HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-05-06, Page 2a
WHAT in A CHAI ISSUE NO. 18. 1896.
tllought8. dearwt'," whispered Barron. am lie cnd this morning! Why, I would
besides, Sir rather have Malcolm Stratton with- A Sensible Vie*, Bven if it be MOM1110-
sliall be there. And penny than Mr. Barron with all what Low Than Orthodox.
Mark will ran over and we us; and out & 1 LatgGossip
Edith.. too, with libr husband." the West Indies and East Indies, too. Chrint did nq come to cruiul) any-
Myra's manner changed. The dream- for a portion. Malcolm Is worth a --Of the-- one'n manhood. He came to broaden
ould He Have Spoken ? itiess passed away. and site looked hundred millions of 111111, and I hope just
It tl�!ckly in her betrothed's eyes. you are liappy now, for I shouldn't it. He did nov come tIo dbstrOY our
Sh ? yen. I always thought so," he said wonder If you've broken the poor fel- Round World. A LACHtTE L D1 manhood. He;uame to fulfil it. A
merrily. " 'Tis love that makes the low's heart.." ---------- n7 W:or I ]de Gives Her Experience thorough -going Chrintian is
A TERMiNG STORY 01: world go round. That Mr. StrattoU. (To be Continued.) Cj o.o d
your old friend. in below. Don't You ith Painells Celery w ith a Wxonger reason, kinder . heart,
HUMAN 13NINGS WITH HORNS. The following description of A Iml- W firmer will, and richetr itilaquatioll
CONSTANCY AND onam understaUd ?" citle was recently printed in an adver t1lan him fellows -one who bas attatil-
06 " No." said Myra, " not Quite-'* Some Curious Instances Cited by a tiheluell(t In it J)uticli paper offering Compound. 4.tj to lam lielgilt in Uhrimt. A bigot as Scotes and we seU it much
V , 9 0 - - - - - - - - .. 1. u do, dearest," he said, a half -
think yo cheapert" is a statement sonxtima
tryikig to pams his arm around Iler, Scientist. a reward for the' recovery Of the or -a. pri4k or a, weaklino is
(gamt aWdrd and his pi1w did not AtIm-thing in it. Do the girls know?" but Pilie shrank gently awaY. MOscow correspondent -if. the bcKly Age, about 40. Height, developed Cikriatiau, one not 3et &1% made by the druggist when scotes
aft-Ift W dmw. "No. sir; not yrt," auld f4tratton %'jery well," lie said, kissing her i%,ashingtoll I -lost mays tjiat Rutizo 1��' faut inches. * Speaks the dialect �fl rived at full age. read Emulsion is called ior. This shows
met them- Orton durit INStity- "I felt thut it was mY duty, can wait. You will llot Gelt*rland." hat ought a Chri%tAan to t. that the druggists themselves rcg&rd
a medico-scientlat. has Imb-* -ery book which feeds the intellee
they have OtO conle to you first: always be so cold. Mr. Stratton came lobskyo indig- She is Rescued From a TerAble c," Every plaM,
t6hew t It ree mmths that "Eh? Very &Ol000l of you, I'm tmre. to 8tv your father on businew, 100kilig JiSIJOLI a book oil "devil -cursed orl Bishop' Fovner (Methodist) Where ought lie to go?
bmin hae k. I'll &ieb(l for t1tit-iii. Thoy'll he de- tim, lover from [lead to foot. %%'as horned humanw." 11'relobwky has veri- nantly denWs a recent� rertlort that P. ndifinn nf RAPPing ThAt. where the moral atmosphere IN pure Scows 961
.9 1 h "&-iv What ought he to do!
liumitert laughaml ad stritick a match. lightd. 4 fit up, to you. al"d 9()on after our fled every fact presented. lie wam onm- engWd to t"0 l4tu" u will tijake chitrac-
10 red
RIA Pipe, Was otit. He row to ring, -4trattotl litter- di-ar little 44 summoned to t The luost interesting vase refer iNm Ever$thing Uiat ot negative,
"Well. have you not iteen anything?" pow4j. library. come, dun't I(ok NO innocent, tititt it medical man of Uharles- ter. itc-ligrion Emulsion
was Leading to Death. Civing 111) thi4 ot that, but "Yeal, * daid Guest liuskily. "Not- yet, sir, p1tvise," 1w cried: "I darling. you tit) understand." is t1kat of Valetin Heilmin, Z1.11 u. 11indook Were the firsto tAy Use a getting ajid.,u poome"ng. If a ulull
felt zlutt you musi have been hav#1 W-i'mothing else to say.- Tilat Mr. Stratton Ll" come to 4%ustriaif boy, who. at an -early age, of Cod -Liver Oil with Hypuphos-
it, olki fellow.. I have Lit) twerets from 66 Wants to liorrow hundred fi:r his proptise for. FAtie's began to alit) If having bo.eu jdaying.cards, though they were 1114ed will be content with 110tijing itut the
W signs (i in China aj; early an 1120 bI thought, lx*t work, -best friends, phites of Lime &ad Soda as the
You. 1 bel6ve tier from the first otitfit," thought the adintral. ' Well, of coifirse." provided with it horn in tile Centre
Umo I saw Iter at M" Jerrolki's. and I like the fellow ; . he i;hll it. Wi-ra's brow colitracted a little, of riis fvrehead. This h6r*n continued Tlm,- numW-r of dimtillerWs III olmira- best environment, lie I~t IWt tr)l11)14 standard, and t rchaur w h
Is ties g~ on growing W1 at tinl#-vk Now. my W said nloml -Is lie. amf tilere was a I)lIzzlett $look in hor to grow until 'Ib-ilinin .%t 10 idammatory Ifieumati8m abI avoiding tI14' worst. The desires to procur standard
I %lye tw"i aim&*% in des'pair. For restinxod his PAnit. What is itV -es as mile saw gwltly.� tion in the United -Ktatm in Marell tI bad. There are
e% the boy died.
III coulki I "%k, poor amd hartl up .4tratton lx%itaU41 for few 1110-1 y -4, ite liam* beon Vory ttentive ;s aitj and ninb- or mola"%4, two ways of. nghting ifi, ilark rtx)m bezause he kno has bc= ol
-live't horned bcillg Was 4 C01- WP '19L' of Wr - I t
Stratton -A long gallont, or graill One is to at*ek thio darknes th t for one
&a -just �j stutitelt. earning niI and then hurrie'tIly Well. I 1iIW 31r. . Roafthed the luscles untold benef il t 11)1r r', no
m I W 6f hit 4 Myra Jerrolit and to lwr often, Barron." ored mail, whom IWIobmky refers to, producing 321,214 Fis for. inoiasw,,�h UQU (�Rlljlltw; thr (Aher is UP OPI the
two or Wirw hundred a year?" ve, niet Mist very r. oaclifully. taking the BostAlon-Medical Journal of pirlth anti S1,461 g&110 slititterm and 'let in tile light. !r1stant think of t the risk of
".4.1ways mt*metj attcmtjyv etiough.' AlLm Pprrin rr"ou-nmy it their aitnt'* lie said repr. 1856 its hib authority. It is here spirits daily
of the Marl, light e"mes (jarlI goes. Theve using soi ne untried prepa-
aniti Onfat, looklmg -%way as his frienti Sir Mark, and to g"t extent YOU miwt" as if repeatIng town. named I"orclier. had, as. one of
ise. You amy tone, an the enrio8ities of' his museum of Wi- A meinber or tile tiouNe or ('01111110118 ar*b two ways Of formill.9 character
paostj tho room with growing viciti- li:tve makle, ine free of your hot' tt Iter . Ili, tlie, fAlwt ration. The substitution
=MRS. will grant, I holle, that fcellngs stiell eyes weni direeted toward the 00r. once. a Itorn th ke aving w'jrIttoen to the home of an one h, to u1pr or all of somethi said to be
I ant,
yellooled my- I s h -re Itrawn up,' 111 me 1were 4luite Ilim. 'too, 'low that like that of it ram. * The horit was his is too culti�%J)JF tile, oppI irtuew "iust as g�2" for a stand -
0 dear, ac(lunintance, to inquire About I
self W fillip it ill, fLild to act - ns! natural. It wag ImIxweitAo for me t ItlitA- mare. There was A time', about- two incitem I"n* diameter and Compound The latter Ill it ix betit it is ard pre"ration twenty-
-k gmtkm&tl aloulki toard Sir Mark. i ho -in ti -d -Ir migi-i4--ty %vithout forming I first came Ileru., qd had my ilealth, received, t follO%vitig Pecu- Paine's Celery Hurest-the vjrtue replaces the sin.
