HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-12-03, Page 3■ , t - .y""'•"'"�" ,W i .� � It all he kiss q DykeMUM I. were liuushinsktts - r Our faces would be (pin To feel once more upon shornIOLUG The cooling plash of rain. 0"When you realize that total � It ail the world were mama, Uar heart would of fs leng Bor ane sweat strain of wlipnce assets of over t'hi rty million To break she endless song.' RATES It life were always merry, 1 9 6 Our souls would seely relief 6 mill dollars are entrusted to the Hint t oa blliou estate of all the tem, sgefitcF FOR �/ ��y� � ��a R E g 000 , Arid +rest from weary laughter dent tea bilious diets of the ee tetu, "fif- t�fj (�,/, g@� 49 In the quiet arms of grief, I11zZlueas, Nausea, Aros'sluaas Aiatresa after ealueao a a a as custody of the Bank of _ eating,1atnlntto814.e &o, Wtitle Their ingot BA+El990 6 � � 911 � runarlcableeuccceatute'bcti:Rahowniucurlog j �t BD 9 8 Hamilton, you Will recog- TO LIVE L,ON4. n • The TIMES will receive subscriptions at rile rates below e laesdache, yet l"arter'e �ittlo Liver pilin are 6 ta;' n1Ze its position 1n �' In connection with the Iength Of . equallyvatuatlotnGoaetipation,curingnudprre + for any of the following publications • o - - • , venting this annoyln^tom Ialnt.whiletheyalao .,� mans lite comes the secret of attaining correct all dlsorderaot�thosiomach,Ottmu.atothe 9.60 public confidence. • • • • longevity. Sir James Sawyer, a noted liver ndregulate tbobowels. Uvoulftheyouly + Times and .Daily Globe......, oo,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Head Offica, Hamilton. p physician of Birmingham, England, has owed 11anu. + Times and Daily Mail and Empire...... ,, , , , , .. 4.60 Times and Dail World....,,,.".............M snaeutly being Calking to an audience in14 Y 3'35 that town on longevity, and he gives a Achotheywenldbentmeatpricelesetotbosowho Times and Toronto Daily News.,... , ... .., ...... 2.30 suIIerfrom thlsdistressnigeoml)laint; butforta. Pr number of rules which ought to be good natelythcirgoodness does not end here,andthese �. Times and Toronto Daily Star.................. 2.30 � HEN you know that this vast sum has been gradual] who once trythcrnwill lutthey cillo pi+ls oil- q. Times and Daily Advertiser........... .....este 2 211 i gradually tc go by. He disputes the old English able in somanyltiat$thatttcyv111notbewil- 60 idea that a cold di i ling a% But after allolckhead Times and Toronto 5aturda Ni ht ,... ..,....,, gathered from a small beginning, over thirty years p n the bath tab in Y g there must the morning is beneficial, and says thwt Times and Weekly Globe . ................. .... 1.60 r,go, you will recognize that,, back of it, a morning tub should contain water �, Times and Weekly Mail and Empire............ 1.60Ai be sound conservative management, to command such only as cool se the temperature of the is the bane of so many lives that here to where '1' Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star.,..,. 11.85 wemakeourgreat,boust. Our pills cureitwhile Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and body.. This, coming from a noted others do not. public confidence. Carter's Little Liver Pills aro very small and �' premiums .. 2.10 ' )? noientist, will be delightful information p • • • , • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • • • very easy to talo. One or ttivo pills make n does, 1rr many persons, beoause of the extreme They areatrictl vegetai;to and do net gelf�o or Times and Weekly Witness .................... 1.85 purge, but by their gentle action please all who 1' Times and London Free Press (weekly) .......... 1.80. When you know that the greater proportion of this money shoots to the nerves whioh is afforded by use them. g ( y) Y g p 1' + Times and London Advertiser 1.60 ' a very cold morning bath. The nine- QGExIB tdSDIOILTt tID., HL7P Y0118. ,I, (weekly) .. , , represents the small, regular, systematic savings of the farmer teen rules laid down by this physician + Times and Toronto Weekly Sun ................ 1.50 anti artisan --you will understand why this advertisement is ire; a �1 Doral :MAhioa, ++ Times and World Wide ..................... 2.20 + Eight hours' steep. '1' Times and Northern Messenger.... ........... . .. 