HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1898-03-11, Page 4• • AN ENSEMBLE Hy;C1TAL '!A• Pupils of 1M1es Miller Gave A P%•sadna Mustafa ent•rtalnm•nt i The studio of Miss IJa May Miller, at No. 16 State street, was completely tilled last evening, and entire adjoining corridor was also occupied with those who assembled to listen to her pupils' recital. Miss Miller was assisted by Rise Esther C. -Copelsod, elocutionist; Mrs. Alice Uordou, vocalist s. Kate Bennett Smythe, pianist: and the Indies' Ariel Quartette, inatikiee an ensemble calculate to attract many music lovers. A programme of sixteen nullifiers are rendered, and the entertainment - throughout was zusrked with true artistic ferver, making each re,ldiitiun a pleasure in itself, and th whole a - brilliant success M isa Copeland aioke with draruati.' effect; Mrs. Gordon sang • with sweetuese sea expression:\Mrs. Smythe maintained her high reputa- tion as piano soloist: and the quartette which has entertained on many occasions, was heard with pleasure. Viss Mil oris pupils all played very ; well indeed, several of thea displaying �; 1. rare ability, tied all showed excellent .;�; training. •4* The pupils who 'took part were Alma Freehauf, Richard Cooper, Edith' Kelly, Mae C tltoa, Florence and %Ina • Levis• Mrs. Wm Dean, Tillie Norden, Uertie Cobain, Sumas' 'Street, •May. - Christie, Luln Hoffman. Lillian Cooper, V;•etttie Herv. Minnie Smith, Myrtle • `Baker, Lora Pack, Ethel might', t�nr ? Bakke!. Miss hiller was also beard with several of her pupils in ,duos, which were among the rnt'st pl*acing sum} ere. I ' • This is from the Rochester, New ' urk, Democrat, and refers to . - Miss Ilia Miller, formerly of Lucknosi. w $entinel, Bruce 'County The Luckno R. RUGRES, Ooti,ng Loot & Shoes. The bulk of our spring Stock has arrived, which consist of the nobbiest and pest values ever presented to our custom DOOTS • ers• AND sHpES_ Below is a few tf our slaps :-- Woman's -- Woman'S Dongola Button, Self Tip, Coin Toe, sp �ci11 i',1: 1.35- . , Woman's Don olo Button, fat Tip, Coin Toe . 1 a • 1. - worth $2.35 only ...,00 o :'• Tip.>�011l Too, r• Woman's Don ;ol�t Oxford,- Tip. Il , Men's Dongola. Congress, Coin Toe, Spec. Coin 'roe, Spey lel . . Nte11'3 T1t�ligula Laced, 1 Coin Toe.. Men's pongola Talc„ Lacer, Woman's Doug: -Button,Self Tap, urn, PRESBYTERY yr MA1Tt.jiirm Met at llruiseta, Mar. 1st., 1898. Rev . W. T. Hall m ►_ierat it iu the chair. • A resolution on prohibition was adopted and the clerk intrue ed �t end a copy to each ministerIn rresbytery. 'It was° agreed o ask -grants for 9uppleaiear'e congk egations as follows :—For Walton, 000.00; •Irorth Kinloss, Riversdale, and`Ennis- killen, $17)0.00; and Pine River, 1:►0. A committee, consisting` 1 Me r'u d McNabb, McKey, Anderson rise a ��iat� the to vsse the of regulations regarding business. Circular from front I ask r leave YP f intimates that they will. the Aseenibly to receive Free e l:hprch Matthew E White, M.A.. of Scotland, and Rev. A. O )1cGIt!i�rsy, 13 A of the Presbyterian Church in CLOTI3ING- _ I�cst o f Men's all ;wool tweed suit's, est • �‘•ol•th $.10 fofor�, • Fumes satin linings, Men's black 'Venetian coat and vest, bound and best of linings, only. 6.. Men's all wool CalitatiU11t tweed suits,. good linings anld•well male, special at $4.75• • .. pa ts, blade as Men's .Cailadiall t weed u $1:25,. -ner1V Sating as the best, worth for $1,00. OBTJ agent for plough shoes. in the United States, as ministers of the Presbyterian Church in C tnada• Rev. 1). 13. McRae and e ru)11. 