HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-05-20, Page 291 Wt W XM, or lWe, in a kbA of desk. IWUn- caftlewlycAo tbie evidence given by officerto who had heLmd to execute tile warrant. 44-r,&�L r-+-i,—­-1T1-IPLvw The whole affair to one But tile m 0o whole aispect changvd ould He Have S 0 en? &0-110 oaw Sir Maxk aixd Guest enter. P #,Hajl!pl fie crJoA -at la4. Now, ALr. UmWtor, or whAtever you are, this L4 Admiral Sir Xtagrk -Tarrold, my woman Fire Brigade - A THRUT Twr— crr^rl r V.,=,r. 116 FAWatlAn 1wA_ On Thosoe Who Write Rules for Health ful Dieting. itool�" itta *9� Tile ftAiVkX- Of thUM niodhArl) dleteUc reformers who tP11 udw to sub'Ji'vt "Lrwe- ly oil fruiW aut,commenu Juielf Ita the ' Alienist and NeunAolo"t (13t. SCROFULAI From a Trio Louis). which has the folLowing to N&Y ou tile sublect: L I a to to M Mp 16r I a %A I I of witiotaken l(imt1ty. For- heavell's has a fom;tle oontingent. 150 strong, A writer dpolares that r,00.000 men "The fruit eating erazA� in poissibly *;ake, iny dear o1r, satisfy tbese-people ill Ila fire brigade. The water FJuP,- now dothe work with the ald' of mit- ot'Affliet . ions, tlg� moost tftenw&te of tile inan re- (>ne of Amciicit"S most f a - CONSTANCY ANDCRIM a$ to, my rwglonsibdIlty, -njid- act ply. of tile village consists AMOY of ooiit faxis. Tho frukt-efttlJ19 and I mous physicians says: "ScrOf- ao ball " mv reappoaxtuice. Of ehinery which ncm3ded 16,000,000 per belliovi nativoo or tile tropicv. and t Fair 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 * 0 0W I W four greAt tubt,6 and It is tile duty next lopwjir m-lativeld, tile ape, are ula is external consumptiOno" +++* - course there will be no Southampton of tile women " firemen" to 'keep som to tio a few yeaza ago. am I a wretchedly' prejudic0d to.-daY.' How does Myra bear tile t1lelse full Ill Came of fire. Theystand truly- iiLMAring object& of imitation by Scrofulous children are often 0 'Ahock ?* Simpkins wam given fill egg at elvillyA%J illiul; n(A evv-ii their out -door beautif ul children, but they * Tile We4liting Day. oltJ maid.' or is there sonwthine iiot two continuous lines froni'the tubs Paine's Celery Compoun we them f row the Vour weoks hiul I)aawsj jaintv lilo! &bout flint manT Sir Mark's opinisin veered toward the take soine distance away, one the 'rwtauritnt to_.day that had a ittid arigyreal Ilv#w sa an4i irritat- lack nerve force. strong boneAr "A14 ttiere you axe, 16die." cried the tile speaker directly, and turning to lilio passing the full buckets and the distinct "W' marked on It." "That n"'! .upt—four alth"Iral excitedly. lira 6 jilt4t tho officer wh6 had been his conipan- other sending them back. Ing reginien. It pitif ul to IRN! e0f-In Stratton's Insane attev i#1 =Ty 66.N 11 Saves the Life of a Lady eop"'""te"t" 0"'L stout muscles and power to of, ion from the hotwe, Ito lound Iiiiii smil- most refor to the Spanish war." tho army (if ne-urnstIN1114[w. 4tyspolptl0b, IV. we*kb Cd ah utterl�* 1,riv;tratbig ill- P41W tP cut the cake. Mr. flotwe6t, take ­Thatt; what Simpkins thouglit� in-_ resist disease. For delicate i.�, Ue*a from w ilk.-il, lie wjL4 glowly reei)v- I illy a.4 -ter ajid give Iver Pome 'clialn- Ing. The Lobsters Fear vi Noise. .4 it was rhouniaties, otfirvilig t1wir titinues, an,) �J. Thero, sir, I told Yoll it Was all tit be Opened It. 114., flow Hay ticWulliting -thOr b4olpol it thp beck children there is no remedy e, Pftglle. FAII0, Tny dear, I tual't like po"r in Seamo, Man, of a few, too Irit it 4.118Lritably, ering. Whey'. (Hit, intirning, Giiev;it, v4'1- 'Myraa, I(x)k*4. I niusit W tow the jwoplio,., a mistake.'s Tlv- loNAer. likc. its brotherti. the -Phe war of 1812." equal to vrettLs(oli %tas aild have a wtini witli jainvo 11arral leol0ex toerftl the rck,tn where, IV "Yes, Sir Mark, yott did," sald the crawfish and the crab, is peculiarly britimid 4�litlitu4amU. It im fair to #JuP- ajyAl I ovqi) got t4) ninit respectfully; and then, to a cou- wilsiti%e, to loud noises, and It In a fact - 1.1videncem of the lwehLRt4)ric I a tersip of rickety 011WIPP" t�efmw they start -, It(- lialla -,`eat*"%I by hib fric-1141 a Couch. all(I made that it loud cialo of thunder will catisv rW,, ul)'rillol Call U1010 "y- e -peak. too. anti li+,w to pA thim)twil it lbio or poiicemem: " Bring thein In W who lithabiteAt t1u, viklif-Y8 (Of t I I I it toi%r Scott's Emulsion &11 alltlotlll(4�lnellt ]k r thilig but 11140"W1. a fflut from willell which.wroikaht ;1 1 It -I i't kno*. "Tholuggago?" cried Guest as h 0 him to drop tits large (!laws ill ordo It lt41 tlie Salt riverm it", cOntill"allY THR TERRORS OV RhEUMATISKI C!'allige ill ti'le W hat 411) yoll, want, tile t4 I 41(-w, wlelk�?­ tutir'%fliat was being borne In by tile that ho may sourry 9ver tile ground coliling � to .0ght. it 1141 enough tenti- tildl 81.104' MVI'M 1111110 -If 11Y "111111('WLnt '-What I told y6u, wy lilear."' lri)cld antl get out of daiiger moro fluickly. revoml tile lw)tditlooism of river watA-r- I P11Wt,4141 It.— 114', �111 i'*'% I% Yes, kir," said tho officer. "I Tile low of his elaws I neo" veil ten(WAI Molly Ila" been -Souwl to NEBALGIA IN11 HUDICHES fact, With rogiarti up froK In, it 1willpill-, tile Ad MaR, tiflm4ily. "44O.A.1ki keep With alleyn 011ce 41*01t riepur- of Cod-liver CNI with Hy 11IAIhI then. aftrr Will -0 steopwl hack to give Instructions to him for a ashort tiluo oidy ; lie Is blelowd. fact that In them v thlit, 11-ItIl4mil(Il It Illy 1)(xw darliiig till.the IwA.­ it to bring on everything from witil,tibi. fneulty 4)f gi-mving others. a -mighty Awl INnA"woulf people -huln- ixill,14-iit, it narelow Well With" 1"0'14 sphites of Lime and Soaa, rAlie crept u) her coup4li'o skip .,rwtd our me boring not I(v*; th4f, 11AX)AX), ARE BANISHED FORIVER, Wf0fiso . fie pho tilt% ' riage, find tile trunks aent oil 4-11-11owd-of w"41 n vir the skin by puttint 0 cat! It fills out Cm I)#-% opell#41 .11141 81111t hip. 1111�11th Aayed thvn- libirii1c the att'"'i - O(X) ovrUtiiily, til4i probably renelihig "Ill"llip, J109101'. e(1,IttftiI14, lot). They must be warclied When the Brain is GroWinif * Q� .d nwre to WatA,r tril. mlief000 lots kes with011t sewinking foir a. rew nis"lilents. oviolfmce. The 8.