HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-05-06, Page 1a. MIN OF HAMILTON! BANK OF HAMILTON LUCKNOW. Capita paid up Iti,25o,000 los erv Fund $725,000 rata %sets $9848678 :resident -Jos NSTuaar. Vice P •-sident—A. G RAMSAY. DIRECTORS: Ig o Psocrol, WM. CrIlleeN M. P, Giro. ROACH A. T. Wcob", A. B. Lim (Toronto). Vashier—J. TURNBLY ;.I !V GIS BANC—Hours 10 to 3 ;* Satur- aY's, 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and npwards e e I and interest ailosod. SPEC I A L DEPOSITS reut rated of interest, RA FT S on Greats,'" s States bought,w it aleo -.received at cur- tain aad the lUnited JuFINtw'NIOII�L, Aeitser. G. T. a TIME TABLE. Passeager - !ruins leave Lucknow rtation as • follows ( :Aug South. .1,4 p. m, .15 p, in, .15 p. m. Going North. ii.3-) a. m, 4.05 -p. 111. 10.47 p. ru. 1). W. HAYES, Agent. LICCIAL PA. MALVOMSON, BARRISTER . Solicitov Conveyancer. etc., (late o i'aliaor n, Holt & Carnet ut,Goderich). 011ie up -stairs in Allis', yew Week. liMORRISON, BARRISTER. • Silicitor, Commissioner, Notary e t . „Money to loan, Office over Moody s Barber Shop. U1 ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- IX tells, Solicitors, etc. Goderich, Ont. T. r. GanittrW. Q. C. PSOUDFOOT. MEDICAL k TE.NNANT, PHYSICIAN LP Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery liver .1. Elliott's grkcery sti)re. Other hours tom 9 to12 a. ui, ; how 2 10.5 p. m. and from t" 9 p. tn. - GORD4)N, F.T. / 34.C. , Physician, Sur- f/ • Aceoupheur. rettair/ in 'Win. Ar:in's vvew block. Residence litoss street, behind Cameron, Murdoch t ('o's store • , MS1) TYEENIAN, M. P. tic M. B., "s• physician and surgeon. graduate of Toronto Vuiversitv, and 4 nncilof l'hvsician., and Sun:ter... 4 Ontario. Svwcial attention paid to di. :I.e.1 th-e . thr,•at and :ungvi. qiii•ge iv, A Mu bleek. %%iLi pen. pr4ctice 1,efi,re 189*. I. O. F. 1.1-r .47s4)1V LODGE , TNPEPENDEN't 4)nler 4,f meets in tht-ikhifelbotes' Ii.1:1*» t:., fourth Tiles dav eaeh month, af o'clock. , • Visiting • brethnit cordially iro (-HA, IPA 7*RF., 1.awnENA.E,. • Chid Us,. zer. L. St cat tau • • C. O. F.• CIOVRT SH ERWt )01., Nt) 9, jrcK 'now. Mrti every first aril, thiiirMen - , day of every iiiiath in the Cravite'• Ball: Visiting brethren- are c riiaIly invited. * 31. . .1 I LE'S LOYAL ORANGE LODGE Xr 0. Vs. H01.1)S 1T:I REGULAR 11 montt,ly me- tin gs in the Orange 11*11, Campbell itreet, Lucknow, on- tte second Tuesitay evAing of each and every month. Degree night •ou thst.nd Tuesday evening following. Alt %i,iting 1rethren.coVd4ily in- vited tu. the meetings'. Davit) ARt iiLu; A. T. Davis.ol. cietaky. . W. M. C. 1'. U.— The regular 'monthly IrT -'tin -g of the Wcinen'e Christian Taniperance 'Union will he held every second Wwine-edav of each moan in the Odd Fellows Hall, Lucknow, at 3 p.m. MRS. J. Bic, Prelident ; Mats. H0RN LL.rSeeietary. . Sheets every Frii_lay evtnio.,; their hall, Campbell • street. cordially invited, . • J. W. , W; • Nchivthlt.liti.. ' bvethrert cosdially invited. W.S.HotAks. Mailer. Workman. . s I. C J N OSii Lodge N.4112 at 8 0114.ck ip All 'brethren. WI.Lsos. 'Recorder AOUW UC -KNOW - Lodge of the ,..-- . ,,- .= Ancient Order. of --:-. United ' WoiTIUM•11, Inert -4 illthe odd fellows',Hall, (.n the last and send Monday t- yen ita.:s of each month r t t-ight ;clock, V i,iting , • 1s.D.Yt et, Itecorder: OM LICHT 1.01iiE AF&49.2d GRC .0%„„ in the DAY NIGHT ssavonic 1Ial, Illaveiock street, J. D. Sweet., • IIARRT DA.TS, W9r4hipfur. Master. Secretary .:0ENERAL ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. . INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH - Telephone No 1S3 DTiST C. A.NEWTON , • ffoaf,p wratlinte in dentistry, Toronto Dental Colle4e, and Doctor of Lient.al Sur- gery, TotV ionto aiver•ity. All modem plana of oi.eration and carefolnifss in workioanahip. Office in Alin'.bltk, olipstairv. P.. S.— Will visit Ripley everiTlaraday afternopn. tCook's Cotton Root Compound Is vueeesstully used monthly by over 0.000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladles ask your drogsist for Case • Wise illsstess- Faust Take no other as all Slistnres, pills and imltations are dangerous. Friss,$1 per biz. Ne.1, 10 degrees stronger,a per box. No. 1 or 2 methyl -on receipt of price and two Soent seaml.4 Th. Cosh Conspesy WIndeor, Ont. 6117N4,4. 