1)) . Ilenderson were Ape rs of the Synodk committee ou bill's met overtures. It wee agreed to convey the thanks of the Presbytery to the managing officials of the Methodist church fur their courtesy in attortling the use of basement for this meetrng, The Sabbath Schoolandere receivedChrc ch Life anal Work repo w and apopt;ed. Rev.t J. `' . Alin, pastor of the Methodist church here, was invited to ndia sit as corresponding member. The folioiring taaici-°tfrrs were. appointed cerutarissiotx vs to. the General Asaemb- Merrs. Murray,. Perris, Whaley, ly Messrs. elders, Mr. Rob- erttililler and ��, ��lit.wing Barr. The f charges are LO send in their DO ��Q th,pg to the � DlOfts . clerk : Walton,. Riversdsle, Enniskil'en, Knox church, Itipley and Bervie, and 1olesworth. Mr. Whaley wee appointed member of Assembly's committee .on bills and ov crturt'. ,Ir. Miller viae appointed to support the w Presbytery's applicatn in behalf of ltev. C. Sinclair before the Assembly. Tuo site chosen by Knox church, I3elgrave, for a new church, was Messrs. Millet, McLeod, accepted. and Murray were appointed • commit- tee on Church Tempos+pities to report at next meeting. • In the evening the I'resbytery rnet in Melville church. A large congre- gation was pceaeent. Tliehnumerical ofe and financial statutes i tbyby- terial «,F•11•S• was g r. Ross from the annual report of tli►, lar. Whaley n►,►ved, Mr. society. . Malcolm ve'eonded the to reception rance of galve repdrt, which was agreed addresses anent thereto. returnedThe Rev. U. McGillivray, ione►n, China, missionarry from ission hurl, delivered an adci�e a�rmconveysd to there . The m Mr: MacGillivray th the thanks of the meeting for hie excellent reis• This meeting was c by lace. 1). McGillivray, with prayer and the benediction. Next mee .iug at Wiug- ham, May 17, at 10 *4 e ssoeuTI0!r The following resolution on Pro ibi- tion was adopted by the Presbytery of March 1st a Maitland, , 189s, and copy of it order ed te be sent ,te each 'minister in the Presbytery . u Plebis- citeview of the ape listings concern cite and the present a{( ing it the Yrt•9bytery of Maitland now resolves: t1) That 'aur ministers commend to their congregations the serious con- ,, sideration and Practice of �e�ast,mtily. llowing declarations of the Gest 1. Those t,f t7 and 1889. - Tbat the general traffic in intt,xlest- ink liquors ii , ontrary to the o rd of (sChristian God and to the spirit of the religion; that r►ur people should guard .against any complicit) with it in _ any • fore whale/sever, that total probibi- paowis right in prig ple•, that, it is the duty of the state to pa954 a prohibitory law and tbst thin r•sult is to be sought . -. by ell right means.net of • 18 97. • '1 hat our people are hereby earn y *shorted to WA their utmost endeavor - ls every lawful way -to carry the Plebiscite in favor of Prohibition by an overwhelming rifalt►rity. (2) Tbst staisions make arrangements toe the diffusion of temperance el��e a - and the holding of sy Illied4 is their respective congre- f sodthat an exchange of pul- Msome es e Sabbath, when m■a weighing the gospel may _ i+ fly to the liquor traffic duties in \yillituns' LL'CKNOIY MARKETS . ,t:'$. s:► t' �:► •,�►'•to.vs A• O �J Yell wheat, per bushel..... • , 1prin:c •- wheat per bu�hel.i..... Peas per 1',l:h,1. . • ... . .. .. Oats per bushel ........... -.... wr r, ta yr.., per bushel.....,. `,it .1:. t ►.1 Butter per lb, -rat 14►, .1j to 12o uta ECRB, p••t ,3, •i 'fl........... ... .....0 to :►.' Hay. 1,.�t t• ,n ........ ..... �•� �i to �..,►3 Flour per v►t....... .. • ......a.. .t) lh led apples- per lh .. Tallow per lt► .........,....... ::. ,rt p)a Lard per lb ........ ................ � 1,.; : ► t" :�. �"► l',,rk't'•r cwt.............. ..... • Chickens per lb...,.... ............ ... • Turkey l►er lb....,..... .....• ... ..••• 1,)u :e +per lb. ....'...... ........ , •.... sisal lois: Apples per ba rr'et.,. , • • .. . .so 61) Bran per .. . . •...-..-......i . •.. .►� �� i S t )atmeal per cwt'.....- . ... $1.45 1:reen w,►od l►er. c,►t.l... .... • 1.00 Dry W•rMI per c�.rl..... ............ .• . 1 .