HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-12-03, Page 54 z '1, r TUN WINGHAM TIMES, DECEMBER. 3 1908 HO W rCiE, aaa+sEsarclwx. A petition was presented by Messrs, ,A School entertainment will be given Does the McGeeCam'pbell more,Dulmage to of Gorrte, and Kirby of Bel- to Friday, December 18th, i the school more, to the Township Council at the taught by Igloo Norma Spariing, Iiowiok October meeting, asking the Council $o sod Grey boundary, Good programme BabyThrivesubmit a by-law at the coming elections by local and outside talent• ro-issuing liquor licenses in Howiok for On Tuesday, December land, the neral an - 1009. The question was laid over to I£ not, something must be November. At the November meeting GIVE THE BEST VALUE IN TOWN . 4, will take place. Teacher F. 0. amination in connection with S. wrong with its food. If the the Council passed a motion by which " $. No. Fraser expects to be assisted by Mrs. mother's milk doesn, t nourish IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: they deem it unwise to further implio- Alex M.T.—hlia, Messrs. Weir and it, she needs Scoff sEmulsion. ate the township until they find out It supplies the elements of fat Bryane, former teachers, and others. th l it fi deney thepolicy of the Ontario Go cy av /- . Mrs. MoLanohlin was the first teacher in required for the baby. If baby ernment regarding the question, the school. A concert will be given in is not nourished by its artificial Lumbermen's Rubbers _ the evening at which a choice musical food, then it requires Sa.® you Nervous UyspepeiaY and literary programme will be supplied Rubbers and Overshoes How it shakes one asp, invades Bleep, pp talent from Brussels and other local SCOTT'S destroys strength, adds real misery to oints. Funds will be for the benefit of Felt and Leather -Lined Shoes life, Not the stomach but nerves are the school. - woleeffected. Starved nerves cause the EMULSION English and French Kip Boots whole trouble. You need Ferrozone because it's a nerve food. It supplies WEST WAWANOSH. ! ( ' the elements that are needed to make Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear rich red blood. This is the savings bank Council met as per adjournment on la a of health. The richer the blood in the November 19th. Members all present. Half a teaspoonful three or 1 Boys and Mens Sweaters red cells, the richer you're sure to be in Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last four times a day in its bottle health, Ferrozone quickly, makes blood, meeting read and confirmed on motion will have the desired effect. It Cardigan Jackets streughthens the nervone system,invift• of Medd and Anderson. magical !` orates the digestive organs and recto i seems to have a rn teal effect p 7 Boys' and Men's Worsted Stockings the nervone disturbance disappears. Treasurers statement showed balance upon babies and children. A and Socks You'll 1etry Ferrozone, 50o. per box at all on hand of $383.18. Filed on motion of _ I Murray and Thompson. truth eat bottle will prove the —_ truth of our statements. Mitts and Gloves Mr, Thompson paid Treasurer $7.60 F WROYETLrR. for statute labor not done in 1907 and C`s � Send this advertkeatent together with none •• Winter Caps —both Fur and Cloth Reeve Harris is attending the meeting also 80o. for sale of o'd fence at town- of paper in which it appears, your address and of the County Council at Goderloh thio ship hall, four cents to cover postage, and th will send Isard's Big Sale �� you a "Complete Handy Atlas of the World;' Overalls and Smocks week, Mr. Harris intends resigning his All accounts against the township SCOTT & BOWNE position at the end of the year, must be presented by December 16th 126WelllngtooStrectW TORONTO, ONL Fur Coats Read R. J. Laing & Co's advt. on last for payment•01*9 page of this