HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-12-03, Page 1ss� rxA ;k'l GHAMI: HE WIN 'S1 VOL XXXVII.--NO. 1921. WINGIIAN, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1908• $1 ,A, YEAR IN . ADVANCE Wln ham Greenhou Y. M, C. A. Concert. An Eloquent Proration. Municipal laminations. NORTH HUR LIBERALS. g SeS The T. M. 0, 4., c -neart to be held Liberals of"Sootland and of Dundee, Three weeks froze Monday—Deotrn- CHRISTMAS SPECIALTIES: in the opera bonne this Thnrsda I have two words to is t• on—dila• bar 28th will bo muAoi al nomination P ( y) � y � P Tho annual mea ng of the Worth Cut Flowers and Floral Designs evening promises to bt:largely attended. genoo and daring, Lei them be our day in the differen. m�snicipdiitier'in Huron Liberal Aeao lation will be bold The programme will i b one of the beat motto for the year t at Is to came, Ontario. In Wing Ism we hear no in the Town Hall, p am, oa Thnrs• Funeral and Wedding Order, xe- ever presented to a VF =nKhnm audience. Few and evil are th � days of man, rumors as to who wil fill the municipal da December 17i oommenoing At j ��p��y c oeive.prompt attention. y, Lo ♦• nay s The proceeds will be 'Reed in purchasing Soon, very, very moon, we and our uf• offices for 1909. Goo men are needed g o'clock p,'m. Oil} art for she ensuing PHONE 101, supplies and fixtures f it the Y. M. C, A. fairs will have vxnishod. Uncounted for the different positio 9 and nomination year ark to be el ted and , Veneral Taill'oring A Ch• rooms. Your attenda ice at the concert generations will trample heedlessly dby should bring out t o'good material. business will be tr acted, All Liber - ristmas will assist the work of the Y. M. C, A. upon our tombs. Wl at is the use of The retiring Public So ool Trustees are als are cordially fuvi ed to this meeting. GENERAL LOCAL NEAPS. in Wingham. living if it be not sosietimes to try to Messrs, H. E, hard, . Jenkins, A. E, Remember the da a -Thursday, De• do fine thing if it ae not always to Lloyd and Theo, Hall, all of whom are camber 179h. Chocolates ' spear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers New'line of popular books just reeeiv. try and mak this n.nddled world a eligible for ra•alactio It w1A also be ed at the BIG BOOK STORE, little better p, fo those who will be nocessary to elect a second Trustee come after us? He else can we lint for Ward 3, owing t the death of Mr, is what you invariably get FANCY BOX Reduced Rate to Chicago. ourselves in harmoni us relations with H. Kerr, EAST HUROf� LIBERALS. g when you leave your LARGE VARIETY Lighting Pant Pays the great verities a the consolations — ALL PRICES' Daily until Dec... 4th, fi e000unt of Orillia municipal lighting plant ie ( The annnal metfothe order for clothing at t111S International' Live S ok Fapoaition. of the Infinite and ternal, and in the Good advice re Read Read car adv. of East'Huron . Store. FRESH GOODS Tickets valid retur n from Chicago paying and at n ape tai Meeting o1 she future may feel the we are marching ou peso 6, WIL S� Co, Liberals as set off Commons will g g Council on Monday prices for lighting toward better day ? Human' -will be held in the Town• Hall, Brussels, on until D'eo, 12th. F 11 information from "✓ Clothes bought here are Have a look at our window � g were reduced. For esorea,'reduced from not be heartlessly o et down. We are Tuesday afternoon 'if next week, De - Grand Trunk A en s. display. Call in and inspect. 