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The Wingham Times, 1908-12-03, Page 2
17 It THE WINGHAM TIMES, DECEMBER 3, 19U8 oumstaaoes, a reflection on our civil- TOWN DIRECTORY. 1rUTABLISHICD 1679 YOUR DANKER BE. tzInternational Newspaper TuE WiNno Tim. railway thee railway �athoritie$, that such one wanly say, not such a GINSWHEN YOUR episodes can be permitted to continue. • B."noT OHuao,,-, Sabbath servioes at IS PUBLIBHBD pp Who dare answer in the aflitmativ8 Bible Study Course. Ila 7 p m. Sunday Sohoolat VERY THURSDAY MORNING -AT- BACK AVDESe the question whether they are to be 9:80 p M. General prayer meeting „-AT_ allowed to go on forever? And it on Wednesday evenings. Rev. H. they are not, Is it not time to make a Salient Points In the Lesson 'for Snndsty„Dae. 6th, Edgar Allen, pastor, B.Y.P.U. meets T)ie Times Office, Beaver Block It L the First and the Sure Sian of be Given in a Series of Questions b Monday evenings 8 p.m, Abner Cosens WINGHAM, ONTARIO, ginning in a movement that ogles 3' S.S. Superintendent. Kidney Dttlease. aloud for a beginning to be made? Rev. Dr. Linaeott. MsrsoDIBT OHvsoa-Sabbath$Orvioem Tmaus or Sl BSCRIPTIox-31.00 per annum to The Province of Ontario pridesat 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at advance, sl.tio it not so paid. No paper disoon- (Regietered in accordance with the Copyright Act.) tinned till all arrears are paid, except at the p• itself on being in the forefront of the 2:80 p m. Epworth League every Mon- option of the publisher. Doan's Kidney pills advanced commonwealths of the SOLOMON CHOOSES Wlsnox -I Kings Are great men ever boastful; and to day evening. General prayer meeting AnvnRTlelxo RAT>re. - Legal and other sure the aching back by conn the Aching iii:4.15, true humility always a mark 0! great. on Wednesday evenings. Rev. W. oaenaladvsrtlsementsloeper Non riellinefor world. But in this particular it is by T g g g G. Howson, pastor. F. Buchanan, B.S. firstlnsertton, So per Sine for sac rabeegnent kidneys beneath -for it is really the kid• no means in the forefront. Some o1 Golden Text. -The fear of the nese? Superintendent. 1nAd errtisements in local oolumns are charged neys aching and not the back. the States of the American union- will Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. Verres 8.9.-Solomoa's chief desire to eta, per line for first insertion, and 6 cents PRr;sBxTti>sL1a' CHIIIiCH--Sabbath ser• per line for each subsequent insertion. They act directly an the kidnrye and be able to say in no long time that the Prov, ix:10. was to have wisdom So properly ad• ,rice$ at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday p AdvartisemQrets of Strayed. Farms for Sale make them strong and healthy, thereby dangerous level crossing has been Verse 4. -What is the chief depend- minister the trust committed to him; School at 2:80 p m. General prayer or to Rent,and similar, 31.00 for first three causing euro blood to circulate throughout abolished within their border. The once alike of a king and a citizen? what should be our chief desire? meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. weeks, and 25 cents for each subsequent in - ton. whole system. No matter how grave our res ousel• D. Perris pastor. Dr. A. J. Irvin, S.S. sortion, Mrs. Frank Foos, Woodside, N.&. progress of rnoh a change mart neoem• What cane the chief object of saori• p CONTRAOTRATne-The followingtabl•shows „ sarily be slow, but a start should be floes in those days? Was it to ap- bilitfes, or difficult our position, is it Superintendent. our rates for the insertion of advertisements writes he I was a great sufferer with g for specified p•rloda: backache for over a year, and could get made on it, and a start will never be pease God, or to develop a spirit of absolutelysure that God will give ns Sr. PAUL'S CHi7hWH, ErlsOorAL-Sub- nothing to relieve mo until I took two made on it until the Ontario Legis- giving to God; and did they have any in answer to the prayer, the necessary bath services at it a m and . p m. umn ----- i IFR. a . o. a . o. $8.00 bozos of Doane Kidney Pills and now I d• Sunday School at 9:80 p m. Rev. O. E. Hal t7o lura ti70.00 ;10.00 i1a.ti0 56.00 not feel any pain whatever, and can eat and lature takes up the matter. This very idea that it prefigured the death o! wisdom and facilities to successfully Jenkins, B. A,, B. D.. Rector ; Ed. Hautolamn__., .