1 and 2 so;dann recommended by all isspons/ble Druggists in Gaitasts. Ks/ se,/ sf :se/ ,'s Iv or by s Dr. D, Gorton, Drag;ist. 41 SIC- LESSONS :yen by D. C. McM9A'Rrel N, --Olf THE 3tiitas liaaj Clarionet Ete., .Etc. Mantic& (!ornet For terms, etc., call at the Sentinel office. Concert Work a Shecialty kilo tab C.., h about MI ell VOL XXV-18 MA1R & SIDLALL, Bankers, LUCA-11,0W,- - ONT. E6 1 ABLISIIED 1888, We do a general banking business; issue drafts throughout Canada and the United . States., We make collections on all points. including :--Western States, Manitoba and the North-Weat Provinces, and all collec- tions,- whether note or avanint, will have prompt atttntiop. Notes discounted and farmer's sale notes cashed. We loarn to fanners on donlite or single notes at from one to twelve months. time, and at reasonable rate of interest. WO loan small or large amounts on second mortgage on farms or other real estate sec- urity and tra first chattel tuortgages on live steck and implements and crops. We hAve a lari:N amount of funds to advance on first mortgages from 5 per cent. to 6 per cent. The rate is graded aceordini, to the quality and size of the loan required. • We have on band for sale 100 acres in Ashfield impnived . land, with "fair buildings and will be sold at a bargain. We represrnt the leading English and Cana- • 'ilia!' Fire Insurance Companies and can effect insurance on all classes of property in Stock or Mutual Companies as desired. Our office hours are from 10 a. m, to 4 p. GEO A. SIDDALL, MASM,E1t. itchnotOentiuti THE LIBERTY* TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO TIIK DICTATES GP CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL, • OTHER LIBERTIES Lttakiloiri May eth - SPANISH DEAl'EA The battle of .Manilla Bay, fought on Sunday between the Spaniards and Americans, at the Philippine Islands, was an event that will Le. into history in a shape creditable to both coin-. batants. Thesplucky tight made by the Spanish navy against such heavy odds, and their conduct in -; sinking their vessels rather than bartender. . to Abe 'enemy, makes it e'question in the . naiads. :ofsome people, whether on• even terms the American would have., scored_ a decisive Victaiey.. in .rio short a time. 'There may just possibly be .probability thet as soon is the .de- cisive victory at Manilla is fully appte- bended by the powers an effort will be made to put an end to the war, before there is an opportunity for another collision between the navies. There .is little dout,t that such a movement would he weidaused by Spain, and • the United States could hardly refuse to grant an armistice during negotiations, which if once entered into would sure iy result in a settlement of the war involving th* indeperidefice of Cuba. If. happily Such shOuld be the end of the struggle there •would be rejoicing thraughtout the _eivilized world, while the people of the United States would have grourids fur congratulating theru- selvea in having wiped out the Yellin bict with such celerity and so small a. less of life. s v to is se th QUARENT-OPINIONS. •'rite cession to the British syndicate f the iron and coal fieldi-of the pro' ince of Shansi, China, is tantamount British supremacy there for all time• listery shows that British commerce usually the:precursor of British pog-_' salon. The tlag follows trade, and en trade follows the flag. •" • The • Washington authorities esti. 'nate the war expenses of the l'nited` States for the last two nisnths at $25, 000,000 • month and think probably the present rate of outlay is abort 1700,000,00 a year. That is •a* big sum, but the figures dohot tell:, the whole story. The United States are now only laying the foundationa of a' debt, for whichtheir citizens will go on plying. Wei for a generat- ion. Even after peace is estselished- the canker of militarism will go on devouring the substance of the people; the war servants of the people will act the inastera, The Foreign Enlistment Act fortun- ately stands in the way of foolish young men in Canada , enlisting in foreign armies, and hot headed youths who want ta go to cut the shroats of Dons or Yankees, must leaves Canada to enlist. It is said that seine have applied at Consulates for information as how to enlist. Doubtless the coun- try would be well rid of some of those fel:rms. but it ii to be feared that some really useful young men are carried away by the glamor of war. It is to be regretted that this should be the case Perhaps they hear too muni of war's glory and take too little thought of its horrors: There are boys who are too tender-hearted to cut a sheep's throe., or beat the brains out of a pet cat, who in these jingo days prattle about going to war," and talk glibly ab Jut murdering their fellow men. -Just inside one of the leading drug stores of our city there is a black- board which is used very effectively for advertising pusposes, the "ads" thereon heing got up in a very catchy matter. For instance the other day the following on it to catch the eye of the young lady customers: "Have you a sweetheart 1 If so buy him a bottle of our pure Florida water." A young man who dropped in to get a glass of soda water saw it. Next day he was passing by with his girl and as they were going in to get some soda water he told her to read the sign. Hi spoke 5efore he looked for to his dismay the inscription on the black- board was: "Ifave you a baby? If .so use sterilized milk." LUCKNOW ONTAILT.0, FRIDAY, MAY 6th, 1898. OMB • 1 WHOLE NO. 1266. Farm hand Wanted. Wanted a good man to work on a farni, for seven months. Apply at lot 5, con. 4 Kin!oss. Appointed Constable. At the village Council meeting on Tuesday evening last, Mr. Win. Mc- Mullin was appointed village Con stable. Mr. McMullin is a first-clast man and will make a very efficiens officer. Protest In West Huron. • A protest was tiled on Satuiday - morning last in Tcronto, against J. T. Garrow, Liberal member -elect for West Huron. The protest, tiled on behalf of the defeated candidate Joseph Beck includes as respondent Returning Officer, A. L. Gibscn. • Dangerous Play The majority of people look upon it as a trivial offence to throw a stone at a telegraph wire, but under the new Criminal Code the penalty is three mouths or fiftydollars, and if you in- jure the wire or one of the glass in- sulators, the penalty is two years in the penitentiary. The Roads Are Good The country roads are now in good condition and will remain so all summer. Municipalities shoeld, we think, see thst no gravelling is done until.fall, when it would get worked in, instead of remaining in the middle of the road, au annoyance to every petson having occasion to drive. IThe Wool Market The wool season will soon be on and 1 ( C Nt the Lucknow buyers are prepared to pay the highest prices. Messrs. Lees Douglas, at the Lucknow arding fills, are better prepared this year ' than ever to meet the wants of aJi: their customers, and are willing to pay the highest prices for all the 'wool they can get. Go and see theme • Runaway. A horse belongin • to Mr. Phomas Agar, broke its tie line in the station yard and came rushing down the main street on Monday evening last. When opposite the post office, • the animal suddenly turned toone side, and the . waggon made a complete summer seult and landed in the middle of th it road upside down. 'Getting .clear of the rig the horse ran into the sheds at McDevit & Hereon's. Very little damage was done to the waggon, and the horse escaped unhurt. • All Advertisements Must Go It has been declared by the author- ities of the Grand Trunk Railway that all ndvertisemnts of patent medicines and other notices must be cleared out of the waiting rooms bit all stations along the line -and nothing will be allowed to be put up except raikyay time tables and notices of special rates, e -c. It has been suggerted that in place of these advertisements the rand Trunk should hang up framed pictures of natural scenery of principal points along the line. s Broke ita Leg All lovers of good horse flesh will be sorry to learn that "Old Jim," a name familiarly given to a light grey horse owned by 31r. Allan McLeod, had its leg lo'roken on Saturday last. The animal had been •turned out to play hiniselt, and while being driven back to the livery barn, he began to kick up in play, with the result that one of his fore legs was broken at the fetlock joint, and in order to end his. sufferings, he was killed. Jim was one of the best livery horsei in the.couotry, and no one who ever had the pleasure Of a drive after the faithful Ltd fellow, but will regret to heir of his death. . Tracts at Nome. • • 'A careful perusal of our advertising convincc, our readers that Lucknow merchants are alive and -Prepared to do, business with yuu on as favorable terms as the biggest etores in the -cities. We believe in supporting our own people because: - .1. •• .They support us. 2. We have personal inspection of goods. a. If goods are wrong your townstnan will make them right. 4. Your business neighbors As his share of the main- tainance of our -schools,streets, churches • Arc. Do the Toronto big siores? 5. When you require a' favor do you • go to Toronto storekeepers, or do you ask .a neighbor? 6. When you have sent your cash to a big departmental store and want a bag of flour, or a few pounds of butter on credit where do you go;. to Toronto? MORAL - Think twice before you send your dollars out of town. Death of Mrs. Kent. Their passed away to the unseen world on Saturday last, one who for many years past has been a prominent resident of Winghaw, Mrs. Margaret Kent, relict of the late 1..dwin Kent Death always bring with it sadness and gloom, and this sad event is no exception to the rule.' As deceased had not been laid aside hone the active duties of life by long illness, news of her death came startling eudder and unexpected. She is highly spoken of as a good neighbor, a kind parent; and many indeed gre those who can testify to her kindness of heart, Held in high esteem, her sudden demise brought satThess to a very large circle of friends, gained by long residence and the kindness of her disposition. The funeral took place on Tuesday, the largo gathering in attendance and numerous floral tributes, evidencing the esteetn in which deceased was held anti the symrsolw f ,lt, for the bereaved relatives. ller .40 wits fi'ty years. The deceased doubtless had her share of life's discouragernents. To her, life must have lost its charm, when she could bid a last farewell to her hived ones and then take the fatal dtaught that so quickly caused the spark of life to go out. In. every com- munity, there are those who de- light in rumors and 'sensationalism, but the Advance prefers not to deal . in these. Rather would we tender 1 our sincerest sympathy with hearts that are troubled by the sad event.