HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-12-03, Page 61. ... ��A%k #R'�,4R i+rM•�•� •A��+Wr+�t �.(:A4A Fl4{M 7r..R'IbF 4f1 ,A M�P a . +•M•Y-.-M , .. jQ i Death Insanity +e..0 doubt the pattvtm political N on � • litlaal {viari'(�rif bath +itdea of politico believe that ill , � V��.7 #�/� �AYW,f�,�.? +yam .....-.,,--,. ,..� 1 U) �'OU EVER FIGURE • r �.; r EUE C(,), T of a single dayKERNELS [ROM SANCTUM Nevous, Sleeplessness the recent Aleatipn 10 West #Inrgn every nvailt ble vote was oat't, but the Means, Good Health, CheQrtszllueae,. Ambition, Persistency and i li•rnrniaiz stiller, tvito 43F compelled to Suoee&s• sx , I)a1 illy - -^ the material, fuel, Worn out. report the nnutbex of th000 who do not Mi o•nq will cure your dyeFopQist or till slid :11);lr -- 1Tld COIISXC eI vote, t.tatea that there wore lOGtl uatnea any other stomach trouble by building - any 15 all wasted 1 the Expected8 Y An the lint repeated as "not voting". This would include, of course, natnee n the flabby walla and uFaking the stomach s4 strong that it will di eat• ;12:vi It , a failure? EXC $ interesting Paragraphs hs ,I'Uitix Q1Il• Exchanges With nervousness. of persons who had sited or removed food without pepsin. or Other artiA4ialt aiIn .7,.1>`1Tl;a 1S place the revluinn of the lists, but it is other words, Mt•c no cures dys- ' ••_ '-- �' safe to say that xafl9olent to have affect, pepbia by removing the cause. rr .. �:, it CC:Cl.101:1 y', then, to t15#: � _ - "I could not sleep-�I coni+i not. rest-- ed the election one way or another, are Walton MaStbbou to agent for Mi -o• ::,,•• - `""` was ready to cry on the least 000abign-• inoladed in this number Lope than 40 na in Wingh"A And be Pays to every fJour LYf11ncert-ain lash' when, i' 1 �'�4 '""'"'" let I was plump aura tat. Oan cna itnar gine a awrH diolres«inr; conittton thall ballots were spoilt In the election, reader of the r, xxrs whose stomach is weak, who has indlwrestiiu or dyspepsia, � i1ei�' CeIlirS I2�Ure S1ril1 silty l; vt,r�badv klmaws that a NasprCti ' y It is reported that Premier McBride we knees of body and mind? writes "I Nat it:- Shiloh s OnrA will al, R •p ' that Mi•p•na is naraatoed to cure or, B h4m a nose for scandal. will invita the other Provincial Premtere Tire. Wensley, of Halifax loot my self in a wort of self pity because health wh\ b Sure lay coup and colds " money bash. The price is only 50 cents a large box, --. • - •n to British Columbia for A 4antarelaco on was so ahsttered, arid, with. the mental The death occurred on Friday, y, Nov, and Ape box is all you nerd to prove. that. tt 1�z7r�Gr{�;,� _, t.mt t l,ia`,+t i `� A 5" i"�� ;m k", p� 0(infidence In elr. phase. TllA wand�rfnF conflrlFn<e which ' the subsidy question t Much ns it rains in EagIand #baro distrton that grew with lay bodily west- areolar bardHnbnrdtHntta family and a R p to y stn y 13th of Eiizsboth I34rr, wife of David Agnew, attar an illness lasting Khalif twPi-�'0 IaagtllP, ji8Cea8Hd wa8Park - you are an the right road to besith and. happiness. lrtr (lttu Linder of corner 11611 and ,gyt�y; .i, c:,` l% ..n :,=1. vyi >:w ',.�i�E� w7,u t?d'rllte b+�vn ill DP A. iillitRFl iR Frill prHv�ila Ntl indl9p092tian On tbR ,•r111QARit I saD hr and reals #lEedOd Streets, eons: "For ,�� f.