28o to 18o per Is p s month. For going on. We have eon going on, and Special Servic s Concluded. ,ember 8th, at 1 30 o clock. Election of g�laranteed t0 fit Well, Any goods put away on request till ) houses 20o to 18o a onth. This is for we are going to go o . We are swing- The special ev�ngelistio, services officers, receiving t le Tra7asurer'a re. loop Well and wear Well Christmas week, Drink Chrietie's Tens. 24-hour power ev y day. Last year ing bravely forward along the grand which have ,been n progress in the port and other busi;,eas will be on the —and they do. Oriilia's plant mad a profit of $10,000 high road, and if here is darkness Methodist Church, !Aare concluded on program. A good mtendance is &eked Killed at Henfryn, after meeting all harges, which was about ns, noverthel a over the tops Sunday evening lnat, when the Rev. G. for. The Municipal ties interested are Walton On Saturday las Dr. Kennedy was applied to the redo tion of taxes. of the mountains th sky is already R, Turk, evangelist, lelivered his clog• Howtek, Wroxeter, Turnberry, Wiug= McKibbon' called to Henfryn tI hold an inquest in bright with the prom'se of the dawn, ing meaeage to a very large congrega- ham, Enet Waw4n•eh, Blyth, Morrie, the sago of the late Mrs. Savage, who [Winston Chnrohill fit codes.] tion. The labors of t=ie evangelist dur- Brussels and Grey. THE DRUGGIST Wingha Curlers. in the was killed by the G. T. R. passenger q past two ,eke have been The Wingham nrling Club has been appreciated, and can of Sail to be pro - Macdonald Block, Wingham, train, at that point on Friday night. A reorganized wit the following offs- Heating coal' stove, n ar new; for ductive of good result A handsomesum jury was empanel>d and after viewing sale cheap at 9. GR 's furniture CHURCH 7pTE5, the body an adj iurnment was made oars:—Proaident, A. D4. Crawford; store, was presented to Mr, ark as a thank- - Viee Provident, m. Holmes; Secre• offering, prior to h e leaving for his — until this. afternaa at four o'clock in Linolenma at coat at the BIG BOOIi order to secure fu: ther evidence in the tary, . B. Coo h ane; Treasurer, F. STORE. The entire atook most be clear- home in Toronto, wh re he will spend a Rev. D, Perrie pr :ached anniversary / case. Peterson. The curlers have not yet ed out, few days before to ing up his work sermons in the Presbyterian Church at Lebeen able to makE;arrangements for the again on the Oharing Croas circuit. Gorrie on Sunday Let, Rev: lsir, Deb- ase of the rink;aui there is a possibility son of Gorrie, ta:;in Mr, Perrie's-Good advice re �h ea d our adv. Early Christma Shopping. � B on page 6. WILLIS that we may not : lave any ourliug this work here, winter: The ma lovere'of the roarin' With Christmas ee than a month Raw � Fulls.—We wont 1 kinds di dame would be st without, this ver away, store winds taking on their YaW idra, for which 11 pay highest Communion cervi: a will be held in y cash rices. GEo. E, KING. Box octal. holiday attire, shelve and show Deese P St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church popnlar.gama for ue sinter. We hope • . Men's A boa social nn er the auspices of to see arranReme tg made for rho nee laiden with choice code suitable for next Sunday morn g. The prepara- Mans Furnishings 1 ' Holmes' Union Su day School will be of the rink and ant the game may be gift -making, the Oh tmas trade may New Kind Certificate. tory service will bd Held on , Friday { It held in Holmes' Se 9oo1 House, on Fri- popular here this inter, be said to be fairly a mmenoed. Real- School trustees a .asked to take note afternoon. 111 all kends izin the foil • . that beginrmg w h the, year 1909 a The anniversary sewioee of Wingbam day, Dec. 11th. Ai excellent program K y of. lata buying in other. t is being prepared : ad a good time is t adds, many `citizens ave adopted the new kin of thir class certificate will Methodist- Church wi l be held on Sun- Good advice re shoes, Read our adv. admirable rinci le o havin their fto C r expected. Don't f rget the date—Fri- on pa;{e 6. WILLIS & Co. ..,principle K , gl- be issued, and, t •same is much in- day and Monday, Dom. 13th, and 14th, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, day, December 1 h. P,ogramme