- 10.00 12'60 16.50 0.00 administer one trust? Nash flaerterColumn___ 20.00 11.60 7.50 1.00 sleep well; something I could not do before. 0080, together with the jury's recom- Jeeas. , S. S. Superintendent ; Thos. E. one Inch ------ 5.00 8.00 2.00 1.25 Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per box mendation, should be brought to the What are the chief benefits to the Should all men in positions of pub- Robinson, assistant Superintendent. Advertisements without specific directions Ho isnot feel their insufficiency and will be inserted till forbid and charged accord - or 3 boxes for $1.25 at all dealers or mailed attention of the Legislature at its next givers, of money given to the church, . SALVATION Aumy-Servioe at 7 and it ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid direct on receipt of price by The Doan Kid- reaeion. to miselons and to the poor? 0111 agon God a$ Solomon did? a m and 8 and 7 p m on Sunday, and for n advance. ney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. If the Ontario Legislature extended Which is the richer man and the one Verres 10.12. -Why did Solomon's every evening during ,the week at 8 THE vea Dr meat of sT i. stocked with an o'clock at the barracks. intensive assortment ie allot squall for n the substantial assistance towards the who has lived to most purpose, he who request please the Lord? ing, yfordtur nF,facout not equalled 1a the p t`p county for tnrnln¢¢ oat first claw work. Large TO ADVERTISERS elimination of any dangerous orosr• dies leaving no estate, but having give Does God today answer every true POST Orrld>9=Office home from 8a m type and a roprfate onto for all styles of Post - TO complained o! by mnaiaipal en to God's cense $20,000.00 daring his or wire prayer, as he did this prayer to 6:80 p m. Open to box holders from ere, Hand Wins, etc., and the latest styles of 7 a m. to 9 p m, P. Fisher, postmaster. oho loe fan type for the finer olaes•a of print authorities there would be little di!- lite, or one who diem leaving an estate of Solomon? ing. Not-ice of changes mast be left at this PUBLIC LtBRASY-Library and free H. B. HLLIOTT, $ Would not all public, and private, Proprietor and Publisher flonity in getting an order from the o! $20,000.00, and having given away reading room in the Town Hall will office not later than Saturday noon. g ' The copy for changes mart be left board of railway commissioners for practically nothing during life? eta and folly be prevented, it men only be open every afternoon from 2 to not later than Monday evening. the doing of the work. Let this bar- Verse 6. -Are each visions or relied upon God? 5:80 o'clock, and every evening from 7 rl P II mbar of , e D„ M.C.P. S. O. Member of the British Medical Aseooia- Casual advertisements accepted rep barons killing of people on the Icing's dreams, as Solomon had, unusual in What is some of the evidence, that to 9:80 O'olook. Miss Ethel Elliott, tion. Gold Medallist to Medicine. Special to noon Wednesdav of each week. highway cease. these days to spiritually minded peo• God gave Solomon great wisdom? librarian• attention paid to diseases of Women and Child: 8 ren. Office honra-1 to 1 p. m. ;1 to 0 p, m. ple? Verse 13, -If our prayers are for TOWN Couxcir-W. Holmes, ESTABLISHED 1872 Mayor; _ How could Solomon distinguish this goodness, and not greatness, to be Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve; David Bell, t ASKS US TO PRINT. dream from an ordinary dream? of service and not to be served, may Thole, Gregory, p tt McDonald Wm . DR. MACDON Centre THE WINUAN T[MESr �! g T Councillors; cl llors; J. Section, Geo. C. Henna, Does God still give his children a we depend that God Will give us Coanoillore; J. B. Ferguson, clerk and centre Street a. B. ELLIOTT. PUBLISHER ANDPROPRISTOD choice as to what they would like, or every other necessary thing, With- Treasurer; Anson Dalmag8, Assessor. Wingham, Ontario. Tells How To Prepare a Simple Mix- does he choose tar them? out our asking? (See Math. vl:31-54.) Board meets first Monday evening in ture To Oyercome Disease. It God does not choose for his child- (This question must be answered in each month at 8 o'clock. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1908. HIGHSCHOOL BOARD. -John Wilson, DR. AGNEW, To relieve the worst forme o! Rhen• ren, dose he influence them in their writing by members of the Club.) (chairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P. Physician, Surgeon, eta. matism, take a teaspoonful of the fol- choice, and what to the difference in Will every true Christian have all Macdonald, Dr. R. C. Redmond, J. A. DOMINION TRADE. lowing mixture after each meal and at the two supposed methods? the riches and honor,; that are good Office ore. Night loan over ed atth boon's bedtime; g Morton, O. P. Smith, W. F. VanBtOne. Dra¢Store. Ni¢htoallaenrwer•dattheoffioe. Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half Verse 6, -What help is !t to us, to for him? Dudley Holmes,; secretary. A. Oosens, The Dominion trade retnrne for ounce; Compound Sargon, one ounce; be able to praise God for the lives of Verse 14. -Were God's promises in treasurer. Board meets second Monday R ROBT.0. RHDMOND, M. R. C. S. (Eng) 1 Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three our fathers and mothersY this case conditional upon obedience, evening in each month. D L. R. C. P. London. October allow a total trade for the ounces. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD. - T. Hall, month of $57,238,33, as against These harmless Ingredients can be Do you think it probable that our and are they so conditioned in every PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. $58,962,256 in October last year. obtained from our home fnggI to' and fathers and mothers, on the other side, case? (chairman), B . Win. s,H. e, Imard,A ss, Lloyd,S. Kerr, Wm. Moore,Alez. Rose, Office. with Dr, Chisholm. For the seven months, from April are easily mixed by sh ng them well look book and see their sone and Verse 16. -Does communion with O N. Griffin. Secretary, John F. 10 to Oct. 31, the figures are: !n a bottle. Relief, i generally felt daughters here, and take pleasure in God always make us strong and brave Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. from the first few do . theirprosperity? and enerous? Meetings second Tuesday eveningin each 1908...........$318,406,985. This prescriptionf roes the clogged- g R. vANSTONH, 1907........... 891,623,419. up, inactive kt ueysf to filter and strain Verse 7. -Should we, like Solomon, Lesson for Sunday Dec. 18th. 1908-= month. Al e The imports in October this year from the bloWthe poisonous waste recognize the hand of God, in putting Solomon Dedicates the Temple.- HIGH ., princHOOLipal; TEAaJ.0. Sm. A. Tay, BAandComp SOLICITOR, RTC matter and uric sold which causes for, B.A. principal; J. O. Smith, B.A., Private ter Company lanes to torn at lowest amounted to $27,639,860, as against ns into our present positions? I Sings vitt. ' ' rete of interest. and sol ee, town end term Rhenmatiem, classical master; J. G. Workman, B.A., proy sty bought and col $31,924,815. For the raven months As Rheumatism is not only the most mathematical master ; Mien Helena Office, Beaver Block, Win¢hsm the imports have been $170,121,114, as painful and torturous disease, but dan• Dadeon, B.A., teacher o! English and against $296,395,835 in the correspond. Rerous to life, this simple recipe will Ly 1� `�-i �••� Li- 1 /�_ Moderne. ing period last year. The duty col- no doubt be greatly valued by many /� it i� ie'r ir- r PuBLso Soaoo . TnkornsRs.-A. H. J A. MORTON, looted was $4,283,122 in Ootnber this sufferers here at home, who should at Musgrove, Principal Was Brook, once prepare the mixture to get this TWEKTY YEARS AG61 Local History of the early 809. MiesReynolds, Miss Farquharson, BlissBARSISTHR, ego. year and $6,119,14G in October, 1907. relief. Items from the "Times" ivies. Wilson, Mies Cummings, and Miss Wingham, Ont. 10or the seven months the collections It is said that a person who wouldFraser. were $27,010,068 and $36,171,937 in take this prescription regularly, a dose or two daily, or even a, few timet a BOARD of HffiALTH- olmes, H. L. DfaxnrsoN DuDLai HoL8.xs 1907, a decrease of over nine millions. week, would never have serious Kid- (chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg- ney or Urinary disorders or Rhenma- (From the TIKES of Nov. 23,1888-) Messrs. McKay, Kent, Coad and Inglis cry, John Wilson, P.S., J. B. Wzga$on, DICKINSON & HOMES Siam. beat Messrs. McKenzie, Dinsley, Nee. Secretary; Dr. J. R Macdonald, DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURSD Out this out and preserve it. Good LOCAL NEWS. lands and Anderson by a 80ore of,, 14 to Medical Health Offioor. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. Rheumatism prescriptions which really Moxas To LOAM. by local applications, as they cannot relieve are scarce, indeed, and when you �• J. Coad, caretaker, !s laid rep 9. On Tuesday a game cane played be- reach the diseased portion of the oar. need it, you want it badly. with Inflammation of the lungs, and tween the Grits and Tories that result. Orrice: Meyer Block, Wta¢hsm. There is only one way to cure deafness, Mr. D. Showers is in attendance at the ed as follows: TAKE NOTICE. and that is by constitutional remedies. school. TORIES GRITS Deafness to caused b9 an inflamed con- THUS J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. dition of the mnoons lining of the A FAVORABLE OUTLOOK. We understan3 that it is the intention L. Lattimore, J. Inglis, That J. 8, Jerome, Dentist JV - to Eustachian Tube. When this tube ie o! the town council to take advantage J. Coad. W..Soott, making beautiful sate of Doctor of DanielSurg•ryoftheP•nnsylvania inflame yon have a rambling eo ube or teeth for eight dollars, and Dental College and Licentiate of the Be al imperfect hearing, and when it la of the late amendment to the municipal J. Dinsley, G. McKey, College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Ofioe entirely closed, Deafness is the result, From the United !States come fav- not, anti pass a by-law empowering the S. Sent, ski 17. J. Neelands ski 14. inserting the Patent Airohamber. All in Macdonald Block, Wingham. p P , P work guaranteed, and unless the inflammation can be orable reports regarding the resume- holding the nomination for councillors Mr. Macdonald has opened out a flour Office in Chisholm Block, Wingham. taken out and this tube restored to Its tion o1 industrial operation$. In Can- for the different wards all in the town and feed store two doors south of Mar. J, PRICE, B. S. A.. L. D. S., D. D. S. normal condition, hearing will be de- ads, while outward appearances are hall at the same hour on the evening of W. stroyed forever; nine eases out of ten ket Square. Surgeons of of the Royal College of Dental are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing probably less pronounced than they are nomination day. verity o of Ontario, end Graduate of IIni- bat an inflamed condition of the mucous across the line, largely because the de. Airs. Orr, !Ere. Buchanan, an, Moe. Smith v O f c of Toronto. surfaces, At a band meeting on Tuesday even- and Air. S. Smith took an active part ., offioe : Beaver stook. pression was never telt here to the same We will give One Hundred Dollars extent, a general betterment is never- Ing, Me, E. F, Gerater, an honorary in the Life Boat Crews concert on Wednesday evening. ALHa. fiHLLT, Wia¢ham, oat. for any case of Deafness (caused by member was elected business manager. W catarrh) that cannot be cared by Hall's theless observable. Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. This is evident from the Labor On. Mr. Joan Kerr has memo mammoth On Wednesday of this week Nies - LICHNSED AIICTIONEHB F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. zett's summary of industrial and Is. Spanish onions -one weighing 2 The Bella Dawson was united in marriage at For the County of Huron. 'Salsa of an kinds Sold by Druggists, 760. 5 oz., and four weighing seven and one- conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at Take Hall's Family Pills for aonati• bor conditions. It reports that the the residence of her parents to Mr. John Synopsis of Canadian Northwest the Time office will receive Prompt attention. weather was exceptionally favorable for quarter pounds. McLeod, tailor, of Newmarket, the potion. p the harvesting, threshing and marketing Mr. R. E. Jamieson, of con. 8, Morris, ceremony being performed by Rev. H. Homestead Regulations. of the grain crops, and the early date at left here with his family for Lyndon, mcQuarrie, NY even numbered section of Dominion FHANS MOCONNELL, THE DEADLY RAILWAY CROSS- which the operations became possible near Hamilton, on Thursday of this Mr. T. Bell and wife and Miss A. A Lands in Manitoba Saskatchewan and ING. Alberta, excepting 8 and k, not reserved, may Licensed Auctioneer for the tended greatly to linor ,ase the general week. Boyd attended the funeral o! the late be homesteaded