Lucknow Sentinel, 1898-04-22, Page 1'11ANK (IF HAMILTON LUCKNOW. Capita paid up Reserve Fund rota %sets 81,26o,000 $7215,000 $9 848,878 l'resideut -JoilinSroanr. Vice P ..Naitiont—A. G. RaXitaT: DI RECTORS: • Iso PSOCTelt, tri I MON M. P, Gito.Roacs A. T. Wcon, A. B. Us (Toronto). • • &shier—J. TURN B IAVINGS BANK.—Hours 10 to 3; Satur- day's, 10 to 1. Deposits of 81 and upwards reeibed and interest ailowttl. SPECIAL DEP.OSITS also received at cur- rent rates of interest. RA Frs on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. JOHN D. NICHOL, AGICNT. G. T.IZ, TIME TABLE. l'assenger tri.ins lcave Lucknow t,tation aa follows ;— t;oing South, L'. 131. 8.11 p 111- 3.1.. p. Going North. 11.35 Lin, 4.20 p.,jp. .10.47 p. D. W. HAYES, Ageat. LIG* L DA. MALCOMSON, BARRISTER 411 Solicitor Conveyancer. etc., (late o ALnern, Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Offic ap-etaile in Allin'e new block. S IriRt. Er Ste)Nm,• raise:3AT: RI ctEairt; ptc. 11.).,, to loan, Office over Moody's Barber Shovo.i. GA-RROW Pc PROUDFOOT, BARXIS- ters, Aolicitors, etc., Goderich, Ont. J. 1'. GraitiloW. Q. 0, IN al . Pam:prom MEDICAL DR. TENNANT, P HY SI CIA N 3ur4eon and Accoucbeur. Surgery 4ver Elli ,tt's grocery *tore. Office hours tom 9 to 12 a. m, ; from 2 lo 5 p. rn. and from to 9 p. tu. D"cp-GORDON, C.M., F.T. M.S.. M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- g...n. anal Accoucheur. Upstair. in WM. .new block. Residence Ross street, behind Cameron, Murdoch & Co's store PTYERNIAN, M. P. & M. B.. • phy,ician , anti surgeon, graduate of tor..nto nivervitv, and l'ouncil ..f Physician., and Surgror.4 t,1 Ontario. special. attention . paid to. di.- as*: of tbe ro throat and !antra: Office in Allit's ',hick. Will open, practice on x.r bet,re .3 en. ht., 114944. 6001E111111 • I. O. F. aiwritc enthut. VOL XXV-16 111A1R & SIDLALL, Bankers, LUCKNOIF,-. - ONT. E7 A BL1811 ED 1888. We do a general banking business; issue drafts throughout Canada and the United States. We make collections on all points, including :—Western States, Manitoba and the North-West Provinces, and all collec- tions, whether note or acwunt, will have prompt attention. Notes discounted and farmer's sale notes cashed. We loan to farmers on donble or single notes at from one to twelve months time, and At reasonable rate of interest. . We loan small or large 'amounts on second mortgage on farms or other real estate sec- urity and Ira first chattel mortgages on live stock ond implements and crops. We have a large amount of funds to advance on first mortgagee from 5 per cent. to 6 per ceot, The rate is graded according to tbe quality and size of the loan required. We have on hand for sale 100 acres.in Ashiield improved land, with fair buildings and will be sold at s bargain. We represent the leading English and Cana- dian Fite Insurance Companies and cam effect insurance on all claws of property fa Stock or Mutual Companies as desired. Our office hours are from 10 a. m, to 4 p. m. GEO, A. SIDDALL, MANAGER. , • Ooming ! Coming! Coming! T. P. SMITH E YE SPECIALIST, Graduat„ of New York, PhiltiAlelphia and Toronto OpticaliAleges, will be at. HARRY DAYS' DR, ONE DAY ONLY THURSDAY, APRIL 2811. Call early. and s,yail yourself of his valnable Aervices, Examination free. - • - glitXucknotOtatirul %NoW LODGE DErENvExT -- A. 1 ir,lrf of Foresters TtiVIBEIITY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE torct10 die I btlelfrIl.Are FREELY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATE8 11411, f.,crth Tuts 1i3y ,.f tAchzn..eth. at GP CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL 7:30 Allock.OTERR LlBliKTIES brethrra 'mitt t • .• PATMt qtr., ,W.. 1.4‘. :.Est 1:8"tir* . t"Y. Lucknow, April 22nd., .1598 C.O.". 4•111•MMON11111 1 CURRENT OPINIONS. . t/URT :AU:WA . .4), NO 7,10 LUCK Ci !tow., Meet. e‘ery •first ar 41 Mion.• • day .4 everv month in the (otatige• Hall. • Vi-iting brethren are o n. I A1.1-.. V. Ir. 1). YI - - LOYAL ORANGE: LODGE •xr 0, 4'18. 1101.1.S 1i4 lF.tl.h artootttly InOrtit „-• In the tfit..41...:cr Campbell etrcrt, 1.nekuow, ou tle second Turaiity etening of each and ei.ery month. Degre.- night thr Tue:Alay evening following. All visiting brethren cot:giggly in- vited to the ioeetings. •Davit. Atu.iiE1, A. T. Day 04401. Secretary -W. M. - c. T. .he rekrular monthly WU-- T • alerting ot the Wenien's Christian femperance Union will be held every second Wednesaav ,,f each month in the Odd Fellows Hall, Lut know, at 3 p.M. M n.J. PresiJent ; M an. H os N su.. Secretary. _ Inert.. every Fri.lay t%. ning %heir hag, Campbell street. et.rdially in% ited. J. W. Aiimstaos..., Noble Grand. - - \\\ ••.". q1/4 UC KNOW _Lodge No 112 M .8 .,'dock iII All brethren %%Laos. . • Recorder AOUW ry UCKNOW _LA Lodge 4,1 the Ancient Order a United . Workmen, nieet4 in the 0.1.1 fell..ws' Hall, en the -last and second \ • 1Ionday vrningv of each month rt eight • , , . - Visiting brahren corlialli invited. W . S. floLS sa,- D.D,Yuts, • • Master Workman. . Recorder. OLD LICHT LONE F & A. X G c • - r . YaliZETS E V troil THU ItSDAY NIGHT •qu ‘.r before the full to.