(X)0,000. good f lesh beneath it. It ma incriminating Tti t1wiii it forleign lfoia"~ Mwl 114 rielt4d * prominent extue mnmmpmlo It $0 1 11--te.114.4i witil llenv-- for ,ig ile*aKt two vic uxu.;t of tile tbri-do­' i, wilt back to ator tatking, to-, Tlwu licart t 14 lady's Itiggago will JiD 11 c checks red by making rich mothers, iQiys that wii , all child- factureM of ar.tifivial first f4pobAllff I'l th .141 Ilwath, and W, tile well-,sIXALOY11, Inanly ..Bourne Square, at once. too mm thery are ilamvnt periodx-that Xteniliye male iiq rapidly Health and Happiness Bestowed Go, -Avith me lou gio witii-.1, undrels. milk on an le i,irimhowl im-ii blood. - It creates an appetite it "Vol -M th. 11141ditem." t�o "The Insolence of the Nuo ill-ilfi, riisithmir It III It fill*- %Vhy repLy inatlo- It% -TaAM4 Barnat. Am er" Barron. "My dear Sir Mork. I#; theso am certain tiIntw when a ill. sillwtitilte. for f*. Iii-tter it 41M "aia tqt-jill tile tiinq. witon trio- lorl-A, ititiOt child enii learn - to tit) thingm enAtbr Lne.mixing In Fram-e., an4t It i?4 14:1141 ern for food and gives the body _1,119 r t. this wretched bilisillex-li fin. -r than at otherm.. Tile on all Who Make Use of S,trattkiqi f*4-1i'%. Imt 1 14'11 Y I I 14il) AW3y t4). CIL 0.114'1 ,ror fliv pray ge and bettic that it be Impoissiblo to dt Alt iblilo-til Ut thill fileto of ey'6111- power enough to digest it. Be .�Pltrnev dowrI ItAl ""out tile gr46wth of bralne is niyt ti littli. 4-toniftirt Cdo Uw,-"r'Ulkf ani quiti �-trqvl�g nq,W ­ -L Xmd 4!�"110rally ilie fintahed product from silk fimilfili- .4 unteticinle tile. -next -14 cam-wtve the gentlemall . L 11liem is. however. ;ill of I ou gct SCOTT'S Emul- -161 V OiA bil til I It_ u-nderetood.* by cocoonn. Its chief- "it ()lily llif-- sum T Very far from it." --o. Wt ti. wetkiing trii) col 41 dd Paine C for eme oliotaiLry iik!n- 11riniltive Inan t. ddy *ql i;oaz%I Q6 great steanier 4,1.1t- thsal of --trouble, Dale," 4xid eblo and flow of inuvewt. rhe ciam- -not ax i4trorig -I-, s 'elery Compound ­Ajid I tay P%) tom,." criwi - I ita- I - It a rice _fereme- In.that It in. Imuloor imot 1wrtiminaft thrivf-ll aono 1-0(iok heW. tild fellOW. 411) YOU tailrai, vv­jlj%1 1"aid for'the Wost. lilt ren apply thenwIves amidtiouslyfor the natural.41ber. -but It is; cmitill I ill 1111M Jim UI amwr,t that y(VII JJrV C411111)04 H)0lttA*'­ 4;11444t. 111), t1w aslinirld, "Are you al[141rt*omng lite. Nir a timo ; then'comea arrest, aild edu- on fill Iiiiiiiial dlietary. Nutu and frulta Sm and$ i o,) all drugg§K& sl(ie. ' wr-. the prisomer haughtily. appearance. awl may he liffel ill v0f'- linve, ow-rvett him turn an well. 111111 ell- T�e,­ Pq,%JAI Stratttmr, tiraiVing thelyflillig 111611'a , - catom are now Aioq)titing. Whother U f . Chitinists, Tor,mtn ftill ale ; the ga 1110"' fteetton with It. tilt- sc,0TT A 91)%k'Nf iclif well. imt 1*41 be "Won't do, D couragwA Idni to cultivation of **Tlwx I iay 't-4vii d?%- 1:oV. rr k re -I it vecy tilhig' Then to. urge tho child atoling after the -elol:1 & Itichanililm Co.. .-we yourself --that s-li,l tit*- inslieQt0r. lilt or walt for the ceftalti . return 4 f curious Gentlemen: I ain very 11ioftw-Al up lw mreats. There ix no evidence U) mhow 0eusak ­.uLd Ntr -BriAtiaw6i will Ili the private colleCtIOn 0' nw. You art- vrrak.i" a rat tit pil)lte Of Nir. Ilarron's (.4irrijurr Is tip to the' Sir -Mitrk: interest Ill their work. 4tbl4) to) toll 'Yoll of tilp grcnt gixpll �Lhat'l that tit" 1110011le of anV.-nation have Ailig. *Ilitt 414x)r I,, tilm., _Nlyra is' not 'well. i0id *11 alit soory for you, sir, but this tililigs 1)(oommmA by n wealthy gen. the- wo,- of your beconie longer-livM or shorter -lived on tftqt re 4 ll.-LVe derived. froin- 0, lising Account of at, exclupovely vegetable aill otir waUblilg W aw f or baAl."" ulet worn* Cowl-Ionlitil. Bet re R . she has rwnt :6 siwssagv. t%) file to lwg L4 I C E WORLD. ekaft trity 'for any Now Rule of Love. tleman In Berlin to an, am (iREATEST DOCKS IN TH -But, I will bo lite wct ),_ diptary, or that. any amwUitloH of ".%I] VIL, loile. Weary IlltVItIl-.­ p4gloll.. tit. -It -'lle tit -by I,#. .'llowed W Nlipaway Mark, who vrushfho oil llit4 blw"t by Wallentitein, the y(xir raluabit" cOmPOu"Al I was m) cril I .% * Ili,%%, , "A rt or Uwe" IS being voni-. .!-4.,t:. for 'IllieXly witli'lew g%xhl-loyS. I stippt*w nmouint," cried Sir 1114A with rheumatioln that -1 111141 cranks has inereamwi the lrH'i9PvltY Of Those at POrtSmOuth, Zngland. Furmt0b satill slilb- dowl, tlw belief, t1lat lie. lind been 0P.- piled by a niotkirn Ovid. who laysdown warrior andi plillo-limpher.. tTpon tile f;tem At yo,l pavo 4*16. 11 ' 110 ehils dLal of tills disk are. inspribed the 49119 Ao Urawl oil ha'14W 1" 141 k,,H*w frt)m (gle its niembo" by any exclusive NY 911W or 1,0,0W Men "o, Wv',throw:n;.� timift)oltery." cvived. tills bit of advice: "A mit w !t a i'llk' 1* witntevor." Ina, -ourse." vrie,l tho 011 IL girl Wli of tho zo-xiine and othor strangi- fig- - tA nitil, mifremi from TIM. Y, up4m file, -yes, ()f eourae,, t)f oee preference for him Never 11"il"Al 111:1tx p stnoth( lie p.kt4 ;it I iittlo afttolut to W Ewettival, 'n+-, Ilgill :J1141 dreadful lke4t(ift-0140. and , % - J� is marked, and who attempts- to'o4t- it". plammi there by the astrolop,,r: lieur, J l_;14gI:Il1.tl. art- tilt, larg4wt ill the wfwl4i, atiti. h one or two TO 4*1'Kr. 4 COUP IN ONU D A I ly lieved lip C-011141 IWA krot iliote than :1114,11t li* tamtk at 4111vi% grea4 X0' Dale. Volt call tvqdw stay tile. other fellow. IA it fool W I1V To tills to -y Walle"HWIn b0 voverij�g noom than :4YI wrv%q an4i 4-111- ft'atetl 1111�,k Nkt-give tilt tI'L .-mng1Aratte," ' ')f, 1414'*11 111g,lit. I ortA.11 The llrarnoQuitiine Titblet,. Al: his prospects, by hig I*- I t- owal niuch of hLs dri lli()Yiltg i1cgiAts refund lite- nbollvY if it fail'�4 Ift ('111" )11144 10,(K)o nid-ii T%%() id 't1w swiftjy thon I he. 'if he Ili pretty sure or tier, lit! tflouglit it wipliki Ile ImAter tAi die 4;(isl f4-4-% long j4nd : ti enthim- lily twrriblo Dist It to. V149t. tlke ilwpeetar. 