HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-05-13, Page 3IFL -1h PIP� 1"7 1! r; % .0' agricultural c PmmunitY, besid6i the C(Xlcltwiom'ill tile Atlantic, and also the Treasury up tO (fate are losses occasioned In other part@ of where site hopes for botter luck, with 145,0W or, fought luay have ail Important bear- thov world, including* those coitsp- tier really first-4,1noss figUing account of the Navy I)e- jllg or, tile gene ride 'vessel, of tile old tvpe. She is over _ml cOa4tuct , quent upon. the cotton famine of squad- Partment and $2,145,000 oil aco-ount 'I nil re- :44 feet long, ham 44 feet beam a ron, it Is believed that a similar nd su viO- Of the War De rtnient. There h It of the war. is over 22N feet deop. She was built Lancashire, and the 086 Of cmPl()Y- tory ill Cut"Itn' waters would produce; been ai- , .d Pa ment to more than 100,000 F.Uro- sigus.of revolution All, Spain, colupell.1 to tile War Depart- The report comem via In 1864 at Greenock. of iron. Her vap- Rememberthis Sign AL 1L pean laborem Such,. at le mento Nwever, over $16,000,000; to Madrid, henoe turo was efftetoed shortly bef 1 , ast. :1 re Ing an endentoor to come to terms. tile Navy DOP&rtment over $25,000,- it In reasonable ore sun - tile I computed by Leroy -Beau- --T fie Tinies says: " the measures ad- I to conclude that down last night in the following .0, A lieu, in -his "I" Guerres Contempor- vised- by tile United States naval !AO -W and to the'Treasury Department 44MPI Still controls the por& and cable manner: Tile Lafayette was heading V caushig him thus -to& cloge Ills strategic board seem well conceived to 1 $5,000,000. boarded by all Whereby it A, allit, Of Manila. The claiju of a vic.tory. for Havana, and was chapter oil our Civil War: "Such Is meet any possible contiugency.,, WHAT THE ARMT WrLL COST. for Spaill is luade, but reading bt.-twee officer Q1 tile Annapolis, and warned = Oonquers Pai n. %_1 war. ieo nature is 116 homicidal that Tile sending of three Germill men- riot U) enter tile port. She after - it slays thounan(N of victims even at of -war to thv Philippines I IeY for future operatious in t"le "ji(m it is 'lot hard to di L diA., I C be supplied for fur ust that tile &O.,oalled victo scover wardm matle ail attempt to do no, and a. ince of thousands of miles from criticized. titer appropriations, ry in. to sa y Wits taken after an exciting chase. the battlefield." . I — e 7110 Wilmington, Newport and Morrill - I and Congress vvill lie called upot, witll. tile least, a dubLous on , it the a -a I nst sil"(% gl1`111111411 vessel ('0111019 tO things of the present ino- Waiting Sp&in*s movo., In the next two weeks to v*0te tile de- u It took part ill the, capture of the tile Maine. that will be necessary should [lot rather be do[wribed as a Fretit-liman. After ail examination of I netend of ment. it Is kirroper to bear in'Inind the -Tilt- etnjUIII_ carr ti %vashinIfton lie,% i to disaster fact.* given on Indubitable alltliority. pateli Y le army and navy al(mg tin- that'ne'air bu Ijlatp 4, oy , N-0. if -Inndjjpg -of , arweil forvew in-tilti til the beginning of We aliall not 0A tile United tile Lafayett�,s papers had t*w.n majit. which WjjH where 6,ur p that according to tile plans now ar- tile- next f Iwa I StatcHoilde of the story for some days, a PJrizO crew fropoin -tile Annapolis wa&j ilot haVol Philippine &Iandu all -d Ili Cuba %Vill 3 -ea r. it is roughly calculated. how- Ited rid -t fasteneol tile .%juitle. we* find Ifteed an -arry. on our njilithry Government, Allitli- have rLwi%ed ad- ing. the whole of tit next ff al ar a he Apanish ranged it will cost about. $100.000,.6 not ho. earrifflof into effm-t until tlle evur, that if the war 19 to last dur- ris n a n anti 1"n- Waciflod on board tier and she was lient elcetra-autolu:1 tie torloetlo,, eotljject#4.l 1 OOP a Inolith ti, States tiew6friongen flilve toil K("Y Wfwt, fwcorted by tile %%,if - with (4wra t forts. tilt, arfoo-11:11 Of 11ava. Olie Illay compoite for se ye 4VII-atiol-neck race in lying it mingtooll. 11,11, re 4 vieem in mVirltl- to *the exact situatioll is probable that tit() Victory elitill) MaY Go.—At tilt,. I.'rench (file t 't ly 'i'l), hintwif what that, inearts for :L year its tim! Orient iiii(l, tile .11"ItOreabout" may turn out to be lkke the "glorl- F-MliawY,' tilt, Ambasmad4w had fit- inie wilell - tjie, to( -war or longer. _ jVe L have aim) i i4 over it. I j' it Of tile silanipill flf- 1-1allIc' Should ofr hat ..(-)Ullt such ite, N't W -11 -Al Gus triumpli­ aAwl -of heroisin" t0nde,t to goL to New York to -day, tout tills extvrna I v1plitmi tills orolloellse. - -act y d01-&dX on proothiced the M4 as 1Cft-(a1X- St..1,11leent. The -army I_ Of tho Key West Iiaf. it Matantan. 141 lloeuri internt I One I thew: That every -tine of otir big de- inflf" It( fig Of the takii4f; of the Lafa- -:11141- the destruction 'of I - INtration, h0wever, fins not de- At least we )'JAve 'lot tile other side of Y`1414! lie df-Wrinine!-i up 64% . fellse gulls costi-- fr"Ill *'100.000 -yetf VV&* I. -Tills hyl)OtIle-4is cannot., I to Ill tilt! PWparittloum, willell -were tile fitory, and until we bav It judg- 11, the Alosenee (of offie REGI 110141 water. -The ',%I, $300.4XX) for making. .4-im _ial inf(irmatio)n title eliter,ed with- 1 $1.001), and 1*411" It week ago, for'.sen, luelit must be suspended. wet hto- atiked tAo. rw­'-4P'xetWd froili (tiw.uw- IMUT'S WON'T F1013T. 1, f upward, for every. shot, fired.,All iing tin ex- it I a 04118 - tout 111Y 011*0 1*'hmjt aware that-mb I #"";i twtl!ti011 t" C , OIL to) CNUIblish -a- base lAciOn rfsting of] tt fig tile trfuttc-r'. Gallant 84�vsnth. Coping too arrive. Igagellielit between great nioldorn bat- ie Spanish story. I I't im said to IMA 111111- .6 44 (if suppile , N. alld tim-re has bown no An it stallo"Iff 'low tile Madri(I'mtory hillef, loractie-il *.x-- -oil te1w of tile loss of two, . allo-44. , - hifils will ectost uwut 1�100.000 all ce.