`ion, in the o.onic Ilan, liaveiock Ntreet. • • 5. D. Nit liqt., • IIARRT PATS. • Worshipful Master. Secretary GENERAL ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. Teteleasee !Se 1:0 1\T TIST_ • C. A. NEWTON, - • gvda.eti In lentistry, Toronto DentalC.rlleitg, and Doctor of Dental Sla- very, Toroato.t niver-ity. All modern plans -• of'. rration and carefnlnr. in workmanship. . • Office in All in'', agisair4, 1'. 5.1- Will visit Ripley every Thursday afterncem. Cook's Cotton Root Compound X Is snereastully used monthly by over 0.000 Laclie4. .-;efe, effectual. Ladiesask Xy d rage -tat for Casks Cense Is O Cas - MITI'rase no otnsr es all Mixtures, pills and tion 4 are danverons. Fries. No. 1.11 per ti.a. ma II.1O deiere.eq,iironarr,S3 per box. No. lor 2 mailed es receipt uf price and two I -sent 'tam ps The Cook Gompooy wirideor, (int. lW - N.,4. i and 2 sold Ann recommended by ail sespousitile Druggists la Canada. je, ; find Nip ! $01,1 in 1,111•4 li',,r hy 4 Dr. D. X. Gorden, • Druggist. VUSIC LESSONS Given D. C 41019ARAN, ON THE 3uitar Ban) . (*lanonet Etc., Etc, Niansiolin Cornet For tering, etc., call at the Sentinel oftiose. Concert Work a SAeciaily On the Zith day of May, a - by-law will be tsubmitted to the ratepiyera of Brussels, •taking the power out Of • the hands of the Council to • laysidewalks, so that in future befor.e *new, sidewalk or sewer canbe con- structe4, the property Owners ,desiring it must petition the council, stating the-kiLd ef sidewalk devieed, the cost of which :will he assessed as a frontage tax on tlae property benefitted. The Olobe's Ottawa c:orespondent points out the waste of time thet goes on it Ottawa on account of chronic talk! talktalk! by a few men. The result, according to the corresponeerrt, is that many private members, quite capable of contributing to discussion ds!) not get a chance. There really should -be some limit set to Speeches. The mover of an important measure might be given plenty of sea rooni, but all other Speakers Should be limited in some manner, . It seems to be generally understood at Ottawa that the disputed questions between; the State's and Canada will l*subnaitted to a joint .commission. this year. It will sit at )ttaws, it is said; and Sir Julian Pauncelot, Sir Richard Cartwright and Sir Louis Davies are narned as the British and Canadian representatives. There seems no doubt hut that the Alaskan ques- tions—seals and gold—have prorriPted this conference, and that a measure of trade reciprocity will be the most in3- portant consideration. • The blue books of the Department of Marine Fisheries for the year ending June 30th, 1897, is athand, and shows that onithe Lake Huron shore from 'Cape Hurd to Point Edward there.were engaged in the industry 10 tugs with 92"aren, 91 sail boats with 176.men, 197,100 fathcrus of gill nets, 4. ice houses and 2 peirs. The fish taken off this shore are valued at $158,630, of which $70,000 came from the Bruce Peninsula &bow; Saugeen and ;.335,000 from Goderich district. From Blue Point to Point Edward there we employed 25 men and 25 boats, of a total value of $1,215, 22 , pound nets valued at e3,00, and 2 seines valued at i105. A petition haa been addressed to the Hon. Sydney Fieher, Minister of Agriculture, and to the Ministers of Agriculture of the Local Sovernments of fantario and Quebec by the Butter and Cheese Aesociation, of Montreal, asking the ministers to warn butter makers against.the use of boracic acid which is an adulterant, under the English law. In view of this, export - eels have been requested by their jib -OA -correspondents co give certifi seates, guaranteeing that the butter they ship is absolutely pnre and frets from boracic aid. "Preservaline is said to contain boracic acid, and con- sequently farmers are advised not to use it. All butter entering the United Kingdom, will be examined by analysts LUCKNOW ONTARIO, FILIDAY. APRTL 22nd, 1898. appointed for that purpose, and any I WAR DEoLAR importaticns containing thia adul terant will be heavily fined. Conse- quently, it behooves Canadian butter - makers to see that they use nothing but pure salt as a preservative. In another column we print a letter from the Hon. John Dryden, fully dealing with this subject. — — _ Taupe and Tinnily gnoi _ intereeeto House keepers Wa:l paper—large variety—new designs— up-to-date—low in price— Canadian and American patterns,— unused rolls returnable if purchased from stock.