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Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-05-06, Page 4
. ASHFIELDt We are sorry to learn that Mr. Nixon, sr., ie seriously ill with stom- ach trouble. The sacrament of the Lard's suppor was administered to a large congre gation at liackett's Appointment last Sunday. Seeding is pretty nearly finished in this locality. The fall wheat looks well is supe places The following is the standing ac- cording tit merit of pupils of S.S Nt;. 5, for April, viz:— P.S. iz:— P.S. Laving —M. frown, U Bruer ii Entrance — B. Gardner. I Jr. 4th.—Janes Ritchie, Robert Hugter, Mark Gardner, ., Mary l +el Sr. 3rd.—Howard Brown,_ney Gardner, Russel Middlaton. Jr. 3rd.—Robt. Reid, John hunter. Sr..2ad.--Willie Bunter,' Its Wen Ater,: David Andr w. Jr. 2nd. --Elliott Speers, Miry Hunter, Ethel Browfn. Part 11—Ellen Reid, Ml atnie Ritchie Sr. pt. I—Pearl Middleton, Nellie Hunter. Jr. pt. 1-13) Ie u Ritchie, James Speer, Mabel Heid. R. E. BgowN, Teacher. 1 id COW OF pIYI$IoL. . THE i'.►urt ft•r the Re‘i.iun of the Arad*- ment ft•r the l;uniripalit ,►1 the Township of Ashtield. will b, hehl . in the Council Room, on th • :Nth .lay of May. • 11- ruenciag at '- • k W. slo HFRS, '1'l, t•itrk. ► Court of Revi:ion_ THE Court for the of the -►1-+r•-' meat R.111 of the uniek-ipalite .,f the Township ,•f West Wav►asl.•sb, will he held in the .'uunt•il Room, .►n tb •cf►th •lay t•f Nl.►y, C. •Q:mew:in At 1v:30 o'co4:k. WAT"TrF. Nurer stock Agents Book Agents! Agricultural Implement Aents! BOOTS • Thi MIS &untM R+Idiv R. HUGHES O1otb.i,Soots 8c hoee. The bulk of our spring stock has arrived, which consist of the nobbiest and i )est values ever presented to our custom- ers. AID sxOES Below is 'a few of our snaps Woman's Dongola Button, Self Tip, Coin Toe, sp scial $1.35 Pat Tip, Coin Toe .. .. .50 Woman's Dongola Button, 1 Woman's Dona Button, Self Tip; Turn, worth $2.35 only 2.0e Woman's Dongola Oxford, Pat Tip. Coin Toe.. • • 1.00 Men's Dongola Congress, Coin Toe, Special .. .. 1,50 Men's Dongola Laeed, Coin Toe, Special.. .. .. 1.50 Men's Dongola Tan, Laced, Coin' Toe.. • • • • 9 75 7 o CLOTHING: Men's all wool tweed suits, best of Farmer's satin linings, worth x;10 for $9. Men's black Venetian coat and- vest,. . bound, and best of linings, only $6. Men's all wool Canadian - tweed suits, good linings and well male, special at $4.75. Men's Ca11:1dian tweed pants, made as well as the best, worth $1.25, now selling for $1,00. Or anyone deeiring to better their position and increase their weenie should write lee • The demand for home gr)wn Nursery Stork i- 1 on the inerea+e. %V need more men. -If you want steady payin; work write u_s. . We furalsr all •eppilea free. We IIIc lar*eM ■er►erlr. In the Dominion. i vie pay Mout salary and r►,ncmisalun. Ilave purchased several complete and We guaraulee all aur slock• extensive lines of the finest grade • OBT S5 Sole agent for Williams' side laced plough shoes. T. EATON DID'NT GET IT ALL. torwrostoo Illoatastosto 'We sage rllYer ,toti unfits ..r pert me we.. We f.reInk purchasers .•lIb eertllleate. from wver.wrst Inspector. stating our sleek 1• ?res from � i• Jose reale. Our Nurseries •,ti,lrti,lt over 710:` acre+, anti vrnwing stock in large quantity enables i1,. to sell at the,:�t,..-st 1►.'seible more. e Non Duooedwi with ush have failed with Others. y' It wUl cost•u nothing t) tarn what wt SAM tip for y.►u. Don't write units,; yen wean 1•'.�ines and want pretitable em1,►,�yn1' nt. Stono 8t WlWelliagton, TORONTO McKENZI� Baker and Confectioner. Dealer in all kinds of Groceries, ('anned Goods Confectionery, Etc. Bread, Buns. and Cakes. . . Fresh Daily . Flour. Oatmeal and Corn, meal always on hand R. P. Somerville, Al •,EST Ff►Ic Alan Line Royal Mail Steamships and Dominion Line Steamships. w Tickets via New ork and Montreal. (alt at Express office and get your tickets. We will secure berths, check your baggage'. and do every. thing to save you trouble and make you comfortable. G. 3MART, 'urY�iture of the Lucknow Central May etre a Hab LSaI Them 811 - FOR Family Groceries & Canned Goods. FRUITS W Rs LOF ALL KINDS SEASON. � FEED AND KINDS�+DF SEEDS: FiNE rEAs A Sped ity. 