrf!s st Of - w. If r .1 M IV#' WeFe Aniong tht.", t. ti,61plit0ol.' TI: Chr(mile - , I - - . 0 re wrilwil to ehildpell- tin. inore Inn(' 4U-111130'01 in Pinsk -to a filif Ill took wlildh Ifilwi, Ainericall warships par- -K Icing. 4rL.,g loath tn f1well r lliffillte" pity' fre(Jumitly Ion " I lirockv[IK ()ng, werfri firoolf upon :1,4 Ili , % r - lull the enwt L -on oil Tldx� Ia #4 N(wtI1vrfWt 20 per votit. in I lit a nge IV us 31M k ill. -Wad 'that '1,!klVl,-J 311011111bi to - tlx� 250 IliCtur'n, plon thiglAfilt. of the tier tell, Wilt) M4.1n 18 relkorted ip tfw, -ki 'ed. -b - eupi" _nI -4paninh tjoiltu wer- fearfully Illuttlat IN Jnforined Is kliVi. The fleat. �Iltumt It haVe: hurt ti furnisliqNj . gignpI4, lo(Jul It last_ INL t(l� t tljk4 year tilall tit (I *" 'I to ulln 'NOI JPITAjably bel tle- l"Oft I -0ta P Itt him ecatradm wq!rl� teh to that- of tile 1--rcut-IJ cable fron, he fit Ild if re higher toil K:Iit%o tit allot ha#1,1 fair *brav leA Imart of tile 111fili . .1 fair - 'IV - t 4�1 Is1t. P'k-rm, mi; , � : itely tOving 4)rlp t Irishman u%ltwIjjft4 ra-rXP on fill. 3,114. K-kttpriss, Olt -Xhor the. rowlilg WIn.116 OM li]M-lorill.. to ftrost. dMolet, It. Vri't t I ta 11'g1'4KtI%*0 lWgIllul ' ell", 11"WN Now J,,rwk. StDrku ftn', hight-r, 412111! � nille".-Iou ttrijLh. lie P rOm tlI�6'Vhr0ft1cle­fronI -' it '18, lie 17C.4 reAom Ali Irishniall %vn% wiwking foil *4111"" WINJI(4100li - t(hys K Will fairly ff"j 'I I think 0 the. other that. 8mrotilry Long W priotw n re *e 110 died with thew IaNt:w0rdm:' Tell 'IS, y(w - 1 41w' O'Wllp#1 OF) lilt Ant lKly 008al tile one iship, t tolif. The t,he )w revelvvi rarmt tif, t,lw aff offielalir per' kllbt. - t'V' for' %%"(!kPdflf-K4, "Ormit' C0114flUOU tA) thPir W,001. Thl 0P@.nI MIXoilote for r1lilwill- fire I advim%d' Tloe� estlul . a mlitwt tinw ainft-. ated e fig Of nolvicAtion hilm V -(Ia IW uai,j for aftking )1141 tlw -r anyt.),le wj,4 ljowt $"Jllr Ilfter Imwor to flumali fullgitaim"to Oxi? excellelit, to app, thItt thf, be -it -%*11lat It nifty, I.% Wilter ulix- stimilia y I died like a Man." Tunnell lll�d leg 11 A g hoinbar(Imput 'b6. Vmt bey. t, (I with f4luar p*r tfti himillem a t till I yer want ally ultwv� kiit,w whotik 0,(�Joek thiji Illf)rnill 11141W. 1#4 - 11bolit laying Ionic a t -S, of iswcet ,if �Jj trf Up W41111II119tom cir oil bf!ft PlIt aboard tfie %lanu - Therp Im .6nly ollf-- _11ope tile �01111 11�!Mt (if 41 t W11110" but I think not, w0unfkod,were 7 Pot wore. InC, tim prOi1t0NedAlavlfJc- 1 -able will Wit" t '114 that ? .+-orel -01 tile NAV N * jinx a beT �iume1%,hitt 'n rp the "ill is "Ot' 4,orf- To PP rointno. A ten tu re of rge still (Or vf% a OnAlier at hooW UP tit#. n1ijI4Ft4Xl. *T1 ot I Wil- that tw(,% .4pillilm), Nil I $1,2W) twr knot. Tim Y too If I)IWII tradp in I or :1 In to her TIP Nor COX. Klightly hurt-.' gre 11 tem. Than V.,fiter, mok!et INvn Life &rrival for lipw fraft k)JI at wurruk " TIw Ora 410% I because it (101 fOr tim 9,wert'. larme. wide -1110 %fl h4vp no fAult t#1 fill't 'Aitlo t he First-cla^4 can. KrOat Word. . 