—D. Murchis&s. Meeting or Musical Society , All interested in the celebration on 21th of May here are invited to a _meeting to be held in the Band Room on Monday evening next. D. N. Law- rence, Sec. Congratulatory. The Rev. J. L. Murray, M A., of Kincardine, has received the degrae of Doctor of Divinity from the Mon- treal Presbyterian College. Hearty congratulations are extended to Dr. 'Murray on the honor conferred upon him. To The General Public All parties wanting repairs on al: kinds of buggiee and wagons, will find it to their best interest to call on me as I will keep on hand first -lass material for repairs in iron and wood- Work- New tires, now finis and wheels, either eingle or in seta. Work guaranteed at moderate prices, and special attention given to horseshoeing. —Wm. Rivers. •' Street Watering, Mr. Jas. McCluskey was awarded tha contract of watering the front street, at the Council meeting on Thursday night last, for the sum of $149, and the sprinkler made its ini- tial trip on Friday morning. It was a welcome sight to the business men as the dust and high wind made 4 bad combination. Oildfellows at Church. The Lucknow Oddfellows will cele- brate the anniversary of the order by attending disine wership.in the Pres- byteries church in a body, on Sunday morning next, at 11 o'clock gene, when a suitable sermon for the occasion will -be preached to them by the Rev, A. McKay. The-brethern will meet at the ledge room at half past ten, and all brethern of the Order are requested to be present. Drill Prospects. .Coinmunications are in progress be- tween the Mayor of Walkerton, Mr. Ilenry Cargill, M.P., and the Minis- ter of Militia, relative to 'the holding of the annual' drill of the 32nd Battal- ion.in Walkerton. At first the pros- pects were not very bright, but Mr. Cargill writes to say that he has re- cently had a persons) interview with the _Minister and that the chances are .improving, A day has been fixed, when the Minister will give his tieal decision. CUBA MUST.BE.FREE SPAIN WILL NOT YEILD THE PRESIDENT GIVES TILL SATURDAY TO WITHDRAW THEIR TROOPS FROM THE ISLAND. Wm- has been declared. The Congress and Senate of the United States have passed resolutions declaring that the Island of Cuba must be free. A special to The Sentinel says that Preident McKinley has issued his ultimatum to Spain, giving lp.r till mid- night on Saturday to with. draw all her troops from enba Spain has refused. Her minister has left Wash- ington, and active hostilities may begin any moment, but war will commence in earnest Saturday morning, Newspaper Postage When the law iirposiiig postage on newspapers comes into effect,publisbers will be more cvreful about paying out cosh every w. ek to send the paper to deadhead subscribers. This clam of subscribers will receive their farewell copies on the 31st of January, 1899. It will be cash -in -advance or no paper after the eed of this year. • Leaving the Village. • Ince the ihutting dowu of the • tral Furniture factory, the laands .forinerly employed there are one by elm leaving the village, to seek em ,ployment in other places. On Mon- day morning last Mr. Alf, Davison left to work in the factory at Strath roy, and on Tuesday, Me. J. Fritzley, lef for Goderich, wherein has tecur- a sitastion. • Ft•rnov•d. begsto notify the general public th ts1 Ell'e purchased the entee plant lately occupied by the late Jas. Find - later where I have removed, and will he found prepared to do all its branches I • I have also secured the services of Mr. "Hurn, acknowledged as one of the best horseshoers -in the country Give us a trial. All work guaranteed and prices right. Wes. 'Moise. Arrested in Lucknow. Chief of Police Hoffman and County Constable Pratt, of Kincardine, came to Lucknow on Friday afternoon last and arrested a "gold" spectacle peddler on a "arrant charging him with steal- ing a gold iocket and. chain, from a man named Allin, of Kincardine. Ile was taken to. the Town Hall, when Magistrate Thomas Lawrence held a preliminary court and remanded the prisoner to Kincardine for trial. The prisoner is a big strong fellow, but on the plea of being badly crippled in the chest and side, succeeded in sell- ing several packages of needles, spec- tacles and other truck to our citizens before being arrested. • Death of John Falconer. Mr. John Falconer of CUII*088 died on Tuesday efter a short illness, aged a4 years. Ile had resided in the township for a period of 18 years. He was one of the pioneer settlers of Kin- loss township, settled on the boundary line east of Lucknow when that part was an unbroken wilderness. One by one the hardipioneers, who by their sturdy toil made this beautiful country what it is, are passing away, and ere long the last of them will have pawed over the border tiver beyond which lies another new country where the ring of the woodman's axe will not be liesrd, but where the men who braved toil and hardship in the woods of On- tario will enter into their reward.