•nndi d no ill- r,+liebiluv of hit, fainoug: part of both more and wonten to wesr pity, I Rot very little, for I did not look born in N E. HOP4 7.ownebi in 1850 t P shoat t,Iit, years I have been severely abort ars Ix, have It •ompt 13nok anti tbo r•xtleptional uu,•a- his. family rubber overshoes, so very hick, Is was only my nerves and spent her early years there. In troubled with stomach trouble and:' .t ••-- 11 flour that youcan depend W VA VrupertiPe of groat tilAfl Ines P,,r Fx.awple, Dr. Cht%KWA Great attention is being given in that were 00r, and anyone who has sick nerves known too well how awful a sick- 1869 she norm to Luckupw and one year 'p indigestion oo had that I Could not re, twin my food attar eating I could not, upo,i'1 to pro(juce light, Crisp and QlratuRttt is thi, only positive and ittior• autoed care for every form of itch'"' Bohemia to the buildiug of mountain 1 dams, not only to ness it to. "From the first Forrozono strengthen- later she married Mr, Agnew and hag lived inn+hat vioinity continuously ever Oat taom, Or Scarcely anything and bad headaches and constipation, I secured, wholesome bread or pastry? bleeding and protruding pileF, ~ provide water I power but to lessen the damages from ed my nerves, sand it seemed to help theta for I beoamn stronger, more com- since About a year ago she beomme n-0oted with cancer and on Julie 6th d package or Mi-o•na with the result that now after having taken two boxes �y„�.,,m„„R ° m hard If We get all we need we Dover have floods. To in 20 tore posed, slept more and grew more hope fill Wh:+u 1 had taken Ferrozone for last an operation was performed for its I amu entirely cured and can pat any- thing, digest perfectly and am feeling, It is inndo- from selected i any p ace iu which to put the surplus' stoo env pain Inmates, one of 1)r Shao 'e Pink Pain Tablets p abnnt two months I lost that miserable r$moval but the dtiease had become so fl,le• Mi-O•aa also overcame in con - wheat, milled by a n.USt modern German printing rfSoes are ten years an the box Ask your Sao faor sense of dread, I never could tell what I was afraid of, but expected ,something far advanced that it could not be oom. eradicated. Stipatton I am only too glad to public).• 1y endorse and recommend Mi o•ttu. ' +;*1 t aj;&V h �rQC�SS �Vi21L'll ;L11rilI]1 Ct S .IUSO�U�� behind America in labor saving tiHvlc{a, ---ws�. 61 doctor or rlrauai9t about thio formula. It can't he bettered, Womanly pains, y P dreadful was ggiA4.to hnppeml me.' I+'Hr• rezone Rave me them strength to throw pietely , 's fes. � r w , r• r -y purity. Ivor that Dull 2reeling After Bating, head pains. any Main ysts instant relief. Box of twenty Pink Pain Tablets 25o, AFido all these fancies and made the well agate 1v DoanKidney Pills act on time kin- teye, bladder and arinary orgasms only, There are 12 147 Chinese iA New York + tet., ntr; a' I have used Chamberlain's Stomach Sold at Walley Is Drug Store, (lo at once to any druggist, get s few They oure backaches, weak; book, rheum• City. Cit ^du• Loyal Household Flour does and Liver Tablets for some time, and can testify that they have done mH more One of the largest runs x/f herring seen in Lake Erie is boxes of Ferrozene--start right on the road to health and vigor, Ferrozoue arise, diorites, disease in8atltat her gravel, Bright's disease and all other Repeat lt: •�"Shiloh'a Care will al - ways care my coughs and colds. " ,. not vary in qullty �-- does AOI triad than any tablets I have ever used. good My trouble was a htmavy dal! feeling re ported off Port Stanley, and the fishermen there will strep you there, will show you what It means to be Healthy, vigorous, iiaeasas arising from wrong notion of the kidneys and bladder Hindus at Vancouver have entered a disappoint. 