I ;. My doullIts. at seven inches long. Anil t the end dar answer. soln- reply to yotir 'clirihtlanitV, 0 -not a drill ;,It Is life.
It woulki utve tiallonorable to n a"neIrment.- lVut I givt" TO" it riv. in Mr. Was separated. into five years on the market.
its all -ortiluary %%�ortj. str. it.4 :I mail. thati nevr bir kind letter to hand thim morning, I Never Disappoints the. - full, frinAn '�jtjlajlt and act otherwisv, tli&zi %; a t Ilig and like the antler of an elk.-. Docuinefit; linve to Inform you or the unpleamint 'do ik not should i:�ot be permitted by
frlenki of th-b familY.'' orti or luoli havo I triwPaislied UP011 saitl. t r of unquestionable authority in the Wilat You mail .4hould
t klistually! t.l.e kiylityle.-w ou, have accorded me; news that our dear brother Ilam pa,s- to vex bin, r about Idol imIK-rfe(!- the intelfigent purchaser.
"I suppm* 4-ohoriiig- n ft -Rheumatic Sufferger.i..... W -
DO." said Il;ues yes - lios8esslo' of the Charlestown doctor Ut It
'Itut ditl in any mati who *,-d from earth. to helkyell." b
r#Inain4NI i-soor, as I fix Ili" Inillit fill ti u get COTT'S EmOsion. See
ww ?" * - t showed that the, queer liorn hd been 110t. to He sure yo
cjL.jIjgv4I. Povertv myMelf'-YoRtel',kil. C -uploroahed you. dearest. But liere, r:3 bright side in-rfeIl-tion ', that lhe Man and fi-h are on tlle'wTgPPOf
sh I cut 'from the head of a negre. ) live
feeling' never have uttere&-a worit.' XI tebt. Ivrhai?s the re&I wantst of ild- U
does not Nir way, "nit., 114*Ver where It had grown in such remark- . 9 , - 1. - - - - weary III$ with rul4s, but ,nc. and all druggists.
llejaculateti: the admiral-, f,"irtation v rmorde(l was caused by -Ch�vts.'I oronto
slike. I canuot trust myself. III manner thAt only tile ampI __Man life dv The Marvellous Spring Medicine witif Clhrit4ot m one liveth witle I" SC01 T & POWN not go ud mcwt her to -morrow evell 9:lyi-119 t 11in' never," site said. (IllicklY - � -a. vanaL in China. Tito frienti. Tit IN one way to eoin-
tioloof the 116ruyjaihstance aved the -the cuttlifig f
1w . *'But ncnv t1wit I o know W 11 f Course not; tuiod, t',am ml, halopy, tnan'm, eyesight. though I and that in. fe.IlOwRtlill
at Iter aunt'd-without - V 14 P U YOU y ting - and beautiful. worl,� w4ash gun in'.IS2.0. anti Should be Ded This Month. lan veniklation foi* Sewerb
U I to- 4-0111 Alyrd.- -- You, mi) IN - I
j ejI
airal first. speaking jAlt. i4i ;tion, my first, st4%I Another curioum insta%nep of horndid tlK. (!aIIjLI %%am .13 mi" long. SO feet him like explain.!' too a%`vaken first to love at, Iny wo growth oil a Ituinan being �vatj th4t of IN ONE pA,%, iit-tritid-N (or all LAiju
k;r � th I i1v You lltlt pilt an- you not cruel and. cold to� in %%- i(k! allot 1:1 'feet - (jegp, pasmed
"And -and -you rrallyvhre for It, te T.oung it. at woman named Mrs, 'Allen. it iiatl fol'fttA And mar0ies, it was To 4*11'KE 4 town 11:1%P a4 .11 the 44fer tit it
Old ;ellow totho, AM niarriagio so wx)ii,, and v6 hr�)ugh . it, lativ firottinijilitine efompall.% to jormide 4,44
as ft good- 'w#vkm f(,The IA
4i r M. ;w6re of Leicestershire. Site .w finished 'in,mix tile 11lotley if it fiI t
vanwly, alitt still it -irk, enough. eir. looking girl, with nothing abnormal lillig. - No fewei ll *20,000 nIt Drives All Poisons From the rugKipitig refun tromotorw for %entlinti,19 tlw' up -take
lo irt-ntlemah'al a friend.. instead of s till; mail 4o-.W)I
his pipe, which refti!,*61 about her exc0lit her Corns.'and these. worked at Ilight. 1kn4l 7-,0414? (!-Olumnli t)f The motorm Kre -to,
ntpt'pr(,ftvks Ignorance. My I*- your System.
troin the side of Iter lipad III ng for Action. tie 4-011tilluougiv huppli# "Care for her- am, tititell ttr(�) m4- it kind of Nlvrit wit!i4ttrew 1wr-hatol. for the gn'" of fattg* Cle ri or tilree moihlif; for eAl. VMA
*rattm, fluidting. III I hav-0- Edith . -like forniation. lwiw Iner- f lip
'll"'Ilt n13� 1111titm. fit ent4*ed the rII In .. is hat ti,rr11)14 antime (91 t
"And atio- ljjjti�4.'j .1 it I then-' rixim. looking trtotil . iled aliml . disturbed. Tlwy were unsightly. and, gave t Thl�� knwriralt ".%limionary- -Assocla- 14-41 Lwing takf-ii in the We
jIttj4. tIjIj Il()w Ali( the octart air eztracte-i from tlw-
amount of foul
"How can I can appearance pi t3te othet- 'tions iise forty-oix lanktiag'.04-in their I
crietf t lien. ionco-kimre, itear- 9 r.1 If mon"! Ol. joitk st tick 12. introottictitm of 4'Wtro-
I think slie-no. it vI Myrnes; atilt, WiSe ttrnvtivk-. face tif tlle* woma"n* 110 .4. thut I niust 6.111lot illy �-tr-itttj I' j(�%kijig st ' Iarth4t. takitig I Dr. Froinvia E., CUrk 8ays. it 441ntlemobil; --- lt is I t1twIgh you 11:141 WOV)ro; f(Ar tilin purpose is by no menois;
ftous, P-litt tile. .0miral. jill -diriI time. ' Ahi rilie's, alie was I-,% protid of tlipm as.,j work wider mechull-
**And if Clio- Lighly ornn,- is no ellipty 11(mot- tfo'.hay that pleamure I give Yolt.. - IIA v V f I rmt tni.-In ovor 14) the d4x)r,' whi6h your . wowk-rful remet ly, power I,&@ hI employed for re-
f. -Wt. I -*oke upoinlY pro
nxe--ilie visim, 4,r naturp. aind hiller missiotiarl& are -tht . best 'Duster" Of favOr .01
111:11t4-rs; i14 $WAS in tifile act of eldwing. Then, elery 1atill-
and aratIli, nioilern flitI I Ila% WG%,Jllg daiiger(.)us gam -s.. lArge bl(j%%-
there Wax,some opason foi her
4!!ro�v nuiontli.4 ago to find h0w MCI hi a w himjwr m I to rottgratu- ("ts(' I Iliftily other tongues. an, -1 Illad gripI alitt'it left. me- silf- .%1141 don* iiiiii4-r.stn,i til�lt I"I swcefwf u 11 y
lit it will III a suitt; pride, or, vite pix-arod with coneld- 8yriae erg and falls lla%e
your lateyoll 'My. pr~ tj IiiLve been reduced p -ring witir that dread diseam., III- uw-bti for ceirrying a supply of fresh stir
,,lid -n s . or* -a o"I mumit try f -P)I tg erat+- profit to livrm und mume Tweut.V, Inng, - I tll(xit' w try rheunintoism. - MY liall(W throuj;Il the workings at mill" Illent 4) t-114. pa ho are engaged* flamniatA*
llierv- was :t ft -w 11110"t"" t ranpii rent." t* blie, Ai,.:o9je of thestar to writing b) loollba s-k-mring for av-
stairte.d.,and Parroi d- rind feet we". swollen badly it too, W
As he dehic"Oed 9 Or, till
amure you attractifilM at. 6rious freak shows. in spreadin -the g0hWI-'' colliII F'ormerly tilt! velitilliti
it be 9. r . aud
"I' ir Mark. I
nd pasImelf Ila(I the ritetunitUmm III MY kldf% hot -it I r curren to, it f u have -I*en most tl- stairs hlx'e.,1`r34 his ()it(, 1xvidiarity or.Mrs. Allen lie muWI(ms Of' illy was effflo-ted I.