4 It *kllt % r It- - the ,it. IUIU16 It si,6r*l,:a. I after it furious tilti)tlitt witt I ' early. appaielitty 'It awl f6:1 in what ix X �) hrtwi- flInterprising Beggor". A#' prot4wtatiolix tile prisoner leaving the ftelt lit pusmission. -of lli kil0wil graving dm ehun­i. humt. of But 11vP -.U. f4)r n ray was 11014bily diviNK4i Vo r i-vik 1. 111111 i -et . i I'll, tfic rival. wont It .- ft rc Tli4 4IV4, lip. litst. sthr. i f tA.r tu* a rd tim front 111v iwal CelVry 14-twth. and %%idtll to -ell- L f ileum. % 14- Iti in tile G r1nan Iw"'Nilift- 4'Vlt .4, 1 ill tilt- I (k-ir --i-tImintu"nate. With Garner of Ely rilce thile' The girl will blame ]I 4011th. oft(,,, round suvins!: t It!% t j .121 i.,i. for me, - Sir -for tile . una�ccoutlted-f or Fill; of tilt- light travels at tlw rate, of lbi4l,:130 vt�rtaiTl siw to Ile 114- L t wrti. The Baster Nitc-fiflefiten recent- 14v Y one; thinp will 1w fill right It ralcia are 11mvilMiedl, and. I flow eat, Illittoovi. Tiley am vongtrneted fit groln- il.ttiv rtirli-s he gn 141 at parting. "it favt'rtr 11014.4 in -11 Pivoll4l. I-inUml this: "A wan on thV* rod %L %It I-tItne they niret. hit- there ri y# 'for a 4.jtllllotl itrowt anti orleep welJ. Aly present int- IY it hall'.10.0 ill. W :1.11 to? rehizious. c011v ILI l' r I U. oiq #11w I icUott t*wkv f"r the Ju. anol fittod vitil lwmvf X3 snubs for Vraiellititr t tLit, 'w"Ill ig-f4ileli n to -undertake a peni- is IrroV4VI HL fl(witel inVo t1w 41(14 anti 14) ww flirt 'Myra, tit I Wit ter It 9 all all,- Ivill 1w ()Illv to r4;a,+ this to tll4. -lienith-evilig virtittv; tif tkeel hiticks -vid &-r;wlh _1; I .V :irolif' 01p. tontlal -]Lull it p1"*wl.*, attonvi sip till t-lio full Nly. el-ar 1,1!e �014 hi-t 11, surd nitstak.e, Ito ontilluNi Its fltlest' - 4 rayerful k)urney toil the 1114 .; A a letterAbe detec- Compo"114. wili('Il lit's d0iw' w igW 04. water theii ;ir Lark. wilit inturmur Of CXVit4 14x)kIng 'at 'I lie Cza r at Honits. mir n4 Offeringu undpr head ­' - 4 kv" Y hum6and is now ill;- 1101Y I nd for me. 'M oilt. Sucil 14m-kft a re beksw ceer that t1w hr ii le tive, ff icer 41old for lits, perusal ; a bor. sed to the punipml li %%. lli-X1111der I I IV it for dlysIx-1whi, nd it 114AI)ilig Christian love tot) b6 ddrm-k tile oi(x-kyard. T[w ubdiik, was 8H. t6 `114- All -1,11toi-rat ots Xf rron uo &rp built with stairs like the si-at* etv the tIICll lie tntnel IndignatitlY 11.4 DR t1w. kwel or , P for 10"I. My off il�o or title paper." I rt.t m lk�IX111 't4l , IkI41%4' 011. Ills hand. i I I - ven -Ili -tho 6niont W' ht-; faintly. ich )III11)(4141ed the lmr-rs It whon -ork -nil to T!Iie Sir'Afark was about t4) tako fr44- tin' a mlibithe"t"'. 00) lus 011114 11., how% . -ver.. in th� V4,ry reverse. Routs. srrva tly $100 Reward $100. t "lay g" up anot W i4l4ka f ttiru iharlwly- i;uest struck the hand (]own. mo 'wrl I ' I'll ood untd In lie, t,.'o � I... . 114. dare on?" 11io-gail tilt- 11 1 regards 11. Vollsmt Its g elotiliffIr at t%lte exiiens.0, of tlw bkvmwl. Ymirs truly. Tlw rtwuierti of, thim paper will 1pe ting,forty tow; StIll) IN) Y.P11 y ris- , e era now I i f linot, 0i 'Olomrade and -wheli in urgent, cas: a Annio R. Coll 11. pk4uietl to lourn that t1wre is a lemilt t­v4,ral. owf the Tl!pir dinner at m-llolo)l Alinisteis wvk ;ill U11(utllicle [lite " In. eat ymi over toutl�itle t4o.,k 11it till. 4-r7l Mn t touch tile' scoulitirt-1, - Sir 11011 1. bread, ve (me (k4mik-d dixeAw Vhat lcompletaAl all that is n4wessary Ut �.1140V"l 4111 31141 ig all thc evening -lie is -invariably to be begi.nning of been rible to ewe In all itA A119", InUllell her Lq to open tli(. gates, fill fiercely. "it glaek of I r. At the n id -hild re- You! that kv Vfttarrh. Hdill's Catarrh tile 4kw-,k an -f "Ile fl():'tO; ('lit veltAlo'but %IWV e.iI)-,toA Ito place, ai 'The -zuvamtvr a ft (1 1 ulinto-r ea -h f ".1rancy PdekeLinv Jill! c rii�w. lwiqoner "You laughing w ithout restraint. Riult of clothes. tire cure known 1�%iiglttler fr-otii tilt tiv velves a comlApte ,F:tllcy Illeeth'' you!" im the hit- ('tire is Qw, 0111Y Pold rink or troubk-. Ir'he- Of a At tl,e t.'atlio 111i PnIellt. tlllml� turd. rignInst me ? But I know ti I n - rea- (1ar is lonierally txxupleti '..fit. his te 19 of 4 -di Catardi I t1w it. tfl! I ;­ otic Lontion to the noviticai rratendt Ilumlwr (A ;ioickO at a station 04 111% 'ek, while the Czarina busiva lierseir -st importation. bei titution.al dimeam-. requires I a "Alliall vempi knew A was oki:ig n14-11 rAePlIcid, il'14) tll*' hall, son for tilat ; our friend t rejected. dc The hiat lenient pawnbroker's shop slang. It. in now lit curmit use Ill the ug a mpnh rengfillow willet % Ueatment. Hall's may txk lit i.11to a ontall 41,ork a nol is 't a!1*1 f0K')tIlIV1l ill - vith i-mbroklery. work.- in t1w World N maid to be the N1011t.-t city (pf its k Lne Y011 rP V4 "ri 'IN lie 4 of a%41 )-efor- t44 11110 Wncher§'� Inn.' a Nlinistil!r e ters.�xhe riss-ii its if to _�4i1ion as it erushing a thelli 11144y %tel%! cI ark," crip(l Gueqt. CatarrhXurd- im titken in ritally. n into :1 Inme one lit ollee. Come 4wa�, x iNted retort in. 4,11nrMls. 4ft)utes and witty -.;1 1 :4) tile foo.)t of. %he staiiream. re, bu-t tuore of tell than other, 1:1 lift:ll -It I.,,olne. Ins e hig,41irlactly upt-ml tim b10041 M0 mu- sloo4tig.,"im- with w, 11"Hell Tho man 14 an utter kna-vo. % tie (Vir hiformin' )lee that sibe 1colintor", tilough lit) one 1uowe or th criM Sir t It lopajis frour '11', el J w rel)Y of tLtno add' In -WIC. P %'I r 14i I ir 'Mark t!ir:'' I ulwv th-In it I igr I iy, I will too -niany. _1,0 Ilp(mi gnobil What it Inny 1114 -all. Tile expi-es- coue-4 eurfacos or t W RYINU411, itgrippml iiiii. arm :wd Ing Vic, fouild.10011 (of t1b" (UR- lft� but. .4file of thvill It niusic-111111 ititty. destroy that Iptter, hnlint roll) anAl the ne- :jlpi giving tile pat4ont wtrength Lit .tho provineAw, vivaro-.1 iirf)h MlIg Win Lrd's Liniment Uieves Tenralgis- 4',tu-*;t quickly. r lit. nent in litiol: li.i.rd oil %larla Jetr4pitt." wr;tten (Ili BrI*I1111y WeAding. Pe e. po-r annoni I. I -P Is*% 40lie r .. . the laut word, by,bullding tip We vAolmititutioll and -lily, netir to . rib t it our crest. front yotir itt. iroi-- It. ill greater sunw. 60 audoung nature lit kAlig its work. t lwarilli; y r I ir, olitiek. Stop t1w%y­urig , atiluel wediling party yqu Tito proprietbro have v) inuch fultil Court Bouillon. 