1.35 inserted, soliciting your savings Account; and comprehend the Sleep on your right aide. THE GUESTS OF SLEEP. $' Times and Farmers Advocate .................. 2.36 reason why the Bank of Hamilton should be selected, as the best Beep your bedroom window t,pon all (Theodosin Garrison, in Century.] + We speoially recommend our readers to subscribe ; to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. bank to entrust with your money. night' Sleep at the Inn n' Dream,- 't' Times and Farming World. 1.75 Have a mat at, your bedroom door. A kindly boat he waits, .�. ` • " Do not have your bedstead against the And all night long a goodly throng'gi, Times and Presbyterian ........................ 2,25 wall Comes softly through his gates. + Times and Westminster ........................ 2.25 The absence of all display renders the Bank of Hamilton Times and Presbyterian and Westminster......,. 3.25 No cold tab in the morning, Ent a A varied company- Times and Christian Guardian Toronto .... 2.40 most acceptable to those who demand stability rather than display, bath at the temperature of the body. Soholnr and mown and king, �, p (Toronto) 3.25 in the Bank. they select for the custody of their money. Combined Exercise before breakfast. Or prince or priest, or great or least, .� Times and Youths Companion ................, He gives them welcoming. ,'p Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly)......... 2;90 %1• Eat lithe moat and see that it is well with, this characteristic, the absence of all unnecessary formality in For each he fills the cap +Times and Sabbath Reading, New York ......... 1.95 cooked, Where poppy petals swim, the opening of Savings Accounts, or the regular deposit or with- Vor adults: Drink no milk. Where'rom each guest at his behest Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)... 1. drawal of money, makes transactions with this Bank especially Eat plenty of fat to feed the cells Drinks deeply, toasting him.. Times and Michigan Farmer ...... on .......... 2.115 5 which destroy disease germs. And old men drink of youth, Times and Woman's Home Companion .......... 2.25 pleasant to the majority of depositors. Avoid intoxicants, which destroy And sad men of delight, Times and Country, Gentleman ................. 2.60 ; And weary men drink deep again -1• Times and Delineator..... , .................... 2.95 these delle.+The pulsing wine of light. Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine...... 1,95 _ _ ,. , c Daily exercise in the open air. .t. , The Bank of Hamilton invites and solicits your Savings Allow no pet animals in year living And poets drink of song, Times and Greens l+ruit Grower ................ 1,55 But best, and oh, most sweet, Times and Good Housekeeping .. , .. , ........... 2,30 Account. rooms; they are likely to carry about Above that brim where puppies swim .F , disease germs. The lips of lovers meet, + Times and McCall s Magazine .................. 1,70 Live in the country if you can. Sleep at the Ion o' Dreams- Times and American Illustrated Magazine........ 1.90 Watch the three D's --drinking water, A kindly host he waits, Times and American Boy Magazine............. Aud all night long a goodly throng Times and What to Eat ....................... 1.90 damp and drains. Comes softly through his gates. Times and Business Man's Magazine ....... ..... . 2.15 BANK- OF HAMILTON Have change of occupation. •h Times and Cosmopolitan ....................... 2.15 Take frequent and short holidays. .+i. Times and Ladies' Home Journal ............... 2.75 Limit your ambition. Free Courses at the o. A. C. •i 2.75 Seep your temper. -Exchange. Times and Saturday Evening Post........ , N WINGHAM BRANCH - C. P. SMITH, Agent. Daring the months of January lad Times and Success . .........::::::::::::::::: 2.25 February the usual short courses will ;l, Times and Hoard's Dairyman 2.40 �r��vrwrrrsptr�+av'e�v,rrvv�'v�rrv�n arr'VwiYNw''N'�„w�ai� p Witlgham. ,,®S Winl�llam Ont. T®A Ont. 10 gays 'COMMENCING 0 of Bargains SATURDAY, NOV, 21 The -following are fust Q a few of the many specials NP of this sale. 4 Only Men's Work Overcoats, regular $4.49 $11,00, sale price - - We want your produce, highest prices paid for all lines. T s A. MILLS W ugham, Ont. J DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,976,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $5,297,000 Total Assets, over 48,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal quarterly -end of March, Jane, September and Decem- ber each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager B, Vanstone, Solicitor. 