11-s, 1KAtle. Fill the, i-0 �7_1- -rew. Th, -y -I I in" y bl� forgiven. to Winelirow'io P not be,-01allurne f ronj t1lim wilst mcwt (d a Mt rp- toted r Daniel . C.' TI i 'til n tile vicinity. f1th' the lVedtterranean. � 4 1 411 ihf- 'way thrtfugh. The . no MY AlcKeon, slight, Injury First-cla's" MIL -11 think of the.' 10 VitiLl 1pligth, kit that we flit, .11 threm. or toil r tit of natiodartfoitoy sind pn*q",.t. Are, 111 re brotJoer vvaaL "FA106 11111111 Ong%. me -it WIKY leatlih and kl1cts afrenily 740 of tiO MY"UTY a nil wit bright. plied, - Ile's as sang"?. FU*zna;1 Win. � 1,11tteriton tL heartaellf a. If thegw� JOy' or ro 110143 filld le It 'winked At Vjc-torl& Mbv" 11 re juts), (NJ @elf, werp kilwfl )111 fell at ttw� olame time. 0 bad flesh men who are waterm, W1.1 Allotritlasiall gh-pliew ax W6 linve known r_ 't Iftand for wound-; Firmt-Clalm Flreln-nn Pry-ing )(Alfliv if , t1m. '10:1 four hotirg Welity- Alaskati outrittil All was - We wer" 4tangli Or Ira!' multi- ,k -e and 'abotit 51,000 k an(l.tihnine of * lit.*, In jru FIX if) ow gronfo.. linil ysllg�t Injury. Thim (it the (..rp Ay" hear a- bati Makin note. Fliterett 00"r wator. 1114 vo impro% t I. Ortitmm o- sell him *0 you W the- aim (if the 1641001"inh W"IN -et immi, w (If 21 f) tile- 96tal (.,Ost, about ra ik of to for vable ilifil laY. Wnwr, *Vill do.; �.at#r will Pu of )WW- 1 50 their. 6wli g e(ml th ft,201,'_ th 'Witter or &Ily T W144tho&I, liam IV -pit day." .. *low Tbs. ubell per (wnt. were w(ml, - tied and tht!, DI'm an there- it Might ItUsh Llig .1 I(N* WHY'HE- n: 1 pipor Ili thP -Ainrititilta LOVED a tilt nif broll0r, r oreffiWAg a )Db at Im . rift In Our very, the'ea." 21, r. -harbarle enth HER. Vikv up w) linw. (lit thl. inerrfuttl��iw lljl)%Ptufbllt ratw so 6" W U81"Jim a love tile grou, ")ML Think or the The greatest bell lid yo lot Ji* of 0, W4LIk film) United.", ng it hM' I t to @M(% pXttollt. lasber. Key DID TIrEY LAND? udftjo 'an(l thousands Moscow 18 Ilot Tile suitor fervently wrote %so fallurft 14#t 6&XV "am -VW t, F* in , J leXPIM, 11 '10rx ti t bs In t he %v(v�k While LI their -bodI&I torn, niang le world. The tiliNtille- Which was It (10 given if thi. lolpttle bifill number wn h01% &"ill r "if In Itunillbeir am4;0( M&P fte, AN K it, allaken tilt w prPI-i4xim w,-ek but 1111, jobw9lio Cd III& I r ix t*& In earneat, anti tilat tral;.lell 'Over Own lohe "'lit4lor off or cionilillrittir wit,11 :Ili 11, at *fro ..tell AIi?1,ri*nn People viln folionlile. t1lat the bl, Y. th4 wilm 8VARS (In In leil In I" lar fit ( it I be MItt'llitw wJJX knockil) t'o con(VIV1111114- way, of t, ro'111 to the bell fiangilig 11 n iA ftra I � the b7;, 110- infantry. rlkk4.en* over till, e Of Clam at Kit, low it tho signal StAtiOn on Diana Ur portion of the town I fine tile vorr"Rixillild- listr lilt &t-rainer lit 1#4pt it Aw )IW wtwk it, 11896 and 3 An U J A B R D H T so Key, w 0416i It fie 4d. crying la pppr, Peucelfill b1nekafito in an puc;lny V' myalry, wou fly the .1 )all. It In I)VCII to, ill Tit(- maj through a tbcrO was A, bloelchouse flav Ing no out of us(- ill RnIlk ri I corked, Ili for a -cuP Of 'MtOs, thrIMUg through a smt. Is litruck Out4liltle with every eigilt Ion", of 1, rnp It eo" pilim. )�,Ill te 44M6f1.#Wk WX for t ckf VlWeu battering ram. bread e lot thP 01"®. at" art, made from itn(, )ttle "ith 11"V411 Wifter &. 000, ""ARV foro*u wbftlL ("itinue until thp inlf� largrr that, tilp bow taken up ily tbe I water. Tit 11 &lid lion rky ow this week a