17 after eating -David Freeman, Kempt, Nova Scotia. These tablets strenRthrn have taken hundreds of tons of the fall of nerve energy, Once you're bran• ed up and Ferrozane Thera are rtgw in the United SEAtaB strong protest against being sent to �p thF stomach and improve the digestion fish. energised with 9oa 11 never again be content with ill- almost 40,000 miles of electrical ratl- British Hondoxas They also regulate the liver and bowels Four thousand man and large quart. health. . ways, not including the ,former steam - li Ogilvie Flour Milia Co., Eiftlnted, 51ontrem. They are fter superior to pills bat co -t Get a free sample at any titles of material for the National Trans. All dealers sell F•+rrozone, 50o, per railways, y , whisk are using this power TAX LADIZW FA,VORITF,. _ no more. drat: store and see what a splendid continental will be sent in over the new hex or pix hoses for $2,60. at the terminals. There are plenty of - Laxa-Liver PIUs are the ladies' favorite _ t madioine it is. Lake Sn parlor .branch from Fort Wil- - _ man living who remember when there medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick _ llam, '"`- An early morning wedding took piece was not s0 man y mites of steam rail• Headache, Billiousnes8 and D A e without griping, purging or eiokenlnpaia R P ng' P gig g' There's a lot of diffarenoe between on Monday, Nov. 23rd at the 'Victoria way in the country. The trolley, Which - WE WANT TO HAND YOU OUR having faith in your works and work- Nor LFezerns, Tetter and Salt Rhena" street Methodist parsonage, Goderieb, was at first is purely urban institution,iy T f rl intr your faith. The intense itoning oharnoteriatio of when Miss Aileta Elizabeth Elliott, has become a competitor with steam, For the nine months ending Septem• INTERESTING t - The number of C}armane settled in these ailments is almost instantly allay yanageSt daughter of ex Deputy Reava and it seems certain that a few genera, ber 30th Ontario's mines produced se be Cls have rbe n's r e,lve, Many Robert Elliott and Mrs Elliott,ecome tions hence electricity will be the great minora! worth $12,206,706. FRE L�` T,� BOOK � � Yj' ('�� South Amexiaa is estimated at about severe oases hour bt+t;n oared by it. For + 1' JCS L E A 11 'K o / _ 435,000, sale by all druggists the bride of William Symonds, the pro• motive power on all railways unless , , sw � _e some invention o! a su Repeat it:-' Shiloh s Cure will al- About of the Hamilton street barber parlor quality is ways cure my corghs and colds," About 4 ualifying Yourself fors �/ DR. A. W. CHASE � 1,457 vessels of 614 2t6 grass tons shop. Rev. R. W. Miilyard, pastor of brought out to supplant both. -Phil. Edward Finley, James Sweet and Al. I CATARRH CURE 25o, the church, performed the ceremony and adelphia Inquirer.Successful Gareer_ xa -_ ■.■were built in the United States ship. hart Conroy, trainmen at West Toronto, *+ * Is sent direct to the diseased bui ding plants within the year ending the happy couple were unattended. a were killed in a collision near Barketon + parts by the Improved 13lower, To learn the folly of entering ' business a• \ Heals be ulcers clears thealr JAne 30th last; this is an inoaease of, - t)1�7u>`ii>i IllINVIVXNE, Junction. Two or three engines and a- lIfe 1 without a Vbusiness educatloe, -• y % passages, stops droppings in tha 300 vessels over thm previous year. DoRtfre of Fre neat colds. 10cT9 of cAxe were smashed. throat and permanant y cuter y q As a spring medieinee Burdock 131004 rated our urea Catalogue.. Catarrh and May r, A. . Chase A succession of colds Or a protracted Sitters has O equal. It tones a the Why desirable to secure this "business educes i free. All dealers, or Bt, A. W. Chase �".` .Pr....t'r• jj � � �.^$, '.'� .�j, • q p �',t' ,� 0 i�i�' � 2 uow, at Forest City Buatneas collets- ' Medicine Co,. Toronto and $0211, cold is almost Certain to end to chronic system and removes all impurities from r.ad Catalogue. Sears the The Kind Yuu Have Always Boughf Beare the The Kind You Have Always Bought catarrh, from which few persons ever the blood, and takes away that tired, - Why the bet mere.nuh, 6euses prefer j The boilers of the steamer Man.