•• t side laced "Kidduek"- -'ch evaporates { perspiration, keeps the foot dry, warm and hz.rdy, :while shedding water like a duck's back. Can be had theand $5 grades of the Goodyear Welted-- �y in $4 Shoe • SATLt.O.uL Slate .a /ALL 1111Meass w ... .BODTS AND SHOES Staples, Fine and just received a large stock ofp dl�un the We have � � without Fancy Footwear for the Spring, which are �� y best values we have ever offered. J. G. Murdoch & o•, Agents Th Touches The too -�- 11`„'1,EU])5 sYSTE R1\OVK1Ol. Impure Mood Weakand • and Kidney Diseases, Lever etc. Fem&e Complaiflts, J, 11. 21400,, (a Op1�:NiCII, �Ilt. Arlt lire='l;ist or write �iir► �•t to Sold by Harry Days, Lucknow. In Ladies' fine «ear, we ipe show- ing a large astortlllellt of SllpperS .Ox_ the fonts, Button and Lated Boots . latest style and hest makes. . • Gentlemen desiring a co fortable, em easy fitting, durable and sty i h boot, should• buy the fatuous "*ter," of which we are the sole agents in this. place.�► ! t. C01 A, T. 130011, NEW FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. r.CO,R ur selections in • CERIE S & PROD I SIONi following : Is the prate to make OCKERY, GLASSWARE, CR CR1 have in ' stock t 1Iav' _ ',cured the premises tt.trlT,t►ceupied by G.W. iW RLY as a 1• urnitureWare Ktko. I have recently titttetl it with the neweast• de slims of all kinds of Household 'l,t rnituri ti.:cM tl quality, they are unequalled, is - away down.. All i;,►,n1a are. t ought for spot cash, therefore•I can sell at�ass„lclose buy in Tas rice any person intim country? y , in T - r.'ntu and pay freight, subject to when you can aacr- tbi•e at lo►m.''. -1Vhtn at a. T. DAIYS(►N'S inspect and be wn- • yinced. FARM FOR SALE • E• INGSOt'TIt ttALF OF LOT- 11 IN 1111111 the -5th concession of Kinloss. contain - i :A acres. ,►n the gavel road, :i miles from Luckn•'w and hit wellile fencedfend andm ewa bo tl and{r, The ng orchard is on the pre -n- and a youngdo with stone stable and icer; also gutxl barn . , ►arti. �tal:•rs ,�,,od frame house. Tor further 1 a1;l,ly t, MILS. THOS. BURNS, ,,Pel Notice Apples BlackitLesdA Blue. Baking -Powders owders Earley, pot i{ai prick Beans Brooms Baskets • Beusher'' Gi*euit Coffee t„►nfrctionety Canned Go de C.►coal (3h -waste C,►rn, canned Corn meal ' Currants ,. • Currie Powder ('ream Tarter ('ne ►anut Dates A•1 Flour always rHE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Is co itlut tea at the - old stand, which has been entirely :renovate•l• -Of Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby lti hat the pirrtnerai►ili: - tlrr heretofore auhsi'tinl betwee 1 .14. ,f . n ,intler signed, as dr+ ;•'the its, in the as able tck- ,o„w in the t'ounty , of Bruce, h ay been dissolved il'partnerhip are c• onsent. to be fraud debts J..bn t 1 and all Llaims ggainet *aid p rt i" • Berry -, to be presentedi to the sella �,ahn F. Be R at 1.uckt-WW, by -wh►iia: •the nha F. Berry same will be settled. • .4 . jlarcb Fated at Lucknow this 1:4 day A. I). 1898, A. U.tEl.h.11)TT, Witness, •J .1. BERRY. 1'. A. MAI.t'4M:3(yN. R. P. AGENT FOR Line Royal Mail Allan Steamships and Dominion Line SteanashiPs Embalming Pros©rving and Taking Care cf Sodios e► Sink._ ialt9 •- En balring Fitutl,_ material . and ap- plience+s . used har;e pr;ven to- be the Most etfectnal that have ever been used fu; the past twenty yeah~. • . fa -Picture •Fran,in • and all kinds of .Ile - stand Dried Apple Extract* Flea ;Fi,,h, auntd 11:411, dl ied (;el•►tine Gingers lIopsi i`1;one) R I-nk Indigo, ' l.k 'Mct !Arne Juice I ienlone .• 1l.r►mt)' lard Matcbee ,Mince Bleat IMeal Macar►ni lel ustari Meats, canned daktiesaa . on -hand. ti meg olive! • Oi sweet O• castor , l) nge'5 s ial Dlea1 1' s 1' Is 1'1.1)1; 1' s 11,, Ie r ! l' line 1' , c auue tl I' ►l► -r 1' Ltinr •e K •e Flour S It 8 lu►,�n S rlir'•s 1111;1 •rsfns Soda Soap Spices Starch Strawberries, terms Sull►hers Tapioca Tonaatoes,canaed Teas Tobaccoes Vertnicell Vinegars ,Washb►Srde LWashing Crysta Wt►odenwsrel Whiting Dinner Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets '1'••a Sets 'Water Setts - I'reatn Setts ' Reny Sett.