114) wiinU IL iMiu. I. era that t Thig it favoriW Crel*- manswr of tile The A merio n w visiat girl, is I%% yx, - 114-Y of - -r of,1110 forged which lilp"Aew- tj1:11 00 kl"th I'lle qukAenre ill i&i curative poW (I 1)�bllamjor any c4ine &,king finil. IU�dfish or red snapper 1a)-aiii: 110t4w. There wero� 1.t!) te4i ill" tile lvalio!rs for One Hundre lec - . presi� W' how"M "a. mluetion" in ihe priceic f a little _NIy grva-t til.,It it Sir 'Mark VV tvt,. awl ke 0. tli:kt it flilim to) otim. Heiml for lixt tit . _\ tQuic As niy dear Air At-j.rk wvt silo -tit and thiffight(ul re an!V.'* Quickliefti. yer in ko t he lxwt court litmillon. though 'Poill tilt) ()tile -kedre 2!ac IxAtle,, no fl I %viit '-fit 'w. J !1416 Sirl"It.-ti Ill tll+� I' blitl 14t 6orner of Itim varriage x. -he, fis everybolly, fril nds IUV4 Imouialwo ny large fWi with firm fkWh toe -lit Quk 0 hall 11141111efit-lbut y'et." tiH IEV & C .. TO r ii WO 4;) nwr- J.ariti L wat were driVen back, Bv.Atill u Ii., :DOC bottle., Ill)%%- 215C. J. CHIB% 14 a(VI. IWOW11 'a trampoonful of -ting r t.11f. f.Let tl,.* 141 U I alike. 1vore the pictun womAll lilts jjf4t -ke 11 9 111111. #*4 I'll' go� tti t�,e rq'%.*tn W -effect. wnpi:,nihst pretty 0dic r( it. SoM by nil onip olvoonf i I I of I ard when we ORAIPPI. It they ' two nthe lunwe, when Ile ..icwtunte, thp. Quick61m $11AX) litow, 'jilenly his cow R-1 fter Ainner. -a. 4 o) t�i,*Ctvv nibnthi� till- 'On Ile m'v obeymi,tJ �w titryloql qIq Mnio Hallo Family Mlls; are browINA istid one Hniall C.h0PPed Ion strikifig.. __Quickheai (4 horw4i aTpI B. dh*ad ;L or*, "Thfink you. fh*A." t.1W. tur In. tlni4- 'U) Itsitr tile a #4 org te. grasm and awl lwit, two tabifalxxKwfuls of tO 25 ean t0lig. like a frienot Ili-' !961*11.ur maid wit -11 hor f Ili Depths of the be mato-"; thlm Put in your figh cut in t1je �41 :Ppol* !1e sofifpOl tura A iA at 4rlts: need. tent water to N.114--ril tile Q11Pell,* n:tnie.* I WX) 4 Iotlle(4 pok., it xtick i'llilln-, Ing her-leool up th.0 Fw,('Y t he- 4",!' d vier t4ke" previ-4joustml sinkiw,' witil W4o.-r. a *�,l I anol add suffie my wi., I ". lot 11%` Where witcheraft Flourish". Tho tielith (,f tilt.- Atlantic 41 %vo I- my -ifitjiv thalp liwet mer anq.,r't114%!'anA (if a rxwer the riull. sivilli acopl.oult r. t (.0 JJrs­!_VJltg h4-**' nerk kicking. Witelteraft, it; still� rife owtg�g the u-neupful. Siminer f4owly row IAdy. It L+ 31A)t X-4 if bonii-,* But It'11118 (tinlilre bt-tween w.tilles for- tile nwid- - m iti womething, awful to -erally I If hour "and -our sid6 lllart(w)k I her." although tile rfwult OMn minutna )w ever caml to.- bli �l 0 4�f %tr6l, gr -mplate. A -prett lerel b lia Pits, the' emlt( y Un- L 'aitol In.the. kand I not betieVL%; t"Tat Alr.*- IIJ of th" arv, Ito%%, veldont, goes ley. thy #I nd t 114 N,at:4,jr- I - vil li A4, t -he to runs right way.. from tho Afrif-An fore w-rviug n4i pars me Ill. r4. grivat up till- Aincrican ones, gritil- hay to taste when firnt lver. 'Wrroh. N, CtzJ0y -. nor yet th-tt I C 1!d tile re44 (if n4' islands Well. -Ar. tot wh 1 It fr"--[. �fteri- Was- a re ou gon 1 1. n f ly with plenty�.or ime in, as far fix inuri At all evo-Mtso. I -A yra -14-rnpd fool. The m"Hinelled Out twiially suffer 11ally (1knoo-ning t4o n%­rly yoll begin to Took the fbdl- Some Cte- have been havioR hag f igurpil iiii thAt. the* W hop, are. &CC410tetl t!.6 Varwwgi I6 -ford, nd by him. 110W toy having th(r Inits burne4l gi-litleman, nhil average Imin-lier 4 hatri; oil tile. headr . tt tills 1q)4)t tho 111g11e@t­m0I-.tA1Uti11 it, oirm -.Idl(l 11:11E a battle of claret to th@ till- -Fruit Potsontnq poor ol-I 3Ct1r')1'm, it Ul the hwt Ill spite of- All that, lic said Proteett6ji lin.1 smoking ruins aro Ito tile Alps might Ile omljk.. there rourt, tw4illOT) while vooking. Many like I that ahe felt c ortaip I I. t struggli.-, tile Wlilat do y(ml 'my, FromCnnned of'a -'red-headed �person is 29,200 that C.0milloll sight, although tile crime 1k; half atile of "Pa the flavor thus given. *1 r 4*11 It -penches. tha t IN- luearly ft "Ap have e manner did,ocot Mt*.'f6r her." fla r SI ' :10 y call awut -1( _, wlia.t -do �you sa, Ailrk-haired Im. carried. out In sueli it -ator above It. 'Ir lrult-m-for' t a (Wricult to amviet the cherr"- mor othet Words tty ezpr(-Ss Ills r 0 it 11 frui Mar k fit t Do - yoli w1gl-I me "to speak , -t�tueu It is ` yory I Marroit was W acidlows-let -it for - some (XX), and fair -h' irvil men an(i u off (L1I(JfV'_1TMtatar HfWnl(l. Immn pw)r t! tem, rag*. aw . I I ' 140,1") toy 160,000. -It flail also t,ollt of tile If . I I by two Alark Itime. anti tho fruit acidil'and till- tit' (rOln Ttie firA viijanelpation pr(wiftinat'011 Icyll "Of. coutm. been . calculited - that it all, the hairs coverod. anxt any op(mit i y tbil t -th4. dy to, (to their wor pf)l* hik, driving dure, throw him back.", t 11-6 , Twn. ia -an a rer ma k .%)f :' ' * AN NPIDEM10 OF COLDS. Ilk Mill 'to) 1w ou t1w grav t te - two I Thr.11;. I sa -al knwk4ir- th.1t on the -bead tif * fair -beaded Woman' I -C `!4ohn Ilative! of Af- 'flow Very 4*tt* WhVe tI I"n (Ai I ng; chemlo. )r,l -tit tile Imly d el ; -that yoll 'have. efmild lw� plaited togrllpr t hey Dr. Agnew's Cattarhal Powder Proves hill Inxt Augmut, my loorm, utter coun r -tom- Aw. oliftl ill 1773, iligod, GO. 'It to I another purpose. re,. tells jtwt. the., ilangerom .-o no felitr ; Nliticolm trat I decl�ived*, fifill that- %be lit '44 pightya.,ionic guilty of Ito illoaite. Si itfr#w-111.0114oury of Vilil ie creaWl U unfiem.tenty. * tol siwtain a weIg the Good Samaritan to Thousands of qtt linbled and fell, cutting It M* io-i willu us frw* : Marl Li M furo. *1m making. yvri at19rY; (4-tirfully IlKiisit tile head nild loody. I will n" God -wills V()U, fl)r(6-, cat) . door. and saw not n, bit. I'm I'La avoidance of Vie peril. Tho rule Sufferem in the Present Hpidemic Willa U14 fc%I,1y. I- knov� .."Noto bit;: Gtmot; -Malbala Itentley, of nh34)lllllig- 1 olo)ne. Though born 'in e-hiclo d1;r7i1VN4 6(1. igllt t0rfoUoW.it4 never to -1 6 Ift 1 4, f-- -. iffrald yoti stre right, totit T must f w, George E. Casey.; M. P., is One Liniment f1w-lY toll It of I'la lit- w." - tx)rn rr4*- :iad lit.3tW il,l or other drinkm in - tilt as Ilim fin(, I. - a any Who Knows tho young.111an. of the M It U -W dajr1f 1W W. �afi fok� t 4illt ..t[l#- 111.64:whlb 1. ! bucket,. 