-sa t, "I'll"'sti(AlAble, however, that Frarme In Now York. Fri fir) ill.0"t, -1 tit. Duplicates tin Brooklyn. . . -of*tli#- prelimiliary steps -for Will '11foodge a jortotetit witil tile "tate i j)f t h4tir. -Intl for every one 'of -fir -sawls. and hP Use (if torpeolixs Such otarting Jill PKjoeditioll frimi San obably three, an -d I lkloartinent. The Vid'W i#; entertain St. Jacobs Oil -till ilives eftve" the United led Xil W I'tork (it-6.1jutt-11 Wfale eight :11 Tva rraiv I""i titer(' 'i"currail battleships destroyed titlefit Fralleisco IterOHN tile vacifil. tt) in I"n"Ich quarters tilitt lwkt ritp (111 .111 f XpIfixitoll Of or more wil - In t-fle 0IX*..Lt44jnq at if' tile shelter the stalle olltmitle. joritilitt" . I IN! . w i I)ed operatii and t 1% oro troulis, ilAerior e%iirto l'out. Ten our war vVswls, now in Maiiiia. -it is explained at tl &rullh; or C: Vito. the fort which com- on fa yette owilig tp II)Lr all Of lieutrill shipping Idding from the I)No-artnient will prinuptly (finlet trip Our" Rhounmtolim. houralKis, ul 1,AA*aIry frinul t!m, 04114 has. rejore.w1rit a total expense w IVar Aff I rel.eage Of tllp_ I ""t be"" ither ill tlie Anierwan to. orii(i., tijnt ttios ,(Wt m,rtaiii eircilins" W tiOnal Guard linve. ar or tj -tile - nation, of -A"19.800'(0). This is 1111011tellient xg --tile tile entrance to Manila. The n(' ill tier caw. OciaticA, SPraing. Lumb.0, el1tlll1.-,jasti(-a fly 1v ie' Franco-('jillia, ri Was -intended toy t4et force- OuPPOwing it to have tArthis oitill twilur vote, I I' - lafm- aniount. of taken I the Chilian —­ i a Rifts. qy Vit. ()if. U-41, to o4it frono rampa.to-day, ij, not Ilem.8 6 W"I's, W reness, stiff... tip war anti rciolut1j)n.. been cOneWntrated. which IN [lot like- ;*011illuvioler Ifunkii-r. of the A"nalmolix, 1`19114 fi)r the i the ;%%-;fr botween 'great, risk. *1111,40 "Wr I -I foltir tilne tian IM W.In fal. '. f the Corxom W-�" to liberty I anil jainjil. 0 V 1, it tuay. Le lith &I �18 kPI W %one UnIt0ful 1 All 11 . tag ollilovar. nim coin- Ilind curna the Pbatifif Alitte I that tile first tile Govurnment hears th,'It the -:Itlje '4;,tnt`0R 11tta0ling alun4fron, but It 'Pander C of tIW NVilillingtoll. Is Ill tiff. sllip.v JRIWIVO 'Neill. , , ** res;jlts (-pf - .4 in Cuba. tile �4v,,,eljtlj 1�egilllellt - - - 11% .141:1 'tltfl war just 11�111y. will be bene� Verdol- fleet -is at point lquffieiefitly probably haotj t1w a4ivantnge of coast el"lla"P-41 Riguals for over ail hoi)r. lf, nuall 111141 til, I - .% fit -i:11 t6 tuall.v hill -b or' trade art(] in- languarol of "clsie %%Ilo) have a i- X%- diistry' It %%,if! ..stimulatp rf-m(ot*,* from tiff. islan'd to loreclude -A41 and Intimate knowledgo of the hiternatitaini (illpKildi il4 011,0t stiLn y *t hollie. Of wfre..,gunk by t0rr�etloe$4 with- Home kinils tile liaigibility' or its reltcililjq�' liftlobor and bay. The fighting seems th(P"'Wilt tt) 104- involved ill tile elkisture out any fnteritor'#�.xpI,isqj­)lj of 1111sintwEi fis witlr 4 gaivallic- mhock Cu ba n TIN: wwventh I,% one of 411,0�w -rack ­ du( -*d 'biFilic lirtoo- 11tern. Ininivillittely, tire: tritilwbets* tO have 1* -*u wvere. and it is.nasert- (of the 'Fi-vtoo-li ffteemleft. but it with it w.ill give el"pl(kyllient to many fin- eliartoeroill rot e' arryinW- -.tllp trix)ps Pof that both fWta suffered "w'millgi-V fill-'U.v doowidl-d tool, *-rid het A C08TA.,Y TIKZKISZFZj& triln- I1Iujlljjge 011.1114twed: ft, will vreate we -1th their edoijon' great (in m - 'CC0. w ant - U ftrP ili%nriahly fir%t lit pioace, bilt ME4 " X I I lar lenianilii_ foor certain prNuetH, jvIll iell ve 1 904 froin' Tampa ig'e- If D"Wil"Y", aquadron. lins beef, to. Key Wcot- TIw fact titnt idle left 4 The Gorgeous, p 1 "- VDARV 1, 1 Th ' - . I . ' wriously crippled Ills ease will be pre- Sloallish im-ort. .0munna. on April 23rd. relsent Sent to UW 1hu- f* .1nif-riel'1111.4 ?Qjy tilat allIftl: 011114! oil their ini"011 100fu firlit in %%;ir i shock US wilt -went f6r a titne to jug_ c�nrious, tliv .1ftA-r tiff- doei-laration dof war, U-Itich oc. Peror of China tile I'leartm to( Va ItSet I by tlle tt)rl.14411) pr4ilitilit,41141' -tile tifv flie twlioq that '71 lie haN no hftw�jof suripules " war pays. But i 7ibu*t Spy istolt fir Ix)rta. R-rhape It such (.a vu t1wir countr.vj,,,-;j. X1111o'sittoll �of 011f. siay �jjlotllillg Y. or rep rwNI oil Aporil 21-ot, wemm tot warraitt W tile, tij(pvt ".40tiderful S". Whi.le stir- ImItgnZine vl4ise tip I V of common fie would foirp tile I rills )"t'viley 1%4.re I tile I)Inf.4:. I%- I Philatie-111111a. &�Jmtcll The fighti liolding tile j,trfJIyett(.. known t4j tim. j,(,pruj(jCio, progre.ss At OtIler to tile V.4 Jill sit4. 111.111y I'll-sps tPO-eheb Ills that we can fig and try ibility or tJjl.-j, VW11 Pf' the rqNl-ratI(pns.of -e lot tila t 'it suppOW?o Sru Oil tho. (1114irtion (of contraband of war Illa4if, in Lontioill 11bjut 4 tillsh pipy had I"i, to spize Xanila. armtrioo and Othvr orilartfililliell aniong,.t I l,t I ic Its tit#. ?nit, 4-1apt-iii-c4l aboard But worl shall get cono Oroffering tj rill earn- he., auxiliary vrui.st�r AD30RAL DEWEY, UIC faetR ill a tl&*t (off""s (if tlk' 1"'Milig"I N%_f'ro' �'efif* aw) anql w -lit by,tite 11reak(jiins -*,r% jccs to tt,4, I. nIC4 I. by ttff% J11111 'tile ellough to w retiii�ent. but it awmiq harelly 1powNilole or tj ivir day or two. We have ar ro `*41t liot, Ili raniii1lic % . . I y IiAll a girt b6i1*11t. tW 44­,enr&. .0 Victor at: manlia. ra n t. tlw bf I -F -ave spaill tO tills' Lialseror of cIli if 'T' . I %tp tr;aw %% As Voti %lopelf -liet that ,Annlpw)f,,R ­(jpeda that 016 nllfoo�amer could Collipa, rart tinatiintIt,,- to 119 with. in W) ntany mak- us -1tay :it floulolt. in. th p;imm,ugw,r.-% toil sjayj� tIse .q. 1,4juilt 4, 1 Of heroLsin" inmaking the, Ill I Iff " roar" Iteput W&(114 - is -to t1l, ` PrO4411t �Ix I I tilt, artuy wift cos,t solliethill and "killing one mulf%,, 6(mird and riot haveolvitntraliand (of war ill #,ff. r- -.,. ,! .. robust. well -red regiment, oil iy bN * .4". like $:j00jXX),0jK). 