- Wingharn Advance. District Meeting. The annual meeting of the Wing - ham District of the Methodist church will be held in Teeswater on Wednes- day and Thursday, May 18th andl9th. Mr. D. C. Naylor has been elected delegate to represent the Lucknow congregation at the District meeting. _ Silver Medal contest A silver medal contest will be held at Hope church, on Tuesday evening next. A good programme is being prepared. Doors open at 7.30, chair taken at 8 o'clock sharp. Admission, adults 10 cents, school children under 14, 5 cents, _ Insect Pests Look out for your gooseberry and currant bushes. • The insect is busy laying its eggs on the leaves, also the steele beetleson the grape vines. Cut out the borers on the peach and plum trees in the trunks near the ground. Scrape the rough birk off the trainee of your apple trees and wash them with weak soft soap witer. - i To the Ciessereis Public. All parties wanting repairs on all kinds of buggies and wagons, will find it to their best interest to call on 11113 as I will knep on hand first-class ma- terial for rtpairs in iron and wood. I work. New tires, new .rims and wheels, either single or in sets. Work gauranteed at moderate prices, and special attention given to horseshoe ing.-Wm. Rivers. • Anniversary Services The Rev. J. L. Murray, !WA, D. D., of Kincardine, will (1). V conduct the anniversary services iii the -Pres- byterian church, tucknow, on May 15th. Besides preaching et 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., he will address. a mass meeting of Sabbath School S_holars and work( rs at 3 p in. On Monday evening May 16:h he will deliver a lecture on "What I saw in Italy." The collection at all the Meetings. will be for the Building Fund Grand Concert. • Mrs. A. -M. Art»strong, assisted by her talented clisse.of pupils and Miss Sperling, vio:inist of _Winikaro, will hold her -annual concert in the._ Town Hall, Friday evening, 13th.. • The programfue. consisting -0 chorteres, imcal solos:tad duets, to lesux, -etc., promises to:Ipe one of th best ever presented to a Lutknow dience by the young people of the illage, A leadingfeature of the even ng will be the beautiful "Itibbon dril several young !adies dressed in eerier' cos- tume. .The piano, recital will corn- tnence at 7.30; the • concert proper commencing at 8:15.. Admission 15. cents, reserved seats 23 cents. - • It& served seat tickets for sale at J W. Arinstrong's jewellery store. Maahinerepairing and Horseshoeing I beg leave to notify the public in general that I have purchased the Machine shop of the late James Find - later. Where I will be found pre- pared to da all kinds of repairing in the machine line. • Repairs and cast- ings for all ploughs manufactured,. will be kept in 'stock as usual. Mr.F Iforn who has made special studying of horseshoeing for the paw Vi • years is still with me and thoroughly understands how aud what kind of a shoe best adapted for your horse if lame or diseased of the feet. Give us &trial; all work guaranteed and prices right. J. W Moise. 1 LOCAL ITEMS -Days' baking powder is the beats --Go to A. T. Davison's for carpet felt. -.-Reg Armstrong spent Sunday in Ripley. r, John Jewitt was in Toronto this' week. -Samuel French spent Sunday in Wingham. -Always plenty of Salt at T. A by the barrel. -Jack Strathdee wheeled to ley on Sunday. -The trout fishing season o On Monday last. -See that 5c glitter wall pape Berry's Drug store. --Bedroom suites at lowest p at A. T. Davison's, ---Mr. Wes Treleaven, of • Clit was in town Sunday. -A number of Wingloon spent Sunday in town. -Mr. Rife, of Walkerton, 'was town for a few days last week. -T. Agar pays cash for butter eggs. He makes that a specialty. -Messrs Jack Lyons and J Tennant spent Sunday in Godericl -All sizes of scresn doors, scr • windows and wire cloth at Lawrenc -placeitetomtumybeSrheD.C;rwin_Twayillioiar's iiis pisai -In the midst of all the war exc went, it is well not to forget to pl the garden. •-7A limited number of hives of b for sale cheap. For particulars ftp to Jas. Bryan. -Fur wall paper stationery a fascy goods, sfq! Berry's stock bef buying elsewhere, -For first-class tea, call at T. Aga Teas guaranteed to give satisfacti or money refunded. - gar's Rip pe r itt vices iton, boys in hrol ack oen e's the tits. ite- nt ees ply id ore 