64 allow them V). mid ill, jel Mire siege-J#f Iloonesloorlii% Tl!o%Lg0 lie iad or iiberk%. smiling. -is I ark _# 1, Tlw loor w, retwhed juld Sir M - the - ca W_lio)(41. '.11111tr W. of 14A Goodneso. 'it at; -i a Nisve. till by liis hont*t int'. re- for there wam ve*.0-I hr -tin' itillt ill W of &#; ipli%d� %V0 wIll ,tot lirgue the PO I - uttereol, a Figh of relief. i fif;h thp firr0 W'llite ure relief in the Irt-I are' ymr " M to lx� ween;,. canneil fruitk -or inedintoli What to do to sm w-quir"I tile plif"o, tjio cAd botciniO. taking GUM W,, Tio erowd—nQt it carrial Aild Impr4 in Rvistneky, lins. just, epidemi is -tile (11080)11 00411- t 10 :1 !; I NnItill V IIt was UIXAl.. (iliefling t-114. itan turn till.. Ma% ry Whirls g1tvc llitil I& "Wo 100th think jvs) kt.-ow him aukt, upon. eptering the hotwe, 1ArthdItY, I sands area,skhig. Coldx this wason :I t- Sheriprofte t)ra tef I lier 141, it The ivwt cof the PpitaW, afte? it" if C-MULnt. i1J11INll:tlI tllroat alld f rer ery.'.. f rlmd. ail(] V1601- 11P)II. - bead. 111141 r than nyone f -La find - Is io; y arti%e.for CeenWn- - tack ip bette tt#,Iytll' "' 1;: 14-1- Inteh* 16-6 t AIWL !-VX1. "WItt t6 I � that ev la te, fir into -a dioll infifis* of :. . I ..; intimt ha%e twen vvritteli hy a aLll b&Vt, not JILILIf 4 tor Ill" ft ,derarWi. P nt)thing that gijWr till quickly .1 : .. . . I . I., fore -runner w. it of ilia natr*i., Sir rMn rk ivtro4_-. in ilkight andfirm, oliwam or gi a -in every 'awli cam, its Dr.: Agnew's - 001) t t; i � ir.. A I - IO.LV4' MM to bal-I ro )t�' ;13,14 Guefft. stoplif"I tp � say good-bye. va�ly sealM call lir%wfly. I ;.W. S� Gilbert t400k't It(- sthfid ("ntarrhal - Powder. (,'reo. F. CAW.y. M. H4. vollrtg frowm �,.J aiiiriii my lad ; d(blilt leave me* pam4l. VnpraXe mo l0w.417, W* y one of fiftV Ott IrH ipf jh(4 ki oW t1w iju*wt. "I have no tinu- to No, no, and f hip; is 4W11 our leIm it.,1 0,,t1il tile oltl in'ao. "Come wili, f1lil extelit of y4 iu r ignorance. P!,e Terrcrs S%Vept Awimy. week. af n U-wirrioth door. Y. tip ladim first." Up the 1"I't C-ILPOCt W . till, with the aid of tile iifintw- 119A ill -St, iihn.l. I r have tried this mmedy, afid livar tew Dr. Agnew's 01litnielit stanils at tile PI '4 )r sit-hiligg.. ['I(- stated thnt- t1mony to its unik)ub it xii XA0 inen voW. -ind sure twifo) -Attatt(Orl 014141- Iilly S011- He let I Ule uray up hlW thd draw- Ili "114' t Jinif- 4, 1 to offit-4- wo wrf- trUill4i te goo mo liewl noi n reliever, healer 'Myra pro- the rm-ult Is a deadly 1volsom. Tkis 1)(mi't wasto Jae Witil ftr- bull- -ruay as lW CaMP 1X1Vk:a.1i'I liel-I flisit Ing 'room, expectlyW to.fInd ny ti ell", for l'ikw Ili nil forms Oiw at) - t r of `rtgards I -re was mly n1lP figure. brief trqvttynpn -the ­ flue-4tioll tiog If yoiraN- loobking for a wift ininp. -atioil wIll give comfort Ili a few ()Illy 11111;� (if %V11ich the first-filad A ew Triv),e. his h tind --M-y kim"t xtr:tte ; but, th# pik t in ater e r door, glfolll(l bol remenl1wred- by 'every . oup lioUlt - worry almu -fl(Av ;-. f to, greet ',Ill -his r TI. tlWy N. wiliuton. and three to six days' appli- 6(Al't I*,,, Afraid, old ft reje A . . . _oU it'S What 1y t1litt coacg tr) behave seludbly. Y141 I,f howeve vrklly elot*-d before .111d its histructionia to'llcowed. Tb- fi iN that at thO 41000 t ro. ail Ili I to. _of y (%tion w-cordivig Va directionm will eury rew alwp should alit in .1174� der( poor usan. iflum. He wants -)t fi-ar Igenoral p otIntis. 8 It relieves all Itchin need a Vrho.bad I*xw with tier cousin, chronh t' 4'. VOilt i le' n1p.into.tiop room flushed anI eager- wminating tlll'4r i4lMpje- Anowledge.-:-�: atshitit to te." t t tweaum-1 a streantlet Don't thkak 'lut But 11"It j; -.t Ill dv Ve[fie. tile, flisfin- 'I( he's'anotivir refuVw driven out, -Ind burning skin d(wasr-s in it day. Off wittL ., I . "Wheret. im Myra Fruit (4rrower. too a little strobalu :1 hamlet is :I little Don't deny it,141bil *ir Nlark,- -h rii-st.' . W110 hills 'a `Ly i ng ''don. uscle.- We --a of-Spiiiii by the - war. to -P lihn there said 8vatton, ailing at lit.% frien-l*#4 i, f rea4y ham. ou colifide Ali colifusion anot lie, "Icco -41 flilli go* to The poininine -Observer. divil, imok lkml,t f(wWt that when, y entinent Italian ornithologist -rtqx)k the task (if m;tpliing-, nothing. left or him. We've at t niany ye arm ex-Conwils this itkorning."- w f;- oa oM Iirtifl Lit a niarritut woluan, You are probably that the 4l1% ha 0 u cut (xn to the'landing. God kill. .6 1 � f)ilr-4- t t I:, nitien of Wit "Ifiding ill tier hitsilliabd algo.-Clit- they eati Ilemoved, but her!"- he maid. 'Wih h0r every br6ken dow n td leff4 Trib nip. Nine men ont lit, 44o'l, go NeWIL that extra ordi na ry flexibility ic t1w -1th tilt. num on i ruplillg %% away as soon. liegills tilat, Witen, in In ter years, a niorp happ i,p to �lvru 17A iier rgodiik- kX undert�iken VinazXs Liniment Cures Dpdruff. It!0 &I, ovcvr . yow., nful I ci%w bear. :.sur y w cry.. it fta' rcipt, Af.yrn -in -a, pom.jllole, girl. L I 14. as] with incredible' rar4fi- MAJ C, wiveti are mt inMl)ici�u* t. % -winsid's, Liniment -for" g Itrunientality (or t4i mt)vc 111" 1* i Jr" lit re ef ity in any directim. The 'to j; their husbit-nolm.- �rtain. 