as, 4aid assay early, thus avoiding the, late ferior to 3rd olass ertifiumtes previously Rev, Dr. Dougall, • if Goderich, will Collars, Underwear, etc. Piotecttitiw priceless 8 o'clock sharp. Admission—Ladies rush conaegnent np u leaving o8 the issued. It .corres-ionds , to the former eogdnet services on 'unday, and a ten - Farmers' in titute Meetings. -Aho in • diatriot: c8rtificati, Itis intended only meetingand entertain ant will be held The very newest of new . ®W can 1 we advise Query- bringiuq'boxea fro Gents 160. Price - g shopping until a rev days before Elie one who has any EYE 26th. In the as TROUBLES to come to us of boxes, 20o. The directors i the West Huron past tears many people' ,for the , disLriote and we,a'k' bounties of on Monday evening. A , good rb- �y.e at once and lot us tell you Farmers' IDetitn have planned the have learnt to their coat that eleventh- P -goods are here. ,ii where the trouble is. P Northern and Extern Ontaro, and are gramme is being arranged for. Room, in Macdonald block to rent, work for the co ing winter and the hour baying is not al 1ne an nnaatiafac- • not.valid.in Hn n county.. It js eon - y. Eyes Tested Apply, to DR. MACDONALD. meetings will be Reid as follows: Rog- 4ory'prooednre, but ciecidodly annoying, Rev. W. G. Howe n, pastor of the Come in and have a look, YO�i All the choicest oo are } trary to the re elation for trnstees.to Free ular meetings in 'January at Auburn 8 poked over Methodist clutch m tie 'eapootod to and man of make. engageme to with these teachers Eyes' a� . and Bintail; anp-3lementary Meetings 9 the mole desirable ''articles occupy his own pu pit next 8anday, +p�� ( Choir Ent and also contras to the re nlationa for andsp ectgcles fitted chosen, clerks aro a rworked- and eon• g preaching morning an evening. Sab- to all sights. We in February at Londeaboro , Holm g R g. • g The choir of St Andrew's Church, each teachers t apply for schools in test each eve gaper• villi; i3enmi17er, `St. Augustine, St, sequently nnablo to ive rho close indi- jeers: 11 a. m„ "Th old, old, story can and fit i with Wingham, will ,en ertnin their friends vidnal attention der ordinary this county, wit out special permission. its propos glass, so we can suit all difficult Helena and Dan ;annon. The oacaot y sir• with variation,:" 7 P. ,, "The Secret ` cases. Lot us suit you too., in the lecture rooi i of the church on onmatanoes, while the o A board of true ees .which is unable to Tuesday evening, 8th fast. A dates, 'will be Ain iinnced later, For j stung in the of the smooth • bro :" Iuteraeting � g, good earns, a let o 2nd these teacher shall r i the snpplementar meetings it. is crowded aisles of a largo ,tors is not services, and a real woe oma for all, W A L L �i S musical ssi progrsmm; will be given. No make o be oat' to the inspector on nW to �`Laa i.J hoped that Dna of the 'dehjggtes will conducive to ono' nerves, Altogether, The mambos, of the A. Y. P. A., of � admission lea wil be charged, but a farm to be obtained from him, for per- DRUG STORE.be 'a lady who ea give assistance in the lets shopping &bit, leaving off buy - an St. Paul', church will h ld their regular collection will be t , the proceeds to mission to employ u tesoher with n developing the omen's Institute ing until the 1 t wee during the meetin u be need to 'ung eating the musical limit third of ae certificate, as these K ext Monday a ening, Dec. 7th, , work. So far as osaible the services Christmas season, is vexatlone to all and when Dr, Matdona) CSC I �T T�tIL�1� library. A eordi welcome is extended new certificatof Wire to be called. The d, _ ill deliver ,his to all to attend, of local men will b secured to help in ohonld be avoide as much as possible. inspector, if h3 approves of such ap- lecture on. "Scotland,' Illustrated - by AND Ritchie cosens making the vatic meetings interest, any hold bac , thinking that they views. The lector? p coation, eha:l forward it to .the X11 commence at_ s ing and instructive will procure sorts n articles cheaper "at 8 15 �E1� S FURNISHER Order your copy of the Christmas minister of edn ;&tion, giving hie roasona • p, m., in the, �4111s Memorial, Earl, the, Inst minute, but they almost in- All are cordiale we' ome. A silver REAL ESTATE &INSURANCE. Globo at the BIG Boost STORE. 