—. Teeswatsr News. • Married In Kinioss A very interesting event took place at the home of Mr. and Mr. George Taylor, of Kinloss, on the evenimg of the 13th. inst., when their daughter Miss Rachel C. was united in holy wedlock with James A. Prentice, of Pinkerton, Ont., Public School teacher. Quite a large number of invited friends and neighi'ors were in attendance. The presents were beautiful and use. lul. Miss Bella Taylor, cousin of the bride, and Harry E. Prentice, brother of the groom, were waiters. After the ceremony had been performed by the Rev. W, W. Leech, the company sat down to a most sumptuous supper and a very pleasant eyening was spent in the erj ‘yinent f music, and social intercourse. Inc uride and groom have the hearty congratulations and well wishes of a large eircle of friends. A Priceless Discovery "Soak and Swab" is an infallible, painless and non -pc isonous remedy for tho cure of cancer, cartilaginous, ulcers, ate., sore throat and a variety of skin diseases. It cures cancer in any part of the body where the liquid can reach it. Send for circular giving instructions how to use the liquid. Sold at 60 cents per pint and 30 cents per half pint bottle. McLeod's Labratory, Goderich, Ont. A large Funeral. The remains of the late Mrs. James Barnby, of Asheeld, a young woman 35 years of age, who died with dropsy, passed through our village on its way to the Kinloss cemetery on Monday lest. Deceased was much esteemed and respected by All who knew her and the funeral was one of the largest that'has been seen in the village for some time , Game Law Sxtraots ollowing are a few provisions of the Provincial game law: Bass, open season, June 16th tiApril 14th in the following year. Brook trout, May 1st to Sept 15th. Killing off fish by fire- arms is prohibited. Lake trout, open season, Dec. 1st to Oct. 156. Musk- rat, open season, Jan. 1st to May 1st. No muskrat may be shot in April. River trout, open season, Jan. 1st to Sept. 15th. Speckled trout, open season, May 2nd to Sept. 14th. Sun- day hunting and fishing are prehibited. Council Nomination. t the nomination in the Town Ism Thursday evening last, to fill the vacancy at the Council Board, caused by the death of the late Adam Thompson, the banns of Messrs. Don- ald McDonald, Samuel Robertson,' Jas, Lyons, Fred Grundy and William Allin were noininated for the office, All the gentlemen nominated for the office retired except Mr. D. McDonald, who was duly declared elected by ac_ clamation on Saturday last bY the returning officer, Clerk liugh Mosei_ eon. Fatal Runaway When Chas. Rolston, a former, living about a mile from Walkerton, was driving home on Saturday after- noon lasts his horse took fright at a bicycle, and ran away. Mr. Rolston and his son were thrown from the wagon and seriously injured about the heal. They were carried to a neigh- bor's house, where, though Dr. Stalker was called in immediately, the father died shortly afterwards without recovering consciousness The son will probably recover. Rolston leaves a wife and several small children. Presbytery or Maitiand. The Presbytery at its meeting at Lucknow, on Monday last expressed cordial willingness to receive jet° its care and oversight the Congregations of McIntosh and Belmore now in the bounds of Saugeen Presbytery and asks the Synod of Hamilton and Lon- don to intimate this tr the General Assemoly who has jurisdictio in the matter .f transference of tI4see COD- gregations. The Presbytery acceded to the petition of Chalmers church, Kincardine township, to be transferred to Bruce Presbytery subject to the approval uf the Synod and asks the Synod to effect the traesfers sought for. Rev. John Roes, of Brussels, and Mr. H. D. Henderson, of Whitechurch, are appointed to support these resolu- tions before the Synod of Hamilton and London, to meet at St. Cather- ine**, on May. 2nd. FlveCents —Five cents a roll buys a regular 7c glitter wall paper at Berry's drug and fancy good store. You may wonder how it can be sold at this figure Don't trouble yourselves. We struck a bargain by cleaning out all the factory had in these lines. You get the advantage. A Fine Stallion. Mr. Isaac Morrison, of this village will have