lougaly te was that It,.wjw.pI1P for hei to An offio-I.aVestimate of' thO POP'lla-' still 1.11 % la(.4,* I)PIng kept 11P ill t1he up -take f4pr
whole Atteritifill s4w -Ao) he fixeti ing the (lutroilic
Nir CA it colonies at the. UPI t. V . p4istal for lirr6n, list the 1)urpcw,l of twat
yet] in Well; uptiIn the library 4locir, botit lie coul.1 tilent at wilk ' pparently -Ahey. ti(ml of 'thP-,Austr;0ia' I inuffer0d i-ery uglicii ittitil a friewl
Y')ad nit all, rit arnitt for N1.114. ill -"tilL9 R draught
t441 ` - rin-I. takitig Ion liat and ed to -tile scalp, and qPt end 14 189T phlees -it at -rti 14, f. awi thuff
nl 1:4,4)r pilot in illatte'r'P. I henr JIviW my liumboand to procure Paille ti yeo, not to tile hkull. for site could movi, them r i r I W'*- wily %�e blilou"' from t1k table. 1141b llajP0XI out -P W hell thf, C -emits was ta k Oil ('elery c�mjpoound, Por Ik-I - I S. It#- 1.�; & allead..-You lX)t1l its readily as; mst people call 1116 at 3,8&J,895 nit -need taking Ulf- the great erIPICf. finatisomo, t4e numbe was given,
imn 1 lie miitafile- for each. other. lx�foro, '�Ik-ir walp IlY. 3111wetilar -effort.
Y" of -in rease In six lears amount, I Inv(. NA tpli ljottim, ,Ill(l ani loer- Crav4t v.
-(41 -ill the It0I 140- thus the In New GREENS IN DERNI
far �he fectl j.
a frieti-11 Uo 4 a lititler cimild reach. it it% answer There is prea.e-r% ed, tA) Vai.7. per cent. ' By y tim, 1. Thf- rIompotillit has s* -arm nd I covillew t114. ade of rume pink glu(*
l-rclaol , I horn, that. grew,
t�, it I rattler lil�e you whon you :I re. clety (A -.3ole4teine a . 11ativo joll of 'this inervase was appetite Gravats 01
It �J� - r .. link: a statue," he saiij to him . a _(& largest '11110 Celery sUk trimmed arx(jus the ends with
I"Idt, the nontril-4 of '111 Western Australia. IlLine's
Thob horns arp different peratia of me. I It
-oleo Borneo,
-4-;f, 1111t, tile fitillt-tie, is Ciickly gilt,.. m1wmind praime4i everyr day by peo.. narow gathe I
ir 'Sta rk eri4�d- St rattmi. Iti-a v r" throe. rown of be -
from all ttle Othe - 1110ted. if' tJ1I jave'tuied it, and I lleart4AY let ribboti, with a two-ilitell dpape to The.IoRush for Diam
Tlb&t Mr it' lisky ;i-ith 4.4mootitom wiliteNt enriched by ple %vIl4jo I ond Dy(
V .41 i and the marNe underiteath may bo of kilown The Berli it Z06 Is to be
nver cr,*4 IIIA41*4 t(P glow wit,114*11ut a West Indian. they arip wilike tiloge ally "0111111p
.11d.1t, tjo).jkll wito suffer front tweet, tilt. rod -s, arc- strikfng biU
inconvelliellee a remarkaj4p elephant. This ematuro -vellous.
I Iv, i* 114 0 t I lv� stich n eti my Still. o it vas littlo. Edie. timmt. Ile animal. Thpy eall5w Yours sincerely, color in tile glepartmPlit of nftkwe�ar- Greensts Mai
twAz F ve 1.1:11 1 to tile u1nil- fill wh(me face tliey grew, �Ivllioll is eiJilty years of age; bns 16119. 1 -
jW00114 rvilow. th I'mt wit are running ima tmte. -. ie o Meg.. 1). 11.-Haminclud," other neck scarfs of silk are ttimined
ork hordo favoriul either tolo.f�l.st. Tlwn- i.*41the yomig Ituty not dangerwis after all, awl was and lie L (tied Witfiout IIIJVi'[W . well tlayetf the part -of'executioner in an 11. 011 tile erKW with hem-KtitAheil lawn,
ltat%i least h -the fronkish Gjr44-Ils in all allaotIelf have tXII t4l
jhj t IV t! ink troubled In Atip eastern country where, erim.inala may narrow millar of lawit turrm
not.rim for coin." growth. aiv stay f4or a
Tes, I' 4-401W.Ido�rnble tAme. Thim act
01,41 ek , vtirm,.. air.' Itin tljoriglito4 He that Pre- not Ile Plit to dpat'll by humall A PROBLBK IN WHIST over the tucked Hilk 1144-khatill, Iy #WtAbliul"I by, ctvnie (All thined-toerlish 4
costuille to) C11"1111t t1l" S11ill tifflit lie 411,1 not natk-0 a hawi-mi call - The, nitist. interect ifig en tience, air eloptiant ix-�re is fill le r1whim
%tu."JI We'd 1PUt tf if 16-Niky mentions iN L that of an, old the victim's head. willell Wilt GiveLocal 11xpertH Soine ille iliot4t reftab I jourlials. 1111141
41rawn up ' alomit '. a linn't*od yiirtlk nim tious tile
lier day it, Nfrm. Moll* (rUara, wlivi Kinard's Li ont Cures Dapdmff. tjk4. jxnwnt marve rush for
sou'Wry dmuer tii, att-t- lriislk w(wma y
f,i,,Iy w vri41 Stir M -irk t%lth 3 1z"1911 *'tlk*'Y fr(mll the ijobbe. in wilk1l a' itian was t 11111 g to T*111i About -T Yes, we wi.l. 'N"hurbs of lived in thf. ork Dialucond Dye 11*rcy tAke it 10 Wonlan, hadillftlers growing frowl her Thi- historle.bugle tomd hY Whist. which tlw belief tliat greeIla will be i it f nA,()r
A 010's View ot it.
iSp-iijiLig forw,-LtrId inowe andfintore till lie Ve L donff to der,11audot,I of tile ylmt Zounve Ilegl
of ctI .110st. good 1 . rirl I runizra- W llaW W114M therP. Wa N a that.'vIrmild lia 6-redit, �he tmitly jiritereated ll who have smn It. tile -for- months to-eA1,1111P.