by any person who is the sole County of Huron des - head o o a family any male over years of activity. The amount of western grain l. The lovers of the grand sold r0arin' Jae. Boyd at Ddit0h011 this week. Mr. acre to the extent of one-quarter section Is prepared to conduct auction sales of al ion of 100 criptions, especially farm stock and im le - Toronto Globe, forwarded up to the end of September game have been making good nee of Bo d died at the reeidenee of his eon acres, more or less, ments, in any part of the country, on reason - g T Application for entry must ba made in per• able terms. Orders lett at the Tine office was over ten times in excess of that son by the applicant at a Dominion Lands The jury Whish eat at Blyth f,0 in- their time, a number of games having John, near Belmont, and cane in hie 86th Agency or Sub-agencyfor the district in which will be promptly and cheerfully atteaded to. quire into the death of Mrs. Scott and shipped during the corresponding period been played on the river. On Monday, year. the land is situate. Entry by proxy may, how - her two boys included in their verdict of 1907 with the -'result that transports- ever, be made at an Agency on certain condi- tions by his father, mother, son, daughter, the finding that level 0raeafnge should tation employes had a very busy month• brother or sister of an intending homesteader. The favorable estimates made earlier A SURPRISED MINISTER. Daring October 500 oases of typhoid hom©s6o d st fee undo one�oto perform the Wingham General Hospital be abolished. It is a cheerful sign were reported to the Provincial Board plans: that public opinion to awakening to in the eeaeon with regard to the ex- , ` o! Health. (1) At least six months' residence aeon and (Under Government inspection) the thought that the murdering of tent of the agricultural yield have been For many years I have been a ant• cultivation of the land in each year for three �e largely confirmed; it is expected the ferer from bronchial catarrh, and had years. (2) A homesteader may, if he so desires, people at level crossings is not some- g y p despaired of anything like acme. Judge perform the required resideveedutiesbyliving Pleasant! situated. Beautiful fur• thing under which it is necessary the western wheat crop will exceed of my pleasant surprise when I first Toronto will receive between $48,000 thafarming rmieigy tan ore ed extent in he not lvtoiness niched. Open to all regularly licensed patiently and humbly to bow the head. 100,000,000 bushels, while the crop re- used Hyomei, which brought complete The terrible slaughter of that mother turns in Ontario and the eastern prove relief. Hyomei has been a veritable and $50,000 profits of the recent Cana- °cin s homestead. r point ownership in tan physicians, RATES FOR PATIENTS - The will show a large increase over godeend. Rev. Charles Hartley, Sar- than National Exhibition. (3) If the father (or mother, if the father is (which include board and nursing), $3.60 and her two son$ was, under the oir• dlnia, Ohfo. T deceased) of the homesteader has permanent to $15.00 per week according to location those for 1907. The crop is uniformly Ta, Ohi . of catarrh sufferers have residence on farming land owned solely by of room. For farther information, nalit him, not less than eighty (80) acres in extent, address of excellent quality. given rep in despair. They have tried < in the vicinity of the homestead, or upon a • A oar shortage developed in WOet- stomach doming, $holy, sprays and /� homestead entered for by him in the vicinity, miss J. E. WELSH, It Stops Itching eta Canada towards the close of the douches without success, and now be- HEADACHE enols homesteader may perform his own rest' Superintendent, dance duties by living with the father (or month and some inconvenience eced- and lieve catarrh to be incurable. • mothrr.l Boa 228, Wingham Ont. HEALS THE SKIN. lose resulted to cattle and rain chi But Walton DtloSibbon, the druggist, (4) r e term "vicinity" in the two prmore g p- holds out ho to all distressed. He !ng paragraphs ie defined as meaning not more It is because Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment � P than nine m11ot 1n a direct line, exclusive of possesses in a remukable degree the ability to pore Another important feature at- molls a remedy called Hyomei which is ® , the width of road allowances