9 If a re been it, set cargo. *1 life to, 045111WO by Dewey before 'Mallft. ke lm;les oor vaus- For the remain- Inall 111 111, 'biell thenj I* 111jr the ship ItX) jo�.,tk.. I t i!, rePorted that the Lafayette Ow ftoces An R41a i if T fkt4PI"iTrj1ftifjjI to ptay Itt' ilf Ilis -oferrul oihot-k it woultj it it �Wotl-" �Ier Of. the present fiscal year Secre. additit)n to bo-ifig a rotg!ilar 1�'rptivll go i that" tary Alger tills submitted estimates ADMIRAL DMWEy*S kryCTOINy. It ImAne. even the'Nlitols j)lt bo mail h*teamer, in a I-1nAjtqj jinval re-' rt vird ttw ex- footing ul) $34,019.997. It Is proba- 00=0 AlLd 346 Igo T and flow i'; it pi*i-i - ibloi-' Viat bir tIljLt lie will Ilave to sul)piement. The ruiv.11 Ijjttl4. ;it,' 11allila wam a wrvf' r(N8801, Mounting guns. anot 4-arry- tf V Ing a crew gufficient to make lwr seedy. t! No. 114'"'t tilt' .4411114� tilflo, kJo:_ by still 'further estimates. The 1`11141111p,g liorrat filor admiral Xiiii,tijit's for ao-tive servict. at HS Q'UXRN ARGENTS V I EWS "ll -C ' . I - . this - Mlort n()ti(,x,. This, rl stroy the This- follini , iflir appropriation bill carries a . total of f As Given lit an Alleged Interview &It)- t whiell ill tillill.", ivinoi awl inen i t is sa I d. a dds eomi do -r if I i I Wfth y v) t.11,- gr It A000.0t)(0. As It liad been In- %%-:IN -fr inferior- tAj titat -to, 'ty off tile Internati,ni.11 aslief-t fr t4tw ,tjl;l t tlLlt-ri., W:IS Ovc a New York Paper. ff(' OtItoille explootioll. Is ft Admira I tended. to keep tile 'naval bill down q)f I -j) 4-Z f -re folle-tiiar wirt's L44 about' $,-18,000.0()o liall the y. 1� *Nfi tr. Ix -et aw X4-%%`1't)rk ll)� the'liat- I lgV-7% no) War. fully 'onc-lialf tile tota unsatihfactory. nnd ra fig" Not'% York tip the rjor of 411firl,orilo) vre.ff -11114] ali%1whe tie I)' brief 'anti ho6ve %, -Touina I, tilt I .%' of I to "011"Pal it bell (f_%erti,*-r iyel- arountl lifter WHAT OF DR W BY,,, 10Wr froin Madrid. tl14' 4WI)ION1011. ca rried by tilf' bill is id the nature - Of -mble corn ti . oil 11:11.ililr Imen in mit, bell tvah ritt"I With U miniature I%CW nil account of -2. '\(j dead fill' -werf- follfill. sp6ola I %v' appropriations. (,Oullting ljfinjtnoi�r of Use, 4�r% i* ar '41 flit obtained with file Pt tlwr#� 'Irp, tot-t-ruytteil. F6&rfi at Washington Th&t He Han Not OAU'w 111415tal. &Ind. al- I".egerit of S),1111. . I harhoir t '44 A, IIWIIIIW' fi-411 'in t f,01 Some' Ininor (11-ficie-licY appropr slialf have ' too .1w.lit Had Smoot b vilough aloplRam Iavif, Ito f'on- During t Im- lations 1K. f I too I I"It thie wrItor'-fqis -e been made. Vongress will lieetioll eoofr�e 4)f tilt. ilit4-r%iPW tit#, (Pleell 1.0p- ly **en fish J111111) I [Niw% vIa fjoilg I�t liet tit. t fifti. gent *litj 11t4b tIyf*,J)1).jt J, tif tolw clock. regularly he I I have Ti,4 struck tlw flours. and vould be made getting I k� tit i led day-,kinm tJIo lkkttic. (or %Ialjjj;l n.1wat hVj have lie. was bellar. rowoptf) M1, I ppropriated. when t4--cretIlry, Ito filea If% - CZ to, ore a t -11 ir.11 A)ger's �'-fitinljltes arg provided for. 1`4 Vc-rts 410M.11dot 1prv%'evit Willie is Eurtqw %virl, ill tliat Iqlave. Tk f tile led t"Ju`11ifIg a' diurn(m(i nearly wiUxmt bringing Ilk% -Intl in the pilififill fric"llit'llts %ve I re Tile v,, Ofic-litilifted and fifteell million 3 '41'9'lt4`4t buttAJII Off tile fail e t tie roshill .1ad it #,rehant 'ellOW yourijals frtnii %.Ing Inillute 11trat or n",.K of tli.it 4.ngagv_weII t I(. UOw 4quiising thr,,ii 11 t1lat im Ia Ito directly chacgenble to thewa 9.1 eliariot at tile i % ory lady'a foet tlipre 9 near r , alj;f "det.-lile -illy M)111*11W too) tII4- N cene (ir- Z114, 1 - t tl*' -*tMV tint*-, ;Ill felt n() With Spain. mtoorili-N tof ti.i. j. Iron 'If vy %%,aX a goltipli figM re of, a dog. allot day Ilo lvamt % V 1111 -lit in the OctlIft%que Style, of 11'ell- TIW StaU I lelm rt- abome ILIfol I a sm 9 i t It - 'Ito enfTnt ill V10 iVatit-r-tl if. I I . 31UST It EIS' RT TO I n front WOPP t wo 6i rdor, 'Alt bringing ti) Vit- King -and tt)* tl* A)ANS.- ar, ill 4.4jual ig7ifforallem.. fjot- 1111111trPritly f I y i ng, bpfo" tiw 'Though tile a . 11. - A ri - f ri)ni abrojilsi. siotlil,.. o ffove� !'Ill pro- Treasurs, mvelpt4s under &-itt, -har- V, welf grarm lett J11 t0rlW-,lqo .�voo g the Mat"nZaA. %---it'll-ktanding tilt- fillet that it fuld iot. -Nf;r (1i4f the Ahe present -.revenu W befix(VII Luken Piteps to rocei%-p Tilig beffttiful oruninent was 4'0we froru tile Stlt-v.,q, Iviorm-d to i tj � . . INI-it'i t1lat ;i�iwi e lit m are- keeping . . . tile Uniteii Stilto(f-�Z tit#, Parliest 'n"lie lilillf*t entirely or jrold. and vrao loters-,villpj. 'k (-tot, anti th ijiforwatiwi tile t., Or spilt lip fairly well, ift View t the filet that it ni'911t ma"I "Ong PIRbOrately deororatotod wit -11 Tbm. 'I"("Inielltod 94, stralgilt too tour Or t'll #Mva tile* war scare -has intorfered at Solitary lutile' It ii oijg, t4ircough 34r. %Vi4dwa if, hearts. (,omt- willat .14 te r. allot �01.z , I I may, 01141 IVIIaloo-,.er tiw ston". ""It 'tiff- *:pme- surinise I - tl!at I .112rbor . 6Y Ili bombarding I'llitk,41 stilto:w (*,(pijmI at thatifivillt We mhall -jlwjIv * what�-With '11011*ibms, they -could ilot ;i s %%Iite'r %#-ry aijila. tile Goverisor i!nvilig 1*4j. Vt if t Menktk-r -lie "expected t,,,, jito .311lore 11111' re Lb 110 upprii-IN-filsiolu e.Xpril,wo, What -Cilmstitutee & journaLlist? TI -P bliov 11 'fleet Pf flP-kNI -to hurrli-jidel' tile Ordinary oxpengo-is of the Goverd- At ht,! -q# tj'at fjool.ti �f%r v So", 1 v 11�. rp Jos re; k (I v t 4) NJ let I tjjf- maVg tip. ship fill Iiis demand. however, 1w too the wifety our the 0r;-oIb 4. Wilt; leaVing Life %var*eXPendittjre-s-u) thi,. kniericall addrf4ft ntA fling 14, Lug- o'f- 116' blwxf, t-, defend Ills the' boatis, fas eli-of woi- an is rol-atly to -A�wj j%-IjjpIl. -by tile pnol"ed-ji Of tj1v 14., u if MItIlilit, tIMAJglj jit,;lj_f.4IltAW gIlve,it %-eryt�itfy " be Inet 1 Wll(1 t9i -tit V,1171-16' (!"d if the thero. is .1 till-wIlilig t4ukq)iciufl tjlut a s tk%- 'Wen.'' nereaseol war. Terhacos t1tis n;,-y,tjpoo tllq. (., t lie r4.il I Of -H his .)pillion tha t hi Vowntodliure- Dewe test uty, 1" ffg�% liko. -bo r i oney. but if so. jt r taxAtJO1I and loy: r w.ving m %%.jo jlut, ,b- Il 9%NKI jimirrialimt w ji p 'e to tile extol -lit too which fie was intereated 01"the battjff.-� 0 1 able, that it m.