'I HE LARGEST STOCK, THE CHOICEST GOODS AND THE SV V''AI OBTAINABLE IN LUCKNOW. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. Furniture Company's best manufac- ture, Just think, our line comprises aern 50 bed -room suites- of the most. mo AND UP-TO-DATE DESIGNS We are now selling our regular $10.00 suites for mo3.00. Iligher grade.suites likewise'at our bargain a rices. Furniture for your rooms and pictures for pwalls go together. Our goods come from the yourest manufacturers. We handle nothing else. PICTURE FRAMING.✓ Is a feature of our business. We can give life to your bare walls, This is the season for house decoration and adornment, and LAWRENCE & JOH N STQ N E are well equipped for the same. i) .1 JOHN - ELLIOTT. STARTLING ANNOUNCEMENT 1 Mrs. Smith has just received a consign- ment of sample hats which she has mark- ed at the very lowest prices, also her stock of dowers and mil- linery goods. EMBR.Or ERIES 1 In different widths 1 4 in 4 1-2 yard lengths which aro away down in price. Lovely pat- terns for skirts and shirt waists in differ- ent styles and colors 1 from 50 cents up. ••••.•••••••.**********.“*..............**. MRS. W. H. SMITH That Touche The -5o 11�"'LEOD'S SYSTEXE -RENOVATOR oi CUSTOM TAILOR. Allies Block • Havingopened out business in the room over Mr. Wm. Connell's dry goods store, I am prepared to turn out in the .► ,atest manner and lat- est styles alt sort of work pertaining to a first-class tailor shop. Satisfaction always guaranteed. A call solicited. To enter my rooms please come by way of main up -stair Entrance of A111n s block. Weak and Impure Blood Liver and Kidney Diseases, -- Female complaints, etc. Bigh. - 1 Paterson's BiscU its! They 'are ti• o flavour, edlic. but nIt too hard. I sat them *apt.; 1 get them • I konw they are al - READY MIXED PAINTS. Now that you are doing house-cleaningyou will want to do some painting, we have your a large stock of ALL THE BEST SHADES. Then y our walls will need a new coat. We can give you a nice assortment of tints in ALABASTINE. WALL FINISH AND* We have a large stock of brushes for PAINTING, KALSOMINING, WHITEWASHING, Etc., at all prices from the cheapest to the very best. We might also tell you that we have, a full line of Screen Doors,Screen Windows, and Wire Cloth. Our stock of Building Material is cornftlete in all its lines. COME] IN .A.ND SEE tTS- The Leading Hard ware Depot. Thomas Lawreiiee, - - Lueknow, Ont -- - -- Parasols � Umbrellas . Ask Druggist or write direct to 3, 11. MCLood► (ODERICH, Ont. Sold by Harry Days, Lucknow. PHRENOLINE T. DA�ISON� REMEDIES Taking the lead everywhere. . night to We are working day 6 supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that : hundreds upon hundreds of, poor sufferers are being restored to health and happiness daily. Try Our Rheumatic Specific or Kidney and Liver Pills. - They are absolutely pure and health- ful. Guaranteed to cure Rheuma- •an, Sciatica, Neuralgia, l.nmbago, d all forms „f Kidney and Liver. t les. go. 10004 •, ‘B'.iagtrYsIPP'WO! Beware of spurious imitations Manufactured un honor and Sold on Merit only by . . . • BERRY 8z CO NOTICE TO CREDITORS b, trot nage►' of ted Estate a4 Jantea Fendlater, . taste 'lat. e Ave of Lucknow, County of Bruce, Blacksmith; Deceased • oT10E IS HEREBY GIVEN Pint - intent to chapter 119„ R.S.O. and amendingActs, that all person's having claims against the esttate of .iames k tnsllater, late of the Village of Lu•Annw, in the County. of Bruce, blacksmith. deceased, who died on or about 21st slay of March, 