6f 4.1alimtitle' #�*xlilorotion finid his work Mor6 Side, Lighl.ti on History. y IIII(io)k hato! sthem fi.)Jild to.110. tbo,ropughly # tn htAir ..LtA.r. (iuc 110% erk-41,atery0y. tif- the 'officer, yoft. I, The' Utniftict 13"pens. lilizoall uml his F4:�ptiatw- ft w W *Tf nie -ke b: itubar along Oil . the glify grounil mter the ron lo. flow very fe - of us Iii -111:10, to ;Dp mthy murtaure 1. the Salva- 1-4-Ak fJW tlJV CUM-Ut �'Var f ail no,", �ried over had gone !0 1. atelling hurricol w4V4 10"411tely ek-aii It ir-ii th6 yf'kri4 -aglo till (Ili ke -my girl, t1le. �ir 31:irk hitiwisly-: -6t r0lirm, tiot. altothoi9ttom of thp Rod Sea. tio"t At t A.1141 ,�ns tf), i'LL - r .. , -gg tA) figilt S he was stfirrt �'-ir Mark ?" jani-I he man %trhet comise and winter hhTito' lxraellt�w were nearly er(m4s. 1 bavo milod my first taoe, --damine. it's wmie+0emy'04 �vork. I'll ittiritig of Itim :tbtA-n(4'8 'froin "Look gain through the fiekliglaw. N I whint*�Or w4ich Is iamoh to Ilia, chi' Afill �111. irlto 'hiol (I r6a, nts rV liour such broAdakile h 61. PI It in it(*' 'mistakes. I - unappreciatiVo. tnen.. wInr(opini 'Ile crial, a puf - cry. to �her- an -lograpiti-41 to Iii it Eollo The WINA thou soxwt.? beautiful k It i, ,I We 1,1 WKS K L d lie A. woman nevo r ff"its; thP streets-"() U in1110 toil me lift But what L,l been :L 1-th yoti.- of course, Ixit, you do�-n thought #4truc M .,In ti3rn- 4 -tft its hals J-.041 -lit egg. rki in 'the abT 404" stretoching'a rix) in.this Uof #-'ItA% t:: T!14 Ili,- (aw of thm" da.-# for ofirty s wjwn shi Itim enill Fart. Fancy an I IVWt ­ 1111INt hP and Fable w.w tt n ht I to f; � 9 - - ... 11 the -sub� 21 '11111pt., I'M 1MV0 h0ell silk liettleont. of your grace wo have ta. kt-i Ity Atom A. who mit, I'm .af 04 ler int h work. pw' eJ e vatte wwrtlta Th-ottlyofficial work. In I'llf. boy with Ii the..girl tilt-. largest g(m nild rind to tV me t b. -P 1 Law 1-y oam- of -till- 4�leverekt "llnrimps Im- thinks lie is fishing for troduction H=) 4;(4 rill opf our ik, i r n vir t1179111 r Ills witli her j6mpipg rcopi t1ro. t.he sure linti-Ii it." by I OW11 thi'. W fino .111111ps fin m im p1mmantly rejotl"I' I'liar-, givort tio-pre not im*t4wary to #;t f(br k linrlwingers. or spring. of P be- wilreatell it—wl' I is gpt rill (A'Alieul' wiUloilt Ilitili FlItF.- ^411iesand 1U Ich WItITF. friev(WhIP In h#,r t)rt*t -1)&*t ta! tuH, Mark`- e. r if NotAfong j, lAhe Iolliv llefrio- it. PI 1 1441 Oil firat or n linrrl-r Va rr(mn, man." � 9 WIly in, it tllpL I)Iel li.' W4 ["K., Outfit Wirank i t 14. NisWr alinomt� Itent. - I 111tei llupother. QU11 only GIG& at, tile -sain 111of ILNV Putnam get nerow." -all true. Wt rar6ly tile moist fr Iimmeolintely the awy wltvt%s & hprgt-lf t4l. I -S. it, likely'." �Tlyen it is th Ilk" 'ft 1i I ."L A no 33 Hichmooid 1'orobwo. -tit. gov taildimAit vt at. in- q-Kcavathi; for a cellar we ghe lind acceptipil ; bitit slit "Wht %% hat ail t4jeape Well., J'm KIR41 It' A th. NX4klI1UVt Froal the ]Regulations :iillg 014. Icus8i, eame, together anti 6 rwhelined tlw t Ilwil-fil hed '(k)wn tier hilln, by the liniqw1le-41, When a wo -conimandex and. 1119 Migilty wit9i amd CrUN ll1)IjNS _rr L tit(, Ali tileq, tre. Tilt!- ina italilin *phyiAcian. runhing on Ili$ felt" jipgpio- I that city rkirutti.'foun. I it it Impious ttm must. lWave a f 4ritmix staini) I tit tile name of tile Stra, 11110 was e"gFk9P4 U) liar- 1* keeps the opera g jbil-the tinte. I tonnahawk' liout.-ChIcnigo Tribune. wlw*-1 to the bedwide of :I patient, pave a GOW U&' now. . n (1 9 4; *, , Alie ffoor. but turt"I calmly ellolix't .,It is tile easiest.thi �i . -Indian chlef. -Loof Lirpa, tnwtwl by it polimman' for scorch- wisli,, M0 tici Giwst, "oftering Ilia hanA ng ILI. till' V�00(1 f a motis si her fatl'Pew RNI rm. It WiT 'a wift. '()w. af ter ail AF Why Suffer9 Ing. aw-1 notwithpItanding tIW ex- than W Vndse In thro may, t1i Ills to, get n crowti. U) col lect, -bit t. it Isn't Tarved -in t1w. Ifandle - had pJrc4DiW4I Tou will exetup- mo- now. Sir Mrk.' to CXPI Wilat'. it'ji.in th(. lkftl)e' '44f -tIICV SL'tte h* that ho Irwed hrr. IlPL! L W) 'Ition of tile, phymitian reganiing Oil. "Eli? What? G(Ang? Well, if you %y a k :Lve e0P1ed Wltfmi there is such a g(xxt mnie,jy PInM Aniegic 1,,trl ? It to tor Of- ito,in,'the Itegister asks them V) the urgency,of the came, was coui Apk yourdealer f0ftbill tier no rf)0M ..Btrt dont lonvo me In tile lurch, a- woman living w 14! r Eq)ell' VW ifame of that chief back- asNorviline for ali kindm of pains liellml tA) go to court. When tile doc- etirew neuralgia tit five minutes ; toofli- 641 ill Irv, Iny ulmy -Ind.:-Corne Inw-k nnd haire IL bi 'ER t of WAI fpr -a hi*band. with a ward' acho In tme minute ; Iime back at one tor finitIly was releampO oil arriving msitt proudly tc, hkrioelf as dinner wlWi me. I shall be very (lull. of the patient. lit, round WHITE. The Dan cily Oil ft It Gut-st as -he in -I few wo- a t the home d 'I ww't nak you 1wre. It will tier father'n arm L nP he hastY 'temper to ollo who) 'sulks )ver (pr the carriages V real or iningill'Pil grievances. The tiate' dr' it vaults in w)me of inont, and all pain Jimt as ralAolly. tilat-she himi (Uad for lack of iii4-d-' ,*iven in #in( MtwralAe. Meet me at tile club.' P08 #:oxorq, Toronto. !'jr0l.*J"f tlltt ical attendance while fie was tit the 'gilt alqialtiitg whelf yon (;Ivo it it triall. etit'reh. Ike t!,fp!, Quent. promised. amd tlien shook It Ire 140 --date trust �Czimpivnies have 1111y t**n riaril-in- ht-# have wxitten wmw. particularly fu hnnds of the Inw. The cireumutance -if 1. ell ly 00-signtmi. f or im-t 11, 1inilda with Miss Jorrcold, who prewd le . eNpecl. ilia fr s am finel"Otiollai -s-rta thintr R1141 mullinitted to ti ajlie 7 The japall�-se Press. Nvi to the exclwAon of phyeicintis fr(biii yra wa Ii14 finger.,# *armI7; W4 when lie turn - P. vditow that yfon dismver thnt. lie ev:, the rum-ptiluft qr for garinents. 'fur the regulations aega4%Ang meorelihig. cowiill WaA ';wi`4t' t. -ant r to,! fr4l tn shy good -by t6 Ed16 she, was not FOR SALE her irgaill -as lie -SAW -not'takc a joke. matw, ete'. They re' 'kept in romotub T4v Japauese prem is one of tilt - He mis, tho r lr"ilug 1411oll the --tcinperature. or w1iich is main- -moss enteepriaiiig going. -Of tinily Ili&- HMART MIRACLES. -k tip 4iIPkfJU4-"' lie mutWred as lie i4tlIu0q11..* I !);I T41'po her I#n vf 1010 fl(jp%v 11P talwd at so) - tow pors and reviews there a0e L SW' ro- (hretisaw aso4l urnwfoni Salty Tast6 or.-Sei%'Wst,*cr. - Fluttering Palpitation ;11 1,'4 li-it 1'- "Might have said moM- point that Ws Suffocation l'itle wrftwt. On M. t'. 1wroit. Mw 1wr- hustolitJ's!'m Arm ot Ellis.. 