* ;Toilet Setts Furniture. Furnititve, FURNITURE. pairing don; at;_tbol� e • • Bedroom Suits, Bed Springs, Matresses, and Everything in the Furniture Line. Repairing Framing Line of Goods; Our Gndertaking Department isCora- -• lete in Every - Respect. Lamrerice & JO.t AUCTION SALE .OF . Valuable 1`'arm Property id-tbe 'own- ship of 4 l reenock, Co. of I3:ruce. Under at.•l by.:' irtne•uf: the power.: t►f. said contained in &certainmortgage wade by one, James O'Neil. to the Vendor, now IA her u f 'default: and.to 1►� pr`►tlucetl at time of sale, be ntt..red.;by Ptthlic, Auctt, 44 *at: l•P 1. Ae'i l: c ►1� e KINLoss, HORSE lior:1-.. in . the on T1' ESI)AY. the •I' ;tat l -H VAYOF MAK('li 1898, -at the hOur. of one o'clock in nue Afternoon, all antiis ie mart lot Number six in the First f Durbiun Read- in the -'1't,wnship cf Gree isck, containing 50 acres mor►,t►r less. - Tbe sail i,r"said to n -i good erials Bush.i loam, about o acres being c „e�d Erected thereon, are said tt► be a lo; hou%. and barn. The pro,)erty is situate on the miiain gravel .uad in • a good, locality anti is well watered by aspring! creek. . The property will be offered for sale:_isubiect to *a reserve bid. i - . • • Terms: ----,10 per cant. of the put chase .•money will require to be paid at the- time of dale and the balance according- to favorable terms and condidstiogs to be then made known. • For further particulars apply. to •E. M. CIIAUW1('K. • , 58 Wellington et. h. Toront, Solicitor. f or'Y end..rs . Dated at Toronto this 29th Clay of Jan.; 1898. Tickets via New `-'ork and Montreal. Call at Express Quite and get your tickets. We will secure -berths, checker your baggage and do every. thing to save you trouble make you comfortable,. L A.RE"'WI ' WANTED _ - The owner of 'a. watch or • eioci Then it is to your interest when get ting it repaired to place it in the hands of the moil skilled 'workman you can find. This you ,will • doy bringing it to • R. KNOX, Watchmaker, The. goods sold by him here and in .mow. �_ 1879 are alV- ONE HVNDRED, CORDS OF toot body wood, green or dry, hard or -.oft, Tenders will be receiVed for ten cords or upwards. I.ucknow, Match 1.,1898, SETTLERS' TRAINS dvartng SIAM' 11 and .truii. And run *la 1111111TIIN I 1L1,4 " MANITOBA AND THE CANADIAN NORTHWEST *Imola Iraye Taranto 11.30 p.111. *eine day* • (;rr en and ivy woad wautt sl in t CKNOW SubscriPtIfl price, $1. to Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Pictures & Picture Fraises, Etc, Etc. tied Picture n a Full Jp olstered _ Embalming is our Specialty_. Calls Promptly Attend- ed to. nes, hang.° J • t ()thine is 3ettei' • 0 0 0 ••••••••••••••••••��• . ^the kitchen, • ►r in fact in any part (►f :alts l� ► ►l• ;;enera, lige In lluusc than • Earne11edWa • ins and . is UNBREAKABLE. It1::�Ki\BLE• We It takes tl c; place of china consisting of a large st !ek always oil h.t Tea kettles Drinking cups Tea potsTea sleepers Basting spool's Sauce pans 1 ea Drinking mugs Saucers n � Chambers rails a Water pitchers Wash basins kettles Dish pans Water l Preserving Soap dishes Dippers Soup bowls Jelly plates_ • • Alul the • • i Soup plates flinger plates Pudding dishes 'Rice bothers Soup ladels prices are right. Pie plates Skimmers s • • Thomas I:c!