-iij fiebl, enrek,4 � j,% Ali" For - t lie molitil off. APtil the . receiptA Ist-, c.,ligb -to Ill I too. -rolpfl. tllf, fort-,' ;it 0wro-gickir "Thol. .44 qi tv i 1 011 tjle Ott -Is I- A ran rhi-,no I rroa I Slialli-sle # A I I V - - ­__ 1 -11711% I . V41.4 -1 1 - 11gliting for Lhol.it %VfFC& JIjj;jj-OVPrjNJ I Alto.. A A.� a -- eu nulljo I S. 9 r A 104 41011sirs. loelow v. of P-4jit' r8- A man w1jo, Z this expendit4rps, all,1' thi., - ' r than to tf-f- ity.,N mriis-tA-fi. -11141 tilf- (Ie`14-110es Of Malifln pro- (jesirolq to jso� jjrf.__ figiltiffX df Irit;;1 q t1o, 4 -n -i of the I'd- -Iwr iwlu#-(ji:jt0ely. yri)w t4w grt,.. ifloulltry, Tho Aln l4r&P tirre.. 111111�.r ..st4 is approx- , jtPurtialist ghould. be war will Im. tit !-I Tlutt i._j -wily, we ftXR �fjpar Lli4.,. x/.. imatelY.'tile 111"Oullt paid out fluring iiit legill- reporto; remlived f row Mail i Ia univeraij! lit his deeirt, ffoor knovriedigv �,/ Ir Of I if IV troubjes roir t1wl Curope* a n: Anti t.heir tll)ppr .,%Om be Purther, t1w, pur mr.elm,otiragotlut-fit. %VP tprokop h Ylows W.k. ro undpr th.p nittional lefftnee '�ta tle.,. Ullited ftxv- t -he interruptioii of com- P(Wor Cof the modpr" .1 (it hit fh' lirnv to A apiwoprintlon. 411 111,6. .. - /' hif.h f1chm vall -Ificutitsil, it %%as not Mall.. quitle n0wallaper woum he beat wrved if the Isle ill tile f1ltjjr4-. - fjjtJ- Fri id I &Be I ,wg t r( lklir - i, o, u ronan Vt -)r(' 11. The -vell of "1:11112111(s cagn 1)111 54141 .11144 IlAol. --4F- --- a lould sit lituvw4f for duty "lot do,siirill jVijlr #nil rot rij.,l I or in till -V that the Spalliall forLj (jt t -a- — evvr 'thing to, jkvi,id it. ti, particuir branorh or depart - y Troastiry is little short of 219 000,_ 2 oer.- forcv I to sourr.V-r im' w n,;�di 000. -Ali tills inellitles wilt of Journ"liffn lind then learn ;ill A'hat #*very kin -1 -,,at I arguing of 'tlle is P tp lllmllla�tlj atc-ly Acm-ding t it. 11 more aqo tilt. Ite ollbliv I he could abOut the Otlwr departmentil, heaped upon us luilk &I -ellgage tn� tilt Unitf the fraet-I -d-ALI ver cot -it Sta te%., gold reeryp OU'. 11 uwent, If that.. woary Duk evcry at one strif Ike . a tile 40awe- tNon- TI&P Pill" wits right ill bopth In 'thio- Treasur.V at _11nounts lolag mO&-)re Dowey would kx- un(h.j Uw fl(ons Tile lwrm)n who in fit to)"'T"M It-tv ail Tht rea.4tinatble Id Wor koupPOSitloll. tile 'lot immediately avilililble, the actu ff anti a4ld jjvo*vPity of. (lowtroying or aptur tha t tit l found ba-�es for aval kitrati-' )0ou rlia lift ton uni &tile TAC; re . ii MH W itz*lf woo. vall dutual + was ff9m I Cast' that could Im- o1rawn oil for war Iftr tIt4W tiffterward, ill ordo,r toil # th a 4,11 y 1`41 ti . ill ell St. ling we, r> be advantageous it, future ef- qtWv top e117 Illy up 11 Irmat atom of kn(m1e(Ige fin 61wifit"t). fThen lie gradually r forol-tibly not ex- fort,; at exPa lisioll. Wile er Likewisop it; w' re . helf r On t foI all oubjeol-topi. tit Plor-lomlij, g ta ntv)u.s tit king, 4e �i ft4 i in ofte of t I rpowc" W GUM to- t obt.", 16 44. t t isf, jneetvisit j)f unt oulif eolivelit too Gingk` OUt one or two (k"artfuenta .4 pri. y aining 4 t1i _W t&e 104-h' hurrouill"�P(#1 t�tljr( orrigedor gut jo4-wir anti -%Vill lit i, working. fillinift.,. ill .9004 x1leh .6n -liente Is to be joubjed. or- whi('Il 114' Will mRk#- hiioself all expert. liever dars- zille, 0r by tll-ju *41trio 9, at oil tt, 1" tier top irvoid' beitig I)ottled 111) ill the for wriolevializiltit," is t1ke dwder ar. til#.V all times. a W, rupoordtioll UbJect is rire ill par till- Of the elp'O.416-P-4 11881 by 11141' A It is therefore apliparpnt th.-I t it tila hrbor. Both' Of th(w, t -o&@ t,-ik(- riot day In journalism IA.% else% -hoe of ttlis" (Mily t-ime,, lout Aiipx. ,if(] it ipj. lot re, Tho illsilife the ollell,'The form In war Pxpendittires t4io. Ile piromptl suppo),if-iI tils t journaliort calinjiLt 1pto-iibly k now too, 4-40jiti,fluc-41 tim the krei y 8ELr-Gov&RNjNG ibent 1-; met aililitiOfl* I PA811 litillit he wbrought CUBA. to lit Commotion, Intio.h. (If, 14P Otlo"I* ttw. Brit- ALFON. 10 Lktwe� w(lould feel itwUfied In wnd- iah ettittor Nlioul(I Ila %e ad&d It in tim t tire tit publiol-. goloilli -1. L Of' thP'thi-ory of an 'for K. 1140 OF SPAI N, tUig le tIW Ill ter Tre:tAury withouf-'(14.1.1y Speech of Blanco at tile 01, Of 1110'View-18 aaY rot- Mw nobody Is fit which off woulil fQr(* apan-1 under tile ll.(Vv% warrev(all4lelfilll. This lK of a Journalist unl4vo t -be dto, -which the long keel Itl 1,114we 114.11ters litoW.J111 r Y. _,1110re S, luPa4;ure will in'ttre, reMIF)tA al- ftfliament. si niple._purp9w tot ea rry ing I it,%% v %%- Ila,, he call rill. -I Ittly tUind., the bott0Ep.bj4,,g. Inj& I t. P11 If I* it t: Urn amp tj ill tIJ4- fWlt. lie ran writoc. t ig atlio's Olipyar4 I n'ut M*(*t fro�,- t-11 Maki,- tile 11101n '.0wtrudP which Wrially t1_1V rew �qlgfl�t'Whiiconfirn to + (14Y Of its en6etwent, io, in taidw-I by7 tho pulling i Will lirilpfit, lviow_ tit W lit) ihe but even the in011t: 011tililistie realize iijbis i )--Tile vpc*�jj U) tbe undoi�rstandillg knew' tfiat oL of 1 Thnt may 10. 4K, c xe:rt� .4 1 Wthe. tipper par 1-1 qlany will liwe 11 iv .9'a pt - bkigxbee r(-f-tit*-s.t0.-4tate,, Ulat, roW*rt Was Notes The"y eter "Al I had to'horrow_' A ojoll :1 At nd all -that is known lt)f 11ili, im that t tile 01jening to-dity jkpau io tliking a groez,t other irr ty tift. 4ps. :I& would happell pu10.1111 '%vill It.: to -pay to -In -Ing it" tlie:, Ilear future.. and it is. be.- orrow it lat Of the I of tile- timt. WilgrejFS bf autoli- plooling RVI"Ainse. The' - 11K)ttf;j j)jIbI lomn -bollds uthorize CODY W Unliki t inother Wan- born on Cubmi ow.)11. Iferm that ioetfo�r Cuba eket- lit tilt-, 11hilippiney' futam. Pactically Oft toe. I ed under, tj 9 'nit weak pla, I'll. 1pewitifill tf). I- e twxiliniij le.. autonomous forin of Nacional 'ways: "In Corretidor ito very riglit (,)vf., In tile, pftt_i4)jjs f)f j, I i oo)k (Ia' '190 as all I next fl8cM- year lit lea#4'-*�:1100 000,m). "It ibirtance as fol- there lWeril, imily Wand. Bivt now jS I.s tAx, fate _ r the. t jjjwy 1, St'; Hit t hey 8 of thp governnic . LU all it few wretched gunts oI ft4 r n1most fr6ot h- titne of ills 'by'tfw be w4d. OW;N ta kO gieat pleasure t4i ken from tile warwhj�p. a f w gut. 