4 . for his npprty 1, and submitting along y variably find that they pay even higher We are ready for immen business in with it the i aeher's certificate. A eolleotion will be taken up on behalf of priori, not to ape of, being forced to Christmas fototwoar, a and Sao our teacher holding his grads of odrtificnte the A. Y. P. $. • Good Wo in Wingham. display, J, GREER. make their select' na,from a repoatadly WINGHAM Farm PYO erhie$ moat not'appl for "achoole in this On Win ham distri t, in`ocnneo4on" h2r. R. B. Har is, organizer for the •• pioked•over stook A word to the wise Wing ham without rat cousulting the in- with• the Methodist hurch the first �USINESS COL LEGE his wok here o o Friday a completed is sufficient, Sh pearly; boy, now. sector and obtai ing•from him a list of his work here on Friday evening last. Wedded a Toronto. 1 P three Sundays of 19 ivi11 be devoted Some exceptional values in � � the schools in the inspectorate for which espeoially to missiona y effort on every Most modern and popular Busi- At the regular eating of the Court The 'marriage Mics Jessie E. mess school in western Ontario. farms. If you want one it will A pair of our ladies han�so a Dress limited thirds m y 'be engaged, No charge of the distrio ; mud a systematic widely experienced, broadly held that evening.aeveral new members Gray,, daughter o Mr, John Gray, Shoes or our alt ant ire would pay you to see us. , K suchteacher shal sign an agreement plan of operations s been arranged. eta catThe s9 onymiofastu Dress were admitted, • dr. Harris done excel- (ween a Park aye e, to Mr. W. How- make a Christmas gif that would y A neighboring Graduates eminently successful. The good old Province of Ont- with an board trustees until hie avis is all right, lent work during his stay in Wingham and Waram was lemnized Wednee• delight any woman, W. J, GREER, g g pastor will take the first certificate hag be made valid for its The very 'essence m modern, increasing the m= mberehip of the local day morning as ,kine Presbyterian Sabbath a services, n aym&n the second living business systems. school by the min ter of education. Sunday and the loo 1 pastor the third, Court from1268 ti over 326. Organizer Church by Rev. camas Murray, The Ma uire Gdlden Wedding.Stenography,Telegraphy Harris will alwa,-a be welcomed back to bride was given• t•aay by her father, g 1• The Missionary givi ge of the District The Edmonton 3nlletin of November for last year (includ ng the W: F. M. S.) and Commercial Town Properties Wingham and t e local Foresters will and wore a taitore z snit of blue broad. Dr. Ovens, Oonlist, London, Surgeon not soon forget ie good work hero, cloth and picture fat to match. Mise 21st, reports the poldeu wedding anni-, Eye, Ear None find Throat will be at were $5,358. The embership of the Courses. Bessie Morley prided at the organ, versary of Mr, an 1 Sire, Chas. Maguire, McKibben's drugstore, Wednesday, Dec- district is 4,525, givi g the contribution Preparatory course for those At right prices. We leave a ]fi in former well•knoresu residents of the lot emlier 16th. Hours: 2 p.m, to 8 pan. per member ns '$1. . It is hoped to iweho e educhtiou has been neg- Highest price paid for hides and pool- playing g throughou the ceremony. Af- line o1 Morrie, &a foliowa : —A very Glassed properly fitted. largely increase th s b the oomin Mail courses, in .ayy subjects, number