charge this season, of the standard bred trotting stallion, King Eagle, (11834), and will spend one night a week at McDevitt & Heron's stables in the village during the sea- son. King Eagle is a beautiful bay horse, standing 16 hands high, and is a natural born trotter. Although he has no official mark he can show a mile in the neighborhood of 2:20 He Is of thorough Wilkes blood and traces his pedigree back to the best trotters in America. Intending breeders should see this horse. Official The latest edition of the life of Francis E. Willard, by Miss Anna Gordon (for 21 years Miss Willard's private secretary.) The Temperance unions of Lucknow wil; ieceive sub- scriptions for the above book, and those who subscribe will not tnly pro cure a Copy of the life ,of tIse most notable woman of the ege, but will help the local unions in their .work. Prices :—Cloth binding, $2.00; half Morocco, $3.75; De Luxe edition, $3.75. Names left with Miss Lou Campbell, treasurer of the Y's. Money to be paid when book is delivered Revised Weighs. The Dominion Parliment has enact- ed as follows:—In contracts for the :tale and delivery of any of the under- mentioned articles, the bushel shall be determined by weighing, unless a bushel by measure is specially ageed upon, the weight equivalent to_a bush- el being as follows: wheat, GO lbs; In- dian corn, 56 lbs; rye, 56 lbs; peas, GO; barley, 48 lbs; malt, 36 lbs; oats, 34 lbs; clover seed, 60 !be; timothy seed, 48 lbs; buckwheat 48 lbs; flax seed, 56 lbs; hemp seed, 44 lbs; castor beans, 40 lbs; potatoes, turnips, carrots, par- ssips and beets, 60 lbs; onions 50, lbs. The War Nowa. Knowing the great interest that is taken by our people in the war crisis at present between the Government of the United States and Spain. Tux SENTlexe has made special arrange- ments with the Great Northwestern Telegraph Company to supply us with the very lateet news from the Capitol at Washington, and during the past week our citizens have been kept ailuly posted as to what has taken place there fully a day ahead of the daily, papers. On Tuesday morning an ex- tra was issued from this office announ- cing the joint action of both tire Sen- ate and the Congress, authorizing the Pre.sideut of the United States to drive Spain from Cuba, and declaring that the Cubans must be free. WEST HURON CONSERVATIVES The annual meeting of the West Huron Conservatives,was held in fain- gannon, on Tuesday • afternoon. The following officers were elected:—Presi- dent, Major Jos Beck, Saltford; Vice - President, Dr. G.E. Case, Dungannon; Secretary, James Mitchea, -Gat erich; Treasurer, Dr. Bruce, Olinal Ad- dresses were delivered by Messrs. J. W. St. John, Toronto; Jos. Beck, Salt - ford; Dickenson and Clegg, Wingham; R. McLean, Goderich; Dr. Tennant, Lucknow and others. A resolution was passed that a protest be filed against the election of Mr. J. 1'. Gar - row, also claiming the seat for Major_ Beck. Queen's Birthday The recollection of last year's local celebration still lingers in the memory of ow citizens. It was undertaken on behalf of our Band on the shortest notice and because none of the neighboring towns or villages were having e The citizens rallied to its support and acheived as once a reputation and a success. Feeling that many hundreds of people from the surrounding country regretted that they did not attend laat year, our citizens are disposed to hold the anniversary again this year, and by beginning earlier, acheive if possible a greater success than last year. Our musical society poet, knoaing well the spirit of our people in matters of sport and inspired by the prospect of an event that may surpass the Jubilee, has either evolved or plagiarized the following additional stanza to our National Anthetn : THERE ARE N() F1.1Es coN us There are no flies on us, . No Get on us, There may be one or two, Ilorse flies on some of you. There are no flies on us. 4fs • No flies on US. We feel that the above sentiment will be accepted Wall who take part in this year's celebration. House Deoorations Berry the druggist has decidedly the best value in wall papers, friezes, ceilings and borders. Dont decide be- fore looking over his patterns, prices etc. Berry's (hues store, Murray's block —Some person has been enquiring of ap eschange, what the punishment is for a person who accepted a bribe at the late provincial election. The statute enacts that any person proven guilty of receiving money for voting must pay a fine of $200 or go to prison until the money is paid. —If you are going to lift your car- pet this spring it will pay you to pur- chase one of those patent carpet stret- chers from D. C. Taylor, for putting it down