sou*udiug tile 0laige for -1 III been liandI the Timee that Win'* Gaybo just a 11 one. 1jeolitoonlit-al wollwli nd girls may
a m - the fortst. - They were ment,. in Le-oilly (am
:�harp whirh inade him turn X6.11111114, . lifloiI with atireading prongs, assault of %lie 'MiLlakoff by ordeIr ' of of tile lotutt. expertH. wity work- it (put. 111m Towley-Oh, n6!,. I - qave- -no 11(jow slyo tivor their soiled, dingy and
Why. ;11141 %colli at the utterer of t1lP Rig- has tile handm: deukre to be added to tbe list -of girls ttiey have laid
-Lt i.-4 a deer. Tile owner - irwi-7 M&CM1111on. In Svptember, '1855, re that
it like tllosp ol it 7, or ItIa 'you have kimpad. fftdPAI dMAW"
IlAot high distihe- been priesented-to We MunI des In- -NoIKIng, S. ' 11"i4 le. It t it - et -at t* f rom toen U) twen ty
iiii- learo- t4p ?4peak to 1wr first" Iti it whlle�.You.ve-lmen." 'widered them it mark (it, lever kisiRmin girl
It; i -w to haug bY'tl'O utwan, jack, 1,01 4 Df 1jeartm; 9, 7, :1, Ie
PItalutt tiM., ano lljjgi�ly ehjnyel the notoriety ralides. Paris. (taybol -1 have I I I is MacMabon or I. of diam(midti. Ln my life. -'hot Aireena for
4 "11, rivii. tlt�y brOight lirr. 1411c -died, leaving it dde of tile sw9rd used by. lilt' The Diani(xidl Dye I
'"`II pon the wnloy-Oh! then + I am not
4;tx.)d-1gy, 4141 fe"looI X.). will, fit w!jit-11 alip liequeathed'. libr In directing the attack u queen of . mpmles-;� 1. 0, Fig M im To , %% 4 w ti. vilk or t-ottoll give magnificent
tlw admirl's o filid yoti. oVeourue1'.'+sai,r the , college 10 you wrve your tippren-
&rf- 601 114. P%- 1wil o4harlily, nild thelk -. *4 .- " Tfidught ou-41 bo Jlorns to a itif-dira.l.: Russian fort. 2 of -Ileart,01; 10- 8 of clubs; 10, going to Idt roI in lovely. rich Mid full colors,
. Ile ralic th y -d by the
cf)l. tilij; afterivogion tiative town, where thfy'-are till oil .9, 7, 4 ticeship on�lme. 4,41tiallilig tile colorm ptoI
CrIII""l 1,ack- to) tip (Iff 4tit wo-dintler. liv. : An observant though somewhatoti� sotItII-,-jiwk. .1.* 3 of upwim; 7, 6, ji;ropressional dyers in FuroI
MA 1141141 jig.-YAJI1. Alairoti Itiolted quickly toward 13ir $100 Reward $100. f)wijIg toll t1w foct Llkat there are
10111AIV(41, vo.rY wP11 i"4104A.- N 1, irk 9 tie* I writer for 'a (ireenykile.. 5.,41- of. Imairto? -ace, jav'k of Out . IM
%'(PiVIV. "I %% Loitim-, ti i rn,6d. a ra n1ma a
nil,. na-1114 (W. - r4m"),rig; of -ill he poor aivi 4kceptive package derS on
yed Afti4l 4 lq4t." he 1-4 I lik#, y4 iiI THE Y. P. S. C. E. CONVENTION tMiss.) ..paper says in. a recent lime: king. jitv-k, 9.'.1 Of diJunOn thie paper %%
I . J- � . a Tim ast tjjoe Inarket, "d by Home dealers who
Wfat 40. 9. 6. 5 of swift- ce,
tie :.t#iir*4. lt* I revcr krww yqiir father, lout he V"Idt i -IS it Arrangements for the Big Oathering In NN,11ell people �t)we a perstyi lm%Lrta; king. 4jue.ell, 4 or to learn that there is at le the gralud
-TiKI jump I.,, LL,wl 1-11 (XIO &wane that' wienOfl' 'lifts pize largr profits above
mlia-1 have, twt r tell yotl", W I I In -a king.of in
bill, W ey did not bee them. T116.wore is four all. . 14pa,gles re Rail's C&tarrh idnetioll and vyllue. ladien re warn -
ought to hav4(- 'wItich Xt -the laut ni(xting.'-of tt"' im, (-*at&rrli
'ooking earewiwrit an4I wretell"O., Hamilton In October. lien th meet. them they look lubs; 41tieI 6,.5,. 2 of diasnow been able to, ("if* -ill 101 itm WtHPkio' purpose- of giving their customers 14at-
tett -r- hillo at.,[ II liter; P..trroti junipi-mid 411W 11je caN' Untario off as thoi401- they, Whitt Is
vmrp always TLe louth+initvrod , 4 pgly. trtimp and MIDUth iX '10 tARY. the (mily - Positive - Cure Ik now 11 hew4re , of ll imitation all(i
a it gAPI %v.404 rapidly. dri von, off, .-after.. I nitr�klo` Christian Eii(legivor' L'illon. theJol- Here. my - good citizens. tl at!s Cu ' re, L � to Teti that, only callw
us stop it. llow is thl,;* 11,111 tile "itt, best pl.ly oil hoth mides? atarrh 41.
111m Oh I etAf4d I? - I r. B. tions� hatt lx-eil t1trough tile lovx-Ing .'. p4uju4n -. were- ldhwusovil anti and let. to the mft�icai frati�rnity- ju W)a P gTeam of
fj Lol Veil .: unit destruction
'Sf,. rap to-the'.drivler, anti the Mxt min- agrcc Williams?. being ;I constitutional divease. re irepi 4liwatisfaetion
for 'Ahig I'Ve AlWay-i matter. (4) arqj -Lk Pet- "J upon in conuPetiOD. th4 JUST IN TIME. fin I I's gouodK. Ask'for the IIW d 'WaS _(XIt Of SiI vonvontion to be held in-Mamilton.in 7- a colwtitutional treatment. every if I wVj her' 4,9 441 U, ectep li*-r4: FAIie � IIJUI 8� To iota A bill now' pending before the Dan Him at Death W;Door Catarrh Care III takell internally. -act- U -IL-4. no others:
c*j,tlle u"l listoell- octoll6r rt-. tbe wofflons Of' 1114art Disease Had
Im"Y "nie.Mitl. r Im ho rooin Ing direI JIpI tJ14- bluott and uiu- litAli.
f rien lIC'Unt:6C 11,11,11 door closed tj Ahem' rduning :14- jell- I jointure. provides for. the crec- -Dr. Agnews Cure for the Heaft
w1ust crcokf%1 wor'At it frt-;jn hkgw-at Witt, 1119 til . me, an d to keep -leg svotem. thereby Svelj4i tAP W4'IiN & 11ULPIkArd0oll
A . I 'turnki W..witere'lier.cou- cording to Programine. Ilrcvddent Itev. Cons attrfac** of the
11, or .'�t. of -'ii Age-.to.conjiect the Worked Almost a MlracI6.
at -a' tion I Is- In - I -.,t 1, P 1irectio"S
13cw1r: , FIL-4 facoi-ghfurtly. Ag Itfully at' William' Johnwmi "I- be Chairman. bt' (,ampbvil. Mountiron:. Vinn.,* deAtroying the 40ulll ti -On' Of the dik Nfontro for book of 4
evlmlv gazilig tl-KA I' the 4R volorR: apnt
W (vl;d I -Ave t -em 11111J.'."illy jail' nused to ni nd of .'Funen with the c6ntinenbftk, segiving the p"atietit strength til,i nampl-f-, ea rd of
% 10%4-0 odner Bar- 'An eleetric -bell will be Ii it la 11 lat4i just at the point of
Time' fo-r, 4v'gimi. L041 afraid to llilwt k. it is propoeedthat writes -xWtitution and frdv, W ally vVJdr4I
fat r ef rv�w- lfe*x %vsrt! vq.0 nx., the''MAM. 1lati4m ticki-tv Ivill I, joart of Penmar death from iii(tit aeute heart disease, -by I)uLjAling up, thro v4
junip At �1.rn. al. � little tfl-itir, U say. . to . . It is., 10e prited anti Hent,to promin(bElt \%ork- the structure sliall Ue 4.500 fectlong. a 'hope, th4Lt- any juwifiting linturitl, it, 4!(Ang its work.
hjt, e entirie, f4-11owo -make overs: LL4 -litlig W loved -loot, and -with hardly
AL dDzon IIII :Ixx,)r. . ce. .\bolit and,tha-t trW spans shall bi;,- 'huppbrted Tho proprietors [lave w) much falth Wo strive toward perfection but,
o4w.jej. 31yrai."' imid kAre atcasti- er" throughout thQ 'Provin t of remedy �could-'reach my cam pro -
1.1p. inari.. 4 r � he'll laugh -at I to A heigh it- in human weakrKmmW%
niliwIllml 1*v4KK&.r4 -'w 1 aln - ; you.". by trail colqmnx r-sk I its rurative� poweris tltaA the of- aI all,
the Ist of SePIV-mber 'atthe'tivv cir g&L� euriod a, bottle of.Dr. -Aguew's Cure 11
V4X1 vPry dear, Mark ghpItst Strattcna'. chily. 130 feet' above theNil-waterleve, rest
urned givIng Outline of Pro- i t - I believe, thin great fOr Otte 11uruire(i DoUam for any came whiCh Mrike life inte Ing.
go sull in t! yra t ter iq,ev cular letters, r6r the Healrt 14
. I!,.rrilole, iiii-Ankp cot, I atioll conep-rning. feev. vtipart. The eOd 114 egtl- that -it failm UP Cure- eild-for list of
- -ulXV I
I riashing-, bilit, I muile camt ii her gramme inform remedy got to ile just in time. The
water part.- at $3.250.000. UvitimouitiI Addrep,
w!j,evier nil or is) 11 jz repeptioni etc!.. first dose gave me great relief in- e:+;Ir (it) y0tr meral, #-ir leting, transportation cO., ToledI
dpr, thtwKfi, W, 1:1 - J.
%t#,r Lav ATI.- Y,I C41`11 e. -llrq)PWW- for my niecP s Well, 1A , ie, am .1 to congratulate will be. omit to every society. ifi�- ti Of wboIdeft ca'Ses b'do 61 thirty minutes, aild before I . I bv llpDruggwW. 751 ,
yrp,TW bwrL a! 141 )4p . I The inanutaetpre 9014 6 he-aillifid fif
chat, -in Fij or the tOG . . , . , 0, , . Province. The speakerK of the con -o it � . had'taken a bottlt!- I wait up from
cc i 11,wid . nritially cofisutneg the Ha I f's F nitly 1111#4 are thw,AlI FJtA%CF.S K WILLARD,
.1ior - Nvllr�t- - at ? f lastic the vention will be reoluested W furnimb for wilat I thought wan mY d"Ittil bet].