641P Of 'Istructive. insects and their germs ky(l aldne can tioast Of' tw,ellty:w, 011gh." Pa1wro 1by. i4nel I.Aum Utib WfW prIviler'-f U #'#W*1 Sm Witter devoted V), politics. anti llk� Acute Paint; Certain 81gns of th -4)6rtiv tll0L M.It, I Mr. Goefft," oanle f ro"m snIt.at th(� lierish from 'the' cold. wr lierro,'. Tftl­ 14%ii(ix an- vkww to ell periodicals. nit, eirculatlon of the -Heart'sgicknew Dr-AgnewsHewart ir tile froir t r, t I Y d0Wn toottonx AVIU bf-d *166nil, -the water 6ing 114 -TA lit -hurches, whoois. r(aw.rVatory Wf-wa KJJIIIJII(XtN nfltt- 'fj.i If ;- an'4 th!ere was Edic wait- I* [nipregnat(A with 1) Arstvitrung's* Cowtiany ly to R. W1. Illiqrre. West Bit cit). or ftU& re. r however. - ra ti iv!r Cure.Relieves in 30 Minutes. 41il will Iw mold fai-4wablv letinoL. Xr wtml,i 4�arell fO nowspaper limited. E.ren theilli-intes, (if -leptia, 'to t ril; it 'ryink :olt 1.11i, ­9;si No.- -no.; don#t Aop me. I must IN Mh tit of livart Whittemom, him -1 P7 - tint which is subsidzed by the vori i - lit k it tnoti6le or. Ac - poor old 3fa, wly WiLr- Y* U. r i0i &'A- wealthy-Aady. living near gar- - . I . ! melf ftA IYD ffilov.est tile no, Wit r7l.l_.1110 'tfP_,LAfyrn.. Good -0y, Percy- Ob. 4-ti,11t4linm nift'it loutriol oubwtaurtw tif It' . a ii iiew'@; Curr for the 'Ile-vrt 1- t..* P Ifitil .1,. *;r ' ImOn' town, sent an officer. an Invita- M"I't itsell tW.4lui4-k4wt actig ren"-dy in c4wpb� witil 1k I trihs, 11i4inf.41 - I NO brackiiih witure. _ The ',tvason w II.V r , tlqm not circulate ' mom th. %, IL14 in %04. t410,1, Ilowith tier. Tile note 16,000- it day. --and, unlike -our Tiw. u(t swarly an , Pah' 110"y" Mon tli. take Wit Capt&in In existw �pped. in wlwu Lite CJLI*W a and rain Water altlibifgh � ni 4t the Jigi Shimpo'.41H it ik r(�ivl, mger, �ltll--4 kept mi.6aying to filmself no lie 114 oCim �*The.pleasure 'of victim of livart. @(,(IuxM beyond wife. �bnt 1cibiting -0 fof it eva-piwatc4l from the w! more C-Xpensive thall its voil- ho on4k.mide of tile #'-Xplained by Alke: liw-t' that xnft .,%,ill Arntstropngs�.comlvany is requested." no hope -in , 04- I:tmt gamp-has stayed a wi Ito rv.' sill and tile nionver, ran accordingly: En- tempornris,, which caii W bought death'n lintid. avid has provM a never- le. first tinte. lit)t and. t1jerefore w]]PIL 1:;; 1 r4 re- - 1 pently* fulling id ist-rinlitn44it curie It lu ail ri 41 FA for tilt- K n for the equivalent mim of Ttw r .*Ila[ !" lie m. ikater IM turfied'int valfor "olms "d 'Am "are bee -resting paper in .1 a pit 11 most -d do guard.Rinty. but the re-, The Itned is Shimbuq, or tl IMPPY, Pai KI:1 honest mtufleitW anti do stWLIplaCN1 bei hA11111 1110f,11 11111, -W tlimixt uh&r Idol h4t 4)eliln*l.' detalle. V all 'elm Itils,. c r r i a 903 Inder' ot CAptadn Arnistrong'scom- Get toll %va.,4 eoming fon.. Vv ilell Is til" for it. ;4rm. Y()U 'vful. fir ny accept-4fth pie- asu re. "-Yonth's "'News of the DRY,". wl Dr. gnew's Liver I"ifla are tile no arlicular to toll In - England dwhanicti head the list Pit Dion. luictly CmUnipVt 04. f,ffivf r . �- i A ; - . I -al paper of Japan. and 18 coil . 1 It- of inventors. c�lqrgynjen coming tioxt. chealit,st liver corrector known 1141 make qn1e "hslr cry a whispere4l. back, majiu!r 414�w% 1' 1`01110. tinlially engaged lit inkslingin 1W :1 1 . t �,rlftw cvery%ling." g . 4leea 1; - "Ill ' . Itll(. Nip Von- reat Japhnese Steel PM-.,#. k)ok- u;lgqt#. * play hilig, pon. the organ of the FAIP, :1 f.,L , not mfP yotj at tile pfirty. MaAy of the daily van'� yachting y rvative are ill1intrated and Ali iminelim 6UVI plant. exating n iseptic tvh light, Of tout iIIJ4 9111ue�" M' Imid not# tile' heart to ow". A FFZIEND'S -ADVICE. * in tes and' lndleA' paget4gre 000,000, IA to be conxt;ructed at Yet W_ A him. 'cn 1�isglan fashion Pin it 1101tov tamura. at the extrenie nortlwrn fftra&tM stayod away. the rage.' Westminster Gat- il Spruce *,o.,, Anld t1w 1girl, with wpfnP 404- say lie. was 40111K W4 11ij. I o4xt of the Ja4p&new Wand of Kushlu. maid Utwo- t W 1'411 tf). Givwt PIIAIed- (ibI Igell Otte. ry rich in coal. 3,OW,(00 I to come and. whkch Ito ve rity, rl And what lit led too t7k, IpIkly bunhels having been wined in 1897. Fibre -ware *.j, ttInt l000r cl ef) ft or owo gint" urlaiftill." News Notes.. roll fel t 114- IWO- ticki-t.-; r -fowkwiv Mir, arrest?" im,rishable madc ittilwritch- Coal development t�oinpankw are being thirfriKh Lht* ermonflY, nftd coins are generally of i r( ill. I I - - I 'h'VV the xtriiggle Ip vle 4worrd'_- organized rapidly, anti t1wris- will he -title. f (wrild ren -Al her tholighV4 Ktartot-ll I it J.4 ont a commmn ncetirence that. a mally.1 _t,wama,". Fer 0fice jilil -in Slam they are elderly of. l"lrc(- r 0 w tho LI nw! 411y �irriu& into it rab, will -trrovety-] have. taken a casiple 6( no lack of fuel for tile works. -.vhivh I 6 pvwfy I f x he n ;e1=18 sillgille Ffr V1V'1,t10I1teIAi4 I friendly word shotil(I Im the meawt of 1(tv. ffLif'Oln' !t ing nearly forty years of happiness- an(I of Dr: ent-h %pring.alld am to be 11niAKvt Ili three Veary and I f,wnvq-,l frioni an ovIwt4wlr t4-1 a Oriole. or -N 0 r4w.11two-lit .1 lvni,4 m,,ilie tlistanMILWay me : 't batr of Mt Flo) Mill 'I Ilf heit th o the kr%on heeding the advice it am t 'it SA11114fied t"t I nwe my good (of WaIPH IIIIS fire -intended to manufacture lilt d- trif 14% tw)141 " fie, rt I I I giV'e thi' hatt carried.. This was the case wills Mary to thin Ireatnient. 4 teNt olIern g-laaws of platinum set t4trattAin nt,ver ied (Alt flp fthell flealtKul -it it may With a n 41ition t steel rails whioli will he tile Thow, pon.411 liails 4of (1 :1 IIA I girl In tile power or Q t nty-6ve shewas draggring monial purely in t.he Lhope th r a b1m. loni)pblres and W" mhrinkinic nndl totr 1,ingard- Attwe be4,n " - WJT14114 Olf a.Projw. broken at lant hY. out her days in. misery. At sixly-one she ince-t- thi� eye of qQlne poor suftcrer."- Ined it t $8.000. viiief product) armor and bIAler ptatpht. 