1599 are required 1esende on or before the 1st day of June, , by post prepaid, or to - deliver to Alexander goo, saddler, Lucknow, one of the Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased their names. .ul(tresstss and ' inns, with fall particulars of thclaims ai s the or demands, statement of accounts, by them. nature of the securities, if :L y,b el that hem. And notice ie hereby further gvenid haExt>c iterr ties 14 slay of June. 1898, of the said will proceed to distribute the Assets I»ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard onlyto the claim' of which notice shall have een given, as aforesaid; and the said Executor will note e' e t ti*b to a for ette said Assets or any W or persons of whose claim notice shall not have beet received at the time of such distribution. And take notice further that debts due to the saki James Yincilater mmt be paid to the Ma Alexander Koss on or r before the 1st day' t JQ°e 18A• HUGH 1ioatter,rr, Solicitor for the Executor. Dated at Luekn',w, this 90th dal of April. NEW . FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. Having secured the premises lately occupied by G.W. BERRY as a Furniture Ware Room, I have recently fitted it with the newest de signs of all kinds of Household Furniture. As to quality, they are unequalled. The price is - away down. All goods are bought for spot cash, therefore I can sell at as close a price as any person in the country. Why buy in To- ronto and pay freight, subject to damage, when you can save this at home? When at 1. T• DAIVSON'S inspect and be Don- yinced. rHE. UNDERTAKING .DEPARTMENT 15 conducted at the old stand, which has been entirely re M. CORRIGAN'S Is the place to make your selectionsin CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISION I have in stock the following : tpples shacking Black Lead Blue Baking Powders Barley, rt Bath Brick Beans Brooms Baskets Brushes Biscuit Coffee _ Confectionery Canned Goods Cocoa' Ch ►colate Corn, ("armed Corn meal • Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates Dried Apple Waw Extracts L olive Fives ' . • • til, &west : Fish, anned 1'imh, dried. Gelotine fingers ' ops, Honey Ink Indigo Licorice . lune Juice Lemons Lamps Lard -, Matches Mince Meat Meal Macaroni Mustard Meats, canned Magnesia - A-1 Flour always on hand. Oil,csstot - prawn • . "Oa! Meat. Pails Peels lice Nadine • Peas,eaeeed Pep per Raisins iii . . $ice Floor g Q •. Balt Kalne•n Sardines Senna - Seeds Sugar Syruus Sodas Spico.s torch rawber'ries, canoe Sulpber' Tapioca Tomatoes .cusped Mese Tobaccoes Vermicell Vinegars Washboards Washing Crysta Mr_oodenware Whiting -Diener Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets • • Tea Set s • . Water Setts ('ream Setts Berry Setts Toilet Setts $1.0Q—Linen and wool cover, rod, assorted fancy handles, anteed fast black & snap 51.25—Gloria silk top, stcel black and colored handles. .1.35—Gloria silk top, steel s 1887 - 'Pillage of Luckow - 1887! - ABSTRACT - 1897 RECEIPTS. Jan. 2—To balance on .hand at last audit..'...... •. • -- Cash rect�ivod from all sources $2208 50 7258 94 1897. EXPENDITURE - •••..••.,'�•..•,'••�i�•• • Dec.31—By public school purposes . -- Miscellaneous account — County rates and debenture! • - - Lighting streets 1 �5 00 Watering �1 • ......,.• ... ... Streets, bridges and sidewalks. - • • .........,. `i97 13 — Municipal Government .. • :, • ... 413 33 -- Fire department • - - ► -..' , 1050 22 .... • .