crossed in the RAILWAY TIME TABLES. stop itching and heal raw skin, that it has ba. feotin labor was the Increased notiv- guaranteed for catarrh, colds, coughs, measurement. g bronchitic asthma and crop ai A homesteader intending i perform his RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTHM, come known the world over as the most suc- ity of railway construction in western ' p• whit eneo duties to accordance with the above _ eessful treatment for such �eascs of the iiia Hyomei (pronounced Ie healthy ie while living with parents ti on farming land TRAINe Laapir TOR as eczema and salt rheum. Canada and elsewhere along the line Oi medicated nit, fall of the healthy vlr- owned by himself mutt notify the Agent for London the Transcontinental Railway. This toes of the mountain pines. You ,' , the dtmont of such intention. Toronto& East ne..11 57 a.a.m.. e.ls a.m_ _ 2. Any one who is familiar with the Gfe of , , Six months' notice in writing mnat►be given ginoardlna..11,67 a.m... 1.08 p.m-- o.ibpm Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous Receipt Book absorbed a large amount of workmen• breathe in the delightful antiseptic air, to Commissioner f amt iss intention of apply for on Lands at ARRIva raox knows that few physicians ever had and as it passes over the inflamed and Kincardine __e.4oa.m_1l.00a.m__ 8.40 p.m, author, p y The manufacturing industry and the germ ridden membrane, it allays the W. W. CORY, London.....__.._.. ii.64 A.m_. 7.85 p.m. such an opportunity of becoming acquainted building trades also showed a marked inflammation kills the germs, and Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. Palmerston....----- 10.80 a.m. with the most e&echve medical treements, en3 ' N.B.-Unnatkortzed pp.blication of this ad. Toronto Ib Hast.......... 2.08 p.m.. - 0.16 p.m. nothing that the doctor aver put his tame to improvement. Coal mining in Nova drives out the disease. vertisement will not be lsaid for, L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham, has been so marvellously suceenful as Sootia slackened somewhat, but else. A complete Hyomei outfit, including a hard rubber inhaler, coats but $1.00, 4'YANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAi. '��""�� A ��% ! where the industry has prospered. What Medical SMI 'Could N� IDs T AINEEast---- LEAVE -6.5 nos �J�'• A. • I • �h� .ci and an extra bottle o! Hyomei, ff after- Toronto sad Haet-0000. _ 0.55 e.m,,.. e.89 P.M. The lumber trade wan dull, and the warda needed, costs but 50 cents. See Waa Accomplished with Teeswater--__,.-- 1.10 p.m -_10.08 p.m, Ointment out during the coming winter will be Walton MoSibbon about it today. eRRlvs raoic `! . Teeewater_-.___....•.6.66a.m.__ 2.39 p.m. considerably below that of last year. _ Burdock Blood Bitters.'OUTSIDE Toronto and UB _ �_i, 10 p,m__10A8 p.m, You can prove this absolutely in any we The number of men engaged in the J. H. BBEMBR,. A¢ent,Win¢ham. of eczema. After the first few appU"oat Police Magistrate Moore, of Senora, If you are troubled with Headache do not ADVERTISING the wretched sag fag, kchinmu g ssatiaare wood@ and the rates of wager paid has been ewepended by the Government, heeit'te to we B•B.& It is no new pro- rclieued, and gradually and naturally the raw show a considerable diminution. Im• duct, of unknown value, but. has an estab- Soret become smaller and smaller arta( the lished reputation. e entiteI disappear, 60 cis a box, at alld� migration returns continue to show a ors ovNmataon, Bela & Co. Toronto, pronounced decline compared with Thomas and Milton Crozier, sentenced ouul.o $nor 1#IORK. Ordern for the wanted, of iadvertisementsasschances, Chamberlain s "]disc Mortal Wright, linaiso, N.E.. writeas such as teachers wanted, bntineee ohanoee, Mr. HirriulFrey, Norwood, Ont, writes: 1907. Domestic trade was for the most for counterfeiting, will have a new meohanioewentecl;artiolesfor enle, or in fact- Cough Remedy I was slur and ran down, would have Head- an mechanics kind of an advt.ed,'a to any or the Toronto or fact; w "Far ten yeah [had eczema bre Delo leg• part stationary; as soon, however, as trial, aches, a Miter teete in my month, floating other city papers,'may be left at the Tlitae 'The i[chssg wutorriblo sadwhea I scratched spooks before my eyes and PeOre in.my book,. offioe. This work will receive prompt Attention the cash returns of