�'reuc�e, - - LuekflOW, Onl - Lucknow, • for furnitur- SENTINEL Iriteobetager• travelling v*Ilhout *leek • a, Clerk The only A 11 Canadials Direct Feist Line GOLD FIELDS Is via Canadian Pacific Railway. LOWEST RAT E3. FASTEST TISE ONLY TM:00M SERVICE TV Wit118 Ttig PAC 0 COAST Get full particulars and copy of "Settlers*. index" sad "Klondike and Yukon G:.1.1 Fields° from any Canadian Pacific Railway Toronto, Ont, • -_► Our job department -fob -printing- at low will give you -500 fir and address print©d noteheads, Vit I► f usl- on for $1.50. Tr' fully equipped; and we do fine 1� or example ---We bt prices. -class Envelopes, with your name the corner, fol -S 1.25, and ess adver.tis{nnel ► t printed there- As The Sentinel ent s.die bestf-homes in the Counties of Huron and Bruce it cannot be excelled as an ad- vertising' medium. i#1, Resides, or rates are the. lowest. Call awl get our pri s. " Oingham from ing the best of satigfactionstill., 'Re- established in Lucknow 1894. Please' temember the place,lin-Ase old stand next to Mr, Lawrence's Wad the ex- press and telegraph ace. Ills stock consist of - Gald and Silver Walehe4.Clock*, ding .% Engagement Iting*.Chartsis R. - KNOX, . WATCHMAKER J. Murchison, AGENT, LI CKNOW • pew.. After. Wood's rhosphodins, 771t Great English Remedy. gold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. atz packages guaranteed to cure all forms o Sexual Weakness, all effeets of abase or excess, Mental Worry, Exeessive use of To- bacco. opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package al, six, 5.5. One wit? gone, viz Wilt cure. Pamphletti free to any address. Tito Weed company, Windsor, Ont. with the -leacling pa rates during the e DY.D.M.Gordon, Druggist Wanted—An Idea Who elm Mtn% ot some simple thing to patent? rroteot your Ideas; they_ may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDERBURN k co. Patent AMAIN igh uality Patersou's Biscuit rin is Coming And aire preparing to supply our cus- tomers w ' the latest patterns in prints and dress goo . Our assortment has been care- fully selected and we can with confidence, ask for a continuance of your ID atronage which has been so liberally besto-wed on us in the pat. WM. CONNELL, - - LUCKNOW'..- Better T an Ever Before ceived the very best Arrangements Os _of the -Dominion for special PROP. BRY They aro tine 11 crisp, but not too liar( f.t.et them often; I .get fresh. I know they ways good aTj • 1 Your Alitqn o 11.24dreuzie's. MAPLE - \\TOTED, Upwards of 800,000 feet of maple logs wanted 41, our mills, liaveloclLuck- tha AMaKENZIE Baker' and.Confectioner• Dealer in all kinds of Confectioliery, Etc, Bread,' Buns . and Cakes . . Fresh Daily • Flour. Oatmeal and meal always on hand • Corn, FARM EOR SALE "A Thing of Beauty is a Joy ,ftrever.' , - BEAUTIFUL COOK OR PARLOR STOVE • ws, and there is a large and well selected stock these beautiful stoves at the .1- OPULAR ARDWARE;that surpasses any previous as- tportmen• t that hasever been on sale, and it is to fte inter6st and profit of thoss intending, to pur- - g ly,se a nice .stock at a loW price, to call and see the goods and get prices. All stoves guaranteed. (silk, D.C.TAYLOR, .-* LUCKNOW people ust Have Oroceries - SMART, CUSTOM TAILOR. Having opened -out business in the room over Mr. Wm. Connell's dry goods store, I The greibc, (p.estion is where to get them. We keep the bee qualities to be had. We don't pretend to sell them below cost, but we doam prepared to turn out 11; sell them at a very -,lose margin, tile :Intest manlier and lilt - TEAS est styles all sort of vork pertaining to a first-elaspuilor ' • f r) cc 10 cents per pound if you buy from us instead of tea Satisfaction si'''."23.8 Black, Grey land 3 apa.ii are unequalled in quality and prices. Yee-, • • peddlers. ComPare quality and ruaranteed. A call solicited. -1)EING HALF OF LOT 22, 11_31 con. r2 West Wawanosh eontainin • We ha% e a line assortment f dinner Kettle tea, _tette very cheap. All kinds delivered to any — Call, examine them and get prioes. ,-)t flour and feed kept eonstantly poir of the town. berry and and Mallou 4 To enter my roJins picot, tthlet entrance of Allin's block. come by way of enaiu up -stair 'MUSIC 'I" TAUCli vocal and 'Instrumental Music and liarraou are taught by 1st her resideuce, Gough street . 'terms apply at ber home. For • • • It