=2017 50 -- Balance on hand .. . .... ........... .... •• • steel guar - rod, rod, extra value for price. Silk top a We have just received our new stock of Umbrellas and P irasols, for '1898. Composed of all the latest designs in handles and ranging in price from 50c up $5,00. Below we quote a few of our specials : 160—A special line of satin De- (hene top, wood tod and natural _wood handles, _worth $2.00 regu- lar. _ $2•OO—A good assortment of handles to choose ftom. Green, blue, etc. nd steel rod. s $3.O0 64.00, and $5 00—At these prices we can give you some of the nicest things we have ever had in the parasol line. Woven edges, silk tope, light steel rode, plain black, rolled gold plated, or pearl handles. Every paras�l 1.00 and upwards, J G. Murdoch & Co. $9467 44 $1916 97 857 31 2187 05 302 90 . t - $9467 44 We, the undersigned having examined `the book and accounts of these Treasurer of the Municipality of4e Village of Lucknocv and compared with the vouchers presented to us, we beg to report the same correct and in accordance with the above abstract, DAVID HORNELL,� .Aaditon. W M. OON NELL. f novated. Y • Embalming Preserving an& Taking Caro cf Boaiea a Spec- ialty. pec- ialty. The Embalming `Fluid, material and ap- pliances used have proves be the most effectual that have ever be)en used for the past ►rcupat- . twenty years. •.. Picture Framing and, pairing -done at the old stand b• 'fl"'• Wood' The ©rest Bog ah Re»tady. Sold and reoommstded by all druggists in Canada. Only »li- able medicine disc overs& Sts kagea guaranteed to care all format 8s ' Weakness. all effects of abase or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- ba000, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one poems Si, six, $6. One impious, tz , wag curs. -Pamphlet$ free to ane address. Ties Wood Osapeoyr WisaortOnS. Sold in Lucknow by 1 • kinds of Re - Dr.D.M.Gosdon, Druggist People must Have G-roceries t.11•=.. --.-- To paint your house both inside and ,.tit with the M WI SHEI�WIN LLIA S PAINT. It is the BEST, and is the cheapest. IT PAYS . • paint paint tale Darns, fences and out buildings and - roofs with the most durable, e goes farthest CREOOTE PAINT. SHERWIN-WIWAMS There is nothing better for the barn. It pre- serves. Wood treated with CREOSOTE is not subject to decay. Done up in cans. All ready for the brush. For sale at 0• TAYLOR'S HARDWARE STORE, LUGKNOW, ,mss The grea.c question is where to get them. We keep the hest' qualities to be had. We don't pretend to sell thorn below coat, but we do sell them at a very close margin. . TEAS and You Black, Green and Japan are unequalled if alquality us inprices. teinsteadr.of tea will save from 5 to 10 cents per poundyou buy from peddlers. Compare quality and prime. - CROO1CMIV - and toilet We have a fine aesortrnent cf dinner setts, tea, berry setts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. . MILO-UR & HEED Goods All kind of flour and, feed kept oonatantly on hand• delivered to any part of the town. McClure and Mallough, CLSEI GRO CARS t.. - s 1 1 1 .d / a1 MK ,of to :day .teas- aalth twf ul ether Apes her isms aided Jit re - ;ural l y turning Ids in any of olacing funeral *en in cos- • �theeiir, eanp bled ice was of Ws - pastor ,tstive Mr, A. • • 1 1 a a i -a • ZW-DREBB IS • Is .a matter of interest to a lady. Where to get the prettiest and best is at times, a hard question to decide. �,,•-�► The selection we show, seldom fails to convince intend- ingpurchasers that ours is tke store in which to buy DSS GOODS. 2 PittA1211022146 Is also filled with new and fashionaVle goods. Orders lett with Miss Pentland, receive the very best atten- tion. We are alwayspleased leased to SHOW GOODS and QUOTE PRICES. M. CONNELL, OOT LUCKNOW. Ifyou want the inside price in boots and slims, read the folloNN iilg. We have reduced the price of our own make of men's laced boots. Shelled cordovan from $4.50 to $3.75, and hen's kid boots from $4.50 to $4,00. All lines of hand -made and ready-made shoes in propor- tion. We have a large stock of boots, shoes and rubbers in all lines. RememOf r, We warrant everything we sell. If your boots rip, bring them back and we will mend th free of charge. Repairing clone on shortest notice MS : Cash or credit. A liberal dine TER I fir , - N #;,:. OWS • 0 e a 4 /r