9 TO THE PUBLIC We ale Agents for Parisian Sage, and We Unow the Guarantee is Genuine, Walton 8Ic8ibbon. Parisian Sage, the quick -acting hail ruetorer, is guaranteed -- To stop falling hair, To cure dandruff, To care itching of the soalp, To put life iato faded hair, To make harsh hair soft and luxuri. ant. To make hair grow or money back. It is the most delightful hair dreesinj made, and is a great favorite with ladiei who desire beautiful and luxuriant hair Price 50 dents a large bottle at Waltor MoSibbon's, or by express, all ohargei prepaid, from Giroux, Mfg. Co., For Erie, Out. A BANKER ON CIVIL LOYALTY. The Public Ledger, of Philadelphia, lately published the following letter by a banker of that city: - If you work for a man, in Reaven'e name work for him. If he pays You wages that supply your bread and butter, work for him, speak well of him, stand by him, and stand by the institution he represents. It you live in a city Iive for it; res- peot the power that protects you, that surrounds you with the advantages of advanced oivilizatfon, and that makes it possible for you to aohieve Thu beet regatta. e put on at the outario Agrtoultnral + Times and McClure's Magazine ................ 2.40 '1'i lollege, Last year nearly 500 men W. + Times and Munsey's Magazine .................. 2,50 ,(tended thele special classes, and it ,I• Times and Vick's Magazine .................... 1.60 a expe::ted that an even larger number & Times and Home Herald ....................... vill be in altendauce next January. Times and Travel MagaziLe.................... 2.25 + ; Tor these courses neither fee nor ,l, Times and Practical Farmer......... ..... 2.10 mamination is required. Each day of + Times and Home Journal, Toronto............... 1.42's ;he course is spent in prnotical work + Times and Designer ............................ 1.75'' [noluding the judging of seeds, ldentifi• Times and Everybody's ........................ 2.80 a cation of weeds, judging the various + Times and Western flame Monthly, Winnipeg...... 1,25 breeds of stock, taking part in demon- e- Times and Canadian Pictorial ................... 1.60 strations ill the mE:kiag and packi'ur of -dl, .��. butter, an I she Atnraue and marketing 3+• .t. of vegetables. An illustrated calendar -i- The above prices include postage on American publications to any •I' dasoriptwo of t•he various courses will ,'11, sr1dreps in Canada. It the TmiEs is to be sent to an American address, add bR sent r .invow, ou application to es 50 cents for posinge, and where .American publications are to be sent to P:•incipat C .-ITUKC. American addresses a reduction will be made in price, • _ • We enuld extend this list. If the paper or magazine yon want is not ia: • the list, call at this office, or drop a card and we will give You prices on the • Apaper you want. We club with all the leading newspapers and magazines. • When premiums are given with any of above pnpers, subscribers will ai A-1. � • secure such premiume� f�vhen ordering through us, same as ordering direct A. -1 s from publishers. • These low rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and are STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post • office or express money order, addressing N , TIMES OFFICE WINGHAM, ONTARIO. F>;, �1Niratwtawttitewtswtsssn•sMtnassaeseae,tsaswetrw►wtr•wwws•ss•M••aat►wy 3 only Men's Work Overcoats, regular 3.38 $ I o oo, sale price had to fed like one feeds a �� � � 5 only Men's Ulster Overcoats, regular $3.19 $8.50, sale price, - - - arms were so covered with • s 4 only Boys' Overcoats, regular $6.50 wanted for Wingham and ar'julu+ui sale price - - - -$2.98 bound up all the time." It. 40 only Men's Eur -lined Caps, regular 75c, 59c ' 1 sale price - - - - - Sault Ste. Marie. She adds: "1 Nurseries" 20 only Boys Weak Caps, regular, 5oc, sale �(�� While business in some lines may be price - - - - _ .7 ' You will find many other lines equally as good value during this sale, aged as regards fruit growing than at We want your produce, highest prices paid for all lines. T s A. MILLS W ugham, Ont. J DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,976,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $5,297,000 Total Assets, over 48,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal quarterly -end of March, Jane, September and Decem- ber each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager B, Vanstone, Solicitor. 