5. OD, -Wheat seeding is practically finished in Manitoba. • The weather has been favorable. - -Fred. Matthie, was in Kincardine. on Friday and Saturday attending the funeral of his aunt. ----When you are looking for good window shades call in and ,see A. T. Davison's latest styles. - --Alabastine the only permanent wall finish, can be obtained at Law- rence's hardware store. -.Geo. W. Walker, of Gorrie, and Ed.'s,. Green, of Seattle, Wash., were in town on Friday last. --The regular meeting of the • W.C. •T.U. will be held on Wednesday afternoon next at 3 p.m. -A man named Haines, of Wawa - Hoek nea:- Whitechurch, had his leg broken on Saturday last. -Seeds ! Seeds ! Garden, field and flower seeds, hy the ounce, pound and paskage at Harry Days' drug store. -T. Asar's is the place where you • tan get a first class tea or dinner set, or any other article inthe crockery line. -TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. - A YOUNG MAN KI101.1111D AT KINLOUGH • . 1 • A terrible accident occurred to Jas. Richards on _Friday last at Kinlaugh, attended with fatal results. Mr. Rich- ards'in conaparaY with his father had a saw mill.Whiathey have operated for a number of years. On Friday last while manufacturing shingles the son attempted to adjust a belt on a pulley. A projecting bolt which fas tened the pulley to the shaft caught the sleeve of his smock and in 8€- 'cond of time he became entangled and he was hurled round with ftightful rapidity, the shaft making between two or three hundred revolutions a minute. The frame which surrounds the shaft is about three feet away and every revolution of tho shaft the vic- tims feet and limbs; would strike against this frame with the awful result that hid legs and the lower portion of his body were pounded into jelly. Gra- hain, the fireman, was fast to eee the accident but after shutting down steam. was unable to relieve the un- fortunate you man. Mr. Richards. sr. was called, and the son was quickly relieve.' He was conscious during the whole of the time, his position be- ing such that he was not injured in the head. That portion of the mill where the accident occurred was splashed %;ith blood and the sight was most heart-rending. The poor fellow was taken to his home and medical aid summoned, where everything Was done to relieve his sufferings. He lingered until early Saturday morning when death relieved him from his agony. The deceased was a young unmarried man, ahout thirty four years of age, was very popular with all of his acquaintances and a member of the K.O.T.M. The fureral took place on Monday to the Kineardine cemetery when it large cortege of sor rowiug friends accompanied the holy to its limit resting place. The heart of the whole community beats in sym- pathy for the bereaved family, 1, • A Priceless Dlsoov"Soak and Swab" is anifallible, painless and non-pcisonous remedy for the cure of cancer, cartilaginous, ulcers, (to., sore throat and a variety of skin diseases. It cures cancer in any part of the body where the liquid can reach it, Send for circular giving instructiens how to use the liquid. Sold at 60 cents per pint and 30 cents per half pint bottle. McLeod's Labratory, Goderich, Ont. -Mrs. Win. Farquharson and Miss war:k.uharson, of Walkerton, spent a few'days with friends Lucknow this . -Stylish buggies at low prices at Hildred's Carriage Works. Call and see them. • Repairing 1 r, inptly attens (led to. • -At Omaha the banks haverefused tension of loaf- en cattle, owing to e war ideas i mined by money- nders, -.I. C. Lyons of the Lucknow ultry Yards, shipped eggs to Nova otia, New Hr • and Manitoba s week. -'-The prohibition ballot will be as mple as can bei but no doubt - the ual number wi'r be spode& by people ipler still. -Mr. J. C. Reid, B.A., of Ilu rote again been successful in his theo_ ical examinations at Victorio Uni- rsity in Torocto. -Fon 75c -1'8.-041y a few left of ose original Webster's Unabridged ctionary's, 1280 pages for 73cts. Berry's 1)rug store. -The heavy frost during the early rt of April has, it is estimated, led one-fourth of the fall wheat ps east of Toronto. -Mr. Noble F. Kee, soprano, of the perial Temperance, Quartette, will ist in the Carnival of Nations On the h and 20th of May. ex tli le Po thi si sin Lias log ve th Di at pa kil cro • 1ni ass 19t -Days' baking powder has stood the test for a long time and is admit- ted by all that it is the best. Call and get a trial package free. - -If you intend doing any building this spring you should call at Law- rence's and get prices on hardware, glass, paints, cement &c. --It is now expected that the Dominion Parliament will be prorogued hy the 24th of Mat. The work of the session is progressing rapidly. -A nice absortinent of latest styles of hammocks is to be seen at Harry Days'. See whist he has before pur- chemin elsewhere. Prices low, -BAR FOR SALE CHEAP. Cost $12-) latest style, cherry top, foot and hand rail, 16 feet long, extention 4 ft, Ap- ply at Guetin House, Lucknow, -All fresh field and garden seeds at Harry Days' drug stores Mange!, carrot, turnip and all other field and garden seeds at very lowest prices. -Mr. Malcohn's financial agent gives the sum of $152.67 as that gentleman's election expenses, while Mr. McDonald's amounted to $160.85. -Wall paper! The nicest lines in wall paper are to 1 e seen at Harry Days' drug store. Call in and see samples before purchasing and get his prices. -Baby Ouggies ! The latest up to - date baby carriages can be seen at Harry Days'. Call in and see what he has to show. Prices lower than ever before. -Fall wheat in this vicinity is looking fairly well, censidering the early departure of the snow ani the hsrd frosts since. Some fields look very well. SPA IN DEFEATED Her Fleet Wiped Out Capture of Mani by the .American The Urtibsd States flet commanded by admiral Dswey, comp tely destroy- ed the Span • sh fleet at fianilla Bay, Phillipine Islands, on lOunday last, and the American flag n jv floats over the eis;)ital of the 1aland4 The fight lasted en hour and a halfot- ed will go down it• history' as one °Tithe greatest naval li its les in modern 1 times. The next bat tle will in all fought c. -F the coast of P tween the great Spanish left the Cape Verde Isla week ago, and Rear Ad son's fleet; from Key Wests1 • A dist:eta to The S41..ine1 from Key West on. Wednestiay evehing sa3s that Sunpson's fleet es left to intercept the Spanish fle4 on their way from Cape Verde to 4rta Rico. STILL LATER New Yorh , Thursday r$�n, May 5. Special to Sectitinel obability be •to Rico, be- sten& which I about a Ira! Samp- A • newspaper bulletin says the "Reydon" returned to Ke West this morning, having landed t e first ex- pedition under the II. S. istuspicps to Cuba. The force had a ,sharp battle with Spanish cavalry. _ • -All persons not bslenting to the Band aro again requested t4 keep out of the Band room when thelolayere are at practice. Let this be strictly remembered. -House and lot for sale to rent, near the station- .A goescl garden, young orchard, new stable and fine well. For further particul•rs apply to James Bailey. -IIousekeepers are warni-ed to be on the lookout for a glib -talking and slick -appearing young mar 1 who is selling "lightning" yeast at jpo cents a bottle. He is a fraud. - Fon. SALE. --Dray horse, waggon, sleigh and harness, also s4e, desks, chairs, and other office furniture, ap- ply, Lucknow Central Furnhtire Co. Ltd., G. W. Berry, Presidentt -If you want a nobby sprieg suit, call and see our new stock of tweeds, worsteds, ctc., latest shades aed newest patterns. You can't help but be pleased, and you can save tuoney by buying your suits from C. Stewart. -Owing to a recent enactment of the Ontario Legislature, judgement summonses will have special days set apart for their trial and will riot form a part of the regular Divisioe Court dockets. i -Miss Lottie Armstrong !will be "At Home" to the metnliOrs and friends of the Y.W.C.1.U. this (Fri- day), evening at eight o'clock.t. Stran ,geerlsconie.acl nvisiters will be made heartily w -Canadian cigar manticturers :have notified the trade that p es will t c ft have to be increased from 15 2.5 per cent on account of the Spanisl Ameri- can war. The increase will Rao effect on May 15. -The Minister of Agric 6ie is al‘out to issue to fartnerka m t com- plete compendium of agricultural in- formation,. ‘. It will speciallf advise how products should he prepafed for the British market. . k. -Mr. Archy Finlayson, of this village, left on Friday worninii last for Por rd, Maine, where be has secured a p sition in the office of the ortland am Cape Elizabeth Street . ailwey Co. We wish him all succells.:. -Lost-, LENT OR STOLEN. In De- cember or January last, a blaek vel- vet cape linewith red silk With black ribbon pleated around the collar. Any person having such a cape iti their possession will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at The Sentinel office. -Berry the Druggist has bought out a big line of wall paper, friezes und cei;ing paper, etc. direct from tie man ufacturers. Price away down. t. Don't mistake the place. Berry's !I. Drug Store. --Mr. D. McNicoll, general agent, ,for the Kern Medicine Co., of -oronto has appointed Mrs. Thos. Girvin, of Willoughby street, as sole agept for Lucknow and vicinity, for the sale of Ali Wa Go • ‘.. -Tee annual meeting of 'the( tnem- hers of the Lucknow Public Library has been adjourned to Thursdaeven - ing May 5th at 5 p.m. As ve y im- portant business comes up fordiscus.sion all the members are requested to be present. J. G. Murdoch, Tres.; D. D. Yule, Sec. : 1 journal of social, moral and "the Citizen and Coun ry," a -We have received the firs nnnuniiiiin- ber of "trefartn, edited by Mr. G. W. Wrigley, formerly of the Farmers' Sun. 1 It is issued twice a month at the subscrip- tion price of one dollar a year hy the Wrigley Go, Toronto. I.....