'rhor, tinf` 1111,41 publis .41 4ecilig BIRROW parti h4 t 11:1 is 011 -ne. th repr4wentatives, of this, islarw. ull- befcom..-This is the truth. Our bailrb tmadil, -it flifferopt ()fir .1m, L8 st WHAT T1119y' FZG -T H O.THZR I t 'tod lWm for tile firl"It tilnC. Ili spitoii have 11 b ly delivered over to t he 41, night 11D*:1rmP,, who f;ell. I^- sil.1 of tlw fact that the Unit,(4I,,Stlit( Iajj gra poe nbut of tile Yankeew. :I raw XjwdPr tot iijiliede tile re-cwtablishnient anod 'more %vorthy of r#wjx!et k,* n Vvkt4 ijeAr the L I _* I oOf maga- I Carton Lady Wbo WNIM 9b will m;,; dt I -in y Weekly. a t 101 Iwall- aeting in a Let. us, deuy 411d d(4100nov thh� 01 lo0alce. KPain has oi f tA--- r magitzille. fulfilled her pro- 11:111,thoup baneful MinlaWrs it() ielw' Ita tt or talk "It * Itfomentlier the. "ILWX of in-troduocing mfornis ill Cuba le Vft Ine. a b!"GuCht about tile ftrut victory nd I ark Valley. A. in bringing anti wa -if lifft."acl XPEDITION To (;UB vald lie' N Po!"' Out fiati,ou - to gr6und. 'L v. Dr. 11:11fixford. ipf New York.' -11,41 lW9 it reconciliation ttm first victims." plieff - vrith' torpC40j, , . but tht%t t6ey nMiort and in higsermon toil I,IymOutiJ e. jUdilK of tile Wa.r. liut the I -'I says: lijive *aHoll Wax Lett i 1pa t e. A Key West -Atoiy 6-f fight The guard over- 4 -hu realooll 1 .1 t lie U.. lot rt- .11. 1oPlavetf.into- Kwillon until )f fur Wlie% I - but mit jwfore Dr. Lymit-it Ab- thOugh spenkiqg ( tion With him, tile rtu�- 1119 that tilt admiral over .141 tononly. tried 6 Pre- .1. rAff again dr*.�w tile Govera- W;lr,- L,#.'1mfnlnf1nt%*. -Intl the Insurgents. boti- said: PeaM _11<1 -ILU 1141 () Ver Tr:)uble Rogan With swelling of C j, h. -j. v6'et, h. great gash *oil tile, to - hf: 1;." 4jC#jljiIt(-jl right 1e. "Wht ki�id of a war,are fig- froin 'briiigl fig icy the %j.1iin, it This wAs roilowed by cam"' Of F* k them I el of ills ltakett WCengowd about. If tlIe of the reacitkil'the ejiy. Mr. Tria'y.ww, ,I narr6w.cliannel, llko� _tL_It of 911toolls or attellti011 to tile inNufficilei' GIN Key' Wost nurightcoul. war of his, forcom and rew-sur(". and re- (*ener.�l C)ILipsoi, and Heart Weak *,'IY);: Tilt-' t;ov- eXafnitint, "m- 44. t1w la*t f Ito itri S(9,41W.:! for ion That. depend [)10a tol'41 theow W narrowtv— to - lea VP There% %vrrq%.1torpe'ilfy-.;4 if, jjn-. 41nol th6-CLIPtalli-co wittochini to upon i ts rn(ptilves. it r()- Ila(] bivn aillepre their arilingo Ili very ull- Doctor., f4ld esorapol-tJ - wjAIj VaflaL. R'- *in' all 6tb�r port.,;i. In the %,enge is ItA motive, if 'Jto�niember the frjilibtaksible Seri' homeWately after a -S eut' roll"fir lgkit.'A thoroligh.jilvioris- W On" Jill e6ni- -%niericau -,oaltilirough the lk ;yct-iterillay afto , '. ' - .1 let Is I ts motto. if& o41veldratLon ()f war.' Bnjoying T11 to tMg 1,4,y4loll tot jh� fI 911-118 Ought t�j bi� -salutilig tho, She Could Not rqnn Cuban Parliment R -e,)ver. but To -day She ra(mij car� a f riend of trentelling is0 1w4w ' ich4if-lon." sai4l 31r. Triy, It m,,,r hcJlnj 14vo- . . . , 1. - being madlij nil Xreat rapneity ('r 4-11)(Mition -till, t- Pau -I to iDxjXVted th 4eave* Cratriltji, !Intl f'ori6%ing tiff. M.'Allvil"Ai so f4i bio - fa I ni. i Er i _rr r lig' :k mine from thf! w(Wt4*rItes me, 'Ttj hell f ON mem[ Tim,nerwational stouries re musill- Good Health. 41 riot fin] tiff. 1-f-rhmeirt fineri a tommunicatiolL For ation"'- (if with Is bein I 'bed, upon -the tot ito, at614 01, SPIttlish Ktattvtuen prove to from Ahe 9$ate ces fa ecau t ren WON -nwUt fit Ll(?Iltt4 of tv I)Olik'Y- ambiti(ins ,bo ift*oloonUum I;or ny ON western -oldlerg. has gi%ell Site IN 'Oe iFrorn tho, Echo, Wlarton, Out.) ff by tiff, liVre Orl 1'�lt' is a' in t I'll " Ilya -unrj9'lltox)u% anti 0 0:-�-rtric iv I Cnball g(X lre-toary of tli� 1'. s. n wicked war. Mrii. -Ins. Overand. who lives in lit ""'I -'III that was going c) '; I wa., 1ZOd to (11) for U) Usoe Houm- to-�Iay a defirfol-Ile all"rently �.ft t � F-� 1-1� *14) TI-31of Tiff- expeffit.ifint ,s 14"'s Poo,r lMr1wj8P (A m4orin w - It* MY faW. The nrs% F. 9 IA lit, nflwlq receive eaffie froril friend. itOtt the other timid, It We have'-fiestrod* 1"'(el allot %%'Ith4)ut-1Lny citinditiono. T1W o*;tintat�- of *200975,.1AX) for the n- makes the followiug stat#%. t4p tljiiik t ll;t t (Iff 14- Nortfolf-uta-&-fifi If- thoro'critv of fill oppnvmk,,(l peolilIcb, if *1 u to)' '01111let, f4) r.w. of g0%ernmo-nt we 'Iwfwllt fiwal year. ll'Pnt ill regard to ji rormark%ble cure ern, v fib;hml is R ehw front luly %vorpill IHIII t119 says Go� bit"o drawn tht- sword to set-tbe op- flew.' Ils.that t4 the'llrit- :1-1141 On aec Naze- veto-riin learn- O'll'it nf t -l"' flm';ll YPSI., 441-ji-ted by th!p use of Lir. too Baracon too w:kryt fnf,# t ff-If loninotilp; 1,:'-,k for vI,)wijqr from the anila 'of frPi,"It is a Mos righteous and t -ho risk cof hi% lire. r -pack I'+lIL tilt .1 008W t Itild Sibaill lias' 44 ) holy %yar—morp righteous tilan leUllit it IvIll I - I iii r- Ship iii'titiv. fto atk- antiijuatc4l vew Je� made niore ainpit. still It iis'rqiorto(---.t t Lialpth, til:it t.lw I ink- libillm for Pale Peopie: .01 am :10 riedly jknol left jilelip peace -afril kilh fIvIllell was to set if suvil ritso1v id. -011f) fifill, tilf. fqj lavyll. billice. it- is eq�rtal, -that IWepo cofir 'Verde aluadron of the loalligil lived ill Wtar" xt6anwr which - tlLov loripti isj11141,N'd tip lk- n(VeN- Cape was ury Ifilvlra. 'ye their Barv- bv -Inbol - (if lit an' PrOdif,'stilled to perish Ourw�lveRlref'. more- rightellfus tl!an the the nil -rs l4wt Ila' twell "'i9l"o"I'd, iwtf':'Jllillg ftlr W past six ears. 1wrioug to t If!' awar, which was to from, peopho. W.1.4 f4- 4t tlw firiot.. eitcoun ter."� Kill ('UNV)ms - and otlwr its irmirm- ftir the r 14 -ft the Ma n 'I n4l strilole 1119 -over o�k (plantit (if let). pnruy elisl, -abolished-,in 6rd0r tci help 'tt w re husband, %yho, jrA, a f 13 y ial mpf-r a be'' aved by ourw.lves—for it is it ref -on * Citna riftt. but the mlifort reninirw lilt- Vta n4l everything it tilp fi rer, not 4q,10cly Wions. be rumurgo 1, r W1 vy for the liourpomw of setting frfp timt iliat L"lliot-ro Iliam 11 peol t1w victims 4 We" residents or Chealey. Its lit a;id, lip )f the figil t couftenifti. It ire hj-. -FranorPsr Jimit-ph have ar- y t intriuler. o Uen. Lit fligiit It thfircoughly saro), it Em1wror -how we lll;vts ')ft other re 'Staillol b the United..StaWs. Y `1of tilt conjertures I i.