again. They only cost 75 cis. and they operate very easily, pulling the carpei tight, and holding it where- ! be ever you want it, you can do the work •d 1 in half the time and with leis injury R Lo the carpet, than in any other way, f 1 - WHOLE NO.124. LOCAL ITEMS — Fresh seeds at Harry Days'. —Very latest 1898 styles at Berry's drug store. —Always plenty of Salt at T. Agar's by the barrel. — The Public school re-opeaed on Monday last. —Watch the local beaded "To The General Public." —Mr. Jack Stratlidee wheeled to Ripley un Sunday. —Chas. Stewrrt, of Wingham, was in town on Sunday. --'Dunc' McAuley wheeled to Gode rich one -Monday last. --Gardening operations are decided- ly poFmlar at present. ith --Mass Etta Hall speat Easter w friends in St, Thomas. —Regular 7 and 8c wall papers for 5c at Berry's drag store. , —Trout lishiOg season opens one week from nest 'Monday. Mr. J. G. Anderson spent a few day est weak in Toronto. —Mr. Dave Lawrence was -visiting frit rids in Toronto last week. —Mrs. It. P. $omerville is visiting tier parents in Sbutliampton. ---- Harry White spent Easter at Delhi tile guest clf his brother. —T. Agar pap; cash for butter and eggs. He maket`that a specialty. --Mrs. J. II. Alexander, of Ripley, spent Thursday last in the village. —Mrs. W. }elvers, of Lecknove 1 visited relalives Teeswater lately. 4 —Miss Della allough, of Dungan- non, is the guest If Mrs. B. McClure. —The Kinloss Agricultural Direc tors meet in Lucknow on Saturday next, — Miss Madden, of Kincardine, is the guest of Miss Tena Lawrence this week. Wail Paper — Ceilings and borders to match all wall papers at Berry's, in Murray's block. —Two Gaderich wheehnen passed through town on Sunday last going to Wingham. • — Mrs. Curtaire of Ripley is %hiking her daughter Mrs. Alex. Davison, .of this village. — For first-class tea, call at T. Agar's. Teas guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. — Mrs. A. M. Armstrong purposes holding her annual concert about tke 13th. of May. —W. M. Corrigan, of this village, spent a couple of lays last week at St, Augustine. —Arrange to plant shade trees where they ought to be on the stree opposite your property. —Wheat again has an upwar tendency. This is good news to th fareser who hasn't sold, —The arrangements for the ce:e- bretion of the Queen's Birtnday ar progressing very favorably. —A couple of rooms to let, suitabl or dressmakers, Apply to James Bailey, Havelock street. —Messrs. Whalen, Lorne, Campbell McLean and Campbell, of Kincardine wheeled to town on Sunday last. —The Rev. Mr Hamilton, B‘ptist, minister at Wingham, intends resign ing that charge on June first next. —Miss Maggie Murray has returned rom visiting friends in Chathain, ac- ompanied by her eousin, Miss Angus. —The Salvation Army Marine Band with their instrumental specialties in the Town Hall, this (Friday) evening. —Don't fail to call on W. 'Rivers if ou want any fine repairing or wood ork done neatly and promptly. —T. Agar's is the place where you can get a first class tea or dinner set, lirnaen. y other article in the crockery —LOST.—Between the station and post office, a lyre off a band horn. Fin- der will oblige by leaving it at this oflice. —House and lot for sale or to rent, near the station, suitab:e tor a gardner, there being a good garden. Apply to Jae. Bailey. — Roller window elides in all colors at Harry Days' drug store. See what he has before purchasing. No trouble to show the lines. —Base balls, base -ball bats, catchers' mite, catchers' masks, and all kinds of sporting goods at Berry's drug and fancy goods store. —Decorations! ---Special terms to parties who are this season making extensive alterations and wall decor- ating. D. Murchison. "—Miss McCracken, of Blueuale, who has been visiting her sister. Mrs. S. McLean, for the past few months, returned home last week. — Seeds! Seeds! At Harry Days' man . el, carrot, turnip and all field and garden seeds. by the ounce, pound or package. — For sale! Shingle machine near- ly new, at a bargain. Six months tittle will be given. Apply to Mair tit Siddall, bankers, Lucknow. d e 0 — The blacksmith shop formerly run by the late Adam Thompson, is still open to all persons wanting black- smithing of any kind done. — Beautiful lines in wall papers, friezes and ceilings at lowest prices. Drop in and see what we have to show at Harry Days' drug store. — Councillor John N. Brown, of this village, had the side of his face and head badly bruised in a runaway accident on Friday morning last. —Mrs. Wm. Geddes will be at home to the members and friends of the W.C.T.U. on Tuesday afternoon next at 3 p.m All are weluome. —The Rev. 4eo: Bell, L L. D., for many years