9 TO THE PUBLIC We ale Agents for Parisian Sage, and We Unow the Guarantee is Genuine, Walton 8Ic8ibbon. Parisian Sage, the quick -acting hail ruetorer, is guaranteed -- To stop falling hair, To cure dandruff, To care itching of the soalp, To put life iato faded hair, To make harsh hair soft and luxuri. ant. To make hair grow or money back. It is the most delightful hair dreesinj made, and is a great favorite with ladiei who desire beautiful and luxuriant hair Price 50 dents a large bottle at Waltor MoSibbon's, or by express, all ohargei prepaid, from Giroux, Mfg. Co., For Erie, Out. A BANKER ON CIVIL LOYALTY. The Public Ledger, of Philadelphia, lately published the following letter by a banker of that city: - If you work for a man, in Reaven'e name work for him. If he pays You wages that supply your bread and butter, work for him, speak well of him, stand by him, and stand by the institution he represents. It you live in a city Iive for it; res- peot the power that protects you, that surrounds you with the advantages of advanced oivilizatfon, and that makes it possible for you to aohieve Thu beet regatta. e put on at the outario Agrtoultnral + Times and McClure's Magazine ................ 2.40 '1'i lollege, Last year nearly 500 men W. + Times and Munsey's Magazine .................. 2,50 ,(tended thele special classes, and it ,I• Times and Vick's Magazine .................... 1.60 a expe::ted that an even larger number & Times and Home Herald ....................... vill be in altendauce next January. Times and Travel MagaziLe.................... 2.25 + ; Tor these courses neither fee nor ,l, Times and Practical Farmer......... ..... 2.10 mamination is required. Each day of + Times and Home Journal, Toronto............... 1.42's ;he course is spent in prnotical work + Times and Designer ............................ 1.75'' [noluding the judging of seeds, ldentifi• Times and Everybody's ........................ 2.80 a cation of weeds, judging the various + Times and Western flame Monthly, Winnipeg...... 1,25 breeds of stock, taking part in demon- e- Times and Canadian Pictorial ................... 1.60 strations ill the mE:kiag and packi'ur of -dl, .��. butter, an I she Atnraue and marketing 3+• .t. of vegetables. An illustrated calendar -i- The above prices include postage on American publications to any •I' dasoriptwo of t•he various courses will ,'11, sr1dreps in Canada. It the TmiEs is to be sent to an American address, add bR sent r .invow, ou application to es 50 cents for posinge, and where .American publications are to be sent to P:•incipat C .-ITUKC. American addresses a reduction will be made in price, • _ • We enuld extend this list. If the paper or magazine yon want is not ia: • the list, call at this office, or drop a card and we will give You prices on the • Apaper you want. We club with all the leading newspapers and magazines. • When premiums are given with any of above pnpers, subscribers will ai A-1. � • secure such premiume� f�vhen ordering through us, same as ordering direct A. -1 s from publishers. • These low rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and are STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post • office or express money order, addressing N , TIMES OFFICE WINGHAM, ONTARIO. F>;, �1Niratwtawttitewtswtsssn•sMtnassaeseae,tsaswetrw►wtr•wwws•ss•M••aat►wy i1i iA viii tXi l9Iu:L..IN. .1:.1lbak q�3ise2u..:y1..1091,: ..IE IY.III. 1Y ►'i1-" There Is Mai e in FarMing If you keep posted in up-to-date methods and read each week the most complete and comprehensive MARKET REPOT TS ' which appear in WEEKI. SLIT. The Sun is the Farmers' Business Paper. Be sure you subscribe for The Sun to Ist January, 1910, in combination with THE WINCHAM TIMES, ONLY 10"L801 SUBSCRIBE NOW ••••e�Ha�ses�Rs+.�•+s•s•••+i ,l►.•+•e•�••:ss•••••+t•••.