issue. Taxes not: paid by December 15th BRUSSELS. - a t s Ladies' Mr. Thos, Sage has returned home will be charged 60o extra. A good sizad sewer pipe has been put U%j from Treherne, Llan, A number of accounts were passed in pbsition across Princess street as a Mr. S. Rasmassen has sold his pro, which will appear shortly in •rho preventative to the Spring overflow of anSkirts. McGee Campbell finaostatement, water in that locality. petty on Marietta street to Mr. W. R. council adjourned to moot on Dooem• Tex, ber 16th at 10 O'clock, Rev. G. F. Salton, Ph. B., has accept - Mr. W. Patterson has purchased from W. S. MCOROSTIE, Clerk. ed the invitation of Central Methodist CLOTHING - MENS FURNISHINGS church, Stratford to remain a third There are BIG MONEY -SAVING CHANCES at this store Mr. Thea. Hemphill, the piece of land ear He was a former pastor of the from Monday morning until Saturday night in FIFTEEN DEAART- Read the London Daily Advertiser, $2,00 PER YEAR. The beat metropolitan paper in Western Ontario, Contains latest market quotations and all general and local news worth printing. SPECIAL OFFER Send x;1.60 for the LONDON' ADVERTISER for 14 months. Remittance must be received be. fore 1st January, 1909. 2 STORES 2 STORES P E C I A L S a AT e ' i YOUNG S DIG HARDWARE for this week and next. b Lantern Globes, regular 1oc for - - 5c Clothes Pins, per dozen - - - 1c Razors, •`guaranteed" reg. $l and $1.25_ for 49c HORSE BLANKETS HALTERS THE SLEIGH BELLS BEST STRING BELLS GOODS AXES AT AXE HANDLES THE MITTS LOWEST ° SKATES POSSIBLE LANTERNS PRICES CROSS CUT SAWS Cement at per barrel - - - $A.60 We have the best values in . Mitts to be had in Wingham. When you are wanting a stove call and see us. We will save you from $10.00 to - $15.00. Call and be convinced ALEX: VOUNG & CO. 2ll S``Tcc�,1Ovv RES �2� STORES LL �7TwYi7a�Yv��J.a ' • • �4t�1fv.�YAaA.?ii7'AAT��Y►�Y►a ed there and is going to make a home for himself, known as the flats.wa><TECauRCtl, y • Methodist church, Brussels. MENTS. Be sure and get your share of bargains. See our display The annual meeting of the White- The son Alfred, attended the last sad rites. of LADIES' COATS and Slitl;TS on SECOND FLOOR. Miss Dobson, present teacher, has Is Your Throat Husky. church Cheese and Butter Co. well be Broe, hardware merchants of fl.,ance and duet frill, the first been appointed first assistant in Clifford This is the first step towards Catarrh. held in the Fdrestern' hall, Monday Fort William have purchased the stook the Fort William Hardware Co. and WONDERFUL WINTER This is A big sacrifice in Ladies' Sea - public school for 1909, Miss Dobson P Everything depends on your remedy. afternoon December 21st. A cough mixture slips quickly over the of secured their spaoione store. Ia the sonable Coats, some are the manufno. COATS $5.00 turere losa,some are our lose, for what - a A weak spots, drops into the stomach and • The Whiteohuroh Camp of Sona of meantime they are running the two 6v";r reRpon, our customers will reap . does little but harm digestion. It's al- Scotland will hold a Scotoh concert In stands but will combine the stocks the A of well tailored, three gnarter,•plain cloth and fn00 poor policy and mitigates against the together different with Oatarrhozone- , the Foresters hall, on Wednesday even- i later. ! tweeds, have been sella tweeds, have been lolling up to $7.60, on sale each $CJ.00 ONLY it cures because it gets right at the trouble. Yon inhale Ontarrhozone, i ing, December 9th, A good program breathe in the vapor of healing balsams I has been arranged. Those takingart The comfortable brick residence bush I BEAUTIFUL COATS The second ttroup of ooats comprises some school. Anniversary Anniversa services were held in the that strengthen and restore the weak' are: -D, E. McDonald, Piper; Flora by Thos. Newsom, has