Ili &4k myrn-i P tjlf. -y6ling ol) t
Ai o w" cured. and F eonsioer: my cure her
11.100 aere
lwell t I ark tl- film rl=;i- Inall WIkuy. girl,-- bittAorly 1wirtified by the 1xiAtioll cople" of their ad4lre tilulber Ir.0111 f Ified, I . (im,11on. f4tr ),eam
rev 011owt -4jL4 - itlyoffleia work. In.
-it abdiRtt half- Wily, I'11�4ft-kr#11 Y41111. Rtti'(1- en plamd. " Be-. of willeli *-%o0o. arm Florida. Imomt miraculous." Mistaken IdentItY Themilyoffiria
lall. an ute. See re s, are in a IWrl-
lioll h, L'idy 1111eeiry V�mwrwl. ling tile lIFW the - great * Fu- 441 .. ,e
PeArt a s -t oltswli t ie' t,, I ir tocore - bf - t i vay 'ing maclI laughing sUick ou WedneWay evein tirenilwrg, Bavaria, tonley-you say Toll ha Called k 1.1 K you 1101 jj44*4'W.*Ar.W Ift S011 thii boloo)
nira. I rallies wdl lie 1W111 jopeail ventre of the -lead III to niffings :�sW was t the A-eol) FlItE. WI(ITIC
"hat the (k-im- 41- ot, What, flu y(fii ruenii, deatr" said Hello's ok Little N11i t 'w. Crack.
Myra. IsUi . rtled by ttw .girl*�K iigry and t Awfllty-three faciliortes. at th etime t1he htiMlary wan- -1I
wttr, nipt talking he iyub)wW. will:be Whitt. w� trade. hai% it -little grain ii -f ev'ru" Tho, 14, y
rc4unded oil firbit or-
WU have in common with tUordenoMln- Which emplo 9.000 workers and. committed ? .8-Tois Late!— elljJ41 y; trit t1wre.w.an.'tw) aimmer, tP which produce 4.300.(M 1wnells every principle lip'011 33 Itictiviiotid
,aid rl:tI t4o N144--fer7 Of' C49enlP.41111 U0W.,'-MYrU ChUght ationo." and " How itY . wP promo k --w Vorn Fxtmetor detv is entirely Witnew-YeW..,Nir- 9
r--.ir ND%rk ri li-t Sir Mark,— j-.041 Sti-:itt4)1:, �, I I O�% V hi�r hati4ji't., Mirro )n -Nitill Just fellowwhip week. "Then tiow dLd it hapWn th#tt THF BEAl-TiF11. LIFF. 01�
Pe ic � pirision WOL&r 1. b) Mlow Avinn A
by w, It remoTCR -thf' corn layer by AG J,
Mr. -Stratt it catim- to 1PI In Ahe!
.4%r&tt4)n aI t1w duoy was ojwnftd a 101 olpf 1 now Vint The tunior work wa-w left wimml ti (T 4amled into th (iordn"
layer, without mly pall), 0 litinds of one 'who will ninko Ft . a Blirll(.y liarnat4o'.4 gleat 11#1114-v* ill:. MI amaulted you you leaped for t'well t)* -One )'"ars her 11orivat-P agorretary
11111. butler. ti4ev#.r Pi,agolt.41 viat yqpti . e4;iikl for ycft."$: It jWver as4�ithpr. 7%ry it., rOont a
c ottlo Wi=in,4,. Provin- P,
larr(on-4 Henry Fiomem,l YIII Ar. 'Mr..T me no- ?" cric-4 I -Ale biterly. "Ab- muccefa. 1dim Pq'rk Linte, � Li"Idtilf. AOJIIPJC44-4� jil-4 through the whiI and went hom the 0
Will Y( 1 .1 ni.)- nwhoriyA-d lift- 40m. Iftr4w Im"'
but of , C4)ur*,# M.C., 3`110m. ..Mit ro-rilogmy-.d you; I tjur(l!., citki Ji hrintendent. no -ittompt to dpfend the well ..illualmlefi; outot& f1fty
- gifill, &.W-- .. Wt I alway" t1wulelit liv s so inlor. Surik bef o The. Deacon,ii)"Arror. ilinking 10W PrILIC.;
sup, up in the- Iloltmolvrin� V (xr give the alarm ?,.' MellgI JAWail. (Audon.
the 4to #1�, y4ju nw. Sol d W4 IR4
ir lad" %here. I - r jL(jolle%--7rjIIIIIy' allmut "I thought kt was tier rather.'
the young a laille talf. as allowlistive to y(Ai dear. . I al, conw.'rivh intin,* Sir aw-i x -A-
4-ar -ere eiwourag.ing nio"n-Iliti, priii�e x..wfujly nbIini
o, thanks."' -,aill stratt6n hurried- 6, w1LY'4 Bradstrojet's weekly Trade sun,
Ill-aitt ine, iineP kli#i I it you kilow.
Wit thatyou Iteir of the Jtotub:t) - % I- Ito W T It I ILD I'll Ir
#*Amk Air ark if llf�. will -,ee me .1 c4iolit wetho-t- aild uncertl0ty its to -�What*s lie d0ilig III Promotion ef Genei-al Hapiluiems
ly. of-U-rii!g tM.- nom. 011, how call lieuple be so sUipid- one (kf tilo t4o ting 1140it
.1ppointmr-nt. riff changes checked wisiness early. 1 4
or mA Wy tim. - hot gI iii I orile . r te; i r (t ones -At. t1w 11raytly m4m) too
ar lim up";tftlr8, ly* blitol!',''eriell Edle. matching -Iterr ta- Np*;t ins- LAMF
ko WVm#4 , rin n. y de. - I.
ha ?*0 Y-,!i're 1.44 1 tlip week in Canada. 'oode it; o.-ce.ured hs r C -the Irrq -
wIf uWay. *'.It, is rklieulous," tiult of �Iip tariff ekalig(V Lippears down.' ax it , interererwil -witil venktg-.V.1ticf tv asked him -rve
lx)r nlie knew no
-In the library, nd lx4ore pairi cure. "te highly joem-
r Tla"o VAtie liv-6- P. lip wa" at , ways.' with too Im thi. extentdon of preferefice diltie" tile re- tra4ing propertlea. of Nervillite makt, 016
n With 9 % what Iw Was
0 11 W14 -It lie. conille III or IJ�Y'811111;01I 110 1111. were it f t4'r- I t
Le ell, 1,-ri,-. co'l"Itellittles 1wr West Indian ra:w suga". Till" jz asg(toI Amer
!4t,ratv)n - -to th" , I)M14-r or Itim aiml him frien, at audUe's I ilea)t rit nevet failing ill all caw
. I � tiRm, neuralgia. cramps,, jonhis ip ?A'hVopero ;Awi Leaw Longer.
ng ronin auj eI#WA-d t,114. IIJICIC 441 Wf4fil. WaS gjAjo.11elp Cirnatliall nevidetit IjilLt his 110111111 Ina,
..Wonttpr conmiSlerable a jnu�.the diat Its ry Itil Ahe 1vwk and fdde. lumbngvp- pt4-. We
rjDor lit I wap. Ntill oil the little game lie 11, Kg% (�jjrV 4oll. etio.,11,11MIT&D.
jj��%v #-,nxil -a inan I'd" tkviir f6reign refilled 1411gaIr. e -enw- k Wo-ep.. fikw artilp,�rommeud I t. 401
Oil Mr. Stratt4ni," N110 thfilig 'try.-ibbling at n*ht before. od the. girl. Then, ry goods 1) ro�
nt ot Irag' Arado I" reporte.1 it, di flinountu- tit liravtii�llllly the Ircrout6-
her-sucklen outourst, he continued 'Alitt lmyerN from that -Cit lave all.