• COAs, COAL COAL. o We are sole agents foe the celebrated SCBA TON COAL, ♦. which tram no equal. AIso the beat grades of Smithing, Siannai and ! Domestic Coal, and Wood of All kinds, always on hand. We carry a t full stuck of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH (Dressed or Undressed) Cedar Fest;, Barrels, ate. + &V' Highest Price •said for all kiilndo of Lox%. -*a J. A. MeLeanw 116lideties Phone No. 85. +affioe, No. $4, Hill, Ito. 44, 9peKk well of it; stand by it; stand "Por three weeks I actually for ire civil and oommerciad nap• had to fed like one feeds a �� � � remaov. ec baby, because my hands and It pat to »pinch an ounce of loyalty arms were so covered with • is worttl a pound of olavetn.�eA. eczema that they had to be wanted for Wingham and ar'julu+ui If you mast vilify, condemn an.4 bound up all the time." country to represent "'Canada's Oldest and Gieale5l eternally disparage why reefgn yonr and the town, but as lorg That is the experience of Miss Violet M. McSorlcy of y5, Gore Street, position quit Sault Ste. Marie. She adds: "1 Nurseries" as you are a part of the oily do not could not hold spoon nor fork, From While business in some lines may be belittle it, finger tips to elbows the dreaded disease dull, farmers were never more enoour• If you do you are loosening the ton. spread, my finger nails came off and my flesh The itching aged as regards fruit growing than at drill that holds you to the community, was one raw mass, the present season. High prices for all of fruit have been obtained the and the first high wind that comes and the pain were almost excruciating. I bad three months of this torture and classes past season, and there is as a cousfqu along you will be uprooted and blown at one time amputation was discussed." once, an increased demand for nar- away and probably you will never know ., Zam-Bak alone saved my hands eery stock. why; such has been the experience of and arms. I persevered with it and in our stook is complete in every depart- the end had my reward. To -day, I am cl nding a new list of specialties went incl many Benjamin C. Watniok, Benjamin completely of every trace of th e dreaded eczema, and I fervently hope which aline handle. The right man will obtain a permau- Banker, Philadelphia, that sufferers from skin disease may for situation, with territory reserved Substitute Wfugbam for Philadel- know of my case and the miraele Zam-liuk has worked." ent him. Pay weekly. Free sample ont. phim and make a personal application of fit, eta. Write for partioulars. the resoription. P Zara -Suit is without equal for eczema, ringworm, ulcers, abscesses, piles, cracked STONE & WELLINGTON _1 hands, cold sores, chapped places, and all skis iniutica and disRascs. Druggists(8 Foothill N nteetietl and stores at so cents a box, or post ll acres Repeat it:-"Shiloh's Cate will ai• . free from Zar ls-Suit Co., Toronto, for TURONTO, Cexebe. ways care my coughs and colds." same price, You are warned against danterow substitutes soswtinm offered FARMERS �. ";est as Mood.,. snit anyone havingT Uvs stook or other artiolea 067 wish to d16 one ot, should adver- tine the same for Retain the TIMAs. Our Ihrge Andrea Fox. a traveller, who lived for a time in Toronto, was murdered at otroulation tells and it will be strange indeed if wecan'tguarantes Montreal, being thrown Out of a sleigh i EX lyoudyonotfletnowtomer. the ertiele sellYou wo tilt Send r stboot and dragged by an enraged cabman for than advertisementimimssto6i and tand through the strbets with the horse ga'+ __............ . pian of tar ot2hi - loping' nrtialew. i1i iA viii tXi l9Iu:L..IN. .1:.1lbak q�3ise2u..:y1..1091,: ..IE IY.III. 1Y ►'i1-" There Is Mai e in FarMing If you keep posted in up-to-date methods and read each week the most complete and comprehensive MARKET REPOT TS ' which appear in WEEKI. SLIT. The Sun is the Farmers' Business Paper. Be sure you subscribe for The Sun to Ist January, 1910, in combination with THE WINCHAM TIMES, ONLY 10"L801 SUBSCRIBE NOW ••••e�Ha�ses�Rs+.�•+s•s•••+i ,l►.•+•e•�••:ss•••••+t•••.• COAs, COAL COAL. o We are sole agents foe the celebrated SCBA TON COAL, ♦. which tram no equal. AIso the beat grades of Smithing, Siannai and ! Domestic Coal, and Wood of All kinds, always on hand. We carry a t full stuck of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH (Dressed or Undressed) Cedar Fest;, Barrels, ate. + &V' Highest Price •said for all kiilndo of Lox%. -*a J. A. MeLeanw 116lideties Phone No. 85. +affioe, No. $4, Hill, Ito. 44,