been sold to G. I of the very orcittiest, styles, in all types of AT $5,50 fitting in tweed THROUGH LINE throat tissues. You'll not have colds, . Catarrh McDonald and James Rose, Highland House, the new harness maker, the price. - garments plain clothe and effeots, real worth up to $12.60, sp5pinl ent Mr. Harvey, of Dnndae, a former se• P or coughs, -Throat Trouble and will disappear with the use of Catarrh- dancing; Goo. W. Cline, soloist; W. J bean 2.500 it is said. W. J. Fawcett g price each - - - $5,50 TO ozone, At all dealers, 25o. and $1.00,; McDonald, and Andrew Fox, instru• is the present tenant, Mr. Hones and ��" ^ f+h Th, se ; r LINES erre mores of nasal fowl supper and entertainment was Get it today. t mental music; James Hunter in Scotoh family are domiciled for the meantime ly g -. egt;alg , ��✓�' other od iuv�stments well Western Canada = songs. The admission is only 25 cents. in the Robb Terrace, Turnberry street. • Wonderful Valve ir! Underskirts• LARELET. This will be one of the treats of the Thursday morning, Nov. 19th, Matil• - season. We are going to have a pretty busy • da Moritz, reliot of the late S. E. Haist , We are making an extra strong bid for BIG liUSI1\TaS� in FAST TRAINS DAILY burg this winter. The two ohopping zThe score of Whiteohurch rifle Zurich, passed away to her reward aged LADIES WEER, showing to CAS$ BUYERS whist vast differences LOWEST RATES mills are bringing farmers here from a association rifle practice of last week. 44 years and 8 days. She had been in QUICK CASU in both the SELLING and the BUYING of goods. when to stoop or bend seems impossible, when dizzy spells and bearing down distance. At 200 yards, 7 shots, possible 35:- poor health for some years, first from Proving the wisdom of coming here where the best results await NO CHANGES OR DELAYS ' G. Lamont 29, W. Beecroft 28, J. Chester Cook, eon of our carpenter, cancer followed by heart trouble. Her every BUYER. . 3 Talk it over with J.H. BEEMER, C. P. R. Agent, Wingham. Sparliug' 27, • It. Carrick 26, S. Garton has returned from the West. He went 24 D. Beecroft 22, A. Fox 20 T, Gar- husband died several years ago. A eon and daughter survive, the latter being g -; Ladies' Fine Underskirts .. out on one of the excursions. Gordon Horton, who f the excurs him remain- ton 19, H. Champion 19, D. Kennedy in North Dakota. Deceased was a fine One Dollar. ack e is otten. The ailing sok woman lgains strength, in 17. woman and was a ueice of the late Geo. - - a,*„��,;�;,h•s;,,e,,v,�,w�,�,;.„.___.�.._,�„w.w��;i,i,:,.�,�,, ., �.a 2 STORES 2 STORES P E C I A L S a AT e ' i YOUNG S DIG HARDWARE for this week and next. b Lantern Globes, regular 1oc for - - 5c Clothes Pins, per dozen - - - 1c Razors, •`guaranteed" reg. $l and $1.25_ for 49c HORSE BLANKETS HALTERS THE SLEIGH BELLS BEST STRING BELLS GOODS AXES AT AXE HANDLES THE MITTS LOWEST ° SKATES POSSIBLE LANTERNS PRICES CROSS CUT SAWS Cement at per barrel - - - $A.60 We have the best values in . Mitts to be had in Wingham. When you are wanting a stove call and see us. We will save you from $10.00 to - $15.00. Call and be convinced ALEX: VOUNG & CO. 2ll S``Tcc�,1Ovv RES �2� STORES LL �7TwYi7a�Yv��J.a ' • • �4t�1fv.�YAaA.?ii7'AAT��Y►�Y►a ed there and is going to make a home for himself, At 600 yards, 7'6hots, possible 85:- Baeker, of Brussels, Mrs. Baeker and Lssrh(s' Underskirts made e" gr!od R. Oarrick 29, D, Beeoroft 28, W. son Alfred, attended the last sad rites. n L A C r SATEEN, 6mbroidcred Miss Dobson, present teacher, has Beecroft 27, A. Fox 24, G. Lamont 23, �- fl.,ance and duet frill, the first been appointed first assistant in Clifford J. Sparlin 22,=•D, Kennedy 19, S. Gar- B y a 1�� of the kind ever shown in WITQHAM, can be had here only, public school for 1909, Miss Dobson P ton 19, H, Champion i9, T. Gretton 