— ill nature � i. c. B. a gmtIM.tee—read Catalogue. Tb ' r S /� wholly recover. (live every cold the weary feeling so prevalent in the spring, 6ignatnrm This FREE BOOR explain in detail gt+rj a FAf f ! foals, placed end to and, would make a of f - attention it deserves and you may avoid of our Cos'.m mi.1;olls hyF, C. Shorthand a. mypewrisuF ed kes+ �� Pit.., string 547 feet long. Tlli exports .t<" domestic pxodaae of this disagreeable disease . How can you " instruction are supetiorl Shows value of °° cot $40.The Knapp roller boat, built at a Oauada for O,tt cure a cold? Why not try Chamber- Just six lives were lost in accidents It is about two months winos the news Business Educators Ail rQ �� abet were valued at lain's Cough remedy? It is highly re- was heard with regret b man friends soclauon's Diploma! OQ1 cost of $"125 000, was sold for sora iron on the freight and passenger vessels on B y y lends P $28 203.000 aro :t two and one•half commanded. Mrs. M. White, of Butler, in Goderich o! the serious illness of Mrs Jurat rend your name Ohter Openings— for about $600. Tenn., save: '•Several years ago I was the latter daring the year 1908 -all dur• and ill re e.a—Catalogue io alis— million more than fax thA same period y g g past thirty days. For six g will re.ait you Sept.scot. and bothered with m throat and lungs. in the Tome, widow of the. late Judge Tams. promptly. Jae, Preventios, the new Candy Cold Care last ymr, Exp-lrrs of fl-ld products p q , Someone told me of Ohambertain,e months straight the year attained a re. IL was geared she could not recover lroIIi Students a, The Forest Cif Tablets, are said by drugmieta to have inoreased by ft,,,: million, but exports Cough Remedy. I began using it and p P her malady, Admitted ' y fours special specific advantae"s over nil ". it ralieved me at once. Now m throat cord Previously unparalleled; not a y, cancer, and her death took P of animals t r , it pr•;aucte fell oif y Any Time t� Business & Shorthand Coliege other remedies for a cold. First -The and lungs are sound and well." For single lite was lost in collision or other Place an Tuesday, Nov. 24th, in New hI London, Ontario. contain no Quinine, nothing harsh or about a milltuL, sale by all druggists, accident to large Vessels during the g to i1 t rii WI Wester.elu X W: Westervalt; Jr: CIA: sickening. Seoond-They Rive almost York, The remains were brought ipdt - period until Ootaber 1st, The resent Cloderioh for interment beside those of taste, l relief. Third—Pleasant to the leases Dame when the bursting a steam her husband. Mra. Toms was always Pdacipall Vic.•Prin. taste, like candy Faurth—A-Pleas ut t too CASTOR IA Whether the O. P. R. is extended to -48 Preventive -at 26 Dente Aleo fine Tiverton on not, the township of Green. Pipe on Lhe steamer Lizzie Marshall Dost an saliva member of St. George's ♦•♦•••♦♦0.44► ♦�•* O••s•i w►♦♦+•♦♦♦••••t••ya�o•a•feys for feverish children. Sold at Walle;''8 For Infants and Children, sok will roan be able to boast of a steam four lives, and two more were charged church when she lived in Goderich es - Drug Store ♦ 1 ° The Kind You Have Always Bought B of the to the capsizing of a scow in Whitefish Peoiatly in connection with the choir, railway. At the last meeting and the choir was resent at the funeral � r The Eye -Opener was issued again council W. D, Cargill asked Bay. Not any loss of life, and just one P 8 permission to render the musical portions of the ser- at Calgary on Saturday, but was re- Bears the serious accident, has been recorded P to construct a steam railway along the. '► If a man can write a better book, preaeb a better sermon • fused admission to the mails. Signature of among the passenger fleet since the vice. It was in May, 1895, that her hus- ♦ ♦ side of the road on the 8th con. to be , or make a better manse -trap than his neighbor, though