Aq he stend looking iii, 1110r- 1111114 r# on! routoo, tine tiling. -it is ji4,4,eKNary -to Imiy Napoleon%ii B.ag of Pots
trz6it oil w. 41 aiul.$ir ark toll-licif 'large qualitities cot pri . #A Mods LWaset IGHOM 11"04* A ;4 -.1 CI -RED IIV Dr
� .% I Of urse he ji dog-thx, wilkil varie-4 w'ortlitilt tA) Irious detail K
y In the lia"l, and. iijo oil tratt4ri fipi.rely: Alway--4 *lth Inc. 00 cOittong at New. York. uch is 11,00I T 4)f tl' I - firmt, N.okio-p- Kllne*a Great Nerv* "torgar.
fancwl lie henrd steps vVitteil, (log- Ifilyilix less looll's coptume was U care l#Wnervoutiveft after tmt day's
Arectly After tjleA)1jt14-r �oiii.*+.ir. lie, bi-gaii. wab; tki Mt awl pour into my ears f4r from tho'*�mand,.1;Llike frqiin tbP than it. fancy . po�Ole. nild*w) 'furth. Sbe Isn't the only One. ie religi(tus
Said 1,,3t the far-i*rq re Prait" or you; too i4ilk :1I your yew ggMetiltural , terrilari0ol settl6d witil whleh tie 'kept hung aromid his upe. Send to 931 Arch rareet, Philso
"Sir Mark will -401 Y nd. from the, new mining camps' I;-rom the retunift of tllit4 tit'% 'it is She lias it wonderfudy forgiving neck the Tlttk,. leathr IdjapPti delphla.11ji. for treat iw slid free $2 trial botUel
-ried. calming plaving anti singing,'and aNk my which coUtaillIte IX)i- For omie io� �. k. K&rte rig) Not" Dame street
.the butler. toliki anti thait whI you I , Canted tha't ' there - are itature," 4
462ut r. r-arron iniall. of hail ntho Nor%hwrst. - 11alifax reports a nald one pung woman. **I like Montreal., Que-
in willell firitig In ;III I&
4 -lie mut- III f Ahe that the -foe dogN -unintentionally' and Boll that waii to) liberate him 41 I -am,
JI)III 'tile: abolit it. laol:. 1,4 oir In4l aid Unit, dkjone� bit I wah, licit & fair tratkIl aling "immm (of 8,8110MMY frhn4!f4. offended her, wp-
nir, ;Ti 41ek or him." lie. Mont- a iinual re wheii I slwike too tier about It mile Wild of irretriovable reversals hf Jortune.
tev-41.* TIIIien 4,)ti were, iq U4 likely' U -b lie a profitable Q. Ask rour Oealerfor
1161lid: " Y' tIpak- mail. 1*) yoll -heaz ? A a f ter a re-
A,4i, all', tit#. rjeXt lnf_ 1, trij, 4.f Mtht began U) foini Ikefore Myra's Fmter purchasen good slie wam perfectly willing v) (overlook This polhon wtv prepan
, 'It. NIyft-iiy; daughter -all. rml - repoyrta
-Ipe t
r -p tis, -4mir dwf..
eyvisj�radually shuttiug her -In s jilift ordervi'froin tho Inte'lor antl0ac To W lint Caballim had, give U, to coll-,
t wsw tI9. I*nle.?" - And aftA-r tlk- Y41ar P0K VIP
men -4,1KI ilk -a 6*1Xgul- S[W-salik. black in tier chair, till. ll 11littinfl4s failure lant week in i krineroil giA-4-N thi-4 "Yes," rcplied AiJms Cayenne. itoreet.
tA Pry )e groat peror tiever undertook a cam -
my t#*tq-, ftsir he rotilki rewl re)-t-Obn in aromid was darknvam, and site could tj I () I)Omilliolft 4)f C iii nunil r 39, Vr. down illp "V lif a i4pecialty of ItI B OECK H'S
admiral blan I - I- excite' I previqllum WP46k, 32 -in It in to iira . 0 lit, hat ?99 paign i��ithotit havifig his little jxik-
boy. [low aro yolls ? Gad t(441 P-ailoris fef!. We ttie-unwoutItm TnPllt ()f gainst, :18 ti the. Whitlow w) Allat'it -ill 4-IIPWIY
I alw:iI thi'light-jAi, ivhat a.- Im-r . musin, w-116, -With 1w -'r fingers -tilci corresponding week or 1897, 30 to I- . thIter wk0i al�)ut a Overlooking the vast. She says 44. �lf Polsoll 1011 (loll "Ntnits.
-nd Mr r ra w - (low it - mt
foot, -W) that It is ojo-n lit the PROACHERS AND PEOPLE 01P Oil
;M- is III nien'iI4 tightly,enlaced, kept ob moving from 1996, 20 in 1895'and 38 if'
od. My frio ftrrr)n .%V -Till% t(ip ; thn klmt she im i y 28 years of age." n BRUSHES AND BROOMS.
aim I wantst! to Introduci.) Yrill Bank elearin 4 atI Canvidiall cities. to draw down flie'roller blind..'86 tirlit For Sale by all LesItting Houma.
veto%] ffluell, hot he's chary vj makInX V%4 irk.' AvIly l,,,jI't J.'eto-m-116 Mr. place to pine S and talking rpidly. MIND.
wan bright V24,741'000.' 12P the - I%-sts . are Plim-10HP11 Cu'I-od CHAD. BORCKH & BOMB. M&nutactureft
rww frwnfl.q. yovi'll. iike' him. thl-4 is all -But there light be- lalit woek aggrega * to tchAng. Burning Skin Dibeaes
ie. prpvious week -'Aud A Host of Witnesoes Tell of the Wonder -
Surely Nllyra-tay daughteu- ginnijig tD flash out in, Alyra's Inner III clan dol fo lid and �%III glaw pa Bra of TORONTO ONT.
t114. %..Pvef; ti ror Thirty-five Cents.
I'm W6udPrfnJ *-v"ft. over tilb- eorresp�oolding wiUdowit When. 1�r--Agupw's Ointment relieves in one ful Cures Effected'by Dr. A ew's
a2anagp and :1 R1.19- 0AWAgOld YOU 114) 11401MI colisciousileow. anil growing' moment 8 or.
,nv,nt or fli"y4eitt.
a week bt. lank year. -t. the fli444 riw,, Catarrha I Powder.
alliI swimmor. Wily,,, "Never, -#4r; It, t- I'did &1141'134' by.moment, till the'maiden calin %vIth- their',tintur. histint lay' -and cure@ Tetter. Halt Itheum,
ifiJil, rr
liev,.. twt' fit#. wf! wan Eczema, Barber's Itch. In Arense, lawico. 04wrlaw
r ind Marka in Im- itaoted by thei Itight Rev. Bisbop LAwcatulan. D. D.; MR SALE &W (-r%wtoM Countles. TV
r. hre"t. . , i. fit the ()Iwllillg, fit tile 1-4bald Head,
air. rolilol 1-wim Yorerunners of a'" 'Th6 quailfieftiions. toli, out tllt!y 'all go. She Iftatof-H-that
Uopliglit I qtas exiiheit. bilt' w4' I"'Ire girst brehOingm-thle Ulcem Blotches and all eruptions of iter. W. H. Withrow. D. D. Itev. comomm� Ue perfect, 00 Klab. C48-
"IntJP44 ;-'Ir Mark." playing tLt ertwe piiirlwows. Yf-44;' I she maw little ttiougbt*o thim plat inAy III the skin. It is soothing and �juietlng
olmpeirt-an< * the-*nerVe, to' ungo Fraiser. 10. D., and othernsound 10.0" tnLi. I)OUNit
t)llt sit of VW past. . whicb site ba ertished Wr father- �he owo and -title V.1y14 tilat it has Wen and acta like magic It' the cure of Rallroadii. at prio.
r W., I It t t fl, nok ' II errf lid, to o %ee MP ji)i I Willa i'ta liraises. It cures youll and old. L<101311111 1ALI
you arp jillu. tran y aak me. -for my daughter, oir,. I f 1041- InAwt, succe"010, nd *:I. great rc-. am ranking from $2 to It PW
11I MY i " 01 .4jIj':baby humors. -85C.