____,.. • CREWS, APRIL 26r41898. To the Editor (1 Tlui Sentinel. 4 DEAR Siic-In your issue cii The Sentieel of the 22nd inst , I aol credi- ted with the biggest, snake story on record. Your correspondent !rho is evideotly a new one, should have taken notes as soon as his nightmare Was ovqr, and given the number of rattles and a few other detaila, for ae soon as the vision fades from Iiiii brain it will be lost forever to wonderlloving reeders. We Lamy expect someretty 1 good "fish -yarns" from him in th near future, let us hope he will wait _ r at least a small fish to build a stot on. . Yours truly, JOIISPII Churn LUCKNOW PUBLIC SCHOOL • lAsoort for the Month of May. legs TrIRST DEPARTMENT Primary -Excellent -W Ferran, J McDonald, A MeGillivray. Good - E Reid, M Hunter. P. S. Leaving- Excellent -B Pat- terson, A Yule, W Holmes. Good - (1 Holmes, G Patterson, 0 McLaren G Cameron. Poor -A McOorvie. Eetrance-Excellent-R Johnston, R D McLean, G Cameron, A McNabb. Good -J Ilabick, T Robertson, B Thompson, W Agnew, J Lawson, M Langford, IE Robinson, E McIntosh. Fair -E Graham, Wsr. indlater. Poor Allin, W Vance, G Douglas, M Murdoch. No. on roll 36, average attendance 32. • SECOND DEPARTMENT Junior 4th.- Excellent- B Camp- bell, J McCure, B Allin, M Moore, L Flood, J Johnston, H Graham, L Stewart, G McKay, E MeLiren. Good -13 Grundy, D McDonald, E Taylor, E Findlater, R Matheson G Brennen, M Lyous. Fair -11 Barber, H Robin- son. , Senior 3rd--Excellent-D McLeod, M McMillan, . oroote, De F Pat wore, M G GINI -1 Douglas, F Reid, McLean, I Reid. Fair - W Mc 'y, F Grundy, M Davison. Poor- Reid. Junior 3rd-- Excellent -M Bryan, It Douglas,- L Armstrong, M Malure, P Hedley F Thompson. Good -A Barber, A Winnie. Fair -E Mc - Olin, 8 Johnstone. 'No. on toll 44, average atteridance 40. S A Burgess, teacher. • T1IIRD DEPARTMENT Senior class -Excellent -E Cam- eron, M Barber, W Moody, W Mc- Lean, M Graham, S Mallough. Good Johnston, J McLean, R Robert- son, E Murchison, M Davison, G Johnston, A Patterson, II Burns. Fair -W McClure, K Robertson, L Patterson, M Yule, A Habick, J Mc Corvie, M Patterson. PO3r-E Flem ng, A Howey, W Henderson. Junior class -Excellent --31. Mur - bison, Max McLean, P Hayes, W Scrimmageour. Good -1 Skerriff, M Allin, W Moody, Vance, I, McLean, M McLean, D Graham. Fair -W AG:Coy, A Grundy, W McKay, A lre:gita.g. • Poor -L Webster, II Arm- tNo. on rull 49, average attendance 5. 4 M. Graham, teacher. FOURTH DEPARTMENT Senior 2nd class- Excellent- E Siddall, B Yule, M Habick, K Mc- Intosh, E Little. Good -..J Scrimma geour, M Leddy, J Barber, A Hornell, J Bennett, • M Moody. Fair -W Burns, F Webster, L Henderson, M Campbell. Absent -Il Warner, J Findlater Junior 2nd • class- Exce!lent -J Murdoch, A McOlure, M Winnie, Jno Reid, L _Taylor, T Burns. Good - S Mallough, It McKinnon, C Bennett, C Hall, E Murchison, E Thompson, A Grenache Fair -L Graham, E Moody, P Renderson, Jas Reid, M McGinnes, A Hoey. Absent -T Perdue, 0 Boland, G Mutton, G Mc- Quaig, G McKay, L Treleaven, R Webster. No. on roll 43, average attendauce 33. • L. L. Armstrong, teacher. riFTII DEPARTMENT Senior part , 2nd- Excellent- E McCardle, J McLaren, C Fleming, M Cook, E Rrown, E Johnstone, H New- ton, L Morton,V Allin, 13 Slat rriti. Good -R Little, J McKinnon, D Campbell, R Hedley. J Mullin. Fair -M Moody. Poor -W Mullin. Junior part 2nd- Excellent -L McLean, W Northcote, P I;rown, W Bryan, R Eyons, 0 sIcKay, grove. .Uood -0 Iledley, 8 Ilabisk, R Gordon, A ihicSweyn, F Patterson, M Campball.. Fair -D Brown, C Barber, & 0li5 R Johnston. Poor - G Treleaven. Highest part 1st -Excellent- V Huston, E Mallough, A Cliff. Goad -11 McDonald, J Scrimnrageour, D Congrain, C Moody, M Hall. Fair - G Armstrong, 11 McKinnon, M Winny, P Morton. No. on roll 79, average attendance 62. A VACANCY IN WEST HURON. K. C. Cameron. M.P., to be appointed Lieut. -Governor of the Northwest. Goderich, Ont., April 29. -Mr. M.C. Cameron will be member of Parliment for West Huron but a few days more. He will within a week or more he ap- pointed Lieutenant -Governor of the North-west Territories. The Liberals have already began to organize, and it is expected that an election will be held during May. Four names are mentioned for the Liberal nomination. Mr Robt. Holmes, of the Clinton New Era; Mr. M. G. Cameron, a lawyer in Goderich, (son of the present member) Mr. W. Proudfoot, also a lawyer in Goderich, and Mr. D. McGillicuddy, editor of The Signal. It is under- stood that Mr. McGillicuddy will sup- port Mr. Holmes, who will carry the • conven' ion. SCHOOL REN/RT. — - Report of S.S. No. 14, Huron. Sr. 4th. -1, S. Robertson; 2, R. Tiffin; 3, Murray; 4, E. Blair. Jr. 4th. -1, M. Pickering; 2, J. Struthers. Sr. , Annie