he ♦ season opened April lat. band, the late Isaso F. Toms, died, being ♦ build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten ,� Daring the last sig months 12 200 need in conveying logs from Greenock at the time count s ♦ path to his door. -Emerson, ♦ children under 5 years old have died in A gang • of 214-tv! i iiii orderers have swamp to the mill At Cargill village, y Judge a! Huron, haV• ♦ , + The essential lung -healing prinoipal of tug had a position on the bench since the • the tenement district of New York been arrested 4:i win Ip q in connec• The request was granted and the clerk the pine tree has beensuccessfull ♦ ♦ y y year 1866, when he was appointed de- ,• Oily. Lion with the. •'tlnrrltl aPH,mCles Lennox, was Instructed to have the necessary separated tend refined into a perfect • • u- . puty judge of the united counties of Get on the path to the door of the ♦ a young Sootchraru who was found by-law ready for submission to the cough metlioine-Dr. Woods Norway , • council at its neat meeting.Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a Huron and Bruce. Mrs. Tome maiden s ♦ , Good Cough H adloine for Children. shot in a Pal ata�� .•ar in Winnipeg last ♦ ,s guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 name was Georgina Charlotte Rosonkin, « ♦ The season for couuhs and colds is I Wednesday Ie. =:tits nt first thought - Dents, and she was the daughter of the late ♦ now at hand and too mach Dare cannot that L: -Haar had carr inn r. d PAlaide, but Colds on the Lungs, Jolla George Rcsonkin a distinguished ♦ be used to protect the children A child c Mies Jane Tomlinson Meltte, who B ,■� ,y� ♦ P later it was .ono l rim ,• the wounds ♦ Af +'�a��.at Lir �.�,�il��� �����vi�r ♦ is much more likely to contract dlph. Mrs. Julia A, Wilson, Little Ship- died a short time ago in her 8dthyear, linguist and homeopathist who Dame ♦ ♦ theria or scarlet fever when he has a could not have lwt•,• - •• fbeted. pagan, N. B., writes: "I cannot pratsa O • cold The quicker you cure his cold the Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tor- devoted almost her entire life to the originally from Prussia and after prao» ♦ less risk. Chamberlain's Oough RemFdp ec7 �•' x'�' • pentine Loo highly for it oared mp chis• interest of deaf mutes. She was born tieing in the United States and (treat 4 Scare the Thu Kind You liave Always Boug�ii dren aP severe colds on the Inn s and in Ceylon, where her father was a Britain finals settled in Montreal . Where mouse traps are not made but � is the sole reliauue of many mothFrs, 8 y .O ♦ and few of those who have tried it are %onaterewhen they had whooping cough gave missionary for more than forty years. where he died in 1858. She was mar.. +—where— • willing to use any other. Mrs. F F. � = � them relies!. from hard coughing end She was a graduate of the Albany ried in 1875. . 4 Staroher, of Ripley, W Va , says: •,I soon cured them." This treatment is ♦ • haves never used anything other than. The home og• R •twi r u vtdson, 'Bay a positive cure for croup. female academy in 1855 and had been Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for my field road, Gcdcric:h tu% •-kip, was the _ for several years the only survivor of ♦ children and it has always given, good scene of A very happ;, , .int on Wed- her class. She was the friend and in - g, y / A • satisfaction 11This remedy contains no Telegraph orders have been sent to all • - nesday of fait •�wr el, n his sister, stractor of thousands of dent mutes in Nature's Remedy Z400(- • opium or other narcotic and map be customs officers along the frontier to i 1 Riven ae canfidenGlq to a child as to an Adelaide Eliza",Vth, 't.