the crops reach I was not able to do any yhhouse work at all and and will save people the trouble of remitting lis UtiaQUALtiD Ir nnot �'� � flow. I � of pa the producers' hands an Immediate The Brantford Power Committee doctorenot me fent at saw I was getting no help, ra� and be quoted forwar on alpphoation. LLeays anticipated, war. eleotrio and on the advice of a friend I got three or sendyour next work of this kind to the Coughs, Colds and CIr'fltip. Chatrttaq sad its peuwtant tun tool increase in the bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters and they. q,.,e's ' pa general movement im has decided to favor of Hydro• efrooted a oomplow aur. . T1, XES OFF10t, WILUNhu>dl S HERE'S A SAD STORY - I lately bought a suml3wr sult The clerk, n Person TWAA acute, Declared that It was s.unnfut:• The cut was strictly up to date; The fit, I thought, was shnply great; The cuffs were boys to contemplate. The pocket saps were cunning. I went to call on Mary, dear. I said, "1 certainly appear As fine as anybodY." The finish 1 recall with pain. It presently carne on to rain. I shelter sought and sought 1n vain. Alas, those clothes were shoddy! They shrunk to half their former Alta My anguish I could not disguise. And now for that bad ralment That looked so swagger and so smart. Although it wrings mY very heart. Iror months I'll have to net apart To make the woakl-Chemo News. Nothing Doing. The Boy -Gee, but dere's no plea" dis generation of goes. I've et a pound of dirt, Nvlggled me ears an' stood oto me head till I'm blue In d• faces stn' nothin' doln'1-New York World. The Limit. A bridge playing set at an eastern university who usually tumed night into day used to appear at morning chapel with remarkable regularity and were pointed out as an example by the authorities. An alteration was made in the time, chapel not beginning un- til thirty minutes latter, and the dean was nstounded to see that none of these men, so regular before, was pres- ent. He sent for them and asked the reason. "Well, sir," said one, "Lt's like this: When chapel was at hal! past 7 we could just manage it, but we can't keep awake Oil 8 o'clock."-Harpees Weekly. No Food at All. "Lady," began Hungry Higgins, 'Td thank yer fur a meal." "Ah!" exclaimed the bright house- keeper. "You're one of these after din- ner speakers" "Not exactly, lady, or I wouldn't be so hungry. I ain't got so much ag a chestnut about me."-CathoUc Stand - ani and Times. Quite Essential. Towne - I believe Subbubs hag bought a house boat. Browne -The ideal I didn't think he could afford such a luxury. Towne -Oh. it isn't a luxury, but a necessity. I believe he has to have It to get from his house to the Swamp - burst station when it rains.-Phitade!- phia Press. Reposeful. "Policemen's uniforms should be more comfortable," said the eonsider6 ste citizen. "Yep," answered the man who comes from a . town where the police are eriticfsed. "We think ours ought to have pajamas and moegatto bars." Washington star. Poor Umpim "Look at the umpire(" exclaimed the tall men in the bleachers. "It is so warm he Is the color of claret." "Chwett" laughed his compantom "Tben let's bottle him." And a moment later the bottles be- gan to fly from all directions, -Detroit Tribune. Frozen Sentiment. "Here's a fellow who thinks he bass discovered that love stories never start In the winter time." "That's easily mlderstood. It would never do to say the heroine had cold feet and that her nose was blue from arrested circulation." -Cleveland P1srin Dealer. An Observant Most. "Yon don't seem to have as mach call for hammocks as you used. W said the regular boarder. "No," answered Farmer Coratoss eL "I guess times has been too hard foe am stockings this Bummer." --Wash. llngtoft Star. Educational Item. City Cousin -Let's [fee, uncle, didn't Bella graduate from the norma1 school this year? Uncle John --Yep. But from the Way she's been actin' since she got home 1C the farm I reckon it oeghbes be called the Abnormal school- NmL To Maid Himu l7en-what's a beautiful soMfte Dkk gm Yom I wonder It vets lona* gocW he ft X do. �M's why I made him gwe ase latish an expeno3.er Tribane. Ptormslba K DaMosed Yom ftugbher ass gatt>g t& marry a rites maw - Mo did we, bat We have •found thea be L oW rich in expedeam L' ow �41"h-C�tO BzcoctdrH,erald. mss, aTrdt3 Mwltovurrylft A of y�ddoe. M, w ' wo 4-1. All N4 [. 01