16, Paralyzed by Lumbago. ,. � as w',h..ve the solo agency for gave good satisfaction, but for a few - Manual labor or even light exercise s O�lj. this HANDSOME sKIRT, good value dollars she was allowed to go. It is a is impossible with lumbago. The mus•GREY. at 1$1.50, all sizes only - $1.00 poor policy and mitigates against the , else stiffen out like steel -to move advancement of the pupils in every Aroh, Hislop has moved from the 15th to the 14th con., taking up resid- means agony, Only a powerful remedy can penetrate deep enongh to help. The ' 4f` "�, Watered Mareen Under- school. Anniversary Anniversa services were held in the encs on the farm he has leased from surest relief comes from rubbing in Nerviline. It sinks into the root of the �'f . ;.:' io skirts Methodist church on Sunday lust. Rev. his brother Andrew which abuts his trouble -penetrates where an oily lini- t @" Mr. Harvey, of Dnndae, a former se• P farm from which he moved. He will ment cannot go. To prevent lumbago returning put on a Nerviline Porous x � ,. �, , In navy, hrawtt and black full r .' * wide skirt, on sale each - $1.25 tor, preached at 2.30 p. m. The an- continue to work both places. Plaster which removes inflammation ��" ^ f+h Th, se ; r LINES erre mores of nasal fowl supper and entertainment was Grey township will have a Deputy and strain from the muscles, and acts Be ly g -. egt;alg , ��✓�' other od iuv�stments well held Monday evening, Reeve next year. In 1907 there WAA A a guard from drauRhts and exposure. Nothing will so quickly cure as these be on sale, shortage in the number of names on remedies. All dealers sell Pelson's Ner• - the Voters' List entitling the munici• viline and Nerviline Porous Plasters. Cure for sick women. When pains gather around the hips polity to a Deputy. ill The probabilities that Councillor Grant will be Refuse all enbetitntes. - H. yg-a LSA D C ^ E. /�!' and lodge in the small of the back- are acoorded the honor again. It is said o e when to stoop or bend seems impossible, when dizzy spells and bearing down in some quarters that both he and Reeve BLUEYALE """� -�+�'� �• pains are ever present, that's the time Fraser will likely be elected by aoclam• Duff & Stewart have the contract to to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, Irregular- ation, possibly the whole Board, thereby put asp a wire fence around the ceme - - ities disappear, vital energy is restored, saving expense to the ratepayers. Time tery. ack e is otten. The ailing sok woman lgains strength, in will Mr. Thomas Conitis has sold fifty - - a,*„��,;�;,h•s;,,e,,v,�,w�,�,;.„.___.�.._,�„w.w��;i,i,:,.�,�,, ., �.a yimproee looks, increases in spirit b usingDr. QeWhdnesday, Nov. 18th, a happy ghis acre farm south of the village to Mr. Ham tone Pills. They cure the con dations that rob her of health and vigor, No medicine so helpful as Dr. Hamil• Brussels event took pleas at the Manse, , when Miss M. Smith, 4th con., was mar- V. German for X3500, The statutory meeting of the Tura - U. I S ” 0 00 V � E ton's Pills, 250. at all dealers. Tied to Wesley H. Stephenson. Rev. A. berry Council will be held is Clerk Z 0. Wishart, B: -A., performed the cere- Burgess' office, on Tuesday, December TURNBERRY. mony. The bride was becomingly at- 15th. 4aI �C LT 0 i1 S C A 'I- 8^ A I/'eta N H tired in pointe de sprite over white silk Dr. John Caven, of Toronto was in Report of S. S, No, 6, Tarnberry for and wore the groom's gift, a sunburst of the village on Friday, consulting with - - the month of November. The names Pearls, The travelling snit was navy Dr. Macdonald, of Wingham on the - of pupils who have not attended re- re- blue broadcloth with hat to match. Miss health of Florence ging, who has been gularlp and who have misted exams havemissed Elva Stephenson, sister of the groom, ill for some