• .,.tie the bride all parte of the United States, having ♦t _ ♦ establish a rigid quarintine against = adult. For sale by all drnggists of Win, Roid, of ,::,.•: y township, taught for forty-eight consecutive years ♦ j cattle or hides from the United States. La grippe, pneumonia and influ- • )The ceremony wrls , : °armed at 6 in the New York institution for deaf gl PP , P ►' w .�. ♦ �= q The orders were Issued some days ago ♦ • i o'clock by Rev Jas. H i, •lton, B, A. when the. disease was Bret discovered in mutes, of which her nuclei Dr. Harvey, enza often leave a nasty cough when • Water is so low in the Ottawa , to the; presences of til.: , relatives of P. Peel, 'was one of the founders, a • River that ower users are asked to Pennsylvania. Most stringent preosa- tbey're gone. It is a dangerous • • p the bribe -and ;,;roar rte iy were nn- * shat down to keep up the Bre oxo• attended tions are being taken. It ie ifbme years The old fashioned wap of dosing a weak thing to neglect, ♦ Is turned out every day with neat- • tection. since the foot and mouth disease broke stomach, or stimulating the Heart or • Kidneys is all wrong. Cure it with A Turkish woman's paper, with a out in Canada, and the Associated Press y g• Dr. Shoop first ness and despatch; Where up-to-date Xt re. .A. Wonder. despatch from Buffalo stating that the pointed out this error. This is why his OXYGENATOR woman as editor, with womeb as Chttmberlatin'rs t'.irat.n , is one et the infected cattle Dame there from Western prescription -Dr. Shoop's Restorative-» materials and machinery are used, contributors, lacks been in existence for is directed entirely to the cocoa of these • • most srmarkablo pr.gx%r•, i no yet pro* Canada, is untrue. ailments -the weak inside or controlling s • several years dnoed "or the rr lit;? or r t Matic pains, 'isn't and were mechanics with up-to-date • P Nerves. It so difficult, says Dr. ♦ - • C7onRhs that ora tight, Or disElrFbetitg and fur lame bank, sl, ai.,•, and braises. Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach, "Nature's Perfect Blood' Purifier ♦ The nick rah«Y froth ,.sin which it ideas are- employed; where quality ♦ tickling cnnghs, set gniok and cattalo afrorrq iu ossa of rht•uua t t,m is alone Afflicted for years with a Diseased Libel'. Heart, or Kidneys, if one goes at it Cure's All Germ W eases" • help from Dr Shoop's Cough R-m,•dy. correctly. Each inside organ has its characterizes etre • On account DruoRists evFrvw -ore are worth many tia ws its ••,t; t Price, 25 Mr. L. R. Devitt, Berlin Ont., better oontroliB or inside nerve. When these ry piece Of work • J cents; large siz, .,0 eo it,t Fimr sale b u a • favoring Dr. Shoop's Cough Rnmody• i all druggists, y known ,perhaps, as 131nallpox Ben; .has nerves fail, then those organs must + and service given every buyer; where i and it is entirely tree from Qpic,uA• surely falter, These 'Vital truths are FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS Obforaform oe fibs, oi?har etu Htvinst. '"Ty leading druggists everywhere to die - cheap printing is never done, but i drug The tender leaves of a harmieas M I L B U R N'S penes and recommend Dr. Shoop's He. • lung bealinse mountainous shrub Rive; to Thmg is a topsy turvv w arid. No one storative. Test it a few days, and Peel THE OXYGENATOR CO where good printingis done cheap; 0 D� Sbonp'e Clough Ra-medy WR earativo seeing to be sati.f1 tt, tine man is L r.LIv Improvement will promptly and surely ♦ ptopertiHs. Those leavF9 have the paw struggling to ;cotnttt jtt°:•. t, n another is follow. Sold at Walleye Drag Store. 