of places admirably try at T. Felle' butcher shop, ter the wedding breakfast Mr. and g y y g for these who wish to study at Suited for retired farmers, Mrs. Warnm da rated for Kansas Cit Pleasing evens to k place at Thirteenth campaign, and the ommittee consist• hora - P y street on Wednesday last, November Individual iwtruction. Enter No prettier or healthier town and Minnea olio. The above is from Budding Pa liamentarians. Ing of Rev, J. E, Pord; of 'Lucknow, any day. Write fur handsome in Out rio than Win ha'n, For The Ault Blind. P 18th, when Mr, rad Mrs. Ohas, Maguire Rav, W. G. Hocreon end Jnb. gars will eataloguo. g the Toronto Glo >o of last iPbursday The Bordeu Otub of Wingham recent- Property bought here can al- H. L. Howorth v,111 be in town this and reform to the marriage of a state gave & dinner t 4 r wed me the fiftieth ly decided on a e ries of interesting spare no effort. GED. 9PUT•ION, PRINOIPAL ways be resold, week, representing the Canadian free of Mr. W. G. Gray, of this towns anniversary of th it wedding day. The meetings for the inter months, The library for the blind—Markham Ontario, members o' th family praseut were, y also vieitin the bei id at their homes, Macy old friends .n Wingham will join Mics Aguas Ddag ire, Mr. and Mra. J. Programme start, off Withs, "Nook RITCHIE�+ g with the TIiliE3 in wish�n>r the newly Parliament the op ntng of which. took TO GRON THIN. The Leading Shoe Store. R & COSENS making their librar • known to them M. Maguire, Mr. of is W. Maguire, of C{ri111n-Vanatoue Block, wINOHADi. wedded couple m :ny yours o1 happiuess place on Tneaday a ping. The govern- and also interesting the as m in their Edmonton, and r, rn tdE. Maguire, of �— CHRISTMAS ' Phone 120 meat is Pally mann d with an rrrny of /1 efforts. The Domin on has made books Wingham, Out. ImmEd}tete relattvee [The .Ho sekeepar,l for the blind which enables them to and friends were,. Mrs. J D. Mo. Oabiuot Ministered voted to the service WA' M h h P kl Orn '11 1 I t 'd t th are ag or pas ng th their uenoof who well yet maks ages will distribute their boo a over all Canada furniture. Moet be soft and free Froin Olymont, Misd Ma.Rarot Maguire, nieces their ii fluence felt and whose efforts en woman who want, p Basan ai o e F O 0 T W E A R to grow thinner, poet free. The gPr ince maintains a thistles. Apply at WALIiEIi & OLEOG'S of the bride Rud k0om; Mr. J 141cOlym• upholstering factory, 'Jawrence will no doubt res It in "legislatiLm" She must take the 'nice of at least two school at Brantfor for blind children, but this is the one organized effort to ont, nephew; Mr. S. Fraser, grandson; Messrs. William and 'Ihoreas which will be loo ed upon with eon- at every meal, an those 'must not be Our Christmas Footwear display help the;adnit blin York Lean Assets. MoOlymont; broth*, of Mrs. Maguire; siderablo satiafaoti n by future genera• tions. It would b unfair to say, how•' sweet ohea. She with her salad, a net also give up oil substitute 'lemon wins great admiration from every looker, it Misses Elliott and 0nnn, Mr, and Mrs. November sae $36,000 more in York Elliott; ll Strathoo,a; Mr, and Dors, ever, that all the rains and brawn are "administration," juice for vinegar, She cannot' have o and well may. gar in her cam or en FOR WOMEN—There Judge Me allum Dead. Loan asset, ass from the hands of the P Clegg, are and r. Clasely, lir, and centrad in the pre, ut Upon the O pPoeit on benches are memo coffee, and 'the co a r e ee itself save at handsome Street and dress boots,with Judge A. B. Mo nllnm, of Gore Bay, Manitoulin Islam died suddenly on National Trust ompany, liquidators, Mrs, Charles Frost and ;+[r. and l€rs, to those of builders men of raro fight g ability (politically breakfast must give place to sugarless the new Cuban heels and narrow toes. Wednesday of 1 ,et week, Born in pr psotive and Fred H rest, all of E onton. homebuyers. 