4 Pur. pr4bw nee S ly it p4 noot tty) lato an. mlliy girlish fanclev.. of my olot age,"the pricelesojewel in Niru. Goo. Graves. Ingersoll, writes: ACM &=I& "am WAD we ml. on r In. and taking solid. shnpe. -to Intilatoo. , . . I . . -. - -
..y tniewly wirii ferrilob! tisistake." gn 'lief My little daughter, aged thirteen summ�
diadem ? to mterprising mow
t M
to.. Mr. Stratton A Future Financier. yeoa". suffered from catarrh of the 0091) churabes, wAmoks,
But 1w couA Kt rurther "Billt It fsooks that had more thftn. oncestart,-- Her Adorer:�-Th&V&i A Way 4 lifeut-rvitig I
the admIrril. IT110 W -e w the'diat ralYn i. iM lime now
a Id Vill 111(o twen diwovered Broker-N%'ell, my -win. flow &
ins fligh aAd really I fit-ol"t t1tillk 1 '1(' #9v".r '10d; tier Luml. met, her th-illki"g, but "W ant the .191rel Apti tem. thi worst kind. No pbysician or re
JLave agr#.'4-d-t4) 1411ell -&It .#'14gannfent, �ea vem I M ra. I medy cured. until we used Dr. Ag-
'did you an jAp to MR
,41dritR, intoorrilpted him. -not follie.4, now coming back d' thq boyso vdi' � out Oil to IL
I willLng."
lliltilit-4-.4 ev(Pi. ir my elLikl haAl lj*A:l I came by' some 111r,-iflotiq FnjKlisll igirls. The yo%ir,peanift np&ulation? new
11ty yoli wero not ti j Sir ark!" plem" W!, illudlifiate,41 by thkv wondrous you can I j it ried tip to a iR Catarrhal Powder, and after us-
fulf Awakening thaV have lier.'" I . ruall Son -When we got througil i ng two bottlem m*y child war, eom�
Barron wn-4 tI; liglitt,till, in tht I'm looking. for a - man, ;1jecimpno nre.-.eareftil
mide of 1101100 -n laid upon
sake; let'i4 bring it to: %Iw,- crtustleo 10' vertaln noInt,'and aw tlu I TA k t)loteiV Cured.— It is a Dleaaant, safe
a dirft--
a bad
i ourn
U it tid
in -
101 -
amtj&i,ng mory
dad lit th') lu .11 drivs. W01111"flIll fond
all 011 g,; i4ir. nover illiaglittX!, 1111ell 1V
theTi all the time yotl
- . 9
the elfair itnd Intoan U) tremble, ag
V% to "qu T %;I
NhoPt8 #4oif"@bft paper w)mPthtng 1ike
JL ()Wt!tl 1,111' OL 11VF 1.11RIP.1113 %-qrml - �,
The humming of telegraph wiresits TOMATO P -!j# A POkCKET PART ICULAk
and speedy remedy for Catarrh. Hay - 1 .
!-,,I nald-.4all .0
of aneedotp: Bat Y, Pr
tillrig"Why, nialk,
werit in4alking rrWftdi with "If, collslfl,.
Ff- ' _Voie(! CIII, (Alt from lioeyondl
Hong going Ing PaPpr. This ili'mOiRtAlned*
There Ij a new 4111A our blott
I 'a It.
0, 419*x all right eitow ri4ir-
twI It W "Ci
vras not Vint I'"
-C I ory 711ront.
Fever. Waditcho,, Q
An appointiI mY. dP)wr 1K)y PAd
A as to�p get 114!i- (91 y4mir Pide."
the darkiiI Ill which, externalb were
roundni of tho IXW ry. an(I it. run- gheet.or wnzed paper placed ove r
to. 1 -then Another uhiaet of lie mft PRPert
"We t
9"IM -6
.14srattooll 1(azo.-I I-Xvited ly in his face;
TIonsilitis and Deafness. I
WILL $1000'iNC-OLD
mAn to come to nnlris It"t..-tWilt
411 Whalgo, I.C;
I said Str
diin't kRt)w---wjjs. at,.
a- &� it*
shrouded, the cownce, of all voining
homo, to III Jn otte terrible reproach.
rieth Ln thL4 wime: don't want
-of leaves. and f lowersI. a NtweX
buy at your plam we won't traAie; layer I
'oh T.
. .. 111ILZ4.41 at
y(w, I capit ga % t.
don't want to at your preW
'W1I do. not advertim." rs into the #*)tt, wet PRPI and pw
Sounds Irroiji Telexr-aph Wire.
StratUm Made, no nn%4wrr fo,*r
" ( II colirse., sir. AcAing thu -timid-
. as she told hert4elf that t+he. had been
thnre any more; you'll be sorry when - of walf.,lift r. and miI 11H, wIllie
114 trell under a Imard.
other IiI kWf the'stsoo-.k for their
The humming of telegraph wiresits TOMATO P -!j# A POkCKET PART ICULAk
momenta. The difffirl, tv wft4 ! 141W P)
Iswer wl - old rPsul4,!"-vr1P,I Sir
bliml,tand tlwt tlw! awaketting truth
you amt us goLrig to some other Ntom. 916'rips I plikeed'
IN. A - Im a vory tie -*P'i*llt.
debt all(i sold Qse the'other
fi phenomenon which lirtm not heep I ON [ACH PACKET $ENO I OF ONI
twI It W "Ci
vras not Vint I'"
-Illark angrily.
Ila(. I c6me too late.
YOU 011I no] I rL Tin "y fr" le " (At wh ch ptit Iavy
power fill.
liall. %kl 11row tbey owe. nW. 50 ventm.'*
satisfactorily explainod. It 16; not I
ottranarp witl admira�. for,
.14srattooll 1(azo.-I I-Xvited ly in his face;
HOW you -no% v im)ubt you!".
Wide 00I eyes; we or. lolami .,a
wo have orencwl ttuslieg rthe flow -r.
trado mtowe, The pressure
.-Gml- Newm.,
caused by'wind. for it ib heard dur, SEEDS CIVENAWAY
(Irv.nt nism Vie friendship
Jurrf nrid fit*
ther#- wits 1411 niI Ill"fillilig it' 1118
v r ied M ie I n a Itirw volve',� bill of the -
don't want to at your preW
'W1I do. not advertim." rs into the #*)tt, wet PRPI and pw
perfect, caims. it line boen con-i A.
jpcture(i that thanges of tempera-FOR FULL PARTICULARS AND ALL 1Nf OFMAT
exMing hetwp#,.n -Ml4m
mothf-r, gir Mark's liflluFAI had t"n
riieriI 4-outillijoij tile afimiral,
#,ination whieli . stirred - her. You
jilougilt -Ir loved M111COIrni? 0 Nlyra,'
The 1fanIU)b#L- TA,-ZiJ41ature ham pro- thin cirlom It Netm, fastening'tile'9111160-
'ent lemen,-While oriving don-li
it ture. wbich lighien or Women the wires, 1 ZENDFON OUP 1858 SEED CAIALOC
to, 11im tinjeso Pnoug1l. .4fting hJ.,4
'"Allor #,n-
.. iptit it intirit, Mou'p... rr.,...and '011 mil"t
a$ If 1 should havile kelot it from, Y041
rogueo-1 men very securely.
very eteep, hill lamt A ugust, my horis
probab)y produces the sou COWTAIN5 A HOST Of CmOlcl
- nd.
lloovdtation. tho r,111 mmIIPd
116 said !,(put with
Comp, M y 'a 9
twtir'it like w-Millf. 31y ellill. Myra,
iili`4 1!e0epte"I iny frienti, Mr. Barron,
tbe marria 1 -4, tco% take P11 lee
if I had. Lir ke him? Y em, a I ways
the, 410filvot, best feltOW I ever
I didn't Meftnr 1.� dear. I never
Ktumb -and - rell, cutting hinuit-If
fearfully about tho Ilend allel 11041Y.
The (juicketim C4, Linlited. aw �4
It 104 w roniz t
ftnd" 44-
wum sick of 111m; but he used to) make
Mintird'x fiI
11OUlK.4. it I in the, pricox of I
-Quickciin-' "Qukvkhml."
i uw4l 4on
6. yea, mir, yours," iftill KtratVwl. mak-
ills -now i4pea k i I, P:
Htrittt4ni mtotj.4i It sk few moments,
X.tI Ill. Sir, Mark's fiwpi. an If lie'
me angry, becaipw I felt that he al-
iiI womhiMmill yoll. aM was mak-
. .....
Cold to Cure.
him,fuld ill'a. few dAY04 110 %%M%
Is Quickrure 25c h(Atle, now l5e.
Quickeure, 7i0e bottle, now '15e.
ing pivinge,'and-
*"ThA Sir Mark, I
faile-of to) gra-41) the filil tPnOr Of'
Ilig me- a siteppin"tone to get nearer.
well an'ever.
Quickeurp $1.(X) IxAtle, 110w� 5(k!.
fact L4,
grfring --I
had nown thl" m glorlfioms
wtor(Im. - Tll#�Ji. ttirning, unit
Ieft. the room,
dem't yolk
Well, � why amk me why 1
.1. K A. W-aticheinin
--s. ntt,14.
Quickheal for horm aind v.
did noot simak ?9P
Aw biedW.