4.'t Harbord Street, Toronto, Ont, where the kind ofp rinting is done • Fr, to calm the most, diotresPtng Cough. I S * + and to soothe and heal the Moot senab iW fllicb irom it. 01.0 net+i is moving upPILL The taxes Imposed for all purpose i than will lead the world, to make a brcnohChial mFmbrans. Mothers should,' to buy a hou&o and On, thvr i6 trying including schools in the various taun• s fnt safety's sake alone, aiwsys demand hard to sell bee dwtfllmg ; , less than it $e liatl also used them for his patients icipalitie in Bruce bounty in 1907 $b YEARS" beaten path to your doter; where i Dr Shoop's. It can with perfect free -1 nowt tt7 et rid aP it. O, a,.an i,3 a end• when nursing them, and it is a well-known XPERIENCE l • dom be given to even the youngeat l g P fast that tmmaU-pox sufferers must keep the. were in mills, Albemarle 16,$1 finishes particulars nae. be had b following ► babes. Test it once yourself, and see I i ing ail the mons y'it- owj tit en ill taking bowels well regulated. 16.4, Arrau 9.1, Brant. 7.6, Bruce 8.9, Y Y Sold at Walley's Drug Store.a girl to a none t ru i r eticiw and sending Read what he bays :•- r° I have boost Carrick 7, CUIVOss 7.6, >yasior 17.9, El- u the path to the office of + i her valuable prat routs ;int 1 opes that he afHiated for y8are with ti diseased liver, end deralie '7.'S, Greenock 7.9, 'Huron 7.2, The Colborne Street Methodist have triers all kinds of medicine. but of no ' #qac uventuaW,, , ;ltE� • � Church, Brantford, raised 62 700 by the •�'-� be c ]rim wife, and avail until about four yoarm ago I tried Kintrardiae 8,6, Kinloss 6,7, Linsby; 2L6, • mete box scalae, and pard off the. his neighbor is spandmnK all the fold he ycurrAxa-Liver Pills,And gotinmtahtrelief. St, ',Edtntiids 24,9, Saugeen 8.6, Hep- t. bg lMpn>a l has aaved trying to got a oivoroe. One Since thea I bare nursed different patients worth 26.$, rtabknow 26.15, 1'alsley 2i,$: : Det MAR a mortgage on the church. aflheted with buiall•poir, and in each cafe Y man keeps a pistol to li,rnto t himself have used your valuable pills. fort Elgin 26.6. Tara 18.6, Teeswater COPYRIdINts 4e. j Repeat 0:-u"Shiloh's Core will al-iAgait,at burglnro, tivlllit Haim neighbor "My wishes are than all pparsons suffering 18.8, Ttmtoa 17.5. Oliesley, 94.2, I(in• qucxy,°ne�ntawtiroart Tint �°d e��othersn THE TIMESways Hare my coughs and colds doesn't keep ono for total of shooting with swm tih or liver troubles will try M>I + tn.ent%n r>orobemr areaesb�` C�mapn�n► � sardine 26.2, sotithamptati 22 .1, Wal tlonebtrlot7eonAdent'al. H1INU86 Hon. Nelson Monteith ex•Minister' himself or somo liwmh.�r Df the tamtl , burns Laxa-Limner Pills. I *ill advortis yantfrba. Idest usr:to samr IV ate. Monteith, t thorn wiabnevt3r anti wherever I itamte a kertou 28.8, Wiartbn 24.7. Id th6 ratbnts taken'a ' n n ft'1244,anbtvtlf r - • at Agrioultuve, was on Thursday pre- ` Ona naso pays for his pals' r in a0anoe opportunity and I hope that. if at any time townships the tats avotaged tbreb Ni6`� 10tik„ wneanio�iarge, ; Ming up Phone 4. • boated with a: esbinet of atlVer by alae' beoaase, he cats read it 'r ith a greater. I ossggnot got the. ills, I will baarartuaata tenths of a mill h1gtier than iu 1006 ��fi�� .J ■ � :R officersof elle bepartmaut and the bn• ! relimh, while ts!mother t> k9s it tbtir a Milburnsst tho It xa•Li er1Pl`ut ars 2S ceutb and in the towns #Ad 1r11tagog tWa . Al de. o f lrn�lw��� wal�ii xs�r�"m; io tsrio Agricultural College. The pre- • ax live yearn without l.cgtng, bite 0tiht bier trial or $, vials for $1.00, Itt all Hosiers 'Maths, ti,�e ��,�r.z'ortrso> i� Sala by mautation vacs made by Mr Cl. (3. Jamt s, for is and enjoys iG hug4 all the Vrhtib, or will be intiled direct by Thti T. Milbiiitti► sko i It,.- Oshilollls Clare will ilii , t (� l o icy A 1, bCCritdi #S4Nir+f�rlrttaiAi4i si1►+i0A+► ilii Deputy Minister of Agriculturb. Surely tr queer Oicl vt•gritt limas i1e C?4.s i+itat►ited, Toronto, lint. ,yra iir**3by 66vol#Ad octidit:' �y ii 4 r bt,!iq t�o } ''; a"`