time. If you want your shoes to wear, are, marked with asterisk. The and Charles Forrest, consin of the bride, A meeting in the interests of butter- figures after each name denote the attended the happy pair. The young making was held in the Foresters' hallr observe tine following suggestions percentage of marks obtained. couple will take asp their residence on on Friday last. Mr, Robertson, inetrua- ... .._. _. ._. Fifth class, -Bella Murchison, 90, theroom's farm, 5th con. May their g for for this district, from Strathroy, Sr. fourth olnes,-Ruby MoKague, joys be many is the wish of a large was present and gave a helpful lecture 1st -Get a comfortable fit.. I 73; Violet Showers, 721; *Sadie ging, circle of friends. on the care of milk and cream, empha. 2nd -Be sure they are long enough. 63; Maggie Chandler, 61; Norma Mo. sizing the great importance of cleanli• 3rd -Remember light shoes are not intended for heavy wear. Kague, 59; *Stanley Dickson, 67; 'Bert ' nese. 4th -Remember a wet shoe will burn almost instantly if Little, 51; *Roy Porton. Jr. fourth Blase.-Bert,„Hoimes, 74; The fiftieth anniversary services in hold near the fire. 5th -.-Remember if you dry your shoes too quickly the life Vina King, 68; Jessie Holmes, 63; connection with Knox Prestyterian taken out of the leather. Bertha Chandler, 55; Johnny MoKaguo, " �s church will be held on Sunday, Decem- 6th -Buy new shoes, it is .nipos:;ible for old shop worn shoos u 54; Grace Snell, 50; 'Wilfrid Mogague, ber 6th. Rev. J, B, Meilen, of Fergus, to give satisfaction, 47; John Snell, 81; *Albert Foxton, 26, EstablisTied r8yq will preach at 11 a. m, and 7 p. m. At 7th -At this time of the year you should buy the �'LLtY BLST Sr. third class.—Minnie Porter, 90; Bronchitis 3 m, an old time service will be con - P• B. McRae, Cran- shoes. Wilfrid Wilfrid Murchison, 86; Pearl Fallis, Whooping Cough, Croup, ducted by Rev. D. of ` 8th -If you follow the above suggestions ant..r buy your 80; Ella Fallis, 66; Loniea Snell, 62; Cough Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria brook with Wm. Isbister, Esq., as pre- shoes from us, you will reduce your shoe bill and Mabel Goy, 54; 'Earl Dickson, 46, is a boon to Asthmatics rentor, On Monday evening, December , obtain the best results. Jr, third elass.-Ethel Chandler, 64; eresolene 7th a grand fowl supper will be given, Henrietta Foxton, 61; George Dal. Doe, it not neem more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathingg organs after which reminiscent and nongratu- PUT US TO THE TEST. glelsh,.39; thatl to take the remedy into the stomach 4 because the airhe rendered strongly anti• latory addresses will be given by Revs. Second olass.4-Pero gin Henryt y g, y cures septic i3 carried over the diseased surface with D. S, McRae, Barnett, Andrews, Perrin Holmes, Robbie MoKague, Ewart Link• every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat- It is invaluable to mothers with small and Mr. Robert Maxwell. Rev. flit. _. later, Pt. II close. -Harold Showers, Gerrie r talent- children. Those ofaconsum live � tendency find immediate ZkLj��ee"Rambles from coughs or in- Mullen will give his popular address on through Groat Britain," ThoWJif of Wingham and the COO Fallis, Charley Showers. relief flamed conditions of the � �lC aline Quartette R,'1 1 Sr. first class, -Lizzie MoKagne, throat. {fah, church choir will render the musical , Norma Foxton, Emma Snell, Harold sold bydruggiits• S = Send postal forbookk.t. programme and Mier Inez Andrews and R. Johnston's old stand, opposite Bank, of Commerce. Faille. Jr. first class. -Mar ares Dal lefeh g g Lsntatxc,?tees Co., , Limited, Agents, Mont- ,� � Mies Mary Daft will recite. Come everyone and enjoy the event of the 7! ixr SlIon RTPAIRING A Si'ECIALxY, I�ILONF. 12�, Dora,Goy. real: Canaaag. any season. +. 6' •