Presbyterian minister at Walkerton, died a few days ago in Toronto, in the 79th year of his age. — T, P. Smith, eye specialist, will at Harry Days' drug store, (one ay only) on Thursday, April 5ath, ooms 97a. the store. Examination ree, —Miss Maggie Handley, of Fergus, is the guest of Miss Etta Hall. —We see by the Toronto papers that our sformer townsman, Mr. Tim Kirk, is coacher and trainer of the Lehigh Valley University Lacrosse team. —Baby buggies' A,nice new line of baby buggies just received at Harry Day's, which surpasses all other years. Call in and see them. —The Bruce County County Coun- cil will not meet again till June. They appointed a committee of ten to con duct the House of Refuge burrineas in the interval. Don't be In any burry —Take a look around before making your purchases in wall paper this spring. If you can't save money by buying at Berry's drug store, we will throw .up the sponge. -Days' baking powder has stood the test for a number of years, and is considered to be the best. Put up in 15c and 25c packages. Sample package free. Try it, —Farmers say they never sawA clay land in better condition for *king thin this year. 1 he spring frost has pulverized the soil to the entire satis- faction of agriculturists. — If you have any defect in your eyesight call and see T. P. Smith, at Harry Days' drug store, on Thursday, April 2ath. Examination free, He will be here for one day only. — The Rev. S. Me Whaley, of St -Helens, preached two able sermons in the Lucknow Presbyterian church on Sunday last. The Rev. McKay took Mr. Whaley's pulpits at St. Helen's and Lanes. — If all the protests entered, or even one-half of them, come to trial our judgesi will have a busy tinie of it during the hummer. Sixty-three have already been emered, and there are more to follow, —Mayor R. Holmes, if The Olin - ton New Era, occupied' he pulpit in the Lucknow Methodist church on Sunday last, end his able and practical sermons were greatly appreciated by the congregations. —Mr. James Ross will have his wonderfully constructed cabinet on exhibition in Lucknow, on Friday and Saturday, April 29th and 30th. Look out for cut and further particulars in next week's Sentinel. —Mrs. t. Loscombe, of Sarnia, Pre- eident, of the Rebekeh Assembly will meet the sisters of Rebekah in their :odge rootn, on Thursday evening, April 28th, at 8 o'clock sharp. All members are requested to be present. • Baby Carriages —If newness of style, good work- manship, low prices, etc., means any- thing, you can't make any mistake by going to Berry's drug store. Their store this spring is full of the latest novelties at prices unheard of before in this ',lace. - —At the South Kiriloas manse on Tuesday April 120, Mrs. MacLenuan's Sunday School class gave her • pleas- ant surprise by the presentation, of a beautifu ' "Banquet Lamp," 11CCOM- pauied•by a nicely worded address to which she responded in suitable terms. —For rent: The two brick shops east of Mair & Sisidall's bank. One shop is suitable for a restaurant as it contains scales, soda fountains, ice cream freezer, show cast s etc , and also a dwelling in counecti )n. The other ig a suitable opening for a small business. Both shops are in good repair. Apply topics. W. J. Lead better, Lucknow. —Mr. Alf Davison, who has been for the past few years in the employ of the Lcrcknow Central Furniture Co., left on - Monday last for Strathrof, amid the well wishes of a large turremt of his friends, who went to the station to see him off. Alf was a general favorite aud will be missed among the young people of the village, and also by the Band, of which he was one of the strongest members. CREWE. Seeding has started Mrs. M. Shackleton is still ill. Miss Carrie McGrory is around again. Mr. Thomas Hussey lost a valuable cow last"week. Mr. Howard Durnin continues to take music lesson& Miss Deane Howlett has left for her home in Clifford. Mr. Jos. Griffin kill a large snake last week, seven feet nine iuches in length. Mrs. John Griffin presented her husband with a bouncing baby boy one day last week. We are glad to see Mr. Benjamin Thackaberry in our midst once wore. Welcome home Ben. The many friends of Mr. Hugh McGinty, will be glad to learn be is receiving an immense fortune, from the Emerald Isle. Good for Hugh. LANES Patrick Quinn is at present at the old homestead. Rev. A. McKay, of Luckncw, preached here on Sabbath last. R. D and W. P. Lane, of Kinleugh spent a few days with friends here. Mr. Kerr has secured a school bowie near Stratford and removed 'row here last week. J. E. M c Donagh aol Mrs. John McDonagh gave us a friendly call one day last week. The seeding is being rapidly hurried along and if