50c tin, now 25m
nown Itlor no". walked back tij "IN Illiall'u- jr-14U.-I There was no �anxwpr, it nd Edie wcluw
Jjr it, nly 1116-ftr lofty , I'llit You. ellamiterm, - all(I Ilid (1(,Hpnir f rom on an If pilin hail bpen answered. 'Na.-relijet -in otner remeuies,
i � I I Y01' f- goinx
looked just-nrorw PLA wi-r .
tili. isyg,-m of nun. Of enurm I ..could not say a word.%,
u) court-martial for run-ning.ywirmlill) . .�j 0. - - . .. A P assous Court Beauty. White Switm iuxt mWandie are ut*vd
CHAPTER X. One day'l telt, Pure that he loved you: .1 .9
&ground. 04 confW, in me; the next There are tnanr medieiileq that palliate caught a severe crold which testilte'l ill its a substi.tuW for chiffon Ju 'tio
.41 it was natural, Ar'. An Unopened Bud. alf(i would apthirna. There are few that do note than astlittin. After tRking doctors' pte%cril)- .,Mile. llqmbert. it, famous court tiie accAvinories of dress. me of Ask for
fPjPPI 4errold *tooel looking very time wip met he wa.4 oo quiet anId relieve for a tiMe the oppre%sed-bteathing tioils for a long time withotit benefit. & at beauty In the reign of King Louis For example.
ktril 1cling Illart. My r !r, an of tucked Swism lip
tootday I was ft YwO)r 9 - -alin and L PtfttU"#Jue, with Jameft Ntrapgo. tit. -It I W14i Myself It W the sufferer. There are few dkea%eii length tnri,le U14e of Ayer's Chetry Pecto- IlillipIpe, has recently died in Paris III as a covering,
tiave had tho lettopr an i all fa , pcy, and thr.ti I 4vuld be a more ttoublesonic and more Itrit-tin ral, and v.,a%l completely cured."—If. G. fcor revem in chemiwttes and coliar
y apIlInintiliont to thf. Iff-11- Warrou lialoling her hand. than asthma. It interferes alike wit KITCHELLII.Grcenwood, bliss. at the age of 87. For many years title twilld". large collars and yokes oil ellil-
nfrinring m Said. JIM K(AIIIg now,* .4111y, nintchmaking erf-atouro, Ifil mid' buxine.vi and with plea -mi -e. It prevents lived in db*t wretchedtion in a
is M 14m, and It IA nrit fl'nl.* tllf* n(It ht ga rre dren's wool gowns. while other yokes
lint only for it ft;W 1* can a I "Some time slince I had R severe attack to and passed off as a mI
111hernI one -blit . t4lP P(mi- houric ' word. BeAtips, how Mild I ? What enjoyment of the day an&ninken the nig 1) iuo a suremlon of tinr plaited frills
9"74'OL able ft)r on" V�11(k IN lIve away fiI yoll.A)Illy a fortnight *01114 1011cle, -who h" been 040 go(A a terror. A rentedy f6r'wsthnia would r of risthma, accompanied with a bad coligh cant. but after her death a valua-
%= thst In an Yalu . . w1entifle ncjw.,'.%1yrA' and'ilif 11 X00114)y tn cold to me, . havP thovight, If I )ind Fmmfxl hailed hy thousand.s a,4 the gteatcht qssl- and a generaI soveness of the joints aud of PArlso. Prillm of batiste and white
ANAWnX Ills way In tile I ble boon.that could he offered them. There znu%cles. I consulted physicians, and tried ble collection of pictures was 'llsoov- orgatimille edge(] wlUi black lave or
EuXl4nd. J tak& i0�1 to tilf.- land of 'tn encourage It? And; you, nil the 1P a retnedy for s%thma. Dr. J. C. A er".4 various; temedi^, lout without getting any ered in the garret. and some'thou- baby ribbon trim thI grown-up gowumt, Edd
Tbi oftiral ittr"toch'Pri oUt 111"linnot Lo�#tllty' .0fr U*Diw. aikieoi, will joy and time, like a hn'rTK cold. marble Fitft- Cherry Pect6ral has ciirrd hundreys, 0,f tel-ief. Finally I toc)k Ayer's Cherry Pec- sandh of pounds In bonds and halik y
t114- nt &Tl Pzhibitlonn. with AoLmorp capte,; of thiq. disea%e, and testinionials to total, and In a very short time wa"utitely tiotes were found sewed up in her and the ftnest of mull embrpidery In
And *h%%% stratton."s W&rmlY- vali any jami -.1* ad beautiful as twart or care, or elw� ,To4j would linve it% efficacy From those who have tried the cured." -J. RUSELLS, umod for trimming IiI xool and AV-.
"Glad e4 I%. my dI bI MY reme4y are multiplyinor with every year. Victoria, Tcx. mattmes.
promotion. I tha`,t--whJIeh.. liolds 'ItI low*? mile wen." The covies presenteo! in Me tent' Is
r %%"Unft on yoijr . i I - �lf Ila I Dr. J. C. Ayer's Cherry rectorai is 1know".
F f"ffings h* uniae- 9 - ective Nfiiwd's Liniment for We everywhert when you order
SO RAIMJral amo dip rellpved tier that fotlow,ninyhet.kenasexem, Wn st eff
diall saiii ng thf, said ffl the world over stA one of the mo I
wwatine go , Pt. To 1w xnre; -f No— rpplic4l'.. ftrronp but that Ing hpro ringerf;, taking out Iter hand- the quick nnd r-ridical action of th great ... -, I'Vivard's Liniment Cum Burns, etc.
y inedicines for the cnte of coughs, coldil, '.
rAjore". I Inv" Y w) taken up with will 1k. your - 116m0ii." kerchief from her wwket and hegin- remedy. croup, Wh tnX cough, asthma. bro". XI of France was the 61rat
11101" ()OP Louis
RIMM sr It. AN chitis, and all a4ections of the throat an4 why -are w)nw Ktatuev nia,w we matches. Then
othvr thizwo-tviliag abrraA-and 80 TrAnjdall." said ityra, AlmughtfullY; ning to tI rit R yefir ago, I entight n bad cold lun s it is, not. as are so Many cotlizh wtIgn ti) Will- the title of 1111in
mrwtv worrie-1 %old ocrupio%i Aner I "ou'vinny' thoiwand miles away." "And now." Rlio went oin, "You tell w1iich ref-mited in st%thma so severe that I b129 ItIld Dome. heroic size
nre, a few thousI I*- was threatened with muflocation whenever ltnlef��jnrs. a Inere 11 Polothing P TIIPI " a
all Ball I w ollit mo yoll tbat fin cared for temporsty relief and palliati Tlt;t it in "A life-61ze statue represents I You Will be Sure
-.%,r �xsck tl,�#%t I hail forgettOn thin I attempted to lie down an my bed. A dealinK directly wit*. inan m big am lie was, and it III—
nt mr #&%w tolot im 'like Miles 60w '! A Journey In it floating nip , and suggmtA that but for friend tecommending Ayer's Cherry Pec. a radical rernedy, Anyone Nize statue repremplitm film its big Mrs. Winvolow'm Orrelp Is a mover
vsoi ano'Lotarth, anti 96- hotel,to a j)laeo where you can tele- ldra t1itnR-gi miglit Jinvp been difffer- toral, I began to take it, and soon obtaineti disease and pT0MPt1y.hCRT1U9 It.
I not*4iave been. who is sick in Invited to write to the Doe. Ile thniurlit lie w bmkw ref"my. Is M* obir- Pali"" 60 OMM -if havinjg tho Wat
kywow to %Il kln(Us 1(raph to yotir father's door-InRULn- ent. 1311t thf-y WOUI( relief. Rnd, finally. w completel cured. ag. trern lonin hut i i thc abous" a rod
C"Was" ap'vig.
who In at the head of the gitaff of our 0; Imawad NWU Owe atiol
,ivo back
malutp taneolim InCtImAKC-111. and rece YOU Am a litird, eold. IleartlOw crea. Since then. I have u ed this mtgicine in tolf
newly organiked Free Medical Advice de.! A nalianee cattle buyer named Bick- b(low"111,
1K Voo iny family with great succesw, for colds, anew to the v6de opebm it WA aim*"
tnre, Myra. lie was too poor for you, partment. The best medical advice, on ne'll. who wan injured at tile Latin-
thi- repil". id mvi ou dinviondn coUghs, ntI croup,.'1-8. 11117TTRIt. Editor diseases, without reference tO their 46=6A !"r=W
k Rolink " all r=wjeftki
[tilt Jul A. P, I to fit (Polish), Stevens P9int, Wis. 0,
vowity t047 U4140 lb Inr Aver's retnedits-OA& downe wreck on the G. T. R., w soft so to Presaft fill
0 17firlm ne ileld tj long c
4 re nM #40 go a
-veve.r. haa* 7in-0377 0 dflelarej -onfe j;�; %vrtil Money YOU XPI with 'them fte $N0111 a
"Ile Of the PON't0f f i0e of ficia Is an tn
duty tlint it wils a 611telY -111corrmt. Tbralhagal+
11- P