-relitily fio-fected. A. rly I'r t for vor 841111)(101VII lettr to I I I Hoff, tilt tn trality 'at -orumill, -anif Was, P( - I emni- Itritboili stivini. v% Ili(.I, tilt% four yeam ago tilere C.&Me & -Prifish t S;tjjtilIg(1 oil tit,* Jilagmement ftspecting IM -611- bility ilw trrOn-(I "W41sibillty jlIf frco� of -duties the hell), r,4.11t just arrive(t fit Gibraltar, %%-its ob- im-eiling on the right #Ade of By Dock ('liha tre . humanity.- from Aruerfea, Icca to the liere lt1job postsibility of litterven. vent for the I)urf)fw (If ljgp4l. to' if tf,41 u$'with ftvPrY ron ;4 il-I - Iveyler tx)i 1.11*101Y will-JrAn X V be- $ 11alagn. securil-4 its jpns,4llgp t; fvjt t.11;tt, the ta's 014 coninnind, tiOn ; 90cond, that tilt. t; 'Allieligiew" tile tknaj w�ltlt OU ujitl) Kinft%trm. 11j;I14-.4 -anif torjx!,I(**. ar(I 11641 from ilds erm" ships great (leal dr -pends tjlx)qj the *,if.,' texisting 'JiSeord. In c:tlw- she w:04 mobbod nd stoned. cam) tI10 ills re.hp(l Jror con- If the Spaniards Yield easily to t1k. g -ha b(x.11 left 11114, ill ablout 4wix mont"i it h" grows4m 1:ve,rythlh;Z %vajq 111illibr Upe' t. .1 powtnt- will be lbor W-verely so -a brilort. tiwtillf, opoe 11kont, Hugh !%I(. - fir: box- e-arried all tritball(l.tha , - I)p Cuha. "Mie flaVY. Lovt vontr(ol. I If Otiler nationalities; and, superior for -4v the 11*nited� States. ij migilt satisfv the aspirati fit tPh-grain! Otis of oelf, flit*; nt irw Bay. it 1141-g4 lit; a Howls by of we, -e Sul 4pnninli 4ern Cil b third. that Germitky dild Franol? lilt % If e(jinplitible %%,Itll tile na- Im, witia six. jert 11-1),41tian and I draffing %ro-popoi t tho.'paity, C hCubans hP wr cirpmoo.-R to) #qltvdy end. and the lX4)Pl torp. lt:i%. ffounoll that til it XPect- to' be- ahre. to vW Protested It' tiOtla I oollonor. 0n the I neo -d it. This phy. o% British t1l" 11* v-11 Offit-Or in. chrarge at I fay�n*lljj, tablisli. it ti galllfit tile OccllVh*tif)n of Use the RIVOr'd Is tim-atlied -for lack of a wtition of. Ifig bn ftw. Ito of epw 1,11,1111ppinorw� W r-; Holinesh tlll* 11411 diacil(jowd My CAW as en municati.on rirOin Constil. or, eormint. Of his. frienlines t4p it firm, lit JAWIlirfil urging tll*at tj the montractiotirl! and Jq "plie :11141 tile European Tho British c4onsul l. Aflut I&rgo- iago De -in omfe rond Vu6arr mtljprppq. llitij ilil,nif. tilt! I n tk t 10''i wif-I I Ifn i V, Ilense i fir julecu- powers, litIstilitit-s wen, lidspirilidell in ('11ha of-Itfiled tq).-,!Iiy that lie W. 1114 -tit of tilp glituda. lit , 94 P1047tric cable, be luirried Anottlier COST.Or JIM6019 order to treat for and maid I would igreat jeal (-)f Up -1 Ia Lit -tit, Carr 8 OXIONlition conveying w anzas rortopient In IfOlitil-14 ill riot W Ing all tills. tile 1, igtior_' -Ind thait. tho city wam filliet. If. Al. S. & t t% -t-11 f .1 t w ak, 'In rouT.414 asqnsnina- 1-4 1 v. th which If t0-,GeIieral*Vsolucz. will lan entirely hniop.- fir. .%bb9tt (Iolw ot resident of tile [ l(it Alert' mailed froin 'A R6 I DCed. TILW d an - Y pa tle I e0plob Will- Have to aw eat for wem' to *Iared that the autopil)mom tjagitlo I)f% CulwA t.1lis c,%*pujIIg. tinn ocan on tirili c The U. 8.,p tu tee df -Tamaica for 8 ga%#. AW ternporlary rolif. irging Ort -IL, Oast Of the prqvinev. Of he very tform tif govertiment bail turned out to Sencor -Fra. neiseo flortuando reeeivp,t It Principe fir a few 1111YK Their ftn. ruling -motli-,� off ill@ silipinent (if vle P-4-trie c0u:lt�ymen IIts 9 be a. fallurf'- Parliament Ilaof jot ft re4jusist to-oriny to -spnd a to ',vulo agil it# twg.jit to grow mud in x wiro-.` The fj t w,j1#4 tw4it nj:j.,ly t.sle orthy oir trw, rfoverse. 13RIT1,4H ACTiVITY, ["It it Cau-911t*Uriprepared *r w -hocoilill 8F)p nit -o' even 1118WInblM. and the. pat.* ej will cwt- rtb-eifoarly�rririin nil out� I Utilla for 3w faillilies. itl 01 't riots of the SIATIM494o, Ik go -11110 * t 04i-ry Pe3patcheR Prom the fis-videol 'tjo Neliol., cable i I %'"%'I Orw th1LII ever. In the a wamhij4 to liar- hall 0dolmint of View'. excited by tjie de- The bill introduced In the Cortas too 14- ft -4 t C0,11811A at Santiago.. Ina tllf%. Admiral Ajonto.jo wit 0 cWcoll IltrOgn(Aticate.- Con- t1arat-lon that spalliards mean'tianc I hall 1,1001men ifores-ribed for by 1111"saxis waq not 8 t a ken'll lt6get tier r4%W. -4y tit(,% caustod tile Isrohibit the exportation Of corn. f lour, K 1116C.-torl, W -lit lititi) tell., by simprime, -all(I reavenue bitl which Imawd A oij Tzxes. forgo�ttillg the gen. rye, nialze. plAntoes anol frultK. juld differi-litpilyji-ijklit, andtaken wreral fter tire olisasto-ri that tho - panish erout; hogf)ltalit tier sailops ro.(*iVed upprotap 10014 lhitfirf- jeellfri-ol, jplifl jjf� -riot' re- authoriies generally were 'in state the 11cow*-, last. week nwl Wilf Ile %I*a- fig, tI14' <iutY Oil tile impor. vatent mroilclne% hi orwt ,p r its t fin 4.1 t- we re .-Prob- fand oat nonp 9f eflinig Brfti,41, roi%-641 Until It Infjqltli I or -litter unreitollim4. Th- ably I have "Pre llow tile I'll-ited Statolew are -of tlic**4'nrtIcIf% is inten(jetito 4ntf,r#-4Lvi in ater. It it w * -'-'Just if rf-I.-t-d tl;e tation 4 as b forts were I-Iw 'within tell ays.: Danish taking up arnim to Opp' �ilelil ga%., Ill do ( ulm. T) intention to 14w up 'lot completed, (06 their. dolnimi- ctwkmaW. the elveularrA. 1110re thun tevawrary 8-ritish thiril the Maine. P, harbors. were 'tot Il,r(4x9Jft1 to put at the dimpatial of the mt:b-1111041111) 5- Which - ra it -%ritliout cru6ur 1%-4&rj is f.#%, &&-re, ,III w0ul-fF there uriot barf, joepl, f(,-, Milled, there were no ligloW frou IlefOre, such ail outraW.