the weather continues fins a great many will finish this I present week. I Miss J. McIntosh has been engaged as teacher for the coming term We wish her every success, and we feel sure if she receives the assistance and sympathy of the parents, she wig do good work in the 'school -room. Rev. Dr. Murray, of Kinetrdine will give a lecture here on the eveni sat the 20t1i of Ap.il, subject, "What mee SUITINCS. We are showing anice rani et Suitings and Pantings new up-to-date styles an qualities. See our t;12, $1 and $15 suits to order. PORTS', White laundried shirts it open and closed fronts, wit.' short bfidy, goodrquality and neat fitting. Colored laundried shirts in latest •style. SOO our special white shirt at 50c. HATS A large range of hats and caps, new styles and colors, excellent values in caps at '25c. UNDERWEAR Men's fine natural wool, Balbriggan, and cotton shirts and drawers. COLL ARS & TIN White collars .,,nd cuffs in all sizes. A special range of ties in latest styles at 25c. BRACES Special drive in men's braces at 10c. Extr% values at 25C, 35c, and 45c. R.D. Cameron raw in Italy." Local talent will render some musical selections. A good time and a profitable one is ex- pected. till weloome. LETTER OF CONDOLENCE. • To MRs. Aessi THOMPSON: DEAR MADAM : —Whereas it has pleased the Creator and Preserver of the Universe to sumner-... from this subordinate lodge to the supreme lodge on high, our brother and your dearly beloved husband. We desire to ex- press to you our heartfelf sympathy in this your sad and trying affliction and realise that it is the hand that has smitten that alone can heal; we would also express our deep sympathy for and continued interest toward your very effectionate fami y who have been deprived of a loving father. May God who comforteth them that are cast down comfort you and yours in this sad bereavement, enabling you by grace to say, thy will be done. TH08. LAWRiNCII, D. D. Yutae, D R. Marrows. Lucknow Lodge, No. 117, A.O.U.W. LETTER OF CONDOLiNCZ To MRS. TH08. MATTHIE: DEAR MADAM : —Again with feeling of grief, we &recalled upon to record • the death of a true and worthy brother Forester, a loving and kind husband, and ever christian and dutiful father, whose early departure from our midst we deeply deplore; but God' e ways are not our ways Our departed brother, Thomas Matthie, we will miss in our social and philanthropic work, he be- ing a zealous guardian and one of the formost in his natiye town and neigh- bor'nood to promote the laudible in- terest of Canadian Forestry in Liberty, Benevolence and Concord, where ever an opportunity offered to do good in the good work, and induce his fellow- men to make provision for life, and at death a recompense to the dear ones left behind. Dear Mada,m, we trust and pray that the hilo of Divine light will overshadow you and the children of our departed brother dur- ing your sojourn on earth, and be a lamp to your path to the glories above, where, a loving husband and father enjoy the fellowship of com- panions in the High Court of Parer dise. We know his home is fair, We know his joys are bright, Sweet peace in Heaven's air, A Forester's delight. • J. Scorr, C.D., D. D. YuLs, R.8., R. GRAHAM, Trelle. Court Shertvood. No. 50, C.O.F. BELFAST Mr. R. Bradford is very ill with pneu Goo. Nixon is also in a critical con- dition with the same melody. Mr. John E. Tom, 1.P.S., paid an official visit to our school on Wed. day. Geo. Durnin returned to Elora on Monday, Seeding is well along. Rad the weather been dry some would finished this week. CHANGE IN THE LAWl Some people are not yet aware that a change has been made in the laws relative to actions against municipal corporations on account of accidents due to defective or slippery sidewalks or- improperly graded roadways or im- properly protected culverts and ditches, etc. Formerly • jury could be bad in Pilch CUPS as it W8.8 'found that almost iiivariably sympathy carried away their better judgement and corporat- ions were very genentlly considered able to assist the sufferer and were assessed accordingly. Here -after such aottions will be held before • judge without the aid of a jury, and unless it can 1* shown that the officials of the municipality were culpably neg- ligent the decision will go against the plaintiff, so persuna injured on the streets or public highways should first weigh carefully their own ewe. of colegniatricobuntoclueysionaneg ilenwiithceourporstbenibefrPre: erfisiavh° have the finances of the monieilAliq at their back. It would be better to il and depsed on thimr fore!! lay the naatter frenkly .befinet councio bts. oh: rud nagerosnyneriaitay ithe ino ben icaweletAerted W mats.