1.ovembar is net an a The table was de orated with white speaking, of sour e), and it is expected and milklees weak t a. She can have Beautiful Slippers, Sandals and Ox. Chesham. Scotland 48 years ago, the rule a busy mo Ith in real estate. Last ohrysanthemums, t e flowers chosen they Will give a od account of them• all the mold fruit she ants, but it it be fords in dainty styles. We've ever3 - late Jndge hrohlbt�l B. McCallum was November's sees only amounted to by rho bride fifty ears ago. At the earsatulago, selves. While t e members of the stewed no sugar must a added; thing to make a woman's foot look the eon of the late Cahn McCallum, and $2,000, and th tremendous increase, dinner table, Gong toasts ,House" are for a most part residents Grapes, peaches, m lone, prunes and handsome. cane to Bruce Co ty, Canada, when especially in a :ear not marked for its and speeches were given, find imine- p of the town, we nderetand there is no intehtion' tra the seas 01 bananas are taboo, a they are flesh. FOR MEN—We've splendid shoes prodnoero. No cereals or her, no hot p a boy, eettiing wi hie parents, two rent estate aoti city, makes things look g dia.ely after, a ver suitable address of eferring government to Wingham. Judging bread save dry toast, o pork in any in all 'the new shapes, made froin the brothers, and one si ter at Paiele At y ee eoiall hopelal, The monthly aver• P y y was read and the me bare of the fam- from the energy nd earnestness which form, no veal and no ter with her best of leather, i3usiness shoes, full the early age Of two y he was appoint- o age for via mon tie line been from thirty. Ily presented Mrs. M nire with a purse oharaotoriztd th opening on Tuesday meals and just an little a sp from them dress shoes, slippers, dancing pumps, ed principal o' t Listowel High five forty th nsand dollars, and the of gold and Mr, Mag 're with a beano- evening, one mipiit well imagine the etc., etc. as she can endure, miner I water being oohool, a position h held for raven he jo aggregate males o date are within a few egg 8 Ful old headed can . A most enjoy- This affair was intense y real, but as we said taken by preference, $OX,�� and. MISSES— `v e' v e years, when ed the editorial department of the Toronto Globe: $600,000 mark. able evening was ape t in playing games three miles of the hundred of Iles at the outset, it Is )nly a "mook" parlia• Dr, Weir Mitchell advontee Oopions the best of shoes for school and for Later he commenced a law practice at also means at and in oonvorsing of ygone days, original nine of frontage has been ment, so we need nave no fears for the dranghts of skim milk f r the onto re- dress ocessions, % eggins and rubber Paisley, where he malned until he averaging twenty-five sold, at a priIld., safety of the colLntry. The meetings duction of 5 iih. He at es if it be taken boots for the girls and little fellows. received iiia' jadioial pcintment about dollars a fooA member of the Dr, NeIean Tait, 0 498 Spading ave., will no doubt evelop the debating plentlfnlly at and betty n meals it will Can't tell you the half here ten years ago. A Widow and two National TrueCompany said that if Toronto, will be at he Queen's Hotel, talent of those who take part, positively oause a pati t to loos half a come, see. young children, also t o brothers, John of Toronto Maloolm f Stratford and the sales snored at the Dame rate for Wingham, all day T ursday, beoember the next threeearn raotiaall all. the -Eth, for consulter n dieeGla of P y Eye, Ear, Nooe 'an Throat, Glasser See the new stook of Bibles and Hymn pound of flesh a day Baths must be ,, taken in cold water and a hard flesh Wo GRF. one sister, Sarah, of P r be fitted. Book, At the 131& Boos STORE. a� brneh meat be plied vlgorotlily. a ey, survive. land would f ti a