- Spall- Admiral Caivara vrill take conlTIM relief. Alsoiltut thr#*jV6&rg&g" 1 left witil- 11av und , in, aeardlitights. ami -I'Alministration' during the next year. Culf-fira Island, . ao, 4118 riot laor I rid ft Briti.,,ih ana--410 1jr(IN of ca� tht-,. ' Alsiericall Noluadron was. Only a.t - lea (is a'id Cubans must unite to t1prend of tile Cadir fleet oil Friday. U'larton fo,. (,Iw third claud y bh�,, DiglltCd 'afte "t -*700-000POO ov�r and AboT tract tile aftention, bf arty war* the fatherland, and, tilt. rq,4.o4jcjjifttjo _jjey thinking llrub&bly iltile Orthijary: re to ise Tile White Line Rteamer Geinlanic hange wOulcl injiforovi@ my I thO Aiitb4h loop it'.110 vreoe&iary r it hall ailready passed IV ioraft 1 )11 v Ell ti Ws"d t tll(! 011ter-ond principal forts. 0 velow . alxmt. will be till th,- more shrried. ill %-jew (If at Qt",IsWwll at prob0thlY hib at Santiago 'Tiip t:!Ik Of t - lie Oleo.. if e very jiwjit. vf'llufw Of go Alonir- about 1 triv nIla and, Just �Cirf I lorio tlw & 11thYsiciatt Va Ila, iwilthwest.* I have re- she ffid not !"fie Alt�rt.. it now appearm. skle-lit Englallll fig heard praise of the Tim -flit* to , t1w "stlancepi Of tIW O'clovii this arto-f-TIO011, tiwr* aud he iN 'elvaractil-rite4i too skiff reVenue bill lyfeld at iv0d (4 - -Slatiti and. of thcj haid tw troublie w&g incurable' and W ".41 * or non-4pripoe and daring dipl' yed by Co'mmo. lellst V100.0oo,m) uy -.141itiollal report" U) tile effect that the a'4111110114Y cif (4bt ;ill fl.t%,c sight, any warWps. Iftarl, tiol tll(. arransaw deeJare. til:lt.tjler#,, In a tiOb where, it it authorize";, Lieut. re, Deii, au '14 tax- -foe a OverninertW of tile ro,,.Incc and blotrf ill titeir (oil Affairm mot to-4ay anti c(alidered turlieti tonjy 101ut. u ba toy the Ito t lert .4 alt Tile flottow Comm 'tt*xv Of' FOreign 'night end Discouraged I rw- W" *,It loack witi, fjpspfttctlq.S was lack of littippr j.1;1Mtjgfttif)n and Hilytillng had Inii4cariled, he would gating '$t 0j.tW,0()0 fu oans -aggrc.. tow . 11 of 1,011ce: Ifave spire( re- that, if Spain* ore. It is riot. ex- fail electric' tills voil. .%It -tIl41 tiv tho BritiVlh been liIt Illost, dorwpera t6 pect041, that tl irm A-(] sent them to $III,- juan for . varlOut; bills nd reatolutions relating %1'taruxi. niu(n 111 "1" 1` tnk�n and tile is prOf)nsal- hail lfave lf"o!" caug W, 11rof-wident will linve - . 11 J!"t lit forve fill -luly llro.f�.rfblltv to tlw a-tinexation or Hawaii by I " Ing to)o imPOr-talit too triwt to the IlvPAtl&qtR),n e0fidliete 1xi"Ition, At the alliae timPY credit In to* bf) Ill litilling- th wol'se I'll"ll "4414 whet' I Wt. sad be - of - e harbor. There Ia, Rhould bt. tofj tliob lII4,awlr,(! rrow all ti III 'IllolleY during-t4be great lative ..-Action. tirppresenta,- 21%fontejo,.� who. hall. a I'Llst y(xLr, ilk-mpa tochen tivfw (f foreign powo, wreu-hed- Jleet, a of tho war, ft it - should -CiAlfusiou at Police betatlse'of an Vitfilix for publi( lir%lug I link, Ckplat huaw to -Us. 1 tile rIP911 11111,111ti-liant-4- of werV eahlfbd Up Lontlitiis by th.,- WO"Id 14aV0 Ik1 stood no' chance lat4t that -k ra -war I fr -tild tile Colonel Lnwton. of Genteral Shafter'is rt)"t' I 14'ft U) Ch"IPT I had bt_-, a T;6e .% k,.rt fOollipill that, .111 wili except frfjlll -tile Hlg. but authority Ia placed "taxer oactl (I .. a aliab If -ft for Ky West. it Is bp,- taekood might Lit his'llands. to- tk�� Used It ne0bemity., Inr ilinount jevied a ew tlays O'Casioually with reAnUng receh�e from the -fortil. Voll"trY Ca,II 11floved. tO When Congrew This tAX Was payable W --day, and ofIII&P Out - a - plan for tiff rix'llb will What The. how alWopriated '$.-)0.- t Prothi't 0 these imccurred to seize pro. ony nnij havp r the national tiefence It threaten(, brin fvirI3 forw"I move with 'the Pallao, n I ow lit, Port Ali- fi bepie n V-1 eviDr. by 000.(= to � 9 Mptlt. "'Or*' In'l4lue"Lly and of ltloflger durs- mtllpp )erty -unjeft it was it the f4orisintlon All rciiorta of an understanding be- tiOu. MO llk� tO and fro, wCre P"fly able wau not -expected that thim -would be* ffald promptly. f :I gre.-It volintri- ullit,l to ille 014 tile lean eLCI Ito I 8&nw tint(, felt tire 1xisitively pronioutle*, leiritis-a arf: bwo- to, avoid MW bftffly (firebted fire from mOm-'thlIn e I 00tlIg is extremely probhble. -(,aKt.j I,; In nit t toil an . I a& the twtv'll the United Kingiltnif and Amer- %(puld fiAii,t th,jitl I Imd beceimt ThO Volnial autt anti �aluinny. temle t alit the forto.' to. put the country lutely retivent elo tfp tli#. r(pnt4.j,tc4qof I looking to all clrcnm_' Ill prolharAtionufor war. This anjolifit be thol- nif-4liator ill b.-io_ %41,� wetilt, and could tiff, dewpatcht.m "Till COST OFTHE WAR.. It, IN apparent Sliat tire A* ORKA U NA V,t t, BA1 TLK tfic be- ltltel3 grottindleNs- In thP best ln. airim& tile floxjr 8111d feltmysit-if grow- -the reawnis fnr [Ins enabled both the War Delmrt- tWben lie fi)rnw-0 political quartersit silell an ilig' worob every dAY. I again conrielt- American flo'et COuld 1111ve recialved.but ment anti warship.s. But Tho W.4.r irol I AlWht- damage. thob Navy D"rtnient to Real frghting between the fore' of' fini-shed readi' the elupry told t1w I" & y May Oogg the U em 119 flib &IN fx 11 ('ap- undeorsta n (ling is r40ff&rdebd as a polp. vo tl*. lw:&Ll physiciso .jw)ri,ltefl I rpsm - & Very make rapid progwmw it, the work of ji wo "110utfld, sibllit�r of thp d d thi. time Ito vorrfV Dear. the m6ral influence, of, the faill4truncral 111111 pf)n# lt,r i t -It 'tili. jamalf...j (:,'Ill great vletApry 'first Oreplaratiou during the last twO tile ed ftatw a d Spain has be- !.. 