Clarkaon; 2, Alice Clarkson; 3, Annie Blair. Shirt Waists AND Blouses. -•••••••1111.11a.. Woi m weathpr is coming and the reign of the Shirt Waist and Blouse is at hand. We are showing c. great variety of these goods tnade up in the latest styles, of the uewest and most fashionable materials at 45c., 60c., 75c., $1, and $1.25. We have just received a beautiful range of plain and fancy silks for Blouses at 25c. 50c., 65c., 75c., and 90c. We will be pleased to show these goods. Now is the time to buy before .the best patterns are picked. gut. Truly yours-, R.D. Cameron cO»OPEIj&TH1 E AGRICULTURE To the blitor,1 The Sentinel Over twenty-eight hnndred Ontario fermiers have received material and instructions for conducting tests upon their own farms duriag the present season. l'hese include young men who have attended the Agricultural College, successful and painstaking farmers who have experimented previously, and others who are undertaking the work for the first time. About two thousand experimenters have conducted satisfactory experi- mental work within the past ten years. Of this number, two hundred have furnished good reports for at lead three different years and some for five, six, and even mile years. These little experiment stations form object lessons in nearly every neighborhood in the province, the influence of whichlilan never be correctly estimated, To give sorneidea of this influence, I quote the following from reports sent in by ex- perimenters . "I get much beuefit from ley experi- ments and my plots are visited by !nest of my neighbors every year." "A.. a result of my experiments I raise more bushels to the acre and Make more money on my farm." - "Looking at it from a financial point of view, my neighbors have received benefit from my experimental work to the amount of • good many hundred dollars." This system of co-operistive experi- mental work in agriculture, which centers lit the Agricultural College and operates through the medium of the Experimental Union, is being en- larged and improved from year to year. A study of the fertiliey of the soil on different farms, and of the relative merits of promising varieties of ag ri c a I tura! crops for different sections, are the main subjeets under experi- ment on about twelve thousand plota this year. There are in all nineteen distinct experimenia, which embrace the agricultural crops grown on about nine tentenths of the cultivated land of Ontario. The demand has been greatest for experimenta with oata, spring wheat, peas, corn and mangels. We could still furnish i number of applicants with a package of each of Eris leading varieties of eorn, which forms a valuable test for farmers who are anxious to ascertain which varieties of corn are beet adapted to the soil of their own particular farms Agricultural College, 0. A. Zavrrs, Guelph, April 30, 1898. Director DUNGANNON Mr. Dave Ross has returned home 1 roils Kippen, where he has been en gaged for the past month. Miss Maud Whyard left on Friday lista for Teamster wheOe she has secured • school. Her many friends wisb her the hect of success. Miss Sharewood is spending a while visiting at Mr. Crenston's. Mr. George Smith has returned home from Manitoba, where be has been engaged for the passed year at hatnees-making. Ile is looking hale and hearty. The At Home social was well Wended on Monday evening. All seemed to have enjoyed a good tune. The proceeds amounted to about 1115. r. Woobrool has moved into Mr. aermn i.'i-iliruse. He intends giving es, Wash is spending a wl ile rig at Ridgewood farm. e funeral of the lats Mrs. Ann on, wha died on Saturday after took plece Monday. • The ear - was conducted by 'Rev. Mr. urn and the remains folowed to "Amon cetnetery by a large num- f sorivwing friends and soquain- 8. e annual vestry meeting WY held . Paul's church on Easter Monday. inanctal matters were shown to a satisfactory condition. Rev. Armstrong re -appointed Me. Jas. nd as his warden and Mr Obeli. row n was re-elected by the remit congregation elected ktr• 1 din. lay-Jelegate ta tbe„ rsimma° Ourw up f visiti Th Patt noon, vice Fairb Dung ber o tanee Th in St The Jr. 3rd. -1, Tennyson; 2, J. Tiffin; Mr. A. Smith; 4, J. Smith; 3, M. Murray; Hon& 6, W. Cjarkson. C. 13 Sr. 2nd. -S. Blair. The Sr, Pt. 211$1.-1, R. Struthers, J. Dorn Henderson. Ryno Jr. part 2nd. -1, E. Clarkson• 2, M. Clarks° ,n 3, M. Smith; 4, J. Tenny- son; 5, W. Smith; 6, S. Towle. EDITH M. Rim), Teacher. -If pat, want something nice In mixed paints you shauld go to Law- rence's. The atoek is complete and the shades are the very best, and the quality is excellent. TESTIMONIAL To HILDKIID Bios. Leciesow. This is to eertiki that 1 parsimeld • buggy twelve years ego fan peet which has bow in eont•taniezever shim and is savable el years mere weak, J .....r.;•••••••11•1111.1111.11110.....,...• • • t • A.--4 1161110* • -.TS,S- -4.41