12 lb9c. enlwivity keeli Butter. (Wrild IWIV$* .401darr, t rait 86lemnly finds herself so active and strong shexat) blAa.y LINGASO, W00d140Vk,-0Ut- - bmr atepW structural tron, ete. The Mont.. etc. seivovt Bwk at Pjfplrnf, "LadY IIAR M011114,y.,. Four hundred y(wriv ago only a-ven lit lvtir4� lit, iiidofinitd, 14-n0h rof ".4nT(A -trrwh: n 41fp (Jo work- that W0111d 80 memanyqyounger 'er,q sarsaparilla has won its way ppm, 1, 1 ()r ni lNery and - a Dr. Ay -ire 41 or'O all ttie h1uri MNI Tfiriiik nd. I Thank God woman. and lft0kR *baclk on, 41tty-six to cry corner of lite world by thelpralse metitis were known. Now thpm . uaparatml front Kumrhiu by it channel tirwb f. 4 insr worning- house a is friends; those who have tried it an4 known metals, .10 t)f *hich have hem UM% Of ft W Imind. happy, healthful. yests of ind stry. out of IT ITo io. 61110d I her tell her story - w they wcre cured by anit 1,Wark a sh#Wt.*-;­ikyFrlP lo 14 1; will on the use of only A mue in wwmi. and tile om A-111 Th4* tiwitill 4-dorrimi(on :ivid dr- -AWprM4p,*I witil 1 9 . . %Vbo knol ollst-ovemol during tlie pirwitt century. of -Ills Gllevt 9 on ilaypd WIVI hiffiw-lt�' ble 4he remrdy. There is nothing so sit The Rusidan seeptre In of solid gold. be tritlimported In tiolitts ii't trifliiig .13. nvid itird tlie4r enta all vagprnpion tf, flf tii.- honors tlwvi RIM WI 14 "'Thirty-six yeors ago I hall great trou ona I IC5010GUY it throws &A 4 lronlg(ld , o lki 114 -wf.f Ill OWL frons till ti tile ()ffker took it t)t Railroads. Wfth my liver. he doctors al.lowed that I)er% n ttw am( 91ftep ws.11 tr) nil nd fancies to ihe winds and pnilepwPiii o -of e"irw Ahdtwolll'! I'll ve. x1r. w0i,., railito.161,14,0, there were tufmors growi 1. and they theories o Ily upon tbe rockof ex ert. (other ornaments 268 diamonds, :1161( the) rewjw a in n I stapols *o1W -rowfl. nd tbp A*Ctlown)"111 w1JI VnIted' 8tat4W bliptered my sideAn an effoort to' give nie encr challeaging every 91keptic. wirib a rubt(w find 15 emeraldig. Ninuce Linilmdow" BUM& etc UAW Wwk thp littis my gum More than relicl. I wais at that time earning nay alf hrupptiw thore. *01 .1 00sijive ll knove," Ayer's Sarsaparilla -inft)rml I by it asi living an s, tailrirewt.lmt for five years, Ili Dutch Guiana the woino-n carry IN f. B. IDDY Co.. 111K total iiiiiis w"ants ft Xrov, of tile puirifying and vital i z1air action oip 1110 th, %tillig. , #'f- "Nifl.-T17UPir " Ith Itrailarlhe a nv�d itenelve Mrollbabout 1kPr'* mrft. be 111P IlifficIllty ik the United Staten between che pain in lily side 1,�oa is a radical remedy for evcry 11poxi their persona all the family wtv- It is worth of emmmt, Watt the was In ron%tant misery. and the b uounft 0i VIM wrWI-TIng the -waRtA blisters V of dioesse that'liegissil,in taiutedor liWR Ili the shape of, heavy braosw1eth. father who this computation wof k 'as a drag to m. w it h no prespect f0ftll OtS. voreAl. sores, W fj Impu ankietq, necklaxies, and even crownN ()f men it Is tile one' who can afforAl to orf IN .- I e, holveyer, a re blood. lience tuin 11% t 't n�arly $250.000,000 of fortunately fo M ll. bolls, eruptions and similat dis fm t!ra MI(I ft voice, flasheIV UAT"Silzill, ar. ulcfr gold and silver. buy tlw nicest one ror tits daughter. Wn" 4'.41 f I r . : r . orm of lnter4wb upon IT111wilesvised Ahe o take I)r. Ayer#% ptotliptly to thist niedi6ne *MY to. Wt FAW wbo wt W 11011do or r1an"11114 "Perilia. and finally perman(led me to tiake eaoeo yield orestubhorn than others' --Atchison Globe. stoek. some cases are JW44194' tiltrr t na) to 010%� a regular course of it. When I firot cOtn' mrith Dr. Ayet'% Sarsbapa_' eale Ing t4n a rpftftrk MIAA4@1 by witil Edle r�(l 10"�6 r t very rusty it A8k rour D r for Aatiorim lie I" 00-forin CAf menced taking the Sarsiaparilla myside but persistence v woman v,%Oilt The doetor'@ buohmm is it niatter or rVo 1104� k Usually results in a complete cure. 'he. papern tier '11=1, Imb in thaft, 0"My W ft 1,41 t1lg. gi INA, lIll I Th raliroft(u. ,do to waps no painful that I could not, fasten MY Ills. I)III@. bills, and WIlls. I finfrarel began witlit a bottle. and *v"y(ma. I*vv WKS watching y iieiivr tilat tier 41rss. and for a time I did twt get AnY Mary isband brings home at night. leme TMWt yrm. know . tII&t lyremw�(l % diabsirml "a ^Vmelea or 0� to a co,orse of Dr* A-1 er's eamapa- lit a th draw,, lbitek bg - L r* h&ndling nover relief. but my friend adviosed we to Per,, wIr"I r The c6r% BO ECKH'S I VO -04) "1 ft Year #Lnddl,,. that a mediciue tl�Ast could care diocase N Hur- -Mrs. Winatlew's ftOhiog 04yrup I's a thin In thP happimt day of ''.%Tyra ,,Itrf &V ls" - mill, reliri wobs sure to cotnes and 'rill&. wfien she was c� :1 she realized -ature or .-the earth' prrnillfc- ajAl IWr PT'41e r, PrItetleftuy it It d d. This hoppenrd, an I say# in 6.99 Inche" W the. statute 1"Pe. fallieig remody, It In* only fie W401141 haV" 1 0 OLI thirty-six YVIII'll ago. my liver has never could also prevent it. So the took itcouple relievro the it, 0 "aArn, rule. (I., llt)t ears of bottles ench 1111brillig Quel*w vigar vienlers have raised the bovvel*. vorm-fo. asm-4111L)-, ittid %,all ~ 0. Ith the ill rkio trouliled mc- since, and dari . and kept in persect froun lietin hin ln%-kwvvAw Lbe elon Unto Aml k 1 hawe 300604-d thr ng theoe price (or elgars froin 15 too 25 1W.r RRUSHES AND BROON,'�. owu' Itin W f ra ficto do practize rcriod Ough the most arft'ical health. Ther'e are thou"ads of sinUar 1401 to IV) turning ar 00413,11 lite witholit any par camelt recOT4. SoTne' Of these are euemy to lite wh4olir GYAW111. will Q Fw Sale by &L Umadtnx housse-, Wn" 10)' Cal vent. toil amxmn� or tile spitnisli-Amer- ineban I I N. cuft. grillim in the staumah asw wind shruggell her "firml . flee ajwl 0�0 UW oll y 1"",bI*, and t"ay, at sixty00 there(I into 1)r.Ajrer'%Cureboek.sk little XlLX&nUftetu2WV I Ab'T1,'**j:1 I all GeUe and at rong, a Z Vok of ages which isiseutftreb the ivall war, the increase *to i10 Into colic. Mothe doli't6ditoprwaroft. Twenty C49AIL 1111011110KH & 90 my Vr NUL a r do a Work that Wguld upset J. C. AycJQ".. Uwell. Mass. Writc 7or It. of fect on aoi- after Ifty '15th. fte cents a =e TOWNTO ONT. signal ntatl eavitir, !!WWX 17T ;E heftft- "WAV" on ana f cefill whm there was a b. Imuse for d cup 01 wat*, ft"Muff through W" Of WOULIVU r65W $01hen 11V hY the water. this week- a year _f 11