11VIdell future, but nothing full It w46 811"M of thr lw&rand I loom -s tit tho ts 'Ificalculabici, and months, affill about $R,O()0,000 IN still gun and it we may aCcept as corrPet wih -filitillisiasni. MSPO"(10d to more tangible. that I WO11d nut live Luoiry thain & Cimms, fin ve tot IN * tates though it Ili practically certain tlia,t 0 - T I mr, calitain- -1,41ilmolfAn, iuIll hems t t- as'gruat, romparatively. gpitill.will not %-fell, tlll�mll (;vnerni tiwrl Austria in indleatod as taking 'tile (4,oupile of days. Whilf- lylug in bed& 6 hr g a-vailable from thim appropriation. the reports of tile naval engagement ie Coffin i-oll- aa thotie 6f ot-1 Ill toac.kc4l in the enorigui.itil. by a III wr eivilizlovot nati" trieff The aint)tllita,actually 0&141 out froin ill 9m?,w OVen and adlilinistered tile toritil ljljjt�ic ioire"- oid aw and &6. (A), pris Ill Itlativol" ill MPA!hftion. but in diplo. or tile tovk-n % joit whereuloorin h4' f0l 011 the crowtinuil -ref'"lit tJfnpm. but"evell the-tr)tals hPhilippirim tile' hattle just to th-C '10puties. -11,L. it C011f4.mll(N, for tile %ldf:kl lit( %trlot ly t4itryl)r. IVIllialue, are flufflefent to Af killed .1 Sbanlard. lie htw limp, fin- (of th,% Ruppf t1w, at-gurility kiked all lw)wers is consi,dem. I the only practicAl Pink' I tfil)'401t it ilwit-sat. but I *111 if theY swore, to cLl,,VA.Vs der Th"te Rtatt-ratenix, *itif)n that either new ou tilc elld 8OIutlOfi of tit(% problem willell WIfellps WKS road too Craip at any awOng "or, . rVo, nfA v -if. irr. Risnuplint ;Lllq.iul. gal fin- hba rty Prif it I'Paill all" 1va's 1111"w'ered With a Otto iniesion of - Europe on the far Of Twontiwd m1W. and so com- fit 1111Y'Other' time we rrMy.renp n by the vickk-A of , battle. LaWr. at tile silenced to uso- t1wm. firtnor in the firm of Iff-cm)IL4 The annual,ftx, . itu (if t I front a Wto" the Rrotherw. nol. i )t nd re je Uni Marconet, title on- wirund box was completp regarolpd s ted WittlesNold a marvii ll:twt (if tilt. he Revorolw, 20,0(X).(jo(j rhoeered j,, Tifton ViOlent, o4mr- $ Tho trtx)Pd "111 ()f 3 It Ina ieA- half fOr Io, wcond time m3 wir r-ttilig better a ud betan I had orof vief)wpiw an --i during thol. war V t tI ill iff)OCiP. Motit Infortned tl br ri t fee finished Illy weventh imm I was able to 13101MY was ralwill.-by of this %%It.v W and fronj tlm,, flail or VOlonlal autho Y. llo-(kws not belier himself -4are go a bout, alit] do my ow n work. I ow The Aritinh wnr ship Pearl lials The dimintmiting value 'W Slender Ill ­Tile, flew Of thl Uolell In I C"I'llgrw ld itsi, ff ill the form Of pliptir. rurrene of Ily Ing top thill- number of Cull.-Ill..j and tli&uot4i t1wru untill I had umed fourtme swurity Inevitably bA*Xht Cublill N.YMPathizers ill Kingsuloil. lip I bosts, when I %,,&,b cOnj4)jpUIy cumd eirrived vott lNort oliyal, tll,l 'it he alm)llt tiff, re(t optolp%jiull IIAN JIPPIW for and been gratital lsor�. ag a t4 le UWk ntm, tw4iftVed the SnntiAgro hoarding Of Kohl T 1;-Ormey Ci%lI I Tile sworlij it ft y '0 war. 4,)v_ &ad I -ity Of real Prifor -low fino. h" ttle. :114 It Inatter f3ruzoll n -as elee1led m 'low as a woman &4 1 ever was tile in my life. I ,lake t4be &bov@ 1"te _Purw%, wax rollowefl hy*"llrf4.rinjg 't te Rp real I a n d I n te njw. anluent VO1uIltari1y.b`f`I1PviU91t`my duty THZ MAINE ZXPLOSION. til Our spoporif I war wi Lwer ljoum. Fior loreakfunt, four. jy- fi%fv to that which th � Englit riot I"ted savood my life and CarranzoomsTal ks Aborout. the Report on the 010Y tw(j Years. but It rmt French Oiteltmpr iwisr, Intitt4mi, kidneyti )r neekmar tnakp an andarit to bv*,lk. nil till.. jq,gly tile abovot, rjj(,t- t &nv tj 0()()-W) tO our..cattio.; t of Ha U-111, Without wilk 4)r o4tiglir. dry tDixaxt*r. '11,11411 righteoum an it wn.. Anil &tills vann, anti it is Iwilieved tillt mile will toas A depraved conditIoll of the lokxool or naval riot include the lc*w�g So our n miter tlw I;nrtw)r For funchoju. t%K, 4ir throw okinet4i noo-r%ouai dyistlo.-sn Iobthisosr- 4)(firer now in Toronto). stat4-41 la.qt marine from k,,tlg, moerchant, rrow' frult,.a rusk or tivi). tea, witlionrut clt Of tiiatpinics - 160& Illih privateeringi, a Allierivan wartillipli vem "'gilt Up a 61(p1mv represientative that loses beyontl MJ I k or augar. fklkd-b.v resWring tilt- bkXX1 aud "putation, even lit those tit- afterno(,il at It e-011biffol',nible OrAlk tip haill rerently handewl - tr) the Amo- t Immw of a distanee out. F(w (buner. five or six outim 41f i 'Life norrves. Dr Will pur rompar tive cOmmercial satWine"t to( ract4aud poverty. ally fish Pleept Naimoli* bitrike nt tiff, root of *ft by Ilirn upo' n the SPUZED A 11"RENCHMAK. eleept L)(wk shy `vegetable exco-pt driving it fron, tlw oistew tjoill A portion of tile find ts") pay llf-arfy in ljw�li Of IK)ultry for ilig tile flati-Il ofisiahtfor. P'fj'r t -he fr"y -Qf tile 4,xican War poi-tatorv: tiny kind . () lieallwo 410" finding ws. lip elptimevi..0mittlowl when treagure, for which our ac- A Case Which May Bring About Inter: Owi-, tin ounve -tot dry Ummk, Ill c'Lww or 1mralysis, 11110111010111 ni-tirle wax mnt toliat for puhllr.,�- 'I'lisition (if territry (Illf not listional COMPItCations. or claret or elierry. kwomotor sitaxle, WI&OM16 tiift, mnA this keetlon old the t4ratolt- penvate. The livesi Or morp* tiant, erysiltelas. OWN401"g. 1W on o114""1"' till' Prem Do- Ali Faiglish nevi"pip1p. In nit tirtieloo, tl~ 11411.- &M 40 rle t4 -11 a awwwr ic Infoorlt -IM glyell b0loW. I'leut. L (*-trrnn- 0M Ame okn ei selly was thall zaso pmko- am folk,)wv: part Oil tA %,fit tile SlainflHe striny. maym noe siv, 00 Of Uile price we paid r#,Imjrt . Tile 1,11101- respect the Sialnew- arm for tile troubill's be Am am* Y our -8 dix- play of power, and oinawthing PrPrich General 111ralisntlantic any "Tho very mericanx thernm!lvfl for that 'i r(Aint thirt 1411pa that tiff. ore W every other, and that i#4 Ill tm ejolw. of on In _)ntart tor- 1-60661 of :1.894 tolia. MNW411 rew"M Qf* hl#,Pwn up hy a floating ef it I ne w &N than $25,WO.(",) for military hn, phant vorlps Fight hinidmi t)f UbW IA&#. &Jol mileh for the rea.4oll that loirwinentm wRS another part. groW r(Tister. I (mind from Corunnn, sire ortronger th 1111(ow SPItill, On prir 2�3rd, for Havana, wits kme d "tra vicil-anee wouki be For the clyll war the figurfm after %[fail thO8P Of India. eir.- o. good 11w on a of W.S. ill' around, mount up was -1 to a etO irtupen-Joni vaptitrod yogter(lay ol"t as 'Ing Orr tilt war YPOwl (,or tlw V111teAl Statei untler wtit1q, The Inimedin rrpn lilt(' ft mPmi&LI corm commatidnd the actlial efressaxtane-i fr, 11^v&n& A�erf. $4, w to financial loillotil lattOr POrt by tile United States gun- MtIrrd Anglo-Indian urflimr, anti t as frw tiw fact that there are no cur- ;# n 0 tO the North.] bO&t Anuapolis, (',10mmander J. J. fr hradn. tru sw_ I'llinko. rents to Weak of In tile port. and ft w I th to the South, while t te r rtwit Would W* be ressmabb to run 4Z 'Its fill a na- vigilill, 04 S__2_ A--& Sa-tvin-nnn min a #04, t